Behold the Lamb Presents

Satan Zeros In! Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000186S

00:39 Hello, and welcome back to Behold the Lamb presents.
00:41 I'm Chris Shelton, your host.
00:42 I want to thank you for joining us.
00:44 Today's message is Satan Zeros In, part 2.
00:48 And I want you to just think back
00:50 to the Garden of Eden.
00:52 After the fall in the garden, God did something different.
00:55 He did something that maybe we didn't quite understand.
00:58 It says that God put enmity between Satan and His people,
01:03 God's people, His church.
01:05 Have you ever wondered what enmity was?
01:08 Enmity is a state
01:10 or being of actively opposing something or someone.
01:15 So it's a state of feeling
01:18 of actively opposing someone or something.
01:22 By this action, I want you to listen to this very closely.
01:26 By this action, God was actually protecting
01:30 the whole human race.
01:33 It may not be obvious unless you've gone back
01:36 and maybe read some of this in the great controversy,
01:39 but He was protecting you and He was protecting me
01:42 because if He hadn't done this,
01:43 the whole human race would have sided with Satan
01:47 and would have been against the God of heaven.
01:50 This act of placing enmity between the church and Satan
01:54 was part of the great plan of salvation.
01:57 I love that.
01:58 I felt like the Lord had given me that
01:59 thought early this morning
02:01 to draw all of our hearts and our minds
02:03 and God's children
02:04 into a saving relationship with Him,
02:08 a relationship that would allow men and women
02:11 to repopulate heaven.
02:13 And think about it.
02:15 You've often heard Pastor Kenny say
02:17 that he believes that we will be the ones
02:19 that will replace the third of those angels
02:22 that fell from heaven.
02:24 They fell from heaven because they were deceived
02:27 and the one that deceived them was Lucifer,
02:30 which we now call Satan.
02:32 This war of souls obviously began in heaven
02:36 and is still very active today.
02:39 And as we realizes, day by day continues on
02:43 that it is escalating in intensity
02:46 as we are now entering into the very last moments
02:49 of this world's history.
02:51 Satan realizes church,
02:53 Satan realizes those of you who at home,
02:56 that his time to even be alive is very, very short.
03:00 He realizes it even much more than we do,
03:03 and it is his goal to keep as many of us,
03:08 as many souls as he possibly can
03:11 from entering into those pearly gates
03:13 from which he was cast out.
03:16 Thus, Satan is zeroing in,
03:19 he is ramping up his tactics of deceit
03:23 and he's getting ready.
03:24 Listen, he's getting ready for his final deception,
03:28 his final push against God and against his church,
03:33 of which I hope all of you are a part of.
03:36 We invite you today to stay tuned
03:38 and listen to Pastor Kenny as he presents,
03:41 Satan is zeroing in part two,
03:43 but first we're going to take just a quick break
03:45 and we're going to visit 3ABN and listen to a song
03:48 that is entitled I will go as sung by Ashley Sabol.
04:20 Give me ears to hear Your Spirit
04:27 Give me feet to follow through
04:32 Give me hands to touch the hurting
04:38 And the faith to follow You
04:47 Give me grace to be a servant
04:54 Give me mercy for the lost
04:59 Give me passion for Your glory
05:05 Give me passion for the cross
05:11 And I will go where there are no easy roads
05:17 Leave the comforts that I know
05:23 I will go and let this journey be my home
05:29 I will go
05:33 I will go
05:51 I'll let go of my ambitions
05:58 Cut the roots that run too deep
06:03 I will learn to give away
06:09 What I cannot really keep
06:15 What I cannot
06:17 Really keep
06:22 Help me see
06:26 With eyes of faith
06:30 Give me strength
06:33 To run this race
06:37 And I will go where there are no easy roads
06:44 Leave the comforts that I know
06:50 I will go and let this journey be my home
06:56 I will go
06:59 I will go
07:02 And I will go Lord
07:05 Where Your glory is unknown
07:08 I will live for You alone
07:14 I will go because my life is not my own
07:21 I will go
07:25 I will go
07:29 I will go
07:49 Thanks for joining us once again here
07:51 at Behold the Lamb Ministries.
07:52 Again, it's always...
07:54 I'd say it's a treat, it's a blessing
07:55 to be able to come into your home
07:57 wherever you might be
07:58 and to be able to study the Word of God together.
08:01 I always look forward to that, it's such a blessing,
08:03 at least to me as I prepare these messages
08:05 and you know spend time with Him.
08:07 And, first of all,
08:08 you know, I'm wanting to fit for me in my life
08:10 and I want to be a blessing for me.
08:11 And as I see, it's a blessing for me to study this message,
08:14 I pray by the grace of God
08:16 is going to be a real blessing to you.
08:17 Maybe an eye-opener to a few,
08:19 maybe just a reminder to others,
08:21 the coming of Jesus and God has a church,
08:24 He has a people with a specific message to give
08:27 and we need to be thankful.
08:29 If you realize that how happy
08:31 that each one of us should be to realize
08:34 that God has a church and it is identifiable,
08:37 based upon the Word of God.
08:38 We're going to be looking at our message today
08:40 Satan zeros in.
08:43 Did you get it? Satan zeroes in.
08:46 And he began as mentioned
08:48 because he realized his time is short.
08:51 He's wanting to take out as many as he can take out.
08:54 By God's grace, right, we're gonna hang in there
08:57 by the grace of God and do what God has asked us to do
08:59 but always before again,
09:01 we thank you for your cards, your letter, your support,
09:03 and sometimes even your differences of opinion.
09:05 You can feel free to do that.
09:08 Because most of you when you write in,
09:10 not most of it, some of that writes in and say,
09:12 you know, if you listen to what I have to say,
09:15 then you'll learn something.
09:17 So I'm thankful for those also,
09:20 you know, as we say it's all right, it's good
09:21 because I always want to look at those things.
09:24 God has light, and we always in regards
09:26 to where somebody comes from,
09:27 there may be something that God has in mind in store for us,
09:30 but doesn't take very long
09:32 as you get into some time what some had to say.
09:35 You can see it deviates from scripture,
09:37 and so forth there I just leave it there.
09:39 Man, we're glad you join us.
09:40 We're going to have prayers we always do.
09:42 I'm going to kneel up here.
09:44 Those of you at home watching, please kneel with me,
09:46 those of you who cannot maybe in a car,
09:48 just lift your hearts up to God right now
09:50 as we pray for power from on high.
09:53 Merciful God in heaven,
09:54 we thank You again for the privilege of prayer.
09:56 We thank You that we can call You our Father.
09:58 Lord, with great confidence we come before Thee
10:01 because not of man but what You said in Your Word.
10:04 You said we can come boldly to the throne of God,
10:06 to find grace and help in our time of need.
10:09 Lord, I need some help.
10:10 So I pray that Your Holy Spirit now
10:12 will take my mind, my heart,
10:14 I pray to you your blood will cover of any sin,
10:16 anything in my heart and life that needs not be there.
10:18 Oh Lord, I need to hear from You.
10:20 Your church, Your body, Your children
10:21 need to hear from you today
10:23 maybe that which someone may learn something
10:26 that will draw them closer to Jesus today.
10:28 Give us confidence in where we are at
10:30 in our walk with You
10:31 that we may continue on,
10:33 in Jesus' name we pray as we thank you.
