Carter Report, The

“The Triumph of Protestantism” Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001728A

00:01 I'm John Carter in Moscow...
00:02 I'm now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
00:04 I'm John Carter in Petra...
00:06 Reporting from India...
00:08 In Columbia...
00:09 I'm John Carter.
00:11 Today on the Carter Report,
00:13 Pastor Carter brings us the triumph of Protestantism.
00:21 We welcome you back
00:23 to the second part of the program
00:24 on the triumph of Protestantism.
00:27 In the last portion of the presentation,
00:30 I talked about the Dark Ages,
00:31 how the church went down
00:33 into the darkness of papal night.
00:36 We spoke about all these strange,
00:39 awful teachings from pagan Rome that invaded the church.
00:44 Then I thought rising sun shedding its rays
00:50 across solemn and darken landscape
00:53 came the Protestant Reformation.
00:59 John Wycliffe, have you heard of him?
01:02 In the 1300s, he was over there in England
01:04 translating the Bible.
01:06 All of these people were terribly persecuted
01:08 and some of them were put to death
01:10 because they actually read the Bible.
01:12 In Bohemia or Czechoslovakia in the 1400s,
01:16 it was a Roman Catholic priest by the name of Jan Hus
01:21 preaching the Bible,
01:22 a great preacher, great man of God,
01:25 they burned him at the stake, burned millions of people
01:31 mainly Roman Catholics, Jews, and then Protestants.
01:35 Then there was Martin Luther, the German priest
01:39 stood before the Diet of Worms in 1521
01:43 said those famous words, "Unless I am convinced
01:46 by the plain words of the Bible or by reason,
01:52 my conscience is captive to the Word of God.
01:56 I cannot and I will not recant.
02:01 Here I stand, God help me."
02:04 In Switzerland, in the 1530, there was John Calvin.
02:09 And in Scotland in the 1560s,
02:12 there was John Knox preaching the Word of God.
02:16 Now these great preachers had all of this in common,
02:20 they believed in the great Solas.
02:23 Now if you forget everything else today
02:26 become intelligently informed on this great subject
02:30 and understand and believe the great Solas.
02:34 Sola Christus, Latin, only Christ.
02:37 Sola scriptura, only scripture,
02:40 everything comes from the Bible.
02:42 Sola gratia, only grace,
02:44 I can only be saved by the grace of God.
02:47 Sola fide, only faith, faith in Christ,
02:53 my Savior and my great High Priest.
02:56 And the Book of Romans
02:59 became the powerhouse of the Protestant Reformation.
03:05 Martin Luther took as his great text,
03:08 Romans 1:16 and 17,
03:12 I want you to notice it, Romans 1,
03:14 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel,
03:17 not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,
03:19 for it is the power of God to salvation
03:23 for everyone who believes,
03:25 for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
03:29 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed
03:33 from faith to faith, as it is written,
03:36 'The just shall live by faith.'"
03:39 Martin Luther had a tremendous mind,
03:44 and as a Roman Catholic priest,
03:47 he heard about the righteousness of God.
03:50 And Martin Luther said, "I hate it.
03:54 I hate it."
03:56 His old priest who is hearing his sin said,
03:58 "Why do you hate it?"
03:59 He says, "Because God is righteous, I'm unrighteous,
04:04 God is sinless, I'm a sinner, therefore God hates me.
04:09 And if God hates me then I hate God."
04:14 The righteousness of God I hate it.
04:17 And then he came through his study
04:19 to comprehend the truth
04:21 that when the Bible talks about the righteousness of God,
04:25 it doesn't mean to condemn us but to save us.
04:29 It is the righteousness that comes from Christ
04:32 because of His death on the cross
04:34 and which is given to us as a free gift,
04:37 and that was the power house of the Protestant Reformation.
04:41 Come over now to Romans 3:20 to 24.
04:46 Some would say,
04:48 this is the high watermark of scripture.
04:51 "Therefore by the deeds of the law
04:54 no flesh will be justified in His sight,
04:56 for by the law is the knowledge of sin."
04:58 You can't be saved by your good works.
05:02 "But now the righteousness of God
05:03 apart from the law is revealed,
05:05 being witnessed by the law and the Prophets,
05:07 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ,
05:13 to all and on all who believe.
05:16 For there is no difference,
05:18 all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
05:21 being justified," declared righteous,
05:25 "justified freely by His grace
05:28 through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."
