Behold the Lamb Presents

Pope Leo XIII - We Hold Upon the Earth the Place of God Almighty

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000174S

00:38 Hello and welcome again
00:40 to another episode of Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:43 I'm Chris Shelton, your host,
00:44 and I look forward to spending this hour with you.
00:48 Today's message has somewhat of a long title,
00:51 Pope Leo XIII,
00:53 we hold upon the earth the place of God Almighty.
00:58 The last portion of today's title
01:00 may surprise some of you.
01:02 But I'm sure that many of you
01:03 realize that this is a quote
01:05 from Pope Leo XIII
01:07 from his encyclical letter of June 20th back in 1894.
01:13 And should you be curious
01:15 enough to research this statement or this title,
01:19 you will find that Pope Leo XIII was
01:22 and or is not the only one
01:25 that has this very same thought.
01:28 So is it any wonder that
01:29 this self exaltation to that of God on earth
01:33 has brought about major laws
01:35 and traditions that affect all of us
01:39 in one form or another?
01:40 And what other church leader
01:43 that you know of gets
01:45 the same homage as is shown to the pope?
01:48 I don't know of any myself.
01:50 With such world dominance for so many years,
01:54 it should not surprise anyone
01:56 that this religiopolitical power
01:58 is described in the Word of God,
02:01 God, the true God of heaven,
02:04 whom in Isaiah 44:6 states that,
02:08 "I am the first and I am the last,
02:12 and besides me there is no God."
02:15 He saw fit to warn us about this power in His Word.
02:20 So today, Pastor Kenny Shelton
02:22 will be delving specifically into the prophecies of Daniel 7
02:26 to share with each of us what the Holy Spirit of God
02:29 has laid upon his heart about this power
02:32 that claims to be God Almighty on earth,
02:37 and how this power will continue to affect
02:40 God's people until they are all sealed.
02:43 Again, the title of the message today
02:46 is Pope Leo XIII,
02:49 we hold upon the earth the place of God Almighty.
02:54 But first, let's visit 3ABN
02:56 and listen to a song
02:57 entitled Rock of Ages as sung by Pam Lister.
03:16 Rock of Ages, cleft for me
03:21 Le me hide myself in thee
03:27 Let the water and the blood
03:32 From thy wounded side which flowed
03:37 Be of sin the double cure
03:42 Save from wrath and make me pure
03:50 Not the labor of my hands
03:56 Can fulfill thy law's demands
04:01 Could my zeal no respite know
04:06 Could my tears forever flow
04:12 All for sin could not atone
04:17 Thou must save, and thou alone
04:25 While I draw this fleeting breath
04:30 When mine eyes shall close in death
04:35 When I soar to worlds unknown
04:41 See thee on thy judgment throne
04:46 Rock of Ages, cleft for me
04:51 Let me hide myself in thee
05:02 Let me hide myself in thee
05:14 Praise the Lord.
05:16 Welcome to Behold the Lamb Ministries.
05:17 We're very grateful and thankful
05:19 that you've decided to join us today.
05:20 And to me one of the most exciting subjects,
05:24 because it points to the last days.
05:27 There are very many, many, many people in the world say,
05:29 "Oh, why would you choose something like this?"
05:31 Why?
05:32 Because the Bible has spoken it first.
05:35 The Bible has warned God's last day people,
05:38 that can be anybody that wants to be
05:40 a part of His family, the church.
05:42 You know, I don't look at it, oh, this is Adventist message,
05:46 this is Baptist message, this is Church of God message.
05:48 It's the message of the Bible of Jesus Christ.
05:52 We have every right,
05:54 every right to go to God's Word and read what He says there.
05:58 And I feel, like I say sorry,
06:01 I feel sorry for those who have been told
06:03 by their pastors and their teachers
06:05 to stay out of the Book of Daniel and Revelation.
06:09 Now, you may have been part of that,
06:11 I'm not trying to hurt you in any form or fashion,
06:13 things that I will speak today
06:14 is not just trying to point you out,
06:16 or trying to point somebody is just all wrong,
06:18 but point out what God has pointed in His Word.
06:22 And it's going to be distasteful
06:25 by the majority of the world,
06:27 because the Bible says so, I'm not happy about that.
06:31 But I didn't write the Word, right?
06:33 And God only entails us to give the Word
06:36 as He's given it to us, truthfully,
06:38 and we want to do that today.
06:40 Again, our subject title, my wife mentioned
06:43 before in the beginning, what you did not see here,
06:45 but what will go on the air and around the world.
06:48 She mentioned the Pope Leo XIII.
06:51 Most people know that and they go back in history.
06:54 He simply made this statement,
06:55 "We hold upon the earth the place of God Almighty."
07:01 That is just a big statement that most of us read,
07:05 and we let it go off our back like water off a duck's back.
07:10 Are we there?
07:11 Really, we read that, how many of us really read that
07:13 and really thought anything about other than,
07:15 well, they said.
07:17 No, I'm taking issue with it today
07:19 based on God's Word.
07:21 And naturally, how can we do it?
07:23 I can't do it without the power of the Holy Spirit.
07:26 Usually all I do is mess things up.
07:27 And I know the Holy Spirit
07:29 can straighten out the messes that,
07:30 that the Lord has impressed my heart and mind
07:32 to bring forward today.
07:33 I'm going to pray about it.
07:35 I pray that you will pray along with me just as I kneel here.
07:38 Merciful God in heaven, truly,
07:40 we want to commit ourselves into Thy care and Thy keeping.
07:43 I ask forgiveness of any sin, anything in my heart
07:45 and life that needs not be there.
07:47 Lord, we need the power of Thy Holy Spirit.
07:49 We need You to come into our hearts
07:51 and our lives and the minds,
07:52 and not look at something as personal
07:54 or like a hate crime
07:56 or we're against this group or that.
07:58 We are against err.
07:59 We are against the enemy of err,
08:02 and that needs to be exposed.
08:03 And we pray that Word of God, you already have exposed it.
08:06 And we pray that will be brought home
08:07 by Your power
08:09 and Your strength and Your might.
08:10 Lord, grace us
08:11 with Your presence in Jesus' name.
08:13 Amen.
08:17 Notice, we read, again, the subject title,
08:19 it's pretty heavy duty, Pope Leo XIII.
08:22 We hold... That's interesting.
08:24 We hold upon the earth the place of God Almighty.
08:27 I have and I hope it's okay with you,
08:30 I have an issue with that.
08:32 I pray that you have an issue with that.
08:35 Now, again, as we've got to look beyond the family.
08:40 We've got to look beyond our friends.
08:42 It may be our companion, you see?
08:46 That whole certain things up, then we look in the Word of God
08:49 and say, "Oh, I don't see it there.
08:51 I don't see it there."
08:52 And we must be willing to be able to talk about those things
08:55 and see whether God says amen to it.
08:57 If this is what God has said in His Word
08:59 or if it's something we need to back away from.
09:02 Remember, for every truth that the Bible has, what is it?
09:06 The enemy has what? Okay, we all know.
09:09 Okay, every truth the devil has a counterfeit for it.
09:14 Now remember, the devil is a counterfeiter.
09:17 He doesn't want truth.
