Carter Report, The

The Fate of the Heathen -part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001603A

00:13 We're just so glad to see you folks here today.
00:17 In our new television studio,
00:20 in beautiful Mall Park
00:22 just down the hill from Ronald Reagan's Library.
00:26 So, you know, we're just keeping
00:27 the very best company, aren't we?
00:30 That's why we've got you folks here today.
00:32 Because we consider you folks to be a part of our team,
00:36 and we just want to give you the warmest welcome.
00:39 My topic today, it's sort of a bombshell.
00:43 I'm gonna talk for a little bit about political correctness
00:47 that I sort of don't like.
00:49 But then I'm going to talk about,
00:52 The Fate of the Heathen.
00:54 But firstly, we're glad to welcome
00:56 the pastor, the senior pastor of the Thousand Oaks Church,
01:01 Pastor Larry Meager.
01:03 And he is going to come out
01:04 and he is going to say the prayer.
01:09 Our Father,
01:12 when we stop and just think about those two words,
01:15 it brings us indescribable joy.
01:18 Our Father, a Father who sits on His throne in heaven
01:23 and sits in our hearts.
01:26 And we thank You for that
01:29 from the bottom of our hearts.
01:31 This is made possible
01:33 through Jesus Christ,
01:36 Jesus Christ our older brother
01:39 who came as one of us,
01:42 who gave His life
01:44 and on the third day
01:45 was resurrected again and is in heaven.
01:50 But He didn't leave before He promised
01:52 that He would come again.
01:54 That He would not abandon us.
01:56 That He would give us the Holy Spirit
01:58 to speak to our hearts and to our minds.
02:01 And so, for this wonderful gift,
02:04 our Father, we give you thanks in the name of Jesus Christ,
02:10 the father, the Holy Spirit.
02:14 This in his name, we do pray, amen.
02:17 Amen. Amen.
02:20 The topic today, is "The Fate of the Heathen."
02:23 What is going to be the fate of those people
02:25 who don't hear the gospel?
02:28 Firstly today,
02:29 I want to talk just a little bit
02:31 about political correctness.
02:37 I seem to think that political correctness
02:39 is not only the curse of America,
02:43 but it can be the curse of the Christian church.
02:46 Political correctness says,
02:49 "You can't say anything
02:50 that may somehow offend anybody."
02:54 Now, I want you to know we should never set out
02:57 and start out to offend any person.
03:01 We should never ever say anything
03:04 that is going to offend somebody
03:07 just because we are careless.
03:10 But the Bible tells us that most importantly
03:13 we need to be able to teach and to preach the truth,
03:19 because the preaching of the gospel of Christ
03:23 is going to offend some people.
03:26 Even here in the United States of America,
03:29 where people are losing their religious freedoms.
03:33 I want you to take your Bile today,
03:34 and we're going to come over here to a text.
03:36 And I'm using the new KJV.
03:39 I'm turning over here to John 8:32,
03:44 John 8:32, my friend,
03:51 John 8:32.
03:54 I want you to notice it in the word of God.
03:57 And we put this up here on this giant screen
04:00 also but I want you to see it in the Bible
04:02 because Jesus said these words,
04:05 "And you shall know the truth,
04:08 and the truth shall make you..."
04:10 what? Free.
04:12 "Truth shall make you free."
04:16 We need freedom.
04:18 Here in America,
04:19 we believe that freedom is a very precious word.
04:23 I believe today, we're in danger of our freedoms
04:26 being taken from us.
04:28 Even Dr. Billy Graham, patron saint
04:34 of the Christian church in America said,
04:38 "Christians in North America are going to be persecuted
04:46 by their government."
04:50 And so the teaching of truth is tremendously important.
04:55 And today, we need to take a stand
04:57 and say that whatever it costs,
05:00 we're going to be preachers of the truth of God,
05:04 so help us God.
05:07 Now today's topic is The Gospel and The Fate of the Heathen.
05:12 What happens to people who don't hear the gospel?
05:16 The first truth, I want to talk about today is this.
05:19 Number one.
05:20 Here it is.
05:23 Jesus alone is the way
05:27 to everlasting life.
05:31 That's politically incorrect
05:34 because it's going to offend a lot of people.
05:38 But the Bible teaches
05:39 that Jesus is the way to everlasting life.
