Behold the Lamb Presents

The Image of God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000161S

00:38 Hello and welcome to Behold The Lamb presents.
00:40 I'm Chris Shelton.
00:42 I'm so thankful as always that
00:44 you have chosen to tune in with us,
00:46 whether it be through the TV stations
00:48 or whether it's on Internet or radio.
00:52 We thank God for all of those means that
00:54 we can come to you into your home
00:56 or into your car wherever you may be.
00:58 And I'm glad that you're with us today.
01:00 We are so excited here at Behold The Lamb Ministries
01:03 because we feel like
01:04 we have one of our family members,
01:07 it's evangelist Dakota Day
01:09 from Amazing Facts Ministries,
01:12 and he is going to give us a message today
01:14 that is entitled the Image of God.
01:17 And before he comes up,
01:18 I get to tell you a little bit about brother Dakota.
01:21 As a young man,
01:23 Dakota was searching for a purpose.
01:25 You know, most young men and women are, right?
01:27 But a lot of times
01:29 they don't search in the right place.
01:30 So he became unsatisfied
01:32 with the things that this world had to offer him.
01:36 And ultimately his search led him to the Bible.
01:39 Can we, as a church, say, amen.
01:41 Amen to that.
01:43 Dakota came to know Jesus as his personal savior.
01:47 And I hope and pray those of you at home
01:50 or wherever you may be and those of you here
01:52 in the sanctuary that you are learning to have Jesus
01:55 as your personal Lord and Savior as well.
01:58 And he has dedicated his life
02:00 and service to the God and to others, his children.
02:04 Dakota responded
02:05 to the Lord's calling upon his life
02:07 and he began attending AFCOE,
02:10 Amazing Facts Center Of Evangelism.
02:14 And I hear a lot of things,
02:15 a lot of good things about AFCOE.
02:18 After graduating AFCOE,
02:20 Dakota spent three years as a Bible worker
02:24 training and equipping churches
02:27 with the skills to reach their community
02:29 with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
02:32 And we need to be tuning our skills up
02:34 no matter where we are,
02:36 we may be behind a desk, we may be in our home.
02:39 You know, we've got telephone.
02:41 Most of us can use a telephone,
02:42 but we need to be praying for God to open up
02:44 those avenues so that we can witness to others.
02:47 It was after this that
02:49 God opened the door for Dakota
02:51 to join the evangelism team at Amazing Facts.
02:55 For over five years Dakota, and his lovely wife Anna...
02:59 Let me tell you something, you know,
03:01 we've often heard that for every good man,
03:03 there's a good woman,
03:05 especially, especially in ministry,
03:08 that's never just one, it's always two.
03:10 I can tell you, it's always two.
03:12 And, Anna, I know
03:14 you're a big part of that ministry.
03:16 They have been traveling
03:18 and conducting public evangelistic series
03:20 and helping thousands, thousands to be prepared
03:24 for Christ soon return.
03:25 And we're so excited that
03:27 they are on Behold The Lamb Presents today,
03:30 and that many more thousands
03:32 will hear this message entitled once again, the Image of God.
03:36 But before Brother Dakota comes up,
03:38 we're going to visit 3ABN,
03:40 we're going to listen to a song
03:41 that is entitled, He knows my name.
03:44 Does He know your name?
03:46 He knows my name as sang by Hope Vasquez.
04:04 I Have a Maker
04:11 He formed my heart
04:18 Before even time began
04:23 My life was in his hands
04:32 He knows my name
04:39 He knows my every thought
04:46 And He sees each tear that falls
04:52 And He hears me when I call
05:04 I have a Father
05:11 He calls me His own
05:17 And He'll never leave me
05:23 No matter where I go
05:32 He knows my name
05:39 He knows my every thought
05:46 And He sees each tear that falls
05:52 And He hears me when I call
06:00 He knows my name
06:08 He knows my every thought
06:14 And He sees each tear that falls
06:21 And He hears me when I call
06:28 Yes, He hears me when I call
06:45 Well, friends, welcome to Behold The Lamb.
06:47 And I tell you, I love the name of this ministry.
06:49 Can somebody say, Amen?
06:51 I really love the name of this ministry
06:53 because everywhere I go, when I preach
06:55 with the ministry of Amazing Facts,
06:56 that's what I keep telling people to do,
06:58 Behold The lamb of God,
07:00 which takes away the sin of the world.
07:01 Brother Kenny, I know the Lord gave you that name.
07:03 Amen. We get what we need to do.
07:05 Amen? We all need to behold the lamb.
07:07 And this presentation
07:09 we're going to be studying tonight,
07:12 today, wherever you may be,
07:13 and whenever you may be listening to this presentation
07:15 is titled the Image of God, the Image of God.
07:18 And so this is a presentation.
07:20 I'm going to tell you guys, it's going to challenge us,
07:22 but it's also going to be
07:24 one that's going to help us to be better prepared
07:26 for the last days that
07:27 we're living in now and to be better prepared
07:29 for the soon coming of Jesus.
07:30 What do you say? Amen.
07:32 You guys excited? I know I'm excited.
07:34 So I just want to give a thank you
07:36 to brother Kenny and Miss Chris
07:39 for inviting us here to come and share God's Word.
07:41 We're so excited to be here,
07:43 and I'm even more excited to be able to share God's Word
07:44 and this specific message with you.
07:46 As I believe, it's a very timely message.
07:48 So before we get started,
07:49 it is always my custom to go to God in prayer.
07:52 So wherever you are, I'd like to invite you
07:54 to bow your heads as we go to God and prayer
07:56 and ask for the Holy Spirit to be with us now.
07:58 Let us pray.
07:59 Father in heaven, Lord,
08:01 we just want to thank You so much
08:02 for all that You do, all that You have done,
08:05 and all that You will do.
08:06 We ask for Your Holy Spirit to be present with us now,
08:09 Lord, as we study about Your image, the image of God.
08:12 Lord, we know that
08:13 that is the image that we are to reflect.
08:15 And we pray, Lord, you would give us
08:17 Your Holy Spirit now that
08:18 we would see the profundity of this message.
08:21 And that, Lord, we would be ready
08:23 before Your coming and that we would be
08:26 reflecting Your image to this dying world,
08:28 that we would be vindicating Your character, Lord.
08:30 So please give us Your Spirit now
08:33 that we may reflect Your image
08:35 and, Lord, that we may understand
08:36 this word as we study it now.
08:38 We ask this all in Jesus' name we pray.
08:41 Amen. Amen.
08:43 All right, the Image of God, are you guys ready?
08:47 Amen. Here we go.
08:48 This is going to be an exciting study.
08:49 So let's go through it.
08:51 So from the very beginning, God made man in His image.
08:53 Can somebody say, Amen?
08:55 But what does that really mean that God made man in His image?
08:58 Oftentimes, it is the understanding
09:01 that God made man in His physical form.
09:03 And that's how most people really understand that
09:06 God made man in His image.
09:07 They focus on the physical part of it that
09:09 we would physically be made in the image of God.
09:12 Well, my friends, I want to submit to you that
09:14 this message goes much deeper than
09:15 just a physical form.
09:16 Can somebody say amen? Amen.
09:18 So notice what the Bible says.
09:19 We're in Genesis 1 and we're going to read
09:21 verses 26 through 27.
09:24 And it says, "And God said,
09:25 let us make man in our image, after our likeness."
09:30 Now notice what it says there after our, what, likeness.
09:34 "And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea."
