Behold the Lamb Presents

Out of Darkness Comes Light Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000144S

00:39 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:41 I'm Chris Shelton, your host,
00:42 I wanna thank you for joining us again.
00:45 Our message for today's entitled
00:47 "Out of Darkness Comes Light"
00:49 part one.
00:50 Have you ever stopped and wondered
00:51 what the world was like
00:53 back when our Lord and Savior
00:55 arrived as a newborn baby in a manger?
00:57 Well, we can certainly glean from reading the scriptures
01:00 that it was not a life of ease, or total peace.
01:03 In fact, it is difficult for most of us
01:06 to even wrap our minds around the fact
01:09 that King Herod would actually come to the point
01:12 of enforcing an official edict
01:15 to have all the baby boys two and under to be slain,
01:18 in order to kill this precious child
01:21 from heaven.
01:23 And we know that His own people as a whole
01:25 would come to ultimately reject Him
01:28 and accused Him of crimes that He had not committed,
01:33 in order to end His life at a very young age
01:36 due to the religious rulers' angry rage of jealousy.
01:41 The people in this very world that He,
01:45 Christ Jesus, gave life to during the creation week,
01:50 cruelly took His life as a common criminal
01:54 in a way that again is difficult for any of us
01:58 to wrap our minds around.
02:01 The world was indeed in darkness,
02:04 spiritual darkness and moral decay.
02:06 Laws were being passed against sanctity of human life itself.
02:11 Today, Pastor Kenny,
02:12 he's going to take us
02:13 through a thorough study of this day and time,
02:16 while comparing it to the moral decay
02:19 and degradation of our world
02:22 that is swiftly sinking into the spiral.
02:26 Could it be that our world will be as bad
02:29 or maybe even worse
02:30 than it was at the time of Christ first coming
02:33 again at His second coming?
02:35 The second coming of which we as Christians
02:38 are all longing to rejoice and to witness over.
02:42 Again,
02:43 "Out Of Darkness Comes Light"
02:45 part one is our message for today
02:47 with Pastor Kenny Shelton.
02:49 But first we are blessed to listen to a song
02:51 sung by one of our friends Stephanie Dawn,
02:54 who will be accompanied by Dan Thornton entitled simply
02:59 "Be."
03:21 Be in my eyes
03:26 So others may see
03:28 The beauty in presence of your love
03:34 And one who was blind
03:36 Would now believes
03:44 Be here in my heart flow
03:48 Through my blood
03:51 Strengthen my soul and wash me clean
03:57 A living example of what your grace has done
04:07 I will walk beside you
04:12 I will give you my life
04:16 And when others seek to find you
04:22 May I be the light that shines
04:31 Be here in my hands
04:35 Give me your touch
04:38 Use me to comfort and to build
04:44 Shelter for those who need your love
05:09 Breathe words to my lips
05:13 So I may speak
05:16 And tell your truth and living words
05:21 Lord make me all that I can be
05:28 I will walk beside you
05:32 Jesus I'll give you my life
05:38 And when others seek to find you
05:43 May I be the light that shines
05:53 Be here in my heart
05:57 Flow through my blood
05:59 Strengthen my soul and wash me clean
06:05 Lord make me all that I can be
06:15 Lord please make me all that I can be
06:49 Thank you and welcome once again to Behold the Lamb,
06:51 we appreciate you very much.
06:53 Thank you for your cards, letters and your support,
06:55 praise God, we couldn't do it without you.
06:57 We believe that the message should go into all the world.
07:00 And so we have that opportunity and privilege
07:03 to be able to reach you,
07:04 wherever you are at in the world.
07:06 Praise God for that.
07:07 And thank you for helping us get this message out.
07:10 Today, we're gonna be looking at a subject that I really like
07:13 "Out of darkness comes light," out of what?
07:16 "Out of darkness comes light."
07:19 And so we'll see how that gels together
07:20 as we look at the Word of God here today.
07:23 This is gonna be the first of two parts
07:25 because there's so much to it.
07:27 And I believe that would be a blessing to those of you
07:29 who are going through very difficult times
07:33 that we're living in.
07:34 We look around the world, all of us have our,
07:36 had difficulties.
07:38 There things that are going on that we just don't appreciate.
07:40 We don't like and we have questions about.
07:43 And so we turn to the Word of God
07:44 to find these answers.
07:46 But always, once again, we pray a lot.
07:48 We should be a praying church, we should be praying people.
07:52 And so we have a lot of prayer before this time.
07:54 But always, I feel like
07:56 I always need an extra prayer
07:58 and I ask that you would pray with me.
07:59 I'm gonna kneel up here,
08:01 you can kneel or at least pray along with me
08:03 today as we seek God's face.
08:05 Loving Father in heaven,
08:06 we thank you again for the privilege of prayer
08:08 we invite Thy Holy Spirit.
08:09 Oh, Lord, come near to us today.
08:11 We need your thoughts, your wisdom,
08:13 your mind and not ours.
08:15 And so we ask forgiveness of sin,
08:17 any things in our heart in life that need not be there.
08:19 Oh, Lord, communicate with us today.
08:21 Teach your children,
08:23 help us to sit at Your feet and be content.
08:25 Lord, help us to stay awake today,
08:26 help us to be and realize we are in Your presence.
08:30 And in Your presence is fullness of joy.
08:32 This is where we want to be.
08:34 This is what we planned all week.
08:35 So, Lord, we thank You for it.
08:37 Lest now we pray open our ears,
08:39 eyes and our hearts and our minds in Jesus' name.
08:41 Amen.
08:47 Like to you have your Bibles, I'd like you to turn with me.
08:49 I'm gonna turn to John Chapter 1.
08:51 We'll read our text a little bit later on.
08:53 But I wanna go to John right now.
08:55 John 1:1-5.
08:58 These are verses that I know
09:00 that we've read many, many times,
09:01 but what encouragement they are to us today.
09:05 I don't know if you're like I am.
09:06 I need encouragement.
09:08 I like encouragement.
09:10 I like people to talk encouragement.
09:13 I like people to talk positive.
09:15 There's enough negative things going on in the world today.
09:18 And these words are very positive
09:20 in John Chapter 1.
09:21 I'm going to read verses 1 through 5.
09:24 Notice what the Bible says.
09:25 Bible says,
09:27 "In the beginning was the,"
09:28 what?
09:30 "Was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word,"
09:32 what?
09:33 "Was God.
09:35 The same was in the beginning with God."
09:37 You have questions on that
09:39 and it answers them pretty simple,
09:40 right there, doesn't about Jesus?
09:42 "All things were made by Him and without Him,"
09:44 was what?
09:46 "Not anything made that was made."
09:48 Tells us who our Creator, right, who created all things.
