Carter Report, The

Fresh Hot Potatoes, Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001307

00:08 From Arcadia, California, the Carter Report presents
00:11 "The Living Word" around the world.
00:19 Are angels and demons real?
00:21 Welcome, to the Carter Report
00:23 my name is James Venegas.
00:24 Our topic is Fresh Hot Potatoes
00:27 and our special guest is Pastor John Carter.
00:34 The Carter Report is a self supporting ministry
00:38 with a global mission.
00:39 We believe that the most important thing
00:41 that we can do in this tremendous hour
00:44 is to tell people about the Lord Jesus Christ
00:47 because Jesus said, "I am the way,
00:50 the truth and the life."
00:52 We don't believe that this is business as usual.
00:56 We believe that we are living in the closing hours,
00:59 in the history of this world. Bless your heart friend.
01:02 Look at the signs that are being fulfilled
01:04 almost every day.
01:06 The signs of the times are shouting at us,
01:09 and they're saying, "Jesus is coming soon."
01:13 I want you to be my partner in global mission.
01:16 I want you to be my partner in helping to tell the world
01:20 about the coming of Jesus.
01:22 I want you to be my partner in the preaching
01:25 of the distinctive truths of the Three Angels' messages.
01:30 Please check us out
01:32 at the new Carter Report website,
01:37 We have a special section whereby you can ask questions
01:42 and I will give you the answers
01:44 from the living word of the living God.
01:47 That is the
01:52 My friend, we want you to join us in the mission
01:56 to preach the gospel in China,
01:59 in India, in Australia,
02:01 in Africa, in the United States of America
02:05 wherever people are lost
02:07 and wherever people need to hear
02:09 the good news that Jesus saves.
02:13 Please check us out
02:14 the new Carter Report website
02:19 I want to hear from you today.
02:36 Pastor Carter, welcome to our Fresh Hot Potatoes program.
02:40 Thank you.
02:41 What do you mean by Fresh Hot Potatoes,
02:43 is that an oxymoron?
02:45 Can you have fresh and hot at the same time?
02:47 Well, I have to think about it for a second.
02:50 I guess you could have hot old potatoes.
02:53 Hot old potatoes.
02:54 Well, you could have potatoes that are,
02:55 are old that you had on the cupboard
02:58 for a week or two.
02:59 You know, they are starting to sprout
03:01 and I guess you could cook them up.
03:02 We're really answering the big questions today,
03:05 but now we--
03:06 But these ones--you know these are being sent to us
03:08 and they are fresh.
03:09 Yes, and we're being, we are being facetious
03:11 because we are fresh because these are new question.
03:14 And some of the questions are hot.
03:16 And they are hot and they are coming in
03:18 from our internet audience, through Facebook
03:20 and things like that which is very exciting.
03:23 We are gonna get straight to the questions
03:24 and see what you have to say
03:25 and what God's word has to say about these questions.
03:28 Now, few years ago probably around three or four years ago,
03:31 Dan Brown wrote a book, Angels and Demons
03:35 and he raise the question of the illuminati
03:38 and secret societies, some conspiracy stuff.
03:42 Are angels and demons
03:43 just the stuff of conspiracy or are they real?
03:46 The illuminati may be
03:48 but I don't think angels and demons.
03:51 The Bible talks about angels
03:53 and the Bible talks about demons.
03:56 Jesus had an experience with,
03:58 with the devil himself with Satan.
04:01 I think that's found
04:03 in Matthew Chapter 4
04:08 and I take this book as it is
04:11 as the word of the Lord.
04:14 And the Bible says, Matthew 4,
04:16 "Jesus said to him"
04:18 Matthew 4:10 "Away from me, Satan!
04:21 For it is written, 'Worship the Lord your God,
04:23 and serve him only.'
04:25 " So he is the head of the demons.
04:27 And verse 11 says, "Then the devil left him,
04:30 and angels came and attended him."
04:34 Now, Pastor Venegas, the Bible talks about
04:36 a tremendous battle that took place eons ago. Yes.
04:42 And the forces of God were
04:44 right against the forces of Lucifer.
04:47 And the Bible talks about
04:48 the good angels and the evil angels.
