Carter Report, The

Shall We Return to Rome? -part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Carter


Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001634A

00:13 So glad to see you today.
00:15 Let's get started.
00:16 The topic is part three, "Shall we return to Rome?"
00:20 Shall we go back to the Roman Catholic Church?
00:24 Is the great Protestant Reformation finished?
00:27 Shall we return to Rome?
00:29 Shall we unite with the Roman Catholic Church
00:32 for the salvation of the world?
00:34 This is part three of a four part series.
00:39 Pope Francis is not an ordinary pope.
00:43 He seems to be genuinely concerned for people's needs
00:47 whether they be rich or poor, black, white, Muslim or Jew,
00:53 Catholic or Protestant, heterosexual or homosexual.
00:59 He also drives a cute little Fiat motor car.
01:04 So how could you dislike a pope,
01:07 when he drives around not in a big flashy Mercedes
01:10 but in a little Fiat?
01:12 He also has a wonderful smile.
01:17 I've heard Protestants say
01:19 concerning their church leaders,
01:21 "We wish we had a leader like the pope,
01:24 he seem so nice."
01:25 He reminds many people of Jesus.
01:29 After all he is called what?
01:33 The Vicar of Christ.
01:35 He seems to want to bend the rules
01:37 and make the church
01:38 more welcoming and accommodating.
01:41 He's not one of the frozen chosen.
01:46 He says, "Who am I to judge?
01:49 I am a sinner."
01:50 When did you ever hear a pope say that I'm a sinner.
01:54 Adventists have said some very nice things about Catholics.
01:59 Ellen White, the Adventist prophet said
02:02 the majority of true Christians
02:04 were found in the Catholic Church.
02:05 Oh, actually she said in the Protestant
02:09 and Catholic churches.
02:12 So we love Roman Catholics,
02:14 but huge doctrinal differences remain
02:17 that cannot be swept just so, so under the ecumenical carpet.
02:22 We must differentiate between the teachings and the people.
02:27 Now, tell me here you like this.
02:29 This is from Charles Spurgeon
02:31 who has been described as the greatest preacher
02:34 since the Great Saint Paul.
02:37 He said this, "A time will come
02:39 when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep,
02:42 the church will have clowns entertaining the goats."
02:47 He said instead of shepherds feeding the sheep,
02:51 the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.
02:56 Spurgeon believed that truth was important
02:59 and that is why Spurgeon disagreed so strongly
03:03 with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.
03:08 Would you please come in the Bible
03:10 to the words of our Lord,
03:11 John 8:31, 32, dear hearts and gentle people.
03:17 John 8 and we're so glad to welcome you today
03:20 and especially our television audience around the world
03:24 and down there into Latin America
03:27 and across the great United States,
03:29 into Australia and beyond.
03:32 John 8:31, 32,
03:35 "Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed in Him,
03:38 "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.
03:42 And you shall know the truth,
03:45 and the truth shall make you free."
03:50 So my friends,
03:51 there is no freedom apart from the truth.
03:57 We are looking today at some great Roman Catholic doctrines
04:01 and this doctrine is number six in the series of doctrines
04:06 we're looking at.
04:07 Here it is, the Celebration of the Mass
04:12 and the Cross of Christ.
04:15 The mass is the very, very heart, soul
04:21 and essence of the Vatican
04:25 and the Catholic Church.
04:28 I want to read you from the Council of Trent.
04:31 What's the Council of Trent?
04:33 That was a part of the Counter Reformation
04:35 that the Catholics called to answer the teachings
04:39 of the Protestant reformers.
04:41 Listen,
04:43 the decrees of the Council of Trent are binding today
04:49 on every pope and every Roman Catholic,
04:52 don't forget this.
04:54 Council of Trent, it says this,
04:59 "The same Christ who offered himself once in a bloody manner
05:03 on the altar of the cross, is present and offered
05:07 in an unbloody manner in the Mass."
