Carter Report, The

The Search for Happiness, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001616A

00:13 Well, I'm glad to see you today.
00:15 The topic is The Search For Happiness.
00:21 Many years ago,
00:23 before most of you folks were born.
00:26 Beverley and I were out driving in northern New South Wales.
00:33 Does that confusion?
00:34 It's Wales, you know, sort of part of the UK.
00:39 Then there's Northern Wales.
00:40 Well, this is North New South Wales.
00:45 And we were driving near a little town,
00:48 this will confusion you too, by the name of Mullumbimby.
00:50 If there's anybody watching the telecast from Mullumbimby,
00:54 just want to say hello to you.
00:56 But as we were driving along there was a beautiful girl
00:58 standing beside the road.
01:00 And she was thumbing up,
01:02 you know, she was hitch-hiking.
01:04 And so we pulled up and we said,
01:05 "Where are you going?"
01:06 She said, "I'm on the way to happiness."
01:10 And so we put her in the car and I said her,
01:13 "Where is the way to happiness?"
01:15 She said "Down at Byron Bay."
01:17 And the people who come from Byron Bay
01:19 know exactly what I'm talking about.
01:21 That's the pot capital of Australia.
01:24 It's a bit of Colorado.
01:29 And so she said, "I'm going up to Byron Bay,
01:32 at the back of the Byron Bay, not Byron Bay itself,
01:35 but up in the mountains" because she said,
01:38 "We're going to be free from all restrained."
01:42 A beautiful girl, and she said,
01:44 "I'm empty inside but I'm searching for happiness."
01:50 Never saw her again, obviously.
01:53 But it is true that the whole world
01:55 is searching for a creed to believe,
02:00 and a song to sing.
02:03 I want to notice the words of the most influential person
02:09 who ever lived.
02:11 And that is Christ.
02:12 Would you please turn in your bible
02:14 to John 10:10,
02:18 the words of the most influential person
02:24 who ever lived in history of the human race.
02:26 John 10:10, and Jesus said,
02:31 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill,
02:37 and to destroy."
02:38 There are lots of thieves, my friend.
02:40 "I have come that they may have life."
02:43 What did he say?
02:44 "That they may have it more abundantly."
02:47 The Jesus said,
02:51 I've come to this world.
02:53 He said, it's a pretty dark place,
02:55 but I've come into this place to show you
02:58 the path to happiness.
03:03 Every person under the sun knows that we have a problem.
03:09 The human race got a problem and thus the hippy girl was,
03:13 you know, up there on the hills,
03:16 going to the place behind Byron Bay
03:19 searching for the happiness.
03:21 Every year in this great country,
03:24 the United States of America,
03:26 42,773 people say that, life, I can't take it anymore,
03:33 and they commit suicide, including Hollywood stars.
03:39 In fact, I'm told over the last few years
03:42 the rate of suicide in the United States of America
03:45 is up some, I think it's...
03:48 my memory is working today, 40 percent.
03:53 More than a million Americans every year
03:56 tried to take their own lives,
03:59 including some of the glamorous and the beautiful people
04:04 that you see on the television.
04:07 The question is,
04:09 what is the root cause of the deadly malaise,
04:14 and all pervading sense of discontent and hopelessness?
04:20 Have you heard the story of the man
04:21 who went alone to see his physiologist?
04:25 And he said, "I'm is terribly depressed,
04:27 I don't see any purpose in living.
04:30 I just feel like ending at all."
04:32 The physiologist said, "Well, look," he said,
04:34 "we all get the blues."
04:35 He said, "Did you know the circus has come to town?"
04:38 And he said, "They have a marvelous clown."
04:41 He said, "He is the funniest clown
04:44 that you'll ever seen anywhere in the world."
04:46 He said, "I went along to see the clown
04:48 just the other night.
04:50 And I laughed, and I laughed, and I laughed."
04:52 He said to the man,
04:54 "You ought to go and see the clown."
04:56 The man said, "Doctor, I am the clown."
05:03 So the whole world, we know,
05:05 is searching for a creed to believe
05:08 and for a song to sing.
05:14 There has been various solutions
05:17 that has been proposed
05:19 and one solution was given to us by a very famous man,
05:24 he was a German Jew.
05:26 Some of the great thinkers, German Jews.
05:28 His name was Karl Marx.
05:33 You've all heard about the Karl Marx?
