Adventist Virtual Global Camp Meeting

Operation Gen Z

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AVGC

Program Code: AVGC210013S

00:01 Music...
00:06 Hello Friends, we thank you so much for joining us
00:09 during this General Conference Global Camp Meeting
00:12 and today, we have a very, very special topic
00:15 that we're going to be discussing...
00:17 learning and growing in and that is,
00:19 we've entitled this: Operation Gen Z
00:22 that is: Operation Generation Z.
00:24 We're going to be talking about how to witness...
00:26 how to reach the hearts
00:28 of the younger generations of our time
00:31 with this post-modernist mentality
00:33 that has emerged and become so dominant in our time.
00:37 My name is Ryan Day.
00:38 I'm representing the 3 Angels Broadcasting Network
00:41 and it's a privilege and an honor
00:43 for me to join you at this time.
00:44 I have lots to discuss... lots...
00:46 many, many, many different points to go through today
00:48 but before we dive right into that,
00:49 I want to just have a quick word of prayer as we go to the Lord.
00:52 Let's do that now.
00:54 "Our Father in heaven,
00:55 Lord, we certainly need Your leadership and guidance
00:59 during this time... I know I do, Lord.
01:00 As we consider and contemplate
01:03 how we reach the hearts and minds of our youth
01:06 around the world,
01:07 Lord, we know You died for every single person
01:10 including the young people
01:11 and Lord, it seems like there has been a shift in mentality,
01:15 a shift in worldview in these emerging generations
01:19 as of recent
01:20 and Lord, we want to know how we can reach them on Your level,
01:24 not with our tactics...
01:25 not with our perceptions or our methods...
01:28 but Lord, we want to use Your method and Your method alone.
01:31 So, Father, help me now
01:32 and power me with the power of Your Holy Spirit
01:35 as we unpack and discuss these multiple points
01:37 and how we can reach the hearts and minds
01:39 of the youth of today,
01:40 we ask this in Jesus' holy name, amen... amen... "
01:45 Operation Gen Z.
01:48 As I was preparing for this,
01:50 I found a rather interesting quote
01:52 from a gentleman by the name of Peter Drucker
01:55 who wrote a quite-popular paperback in 1992
01:57 that was printed and published and it's entitled:
02:00 The Post-Capitalist World
02:02 and I want to read that right now.
02:04 Notice what he says... he says:
02:06 on screen...
02:44 Of course, because this is entitled: Operation Gen Z...
02:47 we're talking about this new emerging Generation Z.
02:51 In fact, I have a list of the different generations
02:55 from the 20th Century into the 21st Century
02:57 and you will see very clearly there
02:59 people born in the early 1900s there from 1910 to 1924,
03:04 you see it's entitled: The Greatest Generation
03:06 and then, of course, you have:
03:07 The Silent Generation that followed... 1925 to '45
03:11 then, of course, that famous Baby Boomer Generation
03:14 from 1946 to '64
03:16 and then you have those that were born in what's known as:
03:18 Generation X from '65 to '79
03:21 and then, of course, in recent times,
03:24 we've heard a lot of talk in news and... and... and...
03:26 and in all over about these Millennials...
03:28 the Millennial Generation which was born from 1980 to 1994
03:33 but then we have this new dominant... powerful
03:36 and very influential generation
03:38 because these are our teenagers
03:40 and even young adults by this time...
03:43 we're talking about our: iGen Generation
03:45 or, of course, Generation Z
03:47 which are those born between the years 1995 and 2012
03:52 and, of course, not necessarily at this point
03:55 a part of our conversation just yet,
03:58 but, of course, the newer generation
04:00 they've already dubbed as Gen Alpha
04:02 which are those born between 2013 and 2025.
04:06 My Friends, if you have lived in the world today
04:10 and you are a Christian and you have conversated...
04:14 you have communicated with different age groups...
04:17 from different generations, then you know that it seems
04:20 like it can be challenging
04:22 to reach the younger generation of today...
04:24 in fact, I think this has been an ongoing thing now,
04:27 probably for the past decade... decade and a half...
04:30 people are wondering: How can I reach my kids?
