Carter Report, The

Danny Shelton and 3ABN, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter (Host), Danny Shelton


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001510A

00:09 The Carter Report Presents,
00:10 The Living Word around the world.
00:17 Hello, I'm John Carter.
00:19 Welcome today to the Carter Report,
00:21 We have a great program today because we have a great guest.
00:25 My guest today is the Founder of 3ABN,
00:29 my old friend, Danny Shelton
00:32 and we're going tell you stories today
00:34 which are just going to amaze you,
00:36 you are going to see in this program today
00:39 the outstretched hand of God.
00:42 Welcome today to The Carter Report.
00:46 God has his time and his place for everything.
00:52 And the time and place now
00:55 is Latin America, including Cuba.
00:59 Time magazine talks about
01:01 the second protestant reformation and describes
01:05 how 100s of 1000s, even millions of Latinos
01:10 are coming to the Gospel of Christ.
01:14 I'm not an armchair theologian.
01:17 I'm speaking according to experience,
01:19 I have seen it with my own eyes.
01:23 Recently we went down to El Salvador,
01:27 there I spoke in the largest football stadium
01:30 in Central America, with the biggest crowd
01:33 that that foot ball stadium had ever ever seen.
01:37 They came not to see a football match
01:40 but to hear about the blood of Christ.
01:44 Millions are coming to a knowledge of God
01:47 in Latin America.
01:49 Doors are opening in Cuba.
01:53 Who knows, we may be going to Cuba soon.
01:56 As the doors open by the grace of God,
02:00 we are going to step through those doors,
02:03 and we want you to step through those doors with us,
02:07 and be part of our team.
02:10 For such a time as this.
02:11 Please write to me, friend, don't put it off.
02:14 Write to me John Carter, post office box 1900,
02:19 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
02:23 In Australia, write to me at Terrigal, New South Wales.
02:28 Be part of the second reformation,
02:32 join us and see the miracles of God.
02:37 Amen.
02:47 Welcome today, friend,
02:49 to a special edition of The Carter Report,
02:51 here in our studio at Moorpark, California.
02:54 I'm with my old friend, the founder of 3ABN,
02:59 a satellite system that is reaching
03:01 the world for Christ.
03:03 Danny, welcome today to The Carter Report
03:06 and to our new headquarters
03:07 here in Moorpark in Southern California.
03:10 Thank you for inviting me, pastor Carter,
03:12 what a fabulous place, God has blessed you abundantly.
03:16 And I love your vision
03:18 to take the Gospel into to all the world,
03:20 and that's why from the beginning
03:22 I've loved working with John Carter--
03:25 Yeah, we've always got on well together
03:26 because it seems to me, Danny, we have a vision
03:30 for reaching the world for Christ,
03:32 reaching the lost for Christ.
03:35 I remember going to the Kremlin,
03:38 no, not to the Kremlin, to Moscow in the year 1991,
03:43 just a few years ago.
03:46 '91 in Moscow, I'm thinking these thoughts now
03:51 that was in the Palace of Culture,
03:53 just down the roads from the Kremlin,
03:57 and while we were there the Russian church said to us,
04:00 we want you to run a program,
04:01 come back and run a bigger program,
04:03 even though that was a big program.
04:05 We want you to run a bigger program
04:07 at the Kremlin.
04:09 I think it was called the Palace of Congresses,
04:14 there is this great, big, marvelous theater
04:16 at the Kremlin, and we paid the deposit
04:20 but we didn't have any more money
04:22 to run the meetings, and you may remember
04:25 at the end of '91 or the beginning of 1992,
04:30 I came up to Southern Illinois, came to your television studio,
04:35 and we sat down and you shared the dream,
04:39 and asked the people to send some money
04:41 for the preaching of the Gospel,
04:43 do you remember those days?
04:44 Absolutely, and what a miracle because the very night
04:47 that you came, when you told me about it,
04:48 before we went on the air, I got so excited about it
04:52 I said, let's see if we can just,
04:54 you told me how much money you needed,
04:55 let's just tell our viewers about it.
