Behold the Lamb Presents

US Liberty Under Assault: The Elite Globalist Agenda Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000155S

00:37 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb Presents,
00:39 I'm Chris Shelton, your host,
00:40 I want to thank you for joining us.
00:42 Today we're continuing our two-part series entitled
00:45 "US Liberty Under Assault, The Elite Globalist Agenda."
00:50 And today is part two.
00:51 As you may have ascertained in the media
00:53 for quite some time now,
00:55 there certainly appears to be
00:57 an undercurrent of corruption and control,
01:00 and as we are discovering
01:01 what was once merely supposition,
01:04 is now being voiced through the written word
01:07 as well as recorded media.
01:10 The Elite Globalist Agenda can be discovered
01:13 by listening to what has been said
01:16 and the plans that have already been
01:17 laid at various World Economic Forum meetings
01:21 that have been held in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland.
01:25 Why are we spending time on this you might be wondering,
01:28 because very clearly, we have been told that
01:32 the forces of evil are gathering together
01:35 for their last great battle and that great changes
01:39 are swiftly to come upon our world.
01:41 You can read more about these changes
01:43 and these predictions
01:45 in the book Testimonies for the Church,
01:47 volume nine and it's found on page 11,
01:49 which will give you more and more complete description
01:53 of what is coming
01:54 and what all of us must do
01:56 to get ready as best as we possibly can.
01:59 When we do our part, God,
02:01 He is so faithful, He will do His part as well.
02:04 We can find comfort
02:06 and hope in his watch care over us
02:08 especially in these last days.
02:11 Pastor Kenny will be sharing an open letter
02:14 that was written to President Trump
02:16 back on October 25th of 2020,
02:20 that is truly eye-opening,
02:22 as it sums up the plans that have been laid
02:25 before these world leaders from the World Economic Forum
02:30 meetings in Davos, as I just referred to.
02:33 The letter itself was written by Archbishop Vigano.
02:38 After listening to his letter, you may wonder as we have,
02:41 if Archbishop Vigano is possibly
02:44 a modern-day Martin Luther, think about it.
02:47 Martin Luther had posted his theses up on a church door.
02:51 Archbishop Vigano, he's posting it on the web.
02:55 God's blessings to you brothers and sisters,
02:58 as you listen, as you learn,
03:01 and you apply this second message,
03:03 in this two-part series
03:05 entitled once again US Liberty Under Assault,
03:09 The Elite Globalist Agenda with Pastor Kenny Shelton.
03:13 But before we join Pastor Kenny,
03:15 let's visit 3ABN and listen to a song,
03:18 that is entitled, "Be Thou My Vision,"
03:22 as performed on the violin by Jaime Jorge.
06:47 Hello and great big welcome to you.
06:49 You know, both Behold the Lamb Ministry
06:51 is bringing you a message today
06:52 that we believe that God's going,
06:54 you know, is going to bless in a very special way.
06:56 Again, we're glad that you've joined us
06:57 and we thank you for your cards,
06:59 your letters and your support.
07:00 To get the message out to the world,
07:02 we believe that we're in the end times.
07:04 There's no doubt about it
07:06 and God's people need to be about,
07:08 you know, His business,
07:10 not our business, but His business.
07:12 So again, we're glad you joined us.
07:13 We're going to be looking at the second part
07:15 of the message, US Liberty Under Assault.
07:18 That's pretty heavy duty within itself
07:20 and then the title goes on, The Elite Globalist Agenda.
07:25 The globalists have an agenda and we can see it
07:28 being fulfilled every day.
07:29 Every day you get up, you turn on your radio or news,
07:32 you see something else
07:33 and I see something else
07:35 that tells us of the soon coming of the Lord
07:37 and this world will be turned upside down.
07:40 There's no doubt about it.
07:41 You're gonna, you'll hear that often,
07:43 but just take it as a,
07:44 you know, just Thank you God or take it as a warning.
07:47 However, you want to take it, but there's something to this,
07:49 and I want to be able to weigh it out
07:50 by the power of the Holy Spirit today.
07:53 But always before we get into the message,
07:55 even though we prayed before,
07:56 I'd like to kneel up here
07:58 and have prayer once again and I invite you.
08:00 If you can't find, if you can't,
08:01 there'll be those who will listen to this.
08:03 They'll be in the car, they'll listen to the radio,
08:04 they'll be watching TV, they can't do it.
08:06 But I know, you're going to be praying in your heart.
08:08 So let's pray together, shall we?
08:11 Merciful God in heaven,
08:12 we thank You for the privilege that we have of prayer.
08:14 Thank you that we can call upon You
08:15 in our time of need.
08:17 You promised to hear and You promised to answer.
08:19 Lord, I ask for forgiveness of sin anything in my heart
08:22 and life that needs not be there.
08:23 Lord, we need not anything that will obstruct Your voice,
08:27 Your Spirit today.
08:28 So we pray that the heavens will be open,
08:30 that you'll pour Your Spirit out upon every one of us here,
08:33 as we open our heart to you, that we may see,
08:35 hear the events that are taking place.
08:37 They're warning signs of Your soon coming.
08:39 Oh, Lord, help us we pray, put everything out of our mind,
08:43 out of our heart, no matter what's taken place this week,
08:46 let it stay outside these walls.
08:48 We need this time with You.
08:50 Lord, we thank You and we praise You
08:51 for what You're going to do, in Jesus' name, amen.
08:56 Just a few words
08:57 before we begin to read an open letter,
09:02 because I think there's some forces right now.
09:04 There's at least, no doubt in my mind,
09:06 that's they're arrayed against the people of God.
09:10 There's a lot of enemy forces that are out there.
09:13 The enemy's using a lot, awful lot of things.
09:16 So I think we need to understand it,
09:17 we need to be aware of it,
09:19 be nice to be able to come together
09:20 and they say preach some smooth things
09:22 and everybody be happy
09:24 and when you walk out and you leave,
09:25 you're going to say, oh, this is, you know,
09:27 this is all good.
09:28 But you know, I'm gonna when you leave this place,
09:30 I want you to think, you know, wow!
09:32 Are we really in this time?
09:33 Could it be right now that
09:35 we are right now close to the coming of Jesus,
09:39 and these events are taking place
09:41 and could it be right now?
09:42 See, some of us who've been
09:43 in this movement for a long time,
09:45 we've heard this for years this is it, this is it.
09:47 Could it could very well be it.
09:50 Things have started in a way, that I've never seen before.
09:53 God only knows, He's in control,
09:55 but I believe it's on the road right now
09:57 and it's not going to stop.
10:00 That's where it's at and it's going to lead right up
10:02 to the coming of Jesus Christ.
10:04 But there are things that will take place
10:06 and are we ready as a people?
10:08 Are we really ready?
10:10 Do we have that kind of connection
10:11 with Jesus Christ?
10:12 Are we really prepared?
