Cracking the Genesis Code

The Matchmaker

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pastor Stephen Bohr


Series Code: CGC

Program Code: CGC000044S

01:13 Shall we bow our heads for prayer?
01:16 Our Father in heaven, what a joy it is to be able to
01:19 come to this place to open Your Word and learn
01:23 lessons that help us in our personal walk with Jesus.
01:27 We ask that as we study today about The Matchmaker
01:31 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us.
01:33 And help us understand that You are waiting for a people,
01:37 a people who will reflect fully the character of Jesus.
01:42 We long for that day:
01:44 the day when Jesus will come to claim His bride.
01:47 We ask that You will bless our study together
01:50 and we thank you for hearing our prayer.
01:52 For we ask it in Jesus' name, Amen.
01:58 In our lecture today we are going to study mainly
02:03 Genesis chapter 24.
02:06 It's the story of Abraham, Isaac,
02:11 Eliezer, and Rebekah.
02:15 And in order to understand this story we have to start
02:19 a little bit earlier in the book of Genesis.
02:22 We need to go back to Genesis chapter 15 and verse 4.
02:27 Genesis 15:4.
02:32 Here God is speaking
02:35 to Abraham and Abraham thinks that Eliezer
02:39 perhaps might have to be the heir.
02:42 And so Abraham is thinking about adopting Eliezer
02:46 and making him the promised heir.
02:48 But notice what God said to Abraham.
03:09 In other words, "You're not going to adopt Eliezer;
03:13 Eliezer is not going to be your heir.
03:16 It is going to be your very own son. "
03:20 Now we've already studied in this seminar
03:24 earlier the story of Genesis 22
03:27 which I call "the almost sacrifice of Isaac"
03:31 because Isaac was not actually sacrificed.
03:35 He was sacrificed in figure
03:37 because he pointed forward to Jesus Christ.
03:40 Now as we've studied, in that story Abraham
03:43 is a symbol of God the Father
03:46 and Isaac is a symbol of Jesus Christ His Son.
03:52 And in the story that we're going to study today
03:56 once again Abraham is a symbol of God the Father
04:00 and Isaac is a symbol
04:03 of God's Son Jesus Christ.
04:07 Now it's very important for us to realize that when Abraham...
04:13 when Abraham in Genesis chapter 24 sends his servant
04:20 Eliezer to look for a wife for his son
04:23 Abraham is an old man.
04:27 We might call him "the ancient of days. "
04:31 In fact, if you look at the chronology of the Bible
04:33 you'll discover that Abraham
04:36 was approximately 140 years old.
04:41 Probably more accurate to say 139 years old.
04:45 And Isaac at this point was approximately 40 years old.
04:51 And so you might call Abraham "the ancient of days. "
04:56 In fact, let's notice what Genesis chapter 24
04:59 and verse 1 has to say about Abraham.
05:02 It says here:
05:16 So you have Abraham... "the ancient of days. "
05:20 He has a son called Isaac but there's a problem,
05:25 and that problem is that Isaac, though he's approximately
05:29 40 years old, does not have a wife.
05:33 And in order to carry on the seed so that the Messiah
05:37 can eventually come, it's necessary for Isaac
05:41 to have a wife. And so the process...
05:45 In Genesis chapter 24 begins describing the process
05:50 of getting a wife for Isaac.
05:53 Now in Genesis 24 verses 2-4
05:57 we have some clear specifications that were given
06:01 by Abraham to Eliezer about the type of wife
06:05 that he was supposed to secure for Isaac.
06:09 In fact let's read those verses.
06:10 Genesis chapter 24 and verses 2 through 4.
06:15 It says here:
06:58 Notice the clear specification
07:01 that Isaac's wife was supposed to be
07:05 from Abraham's own kindred...
07:09 from Abraham's own people.
07:12 Now at this time Abraham was living in Canaan
07:16 but he commanded Eliezer to go back to Heron
07:22 where Abraham had settled for a while
07:24 to find a wife from his kindred.
07:28 Now there was a very special reason for this:
07:31 the Canaanites were almost totally given over to idolatry.
07:36 And even though the family of Abraham... some of them were
07:40 practicing idolatry... they were not wholly given over
07:44 to idolatry. And so God knew that it was absolutely important
07:48 for Isaac - who is a type of the Messiah -
07:52 to marry someone from his own people, from his own kindred.
07:59 You see, in Canaan idolatry was rampant
08:02 and so God knew that if Isaac married a Canaanite
08:06 she might be able to turn his heart away from the Lord.
08:10 And so it was very clearly specified
08:13 that the bride of Isaac needed to come from his own kindred.
08:19 He needed to marry someone from his own family.
08:24 By the way, it's interesting to notice the process
08:27 that was followed in finding a wife for Isaac.
08:31 Isaac did not actually go out hunting for a wife.