04:57 The phones began to ring
04:59 and before the program was over,
05:01 every bit of the money that you had asked for came in.
05:04 I'll never forget it because you opened up the phones,
05:08 and, you know, you don't have begathons, I know that.
05:12 3ABN believes that people should give
05:13 because of the love of Christ.
05:15 Not because they're psychologically conditioned
05:18 or something else.
05:19 But I can remember that night as we spoke about
05:21 going to the hall of the congresses
05:25 inside the Kremlin, the phones all lit up,
05:29 and people started to send a $1,000, $500
05:32 and in a few moments people had given $75,000.
05:37 John, you know what's so excited about this?
05:40 This is what happened in my vision
05:42 because it happened to me, Seventh-day Adventist Church,
05:46 we've said for years we're to take
05:48 the Gospel into all the world.
05:50 But I grow up in the '50s and the '60s,
05:52 Russia and eastern block countries,
05:55 communism was our, is cold war, enemies.
05:57 Yeah, I know couldn't get there.
05:59 There is no way to get behind the iron curtain,
06:02 you couldn't do it.
06:03 So when we talked about, and everybody's positive
06:06 about getting the Gospel to the world,
06:08 the thoughts still come,
06:09 but how are you going to get this Gospel,
06:12 to the eastern block countries of world,
06:13 that wall, not only the physical wall,
06:16 but the wall, it's there mentally,
06:18 physically, spiritually.
06:20 How are you ever going to get into that?
06:22 And then suddenly, God worked,
06:25 literally the physical wall, the walls of communism fell,
06:28 and who is one of the first people
06:30 to go to take the advantage that opportunity?
06:33 John Carter and The Carter Report.
06:35 Danny, it was in the providence of God.
06:38 Let me say this to you after so many years.
06:42 God brought us together on that occasion
06:44 for something great,
06:46 because we didn't get to the Kremlin
06:49 and we're not going to tell the people,
06:50 why we didn't get to the Kremlin.
06:52 The Bible tells us to forget some things,
06:55 and so we didn't get to the Kremlin
06:57 but the brethren sent us to the city of Nizhni Novgorod.
07:02 And whoever heard of that?
07:03 That's where they sent Sakharov, a dissident,
07:06 they exiled him there and they said
07:08 we're going to send him there
07:09 and we'll never hear from him again.
07:13 And so the brethren said to me,
07:15 I think it was elder Neil Wilson,
07:19 and elder Bob Spangler, they said,
07:21 we've got a place for you to go,
07:23 it's not going to be the Kremlin,
07:24 we're going to put somebody else there.
07:26 I said, well, that's okay,
07:27 just give me back the deposit that we paid on it.
07:31 So we went to the city of Nizhny Novgorod,
07:34 which during the days--
07:36 Formally Gorky.
07:37 Gorky, in the days of the communists
07:39 it was called Gorky.
07:41 And then after the wall came down
07:43 they went back to the old name of Nizhni Novgorod.
07:47 Large city, three, three and half million people.
07:49 A big city, I sort of feel,
07:52 I'm at home when I go to Nizhni Novgorod.
07:54 And I came to you, I want, I want everybody to know this.
07:58 The Lord moved upon my heart
08:00 to go to my brother, Danny Shelton and say
08:03 come with me to Russia because I need some help
08:08 and Danny said we will come.
08:11 So you helped to raise the budget,
08:14 and then got on a plane
08:15 and you flew over to the land of Russia.
08:18 I've been there now 42 times, Danny.
08:20 Yeah I've only 20 so I'm way behind you.
08:23 You have only been there 20? But you know what?
08:25 You even had to help me get the visa,
08:28 I couldn't even get a visa. I helped to get the visa?
08:31 Well, yeah the Church give me a visa,
08:32 they didn't want, they said 3ABN,
08:35 we don't know them that well,
08:36 they're this ministry that's not part of us
08:38 so we're not going to, you know, give you the visa.
08:42 But you had friends who did so praise the Lord for that.
08:45 But, John, all said,
08:47 this is not a negative, this is positive.
