Carter Report, The

The Rapture Delusion

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001408

00:07 From Arcadia, California, the Carter Report presents
00:10 "The Living Word" around the world.
00:17 Hello, I'm Dave Deno.
00:18 And this is the Carter Report
00:20 with pastor and evangelist, John Carter.
00:23 This is where we talk about the issues of life and faith.
00:28 Today, our topic is one
00:30 that is right out of the headlines of the news.
00:33 We're gonna be talking about "ISIS and the Rapture,"
00:37 how do they go together, we'll tell you in a moment.
00:43 I wish you would come with me
00:46 to a land of more than a billion souls
00:51 all in need of hearing the Gospel of Christ.
00:53 Did you know this, my friend?
00:56 It is the duty of the Christian
00:59 to take the Gospel of Christ to a lost world.
01:03 And the lost world I'm talking about
01:05 right now is India,
01:07 land of millions and millions of pagan gods
01:12 but more than a billion lost souls.
01:18 India cries out for God.
01:21 We are now back on India TV.
01:24 We're broadcasting on prime time in India.
01:27 We need your prayers, we need your support.
01:30 Is it easy in India?
01:32 No, it's the hardest place we've ever worked.
01:36 Harder than Russia? Harder than Russia.
01:38 Harder than America? Harder than America.
01:41 Harder than Australia? Harder than Australia.
01:44 Because it is a land that's given over almost
01:47 totally to demonism.
01:50 Now I could tell you about those demons,
01:52 I could tell you about the false gods
01:54 but what I want to tell you today
01:55 is about the true God
01:56 and the true God who told us
01:58 go into all the world
02:00 and preach the gospel to every creature.
02:02 We're back in India, yes, we're back in India.
02:06 And by the grace of God, we're back in India to stay.
02:09 We want you to come with us.
02:11 We want you to pray for India.
02:13 We want you to give for India and do it today.
02:16 Please write to me, John Carter,
02:18 Post Office Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California.
02:22 Write to me at Terrigal in Australia.
02:24 Email me, contact me
02:26 and say, "Yes, I'm going to stand with you
02:29 in the preaching of the gospel to the lost souls of India."
02:33 Thank you in Jesus' name and God bless you.
02:44 Welcome to the Carter Report.
02:46 Today, as I said earlier,
02:47 we're going to be talking about ISIS,
02:49 I-S-I-S and the Rapture.
02:52 And we're gonna find out how these two subjects
02:56 go together.
02:58 I've written a few things for myself
02:59 because I want you to know that
03:00 we're discussing events and beliefs
03:03 that are shaping the lives and the destinies
03:05 of millions of people.
03:08 ISIS and the other militants are spreading terror
03:12 all around the world.
03:14 Truly we do live in perilous times,
03:17 as the Bible describes them.
03:20 The question may be, "Will the church be raptured,
03:24 be raptured home to glory before great tribulation?"
03:28 John, this is a subject that is on everyone's mind.
03:33 We see it in the headlines of our newspaper,
03:35 we see it on the evening news.
03:38 There are some unfortunate events,
03:41 terrible events
03:42 that are being played out before us right now
03:45 in the Middle East.
03:47 Let's get right into it, I-S-I-S, ISIS, who are they?
03:51 These are Muslim fanatics.
03:55 They believe with all their hearts
03:57 that they are the only true faith.
03:59 They have a, you could call it,
04:01 Dave, a Messianic Seal for God.
04:04 They believe it is the will of Allah for them
04:07 to takeover not only the Middle East,
04:09 but to takeover the whole wide world,
04:12 including the United States of America.
04:15 They say, they will not be satisfied
04:20 until their flag flies over the White House.
04:24 Why are they so anti-Christian?
04:28 They are anti-Christian because they believe--
04:32 now of course, they're not mainstream Muslims, Dave.
04:36 But they believe that we are infidels,
04:39 heretics and enemies of God.
04:42 They believe that when we invaded
04:44 Iraq and Afghanistan
04:47 and when we've gone into other countries
04:49 where there are Muslims,
04:51 that we have desecrated sacred soil.
