Behold the Lamb Presents

Thank God for the Lighthouse!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000177S

00:38 Hello and welcome once again to Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:41 I'm Chris Shelton, I want to thank you for joining us.
00:44 Our message for today
00:46 is entitled Thank God for the Lighthouse.
00:48 Truly it seems that lawlessness, abuse,
00:51 corruption and deception, and immorality
00:54 seem to be knocking at everyone's door these days.
00:57 Is there any hope?
00:59 Is there any way of escape?
01:01 Well, we here at Behold the Lamb Ministries
01:03 feel that certainly, God has a way of escape.
01:07 He has a way of help and hope in His Word.
01:10 And you will discover during this message that we can learn
01:14 about what God's plan of escape by studying
01:17 the simple workings
01:18 and evolution of the lighthouse.
01:21 So please plan to stay tuned and join Pastor Kenny Shelton,
01:24 as he looks into the Word of God for absolute truth,
01:28 and shares with us the only way of escape as he presents,
01:33 Thank God for the Lighthouse.
01:35 But before we join Pastor Kenny Shelton,
01:38 let's visit 3ABN
01:39 and listen to a song that is entitled
01:42 The Lighthouse as played by Sam Ocampo.
06:03 Thank you for joining us once again here at Behold
06:04 the Lamb Ministry, is always a pleasure to be able to spend
06:08 some time with you, be able to come in your home,
06:10 study the Word of God together,
06:11 I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing right now.
06:14 And we pray that you're thinking along those lines too.
06:16 Because once again, we're going to be study that I believe
06:19 is pertinent to this hour that we live in.
06:22 We live and I'll tell you fascinating hours
06:25 of earth's history.
06:27 Number one, because Jesus is going to come.
06:29 Number two, signs are everywhere that we
06:32 can't miss them.
06:33 If you're missing them, something is wrong.
06:35 We're going to be talking about, if we're missing them,
06:37 maybe there's a reason.
06:38 Today's subject is,
06:40 if it wasn't for the Lighthouse.
06:42 And we're going to figure out,
06:43 we talked about Lighthouse just a little bit
06:45 and was kind of energized by last week's children's story
06:47 about a lighthouse,
06:49 and we're going to look at it from a spiritual standpoint.
06:52 And the hour in which we are living is very, very important.
06:55 Thank God for the Lighthouse, you know, thank God for it.
06:59 Without it, we would all certainly would perish.
07:02 Again, we're glad you joined us.
07:03 We thank you for your cards, your letter,
07:05 your support of Behold the Lamb Ministry
07:07 and other ministries around
07:09 the world that are preaching present truth.
07:11 We think it's very, very important.
07:13 And thank you for helping us get this message out.
07:16 And again, we solicit your calls and your letters,
07:19 and so on, so forth.
07:21 Sometime we're maybe slow getting back.
07:24 It's just difficult some time,
07:25 all the things that are going on,
07:26 but don't give up on us.
07:28 You can always call us.
07:29 Again, we're very grateful and thankful.
07:30 Now, today, we're going to, as always,
07:33 before we get into the Word of God,
07:35 the Word is clear.
07:37 We can't understand it unless we do what?
07:39 We have to pray. You've got to pray first.
07:42 So I'm going to kneel up here,
07:43 you can if you'd like or just be in the attitude
07:45 of prayer with me
07:46 as we ask God's blessing upon this message.
07:49 Let's pray, shall we?
07:51 Loving Father in heaven, truly we thank You for Your grace
07:55 and Your love and Your mercy.
07:57 Lord, we pray that You would pour out Your Spirit.
08:00 Pour out Your Spirit upon us, Lord, as a languishing people.
08:03 Oh, how we need Your power, how we need Your Spirit,
08:06 how we need to hear from heaven today.
08:09 Lord, may our ears be open,
08:10 may our minds be receptive to that which You
08:13 have in store for us.
08:14 Bless us, we pray that this end as we think right now,
08:18 as the Holy Spirit is walking up
08:20 and down the aisles as it were,
08:22 and we pray that we will remember that it will keep
08:24 our mind stayed upon You in Jesus' name.
08:26 Amen. Amen.
08:28 Did Gorman talk again about the lighthouse,
08:31 and I thought it was very, very interesting.
08:33 If it wasn't for the lighthouse,
08:35 you know, where would we be?
08:36 And so we go back in time, and we think about it,
08:40 you know, it goes back to antiquity,
08:43 if you want to go back that far,
08:45 that the lighthouses, why were they put up?
08:47 Certainly, it was to warn the ships and the captains
08:52 and people on the water that there was danger ahead.
08:57 Danger ahead, death could be there.
08:59 It wasn't just a little scrape, or maybe,
09:01 but it was a shipwreck, and sometimes thousands,
09:04 hundreds of thousands of lives were lost,
09:06 you know, over a year's time, or, you know,
09:08 a month's time, stormy time,
09:10 because they could not see
09:13 and they were not warned that land was right upon them.
09:16 And I want you to take all this serious spiritually
09:19 today along with me.
09:21 The first one was controlled by fires, as we will know and,
09:25 you know, that's, that was nice as always on a high place,
09:29 right, for people to see because it will shine out
09:31 further, you know, for to warn the others.
09:34 And over time,
09:35 we find that these signals just wasn't sufficient.
09:38 And so, you know, the Bible tells us
09:40 and I think it's Daniel 12:4, isn't it?
09:42 It says as knowledge will increase,
09:45 right, men will run to and fro.
09:47 And so as knowledge increase,
09:48 there was better ways to put up to warn them many
09:51 nautical miles out into the oceans,
09:54 so that they did not run into all these snags,
09:57 all of these rocks and all the danger.
09:59 Like us spiritually today, be careful because the enemy
10:02 has a rock out there for you.
10:04 He has a snag out there for you,
10:06 and he has one for me.
10:09 Of course in about 1820, that goes back quite
10:11 a ways that things really changed,
10:14 and it was really brighter light, shine out further,
10:18 safety, but still yet there was shipwrecks.
10:22 So I'm wondering today we pray that you are not making
10:24 a shipwreck of your life.
10:27 Where is that lighthouse?
10:28 Do you have a lighthouse?
10:30 What is the lighthouse?
10:32 You know, could it be Jesus?
10:33 And could it be the Word of God?
10:35 Is that still shining today?
10:38 You know, I believe it's still shining today.
10:40 It's shining brightly,
10:41 but many of us fail to see it because we have blinders on.
