Behold the Lamb Presents

Successful Parenting

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000106A

00:39 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb presents.
00:41 I'm Chris Shelton, your host,
00:42 I want to thank you for joining us today.
00:45 This is message number 14 out of 25 Bible studies
00:49 that correlate with this Bible study guide
00:52 entitled Sharing God's Love Makes You Happier
00:56 What The Bible Says.
00:57 We're working together with Brother Richard Bland
01:00 of United Prison Ministries
01:01 and developing accompanying messages
01:04 to his God given Bible studies.
01:06 This study guide was developed
01:08 to address the 25 most asked questions
01:11 Brother Richard has received
01:13 in his many years of Bible study.
01:15 And without a doubt,
01:17 today's topic deals with a heart wrenching,
01:20 soul searching,
01:21 and prayer pleading question for sure,
01:24 and that being of successful parenting.
01:27 I know it was for me, I prayed for my children
01:30 while they were yet in the womb.
01:32 I pray that the Lord would send the right person
01:35 into their lives to be wonderful,
01:37 godly helpmates once they were grown.
01:40 And I still pray daily for their protection from evil,
01:44 and for them to be convicted
01:46 and to be converted to the truths of God's Word.
01:49 Being a Christian mother,
01:51 we know all too well that the enemy is out to prey
01:54 upon our children and to steal them away
01:56 from having an eternal home in heaven.
01:59 There are steps that we all need to take
02:01 in order to have successful parenting skills.
02:05 But before we discover some of these steps
02:08 with Pastor Kenny Shelton today,
02:10 let's visit 3ABN and listen to a song
02:13 that is entitled "Because of Who You Are"
02:17 as sung by my sister-in-law, Tammy Chance.
02:28 You spoke the words
02:30 And all the worlds came into order
02:35 You raised Your hands
02:37 And planets filled the empty skies
02:42 You placed the woman and the man
02:46 Inside the garden
02:49 And though they fell
02:51 They found compassion in Your eyes
02:56 Oh, Lord, I stand amazed
03:00 At the wonder of it all
03:04 Yet a greater wonder brings me to my knees
03:10 Lord, I praise You because of who You are
03:17 Not for all the mighty deeds that You have done
03:24 Lord, I worship You because of who You are
03:31 It's all the reason that I need to voice my praise
03:37 Because of who You are
03:45 One holy night
03:47 You sent Your promise from a virgin
03:52 And promise grew till He revealed to us
03:57 Your heart
03:59 Enduring love displayed throughout Your Crucifixion
04:06 And through Your depth,
04:08 You tore the dark and grave apart
04:13 Oh, Lord, I stand amazed
04:17 At the wonder of it all
04:21 Yet a greater wonder brings me to my knees
04:27 Lord, I praise You because of who You are
04:34 Not for all the mighty deeds that You have done
04:41 Lord, I worship You because of who You are
04:48 You're all the reason that I need to voice my praise
04:55 Lord, I praise You because of who You are
05:01 Not for all the mighty deeds that You have done
05:08 Lord, I worship You because of who You are
05:15 You're all the reason that I need to voice my praise
05:21 Because of who You are
05:28 Because of who You are
05:35 Because of who You are
05:53 Thanks for joining us once again here
05:55 at Behold the Lamb Ministries,
05:56 and we appreciate so much coming into your home.
05:59 Now, again we may be through the television,
06:00 may through be radio or whatever it might be,
06:03 but we thoroughly enjoy spending this time with you
06:05 as you write and tell us, praise God for that.
06:08 And we want to continue to encourage you.
06:10 You remember us in your prayer and financial support
06:13 that we may get this message around the world
06:15 and then Jesus can come.
06:16 You won't want to miss this, as you heard on those,
06:18 my wife introduced this program,
06:20 we're going to be talking about successful parenting.
06:23 You may wonder where that's going to go.
06:25 But, you know, we're going to go into the Word of God
06:27 because God has a lot to say
06:28 about being a successful parent.
06:31 And some of us look at ourselves in the mirror
06:32 and say, "Oh, God, have mercy on me."
06:34 And He will.
06:35 But before we get into, let's kneel, shall we?
06:37 I'm going to kneel here
06:38 if you'd like to kneel and pray with me.
06:40 Let's do it together.
06:42 Loving Father in heaven, we thank You for Your Word,
06:44 we thank you for this privilege,
06:45 this opportunity
06:46 to be able to lift our voice and praise adoration
06:49 to find out what You have to say
06:51 about this wonderful, wonderful subject of parenting.
06:54 Bless us now, we pray with the power of thy Spirit.
06:56 Bless every word, everything that's said and done.
06:58 May hearts and minds be open.
06:59 Maybe we receive that what You have for us,
07:01 and we thank you in advance, in Jesus' name, amen.
07:06 Again, it's important to have your Bible,
07:07 I always encourage you to do that.
07:08 Get a pencil and paper
07:10 'cause everything that's said from the pulpit
07:11 doesn't necessarily mean that it's true.
07:13 And so you have to check.
07:14 The Bible says, "Study to show thyself," what?
07:17 "Approved unto God." So that's what we do.
07:19 You have to check it out
07:20 because the sign out front says a certain name,
07:22 because, you know, we say,
07:24 "Well, the Bible said, the preacher said."
07:25 What does the Bible say?
07:27 I'm going to bring this up.
07:28 I don't know if they studied in another class
07:29 or anything different,
07:31 but these are things that's going on in the world.
07:32 I want to spend least amount of time as I can,
07:35 but I think it's very important to realize
07:36 that we're in the end of time.
07:38 Does everybody agree?
07:39 We feel like we're in the end of time,
07:40 Jesus is coming,
07:42 things are going to be happening,
07:43 they are happening,
07:44 just one thing after the other.
07:46 So every day you open your eyes,
07:47 something that big is happening.
07:48 This is in the rotunda
07:50 by the way of the Illinois State Capitol.
07:53 That's in Springfield.
07:55 So this is, you know, in the rotunda,
07:56 something has been put there.
07:58 There's now a satanic statute.
08:01 Did anybody read that in a paper?
08:02 Now there's a satanic statue, right,
08:05 that's in the rotunda there.
08:07 They're celebrating both Santa and Satan.
08:11 Kind of interesting, isn't it?
08:13 Why are they doing these things?
08:14 Think about it.
08:15 Which if I say celebrating Santa
08:17 and celebrating Satan.
08:19 Boy, oh, boy, if I don't say this,
08:22 I'd be ashamed of myself later.
08:23 They both have the same origin.
08:27 Tomorrow you'll get this.
08:28 No, you're not going to get it now.
08:30 Both have the same origin.
08:32 Now again, a lie is a lie.
08:34 Are you still with me now?
08:36 And it comes from the what?
08:38 Father of lies in John what? 8:44,
08:40 it comes from the father of lies.
08:42 You want what they named this Satanic statue?
08:47 Snaketivity?
08:48 Do you have heard Snaketivity?
08:51 It depicts a hand holding an apple
08:55 with a snake wrapped around its arm.
08:57 Think about it.
08:59 The statue was designed, and founded,
09:01 and funded by satanic temple of Chicago.