04:51 And the Bible says that the evil angels were Satan
04:54 were cast out and thrown down to this earth.
04:58 Now, it sounds like fantasy.
05:00 Do you see it actually playing out
05:02 in the world around? Absolutely.
05:03 Battle of good evil? Yeah, absolutely.
05:05 I believe in the concept of evil.
05:10 Now, many philosophers before 09/11
05:13 didn't believe in the concept of evil.
05:16 After 09/11 they said yes there is evil in the world.
05:21 And if there is evil in the world
05:23 we believe it comes from a vast evil source.
05:28 And the Bible says that evil source
05:30 is a person by the name of Lucifer
05:33 who was also called Satan. Yes, yes.
05:37 Now, that is a theological question about good and evil.
05:40 There is another very interesting question
05:42 and this comes from Desmond, and he asks do you believe in
05:47 the rapture an idea believed by millions?
05:51 Now, I would understand the rapture by being--
05:54 being a pre-tribulation rapture
05:56 that is believed by dispensationalists.
05:59 Can you tell us first what they are saying,
06:00 what word it is?
06:02 Many Christians in the United States,
06:04 well, around the world but particularly here
06:07 believe that Jesus is going to come
06:10 some what in secret
06:12 and the signs of God are going to be
06:14 ruptured home to glory
06:15 and the wicked are going to be left to populate this earth.
06:18 They are going to stay in this earth. Yes.
06:20 But doesn't the Bible conform that?
06:22 Matthew 24 says, "Two men will be working in the field.
06:25 One will be taken, and the other one will be left."
06:27 Luke 17 says, "Two will be in a bed, one taken one left."
06:30 Yeah, there will be, there will be. Yes.
06:34 One is taken home to glory
06:36 and the other is left here upon this earth. Okay.
06:38 There is a time of separation. Yes.
06:41 But the Bible doesn't teach the idea
06:43 of a secret coming of Christ.
06:47 This is simply fantasy.
06:49 I don't think there is any real theologian
06:51 who believes in the, in the secret rapture.
06:54 And yet it's a prevalent Christian view.
06:57 I heard someone say-- a great scholar say,
07:01 that the any people who believe in the secret rapture
07:05 are people who are employed
07:06 by organizations that teach it. Okay.
07:10 But people who are not employed by those organizations
07:14 but who are free to think for themselves
07:16 and to study the Bible for themselves
07:18 do not believe in this idea.
07:21 So what does the Bible actually teach?
07:22 Let me read you a text on, on the coming of Christ
07:26 or as I would call it the rapture.
07:29 1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17
07:36 "For the Lord himself will come down from heaven,
07:39 with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel"
07:42 very noisy
07:45 "and with the trumpet call of God,
07:46 and the dead in Christ will rise first.
07:49 After that, we who are still alive
07:52 and are left will be caught up together
07:54 with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
07:59 And so we will be with the Lord forever."
08:03 The Bible teaches us, Pastor Venegas,
08:06 that when Jesus comes back there is a tremendous noise.
08:11 There is the voice of the archangel,
08:13 there is the trumpet call of God.
08:15 It doesn't seem to be something
08:17 you know, subdued and quiet and secret.
08:19 And the Bible says, the dead in Christ to rise first
08:22 and then it says, that the saints of God
08:24 living on the earth are taken home to glory.
08:28 And so the rapture of the saints
08:32 or the taking home of the saints to glory
08:34 takes place when the resurrection--
08:36 the literal resurrection of the dead takes place.
08:39 So, really the rapture is to be caught up. Yes, it is.
08:42 So we do believe in the rapture?
08:43 In our biblical sense. In our biblical sense.
08:46 But not in the theological sense.
08:48 Is it that harmful of you or what's the negative really?
08:53 These are good questions and in fact, in fact these are
08:56 some of your questions but that's okay.
08:59 How about the fact that biblical truth here?
09:02 Let me, let me talk about this.
09:07 There are things that are,
09:08 are told in the rapture that are correct.
09:11 That the rapture is going to happen soon.
09:13 Christians believe that they living in the last days.
09:15 Those who believe in the rapture believe
09:17 that we are living in the Day of Judgment.
09:19 Yes, which is good?
