Adventist Virtual Global Camp Meeting

The Great Gospel Commission

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AVGC

Program Code: AVGC210014S

00:01 Music...
00:05 Today I've been asked to speak to you about:
00:07 The Great Gospel Commission.
00:09 I have to tell you that it's my favorite topic to preach about.
00:13 So, turn with me if you would to Matthew 28:18 to 20
00:17 and it says, "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying,
00:21 'All power... '" how much?
00:23 "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
00:27 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
00:30 baptizing them in the name of the Father... of the Son...
00:33 and of the Holy Ghost:
00:35 Teaching them to observe
00:36 all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
00:40 and, lo I am with you always,
00:42 even unto the end of the world. Amen. "
00:46 In verse 18, Jesus establishes His authority.
00:49 He says, "All power is given Me in heaven and earth. "
00:53 Now, I love that little word "All. "
00:56 I think we can interpret "All" to mean: Total... Complete.
01:00 In fact, the dictionary says,
01:02 "Pre-determiner used to refer to the whole quantity
01:07 used to emphasize the greatest possible amount. "
01:11 So, when Jesus says,
01:12 "All power is given Me in heaven and earth... "
01:15 He is saying basically that He dominates heaven and earth.
01:19 He is in complete control.
01:21 Now doesn't... that should give us some assurance.
01:24 We find that little word "All" throughout the Bible.
01:27 Verses like Romans 8:28,
01:30 "For we know that all things work together for good... "
01:33 that means "everything" there's no exceptions...
01:35 All things work together...
01:37 Philippians 4:13,
01:39 "I can do... " what is it? Help me...
01:41 "All things through Christ which strengthens me. "
01:44 That means, there's nothing I can't do
01:47 when I come in the name of the Lord.
01:49 Philippians 4:19...
01:51 "For my God shall supply... " a little bit?
01:54 "My God shall supply... " part?
01:57 "My God shall supply all of my need
01:59 according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus. "
02:03 I mean, this is incredible... the God that we serve.
02:06 He's not short on His resources to take the gospel to the world.
02:10 Now, the good news for us is that whatever He tells us to do,
02:14 we can do.
02:16 The only way we can fail is, if we don't trust Him enough
02:19 to step out in faith.
02:21 Jesus, straight up, is telling us: "Trust Me...
02:24 I wouldn't give you a task that's impossible to do...
02:27 do without giving you the resources to do it... " right?
02:30 He wouldn't... He wouldn't do that to us...
02:32 Walter Thompson... Dr. Thompson, one of our Board Members
02:36 is now resting in Jesus used to say,
02:38 "When the Lord said, 'Go ye into all the world... '
02:41 He counted His resources
02:42 and found that He was not wanting... "
02:44 I've remembered that for so many years.
02:47 I tell you, I'm so thankful,
02:50 we should never be discouraged, you know why?
02:52 Heaven is on our side.
02:55 Now, when Jesus says, "Go ye into all the world... "
02:57 all heaven is on our side... isn't that a beautiful thought?
03:00 I remember several years ago,
03:02 I was in the music studio producing a music project,
03:05 we took a break
03:07 and one of the studio musicians who is a Christian
03:09 and tremendously talented was talking to me
03:12 and he was telling me that he was discouraged.
03:14 He told me, "At times, I just feel like giving up on life. "
03:19 Immediately, I heard myself say to him,
03:21 "Don't give up... heaven's on your side... "
03:24 I couldn't wait to get home that evening to write a song
03:27 which I did... entitled:
03:29 Don't give up... heaven's on your side.
03:32 So, think about it...
03:33 we Christians should never be discouraged
03:35 because heaven is on our side.
03:37 I'm not sure why we sometimes seem to think
03:40 that God is supposed to grant us every wish...
03:43 He says He will supply our every need...
03:46 not our every wish... right?
03:49 Life's not fair... that's just the way it is.
03:51 My dad used to tell me that, "Son... "
03:53 I'd say, "But Dad, other kids get to do this... "
03:56 he'd say, "Son, this life's not fair. "
03:58 So, that's why we need a Savior to save us
04:01 from this sin-sick world.
04:03 The Bible says, "Rain falls on the... " what?
04:06 "The just as well as the unjust. "
04:08 My Friend, May Chung, used to say,
04:11 "We should be honored to suffer the 'Jesus Treatment. '"
04:15 Now, think about that.
