Adventist Virtual Global Camp Meeting

Guarding Grace Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AVGC

Program Code: AVGC210009S

00:04 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
00:05 And we welcome you to Guarding Grace.
00:09 This is the first of two seminars
00:12 that we will be taking a deep look
00:15 at the topic of grace and how we need
00:19 to be on guard.
00:21 I am so excited that you're joining us,
00:24 and I hope you have a pen and paper,
00:27 'cause we're gonna move rather quickly.
00:28 We won't have time to look up all the scripture references,
00:31 but jot them down
00:33 so you can verify what I'm telling you.
00:36 You know, many Christians live
00:39 with an understanding of grace that is fundamentally flawed.
00:44 Hosea 4:6, God says, "My people are destroyed
00:49 from lack of knowledge."
00:51 We don't want to suffer destruction
00:54 because we don't understand God's grace.
00:57 So today we are first,
01:00 before we get into what we must do to guard grace,
01:04 we're going to expand our understanding of grace.
01:09 Two of the greatest heresies in the Christian Church
01:13 is first salvation by works.
01:16 That's what all pagan religions teach.
01:20 That's what all cult religions teach
01:24 is salvation by works.
01:26 But the second great heresy is that grace
01:31 gives us license to sin.
01:34 You know, while it is true to say that grace
01:39 gives us liberty from Pharisaical legalism,
01:44 it is an absolute distortion.
01:47 The devil's distortion of truth
01:49 to say that grace gives us license to sin
01:53 or that anyone who mentions obedience
01:56 is unlearned in grace.
02:00 Sin kills, God regenerates,
02:04 and God empowers us to live by grace.
02:10 We're going to ask and answer three questions today.
02:14 One, who are you trusting for your salvation?
02:18 Secondly, how do you understand
02:22 the covenant term of grace
02:25 and the effects that it has on our life?
02:28 And third, what is the relationship
02:32 between grace and obedience to God's commandments?
02:36 Now, in part two of this, in our second seminar,
02:40 we will consider how God keeps covenant
02:45 with those who keep covenant with Him.
02:47 Let's pray.
02:49 Heavenly Father, oh Lord,
02:51 it is so wonderful to be with my brothers and sisters.
02:54 Thank you for this message.
02:55 Thank you for grace, Father.
02:57 We ask in Jesus' name
02:59 that You will send Your Holy Spirit now.
03:01 Give us ears to hear what He has to say.
03:05 Let Him be our teacher in Jesus' name.
03:08 Amen.
03:10 Who are you trusting for your salvation?
03:12 Did you know both the Old and the New Testament say
03:15 salvation belongs to the Lord?
03:19 Let's consider a familiar passage.
03:22 Ephesians 2:8-10.
03:25 You probably know this well.
03:27 In Ephesians 2:8 Paul says,
03:30 "For by grace,
03:31 you have been saved through faith
03:33 and that is not of yourselves.
03:36 It is a gift of God."
03:40 The salvation that God gives to us
03:43 is first an act of God.
03:45 That's justification when He declares us not guilty
03:50 when we receive Christ as our Savior.
03:53 But secondly, it is an act of God
03:57 when He works in us to sanctify us,
04:01 to separate us from sin.
04:03 That's when we've accepted Christ as our Lord.
04:09 Both acts, the act and the work of God
04:13 are compelled
04:15 by His nature of self-sacrificing love.
04:19 God saves us by grace.
04:22 It is unmerited favor through the channel of faith
04:27 and Jesus Christ
04:29 must be the object of our faith.
04:32 Our trust has to be in Him alone for salvation.
04:38 He's the one who reconciles us to God.
04:41 So let's look at this again.
04:43 Ephesians 2:8,
04:45 "By grace you have been saved through faith
04:47 that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God."
04:50 But then Paul goes on and it's like,
04:53 boy, he's hammering this point home.
04:55 Verse 9, "Not of works,
04:58 lest anyone should boast."
05:01 Do you know what he's saying?
05:03 There is absolutely nothing that you and I can do
05:08 to save ourselves.
05:10 Nothing.
05:12 He gives, we receive through the channel of faith.
05:16 And what we're doing is just accepting
05:20 by grace His gift of salvation.
05:23 Nothing we can do.
05:26 Nothing can earn our salvation.
05:30 And it is prideful to think that we could.
05:33 In Isaiah 64:6,
05:37 Isaiah says,
05:40 "Your righteousness, the best acts that you can do
05:45 to be in right standing with God
05:47 are nothing but filthy rags in the glory of God slide."
05:53 We cannot count on anything we can do.
05:57 Our lifestyle choices won't save us.
