Behold the Lamb Presents

Out of Darkness Comes Light Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000145S

00:38 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:41 I'm Chris Shelton, your host.
00:42 I want to thank you for joining us.
00:44 Today's message is entitled
00:46 "Out of Darkness Comes Light"
00:48 part two.
00:49 You know when we study the Bible,
00:50 we begin to discover many patterns,
00:52 many spiritual applications for literal events
00:56 that have taken place in history
00:58 and recorded in the scriptures.
00:59 Some have even discovered the plan of salvation
01:02 through interpretation of the names
01:04 that the scripture holds and so on.
01:07 What Pastor Kenny is leading us to understand
01:10 through this two part series Out Of Darkness Comes Light
01:14 is that there are similar circumstances
01:17 that were occurring at the time of Christ's first advent
01:21 that will be occurring
01:22 at the time of His second advent.
01:24 Circumstances that we truly believe
01:27 are currently occurring.
01:29 Again surrounding this COVID, racial, political financial,
01:34 climate change and union crisis
01:37 our world is facing together right now.
01:40 The enemy is blatantly showing his power
01:43 to control the masses of thousands of individuals
01:46 as our cities are crumbling under his anarchy.
01:50 Disasters by land, sea and air
01:52 are fueling the fires of human heartaches.
01:56 Is there any light
01:57 at the end of this wretched tunnel of darkness?
02:00 Continue with Pastor Kenny Shelton today,
02:02 as he shares again,
02:04 his conclusion of
02:06 "Out of Darkness Comes Light"
02:08 part two.
02:09 But before we join Pastor Kenny,
02:11 let's visit 3ABN
02:12 and truly be inspired and blessed
02:15 as we listen to Mary Grace's rendition
02:18 of the Lord's Prayer on the piano.
05:11 Hello and welcome once again to Behold the Lamb.
05:12 We appreciate you,
05:14 we thank you very much for tuning in.
05:15 I know what a blessed opportunity
05:17 to be able to share the Word of God.
05:19 You know, what an awesome thing
05:20 that is to think that we can share the Word of God
05:22 with people around the world.
05:24 And we're very grateful and thankful
05:25 that you are one of them,
05:27 I'm sure one of those consistent ones
05:28 that's tuning in,
05:30 and that you're learning
05:31 or maybe just being reminded of some beautiful old truths
05:33 that you love so dearly.
05:35 And then you get excited
05:36 and you want to go share
05:38 with your neighbor and your friends.
05:39 That's what it's all about here at Behold the Lamb.
05:41 Again, we appreciate your prayers, your support,
05:43 and you know, continue to pray with us
05:44 always before we begin the message
05:47 and open the Word of God we pray, don't we?
05:49 And many of you right to that that effect
05:52 and say we pray with you.
05:54 And I'm so thankful that you do.
05:55 I'm going to kneel right here
05:56 and just have another quick prayer.
05:58 Would you pray with me, please?
06:00 Merciful Father in heaven,
06:01 again, we thank You for the privilege of prayer.
06:02 Bless us now we pray with the power of Thy Holy Spirit.
06:05 Lord, just loosen up the angels of heaven,
06:08 loosen up the power of the Holy Spirit.
06:09 Holy Spirit, please come
06:11 and grace us with your presence,
06:12 open these ears that sometime are so deaf.
06:15 Eyes that sometime are so blind
06:17 and a mind that just doesn't work.
06:18 But, Lord, we pray
06:20 that You will touch all of these things today
06:21 that we may see here.
06:23 And that we may think about eternal things
06:25 and how close it is to Your coming.
06:27 How desperately we need You, Lord,
06:29 so blessed now we pray with Your children,
06:30 each one who is here,
06:32 and those who will hear
06:33 and will see around the world that they will be touched,
06:36 someone will be drawn close to you,
06:38 in Jesus' name, amen.
06:42 Our subject again is part two.
06:44 So if you miss part one, you may want to call us,
06:46 maybe get some information to that effect.
06:48 If not, we're going to do
06:50 go over maybe there's five things
06:52 I've jotted down that might be of interest
06:54 that will help you,
06:55 at least remind you what we talked about last time
06:57 we were together.
06:58 Because we're talking about out of darkness,
07:00 and, you know, comes light, out of darkness comes light.
07:03 And each one of us can,
07:05 I think testify to the point
07:07 that God has called us out of what?
07:09 He's called you out of darkness into marvelous light.
07:13 Praise God for that.
07:14 Remember, He's called you.
07:15 He's called you by name.
07:17 He knows who you are.
07:18 And He's calling us to give a special message here
07:21 in these last days of earth's history.
07:23 We covered several of these points.
07:24 And number one, when Christ comes,
07:27 there's going to be really a heavy spiritual darkness,
07:30 you know, in this earth's history,
07:32 in darkest hours of our history,
07:34 Jesus will come.
07:35 As fact His first appearing
07:37 the earth was dark, wasn't it?
07:38 And Jesus came in the darkest hours,
07:40 He's going to come again. Praise God for that.
07:43 And I like the part was,
07:44 "I will come again, "
07:45 that gives me encouragement.
07:47 Two, we talked about
07:48 all around us there's suffering,
07:50 there's pain, there's heartache,
07:52 there's loss of life and property.
07:55 There's joblessness,
07:57 I mean, people have lost their jobs by the millions.
08:00 There's a bad economy.
08:01 We're challenged with COVID-19.
08:04 And we're challenged with climate change
08:07 and the threat of that going green,
08:09 riots and protests galore.
08:13 That seems to be the order of the day,
08:15 just to name a few things that's going on,
08:17 maybe more things going on and more severe
08:20 than ever been in my lifetime.
08:22 And it just simply tells me that Jesus is coming.
08:24 Number three, we talked about those things.
08:26 We talked about that because of the condition of the world.
08:29 It's led to a widespread I wanna call it a distrust,
08:34 a depression, discontent,
08:37 indifference, greed, selfishness.
08:42 You know, with the dark shadow
08:43 I believe of Satan there's been cast
08:45 all over the world right now.
08:47 Because he's putting up,
08:48 I think, one of his last little fights
08:50 before Jesus comes.
08:52 We have error, we have apostasy,
08:55 not only in the world, but we have it in the church.
08:58 And God would have His men and women
09:00 those who stand for truth and love truth,
09:02 to proclaim our truthful message
09:04 that God gave us in the very beginning.
09:06 Stay with it,
09:08 because it is good, it has a good foundation,
09:10 which is Jesus Christ.
09:12 Four, we talked about the humanity
09:14 is totally out of control.
09:17 We won't go into all those things,
09:18 but humanity as a whole, we are out of control.
09:21 Things are happening that you say surely is not possible,
09:23 but they are.
09:25 Darkness is covering the earth.
09:26 And we figured out
09:28 in the last few moments
09:29 of the last time we met together,
09:31 darkness covering the earth is a misapprehension of what?
09:35 The character of God.
09:37 All of our message
09:39 that we should be giving to the world today.
09:41 You know, and I believe this,
09:44 this world,
09:45 and the church is doomed if we don't change our ways.
