Behold the Lamb Presents

Once Saved, Always Saved

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000162S

00:38 Hello and welcome to Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:40 I'm Chris Shelton, your host.
00:42 I wanna thank you for tuning in.
00:44 Today's message will be with Pastor Kenny Shelton.
00:46 And we're gonna be talking about once saved,
00:49 always saved.
00:50 You know, back years ago
00:52 when I was much younger, one gentleman
00:54 I had met, he was,
00:56 he had married a good friend of mine
00:57 from high school,
00:58 and you would have never thought of him
01:01 as being a Christian.
01:02 He liked to drink and he liked to do things
01:05 and watch things that you would never associate
01:08 with a Christ-like person.
01:10 And yet, when we were trying to witness with him one day,
01:12 he says, you know, I'm saved.
01:14 I believe in God, I'm saved.
01:16 I can do whatever I want.
01:17 I can live the way I want.
01:19 I'm saved, once saved, always saved.
01:21 And that always brought a big question to my mind.
01:24 As I know it does for many, many of you out there.
01:27 Once saved, always saved doesn't mean
01:30 that you just believe and then you go
01:32 and you live your life, or does the Bible teach
01:34 something a little bit different?
01:36 I look forward to seeing
01:37 what Pastor Kenny has to share with us on that.
01:40 But I wanna share
01:41 just a few quick verses with you
01:43 that as I've been studying this,
01:45 that the Lord has shown me
01:47 that many people use to say, okay, there it is.
01:50 That's why.
01:52 And I'm sure as I bring these up,
01:53 he will go and expound on them much, much more.
01:56 But one is found in John 6:37.
02:00 And it reads, "All that the Father giveth me
02:04 shall come to me, and him that cometh to me,
02:07 I will in no wise cast out."
02:10 John 10:29, "My father which giveth them me
02:14 is greater than all,
02:16 and no man is able to pluck them
02:19 out of my Father's hand."
02:20 You know, I do believe that,
02:22 I do believe that no one can take us from God,
02:25 but I believe there's another part.
02:27 And we'll wait and see if pastor brings that out.
02:29 And another one, a final one I wanna share is one that
02:32 I'm sure all of you know is John 3:16,
02:36 "For God so loved the world
02:38 that He gave His only begotten Son,
02:40 that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
02:44 but have everlasting life."
02:46 Now, friends, the thief on the cross is a good example.
02:50 You know, that he believed, and Christ said, you know,
02:52 I'm telling you today,
02:54 you're gonna be with me in paradise.
02:56 So we're gonna look a little deeper
02:57 and find out does it mean that once saved, always saved.
03:02 Stay tuned.
03:04 Again, thank you for joining us
03:06 once again here at Behold the Lamb.
03:07 You heard already about
03:08 the title of the subject once saved, always saved.
03:12 Now it either is a biblical truth
03:15 or it's not a biblical, we say it's an untruth.
03:19 So we're gonna look at that closely in scripture today.
03:22 And we're gonna spend this thoughtful hour
03:24 on this subject that
03:25 I believe will be a real blessing,
03:27 because if it is a truth, praise God for it.
03:29 If it's not a truth that needs to be exposed
03:31 from the Word of God,
03:33 because I think maybe many, many, many people
03:35 believe in this subject.
03:37 So before always that we present the Bible
03:41 before we open up the pages, this beautiful book we pray.
03:44 And I'm just, I'm believing that
03:46 you're praying at home
03:47 and I'm gonna be praying right here.
03:48 I'm going to kneel and ask God's blessing upon His word.
03:51 So let's pray together, shall we?
03:54 Loving Father in heaven,
03:56 truly we thank You for Your love and Your mercy.
03:58 Now we invite thy Holy Spirit.
04:00 Lord, what an important subject this is.
04:02 And we pray that our hearts and minds will be open,
04:04 that we may receive this teaching
04:06 from the Holy Spirit.
04:07 Bless us we pray, now may the things of earth
04:10 go strangely dim as we sit at your feet.
04:13 We pray that You will speak
04:14 and so we may hear in Jesus' name.
04:16 Amen.
04:17 Again, make sure you have your Bible
04:19 and pencil and papers out,
04:20 everything, so you can jot down.
04:22 There's a lot of information to cover.
04:23 I doubt that we'll get through, you know, we're just, again,
04:26 touching on the edges, once saved, always saved.
04:29 A very familiar verse in the Bible.
04:32 And I want us to remember,
04:34 and this was our scripture reading
04:35 and that's found in 1 Corinthians 10:12.
04:38 Now remember 1 Corinthians 10:12.
04:40 This was put there in the Bible for a reason, for a reason.
04:44 And you'll notice as we again go
04:45 over 1 Corinthians 10:12,
04:48 "Wherefore let him that thinketh," what?
04:51 That he standeth take heed, lest he fall."
04:54 Notice it.
04:55 And that is a warning, is that not?
04:58 Wherefore let him that thinketh he stands take heed,
05:02 lest he fall because there's a lot of people say,
05:04 oh, no matter what the devil throws at me,
05:06 it doesn't matter.
05:07 You know, we're gonna beat the devil up.
05:10 But remember we need to be very careful
05:12 about the statements that we make.
05:14 Certainly, we serve a God that is able.
05:16 And I think in this study that we'll go through
05:18 and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt,
05:20 God wants us to be saved.
05:22 He wants us in the kingdom.
05:23 He's made every preparation that we can be there
05:26 and salvation can be assured to His people.
05:30 But how far do we go with that assurance?
05:33 Do we go farther than God has wanted us to go?
05:36 Or do we go as far as He wants us to go?
05:39 And once saved, always saved.
05:41 You know, scripture warns us always,
05:43 as we read to be on guard
05:45 that we are not deceived over and over, right?
05:48 You read in the Word, what does it say?
05:50 Especially Matthew 24, "Don't be deceived."
05:53 Some of the first word Jesus spoke to the disciples
05:55 when they wanted to know
05:56 if He's coming and what would take place?
05:58 He said, "Be careful that you're not deceived."
06:00 Because He knew the enemy would be out to do what?
06:03 To deceive or the enemy would be out
06:05 and take a truth in the Bible, and then he would what?
06:09 He would change it just a little bit,
06:11 so that would deceive people into thinking maybe that
06:14 they are a little bit better than they are,
06:16 or maybe they just don't need any help.
06:19 Everything is all right,
06:20 because many years ago they gave their heart to God.
06:24 Interesting when you think about it.
06:26 Many believe they have reached a point
06:30 in their Christian experience
06:32 that nothing can bother them.
06:34 Nothing can shake them off of the platform.
06:36 Have you ever met someone like that?
06:38 They just, and again, I think we can be positive
06:40 and sure based on God's Word,
06:42 but there are stipulations I believe.
06:44 And I believe we'll find as we study together.
06:47 You know, is there such a thing?
06:49 This is a question.
06:51 Is there such a thing as, "Oh, I'm not living."
06:55 And I've heard people say, "I'm not living as I should,
06:57 but I believe if something happens,
06:59 I'll make it to heaven."
07:00 Have you ever heard anyone say something like that?
07:03 I'm not, I'm not living the way that I know I should.
07:07 But I believe that
07:08 I will be able to make it to heaven.
07:10 Why? Because, well, because I was saved
07:12 when I was 12, I'm 55 now.
07:15 You follow me. I'm 55 now.
07:17 I'm not living the way that I should.
07:18 I know what the Bible says,
07:20 but I believe I'll be saved because I was when I was 12.
07:23 Is that really biblical?
07:26 Is that really a teaching from the Word of God?
