Behold the Lamb Presents

US Liberty Under Assault: The Elite Globalist Agenda Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000154S

00:37 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:39 I'm Chris Shelton,
00:41 I wanna thank you for joining us.
00:43 Today's message is what I believe
00:45 to be a warning message for each of us to be aware of.
00:48 It is entitled, "US Liberty Under Assault,
00:52 The Elite Globalist Agenda" part one.
00:54 As you will discover in today's message,
00:57 this is not a new agenda by any means.
01:00 But it is an agenda
01:01 that is rapidly gaining strength,
01:04 and is now spoken of much more openly
01:07 than it was several years ago.
01:09 And now we have access to information more easily
01:12 as we researched this topic via the Internet
01:15 to verify its validity.
01:18 In preparation for this message,
01:19 you know, I just began to wonder
01:21 why the news journalists
01:23 weren't speaking of this global agenda
01:26 to totally reset our whole way of life
01:28 as we know it.
01:30 When the very week that we began to study
01:32 and put this message together.
01:34 Laura Ingraham of Fox News
01:36 covered it in her opening statements
01:39 that were aired on November 12, 2020,
01:42 where she addressed the global reset
01:45 and the elite globalist desire to sacrifice our freedoms.
01:49 And no doubt
01:51 other investigative journalists have touched on it
01:53 or will touch on it,
01:55 as we see these events unfolding before our very eyes.
02:00 This message is a continuation of several other messages
02:04 that Pastor Kenny Shelton
02:05 has just previously been sharing
02:07 with God's people,
02:09 as the Lord reveals to us
02:10 how these agendas are part of the prophecies
02:13 of the end
02:15 that Christ so lovingly warned His people of.
02:18 So let's join Pastor Kenny Shelton,
02:20 as he breaks this down for our understanding,
02:24 and for our encouragement
02:25 to prepare for what may lie ahead
02:28 in our very near future
02:30 if the Lord continues to allow
02:32 the winds of strife to be loosened.
02:36 But first, we will visit 3ABN
02:39 and be reminded in song by Laurie K Sarton
02:42 that "He's Concerned."
02:58 God is just a prayer away
03:04 All you need to do is call
03:09 He will hear your faintest cry
03:15 God's concerned about you
03:20 So while your tears are flowing through
03:26 This time of mourning
03:31 He will hear your faintest cry
03:36 God's in love with you
03:42 He knows
03:45 He cares
03:48 He sees
03:50 He's there
03:53 He'll carry you
03:59 He's concerned about you
04:05 Weeping may endure for a night
04:10 But the morning will bring joy
04:16 He won't give you more than you can bear
04:21 He's concerned about you
04:27 He loves you He loves you
04:32 He loves you
04:37 I know He does He really really does
04:42 He's concerned about you
04:48 He knows He cares
04:53 He sees He's there
04:59 He'll carry you
05:05 He's concerned about you
05:11 He knows He cares
05:17 He sees He's right there
05:23 He'll carry you
05:30 He's concerned about you
05:37 He's concerned about you
05:45 He's concerned about you.
06:11 Thank you for joining us here at Behold the Lamb Ministries,
06:13 we appreciate you so very much.
06:15 Thank you, you have other choices,
06:16 you could go other place,
06:17 you could be doing other things,
06:19 but you have chosen to sit there
06:20 in front of your TV
06:22 or it might be or computer might be whatever your phone,
06:23 you're watching this program because you know,
06:25 by God's grace, we're gonna try
06:27 to be bringing things that are current things
06:29 that will help us understand where we're at
06:32 in the stream of earth's history.
06:34 This is very, very important.
06:35 Today is no exception.
06:37 But I just continue to want to thank
06:39 each and every one of you for your prayers,
06:41 for your cards,
06:42 your letters of encouragement, and support.
06:45 And even some of you who just don't agree,
06:46 you send those and you let me know that too.
06:48 But praise God, I go back to the,
06:50 you know, we say, you know,
06:51 put the axe to the, you know, the bark of the tree, you know.
06:53 I go back and I look
06:54 at all those chips are out there,
06:56 the Word of God, if it adds up with the Word of God,
06:58 I'm gonna continue on.
06:59 But thank you for your,
07:01 again prayers and your support
07:02 to get this message around the world.
07:04 Remember, "It does not stay in these walls."
07:08 To me, it's wrong to have the last day message
07:10 to give to the world
07:12 and keep it confined in the walls.
07:14 We have by the grace of God via 3ABN
07:18 is to go to all the world
07:20 to reach hundreds of thousands and millions.
07:23 And, you know, you can be a part of that,
07:24 you may not be the speaker, you may not be this or that,
07:27 but you can help us to continue to get this message out,
07:30 and I just want to thank you for that.
07:31 We're gonna be talking about our subject
07:33 is kind of a long title,
07:35 but "US Liberty Under Assault,"
07:38 and then the other part of it
07:39 is "The Elite Globalist Agenda."
07:42 Now it's kind of long,
07:44 but you'll see how these fit together as we go.
07:46 Again, we're gonna go
07:48 in several different directions,
07:49 but we're gonna find they're all gonna bottleneck
07:51 and come together to help us to understand
07:54 what is taking place in the world.
07:56 And as the end result, remember,
07:57 the end result is this, there's a great controversy.
08:00 The enemy is doing his best
08:02 to get rid of God's last day people.
08:04 And who are they?
08:06 That's anybody that wants to be part of it.
08:08 He identifies as those who keep the commandments of God
08:10 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
08:12 Anybody can be a part of it.
08:14 But the bottlenecks gonna go just like this.
08:16 But the enemy is using so many things right now,
08:19 I'm talking about right now,
08:21 to bring about things
08:22 to where there can be laws and rules and regulations
08:25 that will attack your freedom of speech.
08:28 Is gonna attack your freedom to worship
08:30 the way you want to.
08:31 You know, that should put us up right there and then I say,
08:33 "No, I believe in freedom of speech."
08:36 So we're gonna look
08:38 at the "Elite Globalist Agenda."
08:40 And I'm gonna mention,
08:41 I'll mention several times as we go before we have prayer.
08:44 You know, there's just a few 100,
08:46 maybe a few 100 billionaires in the world today
08:49 that's running this world, not this country, this world.
08:54 You just have a few voices that are running this world,
08:57 and they've got a different plan than we have.
09:00 And so it's time for us to stand
09:02 as it were and to shout,
09:04 we've backed up enough.
09:07 I feel like I have in my time,
09:08 I've done my share of backing
09:10 and I'm not gonna do it anymore.
09:11 By the grace of God we have a word to give
09:14 that will be an encouragement,
09:15 a word that say in prophecy
09:17 that will tell the people things
09:18 that are gonna happen before they,
09:21 you know, take place before they happen.
09:24 And so when they do will understand,
09:25 well, I need to pray
09:27 because I'm feeling like preaching today.
09:28 Is that all right?
09:30 All right. I'm gonna pray right now.
09:31 I'll kneel, you want to just sit there
09:32 we're gonna pray together?
09:34 Let's pray.
09:35 Merciful Father in heaven, again, we come before Thee.
09:38 We thank You that You are God in heaven
09:39 that loves us with everlasting love.
09:41 Thank You for the promise of the Holy Spirit.
