Carter Report, The

“Same-Sex Marriage and the Mark of the Beast” P2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001730A

00:01 I'm John Carter in Moscow...
00:02 I'm now in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
00:04 I'm John Carter in Petra...
00:06 Reporting from India...
00:08 In Columbia... I'm John Carter.
00:11 Today on the Carter Report,
00:12 John Carter talks about same-sex marriage
00:15 and the mark of the beast.
00:21 Welcome back.
00:22 The same-sex marriage and the mark of the beast.
00:28 Now, I am talking today not as a politician.
00:31 I am not a politician,
00:33 I am a minister of the gospel and a humble Christian.
00:37 I believe the Bible.
00:39 And therefore, I want to say to all my friends
00:42 who are watching the telecast today,
00:45 I just want you to open up your mind and say,
00:48 "Is this fair and reasonable?"
00:51 I believe what we need more than anything else
00:54 in America today is more tolerance,
00:57 and more love, and more kindness,
01:01 and so I want to share these texts with you.
01:03 Now, the first text
01:04 I am taking out from where I left off
01:06 in the last session.
01:07 I want you to turn over here to Romans 1:24 to 27.
01:12 In the last session,
01:14 I took a text out of the Old Testament.
01:16 Now, I am going to take one out of the New Testament.
01:20 We're going to come to Romans 1:24 to 27,
01:24 and I am going to ask you, put yourself in my situation.
01:29 How can I as a person who professes to follow Christ
01:33 and the teachings of the Bible,
01:34 how can I disregard these texts.
01:37 Please, be honest and tell me.
01:40 Paul says, "Therefore God also
01:43 gave them up to uncleanness,
01:47 in the lust of their hearts,
01:50 to dishonor their bodies among themselves,
01:55 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie,
01:59 and worshiped and served
02:01 the creature rather than the Creator,
02:04 who is blessed forever.
02:06 Amen.
02:07 For this reason God gave them up
02:10 to vile passions.
02:12 For even their women exchanged
02:15 the natural use for what is against nature.
02:19 Likewise also the men,
02:23 leaving the natural use of the woman,
02:27 burned in their lust for one another,
02:29 men with men committing
02:35 what is shameful,
02:37 and receiving in themselves
02:38 the penalty of their error which was due."
02:43 Is somebody going to say to me that's hate speech?
02:47 Are people going to say,
02:49 are liberal people going to say,
02:51 "I am not going to allow you to teach these things.
02:54 You've got to take this Bible out of the church.
02:58 You can't teach this in church school
03:01 because we don't believe in freedom of speech for you."
03:06 But the Bible says very plainly here,
03:10 the sex between men and men,
03:13 and women and women
03:16 is forbidden in the scriptures.
03:21 And as Martin Luther said,
03:23 "My conscience is bound by the Word of God
03:29 unless I am convinced
03:31 by reason of the text of the Bible,
03:34 I cannot and I will not recant."
03:37 So that is my friend, the Christians' stand
03:41 and the Christians' dilemma in our liberal society.
03:47 As some time back,
03:49 I saw an interview with Pastor Rick Warren
03:53 and Piers Morgan on CNN.
03:56 And Piers Morgan, who is doing a stint
04:00 from the great land of England had said
04:04 to Pastor Rick Warren
04:05 who has been called America's pastor.
04:09 He said, "How can you be against same-sex marriage?"
04:14 He said, well, Rick Warren said,
04:16 "Piers, my problem is, the Bible is against it."
04:19 He said as well,
04:20 "Isn't it time for you to update the Bible?
04:25 Isn't it time for you to get rid
04:27 of these offensive passages?"
04:31 Pastor Warren said this and I would say the same,
04:34 "We love homosexuals..."
04:37 Hear this, we love you,
04:40 Jesus loves you, Jesus died for you,
04:44 we love you.
04:46 "But the bible says homosexual acts are wrong,
04:49 just as adultery is wrong.
04:53 All sins are wrong."
04:56 I believe being homosexual is not a sin
05:02 but choosing to break the law of God is a sin,
05:08 whether it would be fornication,
05:10 or adultery, or any other sin.