07:29 Can it be misleading?
07:30 And a lot of people reach for it
07:32 because it sounds good.
07:34 It feels good.
07:36 In other words, I don't necessarily
07:37 have to match up to anything
07:39 to make heaven my home, but it's gonna be my home
07:42 because I really did give my life to Him
07:44 many years ago.
07:46 Wow. Huh.
07:48 I've had some people say, you know what?
07:49 My relationship with Christ is solid as a rock.
07:53 It's solid as a rock.
07:55 Sometime we have to be very careful
07:56 about tying on to a solid rock, unless it is Jesus,
07:59 because it can take you under.
08:01 Be very careful, make sure it is the rock Jesus Christ.
08:05 And notice.
08:06 I wanna start out very positive about being saved.
08:11 And I know that we can be saved
08:13 if we recognize what true safety really is.
08:17 True safety really is only that which recognizes absolutely
08:22 without any question, that we are helpless,
08:26 that we cannot make it
08:27 to the kingdom apart from Christ.
08:29 We cannot grow apart from Christ.
08:32 We cannot learn apart from the Holy Spirit,
08:35 we understand that.
08:36 And then a constant need of the Holy Spirit.
08:40 Notice that, some people say
08:41 they don't need the Holy Spirit,
08:43 they understand, they know scripture
08:44 and so on and so forth.
08:46 Holy Spirit, the Bible said promises to help us to gain
08:50 victory over sin in our life.
08:52 In that passage of scripture in 1 Corinthians 10:12,
08:57 it says, I like the words there,
08:58 take heed.
08:59 Do what? What does that mean to you?
09:03 Be careful.
09:04 Should we listen to that, take heed?
09:06 Anybody says that?
09:07 Before you open that door,
09:08 take heed to what I'm saying because.
09:11 Well, you're gonna say, well, what?
09:13 Take heed. So we need to listen up.
09:15 That can be repeated over and over,
09:17 at least in my opinion, but be careful
09:20 because there's such a thing as spiritual pride.
09:24 Now we're gonna look at a few things
09:25 and attack a few things as it were to look,
09:28 to see how the enemy may be covering up
09:30 something here,
09:32 and it must be exposed by the Word of God.
09:34 Spiritual pride.
09:35 Can there be such a thing as spiritual pride?
09:38 I mean, every one of you have met
09:40 someone who's had spiritual pride
09:42 and we pray that we never have that spiritual pride.
09:45 You know, it what?
09:47 It leads to something that's very, very dangerous.
09:50 It's self-confident, huh.
09:53 Self-confidence.
09:55 I... Well, I believe in what?
09:56 Confidence in self and not in God.
10:00 Romans 11:20 says this.
10:02 It says, "Thou standest by faith.
10:06 Be not high-minded, but fear."
10:09 I thought that was interesting.
10:10 The Bible here has given admonition
10:12 do not be high-minded.
10:13 That means don't be arrogant even in spiritual things.
10:17 Don't be a know it all in spiritual things.
10:20 If we understand God, we understand heaven,
10:22 understand the word just a little bit.
10:24 We'll realize there's a whole lot that
10:26 we don't know much more than
10:28 we don't know than we know.
10:30 And then what we know, we think we know is barely
10:33 just scratching the edges
10:35 and we'll be learning through all eternity.
10:38 So we don't want to be high-minded,
10:40 the Bible says, but fear.
10:42 I can think of one individual and many in Scripture.
10:45 We'll just give one illustration
10:46 because of our time.
10:48 I think of Nebuchadnezzar.
10:50 Do you remember that?
10:52 Habakkuk 2:4 just simply says this,
10:54 "Faith cannot live in a man whose soul is lifted up."
10:58 Faith cannot what?
11:00 Faith cannot live in a soul, right?
11:02 And then what? Who's what? Who's lifted up?
11:05 And we think of Nebuchadnezzar, do we not?
11:06 In Daniel 5:20, it says,
11:11 "His heart was lifted up."
11:15 And then he had to be what? He had to be humble.
11:17 We need to be careful in our relationship with Christ
11:21 that we do not get lifted up
11:23 and that we know everything, you know.
11:27 Many, many years ago,
11:28 as we're starting out, and just, you know,
11:30 being still in construction given Bible studies,
11:33 one of my greatest fears was this,
11:35 there somebody would ask me a question
11:37 I did not have an answer for.
11:40 Hello?
11:41 Yeah, I didn't have...
11:42 I don't know if any of you have ever
11:44 went through that or not.
11:45 I'm afraid somebody is gonna ask something
11:46 I don't know.
11:48 But you know, the Lord gives you what?
11:49 Give you wisdom on those things to simply say,
11:50 you will not always have the answer.
11:52 Some people come
11:53 from so many different directions
11:55 that's not even a biblical direction.
11:57 How can you have a biblical answer?
11:59 And so the Lord says to me, Kenny, you know,
12:02 the next best thing to knowing the answer is what?
12:05 Is where to find it.
12:07 The next best thing
12:08 from knowing the answer is what?
12:10 Where to find it.
12:11 So when they asked me a question, I didn't know.
12:13 I'd say, I don't know, but I know the Bible has it.
12:15 And we're gonna go to the Word of God
12:17 and we're gonna find that answer.
12:18 So therefore we need not be afraid
12:20 as long as we're digging in the Word of God.
12:23 Probably, and I think
12:24 it was read here on our opening,
12:27 that probably the most recognized scripture
12:29 in the Bible dealing with, again,
12:31 we're dealing with salvation,
12:33 we're dealing with the, you know,
12:35 the scripture being saved.
12:37 And so how could we do without reading John 3:16?
12:41 How could we really go through this?
12:43 'Cause again, people have memorized it
12:45 and yet you could probably spend hours
12:47 on this one verse.
12:48 I'm not going to do that.
12:49 I just want to read it for those who may be,
12:51 there may be someone tuning
12:52 in that's never read this before.
12:54 Believe it or not, they may have never read it.
12:56 They may have never heard it. For God's so what?
13:00 He loved the world that He gave His what?
13:03 Only, you like that
13:04 only begotten Son that whosoever,
13:06 notice that word, believeth in Him
13:09 should not perish, but have everlasting life.
13:11 That sounds almost like, be careful with this.
13:14 That sounds almost like once saved, always saved.
13:19 It almost because it says whoever believes, right?
13:23 He's not going to perish.
13:25 The word believeth there is that
13:27 if have assurance that
13:28 you really have today assurance in God.
13:31 Do you really have faith in God?
13:33 That's what it means to believe.
13:34 Have you really committed yourself to God?
13:38 Have you, do you really trust in God?
13:41 Do you trust in your, in God's,
13:43 you know, His spiritual, your wellbeing to God?
13:47 Do you really trust Him?
13:49 Believe it should not perish, but have everlasting life.
13:52 Do we really have that commitment?
13:54 Do we really trust Him?
13:56 Do we really trust Him with our,
13:59 you know, our own soul and with our companion
14:01 and with our family and our friends,
14:03 do you really trust Him?
14:05 I like this book Acts of the Apostle
14:06 says this, page 209.
14:08 It says, "If sinners," now, who does this include?
14:12 Good. Everybody.
14:13 "If sinners can be led to give one earnest look at the cross."
14:18 Again, we're talking about here.
14:20 We don't wanna be overconfident in the Word.
14:23 Overconfident in the Word
14:24 causes us to look at ourselves rather than Jesus Christ.
14:28 So we don't wanna be overconfident here.
14:30 But notice, if sinners can be led to give one, notice this,
14:35 one earnest look to the cross.
