Carter Report, The

Divine Encounter - Dave Deno Interviews John Carter

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001218

00:08 From Arcadia, California, "The Carter Report" presents
00:11 "The Living Word" around the world.
00:18 Hello, welcome to "The Carter Report."
00:20 With Pastor John Carter, I'm Dave Deno.
00:23 Today, an amazing story.
00:29 Jesus said, "Go unto all the world
00:31 and make disciples of all nations
00:33 baptizing them in the name of the Father
00:35 Son, and Holy Spirit."
00:37 The Carter Report team has therefore accepted
00:40 the challenge of worldwide evangelism.
00:43 Millions in Russia, Ukraine, the Philippines, Africa, India,
00:48 Australia, the United States, and the Isles of the Sea
00:52 have heard the good news of Christ
00:54 as John Carter has proclaimed God's living word.
00:58 You are invited to be a part of the Carter team
01:01 by praying and by giving and when God calls, by going.
01:05 Write a note now to Pastor John Carter,
01:08 P.O. Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California 91358
01:14 or to P.O. Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2260, Australia.
01:22 Jesus said, "With God all things are possible."
01:30 John, I used the word "amazing" a moment ago
01:33 and that word is thrown around quite a bit by the media
01:36 so it has lost some of its meaning.
01:38 And yet you have just returned from a trip
01:43 that certainly does fit the definition of amazing.
01:47 Where did you go and why?
01:49 Dave, we went to Papua New Guinea
01:51 to the capital city of Port Moresby.
01:53 We saw there a modern Pentecost. We saw vast crowds of people,
01:59 more than 100,000 people a night.
02:02 And we saw the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God
02:08 as thousands, tens of thousands,
02:10 perhaps hundreds of thousands of people
02:12 would turn from sin to righteousness.
02:15 One of the first stories, in fact,
02:16 I think it was the first story that I heard upon your return,
02:22 was the story of the giant white bird.
02:26 Tell us about that.
02:29 It is an amazing story. I know the word amazing
02:33 is thrown around as you indicated.
02:35 But this was amazing. On the Thursday night,
02:39 the last Thursday night of the meetings
02:41 and the meetings have gone for two weeks,
02:45 something occurred that transfixed
02:48 many people in the audience.
02:50 A pastor came to me after the meeting and said--
02:53 he was walking me home at-- at the university and he said,
02:57 "My people have come to me, all of my people
02:59 who were in the congregation in this audience
03:02 of say 130,000 people, and they said,
03:07 'when you put the picture, or when your team
03:10 put the picture of the great white dove,
03:13 the symbol of the Holy Spirit on the screen,
03:17 a great white dove flew over the audience."
03:21 I was speaking that night on the unpardonable sin,
03:26 which is the sin against the Holy Spirit.
03:30 And so as a part of the presentation,
03:33 we put a picture of this white bird on the screen.
03:37 He said, "When this happened, this white dove,
03:42 great giant white dove flew over our heads."
03:47 I said, "How many saw this?"
03:49 He said, "at least the people who came to me."
03:52 He said, "I don't know how many other people,
03:54 but," he said, "they're talking about it."
03:59 That was on the Thursday night.
04:01 On the Friday night, we had a great storm of rain,
04:04 that's another story.
04:05 But the meeting proceeded in the rain.
04:08 But on the last Saturday night, I was at the back of the stage,
04:13 Dave, and I was talking
04:15 to the government minister of finance,
04:19 a cabinet member in the government there,
04:22 and we were standing at the back of the stage,
04:24 we could not see the audience.
04:27 And then I heard a roar coming from the audience.
04:34 A sound like many waters as the Bible says.
04:39 It was not the sound of the people going into battle,
04:42 but it was the sound of spiritual joy and ecstasy.
04:46 I did not know what was going on.
04:49 Pastor Willie G. was singing and so I walked out
04:53 from the back of the stage
04:55 and the audience had their hands up
04:57 and they were praising God.
05:01 And as they were pra-- I had no idea what was going on.
05:04 But then, all of a sudden,
05:07 a great white bird flashed over my head.
05:12 Later on, when I went out to greet the people,
05:16 and we had a vast crowd, some say we had 150,000 people.
05:21 I don't know. At least an excess of 130,000,
05:25 as far as the eye could see. Dave, I said to the people,
05:32 "Who here tonight saw the great white bird?"
05:37 They all cried out, "we did, we did."
05:39 Every hand was raised. More than a 100,000 hands raised
05:44 testifying that a great white bird,
05:48 symbol of the Holy Spirit, had flown in slowly
05:52 over the heads of the audience.
05:57 I can only say the people there,
06:00 the pastors, the government officers, the ambassadors
06:05 from the different nations said they saw the great white bird,
06:10 symbol of the Holy Spirit,
06:12 and their hearts were strangely warmed.
06:16 You mentioned 15 nights.
06:20 You mentioned numbers of people that for us here,
06:28 seem amazing as well. I understand that 15 nights,
06:34 you began at about 75,000 on the first night
06:38 and the crowds actually continued to grow every night--
06:42 Rapidly. For 15 nights.
06:45 Why? What brought the people there?
06:50 I can only say, to the glory of God,
06:53 it was the-- it was the spirit of God.
06:57 Now we were advertising on television.
07:02 We were somewhat well known because of the ministry of 3ABN
07:07 that has a full broadcast station there in Port Moresby.
07:10 And we were advertising on a commercial television station
07:15 and on a commercial radio station.
07:18 But other people have done that also,
07:22 but the word got out to the city
07:24 and across the whole nation of PNG
07:27 that something extraordinary was happening.
07:30 And people came by boat from distant islands
07:34 and they flew in by plane because they'd heard that surely
07:38 the spirit of the Lord was in that place.