04:54 And so they are on a holy crusade
04:58 to bring about the Muslim faith
05:00 right around the world.
05:01 But, John, you talk about them
05:03 having this zeal for their faith,
05:06 don't we as Christians
05:08 have an equal zeal for our faith?
05:11 We would--we would hope that we have a zeal for our faith
05:15 but a zeal that is motivated by the love of God.
05:20 Jesus said, "You shall love the Lord
05:21 your God with all your heart and all your soul
05:23 and your neighbor as yourself."
05:26 You don't go ahead and behead your neighbor.
05:29 You don't rape the people.
05:30 You don't do these unspeakable abominations and atrocities.
05:36 So many times though, these acts are excused by them
05:42 saying, well, we are the enemy, we are the great Satan.
05:47 They look upon us-- the fanatics, too,
05:51 as the enemy and the great Satan.
05:55 But there's no doubt about it, Dave,
05:57 they are on a crusade to spread their religion
06:01 around the world.
06:02 And they're going to spread it with a sword, with a gun,
06:06 with a bomb, with a terrorist, whatever it takes.
06:09 Let's talk about the attitude.
06:10 I want to stay on this for just a moment longer.
06:13 Because as Christians, we are taught
06:16 that you are either for Christ or you are against Christ.
06:19 Yes.
06:20 You are either in His camp, you are either a believer
06:24 or you are a tool of the enemy.
06:27 What is so different in that belief
06:30 on the part of Christians
06:32 than what we hear from radical Muslims?
06:35 There are radical Christians
06:38 and they have been always radical Christians.
06:41 Christians in the dark ages went on the crusades
06:45 against the Muslims to take the city of Jerusalem
06:49 and they killed, and they plundered
06:51 and they did all these, these dreadful things.
06:54 And so, Dave, in history,
06:57 there have been radical Christians.
07:00 Undoubtedly in some places today,
07:02 there are radical Christians who would do the same
07:06 if they had the opportunity and the power.
07:10 Wow.
07:12 But this--this is not the teaching of the Bible.
07:15 It is not the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ.
07:18 What Jesus taught us, to love our enemies
07:21 and to do good to those who hurt us
07:23 and those who despise us.
07:26 The teachings of Jesus Christ will make a person kind
07:29 and gracious and forgiving.
07:32 Christ gives us freedom.
07:35 Yes.
07:37 Let's talk about that for just a moment.
07:39 True belief this whole area of religious freedom
07:45 because the radical Muslims are saying, no.
07:49 You need to believe as we do and that is it.
07:52 No religious liberty at all.
07:54 What is religious liberty? How do you define that?
07:56 I believe, Dave, that God made us in His own image
08:00 and God made us to be free.
08:02 God made us to have a clear conscience.
08:05 God made us to either serve Him or not to serve Him.
08:08 But God gave us the awesome ability of choice to say
08:14 I will choose God or else I will not choose God.
08:17 And so God has put in the soul of man
08:20 this amazing ability to choose
08:24 and so God has given us freedom.
08:26 And of course, this freedom can be perverted.
08:30 And people are perverting this freedom
08:32 all the time around the world.
08:34 ISIS is perverting the freedom of choice
08:37 that God has given to every person.
08:39 In other words for us, as Christians,
08:42 we can say to people, here's the gospel.
08:45 Yes. Here's the message.
08:48 It is up to you to decide whether you accept it or not.
08:52 The only motivation that a Christian should use
08:56 is the motivation of persuasion in the love of God.
09:01 We have the right to express our opinions
09:04 and to argue and to debate
09:07 which we may even do here on this program today.
09:10 But we don't have the right to force people to see it
09:13 as we see it.
09:15 God says, "Come let us reason together."
09:16 Yes, He does.
09:17 Book of Isaiah Chapter 1. Yeah, right.
09:20 You have been to the Middle East several times--
09:23 Heaps of times.
09:24 It is a mystery to many of us.
09:27 Yes. We don't understand the people.
09:28 We don't understand the culture at all.