08:35 There was actually a matchmaker or a go-between
08:41 who went seeking the wife and making arrangements
08:46 so that Isaac could marry this wife.
08:49 Of course, the name of this individual was Eliezer.
08:54 He was actually a servant of Abraham
08:57 and he was sent before Isaac to prepare the way
09:03 to make the arrangements for the marriage of Isaac
09:07 with Rebekah. In other words, in this story
09:10 we not only have Abraham, the "ancient of days, "
09:14 not only do we have Isaac, the son of the promise
09:18 who is a symbol of the Messiah,
09:20 not only do we have Rebekah who became the wife of Isaac,
09:25 but we have a go-between... we have a matchmaker.
09:30 A friend of the groom if you please.
09:33 Today we would call him a best man.
09:37 Now I'd like to make a short parenthesis here
09:40 and talk a little bit about the process that was followed
09:44 in finding a wife for a young man in Biblical times.
09:48 You know, it wasn't just the case that young people
09:52 chose their own wife.
09:55 They had to receive counsel from their parents
09:59 because their parents were actually much more wiser
10:02 than they were because they had been over the road
10:05 and they had much more experience.
10:08 Now what I'm going to read is from our second textbook
10:11 in this seminar: Patriarchs and Prophets.
10:14 Our first textbook, of course, is the Bible.
10:17 But the second textbook that we've quoted quite a bit from
10:20 is the book Patriarchs and Prophets.
10:21 And even though this doesn't have to do directly
10:24 with the subject that we're studying because we're doing
10:27 an illustration of this story of the Old Testament
10:30 as a type of Jesus Christ
10:33 I felt it would be a good idea to bring this quotation
10:36 here into view because I feel that it's extremely important.
10:40 Patriarchs and Prophets page 175 says this
10:46 to young people today:
10:48 "What a contrast between the course of Isaac
10:54 and that pursued by the youth of our time!
10:58 Even among professed Christians
11:02 young people too often feel
11:05 that the bestowal of their affections
11:08 is a matter in which self alone should be consulted -
11:13 a matter that neither God nor their parents
11:17 should in any wise control.
11:20 Long before they have reached manhood
11:23 or womanhood they think themselves competent
11:27 to make their own choice without the aid of their parents.
11:32 A few years of married life
11:35 are usually sufficient to show them their error
11:39 but often too late to prevent its baleful results.
11:45 For the same lack of wisdom and self-control
11:48 that dictated the hasty choice
11:51 is permitted to aggravate the evil until the marriage
11:55 relation becomes a galling yoke.
11:59 Many have thus wrecked their happiness in this life
12:03 and their hope of the life to come. "
12:07 Certainly is a wise thing
12:10 to have parents give some input when it comes to the issue
12:15 of marriage.
12:16 And so Eliezer - the matchmaker -
12:19 the servant of the father, "ancient of days" Abraham
12:24 who is looking for a wife for his son Isaac
12:27 travels to Heron from Canaan.
12:31 And when he arrives in Heron
12:34 he meets this beautiful,
12:38 industrious woman.
12:41 Notice what we find in Genesis chapter 24 and verse 16.
12:46 Genesis chapter 24 and verse 16.
12:51 By the way, her name is Rebekah... or was Rebekah.
12:55 It says here:
13:21 Because Eliezer said: "Give me some water to drink. "
13:24 But she goes even a step further.
13:26 She says: "I'll draw water for your camels as well. "
13:29 And so she draws water for the camels.
13:32 Now I want you to notice what type of wife this is.
13:36 She is beautiful; she is a virgin;
13:41 she is very industrious.
13:44 She is kind; she is courteous.
13:47 She has all of the qualities that one would desire
13:51 in a wife. And then, of course, you have the wedding itself.
13:56 She accepts the idea of marrying Isaac.
14:01 And we are told in Genesis chapter 24 and verse 67
14:06 that when Rebekah arrived with Eliezer
14:09 back in the land of Canaan "Then Isaac brought her
14:14 into his mother Sarah's tent.
14:17 And he took Rebekah and she became his wife
14:21 and he loved her. "
14:24 Now let's review the main points of this story.
14:29 You have Abraham... the "ancient of days, "
14:33 a symbol of God the Father
14:36 sending his servant Eliezer -
14:40 the matchmaker or the go-between -
14:43 to make arrangements or to prepare the way
14:47 for the marriage of his son Isaac
14:51 to a very beautiful woman
14:54 from his kindred, very industrious,
14:57 a virgin, very hard worker
15:01 and also very respectful and kind.
15:05 Now what does this have to teach us?
15:09 Well as you know in the Old Testament
15:12 marriage was used as a symbol of the relationship
15:17 between God and His people.
15:19 Allow me just to mention a few things about God's marriage
15:23 with Israel in the Old Testament.
15:26 I'm only going to mention it in passing
15:28 and I'm not going to read it from scripture.
