Carter Report, The

Who And What Is A Missionary?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001120

00:08 From Arcadia, California, the Carter Report Presents,
00:11 "The Living Word" around the world.
00:18 Today, we have some special,
00:20 special guest from the Solomon Islands.
00:23 Pastor and Mrs. Wayne Boehm,
00:26 Brady and also their other son Jacob.
00:31 You folks are gonna forget that,
00:33 didn't you? But I didn't.
00:36 These folks come originally from Australia
00:38 but the real missionaries working for God
00:43 in the Solomon Islands.
00:44 We were in the Solomon's few months ago,
00:47 and they we saw the power and the glory of God.
00:51 And they're going tell you the amazing story
00:55 and also what's happened since we left.
00:58 So, you gonna meet them real missionaries today
01:01 from the Solomon Islands.
01:04 I want to say to all the viewers today
01:05 who are watching this telecast.
01:08 How much I appreciate your magnificent support
01:12 that great campaign in Honiara
01:15 of the Solomon Islands
01:16 would never have happened without your support.
01:19 I wanna thank all the people in Australia
01:21 you roused to the occasion magnificently.
01:25 As well as my marvelous friends
01:27 across this great country of the United States of America
01:31 from Great Britain at around the world.
01:34 I want to say this to you.
01:37 If you would like to be on our mailing list
01:39 and there's no obligation, please write to me
01:44 at the addresses now appearing on the screen.
01:47 Post Office Box 1900 Thousand Oaks, California 91358,
01:52 and also to the address in Terrigal,
01:56 New South Wales, Australia.
01:58 I'd like you to become
02:00 one of my special friends and supporters
02:04 and the greatest work in all the world,
02:07 the preaching of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
02:11 Today, we have some really good music.
02:15 We have Christia and Joel, they're going to come now
02:20 and bring us some music
02:21 from the front of God.
02:23 Would you please welcome them today?
02:42 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
02:52 O what a foretaste of glory divine
03:02 Heir of salvation, purchase of God
03:12 Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.
03:22 This is my story, this is my song
03:31 Praising my Savior, all the day long
03:41 This is my story, this is my song
03:51 Praising my Savior, all the day long
04:06 Perfect submission, perfect delight
04:15 Visions of rapture now burst on my sight
04:25 Angels descending bring from above
04:35 Echoes of mercy, whispers of love
04:44 This is my story, this is my song
04:54 Praising my Savior, all the day long
05:04 This is my story, this is my song
05:13 Praising my Savior, all the day long.
05:28 Perfect submission, all is at rest
05:38 I in my Savior am happy and blest
05:47 Watching and waiting, looking above
05:57 Filled with His goodness, lost in His love
06:06 This is my story, this is my song
06:16 Praising my Savior, all the day long
06:26 This is my story, this is my song
06:35 Praising my Savior, all the day long all the day long
07:00 I give you today the warmest welcome.
07:03 My friends in Australia,
07:05 my friends across United States,
07:07 my friends in Great Britain, Russia
07:10 even Saudi Arabia, because I know you are watching.
07:13 So we wanna give you today
07:15 an extraordinary warm welcome.
07:19 Now folks, we have some dinky-di missionaries with us.
07:27 I want you to know, they're faired income
07:30 and they're true blue.
07:34 You folks no reactions from all you,
07:36 you folks sitting here, haven't got a clue
07:39 what I am talking about.
07:40 But I can tell you the folks in Sydney know
07:42 what I am talking about.
07:45 We have Pastor and Mrs. Wayne Boehm
07:47 with us today.
07:50 Brady and Jacob, and there are great missionary family.
07:57 Some people think they're missionaries
07:59 when they go overseas
08:01 and they just sit behind big desk,
08:07 where it's all nice and air-condition.
08:09 But I've been to the Solomon Islands
08:12 and folks I tell you quite candidly
08:15 it's not a place that I would choose to live.
08:18 But they're choosing to live there
08:20 and I can tell you why?
08:22 I won't tell you much now
08:24 because it's a part of the interview
08:27 because I offer them job here.
08:31 And they just said to me without,
08:34 you know, second guessing it,
08:38 God has called us to work in the Solomon Islands
08:42 with this malaria.
08:45 And it's, its hot, and it's steamy
08:51 and some times it is dangerous.
08:55 Who or what is a missionary?
08:59 A missionary is a person on a mission.
09:02 Are you a missionary?
09:06 I bless your heart, I'm a missionary.
09:08 I'm a person on a mission.
09:11 I'm a missionary to the United States of America.
09:16 Folks, a missionary is a person who has a mission.
09:21 Now, the word missionary today is no longer
09:25 respected like it used to be
09:28 because of that ideology
09:31 which is called political correctness.
09:34 People associate missionaries with colonialism, so be it.
09:39 Jesus was a missionary
09:41 and all the great saints of the Bible.
09:44 All of them were missionaries.
09:45 Come over here to First Corinthians Chapter 12
09:48 and I'm going to give you a little bit of theology
09:50 that may shake you up a little bit,
09:52 I sincerely hope it will.
09:55 First Corinthians Chapter 12 and I wanna say
09:59 this to all of my friends in the ministry
10:02 who are watching this program.
10:04 I wanna say to you I guarantee--
10:06 well I shouldn't say that,
10:07 but I don't think that possibly
10:10 you've studied this text.
10:12 I think possibly, you've never got
10:15 the implications of this text.