09:21 But there is a great heresy
09:22 because it has the saints of God,
09:26 God's people being saved from the great tribulation.
09:30 In Russia, during the last century this idea was taught
09:34 and they were told, no, you won't get persecuted
09:37 because you are going to be ruptured home
09:39 before the persecution comes.
09:41 But tens of million of Christians died.
09:46 But in this part of the world
09:47 and some other parts of the world
09:49 the Christians are ruptured from the trouble
09:53 and they are taken home to glory.
09:55 So, it's a wonderful doctrine
09:57 if you don't want persecution and nobody does want it.
10:00 But, the problem is it says
10:03 that the rest of the people are left on this earth
10:06 and during this time the antichrist rules
10:11 for three and half years.
10:13 And then in Jerusalem after three and half years
10:18 he puts an end to the sacrifice and the offering.
10:21 And so, the antichrist actually comes after. After.
10:25 After the second coming,
10:27 but the Bible teaches
10:28 that the great test for the people of God
10:32 and the great time of persecution happens
10:35 before the second coming.
10:37 And so again to-- Oh, it's a world of difference.
10:39 It's the Bible, and what the Bible teaches
10:41 not the Darby with the Scofield Bible,
10:44 Hal Lindsey with his Late, Great Planet Earth.
10:46 It's the teachings of the Bible.
10:48 On that same thing,
10:49 we have another question here from a lady called Ellen.
10:53 Should believers leave the cities
10:57 that are centers of crime,
10:58 sexual perversion and lawlessness?
11:02 Does the Bible teach
11:03 that we should remove ourselves from the cities in these days?
11:07 A very good question
11:08 and one that is being asked
11:11 by Christians over and over.
11:15 I have had, I have had people come to me
11:17 after a church service and they have said.
11:20 Do you think the city is going to be destroyed,
11:22 should we get out of the cities?
11:24 Well, you know, that's a pretty sever thought isn't that?
11:29 But the Bible does say in Jude in verse 7,
11:31 "In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah
11:35 and the surrounding towns gave themselves up
11:39 to sexual immorality and perversion.
11:46 They serve as an example of those
11:49 who suffer the punishment of eternal fire."
11:52 Now, I think I have been to the area
11:57 of Sodom and Gomorrah.
11:59 I have been there on a number of occasions
12:01 with television crews.
12:03 That's on the south eastern side of the Dead Sea.
12:07 There are some little cities
12:09 that had been discovered there by the name
12:11 one city is New Midrash.
12:14 And you actually see ash
12:17 that is two meters six feet thick
12:20 and in the ash actual little pieces of human bone.
12:27 I let the ash run through my fingers
12:29 and I have actually felt the human bone
12:32 of people who most likely died in that catastrophe
12:36 that destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
12:38 about 4,000 years ago.
12:41 James, it's just as will
12:45 that luck got out of Sodom and Gomorrah.
12:49 It's just too bad that Mrs. Lot looked back,
12:52 but as just it was a bad thing
12:54 when Lot decided to live
12:56 in those cities of great perversion.
13:00 I believe that the time is coming
13:02 when the people of God are going to say
13:04 because of the tremendous scene in the cities
13:07 because of the tremendous crime
13:12 they need to get away from those places.
13:14 May be get out on the country.
13:16 I'm not talking about a mass exodus with hysteria
13:21 where people run up into the hills
13:23 and they starve to death up there.
13:25 I'm not suggesting that
13:26 but I think people are to consider,
13:29 slowly, methodically,
13:32 leaving these great centers of sin and evil
13:37 because judgment is coming upon them.
13:39 So, in your opinion the Bible, it does teach that
13:42 we need to consider these things.
13:43 I think we should consider, yes.
13:45 Now, Pastor Carter, there is some other interesting questions
13:47 that I'm going to ask you in just a moment.
13:50 Especially about men in our society and young men,
13:53 I'm interested to hear your opinion on it
13:55 but first we must take a few moments
13:58 to listen to this very important message.
14:04 Hello, friend, I am John Carter in Colombia.
14:09 Behind me is the great city of Bogota
14:12 the capital of this amazing country.
14:16 This city is a city of more then eight million souls.
14:22 It's up more then 8,000 feet in the Andes.
