Carter Report, The

The Biggest Hoax in all the World, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001514A

00:09 The Carter Report Presents,
00:10 The Living Word around the World.
00:17 Hello, my friend, I'm John Carter.
00:20 Welcome today to the Carter Report.
00:22 And topic today is
00:24 the biggest hoax in all the world.
00:28 I have a special guest today,
00:30 Dr. Faz Rana from "Reasons to Believe."
00:35 Dr. Rana is a great scientist.
00:38 And today we're going to look at the evidence for
00:42 and against the theory of evolution.
00:45 Welcome today to the Carter Report.
00:51 Hi, I'm John Carter.
00:53 My wife Beverley and I were watching television
00:55 the other night, watching the news, American News.
00:59 They told us that the church
01:00 in North America is actually shrinking.
01:03 They said that atheism
01:04 is the fastest growing religious movement
01:06 today in North America.
01:08 And people are saying,
01:10 "What on earth can we do to save the church?"
01:12 Well, of course Christ died for the church,
01:14 He saved the church.
01:15 But what they mean is,
01:17 "How can we keep the church as a vibrant force
01:19 in the world today, in Australia,
01:21 in America and in Europe and in the rest of the world?"
01:24 Let me tell you a little story.
01:26 John Wesley was one of the greatest preachers
01:28 of the English speaking world has ever heard.
01:31 John Wesley came upon the scene of the church in England
01:35 a few hundred years ago,
01:36 when the church was dying like the church today,
01:39 it was a shrinking church,
01:42 but the people in the church were in a state of denial.
01:44 They refused to accept the reality
01:47 that the church was dying.
01:48 John Wesley did something
01:50 that other people said it couldn't be done.
01:52 He revived the church through public evangelism.
01:56 Did you hear that? He started to preach Christ.
01:59 He preached the Bible
02:00 and he preached out of doors and indoors
02:03 and the church was saved.
02:05 Not only did he save a lot of souls,
02:08 the souls of sinners,
02:09 he saved the souls of the saints.
02:13 Please join me, my friend, in evangelism.
02:19 It's what Jesus did.
02:21 Write to me John Carter,
02:22 Post Office Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California.
02:26 In Australia write to me at address on the screen
02:30 at Terrigal, in New South Wales.
02:33 Join me, my friend, in preaching Christ.
02:37 Join me in public evangelism around the world.
02:42 Thank you in Jesus' name.
02:52 Welcome back to the Carter Report.
02:54 Today we're talking about
02:56 the evolutionary theory of Darwin
02:58 that we consider to be the world's greatest hoax.
03:01 My guest today is Dr. Faz Rana,
03:04 Vice President of "Reasons To Believe."
03:08 He and Dr. Hugh Ross co-authored the books
03:12 "Origins of Life" and also "Who Was Adam."
03:17 After reading these books
03:20 Nobel Prize winning chemist Dr. Richard Smalley said,
03:25 "Evolution has been dealt its deathblow.
03:30 After reading "Origins of life"
03:32 with my background in chemistry and physics,
03:35 it is clear evolution could not have occurred."
03:42 We're glad that you're on our program today.
03:44 Well, thank you for having me, Pastor Carter.
03:46 And, Dr. Rana, it is our honour to have you with us today
03:50 and we want to thank you for joining us.
03:53 We're going to get right into the matter.
03:54 We're gonna jump into what some would say,
03:57 is a difficult subject when you talk about evolution,
04:01 because people tell us
04:03 evolution is a proven scientific fact
04:07 and they use Junk DNA.
04:10 What is Junk DNA?
04:12 Well, when the human genome was sequenced,
04:16 this would have been in 2000, 2001
04:18 what was discovered at that time
04:21 was that most of the genome
04:23 didn't code for any kind of useful products.
04:26 And so the thought was that this was all junk.
04:29 And so the idea was 95% of the human genome
04:33 is made up of garbage DNA
04:34 that just is an evolutionary wastage.
