Carter Report, The

The Game Changers: Elijah Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001811A

00:01 Welcome to a new Carter Report series,
00:03 The Game Changers.
00:05 These rare individuals appear once in a lifetime
00:09 like a blazing meteor across the night sky,
00:12 they change the course of history,
00:15 they show us the way forward.
00:18 Welcome to The Game Changers.
00:26 I just want to give you warmest welcome today.
00:29 This program is called... you know what it is?
00:32 The Game Changers.
00:34 Yeah, this is one of the Game Changers series.
00:37 History tells the story of a few good men and women
00:44 who've stood out against the crowd
00:46 for a good reason, for high good,
00:49 we call them the game changers.
00:52 Martin Luther,
00:54 Protestant reformer was a game changer.
00:57 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran pastor
01:00 who stood out against Hitler was a game changer.
01:03 He said, "We are not to simply bandage
01:07 the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice."
01:12 We are to drive a spoke into the will itself.
01:16 Pretty good, aye?
01:18 Winston Churchill,
01:20 the great leader of Great Britain
01:21 during the dark days was a game changer.
01:24 Desmond Doss,
01:27 who refused to carry a gun.
01:32 I don't agree with that,
01:33 doesn't fit into our society and doesn't matter
01:36 what we think about it,
01:37 but he was a man of principle,
01:40 he's the hero of Hacksaw Ridge, a game changer.
01:45 Florence Nightingale, the British nurse,
01:49 who brought help and nursing to the battlefield
01:54 was a game changer.
01:56 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the Russian
02:00 who stood out against the communists
02:03 who was thrown into the concentration camps,
02:07 was a game changer.
02:12 These people are a rare breed,
02:15 they've escaped the herd mentality
02:18 that was so eloquently described by Nietzsche,
02:24 the game changers.
02:26 I would like to be, God helping me,
02:29 a game changer, wouldn't you?
02:32 Yeah.
02:33 Today, we're going to talk about
02:35 one of the most extraordinary
02:36 but least known characters in history, Elijah.
02:43 Elijah, the Tishbite.
02:44 Take your Bible please and turn to James 5:17.
02:49 James 5:17.
02:54 But I'm going to take it today from the NIV.
02:57 It says, "Elijah was a man..."
03:00 He was a man. "Just like us.
03:05 He prayed earnestly that it would not rain
03:08 and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years."
03:12 The Bible says
03:13 he was not an extraordinary man,
03:16 he was an ordinary man
03:19 who did extraordinary things.
03:24 The name Elijah means my God is Yahweh the Lord.
03:30 It took a lot of courage to say that you stood for God.
03:34 There are some reasons
03:35 why we include Elijah in our top game changers.
03:39 He's mentioned by Christ in the New Testament.
03:43 He raised a dead person to life, extraordinary.
03:47 He stood for Yahweh the Lord
03:50 when Baal worship had taken over Israel.
03:53 It was like a Christian today living in the land of ISIS.
03:59 He called down fire from God out of heaven,
04:02 he predicted the deaths of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel,
04:07 and it came to pass.
04:10 He escaped death.
04:12 That makes him a game changer.
04:14 He was caught up by a fiery chariot
04:17 and travelled through space, never died.
04:20 Now 1 Kings 17:1, he is introduced to history.
04:26 Now this of course is in the Old Testament.
04:31 And we will stay for a bit today in the Book of Kings.
04:36 And I'm going to read
04:37 from the Bible a great deal today,
04:40 1 Kings 17:1.
04:43 "Then Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead,
04:49 said to Ahab,
04:51 'As the Lord God of Israel stands
04:55 before whom I stand,
04:57 there shall not be dew no rain these years,
05:01 except at my word.'"
05:03 He appears out of nowhere.
05:06 Moses doesn't appear out of nowhere.
05:08 But Elijah, he is out of nowhere,
05:10 he's called the Tishbite,
05:12 we're not even quite sure where that town is,
05:14 the town of Tishbe,
05:16 but he comes from the land of Gilead.
05:19 And you'll notice it's east of the Jordan.
