Behold the Lamb Presents

Diversion from Preparation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000136S

00:38 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb Ministries,
00:41 we are so thankful
00:42 that you are joining us during this hour,
00:44 during this time of praise and worship.
00:46 That's what we're going to do this morning,
00:48 we're going to worship the Lord.
00:49 We've been worshiping the Lord,
00:51 we're going to continue to worship the Lord.
00:53 And this morning I'm not going to take
00:55 too much of Brother Kenny's time
00:56 because I know he has a powerful, powerful message
00:59 to deliver to us this morning.
01:01 But I'm so thankful
01:03 for those of you who may not know,
01:04 my name is Ryan Day,
01:05 I work for
01:07 and I'm part of the 3ABN Ministries,
01:08 the Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
01:10 And I'm so thankful to be here at Behold the Lamb Ministries.
01:14 We're kind of just all one big family.
01:16 And it's a blessing to be invited here
01:18 to be able to minister and to witness for Jesus Christ
01:21 and also to get to know each and every one of you.
01:23 It's a blessing.
01:24 So, before we leave today,
01:25 be sure to shake my hand
01:27 and I'd like to get to know you,
01:28 I'm horrible with names.
01:30 So, if I don't remember your name,
01:31 please don't judge me for that,
01:32 I have to usually meet a person
01:34 two or three or four times before it sticks.
01:35 But nonetheless, we are so thankful
01:37 that you at home are joining us wherever you are,
01:39 whether you're watching online
01:41 or you're tuning in live or whatever it is,
01:42 we thank you for your time
01:44 because we know you could be doing
01:45 something else.
01:46 But praise the Lord that you are here with us
01:48 to worship the Lord.
01:49 I have a special song to sing.
01:52 And I'm going to do it a cappella.
01:54 Not to make fun but you, back in the day,
01:57 I didn't, I never understood this
01:58 for many years,
02:00 but somebody would want,
02:01 when I told them I was going to sing a cappella.
02:02 They say, oh, you're singing at church
02:04 of Christ style.
02:05 And I didn't understand that for years, right,
02:07 until I actually attended a church of Christ
02:09 and then I learned what that meant,
02:10 no instruments.
02:12 And you know what?
02:13 There's nothing wrong with that.
02:15 Because,
02:16 well, I believe that we still can use
02:17 and should use instruments to praise the Lord,
02:19 but sometimes it's just great
02:21 to just uplift your voice for Jesus
02:23 without an instrument playing.
02:24 And that's what I'm going to do at this moment.
02:26 In fact, the song I'm going to sing
02:28 is one that we're going to repeat
02:29 and sing again at the end of this service,
02:33 after Brother Kenny, I just think a good,
02:35 a good beginning and a good capstone
02:37 at the end would be nice.
02:39 But I'm choosing to sing this song
02:41 also as a special song because it has a story.
02:43 And with the story, it's even better,
02:46 because it's a true story, it's not a made-up story.
02:50 The story behind this song,
02:52 and I'm not going to say the name of it yet.
02:54 But the story behind the song goes like this.
02:58 There was a missionary, a Christian missionary,
03:02 who traveled to India.
03:04 And this was back, I think in the late 1800s,
03:06 early 1900s, somewhere around there,
03:08 but he had traveled over to one of the states of India
03:12 and he was doing missionary work.
03:13 He was sharing the gospel and the good news.
03:15 Now, if you know anything about India,
03:17 even to this day,
03:19 and of course, it was very bad back then,
03:20 but it's even, I mean, it's still pretty bad today.
03:24 I mean, Christianity is not really widely accepted
03:27 in the country of India.
03:28 In fact, it's, if you ever look at one of those maps,
03:30 where it says, you know, where it kind of color codes,
03:32 things of where Christianity is not accepted,
03:34 the country of India will be highlighted in red
03:37 as a nation
03:38 where Christianity is actually banned,
03:41 it's illegal to share Christianity
03:43 in certain parts of India.
03:45 And so that long story told short, here it is,
03:48 man missionary goes to India back in the late 1800s
03:52 and he's sharing the gospel and he ends up
03:54 out in the middle of some village
03:55 somewhere in the middle of the woods
03:57 in India.
03:58 And he actually goes into this village,
04:00 a rather large village
04:01 and he finds a family
04:03 that is interested in hearing the gospel.
04:05 And so, this family invites this missionary gentleman
04:07 into their home and for weeks at a time,
04:09 this man was giving them Bible studies
04:12 and sharing the good news
04:13 of the Gospel of Jesus with them.
04:14 And shortly, you know, soon, every single day,
04:17 a little bit by little bit,
04:19 these people's lives begin to change,
04:20 the whole family, the father of the house,
04:22 the woman, the mother, and also their children.
04:25 They begin to,
04:26 their hearts and minds begin to be changed
04:28 because they were learning about who Jesus was,
04:29 and now he had died for them.
04:31 Now fast forward a little bit,
04:33 the missionary ends up leaving
04:34 but by this time news has spread
04:37 that around the village which is primarily Hinduistic
04:41 that this family has left the faith of Hinduism
04:45 and they've converted to Christianity.
04:48 So, they are arrested and the chief counsel,
04:53 they are presented before the chief counsel
04:54 in the middle of their village there
04:57 in the courts of their village,
04:59 and the chief of this village
05:00 basically gave an ultimatum to this man and his family
05:03 and he spoke directly to the man
05:05 because the man was the head of the house,
05:06 right?
05:08 If he can convince the father,
05:09 then the mother and the children will follow,
05:11 right?
05:12 And the story goes like this,
05:13 the chief gave them an ultimatum said,
05:15 "You recant, renounce this faith
05:17 and return to Hinduism
05:19 or you and your family will lose your life."
05:23 And, of course, the man couldn't do that,
05:28 because he had already been told
05:30 about how Jesus had died for him.
05:32 And he himself would have,
05:34 was glad to die for Jesus and for the faith of Jesus.
05:38 But this chief knew exactly where to get this man.
05:40 He told him, he gave him one last warning, he said,
05:42 "Either you recant and let go of this faith
05:44 and return to the Hinduism
05:47 or, again, I will take out you and your family one by one."
05:52 Well, this man previously in days or weeks past,
05:56 had written a poem,
06:01 and while he's standing there in those courts,
06:04 listening to this chief and these people,
06:08 you know, supporting the idea of him
06:09 and his family being murdered.
06:12 This poem came to his mind.
06:14 Now later this poem would be put to music.
06:18 And right there in front of everyone
06:19 and in front of this priest
06:21 or this chief priest or chief of the village,
06:27 he began to chant these words.
06:31 I have decided
06:35 To follow Jesus
06:40 I have decided
06:44 To follow Jesus
06:49 I have decided
06:52 To follow Jesus
06:57 No turning back
07:00 No turning back
07:05 And the chief had his two little children
07:08 murdered in front of him.
07:13 And so again, he made his appeal to the man,
07:15 he said, "Look,
07:17 you and your wife don't have to die.
07:19 Just give up this crazy Christian faith
07:22 and you can spare you and your wife's life at least."
07:27 And he looked at his wife with tears.
07:31 And he said...
07:33 Though none go with me
07:38 Still I will follow
07:42 Though none go with me
07:46 Still I will follow
07:50 Though none go with me
07:54 Still I will follow
07:58 No turning back
08:02 No turning back
08:08 And they murdered his wife in front of him.
08:13 And so, the chief made one final appeal, he said,
08:15 "This is it.
08:17 You can spare your own life
08:20 or you can meet the demise
08:21 that your children and your wife have.
08:24 What do you say?"
