Behold the Lamb Presents


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: BTLP

Program Code: BTLP000187S

00:38 Hello, friends, and welcome once again
00:40 to Behold the Lamb Presents.
00:42 I'm Chris Shelton,
00:43 I want to thank you for joining us.
00:45 Our message for today is entitled, Indicators.
00:48 We have indicators that
00:50 show the change in temperature, oil pressure, steam pressure,
00:54 traffic light indicators that show the rider way,
00:58 burglar alarms that indicate that
01:00 we have well unwanted guests in our homes or our businesses,
01:04 and the list could go on and on.
01:07 But did you know that God
01:08 has prophetically left indicators
01:11 in His Word to signify about
01:14 where we are in the stream of time
01:16 before the Second Coming of Christ?
01:18 We often refer to these indicators
01:20 as signs of the times.
01:23 Today, Pastor Kenny Shelton will be covering
01:25 the signs of the times that we need to be fully aware of
01:29 if we are to be ready for the soon coming of Christ
01:33 and all that His coming entails.
01:35 So let's join Pastor Kenny Shelton
01:38 as he reveals the indicators that
01:40 currently need our full attention.
01:43 But first, let's listen to a song that's entitled,
01:46 The Lower Lights Be Burning,
01:48 as sung by Sandra Entermann.
02:05 Brightly beams
02:08 Our Father's mercy
02:12 From His lighthouse
02:16 Evermore
02:19 But to us
02:23 He gives the keeping
02:27 Of the lights
02:30 Along the shore
02:34 Let the lower
02:38 Lights be burning!
02:42 Send a gleam
02:45 Across the wave!
02:49 Some poor fainting,
02:53 Struggling seaman
02:57 You may rescue,
03:03 you may save
03:18 Dark the night of sin has settled
03:25 Loud the angry billows roar
03:32 Eager eyes are watching, longing
03:39 For the lights
03:41 Along the shore
03:46 Let the lower lights
03:51 be burning!
03:53 Send a gleam
03:57 Across the wave!
04:01 Some poor fainting,
04:04 Struggling seaman
04:08 You may rescue,
04:11 You may save
04:15 Trim your feeble lamp,
04:20 My brother!
04:22 Some poor seaman,
04:26 Tempest-tossed
04:30 Trying now to find the harbor
04:36 In the darkness
04:39 May be lost
04:44 Let the lower lights
04:48 Be burning!
04:51 Send a gleam
04:54 Across the wave!
04:58 Some poor fainting,
05:03 Struggling seaman
05:06 You may rescue,
05:08 You may save
05:13 Let the lower lights
05:17 Be burning!
05:20 Send a gleam
05:24 Across the wave!
05:28 Some poor fainting,
05:32 Struggling seaman
05:35 You may rescue,
05:38 You may save
05:43 You may rescue,
05:49 You may save
06:10 Thank you for joining us once again
06:11 here at Behold the Lamb Ministries.
06:13 As always, we appreciate the time
06:15 that you spend, your cards, your letter, your support
06:18 and keeping again this message around the world,
06:20 and we like to say we couldn't do it without you.
06:22 We realize the Holy Spirit is doing the work,
06:24 but Holy Spirit uses people
06:26 and thank you for letting him use each one of you.
06:29 We appreciate so very much the Spirit of the Living God.
06:33 God has a message for us today.
06:35 He has one I'm telling you every day of our life.
06:38 We're going to be talking about one today.
06:40 It's very simple
06:42 when you look at the indicators.
06:45 What does all that mean?
06:47 Well, we're going to find out
06:48 about indicators here in just a moment.
06:50 But you know, we're going to have prayer,
06:51 we're going to be praying,
06:53 right, for the power of the Holy Spirit
06:54 to come upon each and every one of us,
06:56 to help us to realize that
06:58 this world is in the biggest mess
07:00 that maybe it's ever been in.
07:03 And that, may that demands that
07:05 something be done in our own personal lives
07:09 and positional stances that we must take.
07:12 And we cannot anymore stand idly by
07:15 and just kind of let the world go by and say,
07:17 "Well, it's all going to work its way out."
07:20 There's things that we can be doing
07:21 as God's people to be ready for His coming.
07:24 So again, thank you for joining us.
07:25 And we just pray,
07:26 anything we can do for you, folks,
07:28 you'll give us a call, or we can do to
07:29 send you some books and different things.
07:31 And we'll be reading out of the Great Controversy
07:33 a little bit today, too.
07:34 So I want you to, you know, be very well aware of that.
07:37 But I'm going to have prayer right now.
07:39 Where you can you can kneel with me.
07:40 And if you can't do that, then just pray.
07:42 Would you please?
07:46 Merciful Father in heaven,
07:47 we thank You for the privilege of prayer,
07:48 we thank You that we can call You our Father.
07:51 We come before thee because we sense
07:52 our need of the power of the Holy Spirit.
07:55 Lord, we look deep within our own self
07:57 and we find we have
07:58 nothing good to which to give Thy people.
08:01 But we know that You do.
08:03 So we want to empty ourselves of self
08:05 and be filled with the Spirit of the Living God,
08:07 that words that will be spoken today
08:09 will penetrate the heart,
08:10 the mind, the lives of each, of every one of your children,
08:13 who you have seen fit to bring here today.
08:15 It's not an accident that those who are here are here.
08:19 So we pray that our ears and hearts
08:20 and minds will be open that
08:21 You will speak to us words of life,
08:23 words of warning, and that we may be encouraged
08:27 and not discouraged in this hour that
08:28 we're living in, in Jesus' name.
08:30 Amen.
08:38 I may start something like this,
08:40 people are afraid.
08:44 People are afraid.
08:47 I've talked to several,
08:49 I know that you have too, and the bottom line,
08:51 you know if they're searching more
08:53 for relationship with Christ, or maybe they don't have one.
08:55 And even those who say, I talked to guy yesterday.
08:59 He said, "Well, I don't care
09:00 what happens in the world, I'm bound for heaven."
09:02 Well, good. That's good news.
09:05 Maybe we should be very positive about
09:07 our relationship with Christ, that we are bound for heaven.
09:11 But we need to be careful that
09:12 enemy loves for you to say that.
09:15 Well, we're just bound for heaven
09:17 and we're going to make, oh praise God,
09:18 certainly the way has been prepared.
09:20 His blood is, you know,
09:21 is powerful enough to cleanse us
09:23 from all unrighteous and sin.
09:24 But are we really ready for the coming of Jesus?
09:27 I'm going to be talking about indicators,
09:29 and I believe we live in a time
09:30 where there's a lot of indicators
09:32 that tell us where we are at.
09:34 Interesting people ask
09:36 questions things like, you know,
09:38 how long will it be before Jesus gets here?
09:41 And I think they're honest in heart
09:43 when they asked these things,
09:45 but yet the Bible doesn't give a definite time.
09:47 True?
