Carter Report, The

The Next and Last president of the United States of the World -part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001606A

00:13 Okay, here is a tiny recap from the last program.
00:19 We are talking about the next president
00:21 of the United States of the world.
00:24 This amazing story
00:25 is in the ancient city of Babylon.
00:30 There are two young men who were involved.
00:33 One of the young man was a mighty king
00:36 and his name is Nebuchadnezzar
00:38 and there is another young man who outlives him
00:41 and his name is Daniel.
00:44 And we have overwhelming proof
00:47 that we are talking here about historical happenings.
00:51 We are going to take the Bible now.
00:53 I'm going to turn to Daniel Chapter 2
00:55 as we continue on from the last program.
00:58 Daniel Chapter 2
01:00 and we are going to start at verse,
01:02 let me see verse 31.
01:07 Verse 31, you ready, folks.
01:09 We are gonna start at verse 31
01:12 and we're going to read you
01:15 the king's dream of the superman.
01:18 "You, O king, were watching--"
01:21 Verse 31.
01:23 "And behold, a great image!
01:27 This great image, whose splendor was excellent,
01:29 stood before you, and its form was awesome.
01:33 This image's head was of fine gold,
01:36 its chest and arms of silver,
01:38 its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron,
01:43 its feet partly of iron and partly of clay.
01:45 You watched
01:47 while a stone was cut out without hands,
01:49 which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay,
01:53 and broke them in pieces.
01:55 Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver,
01:59 and the gold were crushed together,
02:01 and became like chaff
02:02 from the summer threshing floor,
02:05 the wind carried them away
02:06 so that no trace of them was found.
02:09 And the stone that struck
02:11 the image became a great mountain
02:14 and filled the whole earth."
02:18 This is the king's dream.
02:22 This is the dream that was given to Daniel
02:28 by Almighty God.
02:30 There was a great metal man,
02:33 head of gold, chest of silver,
02:37 belly and thighs of bronze,
02:42 legs partly of iron and partly of clay.
02:46 Then you come down to the feet and then there comes a stone...
02:55 and then the amazing thing is
02:59 that the stone grows and grows and becomes a might mountain
03:04 and fills the whole earth.
03:06 That stone represents the next president
03:10 of the United States of the world,
03:14 who won't be in bed with the lobbyists.
03:18 Amen.
03:21 Now, they're revealing the interpretation.
03:24 Now please, remember this.
03:28 "If genuine prophecy exists,
03:32 then the main issues of the age are met."
03:38 If genuine prophecy exists,
03:40 we know who we are, we know where we came from,
03:43 we know why we are here and we know where we are going.
03:47 You see, all right,
03:49 the interpretation verse 36 and onwards.
03:53 You ready? "This is the dream.
03:56 Now we will tell the interpretation of it
03:59 before the king.
04:00 You, O king, are a king of kings.
04:01 For the God of heaven has given you a kingdom,
04:04 power, strength, and glory,
04:06 and wherever the children of men dwell,
04:08 and the beasts of the field and the birds of the heaven,
04:11 He has given them into your hand,
04:13 and has made you ruler over them all
04:16 you are this head of gold."
04:20 And so, the head of gold on the Colossus,
04:24 on the great metal man symbolizes
04:27 the kingdom of Babylon.
04:29 Oh, somebody says,
04:31 "Well, that's just interpretation."
04:32 No, it's not. No, it's just reading.
04:36 It's a bit of history. that's all it is.
04:38 And this is the power that ruled the world
04:40 starting with the Neo-Babylonian Empire
04:42 from 605 down to 538 BC.
04:47 So the head of gold,
04:49 this is a fact, it's not theology,
04:53 it's' not churcheology, it is simply a fact.
04:57 That's Babylon.
04:59 Okay, now come little bit further please,
05:01 verse 39, 39A actually.
05:05 "But after you shall arise another kingdom
05:08 inferior to you."
05:13 Let me tell you the facts...
05:18 538 BC
05:24 the Persians and the Medes surrounded the city of Babylon
05:30 and Babylon was overthrown exactly as the Bible said.
05:35 This is Babylon
05:37 and the chest is Medo-Persia.