05:42 Would you come over here to Acts 4:11 and 12,
05:47 Acts 4:11 and 12
05:53 the Bible says,
05:55 "This is the 'stone which was rejected by you builders,
06:01 which has become the chief cornerstone.'
06:04 Nor is there salvation in any other,
06:07 for there is no other name under heaven given among men
06:11 by which we must be saved."
06:14 Listen to me.
06:16 We do not seek to be judgmental.
06:21 God is the judge,
06:24 but the judge has already told us the truth.
06:26 The Bible says, "Jesus said,
06:28 there is no other name under heaven
06:33 given among men, whereby we must be saved."
06:36 So Christ is the way.
06:38 Can I say this to you?
06:39 Can I say it softly?
06:40 Not Muhammad.
06:44 People say no, no, no, no, no, all roads lead to heaven.
06:48 As long as you are sincere, you're going to be saved.
06:51 What you're gonna to do with this text in the Bible.
06:54 There is no other name, not Muhammad,
06:57 not Moses,
07:00 the great lawgiver of the Old Testament.
07:02 We're not saved through Moses and the law.
07:06 Not St. Paul,
07:08 who gave us the Book of Romans
07:10 that talks about grace and faith.
07:12 Not St. Paul, not, certainly not Buddha,
07:17 certainly not Kali,
07:21 one of the great gods of the Hindus.
07:23 The Bible says,
07:24 "Jesus is the only way to eternal life."
07:29 Now respect is different to acceptance.
07:33 We respect you as a person made in the image of God.
07:39 But we may not accept your belief system
07:42 or your lifestyle.
07:44 So when people come to me and they say,
07:46 "But I have a certain lifestyle,
07:48 and you don't believe in it,
07:50 but you got to do so
07:51 and so because this is my lifestyle."
07:54 I say, "I will not."
07:58 Because I have freedom.
08:00 I respect your freedom.
08:02 I ask you to respect mine.
08:06 And there's no other name under heaven.
08:08 Not all ideas are of equal value.
08:14 And that's completely politically incorrect.
08:18 We live in a society that says, "All ideas are of equal value."
08:22 No, they're not.
08:25 I've been to Russia now 44 times.
08:29 People said, "Why have you gone to Russia so many times?
08:32 Do you like it there?"
08:33 Not, not especially.
08:36 When I was there in Moscow, minus 25 degrees at Red Square.
08:42 No, I go there because of the gospel.
08:44 And what I saw in Russia
08:47 is a wake-up call for America today.
08:54 You know what atheism did in Russia?
08:57 Most people don't know.
08:59 Most young people haven't got any idea
09:02 about history today.
09:04 They have no idea, they haven't got a clue.
09:08 The atheists in Russia over a period of 70 years
09:12 put to death as a minimum 50 million innocent people.
09:17 You're going to tell me, all ideas are the same.
09:20 When I went to Russia,
09:22 I had to tell the people you are not an animal.
09:25 You're not a machine.
09:27 You're a child of God.
09:28 There's a God that loves you.
09:31 So don't tell me all ideas are the same, I won't buy it.
09:35 "Jesus is the only way because He is Almighty God,
09:39 the Creator in human flesh."
09:45 Now, Muhammad ever claimed to be that?
09:47 He is a prophet of God, you know.
09:50 We don't criticize him and we respect him.
09:53 And we respect the great faith of Islam.
09:57 But Jesus is the only one
09:59 because He claimed to be Almighty God in human flesh.
10:03 So would you take your Bible and turn over here
10:05 to John 8:54 and 59.
10:08 John 8:54 to 59,
10:12 John 8:54 to 59,
10:18 "Jesus answered,
10:20 "If I honor Myself, My honor is nothing.
10:25 It is My Father who honors Me,
10:27 of whom you say that He is your God.
10:31 Yet you have not known Him, but I know Him.
10:37 And if I say, "I do not know Him,
10:39 ' I shall be a liar like you,
10:43 but I do know Him and keep His word."
10:47 And then he said these words.
10:50 Just, just look at this on the screen for a moment.
10:54 You got it open in the Bible which is great
10:56 because it is written,
10:57 "Man shall not live by bread alone."
10:59 But look at this.
11:01 "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day,
11:04 and he saw it and was glad."