09:32 Give me if you would, I'm gonna just take you through
09:35 some of the countries of the Middle East.
09:37 Give me if you would maybe in a sentence or so
09:39 a snapshot of these countries, Egypt.
09:43 I've been to Egypt many, many times.
09:46 I think I've got the--
09:47 a bit of the Nile River in my blood.
09:50 I love Egypt.
09:52 Some would call it the birthplace of civilization,
09:56 the home of the Pharaohs.
09:58 I love the land of Egypt, but today, of course,
10:01 it is ruled largely by a totalitarian system.
10:05 The Egyptians themselves are warm, wonderful people.
10:09 But the present government has thrown out
10:11 the Muslim brotherhood
10:13 whom they saw as a threat to their security.
10:16 And so Egypt today now has a military government,
10:19 virtually.
10:20 What about Syria?
10:21 It's in the news here and there.
10:23 For many, many years
10:25 it has been a place of suffering
10:27 for the people of God.
10:29 I remember, Dave, driving through the City of Homs
10:32 and my guide saying to me,
10:34 thousands and thousands of people
10:37 have been put to death in this city.
10:40 But today, it is in a terrible state of chaos.
10:45 You have the government and it is besieged,
10:49 they're fighting terrorists
10:50 and people say the government is a terrorist state anyhow.
10:54 And so it's very, very difficult.
10:55 And Christians in all of these countries,
10:58 I just praying to God that
11:00 He'll give them a time of security
11:02 and a time of peace.
11:04 Let's talk about the other country
11:06 that is always in the news from the Middle East
11:08 and that is, Israel.
11:10 Israel, of course is quite different in many ways.
11:14 It is a free democracy
11:16 and a great ally of the United States.
11:18 Israel is a Jewish state that means that it is a state
11:23 for the Jewish people, it is their homeland.
11:27 And I certainly love the land of Israel.
11:31 But you have a very interesting view
11:36 of Israel's place in God's plan.
11:40 That's a little bit different
11:41 than we perhaps hear from many others in the ministry,
11:45 tell me about that.
11:48 That is an understatement, is it not, Dave?
11:52 Let me say this... I love Israel.
11:57 I love the Jewish people.
11:59 Goodness, I've got two doctors. They're both Jewish.
12:04 Some of my best friends are Jewish.
12:06 I have a Jewish attorney, would you ever have any other
12:10 if you could so choose, the best attorneys.
12:13 And so some Jewish people-- some of these people,
12:16 Jewish people, are very close to my heart.
12:19 I believe this that Israel
12:23 the same as the United States of America,
12:26 and Australia, and England, and France, and Germany,
12:30 Israel has the sacred right to exist.
12:35 She has the right to determine the national identity.
12:39 But that's a different thing to saying that Israel
12:42 is the focus of Bible prophecy
12:45 and that the land of Israel is the holy land
12:50 as far as God is concerned.
12:52 Can I read you a text? I'd love to hear it.
12:54 Now this, this is a big subject, Dave.
12:59 But I think it's worth looking at today.
13:02 I think you're gonna get a few letters on this.
13:04 Oh, I'm sure I will but--
13:05 and I welcome all of the letters,
13:09 because it's not what I think, it's what the Bible says.
13:13 This is a parable.
13:14 "Listen to another parable, there was a landowner
13:17 who planted a vineyard," that's what the land of Israel.
13:20 "He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it
13:24 and built a watchtower," that was the city of Jerusalem.
13:28 "Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers,
13:30 went away on a journey, " that is to the Jewish people.
13:34 "When the harvest time approached,
13:36 he sent his servants to the tenants
13:38 to collect his fruit.
13:40 The tenants seized his servants, they beat one,
13:43 killed another, and stoned a third."
13:45 This is the persecution of the great prophets
13:48 of the Old Testament, as you and I know.
13:50 "Then he sent other servants to them,
13:52 more than the first time,
13:54 and the tenants treated them the same way.
13:57 Last of all, he sent his son to them.
13:59 'They will respect my son,' he said." Who was that,
14:03 who was that, Dave?
14:04 That would be Jesus. That's, that's Jesus.