05:14 Now in America, we have here
05:15 a great organization called the NAACP,
05:20 National Association
05:21 for the Advancement of Colored Persons.
05:24 They have made same-sex marriage
05:27 as civil rights issue
05:31 against the views of the vast majority
05:35 of African-Americans
05:37 in this great land of the United States.
05:41 But I would point out today,
05:44 you can't chose your color when you are born.
05:49 Perhaps you can't choose your sexual orientation,
05:55 but you can choose what you do.
05:59 And so this is not,
06:01 I would say respectfully
06:02 this is not a civil rights issue,
06:05 this is a moral issue.
06:09 May I say this,
06:11 and I say it in love but I say it.
06:14 The media generally, not everybody
06:18 but the media generally is opposed to Christ
06:21 and Christianity and represents the liberal left.
06:27 Many of those people
06:29 are atheists and Marxists,
06:34 and they seem to want to pull down Christianity,
06:38 they seem to want to pull down the cross at every opportunity,
06:43 and if they can poke a finger
06:46 at some pedophile in the church,
06:50 they jump for joy,
06:52 but I want to remind the media today
06:55 about this important truth.
06:58 What corrupt ministers and priests too,
07:02 this is got nothing to do with Christ, and the Bible,
07:07 and the Word of God.
07:09 Please, do not confuse the issue with all this smoke.
07:15 The liberal left, I say,
07:17 "Look at the sex scandals in Hollywood.
07:22 Look at the sex scandals among the stars of the media,
07:25 left and right.
07:29 Look at the sex scandals
07:31 among the politicians."
07:35 And these are the people
07:38 who tell you what to do and most of us,
07:42 not am I saying it are so naive,
07:46 we believe what they say.
07:49 Today, when you turn on the news
07:51 you don't get the news,
07:52 you get somebody's opinion,
07:57 whatever happened to news.
08:00 So what am I to do?
08:02 I'm talking to myself, I will not surrender my faith,
08:06 remember Luther.
08:08 If you ask me to participate
08:10 in a gay marriage as a Christian,
08:14 I will politely say no,
08:18 because this would involve my right to worship God,
08:21 and I am not going to be dragged back
08:23 to the days of the dark ages
08:25 when people were so intolerant.
08:28 I refuse to go backwards.
08:32 You have the right to do,
08:34 to choose to do what you want to do,
08:37 and I have the right to do the same,
08:41 and God helping me,
08:42 I will be true to my conscience and true to the Bible, you say.
08:47 Remember, many on the far left
08:50 like those on the far right are motivated
08:53 by the spirit of intolerance
08:57 and they believe in freedom of speech,
09:00 say certainly do
09:01 but only to themselves
09:04 and for themselves.
09:07 Recently, I was visiting
09:09 the beautiful city of Sydney.
09:13 I went to the Town Hall
09:15 where once I held evangelistic meetings,
09:17 the City Hall.
09:19 And next to the City Hall is one of my favorite spots,
09:24 it is the Anglican cathedral.
09:28 And the Anglican cathedral
09:29 and the Anglican people in Sydney
09:32 take the same stand that I do
09:35 because they believe the Bible.
09:37 And they have issued a warning from the Anglican Church,
09:41 the Church of England and Sydney says,
09:43 "Christians in Australia
09:45 can expect to be persecuted."
09:49 And therefore I say,
09:51 we must remember Martin Luther who said, "Here I stand."
09:56 The Christian church must say, "Here I stand."
10:00 My own denomination, my own church,
10:03 I am an Adventist Christian,
10:05 my own church must step up to the front and say,
10:08 "Here I stand."
10:12 And not be babies, and not be cowards.
10:18 It's easy to be brave
10:19 when there is nothing to be brave about.
10:23 It is time for Christians to say, "Here I stand.
10:26 I will stand with the Anglicans.
10:28 I will stand with every person
10:32 whoever he is."
10:35 The next question,
10:36 do I have the right to love everyone
10:38 as President Obama once said.
10:41 In an interview with Pastor Rick Warren,
10:44 Senator Obama said, listen,
10:48 these are his words,
10:50 "I believe that marriage is the union between a man
10:54 and a woman.
10:57 Now, for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union.
11:01 God's in the mix," said Senator Obama.