06:01 Are they important?
06:02 We'll consider that, but they will not save us.
06:07 We can't trust ourselves for salvation.
06:12 Only God can give us salvation.
06:15 Someone asked me once
06:17 to believe in righteousness by faith.
06:19 And I said, "Are you kidding?
06:21 Righteousness by faith
06:23 is the only kind of righteousness
06:26 that there is."
06:28 So it's interesting however,
06:31 Paul goes on in the next verse.
06:34 In Ephesians 2:10, he says,
06:36 "We're saved by grace through faith,
06:38 not of works, lest any should boast."
06:40 But then he says "For we are His workmanship
06:44 created in Christ Jesus for good works,
06:48 which God prepared beforehand
06:52 that we should walk in Him."
06:54 Do you realize you and I, God has prearranged
06:58 a plan for our lives, a path for our lives
07:02 and good works were recreated in Christ
07:05 for good works.
07:07 They are an essential element of our walk with God,
07:12 but good works don't save us.
07:14 They're merely the evidence
07:16 or the fruit of our salvation that
07:20 this is something God prepared in advance beforehand,
07:24 how we should live.
07:25 So salvation is by grace alone
07:30 that there's no question.
07:32 The Bible clearly teaches this.
07:34 It was in the Old Testament.
07:36 We'll consider that in a moment
07:38 as well as in the New, so let us examine ourselves.
07:43 Who are we trusting for salvation?
07:47 Oh, may we be like Paul.
07:49 Paul said in Galatians 6:14,
07:52 "But God forbid that I should boast
07:55 except in the cross of our Lord, Jesus Christ
07:58 by whom the world has been crucified to me
08:02 and I to the world."
08:04 The cross of Christ represents Christ
08:08 sacrificial sufferings for us, not our sufferings for Him.
08:13 So let's be like Paul, let us glory and rejoice
08:17 in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
08:20 for our salvation.
08:22 So now our second question,
08:24 how do we understand the covenant term grace
08:30 and the effects that it has on our life.
08:32 In 2 Timothy 1:9, Paul says
08:35 grace was given to us in Christ
08:37 before time began.
08:42 Before time began,
08:44 grace was already part of the plan.
08:47 You know, God's everlasting covenant of redemption
08:52 was announced
08:54 before He laid the foundations of the world.
08:57 Revelation 13:8 says,
09:00 "The Lamb who was slain
09:03 from the foundations of the world."
09:05 Jesus has always been God's plan for us.
09:11 In Hebrews 13:20, it talks about His blood
09:15 is the blood of the everlasting covenant.
09:20 God humbled Himself.
09:23 He came down to earth and became a man
09:25 in the person of Jesus Christ.
09:28 He died to pay the penalty for our sins
09:31 that we could receive His gift of life.
09:36 Both the Old Testament and the New Testament say
09:38 salvation belongs to God.
09:42 I'm telling you,
09:44 salvation has always been by grace through faith.
09:48 Malachi 3:6, God says,
09:50 "I am the Lord, I do not change."
09:54 And Hebrews 13:8 says
09:56 "Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever."
10:01 Our problem in Christianity in general
10:06 is that some people see the New Testament
10:10 as a division, as a beginning,
10:13 like the Bible starts with the Gospel of Matthew.
10:16 No, it does not.
10:18 There is, the New Testament does not breach
10:22 the Old Testament.
10:24 God's Word
10:26 is both the Old and the New Testament.
10:30 We do not cast off or disown the Old Testament.
10:35 That was what the early church had to study by.
10:40 We should never look at
10:41 it as unauthorized or unworthy of acceptance.
10:46 Christianity says the Word of God
10:50 is both the Old and the New.
10:52 The New Testament is contained in the Old,
10:57 the Old Testament is explained in the New.
11:02 And Scripture is a progressive
11:07 unfolding of God's everlasting covenant.
11:13 This is something that the Lamb who was slain
11:16 from the foundation of the world.
11:19 He was introduced in Genesis 3:15,
11:22 and all of God's covenants,
11:24 both in the New Testament and the Old Testament
11:27 are described as DFAK.
11:29 You know what that means?
11:30 His covenants were not a contract
11:32 between parties.
11:33 His covenants are a will, a testament.
11:37 All of the promises are made by God.
11:41 And then He asks us
11:43 to come into covenant relationship with Him,
11:47 a relationship of covenant love.
11:50 And He asks that we agree to abide
11:54 by His government of love.
11:57 James 1:17 has always been one of my favorite scriptures.
12:00 It says, "Every good and perfect gift
12:02 comes from above, from the Father of lights."