10:17 So, please have look at this.
10:19 First Corinthians Chapter 12
10:21 verse 27 and onwards, have you got it.
10:25 "Now you are the body of Christ,"
10:26 this is the church "each one of you is a part of it."
10:30 You never guess it, would you with some folks.
10:33 You never guess it, you never guess
10:35 they were part of the church.
10:37 I say to people, what would the church be like
10:40 if everybody was like you brother.
10:43 If everybody was like you sister
10:46 and you came to church at half past eleven,
10:48 what would the church be like.
10:51 What would be the church--
10:52 what would the church be like, if everybody gave
10:55 the same amount in offerings that you give.
10:59 You'll say possibly there wouldn't be a church.
11:02 But notice what he says here.
11:05 "Now you are the body of Christ,
11:07 and each one of you is a part of it.
11:11 And in the church God,"
11:14 Now notice the word God because
11:16 God is in charge of the church not a bunch of people.
11:23 "And in the church God is appointed
11:24 first of all apostles, second prophets,
11:30 third teachers, then workers of miracles,
11:35 also those having gifts of healing,
11:40 those able to help others,
11:42 those with gifts of administration,
11:48 and those speaking in different kinds of tongues."
11:52 Now, this is not heresy I ask you.
11:57 Are you and I prepared to lay aside our traditions
12:03 and follow the Bible, that's the question?
12:07 Some people say, we don't have any tradition,
12:09 so this will test you.
12:12 The Bible says number seven,
12:15 administrators people say no, no you've got wrong
12:18 number one administrators, no number seven.
12:23 Administrators are important, tremendously important,
12:26 because the administrators are the people
12:30 who hold it together.
12:35 But firstly the Bible and Bill Hybels
12:38 here in the United States says in the church
12:40 not all leaders are administrators,
12:43 and not all administrators are leaders,
12:45 don't forget it administrator.
12:50 Now, the Bible says God has set in the church
12:52 first of all, apostles.
12:57 Now, I'm a little bit rusty on my Greek,
13:02 but whenever I have an opportunity to show
13:04 that I once knew Greek I take the opportunity.
13:10 Now, if I get it wrong and if you're watching
13:12 on television and you see it, you gonna write to me.
13:15 I will get Suzy now to give it to me.
13:21 Apostolo, I think that's the word.
13:27 Apostolo, it means to send.
13:34 A modern speech translation says that this verse
13:38 should not be translated apostles though it should be.
13:43 But what it really means
13:45 in today's languages a missionary.
13:49 So, that translation says
13:51 God has put first in the church missionaries.
13:55 In other words the greatest gift
13:57 that you can have is to be a missionary,
14:02 a person who was send forth by God to preach the gospel.
14:09 Now verse 29 says "Are all apostles?" No
14:13 "Are all prophets? No
14:14 "Are all teachers?" No
14:15 "Do all work miracles? Do all have gifts of healing?
14:18 Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret?
14:21 But eagerly desire the greater gifts..."
14:27 Bible tells me, that they are greater and lesser gifts.
14:31 The greatest gift my friend is to be an apostle,
14:36 a missionary send forth to preach the word of God.
14:40 Well, it's logical.
14:42 The most important work
14:43 in all the world is leading souls to Christ.
14:47 The most important work
14:48 in the all the world is to preach the Bible
14:51 and to preach the gospel of Christ.
14:56 Now, some of you folks know.
14:59 I'm now been preaching full time for 50 years,
15:08 50 years this month,
15:11 50 years without a break,
15:13 people say I can believe, you seem to go on forever.
15:17 Listen to me people say well why don't you retire,
15:22 because my friend either I'm not paying to do what I do.
15:28 I would do it whether I were paid or not,
15:33 because I have a calling from God.
15:37 I know of some ministers who say,
15:39 oh, I only got another five years
15:42 and I'm on sustentation.
15:44 You are on it now brother.
15:47 You've never been called.
15:52 Now the Boehm's, I can tell you have been called.
15:56 What is the mission?
15:57 It is in today's world a controversy of concept.
16:01 It is politically incorrect
16:03 in today's liberal secular world
16:06 even controversial in today's church
16:10 were people do not want to be disturbed.
16:13 But you know the old saying.
16:16 I'm here by the grace of God to comfort the afflicted
16:22 and to afflict the comfortable.
16:26 And there are too many in the church
16:29 who want to live a life of indolence and ease,
16:33 because they have never been born again.
16:39 You're on the church roll,
16:40 but down here on this earth
16:42 but they're not on the roll in heaven.
16:44 And my friend, if you have to make a choice
16:47 you better have your name on the roll in heaven.
16:51 Now, let me read you a few text about the mission.
16:54 And I'm going to fly and then we're gonna get
16:57 the Boehm's to come here, God bless them.
16:59 We're so glad to have them here.
17:02 Come over here to Ephesians 2 verses 1 to 8
17:05 and I want you to notice these text and pray to God
17:08 and I say to all my ministerial friends
17:11 and I say to my beloved friends in administration.
17:17 I say to the world church,
17:19 please let us ask God to help us to understand.
17:24 Because I feel that
17:25 many, many people don't understand this.
17:28 First one "As for you,
17:29 you were dead in your transgressions and sins."
17:32 If you are not saved by Christ,
17:35 the Bible says you're dead.
17:38 Now people say I don't believe that,
17:39 I've had heaps of people come to me and say,
17:41 no a person is saved
17:44 if he is sincere in what he believes.
