Participants: Jeremy Dixon
Series Code: CKT
Program Code: CKT000033A
00:20 Welcome to Cook 30.
00:22 I'm Jeremy Dixon from the Revive Cafes 00:24 in Auckland, New Zealand 00:26 and also author of the Revive Cafe Cook books 00:28 and today, 00:30 I'm gonna share with you some delicious healthy meals 00:32 you can cook at home. 00:33 Cook 30 food is all about using a whole grains, 00:36 plant based proteins. 00:38 We're gonna be using fresh fruit and vegetables 00:40 and wrapping it all together 00:42 with lots of international herbs and spices 00:46 and the best part, 00:47 you can do it at home in just 30 minutes. 00:52 On the menu today, 00:53 we have some unique international dishes. 00:56 We have Okonomiyaki, 00:58 which is a delicious Japanese pancake. 01:01 We have Russian Olivier Potato salad 01:04 with cashew and lemon aioli, 01:07 Hungarian Beetroot and Lentil Borsch 01:10 and to finish off, a refreshing citrus water. 01:17 So preparing a meal for your family in 30 minutes 01:18 doesn't just happen by accident. 01:20 You gotta plan in advance, 01:22 make sure you got all the ingredients you need 01:23 available in your pantry and fridge. 01:26 Start with a clear workspace, 01:28 nice big chopping board, sharp knife. 01:31 We've got our pans and pots on the stove, 01:33 ready to go. 01:34 And we have water boiled 01:36 to speed up the process as well. 01:38 So let's crack into it. 01:40 First job, we're gonna start with the borsch, 01:41 so I'm gonna turn the heat on my pan here 01:45 and we're gonna start with some onion. 01:49 And this is kind of a Hungarian dish, 01:52 was shared with me by my chef who is Hungarian 01:55 and this is something they have... 01:56 It's all over Eastern Europe. 01:59 And it's just a lovely red 02:01 lentil, lentily, beetrooty vegetably type dish. 02:05 But to get it started, we wanna have some 02:07 nice sweetness coming through. 02:09 So nothing like a good onion 02:11 chopped up... 02:15 So we're gonna throw in tablespoon of oil... 02:21 put the onion in. 02:26 I'll just turn it up a bit, 02:28 so you wanna make sure that the onion is cooked 02:32 and nice and brown and soft 02:33 before you add any liquid to it and it's gonna bring, 02:36 you gotta make sure you bring out that nice, 02:37 those nice sweet flavors to begin with. 02:40 Gonna put some garlic in, 02:42 so we go with three cloves of garlic 02:47 and just put your garlic, 02:50 skin and all, into the garlic press. 02:52 You got a cook this and you squeeze it in like that. 03:03 And one of the special seeds 03:04 we're gonna use now is fennelseeds, 03:05 one of my favorite seeds. 03:07 So we're gonna be putting in around about two tablespoons. 03:11 And these just have just a lovely burst of flavor, 03:15 that will just add really, 03:16 a just a nice flavor to this dish. 03:19 So mix those around there, 03:22 turn the heat down a little bit, 03:23 we don't want it to burn. 03:25 We want it to saute nicely. 03:26 Whoa, those onions are really strong. 03:30 You can just smell the fragrance of that seed 03:32 coming through really, really nicely. 03:35 Next job, we're gonna be doing the Russian potato salad. 03:38 And we need to be cooking potatoes, 03:40 boiling potatoes, so, we just put this gas on here. 03:45 Get the pot up to temperature before we start the cooking, 03:47 it's gonna save time. 03:49 And we're gonna fill this with boiled water, 03:53 that was boiled not long ago. 03:56 So these little time saving tricks make a big difference. 03:59 Thinking ahead, 04:00 whenever you're cooking really, really helps 04:01 with what's coming out, 04:03 what I'm gonna need to be doing? 04:04 Doing it in advance, remember to boil the water 04:06 and put the pot on in five minutes time. 04:07 That's another five minutes, 04:09 that's gonna add to the time of the meal. 04:11 So we're just gonna dice these. 04:13 And we're gonna dice some, relatively thinly. 04:18 So it's kind of the style of the salad, 04:19 so probably around about, 04:22 well, it's at about a centimeter, 04:23 just under a centimeter, which is about half an inch, 04:26 so gonna dice these up. 04:29 And you can use any kind of potato you want, 04:30 this is kind of a bit of a starchy potato. 04:33 You can get more flary or waxy potatoes. 04:35 So we're just gonna chop them up, 04:40 we want around about four cups of potato. 04:47 one cup potato this size. 04:54 And putting these in as well, 05:02 so a lots of potatoes there, 05:04 so turn up nice and high, that will start boiling soon. 05:07 And that'll probably take around about 10, 05:09 maybe 15 minutes at most to come to the boil 05:12 and be cooked. 