09:05 That's kind of interesting, there's a Christmas tree there,
09:08 there's the nativity scene there,
09:11 there's a seven branch candlestick
09:13 that represent that which was in the Old Testament,
09:16 you know, sanctuary.
09:19 Yeah, menorah, which is people wouldn't understand that part,
09:22 but they do now.
09:23 This is good, but Exodus, I think, 37,
09:26 you can find that in.
09:28 This is according to the Dr. Dave Druker.
09:31 He's a press secretary of Illinois,
09:33 secretary of state.
09:34 So this coming from a good source here.
09:37 It sets on a four foot high base
09:40 that reads.
09:42 Now notice this,
09:43 "Knowledge is the greatest gift."
09:45 Well, right in there I have a problem
09:46 because I think Jesus is the greatest gift
09:48 that was given to mankind, don't you?
09:51 So what's going on here?
09:52 It's all about, remember the attack on what?
09:55 Religious freedom and what?
09:57 And our speech,
09:58 which is going on for a long time now.
10:01 According to this website,
10:03 Satan's temple has chapters all over the country.
10:08 This deals with what?
10:09 Our first amendment issue, keep that in mind.
10:12 It's interesting how we want to enforce and we want to,
10:15 you know, over here, we'll do this,
10:16 and over here, we'll do that.
10:18 But a lot of things here,
10:19 we don't have freedom of speech anymore.
10:21 You don't have freedom of press anymore,
10:23 you know, you have to be careful
10:24 to everything you say,
10:26 everybody is touchy, everybody gets upset,
10:27 words just kill people, you know.
10:30 And so we're not now, we're losing this freedom
10:33 to be able to present Jesus Christ to the world,
10:35 and we need to stand against it.
10:36 But here, if you're going to as they were,
10:39 they say, "If you're going to have Santa Claus in here,
10:41 "which they say is religious, it's really not,
10:44 then we must have something that represents the devil
10:46 because that's the way that we stand.
10:48 There's another holiday display,
10:51 this is from the Freedom from Religion foundation.
10:55 Freedom from what?
10:57 Freedom from religious...
10:58 It reads this,
10:59 "Religion is but a myth and superstition
11:03 that hardens hearts
11:05 and enslaves mind."
11:09 Isn't that kind of interesting?
11:11 When I read scripture,
11:12 I see a lot of words that's called free, don't you?
11:15 I see.
11:17 There's free, there's freedom, there's freely,
11:19 there's free will in the Bible talks about there,
11:22 there's a free man, there's a free woman there.
11:25 And you know what it says?
11:26 Bible says, you know, Jesus comes,
11:27 He sets us free from something.
11:29 John 8:32 simply says,
11:31 "The truth shall set you free."
11:35 So totally everything that they put down,
11:37 you can look in scripture and find this not so, why?
11:39 Because the enemy is behind it.
11:41 We need to be aware of.
11:43 This is one of the issues that's going to hit hard
11:45 because it's going to deal with taking books
11:47 that we want to give out,
11:49 whether it be the Bible or whatever,
11:50 and somebody is going to be offended
11:52 if you hand them a Bible.
11:53 They're offended.
11:54 If you hand them any other kind of book
11:56 that talks about Jesus, they're offended.
11:57 And so nowadays if anybody's offended,
11:58 all of a sudden there's an uproar,
12:00 if it's just one person.
12:01 Things are changed.
12:03 So we need to be careful, do work while we can.
12:05 We go to our successful parenting.
12:07 This is lesson number 14.
12:10 You know, I want to, maybe just ask a question
12:12 or let's think about this together.
12:14 You know, is there such a thing as a successful parent?
12:21 Yeah, and nobody's standing up and shouting,
12:23 so that's good news.
12:24 You know, we'll check you out if you said I am.
12:26 Is there such thing as a successful parent?
12:30 And then what does it take to be a successful parent?
12:33 Is there really such a thing?
12:35 Well, I'm sure there's many, maybe just a few
12:38 that would say,
12:39 "Well, yeah, yeah,
12:41 regardless of how the children turn out,
12:42 the moms and dads say,
12:44 'Yeah, I was a pretty good parent.' "
12:46 Kind of interesting, huh?
12:48 Would a parent be a good parent
12:50 if they decide they're going to give their children
12:53 everything that they didn't have
12:54 while they were growing up?
12:56 Does that make a good parent?
13:00 There are many of us than on the other side
13:03 that would have, say, "I would like another chance."
13:08 I sure would do things differently.
13:11 Have you heard that?
13:12 If I had to do it over, I'd sure do things differently.
13:14 Well,
13:16 since we can't really do that, in that sense,
13:19 are there things that can be done?
13:21 Even now in the lateness of the hour,
13:24 the lateness of the game,
13:25 the lateness of the family,
13:27 maturity of age and so on,
13:28 is there something that we can do that might help?
13:32 Because some of us say,
13:33 "Well, we just need to look around,
13:34 there's some good parents, but, you know what?
13:36 What may seem like good traits of one good parent
13:40 doesn't seem like that to another parent.
13:43 We have different definitions of what is a good parent.
13:48 I would say, just to throw something out
13:50 for us to think about,
13:51 a good parent, a good parent would,
13:54 a good parent would want their children
13:57 to stay out of trouble.
13:58 Let's start it simple.
14:00 A good parent would want your children
14:01 to do, what?
14:03 Stay out of trouble.
14:04 Don't get into trouble, you try to help them with that.
14:06 A good parent would say, "Oh, son/daughter,
14:08 I'd like for you to do well in school."
14:10 That may be good parent, wouldn't it be?
14:14 And then maybe as a parent, good parent,
14:15 we might say, "You know, we'd like for us
14:16 to have a good home life together."
14:18 Be a happy home together.
14:20 If all of us work together, it's going to be good."
14:23 Bet could there be more?
14:24 Could there possibly more
14:26 than just the semi simple things?
14:28 You know, what are a few qualities
14:30 of a good parent?
14:33 Well, we could just say today
14:34 that we're getting into the word.
14:36 A good parent would be caring.
14:39 A good parent cares about their children,
14:41 they care about other people.
14:45 Maybe another attribute would be affectionate.
14:47 And some of us have a more difficult time
14:49 with being affectionate than other people do.
14:52 A lot of people can show love real quick, and really easy,
14:54 and say, "I love you."
14:55 And other people have a difficult time with that.
14:57 But we need to be affectionate to our children.
15:00 We need to be able to say to them, "I love you."
15:03 And you need to say it more than once.
15:07 My dad to me was a good Christian man,
15:09 but way he was raised was different.
15:10 I never once
15:12 ever, ever heard him say, "I love you."
15:14 Never once.
15:17 My mom said to him one time,
15:18 "Honey, why don't you?" Mom did.
15:22 She said, "Honey, why don't you tell the boys."
15:24 It's before Tammy came along.
15:25 Why don't you tell the boys that you love them?"
15:29 And I happen to be standing close by,
15:31 and there's little guy like this,
15:32 he reached over and rub my head like this,
15:34 and He said, "Well, they know I do."
15:38 It takes maybe more than that.
15:40 And I did, I know, I never questioned that.
15:42 Even though it may be different from,
15:44 so I never questioned.