04:37 And in fact when you look at humans and chimps and gorillas,
04:42 there's a shared Junk DNA sequences
04:44 and everybody argued, this is evidence
04:46 for an evolutionary history for humanity,
04:48 evidence for common descent.
04:50 Because why would God put the stuff
04:52 in there that's no good.
04:53 Exactly, but in the last few years
04:55 there's been a radical revision
04:57 in terms of how we understand the human genome.
05:00 We now know that virtually all of the DNA
05:03 in the human genome is actually functional,
05:05 only a small fraction of it codes
05:07 for useful protein products.
05:09 The rest of it is basically
05:10 functioning as the control system,
05:13 telling the cell when to make certain proteins
05:15 and when not to make proteins and how much to make them.
05:18 And this is critical for
05:20 the development of the human being
05:22 from a small egg to a fully formed individual.
05:26 So what we're looking at here is
05:27 an incredibly elegantly designed system
05:30 that is far beyond anybody's imagination
05:33 in terms of its complexity and elegance.
05:35 The DNA is full of information.
05:37 It's loaded with information.
05:39 How much information in a bit of DNA?
05:41 3.2 billion generic letters
05:45 and that's in each cell in our body.
05:47 I want to get this clear.
05:49 I was told there were 3.2 billion generic letters,
05:54 but this is in each cell in the body.
05:57 Each cell and there's about a trillion cells in our body.
06:00 Now each cell has the same,
06:02 same 3.2 billion generic letters,
06:04 at least the first approximation.
06:06 And so you got these little letters
06:09 in the right sequence inside the cell. Yes.
06:13 That you can't see with the naked eye?
06:14 That's right, you can't see it with the naked eye.
06:16 And in fact I've seen the entire human genome
06:19 printed out in book form and it literally is,
06:24 like a set of encyclopaedias
06:25 that goes from the floor to a ceiling about 15 feet high.
06:29 And it's just volume after volume after volume of letters.
06:34 Now remember you're dealing here with a hoax.
06:37 I don't know much about this,
06:39 that's why we got you on the show.
06:40 Tell me this about the library again?
06:42 Well, the information in one cell,
06:44 if you simply typed out the generic code,
06:48 that those 3.2 billions letters,
06:50 it looks like a volume of encyclopaedias
06:53 where each volume would correspond
06:55 to one of the 23 chromosomes in the human body
06:59 or in the human cells.
07:00 And this happened by itself?
07:02 Well, that's what evolutionary biologists...
07:04 This came from nothing.
07:05 That's what evolutionary biologists would say.
07:07 That Darwin didn't know what you're telling me today?
07:08 No, he didn't know that.
07:09 He thought the cell was a bit of blob,
07:11 just a bit of nothing.
07:12 Right, a protoplasm, a bit of jelly.
07:15 Somebody told me
07:17 that if you took the information
07:19 that is in one cel...
07:23 you need, I think it was 1,500 books,
07:28 each of a 1,000 pages.
07:30 Yeah, that sounds right.
07:32 There's a library.
07:34 But I thought that meant the whole--
07:35 When I read it I had an idea, this is the whole body,
07:38 but this is one cell in the body.
07:40 This is one cell in the body, exactly, exactly.
07:43 And I actually saw again the human genome printed out
07:46 and there were--
07:48 It was just volume after volume after volume
07:50 and this, the bookshelf went from the floor to a ceiling
07:53 15 feet high jammed with books.
07:56 And I pulled one out and I looked at it
07:58 and the print was so small--
07:59 Tiny print? I could barely read it.
08:01 And it's digital information, isn't it?
08:03 It's digital information.
08:04 This is not an analogue, it's digital?
08:06 Yeah, it's just, again it's like a--
08:08 the information in a computer system.
08:10 It's digitized.
08:11 Have you thought about this, Doctor?
08:13 John 1:1 says,
08:16 "In the beginning was the word." Yes.
