Carter Report, The

The Game Changers: John The Baptist, Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001815A

00:01 Welcome to a new Carter Report series,
00:03 The Game Changers.
00:05 These rare individuals appear once in a lifetime.
00:09 Like a blazing meteor across the night sky,
00:12 they change the course of history.
00:15 They show us the way forward.
00:18 Welcome to The Game Changers.
00:26 I am so glad today to give you
00:28 the warmest welcome to the Carter Report.
00:31 This is the fourth part of a terrific series.
00:37 The series is called The Game Changers.
00:42 There are some people who've made a tremendous change
00:45 in the lives of millions and millions of people.
00:48 There are some people who are just a lot of noise
00:51 and, also, they mainly froth and bubble,
00:55 but there are few people in the history of the world
01:00 that have changed the lives positively
01:03 and changed the world for good, millions of people,
01:07 and we call these people the game changers.
01:13 And you can...
01:14 If you write to us, you can get the other three.
01:16 This is number four in the series.
01:19 But this today is about a person
01:23 whom Jesus spoke about and Jesus said,
01:27 of all the people who've lived on planet earth,
01:30 all, hundreds, millions and billions.
01:34 There's no one who is greater than this person
01:38 and we call him today the game changer.
01:41 I want you to take your Bible,
01:42 and we've got Bible today out here in the studio,
01:45 and we're going to turn
01:46 to Matthew 11:11.
01:53 And this is the appraisal of Jesus Christ,
01:57 the greatest person in the history
01:59 of the human race.
02:00 Jesus said, "Assuredly, I say to you,
02:03 among those born of women
02:07 there has not risen one greater
02:10 than John the Baptist."
02:14 One of the great game changers
02:16 we studied few weeks ago was Moses.
02:20 He was the mighty man
02:21 and led the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt
02:23 through the Red Sea.
02:25 A person who gave us under the hand of God,
02:27 the Ten Commandments.
02:30 I mean, he is just such a tremendous man
02:33 but Jesus said,
02:35 "Moses was not greater than this man."
02:40 Then of, in one of our previous programs
02:42 we talked about Elijah.
02:43 Elijah was the man
02:45 who brought down fire from God out of heaven,
02:47 quite extraordinary.
02:49 And at the end of his life,
02:50 he was caught up in a fiery chariot
02:53 and taken home to the very throne of God.
02:57 He wasn't greater than this man.
03:01 In our previous program,
03:02 we spoke about the most famous king
03:05 in the world, King David,
03:08 the man who wrote most of the Book of Psalms,
03:11 the father of the Messiah,
03:12 but David in all his excellence,
03:14 in all his glory was not greater
03:18 than John the Baptist.
03:21 And so today, our game changer is John the Baptist.
03:26 I want you to turn in the Bible to Matthew 11,
03:30 and we have a commentary here from Jesus.
03:34 Matthew 11:7.
03:40 Now Jesus here is talking to the disciples about John.
03:46 As they departed,
03:47 Jesus began to say to the multitudes
03:49 concerning John, John the Baptist,
03:52 "What did you go out into the wilderness to see?
03:57 A reed shaken by the wind?"
04:02 And John was out in the wilderness
04:04 preaching his heart out and telling the people
04:06 that the Messiah was going to come.
04:09 And when Jesus was talking about John
04:12 and giving an appraisal of his life, he said,
04:15 "Why did you go out into the wilderness to see?"
04:17 He said, "Did you go out to see a reed."
04:21 You know what a reed does, don't you?
04:23 It goes with the wind.
04:26 It goes this way
04:28 and that way according to the wind.
04:33 John the Baptist was not a politician,
04:37 running for office,
04:39 telling the people anything they wanted to hear.
04:43 John the Baptist
04:44 was not a reed blowing in the wind.
04:48 John the Baptist, the Bible says was an oak.
04:53 Nothing could move him.
04:56 Then if you look at verse 8, the next verse,
04:58 Jesus is talking,
05:00 "But what did you go out to see?
05:03 A man closed in soft garments?
05:05 Indeed those who wear soft clothing
05:09 are in kings' houses."