09:36 Don't miss this.
09:37 We're going to come back to all of this
09:39 because this is very paramount in our study.
09:41 "Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
09:43 over the fowl of the air, over the cattle,
09:46 and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing
09:48 that creepeth upon the earth."
09:49 So God created man in his own image
09:52 and the image of God created male and female
09:56 created he them.
09:57 So the Word of God says that
09:59 God has made us in His image but we love it.
10:01 I want you to submit to you that, again,
10:02 the image of God being made in the image of God
10:05 goes much deeper than
10:06 just some outward physical appearance.
10:08 God made us, made humanity, made Adam and Eve
10:11 from the very beginning in perfection.
10:14 Can someone say amen? They had perfect characters.
10:17 They were without sin. They were without spot.
10:19 They were without blemish.
10:20 And this is what God is trying to restore
10:23 you and I to the image or even the character of God.
10:26 Can somebody say, amen? Amen.
10:28 This is what we need to understand
10:30 about this message.
10:31 And as we go through this, you're going to understand that
10:33 the devil is doing all that he can.
10:35 We're going to go through a trip down memory lane
10:37 and he's doing all that he can to distort
10:39 and corrupt the image of God in men.
10:42 So let's take a look at it.
10:43 Remember, in heaven,
10:45 Satan had basically a war that broke out.
10:48 We read about that in Revelation 12,
10:49 it says there was war in heaven,
10:51 Michael and his angels fought against the dragon,
10:52 and the dragon fought and his angels.
10:54 Right?
10:55 Well, what's interesting about that word war is that
10:57 the word war in the original Greek
10:59 actually translates to the word polemos, polemos.
11:02 Now that word actually in our language today would be
11:06 what we refer to as politics.
11:08 Are we together?
11:10 How many of you like you some good old politics?
11:12 I don't know about, but I don't like politics.
11:15 I like to stay away from politics.
11:16 And we'll talk a little bit more
11:17 about that as we go through this message.
11:19 But basically what broke out in heaven
11:21 was this political idea,
11:23 this political war, a war of ideas
11:26 and Satan began to say
11:28 all kinds of accusations against God.
11:30 We read that in Revelation 12,
11:31 he became the accuser of the brethren,
11:33 the accuser of God.
11:34 And he was ultimately telling everyone in heaven
11:36 that he could be worshiped too.
11:39 That we, we as angels,
11:40 he was saying, "We can be worshiped too.
11:42 Why does God have to be the only one to be worshiped?"
11:45 And what eventually led to,
11:46 what it eventually all led to was that Satan,
11:49 my friends, was ultimately making the accusation.
11:51 But by saying that can be worshiped,
11:54 he was ultimately saying that
11:55 God is unworthy to be worshiped.
11:57 Can we say amen?
11:58 And so he was thus corrupting the image
12:01 or the character of God in heaven
12:03 and taking the attention off of Jesus and onto himself.
12:08 What's the middle letter in the word sin?
12:10 I. Right?
12:12 What's the middle letter in the word pride?
12:13 I.
12:14 The very center of sin and the very center of pride
12:17 is all about I, right?
12:18 In this generation, we have today,
12:20 we have iPods iPad, and iPhones, right?
12:26 It's all about ourselves in lots of ways.
12:28 And so, my friends, Satan wants to take
12:30 the attention off of God
12:31 and His image off of His character.
12:33 And he wants to put it on who?
12:35 Anything and everything, but God and his character.
12:37 Are we together?
12:38 Anything that gets you to look away from God.
12:41 And what's the title,
12:43 what's the name of this ministry?
12:44 Behold The, what?
12:45 Behold The Lamb. Amen.
12:47 And so that's what we need to be
12:48 doing in these last days.
12:49 We need to behold the lamb of God.
12:51 So it was Satan's plan to corrupt
12:53 and distort the image of God from the very beginning.
12:55 So he began in heaven and then this warfare,
12:59 this cosmic conflict that broke out in heaven,
13:01 then transitioned down to planet earth.
13:03 Are we together so far?
13:05 Transitioned down to planet earth and this idea,
13:08 this warfare that we have that broke out in heaven,
13:10 this war of ideas now
13:12 it's transitioned to planet earth.
13:13 And now Satan presents this idea
13:15 of God's character,
13:17 really not being worthy to be worshiped
13:19 and really saying that God is not worthy to be
13:22 even obedient to now come to planet earth.
13:25 And so in the garden,
13:26 Satan tried to corrupt the image of God
13:28 in the Garden of Eden.
13:29 And how did he do that by the way?
13:33 Think about it, my friends, we're going to talk about that.
13:37 How did Satan distort and corrupt the image of God
13:40 from the very beginning in the Garden of Eden?
13:42 We're going to talk about it.
13:43 You see, this is why Jesus Christ
13:46 came to live as a man and to die as a man.
13:49 Are we together?
13:50 One of the most magnificent ideas
13:52 that you could ever ponder is that the Son of God
13:55 became the son of man.
13:57 Come on somebody say amen.
13:58 One of the most magnificent things
14:00 you could ever ponder is that the Son of God
14:01 became the son of man.
14:02 And the fact that, in other words,
14:04 when Jesus made the sacrificial,
14:07 I guess you can say, the sacrificial
14:10 transition to go from the Son of God
14:12 and all of his attributes and all of his glory,
14:15 right, from his omniscience,
14:17 which his all knowingness, his omnipotence,
14:20 his all-powerfulness, and his omnipresence
14:22 to being everywhere at the same time,
14:24 he gave up all of his attributes
14:25 that he might become man.
14:27 Are we together, beloved?
14:29 The sacrifice that Jesus made was so amazing.
14:32 And so now Jesus is giving up everything that
14:34 He might restore the image,
14:37 that is the character of God in man, in this world.
14:41 Are we together?
14:42 Because when Adam and Eve committed sin
14:44 and they disobeyed God, they took the character of God.
14:47 They basically lost the image of God.
14:49 They lost the character of God.
14:51 And ever since then,
14:52 God has been trying to restore His image in mankind.
14:57 So as we see through scripture, there this ongoing battle,
15:01 all the way through from Genesis,
15:03 all the way down to Revelation of God
15:05 trying to restore His character in mankind,
15:08 all the way down through history.
15:10 So why did God destroy the antediluvian world?
15:13 Let's talk about that for a moment.
15:15 You had the antediluvian world, the pre-flood world, right?
15:18 These people live to be 600, 800, 900 years old.
15:22 Can you imagine living that long?
15:24 Have mercy, these people live...
15:26 Imagine you being 900 years old.
15:27 Imagine how many children
15:29 you could have at 900 years old.
15:31 How many great, great, great,
15:33 great, great grandchildren you could have
15:35 at 900 years old, right?
15:36 I mean, these people
15:38 were very intellectually brilliant,
15:39 they were smart,
15:41 but Satan had run amuck in the world.
15:43 He had taken over the minds of God's people.
15:46 They were God's people, but they became changed.
15:49 Are we together?
15:50 And so what eventually it led to was that
15:53 God saw the condition of the earth,
15:55 he saw the condition of the hearts of man
15:58 and that the imagination of their thoughts
15:59 were evil continue.
16:01 Let's read that we're in Genesis 6:5.
16:03 Notice what the Word of God says here.
16:04 Genesis 6:5.
16:06 "And God saw that
16:07 the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
16:09 and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart
16:13 was only evil," how often?
16:15 "Continually."
16:16 Now, beloved, listen to me,
16:17 what's the root word of imagination?