11:07 Why did he change?
11:09 Remember,
11:10 President and Mrs. Clinton and DOMA,
11:14 the Defense of Marriage Act.
11:17 Don't you remember President Clinton saying,
11:20 "I will defend marriage
11:23 which is a sacred union of one man and one woman."
11:27 Don't you remember that?
11:30 Have you forgotten?
11:31 Have you forgotten the pledges of President Obama?
11:41 I will answer the question,
11:44 do I have the right to love anybody
11:46 with another question.
11:47 Do I have the right
11:51 to sexually love little children?
11:55 Do I have the right to love many women sexually?
12:00 Canada is grouping now with this problem.
12:02 They are all for same-sex marriage
12:05 but now there is a great influx of people coming
12:08 into the country who practice polygamy.
12:12 How can they say that is morally wrong?
12:17 So we will take this and we will take that,
12:19 and we will be our own gods.
12:22 Do I have the right to sexually love animals?
12:27 Some say, "Yes,"
12:31 but as a Christian I say, "No, no, no."
12:37 And many
12:38 who are not Christians agree with me
12:42 including many honorable members
12:45 in the gay community.
12:48 They say, "Polygamy is wrong."
12:51 I say to them, "Who says?"
12:57 Many of these people do not believe,
12:58 who do not believe the Bible will often take
13:01 a correct moral stand
13:03 based on romantic feelings of right and wrong.
13:06 Why? Well, we think it so.
13:08 I want something more than romantic feelings
13:11 of right and wrong.
13:12 I want an infallible guide and that infallible guide for me
13:15 is the Bible, forgive me.
13:17 May I remind you
13:18 that all great civilizations have been built
13:20 upon the moral code down in the Ten Commandments.
13:23 You can't just say this is wrong.
13:29 You must have a reason
13:31 that is bigger than your personal likes
13:32 and your personal dislikes, you say.
13:37 Once upon a time there was a great dam.
13:42 It stood solid and firm for many years.
13:46 It was here in the land of America.
13:51 It was holding back a mighty sea of water.
13:54 But then there came a man
13:56 who drilled a hole into the wall of the dam,
14:00 soon there was a little prickle,
14:03 then a rush, then a flood.
14:08 President Obama, what they're trying to do so,
14:13 was the man who drilled the hole
14:15 in the wall of the dam.
14:19 And you say to him,
14:21 "Why did you change your view point?
14:22 Because you said things to Pastor Rick Warren,
14:26 you agreed with Bill Clinton on the defense of marriage
14:30 and most American people have forgotten
14:33 all of those things.
14:36 What's wrong?
14:40 Could it be the politicians gave up their moral stand
14:46 because of votes?
14:50 Not a moral issue anymore, how can I get the votes?
14:56 Now, I have news for you.
15:00 When you bore a hole into the wall of the dam,
15:04 you can be sure of one thing,
15:08 the flood is coming.
15:10 The flood is coming.
15:13 You can laugh, you can sneer,
15:15 you can make it look good,
15:19 but the flood is coming.
15:21 Would you come over here to Jude, the Book of Jude,
15:24 second last book in the Bible,
15:26 Jude 4-7
15:29 in the Holy Word of God.
15:33 Now, can you see why some people hate the Bible
15:37 because it condemns them.
15:40 "For certain men have crept in unnoticed,
15:42 who long ago were marked out for this condemnation,
15:45 ungodly men,
15:47 who turn the grace of God into lewdness
15:49 and deny the only God and our Lord Jesus Christ.
15:52 But I want to remind you, though you once knew this,
15:56 that the Lord having saved
15:57 the people out of the land of Egypt,
16:01 afterward destroyed those who did not believe..."
16:04 They were saved and they were lost.
16:06 "And the angels
16:07 who did not keep their proper domain,
16:09 but left their first abode,
16:11 He has reserved in everlasting chains
16:14 under darkness
16:16 for the judgment of the great day..."
16:17 Judgment is coming.
16:19 "As Sodom and Gomorrah,
16:23 and the cities around them in a similar manner to these,
16:28 having given themselves over to sexual immorality
16:34 and gone after strange flesh,
16:38 are set forth for an example,
16:43 suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."
