Carter Report, The

An Inside Look At John Carter - Interview With Dave Deno

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001208

00:08 From Arcadia, California the Carter Report Presents,
00:11 "The Living Word" around the world.
00:18 Hello, I'm Dave Deno. Welcome to the Carter Report.
00:21 Today, we're going to turn the tables
00:24 on Pastor John Carter.
00:26 You may be used to seeing him being the interviewer.
00:31 Well, today we're going to make him the interviewee.
00:34 We're going to talk with him
00:35 about 50 years of uninterrupted ministry.
00:40 Fifty years of evangelizing of preaching the gospel.
00:45 We're going to learn more about Pastor Carter.
00:47 We're going to learn more about his family.
00:50 We're going to learn more
00:51 about the highlights of his ministry
00:53 and yes some of the struggles as well.
00:56 Stay tuned.
00:59 Jesus said, "Go into all the world
01:02 and make disciples of all nations,
01:04 baptizing them in the name of the Father,
01:06 Son, and Holy Spirit."
01:08 The Carter Report team has therefore accepted
01:11 the challenge of Worldwide Evangelism.
01:14 Million in Russia, Ukraine, the Philippines, Africa,
01:17 India, Australia, the United States,
01:21 and the Isles of the Sea have heard
01:23 the good news of Christ.
01:25 As John Carter has proclaimed God's Living Word.
01:28 You are invited to be a part of the Carter team by praying
01:33 and by giving and when God calls by going.
01:36 Write a note now to Pastor John Carter.
01:39 PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
01:45 Or to PO Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2260, Australia.
01:53 Jesus said, "With God all things are possible."
02:01 Welcome back to the Carter Report.
02:02 I'm Dave Deno.
02:03 Today, we're talking with Pastor John Carter
02:05 and we're talking about 50 years of uninterrupted ministry,
02:10 50 years of evangelism.
02:13 And we're gonna find out more about Pastor Carter
02:16 about what drives him,
02:18 about what he sees in the future.
02:21 We're gonna talk with him also
02:22 about his faith in a very personal way.
02:25 Pastor Carter, this is I think
02:27 a rare privilege not just for me,
02:29 but for those who are watching as well.
02:31 It's a privilege to have you with you today, Dave.
02:34 Thank you for coming.
02:35 I'd like to begin by asking you
02:37 perhaps a description of the most amazing
02:42 spiritual experience that has ever happened to you?
02:45 Uh, goodness.
02:48 I would say that the most amazing
02:52 spiritual experience happened to me
02:54 when I was 17 years of age.
02:58 I was a boy going to Avondale College in Australia.
03:02 And an Englishmen came and he preached on the topic,
03:05 "God filled blank."
03:08 He said, "Inside every person there is a blank,
03:11 there is an emptiness, only God can fill it."
03:14 When he said this, I thought to myself
03:17 he's talking about me
03:18 because I felt empty and lonely inside.
03:23 And then he gave a series of meetings
03:25 all on the gospel of Christ that God loved people
03:28 and Jesus, the son of God came to this earth
03:31 and died for our sins on the cross.
03:34 And I was overwhelmed, I was dazed and amazed
03:38 by the revelation of the love of God.
03:40 I gave my life to Christ.
03:42 I was overwhelmed back there by the love of God.
03:48 I'm overwhelmed today.
03:50 You know I've heard many, many people talk about the fact
03:53 that there is a place in their life
03:56 that seems unfilled. Yeah.
03:58 And we hear that from people in all walks of life.
04:01 People who have achieved,
04:03 what to our way of thinking is everything.
04:06 And people who are struggling just to get by
04:09 and yet there is that same feeling
04:11 that something is missing. Why do you think that is?
04:15 Well, the great theologian, Santa Gustin said,
04:19 "Our souls were made for God,
04:21 and they cannot rest until they rest in him."
04:25 Without God, we are completely incomplete.
04:30 I was a teenager growing up in Australia.
04:33 I was in a home that was full of religion,
04:37 but I hadn't found God.
04:38 There is a big difference state between finding God
04:42 and being stuck in religion.
04:44 Most people seem to be stuck in religion.
04:48 But I believe that God revealed Himself to me.
04:51 It wasn't a case of my finding,
04:52 God was the case, I felt that God found me.
04:57 There is a great poem where God is described
05:00 as the "hound of heaven." That He pursues us. Yeah.
05:05 Isn't it great to know-
05:06 Down the labyrinthine ways of their own mind.
05:12 We talk about this need in every human being. Yeah.
05:18 And yet there are those who discounted.
05:22 There are those who are actually evangelists for atheism.
05:27 They want to not only discount God,
05:31 but they really want others as well
05:34 is to have in their mind,
05:37 the realization that there is no God.
05:39 Let me give you an example.
05:41 There is a gentleman by the name of Dr. Richard Dawkins,
05:43 he is a- an evolutionary biologist.
05:46 He is an avowed atheist.
05:48 He has written several books attacking Christianity.
