Cook 30

Indonesian Sadur Lodeh & Cauliflower Couscous

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeremy Dixon


Series Code: CKT

Program Code: CKT000044A

00:21 Welcome to Cook:30.
00:23 I'm Jeremy Dixon
00:24 from the Revive Cafes in Auckland, New Zealand
00:26 and also wrote the Revive Cafe cookbooks.
00:29 And today, I'm excited to be able to share with you
00:32 some delicious cafe style meals that you can cook at home.
00:36 Cook:30 Food is all about using whole grains,
00:40 plant-based proteins, delicious fruits and vegetables
00:43 and we're wrapping them all up
00:45 with international flavors and herbs and spices.
00:49 And the best part,
00:50 you don't have to spend hours in the kitchen.
00:52 I'm gonna show you how you can make a delicious meal
00:54 for your family in just 30 minutes.
00:57 On the menu today,
00:59 we have an Indonesian Sayur Lodeh tofu curry.
01:03 We're gonna be serving on this fresh cauliflower
01:06 khus-khus with a raw cut almond
01:09 and fig salad.
01:11 And to finish, a wonderful sweet peach
01:14 and blueberry crumble.
01:17 So preparing a meal in a short time
01:18 doesn't happen by accident.
01:20 You're gonna make sure everything is well prepared.
01:22 Your bench is all clear and clean.
01:24 We've got the ingredients that we need.
01:26 Food processor is ready.
01:28 Boiled water in the jug, pot some pans on the stove
01:32 and the oven is pre-heated to 350 Fahrenheit
01:35 which is about 180 Celsius.
01:37 And we got a chopping board, and a sharp knife,
01:40 great attitude and ready to cook.
01:43 So we wanna start with the things
01:44 that are gonna take a longest.
01:46 So we've gotta really nice curry.
01:48 And one of the great ingredients in this curry
01:50 is pumpkin or butternut which really kind of melts
01:53 and gives a nice flavor.
01:54 So we're gonna start by getting us underway.
01:57 I've got a butternut pumpkin here.
01:58 This half has seeds in it, so we gonna put this away
02:01 and use them in something else later.
02:02 And we gonna use this in here,
02:04 just for ease of cooking.
02:06 So we just gonna put into cubes.
02:08 I'm gonna make this relatively small
02:10 so they cook quickly,
02:12 probably around about a centimeter
02:14 or half an inch thick.
02:16 And I'm just gonna roast these.
02:19 So just cut them into rings like this...
02:25 and into little dices.
02:30 We wanna put some baking paper
02:31 or parchment paper on the oven tray.
02:34 And this should really help to pin up later.
02:36 And just helps things
02:37 not sticking to the empty tray as well.
02:41 So put that here, put these guys on,
02:44 doesn't have to match exactly with the tray.
02:48 I'll cut these ones up as well.
02:51 Now if you notice, I haven't actually peeled this pumpkin
02:53 or butternut and the skin is relatively soft
02:56 when it's cooked and it saves us time
02:59 and it's full of nutrients.
03:00 So I'm not a big fan of unnecessarily peeling
03:03 or taking skin of vegetables.
03:05 So we're in last lot here.
03:09 So when you're chopping,
03:10 try to economize on all your cuts
03:12 and obviously you need a nice sharp knife
03:14 to be able to doing this kind of cuts.
03:17 It usually stays together and behaves like that.
03:23 Here we go.
03:24 So I'm just gonna spray a little bit of olive oil,
03:27 cooking oil on it.
03:28 it's just a great quick way of getting some oil on
03:30 without putting huge amounts of volume on.
03:32 So just, a little spray,
03:34 just probably equivalent of the couple of teaspoons.
03:37 You don't need to overspray it with deep fry.
03:41 That will take around about probably 15-20 minutes ish
03:45 to kind of get nice and soft so we can put it in the curry.
03:48 Speaking of watch, you better start that,
03:50 so I've got a pan here on the stove.
03:53 You can use any pot or anything you want
03:55 but I like these kind of nice low dish,
03:57 kind of a style cast on pans because they present very well.
04:00 You can cook in it
04:02 and you can use it on the table as well
04:03 where it saves dishes and lot of time.