10:34 Amen.
10:37 Again, if you have your Bible,
10:38 please turn to Revelation 12:17,
10:43 I can remember this text from umpteen,
10:46 can I say umpteen?
10:48 I'm not sure how many years that is.
10:49 Umpteen, that means many, doesn't it?
10:51 Umpteen, many, many years as a child.
10:54 I remember, Pastor reading this passage of Scripture
10:57 and it always meant something to me,
10:59 Revelation 12:17.
11:01 Now I'll tell you why it meant something to me
11:03 and it still does today
11:04 because this is a dynamite passage
11:07 of Scripture
11:08 that identifies God's last day church.
11:11 Now I know everybody out there
11:13 don't care what church you go to,
11:14 you're gonna say that's us but I say,
11:16 well, if you match the criteria based in the Word of God,
11:20 then you are,
11:21 if you don't match it, then you are not.
11:23 I think it's pretty simple, isn't it plain?
11:25 We can't just say, Well, God's listed five things,
11:28 here are three things here and we get one of those
11:30 or two of those that's close enough.
11:32 It's not.
11:33 As He gives us Ten Commandments,
11:35 nine won't do, nine and a half
11:37 if there's such a thing, it won't do.
11:39 It's all 10. It's all or nothing.
11:41 And that's the game of life that we're in right now.
11:44 It's all or nothing. Revelation 12:17, I love it.
11:47 It says here, and the woman was what...
11:49 Ooh, my.
11:50 What was I on?
11:52 I was in 17, I'm sorry.
11:53 "And the dragon was wroth with the woman
11:55 and went to make," what?
11:57 "War with a remnant of her seed,
11:59 which keep the commandments of God
12:01 and have the testimony of Jesus."
12:03 Now remember, this is a second part.
12:04 So we went and covered I think pretty well,
12:06 last time on this message here.
12:08 The dragon we found out
12:10 in Revelation 12 is the enemy, the devil.
12:13 So the devil then was angry with the woman
12:15 which is the church and went to make war
12:18 with the remnant of her seed, right?
12:19 The last little part of her seed,
12:21 her children, notice this, which,
12:23 now notice this, they keep what?
12:26 So this group, if you don't fit in this group,
12:30 then you're not one of them.
12:33 Well, I want to get heavy duty.
12:34 Somebody said heavy duty,
12:36 so I'm gonna say, okay, heavy duty.
12:39 This is heavy duty why?
12:41 Because the Bible says it.
12:42 Why aren't we all getting heavy-duty about it.
12:46 Read this passage of Scripture.
12:47 It says here, the devil is angry
12:51 and he's going to make war with you.
12:53 That means he's trying,
12:54 in war he's going to try to kill you.
12:56 He's going to try to get rid of you.
12:57 He's going to try to deceive you.
12:58 He's going to try to get rid of you.
13:00 He doesn't want you to speak out.
13:03 And so he went to make war, notice this, with the church.
13:06 There's a church here the people, right,
13:08 who keep the commandments of God.
13:11 So if your church teaches
13:12 that the law has been done away with the 10 command,
13:14 you can't be the remnant church.
13:16 Now, I'm just gonna put it out there.
13:18 So we don't have no questions to start, is that truth?
13:20 Can we do that?
13:22 Regardless how many good people God knows the hearts,
13:25 many people Jesus said,
13:27 "Many people have I not of this fold."
13:28 Isn't that right?
13:31 But he's doing what?
13:32 He says, "I'm not going to leave him there.
13:35 I'm calling them out in the three angels' message
13:38 to hear what's being taught here."
13:40 So there are two things you have to keep.
13:42 That means all ten and the reason
13:44 they can't say that
13:46 is because they throw the fourth one out,
13:47 which is remember the Sabbath day
13:49 to keep it holy.
13:51 So that can't be God's last day remnant church
13:55 must keep the seventh day Sabbath.
13:58 Did you get it?
14:00 Oh, it sounds like oh, yeah, here we go again.
14:01 That's right.
14:03 Here we go again
14:04 because that's what the Bible says.
14:05 The Bible keeps coming back to that.
14:07 God said I'm gonna make it so simple
14:09 that even Kenny can understand it.
14:11 Kenny can understand there's two points.
14:14 If you just match one of them, you are not the remnant church.
14:17 You can't be, why?
14:19 Not because we say but because God says.
14:22 That just makes sense to me, right?
14:25 And again, if you say, yeah,
14:27 we keep nine of them you still can't be.
14:30 It has to be all 10 or nothing.
14:32 We'll get that more as we go.
14:33 Because if you offend in one point, what are you?
14:35 James 2:10-12,
14:37 you're guilty of them all we know that.
14:39 We'll go again and again and again,
14:41 if we have to with it,
14:42 because listen, this is very powerful.
14:45 And notice this and this group, they claim it that all 10
14:49 which brings back the first angel's message
14:52 of Revelation 14,
14:53 right, the judgment hour,
14:55 and go back to the one who did what?
14:56 Created heaven and earth and the sea
14:58 and all them in the midst.
14:59 You go back to creation,
15:01 we can go back to the seventh day Sabbath,
15:02 which has been covered by a multitude of errors.
15:05 And, you know, people claiming to know what is truth.
15:08 And if they're not telling the truth,
15:10 they're just taking a shovel
15:11 and throwing stuff on the truth.
15:12 And God said, there'll be people in the last day,
15:14 I'm going to give a shovel to.
15:16 I'm going to give a shovel and they're going to get down,
15:18 they're gonna start taking this junk off
15:21 of what the truth,
15:22 and there's going to be exposed,
15:24 and the world well might be shocked,
15:26 they might be a little bit upset,
15:27 they might be mad at you,
15:29 and then they might want to try to get rid of you.
15:31 They want to close your mouth.
15:32 Man, we see that happening in the world today,
15:35 right, and whether it's politics,
15:37 or whether it's religion,
15:39 they want everybody to be happy and agree,
15:41 but yet they don't want to touch on doctrines
15:43 and different things in the Bible
15:45 where they disagree.
15:46 So they just don't talk about those things anymore.
15:48 We're going to talk about those
15:50 because God says we need to talk about them.
15:52 And this says, the second one
15:53 is the testimony of Jesus Christ.
15:56 We read that in Revelation 19:10
15:57 is the Spirit of Prophecy.
15:59 God's last day church will be guided by a prophet,
16:03 God's Bible comes first.
16:04 And then we have a lesser light
16:06 to lead us always to the greater light.
16:08 There's nothing wrong with that.
16:10 The Bible said, Ephesians, we read that last time,
16:12 we spent 15 or 20 minutes on this subject,
16:15 and I just bring it forth
16:17 because we always have new people who tune in.
16:19 And it's so difficult, at least for me, in my mind,
16:21 not to go over some of the same things.
16:23 When you do two parts, you just can't hardly do it.
16:26 But you know what?
16:27 You could always send for part number one
16:28 and watch it.
16:30 And then you get number two, and you watch it,
16:31 and we pray that it will fit together.
16:33 But remember, the Spirit of Prophecy,
16:34 God said that gift will be...
16:36 Isn't it interesting?
16:37 We need the gifts of the Spirit,
16:39 do we not in the church?
