Body Battles: Protect Your Health. Avoid Dying Early

Biblical Health Secrets

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BB

Program Code: BB000001S

00:01 Music...
00:27 Welcome to Part 1 of a brand new 8-part Series
00:31 produced by White Horse Media
00:32 and it's called... as you can see: Body Battles.
00:35 Protect your health... avoid dying early.
00:38 I think we all...
00:39 hopefully we all want to live as long as we can...
00:41 we don't want to go down to an early grave.
00:44 We are in a battle with forces outside of us... inside of us
00:49 that are working to destroy our health
00:51 and so, we're going to talk about some of these battles
00:54 and some of the things that you can do to protect yourself.
00:57 We'd like to start with a Bible verse in 3rd John verse 2.
01:02 "Beloved, I wish above all things
01:05 that you may prosper and be in health
01:07 even as your soul prospers. "
01:10 We serve... and there is a God in heaven
01:12 who wants us to be happy... who wants us to be healthy,
01:15 so, we're going to talk about this
01:16 and try to make this very practical
01:18 and give you some... some tools to live longer...
01:21 to be happier and to live a more...
01:24 a much more productive life.
01:26 My guest is a young man...
01:30 at least he was young
01:31 but he's doing good at the age of 73.
01:33 His name is Jack McIntosh...
01:35 he's a friend of mine...
01:37 he's come up here from Oregon to Priest River, Idaho
01:40 and so, Jack, we'll tell people a little more about...
01:43 about you... or you can tell them about you
01:45 and I mentioned that you're... you're 73
01:48 and yet, I feel like you are doing good...
01:50 you told me that you like to... to walk a lot...
01:53 you like to work out in the yard...
01:55 you like to garden...
01:57 and I think you said you also like to dig holes.
02:00 Jack: Oh, absolutely, it's good for you.
02:02 Steve: Yeah, it's good for you.
02:03 Jack: And wash dishes too.
02:05 Steve: Wash dishes too.
02:06 Jack: And I do windows. Steve: You do windows.
02:07 Jack: I do windows, yes. Steve: Well, good for you...
02:09 I'm sure your wife really likes that.
02:11 Jack: She does.
02:13 Steve: And so, you know, that... that just shows
02:15 you're still very active at 73.
02:16 Jack: It's marital bliss.
02:18 Steve: Marital bliss... that's it.
02:20 That's a good state to be in.
02:22 and, you know, everybody...
02:24 at least I would think most people would like to be
02:26 doing as you're doing at the age of 73,
02:29 so, what you're going to do in this Series is...
02:31 is share with us some of the... some of the secrets
02:33 that you've learned to... to increase your life...
02:38 increased your happiness
02:39 and help you in the... in the battles of life.
02:41 So, tell us just a little bit about yourself...
02:43 I know you mentioned to me that
02:45 you first started giving health talks in 1974.
02:49 So fill in... fill in a few of the gaps there.
02:52 Jack: Yes, when I was converted in 1974,
02:56 I immediately became interested in health.
03:00 Actually, I was interested in health before that
03:02 and that was part of my conversion
03:04 because through healthful living the Lord cleared up my mind
03:09 to perceive spiritual things.
03:11 You know, that frontal lobe of ours is affected by what we do
03:15 and the frontal lobe is where we have reason...
03:17 willpower... reasoning... judgment...
03:20 all those things are there
03:22 and spirituality resides in the frontal lobe
03:25 which was why the Lord, in the book of Revelation
03:28 places a seal on the forehead.
03:30 That's where spirituality resides
03:33 and what we do affects that frontal lobe very, very much.
03:36 Steve: So, the frontal lobe being the front of your brain...
03:38 Jack: The front of the brain, yes.
03:39 Steve: It's the command center.
03:40 Jack: Command Center where we make decisions
03:42 about where we will spend eternity
03:44 and so, I became interested in health.
03:47 My first health program was actually a...
03:50 a five-day plan to stop smoking
03:51 and, back in those days, you know,
03:54 lots of people were interested in stopping smoking...
03:57 smoking cessation...
04:01 and the first... the first lecture I... I attended or...
04:04 or gave... there were 148 people in the audience.
04:08 Today, you know, if you do a stop smoking program,
04:11 you may get three people.
04:13 Steve: Why is that?
04:15 Jack: And reason for that is that...
04:16 just about everybody who really is going to stop smoking
04:20 has already stopped smoking
04:22 and most of the people who are smoking now
04:25 are hardcore basically and...