17:48 I've heard this a thousand times.
17:51 A person is saved because he sincere.
17:55 If he is a Hindu and sincere, he is saved.
17:59 If he is a Muslim and sincere, he is saved.
18:05 I want to tell you, you and I cannot be saved
18:08 apart from the Lord Jesus Christ.
18:10 And the Bible tells me that without Christ, we are dead.
18:17 That's what the Bible says,
18:18 people say I don't wanna believe this.
18:19 That's because you don't want
18:21 me to distribute your comfort zone, I plan to do so.
18:26 " which you used to live
18:27 when you followed the ways of this world
18:29 and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air,
18:32 the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.
18:36 All of us also lived among them at one time,
18:39 gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature
18:42 and following its desires and thoughts.
18:44 Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath."
18:50 Somebody came to my great friend
18:52 Pastor Lloyd Grolimund,
18:54 he has taken over my great church
18:57 still haven't got over that Lloyd.
19:00 And they said to him layoff the preaching
19:02 and go over to Africa and feed the starving millions
19:06 and the Australian government
19:08 will give you some money, they'll subsidize you.
19:12 He said I plan to keep on preaching.
19:15 The man said, a member of the church
19:17 no, no, no, it's more important to feed people.
19:20 My friend you gonna-- I believe in feeding people,
19:23 I fed more people
19:24 than perhaps anybody in this church.
19:29 What's the use of feeding people
19:31 and filling up they bellies, if they go to hell.
19:37 If you wanna save people then you bring them Christ
19:42 and feed them at the same time,
19:44 but never give up preaching the gospel.
19:48 The Bible says "...we were by nature objects of wrath."
19:52 Without Christ we are lost and doomed
19:55 and damned objects of wrath.
19:57 You say, I don't like that word, well I never wrote it.
20:01 Verse 8 "For it is by grace you have been saved,
20:04 through faith--and that not from yourselves,
20:06 it is the gift of God..."
20:08 I'm save by the grace of God and I accepted by faith.
20:14 And then verse 12 it describes the world.
20:21 "... remember that at that time
20:23 you were separate from Christ,
20:25 excluded from citizenship in Israel
20:28 and foreigners to the covenants of the promise,
20:31 without hope and without God in the world."
20:34 I've had people look me in the eye and say
20:36 I don't believe that.
20:39 Well, I believe the Bible
20:42 and the Bible says that the people
20:44 and I don't care who they are
20:46 any person outside of Christ is without hope
20:50 and without God in the world and object of wrath.
20:56 And old friend of mine of many, many years
20:58 said to me some years ago, He heard me preach
21:01 and he didn't like what I preached.
21:03 He said you believe this
21:05 because you are an evangelist.
21:09 I said no my friend, I'm an evangelist
21:12 because I believe this,
21:15 that's the difference.
21:17 He said, oh no, you just believe it
21:19 because that's what you do, my friend come alive.
21:26 I'm an evangelist because I believe this text,
21:31 otherwise I be sitting over in Terranora,
21:35 watching my beautiful grass grow.
21:38 Or sitting on the beach at Coolangatta
21:42 whistling to the seagulls, I believe it.
21:46 Look at Acts Chapter 4 and verse 12 that is why
21:49 we run evangelistic campaigns around the world.
21:53 People say we don't understand why you do it.
21:55 Well, it's because you don't understand the gospel.
21:59 Acts 4 verse 12 "Salvation is found in no one else,
22:02 for there is no other name under heaven given to men
22:06 by which we must be saved." It is Jesus only.
22:11 We're not gonna turn up this text
22:13 but its found in Acts 16 and verse 30 to 34.
22:17 Those of you who are taking notes the question is asked.
22:20 "What must I do to be saved." What does it say?
22:26 What Paul said, "Belief on the Lord Jesus Christ
22:32 and you will be saved".
22:35 I'm saved when I come to Christ
22:39 and I believe on His name.
22:43 And so I am saved.
22:44 And so when I run an evangelistic campaign
22:47 my great driving force is to get men and women
22:53 to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
22:57 Come over here to the words of our blessed Lord, Luke 24.
23:02 Matthew, Mark, Luke Chapter 24 verse 45
23:06 "Then he opened their minds
23:08 so they could understand the Scriptures."
23:10 That's what we need.
23:12 We need God to open our minds,
23:14 that's, may it's what you need my friend.
23:18 So he opened their minds,
23:19 he's talking to church here,
23:21 to the church members, the disciples.
23:22 "He told them 'This is what it is written,
23:24 The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead
23:27 and on the third day, on the third day
23:30 and repentance and forgiveness of sins
23:32 will be preached in his name to all nations,
23:35 beginning at Jerusalem.
23:37 You are witnesses of these things."
23:39 The Bible tells me it is. Look at me.
23:45 It is the purpose of the church,
23:49 that the message of Christ
23:52 is a message of a crucified Christ.
23:56 The message of a risen Christ.
23:59 The message of a soon coming Christ.
24:02 This message will be preached to the world
24:06 and people will repent at their sins and come to God.
24:10 People say, that doesn't sound like the church today,
24:13 no its not, at least in this part of the world.
24:17 The church is not called to be
24:22 cozy semi-sophisticated club
24:27 of people who don't wanna be disturb,
24:30 it is called to be missionaries.
