Carter Report, The

Prophecy and the Coming Earthquake Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001807A

00:01 An economic earthquake is coming,
00:03 and John Carter has the facts to prove it.
00:06 Will America's deficit
00:07 bring about the collapse of the present world order?
00:11 What happened in the ill-fated Weimar Republic?
00:14 And how does that affect us?
00:16 Does Bible prophecy reveal our future?
00:20 Now, here is John Carter
00:22 with the answers.
00:28 Today, we're talking about
00:29 the coming financial earthquake.
00:32 I'm sure, you all have heard the statement.
00:36 It's almost impossible
00:39 to get someone to see an idea or truth
00:43 when his salary depends upon him not seeing it.
00:47 Is this true? Is it not?
00:50 It's almost impossible to get someone to see an idea
00:53 or to see something or a truth
00:57 when his salary,
01:00 his income depends upon him not seeing it.
01:05 And, of course, correct English is
01:08 depends upon his not seeing it.
01:10 But who cares?
01:13 And that is a great truth.
01:14 The topic today is prophecy
01:18 and the coming economic earthquake.
01:22 I want to tell you today at the start of the story,
01:24 the almost forgotten story
01:27 of the Weimar Republic.
01:31 The war that was going to end all wars, what war was that?
01:35 First Word War 1914 to 1918.
01:39 During that war,
01:41 you had Germany, Hungary, Austria,
01:44 and Turkey against France,
01:47 Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and Japan.
01:51 And then America joined the battle sometime in 1917,
01:57 and it hope to bring the war to an end.
02:00 But not before tens of millions
02:04 of people had been butchered.
02:08 Not thousands, not hundreds of thousands,
02:11 but tens of millions that was the war
02:16 that they said was going to end all wars.
02:21 How sad that it didn't happen this way.
02:24 Germany was eventually defeated,
02:28 but Germany had borrowed heavily
02:31 to pay the bills for running the war.
02:34 And now they were forced to pay tremendous payments
02:39 to the allies.
02:40 Most of these payments were quite unjustified.
02:46 And so the Germans in their desperation,
02:49 they continued to borrow heavily,
02:54 and they just let the printing presses run
02:58 so they printed money.
03:01 Now, I'm going to put up here little graph
03:04 that shows you about the Weimar Republic.
03:07 The Weimar Republic set up by the Germans ran
03:11 from 1919 after the First Word War
03:15 until 1933,
03:18 they borrowed heavily and printed money.
03:23 Of course, none of us would be so dumb
03:27 as to do that today, would we now?
03:32 No, of course, not.
03:34 Now, here is a man going
03:37 to buy a loaf of bread.
03:41 That's what he had to do in the morning,
03:43 but if he went in the evening,
03:46 he would have to take a truckload.
03:49 Notice over here,
03:51 Weimar Republic starts in 1919...
03:54 Oh, did you see it?
03:57 And by 1923,
04:01 it's a trillion marks to the dollar.
04:06 And that was not the end
04:07 because during the year of 1923,
04:11 you have 4,210,500,000,000
04:18 marks to the dollar.
04:22 People did some amazing things, for instance,
04:26 if you had dinner at 8 o'clock at night,
04:29 you would delay paying the bill
04:30 for as long as you could.
04:33 So if you talked from 8 o'clock to 11 o'clock,
04:36 and then you paid the bill,
04:39 the bill was about half, what it was
04:42 if you'd paid it an hour earlier.
04:44 And so,
04:47 it got completely out of control.
04:49 People used to get the marks bill
04:52 that used to be something so solid, it was like gold,
04:56 and they would wallpaper their homes with marks,
05:02 these notes from the German government.
05:07 I want you to think about what happened.
05:10 There was a man
05:12 who was tremendously disgruntled
05:15 by the reparations forced
05:17 upon his country by Great Britain,
05:21 France, and America.
05:23 His name was Adolf.
05:27 He watched, waited, and made his move.