04:05 So first ingredient for any curry is an onion.
04:07 We got this massive onion, huge.
04:09 Look at this one, it's massive.
04:11 So we'll cut this
04:13 and the good news is it takes about the same time
04:15 to cut up a big onion as it does a small onion.
04:19 So in my cafes we actually always specify large onions
04:22 because there is a lot less prep involved
04:25 to get the same amount of diced onion.
04:28 I'm just gonna slice these up, it's a good quick way.
04:33 There are more chefy ways of doing on onions
04:35 but I find this one just to be the simplest one.
04:38 Cut through here,
04:40 doesn't have to be exact or perfect.
04:43 So gonna put a little bit of oil in the pan,
04:47 just a couple of teaspoons nothing too drenching
04:51 and we'll just get that underway.
04:54 Nothing like that sizzle of some onions in a pan
04:58 so it kind of let you know the meal is underway.
05:01 So get that off in there.
05:04 So next ingredients we're gonna do
05:06 is we gonna add some ginger, which goes really well.
05:10 So two tablespoons of ginger...
05:13 One and two.
05:16 And you can use fresh ginger if you want
05:18 but I found these little cheaper ginger
05:19 quite adequate.
05:21 And we got some lemongrass paste
05:22 which is really nice as well.
05:24 Again you can buy some lemongrass
05:25 from the Asian shop or perhaps a supermarket.
05:30 But these pastes are really good as well.
05:31 So ginger and lemongrass
05:33 give us just a really look kind of nicest beautiful shades
05:36 of Asia come out.
05:38 Some garlic of course,
05:40 so we go with around about two large cloves,
05:43 or kind of five baby cloves here.
05:47 Easiest way to garlic is just keep your garlic press,
05:49 put it in the press and just squeeze it through.
05:53 Need a really good quality garlic press to do this.
05:57 And we just scrape it in.
06:01 Give a stir around. Wow, those are strong onions.
06:05 I started crying, you know, why.
06:08 You keep away from these guys.
06:12 So that just gives a really nice,
06:14 deeper kind of a base of flavor
06:16 that really kind of work well with the dish.
06:20 I know, this is a typical start to many of my dishes in a cafe.
06:23 Each day, we have what we call a two hot pots on the menu,
06:26 which are big kind of pots full of one dish,
06:32 stews or curries or that type of thing.
06:34 And they always usually start off
06:36 with kind of a mix like this
06:37 with onions and garlic and ginger.
06:39 So leave that going, it's going well.
06:41 And now, we're gonna do the dessert.
06:44 It's gonna take around about 15-20 minutes.
06:46 And this is really delicious.
06:49 So we're gonna do, we got peaches.
06:52 Can peaches and some applesauce.
06:55 You could choose pureed apples,
06:57 which is basically pureed apples
06:58 but any kind of soft apple that comes in the can
07:00 depending what's around.
07:02 So I'm just gonna drain these two cans of peaches.
07:05 You can use can of frozen peaches
07:08 you hit them as well.
07:09 So you just drain them,
07:11 get any excess moisture or any water out.
07:14 It should not be too much in these ones.
07:17 Now pour them into bottom of this dish
07:20 and this crumble is just so easy.
07:22 I mean, some people call these cobblers or crisps,
07:24 crumble, that kind of all the same thing.
07:27 Only a bit of moisture,
07:29 wanna add some frozen blueberries.
07:35 This gives it a lovely color.
07:37 So round about blueberries, what's that,
07:43 probably around about two cups.
07:46 Some try to escape.
07:52 Now, we'll drizzle this applesauce over the top.
07:56 So it's just a good alternative of using canned apples
07:59 because it's all soft
08:00 and can just cook really quickly
08:02 whereas if you use whole apples can sometimes
08:05 take quite a while to cook.
08:07 So just a kind of nice quick kind of alternative
08:10 so just kind of give it a...
08:12 kind of seek through there, so through.
08:17 And to finish it off with some nice,
08:20 get some kind of natural granola or Muesli,
08:23 preferably one that's not too kind of highly sugared.
08:27 So you have good ones around.
08:30 So just pour it over the top,
08:32 cover everything nice and evenly.