15:45 I knew he did. You know why?
15:46 By the way he treated me
15:49 was always fair, always just,
15:51 always good.
15:53 But a good parent, what do we say
15:54 would be able to communicate with their children.
15:57 This is one of the biggest problems
15:58 we have maybe in the world today
15:59 is to be able to communicate with grownups,
16:02 with each other,
16:03 rather than communicate with a child
16:06 who is growing,
16:07 you know, mentally, physically, spiritually in every which way,
16:10 and they're changing every day.
16:12 It's kind of hard,
16:14 sometimes difficult to communicate,
16:15 but we need to.
16:17 Maybe we could help by being a positive
16:20 as a parent role model.
16:22 If we're not a good role model,
16:23 then how are our children going to turn out?
16:25 They become of alike what they behold,
16:27 what they see, what they hear,
16:29 what's going on in the home
16:31 is the way they think they need to,
16:32 you know, deal with their issues.
16:35 And that starts at certainly at very young age.
16:38 And we need to be supportive, would we say that?
16:41 You want to be supportive of your child.
16:43 Even if they're doing the wrong thing,
16:44 you want to support where you can,
16:46 and you want to try to correct that.
16:48 Absolutely.
16:49 But you don't support them
16:50 in doing the wrong thing over and over.
16:52 There has to be a change somewhere
16:53 take place.
16:55 I do know this that there's no parent.
16:59 And if I'm wrong, somebody tell me that's here.
17:01 There's no parent that can be available
17:03 to their children 24/7.
17:06 Hello.
17:08 That'd be almost impossible, you know, 24/7.
17:12 But it's important to make time count
17:14 with him every day.
17:16 Now let's get this
17:18 before we get into some passage and think about.
17:19 It's important that we spend time
17:20 with them every day,
17:22 but notice this,
17:23 it must be without distractions.
17:27 Is it all right if the pastor say,
17:28 "I get aggravated."
17:30 Oh, come on,
17:32 you get aggravated, don't you sometime,
17:34 little upset?
17:35 You know, when you call, come in,
17:37 you know, family's going to go out
17:38 and they're going to have a meal.
17:39 You already know what I'm getting ready to say.
17:41 They go out and have a meal.
17:42 There's four of them, maybe they and the kids, right?
17:44 Mom and dad's on their phone, right?
17:45 Mom's on hers, dad's on his, right?
17:48 And the two kids are own theirs.
17:50 They never look at each other,
17:51 they never say anything to each other,
17:53 they're busy talking to everybody else
17:54 evidently wishing they were there
17:56 rather than where they are at.
17:58 It's the way it seems, doesn't it?
18:01 But that's not valuable time.
18:03 That is not the time we're talking about here,
18:06 it has to be without distraction.
18:08 A small, maybe little time,
18:11 whatever limit might, you might put on it,
18:13 that would be without the TV being on,
18:17 that would be without them
18:19 sitting in the front of computer,
18:20 and you trying to talk to them
18:22 when their mind is on the computer
18:23 and what's going on there
18:25 or again, the cell phone, whatever it might be.
18:30 Have a real conversation.
18:32 And part of our conversation as parents is to learn
18:35 and I've had a hard time to learn, learn to listen.
18:38 Listen to them,
18:39 be consistent with them in your love
18:42 and in your discipline.
18:44 Be consistent.
18:45 I often said with my dad, I was one of those sassy mouth,
18:48 I had to have a whip in just about every day
18:50 that I lived on this earth,
18:52 and that was up until my teenage years
18:54 because I had a quick mouth,
18:57 and so that cost me.
19:00 But I was...
19:01 My dad was always consistent in his discipline.
19:06 He never lost his temper, never screamed, never hollered,
19:09 he just did what he said
19:10 he was going to do if I did something.
19:15 The consistency was wonderful because as my earthly father,
19:18 it helped me to realize
19:19 my Heavenly Father is even more consistent
19:22 in dealing with me.
19:24 That helped me,
19:25 and I never one time ever thought
19:28 that I was being mistreated because I was corrected.
19:31 I simply got what I asked for.
19:36 I didn't seem like I asked for it that often,
19:38 but I did.
19:43 Good parents.
19:45 Now our young people don't like to hear it,
19:47 I didn't like to hear it when I was young,
19:48 good parents will always set boundaries.
19:51 Children are not adults,
19:53 and they don't need to be in every conversation
19:55 that mom and dad have.
19:56 Is somebody still with me?
19:58 Half of you will leave, that's all right,
20:00 because we need to hear.
20:02 They are not, they are not.
20:03 Don't care how smart they are,
20:05 they do not have the experience,
20:07 they do not have that which, you know,
20:09 you've gone through
20:10 to try to help make decisions in life.
20:13 And yes, sometimes,
20:14 you know, you've got to talk with them
20:16 and got to say here.
20:17 A lot of times we say,
20:19 this is what mom and I have decided
20:20 we're going to do.
20:25 A good parent will help their children
20:28 as we were taught to learn independence
20:32 and responsibility.
20:33 You will not raise up children to be lazy
20:38 and not carry their own weight.
20:39 Are you still with me?
20:40 They need a job.
20:42 Somebody not with me, I don't like to hear that.
20:46 They need a job.
20:47 I won't keep doing it or somebody,
20:49 they need a job,
20:51 and that starts at a very early age.
20:53 Listen carefully of what they are capable of.
20:56 And as a parent, you should know
20:58 what they're capable of.
20:59 A two-year-old, three-year-olds capable of doing something
21:02 to start with.
21:05 Pick up your toys.
21:06 I don't want to pick my toys.
21:08 You will pick up those toys.
21:09 And if they refuse to do, I help them,
21:11 to help them pick it up.
21:13 It's going to be done.
21:15 And apparently, we must learn not to say something
21:17 unless you're willing to back it up.
21:22 My dad often told my mom
21:24 that 'cause she would threaten the time or two.
21:27 Dad said, "Never do that."
21:29 She said, "Why don't you tell him?"
21:30 He said, "Because when I tell them,
21:32 then I'm going to back it up."
21:34 I don't give them three or four ways to get out of it.
21:37 So when I speak,
21:38 and it's going to have to brought to a head.
21:42 And he's going to certainly show
21:44 that he was in charge which parents are.
21:46 Be good parent.
21:48 But here's an issue.
21:49 And again, our time's going to run away
21:51 with us here, but I thought it's so interesting.
21:53 Let's think it through the child health
21:56 and development experts.
21:58 Are you still there?
22:00 Including the American Academy of Pediatrics,
22:04 have all said this,
22:06 have come out against using corporal punishment.
22:10 You know, no little tap, no little spank,
22:12 don't raise your voice,
22:14 don't do anything that may be, listen.
22:18 They said this,
22:20 "Extensive research has shown,"
22:24 extensive, what?
22:26 Research has shown.
22:28 They say that punishment is not only harmful
22:31 for kids' development as well as parent-child relationship,
22:37 but it's also...
22:39 Listen to this, not effective in the long-term.
22:43 My dad hadn't did.
22:44 Mom did what they did, I'd be in jail still yet.
22:49 This is what the professionals are saying.