08:27 And in a strong emotional state that you could imagine,
08:31 he begin to plead out...
08:33 The world behind me
08:37 Whole the cross before me
08:41 The world behind me
08:45 The cross before me
08:50 The world behind me
08:54 The cross before me
08:58 No turning back
09:02 No turning back
09:09 And the chief had him murdered.
09:12 That's a sad story, right?
09:14 And it's a true story, by the way.
09:17 But there's a positive to the story.
09:21 You see,
09:23 that whole village witnessed
09:27 that this family
09:29 was willing to give up their life
09:31 for some guy named Jesus,
09:34 that they had to come to know who is this Jesus
09:38 that these people are willing to die?
09:41 You see, these brothers and sisters
09:42 would never give up their life
09:45 for some, you know, Hinduistic god.
09:48 They'd never seen that before.
09:51 And in the weeks and months to pass,
09:54 one by one by one, that's a true story.
09:57 One by one by one the people begin to convert
10:01 and eventually the chief of that village
10:04 that had this man murdered gave his heart to Jesus Christ
10:07 all because of the blood that was spilled that day
10:10 for the faith in Jesus.
10:13 So, what appears to be a sad story
10:15 was ultimately a passionate,
10:17 wonderful, powerful gospel story
10:19 because sometimes,
10:22 lives are lost for their faith in Jesus.
10:26 But as we see,
10:28 as history has told us time and time again,
10:31 the more and more you spill Christian blood,
10:33 the more and more and more Christians there are,
10:35 that appear.
10:38 Jesus gave His life for that family
10:40 and that man and his family would give gladly
10:42 and as they did give their life for Him that day,
10:45 but because of it,
10:47 lives were transformed by the Gospel of Jesus.
10:51 Well, we're glad you're here today.
10:52 Praise God.
10:54 We're going to be talking about subject I believe
10:55 that's very, it's an interesting to me
10:56 because we are,
10:58 we believe by the grace of God,
10:59 God has given this movement, a message to give to the world.
11:05 And we need to be about our Father's business,
11:07 do we not?
11:09 Absolutely, we do.
11:10 People ask all the time,
11:12 especially what's going on in the world,
11:13 they're asking is, you know, what's happening?
11:16 What's going to happen next?
11:18 And they are concerned
11:19 and rightly so with what's happening.
11:22 And we need to have an answer by the grace of God
11:24 to give these individuals,
11:26 point them to the things
11:27 that are happening in the world,
11:28 and that Jesus is coming.
11:30 There's no doubt about it.
11:32 I like to start with something
11:33 you might call it controversial.
11:35 I do not
11:36 because it's happening in the world today
11:37 we need to be aware of what's happening.
11:40 It's that simple, over and over again,
11:42 aware of what's taking place in the world.
11:44 This actually, man gave this to me,
11:48 and I though how interesting it is.
11:50 We're going to be talking about,
11:51 we're talking about diversion from preparation.
11:55 The enemy is out to do what?
11:57 To divide, to separate, to get diversions out there,
11:59 so that we cannot prepare for the soon coming of Jesus.
12:03 He wants to keep us busy until probation has closed
12:07 in the things we're doing in the world.
12:09 And then, you know, then he's got his prey.
12:11 But by the grace of God,
12:13 we're not going to be caught in those deceptions.
12:15 You know, that the enemy's
12:17 throwing out there because we have to know, what?
12:19 What is truth?
12:20 This little article comes actually from, notice this,
12:26 So, this is something they have read,
12:27 God has good people everywhere.
12:30 There's no doubt about it.
12:31 And some of these who wrote this letter
12:33 are good men of God.
12:35 And this is who wrote this, because they have questions.
12:38 They see things that are going on
12:39 and so they begin to write a letter to their,
12:42 the ones who are in charge
12:43 and it starts out something like this,
12:45 from the Denver news room,
12:47 May 13, 2020, just a few days ago.
12:50 Notice, it says,
12:52 neither the Vatican nor the US bishops
12:54 have responded to a letter
12:56 signed by several Catholic bishops.
12:59 So, several, what?
13:00 Catholic bishops began to write a letter
13:03 that argues that the Coronavirus pandemic
13:06 they said
13:08 has been exploited
13:09 in order to create a one world government.
13:12 Interesting how they're thinking.
13:13 They're saying, but we think this thing has been created,
13:15 even though devastating as it is
13:17 and what it's caused in the world,
13:18 we understand with,
13:20 you know, we don't wanna dismiss it.
13:21 But we realize minds are thinking
13:24 could this be some way that we might be diverted,
13:28 you know, from preparing for the soon coming of Jesus.
13:31 This May 7 letter title
13:33 appeal to the church and the world.
13:36 I think we live in a world right now
13:37 where we need to see some of these letters our self
13:40 appeal to the church,
13:41 for the church to get ready for the coming of Jesus.
13:43 That's God's people,
13:45 it's not a building we're talking about.
13:46 God's people need to be ready for His coming.
13:49 It says here,
13:50 they claim there are powers interested in creating,
13:53 notice this, a panic among the world's population.
13:58 With the sole aim
13:59 of permanently imposing unacceptable forms
14:02 of restrictions on freedoms,
14:04 controlling people and tracking their movements.
14:08 Interesting where this is coming from.
14:10 Proven for and they are saying here,
14:11 it looks like it's to track people.
14:13 This look
14:14 like it's going to take away our freedom,
14:15 freedom, our rights that we have,
14:17 freedom of speech, freedom of press.
14:20 I don't see any of that today to be honest,
14:22 it's all changing.
14:23 And then they go on to say here,
14:25 disturbing prelude
14:27 to the realization of a world government
14:29 beyond control.
14:32 Among its claims,
14:33 the letter says the fight against COVID-19
14:36 however serious, notice this,
14:38 must not be the pretext
14:40 for supporting the hidden intentions
14:44 of the strong commercial and political interest
14:47 in tracking systems,
14:49 notice this, used to fight the pandemic
14:51 in some countries.
14:53 Man, some got together,
14:54 they're thinking
14:55 and they're writing these things down
14:57 and it says, there's more than meets the eye.
14:59 So, if we just look at this,
15:00 it's something is bad
15:01 that's taking place and taking lies,
15:03 we need to look deeper based on the Word of God.
15:06 We look, there's something behind,
15:08 there's something sinister
15:09 behind what's taking place in the world today.
15:12 And we need to be aware of that,
15:14 so that we might warn the world.
15:16 You know, this old business of just coming to church
15:18 and sitting in the pew
15:20 and then going home and that's it.
15:21 Those days should be over.
15:23 A long time ago,
15:24 I've been in this movement
15:26 ever since I can't remember any other since like this.
15:29 And I've seen a lot of idle time
15:31 and a lot of idle things going on.
15:33 This is like we were just,
15:34 you know, we're just occupying a little bit,
15:36 we're not worried
15:37 about what's happening in the world.
15:38 But I see something happening,
15:40 I see the Holy Spirit of God
15:41 being poured out in an abundant way
15:43 to illuminate some beautiful truths
15:45 that we need to bring to the world
15:47 and how the enemy is also trying
15:49 to hoodwink the world,
15:51 so that he can catch people unawares.
15:54 Some aspects of this letter reading on,
15:56 it says here resembles claims
15:58 made by the pandemic of the viral video.
16:01 Many have probably seen this here
16:03 which simply says this,
16:04 see if there might be some truth to this.
16:06 Notice what it says, released this month,
16:08 argues that the pandemic has been manipulated
16:12 through the NGOs.
16:14 That's non-government organizations.