05:35 He gave his communism, he gave his Marxism,
05:38 he said "Religion is the impotence
05:42 of the human mind to deal with occurrences
05:47 it cannot understand."
05:50 He said, we are religious
05:51 because we just can't work things out.
05:55 He believed in the class struggle.
05:58 We hear these all the times today,
06:00 the rich against the poor,
06:02 and the problem of pure capitalism.
06:06 You will remember the book Animal Farm
06:09 by George Orwell.
06:11 In the book the communist said, all animals are equal
06:15 but some animals are more equal.
06:18 And they discovered that the animals
06:20 were most equal in the Soviet Union
06:23 were the pigs.
06:27 And so the Marxism is an attempt
06:30 to solve the problem,
06:32 the malaise that afflicts the human heart.
06:36 Didn't see it worked very well at all.
06:38 He also said,
06:39 religion is the opium of the people.
06:43 When you think of Russia, the atheist,
06:46 the communist put to death in Russia
06:49 around 50 million people.
06:51 It's not a very good advertisement for communism.
06:54 Not a very good advert...
06:56 and especially, when you discover in American,
06:58 today people are thinking
07:00 communism may be the solution to the problem.
07:03 Fifty million people were murdered by the communist.
07:07 And then if you go to China, the days of Mao,
07:10 tens of millions were put into death there.
07:12 Then in Cambodia, it's unspeakable,
07:15 the millions of people who were put into death
07:17 because they were considered to be less than animals.
07:22 Another man who had a tremendous impact
07:24 upon the human race was Freud.
07:27 He was an Australian Jew.
07:30 He said, "Our problems are purely psychological,
07:33 " not so much economical and political, as mark said.
07:36 But Freud said, psychological.
07:39 And most of our urges have got to do
07:43 with our sexuality.
07:46 He was the person who discovered or rather
07:48 who implemented psychoanalysis.
07:52 He said, "Religion is an illusion
07:57 and it derives it's strength from the fact that it falls in
08:01 with our instinctual desires
08:05 and our drives."
08:08 We've all got these hidden passions,
08:12 and the solution is psychoanalysis.
08:19 Perhaps, the philosopher
08:20 who has influenced America and the world
08:23 more than anybody else is the great German philosopher
08:27 who wanted to become a pastor, Nietzsche.
08:32 He was born in the year that some would say
08:34 was quite significant, he was born in 1844
08:39 and he died of syphilis in 1900.
08:42 And when nobody else would take care of this man
08:45 who hated Christianity,
08:47 he was taking care of by his Christian mother
08:50 and his sister.
08:52 He thought that weakness is evil
08:56 and that power is good.
08:59 He said, "You have your way. I have my way.
09:02 As for the right way, the correct way,
09:05 and the only way, it does not exist."
09:09 It said that the Fuhrer,
09:11 Hitler slept with the copy of the Antichrist
09:16 under his pillow.
09:18 He believed that might was right
09:22 and the emergence of the super race.
09:25 Listen to these statements, almost too hard to believe.
09:28 "All superior men who were irresistibly drawn
09:32 to throw off the yoke of any kind of morality
09:36 and to frame new laws had,
09:39 if they were not actually mad, no alternative
09:43 but to make themselves or pretend to be mad.
09:48 " So this is the person who has influenced American,
09:53 British, and German, and Australian,
09:55 and all the great universities,
09:57 more than any other person in history.
10:01 Nietzsche, he set out to be a pastor.
10:05 Then a person, perhaps,
10:06 who was even more famous than Nietzsche
10:09 is Charles Darwin,
10:11 who also set out to become a Christian pastor
10:15 because he belong to the church of England.
10:18 He said, "One general law,
10:22 leading to the advancement of all organic beings...
10:26 let the strongest live and let the weakest die."
10:33 Now we should not think for a moment,
10:35 that Darwin was a bad man,
10:39 he was a kind and a decent man.
10:43 He only became an evolutionist,
10:49 and eventually an Aesthesis, or the very best an agnostic
10:53 after he prayed to God to save his daughter.
10:57 And when his daughter died, he said,
11:00 this is the proof that there is no God.
11:03 He said this, hard to believe, he said this,
11:07 "It's the origin of the species,
11:10 it's a mere rag of a hypotheses with as many flaws
11:14 and holes a sound pots."
11:20 Therefore, the idea of the evolution
11:23 is not a scientific idea,
11:25 it is a philosophy of choice, if there is no God.
11:31 He taught of cause, that life has developed
11:33 purely by chance.