14:38 "If they could obtain a full,"
14:40 notice, "view of the crucified Savior,
14:43 they would realize the depth of God's compassion,"
14:46 and I like this,
14:48 "but, and of the sinfulness of sin."
14:51 Two very important things if you missed it.
14:54 If we behold the cross of Calvary,
14:57 if we behold Christ on that cross,
14:59 if we get a full view of that and keep that ever
15:03 before us as God's people, there's two things,
15:06 at least two things that will help us.
15:08 Number one, the depth of God's compassion,
15:12 the depth of the love that He has.
15:15 If it was not for Calvary,
15:17 how would we understand what true love really is.
15:19 In this world that we live when somebody says love,
15:21 it's sometimes just cheese cheap.
15:24 It's useless. Think about it.
15:28 But not the love that Christ has for us.
15:31 And then we would also realize this
15:33 by looking and beholding Christ,
15:34 we would see the sinfulness of sin.
15:38 To see the sinfulness of sin means we don't wanna go there.
15:42 That means we wanna move away from that thing.
15:45 And then I look at the cross and I say,
15:46 oh good, because we're talking about once saved, always saved.
15:49 And if I'm looking at it this way,
15:51 the cross is certainly a pledge of my salvation.
15:56 The cross is good,
15:57 but again, there must be a balance here somewhere
16:00 because so much scriptures
16:01 and so many things that we can look at
16:03 seems to point in that direction,
16:05 because salvation is sure because of Jesus Christ.
16:10 But is there other extenuating things that we need to look at?
16:14 A pledge of my salvation.
16:17 John 3:16 quickly, notice,
16:18 it points out a couple of things,
16:20 here it's very interesting.
16:22 It points down that
16:23 we're gonna be traveling down two ways road.
16:27 We're gonna be traveling down the road.
16:28 Now one of the roads leads to eternal life
16:31 and the other one leads to death.
16:34 So we're confronted with that every day.
16:38 But there has to be a choice.
16:41 We read that in Matthew 7:13-14,
16:44 which says somewhat the same thing here,
16:46 because it describes there's two roads.
16:48 There's the broad road, and then there is what?
16:51 There's a narrow road,
16:53 but interesting in that broad road,
16:55 what do you see?
16:56 What do you find? You think...
16:58 You see just about everybody on that broad road,
17:01 because it's kind of easy.
17:03 It's kind of flat as it were.
17:04 There's not really any uphill.
17:06 It's not really, it just, everybody wants to go there.
17:08 And after all, as many people say,
17:10 you know, well, there's,
17:12 everybody's going over here, so we ought to go too.
17:15 You get church.
17:16 There's a big church,
17:17 hundreds and thousands of people go,
17:19 that must be the church.
17:20 Not necessarily.
17:22 That sure wasn't that way in the time of Jesus, was it?
17:25 And it's not that way now.
17:26 It's gonna be a,
17:27 just a small little group as the end
17:30 that will be willing to follow Jesus.
17:32 But these two roads
17:33 that said enter either straight gate.
17:36 Wide is the gate, broad is the way
17:38 that leads to what?
17:40 To destruction.
17:41 The Bible said many, there in that go that way.
17:44 Many people are going to do it.
17:46 Verse 14 says because straight is the gate,
17:49 narrow is the way which lead to eternal life.
17:52 Straight is the gate,
17:53 narrow is the way that leads where?
17:56 To eternal life.
17:57 And it says, oh-oh, few there be that find it.
18:01 How sad?
18:02 Somebody should be upset just a little bit here.
18:05 Jesus Christ Himself is saying here to us,
18:07 oh, my, here it is.
18:09 Here's the broad way, all kinds of people are in it.
18:11 And the devil is making sure that they're in it,
18:13 but there's little straight way over here and road and gate.
18:16 And there's very few that go in there.
18:18 Jesus said, notice this,
18:20 enter ye, enter ye into the gate.
18:23 You remember Him saying that?
18:25 So when He says, enter ye in, He says, there's two things.
18:29 He points out how the way to begin.
18:32 See, some of us don't have Christian experience.
18:34 Some of us we're just accepting Christ.
18:36 We don't know where to begin.
18:37 We don't know what to do.
18:39 Jesus just points to the gate.
18:40 And He say, enter ye in, let's come on in.
18:42 Other words, here's the way that we begin.
18:45 And then He says something else
18:46 and I'll show you where to begin.
18:49 I need that kind of direction in my own life.
18:51 Jesus says this in John Chapter 10.
18:53 Do you remember that?
18:55 Certainly verses 7 and 9, John 10:7, 9 says that,
18:59 remember Jesus says this.
19:01 For the way in, I am the, somebody say door,
19:04 and I'm loving it.
19:05 I am the door, He says, I like that.
19:08 I am what? The door.
19:09 There is no other door.
19:11 So the people are pounding and beating and carrying on,
19:14 trying to get in some other way than God,
19:16 than Christ said, He said, the only way is He is the door.
19:20 Only way you will make it to heaven
19:21 is go through Jesus Christ, isn't that right?
19:24 I am the door. I like that.
19:27 And then John 14:6, He simply says, I am the way.
19:31 I am the way, there's no other.
19:33 I'm the door, I'm the way.
19:35 If you wanna make it to heaven,
19:36 you need to look in this direction right here.
19:38 I'll show you the way to begin and where to begin.
19:42 Seek ye, they said, notice this,
19:44 next verse goes on.
19:45 He says, "But many will seek to come in,
19:49 but they're not gonna be able."
19:50 What could that possibly mean?
19:53 Huh, I'm the door.
19:56 And you said, I'm the way.
19:57 You wanna be saved,
19:59 there's only one way, we made that clear.
20:01 Luke 13:24, jot them down, so you can read them.
20:05 Says, "Many will seek to enter and shall not be able.
20:09 What does that mean they will seek to enter,
20:11 but they will not be able?
20:14 Huh. Why?
20:16 Maybe just because they will not strive.
20:19 You have to strive to enter in.
20:22 Verse 24 tells us we have to struggle.
20:24 You notice that?
20:26 We have to put forth an effort.
20:28 We have to exert.
20:30 We have to fight.
20:31 Does that make sense? To qualify for the prize.
20:34 If anybody here wants the prize,
20:36 you have to be willing to exert.
20:38 You have to be willing to get out
20:39 in the snow if you have to.
20:41 You have to be willing.
20:42 I'd rather, I tell you, I'd rather be out
20:44 trying to get to church and get stuck rather than say,
20:46 I'm not even gonna try.
20:47 And the roads are as clear as they can be.
20:49 Well, now, you know what I'm talking about here.
20:54 I'd rather be out there and get stuck and say,
20:55 I've tried to get there rather than say,
20:58 well, this is a chance to stay.
21:00 Listen, you'll have plenty of chances
21:01 to stay home before too long.
21:03 If the country keeps going like it's going right now,
21:05 they can, the doors will be shut
21:06 one of these days.
21:07 You won't be able to get in. Jesus, I'm...
21:09 Remember I'm the door strive to enter in,
21:11 struggle, exert, fight.
21:14 I don't know about you, but every day,
21:16 you know regardless Christ is on your side.
21:19 You've accepted Him as Lord and Savior.
21:20 The devil says, "I'm gonna beat you up."
21:23 Is that true?
21:25 The enemy's plan is to beat you up for the day.
21:28 He'll beat you up with circumstances.
21:30 He'll beat you up with a family.
21:32 He'll beat you up with trying to,
21:33 well, well, well, potty train a dog.
21:38 I had to get that out,
21:42 since we have
21:43 a two-month-old puppy in the house.
