Creation Is! Science

More Power

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CIS

Program Code: CIS200015S

00:01 The experiments you will see
00:02 have been carefully done by professionals,
00:04 and should not be tried at home
00:05 without parental guidance.
00:06 Please follow the caution signs throughout this program.
00:32 Hey, kids, thanks for joining us today
00:34 for Creation is Science,
00:36 where we're learning about our Creator
00:38 through awesome science.
00:40 I am so delighted to have Colton here, Jafet
00:44 and, of course, Professor Roy,
00:46 and I have Amanda and William.
00:48 Are you glad to be here?
00:49 Yes.
00:51 Do you know what we're doing today?
00:52 I don't know.
00:54 I don't see anything out here.
00:55 Maybe, are we taking something off the shelf?
00:58 We're going outside.
00:59 We're going outside.
01:00 What are we doing outside?
01:02 We're gonna throw something.
01:03 That's interesting, isn't it? Yes.
01:05 In fact, we're gonna talk about a simple machine actually.
01:08 Does your body have simple machines in it?
01:11 It does it. Cool.
01:13 Put your arms out like this. Okay.
01:14 Now bend your elbows. Okay.
01:16 And that's the hands, isn't it?
01:18 Your elbow is a hinge
01:19 and that's where everything pivots from here.
01:21 And if you're gonna throw something,
01:22 what do you do?
01:23 You use your big lever.
01:25 Your whole arm becomes a huge lever
01:27 and you can throw things.
01:28 That's interesting,
01:30 but we can throw things with a mechanical arm
01:32 and that's what we've got outside.
01:34 And it looks a lot like a...
01:37 Let's see a catapult,
01:40 but it's not a catapult.
01:41 And so you're gonna learn maybe a new word.
01:43 And so that's what we're gonna talk about when we go outside,
01:46 that'd be kind of cool, won't it?
01:48 And we'll figure out how we can throw some things.
01:50 Let's do that.
01:51 You wanna do that? I do.
01:52 Okay. All right.
01:54 Oh, you're gonna show us something, go ahead.
01:55 I don't know.
01:57 We could use a lever,
01:58 like a little spoon right here
01:59 and then we can shoot it across the room like that.
02:01 Isn't that cool?
02:03 What happens if we use a long arm,
02:05 we're gonna find out when we get outside.
02:06 Hey, before that,
02:08 all of you have a spoon in your pocket, right?
02:11 You have a spoon in your pocket.
02:12 I want you to aim it at Professor Roy,
02:14 are you ready?
02:16 Yeah. Get it ready.
02:17 Do you have something ready?
02:18 Okay. On your mark, you have it ready?
02:20 On your mark, get set go.
02:22 Whoa!
02:23 All right. Let's go ahead and go outside.
02:25 Oh, boy. Let's have fun.
02:27 Oh, boy, I'm not cleaning that up.
02:32 Wow!
02:33 What is this?
02:36 What is it?
02:37 A catapult? A catapult.
02:38 It looks something like that.
02:40 It looks like a catapult?
02:41 I've never seen one like this.
02:43 You know a lot of people call this a catapult,
02:45 but it's not.
02:46 It's a cousin to a catapult
02:48 and it's called a trebuchet, trebuchet.
02:50 Interesting.
02:51 A catapult, it uses a springing device
02:53 something to make it go and it springs.
02:55 But this, we use weights,
02:57 we use counterweights with this.
02:58 So what we're gonna try to do today is
03:00 we're gonna use this mechanical thing.
03:02 Okay. This is the mechanical arm.
03:03 It's a very, very long lever arm, right?
03:06 Just like your hand. Okay.
03:08 Put your hand out like this. Okay.
03:09 Now what we wanna do is
03:11 we wanna try to throw this little ball right here.
03:13 Now, if you wanna throw this ball,
03:15 then your big lever and your arm,
03:17 that's what you're going to be using, right?
03:19 Yeah.
03:20 So you think somebody with a short arm
03:22 could throw it further than somebody with a big long arm?
03:25 No.
03:26 Probably not, right?
03:28 So here we have a very long lever.
03:29 So we're gonna start out with some weights
03:32 and the weights are going to make that arm
03:34 come over very, very quickly.
03:35 We're gonna start out with 10 pounds on each side.
03:38 Let's try that. So let's check that out. Okay.
03:40 So what we have is
03:41 we've got some Olympic weights right here
03:44 and we're gonna put 10 pounds on each side.