16:40 Every one of the gifts of the Spirit there
16:42 in 1 Corinthians 12,
16:43 Ephesians what is it, 3:4,
16:45 it talks about the gifts that are in the church.
16:48 And almost all churches say we need those gifts,
16:52 except prophets.
16:55 Why in this world would they say that?
16:59 Isn't that's something?
17:00 Just like they say we need to keep all the commandments
17:03 except the fourth one
17:04 which is remember the Sabbath day,
17:05 because they're not going to church on the seventh day.
17:07 So therefore they've got to have some reason
17:09 why they're not.
17:11 I think you follow what I'm saying?
17:12 Interesting throw that,
17:13 the first, keep all the commandments,
17:15 they throw it out,
17:16 because they wanna keep the nine working, right?
17:18 And then the other spirit...
17:20 Oh, let's not worry about prophecy.
17:21 We need that, we need help
17:22 and we need all this other stuff here
17:24 and well, we don't need prophets.
17:26 It will be in operation until Jesus shall come.
17:29 God will not leave His last day church
17:32 without a voice.
17:34 He will not do it.
17:36 He loves you too much.
17:38 And these are such blessings for me over the years
17:40 because my mind's not very good.
17:41 But praise God,
17:43 the Spirit of Prophecy helped me to understand
17:45 what the Bible has said,
17:48 what the Bible says.
17:49 And if you read all the Old Testament come up,
17:52 or you read one prophet after the other,
17:54 one prophet after the other,
17:55 message from God
17:57 in the New Testament prophet of God, why?
17:59 Why would it be thrown out now when we need it so desperately?
18:03 When the devil is going to work harder
18:04 than he ever has before?
18:06 If possible to deceive, right?
18:08 Very elect.
18:09 Satan zeroes in, I'm telling you.
18:13 How is it or what is it that Satan plans to zero in on?
18:19 He has something, he has a specific target
18:22 that he's always zeroing in on
18:25 and he continues to do it
18:27 and I think that's worth examining
18:29 just a little bit.
18:30 I mean, why and who is he really fighting, see?
18:35 Remember, he's fighting a certain group of people.
18:37 If you don't fit into that group,
18:39 while you may have ups and downs and blah-blah.
18:41 You know, what's embarrassing as it might be,
18:43 Satan is not really worried about you.
18:46 Can I say that?
18:47 No, he's really not
18:49 because God's given it two identifying marks,
18:50 if you don't have both of those,
18:52 devil's not worried because he says I...
18:54 Oh, boy.
18:55 Once I get started, I can't quit, Brother Herb.
18:58 You just got to zero in on it because, right?
19:01 He's not worried because he says he's got us.
19:04 According to the Word of God,
19:05 sin is the transgression of the law.
19:07 The penalty is death.
19:08 So the devil says,
19:10 you don't have to break them all,
19:11 just one and that was it, just one.
19:13 And so the world basically and maybe they don't know it.
19:16 God doesn't hold you accountable
19:17 for what you don't know, right?
19:19 God is merciful. I thank him for that.
19:21 He's had plenty of mercy with me and still does.
19:24 But, boy, when we look at this right here,
19:26 we're saying what is the Satan's plan?
19:27 He's zeroing in, he's looking at the bull's eye.
19:31 You know, I used to shoot a bow and arrow
19:33 every once in a while,
19:34 you know, and different things there.
19:35 Then I focused in on the bull's eye.
19:37 I didn't want to just hit the target.
19:39 I want to knock the eye out.
19:43 I guess I'm the only one.
19:45 Right?
19:46 Well, when you play darts or you do anything that's got,
19:48 I call it bull's eye.
19:50 What are you aiming for?
19:51 The bull's eye and the devil is aiming at your eyes.
19:56 Hey, did he not aim at the eyes of Samson,
20:01 but Samson still is the last thing work for God
20:04 and did something marvelous, even blinded, didn't he.
20:08 Who is he furious with is what we have to come?
20:11 Why is it that every time
20:13 those who match up to the Spirit of Prophecy
20:16 and the keeping all the commandments,
20:17 every time you tried to inch your way forward
20:20 in the fight that's going on every day
20:22 that the enemy is fighting you?
20:24 He's putting up all kinds of smoke screens and things
20:26 that you can't seem to get where you want to go
20:29 because he's fighting you because he said he's going to.
20:32 He said, "I've waged war against those
20:34 who keep the commandments of God."
20:36 Wow.
20:37 Remember the commandments of God
20:39 will prove that by the grace of God
20:40 if we have time to do it today
20:42 because what we say the law of God is a transcript.
20:45 The law is the transcript of God's what?
20:47 Character.
20:49 So God is on trial.
20:50 When I read that, again studying on it,
20:53 it just almost moved you to tears
20:56 to takes part of it I read
20:58 and you put part of the puzzle here
21:00 another part of the puzzle in front,
21:02 and it basically comes down to this.
21:04 God needs you.
21:08 I'm getting goosebumps.
21:10 God needs you.
21:12 When I first got that in my head I thought,
21:15 I need before what?
21:18 What does he need me and you for?
21:21 When He, right, He runs the universe?
21:25 He's looking for people
21:27 who will vindicate His character.
21:30 Why did He make this world?
21:32 Why did He have the enemy come and say
21:35 you can go to this right the earth,
21:38 but you can't, you basically you can't go anyplace.
21:40 I'm going to confine you to the earth here.
21:44 Remember, there was a battle royale
21:46 going on and it started what?
21:47 Between God and Lucifer,
21:50 Satan, okay, well,
21:51 that's where it began in heaven.
21:53 And then he was thrown out.
21:55 And God said, "You go down,"
21:56 because the rest of the angels didn't quite understand.
21:58 I hope we get to that more as we go along.
22:01 You must, I must now hear the roar of the dragon.
22:06 The roar of the dragon is loud right now,
22:08 should be piercing our ears right now
22:11 because the devil is working.
22:12 I mean, he's loud, he's roaring.
22:15 Sometimes we know things are good in the world.
22:18 We love it the way it's going.
22:20 He is struggling right now
22:22 to cut off every earthly support.
22:26 He's trying to cut off earthly what?
22:29 Support.
22:31 What do you think he's firing people?
22:32 What do you think he's getting rid of people?
22:33 Why is he demanding
22:35 as it were I'm seeing behind the vaccination thing,
22:36 if I can say that.
22:38 Somebody will say, "No, you can't say it."
22:39 But I said it anyway.
22:41 He's using all kinds of things to bring about
22:44 where God's people will not be able to buy or sell.
22:47 He's going to try to put God's people out of business.
22:50 This is a time you need to go in business.
22:53 This is a time you need to start God's business
22:55 and rather than your own business.
22:56 Are you with me?
22:58 This is the time right now. This is it.
23:01 You may never have another opportunity.
23:03 I may never.
23:05 The enemy has us in his sight.
23:09 And he's waiting to say okay, now their mind because what?
23:12 Because they're breaking the commandments of God,
23:14 they're mine.
23:15 I can shoot them now as it were.
23:17 I can get rid of them.
23:20 Now, possibly while we are living,
23:23 and I throw this out and just think about it.
23:26 Possibly we are living in the world's last generation.
23:31 Is that true?
23:35 We could be living in the last generation.
23:38 This is the last moments of earth's history.
23:41 We find the same issue is still going on,
23:45 still exists from the very beginning.