11:36 Neo-Darwinist like Richard Dawkins say,
11:39 there is no meaning, no God and no design.
11:43 A famous evolutionist,
11:47 Philip Adams made this statement,
11:51 can you believe it.
11:52 "We are as significant
11:55 as the eighth billionth grain of sand
11:59 beyond the final palm tree in the most distant oasis
12:04 in the Sahara."
12:07 Let see, end result of cause, of atheism
12:11 and evolution though, I would say this quickly,
12:14 not all evolutionists are atheists.
12:19 There are the theistic evolutionists
12:21 who are Christians, such as Francis Collins,
12:26 who wrote the remarkable book The Language of God.
12:29 But pure Darwinism is atheistic
12:32 to the heart.
12:34 It teaches this, listen,
12:35 nothing produced everything,
12:40 non-life produced life,
12:43 randomness produced fine-tuning.
12:47 Chaos produced information,
12:51 unconscious produced conscious,
12:54 and non-reason produce reason.
12:57 Let us be honest.
13:01 Such an idea is totally unscientific, unattainable,
13:04 and some would say a form of madness.
13:08 A form of madness.
13:11 And so these are some of the worldviews
13:13 I presented to you today,
13:14 but I believe they would not hold water.
13:18 Today, I want to present the Christian worldview
13:22 based on the Holy Scriptures.
13:25 And the bible teaches that first and foremost
13:28 our problem is not psychological,
13:31 it is not political, or economic, or sexual,
13:36 or any those things.
13:37 The bible teaches
13:39 that basically our problem is spiritual.
13:43 Would you please turn in your Bible
13:44 to the Romans 3:23.
13:49 Turning to Romans 3,
13:52 by the great Jewish theologian Paul.
13:56 The bible says, "For all have sinned
14:01 and fall short of the glory of God."
14:05 So the teaching of the bible
14:07 is that our problem is basically a spiritual problem
14:11 and it has to do with sin.
14:15 The hardest truth for any person,
14:17 whether he is a Darwinist or psychoanalyst, or Marxist,
14:23 is to recognize that our problem is sin.
14:28 It was only after, could you believe this,
14:31 it was only after 9/11 that many American philosophers
14:36 in our best universities considered the facts
14:40 that there was evil in the world.
14:44 Well, you see, if ultimately,
14:46 and you got to be honest in your thinking.
14:49 And the problem is with many people,
14:50 they are not honest in their thinking,
14:52 but they are carried away by their emotions.
14:55 But if there is no God, there is no good, you see.
15:00 There is no right and there is no right...
15:03 There is no right and no wrong
15:05 if these men are right.
15:08 The evidence of sin is everywhere apparent,
15:12 my friends, think about it.
15:13 Hate, anger, lust, lying, bigotry, white,
15:18 black and brown racism.
15:21 But people say, no,
15:22 I can understand a person being,
15:24 like you being a white racist
15:26 but it's impossible to be a black racist,
15:28 that's absurd.
15:30 Because if we cut open a black person
15:33 he's exactly the same inside as I am.
15:37 And the skin is simply something
15:39 that is very superficial.
15:42 And we are all born
15:45 with a tendency towards racism
15:48 whether we are white, brown, red or yellow,
15:51 whatever the color
15:52 because the heart of man is sinful.
15:57 And so you can see racism and racism is becoming
16:01 more of a problem in the United States of America.
16:05 And all parts of the race are equally guilty, I think.
16:09 You see, the intolerance, greed,
16:11 sexual provisions, slavery
16:14 which is on the increase.
16:15 There are most slaves today
16:18 than even in the days of the slave traders.
16:21 Violence, and perhaps the chief characteristic
16:26 or the chief identifying mark of sin
16:31 which lives in us
16:33 is our essential restlessness.
16:39 Now the great Roman Catholic St. Augustan said these words,
16:44 "Thou hast made us for thyself,
16:46 O Lord, and our heart is restless
16:50 until it finds its rest in Thee."
16:54 Or to put it in a more up-to-date phraseology,
16:59 "Our souls were made for God,
17:02 and they cannot rest until they rest in God."
17:07 And so when you look around the world today,
17:09 you see an all possessive sense of restlessness
17:15 and people are searching and searching,
17:17 and they cannot find it because they do not...
17:19 and they rushing off to their psychologist,
17:22 and psychiatrist, and psychoanalysis,
17:24 and every person under the sun,
17:26 and I don't suggest they stop doing that.