03:46 Okay.
03:48 So how many pounds do we have in total?
03:49 Twenty.
03:51 Twenty pounds. That's right.
03:52 Twenty pounds of weight. All right.
03:54 Now it's gonna go what direction?
03:57 It's gonna go that direction. Okay.
03:59 So, where do you want them to go?
04:01 I think, well, let's stand over here,
04:03 but let's face this way
04:05 and then you're gonna get ready.
04:07 Who wants to run out first?
04:08 Colton, are you ready? All right.
04:10 I'm gonna hand you the ball. All right.
04:12 I'm gonna bring the lever arm down
04:14 and you can put it in that little cage right there.
04:16 All right.
04:17 Are you ready? I'm ready.
04:19 Are you folks ready? Yeah.
04:20 Are you folks ready at all? All right, let's try.
04:22 Let's bring it down. All right.
04:23 Here we go.
04:24 All right. We gotta do a countdown, right?
04:26 All right. I'm gonna stand it back with you.
04:27 Ready for a countdown? Three, two, one.
04:29 Let's go.
04:30 Three, two, one.
04:32 Let's get it go.
04:35 Well, you know what?
04:36 If we want it to go further, can we make it go further?
04:38 Yeah.
04:40 How could we do that?
04:41 Put more weight on it. Put more weight.
04:43 Hey, are you ready to put more weights?
04:44 I'm ready to put some more weight.
04:45 Let's try it. So, okay.
04:47 What I'm gonna do is
04:48 let me stop this arm a little bit.
04:49 Let's move this back.
04:51 All right, here we go.
04:52 Okay. Let's go ahead.
04:54 And we're gonna take the clamps off
04:55 and we're gonna add some more weight.
04:56 So let's add, let's see,
04:58 we've got 25 pounds on each side now.
05:00 Twenty five pounds, so 25 plus 10 is what?
05:05 Thirty five.
05:06 All right. Say it loud.
05:08 Thirty five.
05:09 Okay.
05:10 And so the total is what?
05:13 Thirty five plus thirty five is what now?
05:16 Wait, wait, 35 plus what?
05:18 Thirty five plus thirty five.
05:19 We have 35 on this side.
05:21 We have 35 on this side. How much...
05:23 How many pounds do we have?
05:24 Is it 35 or 25?
05:26 Thirty five on each side.
05:27 Now, because we have 10 plus 25.
05:28 Oh, Yeah.
05:30 Three plus three is what?
05:31 Sixty plus five and five is what?
05:34 Seventy. Okay.
05:35 Now we can go.
05:37 All right, here we go. Let's go.
05:38 That's also our math lesson for today.
05:40 Yeah, we gotta get our math.
05:41 We gotta practice right.
05:42 Got it?
05:44 Yes, I do. All right.
05:45 Yes, I do. All right.
05:47 Okay. All right. Are you ready?
05:49 All right. Go ahead, William.
05:50 We've got 70 pounds.
05:51 It should go further, right?
05:53 Let's see.
05:54 You asked for more weight and we want it to go further
05:56 and we might even get it to go faster.
05:58 How about three, two, one countdown?
06:00 Three, two, one, go.
06:04 Whoa!
06:05 It went higher, didn't it?
06:07 It went higher. Wow.
06:08 It went higher.
06:10 Okay, here we go.
06:11 We're gonna bring this back again.
06:13 All right. We're gonna bring this back.
06:15 And he's way down there chasing that ball.
06:17 All right, come on over William.
06:19 Now let ask you a question, you guys.
06:22 Let me ask you a question.
06:23 Let me ask you a question.
06:24 If we want it to go, you want it to go further?
06:26 Yes.
06:28 You think it could go further? Yes.
06:29 How could it go further?
06:31 By putting knees.
06:32 Putting more weights on there. Okay.
06:34 Well we have 45 pounds on this side,
06:36 45 pounds on this side.
06:37 You think we can get all 45 pounds on each side on?
06:41 You think we can do that? Yeah.
06:42 Okay. Are you feeling strong?
06:44 I am. I'm ready.
06:47 Let's try it. You're ready.
06:48 All right, so let's go ahead.
06:49 We're gonna take that off like there.
06:51 All right, let's get this.
06:53 Boy, this is heavy, isn't it? It is.
06:55 Forty five pounds on each side.
06:57 All right. All right, 45 pounds.
07:01 Wow, that is really heavy.
07:03 All right.