10:45 Our mind is close to what's going on in the world,
10:47 because we don't want to understand what's happening.
10:51 We don't want to make any changes in our life.
10:53 We want to profess that we are a Christian.
10:56 Remember, you call yourself a Christian,
10:57 I call myself a Christian.
10:59 That means simple language, is to be Christ like,
11:03 to be Christ like.
11:04 If we're not Christ like in our actions and our talk
11:06 and our deeds and so on, we're really none of His.
11:10 And Jesus makes it very simple in His Word.
11:11 Remember what He says?
11:13 He who is not with Me is what?
11:16 Is against Me.
11:18 If we're not with Him, then we're against Him.
11:19 There's no middle ground, there's no me I wish, I seem,
11:22 I'm a pretty good guy, I'm going to make it,
11:24 you're either with Him or we're not.
11:26 One of my favorite songs, every time I hear one,
11:30 it's my favorite.
11:32 Is it okay to say that? I just like it at the time.
11:34 It fits the bill.
11:35 One of my favorite songs is, you know,
11:37 if it wasn't for the lighthouse,
11:39 many of you know that song.
11:42 You know, I think the words have meaning for today
11:45 and the society that we are living in,
11:48 because it tells of the struggles that many
11:51 of us are going through in life.
11:54 It tells of the dangers that approach us each and every day.
11:58 And sometimes we just don't see clear enough.
12:02 And sometimes we fall into these little snares,
12:04 we make a shipwreck of our faith because we make
12:08 wrong choices and decision
12:09 is because we were not seeing clear enough.
12:12 We need more light,
12:13 and many times that light did not
12:15 come because we didn't ask for it,
12:19 and we weren't looking for it and we crashed.
12:22 So most of us can look back in our life,
12:24 and we say at one time or the other we crashed.
12:27 We crashed in our experience with Christ.
12:30 It doesn't make us happy,
12:31 but I think it's good to at least acknowledge that
12:33 and that we have learned from that.
12:36 With all the confusion, at least in my mind,
12:40 and all the voices, and the fear
12:44 and all the questions we have today about our lives
12:47 and where we are headed, the biggest question is,
12:51 I hear, what's going to happen?
12:54 What's going to happen?
12:57 Where do you direct a person to asking that question?
13:00 'Cause remember, listen, remember, heaven
13:02 is going to be your home, or can I say heaven or hell?
13:05 Is that okay to be playing?
13:07 You're either going to heaven or you're going to hell,
13:08 one or the other, you'll have to choose,
13:10 you'll have to decide.
13:11 You can't blame me.
13:13 I'm not going to blame you.
13:14 It's between you, your choice.
13:17 And why not choose heaven?
13:18 Why not choose eternal life?
13:20 Because God says, I'm going to help you make those decision.
13:23 I'm going to help you make those choices,
13:25 and I know you're confused.
13:28 And I know that you're sometimes like
13:29 butting our head against a brick wall, we say.
13:34 What's going to happen in this world?
13:36 What I see in the world taking place right now,
13:38 if it wasn't for God and His Word,
13:40 I think I would go crazy.
13:41 Is it okay to say that?
13:44 Is that okay?
13:47 I would have no direction at all because everybody
13:49 I hear and see, they're going at different direction.
13:52 And it's not the way of the word, is not the way
13:54 of any things, you know, maybe that's right,
13:59 but they're going so many different directions.
14:02 I heard, you know, I've heard a lot of people say,
14:04 "I'd like to do the right thing."
14:05 Have you ever talk to somebody,
14:07 "I'd like to do the right thing, but..."
14:11 Remember God's people are sheep, right?
14:15 They listen and they do what?
14:16 They hear, and then they follow the Lamb.
14:20 The enemy, right, he has goats because they're always
14:25 saying "but".
14:26 Okay, we'll go on with that, right?
14:30 "I would do it but..."
14:32 That's what goats do, isn't that right?
14:34 Okay, now we got it. All right.
14:37 Either for Him or we are against Him.
14:41 I've heard this.
14:43 Many people are pulling me different directions.
14:45 Do you ever have that in your life?
14:46 Somebody is pulling you over here,
14:48 somebody else's pulling this direction
14:50 and that direction, you say,
14:51 "I don't know which way to go because I'm being pulled,
14:53 and it feels like I'm being pulled in two
14:56 and I need some help."
14:59 I think it would do us some good today because I talk
15:02 about there's a lighthouse on the hilltop.
15:04 Just go over those words,
15:05 if you'll just allow me to do that.
15:07 Think spiritually with me, please.
15:09 These are fantastic words, and I think that the principle
15:13 is just right out of Scripture.
15:16 And I feel like it's just right out of my own life
15:19 and you're going to feel like it's maybe in your life,
15:20 it's worth the reading for sure.
15:23 The song said, there's a lighthouse
15:25 on the hillside that overlooks life's sea.
15:30 When I'm tossed, it sends out a light,
15:33 a light that I might see.
15:37 And that light shines in darkness.
15:40 So, boy, now will safely lead me home.
15:43 If it wasn't for the lighthouse, listen church,
15:46 if it wasn't for the lighthouse,
15:48 my ship would sail no more.
15:53 Second verse says everybody, I included myself.
15:57 Everybody who lives around me says,
15:59 "Tear that lighthouse down.
16:02 These big ships, they don't sail this way anymore.
16:06 There's no use it standing around."
16:09 You've heard people saying, we don't need the Word of God,
16:11 we don't need direction, we don't need any light,
16:13 we just need to follow what we have gotten.
16:15 Oh, then my mind goes back to that stormy night,
16:20 and everybody's had it.
16:22 We've had stormy nights.
16:23 But would just in time, I saw the light,
16:27 old light from that old lighthouse
16:30 that stands up on the hill.
16:33 The chorus goes something like this.
16:35 And I thank God for the lighthouse.
16:38 I hope somebody is thanking God right now.
16:40 I hope somebody is excited about,
16:42 thank God for this spiritual lighthouse.
16:45 In other words, I owe my life to Him,
16:48 for Jesus is that lighthouse.
16:51 And from the rocks of sin, notice that,
16:54 the rocks out there, rocks of what?
16:56 Of sin, He has shone the light
16:58 around me that I might clearly see
17:02 if it wasn't for that lighthouse,
17:06 tell me where would this ship be?
17:10 Where would you be today without that lighthouse?
17:13 Where would you be without Jesus?
17:14 Where would you be without the Word of God today?
