Behold the Lamb Presents

Addiction Free

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000099A

00:39 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb presents.
00:41 I'm Chris Shelton, your host, and we're so thankful
00:44 that you have chosen to take some time
00:46 in Bible study with us today.
00:49 Today we're continuing in our 25 part series,
00:53 25 parts, we've never done this before,
00:55 but they all correspond
00:57 with this lovely Bible study guide.
00:59 And it is entitled,
01:00 "Sharing God's Love Makes You Happier,
01:03 What the Bible Says."
01:05 And each and every lesson
01:06 just goes through Bible scripture
01:08 after Bible scripture,
01:10 and it's nothing
01:11 but the Bible that you're learning from.
01:13 So we're taking each one of these lessons
01:15 and we're giving you an hour long study with it.
01:18 And, of course, I'm sure Pastor Kenny,
01:19 he may throw in some Spirit of Prophecy,
01:22 but we know it will all correspond
01:24 with what the Bible says.
01:26 Today's lesson, we're going to start at our number seven
01:29 and it is entitled "Addiction Free."
01:32 Addiction free.
01:34 So many people are caught up in addiction.
01:37 Even our children are caught up in addiction.
01:40 Many times they are caught up an addiction on their iPads
01:43 or their Android devices, whatever it may be.
01:47 The little games that they're playing,
01:49 it's not the same as when many of us were little.
01:52 We were outside just running and playing.
01:54 Now we can get addicted to food
01:56 and, of course, addicted to drugs,
01:59 addicted to just about anything and everything.
02:02 And once we are addicted,
02:05 we begin to realize that
02:06 that begins to take control of our bodies,
02:09 our minds, our spirit
02:11 and it separates us from heaven.
02:13 It separates us from our Savior.
02:16 So we want to be totally addiction free,
02:19 and I believe that the Bible has a prescription
02:22 on how you can become addiction free.
02:26 But before we get into our study
02:28 with Pastor Kenny Shelton today,
02:30 we're going to go to the 3ABN Worship Center
02:32 and listen to a song sung by Jennifer LaMountain
02:35 and it is entitled, "He is able."
02:38 How appropriate, He is able.
03:04 He is able
03:08 More than able
03:13 To accomplish what concerns me today
03:20 He is able
03:23 More than able
03:28 To handle anything that comes my way
03:35 He is able
03:37 More than able
03:42 To do much more than I could ever dream
03:49 He is able
03:52 More than able
03:57 To make me what He wants me to be
04:04 He is able
04:07 More than able
04:12 To accomplish what concerns me today
04:19 He is able
04:21 More than able
04:26 To handle anything that comes my way
04:33 He is able
04:36 More than able
04:41 To do much more than I could ever dream
04:48 He is able
04:51 More than able
04:56 To make me what He wants me to be
05:04 And when I think of all His wisdom
05:07 I'm the scope of His plan
05:11 I can only fall down on my knees
05:15 And realize once again
05:20 That He is able
05:25 More than able
05:30 To do much more
05:32 Than I could ever dream
05:39 He is able
05:43 More than able
05:49 To make me what He wants me
05:54 To be
06:11 Thanks for joining us here
06:13 once again at Behold the Lamb ministry.
06:14 We do appreciate you.
06:15 You know, we love the phone calls.
06:17 We love your cards, your letters,
06:19 and certainly your financial support.
06:21 As we continue to preach the gospel, we want to go what?
06:23 Around the world.
06:25 Praise God for you. We're praying for you.
06:27 And we ask that you'll continue to pray for us as a ministry,
06:30 as well as all the ministries around the world
06:33 that are preaching.
06:34 We call present truth,
06:35 we realize that Jesus is coming and we need to be ready
06:38 for such an hour's you think not,
06:40 the Son of man cometh.
06:42 Don't get caught up in the things of this world.
06:45 Keep focused.
06:46 Remember, Jesus is coming.
06:48 Keep focus just on that very, very thought.
06:50 Today, our subject is one that you've already heard
06:52 from the opening.
06:53 My wife gave you, we're going to be talking about
06:55 addiction free.
06:57 That is a subject that really probably has hit
06:59 maybe every person
07:01 that's ever been born on this planet
07:03 at one time or the other.
07:04 Some of you'll say, "Oh no, I never."
07:06 Well, let's just get into study a little bit
07:07 and just see where maybe we might have become
07:10 addicted to something.
07:11 And we never really thought it was an addiction at all.
07:14 So before we do always that we go to God in prayer,
07:18 we pray a lot,
07:19 because we need a lot of prayer.
07:20 We need the power of the Holy Spirit
07:22 that will open your ears, your eyes and mind
07:24 that we may hear, see,
07:25 and do that which is pleasing in His sight.
07:27 So I'm going to kneel up here.
07:29 Those of you who may be driving,
07:30 you know, just keep your eyes open on the road,
07:32 some of you will listen on CD,
07:33 others that who are at home DVD,
07:36 but you know,
07:37 just pray along with us that the Spirit of God
07:38 will have His will and His way as we pray together.
07:41 Let's pray right now.
07:45 Merciful God in heaven,
07:47 we thank You for the privilege of prayer.
07:48 We thank You that we can call upon You
07:50 and that You promised to hear and answer it, Lord.
07:52 Today is a very, very important subject.
07:55 It's one that many people some will say,
07:57 Oh, well, yeah, I am addicted to something,
08:00 others will be in the denial stage
08:02 and others just don't want to hit,
08:04 they don't want to hear about it
08:05 but, Lord, today I pray Your Holy Spirit
08:07 will just take the words from the bread of life,
08:10 the Bible, the book
08:11 that we need to get our references from,
08:14 and we pray that each one of us will hear
08:16 and read, understand it
08:17 and victory will be given to each one today
08:20 as I thank you in Jesus' name.
08:22 Amen.
08:26 I always mention it's good to have your Bible,
08:28 pencil and paper and jot down quickly
08:29 what you can because as we move quickly along,
08:33 we'll find some time that we miss these things
08:35 if you don't get the DVDs or the CDs later on.
08:38 Again, we're talking about addiction free.
08:40 In this world that we live in,
08:42 I think that it'd be a true statement
08:45 to say that we have a lot of people they won't,
08:48 they liked the word free.
08:50 I kind of like the word free, it's advertised an awful lot.
08:54 They'll say, you know, order this,
08:55 we'll give you this free.
08:57 Well, it seemed like somebody has to pay for it
09:01 here or there, right?
09:02 Nothing in life you say is free
09:04 because it's somehow all added up
09:06 but they advertise this free
09:08 and soon as you say free, everybody wants.