12:06 That's an ancient Jewish expression for God is creator
12:11 of the sun and the light, and the moon and the stars.
12:14 But it says, "With whom,"
12:17 speaking of this Father of lights,
12:20 "there is no variation or shadow of turning."
12:23 God never changed His mind.
12:25 He knows the end from the beginning.
12:28 And, you know, God is gracious to all.
12:31 He causes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust,
12:35 and God sends His Holy Spirit
12:38 to work on the hearts of all trying to convict them
12:42 of His, their need for salvation.
12:47 But in this particular seminar,
12:51 when we speak of grace,
12:53 we're talking about the covenant term, grace.
12:59 In the New Testament Greek,
13:02 grace is the term for God's commitment
13:06 to our redemption and salvation.
13:09 And in the Old Testament, sometimes people say,
13:11 well, grace wasn't mentioned
13:13 very much in the Old Testament.
13:14 Let me tell you, there's no word
13:16 that is so far
13:18 above what we think of as grace.
13:21 It surpasses grace, and it is the Hebrew word
13:25 for the Old Testament equivalent of grace.
13:29 And that word is hescd.
13:31 I've seen it spelled H-E-S-E-D or C-H-E-S-E-D.
13:36 It's used 250 times in the Old Testament.
13:39 And you know what's interesting about that word?
13:42 The word hesed, it's a covenant term,
13:45 but we cannot translate that Hebrew word
13:49 into a single English word.
13:52 You know what it means?
13:54 It means love,
13:57 covenant faithfulness, mercy, grace,
14:01 kindness and loyalty.
14:03 Let me give you an example.
14:05 In Exodus 34:6,
14:07 God passed before Moses, and He's getting ready
14:11 to proclaim His character to Moses.
14:13 And he says, "the Lord, the Lord,
14:15 a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger,
14:19 abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness."
14:22 Steadfast love is His hesed.
14:25 This, it describes God's acts
14:30 of devotion to us, His loving-kindness
14:34 as a covenant keeping God.
14:36 Now to understand the effects of grace,
14:39 you have to understand the gifts of grace,
14:43 and the three greatest gifts of grace
14:46 are Jesus Christ and His merits,
14:49 which grace imparts the life source of our Savior to us
14:53 who became our righteousness,
14:55 our redemption, and reconciled us to God.
14:59 The second greatest gift is the Holy Spirit
15:03 and his empowering assistance.
15:06 Grace imparts life source of the Holy Spirit to us.
15:10 He works in us to will and to do God's pleasure.
15:16 That means obedience is by grace.
15:20 And then the third greatest gift
15:22 is the Holy Scriptures that yield knowledge of the Lord
15:26 and the power of His promises.
15:28 Grace gives us the life source of the Word,
15:33 which implanted in our hearts
15:34 has the power to save our souls and to have us
15:38 become partakers of His divine nature.
15:41 And if you understand the gifts of grace,
15:45 you'll understand the effects of grace.
15:48 Grace is God's divine power of salvation
15:52 to rescue us from sin and death,
15:56 to renew a right spirit in us
15:59 and to restore moral purity.
16:04 I want to share with you a definition
16:07 that God gave me for grace.
16:10 Divine grace is the unearned, underserved
16:15 gifts bestowed by a God of infinite love,
16:20 which provide His divine
16:23 assistance and supernatural power
16:27 unto salvation.
16:28 Hallelujah.
16:30 No wonder Paul proclaimed in 1 Corinthians 15:10,
16:33 "By the grace of God I am what I am,
16:38 and His grace to me was not in vain,
16:41 but I labored more abundantly than they all,
16:44 yet not I, but the grace of God
16:48 which was in me."
16:50 So our third question, what is the relationship
16:53 between grace
16:56 and obedience to God's commandments?
17:01 Moses said in Deuteronomy 4:13,
17:05 "God declared to you His covenant,
17:09 His will, His promise,
17:12 which He commanded you to perform
17:14 the Ten Commandments,
17:17 and He wrote them on tablets of stone."
17:19 So the Ten Commandments are God's covenant
17:23 and all of God's covenant
17:25 are like a will and a testament.
17:27 Did you know literal
17:30 translation in the Hebrew
17:32 is 10 words, 10 statements?
17:35 And in the Greek, it is also Decalogue,
17:39 which is 10 words.
17:41 They are written the commandments
17:43 in the future tense in a double negative,
17:46 which means they are promises,
17:50 but they convey an expectation of obedience.
17:55 So it was translated into English
17:58 as the Ten Commandments.
18:00 When God came down on Mount Sinai
18:03 to give these 10 promises to His people,
18:07 what was He saying?