15:30 But in Exodus chapter 19
15:33 you have the preparation of Israel at the foot of Mt. Sinai
15:39 to receive the covenant or the Ten Commandments.
15:43 Do you know that there at Mt. Sinai
15:46 there was a matchmaker?
15:47 A go-between between God and Israel?
15:52 You say: "Who was that go-between? "
15:54 It was actually Moses.
15:57 If you read Exodus chapter 19 you're going to discover
16:01 that Moses went up to the mount and in verses 4 through 6
16:07 God says to Moses: "I want to make a covenant
16:11 with Israel. You tell them that if they listen to My voice
16:16 and they keep My covenant
16:18 they're going to be My special people.
16:21 I want to make a covenant with them. "
16:23 And by the way, I'm going to read in a moment
16:24 that this was a marriage covenant.
16:27 And then, of course, Moses... he brings the message down
16:31 from Mt. Sinai and he comes to the people
16:33 and he says to the people: "Folks, God wants to make
16:37 a covenant with you folks.
16:40 He says that if you listen to His voice and keep His covenant
16:44 that you will be His favored people; that you will be
16:48 His bride. Do you accept? Yes or no? "
16:52 And Israel said: "We do. "
16:55 And so once again in this story you have
16:58 what the story of Abraham illustrated.
17:01 The story of Abraham illustrated what happened
17:04 with Israel at Mt. Sinai.
17:07 Moses is the one who makes the arrangement, who is the
17:10 messenger of God to Israel
17:13 to get Israel to be willing to marry God.
17:17 And by the way, the God here is none less than Jesus Christ
17:21 Himself. Now you're saying: "But that covenant at Sinai...
17:25 are you sure that that was a marriage covenant? "
17:28 Absolutely. Go with me to Jeremiah chapter 31.
17:32 Jeremiah chapter 31.
17:36 And let's notice how this covenant at Mt. Sinai
17:39 is described.
17:41 Jeremiah chapter 31 and I would like to read verse 32.
17:47 Actually let's begin at verse 31.
17:50 It says here: "Behold, the days are coming
17:53 says the Lord when I will make a new covenant
17:56 with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.
18:00 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers
18:04 in the day that I took them by the hand
18:07 to lead them out of the land of Egypt. "
18:11 See, that's the covenant that they made at Sinai.
18:14 Notice what it continues saying:
18:16 "My covenant which they broke, though I was
18:21 a... " What? "though I was
18:23 a husband to them says the Lord. "
18:28 And so the story of Abraham
18:31 is really a prefiguring or an illustration
18:35 of what happened at Mt. Sinai.
18:38 You see, God the Father wants Israel to marry Jesus Christ
18:43 as their Lord.
18:45 And God sent Moses with a message to Israel
18:48 as the go-between or the matchmaker, and Israel
18:52 said: "We do. " By the way, did you notice
18:55 that at Sinai God married Israel. He did not marry
18:59 the Gentile nations?
19:01 Just like in the story of Abraham
19:04 the wife had to be from among the chosen people.
19:08 The same way Israel was God's chosen people
19:11 and Jesus makes a covenant marriage with them.
19:15 But folks, this marriage of Israel with Jesus Christ at
19:20 Mt. Sinai is also an illus- tration of a greater marriage
19:25 to take place later on in history.
19:29 I'm referring to the marriage of Jesus Christ
19:33 with Israel when Jesus came to this world
19:37 the first time. Now let's take a look at that.
19:40 Go with me to John chapter 1 and verses 6 through 9.
19:47 Let me ask you: did God the Father want Jesus
19:52 His Son to marry Israel
19:56 when Jesus came to this world?
19:58 Absolutely.
20:00 We're going to find marriage terminology in the gospels.
20:03 But let me ask you: did God send a go-between
20:07 or a matchmaker to prepare the way?
20:10 A matchmaker or a go-between
20:15 to prepare the bride for the husband?
20:18 Absolutely.
20:20 Notice John chapter 1 and verses 6 through 9.
20:25 By the way, Eliezer was not the heir.
20:30 And this individual we're going to talk about now
20:33 was not the heir either.
20:35 It says there in John 1 and verses 6 through 9:
21:08 Could we say that Eliezer was actually a minor figure
21:14 in the marriage story of Isaac with Rebekah?
21:18 Could you say that Eliezer
21:20 must decrease that Isaac might
21:22 increase? Absolutely.
21:25 Because at the center of the
21:26 story is not Eliezer - the matchmaker.
21:29 At the center of the story is whom? Is Isaac
21:33 who is going to marry Rebekah.
21:35 The same is true with this individual
21:38 whom of course we know is John the Baptist.
21:42 Now go with me to Luke chapter 1 and verses 16-17.
21:47 Luke chapter 1 verses 16 and 17.
21:53 When Jesus comes who is He going to marry?