05:24 He doesn't come from Jerusalem or Samaria
05:27 but Gilead, the hill country.
05:30 It was a land of forest
05:32 and a land of little streams.
05:37 This man, Elijah,
05:40 was what we would call a mountain man.
05:45 Apparently, with God, stuff doesn't make us strong,
05:50 virtuous, intelligent, or wise.
05:53 We are into the stuff society
05:56 where a golden Rolex
05:59 or something like this, this is terribly important.
06:02 God often sends his man or woman into the wilderness.
06:05 Moses for 40 years, Jesus into the wilderness,
06:10 John the Baptist came from the desert,
06:13 Luther came from a Roman Catholic priest
06:17 because apparently stuff doesn't matter, terribly.
06:21 Elijah was a man from the wild mountains
06:23 and the lonely desert.
06:24 He was not from the seminary or the theological cemetery.
06:30 I was attending a, little while ago,
06:32 a meeting in my homeland of Australia.
06:35 I was at a college.
06:37 A professor said
06:38 when I was called to work at the cemetery...
06:41 Oops he said, "I mean the seminary."
06:47 Maybe he should not have corrected himself,
06:49 maybe he was right.
06:50 Elijah came from the desert
06:52 where the sky was his ceiling, the earth was his table,
06:56 and God was his teacher.
06:59 His mind was not polluted with garbage
07:04 like ours so often.
07:07 He had a direct link to the creator of the universe,
07:10 he was ordained by man,
07:13 and he never worked for a church organization.
07:17 So what do you say about that? Boy, fancy that...
07:23 In fact, we would not have given him a job today
07:26 in any church.
07:28 Look at 1 Kings 17:1 again,
07:32 "And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead,
07:35 said to Ahab,
07:37 'As the Lord God of Israel lives
07:39 before whom I stand,
07:40 there shall not be dewn or rain these years,
07:43 except at my word.'"
07:45 Who was Ahab?
07:49 Ahab was the corrupt king of Israel
07:51 married to the voluptuous,
07:54 the beautiful Jezebel, high priestess of Baal.
07:59 And he goes in before the king of Israel, this man,
08:03 and he says, "God has had enough of you and your filth.
08:09 No rain except at my word,
08:14 until I say so."
08:16 How old was Elijah?
08:17 There's no evidence to say that
08:19 he was an old man as all the pictures say,
08:22 you see a picture of Elijah, he's an old fogy.
08:26 John the Baptist was like Elijah.
08:30 And Elijah was around 30 years of age
08:33 as was our Lord.
08:36 God can use old men with white hair,
08:41 but he can doubly use young men.
08:45 Don't forget it.
08:47 God is looking for men who are strong whom he can use.
08:53 Now look at 1 Kings 17:2 and 3,
08:57 "Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying,
08:59 'Get away from here and turn eastward,
09:01 and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan.'"
09:07 We're not quite sure
09:08 where it was, it's hard to identify,
09:10 just a little trickle.
09:13 So God sends him to the Brook Cherith
09:16 to get out of harm's way for the time being.
09:19 And if you look at verses 4 and 5,
09:25 "And it will be that you shall drink from the brook,
09:29 and I have commanded the ravens
09:32 to feed you there.
09:36 So he went and did according to the word of the Lord,
09:39 for he went and stayed by the Brook Cherith,
09:42 which flows into the Jordan."
09:49 This is quite an extraordinary thing
09:52 because God says
09:54 I'm going to take care of you in an extraordinary way.
09:58 And if you notice I think it is...
10:02 I think verses 6 and 7,
10:07 "The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning,
10:10 and bread and meat in the evening,
10:12 and he drank from the brook.
10:15 And then the brook dried up
10:17 because there had been no rain."
10:22 God says to this man,
10:25 "Even though there is a famine,
10:28 there's no water, and everything's dying.
10:32 I will take care of you."
10:34 And God says,
10:36 "In the time of trouble, I will take care of you."
10:43 You see, even if the economy collapses,
10:48 which it will do,
10:51 it cannot in America continue
10:54 on this suicide right of uncontrolled deficits, you see.
11:01 But even if the economy collapses,
11:05 God says, "I will take care of you."