14:27 And we've come here today with one purpose in mind
14:31 to preach the everlasting gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
14:36 We are here because we have a commission from God.
14:40 Jesus said, "Go into all the world
14:43 and preach the Everlasting Gospel
14:46 baptizing them in the name of the Father,
14:49 and of the Son and or the Holy Spirit."
14:52 The people here need the gospel of Christ.
14:56 And I am asking you today come with us,
14:59 if not in body but come with us in spirit.
15:03 This is been a very, very dangerous city.
15:06 A very dangerous part of the world
15:08 but we believe that we are safe
15:11 when we are in the hands of God.
15:14 Therefore I am beseeching you in the name of Christ
15:18 and in the name of these eight million plus inhabitants
15:23 in the city of Bogota
15:25 to come and help us to preach the word of God.
15:28 Please, support the preaching of the word of God in Columbia.
15:32 Please write to me John Carter,
15:34 PO Box 1900,
15:37 Thousand Oaks, California, 91358.
15:41 In Australia write to me at the address,
15:44 Terrigal, New South Wales, Australia.
15:48 Jesus said, "Work while it is day
15:51 the night is coming when no man can work."
15:55 Please write to me today. Thank you, and God bless you.
16:06 And welcome back to Fresh Hot Potatoes
16:09 with Pastor John Carter.
16:10 These potatoes are very fresh and hot at the same time.
16:14 We have just been speaking about
16:16 the crimes and the city--
16:18 the crimes in our cities and the perversion.
16:20 The importance of considering
16:21 not being stuck in these cities and moving away.
16:25 But we have some other question here
16:26 one from Silvia that talks about not just the cities
16:29 but how about the gender roles
16:31 and the men in these cities and in our society?
16:34 She says, this is Silvia,
16:36 What is happening to our men especially our young men?
16:42 I would imagine across the board,
16:44 across the world,
16:45 what's happening to our young men?
16:47 A friend of mine Trevor Fisher in Australia, in Sydney
16:51 wrote an article on this very subject.
16:53 I read it the other night.
16:54 What's happening to our young men?
16:56 It says, the article says,
16:59 these young men seem to have lost their identity.
17:04 They don't seem to have masculine attribute.
17:10 There is something going on with young men.
17:13 Of course the men are into the crime more than the women.
17:18 That live, they will have
17:19 a shorter duration of their lives
17:23 they commit suicide more and so there is a crisis.
17:27 Many people tell us among the males in our society.
17:33 Pastor Venegas,
17:36 I think the womans lib moment did some good
17:42 and it did some bad.
17:44 It taught men and women
17:45 that they were exactly the same.
17:50 I read an article in one of the American publications,
17:52 I think it was yesterday
17:53 or the day before about men sexting.
17:57 You know, they send these messages to females.
18:02 But the article said the women are sending them--
18:05 the sexting, they are sexting the same as the men
18:10 because there is something happened to the women.
18:13 The women have become like the men,
18:16 and the men have become like the women.
18:21 So, give me some other examples. I mean I'm intrigued.
18:22 I'm a young man, in what way is this playing out
18:26 that we are not as masculine
18:28 as what would have seen in the past?
18:32 I don't know what Silvia had in mind,
18:33 she had this question. Yeah.
18:36 But it's not just what I'm saying
18:39 but across these countries pastors,
18:43 you will notice this as pastor,
18:44 phycologists, sociologists are saying,
18:47 there is a crises of identity among males.
18:52 That is why some of them get together on weekends
18:55 and beet drums and they try to do things that are masculine.
18:59 And of course, beating a drum is not necessarily masculine.
19:02 So may be you are taking about headship in the family
19:04 or headship in the whole--
19:05 I think many would include this.
19:09 Now there was a time
19:10 when men knew their role in society
19:14 but many men today don't know their role in society.
19:18 I believe--I'm pretty old fashion of course
19:21 because I'm an old guy,
19:22 but I believe that the Bible teaches
19:24 that a man or it be the spiritual not ruler
19:29 but the spiritual leader of his family.
19:32 He ought to be the person,
19:33 who say, well you know, lets study the Bible together
19:36 and the wife ought to the co-head
19:39 and I don't want to do this.
