Behold the Lamb Presents

Why A Heavenly Sanctuary?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000165S

00:39 Thank you for joining us once again
00:40 here at Behold the Lamb Ministries.
00:42 It is our privilege
00:43 to be able to spend this time with you.
00:45 Now, you may have a lot of things
00:47 going in the world today,
00:48 but I'm going to ask that you put those things aside
00:51 and you spend this thoughtful 50 minutes
00:53 or so in the Word of God,
00:55 because I know you will not regret it.
00:57 It is a subject that will bless your heart.
01:00 It'll give you hope.
01:02 It'll give you encouragement even in this mess
01:04 that we live in today.
01:05 Why a heavenly sanctuary?
01:08 Why?
01:10 You know, they may say, well, we've talked about lot of that.
01:11 Well, we'll see as we go along in here by the grace of God,
01:14 some of the beautiful truths that are brought out
01:17 in the sanctuary and they all point to Jesus.
01:20 I like that, don't you?
01:23 So we're going to have prayer right now
01:25 and then we're gonna get right into the Word,
01:26 and I believe it's going to be a real blessing,
01:28 but we need to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit.
01:30 Shall we do that together?
01:32 Loving Father in heaven, thank You for Your Word today.
01:34 We ask now Your Holy Spirit
01:37 will just illuminate
01:38 these beautiful truths of Your Word.
01:40 We pray that You will impress them
01:42 on our hearts and our minds,
01:43 help us to realize the hour in which we live.
01:45 Help us to realize that this, the time it's just almost gone.
01:50 And yet, somehow we maybe not caught the vision
01:52 yet of Your soon coming.
01:53 Help us today we pray to see how You are working
01:56 in our behalf and how we need to combine
01:59 humanity and divinity together.
02:00 And we thank you in Jesus' name.
02:02 Amen.
02:03 You have your Bible, turn with me.
02:05 We're going to be looking up
02:06 to begin with and talk about a sanctuary.
02:08 This is a passage that most people
02:10 read every time
02:11 when you talk about the earthly sanctuary.
02:13 Because if you're like I am, I want to know
02:15 who said to make it earthly sanctuary.
02:18 Who set it up?
02:19 Why was all the things so specific in every detail,
02:24 every piece, everything that went into the earthly sanctuary
02:27 had to be exactly the way that God said so,
02:30 because He said in Exodus 25:8-9,
02:35 the Bible says.
02:37 Don't you like that?
02:38 The Bible says, and I'm not giving,
02:40 you know, this or that, the Bible says.
02:43 The Bible said, "And let them make me a sanctuary,
02:45 that I may dwell among them."
02:47 If you were going to guess today, who, who said that?
02:52 God, good.
02:53 God said, "Let them make me," what?
02:55 "A sanctuary that I may dwell in,"
02:57 because sin had come in, isn't that right?
02:59 Sin came in, separated God.
03:01 He could no longer walk with Adam and Eve
03:03 in the cool of the evening,
03:04 but God said, "I still love the people.
03:07 And I still want to talk to them.
03:08 I want to commune with them.
03:10 Let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them."
03:13 But notice what he says, because we're saying,
03:16 "Why a heavenly sanctuary?"
03:17 Some will say, "Well, is there a heavenly sanctuary?"
03:19 Majority of the teachers and preachers in the world
03:23 today do not believe in a heavenly sanctuary.
03:26 And it seems so clear to me.
03:28 And I pray that it's clear from the Word of God.
03:30 Yeah.
03:32 Even people who supposed to know sometime deny it.
03:34 But notice that, He said, "I want you to make a sanctuary
03:37 and do it according to all that I shall show thee,
03:40 after," what?
03:42 "The pattern of the tabernacle,
03:44 and the pattern of all the instruments thereof,
03:47 even so shall ye make it."
03:50 So evidently a pattern must be something that exists.
03:53 It certainly didn't exist on the earth, so where was it?
03:56 These are the things that
03:57 we want to answer these questions.
03:59 Go with me now, if you will, to the Book of Hebrews,
04:00 just to give us a foundation here,
04:03 and we'll read from the Book of Hebrews.
04:05 Hebrews Chapter 8.
04:07 Hebrews Chapter 8, I think most of you know it well,
04:09 Hebrews 8:1.
04:12 Hebrews 8:1.
04:13 Now we could read them all one through five
04:15 and it'd be beautiful,
04:16 but we will refer to these as we study.
04:19 Hebrews 8:1 said,
04:21 "Now of the things which we have spoken of,
04:24 this is the sum."
04:26 Here's the bottom line. This is the way it is.
04:27 It's what it says, "We have such a high priest,"
04:30 who's a high priest?
04:31 "Jesus Christ, who is set on the right hand
04:34 of the throne of Majesty in the," where?
04:37 "Heavens."
04:38 We have a high priest.
04:39 Where is that high priest right now?
04:41 He's in heaven. Okay.
04:43 That's what it says right now.
04:44 This is starting to say, why, why a sanctuary?
04:46 Is there a heavenly sanctuary?
04:48 Right now it says, there's something going on.
04:50 There's something going on here,
04:52 because it says here,
04:53 the Bible says the majesty in the heaven.
04:55 There's Jesus.
04:56 He's in the heavens. What is he doing?
04:58 Well, we're going to answer those questions as we go.
05:01 One more quick passage if you don't mind.
05:03 Hebrews Chapter 9,
05:04 just turn over there to Chapter 9,
05:07 I'm going to read verses 24, read verse 24.
05:10 Now notice what the Bible said?
05:12 "For Christ is not entered
05:14 into the holy place made with hands."
05:16 What does that mean?
05:19 He's not talking about the earthly sanctuary, is He?
05:23 He's not made, He's not entered into something now
05:25 that's been made with hands, but notice what it is,
05:28 but into the holy, notice,
05:29 which they are the figures of the true,
05:33 but into heaven itself
05:35 now to appear in the presence of God for us.
05:39 Okay. 24, did you? We get that?
05:40 "For Christ is not entered into the holy places
05:43 made with," what?
05:45 "With hands,
05:46 which are the figures of the true."
05:49 Huh. They are a copy of the truth.
05:51 So there must be something else somewhere,
05:53 and it wasn't here on earth.
05:55 Now what it says, it says a pattern, right?
05:58 Figures of the true.
05:59 But now we, it clarifies
06:01 but into heaven it says right now
06:04 itself now to appear in the presence of God for.
06:07 Praise God, we have Jesus who is interceding in what?
06:12 In our behalf.
06:13 Brother Jan, He's standing for you right now.
06:15 If you stand for Him, he's going to stand for you.
06:18 If you don't stand for Him,
06:20 you're not going to have an advocate.
06:21 If you don't live for Him and choose Him
06:23 as your Lord and Savior,
06:24 your lawyer, He's not going to show up.
06:26 And without a lawyer, even in earthly court,
06:28 know the judge will say, man, you're up.
06:29 You better get you a lawyer.
06:32 Sometime the police say that, don't they?
06:33 You better get you a lawyer, boy.
06:35 Come on now. You know what I mean?
06:37 Better get you a lawyer. You don't come out here.
06:39 You don't come here without a lawyer.
06:42 We need a lawyer right now because our eternal destiny
06:46 is hanging on that.
06:49 I love the Great Controversy, 488 and 9
06:52 says this about why a heavenly sanctuary.
06:55 Remember the heavenly sanctuary is the very center
06:59 of Christ work in behalf of man.
07:02 Isn't that wonderful? It's the very center of it.
07:05 And most people said, "We don't study the sanctuary."
07:07 A lot of churches never studied the earthly sanctuary.
