Body Battles: Protect Your Health. Avoid Dying Early

Battle Boosters

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BB

Program Code: BB000002S

00:01 Music...
00:27 Steve: Hello again, this is Part 2 of Body Battles.
00:30 Thank you for joining us...
00:31 we're talking about the body...
00:33 we're talking about the warfare that we're in
00:36 and the secret things that are inside of us
00:38 that are killing us and how to get over those.
00:40 This particular program... Part 2...
00:43 we're calling it: Battle Boosters
00:45 and I'd like to read a... a Bible verse
00:47 from the Bible for the Battle.
00:49 This is in 2nd Corinthians chapter 10 verse 4,
00:53 the Bible says that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
00:59 or just fleshy... or just things that are going to bring us down
01:05 but they are mighty... mighty through God
01:08 to the pulling down of strong holds...
01:10 the strong holds of disease and sickness
01:13 and all the other things that are working against us.
01:17 So, here we go again...
01:19 my guest for this Eight-Part Series is Jack Mclntosh.
01:24 He is a Health Educator...
01:25 He's a Lifestyle Interventionist...
01:27 he's done multiple television programs on 3ABN
01:31 and also 3ABN Radio...
01:33 he's been a teacher at Weimar... Weimar Institute
01:37 and he has given lectures... talks...
01:40 presentations at... across the country
01:42 and probably overseas... I'm assuming.
01:44 Jack, you've been doing this for a long time
01:46 and you are a health man... so at 73 you're doing good
01:51 and thank you for joining us again
01:54 and so, today what's the...
01:56 what's the focus of our... of our subject?
01:59 Jack: Well, we're going to talk about
02:01 how to strengthen that immune system
02:04 that has to do the battle.
02:05 Steve: Yes.
02:07 Jack: Today, of course, what's on everybody's mind
02:10 is that bugaboo virus that's out there.
02:13 Steve: Yeah, the COVID... COVID-19...
02:16 Jack: COVID-19 that's creating all the trouble for us.
02:18 Steve: Yeah, it's amazing...
02:20 the whole world has been affected and locked down...
02:22 travel's been restricted... schools closed...
02:25 churches closed... all of this because of COVID...
02:28 COVID-19 connected to the Coronavirus
02:31 and, you know, these days just seems like COVID... COVID...
02:34 COVID... COVID...
02:35 and I think people are sick of COVID
02:37 and we just want to get beyond COVID
02:39 and so, you're going to help us find out how to do that.
02:44 Jack: Yes, so the COVID virus is a SARS virus...
02:52 it is Acute Respiratory Virus
02:55 and it's very similar to the Influenza virus...
03:01 the Influenza A and B, you know,
03:03 in that it... it attacks the respiratory system primarily
03:09 and it has some... some features that are similar
03:16 to the regular Influenza virus
03:21 and features that are not so similar.
03:25 So, we're going to talk about some of those.
03:29 In terms of similarities, of course,
03:33 it attaches to the... the ACE Receptor in the lungs
03:39 and that Receptor... there are lots of them in the lungs
03:44 and so, it produces some problems for breathing and
03:51 the respiratory system.
03:52 There is a difference also in the...
03:57 in the infectivity period...
04:01 you know, the period when you first acquire...
04:03 you start to symptoms with regular Influenza viruses
04:08 one to four days after you've been infected
04:12 but it can take up to 14 days
04:14 where the COVID-19 virus to see symptoms
04:19 and it can be deadly, of course,
04:23 if... if you have comorbidities.
04:27 So, I'm going to just access my notes here
04:31 and just give you a few things that we need to pay attention to
04:35 as we go through our little talk today.
04:39 The first thing is that some people die
04:43 from the COVID-19 virus and some don't
04:47 and the question is, "Why?
04:50 What would cause the difference?"
04:51 There is a 99.96 percent recovery rate
04:57 from the COVID-19 virus.
04:59 So, a very small percentage of people die
05:02 but it's important to understand why they die...
05:06 why do some people die and some don't?
05:08 In a word... the answer is: Comorbidities
05:11 and all that word means is that there are underlying conditions
05:15 and most of us are aware of them, you know, Diabetes...
05:17 heart disease... hypertension...
05:19 high cholesterol and... and even cancer.