09:51 Think there have to be some changes.
09:54 If we do not put on the whole armor of God,
09:57 the enemy is going to attack you
09:58 where you leave off that list piece of armor,
10:00 as you well know.
10:02 And he's good at what he does.
10:04 We're not trying to brag on him, but he is.
10:05 He knows if you leave one piece off,
10:07 that's where he's going to throw,
10:08 we say the dart,
10:10 and he's a good dart thrower.
10:11 He knows exactly where to hit you,
10:13 where to hurt you, and to get you off track.
10:15 So we have to put on the whole armor of God,
10:17 we need to do that and take the sword of what?
10:20 The sword of the spirit that we need,
10:21 take the Word of God.
10:22 And stand on the Word of God today,
10:24 because I'm telling you very few,
10:26 it seems today want to stand on the complete,
10:29 clear Word of God.
10:30 They wanna manipulate, they wanna change it,
10:32 they want to say things have changed,
10:34 God has changed.
10:35 And none of those are true. God does not change.
10:37 His Word does not change.
10:39 You know, I mean, how can God...
10:40 We've talked about before,
10:42 how can God deliver any people
10:43 who will not listen to His message?
10:46 If we won't respond to the message
10:47 that He has given us today,
10:49 what will it really take?
10:51 How many, we're talking about
10:52 that we heed the signs of the times.
10:54 I mean, I've heard about this
10:55 since I was very small Signs of the Times.
10:58 They're everywhere.
10:59 They tell us that Jesus is coming.
11:01 It's true.
11:03 But sometimes we're not listening
11:04 to those things anymore.
11:06 You know, every day we hear them,
11:08 but what are we doing about them?
11:10 I think about the signs that were given.
11:13 You know,
11:14 when Moses went on Mount Sinai,
11:16 you remember and there was thundering
11:17 and what?
11:18 And there was lightning and fire.
11:20 And you know what?
11:21 Many of the people
11:23 they were kind of awed at the moment,
11:24 but weren't very long they forgot about it,
11:25 they, you know.
11:27 But what more could God do
11:29 to get the attention of the people
11:30 for what He was about to give them
11:32 was the Holy Ten Commandment law.
11:34 What more could He really do to get their attention?
11:37 Many at that time were like we are today.
11:39 And it's not saying anybody here
11:41 is but we say and my mother always said,
11:43 "If the shoe fits, wear it."
11:45 There's many spiritually death and many spiritually dumb,
11:49 and many spiritually blind,
11:51 I hope it's okay to say that.
11:53 Because they just refuse those clear things
11:55 that God put out there for us,
11:57 to remind us of His coming.
11:59 You know, it could be,
12:00 you think about the time of the flood.
12:02 What more could God do to get the people in the boat?
12:06 What more could He do?
12:08 Well, certainly right,
12:09 he raised up voices for 120 years, right?
12:12 And certainly inspired them of how to build this boat,
12:16 and how to, you know,
12:18 put provisions in it that would maintain
12:20 and would hold up
12:21 under what was soon to take place.
12:22 God could not do any more.
12:25 He couldn't do any more at the Mount Sinai,
12:27 He couldn't do any more at the time of the flood
12:29 to get people to go in
12:30 other than they went in by their own choice.
12:34 There was nothing else that God could do.
12:37 God is guiding
12:38 and God is protecting His people.
12:41 I believe that with all of my heart
12:43 with what's going on today,
12:44 we need that encouragement.
12:45 Don't you believe that?
12:47 Because out of darkness, there's coming light.
12:48 We're seeing it now,
12:50 we're seeing what's taking place,
12:51 if our eyes would just be open.
12:53 That reminds me and you know the story very well of Elisha.
12:57 That's in the 2 King 6:17, just a verse there.
13:01 It was really a time
13:03 that will encourage us right now where we are at.
13:06 It's a time that was really encouraging
13:09 in Elisha's time.
13:10 And it reads like this in 2 King 6:17.
13:13 And I like the way it starts out.
13:15 Do you know how it starts out?
13:16 "And Elisha prayed."
13:18 And Elisha prayed?
13:21 I don't think it says that twice.
13:22 But I'll say it again and say a third time either.
13:23 Elisha prayed again.
13:25 Elisha prayed what the Bible said.
13:28 That's what God's people ought to do.
13:30 We don't have to go to somebody else.
13:31 It's okay to do that. Get counsel.
13:33 First thing you do is you do what?
13:34 You pray.
13:36 Elisha was in a tough situation.
13:42 He could have been killed.
13:43 The angry army was surrounding him.
13:46 And there seemed to be no way out
13:48 just like the world is surrounding you today.
13:50 It seems like they're all against you.
13:52 Things are going on
13:53 and you like can't figure it all out.
13:55 But the first thing you read that verse and said,
13:57 ooh, Elisha prayed.
13:59 And he said,
14:00 "Lord, I pray thee."
14:02 Notice this, open his eyes.
14:05 What do you mean open his eyes?
14:07 Lord, open his eyes.
14:09 And the Lord opened the young man's eyes.
14:12 There was a young man
14:13 that was with Elisha, wasn't it?
14:15 And notice Elisha begin to pray.
14:16 Now let's, not say if I'd been there,
14:18 and I seen all this army around me
14:19 and I was getting ready to perish.
14:21 I'm gonna say,
14:22 "Lord, save me."
14:23 Now some of you. All right.
14:27 Elisha in the midst of this mess,
14:29 he said,
14:30 "Lord open this young man's eyes."
14:33 He knew by faith that the angels were there.
14:36 He knew that God was somehow going to take care of him.
14:39 But he was concerned about the young man.
14:42 Maybe a lack of experience.
14:43 Maybe just young didn't have it.
14:45 Elisha was going to help and he prayed,
14:46 "God open this young man's eyes."
14:48 And these eyes were
14:50 as it were spiritual eyes were open.
14:52 And what did this guy see?
14:54 Whoo, I'd like to see that today,
14:55 wouldn't you?
14:57 I want to see this today.
14:58 And I think by faith, we can.
15:00 I sense many times the angels of heaven
15:03 that are around God's people.
15:06 You sense it when you have a prayer circle sometime,
15:08 as it were, I like to say more of a square.
15:11 Some of you won't get that till later bit.
15:14 When we get together to pray,
15:16 or sometime when you're in the closet
15:18 as it were and you're praying,
15:19 you sense the power of the Holy Spirit.
15:22 You know, that God is there,
15:23 you know, the Spirit of God's there,
15:24 and He's talking to you and He's teaching you these
15:27 open up avenues of thought
15:29 that maybe you never had before.
15:31 And we need that time.
15:32 But notice, he prayed
15:34 when things get tough, we pray.
15:37 And he prayed. And notice what he saw.
15:39 The young man's eyes were opened and he beheld,
15:42 the Bible said,
15:43 "The mountain was full of horses."
15:45 Well, that may not be exciting to you,
15:46 but that's exciting to me.
15:47 It said,
15:49 "The mountain was full of," what?
15:50 "Of horses,"
15:52 and notice,
15:53 "and chariots of fire.
15:55 Round about Elisha."