05:32 And the end result was the Second World War,
05:37 and the murder of millions and millions of Jews
05:42 and the deaths of tens of millions.
05:46 This was because
05:50 of the terrible inflation,
05:53 and the policy that was followed
05:55 by the Weimar Republic of just borrowing,
06:00 and printing money, and running up deficits.
06:06 Now there are no people in the world
06:08 who are more sophisticated
06:11 and were more sophisticated than the German people.
06:16 They were called the apostles of culture.
06:21 They gave us art and musicians,
06:26 and yet, this is the fact
06:28 that people don't like to talk about.
06:30 Let me tell it to you because it's the truth.
06:34 On August 1934,
06:38 the Germans voted 90%
06:43 in favor of Adolf Hitler.
06:49 Why did they do this?
06:54 Because of the chaos that it come to society
06:57 by runaway deficits,
07:00 and the collapse of the German mark.
07:04 You see when nations do these things,
07:07 very often they are selling
07:11 their seeds of self-destruction,
07:15 and paving the way
07:18 for the coming of an Adolf Hitler.
07:23 Now, of course, some would say
07:25 that would never happen today, would it?
07:28 Has anybody heard?
07:31 We've all heard of Hitler,
07:32 but what about if we go south of the border,
07:36 and we go down to Venezuela.
07:41 The Miami Herald makes this comment.
07:47 Their inflation rate right now, as I'm talking,
07:52 Miami Herald says the inflation rate is 4,000%.
07:58 And we think it's bad if it's 4%.
08:01 Four thousand percent.
08:03 Miami Herald says, it will soon be 30,000%,
08:08 and most likely by the end of the year 100,000%.
08:13 And what is happening in Venezuela?
08:17 A dictatorship.
08:20 People fighting in the streets,
08:22 the soldiers out on the street with machine guns.
08:30 So history tells us, it's happened before.
08:35 But remember,
08:37 90% of the Germans, the most educated,
08:39 the most sophisticated,
08:41 90% of the Germans voted
08:43 in favor of the Fuhrer.
08:49 Now, this teaches us a number of lessons,
08:52 it teaches us the necessity to think for ourselves.
08:58 The great Moses said,
09:00 "You shall not follow
09:01 a multitude to do evil."
09:06 And there is a theme
09:07 that I have in all of my meetings,
09:10 and it is not a populous theme,
09:12 it is this we need to think for ourselves.
09:17 We should not allow politicians to think for us.
09:22 And we should not allow religious hierarchies
09:26 to think for us.
09:28 If we do, one day,
09:30 we will become victims of Revelation 13
09:33 that talks about the mark of the beast, you see?
09:39 And the mark of the beast is conformity
09:44 to the multitude that is set on doing evil.
09:50 Now, the word of prophecy.
09:52 Would you come with me please
09:53 to the Book of Daniel 12:1
09:57 to the word of prophecy.
09:59 Daniel 12:1,
10:04 my friends.
10:05 And I'm reading it from the Bible.
10:09 "At that time Michael shall stand up,
10:13 the great prince who stands watch over
10:17 the sons of your people.
10:20 And there shall be a time of trouble,
10:23 such as never was since there was a nation
10:27 even to that same time.
10:29 And at that time your people shall be delivered,
10:34 every one who is found written in the book."
10:38 Listen to me,
10:40 the Bible teaches that before the end,
10:44 there comes a time of trouble
10:48 unlike any other time of trouble
10:50 that has befallen the sons of men.
10:53 So the Bible says, get this in your mind,
10:56 that before the end of time
10:59 there comes upon the world tremendous time of trouble.
11:05 But God will deliver His people, the Bible says.
11:08 Now, I want you to come over here
11:10 to Matthew 24 to the words of Jesus Christ.
11:15 Matthew 24:21.
11:22 Bible says,
11:23 "For then there will be great tribulation,
11:26 such as has not been
11:28 since the beginning of the world
11:30 until this time, nor ever shall be."