16:20 It says the imagination of the thoughts of his heart
16:22 was only evil, how often, continually.
16:24 What's the root word of imagination?
16:27 Image.
16:28 So the image of man, right, was marred and it was evil,
16:34 how often, continually.
16:37 The image of God had been so marred by Satan
16:40 and his working upon heart,
16:42 the hearts and minds of God's people.
16:44 Then now God is looking upon all of the planet earth,
16:46 and he's saying,
16:47 "If I'm going to have a chance to save humanity..."
16:51 'Cause what happened in the Garden of Eden?
16:53 Soon as Adam and Eve had sin,
16:55 did God have a plan of salvation for them?
16:57 You better believe it.
16:58 You know why Adam and Eve didn't die that day?
17:00 Listen to me, beloved. This is powerful.
17:02 The reason why Adam and Eve didn't die that day was
17:05 because something else died in their place.
17:08 Come on, guys, come on.
17:10 Something else died in their place.
17:11 What died in their place?
17:13 You see a lot of people say,
17:15 well, the reason why Adam and Eve
17:16 didn't die that day is because the Bible says
17:18 in Peter that David, the Lord
17:21 is a thousand years and a thousand years is a day.
17:23 And no man lived to be a thousand years old.
17:25 Well, while that is true,
17:26 and I believe that does have a significance
17:28 and a correlation there.
17:30 I want to submit to you this.
17:32 The reason why man didn't die that day,
17:34 reason why Adam and he didn't die the very day
17:36 that they aided the forbidden tree
17:38 was because something else died for them.
17:41 It was the lamb.
17:42 What are we supposed to behold, Brother Kenny?
17:44 Behold the lamb. Amen.
17:46 And so God now He's coming in to the garden.
17:49 He's presenting to Adam and Eve,
17:50 what, He's presenting to them good news.
17:52 And the news is, "Hey, listen,
17:54 I am going to cover your nakedness."
17:56 Because what did Adam and Eve do
17:57 when they came to the Garden of Eden,
17:59 what did they do?
18:00 They tried sewing fig leaves together
18:02 to cover their own nakedness, right?
18:04 And by the way, this is man's approach
18:06 to what righteousness.
18:07 This is man's approach to fixing their own problems.
18:10 Soon as they realized they had sinned,
18:12 they did something wrong, they're like, "Man,
18:14 I got to fix this, I got to do better.
18:16 I got to cover up what I've done."
18:18 Right? Because they were stark naked.
18:20 So they go and get these fig leaves,
18:22 they sew them together.
18:24 God shows up in the scene of the Garden of Eden.
18:25 And what does He say?
18:27 He says, "Guys, listen, those fig leaves
18:30 they're showing too much cleavage."
18:32 Can somebody say amen?
18:33 There's still nakedness being showed there.
18:35 And God says, "Listen, I got something for you.
18:39 A better garment for you.
18:41 This is going to cover all of your nakedness."
18:43 And what did He put on them? You read Genesis 3:21.
18:46 What does it say?
18:47 And the Lord, God made coats of skins
18:51 and He clothed them.
18:52 Now listen to me, beloved, don't miss this.
18:54 This is the first thing that God ever made after creation.
18:59 God had just created everything in the world
19:00 and what does he do?
19:02 He made something else right after creation.
19:04 What did he make?
19:05 Coats of skins and He clothed them.
19:11 Are we together?
19:14 How do you make coats of skins? Something has to die.
19:20 Well, what animal do you think
19:22 God had to kill in order to clothe them?
19:25 It was a lamb.
19:27 But how can we prove that from scripture?
19:28 How can we prove that from scripture?
19:30 Well, when you go to Revelation 13:8.
19:32 What is it called? Jesus.
19:34 It says that He is the lamb that was slain,
19:37 from when, from the foundation of the world.
19:41 Are together, saints?
19:43 So when you go to the foundation of the world,
19:44 you go back to Genesis
19:46 and there was a lamb that was slain.
19:47 Jesus took the coats of skins and He clothed them.
19:51 Come on somebody. He clothed them.
19:53 Now let me ask you a question.
19:55 What's another name for animal skin?
19:59 Hide.
20:01 Listen, listen, Jesus hid Adam and Eve.
20:05 Can we say amen?
20:07 So that they would not be seen but so that the lamb skin
20:10 would be seen.
20:12 Come on somebody. Isn't that beautiful?
20:13 Amen.
20:15 And so what we see here is that all the way through the Bible,
20:18 all the way through leading up to this antediluvian world,
20:21 God had been trying to save mankind
20:23 from this situation of what the devil had caused.
20:26 To mar His character,
20:27 to mar His image and the heart of man.
20:30 And so now you get to Genesis 6:5,
20:33 and God's looking at how the situation has changed.
20:37 And now Satan has run amuck in the world
20:40 and Jesus needs a righteous seed,
20:42 a righteous lineage to come through.
20:45 The lamb that was slain
20:47 from the foundation of the world,
20:48 wasn't literally Jesus, but it was to represent
20:51 what Jesus would do in the future.
20:52 Are we together?
20:54 And so now Jesus is looking
20:56 at the condition of planet earth
20:57 and antediluvian world and He's saying,
20:59 "Listen, if I don't bring an end to this soon,"
21:02 what does the Bible say in Matthew 24?
21:04 It says, "Unless the day should be shortened,
21:06 there should be no flesh to be saved."
21:09 Are we together, beloved?
21:10 God had to shorten those antediluvian worlds.
21:12 He had to shorten it. And He said, "That's it.
21:14 If I don't put a stop to this now,
21:17 I will not have a righteous lineage
21:19 to come through.
21:20 I will not have a righteous sea to come through."
21:22 And thus the flood happened.
21:25 But what brought it on?
21:27 Notice what Genesis 6:5 said,
21:30 it says, "That every imagination
21:32 of the thoughts of his heart
21:33 was only evil continually."
21:35 Listen to me, beloved.
21:36 These people were so wicked,
21:38 they couldn't think of good things.
21:41 Are we together?
21:42 Are we seeing our society
21:44 to become more and more and more like that?
21:46 You better believe it. We're seeing that.
21:48 You just go on social media and just scroll.
21:52 Are we together?
21:53 And you'll just see all of the mass
21:56 and the array of absolute filthiness
21:59 and absolute everything that is against the image
22:02 and the character of God.
22:04 So, my friends, I'm telling you,
22:06 we're living in the last days
22:08 where the image of God needs to be restored
22:11 in the hearts of men.
22:13 And we're going to talk about it.
22:15 We're going to talk about how we can make that happen,
22:16 but you know, it's interesting.
22:18 I was reading in the Spirit of Prophecy,
22:19 the book, the Spirit of Prophecy volume one.
22:22 Wonderful book.
22:23 If you haven't read the book,
22:25 the Spirit of Prophecy volume one,
22:26 I encourage you to read it,
22:28 read all the volumes, but volume one
22:29 was specifically special to me,
22:31 especially the first four chapters.
22:32 If you haven't read that, go read it.
22:34 It's powerful.
22:35 But I was reading in the Spirit of Prophecy
22:36 volume one, page 69,
22:39 and the author says something very interesting here.
22:41 Notice what was stated.
22:43 She says, "But if there was one sin
22:46 above another which called
22:48 for the destruction of the race."
22:50 Now this is a very highly debated
22:52 and highly controversial quote
22:55 that I'm about to read you hear from this book.
22:57 But I'm going to make sense of it for you.
