Behold the Lamb Presents

Why Was Bible Prophecy Given?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000130S

00:40 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:42 I'm Chris Shelton, your host.
00:43 I'm so thankful that you are joining us.
00:46 Today we're going to begin a four part series entitled,
00:50 "Trust in the Sure Word of Prophecy."
00:52 During this series we will be addressing
00:54 four areas of study
00:56 and those four different messages
00:58 will be entitled, number one.
01:00 Why was Bible prophecy given?
01:02 Two, who can show the dream?
01:05 Three, the four beasts and a little horn.
01:07 And concluding with number four,
01:09 seven heads and ten horns.
01:12 We hope and pray that
01:13 you will make a decided effort today to join us
01:17 for each message as I'm sure the Holy Spirit
01:19 will speak to each of our heart.
01:21 Today, of course,
01:22 we're going to begin with part one is entitled,
01:25 "Why was Bible Prophecy given?"
01:28 I'm excited to hear
01:30 what the Lord has placed on Pastor Kenny's heart
01:32 to share with us today.
01:34 I believe that the Bible prophecy
01:37 is such a special gift that God has given to His children
01:41 as He is ever directing our paths.
01:43 You know, we find a Bible promise
01:45 in Amos 3:7 that reads,
01:48 "Surely the Lord God will do nothing,
01:50 but he revealeth his secrets
01:52 unto his servants the prophets."
01:55 Revealing future events is no doubt
01:58 God's special way of enabling us
02:00 not to be deceived during our earthly journey.
02:04 We are in a spiritual warfare of which we,
02:07 I truly believe we just really don't grasp
02:10 the full magnitude of, and Christ's efforts
02:14 to save each and every one of us.
02:16 Many times He repeats the words,
02:19 "Be not deceived."
02:21 Be not deceived.
02:22 And I truly believe that
02:24 He is giving us Bible prophecy
02:27 as a spiritual weapon to keep us
02:29 from being deceived and to prepare us
02:32 to be ready for future events when they take place.
02:36 So let's study together and learn more
02:39 of why was Bible prophecy given with Pastor Kenny Shelton
02:43 in this four part series we are calling,
02:45 "Trust in the Sure Word of Prophecy."
02:48 But first, let's visit 3ABN as we listen to a song that
02:52 I'm sure will bless your hearts
02:54 as sung by Pastor John Lomacang,
02:56 and Stephanie Dawn, and accompanied by
02:59 Dan Thornton on the piano
03:01 as they bring us a song entitled,
03:03 "The Gentle Healer."
03:13 The Gentle Healer came
03:15 Into our town today
03:20 He touched blind eyes
03:22 And the darkness left to stay
03:26 But more than the blindness
03:29 He took their sins away
03:32 The Gentle Healer came
03:35 Into our town today
03:43 The Gentle Healer came
03:46 Into our town today
03:50 He spoke one word
03:52 That was all He had to say
03:56 And the One who had died
03:59 Just rose up straight away
04:04 The Gentle Healer came
04:07 Into our town today
04:22 Oh, He seems like
04:25 Just an ordinary man
04:31 With dirty feet and rough
04:33 But gentle hands
04:38 But the words He says
04:40 Are hard to understand
04:44 And yet He seemed like
04:46 Just an ordinary man
04:51 The Gentle Healer
04:54 He left our town today
04:58 I just looked around
05:01 And found He'd gone away
05:04 Some folks from town
05:06 Who followed Him, they say
05:12 The Gentle Healer is the Truth
05:16 The Life, the Way
05:20 The Gentle Healer is the Truth
05:24 The Life, the Way
05:37 Thank you for joining us
05:38 once again here at Behold the Lamb.
05:39 We appreciate you so very much.
05:41 And we're always grateful
05:42 and thankful for the phone calls or letters
05:44 and support to give to get this message out to the world
05:48 because we do believe Jesus is coming soon.
05:50 We believe that we don't have a lot of time,
05:52 you know, be playing around with playing church.
05:54 We realized that the time is running short.
05:56 Door of probation is closing. Jesus is coming.
05:59 And so, there's a message that needs to go present truth.
06:02 But along with that message of present truth, many times,
06:05 we need to go back and we look at A, B, and C,
06:07 and how to put that together
06:09 so that we know that we have the...
06:10 We're talking about some powers.
06:12 We're going to be talking about in next several weeks,
06:14 about some powers of the world
06:15 and some of the things that these powers are involved
06:18 with that go against the people of God.
06:21 We're going to be talking about future events.
06:24 And that certainly would be prophecy
06:26 and the prophets of God.
06:28 But we need to find out first is that,
06:31 is it really established in Scripture that
06:33 we can we really go in Scripture
06:34 and find out like today's message,
06:36 why was Bible prophecy given?
06:39 Why was it given? Or is there such a thing?
06:42 We're going to find out from the Word of God.
06:43 First, we're going to pray as we always do.
06:45 We encourage you to kneel with us there at home.
06:47 If you can't,
06:48 sometime you're driving, you're listening.
06:49 You can just pray along with us.
06:51 This is very, very important.
06:53 This is a foundation in which to build
06:54 and we don't want to mess up that foundation.
06:56 We need the Holy Spirit. Let's pray.
07:00 Loving Father in heaven,
07:01 we thank You for the privilege of prayer.
07:02 Now we invite Thy sweet Holy Spirit
07:05 come near to each of our hearts and our minds in our lives.
07:08 Lord, just open and broaden our thought process
07:11 and our minds and maybe they stayed upon
07:12 Thee, upon heaven.
07:14 May we see the things
07:15 that are happening in the world,
07:17 may we understand what's taking place,
07:19 may we see those powers that are involved here
07:21 in these last days of earth's history,
07:23 that we recognize them,
07:24 we can warn the world of what soon to take place.
07:27 Thank you for revealing those things to us.
07:30 May Your Holy Spirit have Your way
07:31 and Your will, way and will in every heart
07:34 and every life right now as we dedicate ourselves
07:36 to Thee, in Jesus' name, amen.
07:41 If you have your Bible, we're going to talk about that.
07:43 Maybe a Bible study, you like Bible studies?
07:45 I like Bible studies, because in the Bible study,
07:48 what you do is you go to the Word of God
07:50 and you begin to establish a fact.
07:53 And then you build up on that
07:54 and line upon line and precept upon precept,
07:57 here a little and there a little,
07:59 because there are some today that
08:01 do not believe in prophecy, or even the prophetic gift.
08:05 I'm going to give you a couple passages of scripture.
08:07 Now, I'm not trying to go into the study of,
08:09 you know, Spirit of Prophecy.
08:11 But I want to look at how prophets,
08:13 how God gives prophets messages,
08:15 and they give it to God's people.
08:18 But notice, it is a gift that's going to be
08:20 in operation in the church.
08:22 And it's going to be in operation
08:24 until Jesus shall come.
08:26 So it's good for us today.
08:28 First passage of scripture
08:30 found in the Book of Ephesians 11.
08:32 It's 4:11-13.
08:35 Ephesians Chapter 4,
08:37 we're going to look at verses 11 through 13.
08:41 You have your Bible there
08:42 and you can read right along with me, if you will.
08:44 Starting with verse 11.
08:45 "And he gave some apostles and some," what?
08:50 "Some good prophets, and some evangelists,
08:53 and some pastors and teachers."
08:54 Now, what we're talking about is what?
08:56 God gave gifts, right, to the church.
08:59 God gave gifts.
09:00 Now, notice some of these gifts.
09:02 The gifts where He gave to apostles,
09:04 and then He gave what?
09:05 Prophets would be in the church where they would be prophesying
09:09 or they would be because God gives gifts, right,
09:11 messages to the prophets,
09:13 the prophets write them in the book.
