Behold the Lamb Presents

Seven Heads and Ten Horns

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000133S

00:38 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:41 I'm Chris Shelton, your host,
00:42 I want to thank you for joining us.
00:44 Today, we will be concluding a four-part series entitled
00:47 "Trust in the Sheer Word of Prophecy."
00:50 During this series we have studied
00:52 why was Bible prophecy given,
00:55 who can show the dream,
00:56 the four beasts and a little horn.
00:58 And again today,
01:00 we're concluding with seven heads
01:01 and ten horns.
01:03 No doubt, Pastor Kenny Shelton
01:05 will be taking us to the Book of Daniel
01:07 and Revelation again,
01:08 we'll look at Daniel Chapter 7, Revelation Chapter 13,
01:11 where both Daniel and John were given visions
01:15 of a great and terrible beast that also spoke blasphemy.
01:19 This terrible beast would persecute
01:21 God's children while claiming to have
01:24 the attributes of God.
01:26 This terrible beast has been a terror
01:29 for God's people throughout the past,
01:31 especially during the Dark Ages of this world's history.
01:35 And it will, listen closely,
01:37 it will again be instrumental
01:39 in bringing about religious persecution
01:42 during the final time of trouble
01:44 right before the return
01:46 of Jesus Christ to get His bride
01:49 and to take us home.
01:50 Seven heads and ten horns,
01:52 I'm certain will contain pertinent information
01:55 that we all should know, we all should memorize,
01:59 so that we will be able to identify this beast
02:02 and to keep from being
02:03 a part of its religious propaganda.
02:06 I look forward and I hope you do as well
02:09 to what Pastor Kenny will be presenting today
02:12 under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,
02:15 seven heads and ten horns.
02:17 But first let's go back to 3ABN
02:20 and listen to an amazing rendition of a song entitled,
02:24 "People Need the Lord," played by Mary Grace.
05:58 Welcome to Behold the Lamb,
05:59 we're glad that you've joined us,
06:01 you know, it's an exciting study.
06:02 So, we want to make sure you get your Bible,
06:04 pencil and paper, jot down some of these things.
06:06 Now we're going to be moving rather quickly along.
06:09 So, if we want to make sure that
06:10 you have time to study for yourself,
06:12 the Bible says, study to show thyself approved unto God.
06:15 So, it's not just what an individual
06:17 might be saying, but you'd write,
06:19 you're writing these things down,
06:20 and then you're going to go study
06:22 these a little bit later on, because we're going to be
06:23 talking about seven heads and ten horns.
06:26 Revelation Chapter 13. This is the fourth part.
06:29 And before we have prayer,
06:31 I might mention it's still difficult
06:33 if you come in on the third or the fourth part of a series,
06:36 we're doing a four-part series.
06:38 And so sometimes,
06:39 I think lady wrote the other day,
06:40 said, well, just like you were talking
06:42 just to a certain little group of people here,
06:44 well, because you get in
06:45 on the third or the fourth part,
06:47 it's, you know, you missed first,
06:48 second, or maybe third.
06:50 And so, each one builds one up on the other.
06:53 So sometimes it's a little more difficult
06:55 and it seems like maybe
06:56 that people may not understand it
06:58 and, but anyway, as we do all four parts,
07:02 I think it'll come together and there's a reason for it.
07:03 But we're going to pray again,
07:05 the Holy Spirit will lead guide in our hearts,
07:07 in our lives, open our minds, right?
07:08 We want our minds open
07:10 to receive that which God has for us.
07:12 Revelation Chapter 13
07:13 is one of the most powerful chapters in the Bible
07:17 and gives so much information
07:18 that we need in the hour that we're living.
07:19 So, we need the power of the Holy Spirit.
07:21 Let's pray together, shall we?
07:24 Loving Father in heaven,
07:25 again we thank You for the privilege
07:26 that we have to be able to get into Your Word.
07:29 But, Lord, we realized as we look into ourselves,
07:31 we have nothing with good which to give Thy people,
07:34 so we rely upon the Holy Spirit
07:36 that You'll open hearts and minds and ears
07:38 and we'll be able to hear that which you have in store for us.
07:41 Help us to realize that
07:42 these things that we'll be talking about today
07:44 not only apply
07:45 before they apply today, especially
07:48 for the end time people.
07:49 Bless us now, we pray
07:51 with the power of Thy Holy Spirit.
07:52 Teach us, Lord, we pray,
07:53 in Jesus' name we pray and for His sake, amen.
07:58 You have your Bible,
07:59 make sure to turn to Revelation 13,
08:00 we'll be going that.
08:02 But now what I want to do is just kind of remind you
08:04 of what we've been essentially,
08:05 if you tuned in for the first time today,
08:07 you'll say, I don't understand where all this is going.
08:09 This is the fourth part of the series that we're doing.
08:12 We did the first part,
08:14 we did why was Bible prophecy given.
08:17 Now why would you...
08:19 We're going to go over there in just a minute,
08:20 why Bible prophecy was given.
08:22 We did number two, lesson number two,
08:24 who can show the dream
08:26 and we covered Daniel Chapter 2.
08:28 And then the third part
08:29 we've done was the four beasts and the little horn.
08:33 So, we pray that
08:34 we've established a little horn power
08:36 and who that little horn power is,
08:38 and what that little horn power is doing to the world
08:40 and will continue to do until Jesus comes.
08:44 It's very important that we put these things together,
08:47 because most people don't want to hear this message
08:49 that will be given today
08:51 or some of the things that we will go over,
08:52 because they'll say, well, we shouldn't be
08:54 talking about this thing,
08:55 we might hurt someone's feelings.
08:57 God has put it in His Word and if He's put it in His Word,
09:00 He wants us to give and to warn the world
09:03 who is being deceived by this man of sin.
09:06 Our fourth part today,
09:07 seven heads and ten horns, Revelation Chapter 13.
09:11 Now, if I'll just go over each one of these,
09:12 I just mentioned the first part.
09:14 Why was Bible prophecy given?
09:17 Simple answer, we could put on here.
09:18 Absolutely, as God wants us to know
09:20 what's coming upon this world.
09:23 He's going to warn the world before it takes place.
09:26 And you know, as it, we have a duty as a Christian,
09:29 as a follower of Jesus Christ
09:31 is to warn the world of what's taking place,
09:34 so we can open our eyes
09:35 and see what's happening right now,
09:37 and then look and say,
09:38 this is getting ready to happen.
09:40 That's Bible prophecy, isn't it?
09:41 We need to look
09:43 and say these things are about to happen.
09:45 They're happening now.
09:46 And they will continue to go right on just exactly the way
09:50 the Bible says whether we like it
09:51 or whether we don't.
09:53 This is what we're looking at today.
09:55 And it's very, some people say very, very hurtful.
09:57 Remember, for every truth that God has,
09:59 the devil has what?
10:01 He has a counterfeit.
10:02 So, God set up a true church
10:04 and the enemy came on and what did he do?
10:06 Somebody say it. He set up a false church.
10:10 And the Bible says the whole world
10:12 will end up wandering after the false church,
10:14 except for a little small group
10:16 that we will look at here in a moment.
10:18 So, remember, the devil is out to deceive,
10:20 kill and to destroy, and he's not going to be happy.
10:23 But what did he do?
10:24 While we realize that
10:26 he tried to during the Dark Ages to do what?
10:28 To kill out the Christians.