09:44 Lord, I stand in awe of a great God
09:45 that we serve what You've promised to do
09:47 with the pitiful little words that come out of my mouth
09:50 and I pray no one will listen to that,
09:52 but they will hear Your words.
09:53 They will respond to your call.
09:55 Ears will be open and minds will be open
09:57 that we will receive
09:59 that what you have in store for us.
10:00 Know I just want to thank You for it, Lord, come,
10:03 forgive me of any sin,
10:04 anything in my heart and life that needs not be there.
10:07 I need to hear Your voice
10:08 and Your children need to hear Your voice today,
10:10 in Jesus' name, amen.
10:13 Again, that US
10:15 we call "US Liberty Is Under Assault,"
10:18 there's no doubt about it.
10:19 "The Elite Globalist Agenda" needs to be revealed.
10:22 And we probably will do that as we go.
10:24 Again, we're gonna mention something.
10:26 If you think we're gonna get out of this world
10:28 without some confrontation, we better think again.
10:32 I know it's kind of leading up to we've been thinking,
10:33 well, it's leading up to that, "Oh, peace and safety."
10:37 You know, 'cause the Bible said,
10:38 "They'll say peace and safety."
10:39 And then what?
10:41 Now remember, you can't hear this too much.
10:42 You can't hear it too much.
10:44 They say "Peace and safety."
10:45 So we're looking at administration
10:46 and things that are happening now.
10:48 They said, "We're all gonna come together,
10:49 and we're all gonna start thinking alike,
10:51 we're gonna be eating from the same table."
10:53 You know, this could be just prior
10:55 to the bottom falling out.
10:56 But I believe there's gonna be some exchange of things
10:58 that we don't want the Bible said in Matthew 24,
11:01 "There would be wars and rumors of wars."
11:04 And if we do not warn the people of God,
11:07 that these things will happen on this planet
11:10 where we live right now, there can be an awful,
11:12 awful exchange of things.
11:13 And I know that stepping out on a limb,
11:15 and be you know what?
11:16 I really don't care.
11:18 Is that all right?
11:20 You've got people say,
11:21 "Well, we're not gonna have that there."
11:22 The Bible said,
11:24 "There would be wars and rumors of wars."
11:27 Famine, and pestilence and earthquake,
11:29 isn't that right in diverse places is happening.
11:32 All these things are happening right now.
11:34 And preachers get up and they want to,
11:35 they want to preach a pie and cake stuff.
11:40 Well, it kind of sounds good, maybe think about tasting good,
11:42 but it's not.
11:44 We don't need that right now.
11:45 We need some meat of the Word.
11:48 Joel Chapter 2,
11:49 I'm gonna retest somebody about George Washington
11:51 'cause we talk about freedom.
11:53 I enjoy what freedom that we have right now.
11:57 I enjoy freedom of speech, freedom of religion,
12:02 I enjoy that, I think we should have that.
12:04 But notice what the world is doing.
12:06 They're trying to shut your mouth.
12:08 They're trying to shut our mouths
12:10 so that we can't say anything that needs to be said,
12:13 or to proclaim the truth,
12:14 the enemy is behind it, even though we'd say,
12:17 well, let's change that.
12:18 We can't call certain things this way anymore.
12:21 We have to have a new word for it.
12:23 You can't say this,
12:24 you have to have a new word for it.
12:27 Some of you not with me,
12:28 like what are you talking about?
12:30 You can't say skinny, you can't say fat.
12:32 You can't say.
12:34 Okay, you got what I'm talking about.
12:35 We started this years ago, changing things.
12:38 See, and so
12:40 and then if you don't do it becomes hate speech.
12:43 You can't say anything about another's religion.
12:46 Well, we're not really trying to fight
12:48 any other person's religion.
12:49 But we need to know
12:50 what truth is from the Word of God.
12:53 Remember, George Washington said this,
12:55 it's just a little paragraph I thought was very interesting.
12:58 1783, they were going through things
13:02 even then that was working on freedom of speech.
13:06 You have to be careful what you say.
13:09 You're gonna get yourself in trouble.
13:11 Interesting,
13:12 the enemy is trying to close our mouth right now.
13:15 George Washington said it like this.
13:17 He said, "The freedom of speech may be taken away."
13:23 Did you get it? 1783, the freedom of what?
13:27 Of speech may be taken away, notice this, and listen,
13:31 and dumb and silent
13:34 we may be led like sheep to the slaughter.
13:38 See, what they're trying to do today,
13:40 the world government is,
13:42 is take away some of your, you know,
13:44 your freedoms that we have here,
13:45 you know, first amendment and second amendment,
13:47 and so on and so forth.
13:48 So that you go to slaughter without saying anything,
13:52 duct tape over your mouth.
13:54 In some instances maybe mask.
13:59 And that mask are good, when we need masks, praise God.
14:01 It's okay, I'm just talking about here,
14:03 but you'll notice even like a mask of,
14:04 it muffles what you're trying to communicate
14:07 to somebody else.
14:08 Somebody stay with me.
14:10 We don't need any muffled message now, do we?
14:12 We don't need anything that's muffled.
14:15 If you're serious about these issues,
14:16 we're gonna pay attention because it's,
14:19 we're gonna try to cover what we can.
14:20 But you know and I know and God already knows
14:23 that there's a lot of things that will come up as we talk,
14:25 the Holy Spirit will prick our conscience.
14:28 Joel Chapter 2 was read for our scripture.
14:32 Joel 2:15-17.
14:35 I think many of you hear, Herb,
14:37 I know you would be
14:39 that Joel is a book we need to be studying.
14:41 Am I correct on this?
14:42 Joel is a book we need to study very closely right now.
14:46 The Book of Acts talks a little bit
14:47 about the same thing that I'm taking,
14:49 we're getting ready to read as we read a while ago,
14:51 because it's important.
14:52 The Bible says, notice this, "Blow the trumpet," where?
14:56 What does Zion represents what?
14:57 The world or the church or the God's people?
15:00 Yeah, notice, "Sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly."
15:05 It didn't say call a group of people together
15:07 to have a, you know, some kind of a festivity.
15:11 Even though I'm not criticizing all that science,
15:13 it says that, "It's a solemn," what?
15:15 "It's a solemn time in which we live."
15:17 If anyone doesn't recognize that right now,
15:19 bless your heart.
15:22 This is a solemn time that we are in,
15:24 I feel like from...
15:25 I feel like the function of the Holy Spirit is to say,
15:28 this world is getting ready to blow apart in our very face,
15:31 and most of us are not ready for it.
15:34 Why? Because we don't hear it. Why?
15:36 Because people don't want to hear.
15:38 We don't want to make any necessary changes.
15:40 We don't want to be put out.
15:42 We don't want our life style to change.
15:46 And yet, God says
15:47 calls the people together and says, "Solemn, fast,"
15:49 you notice, "Gather the people together
15:51 sanctify us," what it says here,
15:53 the congregation.
15:54 We're called, get the elders in,
15:56 gather the children
15:57 and the women and the babies and so on,"
15:59 and take what?
16:00 "And the bride out of her closet."
16:02 Man, if you look at some comparisons here,
16:04 would you not go to Matthew Chapter 25?
16:06 Would you not?
16:07 Yeah, you're gonna have what?
16:09 Ten virgins, five wise, five foolish.
16:12 All of them think they're prepared.