10:14 I'm convinced there are many people,
10:16 not only in this country,
10:17 but in the countries around the world today.
10:19 There are some, who are determined
10:22 and they say it openly and they record it,
10:24 that they would like to see
10:26 the United States of America destroyed.
10:28 They'd like to see it changed.
10:29 They don't like what's going on.
10:31 You know, they're just saying, we want to change it,
10:32 we want it to be more like maybe our country or whatever.
10:35 They're wanting to change our religious freedom.
10:37 They're wanting to change all the freedoms that we have.
10:40 Freedom of speech, freedom of press,
10:41 all these things that we, you know,
10:43 freedom of conscience
10:44 to worship God the way that He, you know, invites us to
10:48 and that right now
10:49 and all this stuff is taking place.
10:51 This is all in the back,
10:52 the enemy's trying to take these things away from us.
10:55 And even today, we sit today
10:56 like we've never sat in the sanctuary before.
10:59 We sit with masks.
11:01 We come in with different things.
11:02 You know, we're told that we can't gather like this.
11:07 We're in a different phase right now.
11:09 I don't know if it's second or third phase,
11:10 whatever it might be.
11:12 In Illinois right now,
11:13 we have to be very, very careful
11:14 because the enemy's trying to close down,
11:17 get rid of this last day message
11:19 to go into all the world,
11:20 but by the grace of God, we have to stand firm.
11:23 Now remember,
11:24 if you're falling apart already,
11:26 you're going to fall apart when it really gets tough.
11:28 So we don't want to do that.
11:30 We want to stand close to Jesus Christ,
11:32 gain strength from Him.
11:34 Remember, this is a fight for religious freedom
11:37 and freedom of speech and so on and so forth.
11:40 I found this article.
11:41 I'm going to read this just a moment before
11:42 we get into that letter that just will blow your mind.
11:46 If you've read it, praise God, that's good.
11:48 But you know what?
11:49 There'll be hundreds or thousands
11:50 that have not read it
11:52 and I think Brother Ryan told me,
11:54 Monday at 3ABN he's going to preach on it too
11:55 and I'm happy about that.
11:57 I'm happy because, you know what?
11:59 It needs to be told, for what one person does
12:01 maybe nobody will hear, somebody else does it,
12:03 somebody else is going to hear it.
12:05 It needs to be out there
12:06 because it needs to be a warning.
12:07 Listen, if my house is on fire, somebody needs to shout,
12:10 isn't that right?
12:12 Don't try to call me and say
12:13 well the line's burned too, we can't get a hold.
12:15 I mean, somebody come to the window.
12:17 Somebody stand outside. Somebody shout.
12:20 Somebody wake, well, he's asleep, wake him up.
12:22 See, I believe that
12:24 God's people need to be awake like
12:25 never before right now.
12:26 We've got to be awake.
12:28 This is no laughing matter.
12:31 This is not take it or leave it.
12:32 But a lot of people like it, oh, well, even in Adventists,
12:35 oh, well, you know,
12:36 we've heard these things all of our life, not like this.
12:40 This is different in my opinion
12:43 and opinion of many other people today
12:45 and it behoves us to at least open our ears.
12:48 At least listen and let the Holy Spirit work.
12:52 Be open, those of you who are closed mind.
12:54 I'm sure no one here is,
12:55 but those who have a closed mind,
12:57 ask the Holy Spirit to open it.
12:59 Get rid of all preconceived ideas.
13:01 Just push them aside
13:02 and say let me consider what I'm hearing.
13:04 At least consider it by the grace of God.
13:06 Watch the Holy Spirit speak to you.
13:08 Watch what the Spirit of living God will do for you.
13:11 If you will have that, just get everything right,
13:13 push it aside and say God
13:15 I want to hear what's being said.
13:17 I found this article that was,
13:19 it came from a speech that was given.
13:21 This was just less than two months ago.
13:23 Now this individual who is doing the writing,
13:25 we'll talk more about, his name's Brian Kennedy.
13:29 He works and he writes all the time.
13:32 He's the author of the book called,
13:34 Communist China's War Inside America.
13:38 Communist China's War Inside America.
13:41 He works with National Security Affairs
13:45 and he does a public policy, so he's around.
13:50 He's the President of The American Strategy Group.
13:54 So he's not just somebody out there writing an article.
13:57 This man is involved heavy in the things
13:59 that are going on in our country
14:01 and he backs them up.
14:02 Here he made this statement.
14:04 We'll talk more about him
14:05 if we have time at the end of the letter,
14:06 but I thought this was very good.
14:08 I picked this paragraph out.
14:09 It says the forces of globalism,
14:12 is somebody home.
14:13 The forces of what?
14:14 Of globalism that have, notice,
14:17 dominated our government and our media,
14:20 for the better part of half a century,
14:24 have blinded too many Americans to the threat we face.
14:28 And then he goes on the next word is,
14:30 if we do not wake up to the danger soon,
14:36 we will find ourself helpless.
14:39 Now again, we can take it as a warning,
14:41 we can take it as I don't care,
14:42 he doesn't know what he's talking about.
14:43 I take it as a warning. God is good.
14:46 He said I'm going to reveal these things
14:48 right before they what?
14:49 Before they take place.
14:52 He doesn't want us to be shocked
14:55 and we're warned over and over and over.
14:58 So what just a little bit said right now,
15:00 before I read this letter that
15:01 will blow your mind from an archbishop.
15:04 Now you know, you would think that
15:08 maybe this message might come from somebody else,
15:12 but God will use whom He will.
15:15 Think about it always instead of we saying,
15:16 well, God will use this one
15:18 and go or the message will come through him
15:20 or through them or through this,
15:22 God will use who He wants to.
15:23 He used a pagan king, did He not?
15:25 Nebuchadnezzar. Right, He used.
15:27 He all through the ages, God will use what He will
15:30 and to accomplish His purpose and His will.
15:33 So with just this little said,
15:34 we can see that we are near the end,
15:36 no doubt about it.
15:38 Things are changing so rapidly right now,
15:40 I can't keep up with it myself.
15:42 I try to, but every day something new is taking place.
15:47 But what's, what is changing right now
15:49 is affecting us and will affect everything
15:53 that you do,
15:54 everything that you're involved with before very long.
15:58 Laws are being passed now that will shock you,
16:02 when you have
16:04 less than 200, 119, 20 billionaires
16:07 that run this country
16:09 not only this country, this world.
16:11 Is somebody still there?
16:14 Hundred and nineteen
16:15 I think they made the count of billionaires,
16:17 run this world.
16:19 They are setting up meetings and they're talking about
16:22 how it is to be run.
16:26 We've looked at the past election.
16:31 Some are excited, some are not excited about it.
16:36 But certainly, God's will be done.
16:39 There's no doubt about it, but I'm looking, I'm saying,
16:42 what's ahead?
16:43 Everything I hear so far is, "Oh my, What's ahead?"
