Behold the Lamb Presents

How to Survive The Time of Jacob's Trouble Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000149S

00:38 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:41 I'm Chris Shelton your host,
00:42 I want to thank you so much for joining us.
00:44 Today's message is part one of a two part series
00:47 that we have entitled
00:49 "How to survive the time of Jacob's trouble."
00:51 In part one of this series,
00:53 Pastor Kenny is going to spend much of the time
00:55 covering what we believe
00:57 will become the greatest
00:58 and possibly the most difficult test
01:01 of all of our time.
01:02 And that is an understanding
01:04 and keeping God's fourth commandment,
01:06 the only commandment
01:08 that God has asked us not to forget.
01:10 Let's read it together as found in Exodus 20:8-11.
01:16 Reading,
01:17 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
01:20 Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work.
01:23 But the seventh day is the Sabbath
01:25 of the Lord thy God:
01:26 in it thou shall not do any work,
01:28 thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter,
01:31 thy manservant, nor thy maidservant,
01:33 nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger
01:35 that is within thy gates.
01:37 For in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth,
01:40 and all that in them is and rested the seventh day"
01:44 Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
01:47 and He hallowed it."
01:49 Pastor Kenny Shelton
01:51 will address some of the misconceptions
01:53 that people who now claimed to be Sabbath keepers
01:57 have in terms of keeping the Sabbath holy
02:00 as it was meant to be.
02:02 Remember God said, He sanctified it,
02:03 He made it holy.
02:05 But before we join Pastor Kenny Shelton,
02:07 let's visit 3ABN and join singer Jeff Pearls
02:11 as he shares a song
02:13 that refers to the truth of God has given in His Word.
02:17 It is entitled "The Lighthouse."
02:19 Friends, God will have a victorious people
02:23 who will go through the time of Jacob's trouble
02:25 because they are hid behind the cross of Calvary
02:28 and remain steadfast in the light of God's Word.
02:47 There's a lighthouse on the hillside
02:54 That overlooks
02:57 Life's sea
03:00 When I'm tossed
03:04 It sends out a light
03:07 That I might see
03:14 And the light that shines
03:17 In darkness now
03:21 Will safely lead me o'er
03:27 If it wasn't for the lighthouse
03:34 My ship would sail no more
03:44 Everybody that lives around us
03:51 Says tear that lighthouse down
03:58 The big ships don't sail this way anymore
04:04 So there's no use of it standing round
04:11 But then my mind goes back
04:14 To that stormy night
04:18 When just in time I saw the light
04:25 Yes, the light from that old lighthouse
04:32 That stands up there on the hill
04:40 And I thank God
04:44 For the lighthouse
04:48 I owe my life to Him
04:55 For Jesus is the lighthouse
05:02 And from the rocks of sin
05:07 He has shown
05:10 A light around me
05:15 That I might clearly see
05:22 If it wasn't for the lighthouse
05:29 Where would this ship be?
05:34 And I thank God
05:38 For the lighthouse
05:43 I owe my life to Him
05:49 For Jesus is the lighthouse
05:56 And from the rocks of sin
06:02 He has shown
06:04 A light around me
06:10 That I might clearly see
06:16 If it wasn't for the lighthouse
06:23 Where would this ship be?
06:51 Hello and welcome once again to Behold the Lamb Ministries,
06:53 appreciate you so very much.
06:55 And as usual,
06:56 we always thank you for your prayers,
06:58 for your support, for your comments,
07:00 your letters, of emails,
07:01 everything that you send in questions that you have.
07:04 And by the grace of God, if sometime they're overlooked,
07:07 or sometime they get set aside for something,
07:09 don't be ashamed,
07:10 just call in again, or write in again.
07:12 And we'll be glad to get back to you
07:14 with an answer.
07:15 We have many people that are here
07:16 that certainly helped me to get some of those answers.
07:18 And I praise God for that.
07:20 There's a lot going on in this world that we live in.
07:22 And some of the things
07:23 that's going on in the world right now,
07:25 we need to take special note off
07:27 before we have prayer.
07:28 And we realized recently, right, recently,
07:30 the Middle East peace,
07:32 there's a whole lot more to that
07:34 than wants to the eye
07:36 and what the world was thinking about.
07:37 And the part that Israel right will be playing.
07:40 You know, we look at it
07:42 from the eyes of God in prophecy.
07:43 And we don't look quite as,
07:45 you know, strongly over there as the world is.
07:48 But we're going to find out
07:49 if we watch, this is a big event.
07:52 And we need to pay attention to it as it unfolds.
07:55 And then, of course,
07:56 we know the death of one of the Supreme Court justices,
07:59 we realize it's going to be another ones
08:00 that are going to be, you know, appointed to that,
08:02 there's going to be a big battle over that.
08:04 So we realize there's things
08:05 that are in the making that will,
08:07 I think, have a bearing on God's last day church.
08:10 Today, we're gonna be talking about
08:11 how to survive the time of Jacob's trouble,
08:16 how to survive.
08:18 And I believe that God's last day people,
08:21 they will be survivors.
08:23 It's a patience of the saints,
08:25 we will survive by the grace of God.
08:27 But there are things
08:28 that we must and will go through
08:31 before this takes place.
08:33 And I always wanna warn before the prayer here
08:35 is that there are many who say we will not be here.
08:38 But, you know, I'm gonna invite you
08:39 just to read your Bible a little bit closer.
08:41 Realize what God has said in His Word
08:43 that what His people will have to go.
08:45 He said, "You're gonna have to drink,"
08:46 He told His disciples.
08:47 You've had to go through what I've went through here,
08:49 so that we can be ready to meet Jesus because you know,
08:52 many of us have a lot of dross left in our life
08:55 that needs to be eliminated, it needs to go.
08:58 And God by His grace and His love He has for us,
09:01 He's lighting the heat to be turned up.
09:04 So all those impurities,
09:05 right, can be taken away
09:07 so that heaven can be our home so that we fit in.
09:09 Let's pray, shall we together?
09:14 Merciful Father in heaven,
09:15 we thank You for the privilege of prayer.
09:17 Thank You that we can call You our Father.
09:19 Oh, Lord, we stand in need.
09:21 Stand in need of a Savior,
09:22 in need of the power of the Holy Spirit.
09:25 Lord, take our hearts and take our minds right now.
09:29 Convert us, convict us.
09:31 Bring us to the point
09:32 that we realize
09:34 that we're in the last hours of earth's history.
09:36 There's a preparation to be made to go through
09:38 what we're gonna be talking about today.
09:40 We're going to go about through the time of Jacob's trouble.
09:44 What is that all about? Lord, help us, we pray.
09:46 Cleanse our hearts and our minds now.
09:48 Help us to stay up on thee
09:50 and, Lord, speak to us for your servant hears,
09:52 in Jesus' name, amen.
09:56 I like to start out maybe a little bit differently
09:58 on this subject and may not be.