19:41 But, so often today James,
19:44 it seems to me in my experience
19:47 there is a blending of the sexes.
19:50 Now this why for reason we have same sex.
19:53 Same sex marriage, oh what's the difference?
19:56 Women, women, men, men,
19:57 I mean it it's-- there is a great area
20:01 the Bible teaches that God men to be
20:04 men and women to be women and there is a difference.
20:08 And again we are talking about the watering down
20:09 the perversion of the God's ideals
20:12 that is really indicative of times.
20:15 Totally different question, Pastor Carter, from Jimmy.
20:18 He asks, does God heal the sick always,
20:23 sometimes or never?
20:26 I guess the Bible talks a lot about healing
20:28 and Jesus healing
20:29 because that stuff still happen today.
20:31 Yes, healing does happen today
20:33 but this will surprise many of people
20:36 who are watching the telecast.
20:39 You don't have that many miracles in the Bible.
20:42 You have them in Genesis 1 when God makes the world,
20:45 that's a big miracle doesn't it? Yeah, absolutely.
20:47 Then you go for thousands of years
20:49 and then you have the flood.
20:51 That's a big miracle
20:52 and this is seems to be much in between.
20:54 No, no, no this all.
20:55 And then you come, you know vast period of time
20:58 then you come to the days of the Exodus
21:01 when God brings the people of got out of Israel.
21:04 Then you got a surge of miracles. Yes.
21:07 They don't last for too long.
21:09 You don't read about too many miracles
21:11 in the 40 years in the wilderness
21:13 and then you go for a long--
21:15 I am just trying to remember you got for long period of time
21:18 and you come to Elijah
21:20 and then you got little period of time of miracles.
21:23 But then you go for a hundreds of year
21:25 and you come to the days of Daniel.
21:28 He saves the people who are in the fire.
21:31 And we say Daniel died in the lion's den.
21:33 But you know, just a little period of time
21:35 Daniel is probably, he lived 80 years or so or 90 years
21:39 and you only got one or two miracles.
21:41 And then you go for hundreds and hundreds of years
21:43 and you come to the days of Jesus.
21:45 And then for three and half years
21:47 you have a tremendous surge
21:50 like the after burn has come on
21:53 and the churches lifted up into space.
21:56 And you have miracles in the Book of Acts.
21:59 But then Paul writes a few years later
22:01 he says, I have left so and so sick.
22:03 He said, I have been sick myself.
22:06 What happen to the miracles?
22:08 The miracles seem to get less and less.
22:11 The miracles are the after burners
22:15 to lift the church rocket into orbit.
22:21 But once the church is in orbit
22:23 God doesn't use the after burners.
22:25 So what you are saying is that,
22:27 by default God doesn't intervene all the time?
22:30 No, He doesn't.
22:31 But there are occasions, special occasions--
22:33 And in the very last stage
22:35 during the lot of rain the Bible says,
22:38 you are gonna have the afterburners
22:39 turned on again.
22:42 But the Bible is not written as a book to teach us
22:47 to trust in some burst of super natural energy.
22:54 I don't believe in those churches
22:55 where the preacher says, you know we are gonna heal
22:57 everybody here tonight.
22:58 I don't believe in this stuff.
23:00 I don't believe-- I have studied it.
23:02 I have seen the after effects of it.
23:04 Those people get the same diseases,
23:06 they have the same funerals, they go to the same hospitals.
23:10 And somebody said about
23:11 one of the most world's most famous faith healers
23:13 why doesn't he go to a big hospital
23:16 and cure the people with cancer?
23:18 Why doesn't he make the blind people to see?
23:22 Have you ever heard of a blind person
23:24 actually being healed?
23:26 And a doctor comes on later and he says,
23:28 I read about it in the Bible,
23:30 but I don't read about it by the faith preachers.
23:33 So should we still pray for healing now?
23:34 Yes, we do, because God sometimes says,
23:38 yes, I have seen this in Russia
23:40 where a person was dying of cancer
23:42 he was miraculously healed.
23:44 I came back to perform the funeral
23:47 and the person was there to welcome me,
23:49 completely healed, that was in Russia.