16:48 With joining the, you know, Paris Treaty agreement,
16:51 the climate change, again
16:52 and you know going green, socialism,
16:56 COVID-19, vaccines,
17:00 economy, Sunday laws on the horizon.
17:03 Some of you may have never heard that before,
17:05 but that doesn't mean we can't say it.
17:09 When somebody says
17:12 and I'm not trying to hit any person
17:13 or individual right now, but just as a main point.
17:15 When you say that Sunday laws is not in the pipeline,
17:18 you're daydreaming.
17:21 It has been in the pipeline for many, many years,
17:24 centuries, you see, and it's getting ready
17:28 to explode upon us as a people,
17:30 and the enemy wants to keep you busy
17:31 and me busy, until probation closes
17:35 and then we will be without salvation.
17:39 But think about socialism.
17:42 Think about the economy
17:43 that's ready to blow at any moment.
17:45 Regardless of what they say, you can only print money
17:46 so long and if nothing else, machines will break down.
17:52 There's nothing to back it up
17:54 as you well know like there used to be.
17:57 They talk about spending a trillion dollars like,
17:59 you and I talk about spending five dollars.
18:06 COVID-19, again the vaccines
18:10 another round of the virus is going.
18:14 They're saying, right now, it started back up again
18:16 so it's just continuing
18:18 and now they're talking about lockdowns.
18:21 Now I'm mentioning some of these things right now,
18:23 because when we read this letter,
18:24 you'll see that another man,
18:27 an archbishop sent an open letter
18:29 to the President of The United States,
18:30 with these thoughts in in his mind too.
18:33 But we can see in reality, these are taking place
18:36 because we see closing businesses.
18:38 Businesses closing down for good.
18:41 They're hurting right now.
18:43 Schools once again closed down.
18:45 Churches being shut down,
18:46 sports or anything you can think of right now,
18:48 there is a squeeze and there is a push
18:50 for a shutdown.
18:53 This country cannot stand it,
18:54 as far as we know another shutdown.
18:57 Somebody needs to stay at work.
19:00 I know, there may be a cost to that,
19:02 but someone needs to stay at work.
19:05 So what should we do as, you know, as God's people,
19:08 so and with that new vaccine coming out, what is it?
19:11 Ninety five percent they say effective.
19:14 Right now, you are going to be challenged like
19:17 you have never been challenged before.
19:19 This vaccine can be, just throw it out,
19:21 whatever, can be very dangerous.
19:25 It can be a way that you can be traced.
19:28 It can change your DNA.
19:29 So a lot of different things about that
19:31 we do not want that the devil,
19:32 remember, the fight that people say,
19:34 Oh, that's not possible, that's not possible.
19:36 The devil has always fought
19:37 and Christ has for the battle of the mind
19:43 and if something can be given discreetly,
19:45 that might change your thinking a little bit or dull you down,
19:49 where you don't have the backbone to stand
19:50 for what is truth anymore?
19:52 It's going to happen.
19:54 See, God's looking at people with backbone
19:56 and I look at spiritual backbone.
20:01 See, we have to have that
20:02 so we can't get discouraged on the things
20:03 that we see taking place.
20:07 Now is the time that we fasten the seat belt
20:10 and get ready for a head-on and then who's going to stand.
20:15 But what if the vaccine is mandatory?
20:18 Don't anybody have to answer. But what are you going to do?
20:20 What am I going to do? What am I going to do?
20:23 Because it's so bad because what are they doing right now,
20:26 again it's always gets worse and worse.
20:28 You know, the first, the second and the third wave is coming
20:31 and this man here in his letter,
20:32 he's talking about COVID-21,
20:34 which we really haven't heard too much about.
20:36 Gates talks about it.
20:38 We can't get past 19 right now,
20:40 so there's something that's going on
20:42 and the third wave, we already heard,
20:43 we had that talk.
20:44 We just talked about all the time
20:46 and say if it gets much worse,
20:47 we're going to shut it all down.
20:50 But there's a way out, if you take the shot,
20:54 it's going to be okay
20:55 and then we're going to give you
20:56 some papers and different things
20:58 and you'll be able to buy and sell and travel
20:59 and do what you need to do,
21:01 but if you don't, you won't be able to.
21:04 Surely, you've read, right?
21:05 How many of you have read some of that stuff?
21:07 Come on, sure you've read some of this stuff going on.
21:10 I'm just saying it's a plan that that's been talked about
21:13 in the media and yet this man writes
21:16 an open letter to the President.
21:17 This is the second one by the way.
21:19 He's pleading to President to try to do something
21:23 because he sees what's going on
21:25 because this elitist group
21:28 is trying to change America.
21:34 What will you do if that becomes mandatory?
21:38 Will you take it?
21:39 Will you study it out see what's in it there's something
21:41 that maybe you want to take into your body.
21:43 But again, if you don't, interesting, the Bible says,
21:46 that God's last day people will not be able to what?
21:49 They'll not be able to buy or sell.
21:50 Say, then, we realize
21:51 that's not the mark of the beast,
21:53 but I'm saying there's roads and avenues to that.
21:56 Things will be shut down.
21:57 You're going to be, remember they want
21:59 the American people to be afraid
22:01 and that's exactly what they have done
22:03 and even though COVID is real,
22:04 we understand that, it's out there,
22:06 it's been blown up in my opinion.
22:08 Even though good people died and friends have died with it,
22:11 if you get it pre-consistent, you know getting,
22:13 you know ailments or whatever it might be.
22:17 But remember it's blown, they work out
22:19 in trying to make you afraid and me afraid, to take a stand.
22:24 Oh, it's a heavy-duty thing.
22:27 This comes from,
22:29 I'll try to get through it fast as I can,
22:32 The Archbishop Vigano.
22:37 Man, to me, this is like
22:40 what a historical moment,
22:42 as we see this Archbishop
22:45 of Carlo Maria Vigano
22:50 writing this open letter to the President
22:53 and many of these things
22:55 we just touched on lightly, he's touching about it.
22:58 This archbishop is exploding, notice this,
23:01 or exposing a global plan.
23:04 He calls it really, it's a reset,
23:06 he says that people are resetting our country.
23:11 It's be our whole world, our way of life, our freedoms.
23:17 Countless changes are taking place
23:20 by just the elite,
23:23 those who have some of the billions
23:26 and they're doing it through the World Economic Forum,
23:29 the WEF.
23:32 Now more on that in a moment as we read on.
23:34 I'd like to just give you just a few facts,
23:35 if you've not been reading it.
23:37 The letter is addressed to Mr. President.
23:41 Allow me to address you at this hour,
23:43 in which the fate of the whole world
23:46 is threatened by global conspiracy
23:48 against God and humanity.
23:51 See the enemy has for years,
23:53 anything that seems to be a conspiracy,
23:55 he's made people laugh and you're almost afraid.