09:18 He doesn't know truth.
09:20 He's thrown truth out.
09:22 He was thrown out of heaven.
09:24 He came down to this earth to counteract everything
09:28 that God put into operation.
09:30 So don't think that your church,
09:32 don't think that this church is an exception
09:35 to the rule that
09:37 the devil can't come through the door.
09:39 The only way I know he can get through that door
09:41 is to come through me or you.
09:44 And you know what?
09:45 This morning by the grace of God,
09:47 I didn't open the door for him.
09:49 I didn't open the door for him.
09:51 So I pray that none of you have opened the door
09:53 and allowing the enemy to come in
09:55 because when he comes in, I'll tell you this.
09:57 I found that he takes over. He takes over.
10:01 He's not one just to set back in the choir
10:03 and be one of the boys.
10:05 He's going to try to lead everybody astray.
10:08 And you know, he usually starts with the leadership.
10:12 That could be you, me in whatever class
10:13 or what have you too.
10:14 I understand that well, and I ask for God's guidance
10:17 and His direction in this study.
10:20 You know, if your turn to the Book of Daniel,
10:22 I just want to read a couple of quick verses here.
10:24 Didn't know exactly how the Lord would,
10:26 would lead and guide an opening of this,
10:29 but I wanted to come right straight
10:31 from the Word of God.
10:33 Why?
10:34 Not that you haven't heard this before, but you know what.
10:36 There will be millions
10:38 that have not heard some of the things that
10:40 we will mention here today.
10:41 And the many who have heard it will say,
10:43 it doesn't make any difference.
10:45 Listen, everything that said
10:46 from this pulpit makes a difference,
10:48 because I'm going to read it from the Word of God
10:50 or from their own lips of those,
10:52 you see who have made these statements.
10:54 Remember, if it's against the Word of God,
10:56 you and I have a right to stand up and say,
10:58 "That's not what God said."
11:01 Then I think as mentioned here,
11:02 maybe in our, even our children's story,
11:04 then if I say something,
11:06 and then you can come back later and say,
11:08 "Well, I found out different."
11:09 Well, go ahead. Let's discuss it.
11:13 Let's bring it down. It's nothing wrong with it.
11:14 Well, I disagree with you, then tell me why you disagree.
11:19 But when you do,
11:20 you need to have some good information.
11:23 Good information.
11:24 Daniel Chapter 7,
11:26 we're going to be looking something very...
11:28 To me it's fantastic,
11:30 because we study
11:31 the Books of Daniel and Revelation.
11:33 Remember, the Book of Daniel was what?
11:36 When it was given, it was closed, right,
11:38 for a while, until what?
11:39 Until the time of the end.
11:41 The Book of Daniel was closed until what?
11:44 The time of the end.
11:45 We believe that we are in the time of the end.
11:49 Friends, if we go through them in studies,
11:50 we had time today and we won't
11:52 because I'll go on and on about certain things
11:53 here that's really gets under my skin.
11:56 And we won't have time, but we'd have time other,
11:58 you know, we can get together
11:59 and maybe spend more time on it.
12:01 God has just warned us over and over and over
12:03 and in timeframes and prophecies,
12:06 you know, the 2300 day prophecy
12:08 and so on that we are in the time of the end.
12:10 He talks about a beast power.
12:12 He talks about a power that would say certain things,
12:16 and they would claim certain things.
12:18 And we look and say, yeah,
12:19 well, they, maybe somebody is doing it,
12:21 maybe somebody is not.
12:22 But notice in the Book of Daniel Chapter 7,
12:25 just read verse 1.
12:26 And then we will turn
12:28 and try to discuss Daniel Chapter 7.
12:31 Remember, the Book of Revelation
12:32 has always been what?
12:35 Can somebody say open book.
12:37 It's been an open book, because it reveals what?
12:39 Reveals Jesus Christ, right, and things, verse 1,
12:43 that are shortly to come to pass.
12:45 That's why many times preachers say,
12:47 stay out of the Book of Revelation, don't study.
12:49 But don't you want a revelation of Jesus Christ?
12:53 Revelation Chapter...
12:54 Remember, Revelation Chapter 1 says,
12:56 it's a revealing of Jesus Christ.
12:58 The devil says, "Oh, no, I'm in trouble
13:02 because it reveals Jesus Christ,
13:04 and then it reveals my plan to hoodwink the world.
13:07 And so, somehow,
13:09 I'm gonna try to keep them out of the book."
13:11 Because there'll be some symbols,
13:12 there'll be some things in there
13:13 that's little bit difficult to understand.
13:15 And then I'll have some leaders who say, stay out of that book.
13:18 Don't be studying it.
13:20 And I ask you, why would God
13:23 have penned in His Holy Word things
13:26 that we could not understand.
13:29 Yes, and that reveals to His people
13:32 what's getting ready to take place in the world.
13:35 See, we should be known as a prophetic people.
13:38 We should be able to know prophecy
13:39 and say this and this, and this is on the horizon.
13:42 Why? Because God has said so.
13:45 You see, the world has no idea which way it's going.
13:48 And many of our leaders don't know
13:49 which way they're going either.
13:50 They need some help.
13:52 But notice there in Daniel 7:1
13:54 The Bible says,
13:55 "In the first year of Belshazzar,
13:58 king of," what?
13:59 "Babylon, Daniel had a..."
14:01 Come on with me, he had a what?
14:02 "He had a dream and the visions."
14:05 So his dream was what?
14:06 We say, "Well, it was just a dream,
14:07 it really a vision that's what it said,
14:10 "A vision of his head upon his bed:
14:12 then he wrote the dream, told the sum of the matter."
14:15 So what happened?
14:17 God gave Daniel a vision of something
14:20 that was to take place, notice this.
14:22 Now we read all those a little bit later on as we go,
14:25 because it identifies this power
14:27 that would come up
14:28 that would claim to basically be God on earth
14:31 that would do things out of the ordinary
14:33 and the world doesn't seem to mind.
14:36 Let's get to verse 8, notice,
14:38 Daniel was concerned here, He said, I considered the what?
14:42 What do you... What does that really mean?
14:43 I considered what the horn?
14:45 "I considered the horn and behold,
14:47 there came up among them a little horn."
14:49 How many have heard
14:50 whether you can identify it or not have heard
14:53 as you read Bible prophecy about a little horn.
14:56 Some of you have, if you haven't, it's all right.
14:59 We're coming to the fact.
15:00 The Bible reveals
15:02 there's going to come up a little horn.
15:03 Remember Book of Daniel and Revelation is in symbols,
15:05 right?
15:07 And what we have to do is dig for hidden treasure.
15:09 Find out what horn, what this little horn is doing.
15:13 Why is it look like it's do and what is it doing, you know,
15:16 in prophecy?
15:17 And how is it deal with God's people?
15:19 So Daniel says, oh,
15:21 first of all we consider Daniel
15:23 was in vision so we say,
15:24 what he was saying would be truth.
15:26 Are we in agreement so far? Right?
15:28 What Daniel was revealing is the truth.
15:31 But he was even confused about it.