10:30 Anybody that said, I'm a Christian,
10:32 I love Jesus, he sought to kill him.
10:34 Fifty to hundred million Christians were killed
10:37 during the Dark Age
10:38 or the reign of this little horn power
10:41 that we've already established in here.
10:43 And God warns us about
10:44 in giving the three angels' message
10:45 of Revelation 14.
10:47 The last message of warning to go to the world
10:49 is to warn the world about this beast power.
10:53 So, should we be doing it or should we not?
10:55 We should be doing it.
10:56 Because God said the majority of the world will wander
10:59 after the beast and they are those, what?
11:02 Revelation 13:8.
11:04 We'll read it in a moment,
11:05 whose names are not written in the Lamb's book of life.
11:08 Should that concern us today?
11:10 That concerns me because it says there are those
11:12 who names are not written in the Lamb's book of life.
11:15 That doesn't mean you're going to be saved
11:17 and does it.
11:18 If our name is not in the Lamb's book of life,
11:20 we will not be saved.
11:22 Profess what you want to profess.
11:24 Say I'm a Christian, I belong to this church
11:26 or that church or whatever it might be.
11:27 I go to church every week, I'm a Christian.
11:29 Jesus said, He's going to be
11:30 and you're going to be known by your fruits.
11:32 If you love Me, keep My commandments,
11:34 if you love Me, do as I have set the example.
11:37 And are we doing that today? Why Bible prophecy is given?
11:42 So, before it takes place, we are to warn the people.
11:46 Two, who can show the dream, you remember that
11:48 Daniel Chapter 2, Nebuchadnezzar,
11:50 God gave Nebuchadnezzar a, what?
11:52 A dream of a metal man, the history of this world.
11:56 What, I'm just like addled at different times
11:58 is why are we not hearing more about this, why aren't,
12:02 sure all churches thing about look,
12:04 there's a history of the world, 605 BC,
12:07 Nebuchadnezzar, until the coming of Jesus,
12:11 a simple history of the world.
12:13 God said, I'm going to set it up
12:14 and then, what?
12:16 As it comes to pass,
12:17 then your faith will be increased.
12:18 There's a little bit here
12:20 that has not come to fruition just yet,
12:22 but it will, but look at all the other,
12:25 just exactly the way God said,
12:26 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome,
12:28 pagan Rome, and then what you have here,
12:30 the ten toes, Europe and then, what?
12:33 You got papal, naturally papal Rome.
12:35 And so we need to look at these issues
12:36 here that God gave this dream to Nebuchadnezzar,
12:39 to what, so that we would see the rise
12:41 and the fall of nations.
12:43 Think about it.
12:45 And then that will help us to say we are in the toes,
12:47 the toenails, of the coming of Jesus.
12:50 History has proven this to be true.
12:54 Not just say, don't say, well, that's some denomination,
12:56 that's some, history shows that
12:58 what I'm talking about is the gospel truth.
13:01 If more people would talk about
13:03 it in the pulpit or wherever it might be,
13:05 and they kept saying, we are in the toenails,
13:07 you see of this metal man,
13:09 we're right at the very end of time.
13:11 And the next thing we know the stones
13:13 are going to hit that image, ain't that right?
13:14 And boom.
13:16 And then God sets His kingdom up.
13:17 That should tell us, what? He's soon to come.
13:20 So, we and we need to be ready.
13:22 So that's why we're looking at this power here
13:24 that's taking the world captive right now.
13:27 It's working right now behind closed doors.
13:30 It's working in darkness right now
13:32 to continue to deceive.
13:34 And God says we need to open, put some light on this,
13:38 that the man of sin may be, what?
13:40 He may be revealed before Jesus shall come.
13:43 That's part of the job that God has given to last day people.
13:46 And anybody can be part of the last day people,
13:49 we just need to read the book.
13:51 And we need to be studying
13:52 the Book of Daniel and Revelation
13:54 like never before
13:56 and putting that together the way God said.
13:58 So, we did look at the third part.
14:00 We looked at was four beasts and the little horn
14:02 of Daniel Chapter 7, you remember that?
14:05 Four beasts came in, where?
14:07 Remember out of the earth, they represent the same
14:10 four world powers in Daniel Chapter 2.
14:13 Why is God repeating?
14:16 Do we ever need anything repeated?
14:18 Well, have mercy, so most of you forgot
14:20 we needed something repeated,
14:22 we need things repeat, right, things go over,
14:24 God gives them over.
14:25 So, and then in Daniel 8, He goes through
14:27 some of the same powers again, does He not?
14:29 Sure, He does.
14:30 So that we can comprehend
14:32 and then go into Revelation 13 and we will today,
14:35 God's going over some of these powers
14:37 combined together to say God's people
14:39 need to watch this power for what is getting ready
14:42 to do and He's doing, has done in times past,
14:45 will continue to do it and the whole world, you see,
14:48 will wander after and we don't want that, do we?
14:51 We don't want to,
14:52 we want to make, give a warning.
14:53 But listen, when you give a warning,
14:55 you get yourself in trouble.
14:56 You can get yourself in trouble
14:58 because in times in past history,
15:00 those who tried,
15:01 I was reading this week about a lot of our reformers.
15:04 Man our reformers in Wycliffe and Jerome and, you know,
15:07 Luther and all these men here.
15:08 Man, they just said exactly what they had on their heart
15:11 that the Holy Spirit impressed them to give.
15:14 I mean, they just let it out,
15:16 knowing that their life could be,
15:18 you know, cut close, just like that to an end,
15:20 come to an end real close.
15:21 Now, how many of us
15:23 would love Jesus enough to do that?
15:26 As we looked at Daniel Chapter 7,
15:28 notice these are quick identifying marks
15:29 of this little horn power.
15:31 The only reason I spent four time,
15:33 you try to come up with say now
15:34 why spend four different hours
15:36 on the subject here of why prophecy
15:39 or Daniel Chapter 2, Daniel Chapter 7,
15:42 Revelation 13.
15:43 It's so that once again, we can be reminded that
15:46 we have a job to do as God's people.
15:50 We have a job to do,
15:51 as I mentioned before Revelation Chapter 14,
15:54 is to give the three angels' message,
15:55 the warning to the world
15:57 and one of them is against the warning
15:58 against the mark of, what?
16:00 The mark of the beast.
16:02 We've established
16:03 who the beast is, is the papacy,
16:05 there's no doubt about it.
16:06 History proves that.
16:08 All we have to do is read a little bit, right?
16:10 And study the Word of God, so we understand.
16:12 So, we have to be careful and say, what?
16:14 We need to avoid the mark of this beast.
16:18 Something that this beast stands for that
16:21 the whole world will wander after in amazement that
16:24 this says this that notice this little horn power came up,
16:27 he was different from all the others,
16:29 you remember.
16:31 Identifying marks, remember?
16:33 When he came up, there was ten toes, right,
16:35 representing ten kingdoms.
16:36 When he came up, he uprooted three.
16:39 We're talking about the papacy.
16:41 Now you would know that
16:42 you would understand very easily
16:43 if when he uprooted three of those
16:45 who that little horn would be.
16:46 He was stouter than all the rest of them,
16:48 that mean he was very religious,
16:49 and a, what?
16:51 Political power.
16:52 Is the papacy, political and religious today?
16:55 They are in everything that's going on in the world,
16:58 whether it's political, whether it's religious,
17:00 they are involved with it, why, what cause?
17:02 He says, you know,
17:04 they need to be involved in these things.