08:49 You see, God is in control,
08:51 man doesn't have the final words.
08:53 Going to Nizhni Novgorod was the greatest thing,
08:56 it was totally God led,
08:58 was the greatest thing could never be happen.
09:00 The results, it's still there 23 years later.
09:03 It is, glory be to God. And looks what happening there.
09:05 Tell me, Danny, your overwhelming impressions
09:10 of what happened in the campaign,
09:12 '92 in the Palace of Sport.
09:14 1992 changed my entire life. It did?
09:17 I remember getting ready to go to the Palace of Sport,
09:21 an auditorium that holds 6000-7000 people at most.
09:24 Yeah. I remember going.
09:25 Plus people standing.
09:27 Well, I remember coming a couple hours early,
09:29 and there was a 2000-3000 people outside
09:32 and I thought, wow this is great,
09:33 hardly any cars, but there's 2000-3000 people.
09:36 What I did not know, when I tried to get in,
09:39 the stadium was already packed.
09:42 And these were the people overflow wanting to get in.
09:45 When they realized I was an American,
09:48 I was with Bob Ellis, an American newspaper writer.
09:50 I remember Bob.
09:51 They attached themselves to us, our arms and legs,
09:54 and said if they get in and we get in.
09:57 That's how bad people wanted to hear
10:00 about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
10:01 73 years it had been forbidden, you couldn't do it.
10:04 So, elder Carter, what you did in that city,
10:07 a city that westerners hadn't been in for 73 years.
10:10 It is a closed city, closed since the days of Stalin.
10:14 Absolutely, and the submarines and all of those bases there.
10:18 So here we go, I go into this, finally get in.
10:22 You hold one meeting, packed, 7000 packed,
10:25 it probably should hold six.
10:27 Let them all out 6000-7000 more came in.
10:30 People were fighting to get in. Yes, I know.
10:32 Let those out that first night, 7000 more comes in.
10:37 You're doing a third meeting you have to be worn out
10:39 but I'll never forget this,
10:41 first night I was walking around
10:43 there was all glass on the outside,
10:44 people were yelling, let us in, after,
10:47 you're doing the third meeting,
10:49 I should have been listening to you but I have to confess.
10:51 I was out, so odd, a man was banging on the glass.
10:55 Breaking the doors down.
10:57 Absolutely, banging on the glass he was yelling in,
10:59 and so, older man.
11:01 So I said to, to my translator, what he is saying?
11:05 She went over put her to the glass,
11:08 she said he is saying we've waited 73 years
11:11 to hear about Jesus.
11:13 Let me in. Isn't that long enough?
11:14 Let us in tonight, and then as you know later,
11:17 they busted the doors down, and were able to come in.
11:20 We have pictures of people lined up
11:23 for at least two blocks,
11:24 dropping into the basement cellar to get in
11:27 when all the other doors were closed.
11:29 John, it is life changing to see what God you use to do,
11:33 to baptize 2,532 souls for the Kingdom.
11:36 Danny, it was the power of God. Absolutely.
11:39 We're living in the days of power of God.
11:41 I want to say to the people watching this program on 3ABN,
11:44 where ever your watching this program,
11:47 this happen because God used Danny Shelton
11:50 to help us to raise the budget,
11:52 we wouldn't have got the money otherwise.
11:54 And Danny came with his team, and we saw the glory of God,
11:58 and when you had an altar call, this is true,
12:01 if you had an altar call, you had to be careful
12:04 if you'd be on the front
12:05 so that you didn't get run over.
12:06 That's true.
12:08 Because they wouldn't just walk down the front,
12:10 they would run down the front.
12:11 Danny, let me tell you something.
12:14 Back in those days, I meet the people in America
12:18 and in Australia, God bless them,
12:20 and they said to me, don't you know
12:23 the days of public evangelism are over,
12:26 we can't do that anymore.
12:28 And they said, surely you don't believe in sawdust trail.
12:33 You know, the sawdust trail,
12:34 how they used to have the tent meetings.
12:36 They'd have altar calls.
12:37 I said to them I don't know much about the sawdust trail,
12:40 but I do know about the power of God.