15:59 The young man saw this right here from heaven.
16:01 And even think about those chariots of fire.
16:05 It's some kind of a mode of transportation.
16:08 God was delivering, right, brimming coming to His people,
16:11 to let them know the what?
16:12 "I'm gonna take care of you."
16:14 We need this in this COVID-19. We need it with the economy.
16:19 We need it with the protests.
16:20 We need it with a devil's running around rampant
16:23 all over the place here.
16:24 With people with no conscience
16:28 saying and doing anything they want to say and to do
16:31 and sometimes most time
16:32 seems like getting away with it.
16:35 Maybe in this life, not the life to come.
16:38 But there seems times in my life,
16:39 I need to see and understand there are chariots of fire
16:43 all around God's people.
16:45 The enemy can't get in
16:47 if we're surrounded by the power of God.
16:48 Isn't that wonderful to know that?
16:50 When you're surrounded by God, the angels,
16:53 the evil angels just can't get in.
16:55 Remember about Job.
16:56 Well, Job will we say maybe was surrounded?
16:58 Was he not?
17:00 And what did the enemy say to him?
17:03 Oh, yeah, I can't even get to him.
17:05 You won't let me get to him.
17:07 You got a hedge around him.
17:09 Why can't we claim that today?
17:11 We have a hedge.
17:12 God has a hedge around His people.
17:14 You have to want it.
17:16 You have to be obedient to what God says in His Word.
17:18 And He said,
17:19 "I'll put that hedge around you
17:20 and the devil can't get to you."
17:23 The only one who can take that hedge down is yourself.
17:25 Man, I want that hedge. I need that hedge.
17:29 I need that chariot of fire round about us today.
17:32 See, that just reminds me. There's hostility elements.
17:37 There's elements going on
17:39 in the world today that's scary.
17:41 It's happening every day.
17:43 And the Bible calls them like principalities, and what?
17:47 And powers, you know, wicked spirits running around,
17:50 people in high places we see it.
17:53 And this is where the story of Elisha came in.
17:58 When they were surrounded, when they were seeming to be...
18:01 When you seem to be surrounded in life,
18:03 and you seem to be cut off
18:04 maybe from family or friends
18:06 or things that are going on.
18:08 And every opportunity of escape is just not there for you.
18:13 You do just like Elisha.
18:14 I need to do like Elisha, I begin to pray.
18:17 Begin to pray,
18:19 "Lord, open my eyes,
18:20 open their eyes that they might see."
18:24 This encouraged us to realize that heaven is there for us.
18:28 Desire of Ages,
18:29 I love the book, Desire of Ages,
18:31 is able to give one away
18:33 and The Great Controversy this week to a man
18:36 where we're working in a house.
18:38 He just happened to live, oh, really?
18:39 He just happened to live across.
18:41 Oh, boy, he just happened to be across the street.
18:44 He just happened to live across the street.
18:49 And he just happened to need a little bit of work.
18:52 And he did the work that we are doing
18:54 and remodeling the house and so on and so forth.
18:57 Just happened, right?
18:59 God's directing.
19:02 Just so happened
19:05 that he came over
19:06 and we begin to talk a little bit,
19:08 so he walked in and use a little extra help,
19:09 yes, da-da, da-da.
19:10 But soon as I saw him come over,
19:12 oh, I'm thinking it.
19:14 That's the person that Christ died for.
19:16 They'll have to know Him
19:17 but might may be under direction of God.
19:20 Let's see where it goes.
19:23 And it wasn't very long but he was captivated
19:25 just by talking and someone
19:26 Brother Terry come by and worked on one with him.
19:29 And pretty soon all of a sudden was this.
19:33 I've been tuning into 3ABN.
19:35 Oh, really, weren't very long, couple of...
19:38 Really I said, oh, how wonderful,
19:39 didn't press it, right.
19:40 Oh, wonderful, good people.
19:42 Well, I wanted to know
19:48 what you stand for.
19:50 He said another thing was very interesting.
19:53 Some reason my mother said,
19:54 "Now you need to be careful, "
19:55 you go across the grown man right a couple of times over.
20:02 Mom said to him,
20:03 "You need to be careful because you never know
20:05 because people cheat you out of stuff."
20:09 He said,
20:11 "No, I don't think so,
20:12 I don't think these people want to cheat me at all."
20:15 So she decided she might peek in.
20:17 Somebody need to stay with me.
20:21 She said, "Now who is this?"
20:22 The next day, she says,
20:23 "Now who is this just over there?"
20:25 He said,
20:26 "Well, that's Kenny Shelton."
20:28 Oh, he's all right.
20:32 God's working. We know.
20:34 I mean, he's all right,
20:36 you go ahead and work over there.
20:37 I mean, after all, he's about 60.
20:39 But you know, just go ahead.
20:44 See, God is there. God's doing great things.
20:47 And so he let me know that he was a reader
20:50 and she is a reader and so wonderful.
20:52 I just take Desire of Ages, said, get this to mama.
20:55 She's going to love to read about Jesus.
20:57 I said,
20:58 "You've been talking about meat of the word.
20:59 I'm going to give you something
21:01 you're going to chew on for a long time."
21:03 So just pray.
21:05 God's working.
21:07 Satan's doing some awful things out there today
21:10 to try to take our mind off of where we're at.
21:14 Now let read something
21:15 in The Desire of Ages 341 says this,
21:17 "Satan's influence,"
21:18 does he has an influence in the world?
21:20 With every heart that's not 100% right to God,
21:23 he definitely has an influence.
21:25 Notice,
21:27 "Satan's influence is constantly exerted upon men
21:30 to distract the senses and control,"
21:34 the what?
21:35 "The mind for evil,"
21:37 notice this,
21:38 "and to incite to violence and crime."
21:40 Who is the one that's inciting to violence and crime
21:43 in the world today?
21:44 I don't care if they say they're protesting or not,
21:45 they get violence and crime, they've overdone it.
21:48 Is that okay to say that?
21:51 There's peaceful and then there's riot that of the enemy
21:54 and remember, the enemy is taking over the mind
21:56 so that he may what?
21:57 Excite violence and crime.
22:01 Filling the land like it was at the time of the flood,
22:04 isn't that right?
22:06 Violence and crime.
22:11 I read something else I thought was interesting
22:12 Testimonies to Ministers, 56,
22:14 just a few short words it says this,
22:16 "Satan's, notice this,
22:17 desires false teachers to have unbalanced minds."
22:26 Remember, the enemy wants you to be unbalanced.
22:29 That doesn't mean, did I say this tonight,
22:30 it doesn't mean to be out of your mind.
22:34 To not have a mind it just means unbalanced,
22:36 is that okay?
22:37 We're talking about this stuff, we can do this.
22:42 He doesn't want us to be balanced.
22:43 The only way my mind can be balanced
22:44 is with right here.
22:46 This right here is a mind balancer.
22:48 We have to know this a balance everything up,
22:50 if you don't we become unbalanced.
22:52 And then what? We go off the deep end.
22:54 We go, they say to the left, we go to the right.
22:58 But the enemy's just saying right now,
22:59 I want to have unbound, right.