04:27 and they know that they shouldn't be smoking
04:29 but they smoke anyway.
04:31 So, that's why we don't get very many people anymore
04:34 but that Program was very successful...
04:37 we ran another one at Buffalo General Hospital
04:42 and we had something like maybe a 100 or a 110
04:45 and from there my health career was launched,
04:48 I went back to school later on...
04:50 got a degree in Health Science...
04:52 taught Health Science at Weimar College
04:58 and over the years I've been doing church health programs.
05:03 I have a Program on my website, called reversing Diabesity...
05:08 which is designed to help people to overcome insulin resistance
05:13 which is the... the basis for Type 2 Diabetes.
05:16 So, I've been doing lots of health programs
05:20 and counseling over... over time.
05:22 Jack: And you've been on 3ABN Television...
05:24 3ABN Radio.
05:26 Jack: Starting in 1995, yes I received an invitation
05:29 to come to Three Angels' Broadcasting
05:30 and do some work there
05:32 and that lasted for several years.
05:35 So, I've continued to... to do Health Education work
05:39 in the... over the course of the last 40 to 45 years.
05:43 Steve: So you... you are a Health Educator
05:46 and you also call yourself a Lifestyle Interventionist.
05:51 What exactly does that mean?
05:52 Jack: Well, when people want to make changes
05:56 in their lifestyle habits,
05:59 my role is to counsel them and facilitate and coach them.
06:04 The intervention, of course, is what the person does.
06:09 What I do is coach them to do the intervention
06:13 so that the intervention becomes doable and easier.
06:17 Many people don't really use the resources for instance
06:21 that are available to them.
06:22 They want to start an exercise Program but
06:24 they're not, for instance, using the timer on their cell phones
06:29 to set a time to walk
06:30 because what I've discovered over the years is
06:32 if you don't set a time,
06:34 what will happen is, you will walk on Monday and Tuesday
06:37 and Wednesday and maybe Thursday...
06:40 skip a day and walk two more days and
06:42 by the time you get to three weeks from then,
06:44 you're not walking at all
06:46 because you haven't set a time, it has not become a habit.
06:49 So, the cell phone is useful, so, I... I help people to
06:52 to facilitate the intervention
06:55 and it works when you have somebody who is coaching you
06:59 and helping you
07:00 and troubleshooting what you're doing.
07:02 Steve: So you're a health coach...
07:03 that's teaching... that takes people by the hand
07:06 and helps them step by step to make changes in their lifestyle
07:11 to help them to overcome bad habits...
07:15 you know... the temptations of the body...
07:17 the temptations of the flesh that we all encounter...
07:22 you bring it right down to the... the grassroots level.
07:24 Jack: Practical things they can do to actually make the change
07:28 and to be successful
07:29 because, you know, habits of a lifetime
07:34 everybody knows they're not easy to break
07:38 and you have to substitute something else for those habits.
07:41 There's a wonderful text in the book of Romans that says,
07:44 "Do not be overcome by evil,
07:46 but overcome evil with good. "
07:48 You have to put something good in place of what's not so good
07:53 in order to be successful.
07:55 So, that's what I do.
07:56 Steve: Got it... well, I'm very interested in health as well...
08:00 I'm not quite as old as you are... pushing 62
08:03 but I'm... I'm a jogger... I don't jog very fast
08:06 but I walk and I run and when I travel,
08:09 I try to swim in hotels as much as I can
08:12 and get my laps in the pool
08:14 and I try to eat good food and drink water
08:17 and work out in my yard and a whole host of other things
08:20 and so, this is a topic that is very dear to my heart as well.
08:24 I've been through my... my body battles for many years.
08:27 Jack: It is a battle isn't it?
08:29 Steve: It is... and it's a battle and
08:31 you know, anybody that's watching this knows this so...
08:34 so, we hope that this eight parts... this Series will...
08:39 will help people to learn truths that are practical
08:44 and that will help them in their lives
08:46 and then to also point them to the source of strength
08:50 where they can, you know, find that power
08:54 to help themselves to make good decisions.
08:57 Jack: Yes, because God our Creator... as you read before
09:01 intends for us to be healthy.
09:02 "Beloved, I wish above all things...
09:05 that you may prosper and be in health
09:07 even as your soul prospers. "
09:09 So, that's a part of His plan for our lives
09:12 for us to be healthy and vibrant and successful.
09:16 Steve: That's right, okay, well, so this first Program...