16:14 As the people everyone here I say,
16:16 "You're prepared for Jesus to come?"
16:17 Almost everyone here will say,
16:18 "Oh, well, yes.
16:20 Yeah."
16:22 I mean, praise God, it's good to be positive.
16:24 You know what I mean, by the grace of God, yes.
16:25 But I'm saying here
16:27 Bible brings to our attention here
16:29 that we need to be careful, because many are saying yes.
16:32 And it's not that way in their life.
16:34 They say we need to come together
16:36 and be praying about this issue.
16:37 Let's notice this, come here,
16:39 "The priest and the ministers and the Lord
16:42 says the Lord weep between the porch," and what?
16:46 Man, how many pastors you see today,
16:48 how many of you are weeping as it were in your closet?
16:52 How many of you really
16:53 are just really when you're praying to God,
16:54 that no one else is around that
16:56 because of what's going on in the world right now
16:59 is bringing heartache to you?
17:02 Because you see that the end is coming.
17:05 And you see the people of God are still,
17:07 you know, still dug into this world
17:09 and the things of the world
17:11 and we're just, you know,
17:12 our mind is occupied on things that are going,
17:13 we got time to do everything else.
17:15 We don't have time to do anything for God,
17:17 not trying to work your way into heaven.
17:18 But you know what?
17:19 We've got to be available,
17:21 because there's such a work to be done.
17:23 How many pastors today,
17:26 ministers are weeping
17:27 between the porch and the altar?
17:30 What are you talking about the porch and the altar?
17:31 Man, go back and study the sanctuary message.
17:34 Wouldn't you do that?
17:35 You study your sanctuary message,
17:36 it's not talking about the porch.
17:39 It's talking about sacrifice there, is it not?
17:44 The sacrifice of Christ, there's no doubt about it here.
17:48 It's the plan of salvation.
17:50 Then it goes back and it says, "And the altar,"
17:54 altar would be what?
17:56 "Altar of sacrifice would be forgiveness of sins,"
17:58 would it not?
18:00 God said, we need to be concentrating
18:01 and make sure our sins are confessed up.
18:04 Go through the sanctuary,
18:05 thy way of God is through the sanctuary
18:06 to find God and to find salvation.
18:10 You know, the altar of sacrifice,
18:11 you know, you think about that,
18:13 praying that God would intervene,
18:17 praying that God would help His last day people.
18:20 I need somebody to intercede for me.
18:23 Come on, somebody preach to me.
18:25 Do we not?
18:26 Thank God that we have an intercessor right now,
18:29 but we will not always have an intercessor.
18:32 The Bible is very clear that one day He stands up
18:34 and takes His priestly robes off
18:36 and He says it is done.
18:37 It is finished.
18:38 And many people are gonna be caught.
18:41 Are you still with me?
18:43 You're gonna be caught,
18:44 not in the right relationship with Christ
18:46 because we think things are gonna continue on
18:48 just like they always have.
18:51 Hmm, boy, if you think about it,
18:53 and I just have to go on with this
18:55 because you think about next verse
18:56 wasn't even in that in verse.
18:57 What is it, 19?
18:59 I like three words there.
19:00 God said, if you're a praying, if you're,
19:02 you know, you want Him
19:04 to intercede for us and His people.
19:06 We realize that the latter rain is soon to be poured out.
19:09 It has to be upon those who confess our sins.
19:12 We live like the little time of trouble
19:13 is already commenced as far as I'm concerned.
19:17 And I think we went a distance that we can't go back.
19:20 That's just my own personal thought,
19:21 you have, maybe have your own.
19:24 But we're entering that time
19:27 and that we need to be ready for it.
19:28 But I keep thinking about God said you pray,
19:31 and I'm gonna answer you and I'm gonna give you some,
19:33 I'm gonna give you some...
19:35 What is it? Corn, weren't it?
19:36 Corn in there? Verse 19.
19:37 "I'm gonna give you some corn,
19:39 and I'm gonna give you some wine
19:40 and I'm gonna give you oil."
19:42 Brothers and sisters when you look at this,
19:44 I'm gonna give you corn.
19:45 Jesus said, "I am the," what?
19:47 "I am the bread of life."
19:49 I'm gonna give you the bread.
19:50 I'm gonna give you something you can chew on.
19:52 I'm gonna give you something you can rely on,
19:54 something you can sink your teeth into.
19:56 I'm gonna give you some wine.
19:57 Man, wine, we take communion service
19:59 and wine represents what?
20:01 It represents blood, does it not?
20:03 Sacrifice Jesus, He said,
20:05 "I'm gonna give you that forgiveness of sin."
20:07 And then He said, "I'm gonna pour oil on you,
20:09 or I'm gonna pour the Holy Spirit
20:12 of the Living God on you
20:13 in the form of the latter rain,
20:15 and then the time of trouble is gonna break loose."
20:17 Man, how we need to be awake till this time.
20:20 I'm not saying anybody here is not awake
20:22 and I sometimes get...
20:24 Can I use the word emotional a little bit?
20:28 Because we see many times
20:30 you can hear the message but don't, no response.
20:33 We're not responding to it.
20:35 What good is a message if we don't respond?
20:37 What good are the books if we don't read them?
20:39 What good is a Bible if you don't read it
20:40 and then take it into your heart,
20:42 in your mind?
20:43 It's no good.
20:44 What's the sacrifice of Calvary
20:46 if we don't accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior,
20:48 Calvary is no avail.
20:51 Think about it.
20:53 But I think it is, praise God for that night,
20:55 except there's atonement.
20:57 You look at Joel Chapter 2,
20:59 man, we're just getting a late start,
21:00 I'm trying to get into all this,
21:02 but just got to talk about it.
21:04 We've got to talk about these things.
21:07 If God would allow the curtain in time to be rolled back,
21:13 and we could see through that curtain,
21:16 I wonder what we would see today.
21:18 We would see number one,
21:20 the judgments of God
21:21 are being poured out in the land.
21:22 We will be able to see the purposes of God,
21:25 and how He wants to save you and me,
21:28 and many times how we fight Him.
21:31 And we make excuses why we don't fully follow Him.
21:35 We blame other people, we blame the pastor,
21:37 we blame the church.
21:39 But we would see if that curtain was rolled back
21:41 and we see the battle that's going on
21:43 the spiritual battle
21:44 that we are right now
21:46 what's falling on this world, we are doomed.
21:49 This earth is doomed.
21:50 It's coming to an end.
21:52 And then what?
21:55 We know when it was mentioned a little earlier
21:58 that the Spirit of the Living God
22:00 is being withdrawn
22:01 as it were in Genesis Chapter 6,
22:03 you remember that?
22:05 The spirit of God's what?
22:06 Is being withdrawn.
22:07 It's very simple to realize
22:09 because of all the nastiness in the world today
22:12 going on the Spirit of God,
22:15 what was the buzz word that people saying,
22:16 "God, we don't want you.
22:18 We don't want You here.
22:20 We don't want You in our schools.
22:22 We don't want You in our legislative halls.
22:24 We don't want You in our government.
22:26 We don't want You in our business."
22:28 And certainly God will honor that
22:31 if you keep praying that
22:32 and talking that way He backs up.
22:34 In other words, He withdraws His Spirit.
22:36 When the Spirit of God is strong
22:37 upon the people of God,
22:38 you will want to serve Him,
22:40 you will want to do what's right,
22:41 you will put God first
22:43 and your fellow man second and yourself last.