09:51 Verse 4,
09:53 "In Him was life and the life was it the light."
09:57 Here we go. His life was what?
09:59 "The light of men.
10:02 And the light shineth" where?
10:04 "In darkness,"
10:05 notice this,
10:06 "and the darkness comprehended it not."
10:11 How sad?
10:13 Encouraging words,
10:14 but yet, how sad at the very end
10:17 here was the light, right?
10:18 Here He is, our Creator, Redeemer, our Sustainer,
10:20 coming into this world,
10:22 and yet the world what He was the light of the world,
10:24 He's a life of the world and what?
10:26 And the world just didn't know it.
10:28 Right now and what we're living in,
10:30 this is a subject that pertains
10:31 to what's going on in the world today
10:34 that we've been talking about for weeks on end.
10:36 And I pray that you'll put these together.
10:40 You know, at the time of the birth of Christ,
10:43 the nation was struggling.
10:45 If we just go back a little bit
10:46 and think about at the birth of Jesus Christ,
10:48 the nation was struggling just like it is today.
10:54 It had external problems and internal problems.
10:59 The office of the high priest was secured by fraud,
11:04 and bribery, and even murder.
11:08 The priesthood had become corrupt.
11:11 Now, there's some similarities there.
11:13 And we just need to be able to focus
11:14 in on some of those things
11:16 that we're talking about today
11:17 to see if we're in the same time.
11:20 Is it possible?
11:22 Is it possible just in our thinking
11:23 that there's things that are going on?
11:25 You know, we're talking about the high priest here
11:27 with pastors and teachers and preachers,
11:28 that's not what God would have us to be saying,
11:30 doing or teaching?
11:34 The people were heavily taxed by the Romans.
11:39 You feel that today, too, don't you?
11:45 The state of affairs caused widespread discontent,
11:50 outbreaks,
11:52 we would call them protest, riots.
11:57 It was frequent at the time of Christ,
12:00 there was greed, there was violence,
12:02 there was distrust,
12:05 lack of spiritual commitment, lack of interest.
12:10 People were indifferent, does it sound like today?
12:15 It simply caused the nation to simply want to give up.
12:19 I've heard people talking about already
12:21 no longer than we've been in this pandemic.
12:24 They're saying,
12:25 "We've had enough,"
12:26 they've cried uncle.
12:28 Well, we don't we know if we can take anymore or not,
12:29 we want it to end.
12:31 We want it, we want to see something,
12:32 we want to see the light at the tunnel.
12:35 And so they're ready to throw in the towel.
12:37 They're ready to give up.
12:38 They're ready to just sign away as it were their life.
12:42 They're willing to give away some more freedoms.
12:45 Because they just want peace and quiet.
12:48 But at the time of Christ at His birth, remember,
12:51 there was all kinds of struggles
12:52 that were going on,
12:53 just like today.
12:57 People were in darkness.
12:59 They were in depression. They were in oppression.
13:04 You had the rulers and the leaders
13:07 were thirsty for power.
13:10 They wanted to set in high positions.
13:13 That was simply the rule of the day.
13:15 We find that today there are people
13:17 who are selling their soul for high position.
13:21 And that's not just in the world,
13:23 that's in the church.
13:26 Finagling going on.
13:29 Shenanigans being pulled.
13:32 Things that are happening
13:33 that sometimes going to blow our mind to say,
13:35 "Surely this cannot happen in the House of God."
13:40 People are thirsty for power.
13:44 Darkness shadowed,
13:47 Satan cast that dark shadow on this world
13:51 and it become again darker and darker and deeper.
13:55 Interesting thought here as the enemy gets involved,
13:59 and he gets involved in everything
14:00 that's going on in the world today.
14:06 The people that God had called as His representatives,
14:11 which were certainly the Jews and I believe today
14:13 it applies to us.
14:14 God has called you out of what?
14:16 Out of darkness into what?
14:18 Into marvelous light.
14:20 Remember, He's called you where?
14:21 Out of darkness into marvelous light,
14:23 you dare not return to that darkness.
14:26 He's called you out of darkness.
14:28 He's called you out of all this falseness,
14:31 false teaching.
14:32 All the stuff that's going on in the churches today.
14:35 All the errors is being taught, all the traditions of men,
14:38 in vain do they worship Me,
14:40 teaching for doctrines the commandments of men,
14:42 and somehow we cling to those things
14:44 when we should be letting go.
14:46 He has called us out to do something special
14:49 as he called the Jews out.
14:52 But notice at the time of Christ's birth,
14:55 that the ones he had called out His representatives,
14:58 and maybe we're His representatives today,
15:01 notice, they became representatives of Satan.
15:04 Not representatives of God, He called them out to what?
15:07 To represent Him, in life and in character.
15:11 But they became representatives of Satan,
15:14 how sad?
15:16 Those are big, thick words.
15:18 Hard to chew on.
15:21 Deception of sin had reached its height.
15:27 Something had to be done.
15:30 Christ was soon to come on this planet.
15:36 The order of the day
15:38 is what it is today in our society
15:41 with all this COVID-19
15:42 and all these riots and this bloodshed
15:45 and all the stuff that's going on right now.
15:47 The order of the day was corrupt and murder, loss.
15:55 The bodies of human beings,
15:59 our bodies were made
16:00 for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
16:02 Isn't that right?
16:03 That's what the Bible says, 1 Corinthians 6:19,
16:08 Bibles says, we are the what?
16:09 "We are His temple,
16:11 He wants to dwell in this temple,"
16:12 because you are bought with a what?
16:15 "You're bought with a price,"
16:16 therefore you glorify God, where?
16:18 In your bodies.
16:19 The Holy Spirit wants to dwell in you.
16:23 But He can't just dwell anyplace.
16:27 That temple has to be made ready
16:30 for the indwelling of the Spirit of God.
16:32 Sin needs to go. Has to go.
16:37 But at the days
16:38 that we're talking about in our days,
16:40 today,
16:42 the human body has become the dwelling place of demons.
16:47 Listen carefully,
16:48 it's either going to be a dwelling place
16:50 of the Holy Ghost, right, the Spirit of the Living God,
16:52 or it's going to be a dwelling place of the devil,
16:54 and I'm telling you pass them every day on the road.
16:58 It's scary when you think about,
17:00 thank God for the protection of angels.
17:04 You look at human faces sometime, don't you?
17:07 You look down the road, you just pass somebody,
17:08 you don't know them.
17:10 And you just look at their face
17:11 and they reflect the evil which has possessed them.
17:16 It's written on their face.
17:19 You don't want to be judgmental about it.
17:20 You're not trying to be,
17:22 but there's something that comes out.
17:25 And there's something that comes out
17:26 when you are a child of God too.