07:04 So somebody is going to have to add up
07:05 all these numbers or pounds.
07:07 Who can add it up?
07:08 How many pounds do we have?
07:10 Seventy.
07:12 How many pounds do we have?
07:14 What's that? Well, it's 45 plus 45 is what?
07:17 Ninety. Ninety. Okay.
07:18 Ninety plus, what did we have before?
07:20 Seventy.
07:22 Ninety plus seventy is what?
07:24 One hundred and sixty.
07:25 One hundred and sixty pounds.
07:26 Are you 160 pounds?
07:28 Okay, we all in agreement. Okay.
07:29 And that's how much I weigh.
07:31 Really? Wow.
07:32 Let's see what we got. All right.
07:33 So here we've got our ball right here.
07:35 Okay, who's running? Amanda, are you ready?
07:36 Well, we got our ball, right?
07:37 And let's see.
07:39 Now, let's see, I might need help pulling it down.
07:40 Okay. Are you ready?
07:42 I'm ready. Okay.
07:43 All right. Let's pull this down.
07:45 There we go.
07:46 Oh, boy, that's really tough. That is heavy.
07:47 Okay. All right, here we go.
07:49 All right. All right.
07:50 I got it. I have it.
07:51 Are we ready?
07:53 Are we ready?
07:54 All right. Three, two, one countdown.
07:56 Here we go. Let's go.
07:57 Three, two, one, go!
08:03 All right. It bounced over her head.
08:04 That is awesome.
08:06 It bounced over her head.
08:07 Now, hey, I wanna ask you a question.
08:09 Did you notice something interesting?
08:11 When that went off,
08:12 when that arm swung out like this,
08:14 what did this whole bottom do?
08:16 What did it do?
08:18 Did it move back and forth? Yes.
08:19 It went way over there.
08:20 We started right here
08:22 and you know, it went that way
08:23 because it absorbed all of that energy.
08:24 It took some of that energy.
08:26 And if we didn't have this on wheels,
08:28 you know what it would do?
08:30 It would throw the ball
08:31 and the whole thing would fall over.
08:33 We wouldn't want that. Hey, thanks.
08:35 Wow. That went far, didn't it?
08:37 So in order for us to get the, get this ball to go further,
08:40 or maybe even faster, or maybe even higher,
08:43 we had to ask for something.
08:44 What did you ask for?
08:46 More weight. More weights.
08:47 That's right. Now, that's interesting.
08:49 You know, have you ever asked for things?
08:52 You know, do you think that God wants us to ask for stuff?
08:56 I think so.
08:58 What, does He want us to ask for, do you think?
09:01 What does God wanna ask...
09:03 What do you wanna ask God for?
09:04 You've never asked God for anything?
09:06 You know, there's somebody in the Bible.
09:07 I have.
09:09 There's somebody in the Bible called Jabez
09:10 and we call it the Jabez prayer, right?
09:13 And Jabez he prayed and he said,
09:15 Lord, he says, I want You to bless me indeed.
09:19 Indeed, he want God's blessing.
09:22 Do you want God's blessing? Yes.
09:24 I want God's blessing too.
09:26 Lodge my territory. That's right.
09:28 Sometimes we don't receive because we just don't what?
09:32 We just don't ask, isn't that cool?
09:35 And God is happy to supply us what we want,
09:39 if it's according to His will.
09:41 Isn't that awesome? It is.
09:43 Wow. So what do we call this?
09:46 Remember?
09:47 Yeah, yeah.
09:50 Trebuchet.
09:51 Trebuchet. That's exactly right.
09:53 And it's a mechanical arm.
09:54 There's a lot of leverage, a lot of leverage with that.
09:57 That's pretty cool, isn't it?
09:58 Hey, thanks for running after this ball.
10:00 Well, can you think of anything else?
10:02 Well, I'm just amazed because yes,
10:04 we have to ask for things.
10:06 And sometimes, you know,
10:07 how many of you have ever asked for something in prayer?
10:11 I remember asking for a cat the longest time.
10:13 Did you ever pray for a cat?
10:15 Yes. No.
10:16 I prayed for a cat
10:18 and sometimes I notice that
10:19 God hears the prayers of you.
10:23 Have you ever had a prayer that was answered?
10:25 Yes.
10:27 You'll be willing to share a prayer
10:28 that God has answered for you?
10:29 Yes. Go ahead, William. One time I was...
10:32 I went on vacation.
10:33 I went in the pool and then my oldest brother,
10:37 he threw my goggles and then they went under water.