09:49 We don't know, man doesn't know
09:50 the day or the hour of the coming of Jesus,
09:52 but he can know it's what?
09:54 It's near even at the door.
09:57 He doesn't want to surprise you,
09:58 He doesn't want to surprise me,
10:00 and all the things
10:02 that are unraveling right now before us,
10:04 we should be much well aware that something big,
10:10 something dynamic, something that is,
10:13 we've never experienced before is getting ready to,
10:16 I want to say blow up in our face.
10:19 And we need to be on guard rather than set back and say,
10:23 "I've heard it before."
10:26 Here in this church,
10:28 we need to hear it over and over
10:29 and over the warning of the coming of Jesus,
10:32 and the indicators that are there
10:34 that might help us to,
10:35 you know, to really get excited about His coming.
10:38 And as He's coming,
10:39 these things are going to take place,
10:41 our work is going to
10:42 become more difficult than it's ever been before.
10:46 The enemy is as a roaring lion, he's not going to let off.
10:49 He's going to bite you if he can.
10:51 We need the Word of God, we need the truth.
10:54 We need the armor of God on.
10:56 We, many as a people, as a world, we are afraid.
11:00 Many people have forgotten the principles
11:04 upon which this country was founded upon.
11:07 We have forgotten those things.
11:09 And we looking around and say that simply life and liberty,
11:13 the pursuit of happiness, and we're looking about life.
11:16 Some people don't want to live anymore.
11:18 Liberty, apparently all gone, and the pursuit of happiness.
11:24 If the government tells you can.
11:27 Somebody think with me.
11:29 These things that were founded upon,
11:31 they're supposed to be God given to us a country
11:33 that was raised that
11:34 we could come here for freedom of conscience,
11:37 freedom of worship somehow is turning around.
11:42 Politicians are taking liberties
11:44 that are not theirs to take.
11:48 And there are court cases,
11:51 there's going to be hundreds of those things.
11:55 So what do we do as a people
11:59 when we have read and we were taught in school,
12:01 that the government is by the people
12:04 and for the people?
12:07 I don't want you to become discouraged with it.
12:08 This is not for or against the government.
12:12 It's this simple things that
12:13 we have to look at how God set it up,
12:16 and what's happening to our country that we love.
12:21 I want to read just a few things.
12:22 And I want to make sense to you.
12:25 And then, by the grace of God point out some other points,
12:28 I believe that will take us in a direction
12:31 that will help us see again and again.
12:34 Remember, when Noah preached, how long did he preach?
12:38 Hundred and twenty years.
12:40 Different messages I guess.
12:43 He stayed on the same one.
12:44 So some of you want to get on to him,
12:46 you go ahead.
12:47 I've got over 100 years to keep.
12:50 All right. Same message, you follow me?
12:54 Yeah.
12:55 Never get discouraged
12:56 when we're studying the Books of Daniel
12:58 and Revelation and prophecy.
13:00 Do not get discouraged with that.
13:02 That's where your head needs to be.
13:04 That's where my head needs to be that
13:07 things are revealed that God said, "I reveal them.
13:10 I'm giving you a revelation of Myself,
13:13 of things that are shortly to take place."
13:16 That sound like a warning to me,
13:18 one of love and one of encouragement, I like that.
13:22 As we think back,
13:23 we think about our Constitution is guaranteed,
13:26 we say, our religious freedom
13:28 is guaranteed, they say.
13:30 We can worship God
13:32 according to the dictates of our conscience,
13:34 we are told,
13:35 but yet I see some things that are happening.
13:39 And so I refer to the Great Controversy.
13:41 Now the Bible we can go through and we will do that,
13:44 we'll be studying Book of Revelation Chapter 13,
13:46 we look at the first beast, we look at second beast.
13:49 Think about this, of all the countries
13:52 that are mentioned in Scripture.
13:55 You know, you talk about Babylon, Medo-Persia,
13:56 Greece and Rome,
13:58 all the big places of the world,
14:00 surely before Jesus comes,
14:02 there's something going to happen
14:04 in the United States of America that would bring it
14:06 into the Bible and Bible prophecy.
14:09 There's no country ever been like it before.
14:12 Surely it's mentioned in here.
14:14 Surely, it's told how it would be set up.
14:16 Surely it's told how it would end up speaking.
14:20 It makes sense.
14:23 And so we want to discover that more today
14:25 The Great Controversy, 205 and 6 says this.
14:28 And I like this, it says, we must return
14:30 because we're having such problems,
14:32 and we're having problems
14:33 because we've gotten away from the Word of God.
14:35 Are you still with me? That's our problem.
14:37 We've gotten away from a thus saith the Lord
14:40 and I'm hearing too much about thus saith the man.
14:43 I don't care about thus saith the man.
14:45 I'm talking about myself up here.
14:48 You check everything that said,
14:49 you see whether it be so in the Word of God.
14:52 And sometime we have to lay aside
14:54 our preconceived ideas in order to get to that point.
14:59 But the Great Controversy says this,
15:00 but it's talking about the reformation.
15:02 And I hope you know a little about the reformation.
15:04 Some of you certainly know much more about than I do.
15:07 But I praise God for the reformation.
15:10 There needed to be and there needs to be
15:11 a reformation today.
15:14 God's Church is Laodicea.
15:17 It's lukewarm.
15:19 Yeah, sleeping, song some zees.
15:24 And we don't want to be bothered the majority.
15:28 So we must return, this article says,
15:30 we must return to the Protestant principle.
15:35 Remember, Protestant means you protest Catholicism?
15:38 Is that okay to say that?
15:40 That's what a Protestant is.
15:42 So if you're...
15:43 Well, I almost said,
15:44 if you're too yellow to do that,
15:46 and I won't do that from the pulpit.
15:47 Pray for my brother, Jan, you know how.
15:50 If you don't have the spiritual backbone.
15:53 Right?
15:54 This is why the reformation came about.
15:58 Protest, about changing, right?
16:01 The Word of God,
16:03 and things that were happening back then.
16:05 And then the Protestant says this,
16:06 what we need to do is go back to the Bible
16:09 and the Bible only as our rule of faith.
16:13 Does that make sense?
16:15 Let's get back to the rule of our faith.
16:18 Satan still working through every means,
16:21 which he can to control that and destroy religious liberty.
16:27 See, part of this talk today on religious liberty,
16:30 freedom of religion,
16:32 and some people say, "Oh, let's be careful
16:33 we don't throw things out there."
16:34 Listen, I don't care what you throw out there today.
16:36 I believe this has some meaning.
16:38 Something's going on in the world,
16:39 no matter how ridiculous that it is,
16:42 that we should be able to draw from that and say,
16:44 "Look, the Bible say there's going to be
16:45 some odd things
16:47 that's going to take place before Jesus comes."
16:50 Now, when we see these odd things,
16:53 the strange things taking place,
16:55 don't tell me anybody here, don't you think,
16:57 somebody tell me there strange things
16:58 is taking place in this country.