16:53 There is a flood coming.
16:55 I think of the words
16:56 that really great man Thomas Jefferson who said,
16:59 "I tremble for my country
17:03 when I reflect that God is just,
17:06 that his justice cannot sleep forever."
17:09 Almost everybody today believes
17:12 that America is in a moral free fall.
17:18 A national apostasy will be followed
17:21 by national ruin.
17:26 He said, "I tremble for my country."
17:30 Woo to God, we had leaders
17:33 like the founding fathers of America.
17:39 Why did you call Revelation 13
17:41 that talks about the mark of the beast?
17:45 Because the mark of the beast
17:46 is fundamentally an attack upon the law of God.
17:50 Daniel 7:25 is a parallel prophecy.
17:56 Daniel 7:25,
17:58 "He shall speak pompous words against the Most High,
18:00 shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
18:02 and shall intend to change times and law.
18:06 Then saints shall be given into his hands for a time
18:09 and times and half a time."
18:10 Without giving you an exegesis.
18:12 The mark of the beast is tied up,
18:15 my beloved friends,
18:16 with an attack upon the law of Almighty God.
18:22 The mark of the beast is tied up
18:24 with an attack upon the law of God
18:27 by the government
18:28 which will then enforce its own laws.
18:33 Pretty scary, huh?
18:36 In the Garden of Eden, God gave two great gifts.
18:41 You can read it in Genesis 1 and 2.
18:43 The first gift was marriage.
18:46 Genesis 1:27,
18:48 two gifts given in the Garden of Eden.
18:50 "So God created man in His own image,
18:53 in image of God He created him,
18:55 male and female He created them."
18:58 This is marriage, one man, one woman.
19:01 Now Genesis 2:24,
19:06 "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother
19:10 and be joined to his wife,
19:12 and they shall become one flesh."
19:15 The first great gift that God gave
19:17 to the human race was marriage.
19:21 And the second great gift
19:23 that God gave to the human race was the Sabbath.
19:27 Genesis 2:1-3 says,
19:31 "Thus the heavens and the earth,
19:33 and all the host of them, were finished.
19:35 And on the seventh day God ended His work
19:37 which He had done,
19:39 and He rested on the seventh day
19:41 from all His work which He had done.
19:44 Then God blessed the seventh day
19:47 and sanctified it
19:49 because in it He rested from all His work
19:53 which God had created and made."
19:55 Look at me and listen up, and listen up real good.
20:00 In the Garden of Eden,
20:03 God gave two mighty pillars
20:07 of society,
20:11 marriage and the Sabbath.
20:15 The devil hates them both.
20:19 When you destroy marriage
20:23 and the Sabbath,
20:26 hell is not far behind.
20:32 Now, listen to this. Listen to this.
20:37 My authority, you,
20:39 some will say to me after this telecast,
20:42 well, the Supreme Court says so, that makes it right.
20:46 That doesn't make it right at all.
20:50 Aren't you listening to me?
20:52 The Supreme Court is not the Supreme Court,
20:56 there is a Supreme Court in glory.
21:03 And when the Supreme Court contradicts the law of God,
21:06 I contradict the Supreme Court
21:10 because that is our authority of the Supreme Court
21:15 and a bunch of politicians shaking
21:19 in their shoes.
21:22 And let me read you something,
21:26 Karl Barth loved this statement,
21:28 often quoted it,
21:30 "When the holy day becomes the day of man, society,
21:33 and humanity wither away and the demons rule."
21:37 The great German theologian,
21:39 the greatest theologian probably of the 20th century.
21:43 When you get rid of the Sabbath,
21:44 he says the demons rule.
21:47 The same happens when the holy union of a man
21:49 and a woman is replaced
21:51 by a man made institution.
21:55 Society and humanity wither away.
21:59 The essence of the mark of the beast
22:00 is the acceptance of God,
22:02 man's law instead of God's law.
22:05 When the state changes God's law and enforces it,
22:09 there you have in essence, the mark of the beast.
22:14 When you accept
22:15 the law of the state in the place
22:16 of the law of the Creator,
22:18 you are bowing down and accepting in essence
22:23 the mark of the beast.