07:11 Psalms talks about thy way, oh God, is what?
07:14 Is in or through the sanctuary.
07:16 Thy way to God is through the sanctuary.
07:19 Redemption, plan of salvation is through what?
07:22 The sanctuary, looking at everything
07:24 that took place there foretells what takes place in heaven?
07:28 God's plan for us.
07:31 It says here, Great Controversy.
07:32 "It concerns every living soul upon this earth."
07:36 It concerns you, and it concerns me.
07:38 So therefore we need to understand
07:40 it may be better than what we do.
07:42 Maybe you understand it much better than I do,
07:43 praise God.
07:45 It opens to view, notice that, it says,
07:47 The plan of redemption,
07:49 it brings us down to the very close of time
07:53 and reveals the triumphant issue of the contest
07:57 between righteousness and sin.
08:00 And so here is, put a little star by this.
08:03 Notice this, it is of the utmost importance
08:06 that all should thoroughly investigate this subject.
08:09 Did you get it?
08:11 Utmost important that all thoroughly
08:12 investigate this subject.
08:14 Now remember, we talked about there's many, many subject
08:16 connected to the sanctuary.
08:17 We're just kind of narrowing it down and talking
08:19 about a couple of them here today.
08:21 The intercession of Christ in man's behalf,
08:25 in the sanctuary above, notice, I'm going to read it again
08:28 because somebody's not going to get this.
08:30 If you've read it and you've got it in your heart,
08:31 but many people may be have not read this.
08:33 The intercession of Christ in the sanctuary,
08:37 the intercession of who?
08:39 Christ, who is He interceding for?
08:42 For us will go over that and over He's interceding.
08:44 He's pleading right now to the Father for you.
08:47 He's pleading for me right now and He's pleading what?
08:50 His blood.
08:52 It's not them because they're sinners.
08:54 There's none good, no, not one.
08:56 There's none righteous on the face of this earth,
08:59 but Jesus says, "I am Your Son.
09:02 I gave my life for them and where I am,
09:04 I want them with Me."
09:06 Man, that's awesome.
09:07 So that means He's done everything possible.
09:10 So the intercession of Christ
09:12 in man's behalf in the sanctuary above
09:15 is essential to the plan of salvation
09:18 was, as was His death on the cross.
09:21 Woo, that's heavy duty.
09:23 We talk about death of Christ.
09:25 We talk about crucifixion, right?
09:27 And we marvel and say, it's wonderful,
09:28 but His work interceding for us in heaven
09:31 is just as important as His death
09:33 because He must take His blood and He has to be applied in it.
09:38 Most of the churches teach that it all ended where?
09:42 It all ended at the cross.
09:44 Oh, wonderful. That aspect of it.
09:47 But if you noticed in the earthly sanctuary,
09:49 there was something else
09:50 that when the sacrifice was made,
09:51 their blood had to be taken where?
09:53 Into the sanctuary, it had to be applied,
09:55 had to be approved as it were by God, how wonderful this is.
10:00 Evangelism 223 says this.
10:02 I love the book Evangelism.
10:03 If you don't have it, you need to get it.
10:06 If we can help you do that, you know, you need to call us here
10:09 at Behold the Lamb.
10:11 We're here to try to help and try to be an encouragement
10:14 and to present and to supply books to people
10:16 so they can read and get.
10:18 I tell you, it just brings joy to your heart
10:20 when you read these things.
10:21 It said, "God's people are now to have their eyes fixed
10:24 on the heavenly sanctuary."
10:26 God's people are what?
10:27 To have their eyes fixed on the heavenly sanctuary,
10:31 notice, where the final ministration or the final work
10:35 is going forward,
10:37 where He's interceding for His people.
10:38 What does that mean?
10:40 Remember, Jesus has made
10:42 His last stop before He comes back.
10:45 When He first went to heaven,
10:47 He tells us, I wish we had a lot more time.
10:48 I should've said two-part.
10:50 I know I should have said one of two.
10:51 Didn't do it.
10:52 So I'm going to have to hurry.
10:54 But when you talk about here, when Jesus went back to heaven,
10:56 He went into the Most Holy Place
10:58 and was there for what?
10:59 1800 year 1900, whatever, long time, right?
11:02 And then He went into the Holy of Holies
11:04 for the Day of Atonement, or the Day of Judgment.
11:07 And we know that we've been in the Day of Judgment
11:09 since 1844.
11:11 And this is such a simple truth that many people
11:13 just do not understand.
11:14 They've never studied it.
11:16 And they don't really care to study it
11:17 because the devil has put out a counterfeit
11:19 and people love counterfeit more than they do the truth.
11:22 Isn't that sad?
11:23 I'm not happy about that, but it's true.
11:26 You think God would put all these things down here
11:27 that we can't understand them.
11:29 And we can't understand where we're at in the stream.
11:30 No, He wants us to understand these things.
11:33 Jesus is interceding. Praise God for His people.
11:36 So as we look at this subject a little bit closer sanctuary.
11:40 Oh, in sanctuary, we see a vivid presentation.
11:44 I'm doing with vivid presentation
11:46 of the different aspects of Christ' ministry
11:49 in behalf of His fallen man.
11:52 And we need to focus our attention on these things.
11:56 Listen, it will change your heart.
11:58 It will change your life.
11:59 I remember many years ago, as I've been in a trial,
12:01 study the sanctuary,
12:03 I heard it all my life, raised in a church
12:04 where they talked about it once in a while.
12:06 But as I really begin to feast my eyes
12:08 and my heart and my mind upon it,
12:09 I began to see Jesus in a different way.
12:12 I began to see all the aspects of that,
12:14 that I couldn't see before.
12:16 As I studied this, oh, my attention to,
12:18 oh look that, oh, what does this mean?
12:20 Oh, I see what it means.
12:21 He had me on his mind. I'm thankful.
12:24 So we are to look for these things.
12:26 Listen, Paul encouraged us to do that.
12:28 You remember in Hebrews 3:1.
12:31 Hebrews 3:1, "Wherefore, holy brethren,"
12:35 so I'm appealing to you, holy brother and sisters,
12:38 "partakers of heavenly calling."
12:41 Here's what he said.
12:42 "Consider the Apostle or the High Priest
12:45 Jesus Christ."
12:47 What did Paul do?
12:49 He's warned us to consider Jesus Christ our high priest.
12:53 So that's what I'm appealing to you today.
12:55 When you say consider,
12:57 it means to observe fully in the Greek,
13:01 to observe fully, right?
13:03 To consider him to, notice this,
13:05 in some cases, it will be discover.
13:08 Discover Jesus Christ.
13:10 Discover Him.
13:12 You may know Him.
13:13 You may have known Him all your life,
13:14 but there's a time that
13:16 you need to come to discover Him.
13:17 And when you discover Him, you begin to love Him more
13:19 and more and more, and you commit yourself to Him.
13:24 Letter 97 in 1898 says this, notice,
13:28 why am I going to consider the High Priest?
13:30 Number one, Paul says,
13:31 I need to consider the High Priest.
13:33 I know I need to consider the High Priest.
13:35 I know I need to consider.
13:36 I need some knowledge, acknowledgement,
13:38 knowledge of God.
13:40 And here it says why.
13:41 "As the Majesty of heaven," Letter 97, 1898, notice this,
13:46 "He was exalted above the angels,
13:48 and in His work of redemption He carries with Him
13:51 all who have received Him and believed on His name."
13:55 He does why?
13:56 Because He carries, oh, He carries the whole world
13:59 on His shoulders.
14:01 That's encouraging.
14:02 That means I can be a part of that.
