Carter Report, The

The Game Changers, Jesus Pt.1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CR

Program Code: CR001817A

00:01 Welcome to a new Carter Report series,
00:03 The Game Changers.
00:05 These rare individuals appear once in a lifetime.
00:09 Like a blazing meteor across the night sky,
00:12 they change the course of history.
00:15 They show us the way forward.
00:18 Welcome to The Game Changers.
00:26 We're really glad to see you today.
00:28 We welcome, especially our viewers
00:30 on Fox in Washington, D.C.
00:33 and all our viewers around the world.
00:35 We've been doing a series
00:37 which is called The Game Changers.
00:41 And the game changers are those extraordinary people
00:47 who've changed the history of the world
00:49 and our lives not for bad but for good.
00:54 I think this is number five.
00:57 Last week, I spoke about one of the great game changers.
01:00 Jesus said there was no person in the history of the world
01:03 who was greater than John the Baptist,
01:07 who overthrew kingdoms through his speaking.
01:10 But today, the game changer
01:13 is the greatest game changer of them all,
01:19 the greatest game changer of them all.
01:24 Years ago,
01:26 after communism fell,
01:28 I was in the great city of Kiev
01:31 which is one of the great cities of Europe.
01:34 We'd run a tremendous campaign in the city of Kiev,
01:37 and we had seen hundreds of thousands of people
01:40 come to a knowledge of God.
01:41 We're talking about communists, and atheists,
01:44 and ranked unbelievers.
01:46 And a few months after that great series,
01:48 I went back to the capital of Ukraine, the city of Kiev.
01:52 And we had had this vast
01:54 and this magnificent auditorium.
01:58 It was ornate. It was a masterpiece.
02:01 I had the privilege of addressing a vast crowd
02:05 of people who'd been born and bred
02:09 in communism and atheism.
02:11 I stood on the very spot
02:14 where Khrushchev had delivered his famous oration.
02:19 Khrushchev had predicted that the day was coming very soon
02:24 when the name of Christ would be unknown
02:28 in the Soviet Union
02:31 and Christianity would be blotted from the earth.
02:34 I stood at the very spot
02:38 where Khrushchev made this deliberate pronouncement,
02:42 and I told the people this,
02:44 "Well, it just so happens, folks,"
02:46 I told, "That Khrushchev is dead
02:51 and communism is dead but Jesus is Christ is alive,
02:57 and the church goes on and on forever."
03:02 That's because the world can't get rid of Him.
03:06 The biggest game changer
03:08 in the history of the world is Jesus.
03:14 A carpenter who came from a little town
03:16 by the name of Nazareth, He is greater than Moses.
03:22 Moses, the person who led the children of Israel
03:25 out of the land of Egypt, He's greater than Moses,
03:28 He's greater than Elijah.
03:29 Elijah was caught up to God in a flaming chariot.
03:33 He's greater than Elijah.
03:34 He's greater than David.
03:36 We talked about David in one of our Game Changer programs.
03:40 He's greater than John the Baptist of whom Jesus said,
03:43 "There was no person greater than John the Baptist."
03:46 He is greater than Paul, the great Jewish theologian
03:52 of the first century who transformed Western thinking.
03:58 There would be no United States of America,
04:00 no modern democracies without Paul the Jew,
04:05 greater than Paul, greater than one of my heroes,
04:08 Winston Churchill.
04:10 Winston Churchill who said,
04:12 "We will fight on the beaches, on the landing fields,
04:16 we will never surrender."
04:19 Greater than Churchill
04:20 who saved the world from the Nazis,
04:23 greater than Einstein who gave us relativity,
04:28 greater than Abraham Lincoln who emancipated the slaves
04:32 in North America,
04:33 greater than another one of my heroes Martin Luther
04:39 who gave us the freedom to think for ourselves,
04:45 greater than any world leader or politician
04:50 or president living today
04:54 or who has ever lived.
04:57 He is the greatest game changer.
05:00 And the question is this,
05:01 what's so amazing about Jesus?
05:06 In 1992, I went to the city of Gorki, a closed city.
05:12 I think I was the first foreigner to go there.
05:15 I went to this place that is on the screen,
05:18 the Palace of Sport, wanted to hire it,
05:22 spoke to the old communist official
05:26 beneath a banner of Lenin.
05:28 He said these words to me, listen, he said,
05:31 "No one will come to these meetings about Christ
05:35 because here we've taught the people
05:39 no longer even to think of Him."
05:42 He said, "In this part of the world,
05:45 we do not think of God anymore."
05:49 When we came back in May and started the meetings,
05:53 the crowds were so vast that this old communist
05:57 was almost trampled to death
06:01 because of Christ.