09:18 we're calling this: Biblical Health Secrets.
09:20 So, this is Number 1: Biblical Health Secrets
09:23 and Jack, you've got a number of slides there...
09:26 which... some of them we'll be putting on the screen
09:29 for people to... to look at
09:30 and so, why don't we just start...
09:32 where you want to go in this first program and just,
09:37 you know, take us through the different points
09:39 that you want to make...
09:40 that you want those who are watching to understand.
09:43 Jack: Sure... well... guess where we start...
09:46 we start in the beginning.
09:48 Steve: Yes.
09:49 Jack: And in the beginning we find in Genesis chapter 1
09:52 verse 26, it says,
09:54 "Then God said, 'Let us make man in Our image
09:56 and according to Our likeness,
09:59 let him have dominion over the creation... " basically.
10:03 And then it says in verse 29,
10:05 it says, "And God said,
10:09 'I have given you every herb that yields seed... '"
10:13 keep in mind that word: seed...
10:15 which is on the face of all the earth,
10:17 and every tree whose fruit yields seed;
10:19 to you it shall be for food. "
10:22 Now, right there, in the beginning
10:25 God gave to man the fuel source... if you will
10:29 for the human body.
10:30 And the fuel source is what I'd like to call: The Eden Diet,
10:36 today we call it the plant-based diet
10:38 but it is a diet...
10:41 don't forget that before the problem of sin entered,
10:44 man was not permitted to kill an animal.
10:46 So, this is the ideal...
10:48 this is the sinless diet if you will
10:51 before sin entered
10:53 and it turns out that all of the research today shows us
10:57 that the plant-based diet... the Eden diet...
11:00 is the diet that will reverse heart disease...
11:04 it will help to reverse hypertension and diabetes
11:08 and most of the chronic diseases
11:10 that we face today.
11:12 Cancer, for instance, responds to that plant-based diet...
11:17 Eden Diet...
11:19 and so, that fuel source is critical for us to understand
11:24 that this is how the Creator who wants us to be healthy
11:28 has advised us to do.
11:30 You know, we all have cars
11:32 but if you're driving just a regular gasoline car,
11:35 you're not going to go down to this Station
11:37 and put some diesel in it...
11:39 that would be very foolish.
11:40 You would have a car that wouldn't run right.
11:43 I'm afraid that many of us are putting diesel fuel in
11:46 and that diesel fuel is... can be seen when we...
11:50 we eat the refined carbohydrates...
11:52 when we... when we use a lot of animal products
11:55 and so on...
11:56 that essentially is diesel fuel
11:59 but it's not what the Creator intended in the beginning.
12:02 So, that diet is critical to us for our...
12:06 our prosperity and our health.
12:09 Steve: So, as far as Biblical health secrets,
12:11 you're taking us first of all back
12:13 to the beginning of the Bible
12:15 and... and showing us that we... we've come from God...
12:19 we're here... we didn't evolve...
12:21 we didn't come from monkeys
12:23 which is what many people believe
12:24 but we actually have a... a Creator who made us
12:28 and who has also given us a dietary plan
12:32 in the Garden of Eden
12:34 which really... Science has... has showed...
12:37 research has shown today that it's...
12:38 it's really optimal what's best for the human body.
12:42 Jack: Yes... and if you look at the language that God uses,
12:46 it says, "I'm going to make man in Our image...
12:48 that means... we look like Him
12:50 "and in Our likeness... "
12:52 which means we had His character
12:54 and in order to protect that image... the body...
12:57 and the character... the likeness of God...
13:00 that fuel supply was given
13:03 so that the health of the body would be protected
13:07 and everything we see around us
13:09 in terms of the research that's going on
13:12 points to that original fuel source...
13:15 that original Eden diet as I like to call it.
13:18 Steve: And the reason why only a few people would come to your
13:22 Stop Smoking Seminar these days
13:25 and the reason why we're in such a mess
13:29 that this world is in
13:31 with health problems and all the things that you mentioned...
13:35 Diabetes... Cancer... Heart Disease... etc...
13:38 is because we live in a fallen world...
13:40 because our world has fallen away from our Creator
13:45 and His original plan.
13:46 Jack: The blueprint... if you will.
13:48 We... we fail to follow the blueprint...
13:50 it's like building a house and ignoring the blueprint
13:53 and the walls fall down later on and we...
13:56 we didn't follow the codes... the building codes.
13:59 Steve: Yeah, so what we're trying to do is get back...
14:01 we're not going to get completely back
14:03 because in the bodies that we have now...