05:13 The Catholic Church teaches in the Council of Trent
05:16 that the mass is not a memorial service
05:20 but it is a sacrifice of propitiation the same
05:26 as the cross of Christ.
05:29 I want to read to you from a famous Roman Catholic,
05:33 James Joyce,
05:35 an old priest is talking to him,
05:37 wanting him to become a priest,
05:38 "To receive that call Steven said to priest,
05:41 is the greatest honor that the Almighty God
05:43 can bestow upon a man,
05:45 no king or emperor on this earth
05:47 has the power of the priest of God.
05:49 No king or emperor on this earth has the power
05:52 of the priest of God.
05:53 No angel or archangel in heaven.
05:56 No saint not even the Blessed Virgin herself
05:59 has the power of the priest of God,
06:02 the power of the keys,
06:03 the power to bind and to loose from sin.
06:06 The power of exorcism,
06:08 the power to cast out from the creatures of God,
06:12 the evil spirits that have power over them, the power,
06:15 the authority to make the great God of heaven
06:19 come down up on the altar
06:22 and take the form of bread and wine,
06:25 what an awful power."
06:30 And so a priest must have something to sacrifice
06:33 or else he's not a priest.
06:36 And through the doctrine of transubstantiation
06:39 that was reinforced in the Council of Trent
06:42 and that is believed by Pope Francis,
06:45 every pope has the authority to bring Almighty God down
06:49 from heaven and put him on the cross.
06:53 Let me read on to you.
06:55 This is the doctrine of course of transubstantiation
06:58 but before we go any further,
07:00 I want you to notice Matthew 26:26-28
07:03 because on this text they based
07:05 the doctrine of transubstantiation.
07:08 Matthew 26:26-28, Matthew 26,
07:13 "And as they were eating, Jesus took bread,
07:15 blessed and broke it,
07:16 and gave it to the disciples and said,
07:18 "Take, eat, this is My body."
07:20 Then he took the cup,
07:21 and gave thanks, and gave it to them,
07:23 saying, "Drink from it, all of you.
07:25 For this is My blood of the new covenant,
07:28 which is shed for many for the remission of sins."
07:30 Therefore the Catholic Church says that
07:32 when the priest takes the bread and the wine and say,
07:36 "This is my body,
07:38 this is my blood."
07:39 It is actually transformed
07:41 through the doctrine of transubstantiation
07:43 into the body and the blood of Christ
07:46 and the priest offers this up as a propitiation
07:50 to turn away the wrath of God in the mass.
07:53 Did you know this?
07:56 But the Bible is a book of symbolic language.
07:59 Jesus said, "I am the door."
08:00 Do we take that literally, He said, "I am the vine."
08:03 Jesus was talking symbolic language.
08:06 The Council of Trent in 1562 said this,
08:09 "If anyone says that in the mass
08:12 a true and proper sacrifice is not offered to God...
08:16 let him be anathema."
08:18 Let him be cursed.
08:20 And then the council goes on to say, 1562,
08:24 "If anyone saith that
08:25 the sacrifice of the mass
08:27 is only a sacrifice of praise...
08:30 or that it is a bare commemoration of the sacrifice
08:33 consummated on the cross, not a propitiatory sacrifice...
08:37 let him be anathema."
08:39 I don't know if you understand this,
08:40 if you're getting this.
08:42 A sacrifice of propitiation is what
08:45 God and Christ did on the cross...
08:48 where the wrath of God is turned away
08:50 because of the sacrifice.
08:52 So when the priest says, "This is my body.
08:54 This is my blood."
08:55 And holds it up, that's when the people bow down
08:58 because the very presence of God is in it
09:01 and he offers up Christ again on the cross.
09:08 And this of course goes against everything in scripture.
09:11 And this is why
09:12 the Church of Rome has never, never been big in scripture,
09:16 and this is why Roman Catholic people
09:17 that we love very much are not encouraged
09:20 to read the Bible.