07:42 Let's give people an idea of the country,
07:45 yes. of the city, Port Moresby.
07:48 Where is that and how big is that city?
07:50 Port Moresby is the capital of Papua New Guinea
07:55 that lies to the north of Australia.
07:58 Now we had to fly to Australia, firstly to Brisbane,
08:02 which is the capital of Queensland,
08:04 and then we flew on for another 3½ hours to Port Moresby.
08:09 So it is a very, very large island.
08:12 The city of Port Moresby is not a huge city
08:15 by American standards.
08:17 It is a city of about half a million people,
08:19 at the very most. But the whole city
08:22 was stirred by the power of God.
08:25 When you talk about the city
08:26 and you talk about the area itself, it has a history,
08:32 and it has a history attached to the gospel.
08:36 What was this area like, let's say 100 years ago?
08:41 Around a hundred years ago, it was basically heathen.
08:46 The people-- many of the people,
08:50 Dave, were cannibals. They ate their enemies.
08:54 It was one of the fiercest countries
08:57 on the face of the earth. It was a land that time forgot.
09:03 They worshipped their ancestors, they spoke to the spirits,
09:07 the spirits would come and speak to them.
09:09 Demonism ruled the hearts of the people.
09:14 Oh, then missionaries came with the gospel of Christ
09:18 and the nation, to a great extent,
09:21 or much of the nation was transformed
09:24 by the grace of God.
09:26 You had an opportunity, I understand,
09:28 while you were there to actually go up into the country.
09:33 Up into the mountains-- Yes.
09:35 To an area rarely visited by those who come to the country
09:41 and you were able to actually go visit a church
09:44 and see some of the handiwork
09:45 of those years of missionary work,
09:47 weren't you? Yes.
09:50 We went up the famous Kokoda trail,
09:52 up towards the Owen Stanley track
09:55 where the Australians, with the help of the Americans,
09:59 turned back the Japanese during the Second World War.
10:03 We were going, we felt, on sacred ground.
10:08 Thousands and thousands of young men
10:10 had died there fighting for our freedom.
10:14 So we went there, moved in our own hearts.
10:18 We went to the Great War cemetery there.
10:21 But when we went up in the hills, it was beautiful.
10:26 The air was so clean and so cool
10:30 and we went to a Christian village
10:33 at a place called Bisiatabu.
10:37 And we were met there by some of the most beautiful people
10:40 on the face of the earth. They were all dressed in white.
10:44 These people had once been head hunters
10:47 and cannibals and murderers
10:50 and the worshippers of evil spirits.
10:54 And we were well known there
10:56 because they watch our television program.
10:59 They get a clear signal up in the mountains.
11:03 "The Carter Report" through 3ABN is beamed clearly
11:08 into that part of the world. It is quite astounding, really.
11:11 This program gives them a chance to visit with you again
11:15 and to hear some of your impressions.
11:18 You refer to Papua New Guinea as PNG.
11:21 That's the term used by the locals, right? Yes,
11:23 yes, and by the people who--
11:24 in Australia they call it PNG
11:28 because if Australians can shorten something,
11:30 they will and so we usually call it PNG, Papua New Guinea.
11:36 You went there during a time
11:39 when they were having national elections. Yes.
11:42 And a bit unlike our elections,
11:44 there's a lot of violence involved in their elections.
11:48 Why did you choose to go at that time?
11:51 Well, it was the only time we could get this
11:53 great outdoor stadium.
11:54 So you go when you can go.
11:56 The government, the Australian government,
11:58 advised us not to go.
12:02 On their website they said,
12:03 "Don't go to Papua New Guinea at this time of the elections
12:07 because there's going to be bloodshed.
12:10 There always is bloodshed at the time of the elections."
12:14 But this was the only time when we could get
12:16 the vast national outdoor stadium,
12:18 it was available, it was not available any other time.
12:22 And so we went in the name of the Lord
12:25 and we put our lives in the hands of God
12:28 and God blessed us.
12:30 What's the culture like?
12:32 My understanding is that there is rampant
12:35 unemployment in Papua New Guinea.
12:37 Yes, yes, there is. There is rampant unemployment.
12:41 Some people are very, very, wealthy.
12:44 There are millionaires and maybe a few billionaires, Dave.
12:47 But most people live on a couple of dollars a day.
12:52 And so you have some areas of Port Moresby
12:56 which are beautiful almost like America.
12:59 Beautiful homes, but many of the people
13:02 are bound by the chains of poverty.
13:07 And, of course, poverty can help breed terrorism
13:12 and crime and every other social disorder.
13:16 And so this part of the world is often wrecked
13:19 with crime and violence.
13:22 You don't wander around the streets,
13:24 generally, by yourself.
13:27 In that kind of atmosphere, what can the gospel do?
13:34 The gospel is the only hope of the world.
13:36 Now I know we become engrossed with politics.
13:41 I'm not saying anything against politics,
13:44 but they're-- the hope of the world,
13:46 Dave, is not politics.
13:51 The hope of the world is Christ,
13:54 the Bible, the teachings of the Bible.
13:58 When we went there,
14:00 the spirit of God was so marvelously manifested
14:03 that the powers of darkness were beaten back.
14:07 Now I meet people who find these things
14:10 quite impossible to believe.
14:11 That is because they're not really in touch
14:14 with the spirit of God.
14:16 But when we get in touch with the spirit of God,
14:19 that which is impossible becomes a divine possibility.
14:24 The Prime Minister himself said to me,
14:26 he said, "I say this to you,"
14:28 he said, "You have blessed the whole nation."
14:31 By this, he meant that the meetings
14:34 and the preaching of the gospel had blessed the whole nation.
14:38 And during the meetings,
14:40 we did not see any evidence of crime at all.