04:16 How many of us count it an honor?
04:18 We don't want pain and we don't like rejection...
04:21 we don't like all these things
04:22 but she said, "It's an honor when the world rejects you. "
04:26 Wow, that is really deep.
04:29 So, don't let the devil get you down,
04:32 remember, all of heaven is on your side.
04:35 Even in Evangelism... not every person you witness to
04:38 is going to accept Jesus as their Savior.
04:40 Jesus walked among men, yet what?
04:43 Many saw Him... never saw Him as the Son of God.
04:47 In fact, believe it or not... and you know the story...
04:51 the crowd cried out, "Give us Barabbas... "
04:55 instead of Jesus the spotless Son of God.
04:58 Instead of Him, the crowd said, "Give us Barabbas. "
05:01 Our commission is to plant the seed
05:03 and it's the Holy Spirit's responsibility to nurture it.
05:07 We should never be discouraged.
05:09 Okay, let's move on to verse 19, now this one...
05:12 this is a clincher... I love this verse...
05:14 lived on it for nearly 37 years.
05:17 This is where Jesus says, "Go ye therefore... " all right,
05:22 "Go ye therefore... "
05:24 now, think about that: Go ye...
05:26 and I always tell people when I talk in churches,
05:28 "I hope that you're a 'Ye'"
05:29 when I say how many "Ye's" are there in the audience,
05:32 I hope... at home now...
05:33 everyone of your hands are raised... maybe both hands...
05:36 if you have arms... if you don't... your legs...
05:38 something... raise something...
05:39 look up to the heavens...
05:40 how many "Ye's" are... are there?
05:42 Jesus says, "Go ye into all the world. "
05:45 I've learned over the last nearly 37 years
05:48 that the blessing of God... now listen closely...
05:51 is on the... GO!
05:53 Every time I step out in faith, God honors my faith.
05:57 Just as He does yours...
05:59 every time you step out... I promise you...
06:01 He will honor your faith.
06:03 I want you to remember something.
06:04 The gospel is all about stop and go...
06:07 it's pretty simple really
06:09 and it would have to be for me to understand it...
06:11 the devil says... what? "Stop"
06:14 and the Lord says, "Go. "
06:16 When my brother and I started 3ABN,
06:19 we thought that every Seventh-day Adventist
06:21 would be excited about it.
06:23 Somehow, I guess I just thought everyone would jump on board.
06:27 Hey, why not?
06:29 Someone building the first 24/7 Seventh-day Adventist
06:33 television station
06:34 with Seventh-day Adventist programming... I should say...
06:37 that would reach the world...
06:38 everyone would be supportive, right?
06:40 Wrong...
06:42 I won't bore you with all the details of the opposition
06:45 that we got from within the SDA church...
06:48 some came from Leadership
06:49 and others opposed it because
06:51 they knew we didn't meet the world's qualifications
06:55 or criteria to build and operate a Television Station
06:58 to reach the world...
07:00 I even had an employee who once told me
07:03 that I needed to go to school to get a degree in Communications.
07:07 Now, so... why... I said, "Why?"
07:09 So people would accept my leadership at 3ABN.
07:12 Now, this was about ten years into 3ABN
07:15 after we had already been on the air
07:17 and was reaching much of the world.
07:20 But that's the way the world looks at it,
07:21 you see, I just say, "Lord, here I am... send me... "
07:25 If you say, "Lord, here I am... send me... "
07:28 I promise that that's what He'll do for you.
07:31 There's still opposition to 3ABN from within
07:34 but let me ask you a question,
07:35 why shouldn't there be?
07:36 How about in your life?
07:38 Why shouldn't there be opposition in your life?
07:41 If the devil hates what you are doing for God,
07:44 guess what he'll do?
07:45 He'll send every demon possible to destroy you
07:48 or to take you down
07:50 or to take your Ministry down...
07:52 take your family down...
07:53 that's what the devil does...
07:55 he's out to steal, kill and to destroy.
07:57 3ABN's had our share of attacks over the years,
07:59 you're no exception either
08:02 but praise the Lord,
08:03 we should expect opposition from the devil.
08:06 But greater is He that is in... what?
08:08 You know the Scripture...
08:09 "Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. "
08:12 Isn't that incredible that no matter what comes our way,
08:16 God has already been there.