09:14 We'll see that in a moment. Two, why did He give it?
09:17 He gave it "For the perfecting of the saints,
09:20 for the work of the ministry,
09:22 for the edifying of the body of Christ."
09:25 Verse 13, "Till we all come into the unity of the faith,
09:30 and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
09:33 unto a perfect man,
09:34 unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."
09:38 All this says is God gave gifts.
09:40 He gave gifts to the church,
09:42 and these gifts are going to be in operation until what?
09:45 Until Jesus comes.
09:47 So those who say, "Well, we don't need all of these."
09:49 It's interesting, the only gift I've seen people
09:51 try to as it were removed would be the one of prophet.
09:55 They all like to, everybody's like, "Oh, we love apostles.
09:58 We love evangelists, and pastors, and teachers,
10:00 and all these other gifts, but when it comes to prophets
10:03 or prophesying, or things that God
10:05 wants to show us
10:07 things is going to happen into the future.
10:09 Sometime we fights that
10:10 is the devil wants us to fight that
10:12 because he doesn't want us to know
10:13 what soon to take place.
10:15 Let me give you another quick in 1 Corinthians,
10:16 just turn back there a couple of chapters there.
10:19 1 Corinthians Chapter 12.
10:22 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 simply says
10:24 the same thing here, Paul writing.
10:26 And notice what he says there in 1 Corinthians 12:27 and 28.
10:32 The Bible said, verse 27, "Now ye are the body of," What?
10:36 "You're the body of Christ, and members in particular."
10:39 So right quick Paul talking about,
10:41 your bodies, you belong to Christ.
10:43 And then he says,
10:44 he goes right into and say, verse 28.
10:45 And God hath set all or some?
10:50 Somebody say some, I'll get happy.
10:51 "God has set some in the church, first apostle,
10:56 secondarily," he's done what?
10:58 "prophets, thirdly teachers, and after that miracles,
11:02 then gifts in healings, and helps,
11:04 and governments, diversities of tongue
11:06 and so on and so forth."
11:08 The point established is,
11:09 God has set in the church these gifts.
11:12 And these gifts are for us to use.
11:15 And God wants us to do as messages
11:17 come from the Holy Spirit as the prophets that were,
11:20 they would write them down in a book.
11:22 So every one of these gifts are good,
11:24 and they're going to be in operation,
11:25 as we mentioned, till Jesus comes.
11:27 So for the next several weeks, we want to be focusing in
11:31 on Bible prophecy,
11:33 the importance of Bible prophecy.
11:36 If we don't understand the ABCs,
11:38 or the elementary process of prophecy,
11:41 will not be able to understand
11:42 about when we begin to read is for instance,
11:45 in Daniel Chapter 2 about, you know, all of these metal,
11:47 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome,
11:49 or we won't understand to say the Book of Daniel Chapter 7,
11:53 when it talks about these beasts
11:54 and then it talks about lions
11:56 and it talks about one having wings,
11:57 talks about a bear
11:59 and is got three ribs in its mouth.
12:02 Then you have a leopard that has what?
12:04 Four heads on it and wings, you know.
12:07 You wouldn't be able to understand that
12:09 unless we get into the, to the elementary stages
12:12 you might call it or the way that
12:13 God has set it up in His Word,
12:15 so that we can understand these.
12:17 Remember, we never to put on some kind of,
12:19 well, we've read these things
12:21 and we think that maybe it means.
12:24 Bible, and we're talking about,
12:25 we're talking about symbols being used.
12:27 God will always give us the answer, isn't that right?
12:30 Always in His Word
12:31 what these symbolic representations will be.
12:34 So He always gives it to us and we need to apply that.
12:37 This will help us better to understand the books
12:39 of the two things
12:40 we'll focus on Daniel and Revelation.
12:42 Why?
12:43 Because Daniel and Revelation, we must identify the power,
12:47 like this power that tries to sit
12:49 in the throne room of God,
12:50 the one that says he's going to do what?
12:52 He's going to take over. He's going to be like God.
12:55 He's going to think to change what?
12:57 Times and laws.
12:59 He's persecuting, kills God's people.
13:01 He helps us as were behind the scene
13:03 to pass Sunday laws.
13:05 You see, we need to make sure
13:06 we understand who this little horn power is.
13:10 If we understand it,
13:11 then it'll be easier for us to accept
13:13 because then we can look at signs of the times going on
13:15 and say, you know what?
13:16 This does apply.
13:17 Bible has said it, history has said it,
13:19 and what's going on in the world
13:21 also says the same things.
13:23 And by God's grace,
13:24 it'll help us to understand it, and we can accept it better.
13:28 We need to understand, at least in my opinion,
13:31 the main players in the book of Daniel and Revelation.
13:35 The ones that, right, Bible points out.
13:37 The ones that are guilty of trying to change
13:40 God's truth into a lie.
13:43 I might say this, God does not play games.
13:47 We might play games.
13:48 We might try to play church, God never does.
13:52 God is serious about what He's revealed to us
13:55 in the historical aspect of the Bible
13:58 that looked at the prophecy.
13:59 God always wants us to know in advance, does He not?
14:03 Things that are going to happen
14:04 and things are going to take place.
14:06 And He always gives sufficient, we're going to learn as we go.
14:10 He gives sufficient information,
14:13 so that we can make a proper decision,
14:16 and that we what?
14:17 Because we're going to be held accountable.
14:19 God gives information, isn't that right?
14:21 He's given you a brain, you can decipher,
14:23 and then He holds us accountable for the information
14:25 which He gives to us.
14:28 The information that has been given as we study
14:30 Daniel and Revelation has been brought about
14:33 because there are men and women
14:35 who love Jesus with all their heart.
14:37 They were willing to be, you know,
14:38 they were will to be torn apart
14:40 by lions, they burned at the stake.
14:42 They gave their life for the truth.
14:45 And sometimes we can't even find time
14:46 to come to church or to study the Word of God.
14:48 We can't find time to pray.
14:50 We can't find time to help anybody else,
14:52 to be a blessing to someone else.
14:54 And yet, these folks gave
14:55 their very life for the true sake.
14:59 And it's going to boil down to that in these last days.
15:02 God's looking for a people who will be willing
15:04 to give their lives for the truth.
15:06 So to me, that means
15:08 that you're going to have to love the truth.
15:10 Does that make sense?
15:12 If we don't love it, pray,
15:14 you can tell God because He already knows
15:16 if you do or you don't.
15:17 Tell Him say, I don't love the truth,
15:19 but I know that I need to because the Bible says so.
15:21 Go back to the Word of God every time
15:23 because God said we need to in 2 Thessalonians.
15:26 We need to love the truth. And we need to what?
15:29 We need to unmask that man of sin.
15:32 These all things go together and so we have to do it.
15:35 But we do it in what? In the love of Jesus.
15:38 Even though it's hard to swallow for some
15:40 and it's difficult,
15:42 and most people want to pass it up,
15:43 and they will pass up giving the real, you know,
15:46 truth of three angels' message.
15:47 They will not give it because it's not popular.
15:50 They want to be popular. They want to succeed in life.
15:52 I've never cared, really care about succeeding in this life.
15:56 What are you going to succeed for what?
15:57 It's so temporary, it's all gone.
15:59 Isn't that right?
16:00 I'm looking for success as God view success,
16:02 that heaven can be my home.
16:04 And that means doing
16:05 what God has asked you to do and me to do.
16:08 And maybe I just put this in. And you know what?
16:10 We need to be open enough, and we need to be loving
16:14 and kind enough to realize that
16:16 God has not impressed everybody to do,
16:19 giving this message the way that He does to somebody.
