Cracking the Genesis Code

The Prince And The Dragon

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Stephen Bohr


Series Code: CGC

Program Code: CGC000021S

00:01 Music...
01:04 Pause...
01:12 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
01:14 "Our loving Father,
01:16 we thank You so much for Your Word
01:23 which is a sure guide in a world of confusion and rebellion.
01:28 We ask for the guidance of Your Holy Spirit
01:31 as we study that great prophecy of Revelation 12,
01:35 we ask that You will teach us and give us understanding
01:40 that we might be willing to follow Your will,
01:43 we thank You Lord for hearing our prayer
01:46 for we ask it in Jesus' name, amen. "
01:49 We want to begin our study today
01:53 by reviewing what we studied in our last lecture.
01:57 If you remember, we studied the prophecy of Daniel chapter 2.
02:02 You remember that King Nebuchadnezzar had this dream
02:06 and in the dream he saw a gigantic image.
02:10 The head of the image was of gold,
02:13 the breast and the arms were of silver,
02:17 the belly was of bronze,
02:19 the legs were of iron
02:21 and the feet were of iron and clay
02:24 and then Nebuchadnezzar saw a gigantic stone
02:29 come from heaven and smite the image on its feet
02:35 and broke the image into smithereens
02:39 and then that stone became a mountain
02:43 which filled the whole earth.
02:45 Now, I'm going to review the sequence of nations
02:49 which are mentioned in Daniel chapter 2.
02:51 The head of gold represents the kingdom of Babylon
02:55 which governed from the year 605 till the year 539 B.C.
03:01 The breast and arms of silver represents the kingdom
03:06 of Medo-Persia
03:08 which governed from 539 to 331 B.C.
03:12 The belly of bronze represents the kingdom of Greece
03:19 which ruled from the year 331 till the year 168 B.C.
03:24 The fourth kingdom of iron represented by the legs
03:29 represents the iron monarchy of Rome,
03:33 in other words, the Roman Empire
03:35 and, of course, the feet of iron and clay... ten toes...
03:40 represent the divisions of Western Europe
03:44 but you'll notice that the divisions of Western Europe
03:47 are a continuation of Rome
03:49 because the feet have iron just like the legs have iron...
03:54 but this is a different kind of Rome...
03:56 it is a continuation of Rome
03:59 because it's the same iron as the legs
04:01 but it is a different kind of Rome
04:03 because it is a mixed Rome
04:06 and we studied in our last lecture
04:08 that the clay represents the church.
04:10 In other words, after the Roman Empire was split up,
04:13 you had a period where Church and State were joined together
04:18 and actually, that condition lasts
04:20 until the second coming of Jesus Christ.
04:24 Now, the kingdom that we're especially going to focus on
04:28 on our study today
04:29 is the fourth kingdom of Daniel chapter 2.
04:33 We're going to be quite a bit of time
04:37 in the image... the portion that has to do with the legs of iron.
04:43 Now, we need to look at some background
04:47 before we actually get into the study
04:50 of Revelation chapter 12.
04:51 Go with me, once again, to Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15,
04:56 that verse which has guided us in the study in this Seminar.
05:01 Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15...
05:05 very well-known verse,
05:07 God is speaking to the serpent and He says,
05:10 "And I will put enmity between you and the woman
05:14 and between your seed and her seed;
05:17 He... " that is the seed of the woman
05:21 "shall bruise your... " that is the serpent's head
05:24 and you shall bruise His heel. "
05:27 Four key elements in this verse.
05:30 Number 1: Enmity...
05:33 Number 2: A serpent...
05:35 Number 3: A woman...
05:38 and Number 4: Seed...
05:40 now, we're going to find that this verse
05:43 is in the background of Revelation chapter 12.
05:46 I want you to notice that in Genesis 3:15,
05:50 though there is warfare between the woman and the serpent,
05:54 the real warfare is between the seed of the woman
05:58 and the serpent
05:59 because the last part of the verse says,
06:01 He... the seed of the woman will bruise your head...
06:05 that is the head of the serpent
06:06 and the serpent will bruise His heel.
06:09 The war is between the seed of the woman
06:11 and the serpent
06:13 even though there is also warfare between the serpent
06:16 and the woman.
06:18 Now, we've also studied in our Seminar
06:21 that the devil tried to keep Jesus from coming
06:24 all throughout the Old Testament.
06:26 We had a whole lecture on all of the episodes
06:29 of the Old Testament which illustrate
06:31 how Satan tried to keep the seed from coming.
06:34 He did it by trying to kill the seed
06:37 and then he also did it by trying to corrupt the holy line
06:43 from which the seed would come
06:45 but folks, the devil was not able to interrupt
06:50 the plans of God.
06:52 In the fullness of time, Jesus came to this world
06:57 exactly the way God had prophesied
07:00 in Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15.
07:03 Now, there's one more thing that I want to notice
07:06 by means of introduction
07:08 before we get into a specific study of Revelation 12
07:12 and that is... that this chapter has three distinct stages,
07:18 the first stage is found in Revelation 12
07:22 and verses 1 through 5
07:25 and that is the stage where the dragon tries to kill
07:30 the seed of the woman.
07:32 By the way, that's clearly a reference to Genesis 3:15...
07:36 the dragon trying to kill the seed that is born of the woman,
07:41 that's the first stage.
07:42 The second stage is found in Revelation 12 and verse 6
07:47 and also verses 13 through 15.
07:50 In this stage, the child has already escaped
07:55 the grasp of the serpent
07:56 or the grasp of the dragon
07:58 and so, the dragon now goes after the woman
08:01 and the woman flees to the wilderness
08:03 where she has her place prepared for 1,260 days or years.
08:10 The third stage in this chapter is the final warfare
08:15 of the dragon against the seed of the seed...
08:18 the remnant of her seed
08:21 as it says in Revelation 12 and verse 17
08:24 and so, we find three distinct stages
08:27 of warfare in Revelation chapter 12.