17:17 We know that lighthouse is Jesus Christ, do we not?
17:20 If you don't know, I encourage you to look today.
17:24 He wants to shine that light to you.
17:25 In fact, in John 8:12, the Bible is so clear.
17:28 It says, "Then spake Jesus again to them saying,"
17:31 who's speaking?
17:33 Jesus was saying here, notice, "I am what?
17:37 I am the light of the world.
17:41 He that follow with me will not? What?
17:43 Shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.
17:48 He that follows me will not walk in what?
17:51 In darkness."
17:52 If we're following after Christ,
17:53 we're not going to shipwreck.
17:55 For walking in darkness,
17:56 we're not going to get ourselves
17:58 messed up in the world
17:59 and things that are going on in the world today,
18:00 because He's shining the light on these things,
18:02 and gives you courage, strength and faith,
18:05 right, to move forward by the grace of God,
18:07 to move on and gain victory.
18:09 And that's encouraging to me and then He says in John 1:4-5.
18:14 John 1:4-5.
18:17 Notice that, I love it starts out, "In him was life."
18:20 What was it?
18:22 In him is what?
18:24 There is no life outside of Him.
18:27 You may think you have life, those of you who have not
18:29 accepted Him, you may think you have life,
18:31 you don't have life without Him because the Word
18:33 of God says what?
18:35 There is no life, in Him was life.
18:37 He's the only one and the life was the light of men.
18:42 I need more light to be able to see
18:44 what's happening in the world.
18:46 I need more light upon the Word of God.
18:49 What helped me understand and be able to help others
18:51 and help myself to the kingdom of God.
18:54 Because it said that light shineth in darkness.
18:58 Do you believe we live in a dark world?
19:00 Brother Jan, I believe we're living in one
19:02 of darkest periods of earth's history,
19:05 because it gets worse and worse.
19:07 The time when Christ came here, several thousand years ago,
19:10 it was the darkest time of earth's history then,
19:13 but now 2000 more years
19:14 as we're over that we realize here,
19:16 it's darker than ever before.
19:18 We need help, we need a lighthouse,
19:21 we need a light to shine upon this, but you know what?
19:24 When Jesus came, the Bible simply says,
19:27 "When the light shine," it said, "and darkness,
19:29 people in darkness comprehended it not."
19:33 There were those who comprehended
19:34 the coming of Jesus.
19:36 Then there were multitudes, millions that didn't.
19:39 They didn't comprehend it.
19:41 They comprehended it not, it's what the Bible said.
19:44 I say today if we ever needed light
19:46 and the spiritual light, it's now.
19:49 Prophecy convinces, as you read prophecy,
19:53 see our problem today is not just,
19:55 it's not there, it is here.
19:58 It's here over and over in the Word of God,
20:01 if you want to know, if we read prophecy,
20:03 it convinces many that just before Jesus comes,
20:08 so don't be shocked about this, there's going to be some
20:11 great challenges, listen, in the church and in the world.
20:16 We're going to be faced with these great,
20:18 momentous challenges.
20:21 Circumstances are going to be so arranged
20:23 and come about that every person, listen,
20:28 every person on the face of the planet
20:30 will be tested to their loyalty of God.
20:33 Now remember, talk is cheap.
20:37 Can I say that?
20:40 There's a lot of wind bags in the church.
20:43 I don't say anybody here.
20:45 But there's a lot of windy stuff going on in the churches,
20:49 a lot of talk.
20:51 When they're in church, you know, they're holy,
20:53 and they're all wonderful, and then during the week,
20:56 they live for the enemy.
21:00 Now think about, not trying to judge anyone,
21:02 not trying to say it, but you know,
21:03 again by their fruits, Jesus said you, you'll know them.
21:07 If you're a Christian, you're a Christian 24/7,
21:10 not just on, they say one day a week.
21:15 The Word does tell us
21:17 He is the light of the world.
21:21 As long as we had that light shining,
21:23 we will not wreck on the things of this world.
21:28 You know, again, why so many wrecks in the Christian
21:30 life then if He is the light of the world,
21:32 and we're following Him?
21:36 We can understand tripping over something in darkness.
21:41 We've all done it, stumped our toes, whatever.
21:44 We've got hurt.
21:45 Problems in life, made wrong choice
21:47 and decisions, but now what?
21:49 Light is shining upon our pathway,
21:51 we should be able to see.
21:53 Maybe the question might be this,
21:54 what does God want from me?
21:57 This is very pertinent in this hour
21:59 that we're living in considering prophecy,
22:01 considering what's taking place in the world.
22:04 Things that we don't understand
22:05 and we see every day things are changing,
22:07 and it's changing to the worst.
22:09 It's almost insane of what's taking place today.
22:14 And what may take place tomorrow,
22:16 and it's going to, listen,
22:17 you are going to be involved and I'm going to be involved,
22:20 and we're going to have to make a decision.
22:24 What does God want from us?
22:26 What does God want from me?
22:31 I don't know about you, but I like simple answers.
22:35 Sometime I like to say,
22:36 "God, say yes or no."
22:41 Yeah, this is what you just say yes.
22:43 Lord, I don't know what to do here,
22:44 just say yes.
22:47 And no, we are looking to want to say no,
22:48 but sometimes it doesn't work out that way at all.
22:53 And there's time I like to say, "Lord,
22:55 let's make a list,
22:58 do's and don'ts. Simple."
23:01 Do this, and don't, you know, He's done that.
23:04 Done that in His law, has He not?
23:07 Do's and don'ts and He's make it yes and no.
23:11 The high priest you remember?
23:16 Will He really guide me in this mess that we're in right now?
23:21 Will He guide me in the small details of my life?
23:24 Is He interested in...
23:27 Woo, be careful Kenny, it's nothing personal, in a phone?
23:32 I think He is.
23:34 That's the small details of life.
23:35 It seems mighty at that point in time and it's big,
23:39 but not to God.
23:43 But you know what? Because it is to you, He cares.
23:46 How many times you've lost your purse?
23:47 How many times we've lost this or that and we say God help us?
23:50 We've lost a key and all of a sudden there it is.
23:55 See, this is where I'm challenged.
23:57 I'm challenged with this because, let's give you
23:59 just a little example.
24:00 All I have to do as Abraham did,
24:02 is all I have to do at night is look up.
24:05 And I see the stars in heavens.
24:09 Listen, the nearest star to this planet
24:14 is about 25 billion miles away.
24:19 Somebody is not with it.