11:07 There are two philosophies,
11:10 number one naturalism and number two supernaturalism.
11:15 Now you're going to believe one of the two.
11:19 Naturalism says that nature is God,
11:22 everything that happens,
11:25 even the emergence of the human species
11:29 is simply by nature, nature becomes the God.
11:33 And the other philosophy says,
11:35 there is a self-existent creator
11:38 who controls nature
11:41 and everything is in the hands of Almighty God, you see.
11:46 Elijah believed in God, I believe in God.
11:51 Now look at 1 Kings 17:8 and 9 I think,
11:58 "Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying,
12:00 'Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon,
12:04 up on the Mediterranean coast, and dwell there.
12:07 See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.'"
12:13 And so he gets up,
12:14 and he walks over the dust and the dirt
12:19 and the dead vegetation,
12:20 and he comes to the Mediterranean coast,
12:23 and he comes to this little town.
12:26 And here comes a woman,
12:29 and she's in great distress, she has a son.
12:34 And he says to her, and this seems absurd, he says,
12:40 "Can you give me something to eat, please.
12:44 I'm really hungry. I could have a good meal now."
12:48 And she says, "I'm just getting some sticks
12:52 and I'm going to anoint the sticks.
12:55 I've got a little bit of flour
12:57 and I've got a few drops of oil.
13:01 And we're going to eat this and we're going to die."
13:07 But she didn't realize that
13:09 because there is a God in heaven
13:13 that her night was passing
13:15 and the sun was going to rise up on her.
13:19 So when things look worse,
13:22 it is because God is preparing us,
13:25 you know, for the best, don't forget this, you see.
13:30 The worst moment
13:31 but God had a great blessing, unexpected.
13:33 Never, never, never, never, Churchill said,
13:37 give up because your sun is about to rise and shine.
13:43 Don't listen to the pessimists,
13:46 don't listen to the naysayers,
13:50 don't listen to the defeaters, for the child of God,
13:54 the best is still to come, you see.
13:58 Now look at chapter 17:13 and 14.
14:02 "Now Elijah said to her, 'Do not fear,
14:05 go and do as you have said
14:07 but make me a small cake from it first
14:10 and bring it to me,
14:11 and afterward make some for yourself and your son.
14:17 Verse 14, "For thus says the Lord God of Israel..."
14:21 Put this down in the molecules of your mind.
14:25 "The bin of flour shall not be used up,
14:28 nor shall the jar of oil run dry,
14:31 until the day the Lord sends rain on the earth."
14:35 God says there will always be enough.
14:39 You'll never run out.
14:41 Always enough oil.
14:44 Always enough meal.
14:46 It doesn't matter how bad things get,
14:49 it doesn't matter how much you use it,
14:51 there will always be enough left over, you see.
14:56 This is the difference between naturalism and supernaturalism,
15:00 always enough oil and flour.
15:02 There's a text in the New Testament
15:04 Philippians 4, it says,
15:06 "My God shall supply all your needs
15:10 according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
15:16 And listen to this,
15:18 if you believe in the God of Elijah,
15:21 then you will never come to the place
15:23 where there is not enough, you see.
15:28 I can remember years ago,
15:32 when we're on the Broadway
15:33 in Glendale in Southern California,
15:35 we came to the place,
15:37 this happened quite a few times.
15:40 We didn't have enough money to make payroll.
15:44 What are we going to do?
15:45 We believe God has called us,
15:48 we don't have enough money to pay our bills.
15:52 But let me tell you folks something,
15:55 God said to us, "Just hold on and keep trusting."
15:59 That's what I say to you
16:02 because on every occasion
16:04 when it appeared to us
16:06 that the barrel had no food left in it,
16:10 no grain left in it.
16:13 And the little pot had no oil left in it.
16:17 God was ready to do something great for us.
16:22 And so there are two types of people in this world,
16:25 people who are naturalists and who don't have faith,
16:30 and there are people
16:31 who believe in a supernatural God.
16:34 Now look at 1 King 17: 15 and 16,
16:38 "So she went away and did
16:39 according to the word of Elijah,
16:42 and she and he and her household ate
16:45 for many days."
