Behold the Lamb Presents

National Apostasy Followed By National Ruin Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000148S

00:40 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:42 I'm Chris Shelton,
00:43 I want to thank you for tuning in.
00:45 This is the second message of a two-part series entitled
00:49 "National Apostasy Followed by National Ruin."
00:52 Based upon the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy,
00:55 a great time of trouble is coming upon our land.
00:59 We are witnessing signs of this time
01:02 being formed as apostasy and violent anarchy
01:05 are continuing to occur before our very eyes.
01:10 This time of trouble is most certainly
01:12 a continuation of the great controversy
01:14 between Christ and His angels, and the devil and his angels.
01:19 This war began in heaven over the law of God
01:22 and it will continue to be battled in our world
01:25 over that same Ten Commandment law.
01:28 As this battle is ramping up and becoming more apparent,
01:32 God has given us instructions of preparations
01:36 such as where we're to live,
01:38 and how we are to stand even though our stance
01:42 will bring about persecution before Christ's second coming.
01:46 We cannot afford, friends, to relax and be non-committal
01:50 during this warfare.
01:51 We must live up to every ray of light
01:55 that God is showing us
01:56 as we dig for this information throughout His Word
02:00 and an attitude of prayer and supplication.
02:03 We are called to be watchmen,
02:05 we must sound an alarm
02:07 in order to wake up those whom we love.
02:10 National apostasy followed by national ruin.
02:14 Is it possible that satanic agencies
02:17 are indeed behind an orchestrated movement
02:20 in this apostasy from God's law?
02:23 Is it possible that satanic agencies
02:26 are also behind the apostasy
02:28 in our nation to set up a place,
02:31 a different mindset and laws in our land
02:35 that will attempt to force God's people to adopt changes
02:39 that directly contradict the law of God?
02:43 Are these the steps
02:45 that will be morphing Protestant churches,
02:48 and the legislation of this nation
02:51 into fully becoming the image of the beast?
02:55 Let's quickly read a couple of verses
02:58 from the Book of Revelation
03:00 to remind ourselves of the danger
03:02 that this image of the beast represents to God's people
03:06 and to all people, for that matter.
03:08 Revelation 13:15 reads,
03:11 "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast,
03:15 that the image of the beast should both speak,
03:18 and cause that as many
03:20 as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."
03:26 Going on in Revelation 14:11.
03:29 We read,
03:30 "And the smoke of their torment
03:32 ascendeth up for ever and ever,
03:34 and they have no rest day nor night,
03:37 who worship the beast and his image,
03:40 and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."
03:44 Friends, praise God for His warnings,
03:47 praise Him for prophecy and for messages
03:51 such as Pastor Kenny,
03:52 who are messengers such as Pastor Kenny,
03:56 who are willing by the grace of God,
03:59 and the power and the strength of God
04:01 to present these strong messages
04:03 in order that we might hear, learn and prepare
04:06 so that we will be saved.
04:09 But before we join Pastor Kenny Shelton
04:11 for this message,
04:12 National Apostasy Followed by National Ruin, part two.
04:16 Let's visit 3ABN
04:18 and listen to Brother Ben Lingle as he plays,
04:21 "O Come to the Altar."
07:19 Thank you very much for joining us here
07:20 at Behold the Lamb Ministry.
07:22 We appreciate you so very much.
07:24 Our title for today
07:25 we're going to be talking about here
07:27 is national apostasy followed by national ruin.
07:31 Those are big words, but we discussed it.
07:33 This is a two-part series,
07:34 we discussed it in-depth a little bit more last time
07:37 we came together on part one.
07:38 So if you missed that,
07:40 you may want to call in and get that part.
07:41 So you can put these two together,
07:43 this will be part two.
07:44 And again, we want to say
07:45 how much we appreciate you, thank you for your cards,
07:47 thank you for your letters, thank you for your support,
07:50 you know, this couldn't go forth without you.
07:51 So we kind of want to get together here
07:54 and get this message to the whole world.
07:56 Had the opportunity to reach literally thousands
07:58 and thousands and thousands and tens of thousands of people
08:02 because you help us to do that.
08:04 We're very grateful and thankful.
08:05 Continue to keep those cards and letters coming.
08:07 If we can do something for you, please let us know.
08:09 Again, we're going to be talking about
08:11 national apostasy followed by national ruin.
08:14 And we're going to go over a couple of things
08:15 after we have prayer.
08:16 So I invite you, as many of you say you do,
08:19 you pray with us every time we pray, you pray.
08:21 Thank you for doing that.
08:23 I'm going to kneel up here, let's pray together, shall we?
08:27 Merciful Father in heaven,
08:28 thank You for today
08:29 this privilege that we have
08:31 to dig deep into Your Word
08:32 by the grace and power of the Holy Spirit.
08:34 Lord, we just invite you
08:35 to open our hearts and our minds and our ears
08:37 and to be here with us.
08:39 We pray that we'll only hear what we need to hear.
08:41 And we'll be able to hear those things
08:42 that will lead us closer to heaven.
08:44 Help us to realize the time that we're living,
08:46 we can't continue on down the same road
08:48 that we've been going for many, many years,
08:49 no changes, nothing taking place.
08:51 But now we need to be,
08:52 have all things become new in our hearts and our minds.
08:55 Thank you for hearing. Thank you for answering prayer.
08:57 Thank you for every individual.
08:59 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
09:03 Now remember, were several questions
09:04 that I threw out to you last time on part number one,
09:07 and we answered some of those questions.
09:09 And so let me just go over those right now.
09:12 And we'll do, I think there was like nine of them.
09:14 You know, again, what is, you know,
09:16 this national apostasy followed by national ruin?
09:19 What does that really mean?
09:21 Two, is America right now forming an image to the beast?
09:26 Three, what is the most important work in the world?
09:31 These are questions you know.
09:32 As crisis, a crisis within the church is here
09:36 because there's errors that have been creeping in.
09:40 And number five,
09:41 will, notice it,
09:43 will it ever come a time
09:44 that earthly support is going to be cut off
09:46 from God's people.
09:48 See if we believe that,
09:49 then we need to be preparing, ain't that right?
09:50 So we'll talk about that in a moment.
09:52 I believe this and based on God's Word,
09:54 based on the Spirit of Prophecy,
09:56 famine will hit the United States of America
09:58 in a very big, ugly way.
10:00 And not only America, but the world.
10:03 We've talked a lot about,
10:04 we'll mention out of the cities a good time to do it.
10:07 We'll know when to do it and how to do it.
10:09 And should we be, listen,
10:11 should we be is a time
10:12 that we should be get rid of some of the things
10:15 that God has loaned us?
10:17 Is it time to get rid of some of our personal possessions
10:20 and if we don't, what might happen?
10:22 And number nine,
10:24 should we, you know,
10:25 should we be able to grow our own food?
10:28 Will there come a time that we should grow?
10:29 There's a lot of people nodding up who will say,
10:31 "Yes, we should."
