Carter Report, The

Fresh Hot Potatoes, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001306

00:08 From Arcadia, California, the Carter Report Presents
00:11 "The Living Word" around the world.
00:19 How should a Christian live in a socially,
00:22 racially divided society?
00:24 This is the Carter Report my name is James Venegas.
00:27 We have some more Fresh Hot Potatoes for you
00:29 with our special guest Pastor John Carter.
00:37 We believe in the public proclamation
00:39 of all the mighty truths of God saving and transforming word.
00:43 Around the world in Russia, Ukraine, India,
00:46 Africa the Philippines, Australia,
00:48 America and the Isles of the Sea,
00:51 millions had been powerfully touch by the Spirit of God
00:54 as the true gospel has been proclaimed.
00:57 Please be a part of the Carter Report team
00:59 by praying, giving and when God calls by going.
01:03 Please write today to P.O Box 1900
01:06 Thousands Oaks, California 91358
01:09 or to P.O. Box 861, Terrigal, NSW 2260, Australia.
01:16 Your gift will light a candle in a dark place.
01:20 Your gift will bring the gospel of Christ to a lost soul.
01:23 Please, write today.
01:37 Welcome back, you're with us
01:39 with Fresh Hot Potatoes with Pastor John Carter.
01:42 Pastor Carter, it's good to have you with us.
01:43 Thank you, delighted to be here.
01:45 We have many, many questions coming in,
01:48 pouring in from the internet our audience out there
01:51 and the very for provoking theological cultural questions.
01:55 We have the one straight of the bat here from Daniel,
01:59 who asks, how should a follower of Christ
02:01 live in a racially, culturally divided society?
02:05 What would you say to that?
02:06 A Christian in the words of Martin Luther King
02:12 should see people through their character,
02:16 not the pigmentation of their skin.
02:21 Racism, racism where by we cut people out of our society
02:28 because of the color of their skin
02:31 is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord.
02:34 Now I'm going to come over here, Pastor Venegas,
02:37 to a text in Galatians
02:40 and it's written by the great Apostle Paul.
02:44 You can't imagine Paul being a racist, can't you?
02:46 Galatians 3, now remember this,
02:51 racism is not confined to any one racial group.
02:56 Yes, yes, very true.
02:58 Some people say, well, you know,
03:00 it's on the province of this category of society.
03:04 No, no, no, you've got racists
03:07 with every different type of color that you can imagine.
03:10 Very true.
03:12 And you're only going to travel around the world as I have
03:14 and you find racist in every country
03:17 with every different color. Yes.
03:19 Now the Bible says, Galatians 3:26,
03:23 "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus."
03:27 Then verse 28 says, "There is neither Jew nor Greek slave
03:33 nor free male nor female free.
03:37 You are all one in Christ Jesus.
03:39 If you belong to Christ then you're Abraham seed
03:43 and heirs according to the promise."
03:45 The Bible says, "In Christ, we are Abraham seed.
03:50 We are all spiritual Jews." Yes, yes.
03:55 Whether I'm white with an English background
03:58 or I'm brown or yellow or black or red I don't care.
04:05 If you belong to Christ, you are a child of God.
04:09 And a Christian should abhor racism in every situation.
04:17 So what we do when the media and trails,
04:21 court trials start to stir up
04:23 that sense of unfairness and justice?
04:26 How do we respond to that?
04:28 The media, the media is continually stirring.
04:31 I mean, how could they sell newspapers,
04:33 the newspaper people if they want story?
04:36 How could CNN or Fox or whatever
04:40 or the ABC or Channel 9 in Australia
04:43 how could they ever get ratings
04:45 unless they were stirring the pot?
04:49 A Christian owe to ignore all that stuff.
04:52 Ignore, okay.
04:53 Why should we be polluted by pollution?
04:57 Why should we allow people who have no knowledge
05:00 of the truth of God brainwash our minds.
05:06 We got to think for ourselves
05:08 and we owe to stay clear of all of these divisive issues.
05:13 Yes, yes. So stay clear.
05:15 I think so. Okay.
05:16 Unless there is a great injustice done.
05:19 Yes, but then what we do?
05:21 Do we--do we riot, do we--
05:23 A Christian owe to stand on the side of justice. Okay.
05:27 But at the same time he should not be manipulated.
05:30 Yes. And the--
05:31 Do we do it in an aggressive fashion?
05:33 No, I don't think so. Jesus didn't, did He?
05:35 No, He didn't. Neither did the apostles.
05:38 They may think, think about Jesus
05:40 He never preached a sermon against slavery. Yeah.