06:04 You can't get rid of Jesus
06:07 because He is the biggest game changer
06:10 in the history of the world, and He is still alive.
06:15 In 1917, the atheists took over.
06:21 The people say,
06:22 "I wonder what it would be like in America
06:25 if the atheists took over."
06:28 We go to Russia, 1917,
06:31 mass murders,
06:34 bloodshed,
06:36 the communists employed
06:38 demagogues to go around the country,
06:41 and let you to the peasants,
06:42 and tell them why God was dead.
06:46 And after lecturing for 60 minutes
06:49 to a vast crowd of peasants,
06:52 the communist demagogue turned to a little Christian pastor
06:57 and he said, "There you've heard me.
06:59 I will give you five minutes to answer."
07:02 The pastor said, "Sir, I don't need five minutes.
07:05 I need five seconds."
07:09 And he walked to the front of the stage,
07:12 and he gave the traditional Russian Easter greeting.
07:17 Do you know what?
07:18 He cried out, "The Lord is risen."
07:24 The Russians shouted back, "He is risen indeed."
07:28 You see?
07:30 And that is why the communists
07:33 and the atheists could not get rid of Him.
07:38 I want you to notice the amazing claims
07:41 that Christ made about Himself,
07:48 the claims He made about Himself.
07:50 John 17:4, 5,
07:54 and the people in the studio you will have Bibles,
07:57 it'll be good if you turn
07:58 to John 17:5,
08:04 verses 4, 5.
08:06 John 17:4, 5 Jesus says,
08:09 "I've glorified you on the earth.
08:12 I have finished the work that you've given me to do.
08:16 And now, O Father, glorify Me together
08:19 with Yourself, with the glory which I had with you
08:23 before the world began."
08:28 Apparently, preposterous.
08:31 The Greek word for world there is cosmos.
08:36 It may mean this earth, it may mean the universe.
08:43 If it means the universe,
08:45 it means the Christ was making the staggering claim
08:50 that He existed with another person
08:53 who is called the Father
08:56 before the cosmos existed.
08:59 We are not talking about planet earth, you understand,
09:03 but every astronomer, every scientist understands
09:09 from astronomical observation and data that the universe
09:15 was born in an event which they call the Big Bang,
09:20 and we know how long ago it was.
09:23 It happened 13.8 billion years ago.
09:27 People say, "No, that's all speculation."
09:29 No, it's not speculation, it's a fact.
09:32 Jesus Christ is saying that before the cosmos was born
09:37 in unlimited energy and power,
09:41 billions of years ago,
09:43 Jesus was there.
09:45 He was there with His Father.
09:48 Now we need to have an appeal to logic
09:51 'cause logic still exists in the minds of those
09:55 who still have minds.
09:59 Jesus was either a good man and everybody says He was
10:03 or else He was a madman
10:05 and few people have ever said that.
10:08 Or else He was the god man
10:09 but He could not be all three.
10:12 If He was a good man,
10:15 He would not be saying
10:17 that He existed billions of years ago.
10:20 He claimed to come from another universe besides ours.
10:26 He called it the Father's house.
10:31 The concept of other universes is now in vogue.
10:38 But the Bible spoke about this cosmos,
10:42 and it spoke about something beyond time and space
10:45 and called it the Father's house.
10:49 He came from another world
10:52 and He claimed to be equal to this person
10:56 whom He called the Father, who was God.
10:59 In John 8:58,
11:02 He says these strange words
11:06 that made the Jews so angry.
11:10 John 8:58, "Jesus said to them, 'Most assuredly, I say to you,
11:14 before Abraham was," not I was but "I AM."
11:20 The Jews became so angry, so incensed
11:24 that they took up stones to kill Him
11:28 because they knew, as I know,
11:30 that Jesus was claiming equality with Almighty God.
11:34 In the Old Testament, this phrase,
11:37 "I Am that I Am" is referred to only one person.
11:40 Not to a human being,
11:43 it is referred to the self-existent God
11:46 who goes in the holy scriptures by this awesome name
11:51 that we are hesitant even to mention.
11:55 In the Hebrews, Y-A-H-W-E-H, and most scholars would say
11:59 it is the word Yahweh, Yahweh.
12:04 It is somewhat mistranslated Jehovah,
12:07 also it is translated Lord in caps.
12:12 It is Almighty God, the Creator,
12:14 Jesus Christ claimed to be Yahweh, Elohim.
12:21 I had a man coming to my meetings
12:23 many years ago in the city of Glendale,
12:26 which is a part of the greatest city of Los Angeles.
12:29 We were running on a radio station every night.
12:31 I think it was KFSG, I'm not quite sure now,
12:34 but we are on in prime time.
12:36 And one night, I spoke about the prophecy
12:39 that said Elijah was going to return to this earth.