15:33 He said, "I consider or I thought about this horn
15:35 and behold, there came up another little one,"
15:38 notice, "a little horn
15:39 before whom there were three horns plucked up."
15:42 Guess we don't have time to look at,
15:44 we realize this was the breakdown
15:45 of the Roman Empire when it broke down into
15:47 Daniel Chapter 2, where they had the,
15:49 you know, had Babylon,
15:51 Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome,
15:52 pagan Rome, papal Rome,
15:54 and iron Rome broke up into what?
15:55 The 10 toes, the 10 nations,
15:57 which some of the nations are still, you know,
15:59 10 over there now, still some of the names,
16:01 so you can look at those.
16:02 But, here's the point, you notice it,
16:04 he said there came up another that many has said 11.
16:08 He said, "Up among
16:09 there came up another little horn."
16:10 And when he came up, he uprooted what?
16:13 He uprooted three of the known kingdoms.
16:16 If there are only 10 nations in the world,
16:18 surely history would bear fact to that and was true.
16:21 May say, when it come up, it just wasn't an addition to,
16:23 but it would tear up, uproot three of the known 10.
16:28 Interesting why?
16:30 Because the three did not go along with the belief
16:32 or the teachings of this power, this little horn power.
16:36 "They were plucked up by the roots.
16:38 When something's plucked up by the roots,
16:39 will it grow again?
16:40 And behold, in this horn,
16:42 were eyes like the eyes of," what?
16:44 Man, and a mouth speaking great things."
16:47 We can spend a lot of time on that, we will not.
16:50 Pope Leo wrote what?
16:52 We hold up on this earth the place of what?
16:55 God all mighty.
16:59 What a strange statement,
17:02 we hold the place of God Almighty.
17:05 Now, some people will take that,
17:07 and some of the people who want to defend
17:09 this kind of stuff that
17:11 has written will make all kinds of excuses
17:14 why it was written in with over and over.
17:16 I can give you a lot of different quotes
17:19 on this same purpose here.
17:21 In fact, in Pope Pius V,
17:23 Pope Pius V quoted in the Barclay Chapter 27,
17:28 page 218 says this, listen carefully.
17:31 He said, "The pope and God are the same."
17:35 The pope and God.
17:36 See, that doesn't surprise most people.
17:38 No one's going to get shocked out of your seat.
17:40 I guess maybe I should have my little shockers
17:42 underneath your seat.
17:44 And if I think you should jump,
17:45 I should push the button and then you will jump.
17:50 Yeah.
17:51 You see what I'm saying?
17:52 That should make us jump.
17:55 Because that's blasphemy in the worst scenario,
17:58 there's no doubt about it.
17:59 Now, we've just left it alone for so long,
18:02 not to criticize the present one,
18:04 not to, you know, criticize all the past one.
18:06 That's not it at all.
18:08 But God speaks about this power as we will identify, notice.
18:13 The pope and God are the same.
18:15 So he has all the power of heaven and earth.
18:20 Well, let's just give you one more,
18:21 there's plenty of them.
18:23 Notice this, this comes...
18:24 This comes from the Catholic National July,
18:26 and this is written in 1895.
18:29 The Pope is not only...
18:30 Ooh, "The pope is not only
18:32 the representative of Jesus Christ,
18:34 but he is Jesus Christ himself,
18:38 hidden under the veil of the flesh."
18:45 Yeah, there you go.
18:46 See, that's what I'm talking about.
18:48 No, really seriously, you think about,
18:51 who else in the world
18:54 would say that about themselves?
18:57 Notice that,
18:58 he's not only the representative
19:00 of Jesus Christ,
19:02 he is Jesus Christ himself.
19:05 Blasphemy again.
19:06 There is no way, he's a sinner just like all the rest of us.
19:11 If he's going to be saved, he'll be saved by grace,
19:13 just like all the rest of us.
19:16 My Bible says God is love, 1 John 4:16.
19:19 God is what?
19:20 God is love.
19:21 His nature is love.
19:23 His law is love, right?
19:24 He is love.
19:27 He's always been.
19:29 Everything that He's ever said,
19:30 ever done, ever had penned down,
19:32 cannot change.
19:34 That cannot be altered in any form or fashion.
19:37 He's the high, He's the holy.
19:39 He's the one that is lifted up.
19:41 He's the one that inhabit eternity
19:43 is what my Bible tells me.
19:45 He says, "He's from everlasting to everlasting.
19:48 There is no God beside Me."
19:50 Time and time in Scripture, right?
19:51 You read the Word of God,
19:53 and all of a sudden somebody's saying their God
19:54 or their part or something.
19:56 God said, hmm, it's interesting.
19:57 I don't know if there's any other.
19:59 Listen, if God doesn't know
20:00 if there's any other God, there is no other God.
20:03 But yet we have a power on earth that says, I am.
20:08 And I said, "Well, what would this?
20:10 Where this come?
20:11 They said there is no variableness, right?
20:14 He doesn't change, there's no verb.
20:16 People say, "Well, God changed."
20:17 Well, this is no like, we today,
20:19 we believe this and this and this because,
20:20 well, God has changed.
20:22 God has not changed.
20:23 He has not changed one iota, right?
20:25 He's consistent with the crossing of the T
20:28 and the dotting of the eye, God does not change.
20:32 Like, how can you change truth?
20:34 You just can't do it.
20:35 This is what excites me really
20:37 and gives me encouragement in my Christian walk,
20:40 is to know that God doesn't change.
20:43 He still looks at me the very same way.
20:45 He's not influenced by this group.
20:46 He's not influenced by that group.
20:49 He's not worrying about what the world is doing.
20:51 He's not worrying about
20:52 what you're thinking and what I'm thinking in that
20:54 sense that he's gonna hold just and justice
20:56 and mercy to each and every one of us.
20:58 I'm thankful for that.
21:00 He's the high, He's the Holy One.
21:02 In Him, there is no shadow, whoa, no shadow of turnings,
21:07 what the Bible said.
21:09 Some of you want to jot down and say,
21:11 "Well, where's that found?"
21:12 Well, good for you. I'm glad you asked that.
21:15 Aren't you glad somebody is asking you?
21:18 Praise God.
21:19 Isaiah 57, just jot it down, Isaiah 57:15.
21:23 Habakkuk 3:6.
21:26 And certainly James 1:17, there is no shadow of turning.
21:30 See, we can go to the Word of God,
21:32 that's where we get it.
21:33 Somebody else may say, "Well, now He's changed."
21:35 You know, preacher that gets up front and say, God has changed,
21:38 he ought to go out and get himself a real job.
21:41 You know, he...
21:42 I don't know where he could,
21:43 I'm serious, I don't know where he can hold a job.
21:45 The Bible is so clear,
21:47 when you read it that God does not what?
21:49 He does not change, He will not change.
21:51 He doesn't have to change.
21:53 He knows the beginning and from the end, right?
21:55 He knows everything in your life,
21:56 every word that you'll say, every action,
21:58 everything you've ever thought,
21:59 everything you've ever done, God has it.
22:02 Every decision He's made is the right decision.
22:05 That's good.
22:08 That gives me encouragement.
22:11 The word this business come from,
22:15 certainly didn't start with Pope Leo XIII.