23:49 So from the very beginning and then now to the end,
23:52 we still have the same what?
23:53 The same issue that's going on,
23:55 which should help you to understand
23:57 you are in the right place at the right time.
24:00 You need not be looking for another church,
24:02 you need not be looking for well,
24:04 I know, blah-blah, something that fits my lifestyle.
24:06 How about fitting God's lifestyle?
24:09 You see what I mean?
24:10 How about, you know, and people have,
24:12 we to talk to them.
24:13 They come here and they shop around,
24:15 they shop around,
24:17 they go looking and they say well,
24:18 this church down here just few miles away
24:20 and they do this and their lacks on this
24:22 and they don't talk about this.
24:23 We'll just go there.
24:25 We'll just check it out.
24:26 How about going to where God will approve of
24:28 and then every area here
24:30 as we're learning together by God's grace
24:33 we want to keep and to do those things
24:35 that He has said in His Word.
24:38 I want you to please be careful.
24:39 The great issue here in these last days,
24:43 remember is from the very beginning of time,
24:45 the last great battle will focus on it.
24:49 The last great deception will focus on it,
24:52 the deciding question for the world and the universe
24:55 and individually the great test.
24:58 The final test is going to come,
25:01 Satan zeroes in on the law of God.
25:05 Somebody stay with me.
25:06 He zeroes in on what?
25:08 The law of God.
25:09 And notice the question will be this,
25:10 whether or not God's law is eternal,
25:15 unchangeable,
25:17 binding upon the Christian who are under grace,
25:22 praise God,
25:23 whether or not it can be perfectly obeyed.
25:27 That was the big deal in heaven, was it not?
25:30 And interesting, it's a big deal right here,
25:33 right now, just before Jesus comes,
25:35 it has not changed.
25:38 Remember, the devil's what?
25:39 He zeroed in on this because he said,
25:41 I can destroy God's character
25:43 if I can get people that will go against it,
25:46 I can destroy God's character.
25:48 And certainly, the people will be lost.
25:51 And I still have a chance he thinks to rule this world.
25:55 He says you can't perfectly obey.
25:58 Let me make a statement.
25:59 I always say, I like to make a statement.
26:00 And it's always good.
26:02 If you don't like it, throw it out.
26:04 I always like to be challenged.
26:05 Somebody in pulpits or anybody can challenge
26:07 with anything like it makes you think.
26:09 Somebody said, I got something heavy,
26:11 I said put it on.
26:12 I may not be able to answer a thing,
26:13 but just put it on.
26:15 Let's hear it.
26:16 God's people cannot be delivered.
26:20 Now, I'm not going to stop there.
26:22 Stay with me as we move on.
26:23 God's people cannot be delivered
26:27 from this old world of sin.
26:29 I'm not going to leave it there.
26:32 Christ cannot come
26:36 until God's law is vindicated.
26:40 Did you get it?
26:41 Christ can't come until His law is vindicated,
26:44 because that's been the issue
26:47 from the beginning of time that caused this war,
26:49 caused this separation,
26:50 it caused sin in this world.
26:53 Because God said what?
26:54 There will be a people.
26:57 Again, that's why He created.
26:59 You know what's that? That's why He created us.
27:01 Remember, He created the world,
27:03 and He created man to put in the world
27:05 because there was going to be the great controversy.
27:07 Isn't that right?
27:08 The Great War was going to be played out right here.
27:11 And that's why God says, I need you.
27:14 Wow!
27:15 I need you.
27:16 And His law cannot be vindicated
27:19 until He has a people all over the world
27:24 who honor and keep it.
27:26 Did you get it? Three Angels' message, right?
27:28 Message goes into all the world.
27:30 So one hinges upon the other.
27:33 I want Jesus to come, you want Jesus to come.
27:36 Want Him to deal.
27:37 He's dealing with sin, we want to get rid of sin.
27:38 Isn't that right?
27:40 We want Christ to come
27:41 and a new world to live in, praise God.
27:45 But God's character has to be vindicated.
27:48 Now you think Satan knows this or not?
27:51 Absolutely. He knows it, good.
27:53 So he's constantly at work.
27:55 He's constantly sowing seeds of doubt,
27:58 and sowing seeds of rebellion, troubling the church.
28:03 We can't get along in the church, you see.
28:07 We're having disagreements and blah-blah.
28:11 If there ever was a time,
28:12 we don't need that kind of stuff,
28:15 it's right now.
28:16 We need to stand shoulder to shoulder to realize
28:19 that most of the stuff we say here,
28:20 the Bible says, you say,
28:22 "Well, why do you folk study the Bible?
28:23 Or you maybe come and join the church?" Why?
28:24 Because unless two agree, how can they walk together?
28:29 Or later on six months down the road, they'll say,
28:31 "Why didn't you tell you believe this way before we came
28:33 and became a part of your church."
28:35 You study for.
28:36 That's what the Bible says,
28:37 study to show yourself approved unto God,
28:39 study and then baptized.
28:41 Are you still there? Come on, let's think.
28:43 It's so important
28:45 that we stand shoulder to shoulder.
28:46 Who else do you have in the whole world
28:48 that you can stand shoulder to shoulder with,
28:50 except someone who believes
28:51 in the seventh day Sabbath?
28:53 Someone who believes in the Spirit of Prophecy?
28:55 You can't stand shoulder to shoulder
28:56 with anybody else who doesn't believe in it.
28:58 They're going to laugh you out of town, they'll try to.
29:01 But you know what?
29:02 I'm gonna laugh right back and say,
29:03 "Praise God, look what He's given to us."
29:06 He's given all this information.
29:09 So that will help us to find Him
29:11 and how much He loves us.
29:14 We know it doesn't mean, we shouldn't have to repeat it.
29:18 But there's always those who tuned in
29:20 who they never went to church in their life.
29:24 They don't know.
29:25 Some of the people say
29:27 I've never really heard about Jesus too much,
29:29 except people using foul language,
29:30 you know, I just...
29:32 So we have to keep that in mind as we go, as we study,
29:35 but there's only two classes of people
29:38 that will be recognized in the judgment,
29:40 Brother Terry, only two in the judgment only two,
29:44 those who obey His commandments,
29:46 and those what?
29:48 Yeah, those who are disobedient,
29:50 they don't want to obey.
29:52 That's just two classes.
29:53 So you can be in the obedient
29:55 or you can be in the disobedient
29:56 and you know what happens to disobedient, don't you?
29:59 I think about one side God calls you
30:01 as the creator to come over
30:03 and stand underneath His banner.
30:06 Wow, how awesome that is to stand
30:08 under the banner of the Creator of heaven and earth.
30:12 And everybody on this side over here has this signet on them,
30:16 or they have the seal of God.
30:18 Man, we need to have the seal of God if we ever did.
30:21 It's like the angel, you know, the blood over the doorposts.
30:24 Man, we need that blood over the doorpost.
30:26 So that destroying angel will pass by.
30:29 But how many of us are really putting that blood
30:31 as it were over the doorpost?
30:32 How many of us really making it known
30:34 to the universe or to the enemy,
30:36 that I love Jesus, my home loves Jesus,
30:38 my family loves Jesus, Jesus lives here,
30:41 the spirit of living God lives here, you see?