14:45 One night, the police were alarmed
14:46 because they found a couple of bullets lying on the ground.
14:51 It's easy to be killed
14:53 when you have an audience of 150,000 people
14:57 and some of those people have been engaged in crime.
15:00 But during the meetings there was a sweet peace.
15:04 There was no evidence of agitation.
15:08 There was not a whisper.
15:10 Even the little children were transfixed.
15:15 You could sense, Dave,
15:17 that the spirit of God was in the meetings.
15:20 You're listening to "the Carter Report"
15:22 with Pastor John Carter.
15:24 I'm Dave Deno, we're talking about your recent trip
15:26 to Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby. PNG. PNG.
15:33 I take it by your comments that you really never felt in danger?
15:37 You had no sense of danger?
15:39 You were not afraid for your life?
15:43 Whenever I walk out to a big audience,
15:46 I say to Beverley, my wife,
15:49 "Beverley, we have trust in God, but tonight may be the night
15:56 when I am assassinated.
16:01 We are immortal until our work on earth is done.
16:04 So my life is in God's hands."
16:07 But when I walked out on the stage, night after night,
16:10 I felt no fear, not a tiny bit.
16:15 I felt the presence of the angels of God.
16:19 I did not feel anxious at all.
16:22 I knew that I was in the hands of God
16:24 and I knew that the spirit of God
16:26 had taken charge of the meetings.
16:31 One hundred thirty to one hundred fifty thousand people.
16:37 Starting at 75, growing quickly. Yes.
16:40 Over 15 nights, you preached for 15 nights. Yes.
16:47 Was there ever a point,
16:49 was there ever a night when you just felt so exhausted that,
16:53 to yourself you said,
16:55 "I wish I didn't have to do this tonight."
16:58 Dave, I'm no longer a boy, I wish I were.
17:03 But I've been in this work now for 50 years.
17:08 Glory be to God, that's a long time.
17:11 I tell folks, you know, my hair is no longer what it used to be.
17:15 It's got sort of white,
17:17 but I say to them that if you pull it, it's mine.
17:21 But, Dave, there were some nights, it is true.
17:26 We would have a crisis a day.
17:28 When you're running a campaign like this,
17:30 what people see is the tip of the iceberg.
17:34 People have no idea at all what's going on.
17:37 You have a crisis with electricity,
17:39 you have a crisis with the projectors,
17:42 you have a crisis with the computers,
17:44 you have a crisis with the music.
17:46 It goes on and on and on. It's a crisis everyday.
17:49 You have a crisis with the people
17:51 who are renting you the stadium.
17:54 You have a lot of opposition-- Yes.
17:56 From the enemy, and by the enemy we mean,
17:59 you know, the powers and principalities of the world.
18:02 The enemy is Satan.
18:04 I felt every night that we were engaged in a spiritual battle.
18:09 I would call the team together and I'd say,
18:11 "We're engaged in spiritual warfare here.
18:15 We must stay together, we must pray together,
18:18 because we are fighting the devil here."
18:20 We're actually fighting the devil.
18:21 Some nights, Dave, my team would get with me
18:25 because I would feel exhausted.
18:28 They'd say, "What's he gonna do tonight?
18:31 He's completely exhausted."
18:34 Like, I'd go down there and I'd sit down
18:36 and they'd get me some food to eat
18:38 and food is always a problem in those countries.
18:41 And sometimes as I walked out on the stage
18:45 and there would be well over a 100,000 say, 140,000 people.
18:51 I would say to myself, "I can't do this."
18:57 But then I would feel a mantle of power come upon me.
19:03 Now some people say, you know, this is simply your adrenalin.
19:07 No, no, no, far more than adrenalin.
19:10 I know what adrenalin is.
19:11 I know what a rush from adrenalin is.
19:14 I know just ordinary excitement,
19:16 but I would feel a mantle of power come upon me
19:21 and team members would say,
19:25 "It's happened again. It's happened again."
19:29 My mind would become so clear,
19:32 a million thoughts would be surging through my mind
19:35 and my mouth could not keep up with the words.
19:40 The other day, I was looking at some of the programs
19:43 that we shot because we took a full television crew
19:46 and these videos or DVDs will be made available.
19:51 When I look at them,
19:52 I can see how I'm transfixed by the power of God.
19:57 I would have limitless energy. I would run around the stage.
20:03 I would feel the power of God
20:06 and the people in the audience felt the power, too.
20:10 They sensed the power
20:12 and the power was flowing out to them,
20:15 and coming back to me and was coming down from God.
20:18 People say, "We've never had that experience."
20:22 Well, my friend, "God," I say to them,
20:25 "God only gives that experience when it is needed."
20:30 Now when I preached in these churches,
20:32 I've done so many times,
20:33 hundreds of times in our beautiful church.
20:36 I say this, I confess it, I've never had that experience.
20:41 But when God saw that the need was extraordinary,
20:44 God gave me extraordinary power and that is why the dove came.
20:50 And that is why when we had altar calls,
20:52 tens of thousands of people came down
20:55 the front to give their lives to Christ.
20:59 What was the attraction?
21:01 Why do you think, I mean, this is unheard of.
21:04 Fifteen nights of huge crowds, people continuing to come. Yes.
21:09 What was the attraction? What brought those people there?
21:13 Why did they want to come?
21:16 Dave, I will cut to the-- get to the bottom line.
21:23 The gospel is the power of God and His salvation.
21:26 Romans 1:16-17.
21:29 There is no other power in the world
21:31 that compares to the gospel of Christ.
21:34 When I go to a place like PNG,
21:37 now this surprises some of my supporters.
21:42 I say, I do not go there primarily
21:46 to make these people members of my church.
21:50 They say, "Well, well, why should we ever support you?"