23:59 Aren't you almost afraid to use the word conspiracy?
24:01 Oh, it's good, everything you say,
24:03 that's a little bit off of the normal,
24:05 oh that's conspiracy theory.
24:10 This elite group is conspiring
24:14 to reset America
24:17 and they will do it if God so allows
24:20 and then what will happen?
24:21 Remember all the plan
24:23 is simply is to get rid of the people of God,
24:25 whoever that might be.
24:27 You have to identify that in the word,
24:29 so he said, I'm writing to you
24:30 in the midst of a silence of civil
24:32 and religious authorities,
24:34 sad to say, that the archbishop,
24:37 right of the Catholic Church
24:38 has to look around to you
24:39 and to me and say, you know,
24:41 the civil authorities are saying nothing,
24:43 the religious authorities are saying nothing
24:47 and he said, may you accept these words of mine,
24:49 as the voice, I like this,
24:51 of one crying in the wilderness,
24:53 there in John 1:23.
24:57 We need to be that voice
24:59 of one crying in the wilderness,
25:01 prepare the way of the coming of the Lord
25:04 and these events that will surely take place,
25:06 that will test you to the utmost
25:08 and meet to the utmost what kind of relationship
25:11 do we have with Christ and he goes on.
25:13 He says, as I said
25:14 when I wrote my letter to you in June,
25:16 the historical moment sees the forces of evil
25:20 aligned in a battle without quarter
25:23 against the forces of good.
25:25 What have we always said what?
25:27 The great controversy, isn't that right?
25:28 What's the great controversy?
25:30 The battle between what?
25:31 Good and evil, good. See, he's on target right now.
25:35 Use our minds, notice what he says,
25:37 of evil will appear powerful
25:39 and organized as they oppose the children of light,
25:43 who are disorientated and disorganized.
25:46 The enemy wants you what?
25:48 Disorganized.
25:49 Everybody going different ways and saying that's good.
25:51 I heard people in the church that's just bickering
25:53 and fighting like, it's a political issue
25:55 when we're talking about a moral issue,
25:57 it's the things that we should be doing,
25:58 should know what to do. We're saying, oh that's goofy,
26:00 I'm not going to listen to that.
26:01 No, don't do that.
26:03 I encourage you to listen.
26:06 Daily we sense the attacks multiplying
26:08 of those who want to destroy the basis of society.
26:12 See if it be true.
26:14 The natural family,
26:18 respect for human life,
26:21 love of country,
26:22 do you see these things being attacked?
26:24 Yes, you do.
26:26 So we can't discredit and just throw it out.
26:28 We see these things again so that they can gain control.
26:34 Now not that I'm necessarily a gun lover,
26:38 but I believe in the right, if you want one,
26:40 you can have one.
26:41 It's okay to say that? Sure, it is.
26:44 But now what are they thinking?
26:46 Now the new administration says what?
26:48 We're gonna tax you.
26:50 I'm going to use the word senseless
26:52 if you have one.
26:54 So they will make you want to give it up
26:56 and then defund the police.
26:58 There's no one to take,
26:59 just, oh, we know God is our provider.
27:00 God takes care of us but we need to think
27:02 these things are going on right now
27:04 and there's a reason because there's a plan.
27:06 We'll see who that plan and who's involved naturally.
27:10 So we see respect for human life is gone.
27:12 Love for the country is not there anymore.
27:14 Freedom of education and business seems to be gone.
27:17 We see heads of nations,
27:18 he writes, religious leaders
27:21 pandering to the suicide of western culture
27:25 and its Christian soul.
27:27 For the fundamental rights of citizens
27:29 and believers, listen, this involves you.
27:33 Fundamental rights of citizens
27:35 and believers are denied in the name of health.
27:38 Come on, a health emergency,
27:41 that has revealed itself more and more
27:43 fully as instrumental to the establishment
27:46 of the inhuman faceless tyranny.
27:50 Here's a man that's pouring it out.
27:52 He could risk his very life.
27:55 This is proven to be true
27:57 or we wouldn't be presenting it.
28:01 People are stepping forward right now,
28:02 risking their very life, not of this faith,
28:07 of the Catholic faith saying,
28:09 this is what we believe that's going on,
28:11 this is what we've sensed, this is what we see.
28:15 What are we doing?
28:17 Goes on, a global plan. Did you get this?
28:18 Here he goes on, he said look,
28:20 there's a global plan called the great reset.
28:23 How many of you? Yeah.
28:26 Four months ago, before this is written,
28:29 we did one or two messages on the great reset.
28:35 But we didn't realize even then that the facts,
28:40 it was going to multiply that we need to speak on it again.
28:45 See, so you can't just speak one time and say well,
28:47 let's let it go and never use the word again.
28:51 The great reset is underway.
28:53 He didn't say it's going to,
28:54 he said it's underway right now,
28:55 its architect is a, notice, a global elite,
28:58 that wants to subdue
29:00 all of humanity imposing measures,
29:03 notice, which drastically limit individual freedoms
29:07 and those of entire populations.
29:09 In several nations this plan
29:11 has already been approved and financed.
29:14 Now simply, what does that really mean?
29:16 A global plan.
29:17 Let me just go over a couple of things quickly,
29:18 I jotted down.
29:20 This is from, you can get it yourself
29:21 from the
29:23 It says this, they call it,
29:24 you remember the meetings they have every year at Davos,
29:26 ain't that right in Switzerland?
29:28 They called it Davos right here.
29:29 It's actually the World Economic Forum, WEF.
29:34 Now, what are these people doing in meeting?
29:37 Again, it consists of 119 billionaires.
29:42 Now remember, this is going to affect you
29:44 whether you want it to or not.
29:47 Hundred and nineteen billionaires,
29:49 this here has 53 heads of states,
29:52 costs over eight million dollars,
29:54 just they put out,
29:55 just to have make sure they protect
29:58 the people that are there.
30:01 An annual meeting, people like,
30:03 can't go through all of it because after all,
30:05 there's 2000 people that are invited.
30:09 When they go to Davos in Switzerland,
30:10 they have over 320 some odd
30:12 I think it was private jets that fly in,
30:15 because of these people's status.
30:17 Remember, the archbishop has said a global elite.
30:21 They've got a plan.
30:24 Such people as you know Bill Gates and Prince Williams
30:28 and George Soros, Donald Trump,
30:32 climate activist Greta Thunberg,
30:34 you remember her?
30:35 Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan's
30:38 represented their chase,
30:40 Facebook COO, the people like that come in,
30:43 German chancellor and 2000-person guest list.
30:48 Now, what is the purpose of these meetings,
30:51 that all these heads of the countries
30:54 come together?
30:55 Here's the purpose of it.
30:56 They write it down, so we don't have to guess.
30:59 It says, they engage that, notice this,
31:02 the foremost political business cultural
31:07 and other leaders, and notice this,
31:09 of society to shape.
