Cook 30

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jeremy Dixon


Series Code: CKT

Program Code: CKT000048A

00:20 Welcome to Cook 30. I'm Jeremy Dixon from the Revived Cafes
00:25 in Auckland, New Zealand and also author of the Revived Cafe
00:28 cook books and today I'm going to show you some of my favorite
00:32 meals from my cafes that you can cook at home.
00:36 Cook 30 foods is all about using whole foods
00:39 that includes plant based proteins, whole grains,
00:43 fresh fruit and vegetables and wrapping them all together
00:46 with international flavors, herbs and spices. And the best
00:50 part it doesn't need to take hours in the kitchen.
00:53 I'm going to show you how you can make a delicious meal
00:56 for your family in just 30 minutes.
00:59 On the menu today we have French lentil ragout served on a potato
01:06 and butternut mash. We have an apple and fennel slaw
01:10 and a polenta and cherry tomato mingle. And to finish off
01:14 a great juice cocktail.
01:18 For making a meal in a short time doesn't happen by accident
01:22 It requires a lot of planning. But once you're in a routine
01:24 it becomes easy. We're gonna start with a nice clear bench
01:28 chopping board, sharp knife. Ingredients you need on the
01:32 counter. I've got pots on the stove, boiling water in the jug
01:37 great attitude and we're ready to go.
01:39 So first thing you want to do is to think ahead and think
01:42 what's going to take the longest to cook?
01:44 In this case the butternut and potato mash
01:47 we want to get that on straight away
01:49 So I want to get this pot fired up, with the gas
01:53 and pre-boiled water, this is nearly boiling, so it's hot
01:59 and ready to go. It takes probably round about 5 minutes
02:02 if you had to put cold water in that pot
02:05 And we're going to chop up two potatoes
02:08 We always get pre washed ones because they're much easier
02:12 And since we're going to mash them later you don't need to be
02:15 too careful. Just chop them nice and thin so they'll cook
02:22 in a relatively short time.
02:26 So when you're boiling potatoes it's much faster than roasting
02:29 so they'll probably take round about, probably 15 minutes
02:32 once the water gets hot.
02:37 This actually is a nice dish just with the potatoes
02:40 but just to add something extra special
02:42 I'm going to add butternut pumpkin as well
02:45 So I'm going to cut it in kinda two thirds there
02:49 This section has seeds which I'm going to use later
02:52 and this section doesn't which is really great
02:55 for fast cooking. So I'm going to peel it roughly
03:01 some of the peel off, because I'm mashing it. Sometimes I
03:05 would leave the peel on but because of the mash it's nice
03:07 to have it free from too much crunchy stuff.
03:11 Get rid of that. The pumpkin will take a lot quicker to cook
03:16 but it doesn't really matter because it's all gonna be
03:18 mashed up so we're not too concerned about if the pumpkin
03:21 is slightly over cooked and the potato is undercooked.
03:24 So cut big wedges like that, big strips and we're just gonna use
03:28 the knife and gonna slice through.
03:34 There we go. That's our first job underway
03:40 So I'll put the lid on which will have it cook a bit quicker
03:42 I have it on full gas and once it starts bubbling we'll turn it
03:45 down so it's simmering which is just bubbling.
03:48 Now the ragout. It's a lovely kind of Mediterranean vegetable
03:51 lentil stew that just tastes amazing. So first for any kind
03:55 of a stew is a nice onion just to get it going
03:59 and we'll put the gas on, get that heating up.
04:04 and we'll just chop it up
04:07 kind of into medium dices
04:13 and get the onion on
04:18 in just a little bit of oil
04:20 we're not deep frying, just a little splash
04:23 probably one or two teaspoons is all you need for that.
04:28 So don't go too heavy on the oil
04:31 and we're going to throw in some eggplant.
04:34 Or aubergine, depending on what country you come from
04:36 Just kind of take off the end bits.
04:41 And we're gonna chop this up. Now this will really reduce down
04:44 in size so don't be too worried that there's a huge volume here
04:49 Again, just chop it into, you want to dissect your vegetables
04:53 into nice controllable shapes
04:55 and it really speeds up all your chopping
04:58 And again when you're slicing like this you wanna have your
05:01 knife on the board and kind of rock it through the eggplant
05:06 like that except when it gets too high you can't do that
05:09 But we're slicing through not cutting down. See when you cut
05:12 down it doesn't work, we're slicing through and letting
05:15 the blade do the work.