04:32 How can I reach my grandchildren with the gospel of Jesus Christ?
04:36 It seems like they might not even be
04:38 you know, interested in spiritual things
04:40 where it seems like their interest in Biblical themes
04:43 or the Bible itself or Christianity
04:45 is just simply non-existent
04:47 but my Friends, I'm here to tell you
04:49 that there is hope.
04:51 In fact, just to kind of outline and identify
04:54 that there is such a great distinction
04:57 between what is known as Modernist
04:59 or the Modernist Mentality
05:01 which we would also dub as a traditional-Christian mindset
05:05 versus this new Generational Z Mentality
05:08 or what's known as: Postmodernist Mentality,
05:11 there is a direct difference...
05:13 there is a clear differentiation between the two
05:16 and I believe that probably better than anyone else,
05:19 Dr. Hyveth Williams who is an Andrews University Professor...
05:22 in her book: Nothing But the Best
05:24 in which she is basically instructing
05:27 how to preach properly using different preaching methods,
05:30 she has a chapter in which she deals with this
05:32 and I just brought this Section up,
05:34 I want to read it, it's a little lengthy
05:35 but I want to show you what she's...
05:37 she's making a differentiation between the transition
05:40 of the Modernist Mentality
05:41 to the Post-Modernist Mentality...
05:43 the yesterday's traditional approach to life in Christianity
05:48 and now this new emergent approach to Christianity
05:51 where truth is relative
05:53 and this is what she says as she's opening up
05:55 talking about that traditional Modernist Mentality.
05:57 She says,
05:59 "We" speaking of the traditional Christians...
06:01 on screen.
06:27 She's saying: This is what we were raised on
06:30 but she goes on to say,
06:31 on screen.
07:28 And, of course, as I'm reading through that,
07:31 I can relate to that... I can understand that
07:33 because in my ministry
07:35 and in my evangelistic ministry
07:36 as I've traveled along and around the world,
07:38 I have run into many young people who are of this mentality
07:41 and it seems like it takes a little bit of an extra effort
07:44 to get them interested and draw them to consider
07:47 spiritual things
07:49 but my friends, there is hope.
07:50 I want you to know that if you are at home right now...
07:52 you're a parent... a grandparent...
07:54 a family member... a friend... or just an acquaintance
07:57 and you are wanting to reach your youth...
07:58 you're wanting to reach the young people...
08:00 my Friends, Jesus died for them just like anyone else
08:02 but they have indeed grown up in a generation and in a culture
08:06 that is drastically different than yesterday
08:09 and instead of writing them off and saying,
08:11 "Oh, they are the lost generation... "
08:12 or "They're the generation that has grown up with no God
08:15 or no Christian morals or no Christian values... "
08:17 it just simply takes...
08:18 it takes time to work through the ideas of
08:21 how to approach this in a very tactful
08:24 and a methodical way and which...
08:26 you can indeed reach the hearts of these individuals.
08:28 So, the question, of course, I'm asking at this point is...
08:31 I'm going to begin to break down individual points
08:34 and how we can set ourselves up
08:37 for success in reaching the hearts of these Post-modernist
08:41 New-age thinkers...
08:43 I want you to just ask the question,
08:45 "How can we witness to
08:47 and reach someone of this mentality?"
08:50 I want to read this quote from the sixth volume
08:53 of the Testimonies page 471.
08:54 This comes from the Spirit of Prophecy
08:56 and this is what she had to say about the youth in general
08:58 and I love this because it brings hope to us, right?
09:01 It says,
09:08 on screen...
09:16 and I love this last line,
09:17 "The Lord will open ways before those
09:20 who will respond to His call. "
09:24 My Friends, what this is telling us
09:26 is it's not any method or mentality or approach
09:28 that we're going to come up with,
09:30 we just simply have to allow the Lord to use us...
09:32 the Lord will... as it says here
09:34 will open ways before those who will respond to His call.
09:37 The Lord will draw these young people
09:39 and he's going to use us in the process
09:41 to help draw them... to help bring them along the way
09:44 and lead them and guide them
09:45 and be a friend to them in the process.