08:18 He's already provided and said, "You know what?
08:20 I am going to make a way for you...
08:23 I want you to go into all the world.
08:25 Don't look to the left... don't look to the right...
08:28 go forward and I promise
08:30 that I will supply your every need
08:32 and you will be able to do what I've asked you to do.
08:35 Remember, all heaven is on your side.
08:39 I may say that a few more times
08:40 because today, I really think somebody out here
08:43 needs to hear that when you get discouraged,
08:45 all heaven is on your side.
08:47 The old saying is, "God does not call the qualified
08:51 He qualifies the called. "
08:53 So, today if you feel like you're not in a position
08:56 to do anything for God,
08:58 remember all you have to do is be willing.
09:00 I'm sure we all have our own story.
09:03 In my case, when the Lord impressed me to build
09:05 a television station to reach the world,
09:07 He obviously didn't call me because I was qualified...
09:11 I was not.
09:12 All I had was a... a willingness to go forward.
09:15 I had no idea how to build a television station
09:19 to reach the world and how to sustain it.
09:21 But it turns out, that's really all I needed...
09:24 was to be willing.
09:25 You see, the Lord has shown me time and time again:
09:28 The Blessing is on the... what?
09:30 The Blessing is on the GO!
09:32 Even when you don't know where you're going.
09:34 "Now how can that be?" You say...
09:36 the blessing is on the go
09:37 even when you don't know where you're going.
09:39 What do I mean by that?
09:40 That means, your faith doesn't even begin
09:43 until your sight ends.
09:45 Every time I step out in faith, my faith becomes stronger
09:50 as I watch God open every door needed
09:53 to accomplish this great task.
09:55 3ABN is a miracle of God.
09:57 It was not built by man...
09:59 it's not... it was built by God.
10:02 Yes, God uses you and me but it is His message
10:06 that's being proclaimed to the world... that's so important.
10:09 I'm so thankful for that.
10:11 Thank you Jesus.
10:12 God could have taken the conventional method
10:15 to build a first television station to reach the world.
10:18 I guess that would have been through the what?
10:21 Adventist Media Center at the time
10:23 but for some reason, He didn't.
10:25 The responsibility of taking the gospel to the world
10:28 belongs to each of us.
10:30 We are all part of the "Go Ye... "
10:33 So, the responsibility to take the three angels' messages
10:36 to the world
10:38 was never meant to be left up to the preachers
10:40 and the Conference Leaders and workers alone.
10:43 Ellen White makes this statement in Testimonies Vol. 9 page 117,
10:46 I'll paraphrase...
10:47 she says, "The works of God on this earth,
10:49 will never be finished
10:51 until the men and women comprising the church membership
10:54 join hands with the church leaders. "
10:56 She is, of course, talking about you and me... most of us...
11:00 the layman.
11:02 Remember Matthew 28:18-20 does not say,
11:05 "Go John Lomacang... "
11:07 "Go Doug Batchelor... "
11:08 "Go Mark Finley... "
11:10 it says, "Go ye into all the world. "
11:13 Isn't that amazing? "Go ye... "
11:16 God could look down from the beginning of time...
11:18 He could look down and see each and every one of us.
11:21 Someone wrote me once and said,
11:24 "The Lord... when he saw 3ABN...
11:27 He saw it before the foundation of the world. "
11:29 That just shook me.
11:30 I'm like, "Wow! you mean... really?"
11:33 and I had never thought about it,
11:35 it was in early years.
11:36 The Lord looked down the stream of time
11:38 and He would see a people
11:39 who would be willing to give their lives unto death
11:41 if necessary for the very cause of God
11:43 and she said... this person who wrote me the letter said,
11:47 "When Jesus was hanging on the cross, you were on His mind. "
11:50 I can say that about each and every one of you.
11:53 None of us are more important than the other one.
11:55 When Jesus was hanging the cross,
11:57 He could look down the stream of time
12:00 and see each and every one of us.
12:02 Are you one of those who would be willing
12:03 to give your life for the cause of God?
12:05 I don't know...
12:07 I don't know about myself what I'll do when the time comes
12:10 but I plan on trusting in God
12:12 and say, "Lord, here I am... use me in whatever way...