14:04 He carries you, He carries me.
14:06 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
14:09 and thou shall be saved.
14:10 But remember, there's other things
14:12 that go along with that,
14:13 don't try to take the easy way out.
14:15 Jesus said, "You love Me,
14:17 you're going to keep My commandments."
14:18 He also says what?
14:20 "Follow in My footsteps."
14:22 There's no easy way without sacrifice
14:25 and making it to the kingdom of God.
14:28 What was the purpose of the earthly
14:30 and the heavenly sanctuary?
14:31 I think the answer will be very simple today
14:33 as we just rush on as we can.
14:35 It was set up to deal with the sin issue.
14:40 What was the sanctuary set up for?
14:41 To deal with the sin issue.
14:44 1 John 3:4. What is sin is what now?
14:47 Sin is the transgression of the law.
14:49 Most of the church, you want to say,
14:50 "Yeah, but that doesn't count."
14:52 The law is not binding now.
14:53 Don't kid yourself.
14:56 Roman says, "Where there is no law, there is no sin."
15:00 We have to look at the whole Word of God right here.
15:04 Christ entered into his mediatorial work.
15:07 We understand that were as mediator,
15:09 but notice He come out of the tomb, right?
15:13 Stayed 40 days on this earth, did He not?
15:15 And then He ascended to heaven.
15:17 And when He ascended to heaven, He began His work as mediator.
15:21 And I'm saying, sometimes why in this world?
15:24 How can we, you know, as people are saying,
15:26 where people of the book try to say
15:28 that we need to go to someone that dead
15:30 to be our mediator, intercede for us.
15:34 Did you get it, or go to some human being
15:35 and confess our sins
15:37 and have them to go to the Father for us,
15:39 Bible says, there's one, only one what?
15:42 Mediator between God.
15:43 2 Timothy 2:5, "There's one, only one mediator
15:46 between God and man, and that's Jesus Christ."
15:48 And I say, today, if you're going any place
15:50 other than Jesus Christ, it's not going to work.
15:53 Why? Because the Bible says so.
15:55 I'm not trying to be bossy or ugly,
15:57 but the Bible says differently.
15:58 Why don't we by faith just accept it?
16:01 God said to Israel, "Make Me a sanctuary."
16:04 Now why did He say, make Me a sanctuary?
16:08 Remember the children of Israel at this point in time?
16:11 Where do you call them? The nomads?
16:13 In other words, they were wanderers.
16:15 They were wandering around where?
16:17 Somebody say the wilderness.
16:19 Yeah.
16:21 And the sanctuary was simply a tent.
16:23 Interesting.
16:25 That could be put together
16:26 and could be taken apart rather quickly.
16:29 They can move it from place to place.
16:31 How accommodating God is, isn't He?
16:35 They'll make a sanctuary.
16:36 Then pour a bunch of footings, anchored all down.
16:39 He made it in pieces, right?
16:41 And it all put together without the sound of a hammer.
16:44 That's the reverence and respect
16:47 that we don't have for our sanctuary most of the time.
16:50 Too much talking,
16:52 too much stuff going on a lot of times,
16:53 other than getting ready to meet with God.
16:58 That'd be nice if we do that on Sabbath.
17:00 If we haven't had that custom right now
17:02 that we get here a few minutes early
17:04 and we come in here and can I say this,
17:07 keep our mouth shut and talk with God,
17:12 ain't that right?
17:14 Lot of talking we can do elsewhere.
17:16 But I'm saying we come in here, get ready in the sanctuary.
17:20 That's where God met with His people.
17:23 He commune with them. He talked with them.
17:25 We'll prove that in a few moments.
17:29 And why a sanctuary,
17:31 because look where God's people had come from.
17:34 They needed more than just the word.
17:36 They needed something that they can see.
17:38 I do too today.
17:40 I can learn more from a picture sometime
17:41 than I can from reading about it.
17:44 And so there was something,
17:45 this sanctuary was a visible place.
17:48 And it was a place that
17:49 they could learn to worship one God
17:52 where they came from,
17:53 they were worshiping as it were,
17:55 and there are many gods and many of the pagan
17:56 and the heathens.
17:58 So they didn't hardly know the difference
17:59 and God was going to teach them.
18:01 And He said, "I'm going to give a visible place,
18:03 you can see it.
18:04 And then I'm going to manifest myself there
18:07 and you'll be able to see that I'm there,
18:10 and this will help you to have faith."
18:12 Worship the one true God.
18:15 And again, very opposite of the worship
18:17 of the other heathen gods.
18:19 Sanctuary brought God near to His people.
18:23 See that's all He's ever wanted.
18:24 He never wanted the separation.
18:26 We evidently wanted to.
18:27 Adam and Eve wanted separation because they chose to do other.
18:31 If you want to be separated from God,
18:32 just do other than what it says
18:34 in the Word and you're separated.
18:35 Is that pretty simple? You can do that.
18:37 No one can make you do otherwise.
18:39 You can choose if you want to serve Him,
18:41 you can choose to deny Him if you want to,
18:43 but it's not going to work.
18:45 It's not going to work
18:47 if you want heaven to be your home.
18:50 Sanctuary brought God near His people.
18:54 And then also it made His presence real to them.
18:58 Did you get it?
19:00 It made His presence real to the people.
19:03 That absolutely is relationship,
19:05 but see what did the pagan and heathens
19:07 had their gods out there where they could see them.
19:10 And they all said they did this,
19:11 and they did that.
19:12 Well, they did or not, and this is going on.
19:14 So the people where God said, look, I'm going to,
19:15 I'm going to manifest Myself to My people.
19:19 God has and still does.
19:21 He want, He wants to find a lodging with His people.
19:24 And this is all that we're doing in this study.
19:26 I want you to stay with me
19:27 because we're going to go at it.
19:29 I don't want to say we're going to go wow,
19:30 but we're going to go wild in the Word of God quickly.
19:33 Does that mean you jot it down,
19:35 if you don't have it in your mind,
19:36 God's still looking for a lodging place
19:38 in your heart, in your heart, in my heart.
19:41 This is what He wants.
19:43 1 Corinthians 3:16-17.
19:46 1 Corinthians what?
19:47 3:16-17, you know this, it starts out.
19:50 "No you not that ye are the temple of" what?
19:55 "God." When you look around and He's trying to say,
19:57 don't you know that you're the temple of God?
20:00 "Oh, that the Spirit of God dwelleth you?
20:03 Is the Spirit of God
20:05 really dwelling in you and in me?
20:08 It's supposed to, is it not?
20:10 It says here, "We are the temple."
20:12 The spirit is looking for a place to dwell.
20:14 And let me tell you, besides that the enemy,
20:16 the evil spirits are looking for a place to dwell too.
20:20 And the good, if the good spirit's not there
20:21 the Holy Spirit, I guarantee you,
20:23 the evil spirit is.
20:25 Well, we better we think along that line, verse 17.
20:28 Notice this.
20:30 Here it gets to, "If any man defile the temple of God,"
20:33 who is the temple?
20:35 Temple of God, is not what he said,
20:36 no, you not that ye have, you are the temple of God.
20:39 If any man defiles the what?
20:41 Temple of God, him shall God destroy
20:45 for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
20:48 So what is it telling?
20:50 There's a lot of different ways.
20:51 We have to be careful how we treat this temple,
20:53 this body and careful of what we take into this body.
20:56 Because God said,
20:58 "If you take things into your body
20:59 that destroy your mind, destroy your soul,
21:01 destroy your thinking mechanism right here,
21:03 God's going to destroy you."
21:05 That's what the Bible says.