05:14 You wanna make sure they're soft 05:15 enough to go on a plate of salad 05:17 but not cooked further, 05:18 all mushy and falling apart everywhere, 05:20 so you've got to really check them. 05:22 Okay, back to the borsch, how's this going? 05:25 So the onions are nice and it's getting soft there, 05:28 it's pretty much, almost ready to go I think, 05:30 so we're gonna start firing in some more ingredients. 05:32 Now this uses a lot of great ingredients. 05:35 So because we've got a lot of great ingredients, 05:37 we're gonna use the friendly food processor. 05:39 So I've got a blade in here which is a grating blade, 05:43 so on one side there's a fine attachment, 05:45 that side there's a coarse attachment, 05:48 so these are really, really good to use. 05:50 So I'm gonna use the fine attachment, 05:53 you can use a normal hand grate if you don't have one 05:55 but this will save lots and lots of time. 05:58 So all up, we probably want around about 06:00 two to three cups of each vegetable. 06:02 So we want to grate some carrots. 06:07 We're gonna be grating some beetroot, 06:08 so we just prep all the ingredients first, 06:11 just cut off the bits that we don't want. 06:15 It's probably the first place to start 06:17 all this skin here will be fine, 06:18 it's also been washed and it's all nice 06:20 and gives a nice earthy flavor. 06:22 So you don't need to have to peel things 06:24 if you don't need to, just grab some potato. 06:29 Put down here and we'll just cut in half, 06:32 so I can put it through. 06:34 By grating it, it really makes 06:36 the cooking process go lot faster, 06:38 so we just give this a quick stir, 06:40 don't let it burn, Jeremy. 06:43 And put this on and we're gonna feed it through. 06:50 Look how fast that is. 06:53 But my cafes, they've actually got a mega size 06:56 one of these and we produce all the coleslaw and salads 06:59 using machinery and it just saves so much time 07:03 but the good common food processor is really good 07:05 for household use. 07:07 To sift up, put those through the other slots, 07:10 pushing through, 07:18 let me do another cup, another carrot. 07:27 Look at that, 07:28 I think I gotta pull the lid off for this one 07:36 and in here, 07:37 we'll take the blade out and a few naughty carrots 07:40 and beetroots didn't wanted to be grated. 07:43 And we've got this beautiful 07:46 carrot and beetroot 07:50 and potato mixture. 07:53 Here it is, 07:55 it will become a lovely borsch, 07:58 just take these big chunks out. 08:06 That's a really intensive vegetable mix, this one, 08:11 and this will shrink down and kind of becomes smaller 08:14 as the dish goes on. 08:18 Now let's add some other ingredients, 08:21 so I'm gonna add a little bit of chilli, 08:22 just to give a little bit of extra something, 08:24 so I'm gonna add about a tablespoon 08:25 of this chilli paste. 08:27 You could use fresh chillies or if you don't want chilli, 08:28 just leave it out but just a little bit of extra heat, 08:31 just goes nice here with this dish. 08:33 Just gonna add a teaspoon of salt 08:40 and some lentils, 08:41 so we've got some canned lentils 08:42 which are really handy. 08:44 You could add lentils, 08:45 if you want some dry lentils 08:46 and cook it for longer and add more water. 08:48 But there's nothing like 08:49 a canned products to help it along. 08:51 So it's any kind of lentils whatever, 08:53 these are brown lentils 08:55 but whatever style of lentils 08:59 you like the best, 09:01 add some brown lentils 09:02 and we're gonna add some more water. 09:04 So probably gonna add about another, 09:06 about four cups of water 09:10 and this will just help these vegetables cook. 09:15 So the next 20 minutes or so, all these flavors 09:18 or just everything will just reduce down, 09:20 all the vegetables will be cooked and all these, 09:22 everything will just mingle nicely into a lovely, 09:25 this lovely borsch. 09:26 Now you can, I think as a soup 09:29 but at Revive we actually serve it 09:32 as hot puddle, some type of rice, 09:33 so it's a very versatile dish, whatever you want, 09:36 so leave it out there cooking 09:37 and just turn it down a little bit. 09:40 So those are just gonna be, 09:42 just be bubbling and not burning, 09:43 potatoes are boiling, 09:45 so we'll turn those down 09:46 and that will just keep merely 09:48 going there, we good start on the meal. 09:54 This Japanese pancake, Okonomiyaki, 09:57 is really fun to make and Okonomi means, 09:59 what you want or what you like. 10:01 So you can kind of change the ingredients, 10:02 to suit what you ever want, 10:04 it's a really nice savory pancake. 