22:47 Spirit of God's being withdrawn.
22:49 And I say this today for those who are lukewarm,
22:53 to be none here, I'm sure that's lukewarm.
22:56 Revelation 3:16.
22:58 God said, "You're lukewarm.
22:59 I'm gonna," If you're not hot, and you're not cold,
23:01 what does He say?
23:03 Oh, "Because thou art lukewarm neither cold, neither hot,
23:06 I'm gonna spew you,
23:08 vomit you out of my mouth," notice this.
23:13 And to me unless we,
23:14 unless we understand the importance of this time
23:18 that we're living,
23:19 and make ready and preparations to stand in this time.
23:23 And I'm looking at myself and I'm saying,
23:24 Man, we're preaching this message.
23:26 And God, there seems to be no time.
23:28 There's physical things
23:29 that I need to be doing to make ready.
23:32 Am I the only one?
23:34 There's things that we need to be doing.
23:38 "Oh, God is gonna supply
23:39 my bread and water are gonna be sure."
23:41 You better make sure you've done
23:42 all that you can understand.
23:44 Does that make sense?
23:45 You don't just sit back and say
23:47 "Well, okay, God,
23:48 I'm in my recliner so bring it on."
23:50 He's gonna say, "Get out of that recliner
23:51 and do everything that you know to do."
23:55 Because eventually, listen this carefully.
23:56 You've never heard it before.
23:58 Bless your heart.
24:00 The time will come when every earthly support
24:03 will be cut off from those who really are serving God.
24:07 This is where all of this is leading
24:09 that we're going through here
24:10 and can't even get into right now
24:12 because it seemed like Lord's bringing
24:13 those things to my mind.
24:16 But we have to be able to stand,
24:18 if not we're not gonna be faithful
24:19 to the very end.
24:21 The watchman, who the watchman?
24:25 It's really all of us, isn't it?
24:27 You know what people say,
24:28 "Look, the pastor's a watchman."
24:30 You've got to be your own little watchman.
24:32 You've got to watch.
24:34 The Lord can speak to you
24:35 just like He can be anybody else.
24:37 Where are the watchmen on the walls of Zion?
24:39 They're asleep. That's where they're at.
24:42 They're waiting for retirement time.
24:45 Well, I can't help but get into it.
24:47 Sometime we just wait for what?
24:48 For retirement.
24:50 When we don't want to cause any waves.
24:51 We don't want the church to write anybody
24:53 and say we're not doing a good job.
24:55 I've talked to many have told me that personally.
24:59 We don't have time for that right now.
25:02 Listen, the watchman need to know,
25:04 listen, what time it is.
25:06 What time of the night it is,
25:08 watchman Isaiah talks about
25:11 Isaiah 21:6,11, 12,
25:15 "Watchman of the," what?
25:17 "Watching what of the night?"
25:19 You need to know what time it is,
25:20 what's going on right now?
25:22 This is no time for us. Listen.
25:25 They're skimmers.
25:26 They're skimmers in the world.
25:29 Now I know what a skimmer is
25:30 when you talk about a swimming pool.
25:33 Brother Josh, I think I'm right here.
25:35 The skimmers on that pool, the top,
25:37 that does what to the water?
25:39 It skims the stuff off. Come on.
25:42 It skims the stuff off of the top
25:44 right and goes into the drain and comes through the filter.
25:46 And so it's a skimmer.
25:47 That's how many people are
25:48 when it comes to studying the Word of God,
25:50 you're skimmer.
25:51 Skimmers are not gonna make it to heaven.
25:53 Can I be that bold?
25:55 We need to dive into the Word of God,
25:58 fully immersed in the Word of God.
26:02 And if we don't skim and know we're skimming,
26:04 we're not gonna make,
26:05 we're not gonna know what we're living in.
26:07 So US, you know, under liberty, we're talking about liberty,
26:10 this is being assaulted right now.
26:14 There's things going on behind the scenes
26:16 that will blow your mind.
26:18 We used the term the "Elite Globalist Agenda."
26:24 So it talks about some understanding,
26:26 yes, we're gonna talk about a lot of different things
26:27 as we go here,
26:29 but it's all again bottlenecking
26:30 into the end time of what's going to happen
26:32 to God's remnant people.
26:36 Who are the elite globalists?
26:41 What is their agenda?
26:43 I mean, you've heard us on radio and TV a lot, right?
26:46 Globalist elite, all that
26:48 and they just talk about and say it
26:50 and then they just move on.
26:51 And you say, "Oh," listen, they have an agenda
26:53 and it's not best for us.
26:57 It's for what? The elite.
27:00 It's for the few.
27:05 This is according to,
27:07 if you have an argument with it,
27:08 you can go back there
27:10 and we're talking about
27:12 I got this from, notice what it says,
27:14 "Globalism promotes,"
27:17 notice this, "regional and global government.
27:20 It promotes one world economic system."
27:24 Are you still there?
27:26 "In essence, global corporations
27:28 and their elite control government policies
27:33 and directives."
27:35 So you've got a little group that's doing what?
27:37 Trying to control all of the government
27:39 and everything that's said and everything that's done
27:41 and the direction that it goes
27:42 that a few people as you will know,
27:44 you see them on TV all the time,
27:45 because they've got a lot of money,
27:47 all of a sudden they supposed to have
27:48 a lot of brains.
27:50 Maybe they do but do they have
27:52 some spiritual brains?
27:55 That's what I'm looking for. How about you?
27:58 Because these things the Bible said
27:59 they're spiritually discerned.
28:01 We need the Spirit of the Living God.
28:05 Globalism when, listen, when you,
28:07 you can use that word interchangeably
28:09 with a lot of different things
28:10 and they're out to fool us all the time.
28:12 There's a globalism, we say,
28:13 "Oh, well, that's good
28:14 that means things going around the globe."
28:16 Well notice, globalism is another word
28:18 you can say one world government.
28:22 Another word that uses global governance,
28:26 New World Order.
28:27 Have you heard that?
28:29 Global village.
28:32 Globalization. Yes.
28:34 They mean the same thing, New World Order.
28:37 It sounds good, but it's deceptive.
28:40 It's very deceptive what's going on?
28:42 Again, if you haven't been looking at it.
28:44 And we're not looking from the spiritual aspect.
28:45 And just from you know, I'm not doing any politics.
28:48 I'm not talking about that today.
28:50 I'm talking about spiritual things
28:53 that we need to be thinking our mind into.
28:57 It's simply bottom line when you talk about the elite,
29:00 the global elites here is controlled
29:03 by international elites seeking to dominate,
29:07 seeking to control,
29:08 seeking to manipulate the governments of the world,
29:12 industry and the media.
29:16 Mmm. That's worldwide.
29:19 Now you might realize this,
29:21 I'm thinking about 'cause lot of people say,
29:22 "Well, I don't know."
29:24 You realize some people
29:25 who are supporting this by big bucks.
29:28 It's why we see,
29:29 can't seem to gain any ground sometime.
29:31 Because who's behind these "Elite Globalist Agenda?"
29:36 Well, let me name a couple of them right here.
29:38 It might make a few people angry, but so bit.
29:40 Council on Foreign Relations is behind it.
29:43 The Bilderbergs as you will know.