21:53 I go there with a far higher calling,
21:55 I go there to preach Christ.
21:59 And if they become members of my church,
22:01 which I encourage them to do and I baptize them,
22:05 it has to be in the context that first
22:07 and foremost they come to Christ.
22:11 So every night I talk about Christ.
22:15 I talk about the blood atonement,
22:18 Christ on the cross. People say,
22:19 "Nobody would listen to that stuff."
22:22 No, that's the-- that's the stuff.
22:23 We shouldn't call it stuff, but that's the material
22:25 that people will listen to.
22:27 That's the-- that's the power of God.
22:29 When I preach on the cross of Christ--every night,
22:32 I've made Christ the center of every meeting.
22:36 Even when I spoke on astronomy,
22:39 it is Christ, the Lord of creation.
22:42 And when you preach with the spirit of God
22:45 and you preach on the blood of Christ,
22:49 I believe in the blood of Christ.
22:52 When people say, "What is your religion?"
22:54 I say, "First and foremost,
22:55 I'm a Christian and I'm under the blood of Christ.
22:59 And secondly, I believe in Sola Scriptura,
23:02 I believe in the Bible and the Bible alone.
23:05 I don't believe in the traditions of men."
23:08 And then I say, "Then I am an Adventist.
23:12 Because I believe in the coming of the Lord
23:14 and I believe in the keeping of the commandments
23:17 including the Sabbath."
23:18 But unless you have a hierarchy of spiritual values,
23:23 you're not going to be a Christian,
23:24 you're not going to be anything.
23:26 And so the power of the meetings is the preaching of Christ,
23:33 that doesn't depend upon us, it depends upon him.
23:36 It's a great lesson
23:37 and I hear you sharing this lesson right here
23:40 and at this point with those who perhaps are young in ministry.
23:46 That nothing addresses the need of the human heart and soul--
23:52 Amen. Like the gospel.
23:53 No. I like a good psychology sermon now and then.
24:00 You know, I like those things
24:02 because I need that sort of help and we all do because of sin.
24:08 But ultimately, the cry of the human heart
24:12 is not met by anything but by the gospel, because of sin.
24:19 Sin came into the world,
24:21 and there's only one antidote to sin,
24:24 and that is the blood of Christ.
24:26 And whether you are a person in PNG
24:30 or a Hindu to whom we preached in India,
24:35 or a Muslim, or a Roman Catholic
24:39 or a Baptist, or a Pentecostal, or an Adventist,
24:44 we all need the blood of Christ because of sin.
24:49 Who did you preach to?
24:51 Yeah, 150,000 people, that--that's so vast.
24:57 Yes. Hard for us to picture in our mind. Yes.
25:00 Fortunately, we have pictures.
25:02 One of the things I love about the newsletter
25:05 that you provide for people, is that you give us pictures
25:09 and--and the current newsletter has some great pictures.
25:11 Yeah, amazing, aren't they?
25:13 I think it's tremendous.
25:14 You get a sense of the crowd there,
25:17 but who made up this crowd?
25:22 The crowd was made up of different strata of society.
25:26 We had ambassadors, as I mentioned,
25:28 from different countries. They were attracted.
25:31 We had government ministers.
25:34 One night, we had 12 or 14
25:37 newly sworn in ministers of the government.
25:40 They came and they responded in the altar call,
25:44 and they stayed behind for prayer.
25:45 We put our hands upon them
25:47 and prayed that God would so fill their lives
25:50 with the spirit of God that they would keep
25:53 the commandments of God,
25:54 that they would be upright and honest
25:56 and thus be a blessing to the nation.
25:59 That's what we want our politicians to be.
26:02 We want our politicians to be, first and foremost,
26:06 not republicans or democrats or independents,
26:10 but people who recognize the lordship of Christ.
26:14 I'm not telling you about trying to impose religion
26:17 upon the people, not telling about that,
26:18 but I'm telling you about personal accountability to God.
26:23 Because if you respect God, you're gonna respect man.
26:27 But if you don't respect God,
26:30 how can you respect man who was made in the image of God?
26:34 You're not going to.
26:35 That's why communism collapsed in Russia.
26:38 And so the who people came,
26:41 they were politicians, they were families,
26:44 beautiful families, husbands and wives,
26:47 and their children, not making a sound.
26:52 The children, marvelous. No cell phones going off.
26:58 You know why?
26:59 The people have a sense of reverence for God.
27:02 They think that a person who brings
27:04 a cell phone into church, and the phone goes off,
27:07 they think that they are the most heathen people.
27:11 They say, "We used to be heathen."
27:14 Now we've gone to place-- and cell phone--they say,
27:17 "These people need missionaries."
27:21 And so families, university students.
27:25 Pacific Adventist University,
27:28 which is a great university outside Port Moresby.
27:32 It's a great credit to the people,
27:35 it's marvelous. A great university.
27:38 They sent 12 busloads of university students every night.
27:43 They started with one bus load,
27:45 but they were almost going to get riots
27:47 because the others wanted to come.
27:49 So in the end, they paid for 12 buses to bring students.
27:54 Some of those were baptized into Christ.
27:57 So you had everybody you could think of,
28:01 you had poor people and you had wealthy people.
28:04 You had people on two dollars a day
28:06 and people who are multi, multi millionaires.
28:09 Side by side. Side by side,
28:12 packed in, like sardines in a can.
28:18 I've seen some of the pictures,
28:21 it is people for as far as the eye can see.
28:25 And even then, tens of thousands beyond that in the areas
28:31 that were dark at night, unlit,
28:34 and yet the people continued to come far out beyond you,
28:39 way to the side of your platform
28:42 and stage that you're preaching from.
28:45 An amazing vast audience of people. A vast audience.