08:31 First... the devil against the seed...
08:35 secondly... the devil on a serpent against the woman.
08:39 Third... the warfare of Satan
08:42 against the remnant of the woman's seed
08:45 and of course, the woman's seed is Jesus...
08:48 so the remnant of the woman's seed
08:50 would be the remnant of Jesus...
08:52 three distinct stages... I want you to remember these stages
08:56 because we're going to come back to them later on.
08:59 What I want you to notice
09:00 is that in all of these three stages,
09:04 it is the serpent or the dragon who is the... the perpetrator
09:10 of the events that are taking place.
09:12 Now, he uses human instruments
09:14 but really, he is the force behind...
09:17 he is the one who tries to kill the child...
09:19 he is the one who persecutes the woman
09:21 and he is the one who launches the final onslaught of warfare
09:27 against the remnant of the woman's seed.
09:29 Now we want to examine another Old Testament story
09:33 which forms the backdrop
09:35 specifically to the prophecy of Revelation chapter 12.
09:40 I'm referring to the story
09:43 of the exodus of Israel from Egypt.
09:46 Now you say, what possible relationship could there be
09:49 between Revelation chapter 12
09:52 and the exodus of Israel from Egypt.
09:55 Well, I believe that as we move along
09:58 in studying the exodus of Israel,
10:01 we're going to begin to see some interesting parallels
10:05 to Revelation chapter 12.
10:06 Now, time does not allow us to read all of the verses
10:12 which describe the exodus of Israel from Egypt.
10:15 In the handout that you will receive after the lecture today,
10:20 you have all of the Scripture references
10:22 with explanations about all that I'm going to share.
10:25 For now, what I want is for you to catch the picture
10:29 or the idea of what happened at the exodus
10:33 so that when we go to Revelation chapter 12,
10:37 you are able to see this backdrop.
10:39 Now, Exodus chapter 1... I'm going to mention the verses,
10:43 Exodus chapter 1 verses 13 and 14,
10:45 explains that Israel was in cruel and despotic bondage.
10:53 They had no way of escaping themselves...
10:56 they were slaves...
10:58 they had to serve Pharaoh day after day after day.
11:03 In fact, there in Exodus 1:13 and 14,
11:06 it uses the word "bitter" to describe their bondage
11:10 and so, in Exodus chapter 2 and verse 23 and 25,
11:13 we find that the people are moaning and groaning
11:18 and crying out
11:20 because they want a deliverer to be born
11:23 to lead them out from bondage
11:26 because they know that they cannot deliver themselves
11:29 because they are slaves
11:30 and it's interesting to notice in that passage,
11:33 in Exodus 2:23 to 25
11:35 that they... they're crying out...
11:37 I want you to remember that word,
11:39 they're crying out... they're groaning
11:41 because they want someone to deliver them from bondage.
11:44 Well, it just so happens that a deliverer was born in Egypt.
11:51 He was born of a woman... I want you to remember that...
11:54 the name of the woman was Jochebed... his mother
11:59 and so we find here a child... a man-child
12:04 who is going to be born of a woman
12:07 and he is going to be the deliverer of Israel from bondage
12:13 when they are crying out to God for deliverance
12:16 but there was one who did not want this child to survive,
12:22 he felt threatened by his existence
12:25 or by his potential existence,
12:27 and, of course, the name of that individual was Pharaoh.
12:31 Now, do you know that in the book of Ezekiel
12:35 chapter 29 and verse 3, Pharaoh...
12:39 and by the way, this is in the King James Version...
12:42 Pharaoh is called "the great dragon"
12:46 I want you to remember that,
12:48 Pharaoh is called the great dragon...
12:50 the New King James says, "the great monster. "
12:53 You know, if you read the Greek translation of the Old Testament
12:56 you'll find that the word there is the word "Drakon"
13:00 and so, we're dealing not with a monster as such,
13:05 we are dealing with a dragon.
13:07 So, Pharaoh is called "The Great Dragon"
13:10 and the Bible says that Pharaoh stands next to the woman,
13:15 so to speak... to devour this Child...
13:19 this Deliverer as soon as He is born.
13:23 Have you read this story?
13:26 Are you starting to catch an interesting picture here?
13:29 This is really the backdrop of Revelation chapter 12.
13:33 Now, it's interesting to notice how Pharaoh
13:38 tried to get rid of the Deliverer.
13:41 In Exodus chapter 1 and verse 22,
13:44 it says that Pharaoh had all of the male children
13:50 thrown into the Nile River.
13:54 In other words, he had all of the male children killed
13:58 in the hopes of also killing the Deliverer.
14:02 Now, I must make a parenthesis here
14:05 and explain to you that the devil had a greater agenda here
14:09 than just slaying Moses.
14:13 Did you know that approximately 400 years before this,
14:18 God had given a prophecy to Abraham?
14:21 It's found in Genesis chapter 15 and verses 13 through 15
14:25 and in that prophecy God had told Abraham
14:30 that the children of Israel were going to be sojourners
14:33 in the land of Egypt for 400 years
14:38 but that after the 400 years
14:40 God was going to deliver them from Egypt
14:44 and He was going to take them to Canaan.
14:48 Do you think the devil carefully calculated
14:52 when the 400 years began and when the 400 years ended?
14:57 Of course he did.
14:59 The devil did not want Israel to be delivered from bondage
15:03 because he knew that if Israel went to Canaan,
15:06 in Canaan... the Messiah would be born
15:09 and so he says, "I'm going to nip this in the bud...
15:12 I am going to kill the Deliverer
15:14 so that Israel cannot leave Egypt
15:16 and cannot enter Canaan
15:18 and that way, the Deliverer will not be born"
15:20 and Folks, it is no coincidence
15:22 that the Canaanites fought tooth and nail for the promised land.
15:28 This was not only their attitude...