22:52 Now we're not looking
22:53 at what the professionals are saying,
22:55 in these studies, we have always...
22:56 This is the 14th one.
22:57 We've always went back and said,
22:59 "What does the Bible say?"
23:00 If you're going to go along with the world,
23:02 teachings of the world,
23:03 look, and I might repeat it again
23:05 after a while, but I still repeat it.
23:07 The world is in a mess, our children are in a mess.
23:10 It's getting worse and worse.
23:12 Five-year-olds are shooting each other.
23:13 There's disobedience on every side of spectrum
23:16 that you can think about, nothing is going right,
23:19 and still yet they had the boldness
23:21 to stand up and say,
23:22 this is a way that should be done.
23:24 Well, evidently,
23:25 something's wrong.
23:28 I say, you know, go back to the Word of God.
23:30 I'm not talking about abuse,
23:31 I'm not talking about overdoing it,
23:33 I'm talking about the way the Bible says to do it.
23:34 Does the Bible say anything about it?
23:38 You have your Bibles,
23:39 turn with me quickly in Proverbs.
23:40 If you don't care, I'm going to run through
23:42 just a few passages.
23:43 If we don't get any farther than this, it's okay.
23:47 I want to say just to begin with here
23:49 because in Proverbs Chapter 12, we'll start with.
23:52 Are you going to be with me?
23:54 If you can't look them up,
23:55 you jot them down because I think it's important.
23:58 I think I'm in Proverbs 20,
23:59 so that means I need to turn back a page or two.
24:03 Okay, Proverbs Chapter 12.
24:05 Our first one, notice this, verse 15.
24:07 Notice how we're going to set this up
24:09 as a foundation, notice.
24:12 "The way of a fool."
24:14 Now if I said.
24:16 I better not say this.
24:17 No, I'm just saying,
24:19 you know, if I said there's only fools in here,
24:21 would anybody get mad?
24:23 Well, we got one hand up. Levi said, "He's mad."
24:26 Well, since Levi's four years old,
24:28 he'll have to get over.
24:29 Now Josh, raised his hand, I'd have to rethink it.
24:33 Notice it said, "The way of a fool is right," where?
24:38 "In his own eyes, but he that hearkeneth
24:41 unto counsel is wise."
24:43 So we need counsel sometimes, don't we?
24:45 We need to work at it together.
24:46 We need to get the counsel from the Word of God,
24:48 not necessarily from the professionals
24:52 even though they're not always wrong,
24:53 and there are some good ones.
24:54 I'm not trying to condemn everyone,
24:56 I'm just simply saying something has went wrong
24:58 because we've turned away from God's way,
25:00 and we're doing the way of the world now,
25:02 and it's a mess.
25:05 These passages will just be in Proverbs,
25:08 so we'll just turn them.
25:09 I tried to make it easy for myself and for you too.
25:11 So we just kind of turned the page here,
25:13 a couple of pages.
25:14 Next verse is Proverbs 17:24,
25:18 Proverbs 17:24.
25:26 If I can find it myself.
25:28 Okay.
25:30 I'm going to read verse 25 instead, okay?
25:33 Are we there?
25:34 Proverbs 17:25, it says, "A foolish son is," what?
25:39 "Is a grief of his father and bitterness to her
25:42 that bare him."
25:44 Of what kind of son?
25:46 A foolish son is grief.
25:48 So it's talking about parent relation.
25:49 And remember, the children may turn out because of what?
25:52 We didn't do the right things.
25:54 So we're not just blaming the children here
25:55 because we didn't do the right things,
25:57 follow the counsel of God.
25:59 They will say, "We've got a mess on our hands,
26:01 and it becomes a grief."
26:02 And you know it
26:04 if your children have went haywire.
26:06 It's a real grief.
26:10 Even if they haven't went haywire,
26:12 and they've lost their first love,
26:13 which is Christ,
26:14 and they still went haywire, they're still a mess.
26:17 And that really hurts.
26:22 Proverbs 20:20,
26:24 here's what the Bible says, notice, Proverbs 20:20.
26:28 "Whoso curseth his father or his mother,
26:32 his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness."
26:36 Wow.
26:38 Son and daughter that turns up
26:40 on their father and their mother,
26:43 God said, your lamp,
26:44 your little fire is going to be put out.
26:46 My dad used to say, "I'm going to put you on fire."
26:51 Proverbs 22:15,
26:54 the Bible says,
26:57 "Foolishness..."
26:58 Are we there?
26:59 Proverbs 22:15,
27:01 "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child,
27:03 but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him."
27:08 What does the Bible say?
27:10 See, we have people who will just look and say,
27:12 "Oh, this is just all wrong."
27:13 Don't talk to me about that.
27:16 I'm not trying to be militant about it,
27:18 I'm just saying, Brother Mark, if you come to me and say,
27:20 well, I know what it says here, but I may just say no.
27:24 The Bible said, "Who are we to say,"
27:26 well, that's wrong.
27:28 The Bible talking about here in a controlled way,
27:30 the way that a Christian should handle it,
27:32 here it says,
27:34 "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child."
27:36 That's true.
27:38 They can't help, but we're all there,
27:39 some of us still are.
27:41 There's too much foolishness.
27:42 But it says the foolishness, rather the wrong doing,
27:45 doing their own thing when they want to do it,
27:47 it says right here,
27:49 but here you have the rod of correction
27:51 shall drive it far from him.
27:55 And that written in the original language
27:57 means a stick.
27:58 It also means a branch for correcting.
28:00 Are you still there?
28:02 That's exactly what it says.
28:03 See, everybody will say, "Oh, that's me."
28:05 If you were raised in a home where you never got a whipping,
28:08 you never got corrected at all,
28:09 you probably end up being in spoil.
28:12 I almost said, spoiled brat, I wished I had enough.
28:18 I don't know if any of this that child
28:19 that has ever been raised that doesn't need correcting.
28:22 I've heard people say, "I never need to whip him.
28:23 I never..."
28:25 No, you know what?
28:26 You never do it if you get your own way all the time.
28:28 It's when you get in trouble and I get in trouble
28:30 is when it goes against, right?
28:32 Something I want.
28:35 Nobody has any trouble with, somebody not there.
28:38 Not having trouble.
28:39 We don't have trouble with anything
28:41 about as long as we always get our way.
28:43 And I'm good with...
28:44 As long as I'm getting my way, I'm good.
28:46 It's when you cross me, and I don't get my way.
28:48 Then that's going to show
28:49 what kind of character you have.
28:52 The Bible says,
28:55 "Little stick might help out."
28:58 You say, "Well, I don't know if that's enough or not."
29:00 Well, surely it is.
29:02 But still yet, Proverbs 23:13, 14.
29:04 Are you there?
29:06 It's just the same page or next one.
29:07 Proverbs what?
29:08 Twenty three, good, 13, 14.
29:11 It says this,
29:12 "Withhold not correction from the child,
29:15 for if thou..."
29:16 Oh, my, this is the word
29:18 that people will rise up against
29:19 and throw you in jail.
29:20 "If thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.
29:24 Thou shalt beat him with the rod,
29:26 and shalt deliver his soul from hell."
29:29 Now that's pretty...
29:31 Ain't that pretty clear?