18:09 He was saying,
18:10 "You'll have no other gods before Me.
18:14 You will not make idols and bow down to them.
18:18 You won't take My name in vain.
18:20 You will just cherish the Sabbath.
18:25 You'll be excited
18:26 to celebrate the Sabbath with Me.
18:28 You will honor your father and your mother.
18:31 You won't murder, you won't commit adultery,
18:33 you won't steal.
18:34 You won't bear false testimony, and you won't covet."
18:38 Why?
18:39 Because that's what living
18:42 in covenantal relationship with Me is like.
18:48 God defines in His Ten Commandments,
18:51 covenant love for our Creator
18:54 and covenant love for our neighbor.
18:58 And you know, I look at the Ten Commandments
19:01 as the Bill of Rights of God's government.
19:05 They are the...
19:08 How can I say it?
19:09 It's the Bill of Rights for a covenantal relationship.
19:14 God wrote them with His own finger on stone
19:18 both times after Moses
19:20 broke them in the second time.
19:22 And then He had Moses place those commandments where?
19:27 In the inside of the ark, in the Most Holy Place.
19:32 Do you know what that signifies?
19:34 The ark was God's throne.
19:37 The commandments were placed inside the ark
19:40 and the mercy seat was above it.
19:43 The commandments are the foundation of God's
19:47 sovereign government of love.
19:51 It is a law of liberty, but let me tell you something.
19:55 The commandments are not the Old Covenant.
20:00 The commandments are not the Old Covenant.
20:03 And I can prove that to you from the Word.
20:07 In the Word of God, the book of the law,
20:10 which is Deuteronomy, and that means second law
20:14 is the Old Covenant.
20:15 It started as the Book of the Covenant.
20:18 After God gave the Ten Commandments
20:20 to Moses,
20:22 then Moses goes back up the mountain.
20:25 God gives Moses civil laws, moral laws
20:29 and ceremonial laws.
20:31 And He tells Moses, now you go write this down.
20:34 Moses comes down the mountain.
20:36 He speaks in to the people, then he writes them out
20:39 and he writes them in something that is called
20:43 the Book of the Covenant.
20:45 This is not the Ten Commandments
20:47 that God wrote on stone, but the Book of the Covenant
20:50 which were based on the commandments.
20:52 And then he builds this altar in Exodus 24:7-8 says this.
20:57 "Then he took the Book of the Covenant,
21:01 read it in the hearing of the people.
21:03 And they said, 'All that the Lord has said
21:06 we will do and be obedient."
21:07 Which by the way was a good response.
21:10 And Moses took the blood sprinkled.
21:13 He takes the blood from the sacrifice
21:16 that he's just made on this altar.
21:18 He sprinkles the people with the blood,
21:20 and the Book of Hebrew said,
21:22 he even sprinkled the Book of the Covenant.
21:25 And he said, "This is the blood of the covenant,
21:29 which the Lord has made with you
21:32 according to all these words."
21:34 All these words are found after the Ten Commandments.
21:38 Exodus 20:22 through Exodus 23:19.
21:44 Then 39 years later,
21:46 when they had reached the edge of the Promised Land,
21:50 Moses repeats and reinforces the Book of the Covenant.
21:55 And he records it now in what is called
21:57 the book of the law.
22:00 And listen, what Moses says in Deuteronomy 31:26,
22:04 "Take this book of the law
22:07 and put it beside
22:10 the Ark of the Covenant
22:13 of the Lord your God, that it may be there
22:17 as a witness against you."
22:20 Now, you know, this is really an important point.
22:24 Where were the Ten Commandments?
22:26 Inside the ark, under the mercy seat,
22:28 the throne of God.
22:30 It was the foundation for God's government
22:33 that suggests permanence.
22:35 They're written on stone by God's own finger.
22:38 But this book of the law that is written on parchment
22:42 is put on the side of the ark
22:45 as a witness against the people.
22:47 This suggests a temporariness about it.
22:51 And Colossians 2:14, it says,
22:54 "Having wiped out the handwriting of requirements
22:57 that was against us."
22:59 Same words that are used in Deuteronomy 32:26,
23:03 which was contrary to us,
23:06 Christ has taken it out of the way,
23:09 having nailed it to the cross.
23:11 You see,
23:12 Jesus fulfilled the ceremonial law.
23:16 And He abrogated the book of the law
23:20 as the constitution for His people.
23:23 He delivered a new constitution
23:26 when He was on the Mount giving the Sermon on the Mount.
23:31 And let me tell you something, He did not repeal
23:35 the Ten Commandments, He magnified them.