10:00 Because a lot of time when you start you,
10:01 you have kind of a bottom line and,
10:03 you give that bottom line more toward the end.
10:05 I'd like to give you some food for thought.
10:08 Because a lot of the stuff
10:09 that maybe that I'll read to you,
10:11 and it's a quote from Early Writings,
10:12 but as I read it,
10:14 there may be a word or two
10:15 that we may not understand if you haven't been studying.
10:18 Now we realize many of you will.
10:20 And this is just, you know, bring back to remembrance.
10:23 But it's such food for thought
10:25 that it made me absolutely just like shake in my chair,
10:30 as I read it again.
10:32 Because of the time that we're living in,
10:34 how are we going to survive the time of Jacob's trouble?
10:39 From Early Writings,
10:41 I'm going to read something
10:42 but first, I want to read one Bible passage,
10:43 and then we'll go back to the one we read before
10:46 about time of Jacob's trouble.
10:48 I don't think you can have this study
10:49 unless you just read the one in Daniel 12:1.
10:52 Isn't that right, in Daniel 12:1?
10:53 We're talking about this time of trouble,
10:56 Daniel 12:1.
10:58 Regardless how many times you've read it,
11:00 remember, we're talking to people by the thousands
11:04 that have never heard this.
11:06 You admit,
11:07 I want you to have patience and I need to have patience,
11:09 say, "Well, we read it a thousand times." So what?
11:12 It's not right may not be just for you.
11:14 But the message is there, absolutely.
11:16 But you may understand it, but thousands do not.
11:19 And so we must start at ground level here
11:21 and ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide and direct.
11:24 Bible says in Daniel 12:1, notice this.
11:27 "And at that time shall Michael," do what?
11:30 "Michael is going to stand up,"
11:32 notice this,
11:33 "The great prince with standeth for the children of thy people:
11:37 and there shall be a time of,"
11:38 what?
11:40 "A time of trouble,"
11:41 notice this,
11:42 "as such as ever was,
11:44 since there was a nation even to the same time:
11:48 and at that time,"
11:49 the what?
11:51 "The people," here's the good news,
11:52 "The people shall be,"
11:54 I like it,
11:55 "delivered, everyone that shall be found
11:57 written in the book."
11:58 See, there's some good news here.
12:00 Because as you look at that,
12:02 again, just, I'm not trying to go over everything and say,
12:04 "Oh, this is."
12:05 I just, I do want to point
12:06 just a couple of quick things here.
12:09 It says at that time,
12:10 and translation really is in that time it talks about,
12:13 refers to the time of the disappearance,
12:16 at least in my opinion, of the power described
12:19 at the end of Chapter 11, the last verse.
12:24 Now it's interesting as the way they work together here,
12:27 Chapter 11.
12:29 Do the last verse there. Thank you.
12:30 She's bringing some glasses.
12:32 I'm not sure these are the right ones.
12:34 Always helps to be able to see, right?
12:39 I brought some with me, that's a little bit better.
12:41 And I'm gonna dig way down here,
12:43 if you don't mind for just a second because,
12:45 you know, when the words all go together,
12:51 it's kind of sad sometime, isn't it?
12:53 Yeah, it's all right,
12:55 by the grace of God, isn't that right?
12:57 Again, we're looking at here the last verse of Chapter 11
13:00 and the first verse of 12:1,
13:05 to me is clearly related in the point,
13:08 end point of time.
13:10 And it talks about Michael and who is Michael?
13:15 Michael is Jesus,
13:16 in the Christ He says He's going to do what?
13:19 He's going to run,
13:21 the situation is in the world has come to a point
13:22 where Christ is going to rise
13:24 because He's doing He's mediating for us.
13:26 Right?
13:27 He's our high priest, and He stands up, it's over.
13:29 We'll be talking more about that
13:30 as we go along in this study,
13:32 but then He has to rise,
13:33 what to protect and to deliver His people
13:36 from the powers,
13:38 you know, of this world
13:39 that's come together against God's people.
13:41 He rises in the time of trouble.
13:44 Remember, God's Spirit is what?
13:47 Is completely withdrawn
13:48 and the demons of hell is running this whole earth.
13:52 Is that clear enough?
13:54 Do you think that demons of hell
13:57 are going to be doing anything that's good?
14:00 No, they're doing the things
14:02 that they've been wanting to do for a long time,
14:04 but God has been holding them back, right?
14:07 The winds, Revelation 7
14:08 holding them back until God says what?
14:10 "Let go."
14:13 There's been times in past of things that I've read,
14:15 and you just study a little more for yourself,
14:17 that the angels were just ready to let go.
14:20 They were loosening their grip and God said,
14:23 "Hold, hold because My people are not all sealed."
14:29 Man, I'm telling you, God is still in control.
14:33 All the winds of strife are blowing.
14:34 We see them right now.
14:36 And things are coming to our mind.
14:38 We're saying, well,
14:39 "God's Spirit here is being, it is withdrawn, is no long.
14:42 Mediation has what?
14:44 It ceases.
14:45 The enemy takes full control
14:47 just and we're talking about 12:1 here.
14:50 And there's a scene of strife
14:54 that no pen can picture.
14:58 No one can write it down.
15:00 You can read that
15:01 in the Great Controversy if you want.
15:03 As things are so bad
15:05 that you can't even write down how bad they're going to get.
15:08 But you know what? God's people will be here.
15:12 They're going to be here and go through it.
15:14 And if we can't take what's going on right now,
15:16 if you can't tell,
15:17 let's take somebody's calling you,
15:19 can I say nitwit.
15:20 Somebody's calling you names.
15:22 If you know what I'm saying, that's an easy one right now.
15:25 If we can't take that right now,
15:27 we can't take them,
15:28 the things that's thrown out to us
15:29 and our skin is not where we're able to stand
15:31 by the grace of God.
15:33 We will never go through this time.
15:35 Sometime lot of people say,
15:37 "Well, they write in, they say this or that."
15:38 Well, we need to get back and tell them
15:39 how the hog ate the cabbage.
15:41 I said, most generally, somebody told me today,
15:43 well, we like it, because you chop with it,
15:45 you know, just lay the axe to the root.
15:47 And there's those chips
15:49 and just let them fall where they fall.
15:51 And I said, "You know, I do that."
15:52 But you know what?
15:53 Every once in a while I go to the chip pile.
15:57 And I pick up those chips, and I look at it,
16:00 to see if it corresponds with the Word of God.
16:03 If it does, I go ahead and let people say
16:05 and do what they're gonna say and do.
16:07 I'm not going to waste my time going off.
16:09 Not going to get off the wall, you see?
16:11 You remember that? Remember off the wall.
16:14 Yeah, we're not gonna get off that wall
16:16 because we're working.
16:18 You're watchman on the wall,
16:19 but you know, devil wants you to come down from that wall.
16:23 So anyhow, it's good, you're going to be,
16:25 right here it says, if you're written in the book,
16:27 I want to encourage you with that
16:28 before we continue to go on here.