05:31 Listen, this became heart and the soul
05:37 of the Protestant Reformation
05:39 that I cannot earn my own righteousness,
05:42 I cannot pay for my sins,
05:45 the Christ on the cross has already paid for my sins.
05:50 And therefore if I believe in Him,
05:53 I am declared righteous.
05:56 Look at this, "I am declared righteous
06:00 the moment I come to Him in true faith."
06:05 And if this is true, if this is true,
06:09 I do not need an earthly priest.
06:12 I do not need to go and confess my sins to a priest.
06:16 I have Christ.
06:18 Christ is my High Priest.
06:20 Christ paid for my sins with His own blood
06:24 and therefore I am free.
06:28 Now The Economist magazine
06:30 has told us a little bit about Protestant Reformation
06:34 and I was quite amazed to read this
06:39 in this secular magazine.
06:42 Early Christianity, this was the pristine gospel.
06:47 And over here, you've got the Eastern Orthodox Church
06:50 that later on became the Russian Orthodox Church.
06:52 But over here, you've got a break way,
06:55 the Roman Catholic Church.
06:58 And then you've got the coming of the Protestant Reformers.
07:03 You can see there, "The Reformation, 1517,
07:07 Martin Luther, John Calvin, the Anabaptist,
07:11 the Anglicans in England preaching the Word of God.
07:15 And then you had the Presbyterians
07:18 and the Mennonites.
07:19 And then you come down a little bit further
07:22 to the Baptists, and the Puritans,
07:24 the people who founded the United States of America
07:29 and there would have been no America
07:32 without the Protestant Reformation, don't forget it.
07:36 So it talks about the Puritans.
07:39 Then you come down to the Quakers,
07:41 the Congregationalists, and the Amish.
07:43 Then you come down to the Great Awakenings,
07:46 and you have the Southern Baptists.
07:49 And then we're told by The Economist,
07:52 you've also got there
07:54 as true Protestants Seventh-day Adventists,
07:58 and the Methodists, and the Salvation Army,
08:01 and the Assemblies of God,
08:04 and it talks about all the churches
08:06 that came from the Protestant Reformation.
08:10 And these churches were raised up by God.
08:16 And when they were raised up by God,
08:19 they brought a positive message
08:21 of hope and salvation to the world,
08:25 the results of Protestantism.
08:26 Now, I know this gets some people terribly mad,
08:28 but you can argue with me
08:30 but you can't argue with the facts.
08:32 These are just the facts.
08:34 The Economist magazine is not a religious article,
08:37 it's just telling you the facts.
08:40 It's talking about economics.
08:44 The results of Protestantism, freedom of conscience.
08:48 I have a free conscience
08:49 because I've confessed my sins to Jesus
08:52 and Jesus has forgiven me.
08:55 Freedom of conscience, prosperity in all things,
09:00 and the liberation of women, and that is why, ladies,
09:04 if you want to go to a place where women are liberated,
09:09 you better go to a place
09:10 that has heard the Protestant gospel.
09:15 This is the truth.
09:18 I'm going to read to you here from The Economist.
09:20 Let me see what I can find for you.
09:24 It says, "Protestant toleration was good for business, too."
09:30 It goes on and says, that the wealthiest countries
09:33 in the world were the Protestant ones.
09:37 It's true.
09:39 Like the United States...
09:40 Just go and look and see where the Protestant Reformers
09:45 unleashed their message upon the world.
09:49 They're the best countries in the world.
09:52 It's where women are liberated
09:54 and it's where people are the happiest
09:58 and the most prosperous.
10:00 This is the truth
10:03 and it even draws a map of those countries.
10:08 "The places where Protestantism is most alive
10:12 and seems politically most salient
10:15 where its churches continue to argue about
10:18 who is right and what the Bible means,
10:20 issuing statements and counterstatements
10:22 just as Luther did,"
10:26 this is where it says it's retained,
10:28 it's important status in the world.
10:33 And then it says, "Where overweening rulers
10:36 clash with people demanding
10:38 their rights to religious freedom,
10:41 Luther's divisive, dynamic spirit
10:43 will remain an inspiration for a long time to come."
10:47 And then it goes on to say this.
10:50 Now listen to is, my American friends.
10:55 Communist China is an oppressive place,
10:59 but that's where Protestantism thrives.
11:02 We thrive when we are oppressed,
11:06 and in communist China
11:08 where people are being still beaten up for their faith,
11:12 where the government is bulldozing our churches.