08:35 Keep things rustic,
08:36 it doesn't have to be exactly perfectly leveled,
08:39 and so we'd just, here we go, probably around about,
08:42 probably about three cups.
08:44 Now these are whole lot. Here we go.
08:47 I'm gonna spray a light touch of some oil spray on top.
08:52 Just to assist of not burning.
08:55 So it goes straight into the oven
08:57 with the pumpkin or butternut.
09:01 That will take around probably 20 minutes ish
09:04 to kind of heat through and should hopefully be ready
09:07 by the time we get to serve the meal.
09:11 Now how the onions going, look at that.
09:12 Nice and soft.
09:15 Ready to come into the mix lot of ingredients.
09:19 So we gonna add some peanut butter.
09:24 I'm gonna be adding,
09:25 I'll make like a little mixture here.
09:27 So we're gonna add around about three course of cup
09:28 of peanut butter.
09:31 Those are lovely kind of a peanutty,
09:33 to start with we're using almond butter,
09:35 if you wanted to or any other butter,
09:37 but you wanted even tahini...
09:39 Take three quarters of a cup, that's about it.
09:42 And then, we're gonna put some near boiling
09:44 or hot water in.
09:46 So around about four cups,
09:48 so this should add up totally to four cups.
09:52 Here we go
09:55 and two tablespoons of honey, just a bit of sweetness
09:59 and just kind of mix
10:01 all the kind of the flavor ingredients in this one dish,
10:03 they kind of made or mix around,
10:05 nice and evenly.
10:07 I'm gonna add some Thai red curry paste.
10:11 Red curry paste and green curry paste
10:13 are excellent ingredient to keep in your pantry.
10:15 So we gonna put around about a tablespoon of that.
10:20 And we gonna put on the salt, half teaspoon of salt.
10:27 And just gonna mix this around.
10:30 It doesn't have to be fully mixed.
10:32 It will take quite a while to mix it
10:34 but we just gonna throw this in at once.
10:36 This gonna provide a really nice kind of a peanutty
10:39 kind of chilliesh kind of sauce,
10:41 so just a quick mix there.
10:43 I put everything in with the onions.
10:49 The peanut butter does look a little bit of stringy
10:51 at this stage.
10:53 But when they kind of cook through,
10:54 it mingles through it, it will go nice and creamy.
10:56 So don't be too concern
10:57 if it doesn't look finished at the stage.
11:00 So give a bit of a stir through, want just turn it up
11:03 so it comes back up to the boil.
11:07 And the next ingredient, we want three cups of cabbage.
11:10 So we got some nice white cabbage here.
11:13 Just pull some of the outer leaves
11:15 that are all dirty.
11:18 I'm just gonna just slice it like that.
11:22 And we're just gonna just slice it,
11:24 so we're just gonna just tiny slices,
11:26 kind of as fine as you can
11:28 but doesn't have to be too kind of coleslaw like.
11:32 Again when you're cutting,
11:34 make sure you're sliding your knife
11:35 nice through nice long cuts.
11:41 Don't just cut the finger.
11:42 And we'll just kind of goes through twice like this,
11:45 kind of stringy bit.
11:47 And this is round about three cups.
11:49 Doesn't need to be too accurate.
11:50 And this is gonna kind of cook with all that lovely, peanutty,
11:55 oniony, garlicky, gingery flavor.
11:59 So this is just gonna be quite a lovely base.
12:04 Look at that.
12:06 So this a traditional Indonesian dish.
12:10 I think traditionally you'll probably have it with chicken.
12:11 We're gonna be serving with tofu today.
12:13 And of course, I've kind of...
12:15 Well I enjoy taking the traditional dish
12:17 that has lots of healthy ingredients
12:18 and actually transforming
12:20 and kind of reviving it so to speak.
12:22 And just you're making different version
12:24 and they still taste really, really good.
12:25 You don't have to add lots of,
12:27 I mean dairy and meats and sea food
12:30 and start to make the dish taste good.
12:31 So it's kind of my greatest joy is transforming a dish.
12:35 You can smell that peanuts smells lovely.
12:38 So when that comes to boil, we turn it down.
12:40 We don't want to bubble too much.
12:41 We just want to kind of heat through nicely.
12:43 As you can see they're starting to thicken up already.