31:11 What are they doing?
31:12 They're going to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
31:17 That means the whole world, everything that's going on.
31:20 They are meeting and they set the stage
31:23 of what all is to take place
31:27 and they have the leaders already involved, do they not?
31:29 They have the money to get this out
31:33 and we've been following in that plan for a long time.
31:35 I'm not sure.
31:36 It's just like 50 years they've been,
31:40 yeah absolutely.
31:41 Reading on, in the letter he wrote,
31:43 okay, behind the world leaders,
31:45 who are the accomplices of executor
31:47 of this infernal project,
31:49 there are unscrupulous characters,
31:51 who finance, notice this,
31:53 the World Economy Forum,
31:55 the Event 201, promoting their agenda.
31:59 The purpose of this great reset,
32:01 listen carefully,
32:03 is the imposition of a health dictatorship,
32:06 among the imposition of liberticidal that means
32:09 what is unrestricted measures,
32:12 hidden behind temporal promises
32:14 ensuring, notice this,
32:15 ensuring if you go along with it,
32:17 a universal income cancelling individual debt.
32:22 You realize all this stuff is already discussed?
32:26 This stuff is already discussed to where they'll say,
32:27 well, we and how wonderful
32:29 you're in debt $100,000, $200,000.
32:32 The time may come when they say,
32:34 you know, we've got to change the money system
32:35 and so on and so forth.
32:37 We'll pay all your debts off.
32:38 You'll not have any debt anymore
32:40 but you'll have to maybe take the shot
32:41 and different things like this.
32:44 But you know what?
32:45 Then all you have to do is just sign over everything
32:48 that you'll ever own or whatever property
32:49 and everything that you have.
32:51 We'll take care of you.
32:52 That's government. That's socialism, is it not?
32:55 One step away from communism.
32:59 Do you get that's the next step we're in?
33:02 And they talk about it like, it's just easy come easy go.
33:05 I mean, I was like shocked.
33:07 I hear socialism you know; can I say Bernie Sanders?
33:09 And I did it anyway.
33:12 You know what I'm saying?
33:14 Just outwardly and openly
33:18 and yet we just,
33:20 oh, one step away from communism
33:25 and now he's gonna,
33:27 I'm gonna make it political, but I'm not trying to do that.
33:30 I'm just trying to wake us up to the fact
33:32 that he's already gonna be
33:33 in a high place close to the President.
33:37 Oh, this letter is just interesting.
33:38 Notice this, cancelling individual debt,
33:41 the price of these concessions from the, notice,
33:43 International Monetary Fund,
33:45 will be the renunciation of private property,
33:49 adherence to a program of vaccination
33:51 against COVID-19 and COVID-21.
33:55 I don't know a lot about 21 right now,
33:57 I don't know about you,
33:59 which he says here, is promoted.
34:01 He's in a place of high position
34:03 and he's in contact with people who know.
34:05 Promoted he said by Bill Gates,
34:07 with the collaboration of the main, notice,
34:09 pharmaceutical groups,
34:11 beyond the enormous economic interests
34:14 that motivate the promoters of the great reset.
34:18 The imposition of the vaccination
34:21 will accompany by requirement of a,
34:23 notice this, of a health passport
34:26 and a digital what?
34:28 ID.
34:31 With these, notice this, consequent contact tracing
34:35 of the populace of the entire world.
34:38 Notice, those who do not accept,
34:39 it will come to this.
34:41 The Bible says, the end results you know
34:42 they're not able to buy or sell,
34:43 there be a death decree.
34:46 This may not be, this will be part of here
34:47 what they're saying, if you don't go along
34:49 with these measures,
34:50 things are bad, things are locked down,
34:52 nobody's working, there's no finances,
34:54 you can't pay your rent,
34:55 you can't pay your house payment,
34:56 you can't pay your insurance,
34:58 you can't pay your taxes.
34:59 You say, well, I got my house paid for,
35:00 they'll take it anyway.
35:02 Wake up.
35:04 We're not taking anything out of this world.
35:07 Well, we'll go home, is it?
35:09 It says, those who will not go along with that
35:10 and again we're projecting out there,
35:12 you take it or leave it or think about it.
35:16 You will be confined to detention camps,
35:18 says this archbishop.
35:20 Wow!
35:22 Or placed under house arrest
35:25 or you've had contact with COVID,
35:27 14 days in your house
35:28 or whatever and then after that,
35:29 they don't clear you another 14, da-da-da.
35:31 Notice this, all their assets will be confiscated,
35:35 Mr. President, I imagine that you are already
35:37 aware in some countries that the great reset,
35:40 listen this is important,
35:41 whether he's right or not, think about it.
35:44 Because conditions are there, he said in some countries,
35:46 the great reset will be activated
35:49 between the end of this year.
35:51 This year, we're there
35:53 and the first trimester of 2021.
35:57 The first, what?
35:58 Three months or so from of this next year,
36:02 this archbishop said.
36:03 This is going to be for year,
36:07 notice what he says here,
36:08 for this purpose further lockdowns are planned.
36:13 It's coming from people in authority,
36:14 who is behind this plan.
36:16 We know the papacy's behind this plan,
36:18 there's no doubt about it.
36:20 So he has inside information that we need to think about.
36:23 Further lockdowns are planned
36:25 which will officially justified by supposed, notice, second,
36:29 third wave of the pandemic.
36:33 You are well aware of the means
36:34 that have been deployed,
36:36 to sow, notice, to sow panic and legitimate,
36:40 notice, draconian that means like the devil,
36:43 limitations on individual liberties,
36:46 artfully provoking a worldwide economic crisis.
36:51 What will happen
36:52 if there's a real economic crisis?
36:54 Can these things we're talking about,
36:55 are they off the table?
36:56 No, they're on the table.
36:58 If the health, right, it gets a little bit, remember,
37:00 we saw the world shut down
37:02 in two weeks at the beginning of this
37:05 and it's not as bad as the devil
37:06 is going to try to push it here.
37:07 So there could be more,
37:09 so the pressures apply,
37:10 so you'll operate in fear, you'll operate,
37:12 I'm not having any food, I can't pay my,
37:13 I've got to do something,
37:15 so you turn your life over to the government.
37:17 Man, be careful.
37:25 Notice they said, so they can, individual liberties artfully,
37:28 notice it, provoking a worldwide economic crisis
37:31 and the intentions of its architects,
37:34 the ones who are backing this putting it together,
37:38 this crisis will serve to, notice this,
37:41 to make the recourse of nations,
37:44 to the great reset irreversible.
37:47 In other words, once it goes in, what?
37:50 In the archbishop's mind and the contact that
37:52 he has high up with Rome,
37:58 he said what's going into effect right now
38:00 will be irreversible.
38:05 Now God knows, but think about it.
38:07 What if it is?
38:09 We don't like the way that it is now.
38:11 Is it okay to say that too?