28:49 What kind of comments,
28:51 I mean, you're talking to all these people at once,
28:53 but you met with people
28:55 and talked with them individually.
28:57 What kind of comments did you receive from them?
29:00 Dave, exceedingly refreshing.
29:07 They have their problems, we know.
29:09 But cynicism is not one of them.
29:13 They believe with a childlike faith.
29:15 That's what Jesus told us.
29:17 He said unless we're converted and become as little children,
29:20 we're not gonna be saved.
29:21 And they do have a childlike faith.
29:23 They believe that that great white bird was sent from God.
29:28 Now if you talk to people in Australia or in America,
29:32 they'll give you a thousand rational reasons
29:35 why those things don't happen.
29:37 But those people up there, they have a childlike faith
29:41 and I think God respects and honors their faith.
29:47 Well, the meeting started at 6 o'clock
29:49 in the evening as the sun went down.
29:51 And--because then we were going to get the projectors fired up.
29:56 So we couldn't do that in the daylight.
29:59 And then I would be preaching around ten past seven
30:03 and I'd finish preaching about ten past eight.
30:05 I believe that Sermonettes make Christianettes
30:08 And so 60 minutes preaching of the gospel and preaching
30:12 with all my soul and then I'd have an altar call,
30:15 usually it'd take another half hour.
30:18 So we got some criticisms.
30:21 The criticisms were that the meetings were too short.
30:26 And then we told the folks after we had gone,
30:29 you know, for 15 nights, more than two weeks,
30:31 we said, "It's coming to a close."
30:35 They were bitterly disappointed.
30:36 They said, "Stay, stay, stay."
30:39 As I left the airport, left to come back--
30:43 flying back to Australia and then back to the US,
30:46 a young man came-- he worked
30:48 for the security there at the airport.
30:50 He said, "Let me carry your bag."
30:52 I said, "Thank you."
30:54 So he carried my bag and came down to where
30:56 I was getting on the plane and gave me back my bag
30:59 and then there were a number of white people
31:02 from Australia getting on the plane.
31:05 They were Australians,
31:06 who were probably living in that part of the world.
31:09 On the whole, I don't think they came to the meetings.
31:12 But this young man burst out into tears.
31:16 He's a grown man, crying.
31:19 He said, "I don't want you to go."
31:21 And at that point, we're going to come back
31:24 and finish that story in just a moment,
31:27 as you listen to "the Carter Report" with John Carter.
31:34 Millions around the world have attended the Carter Report
31:37 programs and seen the wonders of Biblical archeology.
31:40 From the treasures of King Tutankhamen,
31:42 to the Great Pyramids of Giza.
31:44 Vast audiences have walked with John Carter
31:46 the dusty roads of ancient Egypt.
31:48 The journey has continued as the masses have gazed
31:51 upon the palaces of Petra
31:53 and the stones of Herod's temple.
31:55 The largest secular crowds attending
31:57 religious meetings anywhere have exclaimed,
31:59 "At last, here is evidence to believe in God!"
32:02 Please support the Carter Report in its unique mission.
32:05 Write to John Carter, P.O. Box 1900,
32:08 Thousand Oaks, California, 91358
32:10 or P.O. Box 861, Terrigal,
32:13 New South Wales, 2260 Australia.
32:16 Once again that address is, The Carter Report,
32:18 P.O. Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California,
32:22 91358 or P.O. Box 861, Terrigal,
32:26 New South Wales, 2260, Australia.
32:35 Welcome back to "the Carter Report" with Pastor John Carter.
32:38 I'm Dave Deno.
32:39 We're talking about a recent trip that John and his team
32:43 made to Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby.
32:47 For a series of meetings, crusades if you will,
32:51 where upwards of 130 to 150,000 people
32:57 attended meetings every night for 15 nights.
33:03 An amazing response.
33:05 And we were talking just a moment ago
33:08 about the individual response that you received from people
33:12 and I interrupted you in a story that I'd really like
33:15 to hear the end of and that is, you were talking
33:17 about how people reacted to you and reacted to the meetings
33:21 and what was happening when you were about to leave the country,
33:25 boarding the plane? What happened?
33:27 I was about to get on the flight, Dave,
33:30 and this young man from PNG who worked at the airport,
33:35 a security officer, he broke down,
33:38 he started to cry.
33:40 And he put his arms around me and he said,
33:42 "I don't want you to go."
33:45 Now somebody who hadn't attended the meetings,
33:47 who was going back to Australia came to me,
33:50 a lady, and she said, "Excuse me,
33:55 he doesn't want you to go.
33:57 He is crying." I said, "Yes."
34:01 She said, "Why?"
34:02 I said, "Because he's been blessed."
34:07 Now she found that very hard to understand,
34:10 because for so many people in the western world today,
34:13 including Australia, this book is no longer relevant.
34:20 They don't believe in the preaching of the gospel,
34:23 in fact, they don't believe in the God of the Bible.
34:27 But she was astounded that he was a local,
34:30 who was so touched by the meetings
34:32 and he didn't want us to go.
34:36 Let's talk about some of the details of your trip.
34:41 I have written down here that you flew
34:43 in a large quantity of equipment from America.
34:48 You also shipped in a full container load
34:51 of Bibles and other items.
34:55 Why didn't you just use local materials let's say?
34:59 Local materials are very hard to come by
35:02 at any sort of a reasonable price.
35:05 Now we built a stage, a person who came with us,
35:09 a young pastor who came with us, he said,
35:12 "This is bigger than a rock concert."
35:15 And this is true, a huge stage,
35:19 the biggest screens I'd ever seen in that part of the world.
35:23 And then we fly in these huge video projectors.
35:27 You can't get them there, nobody's got them there.
35:31 And so if you're going to do this,
35:34 it's got to be done on an enormous scale.