24:21 The nearest star
24:23 is about 25 billion miles from this planet.
24:28 Isn't that awesome that the eyes can still see that far?
24:33 25, see we, 25 billion, let's see, oh, you can't.
24:37 Yeah.
24:39 Think about it.
24:41 Yeah, and Genesis 22:17, remember,
24:45 where God said He's going to bless Abraham?
24:47 He said, I'm going to bless you as what?
24:48 The stars of heaven, as the sand of the sea.
24:52 That's awesome when you think about it.
24:54 The number of the stars,
24:55 the number of the sand of the sea,
24:58 and all the seas, Gods said I'm going to bless you.
25:00 Keep that in mind as we go because we're looking here.
25:04 Now think about this in Psalms 147:4.
25:08 Again, there's a lighthouse on the seal top,
25:11 that's overlooking life's sea, the all that's going on,
25:15 all the wind that blows.
25:18 How wonderful?
25:19 What a creator we have?
25:20 This encourages me.
25:22 Present truth can be put in simple form sometimes,
25:25 not necessarily going all into prophecy,
25:27 but saying what kind of a God that's there to help us.
25:30 We need that as God's people.
25:33 How wonderful a creator that we have?
25:35 Notice Psalms 147:4 says,
25:38 listen carefully.
25:41 He telleth, remember, the stars are like him,
25:44 right, sand of the sea is just, oh, it says here,
25:48 he telleth the, notice this,
25:50 he telleth the number of the stars.
25:56 He calleth them all by their name.
26:00 He's put those stars up there, and He calls them by name,
26:06 just like He knows your name.
26:08 Just like He says, I know the number of hair on your head.
26:12 I've got a close eye on you not to see if you're good or bad,
26:15 but so I can help you.
26:17 What kind of a God do we serve that says a stars I love?
26:21 He created the stars up there, and He said and all the sand
26:24 of the sea and I call them all by name.
26:27 Listen, astronomers, I just be careful,
26:31 I've had comments about, I'm just not going to say.
26:33 The astronomers, other words, the stargazers,
26:36 the people who look into the heavens,
26:38 who says they know anything.
26:40 But they do look up and they do study,
26:42 and so here's what they say.
26:45 They say, "We can somewhat guess
26:48 how many stars there are in the universe."
26:50 Yeah.
26:51 They call it something like this.
26:55 It's 10 to the 26th power.
26:59 Now, I don't do math like that.
27:02 I do two plus two.
27:06 I think it's still four, Levi.
27:12 Do you understand what 10 to the 26 power?
27:15 That means whatever number you put up there,
27:17 it's got 26 zeros after it.
27:20 And I'm thinking, well, that still don't help me
27:22 a whole lot right here.
27:24 So that means they're saying here there is a,
27:27 there is 100 million, billion,
27:30 billion stars.
27:34 Now, we know they can't count the stars.
27:38 They can't see that far.
27:41 They're seeing the edges of God's creation.
27:45 And I believe that God is still creating,
27:46 He's in the creating business.
27:48 He's still working on me. Right?
27:51 He's still working in the universe,
27:53 and the universe is opening up and is expanding all the time.
27:57 Wait, how can we think about it?
28:01 If a person could, let me give you the illustration,
28:03 if a person could count 10 numbers,
28:06 now notice this, 10 numbers per second,
28:10 it would take him at least a thousand million,
28:15 billion years to count to the number
28:19 10 to the 26th power.
28:22 Somebody is not going to get it.
28:24 You know why? I don't get it.
28:26 That's too deep.
28:28 It's too deep.
28:31 We're talking about something that's infinite here,
28:35 but yet He cares about you and He cares about me.
28:39 Oh, a little star, oh, a little star, really?
28:42 Size of the stars, they,
28:44 you know, there's different one,
28:46 little smaller ones and there's some
28:48 the size of this earth.
28:50 And then there's some, if you think about,
28:52 the diameter of the largest star,
28:55 says the brains, those who study them
28:59 says it's 155,000
29:04 times larger than the diameter of this earth.
29:08 Did you get it?
29:09 155,000 times.
29:13 You think that's not a big star?
29:16 And He puts them there, He hangs them,
29:19 and He calls them by name.
29:21 He doesn't become confused with the stars of the billions
29:24 and trillions and quadrillions,
29:25 whatever it might be.
29:27 And He's not confused about your name or mine either.
29:29 Man, you talk about beautiful, huh?
29:33 And they say, well, how big is the universe?
29:36 Listen for man to even approach that is ridiculous.
29:39 Are you still there?
29:40 How big is the universe?
29:42 My uncle always said he get up front, he'd preach, Uncle Owen,
29:44 he get up, yeah.
29:46 In every Sabbath when he would preach,
29:47 he talked about the new heaven and the new earth.
29:50 I always loved as a child but saying that every time,
29:53 the new heaven and new earth,
29:55 I always loved hearing him talk about it.
29:56 Then he would say, "How big is heaven and the earth?"
30:02 Well, I don't know.
30:05 Let's see, when you get to the end of it,
30:06 is there a wall?
30:08 Oh my, then he'd stomp himself
30:10 and then he'd start talking to himself,
30:12 "When you get to the wall, then what's on the other
30:14 side of the wall?
30:15 How thick?" Is anybody getting this?
30:20 You can't say there's an end to the universe.
30:23 There is no end to God.
30:25 So it's too much for our mind and our thinking.
30:28 But notice, the astronomers, listen,
30:31 they can calculate and look
30:33 and they say that they can calculate at least,
30:36 how big is the universe?
30:37 They say we can only go 46 billion
30:42 light years from earth.
30:48 Forty six billion light years they can hit,
30:53 know realize there's something out there,
30:55 but they can't go beyond that.
30:58 Light travels at 186,000 miles a second.
31:03 Did you get that?
31:05 Remember, 46 billion light years
31:09 of what they're saying.
31:11 My!
31:12 So how much, you know, how fast is...
31:14 How far does light travel in a year?
31:16 Just in one year. Interesting.
31:19 You'd figure it up. It's about 6 trillion.
31:23 Somebody,
31:24 6 trillion miles a year.
31:29 Remember, light travels 6 trillion.
31:32 Now we're talking about the universe.
31:34 We're talking about how big God is,
31:36 and yet He cares for you, and He cares for me.
31:38 Even when we've gone wrong,
31:40 even when we made the wrong turn,
31:42 even when everything seems to go wrong,
31:44 we're doing everything we can to hurt Him.