09:11 Well, they're going to get this free
09:12 if I buy one, I get one free.
09:14 I buy another, I get a half off, you know.
09:15 So I'm getting something for free.
09:17 So we live in a world that's we want stress free.
09:22 Have you ever heard people say stress free?
09:24 Man, well, I want to live in a world there's no stress.
09:27 And some people say,
09:28 well, you know, I want to be where there's,
09:30 you know, I don't have any bills to pay.
09:33 You know, I'm debt free.
09:35 We heard fat free
09:38 and but be careful with that I'm sure.
09:40 Gluten free, you hear all these frees.
09:43 Some people say, I'm fancy free.
09:45 Some said, I'm living free.
09:48 Some say, tax free, drug free
09:53 and the list just goes on and on and on
09:56 because there's something about that word
09:58 to be free from, to have something free.
10:01 Something maybe that's given to us.
10:04 Addiction free.
10:06 Many are looking today, I'm convinced of this,
10:08 many are looking today for...
10:11 Be free from something,
10:13 not sure what it is in everybody's life,
10:15 but there's something we would like to be free of
10:18 and sometime we just can't seem to shed that thing
10:20 whatever it might be.
10:22 Then probably everybody's may be different,
10:24 some will certainly be similar.
10:27 These things that maybe we have clinging to us
10:30 causes problems in our life.
10:32 It causes problems with our neighbors
10:34 and maybe our friends and with,
10:36 you know, immediate family and maybe our church family
10:40 and some of these things
10:41 we want to be free of that could be health issues,
10:43 they could be mental issues, you know, spiritual issues.
10:48 Health, I think is probably
10:50 maybe at the top for a lot of people.
10:52 And I rate the spiritual very, very important,
10:55 the most important
10:56 but a lot of people say health,
10:58 you know, they seem like they're not free,
11:00 they have health issues and they want freedom.
11:03 They want to be healthy again.
11:05 Many don't know what it is
11:07 that makes them act the way that they do.
11:10 I heard one person say,
11:11 they want to take certain things
11:13 and they show out,
11:14 you know, they make issues of things.
11:15 So they're not sure what they need to take,
11:19 what they need to do or not take or what to give up.
11:22 But something makes them feel strange
11:24 and maybe a little bit odd.
11:26 Many people probably have heard this statement.
11:29 I don't know if you have.
11:31 I'm sure you have is the one that says,
11:32 you know, we live in a rat race.
11:36 Have you ever heard this in the world
11:37 that we're living in?
11:38 It's a rat race out there.
11:40 I've heard that many times in my life, the rat race.
11:43 You know, there's things that we need to consider
11:45 even when you think about the rat race.
11:49 Why is the world turn to things as drugs, and alcohol,
11:54 and all of these thing,
11:55 opioids that someone mentioned,
11:57 you know, what is all that really curtail?
12:00 Why is the world turned in this direction?
12:03 And a lot of studies have went out.
12:07 And you know what, they do some studies on?
12:09 Mice and rats.
12:11 It's kind of interesting and just,
12:13 you know, friends, for consideration.
12:16 I like you to be aware of this study that went out.
12:19 I thought it was very, very interesting.
12:21 Actually, he's a scientist.
12:23 His name is Dr. Joseph Buckley.
12:26 He'd been studying rats for 11 years.
12:31 Been doing awful lot of studies on these rats.
12:33 And he calls it the present day rat race.
12:38 He's trying to figure out why this world is like it is
12:41 and why we react the way we do as human beings?
12:44 Why we take what we take,
12:46 is there something
12:47 that's going maybe compared with the rat race
12:49 and the human race?
12:51 Kind of interesting
12:53 and so he did a lot of studying,
12:54 him and his friend.
12:56 And since 1959, that goes back quite a few years.
13:00 According to the Associated Press report says this,
13:04 "Dr. Buckley, notice has been subjecting
13:07 thousands of rats to stress chamber
13:12 that simulates
13:13 many of the conditions of modern city life."
13:17 He took the...
13:19 I won't say a normal,
13:20 I don't want a normal rat might be
13:23 but he took him out of his environment
13:24 and he put him in an environment
13:27 to where he would be subject
13:29 to the things that we are subject to.
13:32 And would it have any kind of impress on his mind,
13:35 would it changed the rat
13:38 if he began to do and associated with things
13:41 that we are associated with every day?
13:43 I thought that was very interesting.
13:45 So they brought in to this environment
13:48 and thousands of rats
13:49 and they put bright flashing lights of every kind.
13:53 Flashing lights of every kind was there.
13:56 Noise from buzzers and sirens
14:00 and things that we hear in everyday.
14:03 Even noise like a jet plane flying over.
14:06 Horns honking,
14:09 voices and things going and people are shouting.
14:13 They even put them in an environment
14:14 where the rats were jostled and shaken around
14:18 as if they were riding in an automobile.
14:21 Kind of interesting thought.
14:25 After a week of this.
14:27 Notice only a week,
14:30 the rats developed permanent high blood pressure.
14:36 Somebody's not with me.
14:39 They developed permanent high blood pressure.
14:43 And they become easily irritated
14:48 and they even became...
14:49 Notice this, dangerous.
14:52 By being associated with things that we do.
14:54 Now, when we do that what do we do?
14:56 A quick trip to the doctor.
14:58 We need to take a drug.
15:00 We need to take a pill.
15:01 We need something that calm us down here,
15:05 but notice it goes a little bit deeper than this.
15:09 Exposed to those same stresses...
15:13 Notice this, the same stresses that the doctor,
15:16 you know, and his...
15:18 He had a graduate student
15:19 that was working along with him,
15:21 they began to notice a gradual rise
15:24 in their own blood pressure
15:28 and increasing irritability.
15:32 So what they were subjecting the mice to or the rats to,
15:37 all of a sudden
15:38 it was affecting them all of these noises,
15:40 and now they felt
15:43 they might need a little something to help them
15:46 to get back to normal.
15:48 Interesting with the rats
15:49 though they never returned to normal.
15:52 The things agitated those systems so much
15:55 that it was a permanent increase.
15:57 I thought that was just interesting,
15:58 interesting thought.
16:00 You know, sends us right to the...
16:01 We call it the drug store.
16:05 There was an office
16:07 that was closed several years ago
16:09 in the Capital in Washington, DC.
16:12 And I want you to just listen carefully.
16:13 I thought it was very, very interesting.
16:15 It's an organization of Americans in United States
16:18 has closed its central Washington office
16:21 because the area just one mile from the White House.