05:19 So fry that in the pot as well
05:22 So this takes round about 20 minutes for it to become nice
05:26 and cooked down and all the flavors to come out
05:29 Again this is a job you want to do at the beginning of a meal
05:32 There's nothing worse when you are cooking a meal with
05:34 different components and you get to the time when you're
05:36 about to serve and you think Oh no, I forgot to put something
05:39 on half an hour ago, so always be thinking in the back of
05:42 your mind, what could I be putting on now to get the meal
05:44 done within half an hour could I wish that I'm doing now
05:48 so it's all about planning.
05:50 Cut some zucchini or courgettes
05:53 and we're just gonna chop them up, cube them up
05:56 again it's all going to become like mashy, lovely combination
06:02 so we're not concerned about anything too pretty
06:06 at all. And some red bell pepper or capsicum
06:12 Let's get rid of the seeds and the middle.
06:22 Should add a bit of color.
06:23 Actually capsicum or bell pepper has a lovely flavor when cooked
06:31 It adds a kind of traditional almost tomatoey kind of a
06:34 ingredient style to this dish.
06:38 Turns out the French dish does have these vegetables.
06:41 Look at that!
06:45 So I'll just turn the gas down so it's on low. We don't want
06:48 it to burn on the bottom. We just want the flavors, slowly
06:51 the moisture will disappear, the flavors will intensify and
06:54 kind of melt down to this lovely component
06:57 that will go with the lentils
06:58 I better put some garlic in. So let's get the garlic press
07:03 Easy ready to go, I've got 3 lovely big cloves here
07:07 Put them in the garlic press, oops he doesn't want to be
07:10 pressed. And squeeze them through like that
07:16 I'll bet it will join the bottom of the pan at some stage
07:18 so we don't need to mix it down too much.
07:21 I'm just going to add some mixed herbs. Just common
07:23 average mixed Italian seasoning just a combination of different
07:26 herbs. Just a teaspoon of this just to add a bit of extra
07:33 herbs and flavorings
07:38 and let that kind of set there make sure you come back to it
07:40 every couple minutes just to give it a stir so nothing
07:43 catches on the bottom. I'm using a cast iron pot today
07:46 which is really nice but you can use a non-stick fry pan or
07:49 just a normal pot. But the more nonstick it is the less oil
07:53 you need and the more fun the cooking is.
07:58 Oh mushrooms, can't forget the mushrooms. How did I forget that
08:02 My wife doesn't like mushrooms so she probably put them over
08:05 there so I'd forget them. Which is great when I go out with her
08:09 cause when she sees mushrooms in a dish I end up having to
08:11 share them with her which is great.
08:16 Again, these are going to melt down so don't be too concerned
08:19 about their shape. Just cut the big ones into 4 and the little
08:24 ones into 2 and they can join the party in the blue pot
08:33 Here we go. Making great progress
08:38 So now we're going to start on the salad
08:42 Fennel and apple slaw. I don't know if you've used fennel
08:46 before but it's a really lovely kind of a, almost an aniseedy
08:50 kind of a taste of a vegetable and it's going to make this
08:51 really lovely slaw that we're doing. And the slaw is kind of
08:55 what we call coleslaw. Slaw is kind of interchangeable
08:58 Let's clear the board a bit
09:01 It's always good to be nice and tidy.
09:04 So we're going to use the food processor
09:06 Now this has got a slicing blade on here
09:08 And with your food processor you probably find all these blades
09:11 in the back of the cupboard that you've probably never used
09:13 but really cool for making salads. So we've got a slicing
09:16 blade we're gonna start with
09:17 and we're going to take the fennel
09:20 we're gonna chop the end off
09:22 not going to use that. I'm gonna cut this off about here
09:26 I'm going to reserve a few of these stalky bits here just to
09:29 put on as garnish at the end. So I'll put those to the side
09:32 And we're just gonna start processing this.
09:35 So you just basically put it through and there you have
09:40 instantly some lovely shards of fennel which smells great.
09:44 We're just gonna add a big chunk of white cabbage
09:49 so I'll cut up to a size that can go in here
09:52 Oops the top isn't on, I better do that.
09:56 That's better.