21:56 Is He going to marry the Gentiles? Or is He going to
22:00 marry the chosen people?
22:02 He's going to marry the chosen people.
22:05 Now notice Luke chapter 1 and verses 16 and 17.
22:10 Speaking about John the Baptist:
22:44 What was the mission of John the Baptist?
22:47 Was he the go-between? Was he the matchmaker
22:50 to prepare a bride for Jesus Christ?
22:53 Absolutely! From among the chosen people.
22:56 Yes according to the story.
22:58 Now notice also Matthew chapter 3 and verses 1 to 3.
23:03 Matthew chapter 3 and verses 1 to 3.
23:09 Here once again we find the idea
23:11 of John the Baptist preparing the way
23:15 for the coming of the Messiah. Preparing a people
23:18 to be ready for when Messiah comes.
23:20 It says there in Matthew 3:1:
23:53 Now you're probably saying: "OK, John the Baptist was there
23:57 to prepare the way of the Lord,
23:59 but there's no reference directly to marriage in there. "
24:03 Go with me to the gospel of John chapter 3
24:08 and verses 29 and 30.
24:11 John 3:29-30.
24:14 Here we find the clear connection or link
24:17 between this story and the story of the Old Testament,
24:22 of Genesis... the story of Abraham and Isaac
24:25 and Eliezer and Rebekah.
24:27 Here John the Baptist is speak- ing, and notice what he says:
25:05 Was John the Baptist the heir?
25:10 John the Baptist WAS NOT the heir.
25:12 Who was the heir?
25:14 To Abraham and his seed were the promises made.
25:18 It does not say to seeds as to many
25:21 but to your Seed who is Christ.
25:25 The promises belong to Jesus.
25:28 In other words, just like Eliezer could not be the heir
25:32 because he did not come from his father, John the Baptist
25:36 could not bring about the marriage. He could not be
25:41 the one who would inherit or marry because he was only
25:45 the matchmaker. He was the go-between
25:48 to prepare a people to marry Jesus Christ.
25:52 Now there's an added detail in the story of John the Baptist
25:55 which is not found in the Old Testament story.
25:59 And that is that when John the Baptist appears...
26:02 By the way, did you notice that his name is Elijah?
26:05 Elijah is the one who prepares the way. He's the matchmaker.
26:09 He's the go-between. He's the friend of the groom
26:12 or the best man. Now when Elijah appears
26:16 as the one who prepares the way,
26:19 three enemies always appear along with him
26:24 to try and get rid of him.
26:27 Now let's go to the gospel of Mark chapter 6 and verses 17-28.
26:34 And we'll have to go through this quickly.
26:36 Mark chapter 6 and verses 17 through 28.
26:39 Now before we read this passage I want to remind you
26:44 about something. Mark 6 verses 17 through 28.
26:48 I want to remind you about the Elijah story
26:50 in the Old Testament.
26:52 How many enemies did Elijah have in the Old Testament?
26:57 He had three basic enemies.
26:59 The first one was Ahab. What was he?
27:02 The king.
27:04 The second one was Jezebel.
27:08 She was a harlot queen.
27:12 She's called a harlot in II Kings chapter 9 and verse 22
27:16 by the way. It speaks about her harlotry.
27:20 And a third enemy of Elijah is actually a group of people:
27:24 the prophets of Jezebel who do her bidding,
27:28 who eat at her table.
27:30 And so you have three enemies.
27:32 And by the way, who is the dangerous figure in this story
27:35 of Elijah? Is it Ahab?
27:38 No... Ahab was a wimp.
27:41 Excuse me for using that expression.
27:43 He had a character like putty.
27:44 It could be very easily molded by Jezebel.
27:48 Were the prophets of Baal in themselves a threat to Elijah?
27:52 No. The threat to Elijah was found in whom?
27:56 In Jezebel... this harlot queen.
27:59 And of course she maneuvered to work upon the king
28:02 and to work upon the false prophets of Baal
28:06 to try and get rid of Elijah.
28:10 And by the way, Elijah's message was a message
28:13 calling Israel to restore the gospel because it says that
28:17 he built the altar of the Lord which had been torn down.
28:21 Elijah also restore true worship
28:24 because he rebuked Ahab. He said:
28:27 "You have abandoned the commandments of God
28:30 and the worship of God and you are worshipping Baal. "
28:35 In other words, Elijah restored three things:
28:38 the gospel, the sacrifice of the lamb on the altar -
28:42 he restored true worship,
28:43 and he restored the commandments of God.
28:46 And that got him the wrath of this three-fold union:
28:51 Ahab, Jezebel,
28:53 and the false prophets of Baal.
28:56 Now if John the Baptist
28:58 is the New Testament Elijah,
29:00 which he is... By the way, three times
29:03 we find this in the New Testament.
29:05 In Luke 1:16-17;
29:07 Matthew 11:11-14;
29:10 and Matthew 17:10-13.