05:25 Diseases that...
05:27 that are produced by inflammation primarily
05:32 and, of course, what happens in the lungs with all of these
05:37 Influenza and SARS viruses is inflammation...
05:42 that's the primary thing that happens,
05:44 there's a storm... a Cytokine Storm in the lungs
05:46 and it overwhelms the system.
05:49 The idea is to protect the immune system
05:52 so that we don't go down from that extra inflammation
05:57 that's going on in the...
06:00 in the lungs and in the respiratory system.
06:02 Steve: So, it's amazing to me, Jack, listening to the...
06:04 the numbers that like you said,
06:07 "It has a very high recovery rate...
06:10 99.96 recovery rate,
06:14 so, the vast majority of people
06:17 who are exposed to the Coronavirus...
06:20 if you get COVID-19 they... they don't die
06:24 and yet, what we've seen around the world is...
06:27 it's almost like, you know, this is the Bubonic Plague
06:31 or the Black Plague or at least, you know, there's so much fear
06:34 about getting this
06:36 and yet, as you mentioned,
06:38 a small percentage of those who do get it die,
06:42 but... but some do...
06:43 and so, it can be deadly for those that get it
06:46 if they have conditions that make it easier
06:51 for them to lose the battle and become a COVID casualty,
06:55 so, how do we... how do we avoid that
06:58 and how do we build up the... the body's ability
07:02 to fight, as you mentioned, the inflammation
07:05 and all the problems that result from... from this virus.
07:09 Jack: Hmmm... hmmm... I should also mention that
07:12 the number one source of mortality when it comes to those
07:17 underlying conditions is... is a Cardiac condition.
07:21 People with heart disease seem to succumb in larger numbers
07:28 to this virus than... than other people
07:31 but people with hypertension do succumb
07:33 and people with Diabetes
07:34 and sometimes there is a clustering of these things
07:37 in people... what we call Metabolic Syndrome
07:40 where people are Diabetic...
07:42 they're hypertensive... they have high cholesterol
07:45 and they're overweight
07:47 and when you have multiple risk factors clustering like that,
07:51 that increases your risk even more.
07:54 When you have two and three and four risk factors together,
07:58 then your risk factor goes way up high.
08:02 But Cardiac disease... heart disease is...
08:05 is the number one source of mortality
08:09 when people do have heart disease going on already.
08:12 Steve: Hmmm... hmmm... let me stop for a second...
08:15 what we... what we've heard over and over and over again
08:18 and, you know, we've heard it...
08:20 I've heard it as I walk around in airports...
08:23 when I travel... I still do travel
08:25 even though during the Pandemic,
08:27 there are still opportunities for me to travel
08:29 and hold Seminars
08:31 and, you know, the main things that we hear is:
08:34 Wash your hands...
08:35 Wear a mask...
08:36 Social Distance...
08:38 and, you know, just simple things like that
08:42 and we're being told this again and again and again
08:45 and again and again
08:46 and I'm certainly not saying that those things are...
08:48 you know, we should never do...
08:50 but I think what you're going to tell us
08:53 is that there's a bigger issue... an underlying issue
08:56 that is really not being focused on
08:59 and that's the body's own ability to fight disease
09:05 which is your... your immune system
09:07 and how we strengthen that immune system...
09:10 I think that... that's critical
09:12 and that's really not being stressed I think by enough...
09:15 enough people.
09:17 Jack: Yes, couple of things. Steve: Am I right on that?
09:19 Jack: Yeah, yeah, you know
09:21 they're referring to as a pandemic...
09:23 in a... in a... in a real 100 percent pandemic,
09:30 you would see, for instance,
09:32 the mortality rate increasing dramatically over let's say 2019
09:37 but we don't see that.
09:39 So, the reason we don't see that
09:41 is because there's a 99.96 recovery rate.
09:44 So, in a... in a real pandemic,
09:47 the mortality rate would go significantly higher.
09:51 So... but... if you have one of those comorbidities...
09:56 those risk factors that we've been talking about,
09:58 the Diabetes and hypertension and heart disease,
10:00 then, for you, that doesn't matter.
10:03 What matters is that you have to find a way to deal with it
10:06 and the best way to deal with it
10:08 is to strengthen your immune system
10:10 because actually, the real pandemic has been going on
10:15 for years and that is the snowstorm of Diabetes.