29:45 Trilateral Commission, as you know.
29:47 The United Nations is behind it.
29:49 The Club of Rome is behind it.
29:52 The World Bank is behind it.
29:54 The International Monetary System
29:57 is behind it.
29:59 Now these are big things as you will know.
30:02 Three or four months ago, we did, was a two parts?
30:09 One or two parts on the great reset.
30:12 Some of you might remember that.
30:14 The great reset.
30:16 Interesting now this three or four months ago,
30:18 right now it's being talked about like never before.
30:22 And so it behooves us to bring it up.
30:24 We did some programmings on it.
30:26 It's transforming the world.
30:27 And remember, the great reset button
30:30 is being pushed.
30:31 Remember governments are talking about it,
30:33 leaders are talking about it, it's nothing this,
30:36 oh, this is some kind of a conspiracy theory at all.
30:39 They're saying things need to change,
30:41 they need to be transformed.
30:43 But we're gonna mention it here quickly,
30:44 because we're talking about things have developed,
30:47 now that we did need to know.
30:49 They develop in light of Bible prophecy.
30:54 And this demands our attention as the people of God,
30:58 are we still there?
31:00 That's why we're spending time on this subject.
31:02 You can say, "Oh, yeah, I know it's gonna happen."
31:04 That doesn't mean you're ready.
31:05 That doesn't mean you really understand it.
31:07 If you're not making preparations for it,
31:09 heart, mind, soul, body, everything we possibly can,
31:11 we may be caught in a bad situation.
31:15 Remember, the Bible is already outlined,
31:20 already outlined the way the world is going to go.
31:23 But you know why? Most people don't study it.
31:25 I don't know in your church
31:26 before whatever some of you still go.
31:28 I mean, how many times does your church
31:30 or anybody else here study the Book of Daniel?
31:34 How many of them study the Book of Revelation?
31:36 Most pastors are scared to death
31:38 at the Book of Revelation,
31:39 and they'll tell you stay out of it,
31:40 because you can't understand it.
31:42 Is that the kind of God that we serve
31:44 that we put something in there
31:45 and say this is revealed Jesus Christ,
31:47 and the things that will happen in the latter days
31:49 before He comes?
31:50 Is that we serve a God who wants things
31:51 just to be surprised
31:53 and we're caught and we're not ready?
31:54 No.
31:58 Absolutely, we need to study those books like never before.
32:01 That's why the word is out.
32:02 Like, "Well, don't study those things."
32:05 Bible interprets itself, as we will know.
32:09 It'd be well that we kind of go over just a few of those things
32:11 because, remember, the reset button
32:13 has already been pushed,
32:15 that's what I'm alarmed about.
32:16 Are you still with me?
32:18 The reset button is what?
32:21 It's already been pushed, huh.
32:25 The world is being transformed before our very eyes.
32:31 And what does that really mean?
32:33 Simply means
32:34 some of the most powerful people
32:36 in the world
32:37 are calling for some drastic changes.
32:40 They're calling for it.
32:43 And they're rousing up a big group of people
32:46 and it's going to affect all of us.
32:50 A couple things we will mention as we go along in here,
32:52 won't spend time on all of them.
32:54 But there's so many subject matters,
32:56 this could go on for hours.
32:57 But notice, we're gonna review the topics,
33:00 at least in principle.
33:01 In this two part series,
33:03 we're gonna talk about The World Economic Forum.
33:07 Remember, that all of this plays a part
33:09 in the closing scenes of earth's history.
33:11 And if all plays a part in,
33:13 you know, we're talking about going green
33:14 and we're talking about,
33:16 you know, climate change,
33:17 and Sunday laws and so on and so forth.
33:19 All this stuff plays a part in it.
33:21 As you examine it you will see vaccinations
33:25 could play a part in it.
33:28 Our health, we talk about passports and digital IDs,
33:34 we mentioned the great reset.
33:35 And listen, lately, you're right
33:37 and this has happened not too long ago,
33:38 is China we talked about China here had a,
33:41 they call it "People's War."
33:43 How many people heard China,
33:44 and then they heard "People's war?"
33:47 Some of you've heard about, this is very interesting,
33:49 because the people in once
33:51 in the sense has declared war
33:53 on the US since the tax tariff,
33:56 and so on and so forth.
33:57 And very interesting
33:59 they did that just before all of a sudden COVID-19.
34:04 Hmm, food for thought.
34:06 We just throw things out there.
34:08 COVID-19, socialism, universal income.
34:15 We're gonna see
34:16 some of these things take place,
34:18 that you'll not be able to make your house payment.
34:22 You'll not be able to keep your job.
34:24 And you watch what the government will do.
34:26 I don't mind saying it out here.
34:27 You can laugh at it if you want to.
34:29 The government's gonna try to come
34:30 to your aid.
34:32 And you know, what are they gonna do?
34:33 They're gonna say what?
34:35 We're gonna, everybody needs to just
34:37 about the same amount of income.
34:39 All you have to do is sign over any personal property
34:41 or your home
34:42 and we'll take care of you until you die.
34:45 Socialism, communism.
34:48 It's coming, it's working socialism is first
34:52 and then communism.
34:55 They're teaching it out in the open.
34:57 They're teaching it in our schools now.
35:01 It's not just a pipe dream, like oh, no.
35:05 And notice all the stuff that's developing now
35:08 has come from this thing, just from a word health,
35:11 from COVID-19.
35:14 Thousands of things,
35:16 that hundreds of things have changed
35:18 and laws have been passed,
35:19 just because of this one health pandemic,
35:24 whether it be natural or manmade.
35:28 This has been going on for many years,
35:30 and I want to share a letter just a moment,
35:33 because we have two different ones.
35:34 And then the next program that we do, listen,
35:36 it will blow your socks off, if you have any on.
35:43 And it's time that our people, that's anybody,
35:49 get our running shoes on
35:51 and run with what God has given us.
35:54 This has been going on for years.
35:55 So I want, you know,
35:57 there's two letters I want to share.
35:58 And then you can do the information.
36:00 And then you can do the thought process with it,
36:03 and see what you think about it.
36:04 And, of course, a lot of other info
36:06 that will help us to understand
36:10 that these powerful men, women in high places,
36:15 they have a plan.
36:17 And since they pushed the reset,
36:19 they've started that plan
36:21 that will bring ruin nation to this country.
36:24 Because I can tell you that I believe is all my heart
36:26 because it goes against Scripture,
36:27 so the enemy is behind it.
36:30 And the enemy wants to bring what is it?
36:31 Destruction.
36:32 He's a killer, that's what the Bible said,
36:34 "Kill, steal and destroy."
36:37 So we need to fess up with these things until the...
36:40 As the reset is pushed things are in commotion right now
36:43 that we're gonna see our country again.
36:45 Listen,
36:46 and maybe I just throw it out to you,
36:48 throw it back if you want to.
36:49 And maybe just a matter of a few more months,
36:51 we will not be able to recognize
36:53 this country.
36:56 Because we've said oftentimes remember
36:58 this world change in less the world,
37:01 not this just this country,
37:03 the world changed in less than two weeks
37:04 when COVID hit.
37:08 I thought it'd took a long time
37:10 you look at Bible prophecy, things is going on at.
37:11 Wow.
37:13 Well, you know, even though we know the last movements
37:14 will be what?