22:18 Many popes said it before and people will say,
22:20 "Well, you know, he didn't really,
22:23 he didn't really mean that."
22:25 Well, you know, pope when they talk,
22:28 they say it's the voice of God
22:30 is not to be changed, it's infallible.
22:32 They claim infallibility.
22:34 So we have to look at that point too, right?
22:36 You can't go back and say, well, we didn't mean that.
22:38 No, mean, all of them said infallible.
22:41 So it's very interesting.
22:43 Who...
22:45 Can I say who in the world?
22:47 I guess I already did, Brother Terry.
22:50 I guess already, sometime I just say it,
22:51 then I ask if I can say it.
22:54 So who would it be that would hold upon this earth
22:59 the place of God Almighty?
23:01 Where would it? Where would it start?
23:04 Can I just read a couple of verses
23:06 please with it, and see if you...
23:08 See maybe if you agree, if you don't, it's good.
23:10 I spend as much time with you
23:11 after this as I need to,
23:14 because this is imperative.
23:15 This is life and death issue.
23:17 And most people have no idea.
23:18 And I don't understand why.
23:20 But I need to see about this power.
23:22 And what this power is planning to do with God's people.
23:25 Hmm.
23:26 Ezekiel Chapter 28.
23:28 Some of you know exactly where I'm going,
23:30 and what I'm going to read because it needs to be read.
23:34 It needs to be read.
23:36 Ezekiel Chapter 28, are we there?
23:38 I'm getting hot and sweaty already.
23:42 And usually once get ready to go,
23:44 I go for a long time.
23:47 Terry might remember that from years ago,
23:49 especially when I was young.
23:53 The Bible says, don't you like that?
23:55 The Bible says, notice,
23:58 and then you tell me who it's talking about here?
24:00 Ezekiel 28:13.
24:03 It says, "Thou hast been in Eden,
24:05 in the garden of God."
24:07 That's a hint, notice.
24:08 "This power was in Eden," right?"
24:11 Every precious stone was
24:13 I covering, sardius, topaz,
24:16 and the diamond, the beryl,
24:17 and the onyx, and the jasper and sardine, you know,
24:19 it goes on, the sapphire, emerald,
24:21 carbuncle, gold, workmanship, now notice,
24:24 talking about the pipes,
24:25 notice this, and in the day that thou was created."
24:30 So it was a created being, right?
24:33 Had all this stuff.
24:35 Verse 14, "And thou art the anointed
24:38 cherub of the covenant,
24:39 notice this, covereth, I have set thee so:
24:42 thou wast upon the holy mountain of God,
24:44 thou has walked in and down
24:46 in the midst of the stones of fire."
24:48 Notice, "Thou wast perfect,
24:50 this created was perfect in the ways from the day
24:54 when thou wast created,
24:56 till iniquity was found in thee."
24:57 So who was this?
25:00 It was Satan.
25:02 Notice, he was what?
25:03 People want to know how sin get here?
25:06 Well the devil, he was perfect the Bible said.
25:09 Now why would we want to argue with that, and many people do.
25:12 He was perfect in the day that he was created.
25:16 And then what it says?
25:18 Until iniquity or sin was found in him,
25:23 until he chose another way.
25:25 You go a lot of different directions
25:27 if you want to, he was perfect, huh,
25:29 till iniquity was found in him.
25:32 Now interesting, we see there the enemy,
25:35 perfect, then we see he made a choice
25:38 that was the wrong choice.
25:40 And he started doing the wrong things
25:42 and impressing other people to do the wrong things.
25:45 And then we realized,
25:46 I think it would behoove us if we read Isaiah 14,
25:51 as many of you have read before,
25:52 or maybe you haven't read it,
25:54 if you haven't, maybe this will help to make sense.
25:58 This is talking about the devil.
26:00 Are we there?
26:01 Now remember, we're looking
26:03 for this power that says, "I'm God."
26:06 This power that says, "I'm ahead of everything.
26:08 I'm God on earth.
26:09 I can forgive sins.
26:11 I can do all kinds of things."
26:12 And Bible said in Isaiah 14, people need to be very careful
26:16 and study this, like they may be,
26:18 may never studied before because they tried to say,
26:20 well, that deals with Babylon,
26:21 it deals with, just notice what it says,
26:23 verse 12, Isaiah 14,
26:26 "How art thou fallen from heaven."
26:27 Jesus said what?
26:29 He was cast out, the old serpent,
26:31 the devil, Satan was cast out of where?
26:32 Of heaven.
26:33 Then he says, he tells the name,
26:35 "How arts thou cast out of heaven,
26:37 O Lucifer, son of the morning!
26:40 How art thou cut down to the ground,
26:43 which didst weaken the nations!"
26:45 Notice this, here's what devil,
26:47 is what Satan said,
26:49 "For thou hast said in thine heart,
26:51 I will ascend into heaven,
26:53 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
26:55 I will sit upon the mount of congregation
26:58 in the sides of the north.
27:00 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
27:02 I will be like," what?
27:04 Come on, church, wake up.
27:06 I will be what?
27:07 Satan said, "I'm cast out,
27:08 but I will be like the Most High.
27:11 I will be like the Most High."
27:12 Well, he couldn't possibly show himself
27:15 for what he really is.
27:16 So therefore, he makes choices.
27:18 He chooses someone to represent him,
27:21 powers, nations, even me and you at times,
27:24 when we do the work of the enemy.
27:26 We have to be very careful, we're not in.
27:27 The Bible says,
27:29 "He who is not with me is against me."
27:31 The devil will use anything,
27:32 everybody that he can to accomplish His purpose.
27:37 But he said, "I will be like the Most High God."
27:42 Other words, I'm going to hold upon the earth,
27:44 the place of God Almighty.
27:46 Man, that's pretty heavy duty, wouldn't you say?
27:51 Isn't that heavy duty, is that maybe a little,
27:53 maybe too much for us today.
27:56 So what is the purpose?
27:59 Many purposes in this study, but to show from Scripture.
28:04 Now remember, there's good people
28:06 everywhere in every denomination,
28:09 would never apologize for presenting what is truth.
28:13 You can never apologize, you don't want to hurt anybody,
28:15 you're not trying to.
28:17 But what you're doing is you're looking at,
28:18 we're saying here, there's a power on the scene,
28:20 and there's power on the scene it's saying here,
28:22 they're going to fulfill what Satan has said
28:25 when he came down to this earth.
28:27 I'm going to take over.
28:29 I'm going to take over.
28:32 We're going to hold the place of God Almighty on this place.
28:35 Man didn't say that within himself,
28:37 the enemy's coming in.
28:39 So the purpose really of this study
28:41 is really to show from
28:42 Scripture, that what
28:47 we believe is an unauthorized.
28:52 We can go so far as to say an unjust, it's groundless,
28:57 it's absurd, a bold attempted change.
29:02 Now I'm going to go through
29:03 this point here because people say,
29:04 "Well, you folks are a little bit out of touch.
29:06 You go on the seventh day Sabbath."
29:09 Well, maybe somebody is out of touch.
29:12 Is it just a matter of choice?
29:13 Is it a matter of what God's said in His Word?