29:13 All three passages identify John the Baptist as Elijah.
29:16 By the way, not Elijah in person
29:19 but one who fulfills the work of Elijah.
29:22 Now if John the Baptist is Elijah so to speak,
29:27 do you suppose that his three enemies will also appear
29:30 along with him? Obviously.
29:34 Are they going to try and get rid of the matchmaker
29:38 so that he cannot prepare the bride for the husband?
29:41 Absolutely.
29:43 Let's notice this passage beginning at verse 17. It says:
30:04 Whom had he married?
30:06 His brother's wife.
30:07 What is that called?
30:09 That's called adultery by the way.
30:11 And according to this passage here
30:16 Herod did not throw John in prison because Herod hated John
30:21 but because Herodias hated John.
30:23 Did you notice that? Now let's go to verse 18:
30:35 Did he rebuke fornication?
30:37 Yes he did.
30:39 By the way, did John the Baptist
30:40 restore the gospel?
30:42 How did he introduce Jesus?
30:44 "Behold the Lamb of God
30:46 who takes away the sin of the world. "
30:48 And he restored the seventh commandment according to this.
30:51 He actually upheld the commandments of God.
30:54 Now notice verse 19:
31:16 Was Herod a dangerous figure?
31:19 Absolutely not. By the way, what was his function?
31:22 He was the king.
31:23 Was there a king in the Old Testament story?
31:26 Absolutely. In both cases you have a king.
31:29 In both cases do you have an adulterous woman?
31:32 You most certainly do.
31:34 Does the adulterous woman in both cases want the death
31:38 of the matchmaker? Absolutely.
31:40 Now let's go to verse 21:
31:45 Opportune for whom?
31:47 For Herodias.
31:59 Oh, now we have a third
32:01 protagonist.
32:26 Now did this young lady have
32:27 a mind of her own?
32:29 Or was she a copy of her mother?
32:32 Did she do the biddings of her mother?
32:35 Just like the prophets of Baal did the biddings of Jezebel?
32:38 Absolutely!
32:40 She was an image of her mother if you please.
32:43 Verse 24:
32:48 By the way, I want you to notice
32:50 the terminology:
32:51 king, mother, daughter.
32:54 King, mother, daughter.
32:58 Very significant when we come
32:59 to the end-time application
33:01 of this. Verse 24 once again:
33:12 Now what would you do
33:13 if your daughter asked for the
33:16 head of Pastor Bohr?
33:17 I'll bet you would say: "What are you talking about? "
33:24 I... I... at least I hope you would.
33:28 But I want you to notice that the daughter was just like
33:30 her mother. Notice verse 25:
33:57 Was he just like Ahab?
33:59 Was his character just like Ahab
34:00 in the Old Testament?
34:02 Absolutely.
34:03 Now notice verse 27:
34:27 Who is the dangerous figure in this story?
34:30 The dangerous figure is the mother.
34:32 She's the one who ends up slaying the matchmaker.
34:38 Now let me ask you: does this all have an
34:41 end-time application? It most certainly does.
34:45 You see, we have typology functioning here.
34:48 The story of Abraham sending Eliezer to prepare the way
34:54 or to make arrangements for the marriage of his son
34:58 is actually symbolic of God sending Moses
35:03 to arrange the marriage between Jesus and Israel.
35:07 Also it illustrates God sending John the Baptist to prepare
35:12 the way or make arrangements for the marriage of Jesus
35:16 to Israel. And you have the enemy of the matchmaker.
35:21 Now I want you to notice that we are to expect
35:24 an end-time Elijah.
35:26 Notice Malachi chapter 4 and verses 5 and 6.
35:30 Malachi chapter 4 and verses 5 and 6.
35:35 You see, John the Baptist does not exhaust the Elijah
35:40 prophecy of the Old Testament.
35:42 It says there in Malachi 4:5-6
36:08 Does God promise to send Elijah right before the second coming
36:14 of Jesus Christ? Yes.
36:16 Do you suppose that the purpose
36:18 of that Elijah is to be the
36:20 matchmaker to prepare a people
36:23 to make them ready to marry
36:26 Jesus? Absolutely!
36:29 Now let's pursue that.
36:31 Where is the message of this end-time Elijah?
36:36 Remember the message of the first Elijah?
36:39 Restored the gospel by restoring the altar
36:43 where the sacrifices were made.
36:45 He restored true worship by rebuking the worship of
36:49 Baal the sun god.
36:51 And he said: "You have troubled Israel
36:54 because you have broken the commandments of God
36:56 and followed the Baals. "
36:58 Three things: the gospel, worship, and the commandments.
37:02 Would you expect this end-time Elijah
37:05 to have a very similar message?
37:07 Absolutely. Where do we find that message?
37:10 We find that message in Revelation 14:6-12.