17:00 If we can't say that, I'm just going to sit down,
17:02 I just might as well just sit down
17:03 if you can't see that
17:04 there're strange things taking place.
17:06 There's things that you say,
17:08 I be careful again, anybody should be able to see.
17:13 Anybody with any sense ought to be able to see
17:16 that things strange and unpredictable
17:19 are taking place, unpredictable people,
17:23 like their mind is gone,
17:26 that maybe the enemy has taken it over.
17:27 And you're trying to say a seven or eight year old
17:29 could look at it and say, "We need to go this direction."
17:32 I'm just, strange things that
17:34 we're told will take place in the Bible.
17:38 So what should I do when I see these things?
17:40 Sit down, be quiet, say nothing.
17:43 Great Controversy, again,
17:44 page 452 says this, we should do all in our power.
17:48 And I look at myself and I'd be thinking,
17:50 "Am I really doing all in my power to do
17:54 what God would have me to do right now?"
17:55 Some of us are not,
17:57 we're sitting back on a recliner,
17:58 we're doing nothing.
17:59 We agree that these things are taking place,
18:01 and we kind of believe it.
18:02 But we need to do all in our power
18:05 when we see, notice this,
18:06 that there are measures are being taken to restrict,
18:11 restrict what?
18:12 Liberty of conscience, our freedoms.
18:16 When we see these things taking place,
18:17 we need to do all that we can to,
18:20 right, fight against that.
18:24 Conscience.
18:26 I don't want somebody else to be my conscience.
18:30 If you let your conscience go, the devil is going to take it,
18:32 if you know what I mean.
18:33 Somebody is going to occupy your mind
18:36 and is today the way it always has been,
18:38 either the Holy Spirit occupies it
18:40 or the devil occupies it.
18:42 There's no two other ways around it.
18:43 If there's other way
18:45 I may try to get there, but there's not.
18:49 Jesus made it very simple
18:50 when He said He who is not with Me
18:53 is that makes you say that,
18:56 "Oh, well, these people here they're not really with this."
18:59 One way or the other, that's what the Bible said.
19:02 And so we need to follow what the Bible said,
19:04 because remember, the reformation said
19:05 we need to get back to what?
19:07 And we know this, the Bible and the Bible only or truths.
19:11 I've often said I don't care
19:12 where truth comes from as long as it's truth.
19:16 I'll try to laugh it up by the grace of God.
19:19 Truth is truth.
19:20 Truth is from God, there's no doubt about it.
19:23 When we see that our religious liberty
19:26 is being restricted,
19:27 we need to do something about it.
19:30 Many people won't understand this.
19:32 There's a book of Daniel Chapter 12,
19:33 somewhere around verse 10, somewhere around there says,
19:36 "The wicked will not understand."
19:38 No matter what you do,
19:39 no matter how you try to get this out,
19:41 the wicked is not going to understand
19:42 where you're coming from.
19:44 They don't want to understand where you're coming from.
19:46 But my Bible talks about here,
19:48 there's going to be those who will, but the wise will.
19:52 Right? The wise will.
19:54 How are you wise?
19:55 Because of the power of the Holy Spirit.
19:57 Holy Spirit is going to show
19:58 you these things that will take place.
20:00 God has promised you that
20:02 He'll bring no surprise right upon you.
20:04 He's going to warn you first of these things
20:06 that are happening.
20:09 And you say, "Well, you know,
20:10 I get tired of hearing about it."
20:12 Well, that's too bad.
20:15 Love you all.
20:18 Love and kisses, right?
20:19 Hugs.
20:21 People want to hear that, ain't that right?
20:24 If I didn't love and I didn't care,
20:25 I certainly find something else to talk about.
20:29 But I know we'll talk something we talk about,
20:31 we risk losing friends.
20:33 And people get angry
20:35 and they leave and they don't come back.
20:38 But there's something
20:39 and I believe that the Holy Spirit
20:40 impresses the mind
20:42 when you're praying about, God, what do the people need?
20:44 And what do I need?
20:46 I never pray for what does the people need
20:48 before I pray, what do I need?
20:50 I might help them
20:52 along their way in the same time
20:53 help me to find eternal life.
20:56 There's a little book
20:57 I've read a paragraph out of the light
20:59 called Mount of Blessings, page 33.
21:02 And this gives me encouragement 'cause it says
21:04 the minds of the people need to be agitated.
21:07 I've been called an agitator a lot of times,
21:10 and I'm getting where I kind of like it.
21:14 He's agitating.
21:16 You better, you know what?
21:17 You agitate somebody you're going to wake them up.
21:20 Ain't that right?
21:21 When you're just speaking smooth things
21:23 and patting them on the head and loving,
21:25 they all go to, everybody goes to sleep.
21:27 I'm not talking about in a bad way at all.
21:29 I'm talking about agitate the things
21:31 that are going on in the world.
21:32 Notice this, why?
21:34 Why do you think these things are going on like
21:36 they are in the world?
21:37 Because God's trying to get your attention and mine.
21:40 Let me finish reading this. Notice it says here.
21:42 Yeah, but why is all this stuff happening?
21:44 Every controversy, every reproach,
21:49 every effort to restrict liberty of conscience
21:53 is God's means of awakening
21:56 minds that otherwise might slumber.
22:00 God's using these things that's going on.
22:03 So I'm saying God is in control, right?
22:05 God is using these things,
22:07 not to wake up our minds to say,
22:09 "Brother Mark, do you know this?
22:11 Brother Kenny, do you know this?"
22:13 Yeah.
22:15 These are things, God is using them.
22:17 The devil thinks I'm going to use it
22:19 and destroy God's people.
22:20 It's to wake God's people up.
22:23 We must realize in this great conflict we are in.
22:26 And all of these little things
22:28 that are happening in the world.
22:30 And things that are soon to come
22:32 is so laid out so plain,
22:34 that most people, even pastors
22:36 and teachers and churches and everyone,
22:38 they stay out of Daniel,
22:39 they stay out of Revelation, because what?
22:41 It reveals the future,
22:43 reveals things that are happening.
22:44 And they say you can't understand it.
22:46 Well, why would a God that loves me wants me in heaven,
22:48 put something in a book that we can understand?
22:51 Does that make sense?
22:53 That does make sense. He wants us to understand.
22:55 But He's saying to you,
22:56 the serious ones will get down and do some digging.
22:58 And when you dig a little bit, and you hit a hard ground,
23:01 those that shovel down and go get a pick.
23:03 My dad used to call, he used to call it,
23:05 he said, "Go give me that mattocks."
23:08 Said, "Go get you a what?" "Go get that mattocks.
23:12 Don't you know what a mattocks is?
23:16 No, I'm like, it's kind of, you know,
23:17 a pick on one side,
23:19 and then the little deal on the inside."
23:21 Okay, you know, get something
23:23 and whatever the ground how hard it gets,
23:25 and get something that will break that ground.
23:28 Because that's were going to be where the truth is at.