35:38 This is taxing, this is expensive,
35:42 but if you're going to do it, you've got to do it properly.
35:46 You said it's expensive? Yes.
35:50 How do you get the funds for this?
35:54 This is quite extraordinary because we don't beg for money.
35:59 But we are doing what God has told us to do,
36:01 what God has told the church to do.
36:04 The Bible actually says, Jesus said,
36:06 "Go into all the world, make disciples of all nations,
36:10 baptizing them in the name of the Father,
36:13 the Son and the Holy Spirit."
36:14 People say, "Well,
36:16 that's not really relevant today."
36:19 It's an interesting thing, Dave,
36:21 Jesus didn't say, "Go into all the church
36:26 and make disciples of all nations."
36:29 We preach in churches, I preach in churches
36:32 but the great emphasis of the Bible
36:35 is that the church needs to be relevant
36:37 and to go into all the world.
36:40 Now we take this seriously.
36:42 And we've done this in places where people say,
36:44 "You're gonna be killed,
36:46 and you can't do that and it's impossible to do."
36:50 We've gone to India and Russia and Ukraine and South Africa
36:54 and we've gone to places where people say
36:57 it can't happen but it does happen.
37:01 And we have partners around the world who still believe,
37:05 they still believe in the Bible and they believe in the gospel
37:11 and they believe in putting money
37:14 where it's going do the most good.
37:16 And the best thing that people can do
37:18 with their money is to put it into souls,
37:22 saving lost souls who are going to shine
37:26 in the kingdom of God for ever and ever.
37:29 That's why people send this money.
37:32 I wanna talk for a moment about the messages that you bring.
37:35 You go to countries where the gospel
37:37 is not the dominant philosophy?
37:41 Some countries I've been to, yes, yes.
37:43 Some of the countries.
37:44 How are you able to bring the gospel
37:48 into your messages in that type of environment?
37:52 Dave, we have a completely unorthodox philosophy
37:56 to most churches, even in my own church.
38:00 I have a different philosophy of ministry.
38:05 I believe that the church, I believe that I am--I believe
38:09 that every gospel minister is called to reach the lost.
38:14 Now I believe that people are lost outside of Christ
38:18 and not everybody believes this.
38:21 I believe there's no other name under heaven
38:23 whereby we must be saved.
38:25 I do not believe that we are saved
38:28 because we join a church.
38:31 I do not believe that we are necessarily saved because
38:35 we are religious or any of those things.
38:37 I believe we need to have a divine encounter
38:41 with Christ and the word.
38:43 Now this is the core of my belief,
38:48 it is an apostolic Biblical belief.
38:51 Therefore, we set out to reach non believers
38:56 and that's most of the world.
38:58 I've opened for years on Biblical archeology on Egypt.
39:03 I show them the wonders of ancient Egypt
39:05 as it correlates to the bible.
39:09 This leads into Bible prophecy.
39:11 There's nothing that's going to convince an unbeliever
39:13 quicker than an understanding of Bible prophecy.
39:17 Prophecy proves that this is not an ordinary book,
39:21 it is quite extraordinary.
39:24 On my second night, on my third night,
39:26 I'm into astronomy and I show some of the most amazing
39:31 discoveries that most Christians are completely oblivious to.
39:37 Some of the most amazing discoveries that indicate that
39:40 there must be a great designer in the universe.
39:47 Extraordinary stuff, and this captivates the minds
39:52 and the ears of unbelievers and therefore,
39:57 we say this humbly, we've been told this.
40:00 We have the largest numbers of secular people attending
40:05 religious meetings anywhere on the face of the planet.
40:11 Say that again.
40:12 We have the largest numbers of non churched people attending
40:19 religious meetings anywhere on the face of the planet
40:26 of any religious system.
40:29 Now I so support people who go
40:34 and they evangelize the church
40:39 and they preach the gospel to vast numbers
40:41 of church numbers and they encourage those
40:43 church members to bring loved ones.
40:45 Is that good? No,
40:47 it's beyond good, it's wonderful.
40:50 But in those great audiences,
40:52 they may have 5% of the audience being the unchurched.
40:57 Often in our meetings,
40:59 only 5% of the audience is the churched,
41:02 95% of the people are complete unbelievers,
41:06 agnostics, atheists, communists, hindus
41:11 and whatever you wish to call them.
41:14 And we believe this is Biblical and we believe that
41:18 one of the great tragedies today in Christianity
41:21 is that Christians are preaching to the choir
41:26 and the choir's heard it all anyhow.
41:29 A hundred thousand, hundred and thirty thousand,
41:33 one hundred fifty thousand people,
41:36 what do you preach to them? What do you say?
41:39 Well, firstly as I indicated,
41:42 I open on somewhat of a secular topic.
41:46 I open on the wonders of ancient Egypt and I talk about
41:49 some of the Pharaohs who are mentioned in the Bible,
41:51 I talk about queen Hatshepsut whose body has only recently
41:55 been discovered and I advertise this on television with ads
41:58 that were shot on the Middle East and some of the ads say,
42:01 I'm standing in front of the bearded queen who was--
42:04 why did Pharaoh disfigure her face?
42:07 And why was her mummy lost for 3½ thousand years?
42:11 This captivates the unbeliever's mind as it ought to.
42:15 But then, as time goes by,
42:18 I quickly progress from archeology and astronomy
42:22 into the prophecies and the teachings
42:24 of the Bible and I use this book every night.
42:28 And then very quickly I move--by about
42:30 the fourth or the fifth night,
42:32 I'm even dealing with the prophecy of Daniel 9,
42:35 that talks about the coming
42:37 of the messiah after so many years.
42:40 And then I'm very quickly into a meeting on the man
42:43 who wrote his own life story before he was born
42:47 and that is the Christ of Bible prophecy.