16:18 In order to profit vaccine makers,
16:20 that death rates
16:22 have been exaggerated by hospitals
16:24 that stand to receive,
16:25 notice, recoup Medicare reimbursements,
16:28 for Coronavirus and related deaths.
16:31 Boy,
16:32 that's like hitting some nails on the head right here,
16:34 but maybe a little too heavy for some people.
16:37 The letter says, goes on, these, the Catholic priests,
16:41 The Guardian, you know,
16:42 they're simply saying this right here.
16:44 The letter says that there's an invisible enemy
16:47 aims to use these Coronavirus pandemic
16:50 to divide citizens,
16:53 to separate children from their parents,
16:56 grandchildren from their grandparents,
16:59 faithful, notice this, people from their pastors,
17:04 students from teachers and customers from vendors.
17:09 It sound like something is taking place
17:10 right now, does it not?
17:12 And then it cautions, it says here,
17:14 it cautions its readers not to allow,
17:16 notice this,
17:18 centuries of Christian civilization
17:20 to be erased under the pretext of a virus
17:24 and an odorous technological tyranny
17:27 to be established in which nameless,
17:29 faceless people
17:31 can decide the fate of the world
17:33 by confining us to a virtual reality.
17:36 Man, there's some heavy duty stuff
17:37 that's going on here.
17:39 Listen, this simply says, bottom line,
17:40 the Vatican has offered no comment on the letter.
17:44 They probably will not make any comment on the letter.
17:46 They will not, if it does,
17:48 it will not be any reading like we just had here.
17:50 Man, I start with something here
17:52 that's interesting to me.
17:53 And this will be a foundation that I want us to build, right,
17:56 and keep in mind
17:57 because of what is taking place in the world.
18:00 Remember, if you think you have,
18:02 we've repeated over and over,
18:03 if you think you have freedoms
18:05 based on the Bill of Rights or a Constitution,
18:08 whoever it might be, you're sadly mistaken.
18:11 Every one of those have been taken away
18:13 and we want to prove that from the Word of God
18:15 and certainly the Spirit of Prophecy.
18:17 I am a believer in the Spirit of Prophecy.
18:20 I thank God for the Spirit of Prophecy.
18:22 I thank God for right now, where would I be?
18:26 God is teaching us,
18:27 God understood
18:28 the minds of the people in the last days.
18:31 That's so cloudy it seems like,
18:33 and our minds are so dark
18:34 and we're so in this world of sin and things
18:37 in the city, we behold it,
18:38 we're involved in it day by day,
18:40 that it's hard for us to see clearly now
18:42 where we're at.
18:44 And God says, I want you to know,
18:45 I don't want you to be fooled.
18:47 And I'll just read this First Amendment
18:49 and just see how it's being attacked.
18:51 First Amendment here again, diversion from preparation.
18:56 Man, there's a preparation right now.
18:58 I see things coming to an end rather quickly,
19:00 I don't know about you,
19:02 but it can possibly be as God sees fit.
19:04 It's time for us to quit we say playing church.
19:07 It's a time for us to get on the ball.
19:09 It's time for us, you know,
19:10 to really get with the program of what God has given us to do.
19:14 First Amendment to the US Constitution
19:16 says this, Congress shall make no law.
19:19 Respecting an establishment of religion
19:23 or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
19:27 As any of these areas been attacked lately, you think
19:30 or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
19:33 We had freedom.
19:34 They said, don't go to church, close the doors,
19:39 because there's a health epidemic...
19:43 or abridging the freedom of speech.
19:45 Have you seen speech?
19:47 You think we have that free speech anymore?
19:49 There's things that we don't want to hear,
19:50 things that come out in the world
19:52 we don't want to hear,
19:53 but I believe every person has a right
19:54 to speak their mind.
19:57 That's called freedom of speech.
19:59 And not everything that you say should be labeled a hate crime.
20:03 But yet you know what? It is.
20:06 So, we're looking at, we're being pressed right now,
20:08 freedom of speech, freedom of the press.
20:10 Remember the First Amendment, the right of people to,
20:12 notice this, peaceably to assemble.
20:15 Praise God.
20:16 And we know that they're assembling,
20:18 but it's not peaceably now,
20:19 it's been mentioned several times here.
20:21 Things are going on,
20:24 for the government for redress of a grievance.
20:27 Remember, we are supposed to be able to go
20:29 to the government and say this doesn't seem to be right.
20:32 We are the people here
20:33 that means in a remedy, and adjustment.
20:38 What a world we live in. Boy, I'm telling you.
20:42 I want to read something else, too.
20:43 I think in just a moment, we have time to do that.
20:46 With this just said,
20:48 I'm going to read something from the Great Controversy,
20:49 page 442 and 443.
20:52 But you keep this in mind now, if you will,
20:54 just about the First Amendment,
20:56 all the areas that are being attacked.
20:59 And most of the time when we were attacked,
21:00 most of us are set by and done nothing.
21:03 We've kind of went along with the parade.
21:07 As one man said the other day, well, don't you think,
21:09 we understand kind of what's going on,
21:11 we're just not going to get in line
21:12 and do like this.
21:14 We know what,
21:15 for about one, two weeks into this pandemic,
21:17 they call it that we were doing like this.
21:22 It's true.
21:23 But he was saying them so,
21:25 we won't do that
21:26 when we see these things happen.
21:29 Really?
21:31 Great Controversy, 442 and 443 says this,
21:33 notice talking
21:34 about the Declaration of Independence
21:36 and the Constitution.
21:37 It said, "The founders of this nation
21:38 wisely sought to guard against the,"
21:42 notice, "employment of secular power."
21:44 All right, the civil power of the government,
21:46 on the part of the church.
21:48 So anytime the church reaches out
21:49 right for a secular power or the government,
21:52 we're in trouble.
21:53 Because it always.
21:55 something always happens, it's inevitable.
21:57 Every time found through history
21:58 is never failed.
22:00 There's intolerance and persecution.
22:03 When you have that government and church and state
22:05 as it were working together.
22:06 We believe in separation of church and state.
22:10 We believe wholeheartedly
22:11 in separation of church and state.
22:13 We have to have a position on these things
22:16 because you will be challenged with them.
22:18 But we find those in high authority
22:20 and the government today,
22:21 they don't really believe in that separation.
22:24 Interesting.
22:27 They do not believe in a separation,
22:28 but we see because of
22:30 and we were given that freedom supposedly here,
22:34 whenever the church,
22:35 we found this out through history
22:36 has attained secular power,
22:39 she has employed it, right,
22:41 to punish as it were, those dissidents,
22:43 those who didn't agree with their doctrines.
22:46 Let me give you a quick example.
22:47 You remember in,
22:49 we're talking about the Church of England,
22:50 we're talking the 16th and the 17th century.
22:54 Some things went on
22:55 that our minds ought to be wrapped
22:56 around here for today.
22:58 Those who would not conform as it were to with Rome,
23:02 and it was including ministers and pastors
23:04 and members and people.
23:06 Can I just say people here?
23:08 Were subject number one to,
23:09 if you didn't agree with Church of Rome,
23:11 you were fined.
23:12 Interesting.
23:14 We're not living
23:15 in somewhat of that time right now.
23:16 If you don't go along
23:18 with what's going on in the world today,
23:19 first of all, you stay off the beaches.
23:21 I'm not saying all this writer,
23:22 I'm not taking a position on that.
23:23 I'm simply saying is we're going to fine you.
23:26 You went to religious meetings.
23:27 So, we're going to take
23:29 your license plate numbers down,
23:30 as you will know,
23:32 and we're going to send you a ticket in the mail.