29:15 But I think there's unjust, this groundless,
29:17 this bold attempt to change of the seventh day Sabbath
29:21 was prophesied by Daniel the prophet.
29:24 In Daniel 7:25.
29:26 Mark that down, Daniel 7:25.
29:29 Notice Daniel 7:25.
29:32 Notice, "And he would speak
29:34 great words against the Most High."
29:36 Who is it? Who is the he?
29:38 It would be Satan, would it not?
29:40 The enemy would speak great words
29:42 against the Most High.
29:44 You realize this word here translated when you look at it,
29:46 great words, in the Hebrew is domineering words.
29:51 He would speak great, huge words.
29:54 He would speak stout words against what?
29:57 Against the Most High.
29:59 Other words, he would challenge God's position.
30:03 He would try to take God's position,
30:06 we say by hook or crook.
30:09 And he couldn't do it by just coming out in the open,
30:11 he had to deceive just like he deceived in heaven.
30:14 So the world is what?
30:16 The world is deceived and they say,
30:18 "Well, this is all we know.
30:19 This is what we've been taught."
30:21 Absolutely, he's been good at it.
30:22 He's been at it for many long years.
30:26 He's gonna speak words against the Most High.
30:28 Listen, and each of these are identifying marks,
30:30 we'll go over each one in a minute
30:32 time that we have.
30:34 And he, notice this,
30:35 speak words against the Most High,
30:37 he shall wear out the saints.
30:39 Listen, if you feel like you're a saint today,
30:41 and again, not that you're so good,
30:43 but you belong to the family of God.
30:44 Right?
30:46 Okay, you belong to
30:47 the family of God, I know Jesus.
30:49 This is talking about you.
30:51 This is talking about me.
30:54 If you believe that
30:55 you're part of the family of God, you know Jesus,
30:57 and you think I want to go to heaven.
31:00 This power was going to think
31:02 because we realize the enemy is behind it.
31:04 He's going to do what?
31:05 "He's going to wear out the saints of the Most High,
31:09 and he shall think to change times and laws."
31:13 Man, these are such clear identifying marks
31:16 of the enemy and his plan.
31:18 And you know what we do?
31:20 Most of us just sleep through it.
31:22 Most of just taken, no, it doesn't really matter.
31:25 You think not? You think not.
31:29 If you think that's what's going on
31:31 in the world today is messed up.
31:34 It's all heading in the direction
31:36 that we're talking about right now.
31:38 It's heading in the direction.
31:41 You talk about communism, you talk about socialism.
31:44 You talk about the change of this world
31:47 where your rights and your freedoms
31:48 and your Constitution, your Bill of Right, all gone.
31:52 You have none. That's right, fascism.
31:54 All of these things are headed in that direction
31:56 to where the government takes care of you,
31:58 basically gives you little stipends here and there,
32:00 and you just be a good boy and girl.
32:03 Is that okay to say that?
32:06 Look at the history.
32:07 Look at all that's happened in the past,
32:08 is exactly the way it's operated.
32:10 It happened in France, didn't that way too?
32:12 You may look what happened to them, and they gave it up.
32:14 They just banned God.
32:15 They just banned religion, the Bibles burned, everything,
32:17 killed thousands.
32:19 Pretty soon after about three years,
32:20 they came back to their senses.
32:23 But what a mess.
32:26 The Bible says, but notice this,
32:30 this power then God would allow it to prosper,
32:34 listen, 1260 years.
32:39 What can happen in 1260 years?
32:44 You and I forget yesterday.
32:48 Is that true?
32:51 Think about 1260 years of...
32:56 I almost said baloney.
32:57 Can I say baloney up here?
32:59 Lies of the devil, baloney.
33:01 Terry, I said baloney. I'm sorry, just the way it is.
33:05 Of lies of the devil stacked on the other,
33:07 stacked on the other.
33:08 And this generation dies off, that generation dies,
33:10 this generation, this generation,
33:12 and it comes down to our time.
33:14 We don't know what truth is.
33:16 It's been covered, but God said, Isaiah 58.
33:19 He said, "He's going to uncover the truths
33:21 before He shall come."
33:22 'Cause we have people that will rise up
33:24 and begin to proclaim a message
33:25 that has not been proclaimed before,
33:28 because it's been covered
33:29 with traditions of men and lies of the devil.
33:34 He wants you to think you're a Christian,
33:35 he wants you to believe in the cross of Calvary,
33:38 but doesn't want it to change you.
33:41 He said to be given until time,
33:44 and a times and a dividing of times.
33:47 This, most people have no idea.
33:49 You let the Bible interpret itself.
33:51 When you talk about a time, people say, "I know what time,
33:54 and times, dividing of times."
33:55 We'll read that in just a moment
33:56 when we have time to do that.
33:58 So we're seeing a power
33:59 that's pointed out here in Scripture.
34:01 Listen, this, this power challenges God
34:05 and it should challenge you as God's children.
34:09 It challenges His people, it challenges His law.
34:12 Why should I be concerned about it?
34:14 Why don't I just go on something smooth and talk about
34:16 whatever the world wants to hear.
34:17 Man, we'll fill this place up. Man, let's get the excavator.
34:21 Let's just start building on.
34:24 Let's increase the parking lots.
34:26 Let's build up two stories. You see what I mean?
34:28 Just preach those things that people go, I feel good.
34:31 Oh, I feel good. Right?
34:35 Give $10, you get 30 back,
34:36 everybody comes through the door.
34:38 I'm not gonna preach no little mickey mouse $30.
34:41 I'm gonna say 100 full.
34:42 I'm gonna say 200 bucks. Okay.
34:46 You see what I'm talking about?
34:48 People just go for that.
34:50 Instead of saying we better get it right.
34:52 We better get it right because time is almost gone.
34:55 Jesus has made it clear in His Word.
34:58 If we take Daniel 7:25,
35:01 which we just read and examine few of the points,
35:04 I believe it will help us understand the whys
35:07 this power would speak great words,
35:11 challenge God against the Most High.
35:14 Against there simply means that's what it means
35:17 against the Most High
35:18 means to the side of over against,
35:21 it would be an opposition.
35:22 So this power then would be an opposition of God.
35:25 So we're going to identify
35:27 who this power is as we go along.
35:30 It says, "I want to be equal with God."
35:33 So we'd have to look at a power that's claiming
35:36 or wanting to be equal with God,
35:38 and working toward that.
35:40 Hmm.
35:41 If anyone in the Bible we ever...
35:45 Oh, 2 Thessalonians, you say, well, good for you.
35:49 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
35:52 In the New Testament,
35:54 the Bible said, here's the power,
35:55 notice what it does?
35:57 2 Thessalonians what?
35:59 Two verse.
36:00 Yeah, most of you are going to go out here
36:01 and you're going to say,
36:03 "Oh, boy, we're having haystacks for lunch."
36:05 Oh, boy, having haystacks for lunch, man.
36:08 Somebody put the tomato and the onions on.
36:11 Listen, we need little fire
36:13 underneath our bellies right now,
36:15 underneath our seats,
36:16 because again, this is not what God...
36:19 I'll tell you, God is saying right now,
36:20 His people will rise up in opposition,
36:23 because it says here.