15:31 it was Satan inspiring them
15:33 to resist Israel entering the Promised Land
15:36 because the devil knew that in that place,
15:39 the Messiah was going to be born
15:41 and he knew it because God had taken Abraham
15:44 out of Ur of the Chaldees and He took him to Haran
15:47 and then He took him to the Promised Land
15:49 and so, the devil says,
15:51 "I cannot allow a Deliverer to exist...
15:55 I must kill Him... I must nip this in the bud
15:58 and that way, Israel will remain in bondage. "
16:02 But it's interesting that Moses was preserved in Egypt,
16:08 his life was spared...
16:10 He was protected in the land of Egypt
16:13 and of course, we're told in Exodus
16:16 that he became the great deliverer
16:18 of the children of Israel.
16:20 In fact, the night that Israel was delivered,
16:24 I want you to notice... this is very interesting...
16:26 the night that Israel was delivered,
16:28 God told them as a sign of their deliverance
16:33 to sacrifice a lamb without blemish.
16:36 In other words, the sign of their deliverance
16:39 was the death of a perfect lamb
16:42 and when they sacrificed that lamb,
16:44 they were delivered from bondage to the literal Egyptians.
16:49 Now, there's much more that we need to say.
16:53 Before Israel entered the Promised Land,
16:57 Moses the deliverer died on the borders of Canaan.
17:03 The story of his death is found in Deuteronomy chapter 34
17:09 and I'm not going to go there,
17:10 I just want to mention the verses,
17:12 Deuteronomy 34:5 and 6,
17:14 there are two strange things about the death of Moses.
17:17 Number one, we are told in Deuteronomy 34
17:21 that God buried Moses
17:24 that He's the only person in the Bible that God ever buried.
17:27 We don't know of anyone else who God buried...
17:29 not even Jesus...
17:31 Jesus wasn't buried by His Father
17:33 but Moses was buried by God
17:36 and another interesting detail which is very strange
17:39 is the fact that it says there in Deuteronomy 34
17:42 that no one knew where his tomb was till that day.
17:47 Very unusual...
17:49 because the Jews marked the tombs of their heroes.
17:52 They knew exactly where Abraham was buried
17:55 in the Cave of Machpelah...
17:56 they knew where David was buried in Jerusalem
18:00 and also, probably where Daniel the prophet was buried
18:03 because an inscription has been found that says,
18:05 "Here lies Daniel the prophet" recently...
18:08 his... his body wasn't found but he inscription says
18:10 that Daniel was buried there.
18:12 The Jews marked the tombs of their heroes
18:15 but with Moses... God buried him
18:17 and nobody knew where his tomb was.
18:19 Do you know what happened when Moses died
18:23 according to Scripture?
18:24 He died... he was buried...
18:28 and when he was buried, we are told in the book of Jude
18:33 verse 9...
18:35 I only mention the verse because Jude only has one chapter,
18:38 Jude verse 9...
18:40 that there was a battle at the grave site of Moses.
18:44 It says there that Michael the Archangel
18:48 fought with Satan over the body of Moses.
18:55 Now, do you think that they were fighting for a dead corpse?
18:59 Do you think that every time a person dies,
19:02 Michael the Archangel and the devil fight over a dead body?
19:06 Obviously not.
19:08 By the way, that individual, Michael the Archangel
19:12 was none less than Jesus Christ Himself.
19:16 Now, let me explain that the Bible does not teach
19:19 that Michael the Archangel was the first creature of God
19:23 like some churches teach...
19:24 we believe that Michael the Archangel is Christ
19:28 but Christ is everlasting God...
19:31 He never had a beginning.
19:33 He is the great Angel of the Resurrection...
19:37 the great Messenger of the resurrection.
19:39 That's the reason why in 1st Thessalonians chapter 4
19:42 we're told that the Lord will descend with a shout...
19:44 the Lord Himself will descend with a shout...
19:47 with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet of God.
19:51 Notice that the Lord Himself
19:52 utters the voice of the Archangel
19:54 and so, there was this battle over the body of Moses
19:57 and actually Michael had come to resurrect Moses.
20:03 You say, "Now, how do you know that?"
20:05 Well, it's very, very simple.
20:07 In Matthew chapter 17 and verse 3,
20:11 we find the episode where Jesus was transfigured
20:15 on the Mount of Transfiguration
20:18 and we are told there as Jesus was being transfigured,
20:22 in other words, He was glorified there
20:25 and it says that His garment shone like the sun.
20:28 We're told that two individuals were sent to speak with Him.
20:32 One of them, of course, was Elijah
20:35 who was translated to heaven from among the living.
20:37 The other was Moses.
20:39 Now, what was Moses doing there 1,400 years after his death?
20:45 It must be that he resurrected
20:48 because if he didn't resurrect,
20:50 he could not have come to speak to Jesus.
20:53 In other words, Moses died...
20:57 once he had delivered Israel from Egypt... he died...
21:00 he was buried...
21:02 he resurrected and he ascended to heaven.
21:06 Now, let's summarize what we've studied about Moses.
21:11 Moses delivered literal Israel from literal bondage
21:15 in literal Egypt...
21:18 took them across a literal desert
21:20 to a literal land of Canaan.
21:22 They sacrificed a literal lamb.
21:25 Moses brought literal water from a literal rock
21:28 and literal bread from heaven.
21:30 A literal serpent was raised up in the literal desert
21:34 to prevent literal death from literal poisoning.
21:37 In other words, what happened in the Old Testament
21:41 was literal and local
21:43 but it symbolized future events
21:46 which would be spiritual and global.
21:49 In other words, we have in this episode of Moses
21:52 a prophecy of a far greater event
21:56 which was going to take place in the future
21:59 and which was foreshadowed by this experience
22:02 of Israel leaving the land of Egypt.
22:06 Are you clear on what we've spoken about so far?
22:10 You have the backdrop of Daniel 2,
22:14 don't forget that... the fourth kingdom of Daniel 2,
22:17 that's the key right now...