23:30 It's going to be hidden.
23:32 And the ones will find it
23:34 are the ones that serious about it.
23:36 The ones that are getting up in the morning,
23:38 the ones who are studying the Word of God,
23:39 the ones who won't let the situations of the world
23:41 discourage you,
23:43 because you're going to go to the Word of God
23:45 to know that you've already won by the grace of God.
23:48 Regardless of what happens,
23:50 God says your bread and water will be sure.
23:53 I don't know where my house payments coming.
23:55 Well you've made it for 40 years, come on.
23:58 That makes sense.
24:00 He never left you. You're still here.
24:02 You still have plenty to eat, you got roof over your head,
24:04 you have a car or whatever it might be.
24:06 God has been good to you.
24:07 He's been good to me.
24:09 He will continue is if we be obedient to Him.
24:12 Notice this, we'll talk about
24:13 Great Controversy again 592 says,
24:16 in free America, it's where I like to see it,
24:18 rulers and legislators,
24:20 see if somebody can disagree with this,
24:22 rulers and legislators in order to secure public favor
24:26 will yield to the popular demand.
24:29 And we're talking about
24:30 enforcing of Sunday laws
24:32 and different laws they're doing.
24:33 It says, and liberty of conscience
24:35 which He has cost
24:37 so great a sacrifice will no longer be respected.
24:40 If we are not in that time right now,
24:43 we will never get there.
24:45 Did you get that? Great sacrilege.
24:48 Liberty of conscience,
24:49 it doesn't matter about it anymore.
24:51 It's what somebody says,
24:53 it's what law somebody can pass and this is going to be best
24:57 they say for the whole world if we do this thing.
25:01 You know, Satan's method to gain control of the world,
25:04 listen, there's always compulsion.
25:07 It's always through fear.
25:09 It's always through force,
25:11 you know, this is the way he operates.
25:12 So when somebody is trying to use force
25:14 to get you to do something,
25:16 you think by the grace of God you shouldn't have to do.
25:20 It is the voice of the dragon.
25:22 It is the voice of the devil, fear and force.
25:25 And that's both in, listen, that's in religious field,
25:27 as well as the secular field.
25:30 We hear that a lot at churches,
25:31 I'm going to throw a little bit of fear at you.
25:33 Well, if you don't do this,
25:35 well, you're not going to have this position that position,
25:36 well, then I won't have that position then.
25:39 Don't go against the conscience.
25:41 See, man tries to enforce human laws
25:46 in defiance of the law of God.
25:48 Notice some of the things that are being passed right now
25:51 and becoming law and,
25:52 you know, contested in the courts,
25:55 even though we find out,
25:56 they're really against the laws of God.
26:00 Think about it.
26:02 So we have to stay with the laws of God, man,
26:04 when they, right, when they cross back and forth,
26:06 what are you going to choose?
26:09 You know, you to me, you have a choice.
26:11 Oh, glory, whether you want to take a shot
26:14 or you don't want to.
26:16 Listen today, it's buckling down right now.
26:18 Again, this is talking about our freedoms.
26:21 This is not just a bunch of hype,
26:23 and oh, listen, just for 30 minutes,
26:27 I just sat down, I turned the news on
26:29 and I jotted these things down.
26:30 Just 30 minutes. That's this week.
26:32 Now remember, what will you throw out today,
26:36 you will find if it's hit hard by the American people,
26:39 the one's leadership, they change again.
26:43 Does anybody get that?
26:44 So we're saying today is what this says, tomorrow,
26:47 it may say something completely different
26:49 because what?
26:50 People say, well, that's not,
26:52 we just read where they want to be popular,
26:54 they want to be reelected, they're trying to tell you
26:57 what you want to hear so they can be reelected.
26:59 Again, how sad.
27:01 Every day is becoming more intense
27:06 than it was the day before,
27:07 our freedoms are being challenged.
27:10 They're being challenged
27:12 by powers not even delegated
27:16 to the federal government.
27:18 See we've got powers here delegated by Jesus Christ,
27:21 let's use those.
27:22 Let's stand firm on these right now.
27:24 This is not whether I agree with the party,
27:26 that's in the party, that's not in,
27:27 I don't care about the parties.
27:29 I compare, I care about
27:30 what God has said in His Word,
27:32 but also see that we are told that
27:34 our Constitution repudiated, right?
27:38 It's going to be completely done away with
27:40 not throw it out, not burn it,
27:42 but every principle of our Constitution,
27:44 this smart men, the lawyers have found a way what?
27:47 They found around everyone, and they found a way around it.
27:50 They can do it just by one thing,
27:52 a national health crisis.
27:54 Are you still with me?
27:58 It could be climate change, and national emergency.
28:04 Everything that you say you hold dear,
28:06 that will protect you is out the window.
28:09 So just keep that in mind.
28:11 Well, I'm going to be protected.
28:12 Only protection you have and I have is God, right?
28:15 God will protect you.
28:17 I'm going to be your shield and your buckler.
28:18 I'm the one that's going to take care of you.
28:20 Come unto me all you guys are heavy laden,
28:23 and I will give you
28:24 the rest that we're looking for.
28:25 Praise God for that.
28:29 But when you can bypass these things that
28:31 we've held sacred through the years,
28:35 implementing powers that
28:36 we have no right to do it that will be contested in court
28:39 in the very near future, they can't find enough lawyers
28:42 there're so many lawsuits going on.
28:47 I didn't get in the wrong business.
28:51 The courts are going to decide.
28:53 Your president just said it.
28:55 No somebody said, "Well, now where did you heard?"
28:57 I heard this myself.
29:00 Is that okay?
29:01 You'd like to hear things yourself.
29:03 You know the president said this week.
29:07 Remember, he said we have a pandemic.
29:11 Notice what he says,
29:12 "It's a pandemic of the unvaccinated."
29:17 If you didn't hear it, so sorry.
29:20 We have a pandemic.
29:22 He said the pandemic is
29:23 with those who are unvaccinated.
29:26 Man, you better listen, he means business,
29:28 something's going to happen.
29:29 Where are you going to stand?
29:32 He had just announced a sweeping, you know,
29:35 some laws mandate, vaccine mandates.
29:39 You know, he says as
29:40 he gets all these things out there announces
29:43 he's sweeping COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
29:47 He said this.
29:48 He said, "My patience is wearing thin."
29:52 Did you hear it? Somebody heard that.
29:54 My patience is running thin.
29:57 Now I don't want anybody to cut that
29:58 out of what I just said right.
29:59 If somebody cut well, that's a little bit too harsh.
30:01 No, he said that.
30:02 You can go back and you can get it.
30:05 What is he saying when he said,
30:06 I know when I say my patience is getting thin
30:08 for one of the kids at home,
30:10 I'm already got the belt off.
30:14 Are you still with me?
30:15 I've already got the belt off,
30:16 that means I probably without any change,
30:18 I'm going to start beating somebody.
30:19 All right.