38:13 No really, we don't like to have to wear a mask.
38:18 We don't like somebody tell us, we can't have Thanksgiving.
38:21 We don't like it say,
38:22 only so many people can come in my house.
38:25 Do we?
38:26 But see where is it,
38:28 where's the backbone that we have today to say,
38:29 that's not going to happen?
38:31 I've heard some people in high places
38:33 over the air say, you know what?
38:34 I'm not going to abide by that.
38:37 One of the governor said, I'll have this.
38:40 I'll have as many people as I want in my house.
38:43 Well, he's jeopardizing himself.
38:45 There's no doubt about it,
38:46 but is that point going to come should we?
38:49 I know, we won't try to get along,
38:51 when we try to do and the laws of the land,
38:53 we need to be very careful of.
38:54 Remember, the laws are going to be made
38:56 to restrict the people of God
38:57 from doing what we're supposed to be doing
38:59 is giving the three angels' message to the world.
39:01 Warning against the mark of the beast.
39:02 Warning about Sabbath, the Sunday issue.
39:06 The enemy's trying to cut all of that down.
39:08 Where is it?
39:10 Is it Switzerland or one of the countries
39:12 already that I've seen an article
39:13 they just talked about.
39:15 They're thinking about outlawing the Bible.
39:18 They need to do it because it's inflammatory.
39:20 I think that was the word, it's inflammatory and it,
39:23 notice this, and it is hate speech.
39:27 It's anything, but hate speech.
39:29 Is that true?
39:30 It's anything but
39:32 and it should put a flame in you.
39:34 That's exactly right.
39:35 The good kind to set you on fire for Jesus.
39:38 But I'm talking about these are thoughts
39:39 that going through minds,
39:41 supposedly sane minds in this world today.
39:44 We cannot be silent.
39:47 Irreversible said it's going,
39:49 the final blow to a world
39:51 whose existence and very memory
39:54 that they want to completely cancel.
39:57 Do you see the movement?
39:58 They want to cancel
39:59 what the United States of America has stood for.
40:02 What do you think that we tear down monuments?
40:04 What do you think that we try to burn things down?
40:06 They want to erase you know good bad and ugly.
40:09 I know there's some ugly things attached with
40:10 some of these things
40:12 but they want to erase history,
40:14 they're wanting to reset and I said before reset,
40:18 is you tripper breaker what do you do.
40:21 Brother Mark, you know you go reset it,
40:22 isn't that right?
40:23 Talking about reset, that means you cancel it out,
40:26 and you restart it and the elite say,
40:30 this is what we're going to do and you know what?
40:33 You don't have to say, well, I believe them,
40:34 I don't believe.
40:36 It's happening things that we're talking about here,
40:38 it's active right now today.
40:39 There's no doubt about it.
40:42 But the archbishop goes on quickly
40:44 because of time about 15 minutes.
40:46 He goes on, he says, you know what?
40:48 The government has forgotten one thing or the people.
40:51 There is a people who will stand for truth.
40:54 There is a people
40:55 who will stand for what is right.
40:56 When they have enough,
40:58 they will stand up and say we've had enough.
41:00 He said the people, especially in America,
41:02 we are not just like machines.
41:04 You know how a machine is?
41:05 A machine is that you can program,
41:07 and what does machine do?
41:09 Exactly the way you program it
41:11 and they're trying to reprogram you
41:12 and they're trying to reprogram me.
41:14 Somebody with me.
41:18 They're trying to reprogram us
41:22 and we cannot allow that because our mind
41:24 will not be stayed upon Christ and it's going to change.
41:30 Skipping down the next paragraph,
41:32 it says many people as we well know
41:33 are annoyed by the reference to the clash
41:36 between good and evil.
41:37 The use of apocalyptic overtones,
41:40 which according to them exasperates spirits
41:42 and sharpens division.
41:44 It's not surprising that the enemy is angered
41:48 by being discovered just when he believes,
41:50 he has reached the what?
41:55 The high point citadel.
41:58 Whatever, the high point,
41:59 he's reached it,
42:00 he seeks to conquer undisturbed.
42:03 The enemy think if I get all this around here,
42:05 then I will do what?
42:06 I'll be able to take over and there won't be anyone
42:09 that really has enough sense to know,
42:12 I'll dull them spiritually.
42:13 See, many people sitting
42:15 in the pews today maybe no one here,
42:16 you're dull spiritually you've let your light go out.
42:20 Christ is not abiding in your life.
42:22 Oh, I'm a Christian.
42:24 I'm a Christian but are we doing
42:25 what God has said in His Word?
42:26 If you are, you're follower of Him,
42:28 if not, you're not.
42:29 Why not just be honest about it
42:31 and then say God, we need some help.
42:34 Now, what is surprising however is that,
42:36 there, this is sad when I read that,
42:39 there is no one to sound the alarm.
42:41 Lord have mercy.
42:44 Will somebody here sound the alarm?
42:46 You know we didn't read Joel 2:15-17,
42:49 but doesn't it start out cry loud,
42:51 cry loud and spare not, wake up the people.
42:55 Somebody, blow the trumpet in Zion,
42:57 somebody get in tune,
42:58 somebody said, right, play the music,
43:00 but stay in tune.
43:02 We've got a real message to give to the world.
43:04 A life and death message that nobody in the world has.
43:08 It doesn't make us any better
43:10 but it sure makes us more responsible.
43:12 Does that make sense to us?
43:13 The responsibility,
43:15 you can't sit in your pew anymore.
43:16 You can't say the pastors needs to do it,
43:18 the elders need to do it.
43:19 Well, I don't go to Church
43:21 because I don't like him or I don't like her.
43:22 Listen, we need to love everybody,
43:23 if we're going to make it to kingdom.
43:26 So business arguing and fussing and scandalizing in the church,
43:30 we don't have time for that right now.
43:31 We have time to get the message out,
43:33 to warn the world of the coming of Jesus.
43:35 Notice what he says,
43:37 I thought this is very interesting,
43:38 the reaction of the deep state.
43:40 Isn't that an interesting word?
43:41 Did you kind of think about that for a moment?
43:43 You can look it up in the dictionary.
43:44 You know what a deep state is?
43:46 In other words, the archbishop is saying here,
43:48 the reaction of the deep state
43:51 to those who denounce its plan is broken incoherent.
43:56 Deep state. This was it says.
43:57 The deep state simply talks about a body of people.
44:00 A body of people typically, notice this, influential,
44:05 yeah, influential people
44:07 that really members of government agencies
44:09 or military believe to be involved in secret control
44:15 of government policy.
44:17 The archbishop said,
44:18 there's something working behind the scenes
44:21 here that we don't know of.
44:23 He calls it the deep state and then he goes on,
44:25 I hope we get time to do it.
44:27 He talks about the deep church.