22:19 Rome... the Empire of Rome... the iron monarchy of Rome
22:24 that's the backdrop of which kingdom from the Old Testament?
22:28 The fourth kingdom of Daniel 2.
22:29 We have the backdrop of Genesis 3:15.
22:32 Let me ask you, "Do you have the same elements
22:34 in of the story of Moses that you have in Genesis 3:15?
22:37 Do you have enmity?
22:38 Yes you do.
22:40 Do you have a woman?
22:41 Yes... Jochebed.
22:43 Do you have a seed?
22:44 Yes... Moses.
22:46 Do you have the dragon wanting to kill the seed?
22:50 Absolutely...
22:51 and so, really, this story of the exodus from Egypt
22:55 is really a re-enactment of the story that is told
23:00 in Genesis 3 and verse 15.
23:02 Now let's go in our Bibles to Revelation chapter 12
23:06 and verses 1 through 5...
23:07 Revelation chapter 12 verses 1 through 5,
23:11 and I'm going to read this passage...
23:14 I'm actually going to read all five verses
23:16 and then we're going to study them more carefully.
23:20 It says here,
23:22 verse on screen...
23:35 now notice, there's a woman...
23:38 verse 2,
23:40 verse on screen...
23:47 So, do you have a seed in her womb? Yes...
23:52 okay... verse 3...
23:59 verse on screen...
24:05 verse 4...
24:08 "His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven"
24:10 speaks about his origin...
24:11 "and threw them to the earth... "
24:13 verse on screen.
24:35 Question... do you have a woman in this passage?
24:40 Yes, you do.
24:41 Do you have a dragon or a serpent in this passage?
24:46 Yes, we do.
24:47 Do you have enmity in this passage?
24:50 Absolutely.
24:52 And do you have in this passage
24:55 a seed which the woman is going to bring into the world?
24:59 Yes... this is really a development
25:03 in an unfolding of the prophecy
25:06 of Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15
25:10 and by the way, it is also a greater amplification
25:14 on a worldwide scale
25:17 of the experience that took place with Moses
25:20 when he delivered Israel from the land of Egypt.
25:23 By the way, do you know that the New Testament presents Jesus
25:27 as a new Moses or as One greater than Moses?
25:31 Notice the book of Hebrews chapter 3 and verses 1 and 2.
25:35 Hebrews chapter 3 and verses 1 and 2.
25:39 Here there's a comparison between Moses and Jesus.
25:44 It says there in verse 1...
25:46 verse on screen.
26:04 In other words, Moses was great
26:08 but Jesus is greater than Moses.
26:11 In fact, do you know that Moses
26:15 in Deuteronomy 18 verses 15 through 18
26:18 predicted that a prophet greater than himself would arise
26:21 and that Israel was to listen to that prophet
26:25 greater than himself.
26:27 If you read Acts chapter 3 and verses 22 to 26,
26:32 you'll discover that clearly in Acts 3:22 to 26,
26:37 Peter identifies Jesus as that prophet greater than Moses.
26:44 In other words, Jesus is going to do what Moses did
26:48 but on a much larger and greater scale.
26:52 Whereas Moses delivered literal Israel from literal bondage,
26:56 Jesus was going to deliver the human race
26:59 from spiritual bondage to sin.
27:01 Now, let's draw the parallel.
27:04 Go with me once again to Revelation chapter 12
27:08 and verses 1 and 2.
27:10 Revelation chapter 12 and verses 1 and 2.
27:14 We just read those verses but let's read them again.
27:17 Verse on screen.
27:33 You have a woman here in Revelation chapter 12
27:36 verses 1 and 2,
27:37 now, in the Old Testament you have a literal woman
27:40 who brings Moses into the world
27:42 but in Revelation chapter 12, the woman is symbolic.
27:47 What does the woman represent?
27:49 The woman represents the church.
27:52 The question is, "Which church...
27:54 the Old Testament church or the New Testament church?"
27:57 It has to be the Old Testament church
28:00 and you say, "How do we know that?"
28:03 Very simple, when John sees the woman,
28:06 she is with child but the child has not been born.
28:09 She's crying out in pain
28:11 because she wants this child to be delivered...
28:15 she wants this child to deliver God's people...
28:18 just like Israel in the Old Testament
28:20 was crying out for deliverance.
28:22 Now do you know that in the Old Testament
28:26 Israel is presented as the wife of God?
28:29 Notice what we find in Jeremiah 31 and verse 32...
28:34 Jeremiah 31 and verse 32,
28:38 This is speaking about the episode
28:40 that took place at Mount Sinai
28:42 and it says there...
28:44 actually, let's read verse 31 for the context,
28:47 "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord,
28:49 when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel
28:52 and with the house of Judah...
28:54 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers
28:58 in the day that I took them by the hand
29:00 to lead them out of the land of Egypt... "
29:02 Now notice this...
29:04 "My covenant which they broke, though I was a... " what?
29:10 "though I was a husband to them... "
29:13 so, who is the husband of this woman?
29:16 The husband of this woman is God.
29:19 Who implanted Jesus in the womb of Mary?
29:23 God the Father did.
29:26 Are you with me or are you not with me?
29:29 In other words, the woman here represents
29:31 the Old Testament church culminating with Mary
29:35 who was a member of that church... so to speak.
29:39 By the way, in Jeremiah 6 and verse 2,
29:41 Israel is compared to a beautiful and delicate woman.
29:46 In other words, when you find in prophecy a woman,
29:50 it represents the church
29:52 and in the case of Revelation chapter 12,
29:55 this woman must represent God's church in the Old Testament
30:00 because when John sees the woman,
30:03 the child has not yet been born.
30:06 In other words, what John is seeing
30:09 is the Old Testament church moaning and groaning
30:14 and crying out in labor pains
30:16 because they want the Messiah to be born into the world
30:20 to deliver the human race from sin.