21:06 You don't have to say, well, the pastor said,
21:08 the Bible said that, willingly and knowingly that you do it.
21:12 We're not talking about people who don't understand.
21:14 We're talking about people who understand
21:16 that God has given His last day church a health message.
21:21 Letter 139, 1898 says this.
21:24 Letter 139 says, I thought about this.
21:28 And I read it two or three different times.
21:29 It said, "What might not men and women have been
21:34 had they realized that the treatment of the body
21:38 has everything to do with the vigor
21:41 and the purity of mind and heart?
21:46 Those who have been, you know, surgery and a lot of pain,
21:50 stump your toe, come on, church.
21:52 You know what?
21:53 It's very hard to study the Word of God
21:55 when you're in pain.
21:56 Is it not? It is.
21:58 Don't make you a bad person. It's just simply it is.
22:01 So we have to be great.
22:03 It has everything. What is it?
22:04 How we treat our body
22:06 and what we put it has everything to do
22:07 with the way we think and the choices that we make.
22:10 I want it to make sense.
22:12 Guys, body is or must be a fit temple
22:15 for the Holy Spirit.
22:16 The Holy Spirit cannot dwell in the temple,
22:18 in a body that were taking things in it, right?
22:21 Now we can all ask for forgiveness
22:23 and done the wrong things in the past.
22:25 We come to God.
22:26 We still may suffer for some of those things.
22:29 Are you still with me, church?
22:31 Because when we do the wrong things,
22:32 there are scars.
22:34 Now God can forgive us,
22:35 but still there scars from our past life.
22:39 As someone will say, I used to drink for 40 years.
22:42 They have issues of that right there,
22:43 but they've gained the victory.
22:45 Praise God, God's forgiven them.
22:46 Heaven can be their home. That's all good.
22:48 But sometimes it affects the thinking
22:51 and decision-making part of the brain.
22:55 The Holy Spirit wants to dwell in a pure temple.
22:57 So we need to be careful what we take into our bodies,
23:01 because why?
23:03 Because God wants to commune with us,
23:06 and the soul and the body must be in harmony with God.
23:10 Now, if you want God to commune with you
23:12 through the Holy Spirit, I do, then I need to do what?
23:16 All that I know to do to do the right things
23:18 and choices that I make.
23:20 Two quick points, Review and Herald, 11-24-1896.
23:25 Review and Herald, 11-24-1896 says this,
23:29 "The more completely mind and body
23:32 are yielded to the Holy Spirit."
23:33 What is it?
23:34 That you remember, you can't yield completely
23:36 if we're doing things that we know hurt us.
23:39 Does that make sense?
23:41 If we're doing things that we know can hurt us
23:43 even over a long period of time,
23:45 Holy Spirit just can't do
23:47 what the Holy Spirit wants to do.
23:49 "The more completely the mind and the body
23:51 are yielded to the Holy Spirit,
23:53 the greater will be the fragrance
23:56 of the offering that we offer to him."
23:59 Just that the more please to God.
24:02 Fragrance, we all like a good smell.
24:04 Oh, that rose, Oh, the flowers.
24:08 Oh, that's right.
24:10 God said, He's more pleased with the one who's willing.
24:15 He can talk with us.
24:17 Secondly, He wants to meet with any group,
24:20 whether it be a home church,
24:22 whether it be a company we talk about,
24:23 they're a big church, a big group,
24:25 whatever it might be.
24:26 He wants to be there if anyone's
24:28 willing to worship Him in spirit and what?
24:32 And in truth.
24:33 John 4:24, read when you have the opportunity.
24:36 He wants to worship with those who want to worship with Him
24:39 in spirit,
24:41 in the power of the Holy Spirit and in truth.
24:43 In other words, you hear it and you take it in and say,
24:45 "Hey, that's wonderful."
24:48 Now remember, part of this here is divinity and humanity,
24:51 we understand working together.
24:53 You know, as a church, we need to understand.
24:56 We need to understand too,
24:59 is it okay just to get something off my shoulder.
25:01 You say, sure.
25:02 I've written some of you here don't want look at your faces.
25:05 Somebody smile, right?
25:08 When we begin the 11 o'clock hour,
25:11 I think it behooves us
25:12 as God's people to be in our seats,
25:16 not to let the pastor,
25:18 the elders all come up here and start having prayer.
25:19 And then everybody decides to find their way
25:21 into the church.
25:23 I never grew up that way myself.
25:25 Now, if anybody had done it today,
25:27 I'm not picking on you.
25:28 And I don't know who did,
25:30 who didn't, that's not the issue.
25:31 The issue, shouldn't we be in our seats.
25:33 And so when those who are in front come up here
25:36 and offer prayer, everybody's together.
25:40 Everything has to be done and done in order.
25:42 I think it just makes it.
25:44 Please, let's try to do that by the grace of God.
25:47 And we need to try to make sure we come up on time.
25:49 There's a time. There's a time.
25:53 God says in His Word in Matthew,
25:54 I just go on with a...
25:55 You know what I'm talking about.
25:57 I'm not trying to scold anybody.
25:58 I'm just, I want to tell you something that troubles me.
26:01 Matthew 18:20, He said,
26:02 "For where two or three are gathered together," where?
26:05 "In my name, there I am going to be," where?
26:08 "In the midst." See that.
26:10 See me as, Jen, that's good news, Brother.
26:13 Herb, that's good news.
26:15 He said where two or what?
26:17 Three are gathered together in My name, there I am.
26:22 That means I believe that He is here
26:25 and I believe that you need to,
26:26 and I need to guard my thought and my attitude
26:30 and what took place this week
26:31 and what I wish you've taken place.
26:33 Come on.
26:36 Thoughts and holding you to be holy directed toward God,
26:38 because He said I'm in that place.
26:40 But let me tell you, the Holy Spirit
26:41 will not stay in a place
26:43 when there's things going on that shouldn't be going on.
26:47 And it'll just be a make-believe,
26:48 and the enemy will show up
26:50 when the spirit says I can't stay.
26:52 Why? Because the temple is not holy.
26:56 How we need help?
26:58 There's a beautiful song.
27:00 When we say, whoa, boy,
27:01 two or three together, together,
27:03 there I am in the midst.
27:04 And it says, notice this.
27:06 It says, He is here.
27:08 Hallelujah.
27:10 He is here.
27:12 Amen.
27:14 He is here.
27:15 Holy, holy, I will bless His name again.
27:20 He is here.
27:22 Listen closely.
27:24 Hear Him calling out your name.
27:27 He is here.
27:29 You can touch Him.
27:31 You will never be what?
27:33 You will never be the same again.
27:36 Today, my brothers and sisters,
27:38 by the grace of God, I feast on manna.
27:41 I'm not feasting on something day old.
27:43 I'm not feasting on the lies of the enemy.
27:45 I'm feasting on the manna from above.
27:48 Why? Because He is here.
27:49 Hallelujah.
27:51 He is here. Somebody say, amen.
27:53 That's what it says here.
27:54 He's here. He's listening.
27:56 Listen closely.
27:57 Don't you know,
27:59 He's calling your name right now?
28:00 Can't you hear Him calling your name?
28:03 But why?
28:04 'Cause it's real, 'cause He's here.
28:06 He's here by faith.
28:08 You can reach out and do what?
28:09 You can touch Him.
28:11 You'll never be the same again when you really reach out
28:13 and finally touch him the way you're supposed to,
28:16 the way I'm supposed to
28:18 as I feed on this manna from above.
28:20 He is here.
28:22 Somebody sing it.
28:23 Holy, holy, what is?
28:27 That's it?