23:34 See, these things
23:35 that we saw in 16th and 17th century right here,
23:38 they're happening today, right now.
23:40 We're going to know who you are
23:42 and what you stand for and what you believe in,
23:45 what you're advocating to the world.
23:48 For in some of us will not be arrested,
23:50 some of us will not be fined
23:51 because we don't stand for anything.
23:54 Now certainly it's no one here I'm talking to.
23:57 We have to stand right for something
24:01 before they can say you're guilty,
24:02 supposedly, but you know what?
24:04 That's not even in the world that we live in today.
24:07 They can point a finger and say you're guilty,
24:09 and then all of a sudden they make you guilty.
24:15 So those who would not conform were,
24:17 notice, first of all started with a, what?
24:19 With a fine.
24:21 The 16th, 17th century,
24:22 notice this, then they were in prison,
24:25 they were thrown into jail.
24:27 Then what happened?
24:29 And then there was torture.
24:31 This is all in history books.
24:33 And then after that they were martyred
24:34 or they were killed.
24:36 Did you notice how it got from even in the day we live in
24:39 is going to be a fine, then we're going to,
24:42 notice in New York, they doubled the fine.
24:46 And the next day, if it doesn't work out,
24:48 we have a place for you, we'll keep you.
24:53 And I guarantee you, push comes to shove,
24:54 you might have heard the other at the end.
24:57 It'd be better to get rid of a few
24:58 than the whole nation to suffer,
25:00 for you to carry this disease or this pandemic,
25:03 you know, COVID-19 to anybody out.
25:07 Listen, there's some odd things that are going on today.
25:12 I mean, some odd things.
25:14 Wow.
25:16 What led?
25:18 And I think it leads today, I'm watching the time,
25:20 Lord have mercy.
25:22 Pray, kids.
25:25 What led the early church is a good question.
25:27 What led the early church
25:29 to seek the government for help?
25:32 Think about it.
25:33 Now, the early church did,
25:35 they begin to seek the government for help.
25:38 What are we living in, 20, 30, 40 years?
25:40 What are the people doing?
25:42 What is the church doing?
25:43 We're going to the government
25:45 to try to define if abortion is okay.
25:48 I think that's a moral issue. How about you?
25:50 You don't have to ask the government
25:52 but we've done it.
25:53 We go to them in droves and say,
25:55 you need to pass a law on this thing.
25:57 We the people,
25:59 there should be a separation there.
26:02 So, what caused all of this,
26:04 let me read
26:05 from the Great Controversy, 443, quickly,
26:07 it says, it was, now notice the word,
26:09 it starts with a, somebody say A-P-O-S.
26:14 Somebody say apostasy, I'll get tickled.
26:16 It was apostasy that led the early church
26:19 to seek the aid of the civil government.
26:21 It was what?
26:23 And don't tell me
26:24 we don't have apostasy in the church today.
26:28 If we say we do not,
26:29 I just, I encourage you
26:31 to get your head out of the sand,
26:32 they say I'll say that nice as I can.
26:34 It's time for us to open our eyes
26:36 and look around, there is apostasy.
26:39 People say, well, now let's be careful,
26:40 we don't air our dirty laundry.
26:42 Calling sin by its right name is not airing dirty laundry.
26:45 There is a big difference in airing dirty laundry
26:48 and calling sin by its right name
26:50 which we need to do
26:51 which is preparation for the coming of Jesus.
26:54 Getting sin out of life by the grace of God,
26:56 living the victorious life through Him,
26:59 being like Jesus.
27:01 Man, this is part of the preparation,
27:02 don't be deceived,
27:04 don't let these diversions come along in this life
27:07 that have me and you diverted in so many different way,
27:09 we don't know where we're at.
27:11 And it happens.
27:12 We get diverted,
27:14 I get diverted some time
27:15 on things that are good within themselves.
27:17 Then I missed out what I should maybe be doing
27:19 or where I should be at.
27:21 And the older you get, the more you realize
27:22 you can't do all the things you did 30 years ago.
27:27 Okay, as some of the older ones said,
27:29 amen, young ones were laughing.
27:31 All right now you'll get there if the Lord should tarry.
27:35 I hope to God that you don't.
27:36 Why? Because what?
27:38 Because I believe Jesus is coming.
27:40 It's not too many years in the future, maybe months,
27:42 it could be decade, we don't know, it's just,
27:44 we need to keep our minds and heart open to realize
27:46 that these movements that we saw,
27:48 God is just showing His last day people,
27:50 I think, these things will come quickly.
27:52 Last movements will be, what?
27:54 We said it for year, I grew up on that.
27:56 I grew up on that hearing it all of the time
27:58 that almost got tired of it.
28:01 Because I heard all the time, these last movements,
28:03 but these last movements will be rapid ones.
28:05 And I'm saying, oh, rapid ones.
28:07 Man, in two weeks time the world changed.
28:12 Did it not.
28:14 It's not the same.
28:16 And you know what,
28:18 if you're looking forward to go back to where it is,
28:19 I hate to say
28:20 but I don't believe it will ever go back.
28:22 It never went back in 2008 the big disaster economic,
28:26 the 2011 it never went back to that point.
28:29 And what the changes we see take place now.
28:31 I don't think they'll ever be removed again.
28:35 Things are circling around, right,
28:36 the enemy is encircling especially people,
28:40 a group of people that love God
28:41 and keep His commandments.
28:44 Apostasy.
28:48 And you know what apostasy in the church led to?
28:51 Apostasy, that, yes, apostasy in the church
28:53 prepared the way
28:55 for the development of the papacy or the beast.
28:59 Paul said it like this in 2 Thessalonians.
29:02 See, I like for somebody to challenge me on it.
29:04 See, I like a good challenge. Why?
29:06 Because, listen, this is our message.
29:08 I'm not going to be by the grace of God shy
29:11 about the message that we are to give,
29:13 which is all three angels' message,
29:15 the third angel's message
29:16 warning against the mark of the beast
29:18 and the image to the beast.
29:19 We cannot be shy right now.
29:21 Well, this person won't like it,
29:23 that person won't like it.
29:24 I'm worried about
29:25 whether God will like it or not,
29:27 aren't you?
29:28 I'm concerned
29:29 about that pleasing my Heavenly Father.
29:31 He said it's time,
29:33 it's time for us, it's way past time,
29:35 man, we've missed, we've missed
29:37 100, 150 years of doing what we should have been doing.
29:40 God have mercy on us.
29:43 Paul said in 2 Thessalonians, you know it well,
29:46 2:3, the Bible said, "There shall come," what?
29:49 "A falling away."
29:50 You remember talking about the papacy.
29:52 There'll be a, what?
29:53 A falling away
29:54 and that man of sin be revealed.
29:57 How is the man of sin, right,
29:59 going be revealed if you don't do it?
30:04 Regardless if your mom, oh, be careful.
30:06 Regardless of your mom likes it or not,
30:09 regardless of your husband or wife like it,
30:10 you see what I'm saying,
30:12 I'm not trying to be smart about it.
30:13 I'm simply saying,
30:14 it's time for the chains to be broken.
30:16 It's time for us to step up to the plate.
30:18 You can't hit the ball
30:19 if you're sitting in the dugout.
30:21 There's too many dugout players,
30:22 there's too many talkers.
30:23 God wants them out on the field,
30:25 taking their position.
30:26 Remember, everyone's not a pitcher,
30:28 everybody's not a catcher, but you can be a player.
30:31 And God wants you in the game as it were right now,
30:33 a game of eternal life.