29:33 We're talking about getting control,
29:35 not abusive,
29:36 not to leave mark,
29:38 but it's talking about here, you have to realize.
29:39 The wages of sin is what?
29:41 Wages of sin is death.
29:43 The wages of disobedience,
29:44 you say too, there may be a just a little bit of pain.
29:48 I'd like to rather have
29:49 that little bit of correcting now
29:50 than to go on and live your life
29:52 and end up in hell.
29:53 Are you still with me?
29:54 This is what Jesus is saying here.
29:56 There needs to be some chastising.
29:58 He corrects us here,
30:00 but will deliver that individual.
30:01 If we say that's wrong,
30:03 they're determined to keep doing it,
30:04 then there has to be in that.
30:06 You got to bend the twig while you can.
30:08 When that twig gets too big,
30:09 I bet, you can't bend that twig.
30:11 They've got their own mind.
30:12 They may try to fool you thinking they've bent,
30:14 but they've not.
30:15 The way you bend a twig is
30:16 where you've been a little sapling.
30:18 You get a little crooked like sapling,
30:19 or little tree, it's all been over there,
30:21 you straighten it up.
30:22 You know, there's a lot of trees planted by the road,
30:23 they'll have a little boards in too before that?
30:25 What are they doing?
30:26 They're straightening it out because it's crooked.
30:28 And if you let it go, it'll get worse than that.
30:31 So you can't let it go.
30:33 Man, being a good parent, what it's talking about here.
30:38 You say, "Well, maybe that's enough."
30:39 Well, maybe it's not enough.
30:42 And if we just really think about this,
30:44 just cross the page, same chapter right there,
30:47 verse 24 and 25.
30:51 Notice what it says,
30:52 "The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice:
30:56 he that begetteth a wise child shall have joy of him."
31:00 Wow.
31:02 "Thy father and thy mother shall be glad,
31:06 and she shall bare thee shall rejoice."
31:11 See, nothing brings more happiness to mom and dad
31:13 for the children to do well.
31:15 You want them to do well,
31:17 you're not trying to take anything away from them,
31:19 anything that's good from them.
31:22 Proverbs 29:15,
31:23 I might just keep going, I don't know.
31:26 There's another one here.
31:27 Proverbs 29:15, 16 or 17.
31:32 It says, "The rod and reproof giveth wisdom,
31:36 but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame."
31:39 Are you still there?
31:41 Verse 17, "Correct thy son, he shall give thee rest,
31:45 yea, he shall give thee the delight unto thy soul.
31:52 Proverbs 30:5.
31:54 Notice, "Every word of God is," what?
31:57 Things we just read here, what does the Bible say?
32:00 "Every word of God," in Proverbs 30:5,
32:03 "Every word of God is pure.
32:06 He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him."
32:11 So even though they say, "These may be personal,
32:14 our personal thoughts toward, well, we shouldn't do this,
32:17 and we shouldn't count,
32:18 and we should put them in a corner,
32:20 we should do everything.
32:21 That's not...
32:22 I never, I've never found that in here.
32:24 It might work in some cases,
32:25 it wouldn't have worked with me.
32:29 We have to know our child, we have to be willing to work.
32:30 And that's not popular today,
32:33 get yourself in trouble for that.
32:37 All of a sudden, one time my son,
32:40 it was years ago that,
32:41 you know, when you got a whipping at school,
32:44 you got a whip when you got home.
32:46 Say nowadays, you say,
32:48 "Well, who you're going to trust?"
32:49 The teacher, oh, don't know.
32:50 Well, then you trust the teacher,
32:52 you knew who they were.
32:53 So got home, Jeremy brought a little note with him.
32:55 He's about seven or eight.
32:57 He said, "Well, I got a whipping at school."
32:59 I said, "Well, oh, Jay,
33:01 you know, I'm going to work most time,
33:03 and last thing you want to do when you come home was
33:04 have some confrontation,
33:06 you know, you'd like for it to be nice and quiet."
33:08 I said, "Jay, you know what that means?"
33:10 "Yeah, I do but.
33:12 Well, but, but..."
33:14 "And I said, "Well, but what?"
33:16 He said, "Well, one of my classmates told me
33:18 you can't do that anymore."
33:20 Oh man, all of a sudden I felt the hair on my neck
33:25 starts to stand up.
33:26 Obviously, I've got some on my arms now stand,
33:28 and said, "He's challenging."
33:30 And so I thought, "Well, okay," I said,
33:32 "Well, what are you talking about Jeremy?"
33:34 "Well, they told me that you can't anymore
33:36 because that's a form of abuse,
33:38 and all I have to do is call the police,
33:40 and they'll come and get you,
33:42 and put you in jail if you do it, so now..."
33:44 I said, "So now, here's the phone.
33:47 I suggest that you call the police right now.
33:50 And I'm going to beat you until they get here."
33:53 Okay, nobody's getting.
33:54 Now I wasn't going to do it, but you follow what I'm saying?
33:56 He was bold.
33:58 He was going to challenge the laws,
33:59 and I simply said, "No, you go ahead."
34:01 I did, I gave...
34:03 That time when you still had the phone you did.
34:05 I said, "Dial the number yourself,
34:07 Jeremy, and I'm going to start in on you.
34:11 And they'll have to pull me off when they get here."
34:14 And I said, "Now, what do you think about it?"
34:17 He said, "Oh, no, dad, I don't want that.
34:19 I'm not calling anybody."
34:21 I said, "Good idea,
34:22 now let's get your spanking get over with."
34:24 Yeah, well, I know it's too difficult to some
34:25 if you're not raised that way,
34:27 but I'm telling you got to do what...
34:28 You can't be challenged
34:31 and not do anything about it.
34:34 But it's interesting what this futile things
34:36 we read there quickly as we did,
34:37 you know, studying,
34:38 you can find where the professionals
34:40 ever mentioned the importance of what the Bible says.
34:43 You'll never find that.
34:47 And man's plan has failed.
34:50 The thinking of modern man today dealing
34:52 with children has failed.
34:56 And it started with Dr. Spock long time ago.
35:00 That's my own two cents, I only pull it if I want to.
35:06 We have almost abandoned God's way
35:09 of parent and child relationship.
35:13 The Bible predicts even the environment
35:15 that we're talking about, and tells us in the end time,
35:18 notice Ephesians 6:1, jot it down,
35:21 we gonna move quick as we can, only got 20 minutes left.
35:24 And tells us, Ephesians 6:1 says,
35:26 notice this, here's what the Bible said,
35:28 "Children, obey your parents."
35:31 Did you get it?
35:32 Now we have people say,
35:34 "Well, no, parents don't deserve."
35:35 A child has no business saying that to begin with.
35:37 We realized one another,
35:38 we need have respect for each other,
35:40 it needs to be that way.
35:41 "Children obey your parents," notice this, "in the Lord."
35:46 You got godly parents, I mean, there comes a time you say,
35:48 "Man, I can't.
35:50 You get old, I can't do that anymore."
35:51 I can't do those things because it's ungodly.
35:54 In the Lord, you have to do that.
35:56 In the very beginning, God said in His law,
35:59 Ten Commandments law, Exodus 20:12, what does he say?