16:47 Now this is a great, great text,
16:50 get it down into your mind.
16:52 "The bin of flour was not used up
16:57 nor did the jar of oil run dry,
17:02 according to the word of the Lord
17:04 which He spoke to Elijah."
17:10 God will take care of you.
17:12 There will always, always be enough.
17:17 And then when things were looking bright and cheery
17:22 as often happens,
17:23 when things seem to be going so good all of a sudden,
17:27 the bottom fell out.
17:30 And you can read the story in verses 17 and 18,
17:34 "Now it happened after these things of the son of the woman
17:37 who owned the house became sick.
17:39 And his sickness was so serious
17:42 that there was no breath left in him."
17:43 He died.
17:45 "So she said to Elijah,
17:46 'What have I to do with you, O man of God?
17:48 Have you come to me to bring my sin to remembrance
17:52 and to kill my son?"
17:54 So this is a terrible tragedy. They got enough food.
17:58 Widow had got nobody else in the world,
18:01 and she's got a boy.
18:04 What good of feeding a boy if he dies.
18:08 And the boy dies.
18:09 Verses 18 and 19,
18:11 "And he said to her, 'Give me your son.'
18:16 So he took him out of her arms
18:18 and carried him to the upper room
18:21 where he was staying, and laid him on his own bed.'"
18:27 Verse 20, "And he cried out to the Lord and said,
18:31 'O, Lord my God,
18:33 have you also brought tragedy on the widow
18:36 with whom I lodge, by killing her son?"
18:41 And verse 21 and 22,
18:45 "And he stretched himself out on the child three times,
18:49 and cried out to the Lord and said,
18:52 'O Lord my God, I pray,
18:54 let this child's soul come back to him.'"
18:58 Let it come back into him.
19:01 And then if you look at verse 22,
19:04 "Then the Lord heard the voice of Elijah,
19:07 and the soul of the child came back to him,
19:13 and he revived."
19:18 Almost too hard to believe, isn't it?
19:22 He thought the boy was dead.
19:24 But you've got to think too
19:25 we believe it's supernaturalism but just naturalism.
19:28 If we go just by naturalism, the boy is dead
19:31 and he's finished and so are you.
19:34 So when we die like Richard Dawkins,
19:36 somebody said, "What are you going to do?"
19:38 Dr. Dawkins, the most famous atheist in the world,
19:41 "What are you going to do, Dr. Dawkins, when you die?
19:44 He said, "I'm going to stand
19:46 on the deck of the ship and salute."
19:52 What's the good of saluting
19:53 when you're going down to nothingness?
19:58 But here is a boy who dies,
20:01 and the Bible tells us that the supernatural God
20:05 who is over all things over nature
20:11 brings the boy back again.
20:15 It's extraordinary.
20:17 We see the promise of resurrection every spring.
20:22 I've been in Siberia in winter
20:23 when it is so extraordinarily cold,
20:26 a white freezing wilderness, spring comes
20:30 and that which was dead comes to life again.
20:32 God has given us images in nature
20:35 so that you and I will not be in despair,
20:39 but we believe in the God who raises the dead.
20:43 This is the teaching in the Bible,
20:44 and verses 23 and 24,
20:47 "And Elijah took the child and brought him down
20:50 from the upper room into the house,
20:52 and gave him to his mother.
20:53 And Elijah said, 'See, your son lives!'
20:56 Then the woman said to Elijah,
20:58 "Now by this I know that you are a man of God,
21:01 and that the word of the Lord in your mouth
21:05 is the truth."
21:08 So here today as we talk about the game changers,
21:13 we're talking about a man
21:15 who is in touch
21:16 with the Almighty God of the universe.
21:19 And when you are in touch
21:20 with the Almighty God of the universe,
21:22 nothing is too hard for you.
21:24 Believe it, believe it,
21:27 step out of the darkness, step into the light.
21:35 Now the great confrontation,
21:40 look at 1 Kings 18:7 and 8.