08:18 Now, the word has the connotation of information.
08:22 So in the very beginning the information came
08:26 and that gave way to the universe
08:29 and the human race.
08:30 But the evolutionists says,
08:32 in the beginning there was nothing.
08:35 Much to do about nothing.
08:36 In the beginning there was nothing
08:38 and there was confusion and randomness
08:41 and everything by chance and it gave birth to the cell.
08:46 You got to have a lot of faith to be an atheist
08:49 or an evolutionist.
08:50 Yeah, you sure do.
08:51 And to think about, you know, John 1:1.
08:55 It's interesting because in our experience,
08:58 information always comes from our mind.
09:00 Anytime we encounter information,
09:02 we recognise that it's the work of a mind.
09:04 Yes, we do.
09:06 And it's provocative to think
09:07 that at its essence biochemistry is information.
09:10 Most people don't know this.
09:11 They are information systems,
09:13 and you know as I mentioned in the previous episode,
09:16 the way in which the cells machinery
09:17 manipulates that information
09:20 is similar to how a computer system functions.
09:23 And people have used that insight
09:24 to build literally computers using DNA
09:27 in the cells machinery.
09:28 This is called DNA computing.
09:31 And tell me about this DNA computing?
09:34 Explain this to me?
09:35 Well, the idea is that because DNA is information
09:38 because it's digital information
09:39 just like, which is found in a computer system,
09:42 you can manipulate that digital information,
09:45 do all kinds of complex tasks.
09:47 And the cell basically does the same thing.
09:50 In the vein which it does that
09:51 is fundamentally how a computer system operates
09:55 at its most basic level.
09:57 And again exploiting that idea,
09:59 there are now nanotechnologists
10:02 that are building computer systems out of DNA
10:05 and these are more powerful,
10:07 the systems that they are building are more powerful
10:09 than the most powerful super computer system
10:12 that we're aware off.
10:13 Or you have information theorists
10:16 who study problems in molecular biology
10:20 who have concluded
10:21 that the way in which the information
10:23 in the cell is structured is identical to human language.
10:27 This is quite amazing.
10:29 And so it's not just merely the presence of information
10:32 but how it's structured, how it's handled by the cell,
10:35 it's identical to how we structure
10:37 and handle information.
10:39 And that to me suggest not only a work of a mind,
10:41 but it says, there's something about the way
10:44 that we think that it's in resonance
10:46 with how that Creator thinks.
10:49 And of course scripture tells us
10:50 that we're made in God's image.
10:52 And if we're made in God's image,
10:54 we're mini creators
10:55 and doesn't it really make sense
10:57 to think that what we would do, would somehow echo
11:01 what the Creator has done when He has created.
11:03 And so to me it's not just merely...
11:05 This is evidence for intelligent design.
11:08 But when we think about it, it really points to the fact
11:11 that we're made in God's image
11:13 and we have this connection to the Creator in someway.
11:16 You know, if I go down to the beach--
11:18 Well, not just the beach,
11:20 to say if I'm out in the desert,
11:21 a lot of sand, like at the beach.
11:24 And I'm dying of thirst and I come along
11:27 and I see written in the sand,
11:31 100 yards to water and it has an arrow pointing.
11:36 I think I could logically assume
11:39 that the letters are an indication
11:42 of a mind that wrote it down.
11:44 Exactly.
11:46 But the atheistic evolutionists
11:49 looks at the writing in the sand
11:51 and he says, it came from nowhere
11:55 and it happened by blind chance.
11:57 And man is the product of time plus matter,
12:01 plus chance that we believe
12:04 is the greatest hoax in all the world.
12:08 Now I want to ask you this question
12:13 and I'm enjoying this.
12:14 This is quite amazing.
12:16 And we're running out of time for this segment,
12:17 so we'll have to go through this fast.
12:19 Is man genetically different to a animal, say a chimp?
12:23 What makes mankind distinct?