11:17 Within the next three or four years,
11:20 The Economist magazine says, we are going to have
11:26 more than 160 million Protestants,
11:32 160 million.
11:34 It says, America no longer will be
11:37 the biggest Protestant country,
11:38 it will be China where people are going,
11:44 are still being oppressed,
11:49 where the Protestants grow
11:52 so God blesses the nation.
11:56 It's a fact, you can argue with me,
11:58 may not like what I'm saying, it's the truth.
12:01 The best countries, the freest countries,
12:05 the most prosperous countries, I've been around the world
12:08 so many times, I've lost count.
12:10 The cleanest countries, the safest countries,
12:14 the healthiest countries are the countries
12:17 that accepted the preaching of the Protestant Reformers.
12:21 That's the truth. That's the truth.
12:26 And that's why so many people from other countries
12:29 are just lining up to get into these countries
12:32 where the gospel was preached,
12:34 that's what's happening.
12:36 Protestantism, 500 years ago, a Roman Catholic priest,
12:41 I'm not saying anything against Catholics,
12:43 the heroes of this story they're all Roman Catholics,
12:47 Protestants reformers, Roman Catholics.
12:51 Five hundred years ago a Roman Catholic priest
12:54 nailed his 95 theses
12:56 to the door of a Roman Catholic Church,
13:00 he had some courage.
13:04 He started a revolution that released a tidal wave
13:07 of freedom, life, and prosperity
13:10 around the world.
13:11 And I have a question for you,
13:14 and I've got a question
13:15 for the television audience, here it is.
13:19 Are you a Protestant or are you a Roman Catholic?
13:25 Now I'm going to tell you how you can find out.
13:28 I got a number of questions here.
13:30 Number one, "I believe in the final authority of Scripture,
13:36 not a church committee and not the pope."
13:40 I believe in the final authority of Scripture,
13:42 not a church committee or the pope.
13:44 If you say, "No, I can't believe that",
13:47 then you're a Catholic.
13:48 But if you say, yes, you're a Protestant, you see?
13:52 Now question number two.
13:55 You can see it on the screen.
13:57 "I believe all doctrine must be based on the Bible alone,
14:00 not on other writings.
14:02 If you say yes to that, I believe in the Bible alone,
14:07 you're a Protestant.
14:09 If you say, no, you're a Catholic.
14:12 Number three, "I believe that religious hierarchies..."
14:15 This gets me into trouble in my own church.
14:18 "I believe that religious hierarchies are basically
14:21 Roman Catholic in nature, and often make mistakes.
14:26 If you say, "No, no, I can't believe that,"
14:29 then you're a Catholic.
14:30 But if you say, "Yes, I believe that,"
14:34 then you're a Protestant.
14:35 Number four, "I believe I'm saved only by Jesus,
14:40 not good works done in me by the Holy Spirit."
14:43 If you say yes, you are a Protestant.
14:47 Number five, "I believe I have direct access to God
14:52 without a priest or a pastor."
14:55 If you say, no, no, I don't believe that,
14:59 well, that's because you're a Catholic.
15:01 But if you say, yes, I believe that, you're a Protestant.
15:04 Number six, "I believe I'm saved and safe
15:08 when I come to Christ in true faith."
15:11 Saved safe, justified, liberated, emancipated,
15:17 on my way to glory, going direct to Amazon, see?
15:23 Don't have to go to the mall.
15:27 Don't have to negotiate for bargains.
15:29 And if you say, I believe I'm saved and safe
15:32 when I come to Christ in true faith,
15:34 then you're a Protestant.
15:36 Number seven, "I believe the church cannot take my name
15:40 out of the Book of Life."
15:42 Oh, I know some Protestants would say,
15:44 no, no, if I give this fellow a membership
15:46 because I disagree with somebody
15:48 then I'm gonna go to hell
15:49 'cause the church can do that, that's nonsense.
15:53 No, no, no, I believe the church cannot take my name
15:58 out of the Book of Life, yes.
16:00 I'm a Protestant.
16:02 Number eight, "When my conscience conflicts
16:05 with my church," including my own Protestant church,
16:10 "I must disobey the church and follow my conscience."
16:14 I say, yes, you see?
16:17 Now I know lots of folks in my church they say,
16:21 "No, no, no, I'm concerned about my job,
16:26 so I've got to say no."