16:21 Not everybody's do it the same way.
16:22 Does that make sense? You see, He said, well...
16:27 Well, you do this too hard. Well, you said it this way.
16:30 They didn't say it was a lie. Didn't say it wasn't the truth.
16:32 They just didn't like the way that was said
16:34 or the way that was brought about.
16:35 Maybe the Holy Spirit's impressing you
16:37 to do it a different way.
16:38 Praise God for that.
16:40 And by God's grace, I'll not ever criticize that.
16:43 See, the Holy Spirit impresses us
16:44 different way according to our character
16:46 and the way the message comes inside of us
16:49 and begins to...
16:50 Ooh, may I use the word know inside of us
16:52 that it needs to come out.
16:55 And sometimes it comes out different one to the other.
16:58 Just like, remember the gifts
16:59 He gave some in the church, right?
17:02 They're going to do things differently.
17:05 We need to look at not, they say,
17:07 the color of the hair,
17:09 or the hair or the lack of hair.
17:12 Right? It's none of that?
17:13 We need to listen to the message, not,
17:16 don't read into the messenger, listen to the message,
17:18 and then weigh it out with Scripture,
17:20 because it could very well,
17:21 could it not be that it's the Holy Spirit
17:23 of the Living God speaking to you
17:25 and speaking to me.
17:26 So again, God does not play games,
17:29 He gives us information.
17:30 Let's go to square one, I like to say here,
17:33 because we're looking at a puzzle
17:34 that we want to put together,
17:36 because I believe with all my heart,
17:37 the message that we are giving here
17:38 in these last days is on target.
17:41 You know, we associate it with maybe with a church
17:43 or with a denomination,
17:45 and whatever, and so on so forth.
17:46 I'm not even relating to any of that.
17:48 I'm relating to what the Bible has to say on these issues.
17:51 This is very, very important.
17:53 And certainly we like harmony, we love to get along.
17:55 But you know what?
17:56 We need to find out what truth is based on the Word of God.
17:59 We just go right to a question. Let's begin with a question.
18:02 It's a very simple question, at least for me,
18:04 and it may be for you too.
18:06 Does God reveal secrets of the future?
18:09 See, these people you talk, they say,
18:10 "Well, God really doesn't do that.
18:12 God never revealed secrets, you know, beforehand."
18:15 But that's not what the Bible says at all, is it?
18:17 See, why?
18:19 God, other words, establish the fact that
18:21 God is as we're talking about,
18:22 because many of the things that we preach about,
18:24 talk about, study about here are things
18:27 that are still yet going to happen.
18:29 Are we there?
18:30 Things that are still going to happen yet,
18:33 because this work is not over yet.
18:35 So would we call that prophesying, right?
18:38 There because God has given prophecy,
18:40 we should be able to tell that
18:42 in the future this is getting ready to happen.
18:45 So we have to establish that God said in His Word,
18:48 that I will reveal these things before they happen.
18:52 Okay, was that, Amos 3:7?
18:54 Isn't that one everybody knows.
18:56 What does God say in Amos 3:7?
18:58 "Surely the Lord God will do nothing,"
19:01 what's the word?
19:02 "He will do nothing,
19:04 but he revealeth his secret to his,
19:07 oh-oh, the servants, the prophets."
19:10 God said, I'm not going to do anything, right?
19:13 I'm not gonna throw anything out there
19:15 that may affect My people,
19:18 until I reveal it to My prophet.
19:20 Other words, God said, I'm going to choose
19:22 how I'm going to get it to you.
19:24 I'll choose the man or the woman,
19:25 whatever it might be.
19:27 But I won't bring it on you as a surprise.
19:30 I'm going to always warn you first before I bring it on.
19:34 Isn't that wonderful? What a God that we serve.
19:37 One that cares so much about us that He says,
19:40 I'm going to what?
19:41 And you know what the prophets
19:43 would happen in the time of Jews,
19:44 the time of Israel, what happened?
19:46 The prophets came and they delivered a message
19:48 and the people loved it, did they?
19:51 No.
19:52 Jesus said Himself, I brought these prophets to you
19:54 and they prophesied what was going to take place
19:56 and you stoned them and you killed them.
19:59 It's no different today.
20:01 They may not be as it were taking you out
20:03 and stoning you, or maybe tying you up,
20:05 or crucifying you, or burning you at stake.
20:07 They crucify your character. Are you still with me?
20:12 That's the thing that enemy knows.
20:15 I talked to a man yesterday, he just said, "You know what?
20:17 Do you know what an accusation can do to a character?"
20:21 I said, "Yeah, I do, somewhat."
20:25 Did anybody get that? Just an accusation.
20:29 I can come down from here right now,
20:31 and I can go out and I can say,
20:34 Sister Virginia, Brother Jan.
20:37 Oh, yeah, well, not me. You know, couldn't we?
20:41 We could make up anything we wanted to make up
20:43 and the world likes to make up things.
20:47 Your enemies like to make up things.
20:49 People that are jealous of you like to make up things.
20:53 Think about it.
20:54 And all they have to do is put it out there
20:58 and all of a sudden you see the devil saying,
21:00 "Nobody's gonna pay attention now
21:02 because character is destroyed."
21:07 Because there was an accusation against this person.
21:12 And I was thankful and grateful that
21:14 he came for the first time and said,
21:16 "Would you pray for me?"
21:21 He never said that in our relationship
21:23 for several years, but he said, "Would you pray for me
21:25 because someone's made an accusation.
21:28 I could end up in prison."
21:31 Nothing happened. How could this happen?
21:36 He said, because it's just one word
21:40 against somebody else's word.
21:42 There's no witnesses. You see what I mean?
21:43 Their witnesses is different, out in the open is different,
21:46 but you say it
21:48 and then she said, two different things.
21:50 And yet the person could go to prison
21:53 because somebody made an accusation.
21:56 We'll get protective, you know, whatever it is, call the police
22:00 and we get protection, don't have to be around it.
22:03 Nobody did anything.
22:06 This is the enemy and one of his plans,
22:08 but God says, "I'm going to reveal these things."
22:11 The devil says, "No,
22:12 you're not going to reveal these things,
22:14 because I want to catch Your people by surprise."
22:17 Evils will come,
22:20 because the Bible says they will.
22:21 The world will wax what?
22:24 Cold and worse and worse until the coming of Jesus.
22:27 The evils are going to come,
22:28 but not without the Lord first warning His people
22:32 because that's what this passage says.
22:35 God warns us and He warns people
22:38 for what reason would He warn us?
22:40 Would it possibly that as He wants to warn us
22:43 so that we will have time to repent
22:47 and change our ways?
22:50 Is that possible?
22:51 And then He won't have to follow through with
22:53 what He said what He's going to.
22:56 He's done that before, has He not in Scripture?
22:59 So it's all about us again.
23:01 I'm not going to do anything, lest I warn you first.
23:03 Evils are going to come,
23:04 when these things all come and so on and so forth.
23:06 He said, "Here, I'm giving time for the people to repent
23:09 and change their ways.
23:10 And then I won't have
23:12 to let these evil things come upon them."
23:13 Man, what a good God. What a wonderful God we serve.
23:16 For example, let me give you a couple examples quickly,
23:18 and see if you agree with that example.
23:20 Before the plagues fell on Egypt,
23:23 do you remember?
23:25 The Pharaoh was warned over and over by Moses, was he not?
23:28 What?
23:29 After they fell, before they fell,
23:33 God warned the Pharaoh,
23:35 this is what's going to happen if you don't let My people go.
23:38 And he didn't do it and it happened.
23:41 Now before Jerusalem, another example,
23:43 before Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70,
23:48 Jesus Himself told
23:52 of the coming doom of Jerusalem,
23:54 you remember that, Matthew 24?