16:26 So they have an office
16:27 to help humanity try to get things together
16:30 to help people along
16:31 the Organization of American States
16:33 had to close that office because...
16:35 Notice this, because of the hotbed of crime.
16:40 This is one mile right from the Capital.
16:42 And all of these things were going on and crime,
16:45 in fact, right close to the Library of Congress
16:47 and so on.
16:48 In fact, they had to end up closing their business
16:50 a half hour early,
16:51 so that the employees could get home
16:54 before it got too dark because they might get hurt.
16:58 I thought how interesting?
17:01 Nowhere in the nation is the crime rate
17:04 more drug related than in Washington, DC.
17:08 Kind of interesting, isn't it?
17:10 Drugs are high in Washington, DC,
17:13 right around our capital.
17:15 Very interesting.
17:17 Nation's capital has become the center
17:19 as it were for narcotic trafficking.
17:24 Why would that be?
17:26 Does the enemy have a plan to be addiction free?
17:30 What is an addiction?
17:33 We know that it's real.
17:34 We have family and friends and different ones,
17:36 I'm sure that you've talked to and visit with and so on.
17:39 They have problems with drugs.
17:42 What is addiction?
17:43 And what does it mean to be addicted to something.
17:47 Now today, we have to look at it possibly
17:49 you are addicted.
17:51 I am addicted to something.
17:52 It may not be that hard stuff out there on the street
17:57 that we may be addicted nonetheless.
18:00 Addiction simply means
18:02 if we don't understand that term addiction,
18:05 it's a fact,
18:06 or it's an condition of being addicted
18:10 to a particularly, particular substance,
18:13 or a thing or an activity.
18:17 Did you get that addiction?
18:20 It can be to a substance.
18:23 It can be to a thing.
18:26 Or it can be to an activity
18:29 that surrounds most everything
18:31 that we see and do each and every day.
18:35 If you're looking for synonyms of this thing called addiction,
18:39 it's a dependency then, isn't it?
18:42 We begin to depend upon something to help us
18:46 make it through the day.
18:48 We have a dependent, we're dependent.
18:51 It's a habit, it's a problem that takes over our life.
18:57 I'm glad to say there's hope.
18:59 Isn't that wonderful to know there's hope.
19:00 And some of the classes that goes around
19:02 and some of the self help program,
19:04 different things they may fail.
19:05 But this one we're talking about here
19:07 addiction free is full proof, is 100%
19:11 you can get over this if you follow God's counsel.
19:15 But you have to follow God's counsel.
19:16 You have to be willing.
19:18 You have to admit that there is certainly a problem.
19:20 There's help for our loved ones.
19:22 There's help even for us
19:24 if we are the one
19:25 that's involved with this thing called opioids.
19:29 I mean, how lately,
19:30 how often do you hear that on the news?
19:33 Opioid, what?
19:34 They call epidemic.
19:37 Epidemic because it covers so many different drugs,
19:42 not just the way if I say opioids.
19:43 Man I'm not sure what...
19:45 Well, they just say drugs.
19:46 I'm just choosing different words
19:47 but it's a drug problem.
19:49 You know, it can cover everything
19:51 from Vicodin to Morphine.
19:54 All kinds of different drugs that we'll look at Oxycodone
19:57 that, you know, the things that people get hooked on,
20:00 you take it once or twice maybe from surgery.
20:02 And pretty soon you...
20:04 There's issues that are out there
20:05 and some people, they get hooked on things
20:07 because they were given to them,
20:09 maybe at the hospital for a certain condition
20:12 and then just a couple of uses
20:13 they just can't seem to get off of them anymore.
20:16 It affects their life.
20:19 You have that in alcohol dependency.
20:22 Lot of folks I'm telling you, and this is according...
20:25 Here's some facts according
20:27 to the American Psychiatric Association.
20:30 Here's what they say.
20:31 They say addiction,
20:32 it's what we're looking at today.
20:34 Addiction is a complex condition,
20:37 an addiction is what?
20:39 It's complex.
20:41 Notice this. It's not just easy to define.
20:45 They call it a brain disease.
20:48 Something that affects the brain, a disease
20:52 and then it manifest itself
20:55 in compulsive situations, circumstances.
20:59 It all of a sudden begins to come out,
21:02 even though the use of this would be harmful,
21:05 and they understand that is harmful.
21:08 But as they've taken it,
21:10 it's done something to the brain.
21:13 And they have a hard time focusing then anymore.
21:16 It's interesting that in fact,
21:19 they use these opioid drugs
21:20 and alcohol until it becomes what?
21:24 It takes over their whole life.
21:26 This is all they think about.
21:28 This is all that they work for during the day
21:31 is to think about how they'll get enough money
21:33 to buy these things that will give them
21:35 what they've had before,
21:37 which will be a certain high as we will know.
21:41 People can develop addictions.
21:44 And this is a broad range of things.
21:46 But notice addiction to alcohol,
21:50 certainly, to marijuana.
21:51 Absolutely.
21:53 PCP, LSD.
21:55 Inhalants, are somebody with me.
21:57 Glue, sedatives, tranquilizers,
22:02 cocaine, tobacco.
22:05 You can be addicted to relationships.
22:09 Somebody with me?
22:11 You can be addicted to love.
22:14 You can be addicted to exercise.
22:18 You can be addicted to the internet.
22:21 You can be addicted to video games.
22:25 All you want to do is play games.
22:27 Certainly be addicted to pornography.
22:29 You can be addicted to the phone.
22:32 You can't leave home without it.
22:33 You can't take it out of your hand.
22:35 You've got to be communicating with somebody all the time.
22:38 Social media, you can be addicted to.
22:43 There are Facebook addicts.
22:47 There are people who steal, they're addicts.
22:51 The list goes on and on.
22:53 And maybe we fit in there
22:55 to where it's taken over our life and our time,
22:58 and then we can't seem to get along
23:00 unless we're involved in this thing.
23:06 Maybe some of us have been involved.
23:08 So what are some of the effects of using some of these things?
23:12 Now again, it's a variety and it plays different
23:16 on different people and their mind.
23:19 But when they begin to take some of these things
23:21 or involved,
23:23 it begins to distort their thinking.
23:26 They are no longer the thinking person
23:28 that they once were
23:30 because their mind is wrapped up somewhere else
23:32 and all of a sudden it's taking over
23:35 every waking moment
23:37 which causes behavioral problems.
23:41 Think about it.
23:43 You have people get on TV say your phone for instance
23:45 and so on so forth on there, right?