14:04 we have to wait until the...
14:06 the big day comes in the future
14:07 when God gives us new bodies
14:09 but until... until that time comes,
14:11 there's a lot of things we can do in the midst of the battles
14:14 that we're in to protect ourselves
14:16 and to avoid dying early and to live longer...
14:19 to be healthier... to be happier
14:21 and that's... that's why you're here
14:24 to talk about these things.
14:25 Jack: Yeah... to facilitate winning that battle.
14:27 Steve: Yeah, that's right... winning that battle so...
14:28 so... all right... what's next on your list?
14:33 Created for God's glory...
14:35 you mentioned that to me that...
14:36 that part of the battle has to do with the restoration of...
14:42 of the basic truth that we're here to reveal God's character
14:48 in our lives. Jack: And glory...
14:50 the Bible doesn't use the word "character"
14:53 but it does use the word "glory. "
14:55 When Moses asked to see God's glory,
14:57 God described Himself in terms of his character... merciful...
15:01 kind... loving... forgiving...
15:02 you know... all of that.
15:04 So, glory is a character word
15:06 and the Prophet Isaiah who is often referred to as
15:11 as the gospel prophet
15:12 said something in chapter 43 that is very, very significant.
15:16 It's actually a quotation from the Creator Himself.
15:21 He says, "bring my sons from afar,
15:25 and My daughters from the ends of the earth...
15:29 Everyone who is called by My name,
15:33 whom I have created for My glory... "
15:37 in other words
15:39 this likeness of God that we talked about...
15:42 this... this likeness to Him
15:45 in terms of His love and mercy and compassion
15:49 and all those things,
15:51 we were created for that... to reflect that character.
15:55 I have formed him... yes, I have made him
15:58 and it's no... it's no wonder that this original purpose
16:03 in man's creation,
16:05 is also reflected in the last book of the Bible
16:08 and that is Revelation where it says,
16:11 "Fear God and give glory to Him. "
16:14 In other words, reflect the character of God... the love...
16:18 the kindness... the forgiveness and so on.
16:21 So, the purpose of God in creating man
16:24 was for us to be like Him... the likeness of God
16:28 and that's a very important concept in the Bible
16:31 in terms of the restoration of the human body
16:35 and the human mind... human spirit.
16:37 Steve: Okay... and... and our health as well...
16:39 Jack: Yes. Steve: Understanding that.
16:41 I can see that we're... our time is moving rapidly
16:44 and so, why don't you just walk us through
16:46 some of the main points that you want to make
16:49 in... in Program One
16:51 that are some of the secrets that people need to know.
16:54 Jack: Well the very next one is...
16:57 is one that has to do with the balance in the human body.
17:04 You know we... we eat and that is energy input
17:09 and we walk or we do things with our hands...
17:14 we build whatever or we draw... we paint
17:17 or whatever we do...
17:18 that's energy output
17:19 and in the body there needs to be a balance
17:24 between that energy input and that energy output
17:27 and we find that principle where else
17:30 but in the very first book of the Bible... Genesis
17:33 and notice what it says in...
17:36 chapter 3 and verses 18 and 19,
17:38 now, this is after the sin problem enters
17:41 and the Lord says to Adam,
17:44 "Cursed is the ground for your sake;
17:46 in toil you shall eat of it... "
17:49 so, He introduces work there in a new way...
17:53 "all the days of your life.
17:55 Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you,
17:59 and you shall eat the herb of the field. "
18:02 Now, that's a little bit of a nuance... a change in the diet,
18:05 the... the green plants... broccoli is green.
18:09 We consume the plant
18:11 whereas before we were consuming...
18:12 consuming the fruit of the plant
18:14 but now we're consuming plants itself
18:17 and broccoli it turns out is very important for
18:22 fixing the disease problem so we...
18:25 we have a change in the diet
18:26 but now we come to this balance concept.
18:29 The Lord says to Adam,
18:31 "In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread
18:35 till you return to the ground...
18:36 Now, I read that for years and I didn't quite understand
18:40 but as I studied physiology... it began to dawn on me
18:44 that what we're really talking about here are two concepts:
18:47 energy input... which is eating
18:49 and energy output... which is the sweat of your brow
18:53 and what's really being communicated here...
18:56 at least one of the things that's being communicated
18:58 is that energy input... eating
19:01 must be balanced by energy output which is perspiration
19:06 or working... right?