05:13 Have you heard of the word dandy?
05:17 It's an old English word.
05:20 A dandy was a person who was excessively concerned
05:26 about his appearance and so Jesus said,
05:29 "Did you go out
05:31 into the wilderness to see a dandy."
05:36 There's another word for a dandy that is a fop.
05:40 Have you heard this word?
05:41 You know it now, F-O-P.
05:45 A fop.
05:47 Did you go out to see a fop?
05:52 Some weakling blowing in the wind.
05:56 No, no, no.
05:59 Verse, the next verse says, verse 9,
06:02 "But what did you go out to see?
06:05 A prophet?
06:06 Yes, I say to you, and more than a prophet."
06:11 So this man was not only a great preacher,
06:15 not only a great teacher,
06:17 not only a great prophet but Jesus said,
06:20 he was more than a prophet, none greater.
06:24 And most of us have never heard about him, verse 10.
06:27 "For this is he," Jesus says, "of whom it is written:
06:31 Behold, I send My messenger before Your face,
06:35 who will prepare Your way before you."
06:41 So here is a man who is God's messenger.
06:45 He's been given the most important work
06:48 that's ever been given to a human being.
06:51 His work is to prepare the world
06:54 for the coming of the Son of God.
06:57 And Jesus says, "Among those born of women,
07:01 there's not risen one greater than John the Baptist."
07:06 And if you also notice I think verse 14, Jesus says,
07:11 Matthew 11:14,
07:13 "And if you are willing to receive it,
07:15 he is Elijah who is to come."
07:21 Elijah had to confront two very wicked people
07:27 with a bunch of other wicked people,
07:29 who were they?
07:31 It was Ahab and Jezebel
07:35 and all the priests of an apostate religion.
07:39 And he was God's man to take them on.
07:45 And John the Baptist came in the spirit
07:48 and the power of Elijah
07:51 to confront Ahab and Jezebel,
07:56 and the priests
07:58 of an apostate church.
08:02 He was one of the great game changers.
08:05 What we're gonna do.
08:06 We're gonna turn things on its head today.
08:08 We're going to start at the end of his life,
08:12 end of his life is the time of wine,
08:15 women, and song.
08:19 You've all heard, haven't you of Herod the Great?
08:23 He was that indescribable monster
08:28 who was around when Jesus was born,
08:30 and he killed all the little baby boys
08:33 in Bethlehem.
08:36 Well, he had a number of sons,
08:38 and one of his sons was Herod Antipas.
08:43 He was not a real king, he was a little king.
08:47 He was a tetrarch, that means he was given
08:50 a fourth of his father's kingdom,
08:53 and he is a part of the story today,
08:57 Herod Antipas.
08:59 He married Herodias,
09:02 the lawful wife of his brother Phillip.
09:07 Herodias, only just discovered this week.
09:10 Herodias was also his niece.
09:16 And so, not only was he committing adultery,
09:20 but he was involved
09:23 in an incestuous relationship.
09:28 And this is condemned,
09:30 of course, in the Book of Leviticus.
09:33 What was Herod like?
09:35 Herod was a reed blowing in the wind.
09:39 He was a fop, he was a dandy.
09:43 He was a weak man controlled by his lust.
09:47 Herodias
09:50 is like Jezebel, a wicked woman.
09:56 And Herodias had
09:57 what apparently was a beautiful daughter
10:02 whose name is not written down in the scriptures,
10:04 did you know this?
10:07 The name of Herodias
10:09 is not recorded in the scriptures.
10:12 We know her name from extra biblical sources.
10:17 Her name was Salome.
10:23 Extra sources but you won't read about it
10:26 in the Bible.
10:28 What happened reveals John's character.
10:32 Herod enjoyed John's preaching.
10:36 And John could preach up a storm.
10:40 He was an impassioned preacher.
10:45 There was a saying in secular Australia
10:47 when I grew up that there were three sexes,
10:51 men, women, and clergyman.
10:56 A clergyman was a dandy
10:58 or a fop.
11:03 But John was a man's man, and he knew he was a man.
11:09 It's a dangerous thing to listen to God's preacher
11:11 unless you are prepared to obey God's Word.
