Carter Report, The

The Search for Happiness, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001617A

00:13 Now, today,
00:14 we're talking about The Search For Happiness.
00:18 And in the last program we discovered
00:20 that the human race got the problem.
00:22 It's not basically psychological
00:25 even though we certainly need psychologist and psychiatrist.
00:30 It's not our basic problem,
00:31 neither is it economic or political,
00:35 as Karl Mark said.
00:37 Our problem is basically a spiritual problem.
00:42 And the Bible tells us
00:43 that the root cause of our problem is,
00:46 listen, wait for this, it's alienation from God.
00:52 Is that we're alienated from God,
00:54 where we seem to be alone in the universe
00:57 and the Bible teaches that the problem is called sin.
01:01 And the solution is the true gospel of Christ.
01:06 Now I want you to come in the Bible over here
01:08 to Roman 5:6 and onwards.
01:12 And I'm so glad to see you folks here today.
01:14 Romans 5:6 and onwards, the Bible says,
01:19 "For when we were still without strength,
01:21 in due time Christ died for who?
01:25 The ungodly.
01:27 The scarcely for a righteous man
01:28 will one die; yet perhaps for a good man
01:31 someone would even dare to die.
01:33 But God demonstrates His own love toward us,
01:36 in that while we were still sinners,
01:39 Christ died for us."
01:42 So the Bible teach us,
01:45 I want you to think about this,
01:47 in a way that most of us don't understand.
01:51 When Christ,
01:53 when God became a man in the person of Christ,
01:56 when He died on the cross,
01:57 somehow that would heal us of our problem.
02:03 It would serve
02:04 the greatest problem in the human raise,
02:06 the greatest problem in the universe,
02:07 which is the problem of sin.
02:10 I want you to come over now
02:11 to the gospel according to John,
02:13 some have said that this book is the most important book
02:15 that was ever written in the history
02:17 of the human rise.
02:19 John 1:1 says,
02:21 I want you to noticed these words
02:23 "In the beginning was the word,
02:25 and the word was with God, and the word was God".
02:31 Verse 3 says, "All things were made through Him,
02:34 without Him nothing was made that was made."
02:37 This is talking about Jesus Christ,
02:40 the word of God and it says, He made everything.
02:43 Verse 10 says, "He was in the world
02:46 and the world was made through Him,
02:48 and the world did not know Him."
02:51 I want you to think about this.
02:54 The Bible teaches that right at the very, very beginning.
03:00 We're talking about billions of years ago,
03:02 the Bible teaches there was the word.
03:05 Now the evolutionist like Dawkins says
03:08 the first thing you had chaos,
03:12 unintelligibility, randomness,
03:15 and then this bred the word, it bred intelligence.
03:20 But that's absolutely false, it's crazy.
03:24 The Bible teaches there were supreme intelligence
03:27 and the Bible talks about a person
03:29 and the Bible calls Him the word.
03:32 And that is Jesus Christ.
03:34 And the Bible says
03:35 that Jesus Christ made the universe.
03:41 Pretty hard for us, because we'll be done.
03:45 And I'm telling you, it's the truth,
03:47 we'll pretty done.
03:48 But the Bible teaches the Almighty God
03:50 who made all of this, all of this became incarnate.
03:54 In other words he became, look at this,
03:57 I mean, it's outstanding.
03:59 The God who made this who has called the word,
04:02 in the person of Jesus Christ became a man.
04:07 And Jesus Christ is not just a good man,
04:10 the Bible tells me
04:11 that Jesus Christ is the God-man.
04:14 So He's not half a God and half a man.
04:17 Some people say, well, he's half a God...
04:19 No, no, no, He's fully God and He is fully man,
04:23 He is the monogamous, He was the one
04:27 who is completely distinct and unique, the God-man.
04:32 And so the God-man comes down to this earth.
04:34 Now come over here
04:35 to the greatest text in the Bible, John 3:16.
04:39 John 3:16,
04:44 and the Bible says, "For God so loved the world."