10:05 So we're gonna start making the batter. 10:07 My favorite flour is chickpea or garbanzo bean flour 10:11 and we're gonna be using half a cup of this, 10:16 measure that out, 10:18 half a cup, 10:20 come on, stuck in there, 10:24 when you're doing kind of baking stuff, 10:25 this is good to measure things out. 10:28 And half a cup of water 10:31 but when you mix in these kind of things, 10:33 you kind of wanna just throw 10:34 in just a little bit of water first, 10:36 just to get a paste going and then put in 10:38 the rest of the water, 10:40 I mean, it minimize the chance of having 10:41 a really lumpy mixture. 10:43 So just add the water slowly, 10:46 get it to be a nice kind of pasty mix. 10:53 And then mix in all the water. 11:00 And mix it around, 11:03 guys, pause there. 11:12 Okay, un-pause, so it's a nice batter, 11:15 we're gonna a little bit of salt, 11:18 so a quarter teaspoon of salt 11:21 and we're gonna add about a half a tablespoon of ginger. 11:25 Just to give it a bit of a different taste 11:29 and we'll stir that in as well 11:31 and that's the batter for the pancake, 11:33 simple as that. 11:34 So now what we wanna do is make the vegetable section. 11:40 So I've just got some, some different ingredients here 11:43 and it's actually quite a nice slice, 11:45 using nice little kind of slices, 11:46 so we're gonna make matchsticks out of this carrot. 11:49 This is a really cool way of making matchsticks, 11:50 so cut some long oval shapes. 11:55 And then just basically go through it, 11:58 like this and like matchsticks, 12:00 how easy is that. 12:03 Obviously, it's not for easy if you've got a blunt knife, 12:05 so make sure you have a good sharp knife. 12:08 So this is our first ingredient. 12:10 You don't have too much stuff, 12:12 you need to end up probably three cups, 12:15 gonna put in some spring onions 12:16 and we're gonna chop these up really finely. 12:26 The second ingredient, 12:27 gonna put some onions in 12:31 and again so these cook quickly, 12:32 I'm just gonna dice these, 12:34 so just cut them into half moons 12:43 and then cut through like that. 12:50 And we'll probably use that that much of those 12:53 preserve those for later. 12:55 For some cabbage, 12:56 cabbage is an essential ingredient 12:58 and this will kind of cook down. 12:59 So we're just going to again cut into slices 13:03 and try and keep there a little bit. 13:11 And then turn it around and just kind of, 13:15 so you kind of get little kind of bits like that roughly, 13:20 I mean, nothing is ever gonna be exact. 13:23 And mushrooms, I love mushrooms, 13:25 if you're a mushroom hater, my dear wife is, 13:28 you can leave these out. 13:30 So we're just going to slice these 13:39 just like that. 13:43 I think it's whole ingredients. 13:47 So I put these in here 13:51 and we're gonna stir it up. 13:55 And we've got a batter now before that 13:57 I'll have this pan heated up. 13:59 Thinking of heat, like I taught it to you before, 14:01 so put that on high, 14:03 so the pans are ready and hot, when you wanna go 14:06 and make these lovely pancakes. 14:25 Add just a little bit of more water there, just to kind of, 14:27 like it more of a batter. 14:33 This will hopefully all together 14:35 stick together nicely. 14:38 So, yep, it's becoming warm. 14:40 Just a little bit of oil, we're not deep frying, 14:42 so just a touch 14:45 and we just kind of spoon 14:48 this lovely mixture into the pan, 14:57 just like that. 15:05 Starting to sizzle, 15:11 just press it down so it's kind of all firm. 15:14 And those ingredients will start to get smaller 15:15 as they start cooking 15:17 and we'll end up with a pancake at the end. 15:20 So we'll come back to that a little later. 15:25 If you just joined us on Cook 30, 15:27 we are cooking some unique international dishes today. 15:31 We have Okonomiyaki, a Japanese pancake, 15:35 with a Russian Olivier Salad with cashew and Lemon Aioli, 15:40 a Hungarian Beetroot and Lentil Borsch 15:42 and to finish it off, 15:44 a refreshing citrus water. 15:47 So it's time to make the potato salad. 