Breath of Life

Moabite By Birth, Hebrew By Choice

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BOL

Program Code: BOL000710S

00:01 (Breath of Life Theme Music)
00:07 Sermon #B710 - Moabite By Birth, Hebrew By Choice
00:20 Dr Byrd: It is time to get in the word now. And so I want to invite you to take your Bibles
00:25 and go with me to the book of Ruth, the book of Ruth, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus numbers, Deuteronomy Joshua,
00:34 Judges, Ruth. Ruth, the eighth book of the old Testament in the Bible. And we are going to chapter one,
00:42 Ruth chapter one. And we are going to go to verse number 16, a very familiar passage of scripture,
00:49 Ruth chapter one, verse number 16. The word of God says to us, I read in your hearing and Ruth said,
00:55 'and treat me not to leave me or to return from following after thee for whereth thou goeth,
01:02 I will go and whereth thou lodgeth I will lodge people shall be my people. And I God, my God, where thou dies,
01:18 will I die and there will I be buried. The Lord do so to me and more also if ought,
01:27 but death part being and me today, I have tagged this text with the subject Moabite by birth Hebrew,
01:42 by choice Moabite by birth, Hebrew by choice God today we thank you that you have sent encampments.
01:58 Roundabout, me, Lord whom shall I fear. And so while the devil and is imps,
02:04 maybe trying to make it up on this rostrum to distract me right now in the name of Jesus.
02:10 I am so glad to know there are encampments of angels, roundabout, me,
02:15 and though the devil may be trying to seek entrance in somebody's home right now,
02:19 distracting them from hearing this word right now.
02:22 I am so glad that there are encampments of angels around your people. So Lord speaks for your servant heareth
02:31 today. Forgive me of my sins. Hide behind the cross of Jesus Christ and Lord.
02:36 I pray when we should've of culminated the end of this semester today, the men and women, boys,
02:42 and girls would give their lives to you. Give me clarity of thoughts. I pray.
02:47 I will be in tune with your spirits and I pray that your people have the reception of heart.
02:53 Today. We pray this prayer in Jesus' name and for His sake, amen. Moabite by birth Hebrew by choice.
03:09 Let me begin today by asking you a question who and what are you committed to who
03:23 and what are you committed to your spouse, your children, your family, your church, your job success.
03:43 What does commitment look like for you? Because it seems as if we are now living in a world with little to
03:53 no commitment and people operate on the mindset of I am free to do whatever I want to do.
04:03 God is the commitment to marriage till death do us part has now become a 90-day option.
04:14 People change mates like they change clothes. Gone is the commitment in the marketplace.
04:23 People are no longer loyal to certain stores. Store owners are no longer loyal to their customers
04:32 because we are no longer customers. We are consumers gone is the commitment to the job.
04:41 People will tell you in a minute, I am just here for a paycheck,
04:45 or I am just using this job as a stepping stone to something else gone is the commitment to the church.
04:55 People used to work in the church, serve in the church, sacrifice for the church.
05:04 But today people will tell you I am tired. I am busy. I cannot. And I will not. But in our text today,
05:17 we find one of the greatest examples of commitment ever recorded in scripture. It is the story of a woman.
05:26 We know as Ruth women remember are mentioned throughout scripture,
05:32 but out of all 66 named the books of the Bible, only two Ruth and Esther are named after women.
05:44 Last week, we preached on Esther. Today we preach on Ruth. Now in the context surrounding the book of Ruth,
05:56 you need to know that these were terrible times for the nation of Israel. These were difficult days.
06:04 These were the days of the judges. When Israel was caught in a vicious cycle of disobedience and defeat,
06:13 everybody did what was right in their own eyes. And the nation was in a moral mess.
06:20 So God sent a famine to Bethlehem Judah to get their attention. He also allowed terrorists to attack their land,
06:30 but none of it seemed to do much good. The nation, the Bible teaches, kept getting worse and worse and worse.
06:38 So what does God do? God says I will send a family and I will send a famine to the land
06:46 and I will do this but understand and sending a famine to get their attention.
06:52 Things did not get better, but things kept getting worse. So then instead of staying put and trusting,
07:02 God Bible says, there is a man named Elimelech, who decides to move his family from Bethlehem Judah to Moab.
07:15 So they depart from their home choosing to leave God's land.
07:21 And God's people they are running away from trouble. But more than that, they are running away from the Lord.
07:32 They leave Bethlehem, the house of bread. They leave Judah, the place, praise, and they go,
07:43 the Bible says to Moab, a pagan region, a land, a false gods, a land that God describes in Psalm 108:9
07:56 as his wash pot or his washbowl. So rather than trusting God to turn things around in Bethlehem Judah,
08:06 they leave the house of bread and they leave the place of praise for a garbage can.