44:30 He's talking about the Roman Catholic Church,
44:32 who's he's a member of
44:34 and the man behind the scene
44:35 he says is orchestrating this, he says, it's a pope.
44:39 Give you food for thought before we go down there.
44:41 Isn't that kind of interesting now?
44:42 That's what we call right Revelation 13
44:44 and 17 right here that
44:46 there's coming together of the people
44:48 it seemed as the world right now.
44:49 Revelation 17, what is it? 12 and 13 they have what?
44:52 They come together in unity, they come have one mind,
44:55 they give all their power.
44:57 Where are we at in the history of the world?
44:59 He says until a few months ago,
45:01 it was easy to smear a conspiracy theorist,
45:04 those who denounce these terrible plans,
45:07 which we now see being carried out down
45:09 to the smallest detail.
45:11 Notice this, no one up until last February,
45:16 whatever thought that in our cities,
45:19 citizens would be arrested
45:22 for simply wanting to walk down the street.
45:27 See, if you can't see something's going on,
45:29 Lord have mercy.
45:31 Is that true?
45:32 I mean really, yeah, man out on the kayak,
45:37 right by himself out there, all by himself
45:39 and they make sure they pull him in
45:40 and arrest him.
45:42 What's wrong?
45:46 The archbishop said here,
45:47 would you have imagined, before this,
45:49 this on this last February here,
45:50 eight nine months whatever ago.
45:53 He said walking down the street just to breathe,
45:58 to want to keep their business open,
46:00 to want to go to church.
46:03 He says on Sunday, I crossed it out
46:04 and said Saturday is that okay?
46:07 I'm not trying to defend anybody
46:08 but you know, what I mean.
46:10 That's naturally his thought, just go to church,
46:12 yet now it's happening all over the world.
46:16 Even in picture postcard,
46:20 Italy that Americans consider to be
46:22 a small enchanted, notice, country
46:24 with its ancient monuments,
46:25 its churches, its charming cities,
46:27 its charismatic villages,
46:28 business, notice this, businesses are failing.
46:30 Is he right?
46:32 Shops are closing,
46:33 people are prevented from living
46:35 and traveling and working and even praying.
46:40 He says this, disastrous psychological
46:44 consequences of this operation
46:46 are already being seen, beginning with suicides.
46:49 Is that happening?
46:50 The world is saying yes,
46:53 your government officials sent men,
46:55 because of the lockdowns
46:56 and people are committing suicide.
46:57 They can't stand it.
46:59 Kids are going almost crazy
47:00 because they can't go to school.
47:03 They long to be with others
47:05 and learning and so on and so forth.
47:09 Segregated, it talks about from our friends and classmates,
47:12 while sitting at home
47:14 in front of a computer and saying,
47:17 notice, this is where I've got it starved
47:19 by these two next paragraphs.
47:20 Please pay attention. Notice this.
47:22 In sacred scripture, the archbishop writes,
47:25 Saint Paul speaks to us,
47:27 as the one who opposes the manifestation of what?
47:32 Mystery of iniquity in 2 Thessalonians.
47:35 You remember two, you can read that
47:37 four through six or five what six and seven,
47:39 and notice what he says about that,
47:42 in the religious sphere, so he's talking about what?
47:45 The mystery of iniquity,
47:48 we're supposed to expose the man of sin,
47:50 the little horn power.
47:51 Isn't that right, the papacy?
47:53 Come on, somebody,
47:54 that we're supposed to, right, expose.
47:56 He says this about this power, in the religious realm sphere,
48:02 this obstacle to evil is in the church.
48:07 They don't call anybody else the church
48:09 but their own and then, oh, look
48:13 and in particularly the papacy he writes this,
48:17 I'm just reading
48:20 and in the political field sphere,
48:22 he says, it is those who impede the establishment
48:25 of the new world order.
48:28 He knows there's a new world order.
48:29 We've been hearing about for umpteen years.
48:31 Now it's put into place the reset button
48:33 has already been pushed
48:34 and it's pushed in such a way that
48:36 it may not ever be reversed, only God can reverse it.
48:39 See, only God can reverse it right now.
48:41 We need to be about our father's business.
48:43 We need to be out doing what God has asked us to do
48:45 and quit all this foolishness messing up and wasting.
48:49 I'm just talking,
48:54 just like things come over you to say,
48:56 we can't afford to waste time.
48:59 We know this is the Thanksgiving celebration
49:00 that we're going to have.
49:02 But you know what we said?
49:03 We're going to give God praise all day long.
49:05 We're going to thank Him for it,
49:06 but we need to get this message out as soon as we can.
49:08 This letter is three, four weeks old.
49:11 Brother Ryan, I keep looking at you
49:13 because I know you've studied it
49:14 three or four weeks old
49:15 and a lot of people have the opportunity to read it
49:17 and they know what direction things are going,
49:19 not just because he said it,
49:20 because he's,
49:22 I think in one of the true and the faithful,
49:23 he's willing to put it down here.
49:25 But we know what Bible prophecy says about it.
49:27 We know what's happening in the world
49:28 and God says use the brain that I've given you,
49:31 make a decision now, quit playing church,
49:33 quit mickey mousing around.
49:35 Does that make sense? Just quit.
49:37 Just do it. Get serious.
49:39 Well, I belong over here. I'll need to go.
49:41 Go where you can be blessed.
49:43 Go where you can grow as a Christian.
49:45 Go where you can be involved.
49:48 Our loyalty is to God and to God alone.
49:50 It's not the arm of flesh in any direction,
49:54 the arm of God we're clinging to right now.
49:57 It's all we can do.
50:00 He says as it is now clear
50:02 the one who occupies, notice this,
50:05 he just goes on and makes it clear,
50:07 I like it, he goes on and clear,
50:08 he already said, it was the papacy,
50:10 notice this, he goes on and says now,
50:12 as is now clear
50:14 the one who occupies the chair of Peter,
50:16 who might that be?
50:18 That's a pope.
50:19 He's saying himself, has betrayed his role oh,
50:23 from the very beginning in order to defend
50:27 and promote the globalist ideology,
50:30 supporting the, notice this,
50:31 the agenda of the, oh-oh, deep church,
50:35 notice the word again,
50:37 that means the church,
50:39 those who control things in secret.
50:44 That's what it means because you have the deep state
50:47 and then he comes back and says the deep church.
50:51 Mr. President, he's pleading, you have clearly stated that
50:54 you want to defend the nation.
50:56 One nation under God.
50:59 Fundamental liberties,
51:01 non-negotiable values
51:02 that are denied and fought against today.
51:05 It is you dear President,
51:07 again it's an open letter to the President,
51:09 who are the one who opposes the deep state
51:13 and the final assault on the children of darkness.
51:17 For this reason it's necessary that all people of good
51:20 will be persuaded of epic importance
51:24 of the imminent election.
51:26 We realize this has already happened.
51:28 Things have taken place.
51:29 Still a big fight going on, but notice.