11:34 So Jesus takes the words of Daniel,
11:37 and He puts them into a New Testament setting.
11:42 And then if you come to verse 24
11:44 of the same chapter it says,
11:47 "For false christs
11:50 and false prophets will rise
11:53 and show great signs and wonders to deceive,
11:57 if possible, even the elect."
12:03 Listen to me,
12:06 the Bible says that this great time of trouble
12:12 that comes upon the human race
12:17 is so overwhelming in its
12:21 passionate intensity to deceive if it were possible,
12:27 even the very elect.
12:30 And the term the very elect refers
12:34 to those people
12:35 who had been elected by God for salvation,
12:40 they are the followers of the Christ.
12:43 Now here I go against
12:44 the stream
12:46 of eschatological prediction.
12:50 It is believed
12:52 by the vast majority of people...
12:56 Christians, at least,
12:57 in North America, nowhere else.
12:59 But in North America
13:01 that the church is ruptured home to glory,
13:06 and doesn't go
13:07 through this great time of trouble.
13:10 When I say, I say with difference
13:13 and apology to my Christian evangelical friends.
13:18 I do not wish to offend you, we will still be friends.
13:23 But the Bible teaches that this great time of trouble
13:28 comes upon the world, and it comes upon the elect.
13:34 Now I cannot tell you when this is going to happen.
13:38 But Jesus said,
13:39 "I'm going to give you signs so that you will know
13:42 that it is near even at the very door."
13:46 Jesus said, "Of that day and hour no man knows."
13:50 But you will know
13:51 when it is near even at the very door.
13:55 Now the prophecy of Daniel 12 and Matthew 24
14:00 was fulfilled in 70 AD
14:04 in the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans.
14:09 I wish that you would go and read
14:11 the Jewish historian Josephus.
14:16 And read his book on this,
14:19 it's like reading our own day and our own age.
14:24 The city of Jerusalem was surrounded
14:27 by the Roman armies,
14:29 and inside the city of Jerusalem
14:31 there was famine, and pestilence,
14:35 and every other abominable crime
14:38 that you and I can imagine and even not imagine.
14:43 And so there was this
14:44 complete collapse of society.
14:48 And this was a time of trouble such as they had never known.
14:53 But the Bible teaches,
14:55 this is a type of the final tribulation
15:00 that comes upon the world
15:02 and also that is experienced
15:04 by the elect.
15:09 Now, I suggest to you
15:14 a collapse of the monetary markets
15:18 could be a part of the dissolution of society
15:23 and the collapse of everything that we hold here.
15:26 I want you to notice this,
15:28 and this is somewhat astounding.
15:32 I'm amazed today
15:33 that the politicians are talking
15:35 about everything and lots of trivia,
15:39 and the politicians today are strangely silent
15:42 upon the greatest challenge in the history
15:46 of the United States of America,
15:47 and this is our debt.
15:51 This is the largest debt, I'd tell you,
15:55 it is the greatest debt in the history of the world.
16:00 You say, "No, it can't be so."
16:02 It is true, it is the greatest debt
16:05 in the history of the human race.
16:07 And you notice where it starts?
16:11 And it starts to get steeper, and steeper, and steeper,
16:16 and as I'm speaking now,
16:18 it is at $20,000 billion.
16:23 Who can comprehend it?
16:25 $20,000 billion
16:29 and in the next few years,
16:32 most economists say it is going
16:34 to top $26 trillion
16:38 and there seems to be no effort to rein it in.
16:46 Now, I've been told
16:48 by some authorities, my friends,
16:50 that this is simply the tip of the iceberg.
16:55 This does not...
16:56 This is a concealed debt,
16:59 and it does not take into consideration
17:02 all the other debts that are held by the states
17:07 and other departments of the government.
17:10 Some say, and these people, our authorities,
17:15 they say, that the real debt
17:18 is probably more like
17:20 $60,000 billion
17:25 or $60 trillion
17:27 which, in fact, is more than all the money in the world.