19:08 Those two things have to be balanced
19:10 and if they are not balanced,
19:12 what happens is things like insulin resistance
19:18 in the human body
19:19 where the muscles are not being used
19:22 and so, the insulin receptors disappear on the cell...
19:27 the blood sugar gradually begins to rise
19:30 and the person becomes insulin resistant...
19:34 and then pre-Diabetic
19:35 and then finally, the blood sugar gets to a 126
19:38 and the doctor says, "Oh, you're Diabetic. "
19:41 Well, they were working on that all those years
19:44 when they were in... in those various phases
19:48 of insulin resistance.
19:49 When we don't have enough physical activity
19:52 and we're just putting in energy all the time...
19:54 Steve: In the form of food. Jack: In the form of food...
19:56 Steve: And a lot of it is not even healthy food.
19:59 It's all kinds of food.
20:00 Jack: Yeah... the refined carbohydrates...
20:02 you know, the high fructose corn syrup drinks...
20:04 that do so much to...
20:06 to create high blood pressure...
20:08 Uric acid blocks the production of Nitric Oxide
20:11 and so, your blood pressure rises over time.
20:14 All those things are detrimental to the human body
20:19 when we just taken in energy
20:21 and especially refined carbohydrates
20:23 and we're not being physically active.
20:25 So, that concept of the balance of energy is
20:30 really critical in maintaining human health.
20:33 Steve: So, when we take too much in
20:35 and we're not, you know, walking or exercising
20:38 or doing anything,
20:39 then we're... we're going to have problems.
20:41 Jack: Yes.
20:42 Steve: We're losing the body battle.
20:44 Jack: And insulin resistance is one of the primary things
20:47 that happens when we are not physically active
20:50 and we are just taking in energy
20:52 and not balancing it with energy output.
20:54 Steve: Yeah, I thought that was very insightful,
20:56 I've read this verse many times.
20:58 "In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread... "
21:00 but I never... I never saw the connection that
21:03 we eat the bread and we need to sweat
21:06 in order to make sure that we're...
21:08 we're having that balance
21:09 and I... I never saw it
21:11 until I really started to study Anatomy and Physiology
21:13 and I began to realize, "Hey, you know what?
21:15 There's a principle here of energy/balance, you know,
21:19 that creates a kind of... what...
21:21 in technical terms they call it: Homeostasis, you know...
21:24 that balance is critical...
21:27 the whole body functions... you know, there... there are...
21:30 there are hormones that balance one another in the human body
21:33 and so, that balance is...
21:35 is part of how we stay healthy.
21:37 Steve: Hmmm... so... and later on in this Series
21:38 we're going to talk more about exercise...
21:40 more about the kind of food to eat
21:42 and the kind of food to avoid.
21:43 We have a whole Program on the Eden Diet and...
21:46 and the... and the benefits of the Eden Diet.
21:49 We have another one called: 40 Reasons to Exercise
21:52 so we will be doing that Program a little bit later also.
21:56 Steve: Okay, well why don't you share one more of your...
21:58 one more of your slides...
22:00 one of your main principles and then we'll...
22:02 we'll finish that one and get ready for the next Program.
22:05 Jack: Yes... yes... the last one I would like to share
22:08 is... is something that comes from the book of Isaiah
22:12 and it has to do with how we relate to other people
22:16 so I'm just going to read something from you...
22:19 for you from the book of Isaiah.
22:22 Look at chapter 58 and verses 6 to 9
22:24 and this says, "Is this not the fast that I have chosen:
22:27 to loose the bonds of wickedness,
22:29 to undo the heavy burdens,
22:31 to let the oppressed go free,
22:33 and that you break every yoke?"
22:34 Now, notice...
22:36 "Is it not to share your bread with the hungry... "
22:38 it doesn't say the government's bread, by the way,
22:40 it says, "your bread,
22:42 and that you bring to your house the poor
22:44 who are cast out;
22:46 when you see the naked,
22:47 that you cover him and not hide yourself
22:49 from your own flesh?
22:50 Then your light shall break forth like the morning... "
22:54 that's banishment of darkness and depression...
22:58 and notice what it says next,
22:59 "your healing shall spring forth speedily... "
23:04 Apparently, God has made it a rule of health
23:08 that when you disturb yourself and come out of your...
23:13 your... your zone and you help others...
23:16 that there is a blessing upon the giver.
23:20 In fact, Jesus said it best,
23:22 he said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive. "
23:27 The recipient of the gift gets a blessing to be sure
23:32 but God has reserved the larger blessing for the giver
23:36 and that is something that people need to realize
23:40 that benevolence...