31:46 We've hung Him up on the cross
31:47 and we keep nailing Him in there all
31:49 the time by our lifestyle, but God says,
31:51 "No, I care for you."
31:53 Look at all this vast universe did you get that?
31:55 We're talking 46 billion light years,
31:58 I just mentioned one light year.
32:01 It travels measured,
32:02 oh, 6 trillion miles.
32:08 And now check it.
32:09 The Bible is really clear and I thought it's interesting.
32:11 1 Corinthians 15:41.
32:13 1 Corinthians 15:41 says this,
32:18 "One star differ from another
32:22 star in glory."
32:24 One star does what?
32:27 There's no two stars alike in the universe.
32:31 Just like there's no two snowflakes.
32:35 I can't get it.
32:36 Terry, it's over my head. I can only read it.
32:38 But people who've studied and studied
32:41 and looked and looked and looked and looked
32:42 and they're saying, all that we can see up there with
32:44 the big telescopes, everything's going on,
32:46 there's no two stars alike, man, billions, trillions,
32:49 quadrillions, whatever, you can't even count the number.
32:51 It can take you billions of years to even start counting.
32:53 What man can see right now, there's no two alike.
32:57 Just like there's no two alike here on this planet.
33:00 Call yourself identical twin, whatever you want to do,
33:02 the mind, there's no two people
33:05 alike in every way.
33:10 That's how special you are.
33:12 That's how special the universe is the stars.
33:17 Psalms 19:1 is very clear. I love it.
33:19 It simply says this, "The heavens declare," what?
33:24 Oh, good.
33:25 "The heavens declare the glory of God."
33:27 God's glory.
33:29 We need it in this hour
33:30 of devastation that this country is in.
33:33 United States is going down the tube,
33:35 I can't say it enough.
33:36 Even praising God right here, I'm praising Him today
33:39 and want to lift Him up to you to say
33:40 you have nothing to fear.
33:42 You have nothing to worry about because God is in charge.
33:45 His eye is on the sparrow.
33:47 His eye is on you today in a very special way.
33:50 The heavens declare the glory of God.
33:53 See the sun we realize is moving
33:56 around a center called The Milky Way.
33:58 We've heard that galaxy which we are I guess in.
34:03 It's in a gigantic orbit.
34:05 Very interesting.
34:07 Listen, that requires 2 million
34:12 centuries to complete.
34:17 I'm having a hard time with two days.
34:21 Two million centuries to go around,
34:23 right, to complete the orbit.
34:25 And listen, and that's going at a speed
34:27 of 600,000 miles an hour,
34:30 600,000 miles an hour.
34:33 I'm just trying to say,
34:34 this is just a little touch of how big.
34:37 Woo, that song says, "How big is God?"
34:39 How big and wide His vast domain?
34:43 He is big, He is powerful,
34:45 but you are the apple of His eye.
34:48 Man, He love you so much,
34:49 He said, "If it only been you,
34:51 I would've went to Calvary for.
34:52 We spit in His face right there,
34:53 we nailed Him and re-nailed Him and still yet He says,
34:56 "You're still the apple of my eye.
34:57 I still love you.
34:58 I'll do everything possible to make sure you're with me.
35:01 But if you choose not to, I can't make you."
35:05 Know that lighthouse is still shining.
35:08 That light is still shining on God's people today.
35:11 I can be assured that God cares for me,
35:13 you can be assured that God cares for you.
35:16 It's, you know what?
35:18 It seems almost too good to be true.
35:21 It takes some faith here, does it not?
35:24 To say, you know, a universe like that,
35:26 that there's no end to it and all these things.
35:29 Remember, it says He hangs them on nothing.
35:32 How can you hang something that's 155,000
35:36 times bigger than this earth
35:37 as it were just hanging it up there and call it by name
35:39 and you never forget,
35:41 and you say stay there until I tell you different.
35:44 Amen.
35:46 Somebody is not getting it.
35:49 Even nature obeys God
35:52 when man is the only defiant.
35:57 We seem to know more than God.
36:01 It's almost unbelievable how good this is.
36:05 I know who holds the universe.
36:08 This helps me in this devilish society that we live in,
36:12 this deadliest world.
36:13 United States, I believe, again, it's coming to an end.
36:18 The rulership, just like a Babylon, Medo-Persia,
36:22 Greece, Rome, pagan Rome, papal Rome, all has had their time,
36:25 and then when they turn their back on God,
36:27 then God has to let them go and do what they want.
36:31 We have turned our back on Him, we've kicked Him out,
36:34 we've done everything possible to get rid of God.
36:38 Even though God says I love you, remember,
36:40 it says it's in Him, what is it?
36:41 Acts 17, it's in Him that we live and that we move,
36:45 and we have our being.
36:47 How do you live? It's in Him.
36:48 We should thank Him today.
36:50 How can we ignore Him that we move around is through Him.
36:54 It's how we're sustained by the food and so on,
36:57 and rain and shelter, it's God.
37:01 And so the question might come many times.
37:05 I was thinking it's Acts 17:28.
37:08 But in this uncertain world,
37:11 and I say it's uncertain to the point that what?
37:15 When we look to the Word of God,
37:16 it's very certain what's soon to take place,
37:18 what is taking place.
37:21 We need not keep saying this is going to happen,
37:23 this is going, we're in the midst of it right now.
37:29 Anyone who's reading prophecy,
37:31 and very few people are studying the two books
37:33 we need to study now, Daniel and Revelation.
37:36 Those are the two that most preachers and pastors
37:39 and churches say stay out of.
37:42 Bret, you read Book of Revelation, Revelation, right?
37:45 Chapter 1, what is it?
37:46 Revelation is a revealing of Jesus Christ
37:49 and those things that are shortly to come to past.
37:52 See why the devil says, "Stay out of it."
37:54 I mean, that's so obvious.
37:56 It's like some of the things are happening
37:57 in the government today.
37:58 You say surely not.
38:01 They say this is normal, this is right.
38:02 That's not right. It's not normal.
38:04 We shouldn't be having that's thrown out there as normal.
38:09 What's going on in our world?
38:11 Who's in charge?
38:13 Do we really know?
38:15 Is it man? Is it God?
38:16 Is it the nation?
38:19 Who's saying? Well, somebody saying God.
38:20 Praise God for that.
38:23 Listen, but why are some who are in authority today,
38:27 some who are ruling in this world today,
38:29 why are they still in office?