14:05 Yeah, that's Jesus.
14:07 Before we, we take our break,
14:09 I want people to know about a brand new magazine
14:12 that we have, it's called Ebenezer.
14:14 And this magazine is available absolutely free
14:17 and some of the subjects that we're talking about today
14:20 are in this magazine.
14:22 It is yours to have free simply by going to our website
14:32 take a look at this, we'll be back in a moment.
14:38 Did you ever have a sense of destiny?
14:41 Did you ever feel that God has put His hand upon you
14:44 for some tremendous task that you really got a purpose,
14:48 that God has called you for such a time as this?
14:52 I have that sense, that conviction today
14:56 because God is opening up doors for us in Latin America.
15:01 And in Latin America, my good friend,
15:04 There's a revolution going on.
15:07 It's not a revolution in the streets.
15:09 It is a revolution in the hearts
15:12 of men and women.
15:15 That's why, the Carter Report is going to go to El Salvador.
15:20 We are renting an outdoor stadium
15:23 with room for more than 60,000 souls.
15:28 And we're planning a baptism in the--
15:30 on the Sabbath afternoon
15:31 of more than 5,000 born again souls
15:36 in El Salvador, in Latin America
15:41 where there's a revolution going on,
15:43 where the Holy Spirit is being poured out.
15:45 Don't you want to be a part of this great purpose,
15:51 this great task, this God-designed outreach,
15:57 the Latin America.
15:59 Would you please write to me, John Carter,
16:01 Post Office Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California.
16:04 Tell me, I'm going to support you.
16:06 Write to me in Australia, tell me,
16:08 I'm going to support the preaching of the gospel.
16:12 Write to me today and support
16:14 the preaching of the Word of God
16:17 around the world
16:18 but right now, in Latin America.
16:22 Thank you and God bless you.
16:38 Welcome back to the Carter Report
16:40 with pastor and evangelist John Carter, I'm Dave Deno.
16:43 And today, we're talking about two subjects
16:46 that may not necessarily seem to be related.
16:49 But in a moment, you will see the connection.
16:52 ISIS, I-S-I-S,
16:54 the militant group in the Middle East
16:57 and the great tribulation, the rapture as well.
17:02 John, before we paused,
17:05 I had asked you to talk about your view of Israel.
17:08 You talked about their right to exist politically,
17:11 but you also said, that you don't necessarily agree
17:14 with what a lot of people say about the Holy Land,
17:17 about it being God's chosen place
17:20 in prophetic history.
17:22 You have read to us a scripture,
17:23 a parable, from the Bible.
17:25 Can you explain that for us?
17:27 Yes, Dave, thank you.
17:28 Let me take this a little bit further.
17:31 We got up to the place where it says,
17:34 He send, God sends His Son.
17:37 "They will respect my son," this is Matthew 21,
17:40 "But when the tenants saw the son,
17:42 they said to each other, 'This is the heir.
17:45 Come, let's kill him and take his inheritance.'
17:49 So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard
17:52 and killed him.'"
17:54 This is the cross.
17:56 This is when the Jewish people put our Lord on the cross,
18:00 and of course, our sins putting on the cross
18:02 we know this.
18:03 "Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes,
18:06 what will he do to those tenants?"
18:08 Jesus said,
18:09 "'He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,'
18:13 they replied,
18:14 'and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants,
18:17 who will give him his share of the crop
18:20 at harvest time.'
18:21 Jesus said to them,
18:22 'Have you never read in the Scriptures,
18:25 The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone,
18:29 the Lord has done this,
18:31 and it is marvelous in our eyes?'
18:33 Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God
18:37 will be taken away from you
18:42 and given to a people who will produce its fruit.
18:47 When the chief priests and the Pharisees
18:49 heard Jesus' parables,
18:50 they knew he was talking about them."
18:53 Jesus said,
18:54 that because of the rejection of Christ
18:58 and His crucifixion,
19:00 the kingdom of God would be taken from those people
19:05 and given to a people who will bring forth
19:08 the fruits of salvation.
19:11 Now who are those people?
