Body Battles: Protect Your Health. Avoid Dying Early

Reversing Diabesity

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BB

Program Code: BB000005S

00:27 Greetings once again, this is part five of an eight-part
00:30 series called Body Battles.
00:32 We are talking about our health and the war that we are in
00:35 between our body and diseases that just surround us.
00:41 How to get over the hump on these things, how to live longer
00:45 how to be healthier, happier, save money, and just be able to
00:49 be useful and be with our families and our loved ones
00:53 for as long as possible.
00:54 So, this is again part five and I want to start out with
00:57 a Bible verse in Psalm 103. Psalm 103 verses 2 to 5.
01:04 The Bible says bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not
01:09 His benefits. Who forgives all your iniquities, or sins,
01:14 and who heals all your diseases. Who redeems your life from
01:19 destruction and who crowns you with loving kindnesses and
01:23 tender mercies. Who satisfies your mouth with good things
01:27 so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.
01:31 I'm here with Jack Mcintosh who's my guest for this series,
01:35 he is a Health Educator
01:36 he's been on the radio, on television, he's dedicated
01:38 his life to understanding the body and Jack before we
01:42 get into this topic, which, by the way, is called Reversing
01:46 dia...not diabetes but Diabesity
01:50 So Jack as I look at this text, this passage in the Bible
01:54 talks about healing diseases, God healing our diseases
01:59 saving us and redeeming us from destruction.
02:02 We have a lot of forces of destruction, we have a lot
02:05 destructive habits around us in things that we do...
02:08 And then it also talks about our mouths, a lot of that is
02:12 connected to what we eat and what we put in...
02:14 And it says that God satisfies our mouth with good things.
02:18 So, Reversing Diabesity, that's our title and I think
02:23 about the word diabesity, I've never heard that word before.
02:27 I've heard of diabetes and I've heard of obesity,
02:29 is that a word that you've made up? Diabesity?
02:32 No, actually a very smart researcher, I guess it was
02:38 at UCLA made up that word.
02:39 Okay. I don't recall his name right now but it's essentially
02:44 what it's trying to communicate that word is that diabetes
02:49 and obesity are related.
02:51 They're part of this syndrome that we call metabolic syndrome,
02:59 this cluster of disease risk factors, hypertension, diabetes,
03:04 high cholesterol, obesity, they tend to cluster in people
03:09 and some people will only have one of those and some people
03:13 will have two or three, or have all four.
03:15 But these risk factors tend to drive disease and it turns out
03:20 that diabetes and obesity are... in fact, they have common
03:25 causes and they lead to both diabetes and obesity.
03:31 And how big of a problem is this?
03:34 I mean we're talking about weight, how big of an issue
03:37 is this? Well of course in terms of being overweight
03:42 we know that somewhere between 65/68% of us are overweight.
03:48 We know that the problem of insulin resistance which is
03:55 what really drives type 2 diabetes...
03:59 The latest figure I saw or heard from for instance
04:04 Dr. Wes Youngberg was that it's somewhere between 80 and 90%
04:10 of them are insulin resistant right now in this country
04:13 so it's a huge problem. Insulin resistance is the pre-cursor
04:18 of diabetes, it leads to diabetes and we'll talk about
04:23 some of the reasons for insulin resistance.
04:27 I kind of think they tie into topics that we've already
04:30 covered like exercise, eating too much food and not getting
04:36 enough energy out through exercise, that leads to the
04:40 build-up of the sugar that doesn't get into the cells
04:43 and then it stays in the blood stream and then we have lots of
04:45 problems. Lots of problems cascade from that problem
04:51 of the high blood sugar but...
04:52 The high blood sugar is really the symptom, it's not the cause.
04:58 The cause is insulin resistance. The problem in America
05:04 is that just about all of the medical interventions try to
05:12 control the blood sugar and the blood-sugar is a symptom.
05:16 But insulin resistance is what's under there that's generating
05:21 the blood-sugar problem.
05:23 And just explain in a simple way what is insulin resistance?
05:27 Okay, so well, let's talk about Type 2 diabetes first,
05:35 what it is and what it is not and then we'll talk about
05:38 insulin resistance and what's the root of the Type 2 diabetes
05:43 problem. What Type 2 diabetes is not is high-blood sugar.
05:49 This is what most Americans believe, they say I have high
05:53 blood sugar so I am diabetic. That's not it at all.