05:42 I went to Persia
05:44 because I wanted to check out the prophecy.
05:48 And when I was there, I took some pictures
05:53 and when I came back,
05:55 as I would come back to camp at night,
05:57 the words would be thumbing in my mind,
06:01 the Bible was right about Babylon,
06:04 Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar.
06:07 It was right about the Persians.
06:10 This is taken from the Shah's Palace.
06:13 These are some of them mighty Persian kings.
06:17 When I went down to Persepolis,
06:20 I saw there an inscription
06:23 that actually talked about the great King Xerxes.
06:28 And if you read the Book of Esther
06:30 his name is called Ahasuerus,
06:34 but he was the one--
06:36 This is where I saw the inscriptions
06:39 about his marrying this Jewish girl.
06:43 But you see this is
06:45 the great power of the Persian kings.
06:49 Persia that is called Iran today
06:52 is a mighty civilization that goes back
06:56 thousands and thousands of years
06:58 before we were sort off.
07:01 Now come to Daniel 2:39,
07:07 "But after you, that's after Babylon,
07:09 shall arise another kingdom inferior to you,
07:11 then another, a third kingdom of bronze,
07:14 which shall rule over all the earth."
07:17 This is not speculation.
07:20 In 331 BC a meteor came
07:26 blazing across the sky.
07:30 Alexander the Great
07:33 and so the thighs, the belly and the thighs
07:37 represent the power of Alexander the Great,
07:40 the great Grecian empire.
07:42 This is actually an ancient picture of Alexander.
07:49 It is actually not taken with an iPad or anything,
07:53 but an actual picture of Alexander the Great
07:57 and there you have of course the Parthenon
08:01 which is named for the great mother goddess.
08:05 You see the ancient world
08:06 believed in worshipping the queen of heaven
08:10 and thus they built on the acropolises.
08:13 All these pictures, I got so many pictures
08:16 but these are just a few of them.
08:18 This is the marketplace down here
08:21 that is mentioned in the New Testament.
08:24 And of course,
08:26 this gives us reason to believe
08:29 that the prophecy is right on track.
08:32 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Alexander the Great.
08:38 Somebody comes along and says,
08:40 "Oh, it's all speculation."
08:41 No, it's not speculation, it's intelligence.
08:45 It's knowledge, that's all there is to it.
08:48 Now come on a little further my, friends, Daniel 2:40,
08:54 "And the fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron,
08:57 inasmuch as iron breaks in pieces
08:59 and shatters all these, and like iron that crushes,
09:02 that kingdom will break in pieces
09:06 and crush all the others."
09:08 History tells me Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece
09:12 and Greece was taken over and conquered
09:19 by the great power of the Roman Empire.
09:23 Now...
09:28 How on earth
09:30 I've said to the leaders of the atheistic moment,
09:34 they've had no answer except to say you are right.
09:36 How did the prophet, a young man in Babylon
09:40 2,500 years ago know that this would happen.
09:44 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and that he would know
09:48 that the fourth one would be strong as iron.
09:54 You know, what Gibbon calls this empire?
09:57 The iron monarchy or Rome.
10:01 The Parthenon, the temple of all the God's.
10:06 There you have the Coliseum where some people think
10:08 the Christian were put to death.
10:10 It is not true.
10:12 The Christians were put to death
10:14 in the Circus Maximus
10:17 and I'm going to bring up a picture sometime today
10:20 of the Circus Maximus and you can see
10:22 where the Christians were put to death.
10:25 There it is, the Circus Maximus.
10:30 I just wish I had more time.
10:34 Let me talk to you about Vespasian and Titus.
10:39 Here we go.
10:41 The city of Jerusalem
10:43 was destroyed by the Romans,
10:49 and the siege started
10:50 I think if my memory is working well today
10:52 was in 66 AD.
10:55 You can read the words in the ancient Roman,
10:59 it says Vespasian.
11:01 But Vespasian had a son and his name was Titus.
11:06 And Titus the great Roman general
11:08 destroyed the city of Jerusalem in 70 AD
11:12 and this was a result of the crucifixion of Christ.
11:18 They put Christ to death and then there was hell to pay.