23:55 Jesus said, "This is what's going to happen.
23:57 There will not be one stone He said left upon the other."
24:05 And listen, it will always go down
24:07 just like Jesus said it's going to.
24:09 May I use the word go down.
24:11 It's going to go down just like Jesus said,
24:12 it's going to go down.
24:13 He said, "There will not be one stone left upon the other."
24:15 And you would think, "Well,
24:17 how would it be a destroying enemy, right?
24:18 Come in and make sure there was not one stone left.
24:23 I thank God for Spirit of Prophecy and other things.
24:25 You know, number one,
24:26 we believe it because what it says in the Word.
24:29 This is what we're trying to establish.
24:30 We must believe the Word
24:32 and what it's talking about here.
24:33 The heavy duty stuff is going to be in disguise,
24:35 is going to be into symbols, and we're going to have
24:37 to just dig His hidden treasure.
24:40 Spirit of Prophecy says what?
24:41 God sent the good angels and made sure that
24:43 there was not one stone left upon the other.
24:47 Isn't that? Why?
24:49 Because He had it written in Scripture already that
24:51 there would not be and so,
24:52 He made sure it was fulfilled exactly the way it's written.
24:55 That just gives us confidence
24:56 to sure that God's going to make sure.
24:58 Man may not be able to do every little thing here.
25:00 God's going to make sure
25:01 that it's there, so you and I, our faith is increased.
25:05 Now, what do you think about the destruction of this world,
25:08 before the destruction of this world takes place,
25:12 and the second coming of Jesus?
25:14 You think, we've had any warnings?
25:18 And we got somebody that gets excited.
25:20 Will there be one more? Will there be one more?
25:23 Before this world comes to an end,
25:25 before Jesus shall come,
25:26 there's going to be more and more.
25:28 There's been a multitude now for years now,
25:30 isn't that right?
25:32 Years just like it was before the flood,
25:33 120 years, it's going to flood.
25:36 Was that before it took place? Absolutely.
25:39 The door's getting ready to shut as it were.
25:42 Would anybody else come into the ark before it's too late?
25:45 Majority will do like they're doing right today.
25:48 They don't have time for church.
25:49 Again, I mentioned they don't have time to study.
25:51 They don't have time to do anything
25:52 for the cause of Christ.
25:54 They're too busy doing things in the world.
25:56 They're too busy socializing.
25:57 They're too busy partying out in the world.
26:00 They're too busy doing
26:01 all these things that the world does.
26:03 Maybe not bad within themselves,
26:05 but it's bad because it takes all of their time
26:07 and their energy and their means,
26:08 and they're not giving anything to the cause of Christ.
26:11 Let me get off the box.
26:16 I'm not trying to be difficult or hard with that,
26:18 but that's what's taking place.
26:19 Most the time, unless we're... I wanna do some more.
26:23 Unless we're just deathly sick, and we can't stand up,
26:27 if you know what I'm talking about here.
26:29 God requires us to be
26:30 where His people are at when He says
26:32 the seventh days is a Sabbath.
26:33 He requires that of us and when we do not do it
26:36 because I'm a little bit tired, or I stayed up too late.
26:39 Go to bed earlier.
26:41 Your salvation depends upon, and I'm not trying to be ugly,
26:43 but it's true.
26:45 If I'm tired, I go to bed earlier.
26:49 I was tired after this week of Sabbath School Panel,
26:52 wouldn't I?
26:54 And at 8 o'clock I went to bed.
26:57 I couldn't go anymore. The brain wouldn't go anymore.
27:01 So I'm just simply saying,
27:02 know what you have coming up, know what's taking place.
27:05 That's why the Bible says that
27:06 the Friday is the preparation day
27:08 that we prepare for the Sabbath,
27:10 then that way the seats can be filled
27:12 rather than, I got carried away,
27:14 or somebody called me and they did that...
27:18 God called you first.
27:20 God called you first to be in His presence,
27:22 in His sanctuary on His day.
27:25 Who in this world would call you
27:27 that has enough power and authority to say
27:28 you're supposed to be somewhere else,
27:30 even, even if it's good,
27:32 even if it's helping somebody else.
27:38 We don't have no other priorities
27:40 are all about.
27:43 Before these things happen,
27:45 He's going to warn us in His Word.
27:48 Now, why were these things written then?
27:50 You say, "Well, why were these things written in here?"
27:52 Romans 15:4 says this.
27:55 Romans 15:4 says this,
27:58 "For whatsoever things were written aforetime..."
28:01 This is where we need, or those who have a hard time
28:04 with Old Testament and this.
28:05 Well, the Old Testament things, we just kind of,
28:07 oh, we don't sure we believe all these things in here.
28:10 Listen to this passage of scripture.
28:12 "Whatsoever things were written aforetime."
28:14 What? Listen, whatsoever things
28:16 were written in the Old Testament.
28:19 Somebody there?
28:20 Whatsoever thing was, aforetime means what?
28:22 The Old Testament
28:24 because the New Testament was just in process.
28:26 It had not even been finished yet.
28:28 Then most of your New Testament did what?
28:30 What did they get?
28:32 They got from the Old Testament.
28:35 So we said those things in the Old Testament
28:37 were written for our learning
28:39 that we through patience
28:41 and comfort of scripture might have hope.
28:43 I like that.
28:44 Those things that were written in the Old Testament scripture,
28:46 and certainly our New Testament,
28:48 here's talking about aforetime, so it must be Old Testament.
28:51 They're written for our learning.
28:53 So we go back and we read what it is.
28:55 And then we say, it's for our learning.
28:57 Uh, these are good.
28:59 These things were written for what?
29:00 Learning and for instructions in the Old Testament.
29:03 Paul makes it clear, notice in these passages here.
29:07 Listen, he makes it clear
29:08 about the permanent nature of the Old Testament.
29:12 He makes it clear what?
29:14 The permanence of the Old Testament scripture
29:17 rather than people tearing their Bible
29:19 apart like they do and says,
29:20 "This is the old and now this is a new."
29:23 You know, "Oh, I'm just a New Testament believer."
29:25 Well, you know what? You just have then?
29:28 Is it okay to say that? Yes, yeah, yeah, I mean...
29:34 I want to say goofy. Is it okay?
29:36 It's goofy.
29:38 It's not right for someone to say
29:39 and I'm sure maybe honest in hearts,
29:41 they don't mean anything by, but they're what?
29:43 Not educated in into the Scripture,
29:46 because maybe their pastor
29:47 or teacher is telling these lies.
29:50 Because the Bible says different than this.
29:52 It says, right, Paul is saying, it's clear,
29:54 the permanency of the nature of the Old Testament,
29:57 along with the New Testament, of course.
30:00 When he was writing so many things,
30:02 we could say it was in the process
30:04 of production at that time.
30:06 So we had to be leaning heavy on the Old Testament here.
30:09 There's no doubt about it.
30:12 That he said the Old Testament
30:13 will always hold a high place in moral, notice,
30:17 moral instruction and guide, and would give us hope.
30:22 Man, this is wonderful to know that.
30:23 These things must be established
30:25 because we read a lot of Daniel,
30:27 you know, we'll do that.
30:29 And then we'll certainly go into Revelation
30:30 and you'll read a lot, Old and New Testament.
30:32 You'll read about Ezekiel,
30:34 you read about in the Book of Isaiah.
30:35 You'll find these guys were prophets of God
30:38 that prophesied things
30:39 a long time before they took place.
30:41 People laughed at him.
30:43 Then as they laugh at you, maybe today to tell him
30:45 these things are getting ready to happen.
30:47 Sunday laws are getting ready to happen.