17:38 I wonder, if the politicians today
17:42 in Washington,
17:44 who hold the fate of millions in their hands,
17:47 I wonder if they've ever heard
17:50 of the Weimar Republic.
17:54 "Weimar Republic, where is that?"
17:58 Well, it doesn't exist anymore.
18:01 It was taken over by Adolf Hitler.
18:05 And he led us into the Second World War
18:07 and the deaths of tens of millions.
18:11 And here we have today,
18:15 the hands of the atomic clock.
18:18 Now these are the scientists
18:20 who know what is going on in the world.
18:24 And just recently,
18:25 they moved their hands of the atomic clock
18:29 at two minutes to midnight.
18:36 Is anybody listening?
18:38 Does anybody believe the prophecies of the Bible?
18:43 You see, it could be
18:46 that we are entering the time of trouble
18:49 with the collapse of society
18:51 because if the nation collapses financially
18:56 so will the world.
18:59 The collapse of society,
19:02 the imposition of military law,
19:05 rioting in the streets, the end of the dollar,
19:11 the end of the banks, mass starvation,
19:14 and the rule of a worldwide dictatorship.
19:19 When people have read the prophecy of Revelation 13,
19:23 many have scorned and they have laughed
19:26 because the Bible teaches that in the very last days,
19:29 there arises a religious dictator
19:35 who takes hold of the power of the state
19:38 and imposes his will upon the world.
19:43 It is called the mark of the beast in scripture.
19:47 I would suggest you today
19:49 that the stage has been set.
19:53 And that we are seeing
19:54 what could very well be the final scenario.
19:59 Now when you think of the atomic clock
20:02 at two minutes to midnight, then you must be aware of...
20:06 You should be aware of Mr. Putin's speech.
20:11 You may not like Mr. Putin,
20:13 but he is a very, very clever man,
20:17 he's an old KGB chief.
20:21 I know a great deal about these things
20:23 because I've been to Putin's Russia 49 times.
20:29 My friend Boris Nemtsov was gunned down
20:33 just outside the Kremlin.
20:35 They said he was Russia's last hope
20:37 for democracy,
20:39 but Putin today, who is not a foolish man by any means,
20:44 he is not a dumb politician, his mind is sharp as a razor,
20:49 a high IQ, and about 80% of the Russians think
20:54 he is God's gift
20:57 because he has transformed
20:59 all of Russia into a mighty power again.
21:04 And he talks about
21:06 the making of weapons of mass destruction
21:10 that we have no answer to.
21:14 Whether that is so or not, I'm not qualified to say.
21:19 But I'm qualified to say this,
21:23 that the hands of the atomic clock
21:26 because of the rising power
21:29 of Russia, and China,
21:32 and North Korea,
21:35 their boats have taken already, send rockets to America.
21:40 "You will listen to me now," said Putin.
21:43 "You haven't been listening to me, have you?"
21:45 He said, "But you will listen to me now."
21:51 And if you listen carefully,
21:55 you will hear tick-tock,
22:01 tick-tock, tick-tock.
22:06 I feel so strongly about this
22:08 that we've put out a newsletter,
22:10 we have a newsletter every month.
22:12 This one is on the subject.
22:14 Have a look at it,
22:15 "The coming economic earthquake,"
22:18 it's got facts about the Weimar Republic.
22:21 You folks in the studio when you leave today,
22:24 you'll get a copy,
22:25 those of you watching on television
22:27 if you write to me,
22:29 if you want to know the truth about these things,
22:31 if there is something that is stirring deep down
22:34 inside you today,
22:36 then please write to me at the address on the screen.
22:40 And we will send you a copy of our newsletter
22:45 on the coming economic collapse
22:49 and the facts also
22:51 on the Weimar Republic.
22:55 And so, I just want you folks to realize
23:01 that the words of Jesus are coming to pass.
23:07 I have great confidence in the words of scripture.