09:21 Look at Hebrews 7:26, 27
09:24 Hebrews 7:26, 27.
09:27 The Bible says,
09:28 "For such a High Priest was fitting for us,
09:30 who is holy, harmless, undefiled,
09:33 separate from sinners,
09:34 and has become higher than the heavens,
09:37 who does not need daily, as those high priests,
09:40 to offer up sacrifices,
09:41 first for His own sins
09:43 and then for the people's, for this He did,
09:46 look at the words,
09:47 once for all when He offered up Himself."
09:50 The Bible tells me that Christ is our High Priest
09:53 and His sacrifice, never forget it,
09:56 was once and for all time.
10:00 This is the teaching of the word.
10:03 Then if you come to Hebrews 10:10-14,
10:06 Hebrews 10:10-14.
10:09 "By that will we have been sanctified
10:11 through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ
10:14 once it says, once for all.
10:18 And every priest stands ministering daily
10:21 and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices,
10:24 which can never take away sins."
10:25 This is talking about the Old Testament priest,
10:27 "But this Man, after He had offered
10:30 one sacrifice for sins forever,
10:34 sat down at the right hand of God,
10:35 from that time waiting
10:37 till His enemies are made His footstool.
10:40 For by one offering
10:42 He is perfected forever
10:43 those who are being sanctified."
10:45 The Bible teaches that the work of Christ
10:48 on the cross was once and for all,
10:52 and to say that the sacrifice of the mass
10:54 is offering up Christ again is a blasphemy
10:58 in the face of God.
10:59 This is why we don't believe it.
11:02 The Lord sacrifice is a memorial not a sacrifice.
11:06 Come to 1 Corinthians 11:23 and onwards,
11:10 1 Corinthians 11:23
11:14 and onwards in the word of God.
11:16 Paul says, "For I received from the Lord
11:19 that which I also deliver to you:
11:21 that the Lord Jesus on the same night in
11:23 which He was betrayed took bread,
11:25 and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said,
11:27 "Take, eat, this is My body
11:30 which is broken for you, this do in, " What?
11:32 "In remembrance of Me."
11:34 In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying,
11:36 "This cup is the new covenant in My blood.
11:39 This do, as often as you drink it,
11:42 in remembrance of Me."
11:44 For as often as you eat this bread
11:46 and drink this cup,
11:47 you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes."
11:50 The Lord's supper is not a sacrifice,
11:54 it is a memorial of the sacrifice
11:57 that was once for all.
11:59 On the cross, listen Jesus on the cross
12:02 made an atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world,
12:05 He said, "It is finished," He didn't say it started.
12:08 He paid the price,
12:10 redeemed the world, took our place,
12:13 satisfied through a propitiation,
12:17 the justice of God and nothing can add to
12:20 or subtract from that work.
12:22 "Once for all."
12:23 "Never to be repeated,"
12:25 It was determined dead and done.
12:30 Therefore, the mass is unscriptural
12:35 and is a counterfeit Calvary.
12:40 It is blasphemy.
12:42 It is a grose distortion of Holy Scripture.
12:45 Now here is some good news for Catholics and Protestants,
12:47 "As a repentant sinner
12:49 I can come to Christ now in faith
12:51 and accept His death for my sin now.
12:54 I can be forgiven and saved now without an earthly priest
13:00 and without the mass
13:02 which is man's way not God's way."
13:05 Now doctrine number seven,
13:07 The Priesthood and the Pope.
13:12 There are no popes mentioned in the Bible.
13:16 Peter was a married man
13:20 and Peter was not the pope.
13:27 There is no historian except a Roman Catholic person
13:31 employed by the church who says this.
13:34 Jesus said in Matthew 23:9,
13:37 "Do not call anyone on earth your father."
13:40 He's talking about in a spiritual sense.
13:43 "But One is your Father, He who is in heaven."
13:46 The Bible says, "Don't call any person your father."