23:00 And I say not just the teacher,
23:02 he's wanting all of us to be unbalanced.
23:06 Keep this in mind
23:08 when I ask you a couple of questions
23:09 and please don't let anybody answer.
23:14 This is a question thought, it is okay, can we get thought,
23:16 you can get thought questions, isn't that right?
23:17 Wanna you think about it first
23:19 and then maybe we can talk about a little bit later on.
23:24 How many here
23:27 and those who may watching and listening,
23:28 how many have been called by God
23:30 to join His family?
23:32 There's a reason for it.
23:33 Just think about, how many here
23:35 have really been called by God to join the family of God?
23:41 Some of you didn't listen.
23:45 Some didn't listen,
23:47 I said don't answer why everybody.
23:48 Well, you can hardly help but answer.
23:50 You yell, yeah!
23:52 Because it's exciting experience to say
23:54 God has called me
23:56 out of darkness to marvelous light.
23:57 Yes.
24:00 Now another question.
24:01 Don't need to really answer, just think about it.
24:03 Did you accept that very first invitation
24:06 that was given to you by God by the Holy Spirit?
24:10 Now maybe you might not accept it the first,
24:12 maybe you didn't accept it the second time.
24:15 Or maybe you didn't accept it the 50th time and it goes on.
24:19 There some who maybe's been called
24:20 hundreds or thousands of times,
24:23 but you realize there's something
24:25 we need to think about when we reject that call.
24:32 Would there be anything, you know,
24:36 the conscience that would happen
24:38 if we reject the call?
24:40 Is there anything that takes place
24:42 if we just reject the call?
24:44 Well, right quick,
24:45 we go to the end and the bottom line,
24:46 but I want you to think with me just a little bit here.
24:49 If we reject His invitation,
24:51 there's some serious consequences
24:53 every time we reject the Spirit of God
24:56 who is calling us.
24:59 See, some of us still sitting on the fence
25:01 and on the fence oh, you get a splinters.
25:04 There's no way, yeah, nobody like that splinter,
25:06 especially in other places, you just don't want it.
25:10 It's okay,
25:11 we talked about toilet paper and other stuff today,
25:13 is that right?
25:16 God never called us to sit on the fence.
25:20 It's one side or the other.
25:21 He said,
25:22 "I want you hot or I want you," what?
25:24 "Or you need to be cold?"
25:25 That's what He says here.
25:27 So there are some repercussions
25:29 if every time we refuse when God calls and we say,
25:32 "Well, not now maybe a little bit later.
25:33 Well, I need to but, well,
25:35 you know that this group won't be happy
25:37 if I do and some people won't understand."
25:40 You're not trying to make other people understand.
25:42 You want to be right with God and do what God asked us to do.
25:46 This is not a popularity contest.
25:47 If you want to be popular in this world,
25:49 I would say don't come to this church.
25:52 Did I say that?
25:55 Of course we want you to, you know,
25:56 I'm just simply saying
25:58 it's the message that God has given
25:59 His last day church is not popular.
26:03 It never will be.
26:05 And the proof is in right here, it did not.
26:08 Just read of those who were right true
26:10 to the calling of God, what happened to them?
26:12 Do you think it's going to be any better for you?
26:14 Do I think it's gonna be any better for me?
26:16 Oh, I'd like for it to be, but man.
26:20 What happen when you really stand?
26:23 And you do what's right?
26:25 But it's interesting every time He calls us
26:28 through the power of the Holy Spirit,
26:30 and we kind of reject or we say,
26:31 "Well, you know, maybe a little bit later on."
26:34 Desire of Ages 341 makes a statement
26:36 that made me just stop and think
26:38 you know, really think about it.
26:39 "Whenever men reject,"
26:42 notice this,
26:43 "reject the Savior's invitation."
26:46 Oh,
26:47 "They are yielding themselves to Satan."
26:50 See, it's heavier than
26:52 what we might think it's not just,
26:54 you know, I just don't want to accept Him right now.
26:56 When we reject that invitation, then we do what?
26:58 We're subjecting ourselves to the enemy.
27:02 And we allow him then what?
27:03 If Christ is not within,
27:05 the enemy then wants to come in.
27:08 And so then I wonder,
27:09 could this rejection of this invitation
27:12 that Christ is giving to us?
27:17 We could join the side of Christ,
27:21 or we're gonna join this side of the enemy here.
27:25 Could that have anything to do with the violence and crime
27:29 and what's going on in the world right now?
27:31 Could it be that this is exactly the problem?
27:33 It's not all of this leadership
27:35 and everybody we're trying to blame about it,
27:37 it's mankind.
27:39 The heart needs to be touched, the life needs to be changed.
27:42 And all this foolishness wouldn't be going on.
27:47 Think about it, yeah.
27:48 Just think about these things here,
27:49 it just wouldn't be going on.
27:51 So there's something that puts together
27:54 that when we reject the call of Christ,
27:56 then we accept the call of the enemy
27:58 and then we're out doing the wrong thing.
28:01 Desire of Ages 341 says this, notice this,
28:04 "Multitudes, "
28:05 to me that could be hundreds of thousands and millions,
28:08 "in every department,"
28:09 notice this,
28:10 "in life and in the home
28:13 three things and in the business, "
28:14 notice this,
28:16 "and even in the church."
28:17 Notice,
28:18 "In the church are doing this today."
28:21 What? Rejecting the call of Christ.
28:24 You're gonna think that
28:26 once you accepted Christ 40 years ago,
28:28 or 10 years ago,
28:29 whatever is going to stand the test,
28:31 even though you're not following Him,
28:32 being obedient to His Word, it will not.
28:36 It will not.
28:37 The Bible does not teach once saved,
28:39 always saved.
28:40 When I say that, you must not part of the message.
28:42 It is not once saved, always saved.
28:46 But some people think so I don't have to change.
28:48 I know who He is.
28:52 We'll see what kind of faith that is in just a moment
28:54 if we have time.
28:57 But notice,
28:59 "Because this is going on in the world, "
29:02 it goes on to say, Desire of Ages 341,
29:04 "That violence and crime have overspread the earth
29:08 and moral darkness,
29:11 isn't it like death," isn't it?
29:12 "Enshrouds the habitation of men."
29:14 So when we see these things going on in the world,
29:16 don't be shocked about what they're going on.
29:18 It's because what?
29:20 They've rejected the call of Christ in their life.
29:23 The worst possible thing that any of us could do
29:25 is to reject the call of salvation,
29:28 to come to Jesus Christ.
29:29 I'm thankful that He's willing to call
29:31 and He's willing to call
29:32 and He's willing to call
29:34 but one day will be the last call.
29:38 Because we see Satan, he does.
29:39 He starts with,
29:41 let say little things we call a minute sometime.
29:45 But then once you accept that
29:47 and you get off track a little bit,
29:48 it becomes worse and worse crimes and evil.
29:51 And the result simply is the ruination of the soul.
29:55 Remember, he doesn't lead you out there
29:57 and just kind of pacify you a little bit here.
29:59 He's leading you in a path
30:00 that makes sure you don't make it to heaven.