09:59 I'm going to force it through here
10:07 Our next ingredient is apple
10:09 So I've got an apple, just cut the core out
10:17 The lovely sweet apple and the fennel, just the flavors go
10:20 together, lovely. Put it through there
10:26 Lovely, A little bit of red as the apple comes through
10:29 Our next ingredient is carrot
10:32 So I'm not a big believer in peeling vegetables if you don't
10:37 need to. These are in reasonable condition.
10:39 Give them a good chop off.
10:42 Ok let's change the blade. This is a slicing blade so you want
10:45 a grating blade for the carrots
10:47 I'll get rid of that one and put a grating blade in
10:49 be careful of the blades they're quite sharp
10:52 and put it back on again and put these carrots through
11:03 And there you have instant huge amounts of salad.
11:07 There's a few bits of carrot at the top but it's ok
11:10 I'm going to pour this straight into a bowl here and mix it
11:16 And it's like a dressing. I'm going to pour some of these
11:19 ingredients over. So I'm gonna pour some maple syrup over
11:24 Put about a tablespoon, gonna pour, squeeze some lemon juice
11:29 I'm just going to, sorry
11:33 oranges, orange juice. That's right.
11:35 Some orange juice. So we're going to squeeze this.
11:50 Pour it over there
11:54 Gonna put a little bit of olive oil
11:59 Little bit of salt
12:05 And just gonna grab a spoon and just mix it through
12:08 And as the apple and the fennel and the carrot just all go
12:15 together very nice, and the cabbage of course.
12:21 Look at that.
12:27 Lovely slices of apple
12:32 We can also add a little bit of baby spinach
12:34 just to give it some greenness
12:40 You can get it from the super market like this which is great
12:44 And some mint. I'm gonna chop this mint up.
12:52 So as you can see lots of lovely flavors in here
12:56 Looking fantastic
13:02 So basically plate this up on a nice platter
13:05 and probably put another nice drizzle of maple syrup on top
13:08 and the salad is finished.
13:14 If you've just joined us on Cook 30, we're cooking a
13:17 French Lentil Ragout and we're serving it over a lovely
13:21 potato and butternut mash
13:23 We have an apple and fennel slaw
13:25 and a polenta and cherry tomato mingle
13:29 and to finish off, a grape juice cocktail
13:32 So everything is going well as planned
13:35 So we're going to start with the polenta
13:37 and you can get polenta as a flour and use it in your
13:39 cooking or you can buy pre packaged in one of these things
13:42 It's precooked and a lovely little slab which is a lovely
13:45 size to use for our salad. So we're going to open this
13:48 there's a little bit of water in there and just cut off the wrap
13:52 We're just going to cut it into little cubes which we're then
13:56 going to fry. You can slice it like that and then we're just
14:01 gonna get the little slices cut down like that
14:07 and into cubes.
14:10 Same with this one. You'll need about half a pack of this one
14:14 we don't need huge amounts
14:17 I'm just going to grab this and put it into the pan
14:20 Better turn it on. And this will just cook up nicely
14:30 Going to add a little bit of olive oil.
14:33 Just to help it go around. Probably a couple teaspoons
14:37 Not too much and a little bit of salt just to help it
14:40 come along about half a teaspoon
14:45 Give it a bit of a stir, just a couple minutes, just kind of
14:49 have a nice flavor get slightly crispy, oops!
14:52 A little bit jumped into the ragout
14:54 and we'll get that underway
14:57 We're also going to add some asparagus to this
15:01 Just have a quick clean up of the board
15:05 And we're gonna add about this much of asparagus
15:09 we're gonna break off the ends
15:11 about this much. The ends are not nice, they're woody
15:17 If you just break it in half it snaps normally
15:19 where the woodiness is
15:22 here we go and we're just gonna cook this
15:26 these ones don't wanna play
15:29 we're gonna cut this into little strips like this
15:33 and give these guys a little bit of a fry up with the polenta
15:37 Just to add a bit of extra color.
15:41 Now we better do, what's coming up next? The ragout
15:44 This is looking lovely and soft
15:50 I'm going to start adding more ingredients. So we've got
15:52 some lentils here, some canned lentils. You can cook your
15:55 own lentils if you want. Just get them outta here
15:59 Two cans of lentils, round about three cups of cooked lentils
16:06 And we're going to make a little kind of sauce to go with it.