11:06 Then the Jews said to Him,
11:07 "You are not yet fifty years old
11:10 and have You seen Abraham?"
11:12 Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you,
11:16 before Abraham was, I AM."
11:20 And the next text tells us,
11:23 "Then they took up stones to throw at Him."
11:25 You know why they took up stone?
11:26 Because they knew,
11:28 He was claiming to be Almighty God.
11:31 No other man, no human being can say things like that.
11:35 He said, "I am, the great I am."
11:39 These are the words that belong to Yahweh Elohim,
11:45 the Almighty God.
11:47 So, this religion of Jesus
11:50 is not just like any other religion.
11:52 So don't give me the stuff that says
11:55 all religions are the same.
12:00 They've been brainwashed with this political correctness
12:03 that says all religions are the same.
12:05 It's not true.
12:07 Come over here to Exodus Chapter 3.
12:09 Exodus Chapter 3.
12:11 This is a story of Moses and the burning bush.
12:15 When Moses, was confronted by God in the burning bush.
12:21 Exodus 3:13
12:27 to 15.
12:28 Exodus Chapter 3, "Moses said to God,
12:34 "Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel
12:36 and say to them,
12:37 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you
12:39 and they say to me, 'What is His name?'
12:41 What shall I say to them?"
12:43 And God said to Moses "I AM WHO I AM."
12:46 And He said, 'Thus shall you say to the children of Israel,
12:49 I AM has sent me to you."
12:51 ' Moreover God said to Moses,
12:53 "Thus you shall say to the children of Israel:
12:55 'The God of your fathers, the God of Abraham,
12:58 the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob,
13:00 has sent me to you.
13:01 This is My name forever
13:02 and this is My memorial to all generations."
13:05 I want you to think about this.
13:08 You've all heard of C.S. Lewis, haven't you?
13:10 He was a Great Oxford Don.
13:14 A member of the old church of my father's and my mother's,
13:19 the Church of England.
13:21 He said...
13:23 He was one of the greatest minds in the world.
13:28 He said, "When people come to me and I say,
13:31 I don't accept the divinity of Christ but I do believe
13:34 that Christ Jesus, Jesus was a good man,
13:40 a great teacher."
13:41 C.S. Lewis, said, "Don't dare patronize him.
13:48 He claimed to be God."
13:50 He said, "What would you do with a man
13:53 who comes to you and says that he is a poached egg."
13:58 You must think about it.
14:00 You say, "He's crazy."
14:02 He's not a great man, he's crazy.
14:06 Jesus made claims that nobody
14:09 in the history of the world ever claimed.
14:11 He said, "I am the Almighty."
14:15 So he said, "Either he is a madman
14:19 or the godman.
14:23 And if he's the mad man, he is not a good man,
14:25 he is a deluder.
14:27 And he is deluded and he is deceived."
14:32 And so the claims of Christ extraordinary
14:36 and they cannot be just brushed aside.
14:39 Come to John 14:6.
14:44 John 14:6.
14:50 These words were read yesterday at Mrs. Reagan's funeral
14:54 just up the road here.
14:57 In Simi Valley, up on top of the mountain,
15:01 beautiful place.
15:02 Jesus said to him,
15:05 "I am the way, the truth, and the life.
15:09 No one comes to the Father except through Me."
15:13 You can't get to God except through Jesus.
15:17 So, you know, I don't want to be--
15:19 I don't want to sound judgmental,
15:21 I don't want to sound narrow-minded.
15:23 But I want to say, Jesus is the way.
15:29 And I don't, I don't care about all this foolishness
15:32 and this political correctness that says,
15:35 "Every road leads to heaven.
15:37 All you got to do is
15:40 get in touch with your inner self,
15:44 the God who is within you."
15:47 There is no good in me.
15:50 My goodness comes down from God.
15:54 You see, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.
15:58 Jesus is the Christ of God, it's the next great truth.
16:02 "Jesus is the Christ of God
16:04 and paid for our sins when He died our death
16:07 on the cross."
16:10 But you say, well, of course
16:12 I believe our Muslim friends believe this.
16:15 No, no, no, they do not believe that Jesus died on the cross.
16:21 They say, "They accept him as a mighty prophet of God."
16:25 God bless them.