24:38 And that is why, some people find it incomprehensible.
24:42 They say why, why he is going off to Russia again,
24:44 I say yeah that will be number 41 times,
24:50 41st time when I go next.
24:52 This is why we have gone to Russia
24:56 and seen thousands and thousands
24:59 even hundreds of thousands come to Christ
25:02 while we gone to Ukraine, its not over yet over there.
25:07 Why we've gone to Ukraine and the Philippines,
25:11 and Africa, and India, and the Solomon Islands,
25:15 these, look at these crowds, they say
25:18 it doesn't work anymore,
25:20 it doesn't work for them, does it? Look at India.
25:27 India, the Solomon Islands
25:31 and would happen here in America and in Australia
25:36 if we put our money where it ought to go
25:38 into the preaching of the gospel of Christ
25:42 and if we had faith in God.
25:44 So, many people say and that is why
25:46 we hired the Sydney Opera House
25:49 and ran meetings there every Saturday afternoon
25:53 often in the evenings for five months.
25:56 People said, it couldn't happen.
26:01 How do those people expect to be saved
26:04 when they don't have any faith?
26:05 Our leader is an apostle,
26:09 an apostle is not called to stop it happening,
26:15 he is called to make it happen, never forget it.
26:20 Our leader gets it done,
26:22 he doesn't give you a million reasons
26:24 why it doesn't have any money.
26:27 Jesus was talking to Peter and the disciples
26:30 and He said these words
26:31 "I give you the keys of the kingdom."
26:34 Whatever you bind on earth will bound in heaven,
26:37 whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
26:40 On other occasion our blessed Lord said
26:42 "You've taken away the key of knowledge."
26:46 What are these keys? The key is the gospel.
26:53 It is the knowledge of the gospel
26:56 that opens the door to paradise.
27:02 And as I preach you today
27:03 I tell you in the name of God,
27:05 I have the keys of the kingdom.
27:08 And if you've been called by God and everybody has,
27:11 if you've been called to be a missionary.
27:15 Now what are you doing with the keys.
27:18 I wanna be a Bible Christian.
27:21 If you believe this great truth,
27:23 then I'm telling today
27:26 and if you hope share it you are a missionary.
27:33 And today it is my honor
27:36 because I consider it an honor
27:40 to have with us some real missionaries.
27:46 Would you please welcome
27:50 from the Solomon Islands
27:52 Pastor & Mrs. Boehm, Jacob and Brady.
28:05 Nice to see you. Nice to see you.
28:10 How you're doing partner?
28:12 Good to see you. I'm gonna use this microphone.
28:18 You see these two men over here,
28:20 they are the assistant mangers
28:23 of the Great Solomon Islands campaign,
28:27 I'm telling you.
28:30 I put him on the payroll,
28:32 these two men are the assistant mangers
28:37 and I told them while they're here
28:39 there in charge of everything they can see.
28:43 In charge of the television,
28:46 my assistant mangers, but too bad for you guys
28:50 it's a Sabbath, because today you're not gonna get paid.
28:53 Now, Pastor Boehm,
28:58 tell me a little bit about the Solomon Islands.
29:03 Solomon Islands is located four--
29:05 about four hours of the coast of Australia
29:07 north east it's hot and it's humid.
29:14 How did you like living in the Solomons?
29:16 It's hot and it's humid.
29:20 It's a great place to live.
29:22 We have great friends there that we've met this year end.
29:25 And as I said to them before I left.
29:27 It's a place now that it was spot I met before
29:30 and now this family, church family today.
29:33 Mrs. Boehm, where were you folks living
29:36 before you went to the Sol.
29:38 Now, you were a member of my church at Wahroonga,
29:42 isn't that right?
29:44 Weren't they good days, now wait on.
29:46 Where were you living before you called to the Solomons.
29:49 We were in Tasmania right down the bottom of Australia.
29:53 And of course the further south you go in Australia,
29:55 its just a hotter it gets, is that right.
29:58 No, it was cold, very, very cold.
30:00 So, you got snow down there on occasions
30:04 and but you called to go to the Solomons.
30:08 Now, were the Solomons always civilized?
30:16 Hasn't always been the case.
30:18 Back in the 1800s, early 1900s full of heathenism,
30:23 occult worship, devil worship, cannibalism.
30:27 So it's been a real transformation
30:29 that's taken place over the last 100 years.
30:31 Tell me about the cannibalism?
30:34 Did these folks-- and we had, you know,
30:38 vast numbers of them come to the meetings
30:40 and I thought are beautiful people they are,
30:43 but their ancestors only back a few years
30:46 were eating people?
30:47 I was reading through the diaries of my grandfather
30:50 a number of-- back twelve months ago,
30:52 and he was recounting stories
30:53 where they would go into a particular villages
30:55 and they would oil off the calf muscles of them
30:59 as they walked in
31:01 because that was the best part to eat.
31:05 I am not so sure, I am going to accept
31:07 your invitation and go back.
31:10 That was one hundred years ago.
31:13 You're refereeing to Pastor Eric Boehm.
31:15 And ladies and gentlemen,
31:17 I was the pastor of a church in Australia
31:20 called the Gospel Church.
31:23 And while I ran a campaign there,
31:25 and a person who came to that campaign
31:28 and was like a father to me,
31:30 was Pastor Eric Boehm, your grandfather.
31:36 What job did he have back some years ago?