16:30 The Bible talks about this time of trouble here.
16:32 But everyone's going to be delivered.
16:34 Here's the good news.
16:36 So when we talk about
16:37 some of the things that's challenging,
16:39 think about the good news.
16:40 The good news, everyone will be delivered
16:43 whose name is written in the book.
16:47 Revelation 20:15,
16:48 "Written in the book is the Lamb's Book of Life."
16:53 Some people, bless their heart, they'll say,
16:55 "Yeah, well, I know.
16:57 As long as my name is on the church books,
16:59 I'm going to be saved."
17:02 No, this is not talking about the church books at all.
17:04 Have your name written on the church books
17:05 is a roll call.
17:07 That's as far as I'm concerned. Is that okay?
17:10 Really, that's all it is. Why?
17:12 Because you can't prove any other thing from Scripture
17:15 other than, we realize this,
17:17 but here, it's very clear
17:19 that our name must be written in the Lamb's Book of Life,
17:22 and He's going to deliver everyone.
17:24 So regardless of what is before God's people,
17:27 and we need to be aware of it.
17:29 If not, you will never be prepared.
17:31 I will never be prepared, but I want to be.
17:34 Early Writings, 282.
17:36 Again, I want to read this
17:39 because I think it's so very important.
17:42 And then we will try to put it together
17:44 as we continue to study along
17:46 how to survive the time of Jacob's trouble.
17:50 Notice how this passage reads
17:52 and again, I got goose bumps on it
17:54 and fearful, sad,
17:57 and all kinds of emotions with it.
18:00 Because I picture family,
18:02 I picture friends and relatives
18:06 and people who will not make it to heaven.
18:10 I'm not trying to be judgmental here.
18:11 But you know what?
18:13 They're not willing to meet the criteria
18:15 that God says to be part of the family of God.
18:18 Notice these words with me and how,
18:20 notice how some people today want to do the right thing.
18:27 But, boy, I'm telling you, a husband gets in the way,
18:30 a wife gets in the way,
18:32 neighbors and friends get in the way,
18:33 and they don't make that decision.
18:36 But you know what?
18:39 They're gonna turn on those folks
18:40 before it's all over.
18:41 Let's read it, shall we?
18:43 "Many of the wicked were greatly,"
18:46 notice this,
18:48 "enraged as they suffered the effects of the plagues."
18:52 And remember, seven last plagues,
18:53 we'll talk more about again as we go,
18:55 be poured out, that's a fearful time.
18:58 That is an awful time.
19:00 But notice, "It was a scene of fearful agony."
19:06 We're talking about time of Jacob's trouble.
19:07 Notice this.
19:09 "Parents were bitterly reproached by their children,
19:13 the children, their parents, brothers, and their sisters,
19:18 and sisters their brothers."
19:21 There was," notice this,
19:22 "Loud, wailing cries were heard in every direction."
19:28 Notice these words.
19:31 "It was you
19:34 who kept me from receiving the truth
19:39 which would have saved me from this awful hour."
19:43 Did you get that?
19:47 People are going to be pointing,
19:48 if we let them now,
19:50 the time will come when they will point and say,
19:52 "It was you that stopped me.
19:53 You said you're going to leave me
19:55 if I joined that church.
19:56 You're going to leave me if I follow the truth.
19:58 And so we choose a partner before we choose God.
20:03 This is going to come back.
20:04 Mom and Dad,
20:05 you wouldn't let me go to church
20:07 when I wanted to go to church.
20:08 You wouldn't let me be baptized when I want to be baptized.
20:11 I want to do the right thing, but you wouldn't let me do it,
20:13 now look at us.
20:16 Fearful time,
20:17 it was you that kept me from receiving the truth.
20:20 You're gonna save me from this awful hour
20:22 but, you know, you didn't.
20:24 Reading on, it says,
20:25 "The people even turn on their ministers
20:29 with bitter hate, and reproach, saying,
20:32 'You have not warned us.'"
20:36 There's many preachers today
20:37 and the pope is not giving any kind of warning message at all.
20:39 They need to be jerked out of there.
20:41 See, I say things and I look around say,
20:43 "Should I say that?"
20:47 If the preachers are not giving a warning message today
20:50 to prepare for the coming of Jesus
20:52 and what's happening in the world,
20:54 they've lost the salt.
20:58 And they're not earning their salt.
21:02 I'm not trying to be ugly about it.
21:04 I'm just simply saying because the time will come
21:06 when the people are going to turn and say,
21:08 "You didn't warn us.
21:10 You didn't tell us about it.
21:11 You told us all about Easter,
21:13 you told us all about Christmas,
21:14 and told us about all the good times
21:15 and socializing.
21:17 But you never warned us what was taking place.
21:21 You didn't warn us.
21:22 Going on, "You told us that all the world was to be,"
21:26 listen,
21:27 "You told us all the world was to be converted."
21:30 You know the teaching, right? Oh, the time is coming what?
21:31 Peace and safety
21:33 and the whole world is going to be converted,
21:34 we have another chance to make it right.
21:36 We miss it the first time we're going to make it,
21:37 false teaching.
21:40 You have one hour probation as it were, it's right now.
21:44 This is it.
21:46 But see that
21:47 devil is preaching his messages.
21:48 If you happen not make it the first time,
21:51 don't worry about, you're going to have another opportunity.
21:53 That's a lie from the devil.
21:56 Notice it says,
21:57 all the world was to be converted
21:59 and notice what it says,
22:00 "And you cried peace and peace and peace
22:05 to quiet every fear that was aroused."
22:09 You know every person
22:10 that's studying or listening to truth,
22:13 maybe listening to Radio 3ABN,
22:14 maybe they're watching 3ABN whatever,
22:16 or they're hearing somebody preaching
22:17 what is truth, and you hear it,
22:18 you say, "Oh, wow!"
22:20 And you go, first thing people do
22:21 is go ask their pastor.
22:24 And I'm not saying you shouldn't do that.
22:27 But if you hear a truth about the Sabbath, right?
22:29 Sunday keeper will go to the Sunday pastor and say,
22:32 "What about the Sabbath?"
22:34 And they'll start saying anything and everything
22:36 to smooth it all over, why?
22:38 Because they have not one passage of scripture
22:40 that proves Sunday is the day that we should be keeping.
22:45 Is anybody home?
22:47 Are we awake today?
22:50 Think about it.
22:51 This is serious business.
22:54 Let's not try to be sweetened and, well, let's be careful,
22:57 we don't wound and hurt somebody.
22:58 It's about time that somebody got stuck.
23:02 Nudged a little bit, so that we'll stand up.
23:06 That's exactly.
23:09 And they say to the pastor,
23:10 "You have not told us out of this hour,
23:14 and those who warned us,"
23:16 notice,
23:17 "of it you declared to be fanatics
23:20 and evil men who would ruin us."