37:16 Notice Revelation 14 verses 6 and 7:
37:20 the message that prepares a bride for the great marriage
37:25 of Jesus with His people at the end of time.
37:28 It says there in Revelation 14 verse 6:
37:48 This shows that this cannot be
37:49 one person because one person
37:51 can't take the message to every
37:53 nation, kindred, tongue,
37:55 and people. This is a world-wide
37:57 movement.
37:59 Elijah's a symbol
38:00 of a world-wide people.
38:02 Now notice what he says
38:04 in a loud voice:
38:07 By the way, that in the Bible is
38:08 coupled with keeping God's
38:09 commandments all throughout the Bible.
38:27 Does this first angel's message restore the gospel?
38:31 It most certainly does.
38:33 Does this first angel's message restore the commandments
38:37 of God? Yes! In fact, when you get to the 3rd angel's message
38:41 we find that it says: "Here are they who... " What?
38:45 "who keep the commandments of God
38:47 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. "
38:49 Does this first message restore true worship?
38:52 Yes, because it says: "Worship Him who made the
38:55 heavens, the earth, the seas, and the fountains of waters. "
38:59 The purpose of this message is to go to all of the world
39:02 to prepare a bride for the great marriage
39:05 of Jesus with His people.
39:08 By the way, the second angel's message
39:12 warns people that Babylon is fallen.
39:16 And in a moment we're going to notice that Babylon has 3 parts.
39:19 Babylon is fallen and people are supposed to leave
39:23 Babylon and join God's remnant people
39:27 so that at the end of time they can participate
39:30 in that great marriage between Jesus and His people.
39:37 Now let me ask you this:
39:39 do you suppose that the devil is going to be angry
39:43 at this end-time matchmaker?
39:47 Absolutely.
39:49 Because the purpose of this end-time matchmaker -
39:52 this end-time Elijah,
39:54 this world-wide movement
39:56 which prepares the way for the great wedding of Jesus
40:00 with His people at the very end of time -
40:03 its purpose is to prepare a bride
40:06 for the great marriage.
40:07 And the devil hates that message!
40:10 And he hates what the matchmaker does.
40:13 And so you would expect that the end-time Elijah
40:16 would also have how many enemies?
40:19 Now where did you get that idea from?
40:23 The end-time Elijah must also have three enemies.
40:26 Now let's examine if the book of Revelation speaks about 3.
40:31 Go with me to Revelation chapter 16 and verse 13.
40:36 Revelation chapter 16 and verse 13.
40:38 Previously in this seminar we've studied about the beast;
40:41 we've studied about his image;
40:44 and we've studied about the dragon.
40:46 And so this will be just review.
40:48 I'm going to read it and then I'm going to tell you
40:50 what these powers represent
40:52 because we've already studied them in this seminar.
40:55 Revelation 16 and verse 13 says:
41:04 Let me just stop there a minute.
41:07 What are unclean spirits?
41:12 Evil spirits. What are evil spirits?
41:16 Thank you. Fallen angels.
41:19 So how many unclean spirits do you have?
41:22 How many unclean angels?
41:24 Three. How many angels messages does God send?
41:28 Three. What do the angels use to proclaim God's message?
41:32 With a loud what? Voice.
41:35 Where do these spirits come from?
41:38 From the mouth. These are the counterfeit three angels.
41:42 So if you know what the true three angels teach
41:44 you'll know what the counterfeit ones are teaching as well.
41:48 So it says: "I saw 3 unclean spirits... "
42:18 How many powers is Babylon composed of?
42:22 Three: the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.
42:27 Now because we've studied this I'm just going to interpret it
42:30 for you. What is represented by the dragon?
42:33 We know that the dragon represents Satan
42:37 in a primary sense.
42:40 But in a secondary sense the dragon represents the civil
42:44 powers of the world. For example, in Revelation
42:47 chapter 12 you have this dragon that stands next to the woman
42:51 to devour her Child as soon as the Child is born.
42:55 Let me ask you: what power was that?
42:58 It was the empire of Rome. The dragon represents Rome.
43:05 In Ezekiel 29 and verse 3
43:07 Pharaoh is called "the great dragon. "
43:10 In other words, we find here a reference
43:14 in the dragon to the kings of the earth
43:17 and the whole world. But then we also have the beast.
43:21 What does the beast represent?
43:23 We've already studied that it represents the Roman Catholic
43:27 papacy. And what does the false prophet represent?
43:32 It represents apostate Protestantism.
43:36 Now let me ask you: is the end time scenario
43:39 going to look a lot like the scenario in the days
43:43 of John the Baptist and in the days of the prophet Elijah?
43:48 Absolutely.
43:50 By the way, in Revelation 17
43:53 these powers are called by a different name.
43:57 And I'm not going to read the text because you've read it
44:00 and you know what I'm referring to.
44:02 Revelation chapter 17 speaks about a great harlot.