10:19 Diabetes is increasing at tremendous rate, you know,
10:23 and it used to be that people...
10:26 we used to call it: Adult Onset Diabetes.
10:31 I don't know if you remember way back, you know,
10:33 you got Diabetes when you were 40 and 50 and 60 years old.
10:38 Now, we have 12-year-old kids getting Diabetes.
10:41 So, so that's... that's the real pandemic
10:46 that's been going on under the radar
10:49 for a very, very long time,
10:51 and those, coincidentally
10:53 are the ones that put you at risk for the SARS COVID-19.
10:56 So, so that's the pandemic we need to address
11:00 is how do we protect people from Diabetes and Hypertension
11:05 and heart disease and so on.
11:07 But strengthening the immune response is the first step
11:11 and one of the most...
11:13 Steve: Before you do that, could you just...
11:14 for those that may not, you know,
11:16 have a medical background or... or just need some simplicity,
11:22 how would you define the immune system... what is that?
11:26 Jack: Well, the immune system has
11:29 as most people have heard of... white blood cells, you know,
11:32 T- Lymphocytes and B cells and so on,
11:36 Macrophages and all that... macro means: large,
11:40 phage means: to eat... so these are big eaters...
11:44 they devour bacteria, you know,
11:46 and that's called: active immunity, you know
11:50 and then there's... there's the learned immunity
11:55 where the immunity...
11:57 the cells learn what the pathogen... what the virus
12:01 or whatever it is...
12:03 what it's like and it builds up immunity over time,
12:05 so, you have... you have two kinds of soldiers in there,
12:08 you have soldiers that when something breaks through
12:11 the wall, they jump on it immediately
12:13 and... and that's...
12:16 that's the... the immediate response.
12:19 Then you have the learned response
12:21 where when those viruses and bacteria break through the line,
12:25 these guys sit back and they learn what that thing looks like
12:30 and how to... how to beat it
12:32 and so, they build up an immunity to it
12:34 to be able to destroy it.
12:36 So, that's... that's the second line of defense...
12:39 so, the learned immunity.
12:41 Steve: So, the immune system is the system within your body
12:44 your own body... Jack: Yes, very sophisticated.
12:46 Steve: Yeah, it's very... it's... it's almost like,
12:49 you could say, "high tech... "
12:50 it's extremely complicated but it's powerful
12:53 in its... in its own natural ability to fight disease
12:59 and, you know, bacteria and pathogens
13:02 and problems and all kinds of things that we...
13:04 we battle with all the time
13:05 and we want to strengthen...
13:07 we want to strengthen the body's inner ability
13:10 to fight these things so that if we get...
13:13 if we do get COVID-19, the body can kick it
13:16 just wipe it out instead of wiping you out.
13:20 Jack: Exactly... exactly
13:22 and one of the... one of the primary ways
13:25 that... that we can strengthen immunity
13:29 is by physical activity
13:32 and let me explain how that works.
13:35 So, for instance, let's say that...
13:39 that you decide, "You know, I need some fresh air... "
13:43 and so, you get up... you put on your sneakers
13:46 and get out there and you start walking
13:48 and you notice that after 17... 18... 20 minutes,
13:51 you notice, you start to feel a little bit warm
13:54 and by the time you get to 30 minutes
13:56 which is what we recommend... brisk walk... 30 minutes,
13:58 your body is one or two degrees higher.
14:01 Well, it turns out that...
14:04 that little increase in your body temperature
14:07 is like a natural fever
14:10 and you probably know that when you get an infection,
14:13 one of the first things you get is a fever,
14:15 you know, the body releases these...
14:17 what they call endogenous pathogens
14:20 which raises your body temperature... right?
14:22 Well, the exercise does that... raises it naturally
14:25 and when you raise the body temperature,
14:29 immediately, you start to strengthen the immune response
14:33 because now the soldiers that are in there are on high alert
14:37 because what you've done is, you've produced a little fever,
14:41 that's what you've done.
14:42 That's wonderful
14:44 and so, this is one of the reasons why again the Lord said
14:49 in the beginning, "In the sweat of your brow... "
14:51 right, you don't sweat unless your body temperature goes up.