22:58 Are you ready?
23:00 "If there was one sin above another
23:01 which called for the destruction
23:02 of the race by the flood,
23:04 it was the base crime of amalgamation
23:06 of man and beast
23:08 which defaced, defaced what, the image of God,
23:13 and caused confusion everywhere,"
23:17 she says.
23:18 Now hold on a second, beloved. What is confusion?
23:21 There is a word for that in biblical terms,
23:23 what do we call it?
23:24 It's one word. It's actually a city too.
23:26 What do we call it? Babylon.
23:28 Babylon itself to babble or to be in Babylon means
23:31 to be in confusion.
23:32 Can somebody say amen?
23:34 This is why God's calling His people in revelation
23:35 out of Babylon, that is out of confusion.
23:38 Come on somebody.
23:39 And so what we see here is that God is saying,
23:41 "Listen, I'm calling my people out of Babylon."
23:44 But the people in that day had become so wicked.
23:49 So their imagination,
23:50 their image of God had become so corrupted that confusion
23:53 or Babylon was everywhere.
23:55 And how did this happen?
23:56 She says, the author says here,
23:58 "It was the base crime
23:59 of amalgamation of man and beast."
24:03 Now what does she mean by this?
24:04 She's not talking about literally mankind
24:07 and beast having sexual relations, not at all.
24:10 She's talking about the uniting of the,
24:13 listen, of the animalistic nature.
24:15 Are we together?
24:16 The animalistic nature with mankind.
24:20 You see, beloved, are we born into this world
24:22 with a wicked nature?
24:24 A nature that is against the character of God?
24:27 Sure we are.
24:28 This is why Jesus said to Nicodemus,
24:29 "We must be born, what, again."
24:31 Right?
24:32 And so we must be partakers of the divine nature.
24:35 Come on somebody say amen.
24:37 And so this is restoring us to the image of God.
24:39 And so what's interesting here is that
24:41 it was the base crime the amalgamation
24:45 of the animalistic character,
24:47 the animalistic nature with mankind,
24:49 where we do not have temperance.
24:53 Can somebody say amen?
24:54 What we do not allow the Spirit of God to lead us,
24:57 but we live as how we want and do as what we want.
25:01 You see, it has been Satan's tactics to unite men
25:04 with beast to commit man
25:06 unto the animalistic nature that the character of God
25:09 might be marred in men.
25:12 So check this out.
25:14 How does Satan try to distort the image of God for man
25:17 in the Garden of Eden?
25:19 How did Satan try to distort the image of God
25:22 from man in the Garden of Eden?
25:24 What did he use?
25:26 Ooh, you guys are on it.
25:27 He used a beast. Did he not?
25:30 Listen very closely to the terminology I'm using?
25:32 He used a what? A beast.
25:34 So Satan used a beast as a medium
25:40 by which he might deceive or distort the image of God
25:44 from man in the beginning.
25:46 Are we together, saints?
25:47 Don't miss this. This is powerful.
25:49 So he used a beast.
25:50 So we can say, get this, don't miss this.
25:53 So we can say Satan used an image to a beast
25:58 to distort the character of God for man in the beginning.
26:02 He used, a what, an image to a beast
26:07 to distort the character of God for man in the beginning.
26:10 Are we together? All right.
26:12 So has Satan's tactics changed? No.
26:16 If you know revelation and you know Bible prophecy,
26:18 you know, when we get to Revelation, chapter 13,
26:20 what is Satan using to deceive all of mankind,
26:23 he's using a beast and he's using the image
26:26 to a beast that he might deceive the masses.
26:30 Are we together so far?
26:32 Making sense? Amen.
26:33 So notice he is puppeteering,
26:37 he s puppeteering
26:38 just like he puppeteered the animal
26:40 that the beast and the Garden of Eden,
26:42 the snake, the serpent,
26:44 he is also puppeteering nations and people in the last days
26:47 that he might achieve his purpose
26:49 of deceiving the masses.
26:51 So the beast, what the beast do in the Garden of Eden,
26:54 it tried to get humanity to disobeyed God by doing that,
26:57 which is, what, unlawful.
27:00 By breaking the law of God,
27:02 such as Satan's tactics in the last days.
27:05 He is using a beast that he might get mankind
27:09 to not adhere and to disobey the law of God.
27:13 Are we together.
27:15 And so the law of God in scripture
27:17 is actually called the character of God.
27:19 In fact, when you go and read all the way through the Bible
27:21 and you study about God and His law,
27:23 you put them side by side,
27:24 and you see they're one and the same.
27:26 And that the law of God,
27:27 the Bible says that his law is a light.
27:30 The Bible says, God is light.
27:32 The Bible says his law is pure and holy.
27:34 The Bible also says God's law is pure and holy.
27:37 It says that God is truth.
27:38 And it says, His law is truth.
27:40 It says that God endures forever.
27:42 It says His law endures forever.
27:44 You can just go all the way through scripture
27:45 and see that God and His law are synonymous.
27:47 They are one and the same.
27:49 It is the character of God when you behold the law of God.
27:52 Amen.
27:54 Satan is doing all that he can,
27:55 that he might distort the law of God in humanity,
27:59 especially in these last days, he's working overtime.
28:02 And how was he doing it?
28:03 He's using a beast and an image to a beast.
28:06 Are we together?
28:08 That he might achieve his means.
28:11 Now in the Old Testament, when good kings would show up
28:14 because you remember in the Old Testament,
28:16 the children of Israel had
28:17 like this high school relationship
28:19 going on with God, right?
28:20 How many of you remember a high school?
28:22 You guys went to high school?
28:23 You remember those high school,
28:24 puppy love relationships it seemed like,
28:26 and maybe they were even some serious at times,
28:27 but I'll never forget in high school,
28:29 I was so irritated
28:30 with how high school relationships
28:32 would work because you would see,
28:34 you know, a couple would get together
28:35 and they would be all about each other for,
28:37 you know, a few months or whatever
28:38 and then they would break up, right?
28:41 And everybody be talking about
28:42 how Jack and Jill broke up at school.
28:43 Like, "Oh, my goodness,
28:45 did you know that Jack and Jill busted up?"
28:47 And then Jack would start dating another chick.
28:49 And then Jill would start dating
28:50 another guy from another school.
28:52 And then all of a sudden what would happen,
28:55 few months later,
28:56 Jack and Jill's back together again.
28:58 And everybody's happy about Jack and Jill.
28:59 And it's Jack and Jill and Jack and Jill.
29:01 Right?
29:02 Well, let me tell you something, beloved.
29:04 Israel was like that with God
29:06 all the way through the Old Testament,
29:08 they were like this high school,
29:10 like God was faithful,
29:12 but Israel was like a high school
29:13 girl or boy that couldn't make up their mind
29:14 what they wanted.
29:16 Are we together?
29:17 And they would have some good kings
29:19 that would come along
29:20 that would establish God's truth
29:21 and establish God's character and would tear down,
29:24 get this, they would tear down the images to false beasts,
29:28 the images to idols.
29:30 And with all these images of groves and idols
29:32 all over the place
29:33 and they would tear those images down.
29:36 Are we together? They would tear them all down.
29:38 So some examples of this in scripture,
29:40 you would have the bad kings
29:41 that would erect the images, the good kings would come like
29:43 Josiah and Isaiah Hezekiah.
29:45 And what would they do?
29:46 The first work that they did was that
29:48 they would go down and tear down
29:50 all of the false images,
29:51 all of the false things that was corrupting society
29:54 and turning people's minds away from the image of God.