36:24 He warns us through
36:25 His Apostle Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:4.
36:29 He said, "Here's the power that's going to rise up
36:31 that's going to oppose
36:32 and exalt himself above all that is called God."
36:37 Did you get it?
36:38 The power would do what?
36:39 Oppose God.
36:41 Or, now notice this,
36:43 here's the key, "Or that is worshiped."
36:45 So this power then
36:46 would have to be a power that what?
36:49 Demands worship, a religious political power.
36:53 Come on, stay with me. These are identifying marks.
36:56 Yeah. That's what it says.
36:58 He opposes and he's exalted.
36:59 He said in Isaiah 14, "I will rise above," what?
37:02 "The throne of God.
37:04 I will sit on the throne of God."
37:06 Whoa!
37:09 And so that he as God setteth in the temple of God
37:13 showing himself, notice, that he is God.
37:17 And then you write a little article and say,
37:18 "Well, we really didn't mean that.
37:20 Well, that's not really what he meant.
37:21 Well, he just took part of it.
37:23 He took part of it out of context."
37:24 Don't kid yourself, the Bible is clear.
37:27 This bold power, whoa,
37:30 if I can just say it nice as I can.
37:32 This bold, this power is Satan's right hand man.
37:38 He's ready to carry on the work that Satan started in heaven,
37:42 and he's going to continue it.
37:44 It's a fight against the law of God.
37:48 Didn't he in heaven, he challenges, right,
37:50 God's authority, God's government?
37:53 He challenged it, it should be different.
37:56 The world today
37:57 in lot of religious circles, they say,
37:59 "Well, it should be different.
38:01 We don't have to worry about being obedient.
38:02 We kind of do as we please.
38:04 Just believe it's going to be all right."
38:06 Don't you kid yourself.
38:08 The Bible said, the devils believe and tremble.
38:10 But you know what? That hasn't changed them.
38:13 Belief is not enough. Praise God for belief.
38:15 It's not enough. There has to be a change.
38:20 This power according to Daniel 7:25.
38:23 Notice this, again,
38:25 we're going to identify little bit more.
38:27 Oh-oh, oh-oh, I said, oh, boy.
38:29 He's going to wear out the saints.
38:31 You know what that simply mean wear out the word,
38:33 he's going to kill.
38:35 He's going to make war with the saints.
38:40 And he's going to do it verse through verse 21
38:42 there through persecution.
38:45 And you seen it through the ages,
38:46 we'll see it more as we come down
38:47 to the end of time.
38:50 He would think, he would intend,
38:53 he would endeavor,
38:56 deliberately try to change the law of God.
39:02 He would deliberately try to change
39:04 the law of God, change times and laws.
39:09 Isn't that very interesting?
39:11 So he would make a deliberate attempt to exercise,
39:15 notice this, the prerogatives of God.
39:19 This is the power it's talking about here.
39:23 And these changes would help him to direct
39:26 the course of human history.
39:30 Well, who could do that?
39:32 Who could just jump in and say, "God, you're out, now I'm in."
39:35 Prerogatives of God.
39:37 Let me just give you one example,
39:38 there's many.
39:39 Somebody mentioned at the beginning.
39:41 Remember it said, this power would speak
39:43 blasphemies against God.
39:46 You know, a lot of things in Christian
39:47 we call blasphemy, well, that's blasphemy.
39:49 But really, when you look at scripture,
39:52 study Matthew Chapter 9,
39:55 and you can read verses 3 through 5,
39:57 very, very, very interesting
39:59 because Jesus was having a confrontation, you remember?
40:02 Something was going on and he heals someone,
40:06 and on the hell he can't do that.
40:09 Jesus said, thy sins be what?
40:11 He does heal, then He said, thy sins be forgiven thee.
40:15 Oh, he said, oh, no you can't, that's blasphemy.
40:20 You remember,
40:22 who can forgive sin but God only.
40:24 The power that would rise would be a power
40:27 that would claim to forgive sin on earth.
40:29 That's what the Bible says.
40:32 Does that make sense?
40:33 That's what blasphemy.
40:35 And I compared to a lot of different things, but blasphemy
40:37 is that earthly power that claims to forgive sin on earth.
40:41 You have to look around and say,
40:42 what religion, who claims this?
40:48 Wow!
40:51 I say this, it is God who determines the times.
40:55 It is God who what?
40:56 Who deserve, you know, determines the time.
40:59 God sets up kings and he takes them down.
41:04 Listen, throughout all the New Testament
41:06 and you think quickly with me.
41:09 Time's really going down.
41:10 The New Testament times,
41:12 Christians observe the seventh day of the week
41:15 as the Sabbath, is that right?
41:18 Yeah. Take Acts Chapter 17.
41:20 Had a man study with me one time, very interesting.
41:22 I love to study the Bible with you.
41:23 He said us, "Okay, good."
41:25 He said, "But we will only study
41:26 in the Book of Acts."
41:28 Well, was there 66 books, is that right?
41:30 So we're gonna throw out 65.
41:33 I said, "Why, the Book of Acts?
41:35 I love that too.
41:36 But no, there's the whole Bible there."
41:38 No, it's only Acts.
41:39 Well, here in Acts 17:2,
41:42 it says, and Paul, listen, and Paul,
41:44 was Paul a prophet of God?
41:45 Was he God's Messenger?
41:47 Was he called of God to get the message to the Gentiles?
41:49 Absolutely, a changed man he got.
41:51 Paul was a Sabbath keeper.
41:55 Paul was a seventh day keeper.
41:58 I'll be real bold,
41:59 not trying to offend anybody, but he was...
42:03 He was Seventh-day Adventist.
42:06 And reason I say that is because when you say
42:09 Seventh-day Adventist, seventh day
42:11 means you go to church on the seventh day of the week.
42:13 That's what the Bible says.
42:15 Adventist means you believe in the Second Coming.
42:18 Every church ought to have
42:20 Advent somewhere in it, every denomination.
42:22 That just simply means you believe
42:24 in the Second Coming.
42:25 If you don't believe in the Second Coming,
42:27 you can't be God's people.
42:29 Okay, you got enough of that, right?
42:31 Don't wanna hear any more than I was.
42:32 But just think, listen, think free, as his matter was,
42:36 he says he went into them
42:38 three Sabbath days reasoned with them
42:40 out of the Scripture.
42:43 We see this power has attempted to do what?
42:48 It's attempted to do some changing here.
42:50 I thought was very, very, very interesting the changes.
42:54 It's attempted to change the seventh day
42:57 of the week to Sunday, the first day of the week.
43:00 Now remember what did prophecy say?
43:03 Daniel 7:25, "He shall think to change times and law."
43:06 This power will try to kill, persecute God's people.
43:09 Man, if we get all through this,
43:11 you'll see as we go.
43:12 How can you do in 10 minutes? I don't know.
43:16 But these are identifying marks.
43:18 No other power in the whole world
43:20 can match up to what we're going out here.
43:22 None. It has to be this power.
43:27 Because this attempted change
43:29 is almost universal now around the world.
43:33 But how? Just bear with me.
43:37 Because we believe that the seven days continues on
43:42 as the changeless memorial of God's original creation.