05:57 It's also...Type 2 diabetes is also due to an absence
06:05 of pharmaceuticals... You know when you go and you're diabetic
06:09 and you're diagnosed, you would think that in order to solve
06:12 the problem, you would get to the root of what is causing
06:15 the diabetes which in insulin- resistance.
06:18 Instead, they give you medication to increase your insulin so that
06:22 you can manage your blood- sugars.
06:24 Well, that's not the answers to the problems so Type 2 diabetes
06:29 is an insulin-resistance problem and insulin-resistance
06:33 is caused by essentially what they call what's referred to as
06:40 intramyocellular. That means that animal fats
06:47 that are eaten in excess in the American diet
06:53 tend to gum up the mechanisms that cause the insulin receptors
06:59 that cause sugar to move into the cell. So all of us know
07:04 that in order for sugar to move into the cell, it requires
07:10 the hormone, that hormone is insulin.
07:13 So think of insulin as having the key to the lock on the cell
07:19 the insulin-receptor.
07:20 And the insulin comes from the pancreas...From the
07:25 pancreas, released from the pancreas...
07:27 So we eat our food and whether it is starch or too much
07:30 complex carbohydrates, too much sugar, it gets into the
07:34 body and then the pancreas put out insulin to get that sugar
07:40 into the cells. Into the cells, right. They just kind of links
07:43 with it and tries to get it in but it can't get it in
07:45 so it stays in the bloodstream, that's where you have
07:48 high blood sugar. That's right. So the high blood sugar is
07:51 the symptom, the problem is the intramyocellular fat that's
07:55 gumming up the insulin receptors...
07:56 So the insulin can't get the sugar into the cells.
07:59 So you have to solve that problem before you can really
08:03 do anything. So that's a problem. Secondarily
08:09 we have stages in terms of the diabetes problem.
08:15 We have pre-diabetes and then full-blown diabetes.
08:20 Wo for instance American Diabetes Association defines
08:25 pre-diabetes as fasting blood sugar of a hundred or more
08:31 100 to 125 you're pre-diabetic, let's say you are going for a
08:39 blood test tomorrow morning at 7:00 and they'll say to you
08:43 okay, we want a fasting blood sugar so that means you don't
08:46 eat anything after 7:00 tonight. So, when you get to the lab
08:51 you have been fasting for 12 hours at least and so that's
08:56 a fasting blood sugar level and if that's 100 or 105 you're
09:00 pre-diabetic. Now when you go to the lab if your blood-sugar
09:06 levels turn out to be 126 or more, you're officially diabetic,
09:12 that's according to American Diabetes Association.
09:16 The other marker that's used is the hemoglobin A1c.
09:20 Now that's an interesting marker because it has to do
09:25 with something called glycated hemoglobin.
09:28 How much glycated (meaning sugar) how much sugar is
09:31 attached to your hemoglobin?
09:33 Your red blood cells get glycated, sugar attaches
09:40 and it turns out that when your hemoglobin A1c gets to be
09:48 six or more, between six and seven you're pre-diabetic.
09:53 When your hemoglobin A1c is seven or higher, then you are
09:58 officially diabetic. Now the hemoglobin A1c is a three month
10:04 average, the average red blood cell last about 90 to 120 days
10:09 and it dies, it's replaced. Normally when you breathe in,
10:15 your lungs transfer the oxygen into the hemoglobin that's
10:22 flowing through the capillary system there and the hemoglobin
10:28 locks on to the oxygen and takes it to the cell and releases it.
10:33 And the cell uses the oxygen and the sugar that's coming in
10:37 to make energy, ATP, the energy that we run on, that's how it
10:41 works. The sugar comes into provide the energy and combined
10:45 with oxygen, it produces the energy that we run on,
10:49 this ATP. Okay, now when it comes to the red blood cell
10:58 becoming glycated, in other words, the sugar attaching,
11:02 it turns out that when the regular oxygen exchange takes
11:08 place, it's a reversible reaction where it releases
11:12 the oxygen goes on its merry way comes round back to the
11:17 lungs picks up more oxygen and then goes down to the cells
11:21 and releases it. So it's reversible, here's the problem,
11:24 when your red blood cells pick up sugar and lock on to sugar,
11:28 we're done, it never releases it, it's irreversible.