30:23 Now, you say, "How do you know
30:25 that is the Old Testament Church?"
30:27 Well, besides the fact that this...
30:29 that this woman has not had the child yet,
30:32 we have another clue that indicates
30:36 that this represents the Old Testament church.
30:38 Go with me to Genesis chapter 37 and verses 9 and 10,
30:43 Genesis 37 and verses 9 and 10.
30:47 It's speaking here about the sons of Jacob
30:50 and it's very interesting to notice a dream
30:54 that Joseph had.
30:55 Notice verse 9,
30:57 "Then he dreamed still another dream
31:00 and told it to his brothers,
31:01 and said, "Look, I have dreamed another dream.
31:06 And this time, the sun, moon,
31:09 and the eleven stars bowed down to me. "
31:14 What are the brothers of Joseph compared to?
31:19 They are compared to stars...
31:21 who would the twelfth star be?
31:23 It would be Joseph.
31:25 The sun would be Jacob...
31:29 and the moon would be his wife...
31:32 the 11 stars would be the brothers of Joseph
31:35 and the twelfth star would be Joseph.
31:38 So, what do the 12 stars represent?
31:41 They represent the sons of Jacob
31:44 which later became... what?
31:46 They became the tribes of Israel
31:48 which is God's Old Testament Church.
31:50 Are you following what I'm saying?
31:53 In fact, in Genesis 49 verse 28,
31:55 it says that the 12 sons of Jacob
31:58 became the 12 tribes of Israel.
32:01 Now, let me ask you,
32:03 "Were God's people in bondage
32:06 when Jesus was about to come to this world?
32:09 Yes, they were.
32:10 In bondage to what?
32:12 Are we talking literal bondage...
32:15 I mean, were they literally slaves of a slave master?
32:18 Absolutely not.
32:19 They were slaves to... what?
32:21 Slaves to sin.
32:22 Notice John chapter 8...
32:24 John chapter 8 and we'll read verse 34 to 36.
32:29 John 8:34 to 36.
32:32 Jesus is speaking to the Jews who were expecting the Messiah
32:36 and notice what he says in verse 34,
32:38 "Jesus answered them,
32:42 'Most assuredly, I say to you,
32:45 whoever commits sin is a... '" what?
32:49 "A slave of sin.
32:51 And a slave does not abide in the house forever,
32:55 but a son abides forever.
32:57 Therefore if the Son makes you free,
33:00 you shall be free indeed. "
33:04 So, were God's people in slavery or in bondage when Jesus came?
33:10 Absolutely.
33:11 Were they crying out for a deliverer?
33:13 Yes, they were waiting for the consolation of Israel
33:18 it says in Luke chapter one
33:20 and then, of course, Jesus is born
33:23 and what was He born for?
33:26 Matthew chapter 1 and verse 21 has the answer.
33:29 "You will call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people
33:38 from their... " what?
33:39 "He shall save His people from their sins. "
33:43 Was Jesus the Savior born into this world
33:46 to deliver His people from spiritual bondage to sin?
33:50 Were His people groaning and mourning
33:53 waiting for the Consolation of Israel?
33:55 Absolutely.
33:57 And by the way, Jesus is born during the time
33:59 of the legs of iron.
34:01 Don't forget that.
34:02 He's born during the period of the fourth kingdom
34:06 of Daniel chapter 2.
34:08 Now, let me ask you, when Jesus was born,
34:10 was somebody waiting for Him?
34:13 Did somebody know that He was going to be born?
34:17 Absolutely.
34:18 Notice Revelation chapter 12 and verses 3 and 4,
34:21 are you seeing the repetition of the Moses story?
34:24 Revelation chapter 12 and verses 3 and 4.
34:29 It says here... speaking about this dragon...
34:33 verse on screen...
34:41 "His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven... "
34:44 this speaks about his origin... where he came from
34:46 "and threw them to the earth. "
34:48 Verse on screen...
34:52 "to devour her Child as soon as He was born. "
34:56 What is the name of this individual
34:58 who wanted to devour the child?
35:01 The what? The great dragon.
35:04 Do you remember an Old Testament individual
35:07 who's called "The Great Dragon?"
35:08 Pharaoh.
35:10 Now, who really wanted the death of Jesus?
35:13 It was Satan... the great dragon.
35:16 Now, who was that great dragon?
35:19 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 9 has the answer.
35:23 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 9
35:25 tells us who this dragon was.
35:27 It says, "So the great dragon was cast out,
35:30 that serpent of old... "
35:32 or that ancient serpent... as it says in the King James
35:35 "called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world;
35:38 he was cast to the earth,
35:40 and his angels were cast out with him. "
35:42 So, who was the dragon that stood next to the woman
35:45 to devour the child as soon as the child was born?
35:49 It was the great dragon... Satan the ancient serpent
35:54 which is a reference to Genesis chapter 3 and verse 15.
35:58 Now, how did the devil try and destroy Jesus?
36:01 The devil wanted to destroy Moses didn't he?
36:05 Who did the devil use to try and destroy Moses?
36:09 Pharaoh.
36:10 See, Pharaoh was the great dragon
36:12 because he was the instrument of the great dragon.
36:16 Let me ask you, "When Jesus was born,
36:19 was there also 'The Great Dragon'
36:22 who uses A Great Dragon to try and destroy Christ?"
36:26 Yes, what was the name of that individual?
36:29 He was called "Herod. "
36:31 You see that the devil has a seed?
36:33 Are you following me with Revelation...
36:36 with Genesis 3 verse 15?
36:38 The devil works through his... what?
36:40 Through his seed to destroy the woman's seed.
36:43 Now, notice Matthew chapter 2 and verses 13 through 15,
36:48 Matthew chapter 2 and verses 13 through 15.
36:53 Here we find the story
36:55 of how the devil tried to destroy Jesus...
36:57 he did not do it directly himself...
36:59 he did it through an instrument just like in the days of Moses.