10:41 I prayed that I could find the inside piece.
10:44 I started praying.
10:45 And then it's then
10:47 when I came around the other side,
10:49 I saw my goggle piece.
10:52 Oh, so God answered your prayer.
10:54 I love hearing stories.
10:56 Do you have a prayer like that?
10:57 All right. Any of you?
10:59 Yeah. You do, Jafet?
11:00 Whenever I was sick,
11:01 sometimes I've asked Him to heal me and He did.
11:04 Yes.
11:05 The next day I was feeling great.
11:06 Do you know that God hears everything
11:09 and we just need to ask Him.
11:10 And sometimes we do wanna ask Him to help you
11:12 with maybe a test.
11:14 Have any of you taken tests yet?
11:15 Have you taken a test yet?
11:17 Like a math test or something? Only...
11:18 Two times? Five times.
11:20 Not too many times.
11:21 Sometimes we need to ask for God.
11:23 Now we have to do our very best,
11:25 like we had to work a little bit, right?
11:27 We had to work a little bit with this arm
11:29 and we had to constantly like hold on to it
11:33 and hold on to God's Word.
11:34 But then what happens later?
11:36 Let God. Okay.
11:38 We let God take care of it.
11:39 We do what we can.
11:41 And there's other times that
11:42 God has to just totally take control, right?
11:45 We have to have that prayer of Jabez that says,
11:48 "Please enlarge my territory."
11:50 Who wants to take tests running after a ball
11:53 and throwing the ball real quick?
11:54 Who wants to hurry up and throw a ball?
11:55 Who didn't get to run out?
11:57 You didn't get to run out.
11:58 Do you wanna throw it out or go get it?
12:00 Go get it, I guess.
12:01 You're gonna go get it. Who's gonna throw it?
12:03 Can I?
12:05 Go ahead?
12:07 Colton, come over here and start.
12:08 Are we ready to count?
12:11 All right.
12:12 All right. Three, two, one.
12:17 Oh, you threw it pretty far like that 10 pound line.
12:19 All right. He's gonna get it.
12:21 Who's gonna throw out.
12:22 You wanna try that? Yes.
12:24 All right. Let's try.
12:25 I wanna see what happens.
12:26 Come running, come running, running.
12:29 All right.
12:30 We might need two of you running out
12:32 or you're gonna throw it.
12:33 I'm gonna go out. Was that fun?
12:34 Yes. Thank you.
12:36 Let's head back.
12:37 Yeah, thank you, Professor Roy.
12:39 All right. I say thank you.
12:40 Let's go.
12:41 That was so much fun, didn't you enjoy that?
12:43 Yeah. That was wild.
12:46 So what was that called, William.
12:48 Do you remember what it was called?
12:49 A trebuchet.
12:50 A trebuchet. Good job.
12:52 That was wonderful.
12:54 Now that trebuchet wasn't always used for something good
12:57 like we did today going far out.
13:00 It was used for something else.
13:01 Can you tell us a little bit about it?
13:03 Yeah. They wanted to break in a castle or a wall.
13:05 It could break down a door or a huge gate,
13:08 or sometimes they would take an animal
13:10 or something that was diseased
13:11 and throw it over a wall and make everybody sick.
13:14 No, I haven't heard an animal before,
13:16 but I have heard about fire.
13:18 Ooh, yeah fire.
13:19 And that caused a lot of destruction in that time.
13:21 And like the 16th century, is that about right?
13:23 Absolutely. I think so.
13:25 But whatever it was evil,
13:27 God can turn things around if we let Him,
13:29 if we pray for Him.
13:31 And that reminds me of a prayer
13:32 that is in 1 Chronicles 4:10.
13:36 And it says about...
13:37 Talks about Jabez having a prayer.
13:40 Do you know what he prayed?
13:42 Do you know what he prayed?
13:43 He said, "Please enlarge my..."
13:45 Territory. "Territory." You're right.
13:47 He wanted God to just help him grow.
13:50 Do we want Jesus to grow in our hearts?
13:52 Yes.
13:53 So that we can grow to be more like Him.
13:55 I really hope that we can do that.
13:58 And I'm so excited that we have this opportunity.
14:00 Thank you for bringing that trebuchet.
14:02 I really enjoyed that.
14:03 That was fun. Yes.
14:05 We can see God's creation all around us
14:08 because creation is?
14:09 Science.


Revised 2021-05-13