12:26 Well, we are built out of the same building blocks
12:29 as a chimp,
12:31 but I look at that as evidence for common design.
12:34 Designers will use the same materials
12:36 and make very different designs with that.
12:37 But have we got cells like the chimp?
12:39 Yeah, we are genetically similar to chimps.
12:41 We're bio chemically similar.
12:43 We got the DNA and all that stuff.
12:44 Yeah, we're atomically similar, we're physiologically similar.
12:48 But I look at that as evidence for common design,
12:50 not common descent.
12:52 And what we do stand apart from chimps in radical ways.
12:56 And a lot of it has to do with the way our brain is structured
12:58 and the way that our brain operates.
13:00 And in terms of what's called gene expression,
13:03 we're radically different than chimps
13:05 when it comes to our brains.
13:06 Because we were made in the image of God?
13:08 Exactly.
13:09 Yeah, we're not descendent or related to the chimps
13:14 because man is a new and distinct creation
13:18 from the hand of God.
13:21 And therefore we believe, Dr. Faz,
13:24 that every person is distinct and glorious
13:27 and every person is important
13:28 and we believe that life is full of meaning.
13:31 We believe that because we came from the hand of God,
13:34 one day we shall go back to the hand of God.
13:38 You're watching the Carter Report.
13:40 My guest is Dr. Faz Rana from Reasons to Believe.
13:44 Just stay with us, my friend,
13:46 because we're going to be back with you
13:49 after this brief message.
13:52 Stay with us.
13:55 God has His time and His place for everything.
14:01 And the time and the place
14:03 now is Latin America, including Cuba.
14:08 Time Magazine talks about
14:10 the second Protestant Reformation
14:13 and describes how hundreds of thousands
14:16 even millions of Latinos are coming to the gospel of Christ.
14:23 I'm not an armchair theologian,
14:26 I'm speaking according toexperience.
14:28 I've seen it with my own eyes.
14:32 Recently we went down to El Salvador.
14:36 There I spoke in the largest football stadium
14:39 in Central America with the biggest crowd
14:42 that, that football stadium had ever, ever seen.
14:46 They came not to see a football match,
14:49 but to hear about the blood of Christ.
14:53 Millions are coming to a knowledge of God
14:56 in Latin America.
14:58 Doors are opening in Cuba.
15:02 Who knows we may be going to Cuba soon as the doors open.
15:07 By the grace of God we're going to step through those doors.
15:12 And we want you to step through those doors with us
15:16 and be part of our team for such a time as this.
15:21 Please write to me, friend, don't put it off.
15:23 Write to me John Carter, Post Office Box 1900,
15:28 Thousand Oaks, California, 91358.
15:32 In Australia write to me at Terrigal, New South Wales.
15:37 Be part of the Second Reformation.
15:41 Join us to see the miracles of God.
15:46 Amen.
15:57 Hello, friend, I'm John Carter.
15:59 Welcome back today to the Carter Report.
16:01 We are talking today about the greatest hoax
16:05 in all the world.
16:06 And my special guest is Dr. Faz Rana
16:09 from "Reasons to Believe."
16:11 Welcome back, Doctor.
16:12 Thank you for having me, Pastor Carter.
16:13 Glad to have you here.
16:15 Now we're talking today about ideas that influence millions,
16:19 perhaps billions, there are families and children.
16:22 Tell me about your family?
16:25 Well, I've been married almost 29 years
16:27 and it's amazing to me that my wife was able
16:29 to put up with me for 29 years.
16:32 But we have five kids. Five children?
16:35 Three biological, two that we adopted
16:37 and they are all grown up and they are out of the house
16:39 and we're empty nesters now.
16:41 And they are figuring out how to make their own way in life.
16:44 And one of our daughter is married,
16:46 and one will be married this summer.
16:47 So we've got a full family.
16:50 And you're a happy man.
16:51 I'm very happy. I can tell.
16:53 You got a happy face.
16:54 I'm going to read you this statement.