10:32 But you really, do with this in mind
10:34 we have to realize these things
10:36 will maybe be a possibility in the very near future.
10:41 And it was said just a little while back
10:42 just about it's time to rise and what?
10:45 To rise and shine, right?
10:47 Because we know that Jesus is coming.
10:49 Lines are being drawn every day, we know that.
10:53 We either stand on the side of God,
10:55 or we stand on the crazy side of this world.
10:58 And things are getting crazier day by day.
11:02 Have you noticed that?
11:03 Getting crazier.
11:05 You know, I've repeated this many times.
11:07 But I think it needs to be repeated
11:09 again and again and again until we really get it.
11:12 We're living in such a time of earth's history
11:15 that God's people cannot be silent at this time.
11:19 Now remember a lot, a lot of times we get silent,
11:22 we're maybe approached with some kind of an issue
11:25 or somebody challenges over here
11:27 or we don't want to cause trouble.
11:29 We don't want to, you know, get in any kind of hot water.
11:31 So we say nothing and we do nothing.
11:34 But we're living in such a time
11:35 that devil is attacking God's people.
11:39 Error is attacking God's people.
11:41 What are we to do when we see these things
11:44 getting closer to us?
11:46 And that God's law is being attacked?
11:48 Should we be a little silent? Should we be reserved?
11:51 Or should we form a warfare against the enemy?
11:54 This is found in Review and Herald, 1-1 in 1889.
11:59 Listen to that 1889, this was written.
12:02 Here we go. It's very simple. It's very pointed.
12:05 But it says,
12:06 "Let not the commandment keeping people of God
12:09 be silent at this time."
12:12 Now I could stop there, I'm not going to.
12:14 But remember, let not the commandment people,
12:17 right, keeping people of God be silent at this time.
12:21 There's a reason those as we read on.
12:23 "As though we gracefully accepted the situation.
12:28 There is a prospect before us of waging a continuous war."
12:33 What is it?
12:34 Before us, we realize what has come.
12:36 See, as long as it's kind of peace and safety,
12:38 and setback and relax,
12:40 most of us are happy with that
12:41 because we don't want it to change.
12:43 This is what's taking place right now.
12:45 And that's going to get worse as we go.
12:47 Most of us will be seated and will remain seated,
12:49 will follow the image to the beast,
12:51 will follow the papacy,
12:52 will follow all the things in the world
12:54 because we have not made the moves
12:55 that God has asked us to make.
12:57 The changes right now we need to be making.
13:01 And you will find, they may be very simple,
13:03 but you will be as kings and queens
13:05 in this mess that the world
13:06 is getting ready on the verge right now.
13:08 We need to hear it over and over.
13:10 We're going to go over some of those things.
13:12 Remember, we must rise there.
13:14 We must wage a continuous war,
13:17 notice this, oh, if I do that, though, I may get in trouble.
13:20 That's right.
13:21 This article says at the risk of imprisonment.
13:25 At the risk of losing property that could be your home.
13:29 It could be your job. Notice this.
13:30 Even life itself, what?
13:33 To defend the law of God.
13:36 What's all issue about?
13:38 Defending the law of God, right?
13:41 God's law is being challenged in the world,
13:43 is being made void.
13:44 And God said He needs people that will stand up.
13:46 He wants us to stand up right now.
13:48 But it may, it will cost you.
13:51 See most of us don't want anything to cost us.
13:53 We like everything just come easy come easy go.
13:57 Now notice it which is being made void by the laws of what?
14:00 By the laws of men.
14:01 It's time for the Lord to work
14:03 for they have made void Thy law.
14:06 That is coming.
14:07 But it seems like, Lord have mercy.
14:09 It seems like it would just excite us so much
14:12 to realize that we're in this hour.
14:15 We couldn't say this 10 years ago,
14:16 we couldn't say it five years ago.
14:18 We couldn't say yesterday like we can say it today.
14:22 Instead of getting discouraged about it,
14:24 as we see what men are doing behind closed doors,
14:27 as we see what's taking place in the world,
14:29 instead of getting all just depressed
14:31 and we have to realize,
14:32 this is when we lift up our heads,
14:34 our redemption is drawing nigh.
14:37 This is the time to be living, but it's not.
14:39 We're living in the crazy world,
14:41 we just admitted.
14:43 And again, getting crazier all the time.
14:46 But here in these last days,
14:47 God has a people
14:49 He's going to give them the most important work
14:51 that can be given mortals.
14:53 Now, if God is going to give us that most important work,
14:56 I want to know what that work is.
15:00 See, I had one amen, will there be two?
15:03 Now, all right.
15:04 So this is what it's all about, is it?
15:06 If God has given us the most important work
15:09 that people can do human beings,
15:10 I do want to know what that is.
15:13 It's just simple answer.
15:14 There's no doubt about it.
15:15 But still yet we need to know right here,
15:17 right now I'm going to read,
15:18 we'll talk a little bit more about that in just a moment,
15:20 I hit it a little more on the head.
15:21 But I want to read something right now,
15:23 this is called Three testimonies 247.
15:26 We're going to be accountable. Now notice this.
15:29 In the balances of the sanctuary...
15:32 Now listen, I'm going to get a little personal here.
15:34 You may not be a Seventh-day Adventist
15:36 or whatever it might be here.
15:37 But I believe that, notice this,
15:39 "In the balances of the sanctuary,
15:41 the Seventh-day Adventist Church is to be weighed."
15:45 Interesting,
15:46 the Adventist Church is going to be weighed
15:48 for the privileges and opportunities
15:51 that God has given us.
15:53 When God gives you a privilege,
15:55 He gives you an opportunity to do something,
15:57 He weighs it out.
15:58 What are we going to do
16:00 with these privileges and opportunities
16:01 that God gives us every day,
16:03 life and health and strength and home and,
16:05 you know, a job or whatever means.
16:07 What are we doing with all the stuff
16:08 that God has loaned to us?
16:10 You don't own a thing,
16:12 I don't own a thing, it all belongs to God.
16:13 Is that not right?
16:17 So in the balances of the sanctuary.
16:20 God says this in Zephaniah 1:12.
16:23 "And it shall come to pass at that time,
16:26 that I will search Jerusalem with candles."
16:30 God's telling us something very important right here.
16:32 The time is coming.
16:33 He's going to be closely searching mankind,
16:37 His life and His deeds, His thoughts and His actions.
16:41 Wow, reading on, notice,
16:44 "I will search Jerusalem, He said, with candles,
16:47 and I'll punish that, notice this,
16:49 men that are settled on their lees."
16:52 God said I'm going to punish men
16:55 who are settled on their lees.
16:57 I thought about settle on my lees.
16:58 I thought must be settled on your backside.
17:00 Can I say that?
17:02 Is that okay?
17:04 Well, that's what it is, I thought.
17:06 But, you know, you look up the word,
17:08 it's a little bit different original language,
17:10 it means He's going to,
17:11 He's going to make those pay
17:12 who have hardened their minds against truth.