30:04 And he doesn't quit
30:06 unless you call in some help.
30:08 We need and how can we do it?
30:10 I mean, I think about this, how can we escape such a trap?
30:14 I want to call the devil a monster.
30:16 Can I do that?
30:17 The monster!
30:20 How can we escape this trap that he has laid for us?
30:23 It's a very simple answer,
30:25 but it will ring true every day,
30:27 every day in your life every day,
30:29 it will not change.
30:30 Again, Desire of Ages 341 says,
30:32 "The only safeguard..."
30:33 I like safeguards,
30:36 "The only safeguard against his power, "
30:38 that means the enemy's power is,
30:39 notice this,
30:41 "is found in the presence of Jesus."
30:45 It's nothing new.
30:46 But somehow we forget that evidently,
30:48 the only safeguard,
30:50 the only safeguard you have,
30:52 the only hedge it can be put around you
30:53 is if you are in the presence of Jesus.
30:56 And if you're in the presence of Jesus,
30:57 my brothers and sisters,
30:59 we have to think about what that demands.
31:04 Think about what that demands
31:07 to be in the presence of Christ.
31:11 We can be we say in the presence of Christ,
31:14 but we may not be in a saving relationship.
31:18 Is that true?
31:20 Illustration with Judas, isn't that right?
31:23 Judas betrayed Christ.
31:27 What did Christ? You know what Christ did?
31:29 He knew who Judas, He knew what Judas was doing.
31:31 He knew his life.
31:32 But you know what? He kept.
31:34 And sometime we do it,
31:35 somebody's not trying to toll the mark
31:37 like we think they ought to,
31:38 we wanna get rid of them.
31:39 Throw them out.
31:41 Jesus said,
31:42 "I'm gonna keep Judas close to Me.
31:46 Give him every opportunity and privilege
31:48 to see whether he'll, you know, do the right things."
31:52 And He kept him in there as long as He could.
31:55 But Judas ended up, you know,
31:56 choosing to do something different.
32:00 I liked that song.
32:01 And I don't even know all the words
32:02 and I don't have to know them all.
32:05 Because I'm not going to sing it.
32:07 You want to sing it. Part of it.
32:10 Some of you know, that says
32:11 "There's healing in the name of Jesus.
32:14 There's victory in the blood of the Lamb."
32:17 Somebody give me another line?
32:20 Well, I'll repeat them then.
32:26 "There's healing in the name of Jesus.
32:28 There's victory in the blood of the Lamb."
32:31 And the other part says what?
32:33 "My master and my Savior and my friend."
32:36 This is what we need to instill
32:37 in our hearts and our minds every day.
32:40 And we can talk about what's going on in the world
32:41 every day, every day, every day.
32:43 We need Jesus in our life.
32:44 There's healing in the name of Jesus,
32:46 have you been hurt?
32:48 Have you been torn apart by different,
32:50 by life circumstances?
32:51 Yes.
32:53 Everybody's going through it.
32:54 That's why our prayer requests lasted so long.
32:57 It's not bad, I'm just simply saying
32:59 that's just shows there's a lot of hurt.
33:01 And people need some answers, and they need some help.
33:04 I'm telling you, there's healing mentally,
33:06 physically, spiritually, financially,
33:08 in the name of Jesus.
33:10 There's victory in the blood of the Lamb
33:12 regardless of how low down you become,
33:14 what kind of a culprit you've been.
33:16 No matter what you've done, no matter what you've said,
33:18 there can be forgiveness at the foot of the cross.
33:21 This is what we need today.
33:22 We need to have that peace.
33:25 We need to have the power of the Holy Spirit.
33:29 I'm thankful He's left
33:31 some real illustrations in Scripture.
33:34 Because I need them right now because, you know,
33:36 the enemy's pointing us
33:37 in so many different directions.
33:39 It's hard to stay balanced.
33:42 If we don't stay close to Christ,
33:44 we will not be balanced.
33:47 To love Him with our whole heart,
33:48 our whole soul and our whole mind.
33:55 Who was the man
33:56 that had the daughter was about to die?
33:58 You remember that in Mark Chapter 5?
34:00 Is that Jairus?
34:05 Jairus, wasn't it?
34:08 I think about that,
34:09 and I read it this week in Mark Chapter 5.
34:13 And you had, you read like verses 21 and 23.
34:16 And notice, and then all of a sudden,
34:18 that story kind of ends.
34:20 And then there's quite a few verses in between.
34:25 Because Jesus,
34:26 it looks like He gets off track.
34:30 Because there's somebody else that needed some help,
34:32 you remember? Oh, yeah, we'll get to that.
34:36 Because we had a woman there
34:38 that wanted to touch the hem of His garment.
34:40 But first of all, here comes this man, you know,
34:43 the ruler of the synagogue.
34:45 He come running to Jesus
34:46 in Matthew 5:21-33 and then 35-43,
34:50 it picks back up and finishes off.
34:52 And he says something like this which would touch any heart.
34:54 He said,
34:56 "My little daughter,
34:58 my little daughter lieth at the point of death."
35:05 You think this would get Jesus' attention?
35:06 Let me take,
35:08 there's a lot of people lying at the point of death
35:09 right now that's dying,
35:10 by the thousands every day.
35:13 And many, we're talking spiritually,
35:15 we may sit in the pew,
35:16 but you may be dead in a mackerel, they say.
35:20 You may put up a good front, but you don't fool God.
35:26 The God can change all of that, how wonderful that is?
35:28 What encouragement that is?
35:30 But notice, this man had a problem.
35:32 And he went to who?
35:34 He went to Jesus.
35:35 He didn't wait for Jesus to come to him.
35:36 He went to Jesus.
35:38 And he said,
35:39 "I've got a problem, my little girl's dying."
35:41 And I'm sure he did it within, you know,
35:42 a little excitement maybe in his voice.
35:44 And maybe, I don't know, Brother Mark,
35:46 maybe he laid hands on him.
35:48 I don't know, it didn't say that.
35:49 But you would want to say,
35:51 "Listen, she's almost dead, please."
35:53 You've ever had or lost a child,
35:55 you might understand it better than some of us.
35:59 The agony that was in this man,
36:01 "Oh, please come."
36:04 And what he said,
36:05 "Just all you have to do basically come and lay hands,
36:08 lay hands on her,
36:10 that she may be healed and she shall live."
36:12 Man, what faith!
36:15 This was out of character for this man.
36:18 Because there was a need like there is today,
36:20 there's a need of the coming of Jesus
36:22 and need of lives being changed.
36:24 Not the same old,
36:25 same old every day has been going on for years
36:26 in your Christian experience or mind
36:28 that needs to change once and for all.
36:33 To realize
36:35 that Jesus lays hands on somebody,
36:38 they're healed.
36:40 Think about it.
36:42 See, we're all looking for a healing.
36:44 We're all looking for changes,
36:45 and we're looking for the power of God.
36:47 He just, the man said that if you just lay hands on her,
36:49 I know she's going to be healed.
36:51 And Jesus immediately,
36:52 "Well, let's head toward the house."