23:38 What did he say?
23:40 He said, "You have heard it said
23:41 that you shall not commit adultery."
23:43 But you know what Jesus said?
23:45 "I tell you, if you lust in your heart,
23:46 you're already guilty of adultery."
23:51 And then He said,
23:53 "You have heard it said that you shall not murder,
23:56 but I tell you
23:58 that if you hold hatred in your heart,
24:01 you are guilty of murder."
24:03 So Jesus
24:05 expanded the explanation of God's commandments
24:08 showing us the spirit of the law.
24:12 And then he ratified the New Covenant
24:15 with His own blood
24:17 when He died on Calvary's cross.
24:20 So the Old Covenant
24:22 was contained in the Book of the Covenant,
24:25 which was then called the book of the law
24:27 after it was expanded.
24:29 But the Ten Commandments were the heart of the Old Covenant.
24:34 And you know what?
24:35 They are the heart of the New Covenant.
24:38 Let me read to you from Hebrews 8:7-10.
24:43 Hebrews 8:7 says,
24:46 "For if the first covenant had been faultless,
24:48 then no place would have been sought
24:49 for a second because finding fault with them,"
24:52 not with the covenant itself, but with the people, God says,
24:56 "Behold the days are coming, says the Lord,
24:59 when I will make a New Covenant
25:02 with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.
25:04 Not according to the covenant
25:06 that I made with their fathers,
25:07 in the day when I took them by the hand
25:10 to lead them out of the land of Egypt,
25:11 because they did not continue in my covenant
25:16 and I disregarded them, says the Lord."
25:19 Now Hebrews 8, continuing in verse 10,
25:23 says this, "For this is the covenant
25:27 that I will make with the house of Israel
25:29 after those days said the Lord.
25:31 I will put my laws in their mind
25:35 and write them on their hearts.
25:37 And I will be their God and they will be My people."
25:41 Are the Ten Commandments
25:43 binding on Christians?
25:44 Absolutely.
25:45 Listen to what James says, in James 2:10-11.
25:51 He says, "For whoever shall keep the whole law
25:54 and yet stumble in one point,
25:56 he is guilty of all."
25:58 What laws is he talking about?
25:59 He's getting ready to tell us.
26:01 Verse 11, "For he who said,
26:04 'Do not commit adultery," what law is this?
26:07 Also said, "do not murder."
26:09 He's talking about the Ten Commandments.
26:11 And he says, "Now, if you do not commit adultery,
26:16 but you do murder,
26:18 you have become a transgressor
26:22 of the law."
26:25 Ten Commandments are a part and parcel
26:30 of the New Covenant.
26:32 In Mark 12:30-31, someone had asked Jesus,
26:36 a scribe came to him and said,
26:38 what's the most important commandment?
26:40 And Jesus answered and said,
26:42 here it is,
26:43 "You shall love the Lord your God,
26:45 with all of your heart, with all of your mind,
26:48 with all of your soul,
26:51 with all of your strength.
26:53 And then he says the second like it is this.
26:59 You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
27:04 There is no commandment greater than this.
27:08 Then Jesus said in John 14:15,
27:11 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
27:16 Love and obedience are inseparable.
27:17 Love fulfills the law of God.
27:20 If we love God, and if we love others,
27:24 we won't violate
27:25 any of God's Ten Commandments.
27:28 Jesus said, then He keeps going.
27:30 "If you love Me, keep My commandments.
27:32 And I will pray the Father,
27:34 as a result of you keeping My commandments.
27:36 He will give you another helper,
27:38 allos parakletos that he may be with you forever."
27:41 The spirit of truth with whom
27:44 the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him
27:49 nor knows Him, but you know Him,
27:51 for He dwells in you.
27:53 He will be with you, allos parakletos.
27:56 A parakletos is an advocate, a counselor,
28:00 a comforter, a helper,
28:02 and the word allos in the Greek
28:04 is important for another, two Greek words for another.
28:09 There is heteros, which means yeah another,
28:11 but not exactly the same.
28:13 Or allos one who is exactly like me.
28:16 And so what Jesus is saying
28:19 is that the Holy Spirit is the same quality,
28:22 the same character.
28:23 He is another person.
28:25 He is sending to live in our hearts.
28:28 The greatest gifts of God's grace
28:32 are Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit
28:35 and the Word of God.
28:40 1 Corinthians 10:12, Paul says, "Therefore,
28:43 let him who thinks he stands take heed,
28:46 lest he fall."
28:47 Join us for part two of Guarding Grace,
28:50 where we will look at that situation.


Revised 2021-07-01