11:14 John said, "You do not have the right to this woman,
11:19 she belongs to Phillip."
11:22 Now, after you've listened to a prophet or a man of God,
11:26 my friends, you are either much better off
11:30 or else you are much worse off.
11:34 You will not be the same.
11:37 Because if you expose yourself
11:40 to the preaching of a man of God,
11:43 and he's filled with the Holy Spirit,
11:46 either you are going to obey
11:48 or else you're going to harden your heart,
11:52 and commit the unpardonable sin.
11:56 And what happened to Herod, he hardened his heart.
11:59 When I was a boy preacher, I learned the poem or the hymn.
12:04 There's a line that is crossed
12:07 By rejecting the Lord
12:11 Where the call of the Spirit is lost
12:15 As you travel along amid the pleasure-mad throng
12:19 Have you counted, have you counted the cost?
12:21 Have you counted the cost if your soul should be lost?
12:27 And so, there is a line drawn in the sand
12:30 and if you cross over it, you cannot go back.
12:36 Herod crossed over it.
12:39 John was an old fashioned preacher
12:41 of old fashioned virtues and values.
12:44 He believed in what we would call today,
12:47 traditional family values.
12:52 He believed in marriage
12:53 that was between one man and one woman.
12:59 You cannot believe scripture and not believe in that.
13:03 He believed adultery was wrong,
13:06 one man, one woman,
13:09 what would he say today.
13:11 I was watching CNN when the Supreme Court said,
13:15 "It was lawful and good for a man to have sex
13:20 with a man and a woman to have sex with a woman,"
13:24 same sex marriage.
13:29 And, of course, there was tremendous pressure
13:32 placed upon everybody
13:33 to give up his Christian beliefs
13:36 and go with the crowd,
13:38 because the president of the United States
13:40 was leading the charge.
13:44 But he only did so, of course,
13:45 when he was sure that he was in the majority.
13:53 This same sex marriage that was celebrated
13:55 and applauded by the president of the United States,
14:00 who was influenced
14:01 by the liberals of Hollywood turned
14:04 the world upside down,
14:07 it was America's darkest day.
14:11 Now, here is a magazine
14:13 that every person ought to get, Liberty magazine.
14:16 And I'm going to quote you from Liberty magazine.
14:21 And this is when the Supreme Court did this act.
14:23 "When the U.S. Supreme Court voted
14:27 to legalize gay marriage,
14:29 many thought this was one of the most significant
14:32 and lawless rulings
14:35 in U.S. history,
14:36 since it was not a constitutional issue
14:39 and changed the social order."
14:43 And I can tell you,
14:45 John the Baptist would have sundered against it.
14:50 I listened to an interview by the English interviewer,
14:55 Piers Morgan, who professed to be a Christian.
15:00 He interviewed that great pastor Rick Warren.
15:05 He said, "Pastor Warren, we respect you.
15:10 Can you not give in a little bit?"
15:14 Rick Warren said,
15:15 "I love every person,
15:17 I love lesbians, I love gays, I love every person."
15:21 But he said, "The Bible teaches
15:23 that marriage is between one man and one woman
15:27 and then Piers Morgan showed his hand,
15:31 he said, "Isn't it time for you to change the Bible?"
15:40 Rick Warren said, "We can't change the Bible,
15:43 our conscience is bound by the Word of God."
15:46 He said, "Well, it is time to update the Bible
15:50 and get rid of these embarrassing texts."
15:55 Rick Warren said, "Never, never, never, never."
16:00 I have seen, listen,
16:03 I have seen Christians ridiculed on TV,
16:07 because they believe that marriage is between
16:10 a man and a woman,
16:12 and I've heard hate speech directed against them,
16:16 they've been called terrible names
16:18 because they believe in the teachings of Christ.
16:23 I have asked this question,
16:24 will the time come here in the United States of America
16:29 when Christians will be ridiculed
16:31 because they are against pedophilia.
16:36 And because they are against polygamy,
16:40 will that day also come.
16:43 Now, did you know
16:45 that in France, in France,
16:50 the great liberals of that great nation
16:54 had been marching
16:55 in the streets of Paris
17:01 demanding pedophilia rights.