22:29 So it matters, doesn't it?
22:32 Therefore, what is my conclusion?
22:37 What shall we do?
22:40 I speak as a Christian, not as a politician.
22:46 I speak as a Christian who believes the Holy Bible.
22:49 Number one, "Resolve to love all people,"
22:53 even the intolerant bigots on the left and the right.
22:58 And show an attitude of tolerance
23:00 not for the sin but for the sinner.
23:02 We all need love and grace.
23:07 We are all broken. We are all broken.
23:09 We're all born broken.
23:12 The heterosexual and the homosexual,
23:15 we're all broken.
23:19 Number two, "Stand up and speak up for Christ,
23:22 do not be intimidated by lawless men and women."
23:25 When we were in Ukraine in 1995,
23:28 the government said to me, "Close down the meetings,
23:33 or else we will put you in prison."
23:36 I said, "Go ahead."
23:41 Pride, whether you're gonna close down?
23:43 No.
23:46 That was the word they never heard before,
23:48 a preacher saying, "No."
23:51 Therefore stand up, don't be intimidated.
23:55 Number three, "Prepare for persecution."
24:01 Well, Billy Graham
24:03 was out running his great campaigns.
24:05 He was a moral force.
24:10 He was the conscience of America.
24:15 He said,
24:16 "Christians will be persecuted in the United States
24:20 by the United States government,
24:24 get ready for it."
24:26 Number four,
24:28 "Rejoice that you are called
24:29 to serve Christ in difficult times."
24:35 When I was in China, I met a pastor
24:40 because he wouldn't give up his faith
24:43 in the days of Mao.
24:46 He was tortured,
24:47 thrown into prison for ten years,
24:49 slept on concrete, beaten everyday, starved.
24:53 After ten years, they let him out,
24:56 they put him in another prison on the concrete being beaten,
25:00 went on for ten years.
25:03 I felt that I was in the prisons
25:05 of greatness.
25:06 May God raise up in His church,
25:11 men and women who will stand for the truth,
25:16 though the heavens fall.
25:19 Therefore...
25:21 Therefore, I say this to you
25:26 to my Australian friends, my American friends,
25:30 my friends around the world,
25:32 I say to you,
25:34 less I am convinced by reason
25:38 or the text of the Bible.
25:41 My conscience is captive to the Word of God.
25:47 Therefore, I cannot
25:51 and I will not recant...
25:57 Here I stand.
26:00 I can do no other.
26:05 God help me.
26:08 Amen. And amen.
26:13 And amen.
26:16 In the series, This I Believe,
26:19 Pastor Carter reveals the heart and soul of the Carter Report.
26:23 I believe in Jesus Christ.
26:28 I believe in the Ten Commandments.
26:33 I believe in the true gospel.
26:38 I believe in the last days.
26:44 I believe in the America
26:46 that believes in God.
26:50 I believe in heaven.
26:54 I believe in evangelism.
27:00 This I believe.
27:03 The seven DVD series,
27:05 This I Believe can be yours with the gift of $75 US
27:09 or $105 Australia.
27:11 Please write to us at the address on the screen
27:13 or visit our website at
27:18 Pastor Carter and the Carter Report team
27:21 recently returned from Russia.
27:23 They brought back with them a special report
27:25 on Putin's new Russia.
27:29 I've gone there 49 times
27:31 because I've seen the power of God.
27:37 John Carter would like to offer you
27:38 this free one hour DVD, report from Putin's new Russia.
27:44 That is why I believe that the greatest gift
27:47 is the gift of the apostle.
27:51 Write to the address on the screen, call,
27:54 or visit our website
27:55 and receive your free DVD report
27:58 about Putin's new Russia.
28:00 I have seen Pentecost.
28:02 I have seen the power of God.
28:08 Get your free DVD report from Putin's new Russia
28:12 and watch the amazing transforming power
28:15 of the Gospel of Christ.
28:21 For a copy of today's program,
28:23 please contact us at P.O. Box 1900,
28:27 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:31 Or in Australia,
28:33 contact us at P.O. Box 861,
28:36 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:40 This program is made possible
28:42 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:45 We thank you for your continued support.
28:48 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2018-03-29