17:29 Let's look at it, when you're a child of God,
17:31 there should be something, right,
17:33 the reflection of Christ that comes out
17:35 and touches somebody,
17:36 that heals somebody.
17:40 But on the same token
17:41 if we haven't given our life to Christ
17:42 then the old enemy is coming through.
17:46 My mother used to say all the time
17:48 don't know if it's good, bad or ugly.
17:49 She said,
17:51 "Well, if looks could kill, I'd be dead."
17:52 Okay.
17:56 You may have met someone like that.
17:58 If looks.
17:59 Oh, yeah, most of them say.
18:01 Let's pray that it wasn't us.
18:07 I believe that Satan actually laughs.
18:11 He chuckle sometime as he sees
18:14 how we have debased the image of God.
18:20 Did you get that?
18:22 That's pretty heavy duty because Genesis 1:26.
18:26 What does the Bible say?
18:28 He said, God said,
18:30 "Let us make man in," what?
18:32 "In our image."
18:34 And the devil says,
18:35 "Haha,
18:37 I wanna deface that image then.
18:38 I want them to look and act like me, not you."
18:42 And look what's happening in the world today,
18:43 man, we're seen like what?
18:45 Like devils.
18:51 Surely we can see now
18:52 with what's going on in the world
18:54 that apart from God, humanity can do nothing.
18:59 If we do not have the Spirit of the Living God in us,
19:03 because man by himself is totally out of control.
19:06 Never seen anything like it in my entire life.
19:10 We're all lost without some help from above.
19:15 And I praise God all is not lost.
19:19 All is not lost.
19:21 It seems like it sometimes.
19:23 It seems like it may not change.
19:25 It seems like the devil's hit you with a left
19:27 and he's hit you with a right.
19:29 He's hit below the belt.
19:33 It seem like you'll not be able to bounce back,
19:35 but you will.
19:37 If you're on God's side,
19:38 He's going to do Galatians 4:4-5
19:41 read it when you have the opportunity.
19:42 It simply says, whoo I liked it.
19:44 "When the fullness of time was come," what?
19:48 "When the fullness of time was come.
19:49 God sent forth his Son."
19:52 Man, that's good news.
19:55 When the fullness, when the time was right,
19:58 when the earth was dark
20:00 As dark as it ever been or ever will be.
20:03 God said,
20:04 "I'm going to send,"
20:06 Jesus said,
20:07 "I'm going to go down, I'm going to save."
20:08 I'm seeking saved that which was lost.
20:10 The earth was too dark.
20:11 Satan had won.
20:13 Think about he had won every battle
20:15 that he fought before Jesus.
20:17 Somebody talk to me.
20:19 Is that not true?
20:20 Every individual that ever was born
20:22 on the face before Jesus came on,
20:24 the devil had defeated.
20:27 He beat up
20:29 because all have sinned and come short.
20:30 There's only one that wasn't until Jesus came along.
20:33 Praise God.
20:35 God sent forth the Bible said His Son.
20:40 Out of darkness comes what?
20:42 Comes light.
20:44 Turn within your Bibles, Isaiah Chapter 60.
20:47 This was our text for today.
20:49 Isaiah Chapter 60.
20:51 If you don't mind, I'm going to read it again
20:53 for those who just now maybe joining us.
20:55 I love it.
20:57 Because the first thing it says
20:58 the first couple of words I like it
21:00 because it says, do what?
21:04 I know I didn't hear somebody say relax.
21:07 That's not what it said, I said what?
21:09 "Arise," and do what?
21:12 "Rise and shine for thy light is come
21:14 and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee."
21:20 Why don't the glory of the Lord is going to rise
21:22 unless we rise.
21:24 It's not gonna just fall on you
21:25 while we're sitting home doing nothing
21:26 and not praying about it, not working,
21:28 you're not doing anything.
21:31 But if we're willing to move out,
21:32 if we're willing to rise up as it were, and shine.
21:37 We should shine because we should be reflecting what?
21:40 The character, the glory of God.
21:43 We'll talk more about that as we go.
21:44 This is what we need to be doing in this age
21:46 that we're living in right now
21:48 where it's sickening to even watch the news anymore.
21:51 On and on and on
21:53 from one corrupt practice to another.
21:55 That mind boggles you and mind boggles me.
21:59 But it tells me also the coming of the Son of Man,
22:01 'cause it's getting darker and darker,
22:04 but out of darkness will come what?
22:06 Will come light.
22:08 God is sending light
22:10 and He's sending it now to us who need it.
22:15 Verse 2,
22:16 "For behold the darkness shall cover," the what?
22:20 "The earth gross darkness,"
22:22 ugly darkness,
22:24 darkness you can't see through on.
22:26 On your own you can't see through it.
22:29 We need spiritual eyes.
22:31 Through fleshly eyes you'll never see through
22:33 what the enemy is doing.
22:36 "But the Lord shall arise upon,"
22:38 woo, praise God,
22:39 "upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."
22:43 Man, I want this power.
22:45 Notice what it says,
22:46 "The Lord shall arise,"
22:47 notice,
22:49 "upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."
22:52 Do you want that in your life?
22:54 See, yeah, we want that, it's going to be seen.
22:57 You don't have to tell somebody,
22:58 look at the glory on me.
23:00 Look at the glory on me.
23:02 You're not going to do that,
23:03 people will see that Jesus lives in your heart
23:05 by the way you act, you talk,
23:07 the way you deal with people,
23:08 whether He's in your heart or not.
23:10 Talk all you want, if you're not living it,
23:11 it's not gonna work.
23:14 We know that because Scripture tells us that.
23:18 Verse 3 simply says,
23:19 "Oh, and the Gentiles shall come to thy light."
23:23 God says you've got good people everywhere.
23:25 And this message goes out in the glory of God
23:27 and the Spirit of Living God comes upon you
23:29 and takes control of your heart,
23:30 your mind and your soul.
23:32 There's other people gonna take notice
23:33 and they're gonna come to the light.
23:35 They're not coming to you, they're coming to the light.
23:38 The key to the brightness of thy rising
23:40 is time God's people rose up
23:43 and did something besides
23:44 sit back in our chairs and do nothings.
23:47 It's way past time.
23:52 You notice when you read the Word of God,
23:54 it simply says,
23:56 Matthew 25 it talks about the coming of the bridegroom,
23:59 you remember?
24:01 It said the coming of the bride groom was at?
24:04 Was it at noon?
24:06 It was at midnight.
24:09 It was at midnight, the darkest hour.
24:14 So will the coming of Christ take place
24:17 in the darkest period of earth history?
24:22 As I said, and I think it bears repeating.
24:25 As we see all around us, there's heartache.
24:30 There's suffering, there's pain,
24:32 there's loss of life and property
24:34 and the list goes on and on and on
24:36 until it almost depresses you.