36:02 "Honor thy father and thy," what?
36:05 "Honor thy father and thy mother
36:06 that your days may be long upon the land,
36:09 which the Lord thy God has given thee," right?
36:12 The first commandment would promise,
36:13 God said, "When children obey their parents,
36:15 their life will be longer."
36:17 Many lives are cut short for young people
36:19 because they disobeyed.
36:21 Mom and dad said, "Don't get near the railroad track,
36:24 and they did."
36:25 Mom and dad said, "Don't take these drugs."
36:26 They did.
36:28 Mom and dad said, "Don't play with the guns."
36:29 They did.
36:32 Over and over and over,
36:33 honor your mother and your father.
36:38 Referring to the last days,
36:40 the Bible is clear in 2 Timothy 3:2,
36:42 what does it say about the way the man is going to be,
36:45 the children's going to be?
36:47 In the last days 2 Timothy 3:2, it says, "For men shall be,"
36:51 what?
36:53 "Lovers," as it notices,
36:54 and we'll get down to the nitty-gritty
36:55 because of our time.
36:57 But it said that children will be what?
36:58 Men will be...
36:59 They'll be disobedient to parents,
37:02 they're going to be unthankful, and unholy.
37:06 Now do you see that today?
37:07 Children today are unthankful, many.
37:09 There are some that we know there,
37:10 I don't target.
37:12 Praise God for the good.
37:13 But most of them are unthankful,
37:14 ungodly, they're unholy.
37:18 They're disobedient to parents,
37:20 they think they can stand in your face and tell you
37:22 what you're supposed to do.
37:24 That should never be,
37:25 that should never come out of their mouth.
37:29 There's ways in which it should be done,
37:32 we understand that.
37:33 Because you know why?
37:35 Because children are a gift.
37:37 They are blessing from the Lord.
37:38 I'll give you a quick example.
37:39 You remember back,
37:41 and we go back to Genesis Chapter 33,
37:43 Genesis 33:5,
37:45 this is where Jacob met his brother
37:47 after they had been separated for a while.
37:50 Was Jacob afraid of Esau?
37:53 He did not want to meet his brother
37:56 because he knew that his brother was going...
37:57 He knew in his mind he was going to kill him.
38:00 And so what did he do?
38:01 Well, during this time they were separated,
38:02 here God had blessed Jacob,
38:04 and Jacob had a lot of women and children
38:07 that were there.
38:08 And so when it came time, when God said,
38:10 "You need to make this right with your brother,
38:12 you need to get it right,"
38:14 then all of a sudden, what did Jacob say?
38:15 Well, I've got it,
38:16 you know, he's pretty smart man.
38:18 I've got a plan here, right?
38:19 But when my brother comes in way and distance here,
38:21 I'm going to put all the women and all the children in front.
38:23 Sound like a real man, didn't he?
38:26 He had a plan, the reason in his mind,
38:30 I'm going to put the women and children all out there,
38:32 and he see all of those
38:33 and realize may be they're with me,
38:35 and maybe he'll decide not to kill me.
38:39 Interesting thought.
38:41 And interesting when Esau rode up with his...
38:44 How many did he have? Maybe 300 or 400?
38:46 I mean he had some warriors.
38:48 Man, now they're easy prey.
38:49 As soon as Esau rode up there, he looked,
38:51 and he's seen all of those little children
38:53 and all the women right there, and he said, scripture says,
38:58 "Jacob, who are all of these with you?
39:01 Who are these?"
39:03 He took note.
39:05 Who are these?
39:08 What did Jacob say?
39:09 Do you remember that?
39:10 Jacob said, "The children which God has so graciously
39:15 given thy servant."
39:17 You notice what he says?
39:19 He's so graciously given.
39:21 He's saying, "Look, these children
39:22 that God gave me are a gift."
39:25 Our children are what?
39:26 They're gift from God.
39:28 This helps us to understand that.
39:30 They are a gift of God.
39:32 Esau was serving, and story goes on.
39:34 It take time to read all of that if you can.
39:37 But right then and there,
39:39 he say, "Oh, he's got women and children.
39:41 And these children are a gift of God,
39:43 and they need the man in the home,
39:45 they need the head."
39:48 Genesis Chapter 18 deals with the promise of the birth
39:52 of Isaac to Abraham.
39:54 You know that story well,
39:55 so we won't go into that part of it.
39:57 But notice in Genesis 18, we're talking about here,
40:01 Genesis 18:19.
40:04 Talking about the birth of Isaac to Abraham,
40:07 it says here, "For I know him," God's talking about him.
40:10 Why is he going to get the promise?
40:11 And why this, he said, "For I know him
40:13 that he will command his children
40:15 and his household after him,
40:18 and they shall keep the way of the Lord,
40:20 and to do justice and judgment."
40:22 Man, how wonderful that is, praise God.
40:24 Notice, to be a successful parent,
40:28 we must consider the Book of Deuteronomy Chapter 6.
40:31 You turn with me, if you will. I'll just read that with you.
40:34 In the Book of Deuteronomy,
40:37 Deuteronomy 6:5-9,
40:41 Deuteronomy 6:5-9.
40:47 The Bible says, notice this,
40:49 "And thou shall love the Lord thy God with," what?
40:52 "All thine heart, with all thy soul,
40:54 and with all thy might.
40:57 And these words which I command thee this day,
40:59 shall be in thine heart."
41:01 Now notice what we are to do?
41:02 He's talking about well successful parenting.
41:05 Well, there's a way to be a successful parent here.
41:08 And the Lord is telling,
41:09 this is the way that has to be done.
41:11 First of all, you love the Lord God
41:12 with all your heart.
41:14 If you're going to be a good parent,
41:15 we must love God with all of our heart.
41:17 We can say, "Well, we've done good,
41:19 and we've taken care, and we've done that."
41:20 You got to have the love of Christ in your heart.
41:22 Notice this, then it says,
41:24 "Thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children,
41:28 thou sittest in thine house, when thou walkest by the way,
41:32 and when thou liest down, and went thou risest up."
41:36 Did we get that?
41:38 We're to teach them, right?
41:40 We're to teach them the way of God,
41:41 we're to teach them the law of God.
41:44 We have to deal,
41:45 right, supremely with God and our fellow man.
41:48 Wherever you go, you teach your children,
41:50 right, in the morning, right at noon, and at night.
41:53 Think about it.
41:55 A lot of families are destroyed and they're messed up
41:56 because we didn't do that.
41:59 And we can't figure out what went wrong.
42:00 But we didn't raise them,
42:02 and the Bible talks about the admonition of the Lord.
42:06 Manuscript 43 written in 1907 says this,
42:09 "This obedience works out for us the divine will,
42:13 bring into our lives."
42:15 Notice this, "righteousness and perfection
42:18 that was seen in the life of Christ."
42:22 Ain't that beautiful?
42:23 When you teach the children the right thing, what happens?
42:26 We're teaching them to be obedient
42:28 and to love God supremely.
42:30 This brings the righteousness and perfection
42:34 of Jesus Christ into the life.
42:37 This is what we need as parents,
42:38 this is what the children also need.
42:42 In Deuteronomy Chapter 6, we find the word, "love."