36:54 Let's go there?
36:56 Well, that's kind of where the narrative changes.
36:57 And you know, and skip some verses here
37:01 is to say they headed toward the house.
37:03 But you know what?
37:05 They weren't getting in there very fast.
37:07 Here we have somebody that's almost dead,
37:09 the little girl's dead.
37:11 And all sudden
37:13 Jesus is stopping along the way.
37:17 How would you act? Why?
37:19 He was stopping to help someone else.
37:23 And if you like, I might have been that time
37:25 I might get him by the arm and say,
37:26 "Lord, come back and get them later."
37:29 Somebody's not.
37:32 We have to be careful, we're not selfish.
37:33 How many times that maybe we prayed that and done that
37:36 not intending to, but just simply say,
37:38 "Lord know that right now I need some help right now."
37:41 We'll get them later.
37:43 But right now she's almost at the point of death.
37:44 So let's come back
37:45 and we'll take care of her first.
37:48 But Jesus went ahead
37:50 and I believe is by divine direction,
37:52 don't you?
37:54 That He just like it was Lazarus, right that?
37:58 What is it when He's four days late?
38:00 What's the song? He's still on time.
38:03 When He's four days late, what?
38:05 He's still on time,
38:06 because it was His time
38:08 because of lessons and so here, the same thing was playing out,
38:12 which I think is good for God's people
38:13 today, to say,
38:15 "I need those chariots of fire, I need that hedge around me.
38:18 I need to know that God is there
38:19 and He's going to take care of me
38:21 and take care of you."
38:22 When you're thinking about surgery,
38:24 you're thinking about COVID-19,
38:25 you're thinking about all these other things,
38:27 a loss of loved ones, and people are dying.
38:30 We need to know that Christ is there.
38:34 But while He was busy helping others,
38:36 a messenger came, did he not?
38:38 The messenger came and said,
38:39 "Don't hurry the master because she's dead."
38:43 Now what might, what might that have done to you or me
38:45 if we were in that shoes, it was our daughter?
38:48 We might have tried to lay hands a little bit and said,
38:50 "Look, if you had just listened to me,
38:53 she would be alive."
38:55 You'd have that tendency I think because of the hurt.
38:57 You just lost something precious.
39:01 Didn't say he did that at all. But you know what?
39:03 Jesus didn't really give it a chance
39:04 because I read, what?
39:06 I read that narrative.
39:07 It said, story said, Jesus heard that report.
39:11 As he was telling the father, she's dead.
39:14 Jesus heard it and immediately Jesus had an answer.
39:17 Immediately He said,
39:18 He comforted the father
39:20 and notice how He comforted him,
39:21 which you need today and I need today
39:23 it simply says what we've been talking about all day,
39:26 "fear not."
39:27 First words that Jesus said was, fear what?
39:30 "Fear not."
39:31 Man, you look at scripture,
39:33 and I just opened it up in the Strong's
39:34 and started looking at some fear nots.
39:36 Oh, you'd be all day long, fear not.
39:37 Fear not.
39:39 Come on call some not fear.
39:40 We should love that.
39:43 Fear not.
39:44 When every occasion everything is happening,
39:47 it seems like maybe there should be a little fear,
39:48 little concern.
39:50 'Cause we know concern is different than fear.
39:54 But Jesus simply said to the man,
39:55 "Fear not, "
39:57 and yet I'd look at Him and say,
39:58 "Fear not what? She's dead.
40:01 What do you mean I'm not to fear?"
40:02 I'm just saying we have to be careful now.
40:07 Believe only, notice, He said,
40:10 "Fear not believe only and she shall be,
40:12 she would live, she's gonna be made whole."
40:15 She's gonna be made whole.
40:17 What kind of faith will that take it?
40:18 How's she gonna be made whole, she's dead?
40:21 See unless you really believe,
40:23 unless you really have that kind of faith.
40:24 When you maybe you've lost your job
40:26 and you've lost your pension
40:27 and your house has been taken away
40:29 and your car's been taken away, you have no food in the pantry.
40:34 God says to you, He says to me,
40:35 "Kenny, fear not?"
40:37 Because I promised you that your bread and water is sure.
40:41 I promised you but you know
40:42 we need to be on the right terms with Him
40:44 if you want. Did you get it?
40:46 You can't be out there in north 40 somewhere saying well,
40:48 you said my bread and water.
40:49 No, there are conditions.
40:52 Always conditions.
40:54 There was conditions here.
41:00 And so Jesus said,
41:02 "She's gonna be made whole."
41:03 And so the Bible talks about,
41:04 I guess they hurried on to the house.
41:07 Jesus convinced His, you know, words are convincing.
41:11 If you speak them from the heart,
41:13 and you're speaking what God has said in His word,
41:15 they can convince a heart
41:18 that they might want to look into.
41:19 So this man was convinced
41:21 that something good could still yet happen,
41:22 even though she was dead.
41:24 And so they hurried on to the house.
41:25 But man, when you get to the house,
41:27 Lord have mercy.
41:30 The paid mourners
41:32 were already out there wailing and carrying on.
41:35 Last thing you want to hear is some wailers
41:38 that they got paid to cry and scream and carry on.
41:42 And the flutes, whatever flutes.
41:44 I don't know why flutes,
41:45 but musical instruments are being played.
41:47 You don't want to hear no flutes when somebody,
41:48 come on.
41:50 Not at that time, he's trying to figure it out.
41:52 But you see this right here.
41:54 After all the people were just doing their job.
41:55 That's what they were getting paid to do so.
41:57 But that said, then what?
41:59 She's dead.
42:01 It wouldn't be fluting as it were,
42:02 and they wouldn't be right
42:04 wailing at the top of their lungs.
42:07 Mourning as it were, unless she was dead.
42:12 But notice, interesting.
42:14 Master of the universe, creator of everything.
42:22 He said to the group,
42:27 "She's not dead, she's asleep."
42:32 And how sad?
42:34 This is like you have done in your life
42:36 and maybe I've done in my life.
42:38 And we have at time we laughed in his face.
42:41 The Bible said they laughed at Him.
42:43 They laughed in scorn. They laughed at Jesus.
42:48 They laughed at Him.
42:50 And He knew that unbelief would stop what was going on.
42:53 So He told everybody get out of the house.
42:56 I think they listened as when He was in the temple,
43:00 swung that whip around just a little bit.
43:03 They evacuated the premises.
43:08 They all got out of the house.
43:10 And Jesus said, you notice this, what He did.
43:12 He knew the faith would be there.
43:13 He said, "I want mom and dad."
43:16 And I'm going to take three disciples with me.
43:18 Everybody else needs to be out.
43:20 And they all left and they went in.
43:23 And Jesus went into, the Bible says,
43:25 "He went into there.
43:28 And he just said He went into where she's dead
43:32 there on her bed.
43:33 And He reached down He took up her hand, "
43:36 what a loving Savior.
43:39 "He reached down he took a little hand.
43:42 And he said these words.
43:43 He said,
43:45 'Damsel I say unto thee arise.'"
43:50 Man, we need to know that
43:52 He can raise you from the dead.