29:58 Are we together?
30:00 They would get those things out of their life.
30:02 We see this all the way through scripture now.
30:05 Does the world have lots of false images out there?
30:09 Is there a lots of false idols and images being worshiped
30:13 that's taking our minds as God's people away from God.
30:17 You better believe it, beloved. You better believe it.
30:19 As I travel around, as I go around,
30:21 I see people even have mercy in the church
30:23 that struggling really bad with
30:27 having false images in their life
30:29 that they're struggling, getting out of their lives.
30:31 Are we together?
30:32 And so we're living in a warfare,
30:34 no doubt about it, but you know something,
30:35 we can overcome as long as we do,
30:37 what, behold the lamb.
30:39 Can we say amen? Oh, wow. I love it.
30:41 Just as Peter overcame and did the impossible
30:45 by walking on water, remember that?
30:48 You go read Matthew 14.
30:50 I love that story. Peter...
30:51 Jesus was doing the impossible and Peter was an opportunist.
30:56 Peter was like, "Hey, hey, I wonder if I can do
30:59 what my Lord's doing."
31:01 Come on somebody give us
31:02 some people with faith like that,
31:04 who looked at Jesus and say, "I wonder if I can do that."
31:09 Too many times we have people in the church,
31:10 they looked at Jesus, and they go, "I can't do that."
31:13 Are we together beloved?
31:14 "I can't be Jesus."
31:16 But when we understand Jesus
31:17 laid aside all of His attributes
31:18 and He lived, listen,
31:20 the Son of God became the son of man.
31:22 Amen.
31:23 He laid us out all of His attributes
31:24 that He might live like you and me.
31:27 That's powerful.
31:29 And so Peter's looking at Jesus,
31:30 and he goes,
31:31 "I wonder if I can do what Jesus does."
31:34 And he looks out there and he sees Jesus,
31:35 he says, "Lord, if it's you command to that,
31:38 I might walk out on the water with you."
31:40 In other words, what Peter was saying is that,
31:41 "Lord, if that's you, let me do what you're doing,
31:44 which is the impossible."
31:46 Come on, somebody. Now check this out.
31:48 Jesus doesn't say,
31:50 Jesus doesn't say, "Peter, I'm Jesus.
31:54 I mean, I'm God, you can't do what I do."
31:57 That's not what Jesus said. Did He?
31:59 What did He say, beloved?
32:00 He said one word. He said one word.
32:02 He said come. And check this out.
32:04 I want you to understand. This is powerful.
32:07 Peter's up there now. And what is he doing?
32:10 He didn't just say from the boat,
32:11 "I believe you, Jesus, I'll stay right here.
32:13 I'm good." What did he do?
32:16 He stepped out, beloved, and he had to have faith.
32:17 Let me tell something.
32:19 You got to have faith to go on one foot,
32:21 and take your other foot and step out on water.
32:23 How many of you know that
32:25 takes an abundance amount of faith?
32:26 But you see, he believed that
32:28 the word Jesus would give him the power to do
32:31 what he could not do on his own.
32:34 Amen.
32:35 And he stepped out in faith and he did the impossible.
32:37 And as long as he beheld the lamb,
32:40 he did the impossible.
32:43 So, likewise, you and I,
32:44 no matter what the devil throws in our lives,
32:46 no matter what he will throw your way,
32:48 no matter what tribulation, trial,
32:50 or trouble you are going through,
32:51 Jesus will give you the victory as long as you behold the lamb.
32:54 Amen. Amen. Check this out.
32:57 So when the good kings arrived,
32:59 they would cut down the false images
33:00 and the false things in society.
33:03 You know what we are?
33:04 We are the kings of the earth. Did you guys know that?
33:08 We, listen to me, you and I
33:11 are called the kings of the earth in the Bible,
33:12 in the New Testament.
33:13 Let's take a look at it.
33:15 We're in Revelation 1,
33:16 we're going to go to verses 5 and 6.
33:18 Revelation 1.
33:19 I encourage you to open your Bible
33:21 and we're going to go to Revelation 1:5-6.
33:22 Notice what the Word of God says here,
33:24 "And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness,
33:27 and the first begotten of the dead,
33:29 and the prince of the kings of the, what,
33:33 of the earth unto him that loved us,
33:35 and washed us from our sins in His own blood."
33:37 Notice verse six, "And hath maid, who,
33:41 us kings and priests unto God."
33:43 So beloved notice
33:44 what Jesus is saying here in scripture,
33:46 He's making it clear that He has made us.
33:49 That is the church that's who's John,
33:50 John is writing to here.
33:52 He has made us kings and priests.
33:55 So what are you and I need to do in this day and age?
33:58 What did the kings do in the Old Testament, beloved?
34:00 They tore down the false images.
34:03 Come on somebody.
34:04 All the false images that is in your life,
34:06 all the false images that is around,
34:07 all the corrupt images that
34:09 is going to turn God's people away from the image of God,
34:13 we are to tear them down.
34:15 We are to tear them down.
34:17 Beloved, there's not enough people doing that.
34:21 Why do you think Jesus hasn't come back yet?
34:24 There's too many false images that's taking away
34:28 the people's attention from God.
34:32 When I reach out to young people
34:33 and I reach out to people today,
34:35 whether they're young or old or middle-aged, doesn't matter.
34:37 It seems like everybody's got something distracting them,
34:39 nowadays, something stealing their attention.
34:42 Are we together?
34:43 Something that's defacing
34:45 the image of God in their characters.
34:46 And God is saying, "Listen, I want to tear that down
34:49 out of your life, but you have to be willing."
34:51 Amen.
34:52 But we need ministers to do, what,
34:55 give the trumpet a certain sound.
34:58 Amen. Sound the battle cry.
35:00 Come on somebody.
35:01 Give the trumpet a certain sound
35:03 and let people know,
35:04 let the house of Jacob be aware of their sins.
35:07 We have to with boldness, but with love,
35:11 declare the truth of God, amen, in these last days.
35:15 You see there is one false image
35:17 we should be tearing down in these last days.
35:20 We should be tearing down the image to the beast.
35:24 What is that though? What is the image to the beast?
35:26 Let's read about it. We're in Revelation 13.
35:28 Revelation 13.
35:30 We're going to begin reading at verse 11 through 14.
35:33 Notice what the Word of God says.
35:34 Actually, we're going to go to verse 15.
35:37 Revelation 13, beginning in verse 11.
35:40 It says, "And I beheld another beast
35:41 coming up out of the, what, out of the earth,
35:44 and he had two horns like a lamb,
35:46 and he spoke as a dragon.
35:48 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast
35:51 who was before him, and he causeth the earth
35:54 and them dwell therein to worship the first beast,
35:57 whose deadly wound was healed."
35:58 Right?
35:59 And so for those of you that
36:01 have already studied this Bible prophecy,
36:02 you know that the first beast is who,
36:04 it's the Roman papal church state system.
36:06 Are we together, beloved? It's the papacy.
36:08 No doubt about it.
36:09 And so the papacy now,
36:11 who gave the papacy its seat and authority and its power?
36:15 Satan, which is the dragon, we're told in Revelation 12:9
36:18 in Revelation 20:2,
36:20 that the dragon is the devil and Satan.
36:23 So you have this earth beast, right?
36:27 And you have this sea beast.
36:29 And then you have this dragon,
36:30 these three-fold union in Revelation 13.