28:29 Tears here, holy, holy.
28:31 I will bless his name again. He is here.
28:34 Listen closely, for He's calling out your name.
28:38 Oh, that's such a beautiful song.
28:41 He is here, halleluiah,
28:45 He is here say what?
28:48 Amen.
28:50 He is here, holy, holy.
28:53 I will bless his name again.
28:57 He is here listen closely,
29:01 hear Him calling out your name.
29:06 He is here. You can touch Him.
29:10 You will never be the same again.
29:16 Then isn't that what it's all about?
29:17 That should be a song that's on our heart.
29:19 I don't know it that well,
29:21 but it just touched my heart and my soul.
29:23 Why?
29:24 Because I sense an awesome moving
29:26 of the spirit of the living God.
29:30 And I can see the song says, He can see our face
29:34 and the countenance of our face.
29:37 We can see angels all around us,
29:41 but today I feast on manna from above.
29:45 He is here.
29:47 Hallelujah.
29:49 The plan laid out for the building
29:51 of the earthly sanctuary was God's plan.
29:55 I can't say it any plainer than that.
30:00 The plan laid out for the building
30:02 of the earthly sanctuary was God's plan.
30:04 Surely we want to be involved.
30:08 In the mount Moses saw a miniature presentation
30:14 of the heavenly sanctuary.
30:16 Read about that, Patriarchs and Prophets, page 343,
30:20 also in the Book of Acts 7:44.
30:24 Notice what it says.
30:25 It says, "Our fathers
30:27 had the tabernacle of witness," where?
30:28 "In the wilderness, the earthly,
30:31 as he had appointed, speaking unto Moses,
30:34 that he should make it according to the fashion
30:38 that he had seen."
30:39 What did God do? Come on, church.
30:41 Somebody help me.
30:44 Moses envisioned, isn't that right?
30:47 God took him. Now, God's not lying.
30:49 When they said there is no such thing
30:50 as a heavenly sanctuary.
30:51 There's no such thing as war going on
30:53 in the heavenly sanctuary.
30:54 The work that went on in the earthly sanctuary
30:56 is going on in the heavenly sanctuary.
30:59 I mean, that's awesome thing when you think about it.
31:02 Hebrews 8:2, it says, notice this, "A minister," who is it?
31:06 Jesus, "A minister of the sanctuary
31:09 and of the true tabernacle,
31:11 which the Lord set up or pitched and not man."
31:15 That means the heavenly
31:17 'cause the earthly was a pattern of the heavenly.
31:21 Hebrews 8:5. It says, notice.
31:23 "That all things according to the pattern
31:26 showed thee on the mount."
31:28 It was so important to God, was it not?
31:30 That He said, I'm going to take Moses up there
31:32 and I'm going to show him.
31:33 And I want him to make it exact.
31:35 God wanted Moses to be right,
31:36 do exactly as God told him to do.
31:39 That's part of the teaching and obedience, is it not?
31:43 You make everything according to the pattern,
31:45 so there must be something.
31:47 Somebody tells you to cut out something
31:48 according to the pattern,
31:49 the pattern was already there, isn't that right?
31:53 Pattern which is in heaven.
31:54 Signs of the Times 214, 1900.
31:58 It said, "The Jewish tabernacle was a type
32:01 of the Christian Church."
32:03 The Jewish tabernacle was what?
32:05 A type of the Christian Church,
32:07 the church on earth composed of those.
32:11 God's Church is composed of those who are faithful
32:14 and true and loyal to God.
32:18 Yep. Some of them didn't get it well.
32:20 Think about it.
32:22 Oh, it has to have such and such name.
32:23 It's got to have this, it's got to have that on it.
32:25 God's Church, God's Christian Church,
32:27 the New Testament Church
32:29 is composed of those who are faithful
32:30 and true and loyal to God.
32:33 This is the true tabernacle.
32:36 And Jesus is the minister.
32:39 He's the head of it.
32:43 God set it up, not man.
32:46 And when God set it up,
32:48 he set it up on a high holy platform.
32:52 And somehow we've been dragging it down.
32:54 By God's grace, we need to elevate it again.
32:56 Let me be real clear in case we missed it.
32:58 I'm going to be a little bit clear
32:59 in the Great Controversy,
33:01 page 414 says this, "The sanctuary in heaven
33:06 in which Jesus ministers in our behalf."
33:09 Jesus is working what? In our behalf for you.
33:12 You can't do it, I can't do it.
33:15 We have no business to be there,
33:16 but He's representing us if we give our life to Him.
33:19 Notice this, "Is the great original
33:22 of which the sanctuary built by Moses was a copy."
33:26 Oh, that's so clear. Oh, I like it.
33:29 Why did John, in vision John saw.
33:32 I love it, John saw.
33:34 I wished I knew that song.
33:35 I'd sing it a little bit too, John saw.
33:37 Talk about the New Jerusalem, isn't that right?
33:39 Look what John saw people walking on streets of gold.
33:41 John saw, the Bible said John saw,
33:44 and he was taken into the heavenly sanctuary.
33:48 Read that in Revelation 15:5.
33:51 Well, I'll read it to you.
33:52 It said, "After that I looked, and, behold, the temple
33:55 of the tabernacle of testimony in heaven was opened."
33:58 Man, that's pretty clear is it not?
34:00 Either John lied or he didn't have a vision.
34:03 He lied about that too or he told the truth.
34:05 He said, in vision, I beheld, I look,
34:07 and there was a tabernacle of the testimony in heaven
34:10 was open.
34:11 He began to see Jesus was working in our behalf.
34:14 John saw that testimony. You know what?
34:16 The testimony is the ark
34:18 with the Ten Commandments in it,
34:19 if somebody were with me.
34:21 Revelation 11:19, how do we know that?
34:23 Because it says, "The temple of God
34:25 was opened in heaven,
34:26 and there were seen in his temple", the what?
34:29 "The ark of his testament."
34:32 What happened?
34:34 Here so I wouldn't worry about 10 command.
34:37 Revelation 11:19, the temple of God
34:39 was open to John
34:41 and he looked and he saw the ark of the testament.
34:45 He saw the law of God there, notice this, Letter 47, 1902,
34:50 "In the temple will be seen the ark of the testament
34:53 in which were placed the two tables of stone,"
34:55 come on, church,
34:56 "on which are written God's law."
34:59 Huh.
35:00 Remember you say, well,
35:02 I'm not sure about the testimony in this.
35:04 In Exodus 25:16,
35:06 Moses called God's law a testimony.
35:10 Moses called what? Come on, church.
35:12 It's too hot in here, turn the air down.
35:13 Somebody bring some ice cubes.
35:15 Somebody stand up.
35:16 Man, do something.
35:18 This is important to you. What did it say?
35:19 This is where I should be beholding.
35:22 This will give you hope.
35:23 This will give you encouragement in this dark hour
35:26 that we're living in and it's going to get darker.
35:29 We need to know we have a high priest
35:31 and what He's doing for us right now.
35:32 Lord, have mercy on us.
35:34 John saw, man, I like that.
35:37 John saw heaven.
35:38 In heaven what did he do?
35:40 He also saw the altar of incense.
35:42 He showed him, what he saw? He saw what?
35:44 Jesus in the Holy Place,
35:47 because what's in the Holy Place?
35:49 The altar of incense, isn't that right?
35:50 Table of showbread, right?
35:52 The candlestick, with they saw him
35:54 notice the whole, wow.
35:56 It said another angel came, Revelation 8:3-5.