23:24 So if you're out giving the message for today
23:26 that God has given this last day church to give,
23:29 people will say
23:30 don't listen to them, they're fanatics.
23:31 They're going to overdo it.
23:33 These people are no more on target than anything.
23:35 Don't worry about it,
23:36 just come on back here and just let them go.
23:41 But notice this,
23:43 but I saw so a warning is given to the ministers.
23:46 And that's all who claimed to be a minister of God.
23:49 Claim that God has called us in,
23:51 many called themselves in,
23:53 but you need to make sure
23:54 God has called you to be a minister
23:57 and not called yourself.
23:59 "I saw that the ministers did not escape
24:01 the wrath of God,"
24:03 because what?
24:04 They weren't telling the truth, number one.
24:05 They didn't warn the people what was coming on the land.
24:07 They were preaching what?
24:09 Free peace and safety.
24:11 That's what they were preaching.
24:13 But notice the preacher
24:15 and I've taken account of this for years and years,
24:16 it said,
24:18 "Their suffering was tenfold greater
24:22 than that of their people."
24:26 Did you get it?
24:28 Those who should be on the walls of Zion,
24:30 those who should be crying and sighing
24:32 for the abomination done within and without.
24:35 If you do not do it, you will,
24:36 it's not just trying to threaten somebody,
24:38 it said,
24:39 "You will suffer as a minister 10 times greater
24:43 than the people in your church."
24:46 And that's going to be quite suffering
24:47 just we could say a member of the church
24:50 10 times
24:52 because we had opportunity after opportunity
24:54 to do what was right and we didn't want to do it
24:56 because it wasn't popular.
25:00 And then the last of the article says,
25:02 "I,"
25:03 listen, "I saw the saints,
25:05 leaving the cities and the villages,
25:07 associating together in companies,
25:11 living in the most solitary places."
25:15 You realize what we are headed for.
25:22 We are somewhat
25:25 in our household torn up,
25:30 because we can't get our icebox fixed.
25:33 Okay.
25:39 I didn't say a day or two,
25:40 I was talking about for two months.
25:44 Now, see that makes it a little bit more like,
25:46 okay, it's okay.
25:48 But I'm just talking about it is really minute
25:51 compared to what we're talking about here,
25:52 what's going to happen, but it's almost overwhelming.
25:55 We want to jump somebody.
25:57 We want to talk to somebody in authority.
25:59 It shouldn't take two months to get an ice box to work.
26:02 And yet, for literally centuries,
26:04 there was no ice box.
26:05 And somehow people made it.
26:10 So we couldn't get it fixed.
26:12 Kenny's gonna fix it.
26:13 Somebody's not,
26:15 I just not tell you nothing about it.
26:16 And nobody wants to hear about it.
26:17 Anyway, I went out and bought another small icebox,
26:21 now put it by the one that's broken,
26:23 that we can't get fixed.
26:26 So I can keep things a little bit cold.
26:28 Okay. Yeah.
26:31 I'm just talking about,
26:32 do you see what I'm talking about here?
26:34 We are spoiled, rotten.
26:36 And when the bottom falls out of it,
26:38 Lord, have mercy on our souls.
26:41 I'm still wanting to talk to somebody in authority.
26:47 Oh, they've been out.
26:49 And they brought the parts to fix it.
26:51 Another guy come out and he say,
26:52 "This is what I think it is."
26:54 Then they say,
26:55 "Well, it'd be another week and somebody else will come out
26:58 or the parts will be here."
26:59 And so we call him, say the parts are here,
27:01 it'd be another week before he comes out.
27:03 So he came out, put all the parts together
27:05 and the refrigerator work for less than 24 hours
27:08 and broke again.
27:10 All he was doing was testing it
27:12 with a bottle of water and put it in there,
27:13 and if it froze in about 12 hours, it's working.
27:17 Like I was gonna say,
27:18 "Honey, it's working. Look, I'm rejoicing,"
27:21 and we put it back in there.
27:23 And a few hours later we looked at it was stalling.
27:25 Okay.
27:30 So now we go through the process again.
27:34 Saints are gonna leave the cities and the villages
27:36 and are going to sociate together.
27:38 And if you're a loner, you're gonna have issues.
27:46 They're going to be together
27:47 living in the most solitary places.
27:49 God have mercy on us, how to survive.
27:54 How are we gonna survive?
27:58 You know, we had in our scripture reading,
28:00 I think I do because
28:02 we haven't read it on air and I want to read it to you,
28:05 so that you understand where we're coming from
28:07 those of you who have maybe never read it before.
28:11 We'll go to Jeremiah.
28:13 Again, Chapter 30 going to read verses 5-7
28:17 is our scripture reading.
28:19 But notice what the Bible said,
28:20 Jeremiah Chapter 30,
28:22 and we're gonna read verses 5-7.
28:26 As read nicely for our scripture reading,
28:27 I'm going to read it again, says,
28:29 "For thus saith the Lord,
28:30 we have heard a voice of trembling,"
28:32 this is King James Version,
28:33 "of fear, and not a piece.
28:36 Ask ye now,
28:37 and see whether a man doth travail with a child?
28:40 Whether do I see,"
28:41 notice this,
28:42 "Wherefore do I see every man with his hand on his loins,
28:45 as a woman travail,
28:46 all faces are turned into paleness?"
28:49 Talking about childbirth here, how painful,"
28:52 and it says it ever.
28:54 This is what's taking place right now.
28:55 And it says, 7,
28:56 "Alas! For the great day,
28:58 day is great so that none is," what?
29:00 "None is like it:
29:02 It is even the time of Jacob's trouble,
29:05 but he shall be saved out of it."
29:07 Notice this passage also gives us
29:09 hope and encouragement.
29:10 He's going to be what?
29:12 "Saved out of it."
29:13 Now we know as we look
29:15 at this present time of this prophecy.
29:19 It was, you know,
29:21 really distress talking about the stretch of Jerusalem,
29:24 getting ready to be destroyed and Judah by the Babylonians.
29:28 But the second applications about the end of time.
29:31 Notice this,
29:32 "At the time of distress for God's people
29:35 is told us here
29:36 by they must pass through is what I read here,
29:39 a time of intense soul
29:42 searching for a spiritual Israel."
29:46 And we believe in spiritual Israel.
29:48 We're going to have to go through this time,
29:51 God sees fit for us to do it to perfect us for the kingdom.
29:56 How do we survive the time of trouble?
30:00 Maybe it'd be good to go back to a little more of a beginning
30:03 to see what the issues are really all about.
30:06 And then come to the point of how God's going to point out,
30:09 how that we can survive it, how we can make it through?
30:13 And what is the issues really about?
30:18 I'd like for your turn with me if you're holding your Bible
30:19 because it's very familiar.
30:21 But let's just go back to the beginning,
30:22 the Book of Exodus.
30:24 Book of Exodus 20:8-11.
30:29 Exodus Chapter 20.