23:47 And they get on there and they say,
23:49 okay, we're gonna live one week without the phone.
23:53 People almost die right then and there.
23:56 They start hyperventilating.
23:59 They may need a little oxygen
24:01 because they just can't stand the thought
24:03 that I can't have my phone.
24:06 You know, that's the younger generation
24:08 certainly would be.
24:09 And as we get older and you get used to it,
24:11 you'll get caught up in that also.
24:13 But, you know, if you're old enough,
24:15 you can remember going back far enough
24:17 that when you left for work, you never had cell phones.
24:22 You never had a phone on the job.
24:25 You went to work, you say goodbye at home,
24:27 you went to work,
24:28 you didn't come back until it's time to quit.
24:30 And there was no communication
24:31 unless there was emergency and somebody founds you.
24:35 Well, that went on a whole lot longer
24:36 than this cell phone thing
24:38 and all the social media for today.
24:41 You think how many thousands of years
24:42 was just like I talked about in the past.
24:44 Somehow humanity made it.
24:47 Somehow, maybe the devil has taken something here,
24:50 maybe good within itself,
24:52 and he's using it to destroy and occupy our minds
24:56 that we no longer have to,
24:57 we use them anymore because we don't have to.
25:00 Because we have calculators,
25:02 we don't have to figure anymore in our brain
25:04 because we can punch the buttons
25:06 and it will do it for us.
25:08 We don't have to remember numbers
25:09 like we used to have to remember numbers, you see?
25:13 Because all you have to do is, it's in your phone.
25:17 If things are changing, and is it possible
25:19 that enemy is trying to distort our thinking,
25:23 because we have become addicted to things
25:26 that we ordinarily wouldn't think are addictive.
25:31 They have done some brain imaging,
25:34 taking pictures of the brain and how it functions.
25:39 Study show that the brain changes
25:43 when they take certain thing.
25:45 When we take certain things into our system,
25:47 the brain actually changes the way its judgment.
25:51 It no longer has the same judgment
25:53 than it had before.
25:54 Maybe they took whatever they were taking,
25:56 or drinking whatever or maybe even eating.
26:00 All of a sudden their judgment wasn't the same.
26:02 Their decisions were different.
26:06 Their learning became different.
26:08 The memory was different.
26:11 Behavior was different.
26:14 Because they became addicted to certain things
26:17 and many people were going along
26:19 and they begin to like this feeling call high.
26:24 How many have heard that?
26:26 It's been for years.
26:27 Yeah. Yeah.
26:29 We're going to go get high.
26:30 I remember that in high school.
26:31 We'll say, we're going to get high.
26:33 We're going to smoke marijuana.
26:34 We're going to get high.
26:36 Well, I never figured that one out
26:37 and I never did try it.
26:38 So I guess I've not been high on those things.
26:40 Hopefully, I've been high on the good things.
26:43 You can have that, you know, with your experience
26:44 with the Lord certainly and working for Him,
26:47 but they wanted a high experience the symptoms.
26:51 You see the symptom something that wasn't going...
26:54 something in their life wasn't going like they wanted.
26:56 They wanted it to change.
26:59 And these highs are different on everything that you take,
27:04 everything that you take, every drug that you take,
27:06 there's a different kind of a high.
27:07 You take a different drug,
27:09 there's a different kind of high.
27:10 And people begin to find the one that they like.
27:12 But after a time, what happens after you take
27:15 and you take and you try, what happened to your body?
27:19 What do you think?
27:20 Body builds up a tolerance to what you've been taking
27:26 and to get the high that you want,
27:28 you have to take more.
27:29 That makes sense?
27:31 You have to take more that's why we...
27:32 Again, we drank more, we take more,
27:34 we shoot up more because it takes more
27:36 because your system is building up a tolerance.
27:40 We no longer can deal with the amount
27:43 and feel the same effects.
27:46 What starts this, you know, taking drugs.
27:49 Why would someone want to take?
27:52 Well, there's a lot of different things.
27:53 We just kind of mentioned a few
27:55 and a lot of research has come down to this,
27:57 it simply says, I started, when he asked people,
28:00 why did you start taking this certain drug?
28:02 You know what they said?
28:03 I wanted to feel good.
28:07 Most days I want to feel good too.
28:10 There's days I want to feel better than I do.
28:13 And if there was this magic thing
28:15 that didn't hurt you, right?
28:16 We'd all try to get a little pill, right?
28:18 And say, "Oh, well, I want to feel good today.
28:20 I don't want to jump three feet high.
28:22 I want to jump 13 feet high."
28:26 Because remember, it makes you feel good
28:27 and all of a sudden you think a little bit more
28:29 will make you feel better.
28:31 I can jump three feet, why not jump six?
28:33 You know what I'm talking about.
28:36 And other said, well, I started
28:39 because it gave me pleasure.
28:43 Bible talks about pleasures of this world.
28:47 We need to be careful
28:48 with the pleasures of this world.
28:49 But because it does something, it makes us acceptable
28:53 we think to others,
28:56 even though nothing's really changed.
28:57 We just feel more accepted when we take things
29:00 that alter our brain.
29:03 And, of course, the high. Notice that.
29:07 And closely related that is I'm taking this
29:09 because I want to feel what?
29:11 Not feel good, but I want to feel better.
29:15 Not really feeling too bad but man, I want to feel better.
29:19 I'm taking something
29:21 because I have too much stress in my life
29:23 and I need to relieve that stress,
29:27 if not I'll be like in that rat race
29:29 that we talked about, right?
29:31 Our blood pressure goes up.
29:34 Our intolerance of others heightens.
29:38 We don't have the patience that we need,
29:40 our tempers flare, short, you know.
29:44 No, you know, feel better,
29:47 relieve stress.
29:51 The third one they said,
29:52 "I started taking these
29:53 is because I wanted to do better."
29:56 Maybe because of pressure.
29:58 Maybe mom and dad, maybe sister or brother,
30:00 maybe just in school,
30:02 we want to be better than we were,
30:03 maybe an athlete.
30:05 I wanted to hit the ball farther.
30:07 And so therefore,
30:09 and we find that in the right professional realms today,
30:13 they take enhancing, they call drugs,
30:16 so they can hit the ball farther,
30:17 throw it harder and play better,
30:21 because it means a lot more money.
30:25 Because they realize
30:27 some of these things you take can improve performance,
30:31 even though they know in the long term
30:33 it may hurt them.
30:35 They may lose their job,
30:37 they may lose that which they've taken to have
30:41 and they may lose that thing.
30:42 But you know what?
30:44 Once they begin to take it sometime,
30:45 they just don't care anymore.