37:02 It says in verse 13, "Now when they had departed,
37:05 behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream,
37:08 saying, 'Arise, take the young child and his mother,
37:12 flee to Egypt... '"
37:13 Where was the life of Jesus preserved?
37:18 In... and of course that's all a coincidence...
37:20 In Egypt.
37:22 Where was the life of Moses preserved?
37:24 In Egypt...
37:25 and so it says, "Arise, take the young Child
37:28 and His mother, flee to Egypt,
37:30 and stay there until I bring you word;
37:33 for Herod will seek the young child to destroy Him. "
37:37 When he arose, he took the young Child
37:40 and His mother by night and departed for Egypt
37:42 and was there until the death of Herod,
37:46 that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord
37:49 through the prophet, saying,
37:50 'Out of Egypt I called My Son. '"
37:53 Now, notice verse 16...
37:55 verse on screen...
38:17 Is he doing the same thing that Pharaoh did
38:21 in the Old Testament?
38:22 Yes, in the Old Testament, it was a figure
38:24 but in this case, it is the fulfillment of what we find
38:29 in the story of Moses.
38:30 Incidentally, do you know the devil tried to kill Jesus
38:36 on other occasions during His life?
38:38 He didn't only try to kill Jesus when Jesus was born.
38:41 Pause...
38:42 Do you remember, for example,
38:45 one time Jesus was preaching a sermon in Nazareth
38:47 and He said some very politically incorrect things?
38:49 The people shoved Him out of the synagogue
38:52 and they took Him to a precipice
38:54 and they wanted to throw Him over the precipice?
38:55 He disappeared from their midst...
38:58 He was actually...
38:59 He was actually covered by the angels
39:01 so that the people could not see Him.
39:02 Who do you suppose was behind that?
39:05 The devil.
39:07 You say, "Well, but if Jesus died,
39:09 He would save us from our sins. "
39:11 Listen, the only death that would count
39:13 would be if Jesus offered His life
39:15 not if the devil took His life
39:17 and the devil knew it,
39:19 so, he says, "If I am able to kill Him
39:21 before He gives His life,
39:22 I will be successful. "
39:25 Once the devil tried to drown Jesus in a storm.
39:28 He was sleeping in a boat.
39:30 See, we don't usually read these stories from this perspective.
39:33 We usually say that there was this bad storm, you know,
39:36 and Jesus calmed the storm.
39:37 Listen, the devil knew that Jesus was sleeping in that boat
39:40 and the devil wanted to drown Jesus
39:41 because it was not a time of storms...
39:43 because all of the fishing boats were on the lake in Galilee...
39:47 fishermen do not go out on to the lake
39:50 when it's stormy season... they simply don't
39:52 and so, this was a storm out of season.
39:54 On other occasions,
39:56 the devil had to... tried to have Jesus stoned...
39:59 on several occasions, people picked up stones to stone Jesus,
40:03 the devil was behind this
40:04 but all through the life of Jesus,
40:07 God the Father spared the life of Jesus.
40:10 The devil also tried to defeat Jesus
40:13 by infiltrating Him with sin.
40:16 Are you seeing the same two methods
40:19 that the devil used in the Old Testament?
40:21 Try and kill the seed... and try to corrupt the seed.
40:24 He did the same thing with Jesus.
40:27 He tried to kill Him repeatedly
40:29 and he tried to infect Jesus with the virus of sin
40:33 but every time that the devil tried to infect Jesus
40:36 with the virus of sin,
40:38 Jesus said, "It is written... "
40:41 and He resisted the temptations of Satan.
40:44 The devil also tried to get Jesus to retaliate.
40:49 You see, when Jesus is suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane,
40:53 when He's sweating drops of blood...
40:55 when Jesus is being beaten in Pilate's court
40:59 and in Herod's court...
41:02 the devil is doing this
41:04 because he wants Jesus to do one of two things,
41:07 he wants Jesus to retaliate and thus to sin
41:10 to deliver Himself.
41:12 Or, secondly, he wants Jesus to give up and to leave
41:15 and go back to heaven without redeeming the human race.
41:19 He does not want Jesus to go to the cross and die.
41:23 He's causing these sufferings
41:26 because he wants to bother Jesus so much
41:30 that Jesus will retaliate or Jesus will leave
41:33 when He sees that His disciples have forsaken Him...
41:35 that there's nobody with Him...
41:37 the devil is saying, "What's the use of you going through this,
41:40 nobody is going to be saved,
41:41 everybody has forsaken you,
41:42 go back to heaven where You're loved... "
41:44 but Jesus stuck with it
41:48 and the Bible tells us that Jesus died as the Passover Lamb.
41:54 Is that what will happen for the deliverance of Israel
41:57 in the Old Testament?
41:59 Notice 1st Corinthians chapter 5...
42:01 1st Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 7,
42:03 see, Jesus is repeating the history of Israel...
42:06 1st Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 7.
42:09 The Apostle Paul says this,
42:11 "Therefore purge out the old leaven,
42:14 that you may be a new lump,
42:17 since you truly are unleavened.
42:20 For indeed Christ, our Passover,
42:24 was sacrificed for us. "
42:27 And do you know what Jesus did when He died on the cross?
42:31 Notice, John chapter 12...
42:33 John chapter 12 and let's read verses 31 to 33,
42:38 John 12 verses 31 to 33
42:41 and I want you to notice the tense of the verse.
42:43 Jesus says, "Now is the judgment of this world...
42:47 verse on screen...
42:54 what tense is that verb?
42:56 "Now the ruler of this world will be cast out... "
43:02 Jesus had not died yet...
43:04 what was going to cast Him out?
43:06 Notice, it continues saying there in verse 32,
43:10 'And I, if I am lifted up from the earth,
43:13 will draw all peoples to Myself. '
43:17 This He said, signifying by what death He would die. "
43:23 What was it that cast out Satan as the king of this world?
43:28 What returned the kingdom and the world back to Jesus?