17:07 The rights to enjoy...
17:13 This is in France,
17:14 and I would ask the question logically,
17:17 if there is no God
17:19 and if there are no Ten Commandments,
17:23 then why not?
17:26 Then why not?
17:28 Don't come and say to me because it's against society,
17:33 society has been changing tremendously,
17:38 but today we stand
17:42 on the Word of God.
17:44 So I am watching the liberal media here
17:48 in the United States of America
17:50 which is polluting the world.
17:54 And they have found some pastors
17:56 who are applauding same sex marriage.
18:00 And the people on CNN are applauding and laughing.
18:05 Let me tell you, folk, something,
18:08 we stand on the Word of God.
18:11 And today, I would press upon you the question,
18:15 what would John the Baptist say today,
18:18 if he were on CNN?
18:22 What would he say to Herodias?
18:26 He was great in the sight of the Lord
18:28 because of his courage and his convictions.
18:31 Remember this, he was not a dandy
18:33 and he was not a fop.
18:37 He was not a reed. Now back to Herod and Herodias.
18:40 Herodias was like Jezebel, crafty, scheming, treacherous,
18:45 immoral, pardon my saying it,
18:48 she was a bad woman.
18:53 And she hated John, why?
18:55 Because John taught the truth.
18:58 And if you teach the truth,
19:00 bad people are going to hate you.
19:04 Remember the saying,
19:06 "A man is known by his friends
19:08 and also his enemies."
19:12 And John had some enemies and they were bad people.
19:17 Salome dances.
19:19 She is young, beautiful,
19:22 and seductive.
19:25 The king is taken in and his passions are aroused.
19:34 Remember the words of King Saul,
19:36 I had played the fool and erred exceedingly.
19:41 True of Herod.
19:44 And the king, of course,
19:46 it's his birthday and the king is drunk, blind drunk,
19:51 and the king does something
19:52 that he would never do under normal circumstances.
19:57 Says to this young woman,
20:02 "What do you want, I'll give you anything
20:04 you want to, half of my kingdom."
20:08 And so, the girl Salome,
20:10 she runs off to mummy and she says to mummy.
20:15 What shall I ask of your
20:19 "husband?"
20:26 And she says to Salome,
20:28 "Bring me the head of John the Baptist on a platter,
20:32 on a plate."
20:35 So the king tries to get out of it
20:36 because conscience is aroused.
20:39 He's dealing with one of the greatest men
20:40 in the history of the world,
20:42 and this fabricate woman
20:46 wants to murder him.
20:49 But nobody there will let the king off the hook.
20:53 He waits and he waits but all the ladies
20:56 and all the lords are dumb and numb
21:01 because the wine is in.
21:06 And so, some soldiers are sent to the prison,
21:09 John hears
21:12 the beat of feet.
21:16 Matthew 14:8-11,
21:21 "So she having been prompted
21:24 by her mother said,
21:26 'Give me John the Baptist's head here
21:29 on a platter.'"
21:32 Her day is coming.
21:34 "The king was sorry, nevertheless,
21:38 because of his oaths and because of those
21:40 who sat with him,
21:41 he commanded it to be given to her.
21:44 So he sent and had John beheaded in prison.
21:48 And his head was brought on a platter
21:49 and given to the girl,
21:53 and she brought it to her mother."
21:56 But I will say again, her day.
22:01 is coming.
22:05 John died for his faith.
22:08 John had convictions, not a dandy, not a wimp,
22:12 not a fop, not a reed.
22:16 A man sent from God.
22:19 He died for his moral convictions
22:22 around the sanctity, about the sanctity of marriage.
22:25 That is why I believe
22:26 we need to stand up for these things.
22:28 He was a young man, not an old man,
22:31 he was in his early 30s we believe.
22:36 Now we need to go back to the beginning.
22:40 And we come to Luke 1:5.
22:44 This is the beginning.
22:46 "There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judea,
22:49 Herod the Great,
22:51 a certain priest name Zacharias,
22:53 of the division of Abijah.