21:46 Should I leave that and just go on?
21:48 Okay.
21:49 You, you know what I'm talking about?
21:51 Sometime you lose patience.
21:54 Isn't that right? Yeah.
21:58 I mean the dogs nowadays, they like,
22:00 they wear diapers and stuff too like kids,
22:02 I don't know.
22:04 Yeah.
22:07 But you know, we've got to strive
22:11 for that dog to learn.
22:14 You have to repeat some things
22:17 and there's messes to clean up.
22:20 But eventually they will learn
22:23 just so we in our own personal lives.
22:25 Strive, struggle, why?
22:27 Because there's a prize.
22:28 And there's a prize at the end.
22:31 1 Corinthians 9:25.
22:32 Notice quickly says, every man that knows...
22:34 I'm gonna read part of the passage.
22:35 You have to put it down and read it.
22:37 1 Corinthians 9:25,
22:39 "Every man that striveth for the mastery,"
22:42 of course it goes on and says, "he's temperate in all," what?
22:45 "He's temperate in all things."
22:47 Remember, you have to strive, oh, I'm saved.
22:49 I don't have to do anything. I'm just saved.
22:51 I'm just, and God says,
22:52 I just, I believe, so I'm saved.
22:54 One guy said, I know I'm going to heaven,
22:55 there's no doubt about it.
22:56 Me and God talk every once in a while.
22:58 And we have an understanding
22:59 and I don't really have to do anything.
23:01 I don't really do. We have an understanding.
23:02 I said, yeah, God has a good understanding.
23:07 I mean, it's sad if a person means that.
23:12 There's much more to it.
23:14 If you...
23:15 If I'm going to repopulate heaven.
23:18 God's just not gonna, and may I make this simple?
23:20 God's not gonna just let anybody in there.
23:24 There's some qualifications, are there not?
23:27 And they said, oh, right, long time ago, I was saved.
23:29 Now I live for the devil, I do everything in the world,
23:31 but I was saved and I'm going to be there.
23:33 Is that really a Bible teaching?
23:35 Colossians 1:29.
23:37 It says, "Whereunto I also labor
23:39 and I'm striving."
23:41 Paul said he had to fight the good fight of faith.
23:43 We've to fight the devil every day,
23:45 you can't just give up
23:47 and say, well, he's just worked me over today.
23:48 No, don't ever say that.
23:50 By the grace of God, we're more than conquerors.
23:53 1 Timothy 6:12.
23:54 You know this well.
23:56 Again, "Fight the good fight of," what?
23:58 "Our faith, lay hold," notice this, on what?
24:03 "Eternal life." But why?
24:05 Because we're called to eternal life.
24:08 So there again, it kind of points back like,
24:09 well, we give our life to Christ.
24:11 We're automatically going to make it
24:13 because it indicates right here that
24:15 we're to strive and we're to fight
24:16 and because there's eternal life
24:18 and we're called to eternal life.
24:22 In order to, may I say, use the word hit,
24:25 in order to hit this subject.
24:28 Let's back up a little bit
24:30 and let's look at Luke 13:23, one verse.
24:33 There's a question that's asked Jesus.
24:35 Now we're gonna get more than once saved,
24:36 always saved, I watched the clock,
24:38 oh my, pray for me.
24:40 There's so much here to lead up to say,
24:41 I believe that we can have eternal salvation.
24:45 Are you still with me church?
24:47 I believe that it can be assured
24:49 by the grace of God.
24:50 I believe that it's signed and sealed
24:52 by the cross of Calvary,
24:53 but there's conditions for it.
24:56 I'm gonna have to continue on in my walk with Him
24:59 and we'll see that as we go.
25:01 But notice, let's look at Luke 13:23.
25:03 There's a question that's asked Jesus
25:06 and you know what they said?
25:07 The Pharisees, Essenes, all these,
25:10 they love to ask Jesus question
25:11 and try to trip Him up and fool Him.
25:12 And they said,
25:14 "Are there just a few that will be saved?"
25:17 How many times have we ever done that?
25:19 It seemed like only a few is gonna be saved.
25:21 It seemed like only a few is gonna be saved.
25:22 And I don't think so-and-so is gonna be saved.
25:24 And I don't think she's gonna...
25:26 Listen, interesting how Jesus responded to that.
25:29 And I want us to respond the same way
25:31 that Jesus did if you encounter this situation,.
25:34 Verse 24, Luke 13,
25:37 Jesus starts out with number one.
25:39 He said, strive.
25:41 Don't you like it? What did He say?
25:42 He said, strive. That means you fight it.
25:45 That means you put forth an effort.
25:47 That means when you don't feel like it,
25:48 you get up and you do it anyway, right?
25:50 We live by faith, not feeling, not sight,
25:53 or I don't feel like it today or a situation,
25:55 or if things are bad.
25:57 No, not at all. We all feel that way.
25:59 There's some days I just should stay in bed,
26:01 pull the covers over my head and just not face it.
26:04 Is that okay to say that? But what?
26:08 You do not let yourself give into that because what?
26:10 We're part of the family of God and we say, all right,
26:12 we've got a job to do today.
26:14 Right? God's gonna use me today.
26:17 And He will use you if you ask to be used,
26:19 but notice what Jesus starts out strive,
26:22 but notice interesting
26:23 when they ask Him this question,
26:25 Jesus did not answer that question.
26:28 You know, there's some time
26:30 we'd be better off not to answer some questions,
26:32 if we don't have the correct answer.
26:34 Silence is golden, but notice,
26:37 Jesus did not answer the question.
26:40 Instead, He answers based on the truth
26:43 and principles of God's Word.
26:45 He answers this right here.
26:47 The primary concern should be
26:49 not how many are going to heaven,
26:52 but notice this, but whether we will be saved.
26:57 Come on somebody, think about it.
26:58 My only concern well, in the world
27:00 there's only gonna be a few.
27:01 There is no use.
27:02 You know what people do that for?
27:04 You know, I'll just tell you why some people do that?
27:05 You know what?
27:06 Because they wanna make excuses for themselves.
27:08 Well, there's only gonna be a small number.
27:09 It's only gonna be a small numbers.
27:11 No use me to try.
27:12 You're not giving God, you're not giving Christ,
27:15 you're not giving the Holy Spirit much credit
27:18 because certainly you can be changed
27:20 into the image of Jesus Christ.
27:22 By beholding, we become changed.
27:24 But notice what Jesus said.
27:25 He says to you and me today,
27:27 don't be concerned about how many?
27:29 Don't be concerned Adventist about the 144,000
27:32 as much as we are sometime.
27:33 I like to study.
27:35 I think it's wonderful to study that.
27:36 We need to be looking into that, but not oh,
27:38 there's just such a small number.
27:39 We're not gonna...
27:41 Be concerned. Am I ready to meet Jesus?
27:43 Well, if He should come, am I gonna go home?
27:45 Am I gonna be saved in the kingdom?
27:47 But notice elsewhere,
27:48 Jesus gives an answer to this question,
27:52 but not here to them
27:54 because He knew who He was talking to.
27:55 They needed to hear something different.
27:58 Wisdom for you and for me
27:59 is sometime to know whom we're talking to
28:03 and how far to go with that and when to be quiet,
28:06 you know, don't give them everything at once
28:08 if they're not ready
28:09 and they don't know Jesus Christ.
28:10 You know, truth don't know any...
28:12 Truth is no good to anyone if you don't know Christ.
28:15 Does that make sense?
28:16 Once you know Him,
28:18 then it all begins to make sense.
28:20 We need Jesus in our life.