16:58 Atheistic evolution is a theory
17:01 that is devastated the human race?
17:02 I want you to comment on this in a moment.
17:05 Darwin, without intending to, abolished God.
17:10 The death of God always leads to the death of man.
17:14 This is important philosophically.
17:17 Carl Marx seized on Darwinism.
17:21 Friedrich Nietzsche gladly accepted evolution
17:24 and the concept of the survival of the fittest.
17:28 Hitler worshiped Nietzsche,
17:30 and he slept with a copy of Nietzsche under his pillow.
17:36 It was the heart of the Nazi system.
17:39 The communists in Russia...
17:41 Listen to this, my friend.
17:43 And in China were ardent atheist,
17:46 ardent evolutionists.
17:48 And I believe this caused the greatest deaths
17:51 in the history of the human race.
17:54 The greatest wars in history, Pol Pot was an atheist.
17:58 No God, no purpose, no meaning.
18:02 If God is destroyed, then man also is destroyed.
18:07 And it seems to me that in America
18:09 and in Australia and in another parts of the world today,
18:12 people have lost hope
18:14 and they have lost purpose in living.
18:16 Could you comment on that?
18:17 Well, I think
18:19 that's a very powerful statement that's there.
18:21 I wrote it.
18:23 Well, it's very powerful,
18:24 but it's absolutely true in my opinion,
18:27 that is why, you know,
18:29 I'm personally troubled by the theory of evolution.
18:32 Me too.
18:33 Because if life's origin and life's history
18:35 can be explained exclusively through evolutionary means,
18:38 there's no need for God.
18:40 And as you point out, when there's no need for God,
18:42 then what are human beings?
18:44 We're just simply the product of evolutionary processes.
18:48 We don't have any meaning.
18:50 We're no different than any other creature on this planet.
18:52 We're just simply an ephemeral entity--
18:55 Or just another animal, no better than a frog?
18:58 That's exactly what--
18:59 And that's what people say, you know,
19:01 we're no better than a frog.
19:02 Well, and there's whole idea of species of now today. Yes.
19:04 We're to think that human beings are somehow special
19:07 is, is an upfront to many people.
19:10 How could you--
19:11 They would say, make human beings special
19:13 versus these other creatures
19:15 who were no better or no worse.
19:16 Well, that just undermines as you say any kind of idea
19:20 that there's purpose in life, it undermines human dignity,
19:24 anything is permissible in that kind of a framework
19:28 and I think it's a horrendously frightening idea,
19:34 you know, that has, you know, profound implications.
19:37 Ideas have real consequences.
19:39 I'm sure you're aware of this.
19:41 When Darwin put out his idea of evolution,
19:43 it wasn't science.
19:46 He was groping in the darkness
19:48 and people like Huxley who accepted his ideas,
19:52 did so not on the basis of science,
19:55 but on the basis of what they wanted to believe.
19:58 Yeah, well, Richard Dawkins once said,
20:00 Darwinism allows me
20:02 to be an intellectually satisfied atheist.
20:04 Yes. Yeah.
20:05 And so it's as if Darwinism is co-opted to fuel
20:09 the rejection of belief in God.
20:11 Why, because if evolution can explain it,
20:13 then you don't need God.
20:15 And this is why I think it's so important for people
20:19 to realize that the case for evolution is
20:22 not strong scientifically.
20:23 No, it's not a scientific idea.
20:25 That the origin of life looks to be miraculous,
20:28 that when you look at the history of life on earth,
20:30 that looks as if there were places
20:32 where evolution just simply can't account
20:34 for what's happening in the history of life,
20:37 that you have to have divine input,
20:40 that there has to be a Creator that is intervening.
20:43 And if that's the case and it's easy for me to believe
20:46 that Creator is intervening in my own personal life.
20:48 On the basis of the evidence? On the basis of the evidence.
20:51 This is not wishful thinking. No.
20:53 This is-- this is based on the evidence.