44:10 She's seated on many waters
44:12 which represents what? Multitudes, nations, tongues,
44:16 and peoples.
44:17 What does a woman represent in prophecy?
44:20 Represents an apostate church in this case
44:24 because it's a vile, adulterous
44:26 woman... the great harlot.
44:28 Now you'll notice that she's
44:30 called "the mother of harlots"
44:32 which must mean that she has what?
44:35 That she has daughters.
44:37 And she commits fornication with whom?
44:40 With the kings of the earth.
44:42 And so you have the same idea as in the Elijah story
44:46 in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament
44:49 Elijah story in John the Baptist.
44:52 You have a harlot woman. She moves the strings
44:55 according to Revelation 17.
44:57 She's the dangerous figure. She uses the kings of the world
45:00 and she uses her daughters or the image or the false prophet
45:05 to accomplish her purposes.
45:07 And folks, as we look out at what's happening in the world
45:10 today - particularly in the United States of America -
45:13 we can certainly see this being fulfilled before our very eyes.
45:18 How the papacy, uniting with Protestantism,
45:23 is trying to influence the rulers of the world
45:27 to accomplish their purposes.
45:29 And folks, it will finally end up in the persecution
45:33 against the matchmaker... against Elijah.
45:37 By the way, do you know that we can very easily
45:43 determine who is on God's side and who is not on God's side
45:46 in the end time?
45:49 You know, it's so simple.
45:51 The people who proclaim the same message that Elijah preached
45:54 are on God's side.
45:57 So if the people are preaching the everlasting gospel
46:02 and they're preaching that we're supposed to keep
46:04 the commandments of God which the devil hates,
46:07 the dragon hates them,
46:08 and if we're preaching that you're supposed to worship
46:11 the Creator on His holy Sabbath,
46:13 you know that those are on God's side.
46:17 So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out
46:20 that those who say that the commandments have been changed
46:24 and that you don't have to keep the Sabbath, you can keep
46:26 a substitute day are on the other side of the equation.
46:30 Are you following me?
46:31 There's another way in which you can determine
46:33 whether you're on God's side or not.
46:35 If you are persecuTED, you are on God's side.
46:39 If you are with the persecuTORs,
46:42 you are on the devil's side.
46:44 It's that simple... it's not complicated.
46:47 In the end time, those on God's side
46:49 are not going to be all of the people who have the power
46:53 of the government, all of the people who have
46:55 their churches full. No! Those on God's side
46:58 are those who are going to be persecuted
47:01 for righteousness' sake. So much for the idea
47:04 that Christians are supposed to take over the world.
47:09 Now let me ask you: what is the purpose of this end-time
47:12 Elijah? It is to prepare the way.
47:18 It is to take the necessary steps
47:22 to prepare the what? To prepare the wedding
47:27 for Jesus with His people.
47:30 In fact, let's notice a few references
47:33 in the New Testament to this.
47:36 Ephesians chapter 5 and verses 25 to 27.
47:40 Ephesians chapter 5 verses 25 to 27.
47:43 See, the purpose of a matchmaker is to prepare a bride
47:46 for Jesus... a beautiful bride.
47:49 A virgin bride.
47:52 A hard-working bride.
47:54 A courteous and tactful and loving bride
47:58 just like Rebekah was in the Old Testament.
48:01 Now notice what it says here... the apostle Paul:
48:20 By the way, the water represents
48:21 the Holy Spirit.
48:23 The Holy Spirit washes the church
48:25 through what? Through the Word.
48:53 So what does the three angels' message do?
48:57 It actually prepares God's people to be what?
49:02 To be married to Jesus Christ when Jesus Christ comes
49:07 and prepares a people who are without spot or wrinkle
49:12 or any such thing at the coming of Jesus.
49:15 And it's accomplished through the medium of the Holy Spirit
49:19 through obedience to God's what? Obedience to God's Holy Word.
49:25 Now let's notice Revelation chapter 22 and verse 11.
49:31 Revelation chapter 22 and verse 11.
49:35 Do you know that there's a time when the door of probation
49:39 in this world is going to close?
49:42 The work of the matchmaker will be finished
49:46 and everyone will be on one side or on the other side.
49:51 They will either be with God's bride without spot
49:57 or wrinkle or any such thing
49:59 or they will be on the side of that other woman -
50:03 the harlot - who fornicates with the kings of the earth.
50:07 There are only two options, and the day is coming
50:09 when the door of probation is going to close and God is
50:13 going to speak these awesome words.
50:16 Notice Revelation chapter 22 and verse 11:
50:21 It says here: "He who is unjust
50:26 let him be unjust still. "
50:29 Now I need to explain something to you
50:31 before we finish reading this verse.
50:33 The King James doesn't really capture
50:36 the meaning of the verb.