09:47 So, I'm going to read this now,
09:50 this is something that I believe is the standard
09:52 for all evangelism...
09:54 it doesn't matter what age group you are witnessing to...
09:56 young or old...
09:57 this is... in my opinion...
09:59 the only method that works in reaching the hearts of men.
10:02 Of course, if you are Seventh-day Adventist Christian,
10:05 you might already be familiar
10:07 with this quote that I'm going to read,
10:08 it's not going to come up on your screen
10:10 but just listen very carefully
10:11 because this quote is one that I have used
10:13 and I have implemented for many years now
10:15 and it is the only method that I have learned
10:17 that truly works in reaching the hearts and souls for Christ
10:22 and that is something that is known as: Christ's Method Alone,
10:25 okay, "Christ's Method" and I have to add that word "alone"
10:27 because there is no other method that works but this one
10:30 and this comes from the Ministry of Healing, page 143
10:33 and this is what she says,
10:35 she says, "Christ's method alone
10:37 will give true success in reaching the people... "
10:41 so, only Christ's method alone
10:42 will bring about true success in reaching the people.
10:45 "This Saviour... " and then she goes into how
10:48 this Christ's method must be implemented
10:51 and that is how Jesus done it
10:53 is the same way that we should do it as well
10:55 and she goes on to give a multiple-step process
10:57 and how that is to be done.
10:58 Number 1: The Saviour mingled with men
11:01 as one who desired their good. "
11:03 So, we're going to talk about that
11:06 and how this applies to this new millennial perspective, okay,
11:09 or this new Gen Z perspective, right?
11:12 "He showed sympathy for them...
11:15 He ministered to their needs
11:18 and He won their confidence. "
11:21 All of these are crucial
11:23 and once He was able to do those things
11:25 and win their confidence... their trust...
11:27 then He bade them, "Follow Me. "
11:30 So notice, Jesus didn't just show up to someone
11:34 whether young or old...
11:35 generation this or generation that...
11:37 He didn't just show up and say,
11:39 "Hey, follow me, I'm the Messiah... "
11:41 He proved Himself... He won their confidence...
11:44 He gained their trust in Him as a friend
11:46 and of course, all of those that I just listed...
11:49 He mingled with them as one who desired their good...
11:51 He showed them sympathy...
11:52 and of course, He ministered to their needs
11:54 and won their confidence.
11:56 All of these we have to take in consideration
11:58 when we're witnessing to anyone of any generation
12:00 and this new Millennial Gen Z Generation
12:03 is no different, my Friends.
12:05 And so, at this point,
12:07 I want to begin listing in the time that we have left,
12:09 I want to go through in a very methodical way
12:13 and list multiple points...
12:15 we many not be able to go into too much detail
12:17 but at least it will give you an idea
12:19 of some ways that we can open up and reach the hearts
12:23 of the younger generations of today.
12:25 I'm going to... first of all...
12:27 I didn't actually list this as one of my points
12:29 but then in the process of praying about this
12:31 and thinking of how I was going to present this,
12:33 I went back and I said, "Number 1... here it is... "
12:35 You got to pray...
12:36 I know we hear this all the time from Ministers
12:39 prayer is key...
12:41 I don't care who you're witnessing to...
12:43 I don't care what type of generation
12:45 you're trying to reach...
12:47 young or old...
12:48 my Friends, at the end of the day,
12:49 if you do not go into it with a prayerful mentality,
12:53 meditating on God's Word and praying and asking the Lord
12:56 to equip you to be able to conversate... communicate
13:00 and reach the heart of this person,
13:02 from the perspective of Christ...
13:04 then, you will not have success.
13:06 Our prayer should be simple and to the point
13:09 and that is, "Lord, help me to see this individual
13:12 through Your eyes...
13:13 help me to see Your children in the way that You see them...
13:17 help me to... to exemplify Your love...
13:20 help me to have and share and project the mercy and the grace
13:24 and the love of Jesus Christ to reach them
13:26 in the way that Jesus Himself reached the people... "
13:30 that should be our prayer...
13:31 that should be Number 1... at the top of our list.