36:33 And notice what happens,
36:34 the dragon, Satan, gives the papacy,
36:36 the first beast its power, its seat, and its authority.
36:40 But it says that the deadly wound
36:41 was going to be, what, healed.
36:44 And we're not going to go into all the history of that.
36:45 But in other words, the papacy would continue.
36:47 Although they would have a wound given to them,
36:50 they would continue to have encouragement
36:52 and influence pertaining even to other beasts.
36:55 By the way, beast and Bible prophecy
36:56 represents nations
36:57 or kingdoms you read that in Daniel 7:23.
37:00 Are we together? So check this out.
37:03 And he do great wonders so that he make a fire
37:06 come down from heaven in the sight of the earth
37:08 and the sight of men.
37:09 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth
37:12 by the means of those miracles
37:13 which he had power to do in the sight of the beast."
37:15 So notice, notice, notice what the second beast,
37:18 the second beast, by the way,
37:20 the beast that comes up out of the earth,
37:22 the first beast, the sea beast represents the papacy.
37:25 The second beast represents which nation,
37:28 the United States of America.
37:29 This is not, this is not, you know,
37:32 I guess you can say unique amongst our thinking.
37:34 We already know that we've studied this
37:36 in the past many times,
37:37 Brother Kenny has taken you guys through
37:38 many studies on this.
37:40 And so let's understand what's being said here.
37:42 So it says that the second beast
37:44 would be basically encouraging all of the world
37:48 to worship the first beast.
37:50 So the second beast being the United States
37:53 would be causing all of the world
37:54 to worshiping the first beast,
37:56 which would be the papacy.
37:57 Are we together?
37:58 So we're talking about Protestantism and Catholicism
38:01 coming together and amalgamating.
38:04 Are we together?
38:05 This goes deep, friends. Don't miss this.
38:07 Protestantism and Catholicism coming together.
38:10 And then notice this, by the way,
38:12 what is Catholicism called?
38:14 She is called the mother church,
38:17 the mother church.
38:18 That's what she's called the mother church.
38:20 Well, a mother has many, what, children.
38:24 And the Bible says in Revelation 17
38:25 about this mother church,
38:27 that she has many harlot daughters.
38:30 This is talking about apostate Protestantism
38:32 that exists primarily the Protestants
38:34 that came to the new world,
38:36 the new land and the Protestant reformation.
38:38 And as you see in Revelation 12,
38:40 the earth swallowed up the flood,
38:43 the flood being the persecution.
38:44 Are we together?
38:46 The flood came out during the dark ages,
38:47 like a whirlwind,
38:49 and it was about to swallow up all of God's people,
38:51 but then God did, what,
38:53 God opened up a new world, a new land.
38:55 It was discovered.
38:56 And the earth, the United States of America
38:58 swallows up the flood
38:59 so that the waves of persecution
39:01 doesn't kill all of God's people.
39:02 Are we together?
39:04 So then the Protestantism begins its ranks
39:07 and begins its growing in America.
39:09 Now check this out.
39:12 "He doeth great wonders."
39:13 We're in verse 13,
39:15 this is the United States of America
39:16 speaking of apostate Protestantism,
39:18 those harlot daughters.
39:19 "So that he maketh fire come down
39:21 from heaven on the earth in the sight of men."
39:26 Where did that happen before in history in the Bible?
39:32 Where did fire come down
39:34 from out of heaven to perform a miracle?
39:36 Elijah, remember we are told in the Book of Malachi,
39:40 we're going to read it,
39:41 that the spirit and power of Elijah
39:43 will come upon God's people in the last days.
39:44 Are we together?
39:46 So now this is a false revival.
39:49 This is a false system of worship.
39:51 Again, this is a false image
39:54 that's being erected, a false image,
39:57 a false characteristic of who God is
39:59 that's being projected and Satan
40:02 is just puppeteering the masses to deceive
40:04 all of God's people to go away
40:06 from the image of God.
40:07 So check this out, check this out.
40:08 "He doeth great wonders,
40:10 so that he maketh fire come down from heaven
40:11 on the earth in the sight of men.
40:13 In Elijah's day when that happened,
40:15 when God did that,
40:16 everyone got on their knees and was like confessed
40:19 to the true God was.
40:21 Are we together?
40:23 So likewise, Satan's going to try to use
40:25 those same tactics in the last days,
40:26 performing miracles.
40:28 What did Revelation 16:14 say?
40:30 "For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles."
40:33 Beloved, the devils
40:34 are going to be working miracles
40:36 in the last days to deceive all of God's people
40:38 to try to deceive the very elect the Bible says.
40:40 Are we together?
40:42 We need to take heed lest he fall.
40:43 Amen. And then notice verse 14.
40:45 "And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth
40:48 by the means of those miracles,
40:50 there it is, which he had power
40:51 to do in the sight of the beast,
40:53 saying to them that dwell on the earth,
40:54 that they should make an image to the, what,
40:58 beast," there's that image.
41:00 We got to tear down those what? Those images.
41:03 "That they should make an image to the beast,
41:05 which had a wound by a sword, and did live.
41:07 And he had power to give a life unto the image of the beast."
41:10 Speaking of America,
41:11 America has so much influence, don't we?
41:14 Someone once said United States sneezes,
41:16 the whole world catches a, what, a cold.
41:19 Are we together, beloved?
41:21 You see the United States
41:22 is the most influential nation of the planet.
41:24 And so when we begin to walk, when we begin to talk,
41:26 when we begin to make moves,
41:28 we affect all the other nations around the world.
41:30 Are we together?
41:31 And so notice, "These miracles,
41:34 which he had power to do in the sight of the beast,
41:36 saying to them that dwell in the earth."
41:37 So now the second beast is speaking,
41:39 that's the United States of America.
41:41 "Saying to them that dwell on the earth,
41:43 that they should make an image to the beast."
41:44 That's the first beast, the papacy,
41:46 "Which had a wound by a sword, and did live.
41:48 And he had power to give a life unto the image of the beast,
41:51 that the image of the beast should both speak and cause,"
41:55 that word is force,
41:56 "that as many as would not worship the, what,
41:59 the image of the beast should be, what, killed."
42:04 Now what does it mean to worship the image of the beast?
42:06 What is this image of the beast?
42:08 Let's talk about it.
42:09 Number one, I'm going to break it down
42:10 as fast as I can.
42:12 Number one, the image of the beast
42:13 represents the amalgamation of church and state.
42:15 Are we together?
42:16 When you go read in the spirit of prophecy,
42:18 you will discover that it is very clearly stated that
42:21 the one thing that said,
42:23 the papacy apart from all of the other nations
42:26 that were before it,
42:27 when it was the very first ever church and state amalgamation.
42:30 Are we together?
42:31 It's the very first ever church and state amalgamation.
42:34 When that took place, the church, right,
42:37 became the head of everything.
42:40 And thus forced worship was instituted,
42:44 but it was forced false worship.
42:46 Are we together? And so check this out.
42:48 So the image of the beast
42:50 takes on a two-fold meaning here.
42:52 What I just described,
42:53 the church and state amalgamation,
42:54 it is to take on the mindset also of Satan
42:57 and to worship the lightness of Satan.
43:00 Are we together?
43:02 Does God force us to do anything?
43:03 No.
43:04 He gives us our freewill choice.
43:06 Amen.
43:07 Are we starting to see that being taken from us?
43:09 Beloved, I can't even hardly post
43:11 what I feel is correct even according
43:14 to my own religious conscious on social media anymore
43:17 because it'll offend somebody.