51:32 Not so much
51:33 of this political program or that,
51:34 but because of the general inspiration
51:36 of your actions that best embodies
51:40 in this particular historical context.
51:43 The world, notice this, he says the world,
51:46 our world that God has allowed us to live in,
51:52 which we want to, notice this,
51:53 want to cancel by means of a lockdown.
51:58 Your adversary is also our adversary.
52:03 It is the enemy of the human race.
52:05 He's a murderer from the beginning,
52:07 John 8:44 as you well know.
52:10 He says, around you, time's running down,
52:12 around you are gathered with faith and courage,
52:14 those who consider your final garrison
52:17 among the world dictatorship.
52:19 The alternative is to vote for a person,
52:22 who is manipulated by the deep state,
52:25 gravely compromised by scandal and corruption.
52:29 The archbishop's writing this take it for what it is.
52:33 And then he goes on,
52:34 I don't have time to go into it.
52:36 He talks about a mess
52:37 that's going on all over the United States,
52:38 but going on in a church, going on in Italy,
52:41 going on in France and going on in Spain
52:43 and he goes, he called it,
52:45 now, I have to be honest and just put this out.
52:47 He says the black mailable nature,
52:51 I don't guess I say Joe Biden, I believe that,
52:54 of course, he did write it down,
52:59 just quoting that's all,
53:01 just like that of the prelates of the Vatican's magic circle,
53:07 will expose him to be used unscrupulously
53:11 allowing the illegitimate power
53:12 to infer in both the domestic policies
53:15 as well as internal balances.
53:17 It is obvious.
53:19 Listen, it is obvious
53:20 that those who manipulate him already have someone
53:23 worse than him ready
53:25 with whom they will replace him
53:27 as soon as the opportunity arises.
53:29 That's pretty bold, is it not?
53:32 What have we said?
53:34 Most people go around said this exactly
53:35 what's going to happen?
53:36 It's not going to be him, going to be somebody.
53:38 Even more unscrupulous is going to be, God only knows.
53:42 This is what he says,
53:45 the great reset is determined to fail
53:47 because of those who plan to do it.
53:51 Do not understand that there are still a people,
53:53 still people ready to take the streets
53:55 to defend their rights,
53:57 to protect their loved ones
53:59 to give a future to their children
54:01 and grandchildren.
54:02 He's writing this, the enemy has Satan on his side,
54:05 who will only know how to hate,
54:07 but on our side we have the Lord God almighty.
54:10 Isn't it good to know that regardless all we hear
54:12 and all that's taking place
54:13 and so many more things can be said
54:15 and so undone,
54:16 you can spend hours on this letter
54:19 and dissect it and use scripture with it,
54:21 but I want you just please think about it today.
54:26 Think about today what he is saying?
54:29 He said, Mr. President, last two minutes.
54:31 Mr. President, you are well aware that
54:33 in this crucial hour,
54:35 the United States of America
54:37 is considered the defending wall
54:40 against the war,
54:42 declared by the advocates of globalism,
54:45 which has been unleashed.
54:47 Place your trust in the Lord.
54:49 Good advice,
54:50 strengthened by the words of the Apostle Paul,
54:52 I can do all things through Christ
54:54 who strengthens me, Philippians 4:13.
54:57 To be an instrument of divine providence
54:59 is a great responsibility
55:02 for which you will certainly receive
55:03 all the graces of state that you need,
55:06 since they are, notice,
55:07 being fervently implored for you
55:11 by the many people who support you
55:13 and in their prayers in the heavenly hope
55:16 and assurance of my prayer for you
55:19 and the First Lady.
55:21 Man, what an interesting dynamite
55:25 open letter eye opener, thank you, yes,
55:29 that reveals at least in my opinion exactly
55:33 what's taking place right now in the world.
55:35 Be careful you'll miss it if you try to make all this
55:38 political rather than right,
55:40 biblical and prophecy being fulfilled
55:42 before our very eyes
55:44 and to see the outcome that the world doesn't realize
55:46 what the enemy is doing shut everything down
55:50 and pass the law right Sunday law,
55:53 and he thinks he's going to have the people
55:55 where he wants them,
55:56 but you know by the grace of God,
55:57 God's people will triumph.
56:00 Well, I mentioned today somebody mentioned that
56:02 we've read the back of the book, Brother Ryan.
56:05 We know what's taking place, but we want to be ready.
56:09 May this just be a wake up,
56:10 may this be a warning by the grace of God to say
56:12 we cannot remain silent any longer.
56:17 We've got to stand by the grace of God.
56:21 I know He'll fight our battles for us
56:23 and I know I've got five seconds,
56:24 I'm going to pray after we go off the air,
56:25 is that all right?
56:29 Because right now God's people need to think
56:31 like never before.
56:34 Hello and welcome back, friends.
56:36 As an elder in our church has taught us over the years
56:39 we have nothing to worry about, but a lot to pray about.
56:43 There is no doubt in my mind
56:45 that as you are listening to this message today
56:48 that the Holy Spirit was speaking to your heart
56:51 as to what you may need to do to get ready
56:54 for this planned reset obviously
56:56 those considered the globalist elite people
57:01 would like this reset to happen sooner
57:04 rather than later, but you know what?
57:06 God is still on the throne and these great changes
57:09 He has warned us about will only transpire
57:13 as He allows them to do so.
57:16 Again, nothing to worry about
57:19 but, friends, much to pray about.
57:21 And we would just absolutely love for you
57:24 to contact us
57:25 to get these messages for your very own.
57:28 When you call, ask the operator about our sharing prices.
57:32 Those prices make it a little bit
57:34 more economical to share these messages
57:36 with your friends and with your family.
57:38 We would also like to send you a free gift
57:41 and it is a book entitled
57:43 The Great Controversy
57:44 wherein in that book you will find clarity concerning
57:48 this spiritual warfare
57:50 and what to expect in our future.
57:53 To either obtain the messages in this two-part series
57:56 that is again entitled US Liberty Under Assault,
58:00 The Elite Globalist Agenda or your free book,
58:03 simply contact us here in the United States
58:06 at 618-942-5044
58:10 that's Central Time
58:11 or you may write to us at Behold the Lamb Ministries,
58:14 PO Box 2030, Herrin, Illinois 62948.
58:19 You may also email us at contact
58:24 or visit us on our website at
58:26 behold
58:28 And I'd like to also take a moment
58:31 just to encourage you to visit us
58:33 on our Behold the Lamb Ministries
58:35 YouTube channel where we hope that
58:37 you'll like it so much that
58:38 you'll want to subscribe
58:40 and also you are now cordially invited
58:42 to join our Behold the Lamb Ministries
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58:46 We are updating messages every week
58:49 that we send out
58:50 and we let you know on our Facebook page.
58:52 So until next time, friends,
58:54 may our precious Lord continue to richly bless you and yours.


Revised 2020-12-27