30:22 His patience are running thin.
30:26 He said these new mandates, if we can get everything
30:28 all pushed through is going to affect
30:30 over 100 million people.
30:32 Are you going to be in that?
30:33 Are you going to be involved in that?
30:34 Or throw it out as well as the conspiracy theory?
30:37 Baloney.
30:38 Can I say that too?
30:40 Is that a French word? What is that?
30:43 I better be careful what I say
30:44 if I don't know the meaning, right?
30:46 But you know, we can all understand that.
30:48 What do you mean it's going to affect 100 million people?
30:52 And then he said,
30:53 what I like to do when I'm going to pass
30:55 is if you employ 100 people,
30:59 you're going to be made to take.
31:00 If you have 100 people in your employee
31:01 that you have to take the vaccine.
31:04 And if they don't,
31:06 then they start to refuse the employers,
31:07 they can fine the employer $14,000 for every offense.
31:14 They're going to make it to where you just give in.
31:17 Unless you're really convicted by the grace of God
31:20 what you're doing, and willing to give your life
31:23 for just like Jesus is willing to give His life,
31:26 that we would rather die than knowingly sin.
31:28 We need to come to that point
31:30 because the pressure is going to be too great
31:32 if they continue to push the way it's pushing.
31:35 How many employers and some business
31:37 with 100 employees
31:38 could afford $14,000 every offense?
31:41 There could be hundreds of those.
31:43 And the government knows you can't do that.
31:45 That's why they're putting,
31:46 that's just the beginning of sorrows,
31:48 as you will know.
31:50 And they say, "Well,
31:52 if you still don't want to go along,
31:53 then actually we're going to
31:54 give you a COVID test every week,
31:56 and so on so forth."
31:57 In other words, your life's going to be
31:58 very tough where you're at,
32:00 because you're causing some problems.
32:04 My wife mentioned there before,
32:05 and I'm believing it too, I'm going to be very careful.
32:07 I think we have to be careful
32:08 because, you know, just the question,
32:10 who's really spreading it now?
32:14 Hello, who's really spreading it?
32:18 The ones who've been vaccinated or the ones unvaccinated?
32:22 Come on.
32:23 I just, you got to think, you can't just be closed.
32:25 No.
32:29 They're being threatened of loss of jobs.
32:36 They're using fear tactics.
32:41 They even pay you to take a shot.
32:43 Are you still with me?
32:47 And they'll put your name, I'm gonna say in a hat.
32:50 They're gonna put your name in a hat for drawing,
32:52 you can be a millionaire.
32:54 Put your name in a hat,
32:56 you draw it out, you're a rich man.
32:58 Well, they buried him next week but look,
33:01 leave it at that, figure that one out later.
33:06 Go get a shot, put your name in the jackpot,
33:08 it was going to be good.
33:10 But the, you know, the medical workers,
33:12 those who are dealing with Medicare and Medicaid
33:15 and so on, he said we need to make sure
33:17 that they are all going to be required to take the vaccine.
33:20 Remember what was today,
33:22 what was yesterday could be changed tomorrow.
33:25 Then how much stink is raised in there?
33:28 Here's my, but I'll just give you
33:29 my little position on it
33:31 if you don't mind and we need to go on.
33:32 This is just things I want you to think about here.
33:35 I've heard it said an awful lot
33:36 and maybe it's time that I said it.
33:38 It's my body and it's my choice.
33:41 Anybody still with me?
33:43 It's my body and my choice.
33:45 Now they don't mind using that
33:47 when it comes to abortion and different things,
33:49 there's still death involved.
33:50 It's funny how they won't, still my body, still my choice,
33:53 what country do I live in?
33:56 Indicators.
33:58 Webster said indicator is a person
34:00 or thing that indicates any kind of
34:03 a device like a gauge or some kind of a dial
34:06 or something that measures something.
34:08 It's the beginning of something or it's the end of something.
34:11 And you know in Matthew
34:13 we read there a text, what was that, Matthew 16?
34:17 Yeah, Matthew 16, I mean,
34:20 what, how powerful that Jesus, right,
34:23 Jesus was talking to those fair Sadducees
34:26 and the Pharisees and whoever,
34:28 the hypocrites, He said, "Man, you know everything
34:30 about the weather and you know
34:31 what's going to be for tomorrow,
34:33 you know all these things,
34:34 but you don't know the signs of the times."
34:36 We know everything.
34:37 We think we know everything, do we not?
34:40 We get these indicators here, on our car.
34:43 A turn signal is an indicator.
34:46 When I'm behind somebody, when you indicate
34:47 you're going to make a right hand turn,
34:49 please by the grace of God make a right hand and not left.
34:53 You follow what I'm saying?
34:55 Or don't go down for two or three miles down the road
34:57 with that blinker going on.
34:58 I don't know if you're going to turn
34:59 or if you're not go to turn.
35:01 And then by the time you decide
35:02 you're going to turn in, I'm passing you.
35:04 You see what I mean? Indicators.
35:07 God said there's indicators.
35:09 He said, you folks know all about this stuff in the world.
35:12 A streetlight, right, yeah, red,
35:15 and you know, and yellow and green.
35:20 Green always meant go to me.
35:21 Now, we don't know what it means.
35:24 That can change too.
35:27 Signs and indicators. Pharisees.
35:33 Did they not realize what they were saying right,
35:35 then, what Jesus was saying to them
35:38 was an indicator of the signs of the time?
35:41 That was an indicator.
35:42 Show us a sign, show us
35:44 some of these reasons here of heaven,
35:46 not realizing that their attitude
35:48 toward Christ as the Messiah
35:51 was an indicator sign of the time.
35:54 They said, show us what?
35:56 Show some miracles, show some signs and wonders.
36:01 Somebody simple went through my mind,
36:04 at that point in time He shown all kinds of
36:07 signs and miracles and wonders for several years, had He not?
36:11 Sure He had been. What would He have been doing?
36:13 He would heal, He healed all manner of diseases,
36:15 He cast out demons, right?
36:17 He raised the dead back to life again.
36:20 Oh, well, I mean, what more would you really want?
36:22 He controlled nature,
36:24 He talked to the waves in the sea
36:25 and they obeyed Him.
36:27 We're the only outfits that
36:29 don't obey Jesus Christ is a human race,
36:31 the animals will do it, nature will do it,
36:34 but we as human beings think we know more than God.
36:39 He cast out the demons.
36:42 The demons recognized Him.
36:44 They were around and saw
36:46 all these things but yet they said,
36:47 "Well, show us something."
36:49 Oh, I think you could classify this
36:53 as signs from heaven.
36:55 They didn't want the evidence.
36:56 They said they wanted evidence,
36:58 but yet they didn't want evidence.
36:59 You meet and you study with people all the time,
37:00 says give us some evidence about
37:02 what you're talking about.
37:03 You give all kinds of evidence from the Word of God,
37:04 and they still say,
37:06 "Well, no, I'm not going that route."