35:59 The Bible says, "And another angel came and stood
36:02 by the altar having a golden censer,
36:05 and there was given him much incense
36:08 that he should,
36:09 after he, with the prayers of all the saints
36:11 upon the golden altar which was before the throne."
36:14 Where was? Where was that throne?
36:16 The earthly sanctuary.
36:17 The altar of incense was just before the curtain,
36:20 before the Most Holy Place, was it not?
36:22 John was saying the same thing.
36:25 The work that was going on in the heavenly sanctuary,
36:29 man, it's for you and it's for me.
36:31 Wow.
36:32 Important point.
36:34 We hear about this. Oh my, the time.
36:36 We hear about Shekinah Glory, do we not?
36:38 We get excited about the Shekinah Glory.
36:41 Oh, Shekinah Glory of God.
36:43 You know what that shows?
36:45 That shows that God's ark in the heavenly
36:47 with the Ten Commandments in it
36:49 represents the throne room of God.
36:52 What is it?
36:54 The ark with the Ten Commandments
36:55 and the mercy seat
36:57 and the angels represents God's throne.
37:00 Oh, that's called the mercy seat.
37:04 The mercy seat on the ark.
37:06 Patriarchs and Prophets, 349 says this,
37:08 "Above the mercy seat was the Shekinah,
37:12 the manifestation of divine Presence."
37:14 The Shekinah Glory, right?
37:15 You couldn't go in there
37:17 when the presence of God was so close.
37:18 Maybe someday by the grace of God,
37:20 the sanctuary will have that Shekinah Glory in it
37:23 that we will fear to come in.
37:25 When we come in, we'll be crawling in
37:26 rather than walking up proud like we've got,
37:28 we deserve it here.
37:31 Crawl in, Shekinah Glory.
37:34 Presence of God is thick and strong and it should be.
37:38 Exodus 25:17-22.
37:39 I don't have much time to fend on this.
37:41 It's so powerful, but help us understand it, Lord, today.
37:45 I wanna take verses, write down and just make a line
37:48 on each one here, hopefully a point.
37:50 Exodus 25:17-22, Jesus said, make a mercy seat,
37:54 notice this, but you know what?
37:56 You make it out of pure gold, because it represents a deity.
37:59 Did you get it?
38:00 Mercy, no one in the earthly sanctuary,
38:02 you had a lot of the furniture was what?
38:03 Made of wood, shittim wood and it was overlaid with gold.
38:07 Divinity and humanity working together.
38:09 But on the mercy seat,
38:10 there can't be anything but mercy,
38:12 it's pure gold.
38:13 Man, that's wonderful.
38:15 Make two cherubims, notice this,
38:16 of gold, one on each side of it.
38:19 Verse 20, "Wings shall cover the mercy seat."
38:22 Ooh, put that mercy seat.
38:24 Notice this, put the seat upon the ark.
38:27 Verse 22, I will, notice this.
38:29 "I will meet and commune with thee
38:32 above the mercy seat."
38:34 Wow.
38:35 God said, I'm going to meet with you there.
38:37 Now the mercy seat then is placed
38:39 over the top of the ark and is placed what?
38:41 Mercy over the law.
38:43 In other words,
38:44 the mercy of God is over the law.
38:48 Ooh, praise God.
38:49 The two golden angels you remember,
38:51 one on the right side.
38:53 The one on the right side of the mercy seat
38:54 is Mr. Gabriel.
38:56 May I say that, Gabriel, right?
38:58 That is...
39:00 Listen, that's where Satan stood before he fell.
39:03 Somebody listen carefully.
39:06 He stood there. Desire of Ages, you read it.
39:08 Desire of Ages, 693 says this,
39:10 referring to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
39:13 When He was just about at an end of His life,
39:17 the angel came, you remember and touched Him
39:18 and strengthened Him
39:20 for the battle that was to rage on.
39:22 It says, "The mighty angel who stands in God's presence,
39:25 occupying the position, which Satan fell,
39:28 came to the side of Christ."
39:30 Desire of Ages, 234, come on.
39:32 It said, It was Gabriel, the angel next in rank
39:37 to the Son of God.
39:38 Hmm.
39:39 It was Gabriel who brought the message to Daniel.
39:43 It was Gabriel who opened the future and prophecy
39:45 of the Book of Revelation.
39:47 And then he pronounced the blessing upon
39:49 those who read and those who study
39:50 and those who would do those word Revelation 1:3.
39:54 Isn't that beautiful?
39:55 Gabriel was busy.
39:57 That's where Satan should have been,
39:59 but he fell.
40:00 Two angels looked down toward the mercy seat of the law.
40:03 What does that do?
40:05 They're looking down to the law of God,
40:06 then the mercy seat with often,
40:07 the angels without sin with reverence,
40:12 and shows how their regard for the law and the interest
40:16 that they have in the plan of salvation.
40:18 Do we need grace and mercy?
40:20 Oh, Lord, have mercy. Yes, we do.
40:22 Where do we go? We go to the mercy seat, right?
40:24 We go boldly to the throne room of God.
40:26 Hebrews 4:15-16. I can't read all of that.
40:30 You seem to have an impossible situation
40:31 in your life today.
40:33 Nothing's impossible with God. Why?
40:35 Daniel 7:10 says, what did he say?
40:37 Daniel said, I saw, ooh, I saw ten thousand times,
40:40 ten thousands and thousands of thousands, right, of angels,
40:43 isn't that wonderful?
40:45 God's not shorthanded on angels.
40:47 And we have nothing to fear.
40:50 He will send them all,
40:52 empty all of heaven if you need it, if you need it.
40:55 If temptation is so great that you can't stand it,
40:57 you're a weak, but you say, "Oh God, I need help."
40:59 "I'll empty heaven, He says, every one of them will come."
41:02 Why are we so overcome sometime?
41:04 Why are we fall so many times and we fall short?
41:07 The answer is very simple.
41:09 We're not calling on God for help.
41:11 If you in faith called out for God for help,
41:13 He's going to send you that help.
41:16 Remember we've talked about in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20,
41:19 your body is the temple of what?
41:21 The Holy Ghost.
41:23 Yeah, we need to glorify God where?
41:27 In our body. Let's...
41:30 I'm already read that before, but just jot it down
41:32 in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 again,
41:35 know that you're the temple of God.
41:36 Notice how the Holy Spirit wants to dwell in you.
41:40 Verses tell us that He lives in us by His Spirit.
41:45 But the temple is to be made after the, listen,
41:48 after the heavenly pattern.
41:50 Our temple is to be made after what?
41:52 The heavenly pattern, which is Jesus Christ,
41:55 before He will live in that temple,
41:58 before He can live in the temple,
42:00 we've got to have it prepared to receive Him.
42:04 And so He gives us a test to see if we love Him,
42:06 and we want Him with us.
42:09 So God said, "Make Me a sanctuary."
42:12 But He said, "You're making the sanctuary,
42:14 you're going to have to give up some things.
42:16 To build this tabernacle, you're going to have
42:18 to give some things that maybe you might cherish,
42:22 just like being a Christian today sometime we give up
42:25 some things that maybe has been very special to us
42:28 to become a real Bible Christian.
42:32 First, the Bible says, there must be a willing heart
42:34 and a willing mind.
42:35 And then what it says?
42:37 2 Corinthians 8:12, if there's not a willing heart,
42:39 I'm willing Lord to give up anything
42:41 that I need to give up.
42:42 Whatever you say, I'm willing to do it.
42:44 Or are you going to say, oh,
42:45 but I'm an exception to the rule.
42:47 No, you can't say that.
42:49 If you first, "If there first be willing mind,"
42:51 2 Corinthians 8:12 "is acceptable that a man hath
42:55 and not according that he hath not.