17:05 Religious and political history tells us
17:09 this power is papal Rome, no doubt.
17:11 It even says how long? He says it will rise in 538.
17:14 That's when the last three went down.
17:16 He would last 1260 years and a deadly wound.
17:20 That was 1798. Was there a deadly wound?
17:23 Exactly.
17:25 Listen, this is important because again,
17:26 we have to make sure we identify,
17:28 we don't want to point the finger at some,
17:30 finger at somebody and say you're
17:31 and maybe they wouldn't be.
17:33 We want to make sure that
17:35 it's right based upon the Word of God
17:36 and then do what is right
17:38 that God says we are to do this, right?
17:41 It's talking about son of perdition here,
17:43 he's going to have to be revealed, right?
17:46 Before Jesus shall come, that means unmask.
17:48 Why?
17:49 Because the enemy has set up this power.
17:52 And the enemy, notice this,
17:53 gave him his power, his seat and great authority.
17:56 We need to make sure we have that really clear in our mind.
18:00 So, this power that came up,
18:01 the little horn, political and religious,
18:03 and lasted 1260 years, then there'd be a deadly wound.
18:07 What would he do?
18:09 He would persecute and kill God's people,
18:10 did he do that? Absolutely.
18:13 Said he would make war with the saints.
18:14 These are identifying marks that you can't miss.
18:18 He said he will speak great words
18:19 against the Most High.
18:21 I hope we have time to get into that,
18:22 the Most High.
18:23 He would think, listen to change times and, what?
18:27 The papacy would think to change times
18:29 and laws referring to the seventh day Sabbath
18:32 to the first day of the week.
18:34 And they boldly put it in print over and over and over.
18:38 No one can change God's law
18:40 but this man of sin says, I would ascend,
18:42 I will sit as it were, you see above God,
18:44 I'll be like the Most High and I'll prove that
18:47 I am because I will change God's Ten Commandment law.
18:50 I'll take Him out of the fourth commandment,
18:52 and I'll put myself in there,
18:54 then we'll change all the other, you remember.
18:56 They changed the Ten Commandments
18:57 with a second is you should not bow down
18:59 and worship, you know, the idols.
19:00 What did they do with that one?
19:02 Since they bow down
19:03 and worship idols, they took it out,
19:05 divided the tenth one and shoved them all up.
19:07 So, the seventh day Sabbath is the third one,
19:09 all the others are out of place.
19:11 He thinks he's God.
19:13 He's put himself in the place of God.
19:15 So, what God wants us to expose that
19:17 so people can look at it realistically
19:19 and not be fooled.
19:22 And another identifying mark, he claims to forgive, what?
19:26 This power that we're talking about
19:27 claims to forgive sin on earth.
19:29 Is there any other?
19:30 If you just had that one identify mark,
19:33 it's the only one, right?
19:34 It's only Christian, you call it Christian,
19:37 I have a hard time even doing that to be honest.
19:39 It's not that people we're talking about,
19:41 it's that organization that the enemy is behind.
19:44 They claim what?
19:45 That man claims to forgive sin on earth.
19:50 We ended with this statement.
19:51 Listen, we've got dozens and dozens of these statements.
19:55 And we realized if you are faithful to the end,
19:57 there is a price that you will pay.
20:00 I'm not ignorant,
20:01 may I use that word enough to realize
20:03 that what I say up here will not come back?
20:05 If I live long enough, it will come back.
20:09 Did you get it? Yeah. Has it through the ages.
20:13 It has, anyone that stood for truth.
20:15 I'm telling you, the devil is out to kill
20:17 and steal just like we read.
20:19 Here's what we end of the part three.
20:22 This is from a book called
20:23 Plain Talk about Protestantism of Today, page 213.
20:28 It says here, who do we reverence
20:30 by keeping Sunday?
20:32 Again, not trying to hurt anything or anybody.
20:34 Who do we reverence by keeping Sunday?
20:36 Here's what the Catholic Church says about themselves.
20:38 It was the Catholic Church,
20:40 which has transferred the rest of Sunday
20:42 in remembrance
20:44 of the resurrection of our Lord.
20:46 Therefore, the observance of Sunday by Protestant,
20:49 is anybody here Protestant?
20:53 Now, evidently there's not.
20:55 Do we even realize what Protestant even means?
21:00 That means you protest, yeah, protest what?
21:03 Not only err, you protest Catholicism.
21:07 What is all these reformers do during the Dark Ages?
21:09 They were reformers and they protested what?
21:12 Catholicism.
21:14 They were burned at the stake
21:16 for doing what I'm talking about today.
21:18 They were killed and fed to the lions.
21:22 For what exactly is going on right here right now.
21:26 Man, we need to get this,
21:27 this is life and death issue that we're talking about.
21:30 It's not a playground thing.
21:33 This is more than, Brother Mark, a band-aid.
21:37 I want to take the Holy Spirit, the power of the living God
21:40 in our hearts and our life to be able to stand.
21:42 Notice this, therefore, observance of Sunday by
21:45 Protestants is homage they pay in spite of themselves
21:50 to the authority of the Catholic Church.
21:53 See, most people have never heard that.
21:54 So, they don't know.
21:56 God doesn't hold you accountable
21:57 for what you don't know.
21:59 God loves you.
22:00 Yeah, you may be serving with best of your ability
22:02 all of your life, God understands that,
22:04 and you're in a good relationship with Him
22:06 until you hear what truth is
22:07 and then what are you going to do with it.
22:08 Does that make sense?
22:11 See, in my ignorance, not knowing God has...
22:14 I'm gonna say He put up with me because I didn't know.
22:17 But once I understand what truth is,
22:19 then all of a sudden I become, what?
22:21 Accountable to Him
22:23 that knoweth to do good and doeth not to Him.
22:25 To Him is what?
22:26 To Him is sin, to Him that knoweth to do good
22:30 and then you do it not, it's sin.
22:32 Don't give us this old business.
22:33 Well, this is the way my dad did
22:35 and my grandma, we all went through that,
22:36 we all have moms and dads and grannies, we love.
22:39 Is that right? Is that fair enough,
22:41 but God does not hold them accountable
22:43 for what they understood as truth.
22:46 Whatever, they may never heard
22:48 of a Sabbath keeping the commandments.
22:49 They may never have heard that, but they did the best they knew
22:52 how to do and that's good with God.
22:54 But now the day comes when that's changing.
22:57 God said He's going to reveal,
22:58 He's going to give us these beautiful truths.
23:01 And so, we're looking at it,
23:02 we don't want to pay homage in spite of ourselves, right?
23:06 To the Roman Church. We don't want to do that.
23:08 And you say how to do it?
23:09 If we're going to church on the day
23:10 that they made
23:12 and said it was holy and it's not.
23:13 Man can't make anything holy.
23:15 Revelation 13 quickly,
23:16 oh, I've just got so wound up on all this other stuff.
23:19 Somebody pray for me.
23:23 Yeah, we, I mean this, this is powerful.
23:26 Notice right here,
23:27 the scripture in Revelation 13 begin with 1.
23:30 It's like, we just have to read it.
23:33 And remember, Revelation Chapter 13,
23:36 you have the first 10 verses
23:38 that identifies that the papacy.
23:41 And then when verses 11 through 18 of Revelation 13
23:45 is the United States in Bible prophecy
23:48 because United States in Bible prophecy,
23:50 the United States makes an image to the beast.
23:53 That means there'll be a Sunday law.