12:43 And when we gave altar calls
12:45 in Nizhni Novgorod at 6 o'clock.
12:48 When the meeting started, we would have hard, bitter,
12:52 suspicious atheists with their heads down.
12:57 Right.
12:58 By 7 o'clock we would have everybody
13:01 in the place down the front, with his hands raised.
13:04 Absolutely. Praying to the Jesus.
13:06 There is a reason for that.
13:08 John, you're a great speaker, you're a great orator.
13:10 I'll give you that.
13:11 But what you have, that I have rarely seen,
13:14 if ever and I give God the credit for this,
13:16 and the glory, not uplifting you.
13:18 You have an anointing on you for evangelism
13:21 like I've never seen in my life,
13:23 and that follows you, where you go, the crowds come.
13:27 No, they don't come to see John Carter,
13:29 they come because John Carter is rightly representing
13:33 Jesus Christ in him crucified.
13:35 They see that again.
13:36 Jesus says, I, If I be lifted up
13:38 will draw all men unto Me.
13:40 Thank you for what you do for the cause of God.
13:42 No, thank you for your support, Danny,
13:44 thank you for the partnership.
13:46 Now, my friends watching this program,
13:49 I'm talking here today with my old friend,
13:51 Danny Shelton,
13:53 the founder of 3ABN, a satellite system
13:57 that is taking the Gospel around the world.
13:59 We're going to tell you the best stories soon.
14:02 We'll be back after this break. Stay with us.
14:22 You can have all the silver
14:26 You can have all the gold
14:29 Just give me Jesus
14:35 You can have all the wisdom
14:40 This Earth can hold
14:43 Just give me Jesus
14:46 Give me Jesus
14:48 when I'm lonely
14:50 And I have nowhere to go
14:53 Give me Jesus
14:55 He's the only one who loves me so
15:00 Give me Jesus because
15:04 Jesus is all I need
15:15 You can have all the spotlights
15:19 You can have all the fame
15:22 Just give me Jesus
15:28 You can have all the success
15:33 Have your well known name
15:36 Just give me Jesus
15:39 Give me Jesus when I'm lonely
15:42 And I have nowhere to go
15:46 Give me Jesus
15:48 He's the only one who loves me so
15:53 Give me Jesus because
15:57 Jesus is all I need
16:02 He's my closest friend
16:04 When no seemed to care.
16:08 Welcome back, friend, I'm talking to my friend
16:10 Danny Shelton from 3ABN.
16:12 Welcome back, Danny.
16:14 Thank you, it's to good be here.
16:15 What a beautiful facility you have in Moorpark,
16:18 California, wonderful facility.
16:20 Glory be to God. Great crew here, all of them.
16:21 No, no, great crew great people,
16:23 great director, just a great team.
16:24 Your son David, great director, great guy, and great friend.
16:27 David's doing great, he's got to put up with his father.
16:29 But, you know, it comes with the--
16:30 That can be tough at times, but he's doing a good job,
16:32 I know it.
16:34 Danny, in the last segment
16:35 I spoke about the outreach of 3ABN,
16:38 I spoke about the satellite outreach with television.
16:41 I understand you're doing radio too.
16:43 Well, we are actually, our radio network is grown to
16:46 I think something like 300 radio stations
16:49 around the world.
16:50 As you know we have radio stations and affiliates
16:54 or own stations in countries around the world,
16:57 like the Philippines, Australia,
16:59 from, of course, you're great country,
17:01 and New Guinea, places around,
17:04 television stations around the world.
17:06 But God has blessed,
17:07 the technology has changed so much,
17:09 pastor Carter, since we started.
17:12 Going by faith, shooting that signal
17:13 up to the satellite,
17:14 now 3ABN is on 9 satellites that encompass planet Earth.
17:18 Anywhere on the planet Earth,
17:20 if you want to watch to 3ABN, you can.
17:23 You can do it through the internet,
17:24 you can do it through cable stations,
17:26 you can do it through on air stations
17:28 where you just have to have rabbit ears.