42:50 And in that meeting, by about the fifth night,
42:52 I'm actually talking about the atoning sacrifice
42:54 of Christ of the cross.
42:56 Then I have a meeting that follows very quickly,
42:59 which I deal with the great problem of the human race,
43:03 is it political? Is it economic?
43:06 Is it, like Karl Marx said,
43:08 economic political? Is it genetic?
43:13 Are we what we are because we were made that way?
43:18 So I deal with all of these questions and the crowds
43:23 of unbelievers respond to these things.
43:27 But I quickly go from the secular
43:30 to the intensely spiritual.
43:32 I did not say religious.
43:35 Our meetings are not very religious,
43:39 but then neither is God.
43:41 Jesus was not especially religious.
43:44 Remember, the religious people put him on the cross.
43:47 So religion gets a pretty bad rep in the Bible.
43:51 One person said, almost all religion is bad.
43:56 Well, look around the world today.
43:58 They go killing each other in the name of religion.
44:01 So we don't talk religion,
44:03 we talk about the goodness of God and greatness of Christ.
44:06 And that is way you have seen such a wonderful response.
44:11 Oh, I think it's gotta be.
44:12 The Holy Sprit bears witness according to His word.
44:17 Like anyone in such an undertaking,
44:19 you don't travel alone,
44:21 you have team of people who go with you-- Small team.
44:24 I would venture to say that, perhaps, for you personally,
44:28 the most important person
44:30 on that team is your wife Beverley.
44:32 Beverley has gone on these trips for so many, many years.
44:38 And when she went to Russia and places,
44:41 I thought she had a special calling to visit orphanages
44:47 and we-- and tried to bless the orphans by giving
44:49 them what they needed.
44:51 Not what they wanted but what they needed.
44:54 And she also has a special ministry of praying.
45:00 So when I'm preaching, she is invariably
45:02 at the back of the stage, praying.
45:05 Years ago, before my wife and I were married,
45:10 we were reading a little bit
45:12 about male-female relationships, husband-wife relationships
45:18 and there was something I have not to this day forgotten,
45:22 "The nature of a man as compared to a woman."
45:27 And it said that men are adventure seekers,
45:31 we seek adventures in life.
45:33 And all too often, we will treat the woman in our life
45:38 like she is the adventure
45:39 and once we accomplish the adventure,
45:41 we leave it behind and we go on to another adventure.
45:44 And that, of course, leaves the woman felling left out.
45:47 You don't do that, you include your wife,
45:50 which is what this little lesson was all about.
45:52 So a little marital help here for all of us,
45:58 and that is to include your wife in the adventure
46:03 and it seems to me that's what you do with Beverley.
46:05 Well, Beverley has a ministry.
46:08 Beverley is called by God to do ministry the same as I am.
46:13 I believe that women are called
46:15 just as much as men, sometimes more so.
46:19 You talked about these meetings
46:23 and having the feeling of Pentecost, why?
46:30 Well, Pentecost was extraordinary
46:33 outpouring of the divine spirit.
46:37 We had in those meetings,
46:38 those vast meetings, this same experience.
46:43 We had the visitation of what they said was
46:46 the dove of God that came.
46:50 On the last night, the last Saturday night,
46:54 we just baptized around 3,000 people in the morning
46:57 and I had an altar call for people
46:59 who wanted to join them in baptism.
47:02 Dave, I have never seen anything quite like it.
47:08 For the first time in my life
47:10 I felt I had to restrain the audience.
47:13 That was the night
47:14 when everybody had seen the white dove.
47:19 The people came forward in a flood.
47:21 Most nights they had been reticent.
47:24 I'd had to work to get them to come forward.
47:29 They came in a trickle, then it became hundreds,
47:32 then it became thousands
47:34 and often we would have an altar call with
47:37 6 to 10, 12, 15,000 people.
47:41 But on the last night, Dave, it seemed as though
47:45 the whole audience was being supernaturally moved,
47:51 I would think, with the people who were raising their hands
47:55 and trying to come down the front.
47:57 You see, you can't come if every thing is blocked,
48:01 if everything is closed up, every avenue was closed.
48:05 I would think the people who had responded
48:07 would have been a hundred thousand people, maybe more.
48:11 People everywhere trying to come down the front.
48:13 People struggling to come down the front
48:17 and people who couldn't come down
48:19 the front raising hands,
48:22 that to me is an amazing manifestation of a Pentecost.
48:28 I do not believe that Pentecost needs to be an experience
48:31 in the dim distant future,
48:33 I believe that if the church were to take seriously
48:36 the teachings of the Bible, seriously,
48:42 we would see Pentecost everywhere.
48:46 Well, you talked about taking the gospel seriously,
48:49 you mentioned earlier in our talk
48:52 that there was a night when you preached in the rain.
48:56 Now here, if it's a baseball game--
48:57 Not by choice.
48:59 No, if it's a baseball game, we call the game. Yes.
49:04 Did you call the meeting that night? What happened?
49:06 On the final Friday night, this was tremendously important,
49:09 because we were having a big baptism the next day.
49:12 I needed to talk to the people who were going to be baptized,
49:15 we don't just baptize people in a causal way.
49:21 And as I went out to preach--or no,
49:23 before I went out to preach,
49:24 as I was getting ready to preach,
49:26 the heavens opened up
49:28 and the rain came down in a flood,
49:30 everything was sopping.
49:33 We turned the PA off,
49:34 we thought it would blow up. Wow.
49:36 We turned the projectors off
49:38 because they were starting to sizzle,
49:40 water was getting through.
49:41 We thought we're gonna blow up these great projectors,
49:43 then we won't have a program.