20:54 Dawkins said during a debate with Dr. John Lennox
20:58 from Oxford University.
21:00 He said, you Christians have got faith,
21:02 we've got the evidence on our side.
21:04 You just got faith.
21:06 What he doesn't understand is this,
21:07 that our faith is built upon evidence.
21:10 I don't believe in God because I just want to believe in God,
21:12 neither do you.
21:14 I do not believe in Genesis
21:15 just because I would feel like I want to believe in Genesis.
21:18 I believe in it
21:20 because I believe the evidence supports it.
21:22 And we believe in an intelligent faith
21:25 that is based upon truth.
21:29 Was Lucy our ancestor, Doctor,
21:35 who were the hominids.
21:38 Well, the way I like to think about them as a Christian
21:40 is that these were creatures that were made by God,
21:43 that they had intelligence, they had emotional capability,
21:47 but they didn't have the image of God.
21:49 They didn't have-- They weren't spiritual beings.
21:51 That is a category reserved exclusively for human beings.
21:55 Yes, man is made in the image of God.
21:56 And that's how I think of them.
21:59 I think of them in the same vein
22:00 as I think of the great apes, chimpanzees,
22:02 orangutans and gorillas, fascinating creatures,
22:06 remarkable creatures,
22:07 but there's clearly a difference
22:08 between an ape and a human
22:10 and I think that difference is primarily
22:13 the fact that we bear God's image.
22:15 Apes don't go to church. They don't.
22:18 And there's a reason for this.
22:19 But what's interesting is that,
22:21 when you look at the behavior of the hominids,
22:22 so many people look at that behavior
22:24 has being kind of an antecedent
22:27 to what's happening with modern humans.
22:29 They see this in evolutionary terms.
22:31 But the fact of the matter is
22:32 that more then we learn about their behavior,
22:34 the creatures like Neanderthals, Homo erectus,
22:37 the more then we see,
22:38 but their behavior really is categorically
22:41 like that of the great apes.
22:42 It's not behavior that,
22:45 at anyway I think connects them
22:47 to humans in evolutionary sense.
22:48 Let me read you a statement and then I want your comment.
22:50 Professor Leakey who discovered Lucy.
22:54 He says, or he said.
22:56 "If pressed about man's ancestry,
22:58 I would have to say that
23:00 all we have is a huge question mark.
23:04 To date, there has been nothing found to truthfully purport,
23:09 as a transitional species to man, including Lucy.
23:14 If further pressed, I would have to state that
23:16 there is more evidence to suggest,
23:19 to suggest an abrupt arrival of man
23:23 rather than a gradual process of evolution."
23:28 Yeah, this is really, I think an important point.
23:31 So often times when people think
23:33 about hominid fossil record,
23:34 they think of Lucy which is about a 40% complete skeleton,
23:38 or they think of the Turkana boy
23:39 which is almost 100% complete skeleton.
23:42 Those were highly unusual, rare finds.
23:45 Most of the hominid fossils are partial skulls,
23:49 teeth, jaw bones.
23:51 Then often times they are damaged
23:53 and they are deformed and nobody knows
23:55 how many species existed of the hominids.
23:58 Nobody knows how the hominids
23:59 would have been connected to each other
24:01 in evolutionary terms.
24:03 Most of the hominids that people traditionally think of
24:05 as part of the ascent of man Lucy and The Handy Man
24:10 and the Peking man, and Neanderthals
24:12 are acknowledged by evolutionary biologists
24:14 to be dead end since high branches.
24:16 Nobody knows the pathway
24:18 from some kind of a legit ancestor to modern humans.
24:22 The area of research in anthropologies in total chaos.
24:27 Yes, it is.
24:28 Every time there's a new find,
24:30 it always rewrites human evolution.
24:32 Well, that tells me that nothing in that whole area
24:36 is scientifically concerned.
24:38 No, no, no, it's wishful thinking. Yeah.