37:08 They refuse to acknowledge Jesus as a Son of God.
37:14 Remember Hosea, was it Hosea 4:6 says,
37:18 "The people are destroyed for lack of, good,
37:20 for lack of knowledge,
37:22 because you have rejected knowledge,
37:24 God said, I'm going to reject you."
37:26 Knowledge has come.
37:28 We live in a day and a time
37:29 where the books of Daniel is open, Revelation,
37:31 we can study Bibles in every house,
37:33 you can see something all the time,
37:35 you can read about Jesus, you can study about Jesus,
37:37 all kinds of things are going on,
37:38 but we're lacking that we have,
37:40 we don't want the knowledge anymore.
37:43 He said you reject that, I'm going to reject you.
37:47 And I think it even went too far,
37:48 He said, and then I'm going to reject your children.
37:52 My!
37:53 What an awesome time that we live in?
37:57 Jesus is the light of the world
37:59 what I read in the Bible right here.
38:02 It's funny, everybody can discern all these other things.
38:08 Today, I mean, we do all kinds of things
38:12 we discern.
38:13 You have some people they discern
38:15 who's got the top hit song.
38:18 Well, I might as well go sit down,
38:19 there's just no use to go on.
38:21 I'm getting tired.
38:23 There are people yet, ain't that true?
38:26 Even Christians, they know who's got the top worldly song,
38:30 they know the top 10 or the top 100.
38:34 They know what's the hot TV show
38:36 and what's not.
38:39 They know whose gets married in Hollywood
38:42 and who's divorced in Hollywood
38:44 and everybody else's business but their own.
38:48 How do they know these things?
38:50 Because they are followers of these things.
38:52 We will know
38:54 if we were followers of Jesus Christ.
38:56 Instead of wasting all of our time to say well,
38:59 you know, I know.
39:02 I had a friend one time
39:04 he about anybody, any baseball player
39:05 you could name and he named a lot of them.
39:07 He knew their batting average.
39:09 He knew how long they've been in the Major League.
39:10 He knew everything about them.
39:11 Scripture he didn't know, signs of the time.
39:15 This is a wicked and adulterous generation.
39:17 Jesus said that it was.
39:20 Adulterous situation and wicked
39:23 because of the moral and the spiritual perception.
39:27 Adulterous is
39:28 because we've chosen another leader than Jesus Christ.
39:32 Spiritual adultery.
39:34 Charles Spurgeon, people know him,
39:36 an old time preacher.
39:37 They say, oh, well, Charles Spurgeon,
39:38 he said this one time, little out of characteristic
39:41 and some of the stuff I've read and so on,
39:42 but notice what he said, he made this remark.
39:44 He said, "The time will come
39:46 when instead of the shepherds feeding the sheep,
39:51 the church will have clowns entertaining the goats."
39:56 I may have to repeat that, that's way too deep.
40:00 That was a heavy statement for him, I would assume.
40:02 For me it might be heavy.
40:04 Jesus said He's going to feed the sheep.
40:06 You remember, but He said now what,
40:07 people somebody getting on the pulpit, they're clowns.
40:11 Sheep can't be fed by the clowns,
40:12 only the goats can.
40:16 They're not going to make it to heaven, you know that.
40:20 What's happened to America?
40:22 What's happened to our...
40:23 My dad always talked about
40:25 just give me somebody to work with me that
40:27 just has good common sense.
40:29 They don't have to be smart, don't have to have brain,
40:30 don't have to have anything,
40:32 nothing wrong with all that stuff,
40:33 they haven't educated the book,
40:35 but just give me somebody with good common sense,
40:36 I can work with him.
40:38 What's happened to
40:39 the good common sense here in America?
40:41 What's happened to our God in this country?
40:44 What's happened to our faith?
40:47 What's happened to our families?
40:49 My! What's happened to our country?
40:52 What's happened to our freedoms?
40:56 You say, "Well, I haven't really thought about."
40:58 What's wrong? Where you been?
41:01 Give you just quick couple examples.
41:03 According to this is the 2021,
41:09 you've heard this I'm sure,
41:11 Facebook wants to run everything in this world.
41:15 Now they're, according to this report,
41:17 they said they want to control the Christian worship service.
41:21 Man, if we're not in trouble, and you know what?
41:23 Probably millions will go for this because
41:25 they don't have to get their lazy...
41:30 They don't have to get themselves out of bed,
41:31 they just turn something on and we don't have to go in.
41:35 You know what I'm saying?
41:36 The counterfeit running rampant.
41:40 They want to control the Christian works,
41:42 the worship service.
41:44 Now let me read it, but it says this,
41:47 now remember, we want to control
41:48 the Christian Services.
41:50 But here they said this,
41:52 that posting verses from the King James Version Bible.
41:56 If you're posting some King James Version Bible,
41:59 it says goes against the community standard.
42:04 You want them run in your service?
42:07 You say not.
42:09 They go on to say, notice this,
42:11 we have these standards
42:13 to prevent false advertising and fraud
42:19 and security breaches.
42:21 I say, "Come on, come on, now.
42:22 Come on somebody here that now?"
42:25 Now, they had trouble with one guy
42:28 who made a post
42:29 or we call it a tweet or whatever.
42:31 I'm getting tired here in this tweet business,
42:32 man, tweet, tweet drive me crazy.
42:35 Ain't you? Somebody's tweeting.
42:37 I always thought birds tweet.
42:40 You know what I'm talking about now.
42:42 Some of them are more worthless than bird tweets.
42:46 Well, here's the trouble they had,
42:48 I think, well, here's the trouble they had.
42:50 And they took this guy off
42:52 because he quoted Proverbs 20:1.
42:56 Listen, "Wine is a," what?
42:58 "A mocker, strong drink is raging,
43:01 whosoever deceiveth thereby is not wise."
43:05 That shouldn't be taken off.
43:07 They want to run your church service
43:08 but you can't say this.
43:11 They said it was just wrong.
43:12 You can't say that. Really?
43:16 To me, you say that's not a big deal.
43:18 Where is it all headed as it begins to
43:20 try to take your religion away from you,
43:23 your freedom of conscience and voice and speech
43:26 which we should value to the very last?
43:30 Man, look at the other countries
43:31 in times past, look what's happened.
43:32 We're right in the footsteps right now.
43:34 We're right on the verge.
43:35 We're doing socialistic things right now.
43:38 Is somebody's still with me? Is that too deep?
43:41 No, it's not, you know that.
43:45 It's not the land of the free, I wish it was.
43:49 But the Bible is clear in Revelation 13:11-18.
43:54 You see, right there's a beast
43:56 that's coming up out of the earth.
43:57 I wish we had a whole lot more time.
43:59 Let's just tell you quickly, we'll get more into this
44:01 as we only have ten minutes or so left.
44:03 Coming up out of the earth,
44:04 that's the United States in Bible prophecy.
44:07 It comes up as a lamb with two horns.