31:39 My grandfather was President
31:41 of the Bismarck Solomon Union Mission,
31:43 which took into account the Solomon Islands.
31:48 So you're really walking in his footsteps? Yeah.
31:50 How do you feel about that?
31:52 Incredible honor to be working there in that position,
31:55 and we hear stories now
31:56 of what my grandfather did in that particular place.
32:00 People he met, people that they knew him,
32:02 it's a real joy to be working there.
32:04 I've met lots and lots of people
32:06 down through the years, millions I guess.
32:09 I don't think I've met a better family
32:11 than the Boehm family; your grandfather and his wife,
32:16 I ran this campaign.
32:19 We had four sessions a day, most days.
32:22 He came to every meeting
32:24 and he was there for me and supported me.
32:27 Now, Carol, you come
32:29 from the great Wahroonga Church
32:33 where I used to be the pastor, yeah.
32:36 Now Lloyd Grolimund is the pastor.
32:39 In the church we have Ray and Lola Anderson.
32:42 You were an Anderson? That's right.
32:43 Okay. Tell us about your grandfather.
32:47 Pastor J. D. Anderson and his wife Guinevere,
32:49 they were over in the Solomon Islands as well.
32:52 He was President for the Solomon Islands
32:55 many, many years ago.
32:57 So I grew up with stories of crocodiles in villages
33:01 and miracles of God working among these villages
33:03 and to go and spend time with these people
33:06 that they love so dearly is such an incredible honor.
33:10 It's an honor for us to have you here,
33:11 I can tell you this.
33:15 When we got off a plane, as you know,
33:18 I was sort of born in a suit.
33:22 So when I got off the plain in the Solomons,
33:24 I was dressed up in a dark suit.
33:26 You said that it's not gonna last too long.
33:32 We found it very hot.
33:34 We got in our exercise at 7 in the morning
33:37 because after 8 O'clock the heat beats down upon you.
33:41 You feel it's gonna drive you into the ground.
33:46 There are mosquitoes and there is malaria,
33:49 and if you get malaria, you get very sick.
33:53 Do you take-- we took malarial tablets
33:55 because we're there for only couple of weeks.
33:57 Do you take malarial tablets?
33:59 We started on it but we kept forgetting them,
34:02 so we've all come off them now.
34:05 So really we don't want to make this melodramatic.
34:10 When you become a missionary in these places,
34:16 you put you life in a hazardous situation,
34:20 so you really got to trust God.
34:22 And this young man here, Brady,
34:24 he is going to-- then we're gonna get on
34:26 to what we say we're gonna talk about.
34:28 So, Brady, I want to come over here, buddy.
34:31 Brady, you've been there for almost a year
34:35 and the people over there speak a type of English
34:39 that is called Pidgin,
34:40 they can understand the English I'm speaking.
34:44 Have you learned Pidgin?
34:46 And can you say something to me in Pidgin?
34:54 Hmm! Well, listen. Can you say it again
34:56 and just give me a little time to put this together,
34:59 and say it loud into the microphone
35:01 and that I want all folks here to concentrate
35:03 on what this man is saying,
35:05 the assistant manager of the Honiara Campaign.
35:07 Yes, he is assistant manager.
35:15 Okay, what is that mean?
35:17 Thank you for--I'm very happy to meet you
35:19 and thank you for inviting me to your church.
35:23 Well, that's really sweet. I'm glad that you are here.
35:27 Now Pastor Boehm, tell us about the meetings.
35:32 We went into this place
35:34 and you got a team of Solomon Islanders
35:36 and they didn't do a good job.
35:40 I say this, we've run campaigns around the world.
35:43 We've never worked with such a great team.
35:47 We're personally proud of you
35:49 because you put together such an amazing team.
35:53 I want to say to the folks watching in Australia,
35:55 you ought to support these people,
35:58 you ought to send them offerings,
36:00 you ought to support them
36:01 because they're ambassadors for Christ,
36:03 they're real missionaries.
36:05 So we--you hired for us
36:08 and we paid the cost this great outdoor setting,
36:11 the National Stadium.
36:13 And then we had to build these great screens
36:17 and put up towers for the projectors
36:20 that we flew out to Solomons air cargo,
36:24 $30,000 to fly that stuff out,
36:27 and so you put all--got all these stuff going.
36:31 Tell us about the meetings from your prospective.
36:37 As you know, I only just arrived there in the Solomons.
36:40 You gave me the description
36:41 of what you needed and wanted.
36:44 And I began thinking,
36:45 "Well, Lord, how we gonna do this?"
36:47 Big screens, how we gonna put this together but--
36:50 Thirty foot screens. Yeah, its huge screens.
36:53 Nothing like Honiara had seen before.
36:56 And so we started bringing this team of people together
36:58 and the Lord has really blessed us
37:00 with a fantastic team over there,
37:02 we've builders, carpenters, handyman,
37:06 and they started building all of these things
37:08 according to the designs that had been given.
37:10 And it wasn't too long
37:12 that the things started to go up
37:13 and take shape and were they ready for your arrival.
37:18 Tell us about from your prospective, Carol,
37:21 who was baptized during my stay?
37:24 What church was again, Wahroonga Church?
37:25 That's right. Now, tell us
37:28 from your prospective about the meetings.
37:31 It blew our mind, Pastor Carter,
37:33 we just were not prepared.
37:34 You could not prepare yourself
37:35 for what we went through.
37:37 We knew there would be big crowds.