43:18 Have mercy.
43:20 Are we together? And so what happens?
43:23 They silence you, they sensor you,
43:25 and they say, "We have independent fact checkers
43:27 that have determined your post to be false."
43:31 Are we together?
43:32 But you know what we got to do?
43:34 We got to tear down those false images.
43:36 If we stop proclaiming the message
43:37 because somebody tells us
43:39 to stop proclaiming the message,
43:40 have mercy, the message will never be proclaimed.
43:42 As an evangelist right now,
43:44 it is like pulling teeth from a horse,
43:46 trying to get evangelistic meetings.
43:49 It is.
43:50 And it's sad to say that, but it is.
43:52 You know why?
43:53 Because churches are concerned,
43:55 they're more concerned about what the government might do
43:59 and shutting down their church
44:00 than they are about preaching the gospel.
44:03 Are we together?
44:04 I just want say this for the camera.
44:06 Listen, if your church isn't doing
44:07 evangelism this year, close the doors.
44:12 Amen.
44:13 Beloved, listen to me, listen to me.
44:14 This is a powerful message not because I'm here
44:16 because I'm telling you, this is...
44:18 If you're not going to do evangelism to reach the public,
44:20 you're a club.
44:22 Are we together?
44:23 We have got to start getting back
44:25 to preaching God's Word,
44:27 uplifting the banner, letting our light shine.
44:31 I feel like in this day and age,
44:32 things are getting darker and darker and darker.
44:34 And that's when the light's supposed to shine brighter
44:36 and brighter and brighter.
44:37 And it seems like we're shut up in
44:39 between four walls
44:40 and we're not telling people the message.
44:41 Amen.
44:43 We got to start preaching the word.
44:44 So notice what it says. I got a lot a...
44:46 Pray for that clock. Amen.
44:48 I got a lot to cover. So here we go.
44:50 Check this out.
44:51 So how was Satan or how was Satan
44:55 able to deceive the church to kill Jesus?
44:58 Let me just ask this. How was Jesus killed?
45:02 Listen, listen, the church
45:05 united with the state of Rome,
45:10 they united with the state of Rome
45:11 that they might put an end to this man
45:14 who was disturbing their thoughts,
45:16 who was disturbing their society,
45:18 they had to unite with a state.
45:20 It'll be the same in the last days.
45:21 Can we say amen?
45:23 I just want to say this for the record.
45:24 Listen, politics needs to get out of the church
45:27 and church needs to get out of politics.
45:30 Amen. Amen.
45:33 God has given us dominion over the beast though.
45:36 He's given us what?
45:38 God has given us dominion over the beast.
45:40 What did we just read?
45:41 What was our opening scripture reading?
45:43 It was Genesis, right?
45:45 God has given us dominion over the beast.
45:46 In Revelation 13, we see how many beasts?
45:51 Three beasts.
45:53 You see a sea beast, which is the papacy.
45:57 You see a earth beast,
45:58 which is the United States of America.
46:00 And then you see another beast that's flying around,
46:03 the beast of the air.
46:06 The dragon. Are we together beloved?
46:09 Now check this out, check this out.
46:10 Notice what Genesis said in the very beginning
46:13 when we read our scripture reading.
46:15 Notice what it says.
46:16 It says in Genesis 1:28, "And God blessed them,
46:20 and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply,
46:22 and replenish the earth, subdue it,
46:25 and have dominion, over the what,
46:30 over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air,
46:35 and over every living thing that creepeth upon the earth."
46:38 Listen, beloved, God has given us dominion
46:41 over the beast of the sea.
46:44 He's given us dominion
46:46 over the beast of the air, the dragon.
46:48 And he's given us dominion over the beast of the earth.
46:51 Can somebody say, Amen?
46:52 We're living in the last days.
46:54 But we have nothing to fear because God has given us
46:57 his people dominion over these beasts.
47:00 And He's given us dominion over the image of the beast.
47:03 Amen. All right.
47:06 I just want break this down.
47:07 John the Baptist is a perfect example of the image of God.
47:10 John the Baptist
47:12 actually his whole life portrays,
47:13 what's going to happen in the last days.
47:14 Did you know that to God's people?
47:16 John the Baptist life is connected
47:18 with another man's life, life of Elijah.
47:20 Remember John came into spirit and power of Elijah.
47:23 I'm skipping over a lot of scriptures
47:24 that I had prepared to give
47:25 because I'm starting to run low on time,
47:27 but I want you guys to understand something.
47:28 Spirit of Elijah, the spirit of John,
47:30 it's the same spirit.
47:32 One of them was directly translated
47:33 and did not see death.
47:35 The other one had to see death.
47:37 It's going to be the same for God's people in the last days.
47:39 Did you hear me?
47:41 It's going to be the same for God's people in the last days.
47:42 As many as would not worship
47:44 the image of the beast should be, what, killed.
47:46 And then there are those who will be directly translated
47:48 just as Elijah was.
47:50 Listen to me.
47:51 John was commanded in Luke 1,
47:53 that he would drink neither wine
47:55 nor strong drink beloved.
47:57 He ain't supposed to be drinking that wine.
47:59 Come on somebody say amen.
48:00 While the world is sipping back on grandma's cough medicine,
48:03 right?
48:04 Getting tipsy on the wine of Babylon,
48:06 John is saying, "Listen, I'm not going to drink
48:08 no wine nor strong drink."
48:09 Number two, his ministry began in the wilderness.
48:12 Come on somebody.
48:13 God's last day church, where did their ministry begin?
48:17 You go, you better believe in Revelation 12,
48:18 they began in the wilderness.
48:20 Amen.
48:21 And the number three, notice,
48:23 John was to preach the knowledge of salvation
48:24 to God's people.
48:26 To point them to the Savior
48:27 who would come, to prepare the way of the Lord.
48:32 Is that what we're supposed to do in the last days?
48:33 You better believe it.
48:35 He came in the spirit and power of Elijah.
48:36 Now let me share something with you about John.
48:40 How was John able to be killed?
48:43 What got John in trouble? Let's talk about it.
48:45 What got John in trouble? Listen to me.
48:47 John had so much boldness.
48:49 He was full of the Holy Spirit. Jesus called him.
48:51 Listen, he had a six-month ministry
48:52 and in a six-month ministry,
48:55 Jesus called him the greatest of all the prophets.
48:57 Wow.
48:59 Listen to me. Listen to me.
49:00 Listen, John, he got in trouble
49:03 because he was rebuking an unlawful relationship
49:06 between, listen, Herod of Antipas
49:10 the tetrarch of Galilee, the leader of the state.
49:17 Listen, he rebuked an unlawful relationship
49:21 between the leader of the state Herod
49:24 and a woman named Herodias.
49:26 Now what does a woman represent in Bible prophecy, a church.
49:29 Herodias being an unlawful woman
49:31 who doesn't want to follow the law of God.
49:33 Are we together?
49:34 Committing fornication,
49:35 she was supposed to be with Phillip, Herod's brother,
49:37 but she wanted to be with Herod.
49:40 John comes along, He's like, "Listen, this ought not be."
49:42 He was rebuking this unlawful relationship
49:44 between a woman, a church,
49:46 and the leader of a state, the tetrarch of Galilee.
49:49 Are we together? They didn't like it.
49:51 So what'd they do?
49:52 Herodias, the woman, gets mad
49:55 and she conspires by how she might get rid of John.
49:57 So what does she do?