44:09 But, notice this, it comes up in that freedom,
44:11 it comes up in a place not very, you know,
44:13 not very people wasn't populated.
44:16 When the first beast,
44:17 it was a papacy that came up, right, Revelation 13:1-10.
44:20 It come up in heavy populated area,
44:22 it came up out of the water.
44:23 Revelation 17:50,
44:25 "The waters which thou sawest
44:26 are peoples and multitudes and nations.
44:29 So this is different,
44:30 a country that came up
44:31 for escape for religious freedom
44:33 because of the persecution
44:34 during the Dark Ages in the old world.
44:37 But it says after a time
44:39 it begins to speak like the dragon.
44:42 Are we not there?
44:44 It's speaking as a dragon right now.
44:45 That's what concerns me.
44:47 That's what, you know, I'm concerned about it.
44:49 Why? Because people don't know this.
44:51 They don't study these things.
44:53 And they're encouraged not to study that.
44:54 I'm encouraging you to study them.
44:58 Everybody sees it, are attacking free press
45:00 and free speech and free conscience,
45:03 freedom of religion.
45:05 It should upset us, there's no doubt about it.
45:10 I don't want the tweets
45:12 and all these other things that are going on Facebook
45:14 to control any part to do with religion.
45:18 All you have to do, they said, we want to do that because look
45:20 what we've done in the political world
45:22 and in society.
45:24 Yeah, look what they've done.
45:25 Yeah, big tech religion coming together converging.
45:30 Yeah, they said
45:31 we want to move your servers to the internet.
45:37 What kind of a trap has been set for millions of people?
45:41 Whether it's aware or unaware, there's a trap.
45:46 And many are choosing the wrong side
45:48 because there are no warnings and no signs,
45:51 nobody blowing the trumpet.
45:55 People are doing wrong, some know they are
45:57 and others don't know that they're doing.
45:59 It reminds me of something you know, we always say,
46:01 "Well, I knew but I went ahead and did it."
46:03 You may have been one of those at one time.
46:04 I've done some of those things, I knew better.
46:08 I might use a story,
46:09 you might have heard of it, the crocodile.
46:12 Crocodile he offers
46:13 a monkey a ride on his back across the river.
46:22 Only, eventually, he ate the monkey.
46:26 Yeah.
46:30 Before that, the monkey was surprised
46:31 he was going to get eaten.
46:34 The crocodile just simple responds,
46:36 looks at him and says,
46:38 "You knew I was a crocodile, and you knew I like monkeys."
46:43 Isn't that kind of like put it in there like today, you know?
46:46 We know where it's headed.
46:49 We were told was going to take place.
46:52 Even in the political film in the Bible way before it
46:56 and yet we cannot put them together
46:57 or we refuse.
46:58 I tell you what?
47:00 The crocodile is going to eat you.
47:02 According to it says again,
47:06 social media giant
47:08 Twitter temporary suspended a Christian,
47:10 notice this, I got to get this.
47:12 Oh my, Lord, have mercy.
47:13 Suspended the Christian radio hosts,
47:16 a tweet again, Lord have mercy pray,
47:19 for posting a tweet describing
47:21 a New Zealand transgender weightlifter as a man.
47:26 He was suspended from Twitter
47:27 because there's a New Zealand man
47:29 that was a weightlifter.
47:30 He's transgender.
47:32 So you have to be careful.
47:35 You can't say heavy, you can't say fat,
47:36 you can't say skinny,
47:38 you can't say crazy.
47:43 You know, not that you want to,
47:45 I'm just simply saying
47:48 you can't do it, in transgender,
47:49 you just can't do it.
47:50 He said and this guy started fighting back
47:52 and he said wait a minute,
47:54 "The reason they blocked my tweet," he said,
47:58 they said, "This is reason I blocked your tweet is
48:01 because you violate our rules against hateful conduct."
48:07 So for this guy, radio host calling
48:09 this transgender a man, and he was.
48:16 I'll leave it.
48:19 They say it's a hateful conduct
48:20 so we're going to take that down.
48:21 But notice, the man that was blocked
48:24 come back and said, "It's because I stated, listen,
48:27 that he was a biological male,
48:31 and a biological male is a man."
48:33 Yeah.
48:36 See, some of us are a little bit quiet,
48:37 afraid to take a stand on it like well,
48:39 we need to be careful somebody is going to jump us,
48:41 don't worry about it.
48:42 Biological man is a male.
48:46 He might think
48:47 he's something else that's too bad.
48:49 Bottom line,
48:51 he said the biological man is still a man.
48:56 He said even if Twitter
48:57 doesn't like it, ain't that right?
49:00 And so I'm encouraging
49:02 the biological men today that might
49:05 think you're something else,
49:07 you stay out of the women's dressing room.
49:10 You biological men,
49:12 you stay out of the ladies showers.
49:15 Biological man,
49:20 why don't you compete against the men
49:22 and quit competing against the women?
49:27 I'm not trying to pick on all this,
49:28 I'm saying, this is reality.
49:29 These are things that are going on
49:31 and so we think
49:32 we're saying in this world, right?
49:34 We're saying in this world and we take it to the courts
49:37 and those are supposed to be saying say,
49:38 "Well he felt like he was a girl today
49:40 so go on in there."
49:41 No.
49:46 Is that too much or I just leave it there,
49:47 you guys can't take it?
49:48 I know, you can't take no more.
49:50 No, you... I'm serious about it.
49:57 How would you like it if you had
50:00 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 year old girls,
50:02 and they're in their girl PE class,
50:04 and here comes,
50:06 oh, Joe, because he feels a little feminine today.
50:10 I'll just join them. No, throw him out.
50:18 Yeah, he wouldn't even get close to the door
50:20 if I was there.
50:24 I know it's too much
50:25 you don't want to talk about it.
50:27 Still, what I'm saying
50:28 is this stuff is happening in our country.
50:32 And that's what we're totally saying would fall apart.
50:36 The men will no longer think properly anymore.
50:40 What's happened here in America,
50:42 a place that God has raised for religious freedom,
50:45 using Bible for the Word of God,
50:48 for the foundation?
50:52 Something we can find out that tells us what sin is.
50:56 Call sin by its right name without fear of retaliation.
51:02 In my own opinion,
51:03 I know when it started, it started
51:05 when they started taking the Ten Commandments
51:06 out of the schools.
51:07 I think it really started
51:09 when they begin to say you can't read
51:10 the Bible anymore in school,
51:12 you can't have any Bible studies in school.
51:13 We really don't want you even talking about Jesus at school.
51:15 And when they take prayer out of the school,
51:18 when you do all that, you've taken God out of it,
51:20 you've taken Him out of our country.
51:23 We pushed Him out, don't you think
51:24 He's going to say
51:26 one of these days, that's enough?
51:27 I mean, I really believe what,
51:28 how far can you, I don't wanna say it nice,
51:30 how far can you push God?
51:32 He allows us to push Him and push Him
51:35 because of His mercy and His grace.