30:44 How many of us are really willing to do that
30:46 and step out, rather than just talk about it
30:48 or make a profession.
30:51 We're living it out in our lives like we should be.
30:53 The seal of living God,
30:54 that means they are obedient to the commandments of God.
30:57 You can't do it on your own.
30:59 I can't do it on my own
31:00 but by the grace of God, it can take place.
31:02 This is part of our message that God wants us to come up.
31:06 I think Martin Luther different one,
31:08 remember the righteous,
31:09 you know, live by faith, isn't that right?
31:12 The righteous.
31:14 It's not about works,
31:15 even though he's the one to blame you about that.
31:18 They gonna say, you're talking about works, works, works.
31:20 I'm not talking about works at all.
31:22 I'm talking about the power of God,
31:23 the Holy Spirit in the life
31:25 brings conviction and gives you power
31:27 to gain victory over sin in your life.
31:30 Remember, Adam and Eve, they went wrong in one area,
31:33 and what happened?
31:35 They were cast out.
31:37 Think about in your life
31:38 and think about in my life today,
31:40 might there be one thing
31:41 that needs a little bit of tweaking?
31:44 Maybe several things that need to be tweaked a little bit.
31:47 Remember, if they do, I'm just gonna say
31:51 heavens not going to be our home?
31:52 Why would God judge differently
31:54 and deal differently with people?
31:57 Look, Moses put up with I don't know how,
32:00 only by the grace of God, right?
32:02 He's a meek man but how he had to deal
32:04 with those millions of a disobedient,
32:06 ornery characters.
32:08 Right?
32:09 Every time God would show him something,
32:11 they'd last a day or two,
32:12 and then they'd go back to their old ways.
32:14 God said, "Speak to the rock and tell him."
32:17 and he struck it with it.
32:18 He said, "You can't go in the Promised Land."
32:20 You think God doesn't care about
32:22 obedience and disobedience?
32:23 Yes, He does.
32:25 Every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God,
32:28 we need to get with the program.
32:29 We think about it.
32:31 I hear people talk about the judgment of the living.
32:34 You ever heard people talk about it.
32:35 I wonder when we're going to enter that time
32:37 of the judgment of the living.
32:39 Interesting thought, isn't it?
32:40 I mean, you can go deep with that,
32:42 but Six Testimonies 130 brings this out.
32:45 It says, "Now, when the great work of judging
32:49 the living is about to begin."
32:53 I could just leave it there, mark it,
32:56 because people read it
32:57 and then they just leave it alone.
32:58 Did you get it?
33:00 You know why people don't get it
33:01 is because they don't realize about the judgment hour.
33:04 They don't understand about the three angels' message
33:06 that we've been in the judgment hour
33:08 since 1844.
33:09 They don't believe it, right?
33:11 When they look at, in the Word of God
33:12 and says I begin what?
33:14 Judgment in my house, He begins with His people.
33:16 He begins with those
33:18 who have professed of a Christian,
33:21 and he goes through that.
33:22 The other people who are not professing Christian,
33:23 they're not even in this part of it.
33:26 Can we, when we talk?
33:28 1 Peter 4:17, the word of God is clear.
33:31 It says, "Judgment begins in the, come on,
33:34 the house of God."
33:36 Oh, wow, the house of God.
33:38 And that means it begins back with Adam and Eve
33:44 and then goes on.
33:46 I think it's Ezekiel 9.
33:47 Boy, there's a lot of prophecy in that and heavy-duty.
33:50 It says that the judgment of God begins in the sanctuary,
33:55 it begins with His people, His church
33:58 because they are supposed to know.
34:00 This church should know what they need to be to doing.
34:03 This church should know the message
34:05 and but most of us don't know it
34:08 because we won't get around it long enough to study,
34:11 to find out what our message
34:12 is to give to the world.
34:14 You think we will not be accountable to God?
34:16 You better believe we will.
34:18 He said, "I gave it to you,
34:20 I put it to you to say on a silver platter.
34:21 I couldn't do any more than I've done to give it to you
34:23 without making you do it.
34:25 I won't do that."
34:27 We need to know this message.
34:31 As we say they know the back of your hand.
34:34 The execution of the judgment
34:36 begins in the house of God first.
34:39 Ezekiel 9 as you read that, wow.
34:42 And it begins with those who have made, listen,
34:44 the highest profession.
34:46 That means some of our leaders, that mean some of our pastors
34:49 and our teachers and our high ups.
34:51 Oh, they're so holy, they're so righteous.
34:53 Bible said there's none good, no not one.
34:55 Get off of that part, you know?
34:57 We're all in need of a Savior.
34:59 Nice to have those positions.
35:00 Nice to have you know the love of God,
35:02 but we need help.
35:05 We need help.
35:06 And God said I'm going to help you.
35:09 Because the time that we're living
35:11 in of the judgment is a time, listen,
35:13 that God expects much
35:17 from His people.
35:19 He expects what?
35:21 Not little.
35:23 He expects much.
35:24 And so we can't have time out
35:25 fooling around with a bunch of stuff.
35:27 My Dad always said, didn't mount to hill of beans.
35:31 Did we get that?
35:32 Yeah.
35:37 I find some time that some of the holdup
35:40 to getting our job done is for the devil
35:42 to put you in contact with somebody
35:44 that takes 10 words to say
35:46 something they could have said in two.
35:49 Talk about Jeremiah, different ones,
35:50 you know, come down from the wall
35:52 and let's talk about it.
35:54 Let's have another meeting.
35:56 The last thing we might need is another meeting,
35:58 we need to meet and that meeting in the air
36:00 when Jesus comes
36:02 but before then we need to go to the highways
36:03 and byways and compel them to come in.
36:06 We have Bible study,
36:07 you know, the Bible study here on Wednesday.
36:09 Praise God for that.
36:10 We don't have a Wednesday night prayer meeting.
36:11 I encourage people to take that time
36:13 and go out to the highways and byways,
36:15 get some Bible studies going
36:16 and bring them in before it's too late.
36:18 If that's all the time that you have,
36:20 people are gonna do different things
36:22 but mine is evangelism, go out and do something.
36:24 We're in the hour of God's judgment.
36:26 It's time for us to work.
36:29 Little book Evangelism, page 226 says this.
36:34 Now you say, "Well, why are we talking about
36:35 this stuff again?
36:36 We know that." Really?
36:38 If you know, you're gonna be doing something about it.
36:40 "The light concerning the binding claims
36:42 of the law of God is to be presented everywhere."
36:46 What's our part of our job?
36:48 The light from what about the law of God
36:50 once we understand that it's binding,
36:52 claims all 10,
36:54 including the seventh day Sabbath, including...
36:56 Who in the world has the audacity to think
36:58 they're going to change something
36:59 that God wrote with his own finger
37:00 and just say, I'm gonna take this fourth one out?
37:03 And we just diddle around with like,
37:05 Oh, well, you know, but...
37:06 No! That's...
37:08 That person, that thing that whatever does that
37:10 must think they're bigger than God.
37:13 Is that right?
37:14 And those who follow after that,
37:16 was following after that power and not God.
37:19 Then that's heavy-duty.
37:20 God's side or the enemy's side, the enemy's doing this,
37:23 we know.
37:25 It's going to test the world.
37:29 The little book I read, I like it,
37:30 it's Call in High Places.