49:59 So what does she do?
50:01 She has a daughter. Woo boy.
50:05 She has a daughter. Right?
50:06 And what does she have her daughter to do?
50:08 She has her daughter to go on a night
50:10 when everybody's drinking and she dances
50:14 her little sleazy dance.
50:15 Right?
50:16 And she pleases the state, the daughter represents, who,
50:21 apostate Protestantism,
50:23 Herodias would represent Catholicism, my friends.
50:26 You're now trying to get unite with the state,
50:28 the daughter, apostate Protestantism,
50:30 she goes and dances her dance,
50:32 pleases the tetrarch of Galilee,
50:34 pleases the leader of the state.
50:36 And then what happens?
50:38 The state says, "Listen,
50:40 I'll give you whatever you want,
50:41 even half of my kingdom."
50:43 And then she does it...
50:44 But look, the daughter, doesn't just say,
50:46 "Oh, well, I'll take this or that."
50:48 No, no, no. You know what she does.
50:49 She goes and confines in mama.
50:51 She goes back to mama.
50:52 She goes, "What should we ask for?"
50:54 And then what happens?
50:57 She says the head of John the Baptist on a charger.
51:00 And so, beloved, you see in the last days
51:03 we're going to be a part of one or two groups.
51:04 You either going to have to be willing to die for Jesus,
51:07 just as all the apostles did
51:10 or you're going to be one of those faithful
51:12 that live to see Jesus come all the way back.
51:14 Are we together?
51:15 Jesus said, "If they persecuted Me,
51:17 they will persecute you."
51:19 Amen.
51:20 Are you willing to die for Jesus?
51:23 We have to be willing to restore the image of God,
51:25 come on somebody say amen, in our society.
51:29 You know, in Revelation 15:2
51:32 notice what the Word of God says.
51:34 "And I saw as it were
51:35 a sea of glass mingled with fire,
51:38 and them that had gotten the victory
51:40 over the beast, and over his, what,
51:43 over his image, and over his mark,
51:46 and over the number of his name,
51:48 stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God."
51:52 It's those who overcome, the what, the image, beloved.
51:56 You see, God is wanting to restore you to His image.
51:59 But Satan is wanting to
52:01 mar your character into His image.
52:04 Revelation 24, notice what the Bible says.
52:06 "And I saw thrones, and they set up on them."
52:09 Who is that? They, as God's people.
52:11 Can we say amen?
52:13 "And judgment was given unto them,
52:14 and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded
52:16 for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God,
52:18 which had not worshiped the beast,
52:21 neither his what image,
52:23 neither had received his mark upon their foreheads
52:25 or in their hands,
52:27 and they lived in reigned with Christ, how long,
52:29 a thousand years."
52:31 You see, beloved, it's only those who
52:34 have God's image in them
52:36 who overcome the image of the beasts.
52:38 Amen.
52:40 So, my friends, I would like to invite brother Ben, come on up.
52:44 You see we're living in the last days
52:45 where we must get serious about our faith.
52:48 We must get very serious about our faith.
52:49 We must get very serious about
52:51 restoring the character of God in our lives.
52:54 And the only way we can do that is by doing what?
52:56 What, Brother Kenny?
52:57 Behold the lamb. Amen.
53:00 We must behold the lamb of God.
53:03 And as we behold the lamb, what will take place?
53:08 We will be changed.
53:10 By beholding the lamb,
53:11 we become changed like the lamb.
53:16 I was reminded of a story of a stonemason,
53:20 who was invited by his neighbor, a shepherd.
53:24 The shepherd calls up his neighbor,
53:25 the stonemason, and he says, "Listen, I got a bad problem.
53:29 One of my goats have climbed up
53:32 the side of the rock mountain
53:35 and it's so scared, it's inexperienced.
53:37 It doesn't feel like it could get down.
53:39 And I love my goat."
53:41 Does the shepherd love his sheep, beloved?
53:43 You better believe. He says, "I love my sheep.
53:45 It's up there crying to me, it's been crying for hours,
53:47 and it can't get down."
53:50 He said, "You're a stonemason,
53:51 you know more about rocks than me.
53:53 I don't know how to climb this rock."
53:55 He says, "If I did, I would certainly do it
53:58 but would you please go for me
54:00 and get my sheep?"
54:06 So the stonemason said, "Yeah, I'll go.
54:08 I'll do it."
54:10 And as he began watching very carefully,
54:12 which rocks, he put his hands on
54:14 and which rocks he placed his feet on
54:15 as he climbed up the mountain,
54:18 he got all the way up to the sheep,
54:21 and he was able to grab it.
54:23 But then he lost his footing.
54:26 He fell nearly 30 to 40 feet.
54:31 And as he fell, he thought all of this to save a sheep,
54:36 thinking that he was going to breathe
54:37 his last moment.
54:40 And then he hits something very soft.
54:43 And as he landed, he heard a cry and a whimper.
54:47 And then he heard a gasp of breath.
54:50 He looked to his right
54:52 as his shoulders were on the ground.
54:54 And he saw the head of a lamb.
54:57 And it was before the shearing season.
55:00 So they had big poofy furs.
55:04 The lamb had broke, the stonemasons fall.
55:10 The shepherd was crying.
55:12 He was so happy to have his other sheep back,
55:14 but he was so devastated that he lost a sheep.
55:20 And he cried, the stonemason then said,
55:23 "I can't believe I should have died
55:29 but this lamb broke my fall,
55:34 broke my fall."
55:37 And so him being a stonemason,
55:40 he remembered that
55:41 there was another lamb, the lamb of God
55:46 who would take away all the sin of the world,
55:47 who has broke all of mankind's fall,
55:51 who has caught man,
55:52 when they were on their way to destruction.
55:56 And so the stonemason went into his shop
55:59 and he built the most beautiful image
56:02 of this beautiful lamb that had broke his fall.
56:06 And he put there on the base of it,
56:09 behold the lamb,
56:13 behold the lamb who broke my fall.
56:18 You see, beloved.
56:20 I don't know what you've been going through.
56:21 I don't know what you've been experiencing,
56:24 but you have good news this morning.
56:25 Amen.
56:27 Jesus has broke all of our fall.
56:32 He is the Lamb of God.
56:34 He loves us more than anything.
56:36 And I want to encourage you wherever you are right now,
56:38 wherever you may be watching online,
56:41 give your life to Jesus.
56:43 Amen.
56:45 And know that the Lamb of God has broke your fall.
56:48 And that that lamb is coming again.
56:53 But He's not coming this next time,
56:56 dead and bruised, He's coming this next time
56:59 and all of His power and all of His glory.
57:01 And He's coming back
57:03 for those who have the image of God.
57:07 Can somebody say amen? Amen.
57:10 If that's your desire, driving down the road,
57:12 you're listening at home,
57:13 you're listening now in here personally,
57:16 I want to invite you to bow your heads
57:18 as we close in prayer
57:20 and thank Jesus for breaking our fall.
57:23 Father in Heaven, we're so thankful
57:26 and grateful for You breaking our fall
57:28 by sending your Son Jesus,
57:30 to be the lamb that we could fall on.
57:35 Lord, we ask for Your Holy Spirit
57:36 to continue to lead and guide us.
57:38 And, Lord, that you would restore
57:40 Your image in us,
57:43 that we will be ready to see and behold the lamb
57:46 when you come back the second time.
57:48 We ask in Jesus' name, we pray.
57:50 Amen.


Revised 2021-06-03