38:34 Don't stand by and start saying politics,
38:36 I don't want to hear it.
38:39 It's not politics.
38:40 It's about what God has put in His Word over
38:42 and over about those who rule
38:44 and what it takes to continue to rule,
38:47 and if you don't go along with God's plan,
38:50 you're replaced.
38:52 Again, I say again,
38:54 because the United States of America
38:55 is soon to be replaced.
38:57 It's changing before our very eyes right now.
39:00 Don't deny it.
39:03 Remember, God shines light because the lighthouse
39:07 is still there, right?
39:09 I call it present truth.
39:11 Let me just give you one quickly.
39:12 This will encourage those of you, most of you,
39:14 and you understand this.
39:16 There'll be a lot who will watch or listen,
39:18 who never heard these things before, we need to go back.
39:21 Daniel 4:17, because when you say
39:23 why is this country in the mess it's in?
39:26 Why did such and such get elected in office?
39:28 Why in the world is he still there?
39:30 Everything he does seems to be wrong.
39:31 We've heard that over and over for years.
39:34 The Bible is clear.
39:36 Daniel 4:17 says,
39:37 "This matter is by the decree of the watchers."
39:41 Now who is a watcher in Daniel 4:17?
39:44 What is a watcher?
39:46 Well, a watcher is a heavenly messenger,
39:48 would it be or an angel?
39:49 There's no doubt about it.
39:50 And holy one, the Bible says,
39:52 who watches the affairs of life.
39:55 God's eye is on this world, right?
39:58 God's eyes on this earth, this planet.
40:02 He cares about you and He cares about me.
40:05 Let's, let's read on.
40:07 You know, remember, here's what the demands
40:09 of the Holy One says to the intent that,
40:13 notice this, to the living may know that the what?
40:16 This is for you and me.
40:19 The holy watchers are saying, this is for the living.
40:21 This is what the living needed they may know that the Most
40:25 High God ruleth in the kingdom of men.
40:27 Who rules? God.
40:30 Are you concerned about the government?
40:31 Are you concerned about what's happening?
40:32 Are you concerned who's elected in office?
40:34 Are you concerned about this and that?
40:36 Oh, we get scathing letters at time to say, oh, my land,
40:39 basically, you're trusting too much in God,
40:41 and we need to have the right people in office.
40:44 Right?
40:45 People in office need to know God.
40:47 There's no doubt about it.
40:48 The Bible says, "The living may know that the Most
40:51 High ruleth in the kingdom of."
40:52 what?
40:54 "In the kingdom of men," now notice,"
40:55 and giveth it to whomsoever he will
40:59 and setteth up over it the basest
41:01 of men or the lowest or the humblest."
41:04 Who sets them up and who takes them down once again?
41:07 God does.
41:08 We say, well, it was the election and this people,
41:10 God's eyes on it.
41:11 He knows who's going to be, He knows who's going to fulfill
41:13 His purpose and His will.
41:15 He's got an eye.
41:17 Remember, He can stop anything He wants to stop.
41:19 He's God.
41:20 But when He's letting it go, then you
41:23 and I need to let it go, and let God.
41:28 As a brother mentioned here,
41:29 when I didn't have an air conditioner,
41:32 and it was so hot, I couldn't hardly believe it,
41:35 couldn't afford it, basically,
41:36 the bottom line was, what did he pray?
41:38 God send me a bigger air conditioner.
41:42 God sent me a bigger air conditioner.
41:43 No, he didn't say that.
41:44 He said, "God help me to make an adjustment
41:46 so I can live without it."
41:50 Did you get it?
41:52 See, we want the air conditioner.
41:53 That's right.
41:55 But in other words, it's different to pray,
41:57 Lord, help me to get accustomed to it if I can't have one.
42:01 We need to be praying like never before.
42:04 God does what?
42:05 He giveth it to whomsoever He wills what the Bible said.
42:09 Now, let's back it up with another text in the Book
42:10 of Daniel 4:32.
42:13 Remember, there's a lighthouse
42:14 and it's shining light on the world that we
42:17 live in right now.
42:18 There's no need for us to shipwreck,
42:20 there's no use to lose our faith right now.
42:23 We need to remember notice,
42:24 "And they shall drive thee from men."
42:26 Who is it talking about?
42:28 Remember, Babylon talking about King Nebuchadnezzar?
42:32 Remember, King Nebuchadnezzar, is just like some
42:34 of our leaders we've had before.
42:35 They tried to take all the praise to themselves.
42:38 Look at this wonderful thing that I have done.
42:40 I have done it, I have done that.
42:42 God has enough of the I problem.
42:44 He don't want I problem in this.
42:46 We give God the praise, right, and the honor
42:48 and the glory for all the good things,
42:50 certainly, that take place in the world.
42:52 But he said the King Nebuchadnezzar, he said,
42:55 "Thy dwelling shall be with the beast of the field."
43:00 Notice, King Nebuchadnezzar,
43:01 you're going to eat grass,
43:02 like the oxygen seven times will pass over
43:05 you or for seven years, you're going to be down
43:07 out in the field eat grass.
43:09 God can humble the greatest.
43:12 You're not too big, not too big that God can humble you.
43:16 Notice this. Now why?
43:18 And he said, you're going to be out there for seven years
43:20 until thou knowest that the Most High
43:24 ruleth in the kingdom of men, notice,
43:27 and giveth it to whomsoever he will.
43:31 So we can complain about who's in office,
43:32 who's been elected, who hasn't,
43:34 got about this stuff goes on and on and little of that.
43:37 My Bible, here Bible says here God what?
43:40 He giveth to whom whoever He will.
43:42 God has a plan and I have to be right.
43:45 Shuck my plan, as it were right,
43:48 and accept God's plan.
43:50 So God encourage us here in the Book of Daniel.
43:53 He says, "I want the living to know."
43:57 The living to know what?
43:58 That God rules.
44:00 Are you laying rule in your life?
44:03 Am I letting really rule in my life or I'm I kind of doing
44:05 what I want to do?
44:07 Because God was dealing not only with Babylon,
44:09 certainly he was dealing with the king.
44:11 And, of course, it goes on,
44:13 he's dealing with nations today.
44:16 His eyes on the nations, now notice,
44:18 and the importance of what the nations accept
44:23 or what the nations reject.
44:25 Remember, a nation is in power as long as they what?
44:30 Come on church, as long as they go along with
44:32 what God has said in His Word, isn't that right?
44:34 As long as they're true to God, the nation still exists
44:37 and grows and prospers.