37:31 Some of you know that book and many of you will not.
37:34 Page 34 for says this.
37:35 It says, "We are rapidly approaching
37:38 the end of this world's history."
37:40 Anybody believe that?
37:42 Remember you're going to hear
37:45 from this pulpit on and on and on.
37:46 So if you're tired of it, now, bless your heart.
37:49 You've got to hear it again.
37:51 We are rapidly
37:53 coming to an end of this world's history.
37:56 Listen, obedience to the law of God
37:59 is the great issue.
38:01 Obedience to what?
38:03 Because Satan is zeroing in on the law of God.
38:09 If we could just see it
38:11 and believe it by the grace of God
38:13 what the Word says,
38:15 and many open the Scriptures and said,
38:17 "This is what the Bible says."
38:19 But people don't want to hear sometimes
38:20 what the Bible has to say.
38:22 They don't care about the last great issue.
38:25 And maybe we should care a little more about it.
38:28 Bible says 1 John 2:3-4, these are familiar passages,
38:32 and they should be.
38:34 It says, "And hereby we do know," what?
38:37 We know.
38:38 Hereby we know, notice this, we know this.
38:43 That we know Him.
38:45 "We know this, that if we know Him,
38:49 if we keep the commandments."
38:51 Oh, my! Did you get it?
38:54 If somebody says I know Him.
38:56 Now they may be ignorant to it,
38:58 that I'm saying in the nice way,
39:00 they may not understand it.
39:01 Once you understand the claim of what God is saying here.
39:04 This is proof that you know Him.
39:07 The proof is if you know Him,
39:09 you will keep the commandments of God,
39:11 which is saying if you don't, then you don't know him,
39:14 profess all you want.
39:17 It's time to look at it reality here.
39:21 If you don't, you don't know Him.
39:24 Verse 4, that's because is very familiar.
39:26 He that saith I know him
39:28 and keepeth not his commandments is a liar,
39:31 and the truth is not in him.
39:34 And somebody had the audacity as a Christian,
39:36 you wanna say, well, we don't believe
39:37 we have to keep the law of God.
39:40 The Bible says you are a liar and the truth is not in you.
39:43 Now again, you may not understand all but does what,
39:45 that's what the word said or is it not?
39:47 Or should I just sit down and be quiet?
39:51 I mean, you know what I'm talking about here
39:52 is we don't attack that we read these
39:54 and we just leave them.
39:55 The Bible says this.
39:56 I'm just reading what the Bible says.
39:59 He that saith, you say I know Him.
40:04 But if you don't keep His commandments,
40:07 it said you are a liar,
40:09 and the truth is not in him.
40:12 Whether he knows or not,
40:14 God knows the heart and everything,
40:15 let God deal with the issue.
40:17 But this is the thing
40:18 that he's talking about to profess.
40:20 We know God, we're Christian,
40:21 and we've been 50 years in the church,
40:22 and we know all this and we know all of that.
40:24 We don't keep the commandments of God,
40:26 we're a liar, and the truth is not in us.
40:28 The devil loves that stuff.
40:30 He loves you say, I've been here a long time,
40:32 or I've done this, blah-blah.
40:33 The Bible's clear.
40:36 Just, maybe just add a quick thought here as we go.
40:40 I believe that God has chosen mankind
40:44 from eternity to be holy.
40:48 Come on church.
40:50 I believe that God has chosen men to be holy.
40:52 The Bible is so clear in the passage after passage,
40:57 but we need a blueprint.
40:58 We can't get rid of the blueprint.
41:01 We've got to have a blueprint.
41:04 Years ago, we build a house for somebody
41:06 that gave us a blueprint
41:08 and they expected us to follow that blueprint.
41:11 I can tell you if you got just a little iota off
41:13 of that blueprint, they knew it.
41:14 Why?
41:16 Because they studied the blueprint.
41:17 Well, weren't they supposed to be like?
41:20 Why did you do it like that?
41:21 This says that's the Word of God.
41:24 We have a right to come back and say this is what it says,
41:26 I know you're thinking this way.
41:27 But this is what it says.
41:29 I mean, read Romans 3:24-28.
41:32 It makes it so clear, this is the will of God,
41:36 even your sanctification.
41:39 The will of God is what?
41:41 Sanctification or preparation for heaven.
41:44 Preparation for heaven being holy.
41:47 My, how's that really possible?
41:51 Because I can say this based upon the Word of God,
41:54 God's law tolerates no sin.
41:59 Hello now.
42:00 God's law tolerate, and listen, some of that,
42:03 almost said weaklings,
42:05 some of the spiritual weaklings in the church,
42:08 as always saying, well, we're gonna do the best we can.
42:10 And when God comes,
42:11 He's going to make up the difference.
42:13 No, He won't.
42:14 Remember in every stage that we are in,
42:16 that can be perfect.
42:17 First, the blade, then the ear, and then the full corn.
42:23 Where's perfection at?
42:24 Perfection is as soon as that little blade comes up,
42:27 that's the function of the blade.
42:28 The blade is perfect in that stage.
42:30 It's not complete yet, but in that stage,
42:33 we're still working like with sanctification.
42:35 Then the ear still not, but perfect in that stage,
42:40 then the full corn or perfection
42:42 or the most holy place,
42:43 this is what God's looking for people.
42:45 Because what?
42:47 He's wanting to make sure He can trust you and trust me
42:49 to make heaven our home.
42:51 It's not going to be unruly ever again.
42:54 God's gonna put an end to it.
42:56 And so he let the battle royale go
42:58 so that the angels could see.
43:01 The universe could see.
43:02 You realize how many other worlds,
43:03 there are millions and billions,
43:05 I'm convinced it's trillions of other worlds
43:06 that God has created.
43:08 There's people on them.
43:09 Oh, I know, it's too much for some of you.
43:12 You think God's going to limit.
43:13 God that He is to little old earth right here
43:16 and just a few people.
43:19 He created them for His glory, remember?
43:22 Man, he, there should be a lot of glory given to Him,
43:25 isn't that right?
43:26 Three angels' message, give glory to Him
43:28 for the hour of His judgment is come.
43:32 God's law, He demands perfect obedience.
43:36 Remember, the devil is angry with the remnant,
43:40 who do what?
43:41 Who keeps the commandments of God.
43:43 It's still the same argument. I love this.
43:46 The same argument is still there
43:48 that began in heaven.
43:49 Again, it's impossible to keep the law.
43:53 So again, the real issue
43:54 in the great controversy is not,
43:56 notice this, it's not an outward thing recognition
44:01 or even compliance with the law of God.
44:04 It's the inner state.
44:07 Inner state in the mind,
44:09 state of the mind, and the heart,
44:11 which is revealed by obedience or disobedience.
44:14 So what do you have inside of you?
44:16 You have obedience or you have disobedience,
44:19 you see.
44:20 Man, we need to be obedient to what God says.
44:22 So Satan, then again,
44:24 begins to attack the law of God.
44:27 He said is faulty, that no one can perfectly obey it.
44:32 Now, I might throw this out.
44:35 What he said, in my opinion, is partially true.
44:38 Now, if there wasn't something in there,
44:40 you wouldn't listen, would you?
44:42 You say, "Oh, no, that's all false."
44:46 He said, wow,
44:48 it's faulty and you can't keep it.