37:39 We knew that the screens we saw,
37:42 the screens going up and things on that
37:43 so that alone was exciting enough,
37:45 but to turn up there and see--
37:49 I've never seen 30,000 people come
37:51 to hear the word of God before.
37:52 I've never seen responses to altar calls
37:56 and it just completely and it was life changing for us,
38:00 not only them, for us as well.
38:02 Tell us about the altar calls from your prospective.
38:04 You are the president of the mission there,
38:07 not only an administrator but an apostle.
38:11 Tell us about the altar calls
38:15 when I invited the people to come down to front.
38:18 That was extraordinary to witness,
38:19 they were just start off with trickle of people
38:22 start to coming down the front
38:23 and then that trickle started into a flood of people
38:26 that they came through of 1,000,
38:28 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 people,
38:30 they would come down to the front.
38:32 It was interesting one night,
38:33 there was I was standing up back of the soccer field,
38:37 and I witnessed there was four young men
38:40 that were responding or were in a line
38:45 and as they-you made the appeal
38:48 for them to come forward, it was a long way down
38:50 the back of the soccer stadium,
38:51 so they didn't come down to the front
38:53 but there was one of them that put the hand up
38:55 and responded to the call
38:57 and I watched the other three boys
38:59 as they watched their friend commit his life to the Lord.
39:05 And there was a little bit of ribbing,
39:06 there was little bit of, you know,
39:08 jiving as to what took place,
39:10 but this young man continued to have his hand raised
39:13 in the commitment to follow Jesus,
39:14 and it just gave that was one so small story
39:17 what I saw of those thousands
39:19 that they came forward each night
39:20 to commit their lives to Christ.
39:22 I've never spoken to such a good audience
39:26 or better audience I should say this.
39:28 The people were totally attentive.
39:35 You couldn't hear sound even the cry of a baby,
39:37 and there must have been thousands of babies.
39:40 Carol, do you remember the night
39:42 when I preached down there was a double session,
39:45 we had two sessions that night.
39:47 And the first one was on "State of the Dead"
39:50 and the second meeting was on "Spiritism".
39:54 Remember that meeting? What happened?
39:56 Well, you warned us at the beginning
39:57 of that meeting to be ready for anything.
40:01 We knew that there was spiritual beings not happy
40:04 that you were about to preach the message
40:05 that you are presenting and so we were,
40:08 we batten down the hatches
40:09 reading for pretty much anything,
40:11 but out of all the nights rain came half way through
40:15 and people started moving,
40:17 started standing as the rain came.
40:19 But you encouraged them, you know,
40:21 this is just temporary,
40:22 this is someone who is not happy
40:24 to hear this message and so they stayed,
40:26 and I've never seen 33,000 people
40:30 stood there in the rain
40:31 and listened to that really powerful message.
40:35 That was the power of God.
40:37 I remember, after the Saul was saying,
40:41 Sharon saying, I announced,
40:44 now the second part of the program
40:45 is on "Spiritism" and then the rain started to hit.
40:48 And I got, I got soaking wet
40:51 and there was water everywhere.
40:54 Somebody told me later
40:55 that may be 50 to 100 people got up and left,
40:58 mothers, but never left the place all together;
41:01 they went where they could get some shelter.
41:03 But the rest of the people sat there,
41:08 never moved and we got soaking wet together.
41:13 It was a demonstration of the power of God
41:16 and when we had that altar call
41:17 that was our greatest altar call.
41:19 We had about 10,000 people come forward
41:21 for Christ to renounce the works of darkness.
41:27 Now, Jacob, you were the,
41:30 one of my assistant managers.
41:31 I had few managers
41:33 Pastor Hacker was a main manager.
41:36 And then you guys were the assistant managers.
41:40 What did you do?
41:41 Well, I would help assist Daniel
41:44 and Carlos in the PowerPoints.
41:46 I would come and met with them
41:48 and you at about 2.30 each afternoon,
41:50 and we would set them up
41:52 and make sure they're all running properly.
41:53 When we arrived at the stadium,
41:55 I would take the covers of the projectors
41:58 and then start them up and then I would help
42:00 run the PowerPoints during that program
42:04 and then I would packed them up at the end of the day.
42:07 I never think these guys don't know a lot about computers.
42:11 This young guy here, he knows
42:13 even more than I do about computers folks.
42:16 No. An absolutely, absolute wiz
42:20 with Daniel and Carlos working the joint projectors
42:24 on the computers and that was his job.
42:27 Now Brady, I didn't check up on you so much
42:29 but what you were doing?
42:31 Every night, after the singers would come out,
42:33 I would get out all the microphones out so,
42:36 when you would walk on,
42:37 you wouldn't chip over any microphones.
42:40 So you were the guy who kept me on my feet,
42:42 really, weren't you?
42:43 Yeah. Well, you earned your wages,
42:46 and remember while you guys are here
42:48 the assistant-- we make you
42:50 the managers of this whole program.
42:52 You are in charge of the Carter Report,
42:55 also raising the money.
42:56 Now since we have left, what's happened people say,
43:03 you know, you run these big campaigns
43:05 but when you go on everything fizzles
43:07 and it dies but let's back up,
43:11 what about the baptism? Tell us about the baptism
43:14 because one day I went
43:17 outside my air condition room
43:22 on the mission compound
43:23 and one of our pastors came over
43:25 and he said, we're gonna have the baptism
43:28 in this river which is only a few hundred yards away,
43:31 and there are crocodiles in that river.