50:39 Really the verb says "He who is... "
50:43 As it says here in verse 11: "He who is unjust
50:48 let him be unjust still"
50:50 would be better translated "He who is unjust
50:54 let him continue to act unjustly. "
50:59 In other words, it is a verb of action.
51:02 You can read the New International Version.
51:04 It has the proper translation.
51:06 In other words, "He who is unjust will continue to perform
51:09 unjust actions. " Notice what it continues saying
51:13 there in verse 11:
51:16 "He who is filthy, let him continue to act in a... " What?
51:22 "in a filthy way. "
51:25 By the way, is God's bride filthy when Jesus comes?
51:29 No! We read in Ephesians 5
51:32 that Christ's bride has no what? "No spot, no wrinkle, "
51:38 and then he says: "in case I missed something
51:40 "or any such thing. "
51:42 In other words, the message of the three angels
51:46 will have purified a people and prepared them
51:49 for the coming of Jesus.
51:52 That was the purpose of the message of John the Baptist
51:55 by the way as well.
51:56 Now notice what it continues saying:
51:59 "He who is righteous, let him continue to act righteously"
52:05 is the way that it should be translated.
52:07 "And he who is holy, let him continue to behave
52:12 in a holy manner. "
52:15 Let me ask you: was Rebekah a woman of action?
52:22 Not only was she a virgin in her state;
52:25 not only was she pure...
52:27 And by the way, Isaac was monogamous.
52:31 He's one of those heroes in the
52:33 Old Testament who had only
52:34 one wife. Because Isaac
52:37 is a symbol of whom?
52:39 Is a symbol of Jesus who marries only one bride.
52:43 You see, Babylon fornicates with many.
52:46 But Jesus is married to one. He's married to His pure church
52:52 who is clothed with the sun and standing on the moon
52:56 and with a crown of twelve stars on her head.
52:59 Victorious over sin; victorious over Satan;
53:02 and victorious over the world.
53:05 And now I want you to notice at the very end
53:09 once the church has prepared herself
53:12 the idea that we find in Revelation chapter 19
53:16 and verses 7 and 8.
53:19 Revelation 19:7-8.
53:22 Here it's speaking about what Jesus is going to do
53:26 with His church. Notice... it says there:
53:52 What was the word that was used
53:54 for the work of John the Baptist?
53:55 To make a people what? Ready for the coming of the Lord.
54:01 What is going to happen when the three angels' messages
54:04 have done their work? Jesus will have a people
54:09 who are what? Ready! Now notice verse 8:
54:32 Let me ask you: does that sit very well with what we just read
54:35 in Revelation 22 and verse 11?
54:38 You see, many people think the only thing that counts
54:41 is the imputed righteousness of Christ.
54:45 When you believe in Jesus, when you repent,
54:47 when you confess your sin,
54:49 Jesus puts His righteousness to your account
54:52 and God looks upon you as if you have never sinned.
54:56 And praise the Lord that is a great truth
54:59 of the gospel. That is definitely Biblical,
55:02 but that is only half the story.
55:05 That is only half the gospel.
55:07 You say: "What do you mean? "
55:09 The fact is that if God credits the righteousness to your
55:14 account as a result you will show righteousness in your life.
55:21 If Jesus has imputed His righteousness to you,
55:24 you must also be willing to receive His what?
55:28 His imparted righteousness.
55:31 Because the same Lord who justifies is the Lord who
55:35 sanctifies. And Jesus will never justify someone
55:39 who is not willing to be sanctified.
55:42 Is Jesus going to have a justified church when He comes?
55:47 He most certainly is.
55:49 Is He going to have a sanctified church when He comes?
55:52 Absolutely! He will have a church
55:55 that has prepared itself. It is ready for the great
55:59 wedding with Jesus Christ, the Lord and the Savior.
56:03 And then do you know what Jesus is going to do?
56:06 When He marries His people... And by the way,
56:09 He marries His people in absentia.
56:11 I'm not going to get into that right now.
56:13 He marries His people in the heavenly sanctuary
56:17 when probation closes. When you hear those words
56:20 of Revelation 22 verse 11 that's the moment when the
56:23 marriage takes place. And then Jesus is going to come.
56:26 The church is ready. He's going to pick up the church
56:29 and He's going to take the church to heaven... His bride!
56:32 And what's going to be celebrated there?
56:35 Oh, the great reception: the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
56:41 where God's people will sit at the table
56:44 and Jesus Christ - the husband - will come and He will be
56:49 the One to serve us.
56:53 Are you looking forward to this time?
56:56 What do we need to do in order to be ready?
57:00 We must pay heed to the messages that God has given
57:05 in the book of Revelation.
57:07 We must learn to fear God.
57:09 Give glory to Him.
57:11 Realize we are now in the hour of the judgment.
57:14 And worship the Creator and flee from Babylon.
57:20 May that be our experience is my prayer.


Revised 2023-11-13