08:14 The Bible says, Elimelech his wife, Naomi. And their two sons Mahlon and Chilion go to Moab.
08:22 And they stayed there. They had intended originally to stay just for a short time.
08:28 But the Bible says they ended up staying there for an extended long time.
08:33 And somebody knows that is what sin will do. Sin will always take you further than you want it to go.
08:41 Sin will keep you longer than you want it to say. And sin will cost you more than you wanted to pay Elimelech
08:50 and his family-run from the Lord, but you know, you can run, but you cannot hide when they get to Moab things,
09:01 turn on them again. Elimelech dies. Naomi is then a widow and left with her two sons Mahlon and Chilion.
09:13 They married two Moabite girls. They take wives from a nation that doesn't worship the almighty God.
09:22 They take wives from false religion, a pagan culture. They are now unequally yoked.
09:32 2 Corinthians 6:14 says be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers,
09:40 somebody is mad, but I am trying to help you get to the kingdom who you marry will very well impact
09:45 where you spend eternity. Somebody needs to say today, I do not have time to be trying to change anybody.
09:52 You better be changed before you get with me. Are you hearing what I am saying?
09:55 Somebody, you better tell somebody I am not here for social work. You ought to tell somebody.
10:02 Jesus is the best thing that ever happened to me and anybody who loves me has to love him. Like he loves me.
10:09 Are you hearing what I am saying? I am here to tell somebody, quit doing permanent things with temporary people.
10:16 Mahlon and Chilion married these Moabite girls, Ruth and Orpah and then Mahlon
10:27 and Chilion died Their departure from God led to obedience, disobedience,
10:35 and their disobedience now leads to death. Now in the story, all three women, Naomi, Ruth,
10:44 and Orpah are widows. All three of their husbands are dead. So what is Naomi decided to do?
10:53 Naomi says you know what? I am going back to Moab. I am going back to my Homeland
10:58 because she hears that God has visited his people in Bethlehem Judah. So she's on her way back to Bethlehem
11:07 and her two daughters in law, Ruth and Orpah are on their way back with her. But then they only stop and says,
11:15 hold up or hold up, Ruth, wait a minute. You do not need to go with me. You need to go back to your Homeland.
11:22 You need to go find new husbands and you need to start a new life. I am too old to get married and have sons.
11:29 And even if I were to get married and have sons, they, when they get grown, you'd be too old to marry them.
11:35 Anyway, I have nothing. I have no husband. I have no money. I have no power. I have nothing.
11:42 Leave me and save yourself. Go home. Orpah thinks about what Naomi is saying. She wants to go to Bethlehem,
11:55 but she wants to go back to Moab. She wants to go with Naomi, but she also remembers the bright lights of Moab.
12:07 Her going back to Moab has a stronger pool than her going to Bethlehem.
12:13 Orpah in this context is an example of one who has been exposed to the gospel of Jesus
12:22 but never submits to his offer of salvation. Orpah Is like those who attend church,
12:29 but never know God in the building, but not in the body, in the sanctuary, but not in the spirits.
12:37 Know the 23rd psalms, but know the shepherd, know the commandments,
12:43 but do not know Christ know the Lord's prayer, but do not know God Lord, know religion,
12:50 but do not know the relationship. Orpah is not interested in living a godly life, Orpah desires
12:56 the gods of Moab. So she puts the needs of her body before the needs of her soul.
13:03 She goes back, the Bible says to her gods, she goes back to a land where God is not welcome.
13:10 Orpah's choice meant that her descendants wouldn't hear about God and would become the enemies of God.
13:16 Because Moab was a strong enemy of Israel. Are you hearing what I am saying?
13:20 The Bible then never again speaks about Orpah and so it is very likely that Orpah died without God.
13:32 But then Ruth stands in contrast to Orpah Yes, they have the same past. Yes, they have the same present,
13:44 but they also have different futures. Ruth chooses God over the gods of Mohab. And she clings to Naomi
13:57 because she sees Godliness in the Naomi that she wants in her own life.
14:03 Because I am a witness that if you live a godly life, if you live a life of dignity,
14:08 honesty, integrity, and honour, somebody will see the God in you and they will want to cling to you.
14:16 You'll see it when you are nice. When you're kind and you're polite and you're encouraging,
14:23 you cannot get rid of people. But when you're a sour, when you're nasty, when you're messy,
14:29 when you're mean-spirited, people do not want to be around you. Ruth saw God in Naomi.