04:49 He's not mad with the world.
04:52 "For God so loved the world
04:53 that He gave His only begotten Son,
04:57 that whoever believes in Him should not perish
05:00 but have everlasting life."
05:07 I'm dazed and amazed by this;
05:10 I didn't always understand this.
05:14 When I have studied astronomy,
05:17 I can understand why CS Lewis said,
05:19 your God is too small.
05:21 He's talking to people in the church,
05:23 your God is too small.
05:25 They got all the answers to everything.
05:27 They think they know how God made the universe.
05:30 They all really think they know how God made the world.
05:32 They've got all the answers.
05:33 When you meet a person who's got all the answers,
05:35 don't listen to him.
05:38 Most of this stuff we don't understand,
05:41 but the Bible teaches us, the Almighty God
05:43 who made all of this for nine months,
05:47 was cradled in the womb of a patient girl.
05:53 And when he was born with blood,
05:56 and pain, and crying,
06:00 and when Mary kissed the face of this little guy,
06:06 she kissed the face of God.
06:12 And the Bible says,
06:15 "He love the world so much
06:17 that God gave his only begotten Son
06:19 so that whoever believes in him should not perish
06:22 but have everlasting life."
06:26 This is the heart
06:27 of what the Bible calls the Gospel.
06:31 I seem to think that many folks who go to church,
06:33 may be most folks who go to churches
06:35 don't understand the Gospel.
06:37 They think the Gospel is the religion of do, do, do,
06:41 cock a doodle doo.
06:43 You got to do this, you got to do that.
06:45 Oh, no, you're not doing enough.
06:48 No, no, you got to do, do, do, do, keep on the doing.
06:51 But you are not saved by your doing.
06:54 You are said about what He did.
06:56 Amen. Amen.
06:58 And so the Gospel is not about me,
07:01 the Gospel is about God.
07:04 Now let me talk to you now
07:05 about the most important subjects
07:07 that you will ever hear,
07:09 The Mysterious Transaction Of The Cross.
07:17 Jesus didn't have white hair.
07:23 He was a young man.
07:26 When He was around 35 years of age,
07:29 in the prime of manhood,
07:32 the tide of popular opinion turned against Him.
07:35 He was strong and sun tanned, not a woos.
07:41 You know what a woos is?
07:43 Well, He wasn't that anyhow.
07:47 A woos is a wimp, you know.
07:51 Some people think when you become to be a Christian
07:54 you got to be sort of whimpy, you know.
07:57 It's got nothing to do with Christianity.
07:59 Christianity is a blood red religion,
08:03 it's made for revolution.
08:05 Yes, sir.
08:06 You see.
08:08 Amen.
08:10 And don't you get carried away there,
08:11 just because you're wearing that hat.
08:14 Okay, okay.
08:17 The tide of popular opinion turned against Him,
08:19 He was betrayed by the leaders of organized religion.
08:26 Don't forget it.
08:29 The Jewish hierarchy,
08:32 they passed him over to the Romans,
08:34 and the Romans had Him crucified.
08:37 Now what you got and understand is this,
08:40 there's nothing glorious about crucifixion.
08:46 A man or a women was nailed
08:49 and tied to a cross.
08:53 It is not high and lifted up 30 feet in the air,
08:58 it was so placed that people going by
09:01 could abuse the victims and spit in their faces.
09:07 And usually, they were nailed to the cross stuck necked.
09:14 The Bible says
09:15 "Curse it is everyone who hangs on a tree."
09:20 Think that's true sometimes.
09:22 Curse it is everyone who hangs on a tree,
09:25 that is a teaching of scripture.
09:30 A person could live on a cross for up to a week.
09:34 Oh.
09:36 Yes, yes.
09:39 But you say, Lord, have mercy,
09:41 but He never had mercy on Christ.
09:44 He never had mercy on Christ
09:46 because Christ had taken the place of us sinners
09:49 who don't deserve mercy.