15:49 Let's see how these potatoes are going 15:53 and I think that around, 15:55 They're done, you want to make sure they're soft, 15:57 better turn the gas off 15:59 and just kind of stab them with the knife and, 16:03 yep, they just stab easily and basically, 16:04 they're still together 16:06 but they're soft and it's kind of the texture 16:08 you want, you don't want them kind of flaking off. 16:10 So having good consistent potatoes is really important. 16:13 So gonna drain them through a colander 16:16 and we wanna make sure we get 16:17 as much as the water out as possible. 16:22 We don't want, generally don't want water in salad, 16:24 so try and shake as much hard as you can. 16:34 And we're gonna make salad in the dish 16:36 we're gonna serve it in, two...three... 16:41 It's pretty better enough I think, 16:42 Don't want to make tight, it's probably 16:44 about three to four cups, here we go. 16:46 Just check you haven't made too many potatoes 16:48 and we're just gonna throw 16:49 in lots of other yummy ingredients. 16:51 Now this salad is a Russian favourite, 16:55 and basically it's something if you go to every Russian's house 16:57 on New Year's Eve, 16:59 you will have the salad most likely. 17:01 And actually got a really interesting story, 17:03 we'll just add some peas. 17:07 And basically in the 1860's, this chef called Olivier, 17:12 he was a chef at the most popular 17:15 Moscow restaurants, The Hermitage. 17:21 And here this was a salad that people came from miles around 17:24 to eat and everyone loved it. 17:27 And no one knew the recipe, it was a very secret recipe, 17:30 until one day, his sidecook, chef, snuck in 17:34 and saw what the ingredients were 17:36 and went and worked for a competing restaurant 17:39 and suddenly a dish very similar 17:41 appeared on the menu. 17:43 Although most people say that it wasn't quite 17:45 as good as the original. 17:46 So this salad's got a very, very interesting history. 17:50 And it selled pretty much, 17:52 started off including things like crayfish tails 17:54 and a lot of meat and things 17:56 but over the years it's evolved to become a salad that's, 17:59 much some of what we have here, 18:00 potato salad with a really nice dressing 18:02 and lots of other interesting bits and pieces, 18:04 so it's a really nice salad to have. 18:06 So we're gonna use lots of individually small pieces here, 18:09 so we're dicing the carrots into fine dices like this. 18:14 So we've cut them into strips first. 18:19 Pop it in there. 18:21 Now these peas by the way don't need to be cooked though, 18:23 they'll frost in a couple of minutes 18:25 with those hot potatoes here, 18:28 put some carrot, gonna put some cucumber in, 18:32 well, a cucumber so, you wanna basically 18:35 cut things into strips like that. 18:40 And we cut into strips the other way. 18:43 So again having a sharp knife is really critical to have, 18:47 you know, a fast good cut, 18:48 so I recommend you go and get a good chef knife, 18:51 many people have a 10, $15 knives in there 18:55 and they draw that don't work 18:57 but all you need to buy is one probably good $150 knife 19:00 and it will last you all your life, 19:01 keep it sharp and it'll make cooking such a joy, 19:06 you can do great better cuts 19:07 and as much safer too 19:09 because you got least chance of a knife slipping off 19:12 and cutting you. 19:14 So cucumber... 19:18 Oop, going everywhere, 19:21 I'm gonna put some red onions, 19:22 this is half the red onion that we didn't use before. 19:35 And what's next? 19:37 And we've got some gherkins 19:40 so gonna chop some of these babies up. 19:42 So as you can see, 19:43 it's lots of very interesting flavors ingredients 19:46 and again you can just basically customize this 19:48 to be whatever kind of salad you want, 19:52 combination, 19:53 so just gonna have these guys 19:56 and just slice them like that. 20:08 And another ingredient which is quite nice, 20:10 and goes with gherkins is capers. 20:11 so just gonna drain them slightly first 20:16 but they're a little bit of very interesting 20:19 salty kind of an ingredient ahead. 20:22 That goes well with the salad. 20:24 Come on, you know you wanna come out, 20:26 here they go. 20:31 And we're gonna add a bit of dill, 20:33 which is a really nice kind of fresh herb 20:36 that goes nicely with the salad. 20:40 The thing that made the Olivier salad 20:41 originally very special was the dressing. 20:45 So I'm not sure what dressing they used, 20:46 now probably included some seafood 20:48 and other things like that. 20:49 something like a really nice healthy dressing 20:51 and this cashew lemon aioli is one that you will love. 20:56 So we're gonna start with 20:57 one and a half cups of cashew nuts, 21:03 we're gonna use some seeded mustard, 21:05 about one tablespoon. 