17:17 They've hardened, they just sit by.
17:21 Their heart is hardened against sin
17:23 and wanting to change.
17:24 They're lazy spiritually.
17:28 We cannot afford to relax.
17:32 When I see Christians,
17:33 as it were,
17:34 especially those of you who know prophecy
17:37 begin to be relaxed,
17:39 then there's something wrong.
17:41 This is a very anxious time as it were,
17:44 because of what's taking place.
17:47 And what will soon take place in your home
17:49 maybe in your family,
17:50 with your property, with your job.
17:53 Remember, things will happen.
17:54 They'll happen very quickly.
17:56 But we begin warning after warning
17:57 for many, many, many, many years now.
18:00 We cannot afford to relax the warfare, now notice,
18:04 this side of heaven.
18:05 We get to heaven, we can relax
18:07 but and in this world,
18:09 we have to show signs of progress.
18:12 You know, when you're working somewhere,
18:14 the boss likes to see progress, does he not?
18:17 He likes to see signs of that
18:19 you're catching on as you're doing work,
18:20 that you're doing more work than you used to
18:22 when you first came there.
18:25 Living up, we call spiritually living up to all the light
18:28 that God has given us.
18:31 If everyone here would be truthful today,
18:34 really truthful.
18:35 You can do it in your own mind.
18:37 You don't have to do it out loud
18:38 where everybody knows.
18:39 But God knows already.
18:41 Are we living up to every ray of light
18:42 that God has shown us?
18:43 Most of us would be walking out the door
18:45 turning our back because we are not.
18:49 Maybe no one here.
18:51 But let me challenge the thinking.
18:54 That's not such a hard question,
18:56 Brother Herb, that's not a hard question.
18:58 Are we living up to all the light?
19:00 Now it doesn't mean we're not confused on this,
19:02 or maybe a little bit on that.
19:03 But to the best of our thinking and our ability,
19:05 we're living up to what we understand
19:07 maybe is light,
19:09 and certainly God can make it to where we can understand.
19:11 There's no doubt about that.
19:13 But are we really living up to those privileges God has be.
19:16 There's a word here that we have to think about here.
19:19 And I see it in the church is complacency.
19:23 We're complacent sometime many times.
19:25 And that is the greatest enemy of the Christian.
19:29 Today, that's a great enemy of a Christian is complacency.
19:32 We're just kind of, you know,
19:34 we're floating along with the group and, you know,
19:37 whatever somebody says, well, it sounds good to
19:39 me, as long as we can have, you know,
19:41 good fellowship and eat and carry on.
19:43 We don't worry about doing the work of Christ.
19:47 Now what is the most important work
19:49 that's ever been given to mortals?
19:51 We addressed it just a little bit earlier.
19:53 Now I want to read it
19:54 from Nine Testimonies 19 of what it is.
19:58 We talked about it.
19:59 "In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists have been set
20:03 in the world as watchmen and light bearers."
20:08 Seventh-day Adventists have been set what?
20:10 As, hello everybody,
20:13 watchmen and light bearers to give the light to the world.
20:18 If I made this be so bold
20:20 and it's too bold for some maybe,
20:22 you know, some time, but I, you know,
20:24 I look at as God has in the beginning.
20:26 He had, did He not?
20:27 His chosen people were Israel, were they not?
20:29 Israel, right?
20:30 The Old Testament, right?
20:32 Israel kind of failed a little bit, didn't they?
20:33 Right.
20:35 Then we got in the New Testament,
20:36 what do we have?
20:38 Who was God's chosen people?
20:40 We got to say the Jews?
20:43 The Jews, right?
20:45 Then they failed, they crucified Christ.
20:46 And then what?
20:47 Then there's another group that's come in and take over
20:49 who would keep the commandments of God
20:51 and had the testimony of Jesus.
20:53 And there's only one group left is Seventh-day Adventist.
20:57 Israel, the Jews
20:59 and should be Seventh-day Adventist,
21:02 because they are the ones
21:03 what God has chosen over the path
21:05 is to reveal what?
21:06 His law is right to hold up.
21:09 And who else does that in the world,
21:10 most of them say it's done away with
21:11 or we don't need it anymore.
21:14 Now with that, just in mind,
21:15 you may have difference of opinion,
21:17 or different thoughts of that.
21:18 With that in mind, I want you to continue to listen.
21:20 We are watchmen
21:21 because we should have been studying the Word of God
21:23 to know when the thief is going to come in.
21:28 We should know what the thief is up to.
21:31 We should know when he's knocking at the door.
21:33 We should know
21:35 when he's creeping through the back door
21:36 or out the back door.
21:38 But sometimes we don't because we really not read.
21:40 We spend more time doing a lot of other things
21:42 than we do in the Word of God.
21:44 And I'm just simply say,
21:45 I'm not trying to criticize or condemn, it will cost us.
21:49 It will cost us.
21:51 It may cost us heaven,
21:53 if anything takes priority over the Word of God.
21:57 Watchmen and light bearers,
21:59 Isaiah 21:6 says, he said,
22:02 "Go set a watchman,"
22:05 you remember that watchman and,
22:06 "let him declare what he seeth."
22:10 God said to set what?
22:13 Set watchmen.
22:15 And then the watchmen are looking around,
22:17 and then God says to them, declare what you see.
22:20 We see a lot of watchmen on there that's blind.
22:23 They're not seeing very much.
22:25 There's a lot of watchmen on the walls
22:27 that will care more about a retirement check
22:28 than they do about doing what God asked them to do.
22:32 It's my personal opinion.
22:35 There's a lot of watchmen on the wall
22:37 that need not be watchmen
22:38 because God never set you there.
22:40 You got up there on your own.
22:43 Because if you're God's watchmen,
22:44 let me tell you when things are going,
22:46 there's something that's going on.
22:48 There's something going on in this world.
22:51 There's a lot going on in this world.
22:53 And if we've got watchman now,
22:54 whether he's elder, or pastor, or teacher,
22:55 whoever it might be a member of this church,
22:57 and you don't see anything going on,
22:59 may God have mercy on your soul.
23:01 Is it okay to do that?
23:03 I mean, that's what I really believe with my heart.
23:05 God have mercy on us.
23:08 So many things that are happening,
23:10 let him declare what he's seeing, what you see.
23:13 And you ask some of the pastors,
23:14 teachers today in the pulpit,
23:15 they're not really seeing anything.
23:18 What they're seeing is, well,
23:19 pour some more money into the ministry,
23:20 and boy, a 10-fold and 50-fold and 100-fold and...
23:27 Here I go again, right?
23:31 Instead of saying, I see the enemy.
23:35 I see the image to the beast.
23:36 I see the Sunday law is coming.
23:37 I see all this stuff that's happening.
23:39 So plain,
23:41 and you can see it through the things
23:42 that's being worked out right now.
23:45 Reading on, 1919 says this.