11:33 So what has to happen is that red-blood cell has to die
11:39 in 90 days to 120 days in order for you to get rid of that
11:42 glycated hemoglobin and that problem with glycated hemoglobin
11:46 is that it is toxic, it tears up your arteries,
11:50 it causes heart disease. In fact the number one killer
11:54 of diabetics is a heart attack. And the reason is because
11:59 glycated hemoglobin, sugar attached to your red blood cells
12:02 accelerates arterial damage, really accelerates it
12:08 and so it causes heart disease, number one killer of diabetics.
12:13 How does it do that?
12:14 Well because it's a free radical, it causes the
12:19 endothelium, the lining of the arteries it compromises it,
12:25 tears it up basically damages it.
12:27 So you want your blood sugar to be lower so that you don't
12:33 cause hemoglobin to attach to your red-blood cell because
12:38 when your blood sugars are high, that's what happens.
12:40 A lot of sugar in your blood stream. To much sugar attaches
12:43 to your red blood cells and that's toxic, free-radical.
12:46 Goes and starts compromising your arteries, damaging your
12:51 arteries at an accelerated rate, don't forget that.
12:54 It accelerated damage of the arterial lining and so
12:58 the problem is that high-blood sugar is creating the problem
13:05 with the heart disease for the diabetic and it is the
13:08 number one killer of diabetics.
13:10 So what we have to do is lower the blood sugar in order to
13:16 stop that problem. But in order to lower the blood sugar
13:19 you can either treat it with drugs which is to make the
13:22 pancreas produce more insulin, but that's not really
13:25 solving the problem. Hold on, if the pancreas produces more
13:30 insulin with the medication, does that more insulin force
13:36 the sugar into the cells and out of the bloodstream?
13:39 It's a way to try to force it yes and more insulin will
13:42 make more sugar go into the cell, but here's the problem,
13:46 the more insulin you have, the more fat you store.
13:49 Insulin increases fat storage so the more you take those
13:52 drugs, the fatter you get and the more you resist your own
13:56 insulin so you see you're doing like this, you're going down
14:00 and down and down. Pretty soon you've gone from
14:03 oral medications, Glucophage, Glyburide you know all those
14:09 and pretty soon you're getting more and more resistant to your
14:12 insulin and then the doctor says okay, now we have to put you
14:15 insulin shots. So now you've gone from oral medication
14:19 to shots but you're getting fatter and fatter and fatter
14:22 and so you are just resisting your insulin more and more
14:25 and more you're going down and going down.
14:28 So, as far as our whole title of this whole series
14:31 with your Body Battles, there's a battle going on inside between
14:36 the insulin and the sugar and the cells and the fat trying to
14:40 get the sugar into the cells and then like we talked about
14:43 in the last program, exercise if that's probably a
14:47 key component of this isn't it. Absolutely key component.
14:52 Getting in too much food which then turns into sugar
14:55 but we're not moving around as much then the cells really
15:00 don't need that sugar because the part of the sugar that
15:05 is converted to...the body converts it into energy
15:10 in order for you to move and if you're not moving then you
15:12 don't need it. You store it as fat.
15:14 Yeah, it just stores into fat and then you're...the clogging
15:18 increases and so and then the insulin can't get it inside
15:22 and it's a vicious cycle. going on right inside
15:27 of the body.
15:28 Alight, so now let's get solution oriented. Yes.
15:30 Let's talk about how we solve this problem,
15:33 we don't...and again I want to say carefully that diabetes
15:39 is not caused by an absence of medications, and it is not
15:44 a blood-sugar problem, it is an insulin-resistance problem.
15:48 So, we must solve the insulin- resistance problem,
15:51 how do you solve it?
15:52 The first thing you have to do is start moving,
15:55 and the reason you have to start moving is because when
15:59 you start to move, the body req...every time you take a
16:03 step, these large leg muscles require sugar in order to move.
16:10 So it's requiring sugar for me to do this?
16:12 Yes. You got to get sugar into the cell in order for this muscle
16:16 to move and to do what... So what you have to do is
16:19 place a demand on the large leg muscles of the body because
16:23 they are voracious when it comes to sugar,
16:26 they require a lot of sugar, a lot of energy.
16:28 So what you want to do is get moving.
16:31 Now, here is what happens when you get moving.
16:33 When you get moving the muscles realize, you know what?
16:38 this ain't working, you got to have more sugars.
16:41 So guess what it does? It puts out brand new insulin receptors
16:45 to accommodate the need for more sugar into the muscle cells.
16:49 I got it. And then you start to burn up intramyocellular
16:53 fat that is clogging up the receptors...It get converted
16:57 back into sugar the insulin brings it into the muscles.