30:49 We see all the events are taking place that says,
30:51 these things are going to happen.
30:53 This is prophecy that the Bible said, look, God said,
30:56 I'm going to show you
30:57 these things before they take place.
30:59 I'm going to give you a chance to tell the world about it,
31:02 so no one's fooled. Will they laugh at you?
31:05 They laughed at the time of the flood.
31:06 Will they laugh at you?
31:08 They laughed at the time of destruction of Sodom
31:10 and Gomorrah, if you remember?
31:11 Huh, huh, huh.
31:12 I like to tell you, fireballs came down,
31:14 you better look out, it's all she wrote.
31:16 The water came, it's all she wrote.
31:17 All those ones that were
31:19 laughing as my dad always said to me,
31:20 if you're not careful,
31:22 you laugh out the other side of your mouth.
31:23 You ever heard that? Now, some of you haven't.
31:25 Maybe you should have. Yeah, I experienced it.
31:29 I learned a lesson. Praise God for that.
31:31 We need to learn lessons from these things.
31:34 So see this,
31:35 all this I'm talking about helps us
31:37 to understand the force of this passage of scripture
31:41 that's so elementary in 2 Timothy 3:16.
31:46 Now remember, if the Bible is a guide,
31:50 it's a source of hope and source of encouragement.
31:53 And God is writing things in here in advance,
31:55 so that you and I will be able to understand
31:57 when we see these things coming to pass,
31:58 then you will know that it's near, even at the door.
32:01 When you'll be preaching and teaching that
32:03 when the other people
32:04 are preaching them teaching about,
32:06 well, this holiday and that holiday
32:07 and this thing over here, that thing over here,
32:10 we need to be done.
32:14 Yeah, we need to be looking at those issues
32:16 that concerning eternal life.
32:18 That's what it's about.
32:20 2 Timothy 3:16 is just the first part,
32:23 when, again, how do we fight this?
32:27 I'm not trying to be argumentative.
32:28 Well, maybe I am.
32:30 The Bible said,
32:31 "All scripture is given by," what?
32:34 "Inspiration of God."
32:36 Where do we find that?
32:37 But you know, people can do that.
32:39 It doesn't mean
32:40 they've got any sound backing up to it,
32:42 because you can take two legislators
32:44 or two people in Congress,
32:46 the Democrat and Republican may I'll just use it,
32:48 and you'll say one thing here,
32:50 one point and this will argue till they die,
32:53 till they're blue in the face, and this will get over it
32:55 and make some good sense and this other one will come
32:57 from another side
32:58 and he'll argue exactly the opposite.
33:02 That's what the devil likes
33:03 to have take place in Scripture.
33:06 They make one point
33:07 and it's from maybe of the world
33:09 and maybe you can come at different angles.
33:10 But let me tell you, in the Word of God,
33:12 the Word of God is going to be very clear
33:14 that you'll be able to understand it,
33:15 that you don't need to have a blindfold on.
33:17 You don't need to have things stuck in your ears,
33:19 you need to know that God is speaking.
33:21 And He's going to speak where you can understand it
33:23 in the language that you can understand it in,
33:25 if you know what I'm talking about,
33:27 because He knows where you're at.
33:28 All Scripture, that just settles it for me.
33:31 I'm just simple minded enough to believe
33:33 when it says all Scripture, I take the whole Bible.
33:37 And we have to take the whole Bible
33:39 if we're going to put these things together
33:41 here in these last days.
33:43 Because it's imperative
33:44 the Book of Daniel as we study it.
33:46 You know, he said, "Daniel,
33:48 you're not going to understand these things."
33:49 And I'm telling you right now,
33:51 you're not going to understand it.
33:52 He said, "Go your way." That means rest.
33:54 He's going to die. He said, you're going to sleep.
33:56 You're standing in your lawn.
33:58 He said at the end of time,
33:59 this prophecy for the end of time.
34:02 Daniel mentions it five times, in the end of time.
34:05 Book of Revelation certainly is the same,
34:07 it's the end time people of God and he identifies those.
34:10 But you know this,
34:11 we have to give some credence to this.
34:12 We have to realize that
34:14 Scripture is backing this up the things
34:15 that we come up with.
34:17 And certainly, we say, okay, All Scripture is given,
34:20 does that means to me Scripture is profitable to me.
34:24 Is it profitable to you?
34:26 That's what the Bible said, because 2 Timothy 3:16,
34:30 the last part of it says, "What is it profitable for?
34:33 Now, remember, what is Scripture for?
34:36 Well, a lot of different things for sure.
34:37 Surely, it points us and leads us to Jesus Christ.
34:39 Give us encouragement.
34:41 But notice, 2 Timothy talks about here,
34:44 "It's profitable for doctrine,"
34:46 hello, "and for reproof."
34:50 So somebody when you go to their church and they say,
34:53 we have no doctrine, they've lied.
34:56 And I don't mind telling to them.
34:57 You've lied. Every church has a doctrine.
35:01 They may not have a name because they like for...
35:03 This gathers groups of people,
35:06 because people are tired of denominations
35:08 because of the messes
35:09 that we've made of all this stuff.
35:11 Let's be honest.
35:12 And so, we think we're going to kind of be free.
35:15 Brother Jan, am I telling the truth?
35:16 Be free, you've experienced some of this stuff.
35:19 You want to be free.
35:20 So we want to join a non-denominational.
35:23 That doesn't mean anything except
35:24 for the name out there.
35:25 But you'll find the guy that's heading out
35:27 in there came from some denomination that
35:29 he was unhappy with, and that he split off from
35:31 and his teaching come still back to the place
35:34 where he came from.
35:35 That might differ just a little,
35:36 that's why he left.
35:38 You know what I'm saying.
35:39 But everything he went to the pastor,
35:40 or elders, or teachers,
35:42 or Sabbaths, whatever it might be,
35:43 they're teaching a doctrine,
35:46 that's a belief, are they're not?
35:48 They're teaching about the cross.
35:49 That's the doctrine.
35:51 They're teaching about Second Coming.
35:52 That's a doctrine, that's a teaching.
35:53 So there's nothing wrong with that word
35:55 is when I'm trying to prove, tear from Scripture.
35:57 It says here that was for doctrine and for what?
36:00 Reproof, and for correction. So the Bible will do what?
36:04 It will correct us if we will let it do it.
36:07 Right?
36:08 And for any good,
36:09 and it's for instructions in righteousness.
36:12 This is what you're looking for.
36:14 This is what I'm looking for as we go in
36:16 and we study this subject.
36:18 I'm looking for instructions in righteousness,
36:20 or to be right, or to be like Jesus.
36:23 This is the instructions in the book that He gives us.
36:26 Praise God for that. To me, that's exciting.
36:31 The Old and the New Testament Scriptures
36:34 are inspired is what the Bible said.
36:38 It says to us that the Word of God...
36:43 Think about, the Word of God, this is God's inspired Word.
36:46 He breathes His Word. He breathes life into His Word.
36:51 This is God's breath to us. That's so wonderful.
36:55 It's a book the Bible says that makes us wise.
36:59 2 Timothy 3:15, Makes us wise unto salvation."
37:03 This is a book that makes you what?
37:04 You want to be wise,
37:05 not wise in things of the world.
37:07 But wise here in what? In salvation.
37:11 Wise unto salvation, if you want salvation.
37:14 You want to be saved in God's kingdom,
37:16 then this is where we get the information, is that not?
37:18 This is it, because it's God's, God breathed this on us.
37:24 As He breathed the breath into Adam's nostrils,
37:29 and he became a living soul.
37:31 Let God breathe through the Word of God
37:33 that you become a living soul,
37:35 you'll become a living Christian,
37:37 not a dead Christian.