16:28 I say, when my conscience conflicts with the church,
16:32 I must disobey my church and follow my conscience.
16:36 Yes, yes.
16:40 Number nine, I believe the real reason the church exists
16:45 is not to sit around and waste time
16:46 with heaps of committees
16:49 because after people spend so much time
16:51 in their committees nothing has been accomplished
16:54 except that they feel good.
16:57 They think they've done something, they have.
17:00 They wasted their own time and the Lord's time.
17:03 Listen, I believe the real reason the church exists
17:07 is to preach the Gospel of Christ.
17:09 Yes, that's what a Protestant says.
17:11 Number ten, "I believe my first loyalty is to God,
17:16 not the church organization."
17:18 No, says the Catholic.
17:22 The church organization first, it is divinely inspired.
17:27 That's the teaching of the papacy.
17:33 I believe my first loyalty is to God,
17:36 not the church organization.
17:37 Yes.
17:40 And if you can say yes to all of those things,
17:43 you're a Protestant.
17:45 And you're part of the Holy Spirit
17:47 anointed movement of divine destiny.
17:49 Protestantism is the original Christian religion.
17:54 Lost for more than a thousand years
17:56 but now restored.
17:58 It is the wave of the future, it is marching on to glory.
18:05 You see?
18:07 And you may know some poor little Protestant Church
18:10 in America or Australia that's dying.
18:14 That's probably those people in that church
18:18 are Catholic Protestants.
18:21 They don't know what they believe,
18:22 they've got no conviction,
18:24 they've got no fire in their bellies,
18:26 they're lazy, you see?
18:30 But I want you to know that the true Protestant Church
18:32 is marching home to glory, hallelujah!
18:36 Now let me give you a text,
18:37 Revelation 7:9, 10 and bit more.
18:42 Revelation 7:9, "After these things
18:46 I looked and behold,
18:48 a great multitude which no one could number,
18:52 of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues,
18:55 standing before the throne and before the Lamb,
18:59 clothed with white robes,
19:01 with palm branches in their hands,
19:04 and crying out with a loud voice,
19:05 saying, 'Salvation belongs to our God
19:09 who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!'" Christ.
19:14 "Then one of the elders answered, saying to me,
19:17 'Who are these arrayed in white robes," you see?
19:21 They're justified. Who are they?
19:23 "Where did they come from?
19:24 I said to him, 'Sir, you know.'
19:26 So he said to me, 'These are the ones
19:28 who came out of the great tribulation,
19:31 and washed their robes
19:33 and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.'"
19:35 They are true Protestants.
19:38 You know why?
19:39 'Cause they're washed in the blood of the Lamb.
19:41 They go directly to Christ for salvation.
19:45 They have a personal experience with Christ.
19:47 You see, Catholicism emphasizes the glory of the church
19:53 and the infallibility of the pontiff.
19:57 Protestantism emphasizes not the glory of the church,
20:01 but the glory of the Christ, you see,
20:04 and the fallibility of all earthly committees
20:11 and earthly people.
20:15 So don't you get it out of your heads
20:17 if you want to be saved.
20:19 Sola Christus, only Christ.
20:21 Sola scriptura, only scripture.
20:24 Sola gratia, only grace.
20:27 Can't you hear, Luther?
20:29 Sola fide, only faith.
20:33 We're not saved by faith and works,
20:35 we're saved by our faith that works.
20:39 You see, you get it.
20:44 So it's marching home to glory.
20:47 Millions in the Roman Catholic countries of Latin America
20:50 are leaving the Church of Rome
20:52 and joining the Church of Jesus.
20:54 In 1970, there were 23 million Protestants in Latin America,
20:58 they're now up to 2015, 121 million Protestants.
21:04 Now, I have been to El Salvador,
21:10 a Roman Catholic country, full of crime, full of drugs,
21:16 full of violence, and full of darkness,
21:22 but God is not dead in El Salvador.
21:25 I want you to see the people who came to the meetings.
21:28 We hired 765 busses to bring the people.
21:35 Here they, look at the stadium,
21:37 it is the biggest stadium in Central America,
21:41 the biggest crowd
21:43 in the history of the football stadium
21:44 and those folks are crazy for football.
21:47 But I want to tell you
21:49 there's something stronger than football,
21:51 it is Sola Christus, only Christ, Sola scriptura,
21:56 sola gratia, sola fide, this is what we preach there.