24:42 You didn't have a Savior, if you didn't know Jesus,
24:44 you would be.
24:45 That's why there's so many suicides.
24:47 That's why suicide rates up now.
24:49 That's why, you know,
24:50 the people alcohol and drugs and so on.
24:52 It's all up right now
24:53 because the world has turned upside down
24:55 and they're looking for something
24:57 but they can't hold on to anything.
24:59 Because they're not getting hold of the hand of Jesus.
25:03 Heartaches, many have lost hope.
25:08 Many have lost courage.
25:10 They need the bread of life
25:12 and always said they need it when it's hot.
25:15 You don't need day old bread.
25:16 You don't have to accept day old bread.
25:19 When we were raised up
25:20 and we wanted to go to the bakery
25:23 on Sunday morning.
25:27 Hello now.
25:29 On Sunday morning.
25:31 You could get the day old bread.
25:35 If you want to buy some of you who have day old donuts?
25:44 You could get them for 25 cents a dozen.
25:49 Day old was pretty good to me.
25:55 But you know, there was nothing at that time
25:56 like a real hot fresh one just melt in your mouth.
26:01 God says with His Word.
26:03 Think about it, transform this over spiritual.
26:05 Nothing like good, fresh,
26:08 spiritual filled hot Word of God.
26:12 That's when you get it.
26:13 Oh, that's when you get it on the Sabbath.
26:16 When you get it on Sunday, you get day old bread.
26:23 It's true.
26:25 Because He delivers it fresh on the seventh day
26:29 because that's the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.
26:33 That means you're just getting at half price.
26:37 The old stuff, you know, I want the real stuff.
26:42 That's what God says we can do.
26:45 So many have lost this hope and they've lost courage.
26:48 They need this bread.
26:52 There are many precious folks out there
26:53 that needs somebody to tell them,
26:55 "Listen, there is a balm in Gilead,
26:58 there is a balm for the healing of the nations.
27:02 There is a balm, notice that, for your life and for my life.
27:06 There's a mighty physician that we have access to,
27:10 that we can come boldly to the throne of God
27:12 and find grace in our time of need.
27:15 There is a balm in Gilead,
27:16 there's a healing in that for your life.
27:18 When you're going through trouble
27:20 and loss of loved ones
27:21 or things you just can't utterly stand
27:23 even talk about and think about it.
27:25 There's a balm above in Gilead, there's a physician,
27:28 there's a healer of all manner of diseases.
27:32 There is one there awaiting to be of assistance.
27:38 He doesn't force himself on you,
27:39 He's waiting for you just need to ask.
27:42 "Lord, I need assistance.
27:45 Lord, I need help."
27:48 Don't be too proud,
27:49 "Lord, I need some help.
27:52 Lord, I've got pain in my back, I need some help.
27:55 I got a pain in my chest, I need some help."
27:59 There's a balm in Gilead.
28:03 The manna is for you and is for me,
28:05 even in this turmoil that we are in
28:08 when there seems to be no end.
28:09 And it seems to getting worse.
28:12 We start out assuming things are going to get better.
28:15 Now, one fight after
28:17 the other is looking like it's getting worse.
28:21 I don't know about if it's gonna get worse or not.
28:23 But I do know this,
28:24 there is one who sits on the throne
28:26 that understands it very well.
28:27 And He's guiding in the hearts and lives of men.
28:30 I'm not worried about
28:31 who's gonna be the next president.
28:32 I'm not worried about
28:34 who's going to be sitting in the Supreme Court,
28:35 because I have one that sits on the high Supreme Court.
28:38 That's the one.
28:40 That's the one that we have confidence with in God.
28:44 This is encouragement to me,
28:45 because you can get wrapped up in all this political stuff.
28:48 And then you drive yourself crazy,
28:50 because you have one lie after the other.
28:53 Almost said one liar gets up
28:54 and then the other liar gets up,
28:56 but I wouldn't say that.
28:58 Okay.
29:00 Maybe they don't mean to be, not trying to judge you.
29:02 But they're telling two different stories,
29:04 or three different stories, or four different stories.
29:07 And Jesus always tells the same story.
29:11 And all we have to do is look at the days of Lot
29:13 and the days of Noah.
29:15 Tales of the condition of this world
29:18 just before Jesus comes.
29:19 See we're not out in the dark somewhere
29:22 where we don't have the light that's shining through.
29:25 Look at the condition,
29:26 don't think it's going to be all just hunky dory.
29:29 There's gonna be things that will transpire
29:31 and take place that you are gonna understand
29:32 and I'm gonna be able to understand.
29:34 Bible tells that at a time.
29:37 A time that I believe is right now
29:39 that Satan is working with all power,
29:42 with all deceivable of unrighteousness
29:45 in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10.
29:48 Notice how He's working.
29:49 He's working with all what?
29:51 All the power that he can muster up
29:54 with all deceivableness of unrighteousness
29:57 to them that perish.
30:00 He's giving it everything he can right now.
30:07 As a child of God,
30:08 I don't want to be too brutal about it.
30:11 But as a child of God, when the enemy punches you,
30:13 you might look at him and say,
30:15 "Is that the best you got?"
30:21 Yeah, remember, is that the best he's got? Why?
30:23 Because it can't take you down as you're a child of God.
30:27 You stand fast.
30:32 The enemy's work that we can see right now
30:35 is plainly revealed by the, to me the increase of darkness.
30:41 Things are really looking dark and grim in the world today,
30:45 a spiritual darkness of error, of heresies,
30:49 of apostasy inside and outside the church.
30:53 Delusions, you talk about laziness.
30:56 You talk about the don't care attitudes
30:58 that you see it even in the church pews.
31:01 You know, think about that.
31:04 You know why this darkness is increasing?
31:06 Because my Bible tells me
31:08 as I look it up in John, what is it?
31:12 John 3:19.
31:13 It tells that men love darkness rather than what?
31:16 "Men love darkness rather than light."
31:20 We love light, isn't that right?
31:21 And not darkness.
31:23 But the world loves what? Dark.
31:25 Listen, many churches love darkness
31:27 evidently because, what?
31:28 They haven't got the gospel
31:30 and the truth of God's Word at all.
31:33 And you can challenge it say, well, now,
31:35 all you have to do is today line upon line,
31:37 precept upon precept,
31:38 here a little and there a little,
31:40 and you can find out what truth is,
31:41 if you're not too lazy.
31:44 If you really want to know what it is, I mean to me,
31:46 we ought to boil it down.
31:48 Shouldn't we say that if you really want to know
31:49 you will be able to know
31:51 and then after you know you become accountable
31:53 for and then you must take a stand on it
31:55 and quit dillydallying around
31:56 sitting on the fence and do nothings.