28:21 In Matthew 13:31-32 says this.
28:25 Now Jesus was talking about in the parable.
28:27 As far as we'll go just quickly at the parable
28:29 of the mustard seed.
28:30 You remember that one? Absolutely.
28:32 You know what?
28:33 And what did Jesus say
28:35 in the parable of the mustard seed?
28:36 He said, "Woe, there's gonna be many
28:38 that's gonna be saved."
28:40 He didn't answer them
28:41 because there was a reason why He didn't answer.
28:43 And many times there's reasons why we shouldn't answer.
28:45 But He said, yeah,
28:47 there's gonna be many saved in the kingdom.
28:49 Now let's go back quickly and touch
28:51 before we get a little farther,
28:53 deeper in the Word of Matthew 7:13-14,
28:56 where He said the broad
28:57 and the narrow road, narrow way.
29:02 And broad road almost sounds like Broadway.
29:06 Somebody not with me.
29:10 Broadway.
29:13 Just go wherever you wanna go with that or many choose that.
29:18 And the narrow way that few can find it.
29:21 And I've often wondered about that in my experience.
29:24 Lord, why in this world can't they find it?
29:27 Why can't I find it?
29:30 This begs a question for us here.
29:33 Is the road, is the gate too hard to find?
29:39 It shouldn't be, but very few will find it.
29:44 And is that the reason that few find it,
29:47 because it's too hard?
29:49 No, absolutely not.
29:52 Many overlook it, notice this,
29:53 because it's not too hard, it's so simple.
29:57 Think church, it's so simple He has prepared the way.
30:02 He came, He lived, He died, and now I need what?
30:05 I need to accept His life, not mine because I'm a sinner.
30:09 I wanna be saved by grace.
30:14 Many just say, oh, it's too simple they have,
30:16 but the number one, then they have,
30:18 they can't find it because they don't have
30:19 an interest in finding it.
30:22 I often said, somebody said
30:24 there's a million dollars he had it right underneath
30:25 where Brother Wills sitting right now.
30:28 I do my best to get him out of the way.
30:33 Yeah.
30:34 Are you following my thing?
30:36 If it's something you really want,
30:39 you're gonna put forth what?
30:41 You're gonna put forth an effort to do that,
30:43 you absolutely will.
30:45 Some just don't wanna find it.
30:48 And most say,
30:49 I'm going to make it to heaven,
30:51 but they say this,
30:52 but I'm going to make it my way.
30:55 As wrong as it wrong can be
30:57 because I heard a man sing
30:58 that for years, I did it my way.
31:02 You remember that?
31:04 Didn't care about anything else that was going on?
31:07 But he says simply as a bottom line,
31:08 I did it my way.
31:10 I can guarantee you, my brothers and my sisters,
31:12 you do it your way, heaven will never be your home
31:16 unless Christ is included in that.
31:19 You're not going to get to heaven
31:21 because the way you choose to go,
31:23 it's the road that Christ has laid out for us.
31:26 Yeah.
31:28 The end of life, don't say I did it my way,
31:30 oh mercy.
31:32 Another question. What is your concept?
31:34 Don't answer out loud, but what's your concept of God?
31:37 What is your concept of salvation,
31:39 eternal life and of heaven
31:40 and how am I could reach the kingdom of God?
31:43 These are questions I believe that
31:45 we should be asking ourselves every day.
31:47 Why in this world are we here in this miserable world
31:51 if it's not to repopulate heaven?
31:54 Hmm. That's right.
31:56 Yeah, if you... Yeah, yeah, yeah.
31:59 Absolutely.
32:00 If you ask some people of how you're gonna find heaven.
32:06 It's all right, at least somebody is excited.
32:07 Right?
32:08 I'm excited about the gospel message.
32:11 This is good news.
32:13 You ask people about how they find God,
32:14 how they're gonna find heaven,
32:16 but, but, you want to say,
32:17 some of them say in simplicity, they'll say,
32:19 well, all you gotta do is follow the golden rule.
32:21 Some of you've heard that probably, right?
32:23 Just follow the golden rule.
32:24 What would the golden rule do?
32:26 I mean, I just think the golden rule
32:27 is talking about do unto others
32:28 as you'd have them do unto you.
32:30 Isn't that it?
32:32 Now, I want you to think if you think that
32:34 you can make it to heaven by just doing good to others
32:36 or have them to do good as you do to them
32:38 whatever it might be, you might want to rethink that.
32:42 That's a certainly
32:43 a pretty good little plan to start with,
32:45 but it goes beyond that.
32:48 Is it possible that we can do this, you know,
32:50 do to others as we would have them do unto us
32:53 and leave God out of the picture?
32:55 Absolutely not.
32:58 Salvation and eternal life have to do...
33:02 Listen carefully, my church,
33:04 have to do with a direct confrontation with God
33:10 as revealed in Jesus Christ.
33:12 Does that make sense?
33:14 Salvation is not well just doing the others
33:16 you'd have them do, and the golden rule,
33:18 we're all going to make it.
33:19 It has to do with what?
33:20 Eternal life does with the direct confrontation
33:23 that we're going to have to have with God.
33:25 And the way we have it through God is through Jesus.
33:28 Is that what? Jesus.
33:29 That's who we have it through.
33:32 That's where it's at.
33:36 We sing it so often at the cross,
33:39 at the cross where I first saw the light
33:44 and the burden of my heart rolled away.
33:48 It was there by faith that I received my sight.
33:52 And now I'm happy.
33:54 Whoa! Glory all the day.
33:57 In the midst of trial and all the midst of the mess
33:59 that we're going on because we've met Him.
34:02 We've had a personal relationship with Him.
34:04 We've encountered him as our Lord and our Savior.
34:08 It's changed our life.
34:10 We see Jesus in a very special way.
34:12 And now He's lifted that burden.
34:14 I have faith to believe that He's coming back.
34:17 I have faith to believe that my side has been changed
34:20 and I wanna behold Him
34:22 rather than things of the world.
34:25 Many, my brothers and sisters, as going to lose eternal life
34:30 because they love the world more than they love God.
34:34 They forgot God.
34:36 They left God out of it.
34:38 And what does that simply mean? You love the world.
34:40 Anything, anything, everything that takes your attention
34:44 and your affections away from God,
34:46 it becomes your idol,
34:48 becomes your god, anything.
34:52 Nowadays to have a husband or wife or somebody say,
34:54 "Well, I can't go to church
34:55 'cause my husband won't let me."
34:57 Somebody needs to get with the program
34:59 and vice versa.
35:00 My kids won't let me to go,
35:02 the grandkids, nobody is gonna let me go,
35:03 because they're gonna...
35:04 You're putting them before God.
35:06 Your responsibility
35:07 is to come to Him when He calls.
35:08 And certainly He's calling
35:10 through the Holy Spirit every day.
35:14 Mark 8:36.
35:16 Is just a warning sound for all of us?
35:19 And like, we read it, "What should it profit a man,
35:22 if he should gain what?
35:24 What does it profit that you gain the whole world
35:26 and yet you lose your own soul."
35:28 There's many today, hundreds and thousands
35:30 that selling their soul for a bowl of pottage,
35:34 porridge what is it?
35:37 Yeah. Thank you.
35:38 Esau, was it?
35:40 Got so hungry that he sold his inheritance,
35:42 sold his soul as it were.
35:44 And many of us are doing that today.
35:46 Oh, what are we going to gain if we lose our soul?
35:52 Some people we meet and I'm shocked,
35:54 they're just not interested in salvation at all.
35:57 They're not interested in eternal life.
35:59 They just want...