30:35 We have a job to do, you're first baseman,
30:37 don't play first base like you play left field.
30:40 I think you got it.
30:42 There's come a falling away
30:44 that man of sins is going to be what,
30:46 revealed that son of perdition.
30:49 That's what the Bible said, isn't that right?
30:50 You get strong language right here.
30:53 In 2 Timothy 4:3,
30:55 the Bible says, now listen to this,
30:57 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy 4:3, and the Great Controversy,
31:01 page 594 and 595.
31:04 Listen to these two things, how they come together, please.
31:08 "The time will come as," in 2 Timothy says,
31:11 "they will not endure," what?
31:12 "Sound."
31:14 They're not going to endure.
31:15 If you think
31:16 the world's enduring sound doctrine today,
31:18 the church is not enduring sound doctrine today.
31:21 I don't say that it's a hit or a cut.
31:23 I'm simply saying it is or it isn't.
31:26 It is or it isn't.
31:29 I've been around long enough
31:30 and I realized some of the things
31:32 that are going on.
31:33 And I realized
31:34 that I need to be into the Word of God
31:36 so that I'm not going to be deceived
31:37 by what happens.
31:39 We set by and we just deceive ourselves
31:41 when you're not studying and don't know what truth is.
31:44 The time will come
31:45 when they will not endure sound doctrine.
31:48 Now, does anyone believe that maybe that time is here?
31:51 Absolutely.
31:53 It's already here a long time ago.
31:54 They're not endured,
31:55 they don't want to hear it
31:57 and you try to give it
31:58 to a brother or sister or a co-worker.
32:00 Oh, you're out of your mind.
32:01 And that just scares us to death.
32:03 I don't, Brother Jan, I don't want anybody to think
32:04 I'm out of my mind.
32:06 I guarantee there's more people think
32:08 I'm out of my mind than we are anyway.
32:11 The time is going to come the Bible said,
32:13 they will not endure sound doctrine.
32:15 I basically and I mean this,
32:17 I want to mean it the right way.
32:19 I don't care,
32:21 you see what the world might say.
32:24 See, I do in the sense
32:25 that I want to represent Jesus Christ,
32:27 but to change
32:28 what God has impressed my mind or your mind
32:30 to do we should not, we do not change it.
32:33 We go forward in that.
32:36 Now notice the Great Controversy says this
32:38 about that passage.
32:40 Notice, "That time," whoo, "has fully come."
32:44 You realize how many years ago this was written.
32:46 There's a time coming
32:47 when the world will not endure, what?
32:49 Sound doctrine.
32:50 They're not going to,
32:51 they're not going to worry that you say,
32:53 well, you know what the Bible says,
32:54 the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.
32:57 That's what it says?
32:59 Somebody shout. Yes.
33:02 And you say, well, you tell them, they go,
33:04 well the world is no,
33:05 no, we don't want to hear, that's now changed.
33:07 Well, who changed it?
33:09 Most of the world cares not enough about truth
33:11 that they dig in to find out
33:13 who did the changing or thought to change.
33:15 Daniel 7:25, who thought to change, what?
33:18 Times and laws.
33:20 It's more
33:21 than just where we're going to church
33:23 on a day.
33:24 It's a day that God said to go on.
33:26 Can we not have the holy boldness
33:28 to say this is God said it, then I want to do that.
33:29 Amen.
33:31 Isn't that right, ain't that
33:32 and that's a boldness He wants in us,
33:33 we come boldly to Him.
33:36 "The time," notice, The Great Controversy says,
33:38 "The time has fully come.
33:41 Multitudes,
33:42 no, my multitudes do not want Bible truth."
33:47 They don't, no matter what they say,
33:49 oh, we go to church,
33:50 we go to our own place, blah-blah.
33:52 I praise God there's good people
33:53 we rise everywhere.
33:54 But you know what? God is calling them out.
33:57 He's calling them into His movement of the day
34:00 and you can identify that movement
34:01 by those who keep the commandments of God
34:03 and have the testimony or faith of Jesus Christ.
34:05 Ain't that the two identify marks?
34:07 Yes.
34:08 Now,
34:09 regardless of how many times you've heard that,
34:11 or I have heard that, I believe God's ministers,
34:13 now his folks
34:15 and whatever you're teaching in the class,
34:16 we need to go on with this.
34:18 We need to continue to bring it before the people
34:21 where we show some fire that's going to be caught.
34:23 This church needs to be on fire.
34:25 If we don't invite the Holy Spirit here
34:27 and we're not on fire,
34:28 then you'll call the fire department
34:29 and go home.
34:31 Ain't that right? Put the fire out and go.
34:32 I don't want the fire put out.
34:34 We want the power of the Holy Spirit
34:36 right to grab around us to shake us up.
34:39 And Jesus said,
34:40 but be My witnesses to the world,
34:43 multitudes do not want Bible truth.
34:44 Why?
34:45 Because it interferes
34:47 with their sinful world loving heart.
34:49 That's why.
34:50 We want to have our own way.
34:52 We want to do what we want to do,
34:54 you ever heard that said?
34:56 Read something to you, and I found
34:57 at the Signs of the Time article,
35:01 and I'm sure you read it many times before,
35:03 but to me, this is just some powerful stuff.
35:06 And if there ever was a time we need some powerful stuff,
35:09 would you not say it's now?
35:12 See you, we all say that but when that comes out, we go.
35:16 Let's not mention.
35:19 Let's not mention, as I told you before,
35:21 one man many years ago,
35:22 everybody would know His name for years ago.
35:24 He's talking about me.
35:26 He said, "Kenny, you're killing us
35:27 when you're presenting the third angel's message."
35:28 And I said, "How would that be?"
35:30 He said, "You go too far."
35:31 Said, "What do you mean go too far?"
35:32 "Well, you identify who it is."
35:35 He said, "What you do is you identify the,
35:37 you know, the man of sin and all this stuff here.
35:38 And then you say,
35:40 if you want to know more you write in
35:41 and we'll send you the information."
35:43 I said, "Bro, when I get that hot,
35:45 right when we get up and are on fire for Jesus
35:47 and you do all the identifying marks right
35:49 of who the beast power is.
35:50 I can't keep my mouth shut.
35:52 I just have to go ahead and spill the beans.
35:54 I may not have another opportunity.
35:55 You may not either.
35:57 Man, somebody get on fire.
36:00 Bible says, now wait, apostasy in the church,
36:04 apostasy in the world.
36:05 What would that...
36:07 Well, the simple definition,
36:09 would that be maybe backing up on things
36:10 that you understand and learn to be truth?
36:13 And then all of a sudden
36:14 now you're backing up from those things,
36:15 you've passed that,
36:17 you no longer say we have to keep,
36:18 it's no longer important.
36:20 We're that in our own church.
36:21 You don't really have to do that anymore.
36:22 Really? Did God change?
36:24 I don't think He ever changes.
36:25 The Bible said no.
36:28 Let me read something here in the Signs,
36:30 Signs of the Time, March 22, 1910.
36:34 I'm squinting.
36:36 I'm squinting.
36:37 I thought I have my glasses.
36:39 I'm squinting still yet, it's all right.
36:41 Let me dig down through here.
36:44 I dropped the pin out there, it didn't do me no good.
36:46 I can't see with a pin.
36:48 All right, somebody, you're gonna hang with me.
36:49 I want to read apostasy and national ruin.
36:51 You know this and here well,
36:53 again Signs of the Times, March 28.
36:54 I really can't see much better with them.
36:57 It says,
36:58 "When the Protestant churches shall unite
37:02 with the secular powers to sustain a false religion,
37:05 for opposing
37:07 which their ancestors endured fierce persecution."