11:24 And if you go into the arch of Titus,
11:27 you will actually see there
11:29 the Roman soldiers cutting away the golden candlesticks.
11:35 Did you know this?
11:36 I'm not getting into this today.
11:38 This was also predicted in the Bible.
11:43 Every word of the destruction of Jerusalem
11:48 and the great cities in this world today
11:51 and the nations,
11:53 all written down in the prophecies.
11:57 Amazing.
12:00 Well so much for that because I got to keep moving.
12:03 Come down to verse 41 and onwards.
12:06 "Whereas you saw the feet and toes,
12:08 partly of potter's clay and partly of iron,
12:11 the kingdom shall be divided--"
12:12 Roman Empire would be divided.
12:15 "Yet the strength of the iron shall be in it,
12:17 just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay.
12:21 And as the toes of the feet
12:22 were partly of iron and partly of clay,
12:24 so the kingdom shall be partly strong
12:26 and partly fragile.
12:28 And as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay,
12:31 they will mingle with the seed of men,
12:33 that's marriage,
12:35 but they will not adhere to one another,
12:36 just as iron does not mix with clay."
12:40 Now, if I had written the prophecy,
12:41 I would have said,
12:43 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, another world empire
12:46 but the Bible said the kingdom shall be divided.
12:52 And the mighty Roman Empire
12:53 was not followed by another great world empire.
12:57 Between 300 and 500 AD,
13:01 it broke up into the kingdoms and the states of Europe.
13:08 And on the ruins of the old Roman Empire
13:11 came the greatest Roman Empire of all.
13:17 Now the most amazing thing is this.
13:20 This is the tough one for the skeptic.
13:24 The Bible says they would mingle themselves
13:27 with the seed of men, the kings here.
13:30 The history of Europe is the story of intermarriage
13:35 to bring about a fifth world empire
13:39 but the Word of God said, the Bible said 2,500 years ago
13:42 there will never be union again over there
13:47 on the ruins of the Roman Empire.
13:50 They shall not cleave, they will not stick together.
13:53 Not everybody believe the words of the prophecy.
13:57 And over the centuries
13:59 there have been a number of people
14:02 who have set out to destroy the Word of God
14:05 and say we will have a fifth world empire.
14:09 We will give birth to the Roman Empire again.
14:14 Some have said,
14:16 "Well, the Euro zone is going to do it."
14:17 The story of the Euro zone
14:20 is one of conflict and is harmony,
14:25 but you think of some of the great conquerors,
14:27 you had Napoleon Bonaparte.
14:32 He said, he set out to tear the heart out of glory
14:37 said Napoleon.
14:39 And then more closer to our time,
14:41 we had the Fuhrer who had one great plan
14:46 and that was to set out the Third Reich
14:52 and rebuild the Roman Empire.
14:55 But there was a little island off the coast of Europe
15:00 led by a man who said, "Never, never, never."
15:07 And when the whole world said, "They are going to go down,"
15:12 he said "Never, never, never."
15:19 But, you know, the man who set out to destroy
15:24 was a man who was actually fighting the Word of God.
15:29 And let this sync down into your mind.
15:33 You know, this man invaded Russia.
15:37 He said, when I destroy Russia,
15:40 I will set up the new world empire.
15:44 But you know the story
15:46 that one day a snowflake kissed his cheek...
15:53 and there in the very heart of the Russian Empire,
15:59 he found a terrible defeat.
16:01 He limped home with most of his army,
16:04 the same as the Nazis did.
16:07 Listen carefully.
16:10 I can tell it to you with absolute certainty.
16:12 The Bible teaches Babylon,
16:15 Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome.
16:19 How did he know
16:21 the fourth empire was going to be the iron empire?
16:24 Come on tell me, how did he know?
16:25 How did he know?
16:28 People say, "Well, you know, just a guess."
16:31 Why don't you guess like that?
16:33 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome and then division
16:38 and division, division, division, division to vision
16:43 And so, I would say to you
16:45 if "Genuine prophecy exists in the Bible,
16:49 then the main issues of our age are met."
16:55 Because if genuine prophecy exists
16:57 and God exists, you see.
17:00 And if God exists, then you exist too.