23:55 I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna let it go.
23:57 Just let it go.
23:59 And that's what people will write in and say,
24:01 well, you just talk like
24:02 you're talking to a bunch of people.
24:03 Well, you haven't heard parts one, two and three.
24:07 You may need those.
24:08 But we see here that
24:09 the Bible is talking about here.
24:11 John said here, he said,
24:12 I stood up on the sand of the, what?
24:14 I stood on the sand to see, I'm putting my glasses on.
24:16 I have a hard time seeing. Somebody pray for me.
24:22 And I do mean that, right? It's important.
24:25 He said, "I stood upon the sand of the sea,
24:27 I saw a beast do," what?
24:30 "Rise up out of the sea,
24:32 having seven heads and ten horns."
24:33 What's the subject? Seven heads and ten horns.
24:36 Notice this, "And upon his head,
24:39 the name of blasphemy."
24:40 God is telling us already about this beast power.
24:42 We'll go in and we'll discuss them
24:44 as we have time,
24:45 but let's put this thing together, shall we?
24:47 Verse 2, notice this.
24:49 "And the beast which I saw,"
24:51 notice this, "was unto a leopard,
24:55 his feet were like the feet of a bear,
24:57 his mouth as the mouth of a lion."
24:59 Is there some symbolism that we studied before?
25:02 Absolutely.
25:04 But notice what John says, I saw this here.
25:05 Now notice here's that,
25:07 "And the dragon gave him his power,
25:10 and his seat, his throne,"
25:13 thank you, "and great authority."
25:15 Hope we have time to cover some more on that.
25:18 I mean, that's his power. Now, who did what here?
25:22 The dragon gave him his...
25:25 The dragon gave him his power,
25:28 and his seat, and the great authority.
25:30 Who is the dragon? How do we know that?
25:34 How do I, oh, yeah, you want better than that?
25:36 Revelation 12:9,
25:38 it talks about the dragon, right?
25:40 The old devil, Satan.
25:41 It makes it a fact, the Satan gave this power
25:44 its seat and its great authority.
25:47 Now, why would the world want to wander after that then?
25:51 Because they're not studying.
25:53 They don't want to know this,
25:54 because they're happy where they're at.
25:57 They don't want to make any changes.
25:58 Most people that I meet and talk to nowadays
26:00 they really don't want any changes in their life.
26:03 They don't want to hear about any,
26:04 and they don't want to hear
26:05 what you have to say about it either.
26:07 They don't have time to hear about
26:08 because they're busy in things of this world.
26:11 But one of these days they will beg and plead,
26:14 I say for the Word of God and it will not be,
26:16 that they'll not hear it anymore.
26:19 Yeah, gain the whole world he said here,
26:20 but lose your own soul.
26:22 It's not worth it. It's not worth it.
26:25 The Bible is very clear about this.
26:27 And again, if we have correctly
26:29 and we have because of the history,
26:31 and because of the Bible that says who this beast is,
26:35 and the devil gave him his power,
26:37 his seat, the dragon and great authority.
26:40 Again, true church, the false church,
26:43 true church follows Christ plan.
26:45 Isn't that right?
26:46 Whatever Jesus taught, how He lived.
26:48 That's what we do. You're safe.
26:51 But now the enemy has come by
26:52 and he's counterfeited every one of the truth.
26:55 Why? Because the Bible was what?
26:57 Bible was chained to the walls, you remember?
27:00 In fact, in the Dark Ages, they were not allowed.
27:02 Only the priest and the pope could read the Bible
27:04 and they told the people, what?
27:06 What they wanted them to hear. Yes, yeah.
27:11 When you went to school, grade school, different things,
27:13 you were taught what they wanted you.
27:15 They didn't want you reading for yourself.
27:17 And the Bible plainly says,
27:18 study to show thyself approved unto God.
27:22 So, we see the beast here, verse 3 quickly.
27:24 "I saw one of its," what?
27:27 "Heads as it were wounded to death,
27:30 the deadly wound was healed."
27:31 What did we just talk about in the beginning?
27:33 There'd be a deadly wound that would be given, why?
27:35 538, 1798, 1260 years,
27:39 same as 42 months, same as three and a half years.
27:42 All you have to do is take a year,
27:43 12 months and 30 days each one and every time
27:46 you'll see three and a half, 42 months, 1200, it's 1260.
27:52 They're all the same because God is repeating
27:54 in Revelation Chapter, I think it's what?
27:56 It's 11, you know,
27:58 you'll find two different applications there.
28:00 Revelation Chapter 12, you'll see Revelation 13.
28:02 You will see this application.
28:04 If you're jotting it down, jot down Revelation 11:2.
28:08 In Revelation 11:3, jot those down.
28:11 Revelation 12:6,
28:12 jot it down and see what it's talking about.
28:14 And then you look at Daniel Chapter,
28:17 I think it's 7:25, Revelation 12:14,
28:20 these things all come into play.
28:22 This is how you put line upon line,
28:24 precept upon precept,
28:25 here a little and there a little.
28:28 The deadly wound.
28:29 But here's, here's the thing, what?
28:30 The deadly wound was healed. Oh, my, listen to this.
28:34 John saw the deadly wound being healed.
28:38 And then the world wandered after the beast.
28:41 They were wandering
28:42 after something that the beast had instituted.
28:45 They may not realize they're wandering
28:46 as it were following after the beast
28:48 because they don't know, why?
28:50 Because Sunday instituted at least 1000 years,
28:53 1500 before there ever was a Protestant.
28:56 No one wants to protest.
28:58 And you go back in history,
29:00 and you can read all these things
29:01 for yourself and you can see it.
29:02 Notice it.
29:04 And here we get down to the nitty gritty.
29:05 Well, you say, well, I'm not sure,
29:06 Revelation 13:4 says this, "And they worshipped," what?
29:11 "The dragon." Oh, they worshipped what?
29:14 It didn't say they worship the beast
29:16 even though, first of all,
29:17 they said they worshipped the dragon.
29:19 Who's the dragon? It's Satan.
29:22 They worshipped Satan.
29:24 Remember, just before that
29:25 the Bible said there in verse 3,
29:28 the world wander after the...
29:30 In other words, they followed after the beast.
29:33 They accepted something
29:35 that they thought maybe was Christian.
29:37 They didn't know any difference.
29:40 Wow.
29:41 And so, they worship, see, this is something
29:43 we need to pay attention to, do we not?
29:45 I mean, how, you can read this to people.
29:48 And they don't, like it doesn't faze them
29:50 when it says, "They worshipped the dragon."
29:53 This has to do with who we give allegiance to
29:56 and who we worship, does it not?
29:58 "And they worshipped the devil,"
29:59 that's what it says,
30:01 "which gave power to the beast,"
30:03 once again, and they what?
30:07 "And they worshipped the beast,
30:08 saying, who is like unto the beast?
30:10 Who is able to make war with him?
30:13 And there was given unto him
30:14 a mouth speaking great things and blasphemy,
30:17 powers given to him to continue," how long?
30:20 "Forty two months." Is what it's talking.
30:21 See, God is going over the same thing again
30:23 and saying, look, here's this beast power,
30:25 here's what's going to happen,
30:27 it's going to last exactly this long,
30:28 the deadly wound is going to be good,
30:29 the deadly wound is going to be healed.
30:31 And all the world's going to wander
30:32 after this beastly power
30:34 or something that was instituted by them.