31:59 Not anybody here for sure.
32:01 But I'm just talking there'll be some out there
32:02 that will or do nothings.
32:07 Because there's always a group.
32:09 Now remember, if you get your feelings hurt,
32:11 it's because you'll do nothing.
32:14 If you'll do some... You're not going to get it,
32:16 if you'll do something
32:17 you're going to say, yeah, I get that.
32:19 Yeah, it's okay.
32:21 My mother always said,
32:22 "Hey, you know the shoe, if the shoe fits, wear it."
32:27 We have to be thick skin Christians nowadays.
32:32 We talked about that before we came out and we had prayer
32:35 thick skin Christians.
32:36 You know how you're able to put up with things
32:38 that you couldn't normally put up with.
32:40 You look at a person's hand,
32:41 you look at the calluses on there.
32:43 He's thick skin,
32:44 he can do things ordinary people cannot do
32:45 because all of a sudden, whoo, it breakout, right,
32:48 blood start coming out,
32:49 but you're getting calluses on your hand.
32:52 We need to be calloused
32:54 as it were with the truth of God's Word
32:56 so that we're not so easily upset.
33:00 And the good news in John 8:12,
33:02 Jesus said,
33:03 "If you follow me," listen,
33:05 "If you follow me, ye shall not walk in darkness."
33:11 See, that's good news.
33:12 If you follow Me,
33:13 if you're walking in darkness
33:15 is because you're not following Him.
33:16 Because he's telling the truth here,
33:17 ain't that right?
33:19 You won't walk in darkness if you follow Me.
33:21 See, that's good news.
33:23 You say, "Yeah, but I'm going through it."
33:24 Well, we might be going through tests and trials.
33:26 Sure.
33:29 Satan is leading the world captive.
33:31 There's no doubt about it.
33:32 Satan has joined,
33:34 I said many times he's joined the church.
33:37 He's bringing in apostasy, right and left.
33:40 He's bringing in darkness. He's bringing in division.
33:44 He's bringing in what he's got separation.
33:47 This group's going over there,
33:49 this group's going over here
33:50 because we can't sit down and study
33:51 the Word of God together.
33:54 And we should be able to do that.
33:58 This darkness is getting deeper, deep as midnight.
34:04 And for God's people,
34:05 listen, this darkness is going to hit us hard.
34:08 It's going to be a night of trial.
34:11 It's going to be a night of persecution.
34:14 It's going to be a night, I'm telling you of separation,
34:17 a night of tears,
34:19 and it's all going to be for the truth sake.
34:21 So we must love truth. Don't you believe that?
34:25 God says to His people,
34:27 "Out of a darkness, God says, light will shine"
34:30 in 2 Corinthians 4:6.
34:34 And the Bible says it like this.
34:35 "He causes the light to shine in darkness."
34:41 What does He do?
34:42 He causes the light to shine in where?
34:44 In dark.
34:45 So we need not stay in darkness
34:47 because He's gonna cause the light to shine
34:48 if you want the light.
34:49 People say,
34:51 "I want the light. I want the light,"
34:52 and the light is shown on their pathway.
34:53 We say, "Ooh, I don't want that light."
34:56 The light shone on the seventh day Sabbath.
34:58 Ooh, we don't want that.
34:59 We're just as good going over here on this day,
35:01 that's not what the Bible says.
35:03 That's not what the Bible says
35:05 you choose whatever day you want to choose.
35:07 Well, I'll choose Monday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
35:08 are you God?
35:10 Is it okay if I'm bold?
35:13 To be plain about it, you're not God,
35:15 and I'm not God.
35:17 God specified the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord
35:19 thy God, it's God's day.
35:22 This is a message that should be getting out to the world.
35:25 It's not any day we'll do.
35:26 Isn't that funny
35:27 how people come up any day will do.
35:31 I mean, seriously about
35:32 and that they may be from an honest heart.
35:34 So I'm not trying to hurt somebody.
35:36 I'm just simply saying, isn't that sad?
35:38 That we will say any day will do when God said,
35:40 "No, it won't."
35:42 It doesn't make any difference.
35:44 God said,
35:45 "It did make a difference."
35:46 But I don't know if it makes a difference.
35:48 It makes a difference with God.
35:52 This is heavy duty times.
35:56 He causes the light to shine.
35:58 And, man, I can go back and you can too
36:00 to the Book of Genesis,
36:02 if you'll just want to do that for a second.
36:03 Genesis 1:2-3.
36:06 The Bible says, I love this.
36:08 Genesis Chapter 1, this is creation, isn't it?
36:11 Genesis 1:2-3.
36:12 It says,
36:14 "The earth was without," what?
36:15 "Form and void,"
36:17 and notice what the Word says,
36:18 "and darkness was upon," what?
36:20 "Was upon the face of the deep."
36:22 Genesis 1:2-3.
36:25 Notice what happened now.
36:27 See, Holy Spirit was involved in creation.
36:29 For those of you who don't believe
36:31 there is a Holy Spirit.
36:32 You don't believe in a third person
36:34 of the Godhead.
36:35 Shame on you.
36:37 Is it okay to say that?
36:38 I just love to challenge somebody.
36:39 I just love to get somebody all upset,
36:41 says Brother Levi, I can't help it.
36:45 We need to be careful when we oust the Holy Spirit,
36:49 because that's the unpardonable sin.
36:52 Did you get it?
36:54 Is to say there is no Holy Spirit.
36:56 It's the Spirit of God or the Spirit of Jesus.
37:00 Just fill that in,
37:01 so you can think
37:03 and you already know my position on it.
37:04 But I'm gonna go ahead and fight for that
37:06 because I believe it's true.
37:07 The Bible says,
37:09 "The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
37:13 And God said, Let there be light,"
37:16 and there was what?
37:17 No light.
37:18 Oh, the Bible said there was light.
37:22 Surely we're in this time right now,
37:26 this time of spiritual darkness.
37:28 It seems to be without form.
37:30 It seems to be like without void.
37:32 There's darkness everywhere
37:34 we look on the face of this planet.
37:36 But God said,
37:38 "Let there be light," and there was light.
37:42 Surely we're in this part here.
37:45 The part where God goes out and says,
37:48 "Let there be light."
37:52 And then He says to us in our verse that we read
37:54 there in Isaiah 60.
37:56 He said,
37:57 "I want you to because of the light,
37:58 I want you to arise,"
38:00 and do what?
38:01 "I want you to shine for thy light is come."
38:05 Don't wait for Joe Blow next to you,
38:07 don't wait for the wife.
38:08 Don't wait for the husband.
38:09 I keep hearing somebody,
38:11 I see him every so often they'll say,
38:12 "Well, when the wife comes I'll come,
38:14 when the husband comes,
38:15 I will come or when the kids come,
38:17 when I retire I'll be."