37:39 Think about it, it's a...
37:41 Whoo, it's a very thoughts of God communicated to man.
37:47 This is what I see.
37:48 The very thoughts of God communicated
37:50 to somebody like me, and I'm not worthy.
37:53 But I thank Him for it.
37:55 And He put it in ways in which even my slow brain
37:59 can understand if I spend some time with Him,
38:02 and I pray for the power
38:03 of the Holy Spirit to enlighten me,
38:05 or like Brother Carson was doing,
38:07 grandson was saying,
38:08 he wanted to pray to understand the Word of God.
38:11 You know, Bible says little child,
38:12 so lead them, some of us need to come to that point.
38:14 Instead of trying to read and say,
38:16 "Well, I'll figure it out for myself."
38:18 Say, God, "Help me to have wisdom.
38:20 I cannot understand these things.
38:22 These are heavenly things.
38:23 You're breathing these things on me
38:25 and there's too much for me,
38:26 but through the power of the Holy Spirit,
38:28 you can help me to understand them."
38:29 Praise God.
38:32 So how was prophecy even given to us?
38:35 How was it really ever given to us?
38:36 2 Peter, simple again, 2 Peter 1:21 says it.
38:40 2 Peter 1:21 says it,
38:43 "For prophecy came not of old times."
38:46 Once again, stay with me.
38:47 Prophecy came not at old times. What does that old times mean?
38:51 It came, Old Testament again.
38:53 Notice this, for a prophecy came not in old times,
38:57 Old Testament by the will of man.
38:59 It didn't say it wasn't there.
39:00 He just said, "It didn't come by the will of man."
39:01 Old Testament then is good.
39:03 Old Testament prophecy came by what?
39:04 By God.
39:06 God breathed on the Old Testament prophets,
39:07 did He not?
39:08 So it's for us, so we can take it
39:10 and we could grasp it and we can thank God,
39:12 but by holy men of God as they what?
39:16 Yeah, they were moved.
39:17 They spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
39:21 Wouldn't it be wonderful if we ever learned
39:23 in our Christian experience only move
39:25 when was moved by the Holy Ghost,
39:27 rather than moved by selfishness,
39:29 and pride, and aggravation, and don't like what's going on
39:32 and stuff like that?
39:33 I've done plenty of that. But I want to be moved.
39:36 When God wants me to move,
39:37 I need the Holy Ghost to be moving me.
39:40 And I'm not ashamed to say Holy Ghost.
39:41 I've said it many, many times before.
39:43 Sometimes as, you know, Christians, we always,
39:45 we'd say Holy Spirit.
39:47 That Bible says Holy Ghost, and I thought
39:49 they were one and the same myself,
39:51 Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost, so we can say Holy Ghost.
39:55 I'm just saying, don't be caught up in the world
39:56 and be afraid to say,
39:57 I don't want to pray the Holy Ghost
39:59 because other people believe a certain way.
40:00 I want to be moved by the Holy Ghost, you see,
40:03 the Spirit, Holy Spirit.
40:05 And then when I move into Holy Spirit,
40:06 you're going to be moving in the right way
40:07 in the right direction, saying and doing the right things,
40:11 the Holy Ghost.
40:12 True prophecy is a revelation from God.
40:16 When we begin to look at Daniel
40:18 and we look at Revelation and we look at these prophecies
40:20 and what's going on in here,
40:22 we realize it here, it's a revelation of God.
40:25 Now remember, He decides what is light
40:27 and He decides what is His hidden?
40:30 Did you get it?
40:31 Other words, those things that are brought to light,
40:32 God says, I'm going to bring this to light.
40:34 This is all they need to understand.
40:37 And I'm going to keep some things here
40:38 because they'll not be able to understand it anyway,
40:40 or times they'll not understand it
40:42 until the scroll is unrolled.
40:44 That means, right? And as it's unrolled,
40:45 we'll be able to see exactly what He's talking about.
40:48 So we have to be very careful absolutely along that line.
40:51 The Holy Spirit must impress our minds
40:54 and probably impress the minds of men.
40:57 We are not capable without
40:59 the Holy Ghost to speak for God.
41:02 That's anything we do.
41:04 We're trying to help others along the way.
41:06 Don't try to help them in your way.
41:08 Don't try to help them in the flesh, right?
41:10 Help them through
41:11 the Holy Spirit of the Living God.
41:12 That's right.
41:14 Then we can speak for God
41:15 when the Holy Spirit takes possession of us.
41:17 It's kind of like, you know, you're speaking for God.
41:20 It says, holy men of God as they were moved.
41:24 As they were what? Moved.
41:26 They didn't set still. Did you notice that?
41:28 The holy men of God
41:29 as they moved by the Holy Ghost,
41:31 when the Holy Ghost gets in you,
41:32 you begin to move as it were.
41:34 You know what this implies in the Greek?
41:36 In the Greek you look at, it implies this,
41:38 that the prophets were born along
41:42 by the wind as a boat that has a sail on it.
41:46 You're just born...
41:50 Man, that's pretty heavy duty when you think about that.
41:54 Ship is borne by what?
41:55 All along just by the wind, they had their sails up.
41:59 That's what God says,
42:00 you need to be doing and I need to be doing.
42:02 Oh, praise God.
42:03 Can the Lord then reveal the future to us?
42:07 Isaiah 42:9, it simply says, this is all to say,
42:10 because of the prophecies
42:11 and things that we'll be looking at.
42:13 Can God do it? Can God do it?
42:14 The Bible says here in Psalms 42:9,
42:17 "Behold, the former things are come to pass,
42:21 new things do I declare, listen,
42:23 before they spring forth, I will tell you of them."
42:28 Did you get it?
42:30 You're going to be able to see that the former things
42:32 that I've prophesied, they've come to pass.
42:36 And then I've got new things.
42:37 And so this will help you to say,
42:39 these things all came to pass, this will too.
42:42 That's wonderful.
42:44 But before they do,
42:45 before they spring forth on you,
42:47 and you say, "Oh, I didn't know, I didn't hear."
42:49 Listen, if you don't hear
42:50 about the coming of Jesus right now,
42:52 you've got your head buried somewhere.
42:54 Is that okay to say that? Think about it.
43:01 Every church, every Christian in the world that calls himself
43:05 a follower of Jesus Christ should be talking about
43:07 the second coming of Jesus Christ.
43:10 The nearness of His coming.
43:12 Don't have your head, I just buried in the sand then.
43:14 Okay, just don't do that.
43:18 Predictions made in the early days,
43:21 this passage is talking about here.
43:23 They had come to pass.
43:25 This builds faith as you will know,
43:27 because you can read,
43:29 "Oh, that happened just like his."
43:30 This is good.
43:32 Then Isaiah said,
43:33 "There's going to be some new things
43:34 that's going to come to pass.
43:36 There's going to be some new prophecies."
43:37 And you know what
43:38 he was doing right then and there?
43:40 He was prophesying of the coming
43:43 of the Messiah 700 years before Jesus arrived.
43:48 That's what Isaiah was doing here.
43:50 He was prophesying something that would take place 700 years
43:54 before it took place, and it took place exactly like
43:56 Jesus said it would through the Prophet Isaiah.
43:59 I'm talking about this, why?
44:00 Because we're looking at a lot of the prophets of old.
44:02 They prophesied things.
44:03 You know, men have been given dreams.
44:06 Ezekiel was given dreams. Isaiah was given dreams.
44:08 John was given visions.
44:10 Daniel was given visions of things
44:11 that would happen to God's last day people.
44:14 Pay attention, they're going to come to pass.
44:16 Why?
44:18 Because I can look back and see all the things of old,
44:20 many things have of old have come
44:21 to pass exactly like God said they would.