30:36 And remember, if the devil is a deceiver,
30:38 he's not bold enough to come out
30:40 and say, I did it.
30:41 He used his powers, nations, a church.
30:44 Where do you think the devil is working right now?
30:46 Can somebody help me?
30:47 Is he working outside? Well, you'd say, yeah, he is.
30:49 But what is he joined? He's joined the church.
30:54 He's joined the church.
30:57 Yeah, he joined the church. He's a member of the church.
30:59 Don't let him be a member of your church, kick him out.
31:02 Disfellowship him. Right?
31:05 He should have no place in your church where you go.
31:08 And when false doctrine and teaching comes in,
31:11 that's where that enemy comes right on in with that.
31:14 Remember, if it's not a true teaching of God,
31:16 then it is a teaching of the devil.
31:18 Man, can you look up all kinds of dozens
31:21 and dozens of false teaching.
31:22 Man, we need that,
31:24 we need to get in the Word of God.
31:25 Notice this, verse 6,
31:28 "He opened his mouth," to do what?
31:30 "To blaspheme against God, to blaspheme his name,
31:34 and his tabernacle, and them that dwell."
31:36 Notice this, we're reading just a moment about blasphemy.
31:40 But even more than that,
31:41 notice that the devil is going to set himself up
31:43 in the place of God in God's temple.
31:46 He's going to try to do it.
31:47 And the world's letting him do it
31:48 because we don't protest anymore.
31:50 We don't protest err.
31:52 It's a, well we, well,
31:53 if that's what you believe it's all right.
31:55 Well, everybody just believes what they want to believe.
31:57 No, we need to believe
31:59 what God has said in His Word, ain't that right?
32:01 Every one of us has that,
32:02 how many people are on the planet?
32:04 Close to seven billion, six and a half billion?
32:06 Can somebody help me? About that many?
32:08 You realize you put everybody together
32:09 if you could do that, billion,
32:11 everybody has a different thought
32:12 about everything.
32:14 Just about.
32:15 Isn't that a lot of different thoughts?
32:17 We don't need the thoughts of all of us,
32:18 we need the, what?
32:20 The mind of Christ.
32:21 And He reveals that to us in His Word.
32:24 Notice he blaspheme against God.
32:26 Now remember talking about forgiveness of sin, verse 7.
32:29 "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints."
32:32 We know that, we talked about it.
32:33 "He overcame them,
32:34 power was given him over all kindreds, and," what?
32:38 "Power was given to kindreds, and tongues, and nations."
32:41 The whole world did it.
32:43 And all of the world wandered after the beast,
32:45 we're getting ready to read it there in verse 8.
32:47 "And all that dwell on the earth," how many?
32:50 I know I'm going fast. I need to calm down.
32:52 I'm just gonna have to calm down, somebody.
32:56 Well, people can't understand when I get going jabbering.
33:00 You know why?
33:01 Because you're fighting against the clock all the time.
33:04 Because you've had plenty of time,
33:06 who could cover this,
33:07 each verse should be taken an hour
33:09 just to get a simple idea of what's going on,
33:11 let alone try to cover ten verses
33:13 that are critical to the people of God
33:15 here in these last days.
33:16 I really believe that.
33:18 They're critical to, if we understand it, why?
33:20 Here's the verse, because,
33:22 "All that dwell on the earth shall," what?
33:26 Follow after him, worship, what is the word again?
33:29 Worship, it has to do with who we worship.
33:34 We either worship the dragon.
33:35 Do you see this here? Or we worship God?
33:38 That's what he's talking about here.
33:39 "And whose names are not written," where?
33:42 "In the book of life of the Lamb slain
33:44 from the foundation of the world."
33:45 Verse 9.
33:46 "If any man has an ear,"
33:48 I'm challenging you with it right now.
33:49 "If any man has an ear, let him, let him hear."
33:54 Verse 10. Now this is last verse.
33:55 "He that leadeth into captivity," shall what?
33:59 Talking about this power.
34:00 He's led a lot, he's led a lot into captivity.
34:02 And he's also going to be led in captivity,
34:05 he that killeth with a sword must be killed with a sword.
34:08 Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
34:12 The God saying, here's the patience,
34:13 there's going to be a small group.
34:16 They're not going to be loved in the world,
34:17 they're going to be blamed for everything
34:18 that's going on in the world,
34:20 that's going on even right now that as we're talking.
34:23 Eventually the finger will be pointed.
34:25 Was that, what happened with Jesus?
34:26 That what happened to disciples?
34:28 The true followers of Christ, the true followers of Christ,
34:31 everybody went like this.
34:35 If you're a true follower, but you know,
34:37 the sad part of most of this right here
34:39 is those who profess to be true followers of Christ,
34:41 when the hammer goes down,
34:43 when the going gets tough, right?
34:45 When the laws of the land are passed,
34:47 when people start to snicker and laugh at you and saying,
34:50 you're an oddball, you're a freak.
34:51 It's okay to say that one? Yeah, most will do.
34:55 Most will just tone it down and run off and hide somewhere.
34:59 Majority of those who profess to love the truth
35:03 and the Word of God, when the pressure is applied
35:06 or someone said today
35:08 you cannot come to this church again,
35:09 the doors are gonna be locked,
35:11 don't you dare come to this church again.
35:12 If you do, we're going to arrest you.
35:13 How many of us would show up?
35:16 All it has to do is rain a drop or two and most don't show up.
35:19 Well, is anybody following that thinking?
35:25 I thought it was going to.
35:29 I'm not trying to pick on anybody,
35:30 I'm just simply saying we thought it might storm,
35:32 we thought that.
35:34 If I'm feeling well, I'll show up.
35:38 Don't count on being sick.
35:41 John, did we get that? Okay.
35:45 All you have to do is to say something
35:47 that the enemy hears, right?
35:50 If my tires are up in the morning,
35:52 I'll go to church.
35:53 Well, you probably have a flat tire the next morning.
35:58 That's all you have to do is if I'm,
36:00 and I've tried to,
36:01 we've all been involved in that,
36:03 but we just don't need to be.
36:05 What we say is by the grace of God,
36:07 I will be there.
36:09 If I have to walk, I'll be there.
36:12 You see, there's a difference.
36:13 Rather than say, well,
36:14 if my car starts in the morning,
36:17 we probably all said, but just think about it.
36:18 That's just an excuse.
36:20 Your car will start if God wants you to be there,
36:22 He'll start the car for you.
36:24 The tires will be up, I'm just simply saying is,
36:26 well, we say by the grace of God,
36:27 I'm going to be there.
36:30 This is what God wants to hear from His people here today.
36:33 Now think about these things with me for just a moment.
36:36 What did John see here?
36:37 We got maybe less than 20 minutes.
36:39 Whoa, right. Revelation 13:1-10 is powerful.
36:43 He saw a beast rising out of, let's cover real quick.
36:45 He saw a beast rise out of the, what?
36:48 The sea. What does that mean?
36:50 A beast. Yeah, people.
36:52 A beast is symbolic,
36:55 we'll talk about in Bible prophecy
36:56 it means a power, it means a kingdom.
36:59 It means a political power, it can mean a nation.
37:02 So, we're looking here that John said, I saw this,
37:05 this power coming up out of the sea,
37:08 and the sea, Revelation 17:15.
37:11 There are peoples and multitudes and nation,
37:14 it's talking about over in Europe right now
37:15 because we're in that timeframe.