43:47 It started back in the beginning of creation.
43:50 Plus, it's a sign of His recreative power
43:53 to recreate us.
43:56 So taking the Bible and just the Bible on only,
43:59 we are unable, I am unable.
44:01 Maybe you can,
44:03 I'm unable to find any scripture
44:05 that would warrant any kind of a change.
44:09 Therefore we, you know, follow what we believe.
44:13 Now, the world is falling traditions
44:15 and commandments of men.
44:18 Are you still with me?
44:20 So today, you're either following
44:21 what the Bible said, or the traditions of men.
44:25 Jesus made it very, very clear in Matthew 15:3.
44:31 Remember, this is the identifying
44:32 mark of this devil,
44:34 the demon, Lucifer before he fell,
44:36 came down, said, "This is what I'm going to do."
44:38 And I'll give his identifying
44:39 marks of what he's trying to do.
44:41 Jesus was speaking, He said,
44:42 "But he answered and said unto them."
44:44 Jesus talking about the religious leaders.
44:46 He said, "Why do you also transgress
44:49 the commandments of God by your tradition?"
44:53 Can you imagine the King of the universe
44:55 and look all the stuff that you're doing,
44:57 your traditions in, notice this,
44:59 you're canceling out.
45:00 You're transgressing the commandments of God.
45:03 And then he makes it clear in verse 6,
45:05 "Thus have you made the commandments of God
45:09 none effect by your tradition."
45:12 It either is a tradition,
45:14 the change that came about
45:16 or it is from directly from the hand of God?
45:19 Interesting, Jesus knew about nothing, right?
45:22 And the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70,
45:24 40 years after His death, Jesus said,
45:27 "I pray that your flight be
45:29 nut in the winter nor on the Sabbath day.
45:31 The King of the universe didn't know about
45:34 any kind of change as it were
45:36 because almost 40 years in the future,
45:38 He was still calling to seventh day Sabbath.
45:41 What has happened?
45:43 Boy, I mean, there's a lot of stuff
45:44 that we need to look at as God's people
45:45 because the devil said here's the plan.
45:47 Here's what I'm going to do.
45:48 And God said, "I'm going to list it out
45:50 in the Word to expose you."
45:51 But devil said, "I'm not worried about,
45:52 too many people they're not going
45:54 to study it anyway."
45:55 So verse 9 really hits it hard right here,
45:57 notice this, it says, "But in vain they do what?
45:59 Worship me, teaching for doctrines
46:01 the commandments of men."
46:02 What did Jesus say?
46:04 He said, "In vain do they worship me,
46:05 teaching for doctrines the commandments of," what?
46:08 "Of men."
46:09 So you can claim it all you want.
46:11 No, I love God, I'm doing it.
46:12 He said, "It's in vain that you worship me,
46:14 teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."
46:16 This is what we have to look at.
46:19 How does the enemy come in?
46:22 False doctrine and this Sabbath begins to, you know, the enemy
46:25 begins to throw these things out into the church
46:27 and people grab on to them and say,
46:29 "Oh, this seems like this is what it is."
46:32 And we grab sometime things
46:33 that have no foundation whatsoever.
46:35 We didn't know it.
46:36 We were not accountable because we didn't know it.
46:39 But God said in the last days,
46:40 He will raise a group of people that would proclaim
46:42 the three angels' message that will warn the world.
46:45 I wish we had time to get into, we will not.
46:48 But James 4:17, the Bible is very clear.
46:50 Listen, brothers and sisters,
46:52 still being, "Oh, I wish I'd known all this time.
46:53 I wish I'd known."
46:55 This is only touching the edges of the information.
46:57 But Jesus said, "To him that knoweth to do good,
47:02 and doeth it not, to him it is sin."
47:06 Did you get it?
47:07 Many can say, "Well, how about mom?
47:09 And how about dad?"
47:10 Oh, if they did not know they are not accountable.
47:12 You do what you can do.
47:14 But now God said, He's bringing light forward.
47:17 Because it's very clear there in 1 John 3:4.
47:21 The Bible said,
47:22 "Whosoever committeth sin transgresses
47:25 also the law: for sin is."
47:27 what? Okay.
47:29 Just simply say this.
47:30 If the law of God is done away with
47:32 and that's what you proclaim,
47:33 then there's no sin, do what you want.
47:35 Sin is the transgression of God's law.
47:38 When we say the law of God is no longer binding,
47:41 then there's no sin.
47:43 Does that make sense?
47:45 No, not to us we're saying,
47:47 but that's what it means,
47:48 for sin is the transgression of the law.
47:50 But here, Romans 4:15 says this,
47:53 "For where no law is,
47:55 there is no transgression."
47:57 Where there's no law, what?
47:59 I'm not trying to hoodwink you.
48:01 I'm not trying to fool you, the Bible is clear here.
48:04 The law must be an operation.
48:07 James 2:10, 2:12 talk about
48:09 "Every man will be judged by the perfect law of liberty."
48:12 There has to be a standard
48:14 in the judgment that's equal for everybody
48:17 in every part of the world.
48:19 Sin is the transgression of the law.
48:21 To say, well, no, no, we won't.
48:23 Most of us don't have the nerve to say,
48:24 well, the law of God is done away.
48:26 We'll see, nine of them is.
48:27 James 2:10, "Where you offend in one point,
48:30 we're guilty of all."
48:32 You see a Sabbath,
48:33 at least in my opinion, in my study,
48:35 you may have something different,
48:36 was not a test in the medieval times.
48:40 Are you still with me?
48:42 It was not a test, even in the 16th century,
48:44 the Reformation period, the time of Wesley,
48:48 and some of the great reformers.
48:50 It was not a test at that point in time.
48:52 But in these last days, it becomes a test.
48:57 Because God said, "He will raise the people
48:58 to bring attention to all the command, all 10."
49:03 None of us would have, you know, the audacity to say,
49:05 "Well, we don't have to worry about that."
49:08 In fact, He said, "all truth is going to be restored
49:10 before Jesus comes."
49:12 Isaiah 58:12,
49:14 "He's the restorer of the paths to dwell in."
49:17 All of this is just simply said to go,
49:18 we're not even gonna get even we're close to it.
49:22 But it's saying that this power said,
49:24 this is what we're going to be doing.
49:26 And again, it's all laid out
49:28 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and then what?
49:31 Many times we just will not accept it
49:33 because of our pride.
49:35 We do not accept it because you say,
49:36 oh, my lands, I was wrong all this time.
49:40 God say, we got to say praise the Lord.
49:42 It's all right.
49:43 You said you wouldn't, now what are we going to?
49:44 Let's redeem the time. Let's keep going.
49:47 We all agree that God knows the future, do we not?
49:51 He knows the future.
49:52 Isaiah 46:10.
49:53 He says, "He declares the end from the beginning."
49:57 Amos 3:7, the Bible said,
49:59 "He revealeth secrets unto his," what?
50:01 "The servants, the prophets.
50:03 God is going to reveal.
50:04 Listen, there's not...
50:06 You think there's 10,000 ways in a Word,
50:07 way to get to heaven, we better think again.
50:10 There's only one way that's through Jesus Christ.