44:25 God says, "I declare,
44:26 I'm the one that will declare the beginning from the end."
44:29 Did you notice that? I can do it, God said.
44:31 Isaiah 46:9 and 10, if you're jotting it down.
44:35 He said, "Remember the former things of old."
44:38 I love it. He said, "For I am God."
44:40 Remember those things.
44:42 He's reminding us, he said,
44:43 "For I am God, and there is none else.
44:46 Declaring the end from the beginning,
44:48 and the ancient things that are not yet done."
44:52 He said, "I've already declared exactly
44:53 what's going to take place with this world.
44:56 I've already declared it."
44:58 Man, shouldn't we by the grace of God say,
45:00 "Thank you, Lord, for that.
45:01 Now reveal those things so we can have an idea,
45:04 the time that we're living in,
45:05 and what we need to be doing as God's people."
45:08 And then Isaiah continues to put forth his argument
45:10 which he does very well here
45:12 of God's supreme authority and His power.
45:16 Man, what an argument, right? God is supreme.
45:18 God is probably all authority and power.
45:22 Remember, history is not a matter of chance.
45:26 God has a purpose for this world.
45:29 God has a purpose for you and for me.
45:33 He has a purpose.
45:34 And I guarantee you this, His purpose will be fulfilled.
45:38 It will come to pass. But you know what?
45:41 The difference we're talking about that is same here,
45:43 you and I have to choose.
45:45 We have to choose who we're going to serve.
45:47 We have to choose a message
45:49 that's not going to be popular maybe,
45:50 but it's still right.
45:51 Jesus put a message out there
45:53 that people didn't want to hear.
45:54 They killed him for it. Disciples did the same thing.
45:56 He was killed for it, but they were right on target.
45:58 God said, "I have a little group
46:00 in the last days that will do the same thing."
46:02 All Scripture reveals.
46:03 Now, notice this,
46:05 that the secret things belong to God,
46:07 but those things that are open belong to us
46:09 and our children in Deuteronomy 29:29.
46:13 Keep that going, Deuteronomy. I'll just read it.
46:15 Deuteronomy 29:29,
46:17 "Secret things belong unto the Lord our God."
46:19 Does that make sense? What does that tell us?
46:23 He knows everything.
46:24 But there are some things of what?
46:25 There are things that are secret.
46:27 And in other words,
46:29 they're secret that He's not going to reveal it.
46:32 Because we can't as human beings,
46:33 we just can't fathom it.
46:35 It's too much.
46:36 And we don't need to know any more.
46:38 He's given us more than enough to make sure
46:39 we can be ready for the coming of Jesus.
46:41 The problem is not how much He's given us.
46:43 It's how you're willing to accept it.
46:45 Isn't it? It's how do we divide it?
46:48 How do we accept it?
46:50 Or how do we say, this is what it said.
46:51 It all adds up here. This is what it says.
46:53 It doesn't seem like it's possible.
46:54 It doesn't seem like
46:56 it can happen in this country we live in,
46:57 but God said it will
46:59 and all these things is to say yes,
47:00 it will happen.
47:02 Let people laugh. Let them heckle you.
47:04 Because the Bible stands sure, there's no doubt about it.
47:08 Yeah, "Secret things belong to the Lord our God,
47:10 but those things
47:12 which are revealed belong to us and to our children."
47:16 Secret things, they belong to God.
47:18 That means what? He sees fit not to reveal them.
47:22 Hmm.
47:24 But He's given us enough information
47:25 that can lead us home.
47:27 Enough information we can be ready for His coming.
47:29 How reliable quickly is prophecy?
47:31 Our time's going down.
47:32 2 Peter 1:9, how reliable, then this all plays into part,
47:38 the things that we'll be looking at.
47:40 The Bible said there in 2 Peter 1:19.
47:43 It says, "For we have a more sure word of," what?
47:47 "More sure word of prophecy,
47:49 whereunto you do well that you take heed," huh,
47:52 "as unto a light that shineth in a dark place
47:55 until the day dawn,
47:57 and the day star arise in your heart."
47:58 Do you see what's all said here?
48:01 We have also a more sure word of prophecy,
48:04 the Bible said.
48:05 We have here and this is another
48:07 when you translate it here,
48:08 a prophet, prophetic word made more sure
48:12 or now more confirmed.
48:15 We have a word
48:17 now more confirmed than ever before
48:18 because of the days that we live in.
48:21 Praise God. Until what?
48:22 And it's going to continue
48:24 to grow until the coming of what?
48:26 It says here, Son of man here it says,
48:28 for a day star arise in your heart
48:30 or till the coming of Jesus Christ.
48:32 This is our hope. This is our encouragement.
48:36 You see, the disciples
48:38 had a firm conviction about Christ.
48:40 When they were converted, finally converted,
48:42 they had a real conviction of Jesus Christ.
48:46 How did they have this firm conviction?
48:48 Because of the way He lived His life.
48:51 Because they were reading Scripture
48:52 and the Scripture said this is a way
48:54 that the Messiah will act.
48:56 This is what the Messiah will do.
48:58 And they were watching Jesus
49:00 intently the things that He did,
49:01 the things that He said, the miracles He performed,
49:03 and they looked and they said, "This has to be the Messiah."
49:07 If we're looking that way
49:08 of this signs of the times in the world today,
49:11 we will look and say we are in the end,
49:13 there's no doubt about it.
49:14 Why?
49:15 Because it's the way Jesus lived His life.
49:17 Why?
49:18 Because He fulfilled
49:20 all Old Testament prophecies concerning Himself.
49:23 Not just a few, but all of them, praise God.
49:26 If you had time, you could read,
49:28 just jot it down, Acts 2: 22-26.
49:32 Acts 3:18. You can read Acts 4:10-11.
49:37 And this gives you more information on this.
49:40 Remember, their connection
49:42 with Christ gave them unmistakable.
49:45 You know, we're talking about here basis
49:47 for their Christian life.
49:48 Your connection with Christ right now think about it.
49:51 How is it today? Can we really count upon Him?
49:56 Can we bank upon what He said in His Word,
49:59 even though it seems like so far out Yes,
50:02 you can because the Bible says that you can.
50:05 Every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
50:08 God has prophesied here in these last days,
50:11 every prophecy will be fulfilled
50:14 the confirmation of truthfulness,
50:15 reliability of prophecy.
50:17 The two books quickly, about four minutes left,
50:20 two books of the Bible,
50:21 we're studying is going to be more or less,
50:23 just looking at the bits and pieces of it.
50:24 So it will help us because then there's lot of identifying
50:27 things that have to take place.
50:29 The books of Daniel
50:30 and certainly the Book of Revelation,
50:32 both foretell what?
50:34 Future events. Don't you want to know?
50:37 See, most of the world that really, I guess,
50:39 don't want to know, it's frightening to them.
50:41 The preachers are saying in the pulpit today,
50:43 nobody's studying Revelation, nobody's studying these books.
50:45 Oh, they're too scary, you can't figure out.
50:46 Well, that's the devil himself. There's no doubt about it.
50:49 Maybe because they don't understand.
50:50 I'm not trying to say judge one way or the other.
50:52 But that's not Jesus Christ speaking at all.
50:56 Was Daniel a prophet of God? Matthew 24:15.
51:00 Jesus speaking, Jesus speaking about Daniel,
51:03 He said, we need to keep an eye
51:04 on Daniel here in the last days.
51:05 You know what He said?
51:07 "When you therefore
51:08 shall see the abomination of desolation,
51:09 spoken by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place."
51:14 This end, what does it do?
51:15 This event tells
51:16 of the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.