43:31 It was the death of Jesus on the cross.
43:34 Now, we can remember Genesis 3:15.
43:37 God said that He was going to send a Seed to the world
43:40 and the Seed is going to crush the serpent's head
43:42 and just a few verses further down in verse 21,
43:46 God explains how that Seed is going to crush
43:50 the serpent's head.
43:51 It says in Genesis 3 verse 21
43:54 that lambs were sacrificed on that day
43:58 and from the skins of the sacrifice,
44:01 the nakedness of Adam and Eve was covered.
44:04 In other words, they returned to their original condition
44:07 and so, Genesis 3:15 says, "The Seed will crush your head"
44:11 verse 21 of chapter 3 explains that it's the death of the Lamb
44:16 that will crush the serpent's head.
44:18 In John chapter 12, Jesus says,
44:21 "The ruler of this world would be cast out... "
44:23 and then He explains how...
44:25 it's because He is going to... what?
44:27 Because He is going to die
44:29 and when Jesus on the cross said, "It is finished... "
44:34 He had won back the kingdom of this world
44:36 and He had won back the earth
44:39 to return to man who lost it originally.
44:44 Now, I want you to notice
44:45 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 5,
44:48 by the way, we all know that Jesus died, right?
44:50 Was He buried?
44:53 Was He buried? Yes, He was buried...
44:55 what happened the third day? He... what?
44:58 He rose from the dead.
45:01 Did that happen to Moses?
45:04 Yeah... what happened to Moses after he rose from the dead?
45:07 He ascended to... where?
45:10 To heaven.
45:11 Now, how about this male child
45:13 after He won the victory on the cross?
45:15 He's buried... He dies... He's buried...
45:20 and on the third day He... what?
45:22 He resurrects.
45:24 And where does He go?
45:26 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 5...
45:30 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 5,
45:33 it says here...
45:40 verse on screen...
45:47 Now, do you know how heaven felt
45:49 when Jesus got back to heaven?
45:52 Let's notice Revelation chapter 12...
45:55 Revelation chapter 12
45:57 and I would like to begin reading at verse 10...
46:00 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 10...
46:03 and I want you to notice the tense of the verbs here,
46:06 You see, in John 12, Jesus has not died yet,
46:09 He's pronouncing these words about Wednesday
46:12 before His crucifixion
46:13 and so, He says,
46:15 "Now is the judgment of this world;
46:16 now the prince of this world will be cast out. "
46:19 And then He says... he will be cast out by His death
46:23 but notice the tense of the verbs in Revelation chapter 12.
46:27 Jesus is now in heaven...
46:29 He's been caught up to God and to His throne.
46:32 Notice what it says in Revelation chapter 12
46:34 and verse 10...
46:40 verse on screen...
46:45 "and the power of His Christ have come... "
46:47 why is that?
46:49 "for the accuser of our brethren,
46:52 who accused them before our God day and night,
46:58 has been cast down... "
47:00 what tense is the verb?
47:03 past... because He's already died on the cross...
47:07 He's already died as the Passover Lamb...
47:09 He's already delivered His people from bondage
47:13 to the great dragon
47:15 and His people are on their way to Canaan
47:17 eventually some day to enter there.
47:20 Notice verse 11,
47:21 "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
47:24 and by the word of their testimony,
47:26 and they did not love their lives to the death. "
47:30 And now notice verse 12...
47:32 "Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them!"
47:38 Let's stop there...
47:40 what are the heavens supposed to do
47:41 because Jesus has cast down the ruler of this world
47:43 and now Jesus legally rules...
47:46 the heavens are supposed to... what?
47:48 Rejoice...
47:49 Why should they rejoice?
47:50 Because that pest can't go up there anymore...
47:53 the accuser of the brethren has been cast out.
47:57 Jesus is now the representative of this world.
48:00 Jesus, as the second Adam, has legally recovered the world.
48:04 He hasn't empirically taken it yet,
48:07 but legally in court, He has gained the world back
48:10 and so, it says here, "Rejoice, O heavens,
48:15 and you who dwell in them!"
48:17 But now notice...
48:18 "Woe... " did you catch that?
48:20 "Rejoice... Woe,
48:23 Rejoice... Woe... "
48:25 up there "rejoice... " down here... "woe... "
48:29 why woe on earth?
48:31 "Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea!"
48:36 That's us...
48:37 "For the devil has come down to you... "
48:40 because he's been cast down...
48:42 "having great... " what?
48:44 "great wrath,
48:46 because he knows that he has... "
48:50 but what?
48:51 "he has but a short time. "
48:54 Now, we need to quickly look at the final stages
48:59 of Revelation chapter 12.
49:01 We've only discussed the first stage up till now
49:04 and that's the one that I primarily wanted us
49:06 to understand
49:08 but there are two additional stages.
49:09 Let's go to Revelation chapter 12 and verse 6...
49:14 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 6,
49:17 what happens after this child ascends to heaven...
49:21 the dragon is furious... he's enraged...
49:23 he can't vent his rage upon the Child anymore,
49:26 because the Child beat him and he's back in heaven
49:29 so, what does the devil have to do?
49:31 He has to take second best...
49:33 and what is second best?
49:36 To go after the woman...
49:39 Notice verse 6...
49:41 "Then the woman... "
49:43 that is then... after the Child ascends to heaven,
49:46 verse on screen...
49:59 Where does the woman go?
50:02 She flees into the... what?
50:04 Into the wilderness
50:06 where God has prepared a place for her
50:08 and feature 1,260 days
50:12 which are really what? Years...
50:15 now the question is, why is she fleeing?
50:17 Who's persecuting her?
50:18 Well, later on in the chapter,
50:20 we have an explanation of this verse,
50:22 notice verse 13,
50:24 "Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth... "
50:28 does the persecution of the woman have anything to do
50:31 with the fact that the devil has been cast out
50:32 as the Ruler of this world?