23:48 They, we're talking about
23:49 the Seventh-day Adventists in the world
23:51 as watchmen and what?
23:53 Light bearers.
23:54 "They've been given a work of the most solemn import.
23:59 The proclamation of,"
24:01 you guessed it,
24:02 "the first, second and third angels' message"
24:05 of Revelation 14:6-12.
24:07 We have been given the commission
24:09 to proclaim the last message to go to the world.
24:13 The last warning message to give to the world
24:16 before Jesus comes,
24:18 a message that will purify a people.
24:21 A message that will be set aside
24:23 that we can read and we can study
24:24 that we're in the judgment hour of God.
24:27 Go back to the one that made heaven and earth and the sea.
24:29 Go back to the seventh day Sabbath, right?
24:31 Second angels' message,
24:33 come out of her my people, come out of Babylon.
24:36 Babylon is confusion.
24:38 Babylon's all over the place.
24:39 Babylon's sometime in here among us.
24:41 When we spot Babylon,
24:43 we need to kick Babylon back out.
24:45 Is that too bold?
24:47 Not trying to, I'm just,
24:48 I want us to think you cannot let Babylon
24:50 these things inside the church
24:51 and expect it to be God's Church.
24:54 You can't let apostasy in the church
24:56 and expect it to be God's Church.
24:59 It just cannot be.
25:00 God is purifying and perfecting a people.
25:03 We know we will be found.
25:05 We know there's a shaking going on.
25:07 We have been giving awesome responsibility
25:11 of giving the three angels' message.
25:14 Reading on, notice what it says,
25:15 "There is no other work of so great importance."
25:19 Now do I need to repeat that?
25:21 Three angels' message,
25:23 it's warning,
25:24 the third angels' message is warning against what?
25:26 Image to the beast, the mark of the beast.
25:27 Most of the world has no idea what the mark of the beast is.
25:30 Somebody said I heard, who said it?
25:32 Somebody said here today, "Well, well, that's COVID-19."
25:35 That's COVID-19.
25:37 Somebody wake up.
25:38 No, bless their hearts. They may be honest in heart.
25:40 I'm not trying to laugh at them.
25:41 I'm just saying my lands of love.
25:42 It has to do with how many times
25:44 we have to say it.
25:45 It has to do with who we worship.
25:47 Every time in Scripture has to do with worship,
25:49 with worship, with worship,
25:51 who is it you give your allegiance to?
25:53 Is it going to be to God?
25:54 Or is it going to be to, you know, another form,
25:56 Catholicism?
25:57 Is it going to be Protestantism?
25:59 What is it going to be?
26:00 This is where we are at.
26:02 "There's no other work of so great importance.
26:06 They, us, we are to allow,"
26:09 listen carefully, we are to allow what?
26:10 "Nothing else to absorb the attention
26:15 of the most solemn truths ever entrusted to mortals.
26:20 They have been given to us to proclaim to the world."
26:24 Now what's supposed to occupy our mind?
26:27 Nothing but the giving of what?
26:29 Three angels' message
26:30 but all the time we're sitting around idle,
26:32 doing nothing arguing about stupid.
26:33 Can I say stupid?
26:35 Stupid stuff that doesn't amount to a hill of beans,
26:37 has nothing to do with me getting to heaven or not.
26:39 You see, they're not salvation issues.
26:42 We're discussing a certain color blue
26:44 is it right color or blue is different.
26:48 We're arguing in the church,
26:49 church is being split over the color of carpet.
26:52 The color of paint is chosen.
26:55 We should have a unity of spirit,
26:58 things that matter.
27:00 Don't get sidetracked on sidetrack issues,
27:02 they're all over the place,
27:04 they will come in by the dozens if you allow them.
27:07 I want to by the grace of God,
27:09 you should be praying and I'm praying,
27:10 we see false could be able to come into the door,
27:12 we will be able to spot it.
27:14 By the grace of God we'll be able to, you know,
27:17 combat it by knowing what Scripture has to say
27:19 and will follow Scripture and Spirit of Prophecy.
27:23 This is so important in this hour.
27:25 This is the only thing that's going to save us
27:29 of the crisis that we are in.
27:31 Well, you say well, surely that's clear.
27:33 Maybe it's not clear enough.
27:34 Let me read Eight Testimonies, page 302 says this,
27:39 "The solemn message that has been given,"
27:42 now that solemn a message
27:44 referring to the Book of Revelation,
27:45 and certainly Daniel,
27:46 "are to occupy the first place in the minds of God's people."
27:51 If it's not occupying,
27:53 maybe it's because you don't understand it
27:54 or whatever at the time.
27:56 But those of us who are supposed to understand this,
27:57 if it's not occupying the first place,
27:59 I would be bold enough to say,
28:01 because you're not God's people.
28:05 Not trying to read and judge anybody.
28:07 And I'm just simply saying, because it says here,
28:09 if we understand the message we have to give,
28:11 it will occupy the first place in the minds of God's people.
28:17 Nothing else has to take the place of that.
28:21 But, you know, sometime we're challenged
28:22 because we have those
28:24 who are supposed to know the truth.
28:28 And then we see them start to apostatize.
28:31 They turn away from the truth.
28:33 We've had great confidence in them.
28:34 Could be pastors, leaders, teachers, a friend.
28:37 They've known these beautiful truths,
28:38 but what are they?
28:40 They turned aside
28:41 and that begins to affect our thinking.
28:45 It has an influence on our thinking.
28:47 But notice what this talks about here this article.
28:51 If someone question, if someone you believe in,
28:54 turns their back on this message,
28:56 what should you do?
28:57 Then they go into apostasy.
29:00 Four Testimonies, 595.
29:02 4T, 595 says this,
29:05 "Ministers who preach the truth
29:07 with all zeal and earnestness may apostatize
29:12 and join the ranks of the enemy.
29:17 Hmm.
29:18 But does this turn the truth of God into a lie?"
29:22 Because they changed
29:23 it does not change the truth of God into a lie.
29:26 They might change
29:27 because they took their eyes off of Christ.
29:29 They may have changed
29:30 because they didn't want to do it anymore.
29:32 They may have changed because they got burnt out.
29:35 Is somebody with me?
29:36 You can kill a good pastor
29:37 as well as you can it, you know,
29:40 we're not so good.
29:42 Why?
29:44 Because we won't, well,
29:45 we don't want to follow thus saith the Lord.
29:47 We're just always throwing in junk
29:49 when we should be taking junk out.
29:52 Getting things down to the simple
29:53 thus saith the Lord.
29:56 Notice what it says this, the truth.
29:59 "The faith
30:00 and the feeling of men may change.
30:03 But I love this, the truth of God what?
30:06 Never changes.
30:08 Notice this.
30:09 "The third angels' message is sounding."
30:12 And notice,
30:13 this is where it's kind of interesting.
30:15 "And third angels' message is infallible."
30:18 We hear that term applied to the pope,
30:21 papacy all the time.
30:23 But he's fallible, ain't he?