19:13 That refers to the church.
19:16 It's made up of Russians and Americans
19:21 and Jews and Arabs,
19:25 Germans and Mexicans,
19:28 any person who has true faith in Jesus
19:32 is considered to be, by God, the true Israel of God.
19:39 So the church becomes the Israel of God.
19:43 So this is the most anti-racial idea
19:50 that you could think of.
19:52 That the-- everybody now is a part of the Israel of God.
19:58 We've talked about ISIS, we've talked about
20:00 the perilous times that we live in.
20:02 Yes, yes.
20:03 We've talked a little bit about the Middle East.
20:06 And some of the different countries in the Middle East
20:09 and sort of the role that they are playing
20:11 in modern times
20:14 and even toward prophetic times as we look ahead.
20:20 Let's talk about the great tribulation.
20:23 And let's see how these come together.
20:28 There are a lot of different theories
20:30 about the rapture.
20:31 And its relationship to tribulation,
20:35 how do you see these two coming together?
20:39 Dave, I believe this and people are free of course
20:44 to disagree with me, they do all the time.
20:47 But I want my faith to be built upon
20:49 not the teachings of the church
20:50 but the teachings of the Word of God.
20:54 I believe that the great tribulation,
20:57 the great time of trouble
20:58 comes before the second coming of Christ.
21:04 And for many believers in the world today,
21:08 they are already in the tribulation.
21:11 How much worse can it get
21:14 than it is for Christians believers
21:17 in a place like, like Nineveh.
21:20 There were 60,000 Christians in Nineveh
21:24 and ISIS said, "If you stay, we're going to kill you.
21:29 But you can stay and we won't kill you
21:32 if you convert to Islam.
21:34 But if you want to save your lives you got to go,"
21:36 so they left with the clothes that they were wearing.
21:40 That for them is a time of trouble.
21:43 Can I please read a text about this, Dave,
21:46 with your permission?
21:48 Because let me a read a text on the great tribulation.
21:53 It is believed by most Christians,
21:56 I think, in this part of the world
21:59 that the church is going to be raptured onto glory.
22:03 And then the tribulation is going to come
22:05 after the church is raptured home to glory,
22:09 that's very comfortable.
22:10 Yeah, we feel many of us have been taught to feel--
22:14 we're gonna get out of here before the bad stuff happens.
22:16 What about the believers in Iraq?
22:19 What about the believers in Syria?
22:21 What about the believers in Nineveh?
22:24 They haven't been raptured home to glory.
22:26 They're in the midst of a great tribulation now.
22:28 Now Jesus said, Matthew 24
22:32 verse, let me see, 18,
22:37 "Let no one in the field go back to get his cloak.
22:40 How dreadful it'll be in those days
22:43 for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
22:46 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter
22:49 or on the Sabbath.
22:51 For then there'll be great distress,
22:55 unequaled from the beginning of the world until now--
22:59 never to be equaled again.
23:02 If those days had not been cut short,
23:05 no one would survive,
23:08 but for the sake of the elect
23:11 those days will be shortened."
23:16 Therefore the elector on the earth,
23:20 during this great tribulation.
23:22 The Bible says, "If it were not for the sake of the elect,
23:26 nothing would be left on the earth.
23:28 But for the sake of the elect
23:29 those days are going to be shortened. "
23:32 And then it goes on to say this, so I believe
23:36 on the basis of the teachings
23:38 of the greatest Jew of all, Jesus,
23:42 that God's church is going to be right here on the earth
23:44 during the great tribulation. Then Jesus said,
23:47 "Immediately after the distress of those days,"
23:50 after the distress of those days,
23:52 "'the sun will be darkened,
23:53 and the moon will not give its light,
23:56 the stars will fall from the sky,
23:57 heavenly bodies will be shaken.'
23:59 At that time the sign of the Son of Man
24:01 will appear in the sky,
24:02 all the nations of the earth will mourn,
24:04 they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky
24:07 with power and great glory.
24:09 And he will send His angels with a loud trumpet call,
24:12 and they will gather His elect from the four winds."