50:12 How you say? Oh, it's not by obeying.
50:15 It's not by keeping as it were.
50:16 It's not by, oh, you live unto...
50:18 By grace are you saved through faith?
50:21 It's a gift of God.
50:24 But there's no use to throw out the part of obedience.
50:26 Christ was obedient unto death.
50:28 Praise God for that.
50:30 If He was not, none of us would make it to the kingdom of God.
50:33 There's nothing wrong to say obedient.
50:34 How is it?
50:36 We can say, "Oh, well,
50:37 I'm gonna play the football game,
50:38 but I'm not gonna go by the rules."
50:40 Get out. I play basketball.
50:42 There's some rule. Get out.
50:44 None of us say that, right?
50:45 First thing we say when it goes haywire,
50:47 what's the rules? Right.
50:49 What are the rules? The rule says...
50:53 Rule just simply said what?
50:55 God's safety forces. Thou shall not, why?
50:58 Because if you do, Kenny, it'll hurt you.
51:00 It'll hurt you, and I don't want you to get hurt.
51:03 I think today will be very simple.
51:05 If we had take Catholic folk,
51:07 we take the Protestant folks today,
51:09 all the historians you can gather up
51:11 that's written so much and studied so hard.
51:15 They follow the breaking up
51:18 of the Roman Empire and the papacy and papal Rome.
51:23 Why?
51:25 They will come down to say, you know,
51:26 when that broke up the Roman Empire,
51:28 there was 10 kingdoms.
51:31 And people said, "Well, what are those 10 kingdoms?"
51:33 I wish we had time more to talk about them.
51:35 We'll examine those,
51:37 I think we will take time to do that
51:38 next time we come together
51:40 about the little horn and his plan to hoodwink you,
51:44 his plan to make sure
51:46 you're not in the kingdom of God.
51:47 Until then I guarantee
51:49 the devil will come against you.
51:50 He will do everything in his power
51:52 to make sure you say, "Well, I don't agree with it."
51:55 You haven't heard enough to maybe agree
51:56 or disagree at this point.
51:58 But we have heard plenty enough, right,
52:00 that we can read to say there is a power that says
52:03 we are God upon this earth.
52:05 We claim the prerogatives of God.
52:09 The enemy said, right?
52:10 We read it there in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14, that he said,
52:14 when he came down here,
52:15 that he's going to sit in the throne room of God.
52:17 He's going to be as God on earth,
52:19 and this is what he's going to do.
52:21 And one of them, he claims to forgive sin.
52:25 Man, we need to fit this thing together.
52:27 Because he's persecuting,
52:28 he's going to kill God's people and get rid of him.
52:31 He has a plan.
52:32 When he comes up, he would uproot three,
52:34 you remember that?
52:36 Yeah, of the ten.
52:37 We need to know this power beyond a shadow of a doubt.
52:39 And we need to put forth a fight,
52:41 because we have a message to give
52:42 called the three angels' message
52:44 to give to the world.
52:45 I want to be a part of that, don't you?
52:47 Because it's God's plan.
52:49 No one said it would be easy.
52:51 It's going to be a test. It's going to be a trial.
52:54 It'd be a decision I know that you want to make.
52:57 Let me just have a short prayer for you right now
52:59 and pray for me as we close.
53:01 Shall we pray together?
53:03 Loving Father in heaven, again, we thank You for Your Word.
53:05 Thank You that You're warning us that
53:07 You're soon to come in the clouds of glory.
53:09 Oh, Lord, help us to be ready.
53:11 Help us to swallow anything that we need to swallow.
53:13 Simply put our eyes upon You.
53:14 We may be ready for Your coming.
53:16 In Jesus' name, amen.
53:19 Thank You for joining us here at Behold the Lamb.
53:20 We look forward to spending time with you next time.
53:24 Hello and welcome back. Time is of the essence.
53:28 We must wake up and tell others
53:30 what God has left in His Word for us
53:33 to give us all hope and direction.
53:35 So often, I've thought about
53:38 what the last days on this earth would be like.
53:40 I've wondered how I would...
53:42 How I could personally survive
53:45 during the time of trouble that the Bible predicts
53:47 right before the coming of our Lord.
53:50 And like many others, I realize, I realize
53:54 it's very possible that the Lord may see fit,
53:57 that I sleep in the grave before His return.
54:00 I'm sure that many of you Christians,
54:02 many of you, like believers,
54:04 have had these same thoughts and these same questions.
54:07 However, as I was pondering one day before,
54:11 we were preparing for this message,
54:13 the thought came vividly to my mind,
54:15 that I was born here that
54:17 we're all here for such a time as this.
54:20 And it gave me hope,
54:21 because I thought if we're here,
54:23 God put us here right now,
54:25 therefore, he can strengthen us.
54:27 He can enable us to face whatever it is,
54:30 as long as we are 100% hid in Christ.
54:35 That reminder gave me such hope and a renewed sense of purpose,
54:40 as I hope it will you as well.
54:43 As we realize that this beast power
54:45 that Pastor Kenny
54:47 just spoke about today will continue
54:49 to exercise power
54:50 over the inhabitants of the world
54:52 before Christ's return.
54:54 This power has joined hands across the gulf
54:57 with what she calls her daughters.
55:00 And like many of our own children,
55:03 her daughters will be working
55:04 with her as her image to pass laws that
55:09 will sorely try the true children of God.
55:13 This final war is before us.
55:15 We are no doubt beginning to see
55:18 how the whole world can,
55:20 has and will come together
55:22 just as foretold in biblical prophecy
55:26 to bring the final events
55:27 to a worldwide crescendo as it were.
55:31 We are witnessing this coming together
55:34 under global initiatives
55:36 such as the pandemic, climate crisis,
55:39 and the teetering economic collapse.
55:43 Today's message again, Pope Leo XIII,
55:47 we hold upon the earth the place of God Almighty
55:52 with Pastor Kenny Shelton.
55:54 This is a message
55:55 that we want to make available to you
55:57 as always for a love gift of just $8 or more.
56:02 Please don't forget that or more.
56:03 I know time is getting tough financially
56:07 and it's getting tough financially here,
56:09 but we can only bring these messages to you
56:12 as we have your support.
56:13 We're just a supporting ministry.
56:16 We're also wanting to offer once again a free book
56:20 which is entitled The Mark of the Beast.
56:22 The Mark of the Beast,
56:24 you should see that your screen.
56:26 What a blessing that
56:27 we have access to so many messages
56:30 that will enable us to learn
56:32 so much information very, very quickly.
56:35 So to get your copy of today's message
56:38 or your free book or both,
56:40 simply contact us here
56:42 at the United States
56:43 at (618) 942-5044, that's Central Time.
56:49 To donate or to order, either the book of the DVD,
56:52 again entitled Pope Leo XIII,
56:55 we hold upon the earth the place of God Almighty.
56:59 You may also mail in your request
57:02 to Behold the Lamb Ministries,
57:03 PO Box 2030, Herrin, Illinois 62948.
57:08 You may also email us at
57:10 Contat@Behold
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57:23 Until next time, friends, may our precious Lord
57:26 continue to richly bless you and yours.


Revised 2021-10-14