49:46 We had there on that Friday night say 130,000 people
49:52 who were sitting there
49:54 and they were getting soaked through and through.
49:58 How many left? None.
50:04 And we talk about faith, we talk about devotion,
50:07 we talk about being strong. They're the strong ones.
50:12 The children, children running away? No.
50:15 Everybody you can-- you've actually got it on video.
50:18 Some of them produced umbrellas and other things
50:21 they put over their heads, nobody left.
50:24 And so David said, and David had great faith.
50:28 He said, "Turn on the PA, if it blows up, it blows up."
50:32 David, your son? Yes.
50:34 Bob Ludwig, who were working the PA with their team,
50:38 turned it on.
50:39 We put on some great music and the people started to--
50:43 they lit up, the music's on.
50:45 Then we said, "Turn on the projectors,"
50:48 raining, "turn them on."
50:49 When the projectors came on,
50:51 everybody cheered and then I walked out
50:56 and preached in the rain.
50:58 I said to my team, "I'm gonna preach the word of God tonight."
51:02 I couldn't use the pulpit because the stand,
51:07 the water was running off it.
51:09 Water everywhere and I went out
51:12 and I preached in the rain
51:13 and the spirit of God came down upon me.
51:16 And they say I preached better than I'd ever preached before.
51:20 They said I needed just a little more rain.
51:22 You mentioned baptism. Yes.
51:24 And you baptized many, many in the Ela River,
51:28 what was that like?
51:29 Yeah, Ela beach in the sea.
51:33 Well, the police had to get me there.
51:35 When I got down there, I couldn't get to the beach.
51:38 So the police came and made a path for me
51:41 and I stood on the back of a truck
51:42 that was perched precariously on a rock over looking the sea.
51:48 And we had a great PA system.
51:50 We had 50 or 60 pastors out in the water,
51:54 including one of the ambassadors
51:56 from another country representing his country--
52:01 An ambassador from another country?
52:03 And he was also an ordained minister.
52:06 And he was baptizing and so it was marvelously organized.
52:12 We baptized, conservatively speaking,
52:15 some people said 5,000.
52:16 I don't believe that's accurate.
52:19 We had an independent count and our count was around 3,000.
52:26 In fact, to be specific, 2,850.
52:31 That night when we had the great altar call,
52:35 more than another 3,000
52:37 requested baptism the next weekend.
52:40 Another 3,000 besides the people who had been baptized
52:44 and the next Sabbath, everyone bar none went to church.
52:50 Everybody who'd been baptized turned up at church,
52:55 we gave them a Bible as a gift from the Carter Report
52:59 and all the other folks who wanted to be baptized
53:02 turned up also.
53:03 So consequently all of the churches were overwhelmed.
53:09 They couldn't hold the people.
53:11 The great witness was not in the gospel
53:14 or the Holy Spirit was that we were not ready.
53:22 The churches, they say this is Pentecost,
53:28 but the churches couldn't hold all of the people.
53:31 Standing room only. Having to go to two sessions.
53:38 Why do you do this? I mean this is a lot of effort--
53:42 Yes, it is a lot of effort.
53:43 You have traveled far and wide
53:46 and you have to fund this all on your own.
53:50 You don't receive support of an organization for this,
53:54 why do you do this?
53:56 Because it is the will of God.
53:59 Every minister ought to do this.
54:02 We have become so traditional
54:04 and so bound by the rules of men.
54:07 I do it because the Bible commands it.
54:09 I am an ordained minister of the gospel.
54:13 John Wesley said to the arch bishop
54:15 who told him to go home, he said,
54:18 "My lord archbishop, my parish is the world,
54:21 I plan to keep on preaching."
54:23 God has given us the world as our parish.
54:26 The Lord is coming soon
54:28 and the world is on the road down to hell.
54:35 And therefore I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to do it.
54:38 I don't do it because I'm paid to do it.
54:40 I don't do it because I'm given budgets to do it.
54:43 I do it because I believe in Christ
54:48 and I believe in the Bible.
54:51 And I pray that the day will come soon
54:54 when the sprit of God will come upon the church
54:56 and every minister will have a motivation
54:59 to take the gospel to the lost.
55:03 We have just a moment left together
55:05 and I love our talks together.
55:07 They are always fascinating-- Thank you, I do.
55:09 And I wanna give you a chance to share with those
55:12 who watch and those who have known you over time,
55:15 a chance for you to share
55:17 just the heart of your personal faith.
55:21 Dave, the heart of my personal faith,
55:25 "I believe in the reality of God,
55:29 I believe in the sacredness of the Holy Scripture,
55:34 I believe in the-- in a personal relationship
55:38 with Lord of the universe.
55:41 I believe in Christ, the Lord of the universe
55:46 who became a man and bore our sins on the cross."
55:50 This is out of my faith,
55:51 "Christ, that He rose from the dead,
55:54 that He intercedes in heaven
55:55 and He will come in power and great glory.
55:59 I believe that day is soon.
56:02 I believe the world has got far too much religion.
56:06 I believe what the world needs is more genuine Christianity.
56:12 More of Christ and less of me, More of Christ
56:16 and more taking seriously the words of Christ,
56:20 less playing God and more obeying God."
56:25 It's good place for all of us
56:28 to begin in our walk with the Lord.
56:32 This is the Carter Report
56:33 with Pastor John Carter, I'm Dave Deno.
56:51 Lord, when you placed your hands upon me
56:58 I knew that I would never be the same
57:06 For in that moment I became your servant
57:13 And since that day I only have one aim
57:21 My sole desire is to be used
57:29 An empty vessel longing to be filled by You
57:36 My sole desire is to serve You, Lord
57:44 To do your perfect will
57:48 To work each day and build
57:51 You Kingdom this is my sole desire


Revised 2014-12-17