17:02 You see, God died they say,
17:04 God died in the 19th century, man died in the 20th century.
17:09 A hundred million people put to death
17:11 in the 20th century because they got rid of God.
17:16 It's just a fact you know.
17:20 Now, what we have here of course
17:24 is history in advance.
17:26 So in this prophecy that was written
17:30 in old Babylon 2,600 years ago,
17:34 you have this outline of world history.
17:36 Babylon, head of gold.
17:38 Chest of silver, Medo-Persia.
17:41 Greece, Alexander the Great.
17:44 Let me tell you something.
17:45 I got so much to tell you, I don't have enough time.
17:48 Would you like to know why Alexander the Great
17:50 did not destroy Jerusalem?
17:53 Because he went out
17:54 and destroyed every place in the world.
17:56 When he came to Jerusalem, he didn't destroy it.
17:59 Because when he went to destroy Jerusalem,
18:01 he was met by a group of priests,
18:05 Jewish priests in their robes carrying the Book of Daniel,
18:09 the scriptures.
18:11 And they showed Alexander the Great
18:13 where he is actually mentioned in the Bible.
18:19 As he is mentioned in Daniel 8 and also Daniel 11
18:23 and alluded to him.
18:26 They took him into the temple and he said,
18:30 "You are the people of God."
18:32 That's the only reason he didn't destroy the Jews,
18:34 he hates the Jews but he saved their city
18:38 because of this prophecy.
18:39 So Babylon, Medo-Persia,
18:43 Greece, Rome and then Europe
18:48 and the prophecy has come to pass
18:51 including the failure of any man
18:55 to set up a fifth world empire, it has all come to pass
18:59 and it was written down in this book
19:02 which is the basis of civilization.
19:10 But now the next world ruler.
19:15 Daniel 2:44, 45...
19:22 "In the days of these kings--"
19:24 Look at it.
19:26 "The God of heaven will set up a kingdom
19:28 which shall never be destroyed..."
19:31 Goodness.
19:33 "And the kingdom shall not be left to other people,
19:35 it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms,
19:39 and it shall stand forever.
19:41 Inasmuch as you saw
19:42 that the stone was cut out of the mountain
19:45 without hands,
19:47 and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze,
19:49 the clay, the silver, and the gold,
19:51 the great God has made known to the king
19:53 what will come to pass after this.
19:56 The dream is certain,
19:58 and the interpretation is sure."
20:00 Listen, I can tell you
20:04 what the next world empire is going to be.
20:07 But look at this again, Head of gold you see.
20:12 Babylon, you can't argue about this,
20:13 it's just a fact.
20:16 Chest of silver, Medo-Persia.
20:20 Greece led by Alexander.
20:22 Then Rome the Rome of the Caesars.
20:26 And then the feet and the toes,
20:28 we live down in the toes.
20:30 And then you have the stone.
20:37 I notice and I'm afflicted also
20:40 that everybody is very interested
20:42 in these elections.
20:45 You know, you turn television, that's all you get.
20:49 But I want to tell you folks something.
20:53 The stone strikes the image
20:56 and the kingdoms of this world are destroyed.
21:02 I wouldn't be putting too much faith in them.
21:05 I wouldn't be too concerned about them
21:08 because the kingdoms of this world
21:11 are destined to destruction.
21:17 The stone is coming, if you listen carefully,
21:20 listen here.
21:21 If you listen carefully, listening,
21:26 you listen carefully,
21:29 you're gonna almost hear the stone coming.
21:34 Everywhere I go people say to me
21:36 when they discover what I do,
21:38 they say to me, "What's next?"
21:42 People say to me "What's next?
21:44 What do you think is going to happen?
21:45 What's going to?"
21:46 A Muslim man came to me recently, he said,
21:48 "What's going to happen?
21:49 What do you think is going to happen?"
21:51 He said, "I believe something tremendous
21:54 is about to happen in the world.
21:56 What's going to happen?"
21:58 People say, ask me, "What's going to happen?"
22:00 I can tell you what's going to happen.
22:02 The next great event in the history of this planet
22:06 is the coming of the stone of destiny,
22:10 the destruction of earthly kingdoms
22:12 and the setting up of the kingdom of God himself.