36:00 Listen, church, they just want to enjoy themselves.
36:03 You ever meet somebody like that?
36:04 Well, I don't want these restrictions.
36:05 Bible said there's perfect freedom
36:07 in Jesus Christ,
36:08 but they say, I don't want any restrictions.
36:10 Something is not jelling here.
36:11 I just wanna enjoy myself.
36:13 And I just, I just wanna have some fun.
36:16 You ever hear, especially young people
36:18 and some old people are saying it now.
36:20 Well, I just wanna have some fun.
36:22 Huh, well.
36:24 Let me ask you a question
36:26 and let me get it finished before you start answering.
36:29 I'm not trying to trip anybody up at all,
36:31 but let me say this,
36:33 can a person have fun without God?
36:43 See Brother Ben, I told him,
36:44 don't answer it till I get done.
36:46 No, it's a good thought.
36:48 Really, I mean, you're thinking spiritually,
36:49 spiritual things, but let me say, can a person...
36:51 Think about it?
36:52 Can a person have fun without God?
36:56 Yeah, sure.
36:58 There's no question that there can be...
37:00 In other words, there can be fun in a life
37:03 without God,
37:05 but the problem is that the fun don't last.
37:10 Think about it. I'm kind of setting you up.
37:12 I understand something
37:13 you're not really wrong with that,
37:15 but just think about it.
37:16 Sure people are saying I'm having a marble.
37:17 I'm having a time of my life.
37:19 I wouldn't change it for anything.
37:20 And they're bound frail. They think they're having fun.
37:26 As a Christian, you know, better need, we need God.
37:28 We understand that. I'll give you a quick example.
37:32 Kind of give it before, but I'll give another example.
37:34 Just want to have fun.
37:35 My brother and I went to teen town
37:37 when we were in high school. What's teen town?
37:40 That's where they danced and carried on.
37:43 Somebody's not with me.
37:46 Kids got out together, they danced a little bit.
37:48 Sometime they slipped out in the back
37:49 and smoked a little bit.
37:52 Then some of them would be brave
37:53 and they thought they'd just tip the bottle
37:55 a little bit.
37:56 Well, that never really interested us.
37:58 But we were told not to go because there's nothing there.
38:02 And soon as I was told not to go,
38:04 I wanted to go see.
38:06 Oh no, you're not like that. No.
38:10 What? Just, you know why?
38:11 'Cause I just wanted to have some fun.
38:15 Want to go where the action was at.
38:19 We were not told not to go. We did.
38:23 We thought it'd be fun.
38:26 It was while it lasted.
38:32 Yeah, but it didn't last very long.
38:37 In fact, we were found out, as soon as we got home.
38:41 I told my brother, Ronnie,
38:43 when he come in, I said, Ronnie,
38:44 keep a straight face, boy.
38:47 Mama, look at you right in the eyes,
38:48 she'll spot something.
38:50 She always did.
38:52 And I said, don't give it away by your look.
38:54 She looked at Ronnie,
38:55 she said, "Where have you been?"
39:00 See, it's all over your face.
39:01 I said, Ronnie, I told you.
39:07 Where have you been?
39:09 Said, "We went to teen town."
39:11 That you were told not to go.
39:13 We wanted to have fun.
39:14 And we did.
39:15 Well, you think this is gonna be fun.
39:18 And it wasn't.
39:21 That fun didn't last very long.
39:23 And then reality, reality struck.
39:27 We had to pay the Piper.
39:32 Remember when you say, I don't need God.
39:36 I just wanna have fun.
39:39 Remember it doesn't last.
39:44 A man was trying to find God.
39:48 He prayed and he read,
39:52 he prayed and he read some more.
39:55 I can't find God.
39:57 I need to talk to somebody.
39:59 There seemed to be no one to talk to,
40:02 but I can't seem to find God.
40:04 Finally, he met someone and he said,
40:06 I just need somebody to talk about.
40:08 I need a friend to ask some questions.
40:11 And then he asked this man, his friend a question.
40:13 He looked around, he said, "Is God lost."
40:17 I said, "What? Is God lost?
40:19 What do you mean is God lost? Huh.
40:23 Of course not."
40:25 He replied to his friend, "God's not lost.
40:27 He's never been lost."
40:30 And the man looked at him and he said,
40:31 "Then why Is he so hard to find?"
40:34 Hmm.
40:36 God is never the problem.
40:41 But maybe there's something wrong
40:44 with our searching.
40:48 Did we get it?
40:50 There's something wrong with our searching.
40:52 There's nothing wrong with God.
40:53 He's not hard to find.
40:57 Scripture, you know,
40:58 Scripture tells us that God will find those who...
41:01 What is it?
41:02 Jeremiah 29:13, He said,
41:04 "You'll find Him when you search with Him`
41:05 with all your, with all your heart."
41:08 You'll find Him
41:09 if you're searching with all your hearts,
41:10 rather than just say, I'm saved.
41:12 And that's the way it is long time ago
41:13 and I don't have to live anymore.
41:15 And, but if I, you know,
41:16 if we search, we're gonna find if he was going to be there.
41:18 John 5:39 says, "Search the scriptures,
41:23 for in them you think you have eternal life and," what?
41:27 "They are they which testify of Me."
41:31 The scriptures testify of Jesus Christ.
41:33 You wanna have eternal life.
41:34 You say I'm reading the scriptures.
41:36 I think I want, I'm gonna have eternal life.
41:37 I'm giving my life to Him.
41:41 How safe, how secure is our salvation?
41:47 Is there anything really wrong in believing once saved,
41:50 always saved.
41:51 Start with a few quick passage of scripture,
41:53 only 12 minutes and some left and I've got two hours.
41:57 Huh.
41:59 Let's start with a few texts, shall we?
42:00 That support we can have a safe
42:02 and secure relationship with Christ.
42:05 There's no doubt about.
42:06 Proverbs 29:25 says this,
42:09 "Whoso now putteth his trust
42:12 in the Lord shall be safe."
42:15 Hmm.
42:18 I say again, whoso putteth his trust
42:22 in the Lord shall be safe.
42:25 Isn't that good? Yeah, that's true, isn't it?
42:27 That word there means set on high.
42:30 He who puts his trust in God shall be set on high.
42:34 Oh, that sounds like, for sure I can be saved.
42:36 There's no doubt about it.
42:38 And it can't be taken away.
42:39 That's positive and that's good.
42:41 I'm claiming it.
42:43 So the sinner who simply comes to Christ
42:46 is free from the condemnation.
42:47 How many times you heard that?
42:48 Well, we're free
42:50 from the condemnation of the law
42:52 through the blood of Jesus Christ.
42:53 Absolutely.
42:54 You know what this is called? This is called justification.
42:57 First step, praise God for justification,
42:59 isn't that right?
43:00 We come to Him, confessing our sins, right?
43:02 And we begin to live the life,
43:04 and then there's no condemnation.
43:06 Jesus said, "Oh, the old devil come after Me,
43:08 but he can't find anything in Me."
43:11 Make sure there's nothing in you
43:13 where the devil can find something to get in.
43:16 Because if there's something wrong inside of you,
43:18 that gives him the open door to come in.
43:24 Whom He pardons, notice, He first makes pennant.
43:30 Again, can our salvation be secure?
43:32 Absolutely.
43:33 Because 1 Timothy 1:15 says this,
43:36 tells us the reason Jesus came into the world.
43:38 Nothing new,
43:40 nothing may be startling to you.
43:41 But notice, He came into the world
43:42 to save what?
43:44 To save sinners, the Bible said,
43:45 and that's the whole world.