42:57 Exodus 25:2-3, God said, bring a willing what?
43:01 Offering. And notice what he said?
43:03 He said, bring the gold,
43:05 bring the silver and bring the brass.
43:08 Exodus 38:8, I'm moving quickly,
43:10 only six to seven minutes left.
43:11 In billing the labor of brass God told the women.
43:15 Now it's God's saying, it's not me,
43:17 but I'm still going to say it anyway.
43:19 God's talking to the women.
43:20 There's no doubt about it as we read it.
43:22 "And the laver, the gold, brass,
43:24 God told the women to bring the looking glasses.
43:26 Do you remember that?
43:28 The looking glasses, translation bring the mirrors
43:31 that sometime we spend too much time in front of.
43:34 God asked him to give up their mirrors,
43:36 which is wrinkly self adorning, I'm adorning self.
43:40 And which stands also for self-righteousness.
43:43 What are we beholding so often? Self.
43:46 God's asking to give those things up.
43:49 Not that you should never look into,
43:50 not that you'd never fix up, but there's right,
43:52 that we need to be of good balance.
43:53 Exodus 35:22, it says,
43:55 "And they came both men and women, as many were,"
43:58 well, notice this, "they have a willing heart."
44:01 What did they bring?
44:02 God said, I want you to make a sanctuary
44:03 that I'm going to dwell among you.
44:05 God said, then I want your gold and I want your silver.
44:07 I want you to, notice this, in Exodus 35.
44:10 I want your bracelets.
44:12 I want your earrings.
44:14 I want your rings.
44:15 I want your tablets.
44:17 That's the jewels or gold bands,
44:18 anything, beads,
44:20 all the jewels and all the gold.
44:23 And, of course, it must be offered with free heart,
44:26 no strings attached.
44:27 Even the animals they gave for offering
44:29 had to be with a willing heart for the sacrifice.
44:32 And whether Jesus asks,
44:34 "Do you love Me more than yourself?"
44:38 Do you love Me more than your, I'm going to say your mirrors
44:40 and you get what I'm talking about.
44:42 Do you love me more than any other thing?
44:45 Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek ye first the," what?
44:48 "Kingdom of God and all these other things
44:50 will be added unto you.
44:51 Jesus said, "if you do not love Me
44:53 more than these
44:54 and you will not give up what needs to be given up,
44:57 I cannot dwell in you."
44:58 It's a pattern after the heavenly.
45:01 1 Peter 3:3-4 says this, "Whose adorning
45:03 let it not be that of outward adorning
45:05 of the plaiting of the hair.
45:07 You know what?
45:08 You know what the plaiting of the hair is here?
45:10 God said, this is not what His church.
45:11 This is not what His people is all about here.
45:13 That means the elaborate braiding of the hair.
45:17 That's what it says.
45:18 Yeah, with gold or just absolutely.
45:20 You can look up at Webster dictionary.
45:22 Plaiting means just simply a very elaborate braid.
45:26 Sometime it takes hours and hours.
45:28 We won't want to deal with that
45:29 because too many of us as people do it.
45:31 So we don't want to deal with it.
45:33 But God says, I don't want that.
45:35 That's what the Bible said. Did you get it?
45:37 Whose adorning let it not be the outward adorning
45:40 of the plaiting of the hair.
45:43 Huh.
45:44 Review and Herald, 3-7-1899.
45:46 It says, "In dress,
45:48 and in speech and in deportment,
45:50 we are to be a people distinct and separate from the world."
45:54 Sometime you can't tell a Seventh-day Adventist
45:56 from anybody from a whirling out there,
45:57 the way we dress,
45:59 the way we act, the way we talk.
46:02 God tells us does not want His temple
46:06 to have gold or silver for outside beauty.
46:09 Did you get it?
46:11 God says, "I don't want that." Why?
46:12 Now think about it.
46:14 But I want you to have Christ,
46:16 the hidden man of the heart on the inside.
46:19 Remember the beauty of the earthly sanctuary
46:23 was inside, not on the outside.
46:26 Did you get it?
46:27 Wow.
46:29 Paul expresses once again and Paul's doing it, not me.
46:33 Expresses his concern and attitude and conduct
46:35 of women in the church.
46:37 When he says this, in like manner,
46:40 also that women adorn themselves.
46:43 That means women are put in order.
46:45 That means that they arrange themselves
46:48 in a modest apparel.
46:49 That means good taste.
46:52 Conservative with shamefacedness.
46:54 That means to self-respect and sobriety.
46:57 It means self-control not with now again,
47:01 not with braided hair, plaited, elaborate braids
47:05 or gold or pearls or costly array,
47:08 but which becometh a woman, notice this,
47:10 professing godliness with good works.
47:14 Good taste is a part
47:18 of good religion.
47:21 See the church, say the church gets silent,
47:23 like, well, what are they doing?
47:25 That's no different than the other passage of scripture.
47:27 It just hits home what God is saying to us.
47:31 That's exactly what it says.
47:32 I don't want it.
47:34 No gold and no silver, right?
47:36 No pearls and all this should be on my people.
47:38 That's what He's saying.
47:41 Reverence toward God to profess, to be like Christ,
47:45 to be a member and part of the family of God.
47:47 And yet we dress immodestly
47:49 and wear things that we shouldn't be wearing.
47:51 It's just a form of hypocrisy. That's all that it is.
47:53 There's no doubt about it.
47:55 You might at this point say, well, I agree and yes,
47:57 I understand that,
47:58 but I'm going to get down to personal things,
48:00 'cause some of you not been through the studies
48:01 and you know, maybe it might mean something to you
48:04 and it may not, but there's too much here
48:06 when God says don't do it, He means don't do it.
48:08 And no excuses.
48:10 Let me give you a point here
48:11 that really touches the whole heart.
48:12 We've been in meetings in other countries
48:14 where God has worked marvelous miracles
48:16 and people took stand on issues right then and right there,
48:20 because God said so.
48:22 You're going to, right you say, well, I agree with most things,
48:23 but my wedding ring is different.
48:26 How is it different?
48:28 Let me ask you, how is it different
48:29 than anything else?
48:31 Rings are given to commemorate certain things,
48:34 isn't that right?
48:35 Such as a super bowl, retirement ring,
48:38 graduation ring, birthstones,
48:40 we know we'd go through all of that business,
48:42 engagement rings on.
48:44 Everyone could say mine is special.
48:47 But I don't find that in the Word of God.
48:49 If it's special, then you go ahead.
48:51 Hmm.
48:53 It tells, you say, well,
48:54 it tells the world something about me.
48:55 Yes, it does.
48:57 But the Word says, no gold, no silver, no pearls.
49:02 This may be your test,
49:03 and my test may be other things.
49:05 Here's what Google says quickly.
49:07 Just Google worldly thing 'cause people ask the question,
49:09 what they say?
49:11 This is called the engagement as it were,
49:14 yeah, says this,
49:18 is wearing, they're asking this question.
49:19 Is wearing wedding rings pagan?
49:22 It says, the meaning of the wedding ring
49:24 as a symbol of mortal or marital commitment
49:28 finds this origin in pagan mythology
49:31 and superstition.
49:33 The investment of the pagan symbol,
49:35 it says here, notice
49:37 now has almost completely lost all of its pagan meaning, why?
49:40 Because we brought it into the church
49:42 and we baptized and said, it's all right.
49:44 Where did it come from?
49:46 History will bear fact from paganism,
49:49 has nothing to do with God.
49:51 God said no gold, no silver.
49:54 There's a heavenly sanctuary, is it not?