05:43 And yet the Bible in the New Testament
05:46 at least is against slavery.
05:49 Well, is it, is it because they Apostle Paul said,
05:54 be good to your slaves. Yeah.
05:55 But the Bible gave great principles and truths.
05:59 And when those great truths and principles were followed
06:02 slavery was done away with. Yes, yes.
06:06 And so the Bible is like the salt, the permeate.
06:12 It's like the yeast the ferments.
06:16 And the best way that we can reform society, my brother,
06:19 is not by marching on the streets
06:23 but it is by preaching the word of God
06:25 because this book is the great liberator of the human race.
06:30 And when this book is preached there is an end of racism.
06:35 And also of the putting down of women.
06:39 Well, speaking of putting down of women and all the same sex,
06:42 the things going on currently
06:44 how is marriage in the home faring?
06:48 Thanks to all of this media hype
06:50 and all of these decisions being made.
06:52 How important is marriage in the home still
06:54 and the role of women?
06:55 How does all that work now with all the changes going on?
06:59 Marriage is the bedrock of society.
07:04 If marriage goes, then society goes
07:08 and when society goes, the state goes.
07:11 If marriage goes in America, it is the end of America.
07:17 And anything that weakens marriage
07:21 weakens the United States of America.
07:24 How can people be so blind to these things?
07:28 No society can survive
07:31 if we destroy the relationship between men and women.
07:36 And what is happening today is this,
07:38 there is a great merging of the sexes.
07:41 And so people are telling us
07:42 that men and women are exactly the same.
07:46 That is nonsense. Okay.
07:50 As the French say, long live the difference.
07:53 Let me read you a text here in the Bible.
07:56 Let me read you a text from our Lord.
07:59 And when it comes down to the bottom line,
08:03 we got to see what the Bible teaches.
08:06 All the philosophers and all the television people,
08:10 they're not worth listening to on most things.
08:16 We got to go by the word of God. Absolutely.
08:19 Get it from the word of God,
08:20 Jesus said this in Matthew 19:4 and onwards,
08:26 "Haven't you read, he replied that
08:28 at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female'
08:35 and said 'for this reason a man will leave his father and mother
08:43 and be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh.'"
08:51 So what consequences are you saying currently
08:53 I mean, that one flesh is just not there anymore.
08:56 Well, it is with millions of people.
08:57 I mean, the vast majority of Americans
09:01 and Australians believe in this type of marriage.
09:06 They may not be allowed to have their say,
09:09 or they maybe drowned out by the liberals
09:12 and by the political people
09:15 and the televisions people who have their own agenda.
09:20 It is an amazing thing that these people get on television
09:24 they have their agenda and they push their agenda
09:27 and the voice of the majority is completely,
09:32 almost completely ignored.
09:34 But Jesus said, man and a woman
09:38 anything that destroys that relationship
09:40 will destroy society.
09:43 As it brought down in the Roman Empire
09:46 it will bring down any empire, James.
09:47 And are you're saying
09:48 any cultural consequences at the moment.
09:51 In one segment of our great society,
09:55 one segment, 73% of those individuals,
10:03 73% of those individuals do not have a father in their home.
10:09 Now in the--in the cities the figure is probably 100%.
10:14 But right across this great land of the United States of America
10:17 and its getting worst, getting worst,
10:19 it is now 73% of those families--
10:25 That is an incredible figure.
10:26 Seventy three and this is a fact.
10:28 It's probably high now because it's rising all the time
10:30 but 73% had been forsaken by the father.
10:36 These men know how to beget but tragically they forget.
10:43 Beget, forget and so they forget their children
10:47 and they forget their wives they are dead beads.
10:50 So remind us again what is the biblical idea
10:52 for those of us living in such a fluid society?
10:55 One man, one woman, man and woman.
10:58 Yeah, absolutely.
10:59 Unless the Supreme Court says, polygamy is okay,
11:02 they may do this the next time.
11:04 But now of course the Bible says one man, one woman.
11:08 And in that segment of our great American society
11:12 with 73% of the homes
11:16 are without a father, wait till you hear this.
11:21 The young men who come out of those families
11:26 have 10 times the crime rate of the rest put together.
11:32 Ten times the crime rate
11:36 and 25% of them are either in prison now or on parole.
11:44 Those poor little kids who grew up into poor young men,
11:52 who got into these societies that glorified wise,
11:57 who is to blame?
12:00 Well, don't blame-- don't blame the church,
12:02 don't blame the government,
12:04 blame those irresponsible fathers
12:06 who walked out on their families.
12:10 Now, this politically incorrect,
12:12 but I challenge anybody to contradict these statistics.