12:16 when you're finished with me,
12:17 then let me go and lay down to sleep
12:19 but if I can live to see You... Your second coming,
12:22 boy! what a blessing that would be. "
12:23 Now, back in 1986, people who could watch 3ABN
12:27 were only those people who had the big Dishes...
12:31 the 10 to 12 foot satellite dishes...
12:32 3ABN would send the programming 22,300 miles to space
12:37 and it would come down into the homes of all the people
12:41 who had purchased these dishes.
12:43 Now, in the last 35 years,
12:46 technology has increased by leaps and bounds.
12:49 You know the Scripture...
12:51 "And knowledge shall be increased...
12:52 men shall run to and fro... " right?
12:54 Now, anyone with a Smartphone or a computer
12:56 can be seen and heard all around the world.
12:59 I think God's going to hold us accountable don't you
13:03 for what we do with what we have in our hands.
13:06 Millions of Christians can meet the "Go Ye" qualification now
13:11 to go into all the world through Social Media, for example
13:14 if they want to... that is.
13:15 But so many times, when I go to something like Facebook,
13:19 I see Seventh-day Adventist Christians as well as others
13:22 using the great platform
13:24 for purposes such as promoting political agendas
13:28 instead of promoting God's agenda for us which is... what?
13:32 To spread the gospel of Jesus Christ
13:35 to a lost and dying world.
13:36 You don't have to be perfect... you just have to be forgiven.
13:41 I'm going to say that again,
13:43 "You don't have to be perfect for God to use you...
13:46 you just have to be forgiven. "
13:48 God will use anyone who's willing to be used.
13:51 I could take you through miracle after miracle, if time allowed.
13:55 In fact, you can get "Mending Broken People" video
13:58 from 3ABN for free if you just contact...
14:00 usually when it's on the screen you can get our phone number...
14:04 you can get our address...
14:06 go to our 3ABN website:
14:08 and every one of us... God uses us... in spite of us
14:11 and not because of us, did you know that?
14:14 there is nobody worthy... nobody good...
14:16 we're all as filthy rags in the sight of God.
14:19 But yes, He is willing to use any of us
14:22 who's willing to be used
14:24 and He will use us in spite of our shortcomings.
14:26 All we have to do is be forgiven...
14:28 come to the foot of the cross,
14:30 "Lord, please forgive me... Lord, help me...
14:32 I want to be used for You
14:34 in the closing moments of earth's history. "
14:37 You see, we have nothing good to offer God
14:39 and He surely doesn't use us
14:41 because He thinks we're good people.
14:43 He uses us because we're willing to step out in faith
14:46 and follow His directions.
14:48 Now, I had no money...
14:50 no education in Communications,
14:52 no property... I was willing...
14:54 but it was God that even gave me the faith that I needed
14:57 to go forward with a seemingly impossible task.
15:00 When God calls... let me say it again,
15:04 when God calls you to do His work, He will do... what?
15:07 I can almost hear you saying it...
15:09 supply your every need.
15:11 Again, that's Philippians 4:19.
15:14 The Blessing is on... what? the GO!
15:17 By the time we're through,
15:18 you're going to have this down pat,
15:20 the blessing of God is on the go.
15:21 Let me give you an example.
15:22 As I mentioned,
15:24 we had no property to build a TV station to reach the world.
15:26 Within a few days, I went to our local church Prayer Meeting
15:30 on a Wednesday night.
15:31 There was less than 15 people there but I was excited
15:34 at what the Lord had impressed me to do.
15:37 So, I made sure I got a chance to give a testimony
15:39 right... the opportunity to talk about it.
15:42 My mother had invited a Methodist lady
15:45 whom she started giving Bible Studies to.
15:47 This is the first time this lady named Fonda Summers
15:50 had been to our church.
15:52 Two days later, she called my mother and told her...
15:55 she was so impressed with what I had told the church
15:58 about building a TV station
16:00 that she decided she wanted to donate
16:03 two of her six acres of property...
16:05 wow! that's... that's big really.
16:07 So... it was out in the country
16:10 but she said, "Hey, I've got this property,
16:12 I want to donate it. "
16:13 Here's what she told my mom.
16:14 She said... while she was praying to the Lord,
16:17 she told Him that she wanted to help with the new project
16:21 that I had talked about in church
16:23 but she didn't have any money.
16:24 Then she said something I've never forgotten.