30:24 He makes, he can make a mistake.
30:26 He's a sinner just like we are.
30:30 If he's going to be saved,
30:31 he's going to be saved by grace through faith,
30:33 just like the rest of us.
30:36 But not this message,
30:38 because it was given us to us by God,
30:41 the angels flying in the midst of heaven.
30:44 What a message that we have.
30:47 Acts of the Apostles, 599, quickly.
30:48 Acts of the Apostles, 599,
30:51 "We who are living in the age, this age have a work to do."
30:56 Those of us what?
30:58 If we're living in this age, we have a work to do.
31:00 But you know what?
31:02 I'm afraid that some of us are not picking up that work.
31:05 We don't even know what the work is.
31:07 We don't know what the message is.
31:09 We're not studying to show ourselves approved unto God,
31:11 not trying to get on to her.
31:13 I'm just simply saying,
31:14 these are reasons why people won't make it to heaven.
31:16 I want you to make it there. I want to be there.
31:18 It may not pertain to anybody that's here,
31:20 but there'll be millions.
31:22 I'm telling you,
31:23 will listen to these videos and these tapes
31:25 that's going to hit it right on the head for them.
31:27 They're going to make a change.
31:30 The truth changes people.
31:35 Hmm.
31:36 God's people should know the difference
31:41 between lie and the truth.
31:44 We should know the truth.
31:45 We may not be able to explain it all but immediately
31:47 we should be able to sense
31:49 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
31:52 1 John 4:6 just a simple statement there,
31:55 1 John 4:6 says,
31:56 "Hereby know we the spirit of truth
32:00 and the spirit of error."
32:04 God's people know what?
32:06 Spirit of truth, but they also can detect what?
32:09 Error.
32:11 That's why we need to know the word here.
32:15 We're entering on a work here we have to do this work
32:18 that will be guided by the Holy Spirit
32:20 of the Living God.
32:22 You cannot go wrong,
32:24 but self has to be put out of the equation.
32:26 Let the Holy Spirit lead, guide and direct.
32:29 What if the Holy Spirit says,
32:30 right, what we need to do give up
32:32 whatever it might be in this world,
32:33 be willing to put it on the altar.
32:37 The enemy is, I'm telling you, he's working.
32:42 We have a message to give and when you give that message,
32:44 the enemy is not happy.
32:49 He sees the church begin to grow,
32:51 so he begins to allow and bring in error.
32:55 None of us here want to be accountable
32:57 right to God to say, well, we brought some error in.
33:00 Maybe no one will do it on purpose,
33:02 but the enemy then brings error in
33:04 and I know he uses people.
33:10 It might be shocking
33:13 and you know sometime we need to be shocked.
33:16 Hello,
33:18 we need to be shocked sometime.
33:21 Shocked, I mean shocked with the Word of God,
33:23 shocked with what's going on
33:25 because we've set so long idly by in a sleepy state
33:29 that God sometime has to shake us and shock us.
33:32 But I mentioned there one of the points
33:33 we're talking about,
33:35 there is a crisis among the people of God
33:38 because error has come into the church.
33:44 Error has what?
33:46 Error has come into the church.
33:48 It's at a crisis point.
33:51 Hmm.
33:55 How could error come into the church?
33:57 May I just suggest one little point?
33:59 Maybe it's because the watchmen on the wall
34:01 are not really watchman.
34:04 They're just buying some time.
34:08 They like the title.
34:11 They like the prestige.
34:14 They like to be referred to as,
34:16 you know,
34:19 rather than just a watchman on the wall of Zion
34:21 and watching what the enemy
34:23 is trying to tear the church apart.
34:27 And we noticed that
34:28 and again if you missed the first part,
34:30 you missed it because we went over a vision
34:33 you remember in First Selected Messages, 205 and 6.
34:37 We went through that
34:38 about Ellen White had this about apostasy
34:40 coming in the church and it was a boat,
34:42 you remember the boat was sailing down through there
34:44 and it was getting ready to hit an iceberg,
34:45 you remember that?
34:47 It was, oh no, we gonna tear the boat across,
34:49 and as it were, the captain said,
34:51 "Hit it head on."
34:53 How are we to hit error in the church and apostasy?
34:55 You hit it head on.
34:56 You don't mickey mouse around with it.
34:58 You don't dillydally around with it,
34:59 because when you're dillydallying,
35:01 the enemy's planning somewhere else.
35:02 Just greet it and this is what God says,
35:05 well, we don't want to hurt this with.
35:07 We're not here to hurt anybody.
35:10 We're here to advocate God's Word.
35:11 And God's people will line up with the Word of God,
35:14 or God's people will find themselves
35:15 going on down the road.
35:16 You don't have to send them down there.
35:18 They don't want to line up.
35:19 They want to live their own life.
35:21 But what a mistake that is,
35:22 since we're so close to the end of time.
35:26 Hmm.
35:29 It continues to get worse, it doesn't get better.
35:33 You realize it's getting so bad,
35:34 we weep every day.
35:36 Let me just throw this out to you.
35:38 Every day when we're going down the road,
35:40 when you're driving a car, when you're at the workplace,
35:42 you are meeting the enemy head on through someone else.
35:46 Did you get it?
35:47 We are meeting the enemy head on.
35:50 The enemy is looking at you every day
35:52 through the eyes of an individual
35:53 you may work with
35:55 that's never made a commitment to Jesus Christ.
35:56 These are demons from hell.
36:00 This is how it's getting here.
36:01 I'll read you a few things here in a moment.
36:03 And are we really ready?
36:06 Do we really have that relationship with Christ,
36:08 a strong relationship
36:11 that we'll be able to make it through here?
36:13 Are we really ready?
36:14 And let me tell you,
36:15 you know where it's happening most
36:17 is where the demons are in human form
36:19 in the cities.
36:21 Let me just share something with you.
36:22 Eight Testimonies, 42,
36:26 "Satan's agencies in human form
36:30 are on the ground."
36:33 And when you're in suburbs that they say, you know,
36:35 get a warning and a blast come, the enemy's on the ground.
36:39 What do you do?
36:41 Well, I want to sleep a little bit longer.
36:43 You rally to the call, you get the weapon,
36:45 ain't that right?
36:47 And right now it's saying right now.
36:48 Right now, Satan's agencies
36:50 are on the ground in human form,
36:52 because they've taken over human beings
36:56 who have not given their life to Christ.
36:58 Remember, if your mind is not given 100% to God,
37:01 the enemy will take it.
37:03 Does that make sense?
37:07 I mean, that's pretty heavy duty.
37:08 I understand that.
37:10 But remember, the enemy doesn't have to have
37:11 but just a little bitty wedge.
37:12 And he gets in, ain't that right?
37:14 Again, you have a glass right full of water.
37:16 And just takes one drop of poison to poison
37:18 the whole thing, ain't that right?
37:21 Let me read on, notice this.
37:23 Men have confederated to oppose the Lord of hosts.