37:15 Will be, there'll be rapid ones,
37:17 but two weeks
37:20 as it were like the whole world has been affected
37:22 and all these new laws and regulations.
37:24 And I mean, they're saying right now
37:26 that only Thanksgiving it's on,
37:27 you can only have six people at a time in your home.
37:30 What in the world is going on?
37:33 Is it all right? I'll get emotional about it.
37:36 I want to say because it's not right.
37:38 Those are freedoms.
37:42 Six people in your home,
37:43 they're gonna tell you
37:45 how many people you can have in your home.
37:47 And they're getting ready to tell you
37:49 when the shots and vaccines are given out.
37:52 You will not be able to buy or sell
37:54 unless you have that shot.
37:56 Because when you have the shot,
37:57 just listen to Bill Gates
37:58 and some of the stuff going there
38:00 as the head of this business,
38:01 then you'll get the shot then you'll get the papers
38:03 and you can go into town, you can buy different things.
38:05 If you don't have it, you won't buy, you won't sell,
38:07 you won't travel, you won't go anywhere.
38:09 Does that make sense?
38:11 I'm talking about just around the corner.
38:12 And if we don't wake up,
38:14 we're gonna be asleep as the world is.
38:17 Man.
38:18 Listen, it was a President elect Biden
38:22 not just a few days ago,
38:24 he made the statement,
38:26 he said, "In the next few months,
38:28 it's gonna be a very dark time."
38:31 Did you hear that? What was it?
38:35 Dark times.
38:36 It's gonna be a dark time in the world.
38:38 Maybe he knows something.
38:42 Again a lot of plan, lot of things going on
38:44 because already they said now,
38:46 "Oh, COVID is picking up right now,
38:49 we've entered the second wave."
38:50 Did anybody hear?
38:53 And they're already projecting
38:54 that we will enter the third wave
38:57 and these elitist and these with the plan
38:59 said we will go to the third
39:01 and when we go to the third phase,
39:03 you will be quarantined
39:04 or you will be told to stay home and don't come out.
39:09 Did you get that the third way
39:10 they're already talking about it.
39:12 That means and they've already talked
39:14 about a "lock down."
39:16 See I'm not trying to say all these goofy things.
39:19 These are things that we hear on the news
39:21 coming from the high up
39:22 and the people who are in charge.
39:24 And they say, "We see it coming,"
39:25 and usually they'll always do that a few months
39:27 before it comes.
39:29 They'll tell you gas prices are gonna go brutal.
39:31 You know how they do sometime?
39:33 About a month before they go brutal.
39:37 And here the warning is
39:39 but sometime we just say no to dark times.
39:41 God says to us that darkness is going to rest.
39:46 Darkness is going come upon our path,
39:48 but don't be discouraged.
39:50 Don't be discouraged
39:52 as we see these things take place.
39:54 Lift up your head what?
39:55 Your redemption draweth nigh.
39:57 I remember, I was talking to a retired school teacher.
40:01 Very good in history.
40:03 Of course, I've been studying The French Revolution
40:05 and some different things
40:07 and The Great Controversy and Prophecy.
40:10 And we sat down and we talked for a few hours,
40:12 and he was talking about,
40:13 when there's a real reformation taking place.
40:15 In other words, when there's a real change
40:18 that's taking place like it is right now,
40:20 please don't anyone leave here and say,
40:22 "I don't know about any of these changes, man,
40:23 I ain't seen it."
40:25 Surely you're seeing it?
40:29 Surely, you're seeing every day on the news,
40:32 your governor here in Illinois, really shutting things down.
40:37 Man.
40:40 I'm gonna leave it there. I just got carried away.
40:47 Do you know what I'm talking about?
40:49 Things that are happening.
40:56 But he's just a retired school teacher,
40:57 he simply said, here's what happens.
41:00 Here's what's happened through way past history.
41:03 Thousands of years ago,
41:05 when there's a reformation or as it were reset.
41:09 Reset means what?
41:12 What do you do when you...
41:13 Remember, I always say,
41:14 what do you do when you have a breaker
41:16 that flips in your breaker box?
41:17 What do you go do with it?
41:20 Reset, Everybody said,
41:22 "Oh, go reset the breaker."
41:23 How many times have you heard that?
41:25 Reset because what?
41:27 The power was completely off.
41:31 And you couldn't get any power
41:32 until you kind of push this way,
41:34 reset, and then go back.
41:35 And when you do that,
41:36 we get all new power, as it were,
41:38 it comes in there things are changing.
41:43 And so he said, "Make no mistake about it."
41:45 The things that are happening in the world.
41:48 Educated man, teacher of history says this,
41:50 things are planned.
41:52 They're going to be carried out in a certain time
41:53 when things are just right.
41:55 And what they publish nowadays in papers
41:57 and magazines and says,
41:59 "All we need is a big, the big pandemic.
42:03 We need a natural disaster.
42:05 We need the economy to really go defunct,
42:07 really go out."
42:09 And it said, "And then we will then
42:10 and set the New World Order Globalist,
42:12 we've got it.
42:13 And you know what?
42:15 It's working that way right now.
42:16 I'm just saying this,
42:17 I'm not trying to be governmental type thing.
42:19 I want us to look at it
42:20 from religious spiritual standpoint is,
42:22 it's going to come back to hurt the people of God,
42:25 because it's taken away your freedoms every day
42:27 that you live.
42:30 You're not able to worship
42:31 according to the dictates of your conscience.
42:33 Here's what the guy said.
42:34 Now we know that's very interesting.
42:35 He said, "First of all,
42:37 when the resets getting ready to happen,
42:38 before it happens,
42:40 all of a sudden people are under unrest,
42:42 that they can't get any rest.
42:44 They wanted to, they want to go protest
42:45 because something's bad."
42:48 I'm not saying a legitimate protest is wrong.
42:51 But the legitimate protest was even brought
42:53 about by people
42:54 not about in the Word of God or by Jesus.
42:57 Somebody still with me?
42:59 You know, you say that now you get...
43:00 Can I say tarred and feathered?
43:03 Hung out to dry.
43:05 If you say, "Oh, peaceful protests."
43:07 Everybody, well, what's wrong
43:08 where we can get people's attention, blah-blah?"
43:10 Well, okay, you can march and you can be peaceful about.
43:13 But notice what, that's the way it starts.
43:16 But it's not just a few days,
43:17 and all of a sudden, it's a riot.
43:20 Unpeaceful may I say that?
43:22 Number two is what he said,
43:23 "It goes through to the unpeaceful,
43:25 it's a riot.
43:26 And then they begin to, you know,
43:27 all they're unhappy and all of sudden they,
43:29 all they begin to throw, they begin to burn things,
43:31 they begin to loot,
43:32 they begin to destroy businesses
43:34 and hurting people."
43:37 Number four, he said begins, it begins,
43:39 listen to this,
43:40 this has happened before in history,
43:42 "They begin to tear down monuments."
43:45 Man, when I hear all this
43:46 and go back and read it and just read the paper,
43:48 you say, wow, this is exactly in order
43:51 because reset buttons been hidden.
43:53 They tear down these monuments.
43:54 Why?
43:55 Because they want to get rid of past history.
43:59 Remember, whether it be good or bad,
44:01 it's still history.
44:02 You know, whether I was raised,
44:04 you know, without getting a few beatings as it were,
44:06 the old stick or whatever good or bad.