30:31 You know what we're headed here, don't you?
30:33 Exodus Chapter what?
30:35 20. We're gonna read 8-11.
30:37 Remember, we'll read this in just a moment,
30:39 we'll establish it by the grace of God,
30:42 the whole issue in these last days
30:44 is going to be over the seventh day Sabbath.
30:48 And God's people who believe in the seventh day Sabbath
30:51 need to be blowing a horn.
30:53 They need to be sounding an alarm
30:55 about this subject.
30:57 But yet, a lot of times you don't hear it anymore,
30:59 and I'm trying to figure out why?
31:01 I'm in a dilemma sometimes.
31:06 People say something they used to years ago,
31:07 let's say, oh, Pastor Kenny is going to preach today.
31:10 Well, more doom and gloom.
31:12 Well, if that's what you call it,
31:13 go ahead and call it.
31:15 I call it warning.
31:18 There's a difference in doom and gloom.
31:19 It's a warning.
31:21 What God has said in His Word, He's given us that warning,
31:23 we're not making it up,
31:25 because He wants us to be prepared.
31:28 So since we're gonna take the principle thing here,
31:32 the seventh day issue
31:33 which everything is going to stamp go, built around,
31:37 and we're gonna look at and read it
31:38 in Exodus 20:8-11.
31:42 Notice, the Bible said, "Remember," the what?
31:45 "Sabbath day to keep it holy.
31:48 Six days shalt thou labor and do,"
31:51 how much work?
31:52 "All thy work.
31:53 But the seventh day is the Sabbath
31:55 of the Lord thy God:
31:56 in it thou shalt," what?
31:58 "Not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter,
32:03 nor thy, good, manservant, nor thy maidservant,
32:07 nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger
32:09 that is within thy gate."
32:11 And then it tells you why.
32:13 "For in six days the Lord did," what?
32:16 "He made heaven and earth,
32:17 the sea and all that in them is, and He rested."
32:19 Notice that.
32:21 This is so simple,
32:22 "He rested on the seventh day:
32:24 wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
32:27 and hallowed it."
32:29 I mean, there's nothing in Scripture
32:32 to me that's any clearer.
32:35 This is so simple.
32:38 And yet the enemy has so fogged the minds of many people
32:41 that they completely eliminate some of this.
32:44 The only way they can eliminate,
32:45 say, well, we don't believe in the Old Testament.
32:47 Really, Bible said.
32:48 "All scripture is given by God,"
32:50 isn't that right?
32:51 All of it.
32:53 Who are we to think we can tear out certain pages
32:55 and leave certain pages and,
32:57 you know, do what we want to do
32:58 and what fits our lifestyle
32:59 and, you know,
33:01 that God never point those things out to me,
33:03 He just said, I want you to keep.
33:06 Reminded as just those few precious verses right there
33:10 that the seventh day is God's appointed rest day.
33:15 Does that make sense?
33:17 He's establish that because, remember,
33:19 there's people who are listening
33:20 that haven't come to that point yet.
33:22 They're still God's people.
33:24 They still love Him with their whole heart,
33:25 but they've not been involved.
33:27 They've not really had the opportunity,
33:29 or maybe they spurned it.
33:30 And now, that's in their spirit
33:31 they're awakened
33:33 by the power of the Holy Spirit,
33:34 that they need to question.
33:38 And so we realize
33:39 it's God's appointed rest for man.
33:41 And that was from the beginning of creation in Genesis 2,
33:44 isn't that right 1-3?
33:46 So that's what God gave us in the very beginning.
33:48 The Bible said the Sabbath was made for man or mankind,
33:51 isn't that right?
33:53 We did that, Mark 2:27.
33:56 It's a reminder that we are not to forget God.
34:02 Isn't that sad that we need a reminder,
34:04 if you think about it in the sense?
34:06 He didn't want us to forget Him.
34:10 And, you know what?
34:11 If it's just, oh, it's a rest day.
34:13 So we just lay down and knock it out,
34:15 you know, for the whole Sabbath.
34:20 It's just to rest from physical labor,
34:23 does not really constitute real Sabbath observance.
34:29 Certainly part of,
34:30 but if there's more to it than that.
34:33 We must enter into the spirit or the spiritual rest,
34:37 and enter into a spiritual rest.
34:40 We want to become more acquainted with God.
34:44 Spiritual rest, we want to go to church.
34:49 We want to study the Word of God.
34:51 We want to pray more.
34:53 We want to come together as a group.
34:55 We want to learn who God really is.
34:59 And learn more about His mercy and learn about His love
35:02 and how He cares for us
35:04 and wants us to be saved in the kingdom.
35:08 And I've often thought about it.
35:09 If Sabbath rest was desirable
35:14 for my first parents,
35:17 Adam and Eve. Is somebody with me?
35:19 Our first parents.
35:22 Remember, if you think about it like that,
35:25 and I know many have, some have.
35:28 Listen, this means that down the line,
35:32 every one of us here can.
35:35 Brother Ben, you may want to accept me as your kin vote.
35:40 You know...
35:44 Is that true, Herbt?
35:46 See, I'm just, listen,
35:48 we, surely we will see through different eyes,
35:51 because we're so human sometime more than we should be
35:54 that we look about, I, me, mine,
35:57 and that's who we pray for and work for
35:58 just a little group over here.
36:00 We're all brothers and sisters.
36:03 We're kin somewhere down the line,
36:06 because we came from our first parents.
36:08 Wow!
36:11 To me, that just makes me think a little bit differently
36:13 when I see people.
36:17 And so we need this spiritual.
36:20 So if, you know if it was desirable
36:21 for Adam and Eve before sin,
36:25 how much more desirable for us who have sinful,
36:29 we're sinful mortals.
36:31 We need it.
36:33 I've always looked forward to the Sabbath.
36:35 A time I can put all the rest of the world aside
36:37 and not worry about it anymore.
36:39 I'm not challenged
36:40 that I'm gonna put my nail labor
36:42 and as it were back on,
36:43 I'm not challenged, I have to go to work.
36:45 I can let all this stuff go, I can look at it and laugh.
36:48 During the week I can't look at work
36:50 and staring me in the face and laugh at,
36:51 I've got to dig in do something.
36:53 On Sabbath I don't do that.
36:55 Bible says, six days that you labor,
36:59 six days work is to be done is what the Bible said.
37:03 So the first six days of the week, think about it.
37:09 We work and do everything that needs to be done.
37:11 But on the seventh day,
37:12 we're free to worship and certainly go to church,
37:17 or services for God, do things for God.
37:22 The seventh day, the Bible says is the Sabbath of the Lord.
37:27 Just a little point of difference here
37:28 we see in the world
37:30 between difference between Sunday keepers
37:33 and Sabbath keepers.
37:36 It's really not over whether a Christian should rest
37:40 or not do any work.
37:42 Stay with me.
37:45 One day in the week.