14:54 "You shall eat bread... "
14:55 so, it works on all kinds of levels, you know,
14:59 the immune system...
15:00 the balancing of energy... input and output...
15:03 all those kinds of things
15:05 but what you're doing is, your producing a natural fever
15:08 and that has tremendous effects on your immune system.
15:12 It boosts the... the T-lymphocytes
15:16 and the... the macrophages and all those kinds of things
15:19 out there in the body.
15:21 Steve: So, it boosts all... just a simple walk
15:23 will boost the good guys to fight the bad guys.
15:26 Jack: Yes and that's why people who walk
15:29 seldom come down with the Influenza virus
15:31 you know, where you're sick for four, five, six, you know,
15:35 a week... days...
15:37 it's because they're constantly boosting the immune response
15:42 like getting out and taking a walk
15:43 and raising the body temperature... that's the key.
15:46 Steve: I see.
15:47 Jack: If the body temperature doesn't go up,
15:49 you don't get all of the benefits that you should get
15:52 when you get a rise in one or two degrees
15:55 in the... in the body temperature.
15:57 Steve: So... so... so when the temperature goes up
15:58 and the body kicks in to bring it down,
15:59 right, isn't that basically what's happening?
16:01 Jack: It does... it does... but just the rise in temperature
16:04 is... will boost that immune response.
16:07 stimulate it and now everybody is on guard, you know,
16:10 everybody in the... all those soldiers are in there
16:12 looking for the enemy.
16:13 So, that's very, very important for us.
16:16 Now, that's the number one thing that you can do
16:19 to boost your immunity.
16:20 Steve: Is just taking a walk and exercising...
16:22 Jack: Yes, a brisk walk.
16:23 Steve: A program we're going to do in the next...
16:26 one of the next ones...
16:27 is going to be... I think you have 40 different...
16:30 Jack: Forty reasons to exercise, we're going to talk about that.
16:32 Steve: And it's so simple and
16:33 some people think that they have to, you know,
16:37 become like super athletes and run marathons
16:41 in order to get the benefit of exercise
16:43 but... but that's not true.
16:44 But I like... I like to jog not... not fast
16:49 but I... I like...
16:50 we're surrounded by mountains here and I love going on the...
16:53 the logging roads with my dog and...
16:55 you know, just jogging along
16:57 and I do this for... walk and run for maybe 45 minutes
17:02 or sometimes an hour and I get a good sweat going
17:06 and I try to do this on a fairly regular basis
17:08 and it really... it makes me feel good
17:11 and I've traveled quite a bit during this pandemic
17:14 and it hasn't gotten me... thank the Lord...
17:18 I'm thankful that I haven't...
17:20 haven't had any major sickness for quite a while
17:24 so, I guess the point is
17:25 that you don't have to run a marathon,
17:28 it's just getting out... walking down the street...
17:30 walking around the block
17:32 that the benefits of doing that
17:34 to help boost the body's natural ability to fight disease
17:37 is... is almost off the charts.
17:39 Jack: Yeah and you know...
17:41 I think that the wisdom of the Creator
17:44 in giving us things that are not complicated...
17:48 so simple to do
17:50 that we can protect ourselves by... by something that simple
17:54 it's just awesome...
17:56 a wonderful thing to contemplate that He has made it easy for us
18:00 to protect ourselves.
18:02 But, of course, you know, we... we sit a lot
18:05 and we watch television a lot
18:07 and we need to not do that for more than an hour.
18:10 Steve: Yeah, we need to get up and move...
18:11 looking at my notes here, you've also mentioned
18:14 the significance of just sunlight and Vitamin D.
18:17 Jack: Yes, now the best...
18:19 Vitamin D has a tremendous effect on the immune system
18:23 in both the... the active immunity
18:25 and the... the learned immunity, if you will.
18:29 It... it boosts the immune response...
18:33 it has a tremendous effect
18:34 and what they've noticed from the research is that
18:37 if your Vitamin D level is less than 30,
18:41 your risk of coming down with COVID
18:43 and having significantly negative outcomes
18:48 is much greater
18:50 than if your Vitamin D level is 40 or above... 40 or above.
18:56 So, this is... this is very, very important
19:00 the Vitamin D level as many, many, many people...
19:02 large numbers of people in America
19:05 have Vitamin D levels of less than 20.