38:18 Nobody said you're going to be around for any of that.
38:21 You can't wait on that.
38:22 I simply say to them,
38:23 "Oh, is the wife your God?
38:25 Is the husband your God?
38:26 Is your work your God."
38:29 If we don't do what God asks us to do,
38:31 then it is our God.
38:33 See, it's time that we lay it all out and get honest with God
38:36 because He knows your heart.
38:37 He knows my heart.
38:39 Please be honest.
38:42 Glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
38:47 Isaiah 62 we read said,
38:49 "Darkness shall cover," what?
38:50 The earth.
38:52 Now listen what He's talking about darkness here.
38:54 "Oh, well, I can't see.
38:56 I can't see there's darkness, I can't see."
38:58 Oh, it goes deeper than that.
39:00 What is this darkness here?
39:04 The darkness is Bible is talking about here
39:06 is a misapprehension of God.
39:11 Yes, it's knowledge of His character.
39:15 His character is to be made known to the world.
39:18 What's His character?
39:19 Of His goodness, His mercy, His long-suffering, right?
39:22 Mercy and truth.
39:25 That message will lighten the world
39:27 when we need it the most right now
39:30 that God sits on the throne.
39:34 Who will represent Him?
39:37 Let me just read a quick passage.
39:39 I didn't even see the things already shut off
39:41 but I'm gonna keep going.
39:42 I don't know what's going on.
39:44 Revelation Chapter 18.
39:45 Will somebody turn with me quickly?
39:46 Revelation.
39:51 Devil thinks you know
39:52 if it gets the screen to go blank
39:54 and I'm gonna quit.
39:55 I'm not.
39:56 Is that okay?
39:59 I've got so many minutes and I'm gonna use them all.
40:04 You know what I'm talking about here.
40:06 I love these passages of Scripture,
40:07 Revelation Chapter 18.
40:09 Because we're saying here this darkness is what?
40:12 The world doesn't understand God.
40:15 His goodness, His mercy, His long-suffering with us,
40:17 they didn't understand His character,
40:19 and that's what we are to give to the world.
40:21 That's what the world needs right now.
40:23 Revelation 18:1, the Bible says,
40:25 I may read two or three if I get started.
40:27 Revelation 18:1, it says,
40:29 "After these things, I saw, "
40:31 what?
40:32 "Another angel come down from, where?
40:35 It can't be all bad.
40:36 This has got to be good.
40:38 An angel came down from where?
40:39 "From heaven, having great power,"
40:42 and the oh,
40:43 "and the earth was," what?
40:45 "Lightened with,"
40:46 his what?
40:48 "With his glory."
40:49 God said this angel, this is a fourth angel,
40:50 isn't that right that comes down
40:52 and lends power to the third angel,
40:53 the first, second and third angel's message
40:56 to give power to the Word of God,
40:57 to lighten the earth with the glory of God,
41:00 the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
41:02 Man, this is what going on.
41:04 I believe right now, it's going forward right now.
41:07 And the Bible simply says here, I'm going to keep reading here.
41:09 I'm feeling it right now.
41:11 The Bible says here, verse 2,
41:12 "And he cried mightily with a strong voice."
41:14 Who did the crying out?
41:16 Somebody say the angel, this powerful angel.
41:19 He said, Babylon, the great is what?
41:22 All and is fallen
41:23 because it comes to habitation of what?
41:27 "It's become the habitation of devils,
41:30 and the hold of every foul spirit,
41:32 the cage of every unclean and hateful bird, "
41:35 metaphors here we realize,
41:37 and because here, here's the problem,
41:39 "For all nations have done," what?
41:42 "They've got drunk with the wine of the wrath
41:43 of her fornication,
41:45 the kings of the earth have committed," what?
41:48 "Fornication with her,
41:49 and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich
41:52 through the abundance of her delicacies."
41:54 Oh, verse 4, I love it.
41:55 "And I heard another voice from heaven saying,
41:58 'Come out of...'"
42:00 Oh, I wonder what that voice might be,
42:02 "Come out of her, my people, God's people,
42:05 Christ, talking to His people,
42:06 you come out of her, My people,
42:08 that ye be not partakers of her sins,
42:11 and they receive not of her plagues."
42:13 God's saying, when you receive the truth of this message,
42:15 right?
42:17 We're talking the three angels' message.
42:18 We're talking the truth on the Sabbath.
42:19 What happens when you die? It all makes a difference.
42:22 That you know, the judgment hour.
42:25 Who's teaching in our churches
42:26 that we're in the judgment hour right now?
42:29 Who's teaching in the sanctuary?
42:30 No, no.
42:32 We're teaching the truth on what happens when you die.
42:33 What happens when you know, Hellfire we talk about.
42:35 Wait, this thing
42:37 how Jesus is going to come in the clouds of glory,
42:39 every eyes will see Him we're teaching secret, right?
42:41 We're teaching everything but what is truth
42:43 and founded in the Word of God.
42:45 And this is time that we need to get back
42:47 to the Word and say right here,
42:49 Jesus says,
42:50 "When you've heard these truth,
42:51 when you hear this truth,"
42:53 right, oh,
42:54 what happens when you die?
42:55 Oh, I got it now.
42:57 Okay, you turn away from that say,
42:58 "Whoo, I may be in the wrong place."
43:00 Oh, you're trying another truth over here.
43:01 So you walk in the light
43:02 as it's shining on your pathway,
43:04 and you what?
43:05 Every time there's a call to come out,
43:06 you have to respond for that.
43:08 If you do not respond for that, you are not a child of God.
43:10 Can I say that? Can I say that?
43:12 If you don't respond to thus saith the Lord,
43:15 you're not a child of God, even if you say you are.
43:19 Hope I'm not whistling Dixie up here.
43:25 You get in trouble for whistling Dixie
43:26 this day and time.
43:29 Some of you will get it and some of you...
43:32 You know what I'm talking about here.
43:33 It's not trying to judge people.
43:35 It's not trying to put other people down.
43:36 People just don't know.
43:38 But once the Holy Spirit enlightens you,
43:40 we must follow the Spirit of the Living God
43:43 or just give it up.
43:46 Because He said, Jesus said,
43:47 "Come out of her, "
43:49 that don't mean diddle dallying around with that stuff
43:51 you used to dillydallying around with
43:53 that you thought was truth. That's not truth.
43:56 I think that's what he's talking about here.
43:59 It is not trying to put anything or anybody down.
44:01 It's not talking about your neighbor.
44:02 It's not talking about your mama or your daddy,
44:04 it's talking about you.
44:06 It's talking about me.
44:07 When the light is come.
44:09 Right?
44:11 When it comes the glory of God rest upon you and you hear
44:13 and you understand these things are true.