12:17 Nobody can contradict these statistics.
12:20 The president has some what alluded to them.
12:24 He has some what spoken of this terrible condition.
12:29 And the only way that we can redeem the situation,
12:31 can it be redeemed?
12:32 Yes. How?
12:34 By return to biblical marriage, James,
12:37 Yes, yes, yes. Stability.
12:41 So what we are saying in issues of race and culture
12:44 and marriage and the home, going back to the Bible--
12:46 Go back to the Bible. Is the way to save our country?
12:49 God is--God doesn't care about your color.
12:53 God is colorblind.
12:56 You know, God doesn't look upon you and say
13:00 will your ancestry came from such and such a place
13:03 and my ancestry came from such and such a place.
13:06 After all it said and done who cares.
13:08 It's not who your ancestors where its what you are today.
13:14 Yes, yes.
13:15 And so in the sight of God every person is born equal.
13:22 A Blackman, I preached to more black people
13:24 I guess than just about anybody around.
13:27 I preached a million of them.
13:29 Recently we did a series
13:30 for black people up in Papua New Guinea.
13:33 We had at the end, you know,
13:35 well over a hundred thousand people a night.
13:39 We saw the mighty Spirit of God poured out upon those people.
13:42 So, God loves black people.
13:46 He loves Anglos, He loves Hispanics,
13:49 He loves the Chinese.
13:50 You bet there are so many of them.
13:53 So it is not the color of your skin,
13:57 it is the content of your character.
14:00 Let's never forget it.
14:01 And that is what the Bible teaches.
14:03 And Pastor Carter, so many great questions coming in
14:05 we got some more to put to you in just a moment
14:08 but we will be back just after this important announcement.
14:14 The Carter Report is a self supporting ministry
14:18 with the global mission.
14:19 We believe that the most important thing
14:21 that we can do in this tremendous hour
14:24 is to tell people about the Lord Jesus Christ
14:27 because Jesus said,
14:29 "I am the way, the truth and the life."
14:32 We don't believe that this is business as usual.
14:36 We believe that we are living in the closing hours,
14:39 in the history of this world.
14:41 Bless your heart, friend.
14:42 Look at the signs that are being fulfilled almost every day.
14:46 The signs of the times are shouting at us,
14:49 and they're saying, "Jesus is coming soon."
14:53 I want you to be my partner in global mission.
14:56 I want you to be my partner in helping to tell the world
15:00 about the coming of Jesus.
15:02 I want you to be my partner in the preaching
15:05 of the distinctive truths of the Three Angels' messages.
15:10 Please check us out at the New Carter Report website,
15:17 We have a special section whereby you can ask questions
15:22 and I will give you the answers
15:23 from the living word of the living God.
15:27 That is www.
15:32 My friend, we want you to join us in the mission
15:36 to preach the gospel in China, in India,
15:40 in Australia, in Africa,
15:42 in the United States of America.
15:45 Wherever people are lost and wherever people need to hear
15:49 the good news that Jesus saves.
15:53 Please check us out the new Carter Report website
15:59 I want to hear from you today.
16:16 And welcome back,
16:17 to some more fresh hot potatoes with Pastor John Carter.
16:20 My name is James Venegas
16:22 and we have questions pouring in theological as well as cultural.
16:25 We have more questions to get straight into,
16:27 we can't waste any time.
16:29 The Sabbath, Pastor Carter,
16:31 the Jewish biblical Christian Sabbath
16:34 is it is too relevant in today world?
16:38 Is it something more than just a symbol,
16:40 is it something we should hear to Sabbath?
16:42 Pastor Venegas, at the very beginning of time
16:47 in the Book of Genesis, the Book of Beginnings
16:49 God gave two great institutions.
16:54 You know you are a pastor. I do.
16:55 Number one, what was number one?
16:58 Marriage. Marriage, yes.
16:59 Yeah, marriage. One man one woman.
17:03 And people can argue until cows come home,
17:06 it makes no difference.
17:08 It's the truth of God.
17:10 I don't care what they say in television,
17:12 they may say we don't believe this any more.
17:14 Well, that's obvious.
17:15 Look at the mess they got themselves into.
17:17 He gave marriage and then
17:19 He also gave the Sabbath. The Sabbath.
17:23 Now, I am gonna read it to you out of Genesis 2:1-3,
17:31 "Thus the heavens and the earth
17:34 were completed in all their vast array.
17:38 By the seventh day
17:39 God had finished the work He had been doing,
17:43 so on the seventh day He rested from all his work.
17:46 And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy
17:52 because on it He rested
17:54 from all the work of creating that zhe had done."