37:17 Talking about heavy populated area,
37:19 John saw this beast power coming up
37:22 in a heavy populated area.
37:23 United States was not
37:25 in the heavy populated area at that time.
37:26 Are you with me?
37:28 So, we know where it was at
37:30 and we know what was going on in Europe.
37:31 We know most over there
37:33 with the papacy what's going on.
37:34 And we know the reformers
37:36 and what took place during the Dark Ages,
37:37 it helps us to understand.
37:39 Now, if you're saying,
37:40 I'm not sure about these nation,
37:43 it means kings, it could mean a kingdom.
37:47 Daniel 7:17, write that one down
37:50 because it refers to this beast as a king.
37:53 And in Daniel 7:23,
37:56 it talks about I saw this kingdom.
37:59 So, we realize, we can be sure that
38:01 we understand this kingdom,
38:02 this power that came up in a heavy populated area.
38:06 John saw this beast,
38:09 and he was intrigued by this beast.
38:11 It came up out of a heavy multitude of people.
38:15 It had to be, as I mentioned, it had to be where?
38:17 It had to be in Europe, it had to come from Europe.
38:20 Now as we look on, the beast had seven heads.
38:23 What a freaky looking beast.
38:25 I've never seen one with two head,
38:26 let alone seven.
38:29 Now remember, we're talking in symbolism.
38:31 And so, people read that sometime they go,
38:32 oh, we could never figure that out.
38:34 Let's just let it go.
38:36 Beast power had seven heads like,
38:38 now notice this, like a dragon.
38:41 Now think about it.
38:42 In Revelation Chapter 12, let's just do
38:44 a little comparison here quickly.
38:45 Revelation 12:3.
38:47 I'll just read it for you,
38:49 you notice what Revelation 12:3 says.
38:51 "And there appeared another wonder in heaven."
38:54 Now remember, Revelation Chapter 12
38:56 identifies God's last day church.
38:59 Did you get it? His pure church.
39:02 The woman in white.
39:03 And then compares it to Revelation 17
39:05 of the harlot on this beast,
39:07 you remember scarlet colored red beast.
39:10 Here's what the Bible said.
39:12 He said there,
39:13 "And there appeared another wonder in heaven,
39:14 and behold a red," notice it, "great red dragon."
39:18 Notice this red dragon. Dragon represents whom?
39:21 The devil, symbolism here, we're looking here.
39:23 Notice, "And this dragon
39:25 had seven heads and had ten horns,
39:28 and he had seven crowns on this head."
39:31 Notice this, in Revelation 17:3 says,
39:34 John said, "I saw this woman..."
39:38 John said what? "I saw this woman..."
39:41 What is a woman in Bible prophecy?
39:44 It represents the church, is it not?
39:46 A lot of study, you can do on that.
39:47 But here I saw this,
39:49 "The woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast,
39:52 full of the name of blasphemy,
39:54 it had seven heads and ten," what?
39:56 "Horns."
39:58 John said, I saw in Revelation 17 what?
40:02 He said, I saw the great whore. Did you get it?
40:04 I saw mystical Babylon here, the great.
40:08 Revelation 17:5, she has always been
40:11 against God's people.
40:12 Remember, the dragon is the devil.
40:15 And so, everything the devil has done,
40:16 he's done his very best to stamp out God's faithful.
40:21 Has he not?
40:23 From the very beginning of time with Adam and Eve,
40:25 didn't where he started?
40:26 Stamp him out. The world will be mine.
40:30 Praise God, you know, for Calvary, ain't that right?
40:32 Thank God for Jesus.
40:34 That goes another chance
40:36 because the world was lost because Adam and Eve chose.
40:39 She was deceived, he chose, they sinned against God.
40:43 Now, don't ever think for a moment,
40:45 and I'll just throw this in if you don't mind,
40:46 throw it back out if you want to.
40:49 Don't ever think that, well,
40:50 I've just got one little issue in life
40:52 and God understands it.
40:54 It's going to be all right.
40:56 Adam and Eve were taken from their home, were they not?
40:59 They were kicked out because of what?
41:02 Twenty five thousand sins or one?
41:07 Just one. Just one.
41:11 Moses. How about Moses?
41:13 Here faithful man of God.
41:15 I would have screamed and pulled out little hair
41:16 I've got out if I was in his shoes.
41:19 Are you still with me?
41:20 I had to put up with the people, you see,
41:23 and trying to be God's leader
41:24 and all the people was turned on him
41:26 and what you bring us out here
41:27 that we're gonna die and boom, boom, boom.
41:28 Moses just did what?
41:30 One time, God said speak to the rock
41:32 and Moses did something different, didn't he?
41:34 What he did? He struck the rock.
41:36 Who is the rock? You don't strike Jesus.
41:41 He struck the rock and then the Lord said,
41:42 okay, it's time for...
41:44 I told you to speak to rock.
41:46 See, it makes a difference with God,
41:47 a word makes a difference.
41:50 And so, He called Moses upon the mountain,
41:52 there he died.
41:55 But it seemed like to put up with all that he put up with,
41:57 it may just, almost make an excuse was okay
41:59 because he's frustrated.
42:01 Time and time again
42:02 they had been fed railroad cars of food every day.
42:07 Did you get it? Railroad cars.
42:09 Millions of gallons of water every day in the desert
42:12 where there was no water,
42:13 God supplied them, ain't that right?
42:16 Manna from heaven. Every day God was there, right?
42:20 Every day God was there
42:21 with that cloud to cover His people
42:23 because they're so hot.
42:24 Every night there was a pillar of fire around them
42:26 to keep them a little bit warmer.
42:28 God was with His people,
42:30 but He will not tolerate sin from you
42:33 or from me or anyone else.
42:34 And we think heaven is going to be our home.
42:36 It's a time we're living in is the hour of God's judgment.
42:39 It's a time to get right with whom?
42:41 With God.
42:42 It's time as it were,
42:44 so that our sins can be blotted out.
42:45 Send them into the most holy place
42:47 where Jesus is at right now,
42:48 mediating as our name comes up.
42:51 We can't make excuses to say, well, God, no, yeah, He knows
42:54 but He can't do anything about it
42:55 until we bring it to Him.
42:57 Man, we're looking at this power, this beast,
42:59 this seven heads and ten horns.
43:01 He saw this woman mystical Babylon,
43:03 always against God's people.
43:05 And notice what she does?
43:06 The Bible said here she sits, did you get it?
43:09 Here she sits, meaning,
43:11 if somebody, this woman is sitting on this beast
43:13 with the heads and the crowns,
43:15 she sits on that beast, mean she's in control.
43:19 The beast power, papacy, you're still with me?
43:21 Still, and the devil is using that right,
43:23 the dragon they said gave him power,
43:25 seat and authority, sits as a queen as it were,
43:28 she's in, she's a head of man,
43:30 she's a head of as it were religion,
43:32 the civil government, church and state together.
43:35 Verse 18, read that when you have an opportunity,
43:38 but she's full on these heads are written blasphemy.
43:41 So, we can identify, so we need not make a mistake.
43:44 We just read one verse quickly for, in Mark.
43:48 We know that Mark Chapter 2, I believe 27.
43:52 Now notice, your blasphemy covers a pretty broad area,
43:55 realize somebody, listen blasphemy is in a,
43:59 the principal is claiming their prerogatives
44:02 that belong to God.
44:04 Does that make sense?
44:05 Claiming the prerogatives that belong to God alone
44:07 so the beast power of the papacy claims
44:10 those same things even higher.