05:53 He derides those who believe in God.
05:59 First of all, why do you believe in God?
06:02 I believe in God for a number of reasons.
06:05 Firstly, God met me there back in the 1950s,
06:09 goodness me.
06:11 Fifty Five, fifty six years ago,
06:13 God met me.
06:16 I believe in God because of personal experience.
06:19 Number two, I believe in God
06:21 because of the overwhelming evidence
06:24 that I get out of this book, this book this called the Bible.
06:28 I believe in the evidence of Bible prophesy,
06:31 I've studied the Bible prophesies Dave,
06:33 for many, many years. I'm forced to believe
06:37 that these prophesies must have been inspired
06:40 by someone bigger than you and I.
06:43 And the next reason I believe in God
06:46 as I think through this question.
06:49 It'll be the person of Christ.
06:53 He is completely distinct and unique.
06:56 He meets the needs of the human heart.
07:00 He is so marvelous and so wonderful
07:03 and so ugly extraordinary
07:06 that He could not be the figment of human imagination.
07:10 He could not have been just created by people.
07:15 He meets the need of the human heart,
07:18 that He is the strongest reason I have Christ Himself.
07:22 But there would be another reason,
07:24 that is the reason today of astronomy,
07:28 I was talking just a few months ago
07:30 to Dr. Hugh Ross, who was a famous astronomer,
07:33 a friend of yours and a friend of mine.
07:35 When he tells me that a millisecond
07:38 after the point of creation,
07:40 that scientist called the big bang,
07:42 you can call it what you like, a big noise or whatever.
07:46 But a millisecond after that he said,
07:48 there were four forces that held the universe together.
07:54 Gravity, strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force,
08:00 and electromagnetism, I hope.
08:04 But he pointed out if those forces,
08:07 Dave, had been out of sync by one quadrillionth,
08:12 of one quadrillionth, of one quadrillionth,
08:15 of one quadrillionth, of one quadrillionth,
08:18 of one percent, there could be no life on the planet.
08:23 I'm forced to believe
08:24 that there must be a great designer
08:29 to the whole universe.
08:31 And when I think of this is the,
08:34 the greatness of this great designer,
08:36 this great creator.
08:37 And then I read the Bible story
08:40 that He came down in the person of Christ.
08:45 I must believe in Him.
08:47 I'm forced by the way of evidence to believe in Him.
08:50 And Richard Dawkins, I don't doubt his sincerity
08:53 or anything like this. He is a complete atheist.
08:57 But Dawkins, one of his main arguments is this he says,
09:01 "I can't believe in God
09:02 because of the way Christians have acted.
09:06 It's not a very good argument.
09:07 Because some Christians have acted abominably.
09:10 But that's not reason not to believe in the Christ.
09:13 I could say to him Dr. Dawkins,
09:15 look how the atheists acted
09:16 who believe what you believe in the Soviet Union.
09:19 They've murdered 70 million people.
09:22 And so I don't think his arguments are valid.
09:28 But I believe in God because God believes in me.
09:35 You're watching the Carter Report.
09:36 We're talking with Dr. John Carter.
09:39 A question that I've always had
09:41 when I come up against a person who is an avowed atheist,
09:46 who is really as I describe before
09:48 almost evangelistic about it. Militant.
09:51 Why? What drives a person like that?
09:56 Dave, it's very difficult for me to answer that,
10:00 because I don't know what drives Dr. Dawkins possibly
10:04 he had some very bad experiences with religious people.
10:09 And he possibly, he's owed an apology
10:14 perhaps for something that has happened to him.
10:17 But I think in the human heart
10:20 I think in the human heart there is in with many people
10:25 or some people there is a desire to get away
10:29 from the responsibility that comes
10:32 when you believe in God.
10:34 You see if there is no God,
10:36 there is no law, and there is no sin.
10:38 And there is really no morality
10:40 and there's no purpose and there is no meaning.
10:42 And some people would rather be cast out
10:44 on the sea of unbelief than submit
10:48 to the Lordship of Christ.
10:51 It's a very bad choice I believe.
10:53 It is difficult to talk about
10:55 what's in the heart of other people.
10:57 Let's get back to talking about what's in your heart,
10:59 50 years of uninterrupted ministry and evangelism.
11:04 Where did it all begin?
11:05 I guess it began.
11:06 Now you're making me really think,
11:08 it began when I was a tiny little baby.
11:12 My mother told me the story.
11:13 She was not going to a church.
11:15 She believed in God.
11:17 Officially I think she belong to the Church of England
11:20 and Australia, the Anglican Church,
11:22 or the Episcopal Churches.
11:24 It's called here the United States.
11:27 And after I was born my mother had a conviction
11:32 that I was called to be a minister
11:34 and the preacher of the gospel.
11:37 And she got down on her knee,
11:39 she told me this


Revised 2014-12-17