30:47 They think they can get away with it.
30:50 One person was asked,
30:52 why did you start taking this drug?
30:53 Why? They said curiosity.
30:56 Same old thing I heard all growing up.
30:58 Curiosity killed the cat, Kenny.
31:00 Curiosity killed the cat.
31:01 I got tired of hearing that.
31:02 But you know, I guess it probably did.
31:05 Curiosity can hurt somebody.
31:08 I'm taking it because I'm just curious
31:12 and the drugs are out there today,
31:13 one time maybe can be hooked.
31:17 A few others it's naturally, even school said,
31:20 I began to take it because of peer pressure.
31:23 I began to feel the pressure and I became addicted.
31:27 It's ruined my whole life.
31:30 Many are aware of these problems,
31:32 and there are some that deny them,
31:37 but for sure to be addicted simply means
31:41 that there could be problems in the home.
31:43 If someone in your home is addicted to something
31:46 they shouldn't be on.
31:47 There begins to be problems in the home.
31:50 There begins to be problems at work.
31:53 It doesn't just stay at home.
31:54 It begins to be problems at work.
31:57 Then there's problems in the family.
32:00 And then there begins to be problems,
32:02 you know, with friends and relatives
32:05 because it just doesn't stay local
32:08 because it alters the mind, and the thinking,
32:11 and the judgment.
32:13 Here's a few signs
32:15 if you think maybe one of your children is on it
32:18 and maybe that you're on it and you think,
32:20 you know, lot of people that are on
32:22 and think they're so smart that no one can find out,
32:24 you know, we can hide this thing.
32:30 Most times you can't hide it.
32:33 Because the people will say,
32:34 well, you're not the way that you used to be.
32:36 What happened?
32:41 There becomes...
32:42 If you become addicted to something,
32:43 there becomes a strong craving.
32:47 Strong craving.
32:49 So some of you may have
32:50 a strong craving for chocolate ice cream.
32:54 We've got a hand raised up.
32:55 Somebody wants something right now.
32:58 Do you ever hear that,
32:59 sometimes it just, you know, you almost smell it sometime
33:02 or you kind of feel, boy,
33:04 I like to have a piece of something.
33:05 I like to do little, you know, whatever it might be a craving.
33:08 But you know, there's lot of times
33:09 that you cannot quench that craving
33:12 unless you get the chocolate ice cream.
33:15 Somebody's not with me.
33:18 Do you ever had that where you want to go
33:20 and someday said Dairy Queen.
33:23 Well, unless you go to Dairy...
33:25 You're just not going to be happy.
33:28 That's not talking about good or bad
33:30 but that is some of the,
33:31 you know, the signs that we're looking at here,
33:33 craving.
33:34 It's a strong urge. Strong urge.
33:38 A man told me he had strong urge for potato chips.
33:43 Somebody not going to get it.
33:45 Strong urge.
33:47 He's a painter.
33:50 And he was, you know, a little overweight already
33:52 but he would say, his first name was jack.
33:55 He said, in my recliner at night.
33:57 I not, you know,
33:59 I know that I didn't need to be eating at night time,
34:01 and I'd hear my name called.
34:03 Say what?
34:05 I hear somebody say, hey jack.
34:08 And I want to get up and I want to find out
34:10 who's calling my name.
34:11 And I'd follow where I hear the sound of the voice.
34:14 And it led me to the cupboard where the chips were at.
34:18 Okay, that was his thought.
34:21 But he had to have those chips.
34:24 I'm not saying eat a chip once in a while,
34:26 you know, what we're talking about here.
34:29 When you have this craving, the strong urge, what it does?
34:33 It's actually called impaired control.
34:37 Notice. Impaired control.
34:40 You no longer have control because the urge is too strong.
34:46 It's impaired.
34:48 It means that you can't limit your consumption anymore
34:54 in this thing.
34:55 In this particular situation you just can't live it.
34:58 You can't say no, you just, you have to participate.
35:02 It's actually a breakdown of your intentions,
35:05 your intentions were to do good.
35:09 But because of the strong urge, we back down just a little bit,
35:14 and now are, you know that which we say could say no,
35:17 before it's impaired.
35:18 And we can't really say no until we participate.
35:22 Number two, some signs, social problems.
35:25 This is why you can tell, maybe some of your children
35:27 or even young people, and that can be it,
35:29 you know, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth grade,
35:31 you know, young now.
35:34 See, if you find maybe any of these
35:36 that you might want to check them out.
35:38 Even our young people, you assign them some task,
35:41 some jobs to do,
35:43 but they can't seem to finish them.
35:45 They can't seem to stay focused for very long
35:48 and we won't blame it on other things.
35:50 And sometimes it may be
35:52 but there's something we need to be very well aware of.
35:54 Major task that can be...
35:57 This can be grownups at work
35:59 they can't seem to quite get everything done at work,
36:02 at school they can't quite seem to get it done,
36:05 at home they can't quite seem to get it done,
36:08 and then all of a sudden
36:09 this person starts to be a loner.
36:15 They want to spend time alone,
36:17 they don't like to be around other people.
36:22 They have no leisure activities,
36:25 they have no other thing outside the home but why?
36:27 Because they're focusing on their next highs sometime.
36:34 So, remember they began that, they were maybe an out person,
36:37 they like to be around people,
36:39 all of sudden they don't want to be around anymore.
36:41 They don't have any other activities anymore
36:43 because they're too busy trying to set up the next time
36:46 they get what they want.
36:48 Then you might find that there are those number three
36:50 risky users.
36:53 Risky.
36:56 It continues on despite known problems.
37:00 It just goes on, anytime, anywhere.
37:05 It could be among a group,
37:06 it could be with the police next door.
37:08 It could be whatever.
37:09 But when they're ready, you see
37:11 they go ahead and they take that risk.
37:14 Why?
37:15 Because they're not thinking properly
37:16 because it's distorting the mind
37:18 and the judgment.
37:21 Number four, signs could be...
37:25 Now also they need more.
37:27 What once they could get by with,
37:29 now they need more, they're willing to do
37:33 whatever it takes to get more.
37:37 That can be stealing from mom and dad,
37:39 grandma and grandpa.
37:41 Hurting other people to get what they want,
37:44 what they feel they need.
37:49 They take from family.
37:51 Now, what do we do?
37:53 First step in recovery.
37:54 Our time is going down quickly.
37:57 There's a lot to this,
37:58 I'm just barely hitting on the edges of it,
38:01 as you look and you study a little bit
38:02 on this addiction free.