37:29 What's the enemy job?
37:30 Always just to get to,
37:32 always try to tear God's work apart and God's people.
37:33 Here it say,
37:35 Satanic agencies are, listen, are in every city.
37:40 Satanic agencies,
37:41 that doesn't mean they're not here in the country,
37:43 Lord have mercy.
37:46 But there's just more people there
37:47 and there's more demons there.
37:49 And you can see the upheaval of it right now
37:52 of what's going on.
37:56 There's not a man of God
37:57 or a woman of God or a child of God
37:59 that's in some of these protest marches
38:01 and some of them here
38:02 who are causing danger and hurting
38:04 and killing other people
38:05 and burning other people's property,
38:06 ruining other people's life and business.
38:08 A child of God will not do that.
38:12 They won't.
38:13 You can't do it if you're a child of God.
38:15 You say,
38:17 "Oh, that's being judgmental."
38:18 By their fruits you shall know them.
38:19 That is the work of the enemy, force is the work of the enemy.
38:22 The Bible says you love God supremely
38:24 and your fellowman.
38:25 If you love your fellowman supremely,
38:27 how can you do that to your fellowman?
38:28 You cannot.
38:30 And so the enemy has taken over and I may continue to read,
38:33 Satanic agencies, notice this, right?
38:36 "In every city,
38:38 they're busily organizing into parties
38:42 with those who opposed the law of God."
38:46 Huh.
38:47 Professed, did you get the word professed?
38:50 "Professed saints,"
38:52 that means they're not.
38:54 They just make a profession, like many Christians do today.
38:58 Well, I belong to the church. I'm a Christian.
38:59 I belong to blah, blah...
39:01 Professed Christians and unbelievers,
39:04 "avowed unbelievers take their stand
39:07 with these parties."
39:10 And then I like the last part, she says here,
39:13 "This is no time
39:15 for the people of God to be weaklings."
39:20 This is no time
39:21 for the people of God to be sissies.
39:26 I say that nicely.
39:28 This is no time for the people of God,
39:31 not to have a backbone.
39:34 This is no time for the people of God
39:37 to say I don't understand the Word.
39:40 This is the time that we stand tall
39:42 and we're ready to fight the good fight of faith.
39:45 He said,
39:46 "I'll fight your battles for you."
39:48 He said,
39:49 "I'll recall those things that you need
39:50 if you put it in your mind to begin with."
39:52 But if you got all this foolishness 90%
39:54 of the time on your mind,
39:55 that's what's going to come out.
39:57 You know that.
39:58 This is no time for weaklings.
40:01 There's a sifting going on, there's a fire.
40:04 And the fire is doing away
40:05 with those who will not stand up and say,
40:07 "No, I want Jesus on my side, I need something,
40:10 fire retardant, because it's getting hot.
40:15 To be a Christian,
40:17 it's getting hotter all the time."
40:21 Testimonies to Ministers, backing this up, 117 and 18.
40:24 I'm not going to read all that.
40:25 But I'd like for you to read those,
40:26 both those pages,
40:28 Testimonies to Ministers, 117 and 118 says right here,
40:30 notice this.
40:32 Listen
40:33 "Heathen deities,"
40:35 I just said about here Satan's agencies in human form.
40:40 Demons.
40:41 Now it's going on and said, heathen.
40:44 The heathen lands, we think about, you know.
40:46 "Heathen deities will manifest their signal power,
40:50 and will exhibit themselves
40:52 before the cities of this world."
40:56 Lo and behold, if that's not happening.
40:59 Is it not?
41:01 Heathen deities.
41:05 They're showing signal of power right now.
41:07 They're exhibiting themselves
41:09 before the cities of the world right now.
41:12 And you know what? We can't figure it out.
41:13 We're trying to, we've got an issue here,
41:15 and there's a spiritual issue.
41:18 But we're trying to deal with laws of the land
41:20 and through government and all,
41:21 it means heart changes what needs to take place.
41:25 Five Testimonies, 698,
41:27 reading on, notice what it says.
41:29 5T, 698.
41:31 "It was by the display of supernatural power,
41:36 in making the serpent,"
41:37 remember,
41:38 "his medium that caused the fall of"
41:41 whom?
41:42 "Adam and Eve in the garden."
41:44 What was it?
41:46 It was a display of supernatural power
41:49 that we've just been talking about here,
41:51 they get together to manifest begin to show power.
41:55 That's what he did in the garden.
41:56 You remember so far as his power extends,
42:00 listen to this,
42:01 as far as his power extends,
42:03 the enemy will work actual miracles.
42:08 I don't want anybody to be fool.
42:09 I've heard said before, well,
42:11 he can't perform any actual miracles.
42:13 Yes, he can.
42:14 But praise.
42:16 Oh, praise God, there's a limit.
42:19 There wasn't a limit,
42:20 he'd tear you up and tear me up
42:22 in a matter of seconds.
42:23 Did you get it?
42:25 He's out to kill, steal and destroy,
42:27 and that's a fact.
42:28 You're here because God says you can be here.
42:32 You're not here by any other strength,
42:33 the enemy and all that hosts,
42:34 the demons and devils of hell by the billions
42:37 would tear you from limb to limb.
42:39 Can I say that?
42:41 But God says,
42:42 "No, they're mine."
42:44 No man can take them out of the hand.
42:46 Only way you get out of God's hands
42:48 is you decide you want to crawl out.
42:49 And you know what?
42:50 There may be some people need to go ahead and crawl out
42:52 and get it over with.
42:54 If we're not going to do the right thing,
42:56 we just cause anxiety and problems
42:58 with the people of God who want to do the right thing.
43:04 The enemy then can perform certain miracles.
43:07 But God says ,
43:08 "You can only do so much."
43:10 Isn't that wonderful?
43:11 God says you can only do so much
43:13 because it would begin to confuse
43:14 even God's people in our little minds.
43:18 And so God sets a limit on what the enemy can do.
43:20 Praise God for that.
43:25 And so what he can't do,
43:27 actually,
43:28 he deceives and makes you, oh, come on church.
43:32 He makes you think that he can do it.
43:35 It's by deception, is it not?
43:37 Yes.
43:42 How far does this enemy go?
43:45 How far does Satan go
43:46 with these miracles and deceptions?
43:48 Let me just read it
43:50 from the Great Controversy quickly,
43:51 you understand it well.
43:52 624, Great Controversy, 624.
43:55 You know this, it says,
43:57 "As the crowning act
43:59 in the great drama of deception,"
44:01 what happens?
44:02 Satan himself will," what?
44:04 "Impersonate Christ or personate Christ."
44:07 As the crowning act, Satan is going to do what?
44:10 He's going to personate,
44:12 he's going to pretend to be Jesus Christ.
44:14 My!
44:16 Notice it, you say, "Well, I don't know."
44:17 Read 2 Corinthians 11:13 and 14,
44:20 "As the enemy comes as an angel of light."
44:23 Hmm.