37:48 The question is,
37:50 which day of the week should it be?
37:54 Does that makes sense?
37:55 The first or the seventh?
37:58 Such an easy answer.
37:59 The Bible says the seventh.
38:01 That's an easy,
38:02 but somehow it's not easy for some
38:04 because they do not want to change their life
38:07 or their lifestyle.
38:08 They want to continue to do
38:09 what they do when they want to do it.
38:12 There's a day of reckoning.
38:15 This command that God gives,
38:17 we can divide it then in just a two points here,
38:19 quickly two points.
38:21 "Six days shalt thou," what?
38:23 "Labor and do all your work."
38:24 Point two,
38:26 "The seventh day,
38:27 thou shalt not do any work."
38:31 Why not work on the seventh day?
38:36 Because it is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.
38:40 That makes sense.
38:41 It's the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.
38:43 It's not seventh day Adventist day,
38:45 it's not seventh day Baptist, seventh day Pentecostal.
38:48 It's not that at all,
38:49 it has to do
38:50 the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.
38:54 It's God's day,
38:55 and only godly things should be done on that day.
38:58 I was not a Seventh-day Adventist,
39:00 I'd be a worker seven days a week.
39:04 I just always work.
39:06 That's just what's in me.
39:08 But I'm thankful that God set aside a day
39:10 because, you know, what He said,
39:11 "Kenny, you need to remember, you would forgotten me."
39:14 If I didn't set aside this day,
39:16 and you decided it by the grace of God,
39:17 you want to honor it.
39:19 You'd be so busy in things of the world
39:20 that you would forget Me
39:22 and I don't want you to forget Me.
39:23 And I'm thankful because I don't want to forget Him.
39:29 "God rested on the seventh day."
39:31 Just trying to make some points here and bring it out
39:33 because we're going to see
39:34 how all this is just twisted in the minds of mankind
39:37 and how it's going to be so twisted
39:39 so, you know, far in the very near future,
39:42 it's going to come back to hurt God's people.
39:45 We have to be established in this.
39:48 But you know what? I'm gonna say this.
39:50 The majority of Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath keepers
39:55 will turn in their faith when it starts getting tough.
39:59 Now do I like to say that? No. Am I trying to be critical?
40:01 No. Does that hurt me? Yeah, it does.
40:05 When the pressure is applied,
40:07 the majority or the Sunday law is passed,
40:10 the majority will leave the faith.
40:15 That's sad. You know why?
40:17 Maybe because we're not talking about it
40:19 like we are right now
40:20 to try to bring it out
40:21 and to establish how important it is
40:23 in God's sight.
40:24 It's one of the identifying marks of God's last day people.
40:29 Until then, you know, when the pressure is applied,
40:30 we're going to start making excuses for it.
40:36 I just might bring out too
40:38 I think it's very, very important here,
40:41 because I know some people fight it sometime,
40:44 they think it's okay to buy and sale and carry on,
40:47 on the Sabbath day.
40:50 That's not what the Bible teaches at all.
40:52 And I know it's taking time to do this,
40:54 but I think it's worth the time.
40:55 That's why I said we're gonna take two parts,
40:57 because we need to look at.
40:58 I'm gonna look at Jeremiah 17.
41:01 People are out buying and selling and doing whatever,
41:05 they are calling themselves Seventh-day Adventist,
41:07 they're breaking God's fourth commandment.
41:10 Here I'm not trying to be judgmental,
41:12 not trying to be hurtful.
41:14 People think they can just come right up
41:15 and just do what they want to do,
41:17 go out and buy whatever
41:18 and then come to church,
41:20 and they're a good Seventh-day Adventist,
41:21 not at all.
41:23 And I'll just give one illustration.
41:25 You know where that's at, in Jeremiah Chapter 17.
41:28 You remember what took place in Jeremiah 17?
41:32 God's promised a blessing
41:34 on those who would keep the Sabbath, right?
41:36 But He also said,
41:37 "If you don't keep it the way He said to keep it,"
41:39 and I'll read it in a moment, He said,
41:41 "He's going to set a fire in the gates,
41:43 and nobody's going to put it out."
41:47 You don't want God saying,
41:48 "This is what I'm going to do."
41:50 He warned and I'll read it starting with verse 21.
41:52 Notice here, quickly as I can,
41:54 "Thus saith the Lord,
41:56 take heed to yourselves and bear no," what?
41:59 "No burden,"
42:01 somebody help me
42:02 at least in my King James Version,
42:04 "No burden on the Sabbath day,
42:06 or bring it into by the gates of Jerusalem."
42:10 If I could just stop there and say quickly,
42:12 what was this all about?
42:15 Simply no buying and selling on the Sabbath.
42:18 Burdens here we translate it,
42:19 "Don't be bringing your grains or your fish or your vegetables
42:23 or those things that you want to sell."
42:25 People were going to church,
42:27 they were going to church, right, going into the temple.
42:29 They were bringing all the stuff
42:30 that they sold that they raised,
42:32 and they brought it right into the gates
42:33 and they did business,
42:35 they bought and they sold and then they turn around like
42:37 I go to church services.
42:40 Are you listening to me?
42:43 God said, "It's terrible."
42:45 That's loose, loose Sabbath keeping.
42:49 God doesn't accept that at all.
42:51 That's exactly what they were doing,
42:52 they were buying and selling.
42:55 Imagine taking your goods with you
42:57 as you went to church.
42:58 That's why it said don't carry them with you,
43:00 bringing them with you and set them outside the gate
43:01 just before you went into the temple
43:03 and did all your, you know, how the people get inside.
43:07 There's a lot of bickering going on over price,
43:09 you know it,
43:10 you know how they do sometimes with those markets,
43:12 oh, come on, you know.
43:14 But they did all of this sin and then go right in
43:17 and say we're keeping the Sabbath.
43:18 God was making it clear through Jeremiah
43:20 and Jeremiah laid it out.
43:24 This is loose Sabbath observance.
43:27 It's breaking the fourth commandment.
43:30 And I can certainly read Isaiah 58:13-14.
43:33 I won't do it.
43:35 "But God said don't do your own pleasure
43:36 on my holy day."
43:38 People say,
43:39 "Well, I'm just bringing it on out, I don't."
43:44 Some people say my, I loved, it's okay to get personal.
43:48 I don't know anybody here it does.
43:50 Oh, I love fishing, I love to fish.
43:54 And then they'll say,
43:56 "What are you doing? "Well, I'm going fishing."
43:57 "On the Sabbath?"
43:59 He said don't do your pleasure on My holy day.
44:01 Pleasure is fishing.
44:03 Pleasure for me growing up was playing basketball
44:05 or football or baseball or something that I knew
44:08 that I shouldn't do because it was my pleasure.
44:13 People try to make excuses for it,
44:14 but there's no excuse.
44:16 God said, "No."
44:17 He said, "Don't speak your own words on My holy day."