13:34 But especially,
13:35 here's our Point Number 2 I guess you could say,
13:37 as we're going down this list,
13:38 Number 1: I think this is probably...
13:40 this is what we really have to start
13:42 with this younger generation...
13:43 I am speaking from experience
13:45 because I have spent quite a bit of time over the past few years
13:48 as a recent... Youth Pastor in recent times...
13:51 having worked with lots of different youth
13:53 over the last decade... decade and a half...
13:56 and I can tell you my Friends that this is vitally important
13:59 okay, so here it is: Listen.
14:02 Pause...
14:04 Listen to them.
14:06 Provide a genuine compassionate ear
14:10 to be able to give your time in listening to them.
14:15 That means approaching them with a non-judgmental communication.
14:19 Did you hear what I just said?
14:21 Non-judgmental communication is key
14:24 in reaching the hearts of these young people.
14:26 Just simply providing an ear...
14:29 being a person that they can come and open up to
14:31 and talk about... with things that perhaps they may not be
14:34 able to talk with with somebody else
14:35 or talk about with somebody else.
14:37 Listen to them...
14:38 listening makes room for people...
14:40 that's just a general rule.
14:42 In a culture... now we're speaking of this Generation Z...
14:45 this Millennial Generation
14:46 and even this upcoming generation Alpha
14:48 that we're going to see in a few years.
14:50 My Friends, in a culture that places high value on acceptance,
14:54 this is no small thing
14:55 and if you think you're going to reach the hearts
14:57 of these young people
14:59 and you think that you're just going to come full-fledged
15:00 you know, and not listen to them
15:02 and imposing your values... your thoughts...
15:04 your ideas upon them without hearing them out,
15:06 you'll never reach their heart.
15:08 When we make space...
15:10 don't... don't miss this next point
15:11 because I wrote this down and I want to make sure
15:13 that you're hearing this very clearly.
15:15 When we make space first for who people are
15:21 and then for what matters to them,
15:24 only then, can we know how to offer ourselves
15:28 and our faith to them.
15:30 If you're not invested in genuinely open and caring
15:36 about this person and how they feel about something
15:38 and what they think about something
15:40 and how they perceive something
15:42 according to the culture that they've grown up in,
15:44 then you'll never be able to open the door...
15:46 unlock the key to their heart
15:48 in reaching them with your thoughts... your ideas
15:50 or your faith
15:51 and of course in this pace and age
15:53 we often... in listening to young people
15:55 and... and I have made this mistake myself
15:56 but especially the older generations
15:58 because we grow up with that very strong moral principle
16:02 Christian perspective...
16:03 we often... sometimes we'll lend an ear to listen
16:07 but we're quick to... you know, to quickly respond
16:10 because we're more of a solution-type people,
16:13 you know, "You got a problem...
16:14 you got something you're sharing with me...
16:16 let me hear it... tell me about it... "
16:17 and then we want to quickly tell them how to fix those problems,
16:19 we want to quickly impose
16:21 our thoughts and our ideas upon them.
16:23 Do not lecture them...
16:24 do not impose your thoughts and ideas.
16:26 At this point in this relationship
16:29 in trying to reach them with the gospel of Jesus,
16:31 you have not won their confidence yet...
16:33 okay, you still need to win their confidence.
16:35 You're trying to be a friend to them.
16:36 You're trying to be a... a... a person that they can trust
16:39 and in this point, they just need someone to listen to them
16:43 and consider them and their thoughts
16:45 as a genuine person... as a genuine individual.
16:48 Number 2 Point... I know we're going through these quickly
16:50 because of time...
16:52 I see that clock and it's clicking away
16:53 and so, I want to be able to get all of these in.
16:55 Number two is key... going back to Christ's method alone,
16:58 this is crucial.
16:59 Show sympathy and genuine attentiveness
17:03 to the thoughts, ideas, and challenges
17:07 they may be experiencing.
17:09 This kind of is connected to Point Number one
17:12 but at this point... after you listen to them
17:15 and you're giving that ear to them
17:16 and creating that openness between them...
17:19 between you and them...