38:04 First step in recovery,
38:05 say, Well, I need, I need, I need to recover.
38:07 You realize there's more than 4 million people
38:10 in the United States that are addicted
38:13 or dependent on a wide, wide range of drugs.
38:17 Now, we're not talking...
38:18 We're talking about just drugs.
38:21 There's between 19 and 20 million alcoholics.
38:27 Millions.
38:30 And in these surveys and all they're taking it
38:31 in millions are addicted.
38:34 They're talking about addiction to social media,
38:37 things outside of drugs and alcohol.
38:43 We live in the addictive world, don't we?
38:46 The devil is trying to get you addicted
38:48 to whatever it might be.
38:50 It may not be drugs, it may not be alcohol,
38:52 and drugs, and cigarettes, and whatever might be.
38:54 But he's going to get you addicted
38:56 on something that's going to take your time
38:58 which you and I are accountable for.
39:01 We could be spending our time giving Bible studies.
39:04 We can be...
39:05 Our time in which sending out material
39:08 and we mentioned here giving invitations
39:09 to come to meetings, talking to someone about Jesus,
39:13 leading someone to Christ and yet we're talking about
39:15 all the other things in the world.
39:16 We may be addicted
39:20 and if we don't do that every day
39:21 or several times a day, there's...
39:23 Well, we were just not the same.
39:25 We're not, it's not right.
39:28 Could that be psychologies?
39:36 They say yeah.
39:39 People who study these issues say, oh, absolutely it is.
39:44 Many health programs out there I know.
39:48 But why not try this one here quickly today.
39:52 Why not try God's plan if we're addicted to something,
39:56 and again, it could go it can be food,
39:58 it can be clothes, it can be shoes,
40:00 it can be hairpin, I don't know.
40:04 But there's an addiction when it begins to take over
40:07 our thinking and our mind,
40:09 and we can't get it off
40:10 and we have to be doing whatever it is all of the time.
40:14 I think my wife mentioned she read in Romans 12:1-2.
40:19 I believe you read, which is good.
40:22 I'm not gonna spend the time to read all of that.
40:24 But you know in Romans Chapter 12,
40:27 actually our verses is 1-21.
40:29 We can't read all 21 verses at all.
40:32 But we have to realize that our bodies are what?
40:36 Are the temple of God and they're holy.
40:38 So number one is,
40:40 if we are addicted to something,
40:41 right in this world, our bodies are holy.
40:44 It's a temple of God, He wants to dwell in us.
40:51 And if we look and condense this,
40:52 this all these verses down,
40:55 we'll realize our bodies must be acceptable to God.
40:58 So when we're taking things into our body that right,
41:01 that changes our thinking process
41:04 and makes us do things and saying things
41:06 that's not acceptable in God's sight.
41:09 It can't really be the temple of God.
41:11 There needs to be a change.
41:13 And one of the things I thought about
41:15 and reading all of Romans there, Chapter 12
41:18 is that that we need to be separate from the world
41:21 if you want to gain victory over all of these things
41:25 that are out there
41:26 so is because we associate with the wrong group sometime.
41:30 And you're associating with the wrong group,
41:32 these things are going to be going on
41:34 and you're going to be subject to those things.
41:36 And if you're not careful,
41:37 you're going to try just so you can, well, I tried.
41:40 And then maybe it starts a whole life of misery.
41:45 Stay away from the world.
41:47 And we need to dwell on that which is good.
41:48 What Romans Chapter 12 is telling us here?
41:51 We need to be diligent.
41:53 We need to show mercy to those,
41:54 you know, we need to be happy people.
41:57 A lot of times people get on stuff
41:59 because they're not happy.
42:00 They're discouraged. They don't like their life.
42:01 They don't like their lifestyle.
42:03 They don't like what's going on.
42:05 And so they want to change.
42:06 And so they think by taking something
42:07 is going to change it.
42:09 It does. It changed it for the worse.
42:11 It gets worse, not better.
42:14 Romans 12 says, learn to love our neighbors,
42:17 not take from our neighbors.
42:19 Love our neighbors, do good to all.
42:21 You notice that?
42:23 "Provide things honest in the sight of all men."
42:26 Romans 12:17.
42:30 I've convinced of this and, or as we go on that
42:34 we only go through this world one time, right?
42:37 We only pass through one time.
42:40 Let's not make a mess of it.
42:43 We can't come back later on.
42:44 Sometimes we say, "Oh, well,
42:45 I'm going to try to straighten it out
42:47 all of my messes."
42:48 You may not have that opportunity.
42:50 So every decision that we make
42:52 as a young people or older person,
42:54 whatever it might be, make sure you think it through.
42:57 Make sure you pray it through.
42:59 Make sure you read the Word of God
43:01 and find out what God's plan is for.
43:03 And then follow that plan
43:06 which communizes with scripture
43:07 that we need to give much prayer
43:09 and consideration to these things.
43:13 Pray, believe, search these scriptures.
43:16 It says, "Overcome evil with good."
43:19 Romans 12:21.
43:23 I think God loves for His people to seek Him.
43:25 Not seek the world,
43:27 seek the things that are in the world,
43:28 but to seek Him with their whole heart.
43:31 Psalms 1:19, it talks about it, verse 2.
43:34 He wants us to be dependent on Him,
43:37 not dependent on drugs,
43:39 not depend upon things of this world,
43:41 but to depend on Him.
43:42 He is our strength.
43:44 He is our courage and this is what we need
43:47 rather than things of this world.
43:50 He says He can deliver us.
43:54 Psalms 28:1-9.
43:57 Again, the whole chapter needs to be read
43:59 but we'll just focus here on 6-9.
44:03 Turn with me, if you will, in the Book of Psalms.
44:08 These are beautiful, beautiful passages and it's just,
44:10 because of time you can't read them all.
44:13 Book of Psalms, we're going to read first 28.
44:17 I can find it 28:1-9.
44:20 We're going to focus on 6-9.
44:22 Psalms 28.
44:24 And just read verses 6-9.
44:26 He said, "Blessed be the Lord
44:27 because he hath heard the voice of my supplications."
44:31 Did God hear you?
44:32 Those who have issues, those who are looking for help
44:34 and want help.
44:36 The Bible has promised right here
44:37 that God will do what?
44:39 He hear your voice.
44:40 "The Lord is my..."
44:42 Who is my strength?
44:44 "The Lord is my strength and he's my shield,
44:46 my heart trust in him, I am helped,
44:49 therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth;
44:51 and with my song will I praise him.
44:53 The Lord is there," what?