44:12 God is below them. Interesting.
44:15 But notice what the Bible said about blasphemy.
44:18 I assume verse 27, it's not the one?
44:21 No, 2:7.
44:23 Now remember, Jesus was,
44:25 Jesus was working here with some folks.
44:27 And he said, "There were certain scribes,"
44:28 verse 6, "sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts."
44:32 Verse 7, Mark 2 says
44:34 and they looked at Jesus, as they said,
44:35 "Why does this man thus speak blasphemy?
44:39 Who can forgive sins but God only?"
44:42 So, this power then would be claiming to forgive, what?
44:45 Sins on this earth.
44:47 There's only one power
44:49 that I know of that claims to forgive sins on earth.
44:52 That's why they have their confessional.
44:53 That's how they have their masters
44:55 and all the stuff that they have.
45:00 No, absolutely not.
45:01 So, we don't go to a man to ask for forgiveness of sin.
45:04 God is identifying this power
45:06 again and again and again and again,
45:09 so that we're not deceived.
45:11 If man, if man goes to man, if I go to Brother Mark here,
45:14 and I'm confessing my sins to him,
45:15 man, I've still got him.
45:17 He can't forgive me,
45:18 I can't forgive him of anything.
45:20 There's only one that can do that.
45:22 There's only one mediator between God and man,
45:24 and that is Jesus Christ, isn't that right?
45:27 He's only one that we go to Him and we confess our sins.
45:30 And he's like, whoa,
45:31 He's faithful and just to forgive us our sins
45:33 and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
45:36 Here, this harlot as it were, this prostitute, what?
45:40 Prostituting the spirits
45:41 as well the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
45:43 coming up with all these false doctrines
45:45 and false teaching that people say, well,
45:47 we don't want to talk about
45:48 because we want everything to be in common.
45:52 God help us if that's our thinking.
45:55 We love to have things, we love to get along,
45:57 we like to thank you,
45:58 but what is, we said, well, we're all in unity now.
46:00 There's not a church in the world that's all,
46:02 everybody's all in unity,
46:03 they may say, they'll say what we agree on, right?
46:06 We'll talk about these, we agree.
46:08 The things that we disagree on, we don't make an issue, right?
46:13 This all, you know, common, everything in common.
46:17 The enemy wants to make you think along that line.
46:21 Let's read another verse that we got there in Mark 7,
46:24 turn over with me to Mark 7 quickly,
46:26 we read it again.
46:27 Mark 7:22. Mark 7:22.
46:31 The Bible said, it's talking about
46:34 "Thieves and covetousness,
46:35 wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness and evil eye
46:39 and blasphemy."
46:41 Did you get it? "Pride and foolishness.
46:44 All these evil things come from within,
46:47 and defile the man."
46:49 What defiles the man?
46:51 Blasphemy, thieving, written,
46:52 you know all this wickedness here.
46:54 God is just identifying
46:56 that somebody who's saying I can forgive your sin.
46:58 That's evil. That comes from the enemy.
47:01 It's all evil.
47:03 It's what the Bible says, the names of the seven heads.
47:06 Names indicate, remember, a character.
47:09 In the Bible, you know,
47:10 the name when somebody was, had a name,
47:12 it meant something back then,
47:14 we just pull one out of the sky
47:15 sometime now for our children.
47:17 But everybody had a name back that it meant something,
47:19 did it not?
47:20 It had a meaning to it.
47:21 And so now as we look at that indicates the character.
47:25 Verse 2 in Revelation 13, back quickly, Revelation 13,
47:28 we're not gonna be able to finish by any means,
47:30 but we'll do the best we can.
47:32 Revelation Chapter 13. I'm going back there.
47:35 You can go back there with me if you will.
47:38 Remember what verse 2, we read those,
47:39 now we're trying to go over them
47:41 and cover them a little bit here.
47:42 Verse 2, Revelation 13:2 says,
47:44 "And the beast
47:46 which I saw was like unto," what?
47:48 "I was like unto a leopard."
47:49 Now notice this,
47:50 "His feet were like the feet of a bear,
47:52 mouth of the mouth of a," what?
47:53 "Of a lion."
47:55 So, you had a leopard,
47:56 you had a bear and you had a, what?
47:57 Of a lion.
47:59 That takes us back to Daniel Chapter 7,
48:01 you notice where Daniel said.
48:03 First, he said it was like a lion
48:05 and then he said it's like a bear.
48:07 And the third was like a leopard.
48:09 So, we had Daniel was looking forward,
48:11 and John was looking, what?
48:12 Backward.
48:14 That's why he listed them as such.
48:15 But you notice, this power is going to have
48:16 the characteristics of three of these, Babylon,
48:20 Medo-Persia and Greece.
48:23 Think of all the paganism that was involved in this era.
48:25 But this power, this beast,
48:27 the papacy would get other teaching
48:29 and doctrine from this, this pagan, the pagan powers.
48:33 So, the beast had physical characteristics
48:37 from all three.
48:38 Notice, who gave the beast power once again?
48:42 The dragon is what it says.
48:44 Now remember, the dragon first represents Satan,
48:46 there's no doubt about it.
48:48 But secondarily, in secondary
48:50 it represents the Roman Emperor,
48:53 notice this, or empire.
48:55 Now what happened to the Roman Empire?
48:57 Remember, it was divided into, right, ten,
49:00 then the little horn came up and who took control.
49:02 Notice this, the power coming up after Roman Empire,
49:06 which received the power
49:07 from the dragon now receives his power,
49:11 his seat, and his great authority
49:14 is clearly papal Rome.
49:16 Did you get it?
49:17 It's clearly papal Rome because it says,
49:20 it receives his power from the same source here.
49:24 More you say, well, I'm not sure that
49:25 that the papacy is the one that followed it.
49:27 Let me just read something from history,
49:29 the rise of the Medieval Church in 1900, page 150 says this.
49:33 Out of the ruins of political Rome
49:36 arose the great moral empire in the giant
49:39 form of the Roman Church.
49:41 See, history even tells us
49:42 this is the power that came up that
49:44 we need to be aware of, I mean, really aware of.
49:48 Behind all of this, remember,
49:50 Satan is seeking to destroy God's Church.
49:54 He tried during, we talked about
49:55 the Dark Ages, has he not?
49:57 Persecuting and killing, that didn't work.
50:00 So, he changed his battle plan.
50:02 You think the devil doesn't have plan?
50:03 And we talked about that,
50:05 his battle plan was he changed his system
50:07 of thinking that I will join in with him.
50:09 I'm going to work, he's saying through paganism.
50:12 Now that didn't work very well, either enough.
50:15 So, he began to work in the church.
50:17 And he brought all of this and to disguise his identity.
50:22 See, I'm in the church now,
50:23 well, I go to church, I go to church.
50:25 The devil does, you know, I think he used to fear that
50:27 when you say you're a Christian or you talk about the cross.
50:31 He doesn't fear that anymore unless it changes your life,
50:34 did you get it?
50:35 If the cross of Calvary changes your life, the enemy is afraid.
50:40 He didn't like you if you didn't say Bible,
50:42 he didn't like for you to say Jesus.
50:44 But why, you can say Jesus all you want
50:46 as far as he's concerned,
50:47 he may get behind you and say Jesus himself
50:49 if it doesn't change you, but if it changes you,
50:52 he doesn't like it.
50:54 And the truth should change us.