16:28 But they say,
16:31 "The Christ of God could not die on a cross."
16:37 Gandhi, the leader of the Hindus said,
16:40 "I love your Christ
16:42 but I cannot believe in this idea
16:45 of one person dying for another."
16:49 Said I repudiate that entirely.
16:56 The most controversial truth
16:59 is that God in Christ
17:04 came down from glory
17:07 and on the cross died for our sins.
17:12 Would you come over here to John 3:14 and onwards,
17:15 John 3:14 and onwards in the word of God.
17:21 Jesus said,
17:22 "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
17:25 even so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
17:28 that whoever believes in Him should not perish
17:31 but have eternal life.
17:32 For God so loved the world
17:33 that He gave his only begotten Son,
17:35 that whoever believes in Him should not perish
17:38 but have everlasting life."
17:42 Last night I was reading a little bit about Shackleton.
17:48 Shackleton was the great British explorer.
17:51 He was an Irishman as well as being an Englishman.
17:56 And he went down to the Antarctica.
18:00 And his ship got caught up in the ice
18:03 and crushed to death.
18:06 He had to leave some of his men,
18:08 most of his men behind.
18:11 And he and some of his companions
18:13 got into this little boat
18:16 that was about 20 feet long
18:18 and sailed across to tempestuous seas
18:22 and they came to a place where there were human beings.
18:27 And with the help of the Chilean government,
18:31 they got a boat
18:33 and he traveled back to save his men.
18:36 Shackleton had a heart condition.
18:39 He passed out several times on the journey.
18:43 And when he came back and found his men
18:45 who were starving to death and half crazed with the cold.
18:51 They said to him,
18:53 "We knew you would come, brother.
18:57 We knew you would come."
19:00 And so Christ, God in Christ
19:03 comes cross the space
19:07 of a billion galaxies.
19:11 And God the eternal Spirit
19:13 becomes
19:15 God the Man.
19:23 This is the most controversial truth
19:25 in the world today.
19:26 The most politically
19:29 incorrect truth that God becomes a man,
19:31 and he is the only way to salvation.
19:39 Now, the amazing thing is,
19:42 that cradled in the womb of the Virgin Mary
19:44 for nine months was God.
19:49 Who can understand it,
19:50 it's an incomprehensible mystery.
19:53 And when he was hung on the cross, what happened?
19:56 Jesus said, "As a snake or as the serpent
20:00 was lifted up in the wilderness,
20:03 even so must the Son of Man be lifted up."
20:06 Now, the serpent was full of poison.
20:10 And under the curse of God,
20:13 how could this have any relationship
20:16 to the sinless Christ,
20:19 God in human flesh,
20:21 it's an incomprehensible mystery.
20:24 Except when we come to understand as
20:26 Paul pointed out,
20:28 out in the Epistle to the Corinthians,
20:32 that the poison of sin was laid upon him.
20:38 The sin of the world.
20:41 And he was treated as though he were the worst of sinners.
20:45 And endured the wrath
20:49 of an unspeakably righteous God.
20:57 No other religion believes this.
21:00 The message of the gospel is God loves you,
21:05 because God sees you and He loves you
21:08 whoever you are.
21:11 And salvation is found in no one else.
21:14 And now I come to the most politically incorrect statement
21:19 I've ever made.
21:21 And I've taken a talk like this before.
21:23 And this talk you will be amazed,
21:26 you may not be amazed.
21:27 But I will tell you,
21:29 this is the talk that gets people more upset
21:33 than any other talk I've ever given.
21:38 And I will get phone calls and I will get letters.
21:41 And I'm talking from believers and they will say,
21:45 "This was the worst thing I've ever heard."
21:49 Because we do not believe it,
21:50 we believe that people are going to be saved
21:56 by their righteous deeds,
21:59 and they're going to be saved because they're in ignorance.
22:04 And because they are in ignorance,
22:06 they will be saved.
22:09 But what I'm saying is that it's not true.
22:13 People without Christ are lost.
22:19 I just want you to think about this for a moment.
22:22 You may find it totally unacceptable.
22:25 You may say, "I can accept so many other things,
22:28 but I cannot accept the idea
22:30 that people without Christ are lost."
22:33 Who do we think we are?
22:40 But it is the teaching of the Bible.