42:46 Over and over, He said the word love.
42:49 And it has meaning to me, at least for the parents,
42:52 and for the children to love.
42:54 To love the Lord.
42:57 Do you notice there was the first principle.
42:58 Once again, it was the first principle
43:00 given to them is to love.
43:03 That means to have a desire for,
43:06 that means to have affection for,
43:08 that needs to be inclined.
43:11 You teach them, and the children become what?
43:13 Inclined to love the Lord.
43:15 When they're inclined to love the Lord,
43:17 they're inclined to love their parents,
43:19 love their parents, love the Lord.
43:21 And so they're inclined,
43:22 that's going to be their desire,
43:24 that's going to be their first principle.
43:26 Our relationship with God is based on what?
43:30 See this is what the world is lacking,
43:31 successful parenting.
43:33 Think about love,
43:34 relationship to God is based on love.
43:37 You read that in 1 John 4:19.
43:41 Love is the foundation, love is the basis for.
43:45 He came seeking us, isn't that right?
43:47 We're to love.
43:48 And sometimes we don't show that love.
43:51 Children pick up on that rather quickly.
43:52 They're not showing love in return,
43:54 they're not showing respect.
43:56 The Bible is clear, Jesus was clear.
43:59 When He was on earth, He said, "We need to love, right,
44:02 on these two, love God and our fellow man.
44:05 Think about it.
44:07 On these two hang all the law and the testament,
44:09 Matthew 22:40, that's our duty as a parent,
44:14 that's the duty of a child.
44:16 That means we're on the same page.
44:18 That means the home is going well.
44:21 That's hard to be a Christian and have unbelievers
44:24 in there living with you 'cause the older they get
44:26 because they always want to do other things,
44:28 and go here and do this, and do all that.
44:30 And we're left in a bind of whether we agree with them
44:32 or we don't rather than
44:33 set rules up that we need to sit,
44:35 which is what set up
44:37 because it's what the Bible says.
44:39 This is very, very important.
44:44 If we put God first,
44:47 it becomes easy to be obedient,
44:50 obedient to God, obedient to our parents,
44:52 obedient to.
44:54 I mean, that's what John 14:15 says,
44:56 "If you love Me, keep..."
44:59 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
45:01 John, was it 15:10 goes on.
45:04 Jesus said, "If you keep," did you get it?
45:07 "If you keep My commandments,
45:09 then you shall abide in My love."
45:11 So we say, "Well, we love Him, we love Him, we love Him,
45:13 but if we're not keeping the commandment,
45:14 we're not abiding in His love."
45:16 This is a condition.
45:17 Did you get it?
45:19 "If you keep My commandments, then you abide in My love."
45:25 Then He goes on to say,
45:26 "Even as I have kept My Father's commandments,
45:29 and abide in His love."
45:31 He set the example for us.
45:33 Look, what a smooth relationship they had.
45:36 How smooth it can be for us in the home?
45:40 Love God with all your heart.
45:43 That means your feelings, that means your emotions,
45:47 that means your motives, that means your affections,
45:52 everything, our wills.
45:55 Our will is turned over.
45:56 So it's easy to be obedient or to do nice things
45:59 to the people that you love.
46:01 If you love, it's easy to try to bring happiness
46:04 to the other.
46:07 Responsibility of parents is overwhelming
46:10 to try to be a successful parent.
46:13 But being a successful parent, to me at least,
46:15 means there's some duty involved.
46:17 Did you get that duty?
46:20 That the duty is to keep the Word of God
46:22 ever before their little eyes and their little ears.
46:24 That's the duty. Why?
46:26 Because one day we must give an account to God
46:30 for these gifts, these children He's blessed us with.
46:36 We have to.
46:37 Jeremiah 13:17, 20.
46:41 He's talking about, you know what it says?
46:43 "Where is that, what?"
46:45 One of these days, God's going to say to you,
46:47 "Kenny, where is that beautiful flock?"
46:49 Where's that flock that I've given you?
46:52 He's going to say it to every parent.
46:54 We have to give an answer.
46:56 Where is that flock?
46:58 People say, "Well, I read that,
46:59 He's talking about the flocks and the herds.
47:01 Jesus used many times in His prayer with sheep.
47:05 And in this passage here of Jeremiah 13:17, 20,
47:09 he's talking about that,
47:10 he's talking about the Lord's flock.
47:13 That flock that I've given you,
47:15 every parent's going to have to give an account
47:18 by this figure that we're looking at here,
47:20 God shows His love for His children.
47:25 And this question goes deeper.
47:28 This question goes deeper because there's a duty.
47:30 It's directing at ministries.
47:33 It's the duty of the minister.
47:36 It's the duty of every teacher.
47:38 It's the duty of every parent
47:41 to give an account
47:45 because we are guardians.
47:48 How many of us, I wonder, can give a faithful account?
47:53 Think about it.
47:54 A faithful account.
47:56 As long as I say, "I wonder have I done my best for Jesus?"
48:00 If you're still worried about that word,
48:01 and whatever, and flock that we're talking about here,
48:04 not just the regular animals themselves.
48:06 Read Zachariah 10:3, you read that.
48:10 Read John Chapter 10.
48:12 I'm going fast 'cause you just have to jot it down,
48:13 read it.
48:15 John 10:1-6, Jesus said.
48:17 I'm talking about the Good Shepherd in this.
48:20 Jesus said, "His sheep hear His voice, and they follow."
48:24 He was using what? Sheep again.
48:26 So God says to us today, where's that flock?
48:29 You think you're getting out.
48:31 They've grown up, they went out on their own,
48:32 well that everything is released.
48:33 We are not released from that because that's
48:35 when they're tender, when they're young,
48:37 that we must be able to set and get that twig straight.
48:39 We know that.
48:41 If we don't, we'll lose them.
48:44 One church says that, one of them.
48:47 It will get John all upset, but one church mentions,
48:50 if I have their child
48:51 until they're three years of old,
48:53 there'll be nothing but.
48:57 Yeah, when they get up to three years of age,
48:59 their first three years of life,
49:00 and we know that is the most important years.
49:04 That's where they learn to do everything
49:05 by the time they're three.
49:06 Look what they have learned in three years,
49:08 and look what we've done?
49:09 We've lost.
49:12 Tremendous amount of babies,
49:13 when the day it's born in first three years,
49:15 what they've learned to do?
49:17 Communicate, and to talk, and move forward,
49:19 and to think, and try to outsmart mom and dad.
49:24 They think they're smart enough to do it.
49:26 A lot of times they do it,
49:27 a lot of time we laugh at it when they're disobedient
49:29 rather than correcting them.
49:32 The Book of Psalms...
49:38 127:3 says this,
49:42 "Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord:
49:46 and the fruit of the womb is his reward."
49:49 So what are children?
49:51 It's a reward, children are gift from God.
49:54 They're worth spending some time on,
49:56 and we're not spending time because we're so busy doing.
49:59 And I have to say, I was too 'cause,
50:01 you know, younger and working all the time.
50:04 It could be a lot more time,
50:05 lot more changes that need to take place.
50:07 But then it seemed like you have to,
50:09 you know, you win breads,
50:10 you go out and you work and you do.