09:56 The very act of breathing was reversed in a person
09:59 who was crucified.
10:02 So He had to reverse the cycle of breathing.
10:06 And after time,
10:09 the body became poison and the blood sank to the feet.
10:14 And the crows would come
10:15 and pick out the eyes of the victim.
10:18 But the person could not die,
10:21 that's why they broke their legs,
10:23 don't you understand?
10:25 So they couldn't get down.
10:27 It is quite likely they put up the thieves on Saturday night,
10:33 after the Sabbath.
10:36 The crucifixion was the worst type of torture
10:40 that a human being could go through,
10:45 and the person hanging on the cross was the God-man.
10:54 So this teaches a number of great truths
10:56 that sin is a filthy, rotten thing
10:59 because they put Him there.
11:02 And number two,
11:04 God is indescribably loving and kind.
11:09 There are two great truths that we need to learn.
11:13 But we don't want to learn it
11:14 because of the pride of our hearts.
11:16 Number one, man is much worst,
11:21 then he ever feared to think.
11:28 Number two,
11:29 God is much better than He ever dared to hope.
11:36 Now I want you to turn to a text in Mathew
11:38 that describes the last moments in the life of Christ,
11:44 Mathew 27:45, 46,
11:50 He died after being on the cross for six hours
11:53 but normally, He would have lived there
11:55 for about six days.
11:59 Mathew 27:45-46,
12:03 "Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour
12:05 there was darkness over all the land.
12:08 And then at the ninth hour at 3.00 in the afternoon,
12:10 Jesus cried out and says, My God,
12:13 My God why have you forsaken me?"
12:18 They never say that you would like to die as Christ died.
12:23 Never say He was the greatest Man
12:25 and the best Man
12:27 and therefore it would be wonderful
12:29 if I would get to die like Christ
12:31 because Christ did not die as a blessed Christian.
12:39 Can you understand this?
12:42 He did not die as a blessed Christian,
12:47 He died under the wrath of God.
12:50 And the Bible says,
12:53 He died as a prepetition.
12:58 And that's been taken out of some Bibles,
13:02 but it is the correct translation.
13:05 And the question we must ask again is,
13:07 who is this man who hangs on the cross
13:11 and in great pain and great sorrow,
13:15 he cries out to God?
13:18 Who was this Man?
13:19 He was the Man who made this.
13:22 Can you contemplate this for a movement,
13:24 and can your faith reach to believe this,
13:27 the man, the God
13:28 who made this is the man on the cross.
13:35 Have mercy.
13:37 And He cries out,
13:39 I hope when I die that I don't cry out and say,
13:41 "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
13:46 That is the cry of a damned soul.
13:53 Now I want you to notice
13:55 The Mighty Transaction of the Cross,
13:57 we're going to put this on the screen
13:59 so you can see it.
14:01 Mighty Transaction of the Cross.
14:04 I want you to notice over here, here we have the human race.
14:08 And this is hard for us to understand and comprehend,
14:13 this is called as the scandal of the cross,
14:16 because sin makes us blind.
14:21 It also gives us a fair dose of stupidity
14:28 so that we cannot think straight
14:30 and we cannot see straight.
14:32 So we are born blind
14:36 and in need of the touch of God
14:38 so that we can see.
14:41 That is why we pray to the Holy Sprit
14:42 to come into our hearts.
14:44 The human race: sinful, guilty, unrighteous,
14:50 and deserving eternal death.
14:53 That is how I am without God.
14:57 I want you to think about it and ask God to give,
15:00 open your eyes and give you an understanding
15:04 of you condition, our condition.
15:09 And Nietzsche,
15:11 and all of these guys, Marx, Darwin,
15:14 you can go through all the philosophers,
15:16 I've read many of them.
15:19 None of them came to grips with this,
15:21 they said we have a problem
15:23 and therefore cycle analysis to give...
15:27 a sexual drives.
15:29 So we could only understand this...
15:32 and I'm not saying that all their views were wrong.