17:30 But they need to recognize
17:33 that our basic problem is not psychological,
17:36 our basic problem is spiritual problem.
17:40 Man naturally is empty inside.
17:45 Doctor Billy Graham talks about
17:47 going somewhere years and years ago
17:49 to run a campaign in this great United States of America.
17:53 And he spoke to one of the leaders
17:55 of the Hollywood industry
17:57 and he said, "Dr. Graham,
17:59 I would love to come and hear you preach tonight,
18:01 " but he said, "I cant get out this," he said,
18:04 "because I'm desperately empty inside."
18:08 And he was one of the comedians of Hollywood.
18:11 And the reason that we need so many comedians today
18:14 is because we are searching and searching and searching
18:19 and not finding,
18:21 because we are looking in the wrong place.
18:24 We are empty inside, we have a black hole inside.
18:28 And we try to fill the black hole with drugs,
18:31 alcohol, illicit sex, consumerism.
18:36 That's why television commercials
18:39 are so anonymously successful,
18:41 because they appeal sin inside.
18:45 We need more stuff, comedy, violent games, and movies.
18:50 And violent games,
18:53 and pornography, and searching,
18:55 and people can't get to the next sale fast enough,
19:00 and they got to,
19:01 because it gives them high for a little bit.
19:06 And the television people understand this far better
19:08 than anybody else, they know that we need to have a high
19:12 even if we're playing video games.
19:17 And it has been said today,
19:18 one of the biggest problem in America
19:19 and the rest of the world
19:22 is the ubiquitous cell phones,
19:27 where by we cannot live without it.
19:30 Even people who go into the church,
19:32 and they cannot live without it,
19:33 they got be texting all the time.
19:36 And you see people, it is...
19:39 Listen, it is a sickness, it is a sickness.
19:42 It is a symptom of our emptiness.
19:45 And you see the people going to restaurant
19:47 and they sit opposite each other
19:49 and they don't talk but they have cell phones,
19:52 and they are doing this on their cell phones.
19:55 They even communicating with the people
19:56 across the table with the cell phone.
20:01 And driving has became almost a paralysis occupation
20:04 here in Southern California because you see people texting,
20:08 actually texting as they're driving.
20:11 They are addicted to it as much as a person
20:15 is addicted to alcohol or heroin.
20:20 It is the symptom of the emptiness,
20:25 it is the symptom of the hole that is within us.
20:29 Remember, our souls were made for God,
20:31 and they cannot rest until they rest in Him.
20:36 Now what I'm telling you today is the teaching
20:39 that has been taught by the greatest thinkers,
20:42 and theologians, and photospheres
20:44 in the history of the human race.
20:46 We have a problem, it is true.
20:50 But our problem is the sin problem.
20:53 They say, you know, I like to read,
20:57 keep up whether it's science or economics or anything,
21:00 and I read and people say,
21:02 well, we got to have more laws pass.
21:04 We got to have the president involve,
21:06 and we got to outlaw racism.
21:10 You can't outlaw the human heart.
21:13 We got a fix Baltimore,
21:15 we got to fix this place
21:17 and we got a pour billions and billions...
21:19 did you know, this country has poured more money
21:22 into trying to outlaw poverty than the rest of the world
21:25 in the history of the human race?
21:28 And we should try to outlaw poverty.
21:30 But throwing money at a problem does not solve it.
21:35 We seem to think, no, we can solve every problem
21:37 if we throw enough money at it.
21:40 But the problem is not economics
21:42 and the problem is not in racism.
21:44 If we were throwing money at the problem
21:46 then we have no racism left in America.
21:49 But we got more racism today
21:51 than in the history of the United States.
21:54 And money is not the solution, and let me tell you,
21:57 speeches by politicians,
22:00 that is not the solutions either.
22:03 The problem is sin and Christ is the solution.
22:08 Sin is deadly and humanly incurable.
22:13 I want you to look at Romans 6:23,
22:15 and you know that what I'm saying is true.
22:18 You know, you know it's true.
22:19 Romans 6:23.
22:22 Romans 6:23, the first bit,
22:26 "For the wages of sin is death."
22:30 We're going to read the rest in a moment.
22:33 Sin is deadly, "The wages of sin is death."
22:38 Years ago, I heard about a lady doctor
22:42 who was works in Africa.
22:44 She was a medical missionary, best sort of people.
22:48 She was a Baptist.