17:01 So you are solving the insulin resistance problem by moving
17:06 because by moving you create a demand for sugar in the
17:09 muscles. That is the answer to the insulin-resistance
17:12 problem, it's not medication.
17:15 And even though some people do require medication
17:18 the largest majority of people if they will get out and walk,
17:23 now here it is, this is what most people don't want to do
17:26 they want to take the meds. Thirty minutes twice a day
17:29 this is how you reverse insulin- resistance in Type 2 diabetes.
17:33 Brisk walk 30 minutes twice a day, you create that demand
17:38 for sugar in the muscles and when you create that demand,
17:42 what happens is you put out brand new insulin-receptors
17:48 on the muscle cells, millions of them to move the sugar in,
17:52 right? And you also start to burn up that intramyocellular
17:56 fat again that's blocking the receptors and so now you start
18:01 to fire on all eight cylinders, you're not firing on two
18:05 cylinders anymore. And so those new receptors
18:07 that are created they are not clogged, right?
18:11 They're moving that sugar... That sugar can go and the
18:13 insulin can bring it in without running into a wall of fat
18:16 because this is a new receptor, it's been created by demand.
18:21 Created by the demand. I'm just going to keep my legs
18:24 moving so I can... Oh yeah, absolutely.
18:26 So I can increase my receptors. So that is the key, then of
18:30 course you need to make the dietary changes.
18:33 You need to go on a, what we call an Eden diet,
18:38 what everybody out there calls the plant-based diet
18:41 because that diet is high in fiber and causes a slow release
18:47 of sugar which means you don't need as much insulin, number one
18:51 and if you are not eating large amounts of saturated fat,
18:56 you don't gum up the system... You don't block the receptors.
19:00 Exactly. So eating foods that come straight from the hand
19:06 of the creator...our design to keep up healthy and prevent
19:11 disease and so when you do that the combination of the diet,
19:15 the Eden Diet, and the walking program is extremely powerful
19:21 one potentiates the other, one makes the other more powerful.
19:25 I see, so just by eating more natural foods that grow in the
19:30 ground that you increase your diet of whole foods,
19:35 whole natural foods that have the fiber in them so the sugar's
19:40 released more slowly, it doesn't have the saturated fat...
19:45 From the animal products right? So the receptors aren't clogged
19:49 and if you're moving you're creating more receptors and the
19:53 the food gets in and there is not as much clogging.
19:56 Right. I think I can wrap my mind around that.
19:59 So you really have in essence the solution to this problem?
20:08 But it is a very difficult thing to get people to understand
20:13 that you can reverse diabetes in the absence of pharmaceuticals.
20:20 Right, rather than just manage it with drugs. Yeah, managing...
20:24 managing blood sugars is what they're doing,
20:26 they're not even managing insulin-resistance
20:28 which is the cause, they're managing the symptom
20:31 blood-sugars, because you are producing more insulin
20:34 and again, we get fatter and fatter
20:37 so we really have to look at that problem.
20:42 Now, one of the other problems that we have is that the
20:49 refined carbohydrates that people are drinking sweet drinks
20:52 that do so much to drive obesity.
20:55 Part of the problem is that they are loaded with fructose
21:01 and fructose really drives obesity and drives that
21:05 fat connection there that we talked about.
21:09 In fact Dr. Richard Johnson, University of Colorado
21:16 I think he is the head of the Renal Division there of the
21:19 hospital, he talks about some- thing called the fat switch
21:24 and that's where fructose is metabolized differently
21:29 from sugar. Sugar requires an insulin response,
21:33 fructose does not require an insulin response, it does not
21:37 stimulate insulin, it's metabolized by the liver
21:41 so when you are getting lots of fructose in the diet,
21:45 what happens is that because you're not stimulating
21:50 any insulin, you don't also stimulate Leptin which
21:54 controls your appetite. So these people who are taking
21:57 large amounts of these sweet drinks, high fructose corn syrup
22:01 drinks, they don't know when to stop because they're not
22:04 releasing Leptin. Leptin controls your appetite...
22:07 It tells the body I'm done. Yeah.
22:10 And I don't need anymore. But Leptin is released by
22:13 insulin, it's stimulated by insulin so when you're not
22:19 utilizing insulin in the proper way, and it's being metabolized
22:24 by the liver and you're not getting any insulin response
22:27 guess what? You don't get any Leptin response and the
22:30 result is, you keep going and you get fatter and fatter
22:34 and you resist your insulin more and more.