44:39 When we go against God's principles of His Word,
44:42 it's time to go down.
44:43 Every time it will always happen that way.
44:48 So that we know that the Most High ruleth.
44:52 He's working out His plan today.
44:54 I want to encourage you, in people and in nations today.
44:58 A few examples.
45:00 Let me give you a couple examples.
45:01 I just a few minutes left, ten minutes left.
45:02 Come on now church.
45:05 Yeah, come on.
45:07 Few examples, you remember when the call
45:08 of Abraham just kind of think about we won't go into detail,
45:11 call of Abraham, God worked mighty, mighty miracles.
45:15 Did He not to demonstrate His love for us?
45:19 The course of His wisdom is following God's plan.
45:21 Look at what God did.
45:23 You look at it over and over and over.
45:25 Because the Bible says in Romans, what is it?
45:28 11:33, "O the depth of his riches,"
45:31 you remember that?
45:34 "And both of His wisdom and His knowledge of God!
45:37 How unsearchable are His," what?
45:39 "Are His judgments and His ways past finding out!"
45:43 You can't find out God.
45:45 You can't figure Him out because you're not big enough.
45:48 I'm not big enough.
45:49 We're not smart enough.
45:50 All the people in the world
45:52 has ever lived just not smart enough.
45:53 Put all the brains together, it's not a drop in a bucket.
45:55 Is it okay to say that?
45:57 It's not a drop in the bucket to God.
46:02 'Cause He tells us very clearly, it was Isaiah 55:9,
46:05 He says you know that, "Even my thoughts are higher
46:09 than your thoughts."
46:10 God lets us knows our position and we need to take
46:12 the position He's given us.
46:16 So God some time, you know, we got questions, why?
46:19 Why does God let evil continue?
46:21 Have you ever thought about that?
46:23 With the lighthouses, with the Bible
46:25 and all the light is shining down here,
46:27 why are we in the mess that we're in?
46:30 Remember the Book of Romans 13:1, this might
46:33 help us in some of the messes that's going on today.
46:36 We talk about, you know, building up different things,
46:38 we talk about defunding several things and so on.
46:41 We need to know here it says, "Let every soul..."
46:43 Romans 13:1, "Let every soul," notice this,
46:45 "be subject to the higher powers,
46:49 for there is no power but of," what?
46:51 "Of God." There's no power of God.
46:53 But notice how it brings in now.
46:55 He said the powers that be are ordained of God.
46:59 That means they're ordered, that's ordained, order of God.
47:03 The powers that be are ordained of God.
47:05 Other words, He allows these things to take place
47:07 because there is a purpose that we can't figure out.
47:11 Because I'd say get them out of office.
47:16 Can I say maniacs?
47:21 Some of these people what decisions they make you
47:23 think they're out of their mind.
47:27 I have to bow to the higher power.
47:31 Doesn't mean I won't object.
47:35 Don't means I won't raise a stink.
47:41 But we pray that there'll be points that we need.
47:43 Review and Herald, little article
47:45 I found here about paragraph long,
47:47 10:1, this is written in 1895. See how it might fit today.
47:52 It simply starts out, it said, rulers are God's servants.
47:54 Who is rulers?
47:56 Rulers are God's servants.
47:58 They're supposed to be.
48:02 They are to serve their time as His apprentices.
48:06 Because what they're serving time,
48:07 so they might be reelected now.
48:10 Popularity, go in a poor man, come out a rich man.
48:18 It's for their good that they are faithful to God.
48:23 They follow His plan.
48:25 And you know what His plan is?
48:26 It's a simple thus saith the Lord.
48:28 Now you'll hear this message, some of you won't make sense
48:31 at all because you're not on the page.
48:33 You're not going to get on the page,
48:34 I pray that you will get on the page,
48:36 because you can't sidestep a thus saith the Lord,
48:40 that's what we're going to be held
48:41 accountable for is a thus, this is what God has said.
48:45 He's not going to say this is what I said in My Word,
48:47 and you decide to go someplace else, come on in anyway.
48:52 He can't do that.
48:54 He's a God of mercy and grace, absolutely,
48:57 God of justice.
49:01 We need to keep the way of the Lord.
49:04 Our rulers today need to be men of morality,
49:07 they need to be men who will not be bought or sold.
49:10 And many are really trying to throw it out there seem
49:12 like are, you know, selling themselves.
49:15 Hypocrisy is rampart
49:19 in the world that we live in.
49:22 Every decision that you make and I make,
49:24 we need to keep this in mind, eternity.
49:28 Eternity in view.
49:32 Remember, every decision you make keep eternity in view.
49:35 Will keep you on the straight and narrow.
49:38 Remember, God permits evil to run its course.
49:42 And I think maybe this and you have maybe your own reasons,
49:47 your own thoughts on it.
49:48 But I believe that He lets it, you know,
49:51 He provides an example of how,
49:53 can I use the word foolish it is to go against
49:57 right principle and to go and fight against God.
50:00 You're fighting a losing battle when you fight against God.
50:03 You may think you've won in this life but there
50:05 is a world to come, there's a life to come.
50:08 What choice will you make?
50:09 What decision will I make?
50:12 You remember when God delivered
50:14 the Hebrews from Egypt?
50:18 God intervened and I believe He's intervening today, why?
50:23 If He didn't intervene at the time,
50:24 what would happen?
50:26 Is possible they're snuffed out as it were all
50:28 of God's people.
50:30 But God wasn't going to let that happen.
50:31 He's not going to let it happen today.
50:33 He has His faithful few,
50:35 and it's not those who are mickey mousing around,
50:37 can't make a decision for Christ, hum hauling around.
50:40 Come on now, you know what I'm talking about.
50:42 There's no use to make excuses about it right now.
50:44 He wants us right now to hold fast to Him right now.
50:52 Bottom line, whether God ordains,
50:55 whether God just permits, or whether God just intervenes,
51:00 we know this.
51:02 Patriarchs and Prophets 536 says this, notice this,
51:05 just a couple lines.
51:07 "The complicated play of human events
51:10 is under divine control."
51:13 Do you think it's not complicated
51:15 all the things that's going on in the universe right now?
51:17 All the people are here, right?
51:18 What, 7 billion, whatever it is, right now?
51:21 Remember, God knows everyone like there's not
51:23 anyone else on this planet.
51:26 That's too much for our mind.
51:27 Remember, He knows you specifically eyes on you
51:30 like there's no one else on this planet.