24:17 Now, Dave, I put it to you,
24:20 Jesus said, He is going to come at terrible time of trouble.
24:24 He said, the elect are going to be right there
24:26 in the midst of that time of trouble.
24:27 He said, but, but for the elect,
24:29 he actually talks about the elect.
24:32 The days are going to be shortened
24:34 because of the elect.
24:35 God's children, God's church and then it says,
24:39 after this, you're gonna have these celestial signs.
24:42 And then they're going to see the Son of Man
24:44 coming on the clouds of the sky
24:45 and He's going to send his angels
24:48 and they're going together his elect.
24:50 Therefore, this is gonna get worse, Dave.
24:54 And I tell you what I believe, I don't believe in the rapture.
24:57 I don't believe in a secret rapture.
25:00 I believe that Jesus comes in power and glory
25:07 and with a tremendous noise.
25:10 I believe the dead are resurrected
25:12 and the living saints are caught up in the clouds.
25:16 And they're taken home to glory.
25:19 So I believe that what's happening
25:21 in the Middle East today
25:23 with ISIS is a taste
25:28 of what is going to come upon the whole wide world.
25:32 And just as God's believers in the Middle East
25:35 are going through a great tribulation now,
25:37 so the church is going to go through a great tribulation
25:41 before the return of Christ.
25:45 This is, for many,
25:47 a very difficult message to hear.
25:49 It's a hard one, isn't it?
25:51 It's not comfortable.
25:52 I mean, we like to believe I've come to Christ
25:55 and therefore,
25:56 well, I'm not so Pollyannaish to believe that
26:00 I'm not gonna have anymore problems.
26:01 But not much. But not a lot.
26:03 But what about the believers who suffered in Russia?
26:06 Millions put to death.
26:08 You see the gospel, that is taught over here, Dave,
26:11 is not always the gospel that is taught elsewhere.
26:15 Now if you went to the believers,
26:16 60,000 of them in the city of Mosul
26:20 which is the old city of Nineveh
26:22 and if you said to them, "Hey, you don't need to worry,
26:25 you're gonna be raptured home to glory,"
26:29 you say, you're gonna go home to glory,
26:31 you're gonna be raptured home
26:32 and then the trouble's going to start.
26:35 Dave, it isn't so.
26:38 The church has always gone through
26:41 tribulation and trouble.
26:43 Jesus said, "In the world you will have trouble
26:47 or tribulation," Jesus said that.
26:50 We're called in weakness
26:52 but we're not called for weakness, I'm sorry.
26:54 But He also tells us in His scriptures
26:57 that He never allows anything to come upon us.
26:59 Absolutely.
27:00 That He does not give us the power through the spirit
27:04 to be able to handle.
27:05 That's the only way we can face the future.
27:07 Unfortunately, our time has come
27:10 far too quickly to an end.
27:11 It has.
27:12 Some of the topics that we've talked about today
27:15 and I want people to know about this
27:17 are available in our new magazine,
27:19 the Carter Report Ebenezer.
27:22 Many of the subjects that we've talked about
27:24 are in here.
27:25 Some of the articles, "Can Bad Be Good",
27:29 "Nothing Is Too Hard for God", "Signs of the Times."
27:32 Here's one that I really want to read,
27:34 "John Carter's Amazing Health Secrets."
27:37 I can't wait to get into that one.
27:39 Well, how about this?
27:40 "Why They Buried the Bishop on the Sidewalk."
27:45 This magazine is free, it's yours for the asking.
27:48 Just go to our website
27:54 Now also, we'd love for you to write to us
27:57 and if you'd like to support this program,
28:00 we are entirely viewer supported.
28:03 The address is on the screen, you can write to us here
28:06 at the Carter Report at P.O. BOX 1900,
28:10 Thousand Oaks, California, 91358.
28:15 And elsewhere in the world P.O. BOX 861,
28:19 Terrigal, NSW 2260, Australia.
28:26 You can email us at,
28:30 log on to our website
28:36 John, thank you so much. Thank you, Dave.


Revised 2014-12-17