37:10 Are you there?
37:12 "When the state shall use its power
37:14 to enforce the decrees,
37:16 sustain the institution," is that happening?
37:18 Oh, my, come on.
37:20 "Of the church." Notice it.
37:21 "Then will Protestant America
37:23 have formed an image to the Papacy,
37:25 there will be national apostasy which will end in, " what?
37:29 "National ruin."
37:31 So, if we see this apostasy and we say,
37:32 yeah, we see they're joining hands,
37:34 we see what's taking place.
37:35 It's just here.
37:37 See, the whole point is what?
37:38 It's here right now.
37:39 We don't need to say
37:41 one of these days is going to happen.
37:42 I want to encourage you today that it's here right now.
37:44 We need to make our decisions and choices for God right now.
37:49 All right.
37:50 I say this,
37:52 let not the commandment keeping people of God
37:54 be silent at this time.
37:57 We are in a warfare
37:59 and God expects His people to stand up,
38:01 put on the whole armor of God
38:03 and march forward with this message.
38:05 We don't have to accept gracefully.
38:08 We've read this, right, in Spirit of Prophecy,
38:09 gracefully, what's going on in the world today
38:12 and just say nothing about it.
38:14 God expects us to stand for what is truth.
38:16 Did we not hear our special music today?
38:18 Do you think those people did not stand
38:20 for what was truth and right?
38:21 Their love for Jesus was paramount.
38:23 But many times we have too many loves.
38:25 We have too many loves of the world
38:27 and things of the world and we don't wanna...
38:28 We got to love Jesus with our whole heart,
38:30 our whole soul, right?
38:31 And our whole mind.
38:33 This is what it's about right now we know that,
38:35 even though there's a risk of imprisonment,
38:38 and there will be and of death
38:42 and being killed for the true sake.
38:45 But you can be sure that you'll have eternal life,
38:47 you die for Jesus, He promises that.
38:49 None of us can say, oh, I want to be a martyr.
38:51 Who said?
38:52 people say today, I want to be a martyr.
38:54 We need to give them a lie detector test.
38:58 Are you still with me?
38:59 Yeah.
39:00 Because we wanna speak that I understand that,
39:02 I probably said that in times past
39:04 but really think about it.
39:06 I simply say if God so designs
39:08 that's what I've to be or you are to be and know,
39:11 God will give you what you need in that time,
39:13 but just a spare death right in the face
39:15 or shotgun at face right now.
39:16 You gonna say, oh, have mercy Lord.
39:19 God will give us what we need in that time,
39:21 all be sure of that.
39:24 Here it seems like, just seems to me that we are,
39:27 we're so near the end,
39:30 as we see these things taking place.
39:33 That's now taking place today.
39:35 I wanna read something to, you notice,
39:36 Five Testimonies, 451 says this.
39:39 Now again, we're looking at
39:40 because we're seeing
39:42 all these things fulfilled, right,
39:43 that's taking place in the world right now.
39:45 This tells us how close we are to the coming of Jesus
39:48 if we never got it before.
39:50 Five Testimonies, 451 says this,
39:53 under, now this, I'm not quoting at this point,
39:55 I'm just going to condense it down.
39:57 "Under the threefold warning,"
39:59 that's papacy,
40:01 Protestantism and spiritualism or the certainly devil rapid.
40:05 Did you get it?
40:06 "Our country shall repudiate what?
40:09 Every principle of the Constitution."
40:12 Those who are holding on,
40:13 say we've got these freedoms what?
40:14 The time will come, time will come, it is now.
40:18 Every principle of our Constitution
40:21 is repudiated or basically covered,
40:23 we're not gonna take the Constitution in my opinion
40:25 and just light a fire and put it all,
40:27 people not gonna stand for that,
40:28 it's going to stand intact
40:30 but our brilliant lawyers of today
40:31 have found a way
40:33 around every part of that Constitution
40:34 and Bill of Rights.
40:36 Every one of them, it can't be, I'm serious.
40:39 Do you know that?
40:40 They've got ways around it, they got the mind to do it.
40:42 And they will do it, well, you can't do it this way
40:44 but we can get around it this way.
40:46 Taking all your freedoms right now.
40:48 Listen, they're doing it.
40:50 I heard a Congressman say just the other day said,
40:52 don't you realize you have none of these freedoms.
40:54 Don't you realize we have a way around every,
40:56 when he says you can't do it this way
40:58 then they apply something else, something that has health.
41:03 This world has been closed down
41:05 because and I'm not belittling at all
41:07 because a lot of good people have died
41:09 I think in this,
41:10 in the United States in it alone, over 100,000.
41:14 It's a real bug, and it gets certain people.
41:18 But I'm telling you right now they are working on,
41:20 the government's working on fear.
41:23 We have nothing to fear but fear itself.
41:25 Only fear we have to do
41:27 is if we forget how God has led us in the past.
41:30 It's best enough to say,
41:31 the God has taken care of me in the past,
41:33 He's going to take care of me in the future.
41:36 He's going to meet all of my needs
41:37 just as He said that He would be.
41:38 Oh, praise God for that.
41:42 "Under this threefold," reading on, "the union, "
41:44 papacy, Protestantism, spiritualism,
41:46 "our country shall do," what?
41:47 Once again.
41:48 "Repudiate, as it were,
41:50 go around every principle of the Constitution.
41:52 And as they," notice this.
41:53 "And as a Protestant and republican government, "
41:58 listen, "the time for the enemy,
42:01 the Satan, the time has come for Satan
42:03 to do his marvelous works, his works."
42:06 Notice this. And notice this.
42:08 "And that the end is near." Did anybody get this?
42:14 When we see what's being attacked today,
42:16 the Constitution,
42:17 we see all of these things repudiated.
42:19 And they're all just like, oh, we're here, it were,
42:21 the warning is given,
42:22 there's time for the enemy to start working
42:24 like he's never worked before.
42:26 He's always been a worker, trust me, he's been a worker.
42:29 He worked every time he gets an opportunity on me.
42:32 But God's still working on me too.
42:34 I still desire to be what Jesus wants me to be.
42:37 I serve one that's bigger than the enemy.
42:38 How about you?
42:40 I serve one who's victorious.
42:41 How about you?
42:43 I'm one that does whatever God says
42:44 like, you know, I want you with Me in paradise.
42:47 Praise God.
42:48 I hear that, He may have told or said somebody else
42:50 but I've taken as He said it to me.
42:52 He said, I prepared a place for you.
42:54 And if I go to prepare a place for you,
42:55 I will come again.
42:57 Jesus loves you so much to say, come on in.
43:00 But notice,
43:01 when these things are being attacked
43:03 like they are,
43:04 and people are making the comments that they are,
43:06 notice this, it says the end is near.
43:10 This is such evidence, Lord, have mercy.
43:14 The example, just give you a quick example.
43:18 You know this well, before Jerusalem was destroyed,
43:23 was there a warning given?
43:24 Yes.
43:25 Oh, absolutely, there was a warning given.
43:27 When you see the Roman armies riding camp around,
43:30 come up, surround them,
43:31 or you see him
43:33 as it were pull up to the front,
43:34 plant their little banner as it were,
43:36 and then all of a sudden by man can't figure it out.
43:39 They decide to pull away, did they not?
43:40 But God said when you see these things coming back,
43:43 it's your time to get out.
43:46 See, we are worn at this time.
43:48 We're getting very close to the time
43:50 when God's people will be required
43:52 to maybe leave the places of security.