14:38 Ruth clings to Naomi.
14:42 And when Naomi was trying to get her to go back home, Ruth says, no, I am not going,
14:47 although her husband had died, although she was in the prime of her life,
14:53 although she could have gone back home, hit the reset button, found a new man, start a new life.
14:59 She tells Naomi, 'Where you go, I will go. Where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people
15:07 and your God, my God, wherever you die, I will die too. There will I be buried? May the Lord do thus.
15:15 And so to me, and more as well, even if that parts me for you.' Now that is commitment folk.
15:25 And she pledges this commitment and three ways without reservation. Number one, this commitment is costly
15:35 because she gives up her future and her freedom to care for Naomi. She thought that she would never marry
15:41 or have children, but even as a young widow, she committed to caring for her ageing widowed mother-in-law.
15:46 But not only that, she gives up her familiarity, Ruth, a Moabite woman,
15:51 a woman who had never been to Bethlehem. She looks at her mother-in-law.
15:55 She looks at Naomi and says, I am all in.
16:00 I am going to leave the land where I was born to go to a land that I know nothing about.
16:06 She gives up family and friends. She says to Naomi, your people shall be my people. She gives up her fate.
16:14 She says, your God shall be my God. Her commitment was costly, but not only was her commitment costly.
16:22 Number two, her commitment was long-term. Ruth said, 'where you die will die.'
16:29 That is a till death do us part commitment. She did not approach this commitment with the mindset that a change.
16:36 If things get tough or do not work out the way she wants she'll bounce, she'll leave.
16:41 No. She had the mindset that if things do not work out, I will work harder. This commitment was long-term.
16:47 But then number three, this commitment was spiritual. She says the Lord do so to me, she did not,
16:58 did not just make this vow to Naomi, but she also made this vow to God. Ruth was a Moabite by birth,
17:10 but a Hebrew. And Israelite by choice. She chose to stick with Naomi. She chose to stick with Naomi's people.
17:23 She chose to stick with Naomi's God. And so Ruth follows Naomi to Bethlehem.
17:32 But the Bible says that when Naomi gets to the city, the people there in the city see how life has turned on.
17:39 Naomi, Naomi left. Beautiful. But now she's worn. She left young, but now she's old. She left married,
17:50 but now she's single. She's lost her husband. She's lost her two sons.
17:56 She doesn't walk as quickly as she once did.
17:59 She doesn't stand up as straight as she once did the women in Bethlehem start gossiping about her.
18:06 The women start talking about her behind her back saying she left here looking good but look at her.
18:13 Now she was fine and young. But look at her. Now she had money then. But look at her. Now she left home full,
18:21 but now she comes back empty. And when they see her they are socked and they say is this Naomi?
18:33 Naomi says, do not call me. Naomi. Call me Mara for the Almighty has dealt bitterly with me.
18:44 Naomi then brings Ruth with her, a Moabite woman, a pagan woman, an outsider from the other side of the tracks.
18:58 She is not a church girl. She hasn't gone to Oakwood. She's not a member of the church.
19:09 And you know how we can treat outsiders. If they do not look like us, dress like us, walk like us.
19:20 Talk like us. Act like us. Smell like us or worship like us. They cannot be with us.
19:30 You see? We'd like to talk evangelism. We liked the idea of evangelism. We liked the concept of evangelism.
19:39 We like to give money to support evangelism. We'd like to get money to support water drives,
19:45 but do not mess up our nice pretty church with your outsider ways. We leave Ruth outside,
19:55 But praise God for the Naomi's of the church. I said, praise God For the Naomis of the church.
20:06 Naomi says to Ruth, Ruth, I do not care what they say about you.
20:11 These folk aren't as Holy as they are trying to act their grey now, but they haven't always been grey.
20:20 They are old now, but they all haven't always been old. They are in church now,
20:26 but they haven't always been in church . I know some things about them that they are not going to say.
20:32 So come and go with me. We are going to church. I am here to say that.
20:38 Aren't you glad that when nobody else wants you, God will raise up some people in your life?
20:45 Aren't you glad that when nobody else wants to be around you, God will raise up some friends in your life?
20:52 When everybody else thinks that you'll never make it because you used to be on drugs.
20:57 You used to be on alcohol. You had a baby before you were married. You got divorced.
21:03 But God says I can still use you. Somebody are you glad for the Naomis of the church?
21:11 Do not you look down on others because of where you are, because what goes up can come down
21:18 and all the folk who are on top today, cannot be on the bottom tomorrow? Are you hearing what I am saying?