51:37 But one of these days
51:38 He's going to stand up and say that's it.
51:40 He's going to say it one of these days,
51:41 and are we ready for that?
51:45 We're going to close here in a couple of minutes here.
51:46 I just want to try to read something here I wrote down
51:48 if that'll be good to think about.
51:53 Again we talked about our country
51:54 is going to repudiate you know,
51:56 every principle of its Constitution,
51:58 as a Protestant and Republican government,
52:02 Five Testimonies 9 says this, notice,
52:03 "Our ministers,"
52:05 I'm picking on the ministers right now,
52:07 "are not doing their whole duty.
52:09 The attention of the people should be called to
52:11 the momentous events which is so," right?
52:16 Which is so near at hand.
52:18 The signs of the time should be kept fresh before their minds.
52:23 They will say, "Well, we don't want to hear."
52:24 It should be kept fresh before everybody's mind of
52:27 what we're living,
52:28 just as a reminder, this is not normal.
52:30 The Bible has condemned
52:32 this stuff as sin, all this lying.
52:33 You get on TV right now all you hear is Joe Blow lied,
52:36 and she lied, and he lied, and they lied on top of a lie.
52:39 And what are we supposed to believe?
52:42 Isaiah 26:21, as we close this.
52:46 Don't be surprised that these great decisive things,
52:49 and the last movements
52:50 will be rapid one so quick it will make your head swim.
52:53 Jesus said, "Behold,
52:55 the Lord cometh out of his place
52:58 to punish the inhabitants of the earth
53:01 for their iniquity.
53:03 The earth also shall disclose her blood,
53:07 and shall no more cover her slain."
53:10 Probation is closing
53:11 for the United States of America,
53:14 for the land of opportunity and free.
53:18 And if you lost sight of that today,
53:20 I pray by the grace of God
53:21 that you regain the sight to say,
53:23 "God is still with us."
53:25 We are willing to be obedient to
53:27 what He has said in His Word.
53:29 He says, "I will heal your backsliding."
53:33 I want to be healed.
53:34 If I've taken a step backwards,
53:36 I want to take two steps forward.
53:39 Because rulers and statesmen,
53:41 men who occupy positions of trust and authority,
53:45 have their attention fixed
53:46 upon the events taking place in our land.
53:49 They're watching the strange,
53:50 restless relations that exist among the nations.
53:54 The world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis.
53:59 Who's watching these things?
54:01 Our leaders are stating,
54:02 they know much better than you and I,
54:04 all the stuff is going on in the world today.
54:05 Their mind is like, "Oh, what are they going to do?"
54:08 I want to pray for those of you
54:09 who are at home as we close,
54:11 I want to pray for myself too,
54:12 I need wisdom, I need courage,
54:15 I need faith and strength to be able to endure.
54:19 Because many of these things,
54:20 we realize what they say, will come back to haunt you.
54:24 They will say, "He said, they said."
54:28 Do you see that in the news nowadays?
54:30 He said this before, two years ago he said this,
54:32 now he's saying this.
54:35 We have to believe in what
54:37 we're teaching and what we're preaching,
54:39 and back it up by the Word of God.
54:41 And I know you want to be ready for that day.
54:44 I want to be ready for that day.
54:47 Remember, we always say if you miss heaven,
54:48 you missed your reason for being here.
54:50 There's no reason to be here
54:51 if you're not going to repopulate heaven.
54:53 So make that decision for Him today.
54:54 Let's pray, shall we?
54:57 Loving Father in heaven, again, all we can do is say
55:01 thank You praise Your holy name.
55:03 Thank You that You're bringing
55:05 just little tidbits of all these things
55:07 that are happening in the world,
55:08 it's just too much.
55:10 Can't cover, take hours and hours and hours,
55:12 just to scrape through just a little bit.
55:14 Because You said the last movements
55:16 would be rapid ones
55:17 that happen so quick and so fast.
55:19 It's going to try to catch the people by surprise.
55:22 But, Lord, I pray through the power of thy Holy Spirit,
55:23 this group, and many other groups
55:25 around the world will not be caught by surprise.
55:28 They're going to be preparing based upon their study,
55:31 based upon what they're hearing,
55:32 based upon what they're seeing in the world,
55:35 that they need to be ready for the soon coming of Jesus.
55:39 We're in the judgment hour, it's soon to close.
55:42 Probation is going to close,
55:44 no one else will ever come to Jesus.
55:46 Then He's going to roar back and take His people home.
55:48 Help us to be ready for that great day in Jesus' name.
55:50 Amen.
55:52 Hello, and welcome back.
55:54 Praise God for His promises
55:56 such as one that is found in Amos 3:7,
56:00 where we can read that God will do nothing unless
56:03 He reveals it through His prophets first.
56:06 And I guarantee that most of us
56:08 are just simply not spending enough time
56:11 in the Word of God as we should.
56:13 I hope that this message will encourage you that
56:16 the indicators are proclaiming that
56:18 the time of Christ's second coming is at hand.
56:22 The pressure is increasing
56:24 upon the inhabitants of this world signaling.
56:27 It is signaling that
56:29 something major is about to happen.
56:31 So I want to encourage you
56:33 to spend more time in God's Word,
56:35 spend more time reading books such as this one,
56:38 the Great Controversy that
56:40 I want to offer to you today for free.
56:43 We will give you this book.
56:45 All you have to do is call and ask for it.
56:47 This book will also reveal indicators,
56:50 and what we should be expecting in the near future.
56:54 Friends, we would love,
56:55 as I just mentioned, to send you this book,
56:57 all you need to do is call and request it.
56:59 And should you also
57:01 like to have today's message entitled Indicators,
57:04 we would love to send you that
57:06 for a love gift of just $8 or more as well.
57:10 Our phone number here in the US is (618) 942-5044.
57:15 And always remember that
57:17 Central Time or you may also mail in your request
57:20 to Behold the Lamb Ministries, PO Box 2030, Herrin, Illinois.
57:25 And I want to just mention to you here too,
57:27 that we love your encouraging letters
57:30 and your support that
57:31 you mail into as many of you every month,
57:34 sometimes more than once a month.
57:37 And again that is PO Box 2030, Herrin, Illinois 62948.
57:43 You may also email us
57:44 at contact@behold
57:48 or visit us on our website at
57:52 and don't forget to hit the subscribe button
57:56 on our Behold the Lamb Ministries'
57:58 YouTube channel, and just simply share
58:01 important messages that we release weekly.
58:03 In fact, I had a call from a viewer that
58:06 lives in Georgia just this morning.
58:09 And she says, "Tell your husband
58:10 he's right on target.
58:12 I'm going to share, share, share this message."
58:14 I hope you feel the same way.
58:16 And thank you again for your prayers
58:18 and your financial support of Behold the Lamb Ministries.
58:21 So until next time, friends,
58:22 may our precious Lord
58:24 continue to richly bless you and yours.


Revised 2022-01-06