15:35 And Marx said, Marx, the German Jew said,
15:39 "We need a new Gospel,
15:41 " said Marx, we need a new Gospel.
15:44 Because he said, the old Gospel is failed.
15:47 It failed because he rejected it.
15:51 But here it is sinful, guilty, unrighteous, eternal death.
15:54 But Christ over here, Christ was sinless,
16:00 never let anybody tell you that
16:01 He was some how treated with sin.
16:05 He was sinless, guiltless, He was righteous
16:09 and His destiny was eternal life.
16:14 But the Bible teaches that on the cross
16:18 the almighty created God came and stood over here.
16:23 This is where He stood.
16:27 And in the sight of a righteous God,
16:31 He became sinful, guilty, unrighteous
16:34 and He tasted eternal death.
16:38 Now unless Jesus comes,
16:39 we are all going to taste death.
16:41 But God forbid that you should taste eternal death,
16:45 because eternal death is held with all it's terrors.
16:51 It is the separation of the soul from God.
16:56 And at the very last day, after Armageddon,
16:58 at the very end, the lost will cry out,
17:01 "My God, my God, why you have forsaken me?"
17:05 That will be the cry of the lost world.
17:09 But Christ on the cross cried out, "My God, my God,
17:12 " because He took this, He assumed this.
17:18 So that by his grace,
17:21 if I truly believe in Him with all my heart
17:25 I shall be accounted
17:29 sinless, guiltless, righteous
17:32 and be given eternal life, not because I deserve it
17:36 but because of His sheer mercy.
17:38 Amen.
17:39 That is called the Gospel.
17:43 There was a Russian nobleman, hopelessly in debts.
17:49 One day he wrote out the list of his debts,
17:52 then he wrote across the bottom,
17:54 'Who will pay all my debts?'
17:57 A true story.
17:58 Peter the great was his friend,
18:01 and Peter the great came visiting.
18:04 The man had fallen into a restless sleep
18:07 with depression,
18:08 he was unconscious when Peter came.
18:10 He didn't expect the czar of Russian to come.
18:13 When Peter came, he walked into his room,
18:15 he saw his friend sprawl across the table
18:18 and he saw there the words, 'Who will pay all my debts?'
18:22 And there was the list of all the debts.
18:25 And Peter picked up a pen and he scrolled across it,
18:28 "I, Peter the great will pay all your debts."
18:33 And Christ on the cross opened up his veins,
18:39 and He wrote over the scroll of a personal indebtedness,
18:45 'I, Christ will pay all your debts."
18:49 And He did, and that is the Gospel.
18:52 And look at Romans 5:1.
18:55 Now we talk about the search for happiness.
18:58 Romans 5:1, it says,
19:03 "Therefore, having been justified by faith,
19:09 we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
19:14 When you are justified you have peace with God,
19:20 listen carefully.
19:22 Peace is what we want.
19:27 When it says 'justified',
19:29 it means 'declared righteous'.
19:35 This is what it means.
19:36 It doesn't mean, I want you to hear this,
19:39 it doesn't mean as our beloved friends
19:43 in the Council of Trent taught.
19:45 To make righteous, it means to declare righteous.
19:51 The good news of the Gospel,
19:54 that God would take a stinking sinner
19:58 covered with filth and shame,
20:02 and the movement he truly believes in Christ
20:06 he is declared righteous,
20:09 not because he is but because God is.
20:13 That's the Gospel,
20:15 and that is the source of happiness.
20:18 How can I accept this gift?
20:20 Come over here to John 3. Come over here.
20:24 Do you understand what I am saying?
20:26 John 3:14, look at this,
20:30 "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
20:34 even so must the son of men be lifted up,
20:37 that whoever believes in Him should not perish
20:40 but have eternal life."
20:42 Then in the next verse goes on to say,
20:46 "For God so loved the world
20:47 that He gave His only begotten Son,
20:49 that whoever believes in Him should not perish
20:52 but have everlasting life."