44:52 Well, okay.
44:54 No one can perfectly obey God's law
45:00 unless they truly love God.
45:06 I'm talking about a real love for God
45:10 and then exercise real faith in Him.
45:14 Unite with Him.
45:16 Divinity and humanity
45:18 coming together yoking up together.
45:21 Man, you can't beat that.
45:23 That's a winner when you yoke up with Christ,
45:27 you're more than a conqueror.
45:29 Isn't that right?
45:30 I mean, that's wonderful news.
45:32 Our problem is we don't yoke up.
45:34 We're not yoking up.
45:35 We're professing to yoke up, but we don't.
45:37 The same old thing goes on day after day in the home,
45:40 and maybe out in the workplace.
45:42 We living for the devil out there,
45:43 and we get around Christians,
45:44 we try to live a Christian life.
45:46 You're not going to heaven that way.
45:47 It's not going to happen that way.
45:50 We need to ask God for help, Lord have mercy.
45:55 Remember, an attack upon God's law,
45:58 listen, is really an attack upon God's what?
46:01 Good. Character and His authority.
46:05 The Bible is clear what's in the heart
46:09 is revealed by the outward life.
46:13 Bible said, "By their fruits, you shall know them."
46:15 See, a lot of time we say that,
46:17 you know, we need to make sure as Christians
46:19 that we dress and we act when we talk,
46:21 and we eat what?
46:23 Like a Christian should, what the Bible says.
46:26 It makes a difference because sometimes,
46:30 what's on the outside is an indication
46:32 of what's on the inside.
46:34 Is that not true?
46:37 It comes out on the outside
46:39 sometimes we see rebellion
46:40 and all kinds of stuff on the outside,
46:42 come from the inside.
46:45 God wants the inside.
46:47 The Jews were good
46:48 about cleansing the cup, were they not?
46:50 The outside while we're always looking good
46:53 but the inside was full.
46:55 Things that God said no, we need not do that.
46:58 God wants to clean us inside and outside
47:01 the central issue of the war
47:04 between Christ and Satan.
47:05 Come on, let's do it again.
47:06 Let's trace it fast as we can, it's simple.
47:09 You ask ourselves the question from the beginning.
47:11 Notice the question
47:13 when Lucifer first rebelled in heaven,
47:16 what was the issue about?
47:17 Think about it?
47:19 Over the law of God,
47:21 just what we've been saying, right?
47:22 So we're starting up in heaven right now.
47:24 And whether or not this law could be
47:28 if it was good, and if it was necessary,
47:31 and whether or not it could be obeyed.
47:33 That's where the rebellion began up there.
47:36 Interesting.
47:38 Great Controversy, page 582 says this,
47:41 "From the very beginning
47:43 of the great controversy in heaven,
47:45 it has been Satan's purpose to overthrow the law of God."
47:50 What was his purpose?
47:51 To overthrow, yeah,
47:52 the law of God and he was cast out.
47:55 Isn't that right?
47:56 He was cast out of heaven,
47:58 and he continued his warfare on this earth.
48:01 Now let's, let's follow these
48:03 and we'll get six or seven things here.
48:04 Notice, we'll follow it from heaven to the end of time,
48:08 and see what the issue has always been
48:11 and will continue to be until Jesus will come.
48:14 First of all, Lucifer rebelled where?
48:16 In heaven, the issue,
48:18 whether or not God's law could be obeyed.
48:20 Number two, there was war in the Garden of Eden.
48:25 Are you still there?
48:26 Before Adam and Eve sinned issue
48:29 was whether or not God's law could be obeyed?
48:33 Does that make sense?
48:35 Yes, the same issue,
48:36 whether or not the law of God could be obeyed.
48:39 After Adam sinned,
48:43 the issue was whether or not
48:45 God's law could be obeyed.
48:49 What would he say?
48:51 What has God said?
48:52 You'll surely die?
48:54 Oh, no, you see.
48:56 Even right then.
48:57 So we find that number four, in the Old Testament,
49:00 all through the Old Testament, let's take it there.
49:03 What happened?
49:05 What was the real issue in the Old Testament?
49:07 It remained the same whether or not
49:11 God's law could be obeyed.
49:13 Now we go to the New Testament, the time Jesus was here.
49:19 What was the central issue between God and Satan?
49:23 Whether or not, isn't that right,
49:26 God's law could be obeyed?
49:28 I've done the same thing.
49:29 It hasn't changed did you see it?
49:31 It hasn't changed from heaven when it came down here.
49:34 It didn't change in the garden before the fall.
49:37 It didn't change after the fall.
49:39 In the Old Testament, the issue was still the same
49:42 of whether you could be obedient to God or not.
49:44 The New Testament time
49:45 when Jesus said the same thing, six.
49:47 So let's take it from Christ time to our time.
49:52 It's the same issue.
49:53 It's unchanged.
49:55 Still yet whether or not the law of God can be obeyed.
49:59 You hear people tell you that,
50:01 that don't believe in keeping all the commandments.
50:02 "You can't keep God's law anyway,
50:04 doesn't matter, just to do that."
50:05 Really?
50:07 So God is not able, Christ is not able,
50:09 the Holy Spirit is not able to keep you from sinning
50:11 what the Bible says.
50:12 Yeah, that's not the problem with the word
50:15 just like it wasn't the problem with the Old Covenant.
50:18 Right? There's no problem there.
50:20 It's with the people, it's with me,
50:22 that may be with you and I look in the mirror,
50:24 I'm the problem, not God.
50:26 So we look and we say, okay, from Christ time to ours,
50:29 the same issue exists,
50:31 whether or not the law of God can be obeyed.
50:34 One more time, just think about here
50:35 in this last generation,
50:37 just before Jesus comes, what is the great issue?
50:42 Whether or not God's law can be obeyed perfectly
50:46 by the grace and strength of God?
50:48 The Holy Spirit,
50:49 Great Controversy 451 says this,
50:52 "The last great conflict is between truth and error."
50:56 The last great conflict is what?
50:59 It's between truth and error.
51:01 Desire of Ages, 763 says, "The law is changeless."
51:07 It cannot change.
51:08 It will not change
51:10 because it is the character of God.
51:12 Does that make sense?
51:16 Boy, when you look at all this, you say, well, this is...
51:19 What people are trying to do.
51:21 The Bible said, people come and say, oh, yeah,
51:23 we don't need all the law, most of us good.
51:26 We quoted James 2:10, you remember,
51:28 says, "For whosoever shall keep the whole law
51:29 yet offend in," what?
51:31 "One point, he's guilty of all."
51:34 And you say, well, we don't know what law.
51:36 Yes, we do know what law.
51:37 You got to read beyond verses 11 and 12.
51:40 The Bible goes on to say, let's you know,
51:42 speaking of God's Ten Commandment law
51:44 because it says, "Do not commit adultery,
51:46 do not kill."
51:48 That's God's Ten Commandment law.
51:49 And it says, "So speak ye,
51:51 and so do as they that shall be judged
51:54 by the law of liberty."
51:56 Oh, I hear people say oh,
51:57 you poor for we feel so sorry for you.
52:00 Oh, you legalistic, I almost said outfits.
52:04 You can't say that, can you? You legalistic people.
52:06 Oh, I'm telling you, you know, there's no law of bondage.