43:56 He is the life giver and the life sustainer.
44:00 And He cares.
44:02 It touched His heart.
44:05 And notice it was it in two weeks,
44:07 I'll come back and check it out.
44:09 Immediately when He said arise right there,
44:12 there was a shock that went through her system.
44:15 There was a trimmer in her body.
44:18 As life came back in, the heart began to beat.
44:21 And she raised up out of that bed
44:23 raised up and looked around
44:24 and Desire of Ages say,
44:26 "There was a smile on her face."
44:30 Mom and dad were going to pieces
44:31 you know with joy, no doubt about it.
44:34 But what?
44:35 She had joy, happiness on her face.
44:37 She looked around, she was smiling
44:38 and then she kind of thought wait,
44:39 "Now what are you doing in my bedroom?"
44:44 She didn't know she had died.
44:47 She didn't go anywhere. She was asleep.
44:50 Just like Jesus called death asleep many times
44:53 in John Chapter 11 talking about Lazarus.
44:56 Right?
44:58 He's sleepeth,
45:00 Oh, he's sleepeth, he doeth well.
45:02 Jesus said plainly,
45:04 "He's dead, Lazarus is dead."
45:06 So Jesus uses
45:07 this was an uncommon language for Him.
45:11 I say to thee, and He says to you,
45:13 and to me today arise,
45:17 and instantly electric past I want to say,
45:23 power of God passed through her body.
45:28 Mom and dad I know grabbed and embraced and weeped,
45:32 and shouted for something
45:34 that had to kind of explain to her.
45:37 Also quickly in Mark 5:25-34, I love this,
45:42 Jesus meets a woman who suffered for 12 years
45:45 with a disease that all the doctors said,
45:47 "No, you're never going to be healed.
45:50 It's incurable."
45:52 But she could believe this,
45:53 if she just could only get to Jesus.
45:56 This is what we need to think about in our own life
45:58 where everything is turning against it,
45:59 if I can only get to Jesus.
46:01 And you can do that through prayer of faith,
46:02 I know that.
46:04 We come boldly to the throne of God,
46:05 not because of who we are,
46:07 not because of anything that we've done,
46:08 not because we're in a ministry,
46:10 not because we're out here doing this or that,
46:11 has nothing to do with that.
46:13 It's because of Jesus.
46:14 This is what it's all about.
46:16 We come boldly to the throne
46:18 because of who He is and what He has done.
46:21 He said, I'll help you.
46:23 The lady said,
46:24 "If I could just see Him,
46:26 if I could talk to Him for a minute,
46:28 He'll heal me."
46:30 But she tried and she tried.
46:31 I'm encouraging with this.
46:33 Don't get discouraged.
46:34 If what you've been praying for has not happened,
46:36 keep praying and believing.
46:37 And if it's God's will, it will happen in your life.
46:40 You will be tested, you'll be tried to the utmost.
46:43 Because every child of God
46:44 who makes it to heaven will be tested,
46:46 and the flame of the fire
46:47 will be turned up seven times hotter
46:49 than it's ever been.
46:50 Purification is a process
46:53 that God is allowing to take place through trials
46:54 and tribulations in our life.
46:56 God help us when they come,
46:58 "Help me, Lord, to rejoice
46:59 when trials and tribulations come."
47:03 It's easy to complain and gripe and blame everybody else.
47:07 Lord, help me to rejoice
47:08 because those tests and trials are your little workman suit
47:11 to perfect my character that needs it.
47:14 She tried and tried with no success.
47:17 She started to give up.
47:21 She started like give up. There's no use.
47:22 Why should I continue to try but somehow it was interesting.
47:26 She couldn't get nowhere near Jesus before.
47:28 But all of a sudden,
47:29 she looked around and He was real close to her.
47:32 Oh, I guess sounds as an accident too.
47:35 You think Jesus did not know that she was there?
47:37 He's like, He didn't know that she was the one?
47:39 Absolutely.
47:40 So He got Himself.
47:41 She couldn't get to Him because of the crowd.
47:43 But He could get to her.
47:46 So if she could have got there
47:48 that I think that would have been required,
47:50 don't you now have been required.
47:51 She'd have to make the move.
47:53 She couldn't do it. She did her best.
47:55 And then all of a sudden she looked,
47:57 "Oh, I see His garment. There's Jesus.
48:01 Jesus is there."
48:03 Oh, man, she knew right then and there.
48:05 Here's my opportunity.
48:07 And I say today, here's your opportunity.
48:09 Here's your opportunity, because He is near.
48:12 The great physician is close by when you need to touch.
48:15 When you need some help He's there.
48:17 The great physician is present today.
48:19 But you know what?
48:20 Even though he was that close, there was a lot of confusion
48:23 that was going on the mob.
48:25 A lot of noise like there is today
48:26 where it's hard to hear what truth is
48:28 because this brother saying this
48:30 and that brother saying that, that sister saying this.
48:32 We believe this, we believe that
48:33 rather than going to the Word of God and find out
48:35 what the Word of God has to say.
48:38 But there was a confusion there
48:40 and she couldn't speak to Him at that time.
48:45 But she pressed forward,
48:46 she kept pressing forward saying to herself,
48:49 "If I could touch,"
48:52 what?
48:53 "The hem of His garments, I shall be whole."
48:56 What faith that took if I could only touch?
49:02 But as Jesus passed by, He was close enough.
49:06 And He knew I know that He knew He was.
49:08 That she reached out
49:10 and touched the hem of His garment.
49:14 The border the Bible said,
49:15 "The border of his garment.
49:17 And in a moment she knew she was made whole."
49:20 That's all you have to reach out in faith
49:21 and touch the hem of His garment.
49:22 If it's God's will you'll be made whole right then
49:25 and right there.
49:27 She was made whole her faith, her faith,
49:31 all the faith that she had mustered up
49:33 I want to put this way and all of her life
49:35 was put on the line in this one touch.
49:38 She had no more faith and she gave everything.
49:41 I know if I just touch it,
49:42 I'll be healed and instantly she was in perfect health.
49:46 Jesus turned around quickly.
49:48 There's four minutes in case you're getting bored.
49:54 Jesus said,
49:56 "Who touched me? Who touched me?"
50:01 And you know the story. We don't have time to go.
50:04 In a big crowd like that we say who touch me.
50:06 You know, that's what we'd say.
50:08 That's interesting.
50:11 But what He asked. It's interesting.
50:13 He kept asking until He knew who it was,
50:16 I'm convinced to that, He knew exactly who it was.
50:18 He wanted her to come forward.
50:20 Because there was, listen,
50:21 there was another truth beyond this.
50:23 That would be that faith.
50:24 Remember what took place at the time of Christ,
50:27 there was saying there was a lot of things
50:29 that was going on, we're talking about demons,
50:31 and just beliefs,
50:34 that if you touch something,
50:36 the hem of the garment like then
50:38 he would be made whole.
50:39 Jesus wanted to realize
50:40 it was more than the touch of the garment.
50:44 And so He's gonna bring this truth,
50:46 He couldn't leave,
50:47 even though she was healed until He brought it home.