12:48 And that's a great start for a meal, we're underway.
12:54 If you've just join us on Cook:30,
12:56 we are making an Indonesian Sayur Lodeh tofu curry.
13:00 We're gonna be serving over cauliflower khus khus
13:04 with a delicious raw cut almond and fig salad.
13:07 And to finish, a lovely sweet peach and blueberry crumble.
13:13 Now this khus khus
13:14 is something you probably haven't made before
13:16 and but I give it a go.
13:17 It's really, really fun.
13:19 So normally you see this dish
13:20 and like a rice or wheat khus khus or something.
13:23 We're gonna make khus khus out of the common cauliflower.
13:27 So we just gonna process this,
13:30 get all the leaves off that we don't need.
13:33 And this is so easy, you'll be amazed.
13:36 You want to give this a go.
13:39 So just...
13:43 So just take all the other leaves
13:45 and bits out that you can't use.
13:47 So we want to use one half of the large cauliflower
13:51 or a whole small cauliflower.
13:53 So I assume this is probably a small cauliflower,
13:54 so we use all of this.
13:58 And we just got the S blade in there in the food processor,
14:03 so pick it up so we can get started
14:06 and pop it in there and we just gonna blend it.
14:11 Simple as that.
14:18 And as you can see in a very short time...
14:23 This is little bit of a mix around,
14:26 help around, few big bits in there.
14:29 That becomes really nice, fine, khus khusy style dish.
14:38 Okay, I think that's ready.
14:41 So as you can see we got lovely,
14:44 kind of nice fine,
14:45 kind of khus khusy texture there.
14:48 Now pull that blade out,
14:51 and we just gonna empty that in there.
14:57 You wanna make sure you don't over mix it
14:59 because it can go rather mushy so it only takes,
15:02 you know, probably 10-20 seconds mix,
15:04 depending on your food processor.
15:06 I mean look at that. They are just, just lovely.
15:09 Okay, we're gonna add some other ingredients,
15:10 gonna add a little bit of turmeric,
15:12 just to get a little bit of color,
15:13 just a little bit of yellowness happening.
15:16 So put about quarter of a teaspoon.
15:20 I'm gonna add some lemon,
15:24 just to give a little bit extra zing.
15:28 Just squeeze it through my fingers.
15:32 And the main thing
15:33 that's gonna make this really nice is some herbs.
15:40 So we've got some fresh Italian parsley
15:43 and some mint as well.
15:45 And I keep my herbs in the fridge
15:47 in a wet paper towel, it helps some become nice
15:49 and keeps them nice and moist and fresh.
15:52 So I'm just gonna chop this up relatively finely,
15:58 and roughly, the mint as well.
16:02 Mint, hmm, smells amazing, my favorite herb, mint.
16:06 It just gives us some greenness and some freshness
16:08 and some color...
16:14 and just a touch of olive oil.
16:19 And I'm just gonna mix it with the hands
16:20 just like mix it through.
16:27 And this is just a lovely alternative
16:28 of using rice with khus khus.
16:32 See we might have to mix it so it doesn't go too clumpy.
16:36 I'll just add just a little bit more turmeric.
16:42 Just to make it a bit more yellowy.
16:45 Here we go. Oh, bit of salt as well.
16:48 Probably around about quarter to half teaspoon of salt.
16:56 So as you see, it's something really different
16:58 to have underneath the curry.
17:03 So I'm gonna serve it on this here.
17:06 Just drop and when you're putting things on plate,
17:08 just make sure you let the gravity do the work.
17:10 Sprinkle it on to a kind of throw it on
17:13 or smooth it out, just a bit of sprinkle like that.
17:19 And from a distance,
17:20 it actually looks like khus khus.
17:22 It is a great, healthy, fresh alternative.
17:27 Here we go. Another job done.
17:31 Just give my hands a quick wash.
17:35 And now, we have another easy salad.
17:38 Just wash the board
17:43 and this one here is even easier.
17:48 No, that was a salad, that's actually a side dish
17:50 but it could be a salad, I suppose.
17:52 A mint left off there.
17:54 And this is just simply using some,
17:56 just these ingredients here.
17:59 So I've got some,
18:00 got some really nice packets of these fresh lettuce
18:02 from the supermarkets.