20:56 And this is something many people
20:57 have never come to grips with and they don't understand it.
21:03 Why?
21:04 Tell me, why?
21:07 Would the Bible say,
21:09 that as the serpent that is lifted up in the wilderness,
21:12 even so must Christ be lifted up?
21:17 Would it not be more appropriate to say,
21:19 as a lamb was lifted up?
21:23 The serpent was filled with poison.
21:30 On the cross,
21:33 the poison of the serpent of sin
21:37 was placed on Christ.
21:41 He borrowed our sin and our guilt,
21:46 He took our place.
21:48 Now, I have a property in Australia
21:51 and I go out there on some occasions,
21:54 because I'm not often there
21:57 and there's a lot of bush there,
22:01 the snakes are there.
22:03 Normally, they would not be there.
22:05 Well, out in my property I have
22:07 what its called the Eastern Brown Snake,
22:11 there he is.
22:13 He is the second most venomous snake in the world,
22:17 don't mess with him.
22:21 Because if he bites you, you only got a very short time.
22:28 If a person is bitten by the Eastern Brown
22:32 he needs to take the medicine, not discuss it.
22:39 We've been bitten by the serpent of sin
22:42 and there is a fountain filled with blood,
22:45 drawn from Immanuel's fangs.
22:47 That is the medicine that cures the bite of the serpent,
22:52 and we need to do it now.
22:54 Now, listen, I'm not going to even give you this text,
22:57 I'm just going to tell you the story.
23:00 Sin has ruptured a legal status
23:03 and it has also ruptured our relationship with God.
23:07 The breaking of our relationship
23:09 with God is the course of our malaise.
23:12 In the Bible, we're told the story of a boy
23:15 who runs away from home.
23:16 You know the story.
23:19 He's called the Prodigal, he runs away from home.
23:23 He's a selfish young waster.
23:25 'Give me, give me, give me,
23:26 ' that's the cry of the human heart.
23:27 'Give me, give me, give me, ' that's the cry of sin.
23:33 He commits to himself,
23:35 when he goes back his father is waiting for him,
23:37 down the road.
23:39 The old man runs to meet, took this,
23:42 pictures like this in Hermitage in St Petersburg by Rembrandt,
23:47 the Prodigal, are the most famous paintings.
23:50 The old man is waiting for the boy;
23:52 the old man does something
23:54 that an old man in those days would not do.
23:56 He runs to meet him.
23:59 Forgets his dignity.
24:00 He grabs the boy, he hugs him,
24:03 doesn't kick him, he kisses him.
24:06 Puts a robe over him, sandals on his feet,
24:09 and a ring on his finger.
24:12 He says, kill the fatten calf.
24:18 He says, my son was dead, he's alive again.
24:21 Amen.
24:23 Now this is a picture of the restoration
24:27 of a lost relationship.
24:31 This is the picture of restoration.
24:36 When you are justified and when you come to Christ,
24:40 He not only does something legally for you,
24:44 He takes you back in,
24:48 and He hugs you,
24:50 and He accepts you.
24:53 And when He accepts you,
24:57 you are immediately happy,
25:01 because you've come home.
25:05 That's the answer.
25:09 Therefore, believe.
25:13 Stop your unbelief, that's stupidity.
25:15 Believe, accept, accept.
25:22 Say, sorry.
25:25 That's something people find so hard to do,
25:27 that's why we got more attorneys
25:29 than any other country in the world.
25:31 Can't say sorry
25:32 because it strikes at our hearts, full of pride.
25:35 Say sorry and come home,
25:41 because when you come home the father takes you in.
25:47 And when you are in the presence of the father,
25:54 you've ended your search
25:57 and you have found happiness.
28:07 For a copy of today's program,
28:09 please contact us at P.O. Box 1900 Thousand Oaks,
28:13 California, 91358.
28:17 Or in Australia contact us at P.O. Box 861,
28:22 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:26 This program is made possible
28:28 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:31 We thank you for your continued support.
28:34 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2016-06-16