17:21 you need to be sympathetic,
17:23 you need to sympathize with a genuine attentiveness
17:26 to their thoughts and their ideas
17:28 and the challenges that they may be experiencing today
17:31 or... or in the past
17:32 or... or, you know, just what they're experiencing in general.
17:35 You will never become a person they trust
17:38 unless you show genuine care and awareness
17:42 to their real issues and ideas
17:45 and this kind of goes back to again...
17:46 the idea of, you know, imposing your thoughts and ideas
17:49 just simply listening and... and showing sympathy
17:52 for what it is that they're dealing with
17:54 even if you disagree with them in your heart.
17:56 Let me give you an example.
17:57 Someone comes and says,
17:58 "You know, I want to talk to you about something,
18:00 I have a friend at school who is lesbian
18:03 and she's being made fun of...
18:04 she's being mistreated...
18:05 she's being bullied
18:07 and it really, really breaks my heart
18:08 and, you know, I just don't know how to deal with this
18:09 and I'm really struggling
18:11 because I'm hurting for my friend. "
18:12 Someone of a... kind of a modernist-traditional mentality
18:15 might approach that situation in a very non-sympathetic way
18:18 based on their moral convictions
18:20 of what the Bible says about those things
18:23 and oftentimes, we respond in such a way
18:25 that is judgmental
18:26 and which we push someone further away from Christ
18:29 further away from the truth...
18:31 further away from the Bible
18:32 rather than drawing them to Jesus Christ,
18:34 so, in that instance,
18:35 instead of saying, "Well, you know,
18:37 your friend is a lesbian...
18:38 you know what the Bible says this about this...
18:39 and you know, what? Gays and lesbians and homosexuals...
18:42 you know, that's an abomination to the Lord...
18:44 blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. "
18:45 You haven't won their confidence yet
18:46 to be able to share those things with them
18:48 in a way that they are going to receive
18:49 but yet sympathizing with them is just simply saying,
18:52 "You know what?
18:53 I hate that your friend is having to go through that
18:55 and I... my heart breaks for her as well.
18:57 I'm so sorry that you and your friend are experiencing this,
19:00 can I... can I pray with you?
19:02 can... would you like to talk about it more
19:03 and, you know, I'm here to listen...
19:05 I'm here to open up... "
19:06 sympathizing with them and showing them
19:08 that you genuinely care.
19:10 These are keys to this new generation
19:12 who has not been raised necessarily
19:15 on the moral principles
19:16 and the ideologies of Christianity and the Bible
19:18 but rather has been raised
19:20 by the cultural world views around them
19:22 by Media... by Streaming devices...
19:25 by iPhones and Computers
19:27 and all of the... the digital connectivity around them.
19:29 My Friends, we have to approach these things
19:31 in the appropriate methodical way
19:33 in order to reach the hearts of these individuals
19:35 with love and compassion and with the sympathy of Christ.
19:39 Oftentimes, these young people might express doubt...
19:43 they might be expressing doubt about their faith...
19:46 doubt about Christianity in general.
19:49 They may be questioning Biblical concepts
19:51 or maybe, expressing doubt in general
19:54 about the Bible itself
19:55 and these are hard things again for a parent to hear...
19:58 for a grandparent to hear...
19:59 for a friend or someone
20:00 who again is solidified very comfortably
20:02 in their Christian faith.
20:04 These are things that are often difficult to deal with
20:07 and when you hear someone you love express doubt,
20:09 we often... our... our natural response
20:11 is to come quickly with a solution
20:13 to pull them out of that doubt, right?
20:15 But let me express something to you here,
20:17 doubt is not necessarily the enemy...
20:20 that's right... doubt is not always a bad thing
20:24 now, can doubt lead to unbelief?
20:26 Of course it can
20:27 but doubt is not always the enemy.
20:30 In fact, we can often do more harm
20:32 in trying to protect or shield our youth from doubt
20:36 rather than nurturing that experience.
20:39 Studies show... doubt is an important part
20:42 of the process of forming a healthy, religious identity.
20:47 So, you know, doubt by it's very nature
20:51 leads to both a stronger belief in something
20:54 and an unbelief in something else.