50:50 He said to her,
50:51 "Who did it?"
50:52 She cast herself at His feet and said,
50:54 Oh, Lord, just thinking Him for,
50:55 no doubt about it.
50:57 And He looked at her
50:58 and think about the Creator of this world,
51:01 I keep saying that of the universe
51:03 that I have no idea of what all is all about.
51:05 But I tried to imagine
51:07 that it would set down and He looked down at her
51:09 and He sat down, He called her daughter.
51:12 See, I'm excited about because He calls me son,
51:14 He calls you son, He calls you daughter,
51:16 He looked down.
51:17 Imagine the King of the universe
51:19 looks down and says,
51:20 "My daughter."
51:21 What an awesome touch my daughter, He said, be what?
51:24 "Thy faith, thy faith had made thee whole.
51:27 Go in peace.
51:29 Why did Jesus keep asking?
51:31 Remember, it was a superstition that many believe
51:36 that you could touch a garment and you could be healed
51:39 like there was something in that garment.
51:42 Jesus wanted her to know if you've never heard it,
51:44 you never thought about.
51:46 It was not through the outward,
51:48 even the outward contact with Jesus,
51:51 that she was healed.
51:53 It was not what?
51:54 It was not the garment.
51:56 It was not through outward contact
51:57 it was with Jesus.
51:59 But it was through faith
52:00 that she laid hold of His divine power.
52:03 That's how it always will work out.
52:05 And you talk about that in the Book of Acts.
52:07 Was it 19:12?
52:10 Well, now, Paul was, you know,
52:12 given this gift with a handkerchief,
52:13 you remember?
52:15 You know, God was doing something special there
52:16 because there was exorcism going on
52:18 at the church of Ephesus.
52:19 There was all kind of demon worship
52:21 and stuff that were happening right there.
52:22 And God was showing up.
52:24 But He'd always says this,
52:25 "Material things may bridge the gap."
52:28 That's all it does
52:30 bridge the gap between divine and the human faith.
52:33 But notice,
52:36 it's when we put our hand in faith, right?
52:39 In His hand, faith did the healing.
52:45 But you know what people today are still abusing that now,
52:47 they're sending, the ministry is calling
52:49 we'll give you a hanky.
52:52 Has nothing to do with the hanky.
52:54 Had nothing to do with the hem of His garment...
52:59 or even touching Him.
53:00 It was faith that
53:01 she exercise in the divinity what God could do for her.
53:05 It worked.
53:09 This woman believing that she would made whole,
53:13 feel that healing,
53:15 felt that healing virtue through her body.
53:16 That was a power,
53:18 that was a force Jesus felt that,
53:19 "Oh!"
53:21 How about spiritual things today?
53:23 We talk of religion in a casual way.
53:27 We pray without soul,
53:28 hunger and thirsting
53:31 and the living faith means nothing.
53:33 How about a nominal faith?
53:35 It's simply a nominal faith is one which people say,
53:39 "I believe in the Word of God.
53:41 You know, I believe in the Word of God,
53:43 that it can never heal the soul."
53:44 You can believe in God,
53:46 but your soul will never be healed.
53:47 A faith that is into salvation.
53:49 There's not just one that says I believe what is truth.
53:53 It's not enough to believe about Christ,
53:56 we must believe in Christ.
54:03 As we close and have prayer, our time has run out,
54:05 I just want to bring this point.
54:07 True faith.
54:08 True faith embraces Jesus as a personal Savior.
54:13 These two miracles that we just went over quickly
54:15 and your personal miracle today.
54:20 We must tell the world what God has done for us.
54:27 After all, this to me, this is heaven's plan.
54:30 It's heaven's agency,
54:32 for revealing Christ to the world.
54:35 I want to reveal Christ to the world
54:37 and I know you do too.
54:39 What He's done for you please tell others.
54:42 What you know He can do
54:44 and continues to do
54:45 the world needs to hear right now.
54:46 They're languishing right now. They're hurting right now.
54:50 They need to know there's a God that sits on the throne.
54:53 They need to understand
54:56 that we need not be so concerned about
54:57 who's elected our next president.
55:00 Because He sets them up and He takes them down.
55:04 God is in control.
55:05 Whoever is elected,
55:07 God has given permission for it.
55:08 That makes sense? Yes.
55:10 That way we don't have to worry and fuss and fight,
55:11 lose family and friends over it.
55:15 And they will bring about
55:17 what God has already written in His Word.
55:18 He knows what they're going to do,
55:20 don't He?
55:22 Let's leave it up to God.
55:24 Let's pray about it, shall we,
55:25 as we accept these miracles that God does for His people
55:29 that I wanna see
55:31 by the grace of God through faith,
55:32 chariots of fire,
55:34 round about a hedge around the God's people,
55:37 where I can feel confident,
55:39 regardless if it doesn't work out the way
55:40 I want it to work out,
55:41 that it's going to work out in His plan
55:43 the way He sees fit.
55:44 And God helped me then to be okay with that.
55:47 Let's pray, shall we?
55:48 Father in heaven, thank You for Your precious Word today.
55:51 We thank You
55:53 that this lightens up
55:55 inside there's darkness in the world,
55:57 but when You come in, You're the light of life,
55:59 Your power that we need,
56:01 that we may move forward
56:03 irrespective of what's taking place,
56:06 and who said what and who did what
56:08 and where makes no difference.
56:10 We look to Jesus
56:11 who's the author and the finisher of our faith.
56:13 He is our example in all things.
56:16 It's safe to follow Jesus.
56:18 It's safe to walk in His footsteps.
56:21 It's safe to trust Him with our very life.
56:24 And so, Father, today we do that,
56:25 we commit ourselves once again
56:27 at Thy care and Thy keeping,
56:28 each one who's listening
56:30 those who are making that decision now,
56:31 we thank you for it
56:32 and we're gonna give you praise,
56:34 honor and glory because you are our King.
56:36 In Jesus' name, amen.
56:40 Hello and welcome back.
56:42 Praise be to God for the hope of salvation
56:46 through the light of the world, which is Jesus Christ.
56:50 Although it may appear
56:51 that we're being swallowed up in spiritual
56:54 and physical darkness.
56:56 The light of truth,
56:57 the light of power will prevail.
57:01 "Out of Darkness Comes Light"
57:03 is a two part series
57:04 that we're making available to you
57:07 for a love gift of just $15 or more.
57:10 We look so forward to receiving your call
57:12 here in the United States
57:14 at (618)-942-5044, that's Central Time.
57:20 Or you may write
57:21 to Behold the Lamb at PO Box 2030,
57:23 Herrin, Illinois 62948.
57:26 Email us at BeholdThe
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57:35 And while I'm thinking about it,
57:36 I'd like to encourage you to visit
57:38 our Behold the Lamb Ministries YouTube channel,
57:41 and please join our Behold the Lamb Ministries
57:44 Facebook page.
57:46 Friends, we hope to see you again
57:48 here next time by God's grace.
57:51 But until then,
57:52 may our precious Lord
57:54 continue to richly bless you and yours.


Revised 2020-11-23