44:16 "Come out of her,"
44:17 the Bible said.
44:19 Remember this angel it comes down
44:20 we're talking about latter rain experience.
44:25 Latter rain comes down to revive and strengthen them
44:29 to pass through the time of trouble
44:31 we're talking about here.
44:33 Their faces will be lighted with the glory of the Lord,
44:37 which attends the third angel's message.
44:39 Man, we need that.
44:40 We need some help.
44:42 That message needs to be different
44:43 than it's ever been given before.
44:45 There's no doubt about it.
44:46 It needs more power behind it.
44:49 Then realize we're talking about here,
44:50 I'm not up here just talking about
44:51 some just take it or leave it.
44:53 I think it's a life or death issue.
44:55 I really do.
44:56 And I want to come across that way.
44:57 That's what I feel in my soul.
44:59 Is life and death issue, life and death message,
45:02 you're having the opportunity to hear it.
45:04 And if you cannot prove it wrong,
45:05 you have the obligation to accept it.
45:07 I do.
45:10 Bible teaches that.
45:14 The test are coming
45:15 right and left, they're upon us.
45:18 A loud cry that third angel's message
45:20 is going forth to the world
45:21 we know that and it's doing it
45:23 in a revelation of the character of God.
45:25 Notice that.
45:27 Righteousness of Christ, then who is He?
45:30 He's a sin pardoning Savior.
45:33 He loves us with an everlasting love.
45:35 He's our Redeemer.
45:38 He's the light of the world.
45:43 Man, I love that, when I read those things.
45:48 And why are these messages being given,
45:50 "Come out of her, My people."
45:51 What did God do, you remember?
45:54 Talking about the God
45:55 called the children of Israel out of Egypt.
45:56 So why?
45:58 Why did He call them out of Egypt?
45:59 Why didn't He just leave them in Egypt?
46:01 Didn't they deserve to be in Egypt?
46:02 They were disobedient.
46:04 But God called them out of Egypt to do what?
46:08 He said He called them out of Egypt
46:09 so that they might keep My Sabbath.
46:11 He called them out of what? He called them out of slavery.
46:14 He called them out of the pits of hell.
46:16 Is that okay to say that, Brother Mark?
46:18 It's too late.
46:20 He called them out of a bad situation.
46:24 And He said, I've called you out
46:25 because I want you to keep My Sabbath
46:28 if they weren't allowed to keep it the way
46:29 they should be keeping it.
46:31 And many Adventists today are not keeping it the way
46:33 they should be keeping it either.
46:35 The Bible tells you exactly
46:37 how you should keep the Sabbath.
46:39 Don't ever think for a moment,
46:41 once we learn what truth is on this issue
46:42 that we can do whatever we feel like we want to do.
46:45 Bible says in Isaiah 58,
46:46 "Won't be doing your own pleasure on My holy day."
46:49 It's God's holy day.
46:51 It's not Seventh-day Adventist day.
46:53 It's not Kenny's day.
46:54 It's not your day. It's God's day.
46:56 And He said,
46:58 "Don't be doing your own pleasure."
46:59 Don't be doing those things
47:01 you ordinarily do during the six days.
47:02 This is a different day.
47:03 It's holy,
47:05 it's 24 hour period of time that belongs to God.
47:06 It's His day,
47:08 and we need to do godly things on that day.
47:09 And that's all.
47:13 What a crisis hour that we're living in.
47:16 He said,
47:18 "I call them out so they may keep My Sabbath, "
47:20 just like today,
47:22 He's calling us out of Babylon so that we do not what?
47:26 Huh.
47:27 So we do not worship the beast and his image.
47:31 That's why He's called us out.
47:36 Most people don't even know what the image of the beast is,
47:38 or the mark of the beast in my lands of love.
47:40 Time's almost gone,
47:42 we need to learn what that deals with.
47:44 Man, can we put in
47:46 like little nutshells once in a while
47:47 just bottom line this and that.
47:49 We realized no one right at this moment,
47:52 unless those who know better and you know what truth is,
47:54 and you're backslidden or you're already in trouble.
47:58 But the mark of the beast,
48:01 we have to realize is the time after the Sunday law is passed,
48:06 then we'll all be tested on that.
48:09 And if you don't go along with that if you go along,
48:11 you're going to worship what?
48:12 The pope or you're going to worship God.
48:15 I mean, it's really simple when it's boiled down
48:17 to either serve God or you serve the enemy.
48:21 You have the mark of Christ
48:22 or you have the God or the mark of the beast.
48:27 I mean, this is just coming down to it.
48:29 God's gonna let all things develop
48:31 what's happening in the world today.
48:33 With all the COVID, with all the protests,
48:35 and all the stuff it's going on.
48:37 The devil, I guarantee you
48:38 is behind every move of it right now
48:40 and bring it right into the situation
48:42 with climate change and everything else
48:44 to where we will have a Sunday law before too long.
48:47 And you will have to make a decision
48:49 and if you can't make it right now,
48:50 then you'll have to make it then.
48:52 You'll be either on God's side or you'll be on the enemy side.
48:55 You'll be blessed by the day that God set His blessing
48:58 or you'll be cursed by doing what the enemy said,
49:00 I'll give you a counterfeit.
49:04 Have mercy.
49:09 God called His people out of Egypt for what?
49:11 Come on, I'm repeating it, for what?
49:13 So that they can keep His Sabbath.
49:15 He calls us out today
49:17 so that we do not receive the mark of the beast
49:18 or pay homage to the image of the beast.
49:22 It's very simple.
49:31 People are power hungry today.
49:37 You have rule or ruin on everybody's lips.
49:41 You have war and devastation.
49:46 Mankind is on a destructive course.
49:49 This world is on a destructive course.
49:52 Man, he's angry, his nature.
49:56 It seems is out of control.
49:58 His thoughts are out of control.
50:01 There's new outbreaks happening every day.
50:04 And you know
50:05 because the Bible said in Matthew 24:12,
50:08 the Bible says,
50:09 "Iniquity is going to abound."
50:12 Did you get that?
50:13 Iniquity in the last days what?
50:15 Iniquity sin is going to abound get worse, darkness, right?
50:18 And the love of many will wax cold.
50:22 Did ever seen such a cold ice box world?
50:25 No one seems to care.
50:27 They don't care
50:28 what you're going through seems like.
50:31 Hard hearted.
50:33 Just drive by and shoot people you don't know them.
50:36 You'd have no issue.
50:37 Even if you had an issue, you shouldn't do it.
50:39 This just had no issue little children, babies.
50:43 Their hearts are cold.
50:46 They left Christ.
50:49 They turn their back on Him.
50:53 And there's results.
50:55 Bible prophecy reveals these things, these warnings.