16:27 She said the Lord asked her,
16:30 "What is this... you have in your hand?"
16:33 Her answer: "All I have Lord is a few acres of property,
16:37 I guess I could give them a couple of acres
16:40 at the back of my property... "
16:42 and that's exactly what she did.
16:44 Now, here's another part of the miracle we found out
16:48 as we began to build this Uplink Station to reach the world.
16:52 Of all the property in our area,
16:54 the property she gave us was exactly what we needed
16:59 to put up a big C-Ban 30-foot diameter satellite dish
17:02 that would be free of microwave signal interferences...
17:06 from all around...
17:08 from this little spot,
17:09 we could send signals to any satellite in space.
17:12 Now, in order to get two...
17:14 the two acres of property she gave us,
17:17 we had now to make a road to the back
17:20 because remember she said, "Well, I've got some property,
17:23 I guess I could give them a couple of acres
17:25 in the back of the property. "
17:27 Well, that's about 1400 feet,
17:29 now, this is fall... we had no money
17:31 but it was ready...
17:33 we were ready to build, right?
17:34 Soon winter would be coming
17:36 so we needed to get this road built
17:38 so, I remember calling the local rock company
17:41 and asking them how much it would cost for enough gravel
17:45 to cover 1400 feet to build a new road...
17:48 it would take us to the back end of her property.
17:51 The answer was: about $6,000.
17:54 Now, we didn't have $6,000
17:56 we didn't have any money to put towards that.
17:59 For some reason and now as I look back
18:01 I know it had to be the Lord...
18:03 I asked the man if he could deliver it by the next Tuesday
18:07 which was several days away.
18:08 He said, "Yes. "
18:10 My brother, Kenny, talked to a man in the area
18:12 that had a road grader
18:14 and asked if we could use it for a day or two
18:16 and the man said, "Yes. "
18:19 We had to cut a path through the field just deep enough
18:23 to cut out the soft top soil and dig down to the hard clay
18:27 so, then when we poured the gravel,
18:29 it wouldn't sink, you see,
18:30 when we're traveling in the winter
18:32 so it gave us a solid foundation that should allow us
18:35 to drive all during the winter.
18:37 Now, we had an urgency to build 3ABN...
18:41 the first 3ABN Headquarters...
18:43 for some reason I can honestly say
18:45 from that day to this... I promise you this...
18:48 I've never been discouraged
18:50 or I've never been depressed about the continued success
18:53 of 3ABN to reach the world.
18:56 One more thing...
18:57 my brother and I had spent a number of years as carpenters...
19:00 contractors in the local area building houses
19:03 so, guess what?
19:05 So, when God asked us to do this,
19:07 we were prepared to build
19:09 the first 16,000 square-foot building.
19:11 I went to our new 3ABN Post Office box in West Frankfort
19:15 every day to pick up mail.
19:17 Hardly anyone knew about this young ministry called: 3ABN.
19:21 I had written a newsletter and had distributed to everyone
19:24 that I could... I thought would be interested
19:28 so, from that time... there would be...
19:30 from time to time...
19:32 there would be checks come in to the Post Office...
19:34 maybe $10... $50... a $100
19:37 to help us get started with this great task.
19:39 Many days... there was no mail.
19:41 Other days, there may be just a few checks
19:44 or, you know, as I say,
19:47 sometimes up to even maybe $200.
19:49 All the rest of the week,
19:51 I checked the mail box day after day
19:54 making... looking for that $6,000 commitment for gravel...
19:58 nothing came.
20:00 Now, Monday came along...
20:02 remember we were going to have the gravel delivered on Tuesday
20:05 and I got to pay for it when it was delivered.
20:07 Monday I went to the Post Office.
20:09 There were only two checks in the mail.
20:12 I was not expecting too much for that... I should have
20:15 but I didn't.
20:16 I opened the first check and it was made out for $4,000
20:19 from someone in California.
20:20 His name was Dale.
20:22 He wrote a note that said... the Lord had impressed him
20:24 to write a check for $4,000
20:28 to help build this new SDA TV station that he had heard about.
20:32 Praise the Lord.
20:34 The second check was from a lady in Chicago...
20:36 she had read a small article in the Lake Union papers.
20:40 Now, it was talking about our dream
20:43 to build a television station
20:44 that we hadn't really done it yet,
20:46 but we were just working on it.