18:04 This is a kind of a regular and spinach
18:06 which is rocket mix.
18:08 They just come like that and they do me pretty good.
18:10 They usually come a little bit dry
18:11 so just a little bit of water just on it,
18:15 like about a tablespoon,
18:17 just to give a little bit of extra zing.
18:20 This is kind of wakes the herbs up nicely
18:22 so we just put that in a bowl.
18:25 So it's probably around about two to three cups.
18:27 So you can use, this is spinach and raw cut,
18:29 but you could use any kind of combination,
18:31 you want this baby salad greens,
18:32 there's lots of other ones you can use.
18:35 And just simply, throw some walnuts on top,
18:40 some almonds...
18:46 and the main ingredient, this is actually figs.
18:49 If you get dried or fresh figs that's even better
18:51 which is probably very difficult, but...
18:55 It needs a knife I think, but dry figs are fine as well.
18:59 And it just come like this.
19:03 We just gonna slice them
19:04 and inside they got this really beautiful texture.
19:07 As you can see they got these lovely seeds,
19:09 so just gonna slice them in half,
19:11 just to expose the lovely texture,
19:13 if that big you can probably cut in a few times,
19:18 just a lovely sweet addition.
19:22 Some on the end can be quite hard
19:24 but these ones certainly don't look too bad,
19:26 so you may wanna chop a little quickly ends off,
19:29 but then, we want these ones on this occasion.
19:34 Just gonna go through them all.
19:37 So probably looking around about,
19:38 what's it, about a cup, cup and a half.
19:42 And again with the salads,
19:44 there's not real rules about quantities.
19:46 It just about lots of different colors and flavors.
19:52 Just to finish off, just another,
19:54 just a drizzle of...
19:55 We got another half lemon here,
19:57 just drizzle lemon juice, just throw it,
19:58 just to give a little bit of,
20:00 just little bit of tartness just to tell you, it's a salad.
20:06 And there is another very simple thing
20:08 that's ready for the table.
20:11 Okay, the curry, look at that. Isn't that come along nicely?
20:15 Smells lovely, if you love peanut butter,
20:17 you gonna love this dish.
20:20 So we're going to put final ingredients in.
20:22 And the first one is green beans.
20:24 So just wipe my hands a little bit.
20:27 So little bit of messy meal when it comes to hands.
20:31 So just gonna get some green beans
20:33 and the lovely, throw any other kind of, not that fresh.
20:37 Just line them up, we gonna use nice longness of the beans.
20:41 So we're not gonna chop them up into little bits
20:43 because that would kind of waste
20:44 the unique feature of beans.
20:46 We're just gonna just line them up
20:49 and just cut the ends off and I'm gonna throw them in.
20:53 We might have few more.
20:55 We usually want something fresh ingredient
20:58 in most dishes.
20:59 So it will take a couple of minutes,
21:01 just to warm up in the curry,
21:03 and tofu is a major ingredient.
21:07 This is a protein source
21:09 and that normally comes with a bit of water
21:10 so you want to drain that out.
21:13 And tofu has a reputation
21:14 for being very bland and boring.
21:17 But with that all these flavors
21:19 and peanutty gingerness in this curry
21:21 is gonna just make this tofu to really sink with flavor.
21:25 So this could be a great dish to try
21:27 if you need a tofu for example.
21:29 Don't be scared of it. Give things a try.
21:32 So we're just gonna chop it up into little cubes
21:34 probably one centimeter, half an inch thick.
21:37 I'm just gonna carefully put that in here.
21:40 This is firm tofu, extra firm, might be better,
21:43 but as long as you're gentle with it
21:45 and at the end it's gonna stay together reasonably clearly
21:48 in this kind of, that kind of shape.
21:51 And the finale ingredient
21:53 which makes curry amazing is pumpkin or butternut
21:57 depending on which country you're from.
22:00 And so we got this out of the oven
22:02 and to taste it,
22:03 you just kind of want to put your finger through
22:04 and you wanna make sure it's kind of soft like that.
22:06 This is just what we need to do.
22:08 And we just gonna spoon it unto here.
22:14 Because we got the baking paper or parchment paper,
22:17 it's gonna be easy clean up job
22:19 and least chance of sticking to the bottom.