17:58 But made marriage, and He made the Sabbath.
18:02 So what you are saying is that
18:03 this is not a Jewish thing at all.
18:04 No, no, no, it was for the Jews that is for us too.
18:10 Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man.
18:13 Mark 2:27, 28, "The Sabbath was made for man."
18:16 And the last time I checked M-A-N doesn't spell J-E-W.
18:20 Exactly, exactly.
18:21 Now, the Jews are men but men are not necessarily Jews.
18:27 Correct, correct.
18:29 When it says the Sabbath was made for men,
18:30 when Jesus said it, He meant mankind.
18:34 Because the human race needs a time
18:38 when they can come apart from the rush of the crowds
18:44 and from the complexities of world and worship God.
18:50 And that's what Americans used to do this.
18:52 They on Sundays, almost everybody went to church.
18:57 Today almost nobody goes to church.
19:00 Yes, now, some people say
19:03 isn't it more about relationship rather than a day?
19:06 Well, why can't you have both? Why--why a day?
19:08 Well, it's really hard to have the relationship
19:10 unless you have a time of meditation.
19:13 You see, the Bible says Jesus said
19:15 "Seek first the kingdom of God."
19:17 Today we don't do this. No.
19:19 We seek first going to the isle of Macy's or somewhere else.
19:23 And so on the freeways people rushing, tearing.
19:27 Are people happier? No.
19:31 Crime is raging, we have international crisis a day.
19:39 Jesus said, "Come apart and rest awhile."
19:43 And Jesus was a Sabbath keeper.
19:46 And there is a great theologian
19:48 perhaps the greatest theologian of the 20th century.
19:52 Okay. Karl Barth.
19:54 Yes, Karl Barth.
19:57 And Karl Barth, he was certainly
19:59 was not a Seventh-day Adventist. No.
20:02 But Karl Barth quoted another writer
20:06 in his article on the Sabbath
20:09 and Karl Barth was a great defender of the Sabbath.
20:13 And Barth said this, he quoted this,
20:16 "When the Holy day becomes a day of man,
20:21 society and humanity wither away and the demons rule."
20:29 Society and humanity today are withering away in America.
20:35 I live in a street, James, of wonderful people
20:38 nobody goes to church. Yeah, yeah.
20:41 People don't go to church anymore.
20:43 You have some super churches
20:45 but most people are too busy to go to church
20:48 except for a funeral or wedding or Christmas.
20:52 And thus we have today a plague of crime and breakdown,
21:00 physical, mental, a breakdown of the home,
21:03 people don't know what to believe.
21:05 And so marriage is not going and the Sabbath is gone
21:10 and what is happening the demons are ruling.
21:12 Yeah, and so we become a very selfish society,
21:15 we forget from where we came.
21:17 Now another theological question that's come in from David.
21:20 He asks, "How do you see
21:23 End Time Prophecies being fulfilled?"
21:26 For those who don't know what End Time Prophecies are,
21:28 these are the predictions and warnings
21:30 of the Bible for our day.
21:32 How do you see them being fulfilling in your life time?
21:36 James, I have been studying this wonderful old book
21:39 for more than 50 years.
21:42 I believe it is the word of God.
21:46 The greatest challenge to 21st Christianity today,
21:51 I will tell you what it is, it's anti-intellectualism.
21:56 People have checked out with their minds
21:58 and they no longer study the word of God,
22:01 they checked out.
22:04 Most so called Christians are ignorant
22:08 of the teachings of the word of God.
22:10 That's why they say,
22:11 "Oh, same sex marriage, that's okay."
22:13 Oh, the Sabbath is abolish, "Oh, yeah, that's okay to do."
22:16 And then if somebody comes along say,
22:18 "Well, you know we can have multiple wives or husband."
22:21 Oh, yeah that's okay.
22:23 There is a vacuum of intellectual knowledge.
22:27 Now when you study the scriptures
22:30 the Bible tells us that certain events
22:32 will take place in the last times.
22:35 I'm convinced with all my soul
22:39 that we are living in the last closing moments
22:44 in the history of the human race.
22:47 I believe that the assult on the word of God is a sign.
22:51 I believe that the giving up of biblical marriage
22:57 or endorsing same sex marriage
23:00 I believe that's a sign of the times.
23:02 I believe that the war, the passive war
23:06 against the Commandments of God including Sabbath.
23:09 Now, I jotted down here from Matthew 24, May I?
23:14 Yes, absolutely.
23:16 Persecution of believers, we are going to see that,
23:20 we are going to see it in America.