44:08 You can erase it.
44:10 You can try to change it if you want to.
44:11 You can go hide the fly swatter or the belt,
44:13 you know what I mean, it doesn't change it.
44:15 You follow me?
44:16 So you can pull down old statues you want.
44:17 And you know what?
44:19 And you can rewrite history books,
44:20 which they do.
44:22 The papacy does that a lot, you know.
44:25 In our society, they rewrite history
44:27 and they take out a lot of those ugly things
44:29 that they don't want brought out right now.
44:31 Some of us need to realize that if we hadn't before,
44:33 well, it didn't say that in history.
44:35 It did before.
44:37 Hmm.
44:39 Then he said you know what happens
44:41 then after they do all these things
44:43 and cause havoc and all of that,
44:44 then they decide that they're going to take
44:46 over a certain spot in the city and set up camp.
44:51 It's exactly what they did.
44:53 Remember, what they do,
44:55 there's a plan
44:56 and they had followed that plan.
44:59 As we go on with this,
45:00 we'll see how some of the other countries
45:02 have set into motion these things
45:04 because they want to destroy America.
45:10 I know that sounds more political,
45:11 I'm not trying to, I'm just simply saying,
45:12 because that's going to change.
45:14 Remember, the enemy is in control.
45:16 He's leaving everything to the battle of what?
45:18 Armageddon.
45:19 But everything is going to be destroyed
45:21 and to go, we need to, I mean,
45:22 we need to be focused in on this.
45:26 And so they do,
45:28 they take over certain place in the city,
45:29 and so on and occupy it and so on.
45:31 And then, you know what he said,
45:33 "The next thing they do is say,
45:34 'Look, we have too much law and order.'"
45:38 Too many laws.
45:40 And so what they're saying nowadays?
45:41 "Defund the police."
45:44 I'm kind of glad we have an emergency
45:46 and so on and so forth, aren't you?
45:47 I'm kind of glad here in the ministry,
45:49 if the alarm goes off, in a couple of minutes,
45:51 we have people at the front door saying,
45:52 "Hey is the door still locked?
45:53 What's going on?"
45:55 They give you a call, "You all right."
45:56 I'm not saying they do everything right.
46:03 And then he said seven things.
46:06 He said, "The seventh thing is,
46:08 is the government will be called
46:10 on more and more to take over."
46:13 Somebody listen,
46:15 called more and more to take over
46:16 because we just can't handle it
46:17 in all these different locations.
46:20 And then what happens?
46:24 Okay, somebody said martial law,
46:25 different things certainly can be implemented.
46:28 But it ends up with the government taking over
46:31 and this will end up in socialism, did you get it?
46:35 A socialist government, if that's a communist type,
46:39 which means, remember,
46:41 more government, more government,
46:42 till the government just rules all,
46:44 that's socialism, communism.
46:47 It will affect our religion, our speech,
46:52 the press and our way of life.
46:57 I want to cut to that letter,
46:59 because I've got to get that here,
47:00 I've got a lot of things I want to do.
47:01 But I want to cut to this letter,
47:03 this letter, or this...
47:07 it's a book, actually a book.
47:09 And, of course, this was on Facebook clip.
47:11 This is sent in 8.31.20.
47:14 But this was actually written
47:16 and then it went into book form,
47:17 and then it was on the air in 1960, was it '69?
47:24 It's 1969, that's quite a few,
47:25 that's 51 years ago that this took place.
47:31 See, if they weren't having some of the same problems
47:33 we were having right now.
47:35 And our eyes need to be open.
47:37 The commentator of this, he said, the book
47:38 and I'll mention
47:40 the man's name a little later on.
47:41 He said, "The book that I think ought to be
47:42 in every home library is entitled,"
47:44 some of you may know this
47:45 "Color, Communism and Common Sense."
47:48 I don't know
47:49 if any of you heard that or not,
47:50 color, communism and common sense.
47:52 And it's by Manning Johnson, listen very carefully to me.
47:56 "Manning Johnson was a negro.
48:00 He was also a member of the Communist Party.
48:05 He joined the party as a young man
48:06 because he honestly believed
48:08 that the communists were trying to improve
48:10 the condition of his people.
48:12 He was a dedicated communist.
48:15 But after many years,
48:17 Manning Johnson finally came to the realization
48:19 that the communists
48:21 weren't the least bit interested
48:23 in proving the conditions of the Negro people.
48:27 He discovered instead,
48:28 they were merely planning on to use his people
48:32 just like they're being used today."
48:35 These are his words, he said,
48:37 "To use them as cannon fire in a bloody revolution
48:42 to destroy America."
48:44 Remember, he was colored, he was black.
48:49 He was communist.
48:51 And he said, "I woke up to the fact,"
48:52 here's what's trying to happen.
48:54 As early as 1928, and I'm reading quickly.
48:56 "The communists declared
48:57 that their racial difference among our people
49:01 constituted the weakest and most vulnerable point
49:04 of our social fabric."
49:05 Did you get it?
49:07 The communists have always looked
49:08 tried to tear America apart.
49:10 So they tried to find the weakest,
49:12 we always say the weakest link in the chain, you know.
49:14 And so if we can cause some disturbances
49:16 between the group, the white, the black,
49:17 we're gonna tear America apart.
49:20 And so this guy was right in the middle of and he said,
49:22 "By constantly probing and straining at this one spot,
49:27 they calculated
49:28 that eventually the cloth would be torn apart,"
49:31 that Americans would be divided, weakened,
49:33 and perhaps even set against each other
49:36 in open combat.
49:38 Here's what he says,
49:40 "We must not be led
49:41 into placing the blame for the riots."
49:44 We're talking about '69, are you still with me?
49:47 "The riots, civil disorder
49:50 on the Negro people of our nation,
49:53 even though few who are promoting
49:55 hatred and violence in the black communities
49:58 are not themself
49:59 because they were merely being used
50:03 by forces far bigger than they are."
50:06 You see that today?
50:08 "To promote the violent phase of the revolution in America,
50:12 hoping to avoid further violence and bloodshed,
50:15 the people is to be pressured into accepting measures,
50:19 notice, pressured into accepting measures
50:21 that will move the country
50:23 gradually and legally toward communism."
50:28 He was a communist, he should know,
50:29 he'd been through all the training.
50:31 This is what's gonna,
50:32 without calling it that, you see.
50:35 "The strategy
50:36 of this proletarian revolutionary calls,"
50:39 that's the working class, notice this,
50:41 "For the quiet
50:42 and the conversation of our government
50:44 into a communist regime.
50:46 But under the banner of."
50:47 Listen, he says he was it, first, it we call socialism.
50:53 Bernie Sanders.
50:55 Bernie Sanders, I'm gonna say it didn't matter.
50:58 Socialism.
50:59 I've heard more about socialism I've ever heard in my life
51:01 in the last year.
51:03 Remember, socialism and he will say here
51:05 socialism is one step away from communism.
51:08 It goes there first.
51:10 And then don't think it's not going to happen.
51:13 New program of the Communist Party
51:15 on this subject has this to say,
51:18 "The term socialism describes,
51:21 but the first stage of a new society
51:24 that in its full development is called Communism.
51:29 Socialism is a transitional stage.