21:47 1 Kings 18:7 and 8,
21:49 "Now as Obadiah,
21:51 servant of God was on his way, suddenly Elijah met him,
21:54 after three years, he recognized him,
21:56 and fell on his face, and said, 'Is that you, my lord Elijah?'
21:59 And he answered, 'It is I. Go, tell your master.'"
22:03 Tell Ahab Elijah is here.
22:07 Ahab wants to kill him.
22:10 Now Elijah goes to Obadiah,
22:12 who is the man of God, who works for the king.
22:14 He says, "Go and tell the king Elijah is here".
22:20 Now this Obadiah had been hiding the servants of God
22:26 from the wraths of the king and his wife.
22:30 Look at verse 1 Kings 18:13,
22:36 "Was it not reported to my Lord
22:39 what I did when Jezebel killed the prophets of the Lord..."
22:43 Jezebel was murdering the prophets of God.
22:49 "How I hid one hundred men of the Lord's prophets,
22:53 fifty to a cave, and fed them with bread and water?"
23:01 Here's a man,
23:04 and he's living in a time
23:08 of the greatest apostasy in the church.
23:13 I want you to notice now,
23:17 this is most important that you see this
23:18 because we're going to call,
23:20 we're going to bring a better parallel
23:22 between those days and the days
23:25 in which we live now in America.
23:28 I want to talk now about the times
23:31 and the prevailing sentiment.
23:35 Before the great confrontation,
23:37 I want to just have a look at
23:38 Ahab and Jezebel and Baal.
23:45 Ahab was the king of Israel and the leader of the church.
23:52 It was around 60 years since Solomon, son of David
23:56 and each successive King
23:59 had been worse than his predecessor.
24:03 Ahab was a weak man,
24:09 ruled by a strong woman.
24:13 He was not the first, and he will not be the last.
24:16 Look at 1 Kings 16:30 and 31.
24:21 1 King 16:30 and 31,
24:23 "Now Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord,
24:28 more than all of whom were before him.
24:30 And it came to pass,
24:32 as though it had been a trivial thing
24:34 for him to walk in the sins of Jeroboam the sons of Nebat
24:39 that he took his wife Jezebel, the daughter of Ethbaal,
24:45 king of the Sidonians,
24:48 and went and served Baal and worshipped him."
24:52 So the king of Israel marries
24:57 the high priestess of the god Baal.
25:03 And I wonder what they did.
25:07 Would you please notice verse 32 and 33,
25:10 "Then he set up an altar for Baal in the temple of Baal,
25:13 which he had built in Samaria.
25:15 And Ahab made a wooden image.
25:22 Ahab did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel to anger
25:26 than all the kings of Israel who were before him."
25:37 In the second part of this presentation,
25:40 I'm going to talk to you about
25:43 the degrading practices of Baal worship,
25:48 perverted sex, violence,
25:52 and the murder of babies.
25:56 And we're going to ask the question,
26:01 "Is there need today for Elijah?"
26:06 More in a moment.
26:20 The reviews for the John Carter biography are in,
26:23 and this is what they say:
26:25 "Anyone who reads this fascinating book
26:27 and is not moved should check to see
26:29 if they still have pulse."
26:33 "I believe this book about God's miracles
26:35 in Russia and Ukraine
26:37 will burn the flame in your heart."
26:40 "This could prove to be one of the most important books
26:42 ever written about public evangelism.
26:45 Make sure you get a copy."
26:49 "I believe this book about John Carter's life
26:51 will help readers grasp a vision for their lives."
27:00 For a donation of $100 or more,
27:03 a signed copy of the John Carter biography
27:05 can be yours by writing to us
27:07 at the address on the screen or visit our website.
27:24 God has got a time and a place for everything,
27:27 nothing happens by chance.
27:31 In spite of the perils of darkness,
27:34 nothing can destroy the church of God.
27:39 And I'm not ashamed of the gospel
27:42 of the Lord Jesus Christ.
27:47 That the gospel is not about you and me,
27:49 it is the good news about the Lord Jesus Christ.
27:56 What and where is heaven?
28:02 This DVD series from John Carter
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28:26 For a copy of today's program,
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28:53 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2018-05-23