44:25 But notice and I'll go expand on just a little bit
44:27 if we have more time to do it.
44:29 Because way Satan does,
44:31 "In different parts of the earth,
44:33 Satan will manifest himself among men
44:36 as a majestic being of dazzling brightness,
44:40 resembling the description of the Son of God
44:44 given by John in Revelation."
44:47 Man, if you don't know the Word,
44:49 you will be fooled.
44:51 You will be fooled.
44:54 He manifests himself,
44:57 but he does it
44:58 in different places of the earth.
45:00 And again we mentioned
45:01 maybe in little moment we have more time but if not,
45:03 then my Bible says
45:04 when Jesus comes in Revelation 1:7,
45:06 every eye shall glory, every eye shall see Him.
45:12 Matthew 24:27,
45:14 "As the lightning shineth east and also unto the west,
45:17 so shall the coming of the Son of man be."
45:19 When Jesus comes every eye shall see Him.
45:22 He will encircle this globe up here,
45:23 but when the devil comes down here,
45:25 he just appears in different places.
45:27 This should help you to understand then, right?
45:29 So we're not, you know, confused about the issue.
45:33 That's the crowning act.
45:34 Let me just read, you say, "Well, I'm not sure."
45:37 I'm going to turn the Book of Revelation.
45:38 You can do it with, Revelation Chapter 1.
45:40 Can we read that? We take a couple of minutes.
45:42 Revelation Chapter 1,
45:44 I think so very, very important.
45:45 Revelation Chapter 1,
45:47 because this is how the devil is going to appear.
45:49 Here's how he's going to appear.
45:51 You'll say,
45:52 "Well, that's what the Bible said that this is,
45:53 this is how Jesus is going to appear.
45:55 So you have to realize what he says and what he does,
45:57 we'll approach that in just a moment.
45:59 I don't want anybody here to be fooled.
46:00 I don't want to be fooled.
46:02 Revelation 1:13 and 14, the Bible says.
46:07 And notice this,
46:09 "And in the midst of the seven candlesticks
46:12 are like unto the Son of,"
46:13 what?
46:15 "One like the Son of man, clothed with a,"
46:18 what kind of a garment?
46:19 "A garment down to his foot,
46:21 girt with his paps with a golden girdle."
46:23 Verse 14, notice this,
46:25 "His head and his hairs were white like wool,
46:31 as white as snow,
46:33 his eyes were as flames of fire,
46:37 his feet were like fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace,
46:42 and His voice as the sound of many waters."
46:46 What a description that John,
46:48 bless his heart had to put in language
46:49 we might be able to understand just a little bit.
46:52 But remember all this curtails and much more
46:56 the enemy is going to, it's going to be exactly.
47:01 Is it possible we might be fooled?
47:04 Is it possible here?
47:07 Well, let's go and do a little more study here.
47:12 Because when the enemy comes,
47:14 he's going to be doing several things,
47:16 and we'll read it, he's going to do some healing.
47:19 And I'm going to say it again,
47:21 he's going to be doing some lying.
47:24 He's not going to stop that.
47:26 Yeah, notice what it is.
47:27 On what point will Satan not agree with Christ?
47:30 Because you think, well, this is what the Bible said.
47:33 But now, this one that seems to be Jesus,
47:35 He's saying something different.
47:38 Fundamentals of Education,
47:39 47 and 472.
47:45 Notice what it says,
47:47 "Christ will be personified."
47:51 Huh.
47:53 You know what that means?
47:54 Christ will be personified.
47:56 It means to be
47:57 and a perfect example of Christ.
48:01 Outward appearance, do you get it?
48:03 Not of the mind, not of the heart.
48:05 But everything that you see will
48:08 be what ascribed in the Word of God.
48:11 So now, there must be a way that we can tell.
48:13 Right?
48:15 There has to be a way that we can tell.
48:17 But the article says,
48:20 "But on,"
48:21 notice this, there will be a,
48:22 "on one point there will be a marked distinction.
48:27 Satan will turn the people
48:30 away from the law of God."
48:34 This is very important,
48:36 because you may not be able to tell by the features,
48:39 but you'll be able to tell about what he says.
48:42 It would not harmonize was Scripture.
48:46 And, of course, we cannot be confused.
48:48 The Great Controversy, 625 says this.
48:50 "And further,"
48:52 we mentioned,
48:53 "Satan is not permitted
48:54 to counterfeit the manner of Christ's advent."
48:58 Isn't that beautiful?
49:00 Satan cannot coming
49:01 in the clouds of glory with angels,
49:03 because we would be fooled.
49:06 Yeah.
49:07 Yeah, that's right.
49:09 When He comes a second time,
49:10 His feet doesn't touch the ground.
49:11 But when the enemy comes, his feet touch the ground,
49:13 and he appears in different places at once.
49:16 Since the enemy cannot come
49:20 as Christ does in the clouds from heaven,
49:24 how does he reveal himself then?
49:26 We talked about it here.
49:27 Notice, in Great Controversy, 624,
49:31 it said we just talked about while ago, he reveals himself,
49:33 "In different parts of the earth,
49:37 Satan will magnify himself among men."
49:44 Wow.
49:47 Now notice too,
49:48 what does Satan do and what does he say
49:51 while impersonating Christ?
49:53 This will help us.
49:54 We just have six minutes or so, don't get excited.
49:56 Come on now.
49:57 This is very, very important
49:58 because if you don't, you will be fooled.
50:00 I'm going to be fooled if I don't know these things
50:03 because what the mind sees
50:05 and the eye sees will be overwhelming.
50:09 You've never seen anything like it in your whole life.
50:14 No, he can't watch it.
50:15 You know, it says go to the secret chambers
50:17 do this or that.
50:18 When he comes every eye is going to see and we know,
50:20 but notice what Great Controversy, 624 says,
50:23 "When Satan comes, he begins to heal diseases."
50:28 Keep these things in mind as we go
50:30 so that we're not fooled.
50:31 And notice that, he does that.
50:33 He heals diseases and then, notice it.
50:35 He claims to have changed the Sabbath to Sunday.
50:40 You think that won't be overwhelming
50:42 to most people who believe it anyway?
50:45 The enemy is going to say after healing
50:47 all manner of diseases as it were.
50:49 Dazzling brightness and shining
50:51 and just like you just can't figure it out,
50:53 except you know, he didn't come in the clouds of glory.
50:55 He just showed up at this place and he showed up over there,
50:58 right then and there you know he's false.
51:01 When Christ comes a second time is in,
51:02 His feet does not touch the ground, right?
51:06 1 Thessalonians 4:16, right, says,
51:07 "The dead in Christ rise," what?"
51:09 First.
51:10 We which are alive and remain will be caught up
51:12 to meet Him in the air,
51:13 so shall we ever be with the Lord."
51:15 We go back for the thousand years,
51:16 after thousand years we come back,
51:17 the New Jerusalem comes back.
51:19 City comes down, right?