17:30 You can do it through your telephones now,
17:32 your iPads.
17:33 As I was saying, we have six networks now,
17:35 we have our dare to dream, which is a minority network,
17:39 director Evan Lewis doing a great job.
17:41 We have a proclaim network, that's just all preaching.
17:44 We have a children's network, Miss. Brenda Walsh.
17:47 We have our Latino, brother Johnny,
17:50 Idalia Dinzey and it's goes on,
17:52 we have international.
17:54 God has blessed all of this, it's amazing.
17:56 Anywhere in the world
17:57 if you want to watch 3ABN, you can.
17:59 Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world."
18:01 When I was in Russia, in '92,
18:03 I walked outside the Rossiya Hotel,
18:05 I looked down, and I said Lord, Psalms He brought it to mind,
18:10 "Ask of Me and I will give you the heathen
18:11 for thine inheritance
18:13 and the undermost parts of the Earth
18:14 for thy possessions."
18:16 I walked outside, I said Lord, I am on terraferma,
18:18 I'm going to join elder Carter,
18:20 whatever he want to do here, he's got me.
18:23 Now I'm going to say something.
18:25 I went to London some time ago.
18:27 Beverly wanted to go down to Kensington Palace
18:30 where Princess Diana had lived.
18:34 They were having a big memorial there.
18:36 So I said to Beverly, okay.
18:37 Because Beverly likes Diana you see.
18:40 So we down to the Kensington Palace
18:43 and she was there with some of her friends,
18:44 she said we're going to go in the palace,
18:46 would you like to come?
18:47 I said, no, no, no, I'm sick of palaces.
18:50 Just come from Russia for crying out loud.
18:52 I've been in palaces, the Czars palaces,
18:54 I don't need to go palaces in London.
18:57 So I said, going around the back
18:58 and I'm going find a tree,
19:00 and I'm going to sit under the tree,
19:01 and hopefully there's a seat there.
19:03 And just, I don't want to talk to anybody.
19:05 I'm peopled out, been running a campaign.
19:08 She understands, I don't want to talk to anybody.
19:11 I'm sitting around the back quietly.
19:14 And I heard somebody call my name, pastor Carter.
19:18 I thought for heavens sake, is that an angel?
19:20 Looked up, there was a man and his wife.
19:24 This is the part you're not going to believe.
19:25 I've told people this and they say we don't believe
19:27 you're telling the truth here.
19:29 This is the whole truth.
19:30 So they said,
19:32 we've been praying that you'd come to England.
19:35 I said what?
19:37 They said we've moved here to England,
19:41 we've come from Europe,
19:42 and the only the television set broke down,
19:44 there was only one station we could get, that was 3ABN.
19:47 All right. Praise the Lord.
19:49 Danny, this is true, this is true.
19:50 And they said we listen to you program
19:53 and other programs and we've become born again
19:56 Christians washed by the blood of Jesus.
19:58 Praise the Lord.
19:59 And we're Sabbath keeping Christians.
20:01 Two hander. Yeah, two hander.
20:03 Hallelujah.
20:06 I said, well, why did you come here?
20:07 They said, we've been praying that you'd come to London
20:11 and when we were praying a few days ago,
20:13 we had a strong impression
20:14 that you would come to London today.
20:16 Oh. Really?
20:18 What chance is there that one in a thousand.
20:21 Billion or something.
20:23 And I said, but why did you come here?
20:24 They said, we had an impression after praying
20:27 that you would come to Kensington palace
20:30 at 12 o' clock.
20:31 And it's now 12 o' clock.
20:32 Is that coincidence or divine providence?
20:35 This has got to be a miracle of God.
20:37 Absolutely.
20:38 And these people today are in the church in England.
20:42 Praise the Lord. Because of 3ABN.
20:45 Glory be to God. Amen.
20:47 Danny, tell us how you bought the building for 3ABN
20:50 from the old atheists in Nizhni Novgorod, in 1992.
20:55 Well, it wasn't easy,
20:56 I'll tell you that to begin with.
20:58 But it took a while and Julia Outkina,
21:01 of course, you baptized Julia.