43:56 It's way past that time,
43:59 but, you know, get out of the cities.
44:02 See, we can say it over and over.
44:03 But listen until it works, until people really get it
44:06 because the time will come
44:07 when you will not be able to leave the cities.
44:11 You will not.
44:13 People always, you remember years ago,
44:14 they say, well, you know, something happened bad here,
44:16 they're gonna do some martial law, martial.
44:19 You know, that don't sound farfetched to me at all.
44:22 That is so simple to implement that.
44:25 You know, all these great big highways
44:27 that go around all these cities
44:28 how easy it is to shut that city off
44:30 just about a few exits, come on, somebody.
44:33 It's all in the plan the enemy has, you know that.
44:40 When the end is near,
44:42 when you see the Roman armies go around this city,
44:44 you know that destruction is soon to come.
44:47 When you see that our Constitution,
44:49 our Bill of Rights,
44:50 and some people who are in positions
44:53 of passing laws and legislating
44:56 and supposed to be leaders of our country
44:57 have went out of their minds.
45:00 Is it okay to say that?
45:02 See, I believe that, I'm not trying to downtrod,
45:04 I'm not trying to make fun of them.
45:06 These are some brilliant people in this position.
45:08 But the enemy is so taken
45:09 possession of the minds right now
45:10 they're coming up with almost like goofy,
45:13 and finally with some goofy things,
45:15 some things
45:16 that just don't make sense right now,
45:18 because the enemy is what?
45:20 He's deceiving here, notice, decisions, decisions, decision,
45:24 diversions, diversions, diversion.
45:27 Every time we look, there's a diversion.
45:30 We need to be careful, we're having visitors today.
45:32 So, you don't want to speak on this subject.
45:34 I say no, I want to speak on it more.
45:37 See, the Holy Spirit knows what's going to be said.
45:41 You don't make adjustments
45:42 because somebody has come in for the first time
45:44 even though it seems like we should.
45:46 God knows what's going to be said,
45:48 He knows the heart is going to be there.
45:50 And He knows the ones who are going to accept it,
45:53 that their hearts are open.
45:54 See, if you're not looking for truth today,
45:56 you're not going to find it.
45:57 If you don't love the truth,
45:58 you know,
46:00 you're never going to accept it.
46:01 You're going to leave and say,
46:03 well, I don't want to hear that kind of stuff anymore.
46:04 Or you might say,
46:05 man, there's some things here I need to dig into.
46:09 Apostasy, there is a sign to us that God's cup is full.
46:15 The faint little things that we say,
46:16 you could name dozens and dozens and dozens
46:17 on and on, you know it, you listen to the news.
46:20 These are just trying to put some little thing together
46:22 that maybe there's little dots,
46:23 right dot the eye across the T.
46:26 There's apostasy in the church,
46:28 there's apostasy in the world, the things that are going on,
46:31 God's cup is full, our nation's iniquity is full.
46:37 And God says that's enough.
46:39 And let me tell you,
46:40 the angel of mercy is about to take you, right,
46:42 take its flight,
46:44 and it never will return again where you stand.
46:48 From the says this,
46:51 has been, things are being attacked,
46:52 you know, in response to the crucial movement
46:55 in the history of our Constitution in the US,
46:58 United States
47:00 and The National Constitution Center
47:02 and the Atlantic, notice,
47:03 are launching a new project,
47:06 the battle for the Constitution.
47:09 Things are going on, Early Writings 269 says this,
47:12 and listen, my brother and sister,
47:13 we need to pay close attention.
47:15 I have to when I read these things.
47:16 In fact, I get goosebumps at times.
47:18 In fact, I read some of this stuff
47:19 and be honest with you,
47:21 it gets too heavy.
47:22 It gets too heavy,
47:23 I have to, I quit, I quit for a moment.
47:25 I say Lord, it's just, it's too much for my mind,
47:27 I have to get up and walk around
47:28 maybe then come back to my studying,
47:29 I read a little more, oh, it's, Lord, have mercy.
47:33 Things that we just can't even fathom
47:35 getting ready to happen.
47:36 And the church for most time sits idle.
47:39 They're doing this soft,
47:41 petal soft, so soft, sweet stuff,
47:43 whatever it is out from the pulpit,
47:44 they don't have time to say prepare for Jesus.
47:46 Get your life right with Christ.
47:48 Get rid of sin by the grace of God.
47:51 Early Writings, 694 says this.
47:53 "If every watchman on the walls of Zion
47:58 had given the trumpet a certain sound,
48:01 oh, the world might have ere have been heard," what?
48:04 "This message warning." Note the message of warning.
48:07 "But the work is years behind.
48:10 While men have slept,
48:11 Satan has stolen a march on us."
48:15 See, be better when I say,
48:16 when we don't read those things.
48:18 You know, I want to know, well, we have slept.
48:21 Well, we've been busy
48:22 just trying to pacify the church,
48:24 pacify the people, give them a pacifier,
48:26 let them take their nap.
48:27 Don't wake them from that,
48:29 you know, just make everything go good
48:30 rather than just say look it,
48:31 here's what God has said in His Word,
48:33 you decide what you want to do with it.
48:34 I have to decide
48:36 what I want to do with these things.
48:37 If I give the trumpet, what?
48:39 A certain sound.
48:41 1 Corinthians 14:8,
48:43 it talks about that trumpet, doesn't it?
48:45 Give the trumpet a certain sound.
48:46 There's nothing worse than a trumpet
48:48 that's out of tune
48:49 than a trumpet that's making a blast
48:51 and the noise over there
48:52 and all it does is hurt your ears.
48:54 You need tuned up.
48:56 We need to be in harmony.
48:57 Give it a certain sound, the Bible said,
49:00 and while we've been asleep,
49:01 while we've not been doing what we should be doing,
49:03 the enemy has come and he has stolen it.
49:05 We've seen it,
49:06 more people go out the back door
49:07 than come in the front.
49:09 Something's wrong.
49:12 Ezekiel 33:3 says,
49:14 we need to blow the trumpet and warn the people,
49:16 did you get it?
49:18 Do what?
49:19 Bible said, we'd to blow the trumpet.
49:20 We're to give the trumpet a certain, what?
49:22 A certain sound.
49:23 Joel 2:1 says,
49:25 you need to blow the trumpet in, where?
49:27 Blow the trumpet in Zion, sound alarm, you see.
49:30 I'm excited about
49:31 because I realized
49:32 who's blowing the trumpet in Zion.
49:34 Is Zion supposed to be his church, his church?
49:37 In the church,
49:39 they say don't blow it too loud
49:40 because that will awake the people.
49:42 Blow the trumpet, wake the people up.
49:44 We are in the time of the shaking
49:46 and have been for a very long time,
49:47 my brothers and sisters.
49:48 And if you're not fastened down,
49:50 you will be shaken out.
49:51 We have to be fastened down
49:52 with the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
49:54 fastened down in the love of Jesus Christ.
49:58 Revelation 8:13,
50:00 I don't want to take this out of context,
50:01 but I want you to kind of put it in here.
50:02 It talks about the voice of the trumpet
50:05 of the three angels.
50:07 Whoo, the voice of what?
50:08 Of the trumpet.
50:10 And if we could just put it right over there and say,
50:11 listen, we have a message to give.
50:13 We are to blow that trumpet in Zion,
50:15 we're to call a solemn assembly, right?
50:17 A fast and call our people together
50:19 and say Jesus is coming.
50:21 And how we need to be ready.
50:23 Oh, we might say, well, I need to go.
50:26 You know, I need to go over here.