20:57 Therefore, the ultimate question
20:59 is not whether doubt will lead to unbelief,
21:03 but which beliefs will be strengthened
21:05 and which beliefs will be rejected.
21:08 So, on this note,
21:10 it is essential that we play a more of a supportive
21:15 yet facilitating role in helping to guide our youth
21:20 not dictate... but guide our young people
21:23 to the truth... that is... facilitate...
21:25 and I have some... some personal experience with this
21:28 even right here in our Thompsonville Church
21:30 here in Southern Illinois...
21:32 we have a rather large group here of young people...
21:34 smart, intelligent, loving, wonderful young people
21:37 and... but, you know,
21:39 there's still that generational disconnect
21:41 from the youth to the older generations
21:43 because, again, we're talking about Gen Zers...
21:46 we're talking about, you know, young millennials
21:48 who again are still questioning things...
21:50 they're asking "Why?" the "Why" question...
21:53 they're struggling with different concepts of,
21:55 you know, the faith in general
21:57 and sometimes,
21:58 you just have to come together as a group and say,
22:01 "Hey, let's talk about these difficult subjects...
22:03 let's toss a subject out there
22:05 and let's just sit in the group with a non-judgmental mentality
22:08 in a no-judgment atmosphere
22:10 and let's just discuss
22:12 and work our way through some of these issues
22:14 so, we came together with about
22:16 I don't know... 15 to 20 young people
22:18 and we sat together
22:20 and we took on some of these very controversial
22:21 cultural topics... such as, you know,
22:24 you know, the LGBTQ
22:26 and we talked about subjects like the racial...
22:28 the racial injustices
22:31 and the things that's going on around the world today...
22:33 some of the things that we're dealing with in Society today...
22:36 we talked about, you know, different concepts and themes
22:39 such as, you know, the modesty question
22:41 and how to dress and...
22:42 we took on many different topics
22:44 and what I did in that as kind of a... a leader...
22:47 is... I didn't comment then with,
22:48 you know, "What do you believe?
22:50 Show us... share with me what you believe... "
22:52 and then when they shared those ideas,
22:54 I wasn't there to go, "Oh, well, that's not how
22:57 Adventists are to think about things... "
22:58 or "That's not what Adventists believe... "
23:00 or "That's not a good Christian perspective... "
23:01 and shoot it down in a judgmental fashion
23:04 because it didn't fit my moral perception.
23:06 Sometimes, they might have shared things that...
23:09 in my heart and mind as a Christian,
23:11 I did not agree with
23:12 but instead of, you know, bashing them and shoving them
23:15 and pushing them away
23:16 and making them feel as if their opinion and their thoughts
23:18 didn't matter, I simply asked questions
23:21 and as a group... we all asked questions...
23:23 we gave opinions and we shared
23:25 and what I allowed myself to do is facilitate
23:28 and guide the conversation
23:30 in helping these young people come to a more decisive
23:33 understanding based on Biblical principles.
23:35 Sometimes you got to do things, you got to be patient
23:38 and you got to practice methods that are a little unorthodox
23:42 in order to help someone of a different cultural worldview
23:46 especially with the young people of this generation.
23:48 The worldview is different...
23:50 just as we read at the very beginning of this...
23:52 of this Presentation as the... the...
23:55 Brother Peter Drucker said,
23:57 "The worldview has drastically shifted... "
23:59 our grandparents and our parents' day...
24:02 it has passed...
24:03 we're living in a new time...
24:05 and the young people of this generation...
24:06 they're living in a different world with different perceptions
24:09 and different mentality
24:11 and so, we have to be...
24:12 we'll have to approach it sympathetically...
24:14 we have to approach it in a way that's going to reach the heart
24:17 in a non-judgmental way.
24:19 Number 3 here... actually this will be Point Number 4:
24:23 Meet their Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Needs.
24:27 What do they need?
24:29 Ask them...
24:30 communicate with them...
24:31 communication is key...
24:33 ask them.
24:34 You know what they need more than anything?
24:36 As a parent... they need you.
24:39 As a friend... they need you.
24:43 They need your support.
24:44 They need to know that they have someone
24:47 that they can rely on
24:48 to be transparent with...