50:34 He's filled with rage
50:36 because he doesn't have access to Jesus anymore,
50:37 so, it says, "Now when the dragon saw
50:39 verse on screen...
50:44 see, now the enmity is between the serpent and the woman.
50:47 Revelation 3:15... I mean Genesis 3:15 has that also,
50:51 the serpent and the woman are at war...
50:53 and the seed of the woman and the serpent are at war...
50:57 he already warred against the seed of the woman and lost,
51:00 so now, he goes after the woman
51:02 and notice verse 14...
51:09 verse on screen...
51:16 same elements as verse 6, right?
51:18 "where she is nourished for a time and times
51:22 and half a time,
51:24 from the presence of the serpent.
51:26 So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth... "
51:29 that's his peoples... his multitudes...
51:31 verse on screen...
51:39 and so, after the Child escapes,
51:41 is there a period where the dragon goes after the woman?
51:45 Yes, how long does he go after the woman?
51:48 1,260 years.
51:51 Would you think that this would be the period of the feet
51:54 of the mixture of Church and State?
51:56 All you have to do is look at history in the middle ages,
51:59 you see that was the...
52:00 the nominal church of the Middle Ages
52:03 that persecuted God's people who were in the wilderness
52:07 so to speak... the Waldenses
52:09 and the Albigenses and others had to flee
52:12 from the established church that wanted to destroy them
52:15 because the church said that they were heretics
52:18 and so, here you have the feet of iron and clay...
52:22 the mixture of Church and State.
52:23 Now, in Daniel 2, you don't have any specific time period
52:27 given to the feet,
52:28 but in our lecture on Daniel 7,
52:30 we are going to study how after this dragon
52:35 rules for a period, he's going to sprout ten horns
52:39 and then among the ten horns will rise a Little Horn
52:42 and the Little Horn will rule time, times...
52:46 and the dividing of time.
52:47 Revelation 12 is covering the same period as Daniel 2
52:51 and the same period as we will study
52:54 from Daniel chapter 7.
52:56 Now, I want you to notice...
52:58 we're not going to get into this in detail,
53:00 but when the woman is being persecuted,
53:02 she flees into the wilderness,
53:04 God maintains her there...
53:06 God feeds her there
53:08 but then suddenly, something comes to the rescue,
53:11 Revelation chapter 12 and verse 16 says,
53:15 "But the earth helped the woman
53:19 verse on screen.
53:28 Does persecution come to an end
53:31 yes or no?
53:33 Absolutely...
53:34 when would it come to an end?
53:35 It would have to be when the 1,260 years end.
53:38 Because the church... the woman is persecuted
53:41 for 1,260 years.
53:43 So, the earth helping the woman
53:46 must come after this period.
53:48 The earth swallows up the waters of persecution...
53:52 persecution ceases for a period.
53:55 Does it cease forever?
53:58 No... notice the third stage of Revelation 12 and verse 17,
54:03 this will be our final closing verse,
54:05 "And the dragon was enraged with the woman... "
54:09 why? because the earth helped the woman, right?
54:13 "was enraged with the woman... "
54:15 we'll talk about the earth later on in this Seminar...
54:17 "and he went to make... " what?
54:20 "war... "
54:21 and it says here in the New King James,
54:23 "with the rest of her offspring"
54:25 I like the King James Version,
54:26 it says, "with the remnant of her seed
54:29 who keep the commandments of God
54:32 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. "
54:36 Do you have the same four elements in Revelation 12:17
54:41 as you have in Genesis 3:15?
54:42 Let's look at it,
54:45 do we have in Revelation 12:17, enmity?
54:49 Yes or no?
54:51 Absolutely.
54:52 Do we have in Revelation 12 verse 17,
54:56 a woman?
54:57 Yes we do.
54:59 Do we have in Revelation 12:17 a dragon or a serpent?
55:04 Yes.
55:05 Do we have in Revelation 12:17, a seed?
55:09 Yes, we do.
55:11 And by the way,
55:13 is not speaking about the seed of the woman,
55:15 it's talking about the seed's seed.
55:18 I'll let you digest that for a couple of seconds.
55:23 The warfare is not against the seed...
55:26 it's not even against the woman...
55:28 it's against the seed's seed.
55:32 The final remnant of the woman's seed.
55:35 Now, who is the woman's seed?
55:36 We already studied it, verses 1 through 5 says
55:40 that the seed of the woman that she bears is... what?
55:43 Jesus.
55:44 So, who must the remnant of her seed be?
55:47 If her seed is Jesus, it must be the remnant of...
55:51 Jesus...
55:53 You're not following me are you?
55:56 It's the remnant of Jesus.
55:58 So are there going to be Christians in this world
56:01 in the final persecution of Satan against the church?
56:03 Absolutely.
56:05 By the way, in John chapter 12 and verse 24,
56:10 Jesus says that unless the seed falls into the ground and dies,
56:14 it cannot bear fruit
56:16 but if it falls into the ground and dies,
56:20 it will grow into a plant and produce much fruit.
56:22 That seed was Jesus.
56:24 When Jesus died on the cross, He was planted in the earth...
56:28 He resurrected... He sprouted to new life...
56:32 the seed died and it sprouted
56:34 and now, because Jesus died and resurrected,
56:37 what is He going to bear?
56:39 He is going to bear many children...
56:42 the seed's seed if you please.
56:45 That's why in Galatians chapter 3
56:48 it says that Jesus is the seed of Abraham.
56:52 He's the only seed...
56:54 the promise was not made to seeds
56:56 but to the seed who is Christ.
56:58 But then, later on in the chapter is says,
56:59 verse on screen...
57:04 because when we join Jesus, we are the seed's seed
57:08 and the devil hates us as much as he hated Jesus
57:12 and so this verse is speaking about the final persecution
57:16 against the church at the very end of time
57:19 and we will study more about this
57:21 as we move along in this Seminar.


Revised 2020-09-28