22:23 Look at that.
22:26 And it's not as good
22:27 if you try to overcook your pumpkin
22:29 because it actually kind of breaks off into kind of...
22:32 little kind of mushy bits and kind of adds
22:34 to the texture of it as well.
22:36 And when you look at this ingredients,
22:38 you know, this is gonna be fantastically flavorsome dish.
22:42 So give everything a stir around
22:44 and just kind to make this authentic, Sayur Lodeh,
22:48 you're gonna probably not pronounce it correctly
22:49 but that's kind of here, it looks like it is.
22:52 Let's gonna add couple of tablespoons of coconut
22:56 and we're gonna add some coconut cream,
22:59 I'm gonna find my can opener.
23:02 Again I'm gonna use about half a cup of coconut cream,
23:05 we don't need much at all.
23:06 Just a bit of coconutty kind of flavor.
23:09 Just adds a bit of extra kind of creaminess to it.
23:13 And save a little bit of the coconut cream
23:15 for a bit of garnish when you serve it as well,
23:18 it's always nice drizzled on top.
23:23 Wonderful and to finish this off,
23:26 we'll just add some lovely fresh cilantro.
23:33 Just a kind of give it a garnish.
23:35 One thing I, I got a bit extra of time today
23:36 so what I want to do is share with use just on knife.
23:39 One of the best thing you can do
23:41 with the knife is actually have within the kitchen
23:42 is have a really sharp knife.
23:44 And most people in the kitchen have like...
23:46 where I first started had like, you know,
23:48 ten knives in the drawer,
23:50 you may have these two different knives.
23:52 They are probably five to ten dollar knives,
23:54 but if you go and straightaway buy one
23:57 really good chef's knife,
23:58 you want this probably around about 20 centimeters
24:01 or about eight inches
24:02 and you might pay 100 or 150 dollars for one
24:05 but that would last probably your whole life
24:07 of awesomely enjoyable cooking.
24:10 And to keep it sharp...
24:12 you wanna basically sharpen it.
24:13 And there's two things to it,
24:15 and you want to distinguish this,
24:17 this sharpening and this brightening.
24:19 So basically you can take any knife,
24:20 it's kind of that's not sharp, and you take it to a knife shop
24:23 and they'll grind the edge off
24:25 and give you a new edge on your knife,
24:27 that sharpening.
24:29 But in the kitchen at home, you're not sharpening,
24:30 you're just brightening the knife
24:32 and using something like a steel
24:34 where you actually just align the metal parts in it
24:36 to bring it back to sharpness.
24:39 And if you do this every time you cook,
24:41 you keep your knife nice and bright and sharp.
24:43 And if probably every two to three, may be four years,
24:46 you may need to go and get a kind of a knife shop
24:48 to give it a proper sharpen.
24:50 So to sharpen, you get a steel like this
24:51 and it's really, really easy, it's not too hard.
24:54 Just hold it up like this at 45 degrees
24:56 and you keep the steel still.
24:58 We don't move this path and what we do
25:00 is just swipe your knife down this side like this
25:03 and probably 20 times a day is all you need to do this.
25:07 Start off slow to the action.
25:09 Make sure you keep your fingers behind this
25:10 but incase your knife goes into here
25:12 and just a few licks,
25:15 perhaps 20 and that would just keep your knife
25:17 nice and bright.
25:19 That's what we need.
25:20 Once it loses its edge,
25:21 it may be hard to get it back using this type of technique.
25:23 You need to go to your knife shop
25:25 and get a really good edge put on them.
25:27 And my test to find out
25:28 if knife is actually working really well,
25:30 is the squash tomato test.
25:31 So basically get a tomato
25:33 and basically put the knife on top
25:35 and pull it through, using gravity do the work
25:39 and as you can see,
25:40 I'm not putting any pressure down
25:41 but that almost cuts the entire cherry tomato,
25:45 just with gravity.
25:47 So you now, you got a sharp knife
25:48 when you can do that.
25:49 And you really enjoy your cooking
25:51 when you're doing that.
25:53 So I think that meals are ready now.
25:54 The crumble will be ready in the oven
25:56 and we're ready to eat.


Revised 2016-09-29