51:33 The building of socialism
51:35 is a Communist revolution in America,
51:38 represents the process
51:40 whereby our country can be moved
51:41 gradually toward communism,
51:43 without the people even being aware of it."
51:45 It's not '69.
51:47 Now listen, we're seeing the same words are used today,
51:49 51 years later,
51:51 only one solution for all problems.
51:53 And they say is, "We need more government,
51:55 more government,
51:56 and then more and more until total government,
51:58 total government is communism.
52:01 We must not be fooled into thinking that
52:03 because of our civil turmoil are such things as poverty,
52:07 poor housing, lack of education,
52:11 similar social and economic factors.
52:13 As a matter of fact,
52:15 most of today's self style revolutionaries,
52:17 black and white, come,"
52:19 listen to this, this is interesting,
52:21 "come from good homes."
52:23 We found that, right,
52:24 many of them that were arrested
52:26 in all these riots.
52:27 They come from people had a lot of money.
52:28 They had a lot of money,
52:30 just bail them right out the way they went.
52:33 Notice it, "We mustn't resort to violence
52:34 either as a means of higher learning.
52:36 We mustn't resort to violence
52:38 either as a means
52:39 of furthering political or social goals.
52:42 And as we do everything humanly possible
52:44 to discourage others from doing so.
52:46 We must support,"
52:48 listen to this he said in '69,
52:49 "We must support the local police.
52:52 Nothing can be quite so damaging
52:55 to police morale and efficiency as converting,"
52:59 listen, "converting every arrest
53:01 into a trial of the policeman.
53:06 You may have wondered why the Communist Party
53:09 has been such a staunch supporter
53:11 of the drive to place black study
53:13 curriculum in our high schools and colleges."
53:15 Here's a black man that's saying this.
53:17 Here's the one who was involved in communism, what did he say?
53:19 "The reason becomes obvious.
53:21 The minute you look at the textbook study guides.
53:24 Under the guise of academic balance,
53:26 these courses have become brilliant device
53:29 for conditioning young people
53:30 to still except one more part
53:32 of the total plan of a revolution."
53:35 We discover the idea, he said discover quickly,
53:37 discover the idea in just a minute
53:38 and something left.
53:40 Discover the identity of these people.
53:41 He said, "You need to get rid of them.
53:43 Don't have them in these positions,
53:44 we need to do it."
53:46 Some years ago I said,
53:48 I happen to attend a meeting for several anti-communists,
53:51 you know they're refugees
53:53 from behind the Iron Curtain were called
53:54 to relate their personal experience.
53:56 One of the refugees spoke up and he said,
53:58 "You know, I came to America
53:59 expecting to find a nation free, free men.
54:02 But instead I find exactly the same thing.
54:05 Everywhere I look, I see men and women
54:07 who know that communists are making
54:08 their headway in this communism.
54:11 They know that something must be done,
54:13 that someone must stand up for them,
54:15 but they themselves do nothing.
54:16 They remain silent
54:18 because they're afraid if they speak up,
54:20 or take a stand publicly, it would be bad for business.
54:23 They may lose a client, they may even lose their job.
54:25 If communism."
54:27 Here's what he said, listen,
54:28 "If communism should ever come to America,
54:30 we face more death, more destruction,
54:32 human suffering than any people
54:34 in the history ever faced
54:35 in the hands of the invading conquers.
54:38 It's literally a question of life and death for us all.
54:42 It's about time America people
54:44 begin to face to the fact to act accordingly."
54:48 And he signs off. "Thank you."
54:50 Man.
54:52 You talk about powerful and heavy.
54:54 Our time is up. We're going to pray.
54:55 Remember, part two
54:57 even becomes more so prevalent right now
54:59 at the time that we're living.
55:00 Let's pray, shall we?
55:01 Loving Father in heaven,
55:03 thank You for Your precious Word.
55:04 Thank You for Your love, Your mercy.
55:06 Thank You for giving us warning after warning,
55:07 help us to be ready in Jesus name.
55:09 Amen.
55:10 Well, God bless you and we'll see you next time.
55:14 Hello and welcome back.
55:16 If the year 2020 has taught us anything,
55:19 it has taught us just how quickly
55:21 our lives can change.
55:23 Has God warned His people
55:24 of these rapidly changing events?
55:26 Listen, as I share this quote from Testimonies to the Church,
55:30 volume nine and it's found on page 11.
55:33 And I read, "We are living in a time of the end,
55:37 the fast-fulfilling signs of the times
55:39 declare that the coming of Christ
55:40 is near at hand.
55:42 The days in which we live are solemn and important.
55:45 The Spirit of God is gradually
55:47 but surely being withdrawn from the earth.
55:49 They forecast approaching events
55:52 of the greatest magnitude.
55:54 The agencies of evil
55:56 are combining their forces and consolidating.
55:59 They are strengthening for the last great crisis.
56:03 Great changes are soon to take place in our world,
56:07 and the final movements will be rapid ones.
56:13 The condition of things in the world
56:14 shows that troublous times
56:17 are right before us."
56:20 Friends, with that quote,
56:22 that solemn thought in your mind,
56:25 I hope you will make the decision now
56:27 not to miss part two of this series
56:30 entitled "US Liberty Under Assault,
56:34 The Elite Global Agenda."
56:36 Pastor Kenny Shelton will be presenting
56:38 an open letter to President Trump
56:41 that was written on October 25, 2020
56:44 by Archbishop Vigano.
56:47 After he shares it, you may wonder as we did,
56:50 if this Archbishop is a modern day Martin Luther
56:54 who is standing in the gap of truth
56:57 despite the consequences.
57:00 And as always, this two part series entitled
57:03 "US Liberty Under Assault,
57:04 The Elite Globalist Agenda"
57:07 is available to each and every one of you
57:09 for a love gift of just $15 or more.
57:12 We always state the or more simply
57:15 because your financial blessings
57:18 enable us to continue to move forward
57:21 in the Lord's army
57:22 and bringing vital preparation
57:24 and warning messages to you directly into your homes.
57:28 So please consider ordering
57:30 and asking the Lord
57:32 what He would have you to do
57:33 to assist Behold The Lamb Ministries,
57:35 to continue to raise that trumpet
57:39 and blow a sound while we still can.
57:42 Also, we are offering a totally free gift,
57:46 if you will just call it as for the book,
57:50 The Great Controversy,
57:51 we want to send you that for free.
57:54 It is authored by Ellen G. White.
57:57 All you have to do is contact us.
57:59 There may be additional shipping costs
58:02 outside of the United States.
58:03 We'll figure that out when you call.
58:05 So for either the book
58:07 or for today's two part series entitled once again
58:10 "US Liberty Under Assault,
58:12 The Elite Globalist Agenda."
58:15 Simply contact us here in the United States
58:18 at (618) 942-5044, that's Central Time,
58:23 or write to us at Behold the Lamb Ministries,
58:26 P O Box 2030, Herrin, Illinois 62948.
58:30 You may also email us at
58:34 or visit us on our website at
58:40 I would also like to encourage you
58:42 at this moment to visit
58:43 our Behold the Lamb Ministries YouTube channel
58:46 for more important messages that we try to update weekly,
58:50 and join
58:51 our Behold the Lamb Ministries Facebook page.
58:54 But until next time,
58:56 may our precious Lord
58:57 continue to richly bless you and yours.


Revised 2020-12-27