50:12 That's why it's so important to have a good wife
50:15 and a good woman at home to be able
50:16 to take care of those children,
50:18 raise them in the admonition of the Lord.
50:21 Today, we need to...
50:23 As parents search our hearts, examine our habits,
50:26 examine our practices, that what we do,
50:31 have we been that example?
50:33 Have we been?
50:35 The Bible says that and God says
50:37 that children are the heritage,
50:39 that means they're the possession,
50:41 they're the state of the Lord,
50:44 and we must give an account for the management
50:47 of His property.
50:49 You realize, they're not even your children,
50:50 they're not my children,
50:52 I have to give an account for what?
50:54 How I managed them because they're gift
50:56 that's given to us.
50:59 They belong to God.
51:02 This makes the education to me at least
51:04 and the training of these children,
51:07 the highest service that we can render to God.
51:11 And, you know, if we've neglected this,
51:12 there's still hope.
51:14 I want to encourage you.
51:15 We ran out of time, three or four minutes left.
51:17 There's still hope.
51:20 You remember the woman, quickly,
51:21 do you remember the woman in the Bible that lost a coin,
51:26 lost that coin.
51:28 It was just lost.
51:29 What did she do?
51:30 Think about this spiritually.
51:32 We got a son or daughter, they're lost, they went out,
51:34 they're out, they're out in the world.
51:36 This woman lost the coin.
51:37 What did she do?
51:39 She searched until she found it.
51:42 She did what?
51:43 She searched until she found that lost coin.
51:46 Sometime we don't, our son, daughter,
51:48 they go out in the world,
51:49 and we leave them out there by themselves struggling
51:50 and we're not there.
51:52 God have mercy on us.
51:53 We're to search for them until we can find them.
51:56 That's what she did.
51:58 That means we have to work for our households.
52:02 That means there's a work to be done.
52:04 And then we can say with joy, one day we can sing with joy.
52:08 It's Isaiah 8:18 comes to mind,
52:10 it says, "Behold, I and the children
52:13 whom the Lord hath given me."
52:15 Now what does it say here?
52:17 "Behold, I and the children."
52:20 God answers the prayers of last days of the mother,
52:22 the praying mother.
52:24 One day if we search and we keep looking
52:26 for that lost coin, that little piece of silver
52:28 as it were, one day we'll be saying,
52:30 "Oh, I and the children."
52:33 How wonderful that'd be.
52:36 Wherever we are at, wherever we may be,
52:39 I'll tell you right now, there's a lost coin.
52:41 There's a lost coin that's around us.
52:44 There's a piece of silver that needs to be found.
52:49 Finding, just looking and finding that last coin,
52:51 what do we do?
52:53 We quickly present Christ to them again
52:55 as a sin pardoning savior.
52:57 We tell of His love that He has for them.
53:00 The value of a soul.
53:01 Who can estimate the value of one individual?
53:05 If you want to know,
53:06 I'll tell you quickly as we close today,
53:07 you've got to go to Gethsemane.
53:09 If you want to know the value of a soul,
53:11 one soul that Christ would have done what He did,
53:13 just one person.
53:14 Go to, go over His last hours,
53:17 see those sweat as it were great drops
53:19 of blood coming out of Him.
53:21 Look at Christ hanging on the cross.
53:23 Look at His body that was marred
53:25 more than any man.
53:28 His vision, the Bible said was marred more than a man.
53:30 His mama couldn't recognize Him,
53:31 they beat Him to a pulp,
53:33 hear Him to cry out in the end result,
53:34 "My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?"
53:40 Why have You forsaken Me?
53:42 All He did this for my redemption,
53:44 for your redemption.
53:48 For just one, He laid down his life.
53:52 Keep this in mind, my friend,
53:53 and you will see and you'll better understand
53:55 and I will too, the value of one soul, one individual.
54:00 No human being would ever be saved,
54:03 whatever been saved,
54:04 if Christ had not made personal effort.
54:06 He's looking for that lost coin.
54:08 He's looking for that lost sheep,
54:10 and that was me.
54:11 By personal effort, and aid of the Holy Spirit,
54:14 souls can be rescued from the bondage of sin.
54:17 Our children can be rescued.
54:20 Proverbs 22:6, as we close, says,
54:22 "Train up a child in the way he's," what?
54:24 "He should go, and when he is old,
54:26 he shall not depart from it."
54:30 Friend, we have that opportunity
54:31 and privilege today, behold, Jesus.
54:33 If you've made all kinds
54:34 of mistakes raising your children,
54:35 don't give up.
54:37 Pray for them, put them on the altar,
54:38 pray for them daily, seek for them, work for them.
54:40 And God said,
54:42 "One of these days, they're going to say,
54:43 'I and my children stand together."
54:45 Let's have a quick prayer shall we before we close.
54:49 Loving Father in heaven,
54:50 we thank You for Your precious Word,
54:51 thank You for the promises that You have given.
54:53 All they bring to light and happiness to our soul
54:55 that You're always there with us,
54:57 You'll never leave us, never forsake us,
54:58 and the answer to prayer of bringing our children home.
55:00 In Jesus' name, amen.
55:03 Thank you for joining us. We'll see you next time.
55:07 Hello and welcome back, friends.
55:09 God's Word is so full of hope, direction, and encouragement.
55:12 And I am the one,
55:14 I'm so very thankful for all the many promises
55:17 in His words that we may claim for our children.
55:20 Ultimately, though, the choice of heaven
55:23 or hell belongs to them.
55:25 It is their choice.
55:26 But as parents,
55:27 successful parenting skills will begin first
55:30 by strengthening our relationship
55:33 with our Heavenly Father,
55:35 and then living out that saving love
55:38 of Christ as a living example to our children.
55:42 Successful parenting is training them up in the way
55:45 that they should go back to reflecting the image
55:48 of God in their lives as they see that same image
55:52 in the lives of their parents.
55:54 Successful parenting is loving our children enough
55:57 to guard and direct their minds away
56:00 from the enticements of the world to the principles
56:03 of godly living in love, and listen in patience,
56:08 and love, and in patient.
56:10 Successful parenting is holding on as tight
56:13 as you possibly can to your Savior's hand,
56:17 and drawing from history, and His wisdom.
56:21 To be a successful parent is a job
56:23 that we are totally inadequate to do on our own.
56:29 Successful parenting is knowing
56:31 that we are but children ourselves
56:33 in the school of Christ.
56:34 And as children, we make mistakes.
56:38 And as children,
56:39 we need to seek forgiveness and direction
56:42 from our Heavenly Father,
56:44 and then impart the same forgiveness
56:46 and direction to our children
56:48 as heaven's representatives here on this earth.
56:52 We want heaven to be a big family reunion.
56:56 Therefore, we must take what little time.
56:59 It's such little time, it goes so fast that we have
57:03 with our children, and devote that time,
57:06 the time that is needed in preparing them
57:09 to be a good Christ like citizen here
57:12 on this earth, and then heavenly citizens
57:15 and the earth made new.
57:18 And should you like to make this wonderful message
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58:51 Friends, until next time,
58:52 may our precious Lord continue
58:55 to bless you and your children.


Revised 2019-04-08