24:50 to be raw with at moments
24:51 when they need to talk about something or express themselves
24:54 or work through a matter that they might be struglling with.
24:56 My Friends, they need you more than anything.
25:00 Invest your time... your effort and your resources if necessary
25:04 to meet whatever it is they need
25:05 in the moment or just in general.
25:07 You know, they might need to get away...
25:09 they might just need a get-away vacation...
25:11 go take a road trip...
25:13 perhaps, maybe the lady that your daughter and the mother
25:15 and whoever... have a ladies' day out...
25:17 have a spa day, you know,
25:18 if you got a son that needs some time off,
25:20 go have a guys' day out... just get away...
25:22 if they need a couple of days off from school,
25:24 hey, give it to them...
25:25 we live in a very, very hardcore atmosphere
25:28 where our children and our youth...
25:30 they have lots of social and societal pressures on them
25:33 that can be very stressful
25:35 and in this case...
25:36 in order to reach their hearts sometimes,
25:38 they need you to invest your time and resources
25:40 and efforts in order to sympathize with them
25:43 in meeting their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
25:46 Now, let's go into our Point Number 5:
25:51 Upon winning their confidence...
25:53 this is huge because as you're going through this process,
25:55 you're winning their confidence.
25:56 Eventually, you will gain their trust if you are that person...
26:00 that friend to them that they need.
26:02 You will gain their trust... they will learn to trust you.
26:05 Why is that?
26:07 Because they have seen truth in you...
26:11 because they have seen Christ in you.
26:16 Christianity will no longer be a myth or a mystery to them, why?
26:21 Because they've seen the genuineness of it in you.
26:25 It will be real... it will be raw...
26:28 it will be genuine
26:29 and, of course, by them it will be desired in the long run
26:33 which brings us to our last point:
26:36 In a very strategic yet methodical manner,
26:40 this will open up the door for you to lead them on a journey
26:45 in helping them to grasp their essential worth and identity
26:50 in Christ.
26:52 This is huge...
26:53 because we have an identity crisis on our hands
26:55 and, of course, this isn't going to happen overnight,
26:58 this is a process...
27:00 but God will lead you by the power of the Holy Spirit
27:04 to lead them to know who it is they are in Christ Jesus.
27:08 You are essentially facilitating and guiding them
27:11 through a shift in worldview... that's what's happening...
27:14 their world is being changed ever subtlety
27:17 but yet... their worldview is being changed in a way
27:19 where they see things
27:21 from the perspective of their Creator
27:23 and they're going to ask questions
27:24 and they're going to have questions
27:26 that need to be answered such as, you know, "Who am I?"
27:28 "How does the Media influence me?"
27:30 "What is my identity?"
27:32 "Where did I come from?"
27:34 "Where does my creativity come from?"
27:36 And, "How should I view others in light of the new knowledge
27:40 that I have received?"
27:42 They will come to know who their Creator is.
27:44 They will come to know who the God of the universe is.
27:47 They will come through you... the love... the compassion...
27:49 the mercy... the grace that you have shown...
27:51 the time that you have given...
27:53 the effort you have put forth
27:54 in being a spiritual friend to them.
27:56 They will come to know exactly the reality of Psalm 139
28:00 as well as Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10.
28:03 I want to read here, Psalm 139:13 and 14
28:06 as we prepare to close.
28:07 It says, "For You formed my inward parts;
28:10 You covered me in my mother's womb.
28:12 I will praise You,
28:13 for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
28:15 Marvelous are your works
28:17 and that my soul knows very well. "
28:20 My Friends, there is a way.
28:22 There is hope.
28:24 I know this has been a very juiced explanation
28:27 of how to reach
28:28 the Generation Zs and the younger Millennials
28:31 but my Friends, at the end of the day,
28:33 we have to lead them to Christ.
28:35 I challenge you... Operation Gen Z.
28:37 Let's jump on the bandwagon
28:39 and let's win our youth to Jesus Christ
28:41 in the right way...
28:43 in the only method that works: Christ's method alone...
28:47 reaching them with the only thing that matters
28:50 and that is: Love.


Revised 2021-09-21