20:48 She sent a check...
20:49 said the Lord impressed her to send $2,000.
20:53 Now, you tell me...
20:54 you don't have to be a Mathematician
20:56 4 + 2 = what? 6 and put three zeros
20:59 or some zeros behind it...
21:00 this is exactly what we needed to move forward
21:03 with the road... $6,000.
21:05 Once again, we didn't have much
21:07 but as we took steps to go forward...
21:10 the blessing of God is on the what?
21:12 Go... I can't stress that enough.
21:14 If you're doing what God has called you to do,
21:17 He will supply your every need
21:19 according to His riches in glory.
21:21 Again, I could go on and on with miracle stories
21:24 literally one after another
21:26 but feel free to contact again 3ABN...
21:29 we'll make sure you get your DVD
21:31 or you can go watch this on YouTube...
21:33 what we call: Mending Broken People.
21:35 Wow! my time is getting away from me
21:38 so, I'm going to have to hurry through this.
21:41 Now, last but not least, Jesus instructs us...
21:43 this is Matthew 28:20,
21:45 "Teaching them to observe all things
21:47 whatsoever I have commanded you:
21:50 and, lo, I am with you always,
21:52 even unto the end of the world. " Amen.
21:55 Now, I believe, this commission of God
21:57 should be especially near and dear to our hearts
22:01 as He's talking about a last-day-generation people
22:04 on Planet Earth.
22:06 He says... He will be with us even to the end of the world.
22:09 I believe... the end of the world is in...
22:12 I think it's pretty close, don't you?
22:14 I think it's nigh... even at the door.
22:17 Now, as we say down home on the farm...
22:18 here's the kicker...
22:20 the message we carry to the world is everything
22:23 and I want to pause there just a second.
22:25 The message that we take to the world is everything.
22:28 God supplies every need...
22:31 Jesus has already shown us in verse 18,
22:33 "All power is given Me in heaven and on earth...
22:35 go ye therefore... " in verse 19...
22:38 but He blesses the... the "Go"
22:40 but He does it when we go in His name...
22:43 when we rightly represent Him.
22:45 So, that's why I say... this message is everything.
22:49 God has commissioned the Seventh-day Adventist Church
22:52 to take the three angels' messages to the whole world
22:55 before Jesus returns.
22:57 The Devil's doing everything he can do
22:59 to dilute this message.
23:02 Now, why... why?
23:03 The three angels' messages exposes who Satan really is
23:07 and that's his mission... is what?
23:09 To steal, kill and to destroy.
23:12 We're living in a day when the world has forgotten
23:15 God's Ten Commandments.
23:16 I'm going to say it again,
23:18 we're living in a day where the world has forgotten
23:21 God's Ten Commandments.
23:22 It wasn't too long ago that we as Seventh-day Adventists
23:25 would preach about the forgotten Commandment
23:27 which, of course, is what?
23:28 Is the Fourth Commandment
23:30 because it seemed... why do we do it?
23:32 because it seemed that...
23:34 it seemed like that's the only Commandment
23:35 Christians ignored or rejected.
23:37 Now, millions of Christians have forgotten
23:40 a number of other of the Commandments
23:41 including... I'm sad to say... some of Seventh-day Adventists.
23:45 In actuality, we have rebelled or rejected them.
23:49 Many of us let our politics dictate how we respond
23:52 to the Ten Commandments.
23:54 To keep... or not to keep based on my political party's agenda.
23:57 That's how some feel.
24:00 As you probably already know,
24:02 abortion and same-sex marriage,
24:04 the sixth and seventh Commandments
24:05 have become Law of the Land in the United States of America
24:09 and many countries around the world.
24:11 They're both in opposition to the Ten Commandment Law of God.
24:15 God has called Seventh-day Adventists
24:17 to give a final warning message
24:19 to a lost and dying world
24:20 just before Jesus comes back to this earth.
24:23 This is an incredible privilege.
24:25 Yes, it's a great responsibility,
24:28 but it is a privilege...
24:29 we are not to compromise God's Ten Commandments.
24:33 Jesus says, "Teaching them to observe all things
24:36 whatsoever I have commanded you. "
24:38 Did you get that?
24:39 Could "whatsoever things I have commanded you
24:43 to teach to the world" possibly include
24:45 His Ten Commandment Law?