13:49 And then if you come to John 17:11, John 17:11,
13:55 now Jesus said, "I'm no longer in the world,
13:57 but these are in the world, and I come to You.
14:00 Holy Father..."
14:03 There is one Holy Father, that is God,
14:08 there is no Holy Father on this earth.
14:13 Pope Francis says,
14:14 "We are a race of sinners, amen.
14:16 Who am I to judge, I am a sinner."
14:19 But wait on,
14:20 we will be judged by the word of God.
14:24 Who am I to judge?
14:25 No, not the pope, but the word of God,
14:28 and the word of God has spoken,
14:30 "No spiritual leader should accept the title
14:32 that belongs only to God in heaven.
14:34 That's very close to blasphemy."
14:36 There is no legitimate God ordained
14:40 priesthood on this earth
14:42 since the Old Testament Jewish system of priests
14:46 and animal sacrifices were abolished at the cross.
14:49 None at all, none at all.
14:51 No priesthood on this earth that is legitimate.
14:55 Hebrews 7:12, Hebrews 7:12, 22-27,
15:00 "For the priesthood being changed..."
15:03 Did you hear this?
15:05 When Jesus died, "the priesthood was changed,
15:10 of necessity there is also a change of the law.
15:13 By so much more
15:15 Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant."
15:19 There were many priests back then,
15:20 because they were prevented from by death
15:23 from continuing in their work.
15:25 "But He, because He continues forever,
15:28 has an unchangeable priesthood.
15:31 Therefore He is able to save to the uttermost
15:34 those who come to God through Him,
15:36 since He always lives to make intercession for them.
15:39 For such a High Priest was fitting for us,
15:43 who is holy, harmless, undefiled,
15:45 separate from sinners,
15:46 and has become higher than the heavens,
15:49 who does not need daily, as those high priests,
15:53 to offer up sacrifices,
15:55 first for His own sins
15:57 and then for the people's,
15:58 for this He did once for all when He offered up Himself."
16:03 So the Bible teaches
16:04 there are no, no, no earthly priests.
16:09 That's the teaching of the Bible.
16:11 That's the word of God, Hebrews 8:1,
16:13 Hebrews 8:1 the Bible says,
16:16 "Now this is the main point of the things we are saying:
16:19 We have such a High Priest,
16:21 who is seated at the right hand of the throne."
16:24 This is not talking about the pope.
16:26 It is talking about our Lord Jesus Christ
16:30 because He is our priest.
16:33 Hebrews 10:11-14,
16:35 Hebrews 10:11-14, Hebrews 10,
16:39 "And every priest stands ministering daily..."
16:42 This is the Old Testament.
16:43 "And offering repeatedly the same sacrifices,
16:47 which can never take away sins.
16:49 But this Man, after He had offered
16:51 one sacrifice for sins forever,
16:56 sat down of the right hand of God,
16:58 from that time waiting
16:59 till His enemies are made His footstool.
17:01 For by one offering He is perfected forever
17:07 those who are being sanctified."
17:10 So does the church need a priest today?
17:12 I asked the question,
17:13 does the church need a priest today?
17:15 Yes.
17:17 Christ.
17:20 Christ is the priest.
17:23 The system of earthly priests was abolished
17:28 and nailed to the cross.
17:30 We have a great high priest, we go directly to Him.
17:35 We don't need mediators.
17:37 we have direct access.
17:39 I've got other texts, I can put in here
17:41 but I just don't have time like Hebrews 4,
17:43 I'm not going to put it in,
17:45 1 Timothy 2 tells us, it tells us that,
17:48 "There's only one God and only one God
17:51 and there's only one Mediator between us and God
17:54 and that is the Man Christ Jesus."
17:57 I want you to know this.
17:58 We've got a priest
18:00 and the church does need a priest,
18:01 Christ.
18:03 I think when I was running meetings
18:05 in the Roman Catholic country of the Philippines,
18:10 I was there in Manila...