23:23 Because Christians have certain believes
23:25 and they say, "No, we can't do this."
23:28 They are going to be persecuted.
23:29 Persecution of believers.
23:32 The Eventual union of church and states.
23:35 The setting up of theocracy to enforce man made religious laws.
23:41 Number 3, great natural and national disasters.
23:46 We shouldn't mess with God.
23:49 He's got an arsenal out there in the yellow stone,
23:53 if God lifts that bomb off it will wipe out America.
23:57 Look at the National Geographic on this one, the Yellowstone.
24:03 Religious apostacy, a falling away from the truth
24:06 whereby people become so secular
24:10 and so liberal that they no longer believe.
24:13 Number five, a war against the law of God.
24:18 You see it happening? Oh, absolutely, absolutely.
24:22 So these things that you've just mentioned
24:24 Religious Apostacy, war against the law.
24:26 We are seeing literally it happen before our very eyes.
24:29 Absolutely.
24:30 Even in my life time,
24:32 things are just have been turned on your head.
24:34 People have said to me,
24:36 more things have happened in the last 12 months.
24:40 They said, we never thought these things would ever happen
24:44 in this country that was based on the Bible.
24:47 I have been caution and warned against this.
24:49 A removal of God's protective hand,
24:54 talk about that in a moment.
24:55 Enforcement of man made religious laws, Revelation 13.
25:00 And everybody is being spied on today.
25:03 There is no place you can hide.
25:05 Continual wars in Jerusalem and Israel.
25:09 The flash point, the Bible says, "Wars to the end."
25:12 The gospel to the world
25:14 and the emergence of a faithful remnant.
25:19 Tell me more about the removal of God's protective hand.
25:21 Well, there is a preacher I enjoy here in North America
25:24 his name is Pastor Charles Stanley.
25:28 Oh, he's a Bible preacher not a philosopher,
25:32 and he believes in marriage
25:34 and he believes in the commandments.
25:36 I heard him say this, if we turn away from God as a nation.
25:41 He said God has had His hand over America.
25:45 He even said, we shouldn't have won the Second World War,
25:48 we weren't ready but God had His hand over us.
25:51 He said, God has His hand over this nation in a marvelous way.
25:56 America is raised up by God.
25:59 But Pastor Stanley said,
26:01 if we turn away from God and break His word.
26:07 Despise His word and change His laws
26:12 the hand of God will be removed.
26:16 And God will no longer protect us
26:19 and just as disasters came upon the children of Israel
26:22 so disasters will come upon us.
26:25 Now this is a good point-- Pretty scary enough.
26:28 Yeah, but many of evangelists preaches that,
26:32 that God is directly punishing
26:33 and He has in the Bible a couple of times
26:36 but mostly in the Bible
26:38 when His people aren't following His ways,
26:40 He seems to remove. Yes, He does.
26:42 Its different sort of statement that some put out
26:44 that God punished us on 9/11.
26:46 It's God's removal of His protection.
26:49 I think we've got to be careful,
26:54 unless we make self righteous, pontifical statements
26:58 and say well, God punish the people in New York.
27:03 Well, why didn't He punish the people in Los Angeles?
27:07 You know, isn't God impartial?
27:10 We need to be careful when we try to make specific statements
27:13 that God is punishing here and punishing there.
27:16 Your point is well taken.
27:18 What God does, He takes away the hand of protection.
27:21 Yes, yes.
27:22 And we are going to see as people interfere
27:25 more and more with the word of God,
27:27 we are going to see the hand removed more and more.
27:30 And this is going to bring abou, Pastor Venegas,
27:33 in such a time of trouble
27:35 that the government and the great church
27:38 they're going to all get together
27:40 and then they go to setup their own little worldwide theocracy.
27:44 This is spoken of in the Book of Revelation
27:46 and then they're going to try to bring about the blessing of God
27:49 by enforcing their own religious laws.
27:51 Yes, yes.
27:53 The scene, the stage is being set.
27:56 Absolutely.
27:57 Now, this isn't said for us to be afraid
28:00 but to be warned and to be ready
28:01 to see what is going on around us.
28:03 Pastor Carter, it's been a pleasure again, today to--
28:06 My pleasure to be here.
28:07 Answer some of these question, they are great questions.
28:09 They are coming in from the internet,
28:10 from our viewing audience out there.
28:12 We do encourage you to send more questions in
28:14 via our website, that is O-R-G.
28:18 We are want to hear the questions,
28:19 bring them here and answer them for you.
28:21 Thank you, Pastor Carter, for your time.
28:22 My pleasure, thank you.
28:24 We will see you next time.
28:25 God bless you and God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17