22:36 So high fructose corn syrup is one of the drivers of diabesity
22:43 also. I see so...That's a problem there.
22:47 We just have a few more minutes left, just kind of wrap this up
22:49 and tell everybody the simple practical steps to solve this
22:55 problem, to reverse this problem and to help the body
22:58 not to have this killer disease.
23:02 So, in conclusion, and in summary there are three things
23:07 that you need to do to reverse diabesity, the first is to
23:11 get on a walking program, 30 minutes twice a day
23:14 brisk walk, that will create the demand for sugar in the
23:20 muscle, to power the muscle, it will put out the brand new
23:23 insulin-receptors and you will begin to move the sugar into
23:27 the cell and guess what happens to your blood-sugar level?
23:29 It goes down. It starts to come down gradually
23:31 and this happens very quickly. In three days your blood sugar
23:36 can come down dramatically. So for instance, if you are
23:39 taking medication you better talk to your doctor because
23:42 if you are walking 30 minutes twice a day for three days
23:45 you're going to require a lot less medication than you were
23:49 before so you need to communicate with your doctor.
23:52 Doctor I'm getting on an aggressive walking program
23:55 and we're going to have to bring down, titrate my meds
24:00 and bring them down. So that's the first thing,
24:02 the second thing is to start to use the Eden diet, unrefined
24:07 complex carbohydrates, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and
24:13 grains, beans, avocados, things like that, natural fats,
24:17 walnuts in your diet, things like that and that of course
24:22 takes away the animal fat that's gumming up the system.
24:27 And removes that and of course you are getting all of the
24:31 phytonutrients. The third intervention
24:34 is to drink water, the beverage of Eden.
24:38 If you're drinking high-fructose corn syrup drinks and you can't
24:42 understand why you are so diabetic You need to stop that
24:46 you need to go to water, that's the beverage of Eden.
24:49 Learn to drink water, learn to stay away from high fructose
24:53 corn syrup drinks that turn on the fat switch.
24:57 You know in the mitochondria they make you fatter
25:00 and more resistant to your own insulin so these are
25:06 the three steps that we need to take in order to overcome
25:11 the insulin-resistance problem and I'm afraid that many many
25:16 physicians are not counseling their patients...
25:19 You know, we've only been talking about 25 almost 30
25:25 minutes perhaps. It doesn't take that long to educate
25:29 the patient. All right and I hear ya and if you want to add
25:33 a fourth thing and that's to pray. Absolutely.
25:37 Because a lot of times people don't have the will-power
25:40 don't have the hut-spa, the strength, the decisiveness
25:45 to make those changes in their life and that's why we need help.
25:49 That's why we need God... God gives us...That's right,
25:51 that's where the Bible comes in, that's where prayer comes in,
25:54 where the promises come in. This book gives us promises
25:59 that will help us to make those body battle decisions to improve
26:04 our health and protect us. Key changes. That's right,
26:07 I'll finish up again with Psalm Bless the Lord,
26:10 We need the Lord, we need His power. Oh my soul and forget not
26:15 all His benefits. He's given us wonderful things to eat
26:19 and He's given us a lot of information
26:20 He forgives our sins, He heals our diseases, He redeems our
26:24 life from destruction, He crowns us with lovingkindness and
26:27 tender mercies. He satisfies our mouth with good things,
26:31 things that He gives us so that our youth is renewed like the eagles.
26:36 And that's what we hope for you and for the two of us so
26:40 We'll be back for part six of Body Battles.
26:43 Stay tuned.
26:45 We hope you have enjoyed this episode of Body Battles
26:49 before you go, these health resources are available from
26:53 White Horse Media, first our book End Times Health War
26:56 which is loaded with life- changing information about the
26:59 secrets of health and how you can supercharge your health
27:02 by adding sprouts to your diet and by drinking organic
27:06 fresh juices. If you would rather read smaller books,
27:09 we have the same information in these little pocket-books.
27:13 Fabulous Health made Simple, Surviving Toxic Terrorism,
27:17 Juice Your way to Fabulous Health, and Sprout Power.
27:22 You may also be interested in these other wonderful Pocket
27:25 Books, Help for the Hopeless, and Secrets of Inner Peace.
27:29 They're all short, easy to read, and easy to share.
27:33 They are all available from White Horse Media.
27:39 We hope you've been blessed by this White Horse Media
27:41 Production.


Revised 2022-07-21