22:18 Now I'm going to tell you just a little tiny bit of,
22:22 tiny little bit of theology.
22:26 The word stone is Eben
22:32 and the word for son is Ben.
22:38 Hebrews loved to play around these words.
22:41 Ben, Eben.
22:43 The stone, the stone, the son.
22:49 In other parts of scripture,
22:52 there is a person who is called the Son of Man.
22:57 He is the Christ.
23:00 The next world ruler is Ben, Eben.
23:07 The stone, the son, the Christ.
23:15 Now think about it.
23:17 Do I have hope? Yeah, of course I do.
23:21 Do I have hope?
23:22 Do I believe the future is going to be tremendous?
23:24 Yes, I do.
23:26 Am I depressed over the elections or anything else?
23:30 I'm not terribly concerned.
23:32 I can tell you why,
23:33 because there is a God in heaven.
23:38 Now, I think this is true.
23:40 Think about this
23:41 and I've said this to millions of atheists.
23:43 I've seen,
23:45 I've seen vast numbers of atheists,
23:47 communists become believers,
23:51 including the colonel who used to teach atheism
23:53 to the troops in Ukraine.
23:57 He came to my meetings, became a true believer.
24:00 He said, I've seen the evidence.
24:04 So I have hope, I know who I am.
24:08 I know where I came from.
24:11 I know why I am here and I know where I am going,
24:17 you see.
24:19 And it's not wishful thinking is I don't say it
24:22 because church people like to say it.
24:27 I say it because of the facts of history.
24:32 Listen, I learnt this many, many years ago.
24:36 See if my memory is good bring it back to me.
24:39 First the Babylonian kingdom ruled the world.
24:43 Then Medo-Persia's banners were unfurled.
24:49 Next after Greece held universal sway.
24:54 Rome sees the scepter.
24:57 Where are we today?
25:02 Down in the feet made of iron and clay,
25:08 weak and divided,
25:12 soon to pass away.
25:17 What will the next
25:20 great glorious drama be?
25:25 Christ, Christ and He is coming...
25:32 and eternity.
25:36 And as the ancient Egyptian said
25:38 when they saw something that was supernatural
25:40 would say could not understand.
25:43 They had this saying to the Pharaohs,
25:46 "This is the finger of God.
25:51 Today you my, friend,
25:54 you have felt the finger of God
25:59 and you have come face to face
26:03 with the God of Bible prophecy."
26:08 I have just come from Russia via Switzerland
26:12 and I'm now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
26:16 This place has got huge memories for me
26:20 because back in '95 we ran a campaign in the city
26:24 and in spite of terrific opposition,
26:27 by the grace of God
26:28 we baptized 3,530 precious souls
26:34 in the Dneiper River.
26:36 I'm back here today because I believe
26:39 that we need to take care of the people we baptized.
26:43 I don't believe it's right to baptize people
26:46 and then to walk away
26:48 and to leave them literally in the cold.
26:52 When I read my Bible,
26:54 I find where the Apostle Paul went back time after time
26:58 to visit the people that he had baptized.
27:02 And so I'm back here today for the 43rd time
27:07 in Russia and Ukraine together to visit the people.
27:12 I'm back here to preach the gospel of Christ.
27:15 I'm back here to explain the Word of God
27:17 and let these people know
27:19 that they are not forgotten and never will be forgotten.
27:25 We believe that there is a tremendous opportunity
27:29 for the preaching of the gospel of Christ
27:32 in this part of the world.
27:34 The soul hunger still exists and the Carter Report
27:40 has got a goal to take the gospel of Christ
27:44 to the people of Russia and the people of Ukraine.
27:48 I just want to say to you, dear friend,
27:50 my heart is overwhelmed with thankfulness
27:54 for your magnificent support.
27:56 Thank you in Jesus' name.
28:10 For a copy of today's program,
28:12 please contact us at P.O. Box 1900,
28:15 Thousand Oaks, California 91358
28:19 or in Australia contact us
28:22 at P.O. Box 861, Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:29 This program is made possible
28:31 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:34 We thank you for your continued support.
28:37 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2016-05-09