50:56 Notice his seat, Revelation 13,
51:00 his seat and his throne is read in some Bibles,
51:02 the Pope's ascended to the throne of the Caesars.
51:07 So, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt.
51:09 Now another word for throne,
51:10 let's just look at it quickly before time runs out.
51:12 Another word for throne in the Greek is cathedra,
51:18 another what?
51:19 Cathedra.
51:21 The Latin siege, S-E-D-E-S in English is see,
51:26 the holy, what?
51:28 See, notice this.
51:29 The throne, the cathedra is located in the cathedral.
51:34 Is somebody with me?
51:36 The city which the throne is located is called the Sedes.
51:40 You get it?
51:42 The ultimate in the Sedes, notice this, in the,
51:44 we're talking about in Catholicism
51:47 is we know is the Holy Sedes,
51:49 the city where the Popes are seated
51:53 and is located were?
51:54 In the city of Rome.
51:56 The Bible tells us exactly what's going to happen,
51:58 who's going to take the place
51:59 and where they're going to sit and all about it here.
52:01 It becomes very clear
52:02 as we study and read these things,
52:04 the Holy Sedes.
52:05 He had great power and great authority over people
52:10 and nations and religion,
52:12 but they say the deadly wound would be given to this.
52:15 We went over the deadly wound, the political.
52:18 That was the political power of the papacy,
52:20 it came to an end in 1798.
52:23 And you know what?
52:25 When it was restored, this is history.
52:26 I wish I'd brought those pictures I had there,
52:28 I could show you the picture of the actual signing.
52:31 You see of the Lateran Treaty, you read that in 1929.
52:34 What happened?
52:36 The Lateran Treaty 1929, the papacy was restored,
52:38 you notice that,
52:40 restored the temporal power to the Pope,
52:42 and the rule of Vatican City was given back to him.
52:45 I get pictures of that.
52:46 It's there for history, we can look at,
52:48 just exactly what the Bible said that it would,
52:51 the deadly wound would be healed
52:52 and all the world would wander after the beast.
52:56 But you know what?
52:57 Before we end with this time, the prophet sees much more that
53:00 we talked about there in verse 8.
53:02 It sickens him because he sees all the world
53:05 wandering after this beast power,
53:08 except the faithful few, just a faithful few.
53:13 Because the Bible said he caused us,
53:14 you remember that, all,
53:16 them which dwell to worship the first beast,
53:18 whose deadly wound was healed in verse 12,
53:20 as Revelation 13:11, 12.
53:22 He causes all laws that are passed,
53:26 but there is a little group,
53:27 and I'm going to read you that group right now
53:29 and just kind of bust your bubble
53:30 maybe just a little bit, if you don't mind.
53:32 But it's very, very clear because there is a little group
53:36 because all the world's going to wander after him
53:38 but there's one group here.
53:39 It doesn't give a name of that necessarily,
53:41 but it says this,
53:42 Revelation 12:17, everybody knows it.
53:44 It says, "And the dragon," who's the dragon?
53:46 The devil was angry,
53:47 "wroth with the woman," the church,
53:50 "and went to make war with the remnant of her,"
53:52 the remnant, the last little part
53:54 of the remnant of her seed,
53:56 "which keep the commandments of God,
53:58 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
54:01 Spirit of Prophecy in the church.
54:02 Two identify marks of God's last day church
54:05 that will stand victorious against the enemy.
54:08 To give, what?
54:09 Give the message of, certainly a warning
54:11 of Revelation Chapter 14 is very, very clear.
54:14 Remember the warning here
54:15 that we need to be reading and studying every day.
54:17 Right here I'm just going to give you the last one
54:19 here in Revelation 14:9, 10.
54:22 "And the third angel followed them,
54:24 saying with a loud voice, if any man worship," the what?
54:28 "The beast and his image,
54:30 receive the mark in his forehead,
54:31 or in his hand, the same shall drink
54:33 of the wine of the wrath of God,
54:35 that's poured out, what, in the cup of his indignation,
54:38 he shall be tormented with fire
54:39 and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels,
54:41 and in the presence of the Lamb."
54:43 God gives a specific warning
54:46 about those who will follow after this power.
54:48 Our whole study has to deal with make sure that
54:50 we've identified beyond a shadow of a doubt
54:53 this beast power,
54:54 which is the papacy, the Roman Catholic Church,
54:57 again, not individuals, am I talking, talking about.
55:00 I'm talking about
55:02 the organization that the dragon gave him, what?
55:05 His power, his seat and great authority.
55:07 The enemy has raised it all up, and why all the false teachings
55:10 and doctrines has went on, you see,
55:12 and the world has been taken captive by this.
55:15 And God said there'll be a little group
55:17 in the last days that will expose this man of sin.
55:19 Will you be one of those today?
55:21 Will I be one by the grace of God?
55:23 I pray that I am.
55:24 I'm gonna have a quick prayer right now
55:26 before we close right now and ask God to bless
55:27 those who maybe this is the hit home to them.
55:29 Let's pray.
55:30 Father in heaven, we thank You for Your precious spirit.
55:33 We realize that message is very difficult, very hard,
55:36 and maybe hurtful for some,
55:37 Lord, we're not trying to be hurtful.
55:38 We want to present the truth
55:40 because You have commissioned us
55:41 to do that the last day people.
55:42 Bless us, we pray to this.
55:44 And thank You for those that made that decision.
55:45 In Jesus name, amen.
55:48 Remember, stay in the Word of God,
55:50 get into if you still have questions,
55:52 be sure and give us a call here at Behold the Lamb,
55:53 we'll do what we can.
55:55 We love you and appreciate you and thank you.
55:56 And we'll see you next time.
55:59 Hello and welcome back.
56:01 How wonderful that God left for us
56:03 in the Bible identifying marks
56:05 of a beast power that works deceptively,
56:08 against most all that is truth and righteousness.
56:12 We must do our part, however, friends,
56:15 to study to show ourselves approved unto God
56:17 just as we read in 2 Timothy 2:15.
56:22 Without the study of God's Word,
56:24 without making His word our absolute moral guide
56:27 and instruction book, we will be deceived.
56:31 I thank the Lord for people like Pastor Kenny Shelton
56:34 and others who have devoted literally hours upon hours
56:38 and years of study and prayer
56:40 in order to rightly divide the Word of God
56:43 and to present it in a fashion
56:45 that is easy for each of us to grasp and understand.
56:48 That's a calling answered and praise God
56:51 for the many watchmen on the walls
56:53 that continue to sound the warnings
56:55 for each of us to heed.
56:57 I believe that this four-part series
56:59 has warnings in there that we need to heed.
57:02 And I hope that
57:03 you'll want to order this series
57:04 that is entitled
57:06 "Trust in the Sure Word of Prophecy,"
57:08 and have it for your own study library.
57:11 All you have to do is call us
57:13 here at Behold the Lamb Ministries.
57:15 We're offering it to you
57:16 for a love gift of just $29 or more.
57:19 Our phone number is 618-942-5044,
57:24 that Central Time or you may write
57:26 to Behold the Lamb Ministries,
57:28 PO Box 2030, Herrin, Illinois 62948.
57:33 You may also order this series on our website
57:37 at
57:39 or email me
57:41 at BeholdTheLambMinistries
57:44 Friends, we look forward to hearing from you.
57:47 And until next time, may our precious Lord
57:49 continue to richly bless you and yours.


Revised 2020-07-30