21:03 Who was the sister of the governor there.
21:04 Yeah. And Boris Nemtsov.
21:07 And as we began to work with church leaders,
21:09 they found some property.
21:11 It was eight acres, and a shell of a building.
21:14 They had started probably 20 years building before.
21:17 Yeah, yeah. Huge facility.
21:19 Uh, today, after our building on it,
21:21 adding on, there's over a quarter million square feet.
21:24 We quit trying to measure 'cause there too--
21:25 Massive, massive.
21:26 Too big, six storeys high in some areas.
21:28 But it was not an easy,
21:30 not an easy thing, but you know what?
21:32 We saw God's hand.
21:33 Lord, if You want us here--
21:35 Because here's the problem, John.
21:36 The problem is the conference leaders came to us.
21:39 You remember? Yeah.
21:40 We have a great problem.
21:42 You baptized 2532 people in the Adventist church--
21:45 And another 500 two weeks later.
21:48 6000 had accepted Jesus
21:51 who now were still taking Bible studies.
21:53 So many of those we're gonna join the church.
21:55 But 2532 under the waters of baptism
22:00 through your ministry.
22:01 But our church for this whole area
22:03 only holds 250 people.
22:05 Yeah, tiny little building.
22:06 What are we gonna do with all these people?
22:08 We didn't want to do
22:09 what we've seen some of the great evangelicals
22:11 going to Moscow, filling up auditoriums,
22:14 baptizing 30,000 people, leaving six months later.
22:18 There's still no church, no place for them to go.
22:20 So with your encouragement.
22:21 You said, let's work together.
22:23 We ended up working with the church leaders there
22:25 and a basel store yard, at the time,
22:27 it was conference president Alexander.
22:29 Alexander Antony
22:30 And we we're able to purchase the first time in 73 years,
22:34 foreigners had been able to purchase property
22:37 was right about the time you came.
22:39 Under the leadership of Boris Nemtsov.
22:41 And so 13 foreign businesses,
22:44 I don't know if you are aware of this,
22:46 started at that same time.
22:47 Only one of them still exists today.
22:49 The others had left because it was too hard,
22:52 but God bless, this facility now is as you said,
22:56 the greatest protestant facility, the largest.
22:58 Yes it is. In the Ex-Soviet Union.
23:01 Thousands and thousands of people come to the Lord.
23:04 Have come to the Lord because that facility is there,
23:07 the training is there, we work with the conference.
23:10 Actually, they use part of the building,
23:12 we use part of the building.
23:13 Thank you for your vision, for what you've done.
23:15 And, Danny, I want the people to hear this.
23:17 It's the largest protestant building
23:20 in the former Soviet Union.
23:23 A part of the church.
23:26 And God used you to make it happen.
23:28 No, no, no, God used you to make it happen.
23:30 And if you go there today,
23:32 there's a magnificent church building,
23:34 and people are worshipping in that church.
23:36 And then you've got
23:37 the 3ABN television radio production center.
23:40 Danny, I went there sometime ago
23:42 and saw my daughter in the faith,
23:45 Doctor Julia Outkina whom I love.
23:47 Yes, incredible. One of the saints of God.
23:49 With a Ph.D from Leningrad University.
23:53 And when I looked at some of the television programs,
23:56 those television programs at 3ABN
23:59 are producing over there in Russia are world class.
24:03 Amazing.
24:04 And now if u turn on CNN, or the ABC, or PBS,
24:08 you're not gonna see programs better than the programs
24:11 that are produced by 3ABN in Russia.
24:14 I want to say to the people who are watching today,
24:16 you need to support 3ABN.
24:19 Put the seed into good soil,
24:22 don't put it in the hard rocking soil.
24:24 Don't put it where it's going to be wasted,
24:26 but put the seed into good soil for the saving of souls.
24:31 Tell me, what are your dreams and visions today, Danny?
24:35 Well, the dreams and visions are this,
24:37 though the signal is up and people can reach it
24:39 around the world, is to give a clear message.