44:55 "Strength, and he is their saving strength
44:58 of his anointed.
45:00 Save thy people, and blessed thine inheritance,"
45:03 notice, "feed them also, and lift them up for ever."
45:07 Man, these are powerful verses.
45:12 Testimonies to Ministers, 148, harmonizes with this.
45:15 It tells us here that the Lord's gonna fight, what?
45:18 Lord's going to fight our battles.
45:19 We're addicted to something in this world,
45:21 we need not be addicted to.
45:22 God will fight our battles for us.
45:24 He's promised us victory if we really want it.
45:27 People say, I want to be drug free,
45:29 I don't want to be addicted to stuff but what?
45:31 They won't turn for, they won't surely,
45:33 wholly commit themselves to God to be their strength.
45:37 He said, "I'll be your strength,
45:38 victory is assured."
45:40 The Lord fights our battles.
45:42 Let him do it.
45:43 Testimonies to Ministers 148 said,
45:45 "It is always safe..."
45:47 See if everybody agrees with this.
45:48 "It is always safe to be on the Lord's side..."
45:51 Yeah, it's always safe to be on the Lord side.
45:53 Notice this. "Not halfheartedly, but wholly.
45:57 It is the halfhearted, indifferent, careless work
46:02 that separate your soul from Jesus,
46:05 the source of your strength."
46:09 We don't gain victory,
46:10 because we're halfhearted about it.
46:13 If you're halfhearted about God can't do it,
46:15 we're careless
46:16 and when we are careless and halfhearted,
46:18 that separates us from God.
46:21 And when we come near to Him, we asked Jesus,
46:23 He is the source of our strength,
46:25 He can give us that victory.
46:27 I've talked to too many people
46:28 who have had these issues in life.
46:30 And when they made
46:32 that full commitment to Jesus Christ,
46:33 when they stopped going out in the wrong places,
46:35 looking for trouble
46:36 when they stopped purchasing different things,
46:38 they quit participating in different...
46:40 Their life changed
46:41 and they gave their heart to Jesus Christ.
46:43 Victory was assured.
46:46 The article goes on and said, 'Let this be your prayer."
46:49 If you really want to gain a victory,
46:51 if you want to really be, you know, addiction free,
46:54 notice this, we have to come to this point.
46:57 I don't know if any of us are there.
46:58 If not, I think it'd be nice if we came to that point.
47:01 "Let this be your prayer."
47:04 We're talking to God now.
47:05 Notice, God, I'm having problems here.
47:08 I've got issues.
47:09 Maybe I'm addicted to something.
47:10 So I'm presenting them to him right now.
47:12 Listen what it says,
47:13 "Take everything from me, let me lose property..."
47:18 Other words, if necessary, take everything away from me,
47:21 that I may gain this victory.
47:23 It may be property.
47:25 Lord, take worldly honor away from me
47:27 if that's what's holding me back.
47:30 "Everything
47:31 but let Thy presence stay with me."
47:35 It is safe to commit the keeping of the soul to God.
47:39 1 Peter 4:19, it's safe.
47:41 It's safe to say, I want God to take my soul.
47:47 Think about that.
47:48 We have to be willing to give up, what?
47:50 Anything and everything, whether it's houses,
47:53 and lands, and family or friends,
47:55 whatever it is that's keeping you in bondage,
47:58 we give that to God.
48:00 Say God, take it.
48:02 Take all of these things,
48:03 but don't take your presence from me
48:05 because that's where the real victory is at.
48:07 I mean, Psalms 37:5 says it so clearly.
48:11 It says, "Commit thy ways unto the Lord."
48:14 So we do what?
48:16 Commit your ways unto God
48:17 and the victory will be assured.
48:19 The reason we're not having victories
48:20 because we're not letting Christ come in fully
48:22 and take possession of our life.
48:25 Do you need to change today?
48:28 Do you want to change?
48:30 I mean, that's questions we have to ask.
48:31 We're talking about addiction free.
48:33 Do I really feel that I need to change?
48:35 Am I sick of my own life? Am I sick?
48:39 You see, going out at night and coming back
48:40 the same way every day?
48:42 Am I sick the way things that are going?
48:44 I can't hold a job.
48:45 I can't keep the family together.
48:47 I can't keep nothing. Everything's falling apart.
48:48 Then you must say, yes, I need to change.
48:52 I want that change. I desire that change.
48:54 Lord, whatever it takes
48:56 for that change to come about,
48:57 let it happen.
49:00 And this comes about
49:02 when you ask Christ to come into your life
49:04 and give you a new heart.
49:05 Ezekiel 36:26- 27.
49:09 Ezekiel 36:26-27 says this.
49:14 It says, "A new heart also will I give you."
49:17 Don't you like that? Why?
49:18 Because you're sick of the old heart.
49:20 It's fickle. It's messed up.
49:22 Now, I want a new heart.
49:23 "A new heart will also give you,
49:25 and a new spirit will I put within you:
49:28 I will take away the," notice this,
49:30 "the stony heart out of your flesh,
49:33 and I will give you a heart of flesh."
49:37 Maybe a stony heart out of your flesh,
49:39 and I will give you a heart of flesh.
49:40 Verse 27.
49:42 "I will put my spirit within you,
49:44 and cause you to walk in my," what?
49:47 "Statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments good and do them."
49:51 Notice the change that takes place
49:53 when God gives you that new heart.
49:55 If you have the old heart still there,
49:56 you're gonna be back the same old thing
49:58 that you were last night.
50:00 You asked Him to come in and give you a new heart.
50:02 It's a new mind. It's a new thinking.
50:05 He's going to put His Spirit in you.
50:06 His Spirit chooses not to take those drugs.
50:09 His Spirit chooses not to take the drink.
50:12 His Spirit chooses not to smoke it.
50:14 Are you still with me? Just to be point.
50:15 This is what it's all about.
50:17 And God said, that spirit that I put inside you
50:19 will help you to, what?
50:20 To do the right things.
50:23 To keep my judgments.
50:24 Notice that. And to do them.
50:27 It takes more power.
50:29 You have to have power from without, you see.
50:32 Not just I can help programs, I can do all these.
50:35 I've got it inside.
50:36 You got nothing inside of you
50:38 but the enemy when you talk about self.
50:40 But through Christ, all things are possible.
50:42 Victory over addiction.
50:44 These verses are powerful.
50:46 If you had time to take them and dissect them a little bit.
50:49 Be sure God's promise that victory.
50:52 We see the promise of healing.
50:54 We see the promise of restoration here.
50:56 But notice the promises here are conditional.
51:01 The promises are what?