21:23 Bible says that Ruth and Naomi, try to take care of themselves. Ruth's out in the field gleaning.
21:37 She's gleaning in Boaz's field. Boaz notices that she's a good worker.
21:46 He tells her that she can glean in his field all the time. When Ruth gets home,
21:54 she has more gleanings than normal. Naomi wants to know Ruth, where did you get all that grain from?
22:03 Ruth then starts talking about Boaz. I met a man, but Naomi says it is Boaz.
22:13 Now you need to remember that Naomi and Ruth are widows and they need a kinsmen redeemer.
22:22 Boaz is that one. So Naomi says to Ruth, Ruth, come here, girl. Let me show you how to get that, man.
22:31 She says, Ruth, put some perfume on. Ruth, put some on. Ruth, wear some heels and shave those legs.
22:40 Ruth, get your nails done. Ruth, fix her hair, fix yourself up, make yourself look good
22:48 and go stand out in that field. So Boaz can see you. I am trying to help somebody today. Boaz sees Ruth.
22:56 Ruth is a picture of beauty and grace Boaz wants to marry Ruth. But there is a family member.
23:06 Who's closer than Boaz. And so Boaz has to get that family member out of the picture so he can get in the picture.
23:14 You all don't hear what I am saying. So Boaz goes to that family member and in harmony with the customs of that day,
23:22 Boaz, the Bible says, takes his shoe off and he makes a covenant with the closest family member
23:28 and says I'll buy Naomi's land back and I will take care of Naomi and everything.
23:37 And everyone connected to Naomi, including Ruth.
23:42 So he buys back, Naomi's land. And now he has the responsibility for Naomi. Ruth marries Boaz.
23:55 They have a son named Obed. Obed has a son named Jesse. Jesse has a son named David.
24:07 David becomes King of Israel and the Messiah comes out of the bloodline of David.
24:14 And so when you read the genealogy of Jesus, there is a woman by the name of Ruth, a Moabite
24:21 and pagan woman in his bloodline. Jesus comes out of the blood of David
24:27 and David comes out of the bloodline of Ruth. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, smuggled into Africa,
24:36 reared in Nazareth, baptized in the muddy Jordan misunderstood by his family, condemned by the government,
24:44 arrested in Gethsemane, wounded in his side, crucified on Calvary, buried in a borrowed tomb,
24:52 but on the third appointed day, one Sunday morning, Jesus rose from the dead.
24:59 And today, if you're looking for a Boaz, he's already coming in the person of Jesus Christ.
25:07 He is Abraham's redeemer. Abel's vindicator Abraham's sacrifice. Noah's Ark. Moses's Burning Bush.
25:18 Joshua's battle ax. Gideon's fleece. Samson's power. David's music. Solomon's wisdom.
25:27 He's a friend when you're friendless. He's bread when you're hungry. He's water when you're thirsty.
25:33 Jehovah Jireh my provider. Jehovah Nissi my banner. Jehovah Rapha, my healer, Jehovah Shalom my peace.
25:43 Let me tell you all something I am about ready to go, but I do not need a praise team to get me excited.
25:48 I do not need an organist to get me pumped up. When I think of the goodness of Jesus and all he's done for me,
25:55 my soul cries out. Hallelujah. Thank God for saving me because I have a kinsmen Redeemer and his name, his name,
26:05 his name is Jesus. Do you know him? Have you tried him? Isn't he all right? You may have been a sinner by birth,
26:16 but by choice, you can be saved. You may have had a demon in your life, but you can be delivered by choice.
26:25 You may have been a wreck in your life, but you can be redeemed by choice.
26:30 What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought. Since Jesus came into my heart,
26:37 I have the light for my soul. For which long I have sought since Jesus came into my heart
26:45 and all you have to do, my friends is choose Jesus. Ruth had the same chance as Orpah to return to Moab,
27:00 but she chose. She chose a much different choice. And the choice that Ruth May change your life forever.
27:11 Boaz was her kinsmen Redeemer. And he purchased her to be his wife 2000 years ago.
27:25 Jesus, because he's your kinsmen Redeemer. He went to Calvary and he purchased you with his blood.
27:40 Ruth made her choice more by, by birth Hebrew, Israelite by choice. She made a commitment
27:53 and she was determined to keep that commitment.
27:59 Thank you very much for tuning in to this week's Breath of Life broadcast.
28:03 We hope and pray that you've been blessed by Dr. Byrd's inspirational message.
28:08 If you would like to hear this sermon in its entirety,
28:10 please feel free to visit us at
28:16 Or, call us at (256) 929-6460.
28:22 [END]


Revised 2021-03-18