16:09 To thicken it up. Basically we've got a cup of cold water
16:13 It must be cold and we're going to use arrowroot, a really nice
16:17 thickening thing to use. You can also use corn flour as well
16:20 but I like arrowroot because it seems to work better
16:24 So you want round about 2 teaspoons.
16:28 We're gonna stir that around
16:30 until it dissolves which is quite quick. If you use hot
16:33 water to start with it will instantly become gelatin
16:36 which is kind of jelly like which you don't want
16:38 Just going to add soy sauce which will give it a lovely
16:40 dark color. So you want around two tablespoons of soy sauce
16:44 This obviously adds saltiness as well.
16:50 Now I'm going to add just a little bit of sweetness
16:52 just a bit of honey
16:58 Little bit of sweetness helps bring through, if you don't like
17:00 things sweet you can leave it out.
17:01 I'm going to pour it through into the ragout like that
17:09 And this will, if you look really closely, will start to
17:13 thicken up and provide a really nice thick texture.
17:18 So the arrowroot is great to add thickening to any kind of curry
17:21 or stew. It's a great ingredient to have on hand.
17:25 You can't thicken up stuff that is really, really runny
17:27 you can kind of tell it's being thickened but with this amount
17:32 with this kind of ingredient it works nicely.
17:36 So I'll turn up the heat a little bit.
17:38 and as soon as the arrowroot gets activated with the heat
17:41 it just thickens nicely.
17:45 Look at that. Smells good.
17:52 So that's essentially done. We'll garnish it with something
17:56 before we put it on the table.
17:59 It's looking great.
18:01 Now the polenta is coming nicely You can see it's bubbling away
18:06 And now I think we'll go on to the potato and pumpkin
18:09 which I think is looking reasonably ready
18:12 So we'll turn that off. I can tell that it's nice and
18:15 Just give it a bit of poke around. Yes, nice and
18:18 you can tell it's come apart
18:21 I'm just going to drain this
18:24 in a colander which I put in the sink already
18:35 Then I'm going to put it back in the pot and mash it in the
18:37 same pot. No sense in using a different pot
18:45 Just adds more dishes
18:48 And we're just gonna grab this potato masher
18:50 and just mash it like that
18:56 You don't want to mash it until it becomes a yellow color, you
18:59 still want to be able to see the difference between the potato
19:02 and the pumpkin, the butternut. So just a slight one
19:06 Just going to add round about half a cup of cashew milk here
19:10 Here's some amazing milks these days you can get
19:12 Oat milk, rice milk, soy milk, cashew milk, almond milk
19:16 walnut milk, hemp milk. It's just amazing. Again, we're just
19:20 going to mix it around
19:23 for a nice creamy kind of texture
19:25 Look at that
19:29 A little bit of salt, you want want about half a teaspoon
19:35 And I'll chop up some Italian parsley as well
19:41 We're going to chop this well and finely and mix it through
19:44 So there's no huge amount of flavors in this dish,
19:46 it's kind of a just the pumpkin and potato and milk and salt
19:51 and parsley kind of just do the job.
19:53 Note every dish has to be hugely flavored.
19:57 Let's give it another mix around
20:00 Like that.
20:04 Don't overmix it. I'm going to serve it on this nice white dish
20:14 Oops the ragout is heated up now I think.
20:18 I'll just give it another final stir around.
20:23 As you can see it's glistening with that lovely arrowroot
20:32 Lovely and shiny
20:34 So I'm going to pull this one to here. Just pour it in like this
20:43 Just let things fall naturally let gravity do the work
20:46 Oops, we can wipe it off later
20:48 And later we'll just add a little bit of parsley
20:51 before we serve just to make it better.
20:53 So the dish is effectively finished.
20:55 And it's a really nice base to serve it on.
20:56 So something like a ragout or a hotpot that you traditionally
20:59 serve on rice or couscous or even quinoa, it's really nice to
21:02 have something different like a nice pumpkin and potato mash
21:06 Okay these guys are going well look at that
21:11 The polenta is already pre cooked it doesn't need to cook
21:13 much, it just needs to brown and soak up a bit of oil and salt
21:20 So we're going to use a nice blue dish today for this
21:25 and to go with it we're going to use cherry tomatoes
21:27 so just pour those in there
21:32 If you can with tomatoes, cherry tomatoes are lovely because they
21:35 kind of hold their shape, they come in lovely colors,
21:40 orange and yellow and red these days. So make sure you have
21:42 lots of lovely different colors.