51:19 And the time, notice,
51:21 when the symbol of pagan Rome
51:22 was put up as it were within the temple area.
51:25 Jesus believed that Daniel
51:27 was a prophet because He said he was here.
51:30 Jesus believed that Daniel wrote the Book of Daniel.
51:34 Does that make sense?
51:36 The Book of Daniel clearly points out
51:39 the coming of the Messiah, you know,
51:41 in the 2300 days, Daniel 8:14, "Twenty three hundred days
51:44 and shall sanctuary be cleaned."
51:46 The Book of Daniel was so,
51:48 so heavy duty and heavy duty now
51:49 because it points out exactly
51:51 when Jesus would arrive on the scene as the Messiah,
51:54 when He would die the year,
51:55 and then the message going into the what?
51:57 The Gentiles, you see. Yeah, and then what?
52:00 Then you had 1810,
52:02 and it's right up to the judgment hour,
52:03 just quickly write 1844.
52:05 There's no doubt about it.
52:06 Jesus said, this is a one you ought to watch, what?
52:08 The Holy Spirit impressed him what to write in the book.
52:12 Messiah would appear at a certain time.
52:14 Can we believe Scripture? Absolutely.
52:17 The Book of Daniel we know was sealed till the end times.
52:21 Do you notice till the end times,
52:22 but you know the Book of Daniel
52:24 is unsealed now, till the end of time.
52:25 I wish we had,
52:27 we don't have time today to go into
52:28 what we figure look at the end of time.
52:30 And certainly it would be when the wound
52:32 was given to the beast and you say,
52:33 Well, I don't know there about the wound.
52:34 I don't know about the beast power,
52:36 papal, whatever it is.
52:37 So that's why we're going through
52:39 what we're going through right here.
52:40 But at the time of the end,
52:41 the Book of Daniel would be opened up,
52:43 it would be unsealed.
52:44 Where are we at today?
52:45 Daniel 12:4 quickly, it says, "But thou, O Daniel,
52:47 shut up the words and seal the book,
52:49 even to the time of the end."
52:51 We can say, you know, without a shadow of doubt
52:53 that we are in the time of the end.
52:56 The Book of Daniel is open for us today.
52:58 Compare it with the Book of Revelation.
53:00 Said, "Men will go forward,
53:01 you know, here and there and knowledge shall increase."
53:05 Daniel's prophecy would be understood in these last days,
53:08 according to Daniel 12:9-10,
53:11 these prophecies would we understand.
53:13 Go thy way, these things
53:15 will come back at the end of time.
53:17 And we'll just quickly say,
53:18 with prophecies of the Book of Revelation that
53:20 we'll have to look at some of these beasts,
53:21 we have to look at some of these,
53:23 you know, powers and nations and kingdom,
53:25 that all would rise, history bears fact to them.
53:27 And then we can boil it down
53:28 to that man of sin and revealing,
53:30 bringing that mystery of iniquity,
53:32 that little horn power must be exposed
53:35 because God said so because the world
53:37 is following after the beast.
53:40 And there are those whose names
53:41 are not written in Lamb's book of life.
53:43 Somebody by the grace of God,
53:44 you know, had the courage and love of Jesus
53:46 and the truth enough to expose this power
53:49 that's leading the world captive.
53:52 God wants us to do that.
53:53 We studied Revelation, you know why?
53:55 People say, "Don't do it."
53:56 Bible says very, very clearly because it is, you notice this,
53:59 prophecy of Revelation is just a revealing of whom?
54:02 Of Jesus Christ and Revelation 1:3 simply says,
54:06 "Blessed is he that readeth, right,
54:08 and he that hears the words of this prophecy
54:10 and keep those things therein."
54:13 A blessing is pronounced upon those who read,
54:15 study the Book of Revelation, the Book of Daniel.
54:17 So we need to do that with our eyes
54:19 and hearts and ears open.
54:22 So that we can understand
54:23 what's going on in the world today
54:24 because God said, "I'm going to reveal it, right,
54:27 first before it takes place, so that you will know,
54:30 so you will not be taken unawares."
54:32 We just have a couple seconds left,
54:33 I'm gonna out as we pray.
54:35 Let's pray together, shall we?
54:38 Loving Father in heaven, we truly,
54:40 we thank You for Your sweet spirit.
54:41 Thank You for the truth that You've given in Your Word.
54:44 Thank You that we can have confidence in Your Word
54:46 based upon our prophecy already being fulfilled.
54:48 And certainly that
54:50 which is not fulfilled yet but you have guaranteed it.
54:52 You said, "I have written it."
54:54 The Holy Spirit has impressed men of God,
54:55 holy men of God
54:57 and they wrote it down in the book
54:58 and it will come to pass, I will bring it to pass.
55:00 So, Lord, help us we pray, open our hearts and our minds,
55:02 our lives that we may see and hear
55:04 and understand the hour in which we live.
55:06 Signs of the time are everywhere.
55:08 Help us to put it together where You'd have it to be.
55:10 We thank You for hearing and answering prayer
55:12 for every one of Your people today in Jesus' name, amen.
55:15 Hello and welcome back.
55:17 I pray that the Lord spoke to your heart
55:19 during this message today.
55:21 What a blessed gift is the gift of Bible prophecy.
55:24 As you study through the Bible, you will discover that
55:27 God used prophecy throughout all of history.
55:31 Prophecy builds our faith in God and in His Word.
55:34 It is nothing to fear.
55:36 But it is something to hold dear,
55:38 very dear to our hearts.
55:40 It certainly sheds light upon our past knowing
55:43 from the Word of God,
55:44 what prophetic events lie ahead of each and every one of us.
55:48 Why was Bible prophecy given,
55:50 was the title of today's message.
55:52 And I hope that you now have a much clearer perception
55:57 of this special gift given to God's Church.
56:00 Why was Bible prophecy given
56:02 is the first message in a four part series that
56:05 we have entitled,
56:07 "Trust in the Sure Word of Prophecy."
56:09 Our next message in this series will be who can show the dream.
56:14 Please don't miss it. We don't want you to miss it.
56:16 We want you to stay with us.
56:18 Then we will continue this four part series
56:20 with message number three,
56:22 the four beasts and a little horn.
56:24 And finally conclude with message
56:26 for seven heads and ten horns.
56:29 And the good news is beginning today
56:31 this series will now be available to you
56:34 for a love gift of just $29 or more.
56:38 Now often people call in, they say how much was that?
56:40 So I'm going to repeat it for you.
56:42 It's $29 or more.
56:44 The or more is, if you feel it in your heart,
56:48 you want to continue to support
56:50 Behold the Lamb Ministries with extra finances.
56:52 That will be a blessing because we are only here
56:55 because of you and what you do to keep us up
56:58 and running.
56:59 As a people of God,
57:01 most of us need the repetition of messages
57:04 to place them in memories hall.
57:06 I know I do.
57:08 In fact, I was just thinking as I was writing this,
57:10 that we need to go back and study some of the messages
57:14 that we've done here in the past
57:16 so that they are here,
57:17 and I can remember them better too.
57:19 So if you want to do this with me,
57:21 you have the opportunity, just order this series,
57:24 "Trust in the Sheer Word of Prophecy."
57:27 And repeat the viewing,
57:28 repeat your studies as often as you like.
57:31 Simply contact us here
57:33 at Behold the Lamb Ministries
57:34 by calling 618-942-5044,
57:39 that's Central Time,
57:40 or write to Behold The Lamb Ministries,
57:42 PO Box 2030, Herrin, Illinois 62948.
57:46 You may email us at
57:48 BeholdTheLambMinistries
57:50 or visit our website.
57:52 Until next time, friends,
57:53 may our precious Lord bless you.


Revised 2020-07-06