51:00 These warnings are so plain,
51:02 we just have four or five minutes left.
51:03 So somebody hang in there.
51:06 You get sleepy, jump up and shout.
51:08 I'll shout back and we'll all be happy.
51:14 Bible prophecy is telling this, it's given these warning,
51:18 no one can miss them unless they want to miss them.
51:21 You can't do it.
51:24 Because again, God gives these warnings
51:26 and then Revelation 18:4,
51:29 "Come out of her, My people."
51:31 Come out of her.
51:32 What's her in the Bible?
51:35 Yeah, you get church in it.
51:37 False and you have the truth.
51:38 Actually God's calling His true people
51:40 out of other churches
51:42 and calling into His last day church,
51:44 which the second part of this message
51:45 we'll get into more
51:46 as we go along and see
51:48 how it goes down from one to the other,
51:50 the God's last day people
51:51 and what they will be doing before Jesus comes.
51:53 What in the world?
51:54 What kind of excuse can we have today?
51:57 The crisis hour right now.
52:01 And during this crisis hour the light,
52:04 our mission as God's people is brought forward.
52:08 So we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt what we should do.
52:10 We need to rise and shine is what the Bible says.
52:14 What excuse can we possibly have
52:17 if we don't wake up now?
52:23 And give others the good news and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
52:29 What good will it do
52:31 if we do not give the message of the three angels
52:32 of Revelation 14 like God said to do,
52:35 He didn't say give one, give two He said,
52:37 "Give all three."
52:39 Warn the world.
52:43 He asked us to open our eyes.
52:45 He asked us to look around.
52:49 And all you see it seems as we look around,
52:51 we see every form of evil, forces of evil.
52:55 They're loose. They're working.
52:58 They're lurking everywhere.
53:02 We see violence.
53:04 We see terror on faces
53:08 that maybe had never experienced it before.
53:12 But this kind of terror in turn
53:14 makes man's heart
53:17 to fear or to fail.
53:21 'Cause they're looking after those things
53:23 that are coming on this earth, Luke 21:26.
53:28 Right now is a golden opportunity for us
53:31 as a people to witness to somebody.
53:34 Remember, it's the dark hour.
53:37 You may be going through a very dark time.
53:41 But now God asked you
53:43 by His grace and His strength to rise and shine.
53:47 Do something that it seems impossible with man
53:51 that you couldn't do on your own.
53:53 It's hard to praise God,
53:55 when you've lost somebody you love.
53:57 It's hard to praise God, if you've lost your job.
53:59 It's hard to praise God
54:01 when everybody seems against you.
54:04 But that's the challenge
54:06 is to know though the world may be against you,
54:08 Christ is for you,
54:10 rise and shine and do what God has asked us to do.
54:15 The world and the church,
54:17 and I'm going to leave it with this
54:18 and have prayer with you.
54:19 The church and the world is doomed
54:22 if we do not do our part
54:24 and put on the whole armor of God
54:26 and get out the sword.
54:29 Ephesians 6,
54:31 let's pray about that in the last minute
54:32 and so we have.
54:33 Going to pray with those of you who are at home,
54:35 those of you I know are making decision
54:36 because I know the Holy Spirit of God
54:38 speak nothing I've said or done.
54:39 But the Holy Spirit of the Living God's
54:40 touching your mind right now and your heart.
54:43 You're making decisions you never made before.
54:44 You don't know the ins and the outs.
54:46 But you know, you want to follow Jesus,
54:48 let's pray about that, shall we?
54:49 Loving Father in heaven,
54:51 again, we thank You for your precious Word.
54:53 Thankful that You've pointed out these things.
54:55 Thankful for those clear warning signs
54:57 and signals and the call to come out
54:59 and be part of Your people.
55:01 Lord, we thank You
55:03 for what You've left in Your Word.
55:04 We're thankful for what You're revealing
55:05 to each and every one of us right now.
55:07 And we're thankful right now
55:08 for those who are making that decision right now.
55:10 And maybe for the first time and simply saying,
55:12 I want to follow You.
55:14 Lord, take them we pray,
55:15 draw them close to You and to love them
55:17 as You'd love to every one of us
55:19 and the Calvary proves that.
55:20 Thank you for hearing
55:22 and answering prayer in Jesus' name, amen.
55:24 I want to encourage each and every again at home,
55:27 keeping the Word of God every day,
55:29 spend time in prayer,
55:31 spend time studying the Word of God,
55:33 spend time as you hear and look and see
55:35 what's going on in the world.
55:36 I'm telling you,
55:37 it tells you of nearest the coming of Jesus Christ.
55:39 And I know that you wanna be ready.
55:41 If we're not ready,
55:42 we've missed our purpose
55:43 for even being here on this planet.
55:45 We love you, Behold the Lamb loves.
55:46 Thanks for your cards, your letters, your report,
55:47 and we look forward to seeing you next time.
55:51 Hello and welcome back, friends.
55:53 What a wonderful God we serve.
55:55 A God who has promised that
55:57 even though we walk
55:59 through the valley of the shadow of death,
56:00 we need not fear the evil,
56:03 for He will walk with us and protect us
56:05 until our journey is ended in this life.
56:09 "Out of Darkness Comes Light,"
56:11 was the title of today's message.
56:13 Oh, to open all of eyes spiritually
56:16 and to pull back the curtain
56:19 on the spiritual warfare
56:20 and witness just how Christ is ever protecting,
56:24 ever guiding and directing us on our paths
56:27 to the kingdom of heaven.
56:28 Someday, someday,
56:30 we will all be shown
56:32 and I believe totally amazed at what God has done
56:35 and is doing and will do
56:37 to save and protect
56:39 and guide us on our journey from here to heaven.
56:44 There is a song that we like to sing,
56:46 this world is not our home.
56:48 It states that we are just a passing through
56:50 that our treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue.
56:54 The angels are beckoning us from heaven's opened door
56:58 so we can't feel at home in this world anymore.
57:02 Friends, hold on to this hope.
57:04 Hold on to the promise of this new world to come.
57:07 Hold on to Jesus as never before.
57:10 For we all need to get ready, get ready
57:13 "Out of Darkness."
57:15 It's a two part series
57:16 and we're offering it to you
57:18 for a love gift of just $15 or more.
57:20 All you need to do is
57:22 call us here at Behold the Lamb Ministries,
57:25 (618) 942-5044, that's Central Time.
57:30 You may also write to us at Behold the Lamb Ministries,
57:33 PO Box 2030,
57:35 Herrin, Illinois 62948
57:38 or visit us on our website at
57:43 Friends, we so appreciate you joining us
57:45 and we look forward to seeing you next time.
57:47 May God richly bless each and every one of you.


Revised 2020-11-23