24:40 It's a religion. Yes.
24:42 And all religions have their--
24:44 Well, most religions have some crazy ideas
24:47 that are built upon faith and supposition
24:50 and wishful thinking.
24:52 It is true that those who believe in evolution.
24:56 We say this was courtesy, Christian courtesy.
24:59 Darwin taught that the geological column
25:02 was the ultimate proof of evolution.
25:04 He says, you're gonna see it in the rocks.
25:06 Are they missing links?
25:08 Are they transitional species?
25:11 You know this is something that's interesting
25:12 because when Darwin wrote Origins of Species,
25:15 he had a couple of chapters
25:16 devoted to potential problems with his theory. Yes.
25:19 And one of them was the fossil record.
25:21 In Darwin's day,
25:22 the fossil record didn't show gradual evolutionary change,
25:27 it showed sudden appearances of groups
25:29 followed by no change or stasis.
25:32 And Darwin thought, well, give us more time,
25:35 we'll collect more fossils
25:36 and these missing links will be filed in.
25:38 The fact of the matter is that's not the case.
25:40 The same pattern... That's not the case?
25:42 The same patterns that Darwin saw
25:44 on the fossil record of the same patterns
25:46 that we recognize today.
25:48 No transitions? Very few.
25:50 If anything that could be considered even a transition.
25:53 And when innovation happens in the history of life,
25:56 it happens explosively.
25:58 The queen mother of all examples
26:00 would be the Cambrian explosion.
26:02 When animals first appear on the planet,
26:04 they appear explosively in a geological instant.
26:08 And there's a radiation for mammals,
26:11 there's a radiation for birds.
26:13 In fact a couple of bird radiations,
26:15 there's radiations for reptiles and amphibians and for fish.
26:18 Every time innovation happens, it happens explosively.
26:22 And that to me is exactly what I would expect
26:25 the geological column
26:26 to look like if God is involved in creating.
26:29 This thing suddenly would appear
26:31 in their full range of diversity,
26:33 and that's what we see in the fossil record.
26:36 Tell me this because our program is coming to a close.
26:39 You believe in Christ? I sure do.
26:42 You believe in the Bible? I sure do.
26:44 Do you believe that a person, ordinary person like me
26:48 and the people watching our television program,
26:50 do you believe that ordinary people
26:52 gonna have a relationship with God?
26:54 Of course. Yeah.
26:55 I most certainly believe that.
26:57 I have a relationship with Jesus Christ
27:00 and I'm so grateful for His life,
27:02 death and resurrection
27:04 because that's the means by which I have salvation.
27:06 And you're a scientist? I'm a scientist.
27:09 And you believe in God? I believe in God.
27:11 And you don't believe in evolution?
27:14 I'm very skeptical of the evolutionary paradigm.
27:17 But you do believe in the text, in the Bible that says,
27:20 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
27:23 I not only believe it, but I think
27:24 that there's scientific evidence
27:26 that supports the idea that the universe had a beginning.
27:28 And you also believe the text that says,
27:31 God said, "Let us make man in our own image."
27:34 Yeah, I believe that,
27:36 that we're special creations in God's image
27:39 to be in a relationship with Him.
27:41 And even though we messed that up
27:42 in the form that God has gone through great lengths
27:45 to restore that relationship to the person of Christ.
27:49 And I think there's powerful scientific evidence
27:51 that supports belief in God and mankind's special status.
27:55 And at this stage of the program I can say, amen.
27:59 You've been watching Dr. Faz Rana
28:01 from Reasons to Believe.
28:03 We believe that God made us
28:05 and we came from the hand of God.
28:07 Please write to me, John Carter,
28:09 Post Office Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California.
28:12 In Australia you can write to me
28:13 at the address on the screen at Terrigal.
28:16 Also remember this, God made you,
28:20 Christ died for you, God loves you.
28:23 And until next time God bless you
28:25 and thank you for watching this program today.


Revised 2015-09-17