43:33 I said, not a problem to me
43:34 'cause I never go on the water,
43:36 I stand on the shore and I,
43:38 you know, put my arm up and everybody follows me.
43:40 But tell us about the baptism,
43:43 we had a great Sabbath morning meeting.
43:45 Tell us about the Sabbath morning meeting,
43:47 and then tell us about the baptism,
43:49 when you baptized your son.
43:52 We had the Sabbath meeting
43:54 about twelve--ten to twelve thousand people
43:56 for the morning service.
43:57 How many in church?
43:58 Ten to twelve thousand.
44:00 And then from there we had a great time of worship.
44:02 Betikama choir, a hundred voice choirs
44:04 sang a great song. Beautiful, beautiful moved us.
44:08 Some of our folks actually stood up, you know.
44:10 We were really blessed.
44:12 And from the program we headed down to the Lunga river,
44:15 and the Lunga river we've driven over
44:16 that many times and that's where our local car washes.
44:20 And from that point, we--just the crowds
44:23 went to the banks, the rivers, the shores,
44:26 everywhere they could find a position
44:29 and then we conducted the baptism
44:30 of 524 precious saints.
44:32 And they have been baptism since then.
44:35 There is a passage in the book of Acts
44:36 that you haven't referred to this morning.
44:38 And it says, "And the Lord added to their number daily
44:41 those who are being saved." and that is continue
44:43 to take place after the campaign.
44:45 We've had baptisms right around the Islands.
44:48 We had people they were hold up
44:49 their mobile phones to the speaker towers and--
44:52 Listen to this. Listen to this.
44:54 Some people from far away Islands,
44:56 they traveled may be two, three, four days to arrive
44:59 and left their family at their home village.
45:02 And so they would record
45:04 the message on the mobile phone
45:06 and they send that back to their own village.
45:09 In fact, there was one particular occasion
45:10 where you were talking on heaven
45:12 and apostle actually heard this.
45:14 You were talking on heaven and you took a short pause
45:17 during the--to take a breath,
45:19 and there was another voice that came in and said,
45:23 there is nothing there.
45:24 And this was Satan using this medium
45:27 to try and discourage, try to destroy the message
45:30 that you've been speaking on that night.
45:32 And that was something that was being record
45:34 to play to the villagers back home.
45:37 So extraordinary what people were doing,
45:39 not only traveling to get to the meetings
45:41 and listen to the program
45:43 but what they would do to send the message back home.
45:46 And so now the message in the baptisms
45:48 sort of continue to happens
45:49 since the particular program.
45:51 There are villagers that are ringing me
45:54 and saying, pastor, we now in Adventist Church,
45:57 we want to be included in all the things
45:59 that the church does.
46:01 And so that passage in the book of Acts
46:03 is truly a passage that describes
46:06 what is still taking place in the Solomon Islands.
46:10 This is extraordinary.
46:18 I was told, I heard it on the grapevine
46:21 that some witch doctors have been baptized?
46:25 There was a baptism about two, three Sabbaths ago,
46:28 and we had one of our lay members come
46:30 and share with us the story of village area
46:33 that we had originally been sent from
46:36 because of the devil priest over there
46:39 and the devil priest is too focused
46:41 on heathenism practices,
46:44 ancestor worship, and so forth.
46:47 And these two devil priests had a lot of control
46:50 and sway within the local village.
46:52 And just recently, we were invited
46:53 to go back into that village
46:54 and there was a baptism of sixty precious souls
46:58 and two of them were these former devil priests.
47:01 Hallelujah. Praise God. Praise God. Hallelujah.
47:06 Now I want to say to the folks
47:09 who are watching this telecast in Australia,
47:11 around the world, we got to do something folks.
47:16 We can't just hear this and talk about this,
47:19 but we need to pray for the outpouring
47:22 of the spirit of God upon our own homeland churches.
47:26 But I'm asking you to send me offerings
47:30 for the Solomon Islands because you want to build
47:34 by the grace of God- And radio station.
47:37 You got faith brother, you ought to be on our team.
47:41 Now folks, we want to build
47:43 a radio station in the Solomon Islands.
47:46 I'm going to tell you a story, you know,
47:47 we've got pretty and nice here, haven't we?
47:49 We know, we've got a beautiful church.
47:51 It's a great country.
47:53 I offer you folks a job.
47:56 I say, come over, be part of our team
48:00 and you turn me down cold, why?
48:05 I've been up to your home.
48:07 There is an air conditioner on the wall,
48:09 inside it's terribly hot as I could soar on there.
48:14 And the air conditioner is not running.
48:16 I said to them, why haven't you got
48:18 the air conditioner on?
48:19 They said, we can't effort to run it.
48:22 We want to put that money into saving souls.
48:27 Why didn't you accept their invitation?
48:33 Very good question. Look, God call us
48:37 to the Solomon's Hill Tennis when it's time to leave
48:40 and it's just not yet.
48:44 Folks, these people are soldiers of the Christ
48:50 and they have seen the power of God.
48:54 And I want to say
48:55 to the people around the world,
48:57 the best thing we could have done this year
49:01 was to go to the Solomon Islands
49:04 because that place glory be to Jesus
49:07 will never be the same again.
49:10 Thank you, Jesus. Praise God. God bless you.
49:14 Thank you. We're proud of you.