22:56 His wife was of the daughters of Aaron,
22:58 and her name was Elizabeth."
23:00 And they were very, very old.
23:04 And even though they had wanted a son,
23:08 this had been denied to them.
23:11 Zacharias is a priest.
23:14 Every now and then,
23:15 he goes into the temple to minister.
23:18 And one day he's ministering and an angel appears,
23:23 the angel has a message.
23:25 Look at verse 11 and 12.
23:28 Luke 1:11 and 12,
23:30 "Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him,
23:32 standing on the right side of the altar of incense.
23:36 And when Zacharias saw him, he was troubled,
23:40 and fear came upon him."
23:42 So the angel comes
23:44 and the angel comes with a message.
23:48 And we'll notice the next verse, verse 13,
23:53 "But the angel said to him, 'Do not be afraid, Zacharias,
23:56 for your prayer is heard,
23:57 and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son,
24:01 and you shall call his name John."
24:05 Zacharias said, no.
24:08 When I have a son,
24:10 his name's going to be called Zacharias.
24:14 The angel said, John,
24:16 and because you haven't believed this,
24:19 you are going to be dumb and unable to speak,
24:23 but this boy is going to be extraordinary.
24:28 Luke 1:15, Luke 1:15,
24:32 "For he will be great in the sight of the Lord,
24:35 and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink.
24:38 He will also be filled with the Holy Spirit,
24:42 even from his mother's womb."
24:44 God said through Gabriel,
24:46 he's going to do the greatest work
24:49 ever committed to the sons of men,
24:51 and because he's got
24:53 this tremendously important work to do,
24:57 he's not going to touch wine
25:00 or strong drink.
25:04 Goodness.
25:07 I quote the Centers for Disease
25:11 Control and Prevention,
25:14 "Excessive alcohol use led
25:17 to approximately 88, 000 deaths
25:22 and 2.5 million years of potential life lost
25:28 each, every year in the United States."
25:35 I think of the people, am I getting close to you,
25:39 I hope so.
25:43 Do you sometimes wonder why the people
25:45 and why they never seem to be able to get it right.
25:50 When you hear of the terrible fatalities
25:53 of people being killed.
25:55 Just down the road from us,
25:57 five young people got into a Mercedes, father's car,
26:00 drove out, all got killed old, all drunk.
26:03 I think of rape and murder,
26:07 and broken homes and broken hearts.
26:14 Years ago I heard Dr. Shaffenberg tell the story.
26:19 Visiting a boy in a death row.
26:23 Boy was going to be put to death.
26:26 He said, "What did you do boy?"
26:28 He said, "I killed my mother, killed my mother."
26:31 Tell me about it.
26:32 He said, "I came home late at night,
26:34 I loved my mother."
26:37 She came out
26:38 and she started to nag me, "Where have you been?
26:43 What have you been doing?"
26:46 He said, "I was blind with alcohol."
26:48 He said, "I went and got
26:51 a knife out of the kitchen drawer
26:54 and I stabbed my mother to death."
26:59 Weeping, weeping.
27:02 Dr. Shaffenberg said, "Boy, this is a terrible story.
27:06 You didn't know what you were doing?"
27:07 "No, I didn't know what I was doing.
27:09 Now I'm going to die, I murdered my mother."
27:13 And then Shaffenberg asked the question.
27:17 He said, "This may help somebody else one day.
27:21 Who gave you your first drink?"
27:26 He said, "My mother gave me my first drink."
27:34 Didn't know what he is doing.
27:38 Now God was calling this man, John, to do a special purpose.
27:42 English had a saying,
27:43 "When the wine is in the wit is out."
27:49 He wanted this young man to have a clear mind
27:53 because he was the herald
27:56 of the coming of the Messiah.
28:00 The best is still to come.
28:03 We'll be back after this break. Stay with us.
28:22 For a copy of today's program,
28:24 please contact us at P.O. Box 1900,
28:28 Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:32 Or in Australia,
28:34 contact us at P.O. Box 861,
28:37 Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:42 This program is made possible
28:43 through the generous support of viewers like you.
28:46 We thank you for your continued support.
28:49 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2018-06-18