44:19 If we're speaking our own words,
44:21 talking about our job,
44:22 talking about how we did all week long
44:24 and all the other stuff rather than things about God,
44:26 we have broken the Sabbath.
44:29 We all need corrected,
44:30 myself, I'm talking about we need to really think about,
44:33 remember not speaking your own words
44:35 that you can do six days.
44:39 That means we need a real change on His day
44:41 to become more like Him
44:43 to really find,
44:44 that's a spiritual rest of finding Christ.
44:47 Finding out what He's all about.
44:50 And keeping it rather than just say we keep it,
44:53 we go to church on Sabbath.
44:54 We must keep it the way God said.
44:56 He will help us to do that.
44:58 Verse 22,
45:00 "Neither carry forth a burden of your house
45:02 on the Sabbath day,
45:03 neither do any work, but hallow My Sabbath."
45:07 Verse 23,
45:08 "But they obeyed what?"
45:10 They obeyed not. Good, notice what it said.
45:12 "No, they not neither inclined their ear
45:14 but made their neck stiff."
45:16 Many Adventists today have stiff necks.
45:20 They know what the truth is, but they refuse to do it.
45:23 And they try to hamper you and try to hamper me
45:26 to say it's all right to do these things
45:27 when God said it's not okay.
45:29 Now remember, you don't have to do anything.
45:32 You don't have to do it if you don't want to.
45:34 By the grace of God, you fall in love with Jesus.
45:36 He said,
45:37 "This is what you'll be doing if you are my follower."
45:41 You see in the church,
45:42 the preachers won't speak on it either
45:44 because they know some of the members
45:45 are doing likewise,
45:47 making excuses for working on the Sabbath.
45:50 There's no excuse for working on the Sabbath.
45:52 Not once you understand the truth of the issue.
45:56 Well, I have to, I have to make a living.
45:59 God never said that in His Word.
46:01 He said, "No work."
46:03 And that, that's it, it's a lie.
46:04 The devil, it's a lie of the devil.
46:07 And yes, it takes faith
46:08 and yes, it takes love for Christ.
46:12 If Sabbath is not a day to mow the lawn
46:13 and rake the leaves.
46:18 We need to be careful
46:19 that we observe it the way God said to do.
46:21 But remember,
46:23 if we do not, and it's because, oh, boy,
46:26 it's because we are not
46:29 that we're going to have to go
46:30 through the time of Jacob's trouble.
46:33 Because of the way God said,
46:35 I'm not gonna read more of the verse
46:36 except for the last one down, I want to read verse 27.
46:39 Can we do that?
46:40 Jeremiah 17:27, Jesus says, notice God says,
46:44 "But if you will not hearken unto me to hallow," what?
46:49 "The Sabbath, hallow the Sabbath day,"
46:51 if you're not going to listen, he says,
46:53 "Not to bear a burden,
46:55 even entering in at the gates of Jerusalem
46:57 on the Sabbath day,
46:59 then will I kindle," what?
47:01 "A fire in the gates thereof,
47:04 and it shall devour the palace of Jerusalem
47:07 and it shall not be quenched."
47:10 What did God say?
47:11 If Jerusalem, notices this, if Jerusalem,
47:13 if the people of God would do the right thing,
47:16 He says in the passage of scripture that He said,
47:18 "Jerusalem will never cease, it will always be."
47:21 But you know, it wasn't always, it's not continued on,
47:24 destroyed because they were not listening.
47:27 And today we will not listen and God said,
47:29 "I'm going to kindle a fire
47:31 and devour the palaces of Jerusalem.
47:34 Lord, have mercy on us.
47:38 What issues we face?
47:42 Of course, quickly, I want to put in acts of mercy.
47:47 Don't you think it's okay, acts of mercy.
47:49 Work is essential
47:51 to the preservation of life and health.
47:53 That's okay.
47:54 That cannot be done on other days, is forbidden.
47:58 Matthew Chapter 12, the Bible says
48:00 verses 1 through 14, won't read them all.
48:02 It just simply, bottom line, notice this.
48:04 The Bible said it is lawful to do what?
48:07 Good on the Sabbath days.
48:10 It also mentioned, notice it,
48:11 the stranger and I hear this every once in a while
48:13 from people who write in or they call in,
48:15 they'll say I have an older person,
48:17 maybe a daughter or son has moved back into the home.
48:20 But they're what?
48:22 We call a strict Seventh-day Adventist.
48:23 They want to follow what God has said in His Word.
48:26 But the child who moves back in doesn't want to observe it.
48:31 They want to be watching television.
48:33 They want to be listening to their music
48:35 and carrying on and so on and forth.
48:36 You know what?
48:38 The Bible is very clear about the stranger
48:39 or the one who comes in
48:41 that doesn't observe the Sabbath
48:43 the way you believe it should be observed.
48:47 Think about it.
48:48 My dad said in a different way,
48:50 you know, as long as you're under this roof,
48:53 you'll do as I tell you to do.
48:55 Come on.
48:56 Does anybody ever heard that before?
48:58 Yeah, that's it.
48:59 Listen, you used to hear it in the home.
49:01 You don't hear that anymore.
49:04 People love their children.
49:05 They love what they're doing more than they love God.
49:08 If they love God, they would say,
49:10 "This is the rules, say however you want to do it.
49:13 This is what we do in this house.
49:15 God said no work to be done.
49:17 Not any pleasure on My day.
49:19 They say well,
49:20 "We hate so bad because they fire up the lawnmower
49:23 and they're cutting grass on the Sabbath.
49:24 Listen to the wrong kind of music
49:26 and I don't know what to do."
49:27 You know what I've said to them,
49:29 "Kick them out."
49:30 I know that's brutal.
49:31 Some of you don't want to hear it.
49:34 You can do it easier than that.
49:36 Well, show him the door.
49:38 That's still kind of ugly, isn't it?
49:41 No, you have to
49:43 because you are accountable
49:45 for what they do under your roof.
49:49 Did you get that one?
49:50 You are accountable,
49:52 I am accountable for what that stranger
49:54 or your family does under your roof.
49:56 If they're not observing what God has said,
49:58 you are going to be accountable.
50:02 You know what we'll do?
50:03 Well, I just love them too much.
50:05 That means you love them more than you love God.
50:09 Oh, I know it's difficult. I know you don't want to hear.
50:11 Some people don't want to hear but to me, that's the truth.
50:14 You're choosing.
50:16 God has said, "Not to," the stranger.
50:22 You remember in Israel's time,
50:23 the one who chose to remain with the Israelites
50:27 were to conform to God's requirements
50:31 just like today.
50:36 We know the law of God existed before the creation of man.
50:42 Now there's a lot on plate,
50:44 again I don't have time to go in all of that,
50:45 is so simple to go back and say,
50:47 "Well, how do we know about
50:48 Cain and Abel and murder and so on?
50:50 We can go back about the man and so on and so forth
50:52 the law was given on Sinai."