18:12 By the way it's my old friend Graeme Bradford
18:15 and the guy with the curly hair over there,
18:18 that was what I used to be.
18:22 This was actually on death row.
18:24 We are baptizing young men
18:26 who were being sent to their deaths,
18:28 because they were terrorists.
18:32 But I told them Christ had borne the price of their sin
18:36 and they could come directly to God through Jesus Christ
18:41 who is our priest.
18:44 And that's true for every one of you.
18:47 The other system is a counterfeit system.
18:51 Now, I love John and Charles Wesley,
18:54 also love John Newton
18:55 who gave us the hymn Amazing Grace.
18:58 I want to read to you from Charles Wesley,
19:01 this great preacher.
19:03 You see, the Wesleys led John Newton to Christ
19:07 and John Newton gave us Amazing Grace.
19:11 Charles Wesley, he wrote,
19:12 "He left His Father's throne above,
19:14 So free, so infinite His grace,
19:16 Emptied Himself of all but love,
19:19 And bled for Adam's helpless race
19:21 "Tis mercy all, Immense and free,
19:25 For, O my God, it found out me.
19:29 Long my imprisoned spirit lay fast bound in sin
19:33 and nature's night,
19:34 Thine eye diffused a quickening ray,
19:37 I woke, the dungeon flame with light,
19:42 My chains fell off, my heart was free,
19:46 I rose, went forth, and followed thee."
19:50 Don't need a pope for that.
19:52 Don't need an earthly priest for that.
19:56 What I'm talking today is the heart of the Protestant faith.
20:00 "No condemnation now I dread, Jesus, and all in Him, is mine!
20:05 Alive in Him, my living Head,
20:07 And clothed in righteousness Divine,
20:11 Bold I approach the eternal throne,
20:15 And claim the crown, through Christ my own."
20:18 Bold I approach the eternal throne,
20:21 And claim the crown, through Christ my own.
20:25 This is the good news.
20:27 I can come to Christ today,
20:29 I can be free today because of Amazing Grace.
20:34 So I reject categorically the doctrine of the priesthood,
20:37 the earthly priesthood
20:38 and the doctrine of the mass on the authority of scripture.
20:44 Now, the Lord God,
20:46 all mainstream churches teach the Ten Commandments,
20:50 Church of Rome, Baptist Church,
20:52 Methodist Church, Church of England.
20:54 James 2:10-12.
20:57 James 2, "For whatever,
20:59 whoever shall keep the whole law,
21:01 and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all.
21:05 That He who said, "Do not commit adultery,"
21:07 also said, "Do not murder,"
21:09 Now if you do not commit adultery,
21:11 but if you do murder,
21:12 you have become a transgressor of the law.
21:14 So speak and so do
21:15 as those who are going to be judged by the law of liberty."
21:19 Every mainstream church
21:23 believes in the Commandments.
21:27 Spoken by the mouth of God written with the finger of God.
21:32 Listen, the papacy claims the authority to change
21:37 the holy law of God.
21:39 You say, no, no, no, no.
21:41 Yes, I'll give it to you from the Church of Rome,
21:44 Peter Gelermann.
21:45 The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine:
21:51 Which is the Sabbath day?
21:52 Answer: Saturday is the Sabbath day.
21:55 Question: Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
21:59 Answer: We observe Sunday instead of Saturday,
22:01 because the Catholic Church
22:02 transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.
22:07 And this work received
22:08 the apostolic blessing of Pope Pius X.
22:11 Stephen Keenan, A Doctrinal Catechism.
22:14 Question: Have you any other way of proving
22:17 that the church has power
22:18 to institute festivals of precept?
22:21 Answer: Had she not such power,
22:23 she could not have done that
22:25 in which all modern religionists agree with her,
22:27 she could not have substituted
22:29 the observance of Saturday the seventh day,
22:32 a change for which
22:34 there is no Scriptural authority.