23:12 Once upon a time theologians and politicians caught up
23:16 with the ideas of the theory of inevitable progress
23:22 that was borne by Charles Darwin,
23:25 ever heard of him?
23:27 The brilliant Englishman.
23:28 Inevitable progress, things are going to get better,
23:33 and better, and we will have
23:35 a wonderful new age.
23:39 The Bible says,
23:40 "Time of trouble such as never was."
23:43 And here in this great land
23:47 of America,
23:50 the clock is ticking.
23:55 And the question comes home
23:57 to the inquiring mind.
24:03 In the name of God, what shall we do?
24:08 In the name of God, what shall we do?
24:11 The politicians are impotent.
24:15 Oh, you say, "No, no, no, no, no.
24:17 No, no, no, you misunderstand it."
24:19 Hey, I can count,
24:23 I can see, and I can read.
24:27 So the question comes home,
24:31 here I am, what shall we do?
24:36 I have a number of great truths I'm going to share with you,
24:40 what shall we do?
24:42 And here is the first question, have faith in God,
24:46 He is still on His throne.
24:48 And I'm going to give you two texts out of the Bible,
24:50 Psalm 46:1, 2.
24:53 Psalm 46, "God is our refuge and strength,
24:57 a very present help in trouble.
24:59 Therefore we will not fear,
25:00 even though the earth be removed,
25:03 and though the mountains be carried
25:04 into the midst of the sea."
25:06 We will not fear
25:08 because God is on His throne.
25:11 It doesn't matter who is in the White House,
25:14 God is on His throne.
25:16 Now notice verse 2 of the same chapter.
25:20 No, no, verse 6 and 7.
25:22 "The nations raged, the kingdoms were moved,
25:25 He uttered His voice, the earth melted.
25:28 The Lord of hosts is with us.
25:32 The God of Jacob is our refuge."
25:34 Now let me tell you, folks, something.
25:38 I believe
25:41 that the world is facing
25:44 the greatest crisis in the history
25:48 of the human race.
25:49 I believe on the whole the politicians
25:54 and the preachers are asleep,
25:58 but there is our way of escape.
26:02 And I'm going to talk about this
26:04 when I come back,
26:06 more amazing truths, just moments away.
26:09 Good job.
26:24 The Word began in a village.
26:28 Churches and schools sprang up and multiplied
26:32 reaching into the city.
26:36 Great truths revealed to the people
26:38 of Papua New Guinea,
26:40 changing thousands of lives.
26:44 Our eyes are going to be opened
26:47 to the discovery of amazing truths.
26:50 The greatest truths in the Bible,
26:52 it is the truth that God loves you.
26:56 It has completed changed my life,
26:58 and I'm going to be baptized this Sabbath.
27:00 Pastor Carter has put something in my heart
27:03 that I will never forget.
27:04 Thank you, Pastor Carter for your program,
27:06 it has changed my life completely.
27:08 John Carter's Great Truths Revealed
27:10 was recorded live from Papua New Guinea.
27:13 Experience the miracles in this 21-DVD series
27:16 for a gift of a $150 US or $210 Australian.
27:20 To order, visit our website or call.
27:31 This is my 43rd visit...
27:37 To preach the everlasting gospel
27:40 of our Lord Jesus Christ.
27:52 And they had smoke bombs, and they had fire bombs,
27:55 and the Russia army had to take me to the meetings.
28:01 I come here, my friend, because of the need.
28:04 These were days of grace,
28:07 and glory, and mighty power.
28:10 For a donation of $100 or more,
28:13 a signed copy of the John Carter biography
28:15 can be yours by writing to us
28:17 at the address on the screen or visit our website.
28:28 For a copy of today's program,
28:30 please contact us at P.O. Box 1900,
28:33 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:37 Or in Australia,
28:39 contact us at P.O. Box 861,
28:42 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:47 This program is made possible
28:49 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:52 We thank you for your continued support.
28:55 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2018-05-02