49:55 As we close, I want you to think
49:57 on Patriarchs and Prophets, 357.
49:59 That's not a study on jewelry and different things.
50:01 It's just some food for thought.
50:02 When God said in My sanctuary, it can't be gold and silver.
50:05 In fact, He told them
50:06 when we may take all this stuff off
50:08 and then the fight begins if whether we want it,
50:10 we love God more than we love our jewelry or rings
50:14 or whatever it might be.
50:17 We have to come to grips with that.
50:19 The Adventist Church is very sad
50:23 when it comes to that condition.
50:25 They've let a lot of things in.
50:27 How has it was never acceptable for umpteen years
50:29 and all of a sudden in the last since '85, '86,
50:32 all of a sudden it's acceptable now.
50:34 Has God changed?
50:36 No, He has not.
50:37 Man has changed.
50:38 Well so-and-so, so what?
50:41 So-and-so is not my example.
50:43 Jesus is my example.
50:45 He said, "I'm looking for a temple that is holy."
50:49 And it has to be holy and acceptable
50:50 and no gold, no silver.
50:52 So remember, no stipulations
50:54 of, well, this is different, all that.
50:56 I don't read that anywhere.
50:59 Patriarchs and Prophets, 357, as we close, said,
51:01 Moses made the earthly sanctuary.
51:03 Why the sanctuary?
51:06 "He made the earthly sanctuary,
51:07 according to the fashion that he had seen."
51:10 As we read in Acts 7:44,
51:12 "Paul declares that the tabernacle,
51:14 and all the vessels of the ministry,
51:16 when completed, were pattern of things in the heavens."
51:21 Hebrews 9:21-23, John says, I love every time John saw.
51:27 "John saw a sanctuary in heaven.
51:29 That sanctuary in which Jesus ministers
51:31 in our behalf, is the great original,
51:34 of which the sanctuary built by Moses was a copy."
51:39 Maybe I should leave you with just with that thought.
51:42 But you know, there's lot of things
51:43 in our Christian experience that maybe are distasteful
51:47 to us because we don't understand,
51:48 maybe we've never been taught.
51:52 But when the Word of God comes and says, this is what I want.
51:55 That's where we're tested.
51:57 No, I don't have to make any changes.
51:59 Hey, I'm, I'm easy to get along with.
52:01 If something goes against my grain,
52:03 I may be difficult to get along with.
52:06 Think about it.
52:07 One guy told me one time though,
52:09 his daughter which was 10 or 11 at the time,
52:10 she has never needed a whipping.
52:13 She never needed corrected.
52:14 I said, "I wouldn't either if I got my way every time."
52:18 Just think about it.
52:20 Are we willing as God's people
52:23 to say, when He says no?
52:26 That we're willing to say, oh, I see.
52:28 I didn't know, but now I do.
52:30 And if it's a struggle, we take it to what?
52:32 We take it to the Lord in prayer.
52:34 And we lay it before Him.
52:36 It's proven no in the Word of God.
52:38 I could go to Isaiah Chapter 3 and spend another hour
52:41 on all the earrings and the rings and they're told
52:43 what's so-and-so, we're not going to do that
52:44 because that's not the purpose,
52:46 but it's truth that comes out in scripture
52:48 when you study the sanctuary.
52:50 And what are we willing to do?
52:51 Well, we can pout, we can get mad.
52:53 We can say, well, I'm not, that's...
52:55 Yeah.
52:56 We can praise God for more truth
52:58 that He's that you're right.
53:01 And so we need to make that decision
53:03 by the grace of God.
53:04 Pray about it.
53:07 God can turn the heart and the life around
53:10 to follow His Word
53:12 and anything that we're not willing
53:14 to give up becomes your God.
53:17 Are you still with me, church?
53:21 Anything that we're not willing to give up
53:23 when it's shown in the Word of God that he says, no,
53:26 My people won't be like that.
53:27 That's why He saw His people in Revelation Chapter 12,
53:29 the pure woman standing on the moon, isn't that right?
53:33 Didn't have any of these things on at all.
53:35 But then you went to Revelation 17,
53:37 you seen the harlot.
53:38 Look how she was dressed and what she had on.
53:42 Again not trying to criticize or condemn anyone.
53:44 You didn't know whatever, but we're learning as we go.
53:46 Praise God for learning these things.
53:50 Because if they're truth, right,
53:53 God wants us to follow up by His grace and strength.
53:56 And so if it's something you need to be praying
53:57 about, please continue to pray about it.
54:00 If you want to be His witness, you want to be His temple
54:03 that He can dwell in.
54:05 But if you say I heard what He said,
54:06 but I'm not willing to do that.
54:08 He can't dwell in you.
54:10 Mine may be something different,
54:11 yours may be something different.
54:13 But if it's still against the word of God,
54:15 He says, "I can't dwell the way I want to with you.
54:18 I can't communicate with you."
54:21 Let's be willing to do
54:23 what He say by the grace of God.
54:24 Let's be willing to do it.
54:27 We actually saw was, was it in the Netherlands?
54:30 In the Netherlands we've preached about this,
54:32 but not this subject here, but about jewelry
54:35 and absolutely different couples got up out of there.
54:37 And they came forward and they took off
54:40 what they needed to right then and right there
54:42 and put it in the plate.
54:43 That's when the power of the Holy Spirit is working.
54:46 The men and the women, both, we did not know.
54:50 Now we do. It's very clear.
54:53 And they took it off.
54:55 Is that what God may be requires of us today?
54:58 Yeah.
54:59 So just make it a matter of prayer.
55:01 And when God speaks to your heart,
55:02 I know that you,
55:03 if that's an issue, we'll do the right thing.
55:06 Even if you've never heard it before,
55:07 even if you've never dealt with it before,
55:09 there's much more that can be given
55:11 on the subject specifically that you will know
55:14 beyond a shadow of a doubt.
55:16 It's just one thing, because He's wanting what?
55:19 The body and the mind to be in tune with Him.
55:22 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.
55:25 And then it is a fit temple for the Holy Spirit
55:27 to live in and through,
55:29 to be the right influence and the right example
55:32 to everyone else.
55:33 I want to be that example, don't you?
55:35 By God's grace and God's strength,
55:36 let's make that decision today
55:38 as we close with prayer, shall we?
55:39 Merciful Father in heaven, as we come to Thee,
55:43 we ask that Your Holy Spirit now
55:44 will take the things that have been said,
55:47 and maybe in the wrong way or not knowing how to say them,
55:51 but we know that Your Holy Spirit
55:52 can take what's been said,
55:55 weigh them in the evidence with the Scripture
55:58 and then give us grace and strength
55:59 to be able to make a decision on what we need to do.
56:03 And that goes not just for that one issue
56:05 we're talking about, but in many other issues
56:07 of our Christian experience.
56:10 We need to lay them upon the altar
56:11 as we see they're not appropriate
56:13 and they will not be in the kingdom of God.
56:16 Meaning if we don't turn loose of them now,
56:17 we will not be in the kingdom of God.
56:20 So we want to turn those things over to you,
56:22 whatever they might be right now.
56:23 We need not to have any idols.
56:25 We need to have no other gods before You.
56:27 And in Word of God, you call jewelry,
56:29 You call it that You call them strange, God.
56:31 You call them an abomination.
56:32 You call them filth.
56:36 That's how You, heaven sees it.
56:38 Not the world, but heaven.
56:41 So help us in every aspect to be able to do Your will.
56:43 We need Your help right now.
56:45 And we thank You for what You're going to do
56:47 in Jesus' name.
56:48 Amen.


Revised 2021-08-02