52:10 Oh, you're in handcuffs.
52:11 No, no, no, that's not what the Bible says at all.
52:14 You're going to be judged by the perfect law of liberty.
52:17 It's the law of liberty when I lay my head down
52:19 at night knowing I have been willfully,
52:21 right, broken one of God's commandments.
52:23 Man, that's liberty. Man, that's freedom in Christ.
52:26 And here's an argument,
52:27 you can always use an argument against that
52:30 reasoning sometime people give you.
52:32 Adam and Eve before sin for however many years it was.
52:37 They were perfectly happy in the Garden of Eden,
52:41 in obedience to the law of God.
52:43 Were they obedient?
52:44 Yes, they were, don't know how many years
52:46 they were obedient to the law of God.
52:48 This fact we know that it was a fact
52:50 was a constant testimony against that claim
52:54 that sometimes people make
52:55 that Satan had urged in heaven entered,
52:58 that God's law was oppressive,
53:00 that God's law was opposed to the good of His creation.
53:05 Evidently, they didn't know it for a long time.
53:07 They did exactly what God want them to do,
53:09 in perfect obedience.
53:10 They were perfect like the angels of heaven
53:12 until she made a choice,
53:15 he made a choice.
53:16 How could this take place background?
53:19 How could this possibly take place?
53:20 Great Controversy, 495,
53:22 Lucifer was dearly beloved and reverenced
53:25 by the angels in heaven.
53:27 What was he?
53:29 They loved him.
53:31 He was fourth, right?
53:33 In power made like God, close as it could.
53:37 We can't understand that.
53:39 Try to get it in our head, it's like awesomeness.
53:44 The first being created by God was Lucifer,
53:48 made him nearly like Himself as He could.
53:53 And he was to occupy the position next to Christ.
53:58 Next to Christ, he was most honored by God.
54:02 Man, that's heavy.
54:04 But pride and jealousy and all this stuff came in,
54:06 doubts came in about God's character
54:08 and His government.
54:10 Now, remember,
54:12 the third of the angels were fooled.
54:14 You know the reason why, think about it,
54:16 the third of the angels were fooled.
54:18 Here's what we have to remember.
54:20 We have to remember that sin was a new thing.
54:24 How could angels without sin be fooled?
54:29 They didn't know sin.
54:31 They couldn't comprehend what sin was that little
54:33 nor tell how many years thousands
54:36 or millions of learning?
54:37 You know what I mean?
54:38 So they didn't understand
54:40 so something brand spanking new to them.
54:42 Evil didn't appear as evil.
54:49 The angels looked at amazement upon the devices
54:54 that Satan had against the Divine Law of God.
54:57 They couldn't believe it.
54:58 But they still couldn't quite figure it out.
55:02 The angels pled with Lucifer to get things right.
55:05 God pled with Lucifer to get right
55:07 before he was kicked out of heaven.
55:09 Jesus came to the enemy several times,
55:12 pleading with him to get it right
55:14 so he could come back in his original position,
55:16 he would not do it.
55:18 Great Controversy, 495 says,
55:21 "The Son of God presented before him the greatness,
55:24 and the goodness, and the justice of the Creator,
55:28 the unchanging nature of His law.
55:30 God Himself had established the order of heaven
55:33 and departing from it,
55:35 Lucifer would dishonor his Maker,
55:37 and bring ruin upon himself."
55:40 Why didn't God just go ahead and destroy
55:41 the old devil and the evil angels?
55:45 Listen quickly as time's running out,
55:46 Desire of Ages, 759 makes sense,
55:49 says in the council's of heaven,
55:51 listen, don't you come up, whatever you do?
55:55 Don't dare.
55:57 I'm not saying this in an ugly way.
55:58 Don't dare to go against the councils of heaven.
56:01 When it says the council of heaven
56:02 that means the rulers of the universe got together
56:04 and here's what they said the council of heaven,
56:07 and I still believe God and Jesus and Holy Spirit,
56:09 notice, "In the councils of heaven it was decided time
56:12 must be given to Satan to develop his principles
56:15 which were the foundation of his system of government."
56:17 Why?
56:19 Because they didn't understand, the universe didn't understand.
56:21 God said, now we got to give it time.
56:23 Until he exposes himself for what he's really up to.
56:25 We know it, but the rest of them don't.
56:27 It's all new to them.
56:29 It would be wrong for me to go ahead
56:30 because they'd all have questions
56:31 and sin would rise up and continue to rise up.
56:33 We've got to give it time, time was given like to us.
56:37 When we sinned and we rebelled,
56:38 he doesn't take our life immediately.
56:40 He gives us a little bit of time to get it right.
56:43 He wants us to know the real true character of sin.
56:45 He wants to know the penalty for sin.
56:48 Transgression is an ugly thing put on the whole world.
56:51 It's a death sentence on the world,
56:53 we need a Savior.
56:56 And I know right we needed a Savior,
56:58 I can hear the words in heaven.
56:59 You know, in heaven it was said,
57:01 I have found a ransom.
57:05 Heaven found a ransom for man and for this world,
57:07 which was Jesus Christ.
57:10 How many times have you heard it
57:11 said we can't go into,
57:12 we'll do it another time
57:14 that God's law is a transcript of His character.
57:16 Man, we could go through that so quick.
57:18 I'm not going to give you the passage of it
57:19 but in the board of God, it says this,
57:21 how's God's law transcript of His character?
57:23 Notice quickly. God is love, His law is love.
57:27 God is holy, His law is holy.
57:29 He's righteous, His law is righteous.
57:31 Man, isn't that beautiful when you look at it,
57:33 God is perfect, His law is perfect.
57:34 God is spiritual.
57:36 I can't give you all the passage.
57:37 His law is spiritual.
57:38 God is everlasting, His law is everlasting.
57:40 God is truth, His law is truth.
57:42 God is light, His law is light.
57:43 God is good, His law is good.
57:45 God is just, His law is just.
57:49 It's a transcript of His character,
57:50 that just gave the fruits of the Spirit of God
57:52 and His law gave the same thing.
57:55 So you can't separate the two.
57:58 May God help us to see the devil
58:00 to tell you that the enemy,
58:02 he's putting you in his sights.
58:04 He's getting ready to fire and by the grace of God,
58:06 we have to say no.
58:07 We stand on the side of right because what?
58:10 Those who keep the commandments God
58:11 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
58:13 Shall we pray together?
58:16 Loving Father in heaven,
58:18 we thank You for Your precious Word.
58:19 Thank You that You made it so clear.
58:21 You have people in these last days,
58:22 it can be anybody that wants to be part of it.
58:25 Just read the Scripture
58:27 and have the holy boldness to stand and say,
58:28 "You know what?
58:30 I may have been going a different route
58:31 for a lot of years
58:32 but I know you were still leading
58:34 and guiding in my heart, in my life
58:35 for a time just like this."
58:37 So, Lord, give us that courage
58:39 that we need to take our stand for You.
58:40 We thank You, Lord, for Your love.
58:42 We thank You for how just made it so clear
58:45 that You have a people that have a message
58:48 as part of a movement,
58:49 and we want to be a part of that.
58:51 Thank you for loving us.
58:52 Thank for decisions made right now in Jesus' name.
58:54 Amen.


Revised 2021-12-30