51:33 He's there to help you.
51:34 He's there to encourage you.
51:36 He's put people in your pathway.
51:37 People invite you to church, people who want to accept
51:40 Christ as a living Savior, so the heaven can be your home.
51:44 Remember, the complicated things that are going on is too
51:47 much for us, but it's not for God.
51:49 He's got it all worked out, He understands.
51:51 Prophets and Kings 535,
51:54 "An overruling purpose has manifestly been at work
51:57 throughout the ages."
51:59 Throughout the ages, and beginning of time,
52:00 God has been in control.
52:02 He said that there's any other gods,
52:04 I don't know who they are.
52:05 There's a lighthouse on the still
52:07 hilltop that overlooks life's sea,
52:09 sea of individual, sea of human beings,
52:12 and I've got an eye on you,
52:13 and I've got an eye so I can help you.
52:17 We, if we as a people,
52:21 we talk about those who even in the government
52:24 or control government, if they just do their job,
52:28 if you and I would just do our job,
52:30 and the government realized their job is to protect
52:34 and their job is to up build its people and its nation,
52:38 provide opportunity to fulfill the creator's purpose.
52:44 That's all of us, and also permit other people to what?
52:48 To fulfill, other nations to be free to choose and to do.
52:52 But all this we see now is choking the world down.
52:57 God would bless all nations, if we do.
53:00 Acts 17:27, just a couple minutes left,
53:02 notice, it said, they should, notice this,
53:05 you say, well, I don't know if God's close enough.
53:07 Acts 17:27, "They that should seek the Lord, notice,
53:11 if happily they might feel after Him,
53:14 they might go after Him, they're going to find Him,
53:17 though He be not far from every one of us."
53:20 The good news, what?
53:22 You seek Him, you're going to find Him.
53:23 He's not far from us.
53:24 You think He's out of sight,
53:26 you think He's out of mind somewhere in the other part
53:28 of the universe, you know, 46 billion trillion amount,
53:30 whatever the way, He's right there beside you.
53:33 He's there to help you.
53:34 If you realize over the time that you have lived
53:36 of the hundreds and maybe thousands
53:38 and thousands of time that He has protected
53:40 you from harm and danger and death.
53:43 The angels of heaven that are there surely
53:45 we can give him praise.
53:46 Okay, God, absolutely.
53:48 If you search for Him with all your heart,
53:50 you're going to find Him.
53:52 The light is shining, He sends out a light.
53:54 John 5:39 says,
53:57 you know, "Search the scriptures,
53:58 for in them you think you have," what?
54:01 "Eternal life:
54:02 and they are they which testify of me."
54:05 Search the scriptures right now.
54:08 Jeremiah 29:13,
54:10 and He said, "And you shall seek me,
54:13 and you shall find me, when you search for me with," what?
54:17 "With all your heart."
54:20 There's hope for this world.
54:23 But we need to get serious in these last days, hours,
54:26 months, whatever it might be of earth's history.
54:29 Think in terms of these are the last moments of earth,
54:32 don't say, "Oh, God's not
54:33 going to do this right now because of..."
54:35 No, I wish we had more time
54:37 we'd go into the Book of Jeremiah.
54:39 Ezekiel talks about the people said God's not going to come,
54:42 He's not going to do this neither,
54:43 God said that's going to be enough.
54:45 I'm going to come bring it out to pass right now.
54:47 And God's going to say that's enough people.
54:50 Quit playing church, it's time to get real,
54:52 it's time to get ready.
54:54 A nation if we want to be strong as a people,
54:56 we want to be strong.
54:57 Let's not forget God's purpose for us
54:59 because I say that there's the lighthouse on the hilltop
55:02 that overlooks life's sea.
55:04 When you're tossed about,
55:06 it sends out a light that I might see.
55:10 Let's pray, shall we?
55:13 Our kind, loving Heavenly Father,
55:14 we thank You for the privilege of prayer.
55:16 Thank You for Your love and Your mercy.
55:17 Thank You for that lighthouse.
55:19 Thank You for the Word of God.
55:20 Thank You for directions that You give to Your people.
55:22 Thankful for that watchful eye that You have
55:24 over us like there's no one else on this planet,
55:26 for people that made that decision for you
55:28 right now in Jesus' name.
55:29 Amen.
55:31 And we thank God for each and every one of you
55:33 and those who study with us from week to week.
55:35 Again, thank you for your cards, your letter
55:37 and your support of the ministry.
55:38 We look forward everything.
55:40 Behold the Lamb here spending time with you every week.
55:42 God bless you. We'll see you next time.
55:45 Hello and welcome back, friends.
55:47 One of my favorite Bible verses is found in the Book of Isaiah
55:51 41:10, where we can all read this beautiful promise,
55:56 "Fear thou not, for I am with thee:
55:58 be not dismayed, for I am thy God:
56:01 I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea,
56:05 I will uphold thee with the right hand
56:07 of my righteousness."
56:09 And shining our paths with that precious light of Christ
56:13 is certainly a way in which God teaches us not to fear,
56:18 but to trust in Him fully.
56:20 These are rapidly changing times in which we are all
56:23 living in.
56:25 Christ, praise the Lord, Christ is the light
56:27 of the world, and we need a living connection
56:30 with Him as never before.
56:32 Christ is shining His light in our darkened world,
56:36 in your darkened world,
56:38 we must only trust and believe in His light.
56:42 You know, as I was preparing this message,
56:44 this closing, those words came to me.
56:46 I hadn't even planned to write them down,
56:49 but how important they are that we trust
56:52 and believe in His light.
56:54 So, friends, if this is a message that you
56:56 would love to add to your study library,
56:59 you should know by now that we are more
57:01 than willing to send you your very own copy of,
57:05 Thank God for the Lighthouse.
57:07 And never forget that we are fully dependent
57:09 upon your giving as the Lord leads in your heart to support
57:13 Behold the Lamb Ministries.
57:15 Therefore, every order that you place,
57:18 every time you call and give a donation,
57:20 it blesses us both.
57:22 Simply call us here in the United States
57:25 at (618) 942-5044,
57:28 that's Central Time,
57:30 or you may also mail in your request to Behold
57:33 the Lamb Ministries, PO Box 2030, Herrin,
57:37 Illinois 62948.
57:40 You may email us
57:42 at contact-
57:46 or visit us on our website at
57:51 Friends, until next time, may our precious Lord
57:54 continue to richly bless you and yours.


Revised 2021-11-04