51:21 And then surrounded,
51:22 the wicked come up second resurrection,
51:24 Revelation 20.
51:25 And then fire comes down
51:27 from God out of heaven and destroys.
51:28 Just put it real quickly there.
51:32 It says here, he says,
51:33 "I've changed the Sabbath to Sunday.
51:36 And he commands all,"
51:38 notice the all
51:39 "to hallowed the day which he has blessed."
51:43 He knows that God blessed the seventh day.
51:46 When God blesses something, it can't be changed or altered,
51:48 can it not?
51:49 They can't. But he says now what?
51:51 I've changed it.
51:53 I've blessed this day. Isn't that interesting?
51:55 I find in my Bible in Daniel 7:25,
51:58 the Bible said this enemy,
52:00 this power, right,
52:01 working through the papacy at the time,
52:02 he shall think to change times and laws.
52:06 See, devil's exposing himself right here
52:08 is he's the one
52:10 that worked through the papacy to make this law.
52:12 Did you get it?
52:15 He said, "I changed it."
52:17 But he uses man and powers and things
52:19 to get his work done.
52:21 That's heavy duty. Yes, absolutely.
52:23 Deception and lies.
52:25 Quickly, only three minutes and so left in.
52:28 Will there ever come a time
52:29 when every earthly supports going to be cut off?
52:32 If you are faithful, we say,
52:33 "Oh, I know it's going to happen.
52:34 It's going to happen."
52:36 You got to be faithful first.
52:39 Then you'll see every error.
52:41 How you're going to be though
52:42 when you don't have a check coming in?
52:43 How you going to be? How's your wife going to act?
52:46 You don't have food on the table,
52:47 how's the kids going to act
52:48 when there's no food on the table?
52:50 Right now, if there's just a little short time
52:52 and don't have money
52:54 to pay a car payment or whatever it is,
52:55 the husband and wife are fighting,
52:56 the kids are leaving home.
52:58 Okay.
53:00 It doesn't take much is what I'm saying.
53:02 But when it gets down to the real McCoy like this,
53:05 there's no beans in the cupboard.
53:08 Desire of Ages 121 says quickly.
53:10 "In the last great conflict of the controversy with Satan
53:13 those who are loyal to God
53:14 will see every earthly support cut off.
53:17 Every earthly support will be cut off.
53:21 Support is going to be withdrawn
53:23 from those who proclaim God's holy standard,
53:26 the commandments of God, Second Selected Messages 380.
53:29 2 SM 380.
53:31 And we could read Joel 1:15 if we had time to do it.
53:34 It talks about the meat offerings
53:36 and the drink offerings.
53:37 They're cut off, notice, from the house of the Lord.
53:40 That means the priest and the ministers mourn.
53:42 Why?
53:43 Because that's where they got their,
53:45 made their living.
53:46 It means the times coming that's all over,
53:48 you don't get it anymore.
53:50 We are appointed to a sword and to famine and pestilence.
53:56 I don't, can't read all the stuff.
53:58 Now Joel 1:15-18 says that,
54:01 "Alas for the day!
54:02 For the day of the Lord is in hand.
54:04 The seed is rotten under the clods,
54:07 the garners are laid desolate,
54:09 the barns are broken down, the corn is withered,
54:13 the herds of cattle are perplexed
54:15 because they have no pasture."
54:19 Certainly applied to Joel in his day
54:22 but, oh, man what a prediction
54:24 right to the final day of judgment
54:26 when Jesus comes.
54:28 Joel 2:1 simply says what?
54:30 "Blow the trumpet in Zion.
54:33 Sound the whole alarm in my holy mountain."
54:36 Man, don't be satisfied with your spiritual condition.
54:39 Never sit back and just say I'm happy the way that I am.
54:44 No.
54:45 We need to be ever moving onward and forward
54:47 by the grace and power of God to do what He's asked us to do.
54:50 And yes, it will cost.
54:52 Yes, it will cost you.
54:53 Heaven's going to cost, but you know what?
54:55 It's worth it.
54:57 It will be worth it someday when we shall see Jesus.
55:02 No time for sleeping, we must awake.
55:04 I wish we had time to get it,
55:05 talk about getting out of the cities.
55:07 It's time now that we get out.
55:08 It's time that we're able to grow our own food.
55:11 Because we realize
55:12 it's going to be a very big issue
55:13 in the very near future.
55:16 May God help us to see the importance of it.
55:18 Let me have a quick prayer with you.
55:20 Have time to finish it
55:21 with a little quick prayer together
55:23 as we go out right now.
55:24 Let's just pray together.
55:26 Loving Father in heaven, we thank You for Your Word.
55:28 Thank You for the power of the Word.
55:29 Thank You for reminding us of who You are and who we are,
55:32 and that we need to be ready.
55:33 Thank You for hearing, thank You for answering prayer,
55:35 decisions that are made right now
55:36 in Jesus' name, amen.
55:39 Hello and welcome back.
55:41 Our hope must be fixed
55:43 upon the end of this war over God's law
55:46 while our lives are brought into an extreme test
55:50 of faithfulness to God's Word.
55:52 Faithfulness to His law.
55:54 And in particular,
55:55 the fourth commandment
55:56 that deals with the keeping of God's Sabbath
55:59 since that is the commandment
56:01 that men have forgotten in opposition
56:03 to God's command to remember.
56:06 Please take the time necessary to know God's Word,
56:11 to allow His law to be written
56:13 upon our hearts and in our minds
56:16 so that we will stand for the truth,
56:18 even though it will cut us off from our earthly support.
56:22 Think about this,
56:24 Pastor Kenny just brought this out in his message to you,
56:28 but we are not the first people
56:30 to face such trial and temptations.
56:32 Think back to the three Hebrews that stood
56:35 and would not bow
56:37 and worship to King Nebuchadnezzar's statue
56:39 and the Daniel who did not stop nor hide his praying
56:42 to the Most High God in heaven
56:45 and so on are the examples in Scripture.
56:48 We are no better than those Christians
56:50 who have come before us,
56:52 who endured imprisonment, torture, death,
56:55 preferring to stand for truth
56:57 rather than to sin for a short season.
57:01 Our world is rapidly changing and rapidly coming to an end.
57:05 We must have a relationship with Christ
57:07 that we do not now have.
57:10 God's standard is holy
57:11 and His people will stand for Him
57:14 in holy righteousness.
57:15 God will, Christ will never leave us,
57:18 He will never forsake us.
57:20 If you've made that decision to follow Him
57:22 and you'd like to have this two-part series
57:24 entitled National Apostasy Followed by National Ruin,
57:28 we would love to send it to you
57:30 for a love gift of just $15 or more.
57:33 Won't you call us here in the United States
57:36 at (618) 942-5044,
57:39 Central Time,
57:40 or you may write to Behold the Lamb Ministries,
57:43 PO Box 2030, Herrin, Illinois 62948.
57:48 Visit us on our website at
57:52 May the Lord bless you.


Revised 2020-11-23