21:47 And this here, I'm just gonna pour it over there,
21:49 I'll just try a little bit
21:53 Mmm, not bad
21:55 It's a very, you know it's a corn taste it's polenta but it's
21:57 very mild not an offensive taste It's a very nice taste to have
22:01 Just gonna pour it over there
22:03 Turn off the gas. I'm just gonna stir it through
22:11 Like that and it's just a nice little mingle of polenta and
22:14 the asparagus and tomatoes. Just a nice little side dish
22:17 that's very simple to make and very, very quick.
22:24 This is a lovely cocktail mix I'm about to show you
22:27 So start with a carafe or jug full of some ice
22:29 and we're going to mingle together some lovely juices
22:32 So first there's some dark red grape juice
22:35 Just going to put some in there. Look at that.
22:40 And I'm going to add some pomegranate juice as well
22:44 And it's nice to have something that's kind of just fresh fruit
22:46 juice and not carbonated and full of unnatural sugars. These
22:49 are 100% fruit juices, there's no extra sugar in them, they're
22:52 just 100%. So make sure you buy juices like that.
22:55 I'm just going to add some sparkling mineral water
23:01 And this is just a lovely refreshing mix
23:03 By itself those grape juices are quite strong
23:08 I'm just going to poke in the top a little bit of mint
23:11 Just to give it a bit of color
23:14 And that will mingle around and become a really nice
23:19 kind of grape juice pomegranate mix which is really, really nice
23:22 People often ask me where I get my recipes from
23:25 You know I did my first cook book round about 5 years ago now
23:31 And I never thought I'd do more than one cook book. Now I've got
23:33 6 cook books. It's amazing. I don't know where the recipes
23:36 come from. But basically how I create a recipe is often I'll
23:41 just wander through my produce store and say, Hey there's quite
23:43 a nice vegetable and it kind of let's you start building from
23:46 there. So I start with one vegetable and kind of add things
23:48 on that go with it. So that's kind of one way I do it.
23:51 Often I like taking an unhealthy dish that people love
23:57 take out all the unnatural and unhealthy ingredients
24:00 sugar, white flour and chocolate and those type of things
24:03 and replace them with natural ingredients and come up with an
24:06 easy way to make them. That's one of the things I love doing
24:10 with great dishes so you can have the things you love
24:14 but your health is not going to suffer because of them
24:17 And over the years I've had probably about six years of
24:20 Revive in my Cafes and it's quite amazing. Every single chef
24:23 has added to the Revive style of cooking.
24:26 My first chef was very, very good at presentation and
24:29 colors and garnishing. My second chef was very good with
24:32 flavors and herbs. My third chef was really good with efficiency
24:35 and building and faster ways of doing things. My 4th chef was
24:39 really good at everything. So you know all my chefs have kinda
24:42 contributed to the Revive way of doing things. Originally,
24:45 I thought I might go to Chef School before I started Revive
24:50 but I ended up not going because when you go to Chef School
24:53 a lot of stuff you learn there is all about matching wines
24:56 putting as much sugar and fat and unhealthy stuff into meals
25:01 as you can. Lots of different cuts of meat, desserts, pastries
25:05 And I was like, well the point of a healthy cafe there is
25:07 actually not much stuff here that I can learn, I mean there's
25:10 still some great stuff you can learn in Chef School but I
25:13 really relied on learning from my chefs with limited amount of
25:16 healthy ingredients we have to create the Revive style of
25:20 food and that's kind of what comes through these shows
25:22 and through my cookbooks. Yes I suppose if you want to learn
25:24 to make dishes kind of pick them up from my cookbooks
25:27 try with some healthy start of different vegetables and you
25:30 kind of get underway and before long when you try new things
25:33 you come up with new tasty dishes.
25:36 So I think everything's pretty much done.
25:38 Better put a bit of cilantro as a garnish on to the ragout
25:43 So I've got some nice cilantro here. Always wrap your herbs
25:45 in a wet paper towel to keep them nice and fresh
25:49 And we've got the drink finished
25:51 Everything is ready for the table


Revised 2016-10-27