23:41 that getting out of your comfort zone
23:43 and doing something for others...
23:45 because of your compassion and love for them...
23:49 that is a blessing to you
23:51 and it turns out that your health is connected
23:54 because it says, "Your health will spring forth speedily. "
23:58 It even goes further...
24:00 It says, "Your righteousness shall go before you
24:02 and the... " notice the next word...
24:05 "the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. "
24:09 Nobody is going to blindside you from behind
24:12 because God promises to protect you from behind
24:16 if you are benevolent
24:18 and He promises to heal you if you are benevolent.
24:22 In other words, it is a consequence
24:24 of your reaching out to others
24:27 to satisfy their needs.
24:29 So, this is a wonderful principle
24:33 that everyone should be aware of
24:34 that benevolence, in fact, is connected to our health.
24:37 Steve: Hmmm... hmmm...
24:39 so sitting around is not good for us
24:41 when we don't... don't do something.
24:43 Did you mention some time ago,
24:44 because we were talking outside this Program...
24:46 we talked about sitting... what was that line you used?
24:50 Jack: Yes, that sitting is the new smoking...
24:52 we're going to talk about that.
24:53 Steve: Right, so we need to be not just, you know, eating
24:57 and sitting...
24:58 we need to be active so we'll have that balance
25:01 and then as we are active,
25:03 we need to be involved in not just doing things
25:06 only for ourselves,
25:08 we need to be doing things for others
25:09 which... we need to get out of our self-focus
25:13 and start focusing on helping people around us
25:17 in whatever way we can
25:19 and you're... you're showing us in the Bible that if we do that,
25:22 this will affect our health...
25:24 we'll feel better about ourselves...
25:26 our bodies will work better somehow
25:28 because we're more in harmony with the Creator's plan
25:31 and He's always giving to us all the time.
25:34 Jack: All the time... giving to us
25:36 and it glorifies God... it says that specifically,
25:38 "The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard... "
25:41 it will protect you... it will be around you.
25:43 The likeness of Christ will... will be a glow around you
25:48 to protect you from... from your enemies.
25:50 Steve: Hmmm... hmmm...
25:51 Jack: So this has wonderful implications
25:53 for not only health but happiness.
25:55 Steve: Okay, well I think you've got a lot more to share with us,
25:58 this was just one down...
26:01 there were other things we wanted to get to
26:03 but we didn't get to...
26:04 time just has a way of rolling on quickly
26:06 but we've got...
26:08 we've got quite a bit more that we will be going into...
26:11 we have seven more Programs with Jack McIntosh.
26:13 We'll be looking at our Bibles...
26:15 we'll be looking at health secrets to win the battle.
26:20 We're all in a war...
26:22 we're all struggling with different things
26:23 and we need strength to be able to win this fight...
26:27 to protect our bodies...
26:29 protect our health... be more useful...
26:31 live longer... be happier
26:33 so that we don't go down to the grave before our time.
26:36 So, stay tuned for more... thanks for watching...
26:39 we'll be back soon.
26:41 Music...
26:43 We hope you have been enjoyed this episode of Body Battles.
26:46 Before you go, these health resources are available
26:49 from White Horse Media.
26:51 First, our book: End Times Health War
26:53 which is loaded with life-changing information
26:56 about the secrets of health
26:57 plus how you can super charge your health
26:59 by adding sprouts to your diet
27:01 and by drinking organic fresh juices.
27:03 If you would rather read smaller books,
27:06 we have the same information in these little pocket books:
27:10 Fabulous Health Made Simple,
27:12 Surviving Toxic Terrorism,
27:14 Juice Your Way to Fabulous Health,
27:17 and Sprout Powder.
27:18 You may also be interested
27:20 in these other wonderful pocket books.
27:22 Help for the Hopeless,
27:24 and Secrets of Inner Peace.
27:26 They're all short... easy to read
27:28 and easy to share.
27:30 They are all available from: Whitehorse Media.
27:32 We hope you've been blessed
27:37 by this White Horse Media Production.
27:39 To support White Horse Media,
27:41 please call us at: 1-800-78-Bible
27:44 that's: 1-800-782-4253.
27:48 You may also send your donations by mail
27:51 to: White Horse Media, P.O. Box 130
27:54 Priest River, ID 83856
27:57 or donate online at: WhiteHorseMedia. com
28:01 music...


Revised 2022-03-03