12:43 Of course, it's a symbolic prophecy.
12:46 But after I spoke on the return of Elijah,
12:49 the next Sabbath at church,
12:50 a man came to me after church,
12:52 and he said, "I heard you on the radio
12:55 and I felt I really should come and introduce myself."
12:58 I said, "I'm so glad."
13:00 And when I saw him, you know, he's so nicely dressed,
13:03 had a nice suit, I said, "At last we're appealing
13:06 to very intelligent, sophisticated people."
13:10 So he said,
13:12 "I enjoyed your preaching on the return of Elijah."
13:15 He said, "I want to introduce myself to you.
13:18 I am Elijah."
13:22 I said, "How do you mean you're Elijah?
13:25 Your name is Elijah?"
13:26 He said, "Yes, it is Elijah.
13:28 But I've come in fulfillment of the Bible prophecy."
13:31 He said, "I am the Elijah who was mentioned in the Bible
13:34 and I've come back."
13:35 He said, "I am really Elijah."
13:38 He said, "I'd like to ask you some questions."
13:40 I said, "You shouldn't be asking me questions.
13:43 If you're Elijah, I ought to be asking you questions."
13:47 And he said, "I am Elijah."
13:51 Now when a person comes to you and he says
13:53 that he is Elijah or Moses,
14:00 there's something wrong, isn't there?
14:03 You know,
14:04 not saying anything nasty about that person
14:07 but the elevator stops here somewhere,
14:09 it doesn't go right up.
14:11 A person who claims to be Elijah is deluded,
14:18 the same as a person who says, "I'm Napoleon Bonaparte."
14:21 Now Jesus Christ said, "I am Jehovah."
14:32 So is He a madman?
14:34 But none of His contemporaries ever said
14:36 that He was insane
14:39 but others say, "Well, no, no, no, He's not God.
14:41 He's just a good person."
14:43 Now good people don't say stupid things like this,
14:46 good people don't tell lies like this,
14:48 good people don't tell lies.
14:52 And so Jesus was either a good man,
14:56 a madman, or the God-man.
14:58 You can't have it in any other way,
15:02 and the evidence is that
15:04 He is more than a good man and he is not a madman.
15:08 Therefore, He must be whom He said he was,
15:13 the God-man.
15:14 He went on to say in one of His sermons
15:17 that He was the way, the truth, and the life.
15:20 John 14:6,
15:22 He said these words,
15:25 "I am the way,
15:28 the truth, and the life."
15:33 Can you imagine anybody getting up today...
15:35 Can you imagine the President of the United States
15:39 or Prime Minister of Great Britain saying
15:42 I am the only way you can get to God?
15:46 "I am the way, the truth, and the life."
15:50 Christ is the only way to God.
15:55 "I am the way, I am the truth."
16:00 Truth exists and if you want to discover ultimate reality,
16:05 you find it in this Jewish carpenter,
16:08 "I am the way, the truth, and the life."
16:12 Either He is or else He's crazy.
16:17 He said, "I am the door to God."
16:20 John chapter 10: 9-10,
16:23 He says, "I am the door to God."
16:28 He said, "Everybody else who came before Me was a liar,
16:31 or a cheat, or a robber."
16:33 He said, "If you want to be saved,
16:36 you must come in through Me.
16:39 I am the door."
16:44 These are the most extraordinary claims
16:47 that have ever been made
16:49 in the history of the human race.
16:53 Remember, good man...
16:57 Good man, bad man, madman...
17:05 God-man.
17:08 Now think of the claims that the prophets
17:10 and the apostles made about Him.
17:13 Now most of these people
17:14 who made these claims were Jewish people.
17:18 They claimed that they saw Him walk on the Sea of Galilee.
17:22 And the Bible tells the story you can read it in the gospels
17:26 that there was a tremendous storm,
17:29 disciples were in the boat,
17:31 it looked as though the boat was going to go down
17:33 and going to be drowned.
17:36 And at the moment of their uttermost extremity,
17:39 they see...
17:41 Jesus walking on the water.
17:46 Now the great atheist Richard Dawkins
17:51 derides this and he says, "It's stupid.
17:54 How can you believe in a person
17:57 who claims that He can walk on the water?"
18:01 But somebody said to him,
18:02 "Dr. Dawkins, it's not a problem
18:05 if the person who walked on the water made the water."
18:09 You see?
18:11 And so here is a person who walked on the water
18:15 and He was seen by many witnesses.