51:03 They're conditional.
51:04 Based upon the peoples of my,
51:06 your willingness to make some change.
51:09 Think about are we willing?
51:13 God promises us just as He did Israel of old,
51:15 remember grace and strength necessary to change,
51:20 if not, then you continue on like you've been today
51:23 and your tomorrow will be the same thing,
51:24 pretty soon it's all going to blow up in our face.
51:27 And then we begin to without Christ
51:29 and that new heart
51:30 we are attempting a change that's impossible.
51:34 Only God can help us do it.
51:36 God wants that relationship with us.
51:40 I will be their God.
51:42 It's such a beautiful words for looking,
51:46 and we're studying, and we're searching,
51:49 and we're not happy.
51:50 I encourage you to get to the Word of God.
51:53 And you know what?
51:54 He's going to encourage you.
51:55 He's going to strengthen you.
51:57 He's going to give you what you need.
51:59 He forces no one.
52:01 He will certainly give you
52:03 what you need to gain the victory.
52:04 You know why?
52:05 Because there is no failure with God.
52:08 Remember, when you are on God's side,
52:10 there's no such thing as failure.
52:13 If we fail
52:14 is because we weren't really on His side.
52:16 We just said that we were.
52:17 We just get a bunch of hot air.
52:19 We just did a lot of words.
52:21 But when we're on His side, you never lose a battle.
52:26 When we lose is because we're on the wrong side.
52:32 We need the Holy Spirit to work on us,
52:34 in us and through us.
52:37 We are now on the Lord side.
52:39 And when we're on the Lord side,
52:40 I read the passage of scripture 4:13,
52:42 Philippians 4:13 is what?
52:45 All things are possible.
52:46 I can do all things through Christ who, what?
52:48 Who strengthens me.
52:49 This is where scripture comes in.
52:51 This is where those of you addicts,
52:52 those who are having problems, this is where we begin.
52:54 I can do all things through Jesus Christ.
52:56 Never say I cannot.
52:58 Say I can. I can.
53:00 Matthew 19:26,
53:01 "But with God all things are possible."
53:04 Mark 9:23, "Things are possible to him that believeth."
53:09 Luke 18:27, "The things which are impossible with men
53:13 are possible with," what?
53:15 "With God."
53:18 2 Corinthians 9:8.
53:20 Last minute or so we've got left here.
53:21 "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you,
53:24 that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things,
53:28 may abound in every good work."
53:30 All is used three times here and then the connotation here
53:34 is equivalent to it.
53:35 Every good thing, four times here.
53:38 God's resources are limitless.
53:40 We need to pull from God's resources.
53:44 And God has promised to give to us.
53:46 He said, I want to be your sufficiency
53:48 just before we pray,
53:49 simply means a perfect condition of life
53:53 in which no help, no aid, no support is needed.
53:57 It's a life of contentment without any props.
54:02 He is our what?
54:03 He's our sufficiency.
54:05 To live a life without any props.
54:07 This is what we need.
54:09 This is what our desire of our heart
54:12 to have that freedom that only God can give.
54:14 Let's pray about if someone making the decision right now,
54:16 shall we as we're running out of time.
54:17 Let's pray right now.
54:20 Loving Father in heaven,
54:21 we thank You for Your precious Word.
54:23 Realize a lot has been covered very quickly.
54:24 We pray Your Holy Spirit will take possession
54:26 of those making that decision choice right now.
54:29 They want freedom, they want to be free.
54:31 And so, Father, I pray
54:32 that You will put Your Spirit within them,
54:34 create them a new heart, new life, new mind.
54:37 Decisions they make right now will not be for just today
54:39 but for eternity.
54:40 And I thank you in Jesus' name.
54:42 Amen.
54:44 Hello and welcome back.
54:46 Friends, I hope,
54:47 I hope that you feel
54:49 like you have been in the presence
54:50 of the great physician,
54:52 the great physician that wants to set you free
54:55 from any addiction, any sin that you're holding on to
54:59 Remember the title of this study
55:02 was addiction free.
55:03 And in the presence of God, there are no addictions,
55:07 there's nothing to hold us back.
55:08 We are healed in His presence.
55:11 And He wants to give you victory as you submit
55:14 and commit your life to Him.
55:16 So many beautiful promises
55:18 that we can lay our hand and say,
55:20 Lord, you made this promise and claim it.
55:23 And I want to share
55:25 just one of those promises with you right now.
55:27 You bring along on your screen with me.
55:29 It's found in Romans 12:1-2.
55:34 "I beseech you therefore, brethren,
55:36 by the mercies of God,
55:38 that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice,
55:42 holy, acceptable unto God,
55:44 which is your reasonable service.
55:47 And be not conformed to this world:
55:49 but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
55:53 that ye may prove what is that good,
55:55 and acceptable, and perfect will of God."
56:00 Brothers and sisters,
56:01 I hope you were just listening and holding on to that promise.
56:05 But your part is to summit, is to allow God to come in,
56:10 to let your body be a living sacrifice to Him.
56:14 So He can take and remold and transform you.
56:18 Transform me into the image of our Lord
56:21 and Savior Jesus Christ.
56:23 He wants to give you victory, victories here,
56:26 victories in His Word, claim those promises,
56:29 there's power in it.
56:30 And if you would like to have this,
56:32 this Bible study today entitled Addiction Free,
56:36 we want to give it to you.
56:37 We want to offer it to you
56:39 for a love gift of just $8 or more.
56:42 However, if you'd like all 25, all 25 lessons
56:47 that correspond with this wonderful Bible study guide.
56:51 Those are available too as a whole package.
56:54 We're offering those for a love gift
56:56 of just $175 for the whole set.
57:01 You won't go wrong.
57:03 There's so many wonderful studies in here.
57:06 All you need to do is call us here
57:08 at Behold the Lamb Ministries
57:09 and it's Central Time in the United States,
57:13 and our phone number is 618-942-5044
57:18 or you may write us.
57:20 We love getting your letters.
57:21 Write us to Behold the Lamb Ministries,
57:23 PO Box 2030. Herrin, Illinois 62948.
57:28 You may email me
57:30 at BeholdTheLambMinistries
57:33 Or visit us on our website
57:35 www.Behold
57:39 Brothers and sisters,
57:40 we can't do any of this without your support,
57:43 your prayers and your financial gifts.
57:46 We want to hear from you.
57:47 And we hope we do very, very soon.
57:49 God bless you
57:50 and may our precious, precious, precious Lord
57:53 continue to richly bless you and yours.


Revised 2019-02-11