49:16 Thank you assistant manager.
49:19 Thank you senior assistant manager.
49:20 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
49:27 I could have told you other stories.
49:30 I could have got Pastor Boehm to tell you
49:32 how the witch doctors
49:34 would go down to the ocean,
49:40 and the witch doctors would call the crocodiles.
49:44 They would call the sharks,
49:46 and they would call the great snakes
49:48 to come down from the mountains.
49:50 Here the devil is too faced,
49:55 over there he is barefaced.
49:58 Remember the night when I was preaching,
50:02 I'll never forget it when I felt a hand here.
50:06 Hand here in my shoulder.
50:08 I was sure it was one of my team members
50:11 come to warn me about something.
50:14 Those countries you quickly come to the realization
50:17 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood
50:20 that we are in the midst of the great controversy
50:23 between Christ and Satan.
50:26 On one occasion, the Apostle Paul
50:28 was talking to the king Agrippa,
50:31 and after he described his work
50:33 and why he was true to the truth of the Messiah
50:39 and how he'd been persecuted by the unbelievers.
50:43 The Apostle Paul said, I was not disobedient
50:50 to the heavenly vision
50:53 May God help us not to be disobedient
50:57 to the heavenly vision but to be missionaries?
51:02 I've gone to the valleys
51:03 of the Waldenses in the North of Italy.
51:09 I've gone to those places there were once drenched
51:13 in the blood of the saints of God.
51:17 In the Waldenses, who are people,
51:19 who stood out against the great apostasy
51:23 of the Dark Ages, had a saying,
51:25 and they wrote it up in their churches,
51:27 "I've seen it" written in their language
51:30 over the pulpits of their churches.
51:33 Listen to it, never forget it.
51:37 "Ye shall be missionaries
51:43 or ye shall be nothing."
51:50 Think about it.
51:51 "Ye shall be missionaries
51:55 or ye shall be nothing."
51:58 I said you in the name of the Christ
52:00 to send me to preach by the grace of God
52:06 become an apostle for Christ,
52:10 and be a missionary for Jesus sake.
52:17 I want you to kneel as we pray.
52:28 Where you blessed here today folks? Amen. Amen.
52:35 Dear, Father, we thank you
52:38 for the blessed gospel of Christ.
52:41 How blind most of us are.
52:45 We read out Bibles for we've scales on our eyes.
52:51 We don't want anyone even you God
52:54 to disturb us in our comfort zone,
52:58 but we thank you today,
53:00 there are people like Pastor & Mrs. Boehm
53:02 and those two fine young men
53:05 who are missionaries for Christ.
53:08 In the place where they can get malaria,
53:12 where their lives can be taken through violence,
53:17 but they are there because God has called them.
53:19 We pray today that You'll bless Pastor & Mrs. Boehm.
53:23 Bless Brady and bless Jacob.
53:26 Put Your arms around this family
53:29 and keep them from all harm.
53:32 And dear, Father, speak to the people
53:35 who are watching this telecast
53:36 that somehow You'll get into their hearts,
53:41 and that they will decide to become missionaries.
53:45 People with the mission and may they support
53:47 this great work with their offerings,
53:51 so souls can be saved.
53:53 And Father, we pray Your blessing upon our church.
54:00 Open our eyes dear Lord.
54:03 Fill us with the spirit of God.
54:07 And might it be that we will say with the Apostle Paul,
54:11 I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.
54:18 And so our Father today on our knees,
54:21 we pray for the covering of the blood of Christ.
54:26 Bless the work of God in the Solomons.
54:29 Bless the work of God around the world,
54:32 in the United States and Australia
54:35 and bless us here today,
54:36 cover us with the blood of Jesus
54:39 and put Your spirit in our hearts
54:42 and change our lives that we will live
54:45 from hence forth for the glory of God.
54:49 So we worship You, we bless You,
54:51 we praise You, we thank You,
54:54 we give You glory in Jesus' name,
54:59 amen, and amen. Amen and amen.
55:05 The Carter report is a self supporting ministry
55:09 with the global mission.
55:10 We believe that the most important thing
55:12 that we can do in this tremendous hour
55:15 is to tell people about the Lord Jesus Christ
55:18 because Jesus said, "I am the way,
55:21 the truth and life."
55:23 We do not believe that this is business as usual.
55:27 We believe that we are living in the closing hours,
55:30 in the history of this world.
55:32 Bless your heart friend.
55:33 Look at the signs
55:35 that are being fulfilled almost everyday.
55:37 The signs of times are shouting at us,
55:40 and they're saying, Jesus is coming soon.
55:44 I want you to be my partner in global mission.
55:47 I want you to be my partner in helping
55:50 to tell the world about the coming of Jesus.
55:53 I want you to be my partner in the preaching
55:56 of the distinctive truths of the Three Angels' messages.
56:01 Please check us out
56:03 at the New Carter Report website,
56:08 We have a special section
56:10 whereby you can ask questions
56:13 and I will give you the answers
56:15 from the living word of the living God
56:18 that is the
56:23 My friend, we want you
56:25 to join us in the mission to preach the gospel
56:28 in China, in India, in Australia, in Africa,
56:34 in the United States of America
56:36 wherever people are lost
56:38 and wherever people need to hear the good news
56:42 that Jesus saves.
56:45 Please check us out;
56:46 the new carter report website;
56:51 I want to hear from you today.


Revised 2014-12-17