22:42 Would you come over here to Ephesians 2:1 and 2?
22:47 And as you know we live today
22:49 in an intellectually and spiritually barren race.
22:53 People no longer read Holy Scripture.
22:56 Would you come over here to Ephesians 2:1 and 2?
23:02 And remember, not all opinions are the same.
23:06 The most important opinion is the opinion of scripture.
23:12 Ephesians 2:1 and 2, "And you He made alive,
23:16 who were dead in trespasses and sins..."
23:19 The Bible says without Christ we are as dead as can be.
23:24 "In which you once walked
23:25 according to the course of this world,
23:27 according to the prince of the power of the air,
23:29 the spirit who now is at work in the sons of disobedience."
23:33 The Bible says
23:35 that before I come to Christ, I am dead.
23:40 It doesn't say I am saved.
23:43 "And you He made alive,
23:45 who were dead in trespasses and sins,
23:48 in which you once walked."
23:50 So a person without Christ is dead.
23:56 And that is why we preach the gospel,
23:59 because the preaching of the gospel
24:02 is a resurrection for the dead.
24:05 Would you come over here to Ephesians 2:12?
24:09 This is perhaps the most politically
24:12 incorrect text in the Bible.
24:15 He says, "That at that time you were without Christ,
24:20 being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel
24:23 and strangers from the covenants of promise."
24:27 Oh dear,
24:30 "Having no hope and without God in the world."
24:38 I don't know what you think about this.
24:41 But the Bible says,
24:45 "At that time you were without Christ,
24:48 being aliens
24:50 from the commonwealth of Israel,
24:52 the people of God, and strangers
24:54 from the covenants of promise,
24:56 having no hope, no hope,
25:01 and without God in the world."
25:06 One of my colleagues came to me and he said,
25:09 "You say these things because, you are an evangelist."
25:15 He said, "You say these things because of what you are."
25:21 I said, "No, I am what I am."
25:24 Because of these truths, it's the other way around.
25:29 I do this work
25:31 because I believe that Christ is the way
25:33 the truth and the life.
25:36 And people are lost without Christ.
25:39 I've spoken to millions and millions of lost souls.
25:45 And I've seen vast numbers find salvation.
25:50 Let me mention some commonly believed myths.
25:56 Number one.
25:57 People are saved if they don't know better,
26:00 if they are ignorant.
26:03 Well, keep them in ignorance then
26:05 because then they're saved.
26:07 Don't tell them.
26:08 People are saved if they are in darkness.
26:12 If that is true, keep them in darkness.
26:14 People are saved until they actually reject.
26:20 Well, don't give them the opportunity of rejecting.
26:23 Sounds as some churches operate.
26:26 People are born saved is one of the greatest heresies,
26:30 totally unbiblical.
26:31 People are saved by their good works.
26:37 I don't believe any of this.
26:39 Come over here to Romans 2:12.
26:43 Romans 2, I need to have a theology
26:49 that is not based upon what I want to believe,
26:53 but what is based upon the word of God.
26:55 Romans 2:12 says,
27:01 "For as many as have sinned without law
27:03 will also perish without law..."
27:05 There's the answer.
27:07 "People who sin without a knowledge of God
27:11 will perish without a knowledge of God.
27:14 But as many as have sinned in the law
27:17 will be judged by the law."
27:21 And then the text goes on to say.
27:24 "For not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God,
27:27 but the doors of the law will be justified,
27:30 for when Gentiles, who do not to have the law,
27:33 by nature do the things in the law,
27:36 these, although not having the law,
27:38 are in law to themselves,
27:40 who show the work of the law written in their hearts,
27:43 their conscience also bearing witness,
27:48 and between themselves their thoughts accusing
27:51 or else excusing them."
27:54 Some people say, "Well, that text proves
27:56 that people are going to be saved
27:59 by their obedience to the law on the heart,
28:01 the text does not say that.
28:05 The text says
28:07 that their thoughts are accuse or excuse them.
28:11 It doesn't say they are saved.
28:22 For a copy of today's program,
28:24 please contact us at P.O. Box 1900,
28:28 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:32 Or in Australia, contact us
28:35 at P.O. Box 861, Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:41 This program is made possible
28:43 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:46 We thank you for your continued support.
28:49 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2016-05-02