19:07 When you're down that low,
19:08 you are definitely...
19:10 Steve: At risk.
19:12 Jack: The sights of that virus to take you out.
19:15 You've got to make sure that your Vitamin D level is...
19:19 is significantly higher.
19:21 It really should be between 50 and 70.
19:23 Steve: So, what's a simple way to do that?
19:25 Jack: Simple way to do that is just to take Vitamin D3.
19:29 Now, it's not D2
19:30 but very often we will D2 on... on a package, you know,
19:35 of processed food and so on...
19:36 that's not the... the...
19:39 the active version of Vitamin D... it's D3.
19:43 Now, we use a liquid Vitamin D, it's an emulsifier...
19:47 this one just happens... there are lots of them out there.
19:50 This one's called: Bio-D-Mulsion Forte...
19:54 Bio-D-Mulsion... M U L S I O N Forte.
19:58 and it's made by a company called: Biotics Research.
20:01 No, I don't have any stock in their company
20:04 but the reason I bought it today...
20:05 Steve: Can you buy that on Amazon?
20:07 Jack: Anywhere.
20:08 The reason I brought it today is because
20:10 we use it personally, every day...
20:12 I put three drops on... on...
20:14 we like to have a high protein breakfast
20:17 so, I will have some beans with some... some avocados
20:20 and some bagels, you know, whole wheat bagels and
20:24 fresh fruit... we'll have some oranges and things like that
20:29 and so, we will put this... I'll put this in my bean bowl
20:33 because that's my protein for the day
20:36 and I put three drops and I'm good to go.
20:39 Last time it was measured, it was 83, see...
20:42 so, it's way above the average
20:44 and that's out there today.
20:47 So, just simply doing something
20:49 and you don't have to use this brand,
20:51 there are lots of them out there...
20:52 this is just the one we use
20:53 but the point is, you need to do something,
20:56 if you live above... what is it? Redding, California,
21:02 I guess it is or maybe a little further in terms of latitude,
21:05 you really need to use Vitamin D3 in some form
21:11 because of its importance for... for immune enhancement
21:16 building up immunity.
21:17 Steve: People who live in warmer climates
21:19 like California or Texas...
21:20 they just need to get a little bit of sunlight, right?
21:22 just get out in the sun.
21:24 Jack: Yes, exposure of the skin to sunlight
21:27 in a very short period of time, just ten minutes, actually,
21:30 if you just expose your back
21:32 or... or your chest to the sunlight
21:35 then you'd get... and even your arms...
21:38 of course your arms have less area for you to make Vitamin D
21:42 but your face... your neck...
21:43 your arms, you know, that exposure builds...
21:47 and that's the best kind of Vitamin D, by the way,
21:49 it lasts longer in your bloodstream
21:52 than one that comes out of a bottle.
21:53 But it doesn't mean that if you live north
21:58 the way many of us do...
22:00 north of that line that we talked about,
22:02 that you can't have enhanced immunity.
22:05 Steve: So, give us...
22:07 we don't have much time left in this Program,
22:10 you mentioned to me, sugar, sleep and stress.
22:13 So, just give us the short version of how...
22:16 how we can boost the immunity.
22:18 Jack: Yes, sugar tends to have a very, very negative effect
22:24 on immune cells.
22:25 Macrophages for instance that eat up bacteria...
22:29 if you... if you indulge too much sugar,
22:35 their ability to engulf bacteria diminishes just by the amount...
22:40 it's an inverse relationship, the more sugar you eat,
22:42 the less they can "eat" so to speak to defend you
22:47 and so, you want to keep the sugar low in the diet.
22:51 Stress also is... is pro inflammatory
22:56 and you know, it releases Cortisol and you want...
22:59 which is a stress hormone
23:01 and you want to avoid
23:04 stressful situations.
23:07 When people watch television, for instance,
23:09 where people are shooting each other
23:11 and, you know, doing things to each other,
23:13 they don't realize but your stress hormones go up
23:16 in response to what you're seeing...
23:17 what's coming into the brain
23:18 and so, you want to avoid that kind of programming
23:22 where there's violence and...
23:24 and that has an effect on your immune system.
23:27 That's just not something that is going to move you forward
23:31 in terms of enhancing your immunity.