24:42 Because without the message, the reason 3ABN is still going
24:46 and still growing after 30 years
24:48 is because we made a commitment as a ministry to continue
24:53 to give an undiluted three angels messages.
24:54 You preached the truth.
24:56 One that would counteract or counterfeit.
24:57 Preaching truth which in today's time,
25:00 there is less and less of that being taught.
25:03 So I believe as long as we continue to give the truth,
25:07 God will continue to bless.
25:09 And I want to thank all the viewers
25:10 who financially support 3ABN and The Carter Report.
25:14 You give to The Carter Report,
25:16 it's like giving to 3ABN and vice-versa.
25:18 Because we worked together for so long.
25:20 And I don't say that about every ministry
25:22 but I feel it a privilege to work with you
25:25 and The Carter Report group here.
25:27 And we reciprocate. You've written a new book.
25:30 Right. What's the name of it?
25:31 Well, it's called, The blessing is on the go.
25:33 The blessing is on the go.
25:35 I'll make this quick because anytime the Lord says go,
25:38 in my life, when the Lord said build a television station,
25:40 I didn't know what to do but I took a step forward.
25:43 When I did that, God honored it.
25:44 You gave it the title? The title?
25:46 The title of the book? The blessing is on the go.
25:48 The blessing is on the go.
25:49 I thought it must have been a typo when I got it.
25:50 No, no, no.
25:52 The blessing of God is on the go
25:53 because Jesus says, "Go ye into all the world."
25:56 So when you go forward, if you--
25:57 I've seen people say, well, boy, our church,
25:59 we need evangelistic series
26:01 but we just don't have enough money to do it.
26:03 Yeah, I hear it all the time.
26:04 You know, sure, we don't have enough.
26:05 No faith. Well, there's not enough.
26:07 I say, step forward. Go forward.
26:08 When you do that, God will bring in the finances,
26:11 but you can ask all you want.
26:13 Had I said, Lord I'll build a television station,
26:15 but you open the windows of heaven,
26:17 pour me out blessings where there's not room enough
26:19 to receive it and then I'll go forward.
26:21 I'd still be sitting there today.
26:23 Probably died from lack of movement.
26:25 But instead when I said go, when Jesus says go
26:28 and I go, he blesses.
26:30 When the Lord says to you, go, you go forward.
26:33 You don't have to have all the answers.
26:36 Your faith doesn't even begin till your sight ends.
26:39 So when you're going forward and God's impressing you
26:41 to do something, remember that,
26:43 my faith doesn't even begin till my sight ends.
26:46 When you can't see it, you step forward.
26:48 And the blessing is on the go.
26:49 The blessing of God is on the go.
26:50 The blessing is on the go.
26:52 I want to tell the folks who are watching today,
26:55 pray about this because Danny and I have got a dream.
26:58 Want to know what it is?
27:00 Let's go and run a great evangelistic campaign in Cuba.
27:04 Amen. Praise the Lord. Cuba.
27:07 That's going to be Russia all over again.
27:08 Make it another, All right.
27:10 Another Moscow. Absolutely.
27:11 Another Saint Petersburg. Yes.
27:13 But the blessing is on the go. Yes.
27:15 But, friend, you've been watching The Carter Report
27:18 with Danny Shelton, the founder of 3ABN.
27:21 And he is the person who is the--
27:25 What can I say, Danny?
27:26 You are the driving force of 3ABN.
27:29 There's no doubt about it. Because of faith.
27:32 And I'm asking you folks today to support 3ABN.
27:36 Whether you are in Australia or America, whatever country.
27:41 So I'm saying to you today, my friend.
27:42 The blessing is on the go.
27:44 We're putting up the address of 3ABN.
27:47 Southern Illinois.
27:49 Write to Danny Shelton, founder of 3ABN,
27:53 the leader of 3ABN.
27:55 The blessing is on the go.
27:57 And remember also to write to me John Carter.
27:59 Post office box 1900.
28:01 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:04 Our address for Australia is also on the screen.
28:08 And remember this, the blessing is on the go.
28:12 And may the Lord bless you.


Revised 2015-10-15