22:51 And she was working
22:52 in the little village of Lasa.
22:56 And they discovered that a plague had broken out
22:58 among the people there, and they would get the fever,
23:02 ulcers, back of their throat, pounding head,
23:06 and I think, on the fourth or the fifth day they die.
23:09 They could do nothing for them.
23:11 So this lady carried out a postmortem.
23:17 Because they want to send the tissues
23:19 back to the United States of America
23:21 and find out what this demon from hell was.
23:25 And as she was doing the postmortem,
23:27 the knife slipped and she nicked the finger.
23:31 She ran over to the tap and turned it on hard
23:35 and washed her hands with soap,
23:39 but a few days later she got a headache,
23:42 ulcers at the back of the throat,
23:45 and on the fourth day she died.
23:47 There was a demon from the hell lose upon the world,
23:51 if it got out on the streets of New York,
23:53 nobody would live.
23:56 They discovered later, its spread by rats.
24:00 It is still living today in the jungle of Africa.
24:04 It is like sin, it is deadly.
24:10 But the Bible teaches
24:12 that while we all have a problem,
24:15 whether you go to church or not, we all have a problem.
24:19 And the problem is sin problem.
24:22 The Bible tells us that there is a cure
24:24 for the sin problem.
24:26 Would you look at Romans 6:23, the second part.
24:30 First part we'll read it again,
24:32 it says "For the wages of sin is death."
24:35 If you hold on to the sin or if sin holds on to you,
24:38 the bible says, you're going to die.
24:42 "For the wages of sin is death,
24:43 but the gift of God is eternal life
24:47 in Christ Jesus our Lord."
24:51 The bible teaches this,
24:52 and we're going to talk about this
24:54 in the next part of the program,
24:57 that even though we have an incurable problem,
25:00 humanly speaking, it's incurable.
25:03 The Bible teaches that the gift of God
25:07 is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
25:11 We are going to discover in the second part,
25:14 the next program, that the creator God
25:17 who made the stars and who made the universe,
25:20 this is an incomprehensible idea.
25:23 Richard Dawkins said, what a childish idea.
25:27 What a childish man.
25:31 But the Bible teaches the idea
25:34 that the almighty God became incarnate.
25:37 The one who made the universe became a man.
25:42 And when he became a man, he grapples with sin,
25:48 the monster and slew It.
25:52 And that's the next part of our program.
25:55 As we talk about The Search For Happiness.
26:10 Hello, friend.
26:11 I'm John Carter, in Havana, Cuba.
26:15 I'm standing here in Revolutionary Square.
26:19 This great square is dedicated
26:21 to the great communist revolution
26:23 under Fidel,
26:25 that came to this country back 50, 60 years ago.
26:29 This place is still undergoing a revolution.
26:33 We've come to check out the reality of the situation.
26:37 Freedom of Speech is not allowed here still,
26:41 preaching the gospel out of doors
26:43 is not allowed here still.
26:45 Whatever you hear about reconciliation,
26:48 nothing has really changed.
26:51 We've been told, we cannot run public campaigns in Cuba
26:57 in any part of this world.
27:00 We can run meetings in churches, that's allowed.
27:03 So what are we going to do?
27:05 We're going to support the people of God
27:07 in this part of the world.
27:08 We're going to step through those doors
27:10 as God opens those doors.
27:13 We're not going to come and cause a commotion
27:17 and cause trouble to the people of God.
27:20 We will work diligently and as wise as serpents
27:27 and as harmless as doves.
27:29 Stand with us in the preaching of the gospel,
27:32 wherever it is, stand with us.
27:35 Write to me, Post Office Box 1900,
27:37 Thousand Oaks California, 91358.
27:40 In Australia, write to me at the address
27:42 which is now appearing on the screen at Terrigal.
27:46 And let us go forward
27:47 for a mighty spiritual revolution
27:51 as we take the Gospel of Christ to the lost around the world
27:56 as God opens the doors.
27:58 This is John Carter, in Revolutionary Square,
28:02 in Havana, Cuba,
28:04 saying to you God bless you and thank you for your support.
28:12 For a copy of today's program,
28:14 please contact us at P.O. Box 1900
28:17 Thousand Oaks California, 91358.
28:21 Or in Australia, contact us at P.O. Box 861, Terrigal,
28:27 New South Wales 2260.
28:31 This program is made possible
28:33 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:36 We thank you for your continued support.
28:39 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2016-06-16