23:33 So, we... we don't recommend
23:36 that you involve yourself in that.
23:41 Steve: And, what about, sleep... getting a good night's sleep.
23:43 Jack: Sleep is important too.
23:44 Sleep is... the body fixes itself during sleep.
23:49 The brain actually gets smaller
23:53 and actually pushes out the toxins in the body...
23:59 in the brain when you sleep.
24:01 It's just the "fix and rejuvenate" part
24:04 of the day when you press the reset button,
24:08 that's what sleep does... it presses that "reset" button
24:11 and gets rid of the toxins and...
24:13 and enhances the immune response
24:16 and just all kinds of good things happen during sleep...
24:19 good sleep.
24:20 Steve: So... so when we hear... there's a lot of discussion
24:25 and controversy in talking about the vaccine...
24:28 then, of course, the masks and the hand washing
24:30 and social distancing
24:32 and... you know, the... the, I guess what you're saying...
24:35 is that there's a...
24:37 there's another issue... there's an underlying issue
24:40 and that is: building up the body...
24:41 building up our immune system for the battles
24:44 so that if we... you know, whatever we're exposed to...
24:46 whatever we get...
24:47 that we can hopefully handle it naturally
24:51 by doing simple things like getting enough sleep
24:54 and getting out in the sun
24:55 and... and, you know, taking a walk
24:57 and just these simple things will lessen the...
25:00 the likelihood that we're going to go down... poooh...
25:04 if we get shot by COVID-19.
25:06 Jack: Yeah, and so, for instance in the evening, you know,
25:10 where you finish dinner
25:11 and you are trying to decide what to do...
25:14 shall I watch television or read a book or whatever,
25:16 get on the treadmill...
25:18 that brings down the blood sugar that...
25:21 that... that... from the meal... enhances your immunity
25:25 you know, builds up the white-blood-cell counts
25:28 and things like that
25:30 and it just really helps to manage stress, for instance.
25:33 One of the... one of the things that happens with stress is that
25:37 your C-reactive protein which is an inflammatory marker increases
25:42 and so, physical activity brings down the stress level...
25:46 brings down the Cortisol levels and things like that.
25:49 So, it's really a... it's really important
25:52 to... to choose things that are better for us.
25:55 Instead of watching that violent TV Program,
25:57 get on the treadmill
25:59 and start doing something about your physical activity
26:03 and that's a... that's a really important investment.
26:06 Steve: That makes sense... makes sense to me
26:08 so, I guess the bottom line is that
26:10 there are simple, natural things that we can do
26:13 to build up the body for the battle
26:15 so that we can live longer... we can be happier...
26:18 we can, you know, overcome a lot of the things
26:21 that are coming our way... that are fighting against us,
26:24 as we read... as we started out in 2nd Corinthians
26:27 chapter 10 and verse 4,
26:29 the Bible talks about the weapons of our warfare.
26:33 We have weapons that God has given us.
26:35 Jack: Yes, we do.
26:36 Steve: We have a Bible to teach us a simple Biblical truth...
26:39 we have prayer... we have a relationship with God
26:42 and we have decisions that we can make
26:44 to build up our health naturally...
26:46 to boost the body for the battle...
26:48 so, come back for Part 3, we've got more to come.
26:51 Music...
26:53 Narrator: We hope you have enjoyed this episode
26:55 of Body Battles.
26:57 Before you go, these health resources are available
26:59 from White Horse Media.
27:01 First, our book: End Times Health War
27:03 which is loaded with life-changing information
27:06 about the secrets of health
27:07 plus how you can supercharge your health
27:09 by adding sprouts to your diet
27:11 and by drinking organic fresh juices.
27:14 If you would rather read smaller books,
27:16 we have the same information in these little pocket books:
27:20 Fabulous Health Made Simple,
27:23 Surviving Toxic Terrorism,
27:25 Juice Your Way to Fabulous Health,
27:27 and: Sprout Power.
27:29 You may also be interested
27:30 in these other wonderful pocket books:
27:33 Help for the Hopeless,
27:34 and: Secrets of Inner Peace.
27:36 They're all short... easy to read
27:38 and easy to share.
27:40 They are all available from White Horse Media.
27:42 Music...
27:46 We hope you've been blessed
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Revised 2022-04-07