50:53 But notice it,
50:55 how else could Adam have sinned if there wasn't a law?
51:00 That makes sense?
51:02 If there wasn't a law in existence,
51:04 how could Adam have sinned, Adam and Eve?
51:07 Signs of the Times, 4-15-1886 says this,
51:12 "The law of God existed before man was created."
51:16 But notice,
51:18 "It was adapted
51:19 to the condition of holy beings."
51:23 Listen, we need to realize
51:25 especially as Seventh-day Adventist
51:26 you have the Spirit of Prophecy,
51:27 you need to praise God,
51:29 rest of you don't understand that,
51:30 please study so that you can say,
51:31 look, I want that.
51:33 Because the gift of prophecy will be in the church
51:35 and operating until Jesus comes.
51:37 All we have to figure out is,
51:39 does it coincide with what Scripture says.
51:41 That makes sense?
51:43 It's always been,
51:45 God has always had His prophets in the world
51:47 to warn us of things before they come to pass.
51:50 Instead of tearing it apart, we should be praising God,
51:53 say now I know.
51:54 Now I know.
51:56 And I can decide whether I want to or I don't want to.
52:01 The condition so the law of God
52:03 before it was written on Sinai was geared to the holy beings.
52:07 But you know what?
52:09 You read little more Spirit of Prophecy,
52:10 you'll find out that
52:12 other worlds were seen in vision.
52:13 And you know what?
52:14 There was tree in it too, in every, right?
52:19 Just like the Garden of Eden, did you get it?
52:23 There was a tree and there's one tree there's,
52:26 you don't touch and you don't eat.
52:29 She asked one of the angels in vision,
52:31 one or one of the people were their angels.
52:34 Well, they said,
52:36 "You don't eat from that. If you do, you will fall."
52:39 And the rest of the universe has seen
52:41 what's going on down here and they've chosen
52:43 not to participate.
52:45 They've seen what happened to Adam and Eve.
52:47 They want nothing to do with it.
52:49 The day will come
52:50 when we make it by the grace of God
52:52 to portals of the kingdom.
52:54 We'll still have that choice.
52:55 But you know, it's not going to happen
52:57 sin will not rise up again the second time.
52:59 You won't want any more of it.
53:00 I don't want any more of it.
53:06 But after the fall,
53:08 okay, we just had about three minutes left,
53:09 stay with me.
53:11 Remember, the angels were governed by this law.
53:14 After the fall,
53:16 the principles of righteousness were unchanged.
53:20 Nothing was added to it as it were from the law.
53:23 Nothing taken away from the law.
53:25 Nothing added to His holy precepts
53:27 could be improved.
53:28 There's no way you could improve it.
53:32 And as it has existed from the beginning,
53:36 so continue to exist throughout the ceaseless ages.
53:41 Psalmist says in Psalms 119:152,
53:44 "Concerning thy testimonies,"
53:46 he said, "I have known of," what?
53:48 "Of old that thou hast founded them for ever."
53:57 Isn't that wonderful God gave us something
53:59 that we can look into that call sin
54:01 by its right name.
54:02 Ten little precepts.
54:07 We wouldn't know what sin is if it was not for the law.
54:10 There would be no sin if there was no law.
54:15 By the law is that knowledge of sin,
54:17 Romans tells us.
54:18 Great Controversy quickly, 6:22 says this,
54:21 "The time of trouble such as never was
54:24 is soon to open up before us."
54:27 So what is this one thing
54:29 that God's people will be doing at this time
54:32 concerning the Sabbath truth?
54:36 It starts opening up for us right now.
54:37 What will God's people really be doing?
54:40 Notice this what it says here
54:41 and this is in the Early Writings 33,
54:43 "I saw that God had children
54:44 who do not see and keep the Sabbath.
54:48 They have not rejected the light upon it."
54:51 And you've to notice,
54:53 "At the commencement of the time of trouble,
54:56 we were filled with the Holy Ghost,"
54:58 praise God, we need to be filled with the Holy Ghost.
55:00 "And we went forth proclaiming the Sabbath more fully.
55:05 This enraged the churches
55:07 and nominal Adventists
55:09 as they could not refute the Sabbath truth."
55:11 That's why you receive a lot of problems
55:13 from different people
55:14 is because they have no biblical,
55:15 you know, they can't go and show you some passages
55:17 like you can them about keeping the Sabbath.
55:21 Nominal Adventist, by the way,
55:22 was way back when people accepted the first
55:24 and the second angel's message,
55:26 but they refused the third one.
55:28 But you cannot separate from the third angel's message,
55:31 the seventh day Sabbath,
55:32 you cannot, that's what the devil is trying to do.
55:39 It's time for God's people to find and hold our position,
55:43 as we'll look next time as we come together,
55:45 and we will be identifying these things
55:47 that will by the grace of God,
55:49 we'll be able to make it through the time of trouble.
55:51 Remember, the seventh day Sabbath
55:53 is one of the main issues.
55:54 That's why we wanted to spend some time on that,
55:56 because God's people are going to what?
55:59 Proclaim this message more fully than ever before.
56:02 Our time has run out.
56:03 Let's pray real quick, shall we,
56:04 for those who are making decisions right now.
56:06 Our Father in heaven,
56:07 thank You for Your precious Spirit.
56:08 Bless those now
56:10 maybe heard for the first time that they hear clearly.
56:11 May they take their stand right now on Your side.
56:13 We thank You in Jesus' name.
56:14 Amen. God bless you.
56:16 And we'll see you next time.
56:19 Hello and welcome back.
56:21 We certainly pray that the Lord was speaking to your heart
56:24 during today's first message of this two part series
56:27 that we have entitled,
56:29 "How to survive the time of Jacob's trouble."
56:31 Proper Sabbath keeping is certainly a marker
56:34 of those who will stand victorious
56:36 during this last great struggle
56:38 between good and evil
56:40 right before Christ's Second Coming.
56:42 You may be wondering,
56:44 how do you know this to be a fact?
56:46 Well, one simple reason is found in Revelation 12:17,
56:50 where we read,
56:51 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman
56:53 and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
56:56 which keep the commandments of God
56:59 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
57:02 Notice that the verse states which keep the commandments.
57:06 Friends, this would include
57:08 keeping the fourth commandment as well.
57:11 We hope that you will join us again here next time
57:14 for part two of
57:15 "How to survive the time of Jacob's trouble."
57:18 And should you wish to order this DVD set
57:21 to view and to share with others.
57:23 We are making it available to you
57:25 for a love gift of just $15 or more.
57:28 Please call us here in the United States at (618) 942-5044
57:34 Central Time.
57:35 Or you may write to us at Behold the Lamb Ministries,
57:38 PO Box 2030 Herrin, Illinois 62948.
57:42 You may email us at
57:44 BeholdTheLambMinistries
57:46 or visit our website at
57:50 Friends, until next time, may the Lord richly bless you.


Revised 2021-01-22