43:48 He came, one purpose to this world
43:51 is to save sinners.
43:52 And we're all sinners.
43:54 And only way we'll be saved is by grace.
43:58 Matthew, 1:21.
43:59 You read it so often, "For he, Jesus,
44:01 shall save His people from" what?
44:03 "From their sins." How complete is our salvation?
44:06 My how complete it is.
44:07 It sounds almost like once saved, always saved.
44:09 If you read Hebrews 7:25,
44:11 the Bible said "Wherefore He is," what?
44:14 "Able to save them to the uttermost."
44:18 Oh, the uttermost.
44:19 That means He's able to save them completely.
44:21 That means He's able to save them fully.
44:23 It means He's able to save them,
44:25 notice the word, is forever.
44:27 Hmm.
44:29 Which, notice this, That come to God by Him,
44:32 seeing He ever liveth to make," what?
44:34 "Intercession."
44:36 The song, He's ever interceding.
44:38 You know how happy we should be.
44:40 We have a Lord and Savior that's interceding for me
44:42 and you right now because we are in a mess.
44:46 We're sinners, we're on the death decree.
44:48 We need a Savior, and He's interceding for me.
44:51 What? Between me and the Father.
44:52 I can't get to the Father.
44:54 I can't get to the Father without Jesus Christ.
44:56 You see what I'm saying?
44:58 I've got to have Jesus in my life
45:00 or I can't get to the Father.
45:01 Jesus gets to the Father and He pulls up His hands.
45:04 He said, Father, what?
45:05 My blood, my blood, these nail prints the death,
45:07 right, His death,
45:08 that everything about Him, what?
45:09 I did it for these people and where I am,
45:11 I want them with Me.
45:13 Isn't that wonderful?
45:14 And He begins to call you out by name.
45:18 Think of everybody here. He calls you out by name.
45:21 He knows you by name.
45:23 I want them where I want them to sit on the throne with Me
45:26 and we look around and say,
45:27 oh yeah, but this little deal
45:28 or that little deal over there,
45:30 that's gonna keep you out of heaven.
45:31 Don't let that do it. Right now Jesus.
45:36 Right now, Hebrews 6:19 tells us,
45:40 He's our High Priest He's entered into the veil.
45:44 Do you notice that?
45:45 He's seated on the right hand of the Majesty.
45:49 Hebrews 1:3.
45:51 Now we may come boldly to the throne
45:54 and find help full assurance in our time of need.
45:58 Our sinners' only hope is God's amazing grace.
46:02 Once saved, always saved, men want to cut to the chase.
46:05 I want to get that to a couple of pages
46:07 there at the end,
46:08 because I think it's very important.
46:12 Very, very important to look at it
46:14 from biblical stand for it.
46:18 Saved, once saved, always saved.
46:21 When you say saved, that means it's fixed, right?
46:25 Ed. I'm saved.
46:27 Once saved, always saved.
46:28 That means it's forever done.
46:30 It's fixed already,
46:32 but how could it be fixed if we still have life?
46:35 If we're still living,
46:37 that means it's beyond change if you say that.
46:40 It can only be fixed at death or the Second Coming of Jesus.
46:45 As long as they're still alive, you know what?
46:47 There's a possibility of us submitting to temptation.
46:52 I like saying being in a saving relationship means
46:56 an ongoing relationship with Christ,
46:58 that means growing daily with Him,
47:00 gaining victories, overcoming, enduring unto the end,
47:04 the same shall be saved.
47:07 Daniel 12:10, "Many shall be purified
47:09 and made," what?
47:11 "White tried and made white.
47:12 Imagine this is beautiful, James 1:12,
47:15 "Only he who endures to the end
47:17 will receive a crown of life."
47:21 What does this tell you about once saved, always saved,
47:23 If you endure, where?
47:24 Unto the end, not that you start out
47:26 and you're running a good race
47:28 and then you decide you don't wanna run
47:29 that race anymore.
47:30 Then you don't want God's blood anymore,
47:32 Christ's blood, right?
47:33 You don't want it anymore evidently.
47:35 Believing in once saved, always saved is dangerous.
47:37 And I'll tell you because I'll give you
47:39 a couple of reasons why it's dangerous.
47:41 There's always danger in trusting to self.
47:44 Trusting self is always dangerous.
47:48 If we trust in self,
47:50 we will lose sight of Jesus Christ.
47:54 We're going to lose sight of our weaknesses.
47:56 See people don't wanna look at their weaknesses.
47:58 We need some help.
47:59 We need to overcome in this area.
48:01 If we can work saved anyway,
48:02 it doesn't make any difference with.
48:04 We lose sight of our weaknesses
48:07 and we'll lose our need of a divine strength.
48:12 And when temptation comes,
48:14 we're unprepared for Satan's temptations.
48:17 Just like Peter, you remember Peter?
48:19 Absolutely, what happened?
48:23 He need to quote like 1 Corinthians,
48:24 we talked about 10:12
48:26 in our scripture reading right here,
48:31 that Peter had an issue.
48:32 The Lord didn't save Peter from his trial.
48:35 Do you notice that?
48:36 But he could have saved Peter from his defeat.
48:39 He didn't save him from what? His trial.
48:42 He let him go through that for his own good.
48:43 But he could have saved.
48:45 He could have saved him from defeat.
48:48 How, how do you say?
48:49 He could have saved him from defeat
48:51 if Peter had simply been willing to listen
48:54 and follow what Christ had said.
48:56 Previous to that, in Luke 22:32, He...
49:00 Notice this, He said,
49:01 if you watch and you pray and walk accordingly.
49:05 Now did Peter do that?
49:06 Now, remember what Jesus said to Peter?
49:08 He said, "Peter, I have prayed for you."
49:10 Do you remember?
49:12 I have prayed for you that what?
49:13 That your faith fail not. But what happened?
49:18 Peter failed through self-sufficiency.
49:22 He felt like he didn't need anything else.
49:25 He felt like he had been saved.
49:26 He felt like he had been with Jesus.
49:28 He see, he was all right.
49:29 And he began to look to himself and he failed.
49:33 I'm all right, I'm pretty good.
49:35 I'm saved.
49:36 Christ Object Lesson 154 says this, I'm hurrying.
49:38 Notice this.
49:39 It says, notice this,
49:40 "Pride and self-sufficiency of all sin
49:43 is the most helpless and most incurable."
49:47 What is it?
49:48 Pride and self-sufficiency, only one way
49:52 that you can trace the knowledge of self.
49:55 We must behold Christ any man, woman,
49:57 child in this life that's called,
49:59 oh, they do righteous thing.
50:00 Everything is all good.
50:02 They need, oh, my goodness. Think about this.
50:05 If we look to Christ
50:06 and we're really beholding Christ,
50:08 we can never say that we can never take anything,
50:11 any credit we say for things
50:12 that God and Holy Spirit is doing.
50:15 How can we empty ourselves of self quickly?
50:17 How can we?
50:19 Is it possible and the Bible
50:20 talks about empty ourselves of self, isn't that right?
50:22 Is it possible we can empty ourselves of self?
50:25 Just like Jesus did.
50:27 I'm gonna tell you that we cannot.
50:28 Not on our own.
50:30 We cannot accomplish that.
50:31 All we can do is simply to consent
50:34 to the Holy Spirit working in us.
50:36 Just like Jesus did,
50:37 so that He could carry out the work
50:39 His Father asked Him to do.
50:41 We have to consent to let the Savior in to do the work.
50:44 We can glory.
50:45 And when we glory, it has to be in the cross.
50:48 Galatians 6:14, you have nothing to glory.