50:27 Listen,
50:29 you don't go to church anywhere
50:30 where you're gonna die.
50:31 Somebody, okay, I might as well be quiet.
50:37 Did you get it?
50:39 Well, I went there, all my life and I should have done that.
50:43 I basically, you know, for the first 40 years,
50:45 I basically belonged to one church basically.
50:46 So, I don't want to, right now,
50:48 you won't, you don't want to go
50:49 where you're going to die spiritually.
50:51 You need to go where you're fed.
50:53 You sit at the table and feed
50:55 and Jesus is going to feed you with a Word of God.
50:58 Go where we can breathe, where we can live,
51:00 where we can realize a mission that we have to the world.
51:03 Blow the trumpet in Zion, what the Bible says.
51:07 David Rockefeller years ago said this,
51:09 he said, notice,
51:10 "We are on the verge of a global transformation."
51:15 Now notice, all we need,
51:19 all we need it said to write major crisis.
51:24 And the nations will accept the new world order.
51:28 See, they're saying on the pulpit,
51:29 oh, don't talk about the new world order.
51:30 No, I'm gonna talk about it.
51:32 Don't talk about victory over sin.
51:34 No, I'm gonna talk about it.
51:36 Don't talk about what happens when you die.
51:38 No, I'm gonna talk about it.
51:40 Don't talk about the sanctuary, it's too heavy.
51:41 No, I want to talk about it.
51:43 Because it's changed my life.
51:45 These truths have changed my life.
51:47 I pray for eternity.
51:49 I praise God for those truths
51:50 and they brought joy to my heart
51:52 and I want you to have that joy
51:53 if you don't have it today.
51:55 I want you to have the joy and the peace
51:57 that passes all understanding in this major crisis
52:00 as it were that's going on.
52:02 Decisions, decisions, decisions,
52:04 God help us to realize
52:08 these doors being open to our churches is essential.
52:11 They are essential, they're more than that,
52:14 than you talk about the pot houses
52:16 and the, you know,
52:17 the place where you buy booze and all that kind of business,
52:20 open all these places, get your nails done,
52:23 get a, what is it, a pedicure.
52:25 What? That's not essential.
52:29 But the church doors being open,
52:30 what I want you, it's essential.
52:33 And we were fooled too long,
52:35 where it'll be a few weeks
52:36 that we had them close and we played the game.
52:39 And I thoroughly I'm a believer that need to be open
52:41 where God's people can come together,
52:43 that we can learn the truth of God's Word.
52:46 And that we can realize this hour,
52:48 the things just barely hit on right now
52:50 tells us what?
52:51 Jesus is soon to come.
52:53 There's no doubt about it. What is it you go after this?
52:56 Jesus is going to come.
52:58 Everything's going to break loose,
52:59 time of Jacob trouble coming, Sunday laws are coming.
53:01 Man, we got to be ready.
53:02 No way we can be ready
53:04 as we give our life to Jesus Christ.
53:06 I want to have just a short prayer here
53:07 as we end,
53:09 just have 15 or 20 seconds left
53:10 and I just want to pray right now
53:11 and I ask you just bow your heads
53:13 and pray with me there those at their home.
53:14 Father in heaven, we thank You for Your precious Word.
53:16 Thank You for Your love.
53:18 Thank You for the warning that You've given.
53:19 Thank You for the power that You promised
53:21 to Your last day people.
53:22 We thank You and we praise You.
53:23 And thank You for those who have made a decision
53:25 to follow Jesus.
53:26 His name we pray and for His sake, amen.
53:28 Amen.
53:29 Amen.
53:31 God bless each and every one, we did,
53:33 just barely got going stuff on it
53:34 but hey, you know what?
53:35 It is what it is, right?
53:37 The Holy Spirit and we pray
53:38 has impressed your heart and your mind.
53:40 There may be, you know, somebody here need to say,
53:42 you know, I need, I need,
53:43 I need some, I need some prayer.
53:45 I need some more prayer
53:46 because I realize all of these things
53:48 are happening in the world that the end is near
53:50 and I want to make sure I'm ready for Jesus to come.
53:54 Because we would hear this closing song
53:55 that you have it's perfect, it's perfect for it.
53:57 And you need to be singing
53:59 in your heart and your mind right now
54:00 but more than that, is committing,
54:03 committing your life to Jesus Christ right now.
54:05 And if you want to commit your life to Jesus Christ,
54:07 you don't know what the future holds.
54:08 I don't know what the future holds,
54:09 other than what's revealed in the Word of God.
54:11 How long it's going to take, but I do believe it's soon,
54:13 it's even at the door.
54:15 And the best way we can do,
54:17 what we can do is commit our life
54:18 to Jesus Christ today.
54:21 Do it today.
54:22 Don't worry about, well, if I do it today,
54:24 but I've still got this habit, I still got that habit.
54:26 Oh, God's good
54:27 about getting rid of those habits.
54:29 Isn't that right? God gives you victory.
54:31 All you do but you submit to Him first.
54:34 And watch Him open those doors,
54:36 and watch you gain the victories that you need to,
54:37 the main thing you say, Lord, I want to follow you
54:40 regardless of what happened in my life,
54:43 it will be the best decision that you have ever made,
54:46 will be someone today
54:47 or maybe all I would like to stay in
54:48 and say, you what,
54:50 I give my life to Christ right now today.
54:51 All right.
54:53 I can't afford, I can't afford not to.
54:56 What if the Lord should come?
54:57 What if I should die today? What if there be an accident?
55:00 At least you'd be covered by the blood.
55:01 You may not have all the victories gained
55:03 that you want to
55:04 but you made that decision today to follow Him.
55:06 I've been following for a long time
55:07 and He's still working on me.
55:09 There's still things He's working out in my life.
55:10 And I praise God for that.
55:11 I get comfort and cheer and encouragement by the grace
55:14 that God has to continue to work on somebody like me.
55:19 His grace is greater than any sin.
55:20 Would anybody else that want to stand today
55:22 and just say yes.
55:24 I'm just going to be bold about, listen,
55:25 everybody in this church ought to stand up,
55:27 there should be not one person glued down to their seat.
55:29 Why?
55:30 Because you're standing. Thank you.
55:32 You're standing for Jesus Christ.
55:33 You're not standing for Behold the Lamb.
55:35 You're not standing for Brother Ryan,
55:36 myself or any.
55:37 You're standing in for the King of kings
55:39 and Lord of lords.
55:41 And you know what heaven's done?
55:43 Heaven's jotting down as it were,
55:44 those commitments
55:46 and what's going through your mind
55:47 and through your heart right now, it's written down.
55:50 I have decided, whoo,
55:53 I have decided to follow Jesus.
55:57 Amen.
55:59 I have decided
56:04 To follow Jesus
56:09 I have decided
56:13 To follow Jesus
56:18 No turning back
56:22 No turning back
56:25 Though none go with me.
56:27 Though none go with me
56:31 Still I will follow
56:36 Though none go with me
56:40 Still I will follow
56:45 Though none go with me
56:50 Still I will follow
56:54 No turning back
56:59 No turning back
57:02 My cross I'll carry.
57:04 My cross I'll carry
57:08 Till I see Jesus
57:13 My cross I'll carry
57:18 Till I see Jesus
57:23 My cross I'll carry
57:28 Till I see Jesus
57:32 No turning back
57:37 No turning back
57:40 The world behind me.
57:42 The world behind me
57:47 The cross before me
57:51 The world behind me
57:56 The cross before me
58:01 The world behind me
58:06 The cross before me
58:11 No turning back
58:15 No turning back.


Revised 2020-07-30