23:52 I haven't seen that too often I saw a man coming this near--
23:55 not God who could hardly breathe
23:58 and he came to the meeting
24:00 his name was Vadom, as a hung back.
24:03 And as I was preaching he was healed.
24:06 Whenever I go to Russia I have been there 42 times,
24:08 he runs to me and he hugs me and he shares.
24:12 He's been healed. God sometimes says yes.
24:17 Often He says, now wait a while.
24:21 Some times he says no,
24:24 but James, Pastor Venegas, and listen to me--
24:28 we can guarantee every person watching the telecast
24:32 that every person is going to be healed
24:35 who trust in Jesus. That's when Jesus comes.
24:39 So, really what we are saying is that
24:40 healings do happen. Yes.
24:42 But, its up to God when they to happen.
24:43 Yes, yes, it's the sovereignty of God.
24:45 But we should still ask because He does intervene
24:48 there is plenty of evidence for that.
24:49 I'm looking forward for a big healing one day.
24:51 Yeah, absolutely, absolutely.
24:53 Now, moving along I have a question
24:55 we are running out of time here right now.
24:58 What is the big difference-- Graham asks,
25:00 what is the big difference between
25:02 Protestantism and Roman Catholicism?
25:05 Now it might seem obvious to some
25:07 but may be not to others in our day and age.
25:10 What is the difference between the two?
25:12 Let me give you a quick answer,
25:13 if you want to we can talk about it
25:15 in the next program. Yes, we will.
25:17 Protestants believe in the principle of Sola Scriptura
25:20 that means only scripture.
25:22 We don't get our doctrines from some other writers.
25:25 We believe in Sola Scriptura. Yes.
25:28 We don't believe in the teachings
25:29 of the church fathers.
25:30 The church or Rome believes
25:32 in the teaching of the church father.
25:33 Purgatory all of those doctrines
25:35 papal infallibility not on the Bible.
25:38 Number two, Sola Christus, only Christ.
25:41 We are saved only by Christ not saved by the church
25:44 not saved by the priest,
25:46 not saved by the pastor, not saved by the pope.
25:49 Cry sola christus, sola gratia on grace,
25:53 sola fide only faith. And do we have a priest?
25:59 Do I believe in confessing my sins to the priest?
26:02 Yes, I do.
26:03 Jesus, Jesus is my priest not a priest in Rome
26:10 or a priest in the church.
26:12 I confess my sins not to you, but to Christ.
26:16 Therefore first in foremost
26:19 I'm a Christian, secondly I'm a Protestant.
26:24 Yes, so really what, what we are saying here is
26:28 where is the authority? Where is the authority?
26:31 Is it in manmade rules and vows or in the Bible?
26:36 That's what it means to be a Protestant, is that correct?
26:37 Now, some Protestant of course have a church with a hierarchy
26:41 and they have committees that act like little popes.
26:44 And they give stipends which sort of ex-cathedra
26:48 but we do not discover truth by going to a committee.
26:52 We do not discover truth by going to a group of men.
26:57 We go according to Sola Christus
27:00 and so you are a Bible preacher
27:02 thanks be the God and I'm a Bible preacher.
27:05 So when I preach I preach from the Bible
27:09 because I'm a Protestant Christian
27:12 who believes in the coming of the Lord
27:15 that makes me an Adventist
27:16 and so I'm a Christian
27:22 protestant Adventist.
27:25 So, in all of the matters that we have been discussing
27:27 we are talking about angels and demons, the rapture,
27:29 we are talking about the role of men, the healing.
27:31 It really all boils down to that
27:34 where is our authority, where do we get our answers,
27:36 how do we know how to live our lives.
27:39 And so Pastor Carter,
27:40 we want to thank you. Thank you.
27:42 Once again for your time for answering these questions.
27:45 Again we want to remind our viewers
27:47 that website,
27:50 is the website
27:53 where you can leave your questions
27:55 and you can also seek answers
27:57 we have video, we have audio there,
27:59 where Pastor Carter has answered previous question,
28:01 but we would like to hear more Fresh Hot Potato questions
28:04 from our viewers out there.
28:05 We thank you Pastor Carter, for your time.
28:08 We thank you, for watching,
28:09 God bless you and we will see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17