21:08 We're gonna use two teaspoons of coriander, 21:14 we're gonna throw in some, 21:15 just a little bit of sweet chilli sauce, 21:17 just sort of heat, bit of an optional ingredient. 21:19 You transfer some fresh chillies if you wanted to, 21:23 about a quarter of a teaspoon of salt 21:26 and we're gonna put some lemon juice in as well. 21:29 A very important part 21:31 given that it's a lemon dressing 21:35 and we just squeeze these out. 21:39 Lemons are really good ingredient 21:41 for a pretty much every dressing, 21:44 often dressings have vinegar in them 21:45 but lemons are far healthier, one neutral option to use. 21:53 You know, just pour in there through my fingers 21:55 to catch the pips, a few pop on, 21:58 it's not the end of the world 21:59 'cause they'll be blended up and no one will notice. 22:05 I think this are the ingredients, 22:07 how about a water. 22:08 So you're probably wanna start off with 22:11 around about probably a cup of water. 22:16 And will keep blending. 22:31 Just look at that, 22:33 see it's nice and nice and thick, 22:35 probably a little too thick to be a dressing, 22:36 so we're gonna add just a little bit more water. 22:38 You have to adjust this every time you make it 22:41 and so also the cashews aren't quite blended yet. 22:46 You want to make sure you got 22:48 cashews and water blended into a creamy texture 22:51 rather than water and individual 22:52 little pieces of cashews, 22:54 so you kind of wanna blend it bit more. 22:57 If you got a blender that's not quite so high powered, 23:00 you can actually soak the cashews 23:03 overnight beforehand 23:04 and that'll help them soften up 23:06 and make it easy when they go on the blender so, 23:08 I guess it's looking about right. 23:09 So we just gonna pour this over there, look at that. 23:16 Now we're gonna reserve a little bit 23:17 to garnish the borsch later, 23:19 so don't use it all 23:20 and we're just gonna use our hands 23:22 and just lift it through, 23:24 this is the most fun part of making salads 23:26 as making stuff with the hands. 23:29 Everyday at my cafes, we basically make our salads, 23:32 my staff use gloves of course, 23:33 but we just place out these big bins 23:36 and we throw all the yummy ingredients in 23:38 and just tossing around with a nice dressing. 23:41 That's pretty much the way to make most salads so, 23:44 you just know that's gonna taste good, don't you? 23:46 That nice creamy texture, 23:48 it's just delicious, there we go. 23:51 And we'll garnish with a little bit of dill later 23:53 and then it's ready for the table. 24:00 Okay, we can finish off the borsch now. 24:02 So I've just got some coconut milk. 24:04 And we're just gonna pour this through, 24:06 probably need about half a can, 24:09 just look at that and there 24:14 and this will just give it a lovely kind of, 24:16 make it slightly pinker 24:18 and give it a lovely kind of creamy texture. 24:20 And a bit of garnish of cilantro with that 24:22 would just work wonderfully, 24:23 so that's pretty much finished 24:25 and you can have as a soup or as like a main course, 24:28 if you need more, try to make it more of 24:30 a soupy type thing. 24:31 Okay, this guy is looking pretty good, 24:33 you can press him down if you want to help him cook, 24:36 there flipping him can be troublesome. 24:38 So the easiest way just get a plate, put on top, 24:42 flip it over like that, 24:45 look at that and then slide it back into the pan. 24:48 So give that a few more minutes 24:50 and then we're gonna garnish that with some lovely, 24:52 some more of the left over cashew, aioli 24:55 and also some sweet chilli sauce as well, 24:56 so it garnishes up really well, 24:58 this is a really delicious pancake. 25:01 Okay, the drinks, so I've got some water here, 25:02 jug of normal water and we're gonna make it, 25:05 just a really nice citrus kind of infusion. 25:07 Look at this lovely red blood, blood great fruit, 25:11 it's just really beautiful. 25:12 So what we're gonna do is 25:14 we're gonna put in a half of the fruit, 25:15 we're gonna squeeze the juice in. 25:18 And we're gonna slice up the rest and put it in. 25:21 And we're gonna do the same thing later 25:22 with an orange and a lime, 25:24 I'll do that through the break 25:26 and add some ice cubes 25:27 and this will be a delicious refreshing citrus drink. |
Revised 2016-11-17