24:47 As long as we SDAs commit to giving an undiluted
24:51 three angels' messages to the world,
24:53 the Lord will bless our efforts.
24:55 We must first be true to our calling and our mission.
24:58 Satan is using people from within
25:01 to bring all sorts of false doctrine into the church.
25:03 I'm appealing to the dedicated flock
25:06 of the true followers of God
25:08 not to allow this dilution of truth
25:10 to make in-roads into our churches.
25:12 What do we do about it?
25:14 Stand up and oppose false... false doctrines.
25:17 It's your church... it's God's church...
25:20 our mission has never changed.
25:22 It's the times that have changed
25:24 and the people's politics have changed...
25:27 but God and His principles...
25:29 guess what? Have never changed.
25:31 One day soon, we will answer to God
25:33 for not only the things we've done
25:35 but maybe for what we have not done.
25:38 So, hold fast to the armor of God.
25:40 Don't look to the left...
25:42 don't look to the right...
25:43 behold the face of Jesus
25:45 and God's truth to a lost and dying world.
25:47 God will give the grace and the courage
25:50 to march in His spiritual army.
25:52 What about you today dear Friend?
25:55 Is Jesus the Lord of your life?
25:57 Are the things of earth growing strangely dim
26:00 in the light of Christ's glory and grace?
26:03 Do you need a fresh touch from Him?
26:06 If you do, today is the day of salvation
26:10 and I'd like to pray with you.
26:11 Now, today our time is all gone
26:15 but even as we go off of this Program,
26:17 maybe you want to spend a little time on your knees
26:21 saying, "Lord, What do you want me to do?"
26:24 If you feel you've strayed away from the truth,
26:27 say, "Lord, please help me, I'm a sinner. "
26:30 If you ask Jesus to forgive us...
26:33 forgive you from your sins...
26:34 that's what I have to do too,
26:36 He says... He is faithful and just
26:38 1st John 1:9... He's faithful and just
26:40 to forgive us from our sins
26:42 and what's He going to do?
26:43 He's going to cleanse us from... here's this word...
26:45 all unrighteousness...
26:47 it means everything now goes from us... to Christ...
26:51 He takes that... Christ's righteousness.
26:53 How beautiful is that?
26:55 So, today, if you confess your sins, He is faithful and just
26:58 to forgive us from our sins
26:59 and He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness
27:03 which makes us new creatures in Him.
27:06 I want to pray with you right now.
27:08 "Dear Heavenly Father,
27:11 I want to thank you for your many wonderful blessings.
27:13 I want to thank you for the opportunity
27:16 of being Seventh-day Adventist Christians
27:18 in the closing moments of earth's history.
27:20 I want to thank you Lord, that we have nothing to fear
27:23 as we look ahead...
27:25 unless we look behind and see how You have blessed and
27:28 led and guided each of us in our lives... in our church...
27:31 and Father, I'm so thankful that we have read
27:34 the back of the book
27:36 and the back of the book says,
27:38 'And they overcame Him by the blood of the Lamb
27:40 and the word of their testimony... '
27:41 thank You God for hearing... for answering prayers...
27:44 thank you for renewing our hearts and our minds
27:48 and we can behold You
27:49 and very soon, we can look up in the clouds of glory and say,
27:52 'Lo, this is our God whom we've waited for...
27:55 You have come to save us. '"
27:57 I'm so thankful today that I have this opportunity
28:01 to talk to you and I want to thank you
28:03 for your love and your prayers
28:05 and your financial support
28:06 of Three Angels Broadcasting Network
28:09 as we take this great gospel into all the world.
28:12 It's amazing the transitions that have taken place
28:16 in the last 35 years of being on the air
28:19 from the big satellite dish we talked about
28:22 now to the Smartphones...
28:24 to the computers...
28:25 people can literally go live anywhere in the world
28:28 so, the responsibility is yours, Brothers and Sisters.
28:31 If you have a Smartphone... you have a computer...
28:34 if you don't... you have neighbors and friends
28:36 all around us...
28:37 Jesus says, "Go Ye into all the world... "
28:39 if your world is small, that's the world you go into
28:42 but I know this... Jesus is coming very soon.
28:46 My time is all gone... so until I see you next time,
28:49 may the Lord richly bless you
28:51 abundantly more than you could ever ask or think.


Revised 2021-09-20