22:01 In one day, we saw 5,000,
22:05 many Roman Catholics baptized.
22:08 The vice president of the nation said to me,
22:11 this is what El Salvador needs,
22:13 that Protestant gospel because that liberates people.
22:18 It lifts people up, it redeems people, you see.
22:24 So I'm a Protestant, I guess you can work that out by now.
22:28 I'm on the winning side.
22:30 My beloved dad was a strong Roman Catholic.
22:35 His father and mother were strong Roman Catholics,
22:38 his mother came from Tipperary.
22:40 And his father came from England,
22:42 but he was a Catholic too.
22:44 As a boy, my dear old dad all he knew was the church,
22:49 many beatings were his mistakes,
22:52 he was an altar boy in the church.
22:57 Well, I knew him growing up, I saw he had no peace, no joy,
23:02 he knew the math and Latin, but he never read the Bible,
23:06 he didn't know what it was.
23:10 He lived in fear of hell,
23:13 until he found the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior.
23:17 He started to read his Bible,
23:20 he found hope, and faith, and joy
23:24 and was baptized as a Protestant Adventist.
23:30 He died with the certainty of the resurrection.
23:34 He died believing in only Christ, only scripture,
23:38 only grace, only faith,
23:41 I could have been a Catholic priest,
23:46 but with the help of my mother who was a strong Protestant,
23:50 I found the true gospel.
23:54 And today, I thank God that first and foremost,
24:01 I am a Christian, that's my religion.
24:06 And secondly, I thank God
24:09 that I am a Protestant.
24:14 And thirdly, thirdly,
24:18 I am an Adventist.
24:22 And in that order, and if you get it wrong,
24:25 you won't be a Christian, you won't be a Protestant,
24:27 you won't be anything,
24:31 except a very unhappy person.
24:34 And today, I'm going to do something
24:36 as we wind up this program.
24:39 I'm going to dedicate this program
24:40 to my mom and my dad,
24:44 to James and Jean Carter.
24:48 This old man who died
24:51 with his faith in Christ as a true Protestant,
24:55 no longer fearing the flame,
25:00 and I dedicated to my mother
25:05 'cause she is with my two sisters.
25:08 And there she was when she was 97 years of age
25:13 going strong, reading the Bible,
25:16 and giving me a hard time.
25:23 So I dedicate the program to them.
25:26 My mother, a great Protestant
25:32 who understood the prophecies of the Bible,
25:35 who taught me to love the Bible
25:40 and to hate the antichrist,
25:44 and to be true to the faith of my fathers.
25:49 And so it is with joy today
25:55 that I dedicate this program on Protestantism
26:00 to my mother and to my father
26:05 whom one day soon in glory,
26:08 I shall see again because Christ is the way,
26:14 the truth, and the life, amen.
26:30 This is my 43rd visit...
26:36 to preach the everlasting gospel
26:39 of our Lord Jesus Christ.
26:51 And they had smoke bombs and they had fire bombs,
26:54 and the Russian army had to take me to the meetings.
27:00 I come here, my friend, because of the need.
27:03 These were days of grace and glory, and mighty power.
27:09 For a donation of $100 or more,
27:12 a signed copy of the John Carter biography
27:14 can be yours by writing to us at the address on the screen
27:17 or visit our website.
27:27 The word began in a village,
27:30 churches and schools sprang up and multiplied,
27:35 reaching into the city.
27:38 Great truths revealed to the people of Papua New Guinea
27:43 changing thousands of lives.
27:46 Our eyes are going to be opened
27:49 to the discovery of amazing truths.
27:53 The greatest truth in the Bible,
27:55 it is the truth that God loves you.
27:58 It has completely changed my life,
28:00 and I'm going to be baptized this Sabbath.
28:02 Pastor Carter has put something in my heart
28:05 that I will never forget.
28:06 Thank you Pastor Carter for your program,
28:08 it has changed my life completely.
28:11 John Carter's "Great Truths Revealed"
28:13 was recorded live from Papua New Guinea.
28:15 Experience the miracles in this 21 DVD series
28:18 for a gift of $150 US or $210 Australian.
28:23 To order, visit our website or call.
28:28 For a copy today's program,
28:30 please contact us at PO Box 1900,
28:34 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:38 Or in Australia, contact us at PO Box 861,
28:43 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:47 This program is made possible
28:49 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:52 We thank you for your continued support.
28:55 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2018-03-07