50:50 I have nothing to glory. Okay.
50:52 How many might people toot your horn
50:54 or they don't toot your horn.
50:56 We have nothing to glory here in this life.
50:58 Only the cross of Calvary, this is where it's all out.
51:01 This is where there's power.
51:05 I'm gonna turn and read the passage,
51:06 last three minutes.
51:08 This is why we talk about one saved, always saved.
51:09 If you get to this
51:10 in the Book of Ezekiel right here,
51:12 you're gonna see beyond a shadow of a doubt.
51:14 I know, we won't get as far as we wanted to get.
51:15 But notice this is, Ezekiel Chapter 18,
51:18 I'm gonna read verses 4 and 20.
51:20 And then I'll tell you the verses
51:21 as we go as quick as I can with our time.
51:23 I want you to understand this.
51:24 First of all, Ezekiel 18:4.
51:27 One line simply says, "Behold, all souls are mine,
51:31 as the soul of the father and so."
51:33 Then it says here,
51:34 "The soul that sinneth, it shall" what?
51:36 "It shall die."
51:38 Verse 20, notice that,
51:39 "The soul that sinneth, it shall die."
51:40 It's repeated again in verse 21, notice this.
51:43 "But if the wicked," notice this,
51:45 "will turn from all his sins that he hath committed
51:48 and keep my statues, and do that
51:51 which is lawful and right,
51:53 he shall surely live, he shall not die."
51:56 Did you get that? If the wicked do what?
51:59 If they repent, isn't that right?
52:00 They keep, remember there's condition.
52:02 If the wicked then turned to Christ,
52:04 keep His statues, do it lawful,
52:06 that which is right, he shall live and not die.
52:08 Verse 22, "All of his transgression
52:11 that he hath committed,
52:13 they shall not be mentioned it to him in his righteousness
52:15 that he hath done he shall live."
52:18 Sinner comes, ask forgiveness what?
52:20 He cleansed you from all unrighteousness.
52:21 We have to walk in His will and His way.
52:24 Notice about the once saved, always saved.
52:26 Again, verse 24.
52:27 But when the righteous, 'cause people say this,
52:29 there's no way, I gave my life to Christ.
52:30 You know, I'm righteous.
52:32 I've done everything right.
52:33 And if you're righteous,
52:35 you give your life to Christ, you can't fall.
52:36 And then they say, well,
52:37 after 10 years of living a righteous life,
52:39 they went out into the world and they say,
52:41 well, they weren't saved anyway.
52:43 That's not biblical. You're not the judge.
52:47 Notice what the Bible says.
52:48 "And when the righteous turneth away from his righteous,"
52:50 when the righteousness does what?
52:52 "Turns away from his righteousness
52:54 and committeth," what?
52:55 "Sin, iniquity, and doeth according
52:57 to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth,
53:00 shall he live?
53:02 All the righteousness that
53:03 he hath done shall not be mentioned,
53:05 in his trespass that he has trespassed,
53:08 and in his sin that he has sinned,
53:10 in them," what?
53:11 "He shall die."
53:14 Verse 36, again, "When a righteous man turneth
53:16 away from his righteousness."
53:17 There you go right here.
53:19 Once saved, always saved doesn't fit.
53:20 It says when the righteous man,
53:21 that means a man that's doing right.
53:23 The man that once gave his life to Jesus Christ,
53:25 but he decided he wants to do his own thing.
53:26 And he goes out in the world of sin.
53:28 "He committeth iniquity, he dies in them,
53:30 for his iniquity that he hath done shall he die.
53:33 Again, when the wicked man turneth away
53:35 from the wickedness that he hath committed
53:37 and doeth that which is lawful and right,
53:39 he shall save his soul alive."
53:42 Wish we had time to go to Ezekiel Chapter 3,
53:44 we do not, read verses 20 and 21.
53:46 It reiterates what we're talking about here.
53:48 Plus it goes into saying we have responsibility
53:50 to warn the person
53:52 who has slipped away from Christ,
53:54 but notice what it is,
53:55 when the righteous man turns away
53:56 from doing righteous and he commits sin
53:59 and he doesn't make a change, he will die in that sin.
54:03 Not once saved, always saved.
54:05 That is the lie of the enemy.
54:06 We need to be very careful about that.
54:08 I wish we had time to go more in it
54:10 and talk a little bit about the sanctuary
54:11 and how the sins you know, committed.
54:13 Yeah, sanctuary, right?
54:15 You know, every day
54:16 they're symbolically stored up in the sanctuary.
54:18 Once a year, they have atonement.
54:20 They're clear, they have judgment.
54:22 If people only knew...
54:23 five seconds with time,
54:24 we're living in the hour of God's judgment.
54:27 That means that's a cleansing of the sanctuary.
54:28 That means it's the blotting out,
54:30 the blotting out of sin.
54:33 This is a time that we're living in.
54:34 It's a very precarious time.
54:36 We need to be make sure we're right with Jesus Christ.
54:38 May God help each and every one to say,
54:40 we need to keep our eyes on Christ.
54:42 We need again to look at the Word of God
54:43 and find out what truth really is.
54:44 And don't accept a counterfeit by the enemy to make you feel
54:48 you're a lot better off than you are
54:49 when the Bible says no.
54:51 If we are in Christ, we're gonna live for Him.
54:55 Isn't that wonderful to know that?
54:56 That's the decision that we all have to make today.
54:58 I know we're done today,
54:59 I might as well gonna close with this.
55:01 Just a short prayer if you don't mind.
55:02 Just closing prayer together
55:03 because I know there's people today,
55:05 they're saying they're upset.
55:06 They don't wanna hear these kinds of things,
55:07 but you know what?
55:09 It's a beautiful truth from God's Word.
55:10 I'm thankful.
55:12 We can be assured of our eternal salvation.
55:14 We can be assured because of what Jesus has done,
55:17 but then we have to continue to walk in that way,
55:19 continue to walk and He will guide.
55:21 Let's pray, shall we?
55:22 Loving Father in heaven, thank You for Your Word.
55:24 Thank You for Your sweet Holy Spirit.
55:26 Thank You that by going to the Word of God,
55:29 we can find out what truth is.
55:30 And also we can find the counterfeits of the enemy.
55:34 Bless us we pray. Those who have made that choice
55:35 and decision today, say, whoa!
55:37 I may have been believing the wrong thing.
55:39 Now I'm going to make that change.
55:41 It's very important to follow
55:42 in His footsteps in Jesus' name.
55:44 Amen.
55:46 Hello and welcome back, friends.
55:48 Pastor Kenny Shelton had so very much.
55:51 He wanted to continue to share with each and every one of us,
55:54 but that clock, it just waits on no one.
55:57 You know, in the beginning,
55:58 before he spoke, I talked to you a little bit
56:01 from John 6:37, John 10:29 and John 3:16.
56:07 One of them read that he that cometh to me
56:09 in no wise will I cast out.
56:11 The other one said,
56:12 no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
56:14 I told you that I believe that, it's our choice.
56:18 Ezekiel makes that very, very clear.
56:21 We are free will agents.
56:22 It's our choice to leave God.
56:25 Friends, if this message is something
56:27 you wanna add to your library,
56:28 we're making it available to you
56:30 for a love gift of just $8 or more.
56:33 All you need to do is contact us here
56:35 in the United States at Behold the Lamb Ministries
56:38 at (618) 942-5044.
56:43 Or you may write to Behold the Lamb Ministries
56:45 at PO Box 2030, Herrin, Illinois 62948.
56:49 Friends, until next time, may the Lord richly bless you.


Revised 2021-06-03