22:39 Then The Catholic Mirrors, September 23, 1893,
22:43 the voice of the Vatican,
22:45 "The Catholic Church for over one thousand years
22:49 before the existence of a Protestant,
22:51 by virtue of her divine mission,
22:54 changed the day from Saturday to Sunday."
23:00 So it comes down.
23:02 It's very easy if you've got an open mind,
23:06 and if you're honest to God.
23:10 He choose very easy, shall I follow the Word of God
23:14 or shall I follow the Word of the Church?
23:19 And the Devil is still on the march on us.
23:21 He's got people to think in ten second sound bites
23:28 and know nothing about
23:30 what it is written in Holy Scripture,
23:34 and that is why that great church has discouraged
23:38 for hundreds of years the reading of the Bible.
23:45 Listen,
23:47 here it is, a question of the authority.
23:50 The voice of a very fallible church
23:54 or the voice of an infallible Bible,
23:59 the word of God
24:01 or the word of man.
24:06 Shall we return to Rome,
24:09 the Rome of tradition and of false gospel?
24:16 Now I've got a fair bit of British blood in me,
24:20 and I can remember the words of Prime Minister
24:23 Winston Spencer Churchill
24:26 when confronted by the destruction of Great Britain
24:29 and the triumph of the Nazis.
24:32 Churchill said, "Never give up.
24:38 Never give up.
24:41 Never give up."
24:42 He was not a namby-pamby.
24:49 He had a backbone
24:53 and he had Protestantism in his soul.
24:59 Never give up, he said.
25:03 Never give up.
25:06 Never give up.
25:07 And they didn't
25:08 and they beat the great Nazi war machine.
25:13 The boys who went up in the Spitfire 17 and 18
25:17 took on the world's greatest
25:21 and completely defeated them,
25:23 ignominiously they were defeated.
25:25 Never give up.
25:27 Shall we return to Rome?
25:30 Here is the answer.
25:31 Never, never, never
25:37 until Rome returns to God
25:42 and the God of the Bible.
25:46 Never, never, never
25:53 but more amazing truths
25:56 just moments away for an instance.
26:00 What does Bible prophecy teach about the Vatican?
26:06 Stay with us.
26:19 Hi there, I'm John Carter in Havana, Cuba.
26:22 This communist fortress,
26:23 we're here to preach
26:25 the gospel of Christ to the public,
26:27 but more than this,
26:28 we are running a school of evangelism
26:31 and biblical studies for the Cuban pastors,
26:36 140 pastors coming from right across this wonderful island
26:42 and they're coming to join with us to study how best
26:45 we can meet the needs of the Cuban people.
26:49 The Cuban people are just the most wonderful people,
26:52 they're warm, friendly,
26:54 but I'm amazed that in the meetings every night
26:57 that we are taking
26:58 that I think most of the people there are young people.
27:03 Now, of course when I say young people,
27:04 I mean people up to say 35 years of age.
27:08 They're young to me,
27:10 but they're so warm and they're receptive
27:14 and when they come forward night by night to accept Jesus,
27:17 they come with tremendous sincerity.
27:20 So what a privilege it is to be here
27:22 in the land of Cuba.
27:24 But remember to pray for the pastors.
27:28 One hundred and forty pastors are coming from Guantanamo Bay
27:33 and other places right across this island nation.
27:36 They're coming to join forces with us.
27:38 Think of this, they're coming from Guantanamo Bay
27:42 and everywhere.
27:43 We're going to meet with them, study with them,
27:46 pray with them,
27:47 to devise the best means of reaching this nation
27:52 for the Lord Jesus Christ,
27:54 and thank you for being my special partner.
28:21 For a copy of today's program,
28:23 please contact us at PO Box 1900,
28:26 Thousand Oaks, California 91358
28:30 or in Australia contact us at PO Box 861,
28:35 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:40 This program is made possible
28:41 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:44 We thank you for your continued support.
28:47 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2016-11-14