18:20 The book of Hebrews 1:10-12
18:24 says these words,
18:25 you can notice it in the Bible,
18:28 Hebrews 1,
18:29 it is a book that is written to the Jewish people
18:32 in the New Testament,
18:34 "You, Lord,"
18:36 and the word there in the Old Testament
18:38 from which this passage is taken is Yahweh,
18:41 "You, Lord,
18:43 in the beginning laid the foundations of the earth
18:45 and the heavens are the work of your hands,
18:49 they will perish, but You remain,
18:52 and they will grow old like a garment,
18:55 but You are the same
18:57 and Your years will not fail."
19:01 And so...
19:05 This person who wrote the book of Hebrews
19:10 records the conversation
19:12 that God the Father had with Christ.
19:16 And God the Father says to Jesus,
19:18 "You, Yahweh, in the beginning
19:22 laid the heavens and the earth."
19:24 So He is called
19:28 by the Father,
19:30 Yahweh and the Creator.
19:32 And those of you who are interested
19:35 in astronomical information, listen to this.
19:40 This text teaches that the universe had a beginning.
19:46 This is a relatively new concept.
19:51 Einstein for most of his life
19:54 believed in the steady state theory
19:56 that the universe had no beginning and no end.
20:00 The text says, "In the beginning,"
20:04 it teaches that Christ made the universe.
20:06 It also teaches this, listen to this
20:09 if you are interested in scientific fact.
20:13 This text teaches that the universe is temporary.
20:20 I was even brought up to believe
20:22 that the universe had no end years, had a beginning
20:26 but it had no ending.
20:28 But the Bible says that the universe comes to an end
20:35 because we now know it is an expanding universe
20:39 and that which is expanding will come to an end.
20:42 And it teaches however that even though the universe
20:46 or the cosmos will come to an end,
20:49 Christ has no end
20:52 and lives for eternity.
20:56 Now this is why Christ is so amazing.
21:00 He was before the cosmos and will be after the cosmos.
21:05 His disciples and others saw Him alive after His death.
21:12 If you notice...
21:14 1 Corinthians 15:3-4,
21:19 the Jewish theologian Paul says,
21:23 "For I delivered to you first of all that
21:25 which I also received that Christ died for our sins
21:29 according to the scriptures,
21:31 and that He was buried,
21:33 and that He rose again the third day
21:36 according to the scriptures."
21:38 And then verses 5 and 6,
21:42 "And that He was seen by Cephas," Peter,
21:45 "and by the 12.
21:47 After that He was seen by over 500 brethren,"
21:51 not including women,
21:52 so you got a crowd of probably well over a thousand,
21:56 "the greater part remain to the present,
21:58 but some have fallen asleep."
22:03 Now our legal system
22:04 is based upon
22:06 the validity of witnesses.
22:11 We try people, we condemn people
22:14 on the validity of witnesses.
22:18 We cross question them.
22:20 But the validity of a witness
22:23 is of overwhelming significance.
22:27 I would like to remind you
22:30 that the people who wrote down these stories
22:33 were not charlatans and frauds or liars.
22:38 They so believed in this faith that almost all of them
22:43 were put to death for their faith.
22:47 Generally, you don't die for something
22:49 that you don't really believe in.
22:53 And so these witnesses
22:54 who were basically all Jewish
22:59 said that they had seen Him,
23:01 He had died, and He was resurrected.
23:05 So we are forced by the weight of the evidence
23:07 to believe that Jesus is truly amazing,
23:12 the greatest game changer in the history of the world,
23:16 and that He is alive today.
23:18 So you can't dismiss Him.
23:22 Either He matters nothing at all
23:25 or He matters tremendously, you see.
23:31 There's another reason why Jesus is so amazing.
23:35 I want you to think about this.
23:38 You ready?
23:40 Another reason He is so amazing,
23:44 no one has ever truthfully
23:46 accused Him of adultery.
23:52 Nobody ever said that He hung out with...
24:02 ladies...
24:05 Of bad repute.
24:08 Nobody ever said that He slept around
24:13 and lied about it.
24:16 Nobody accused Him of being a playboy.
24:19 Sure, He hung out with prostitutes.
24:22 You know how he hung out with them,
24:24 He redeemed them,
24:26 He saved them, He elevated them.
24:29 That's what He did.
24:32 No one ever accused Him of being a liar.
24:36 Nobody ever accused Him of being a cheat.
24:40 Nobody ever accused Him of being guilty of tax evasion,
24:44 guilty of fraud,
24:47 guilty of mistreating women.
24:50 He didn't need lawyers to defend Him.
24:56 And you know this?
24:57 He was the champion of women's rights.
25:00 He elevated women,
25:02 He saved women.
25:03 Do you want to see where women are the most respected?
25:07 Go to those countries
25:08 where the Bible is read and studied,
25:12 go to those countries.
25:14 Go to the other countries that reject Him
25:17 and women are down in the dirt.
25:20 The greatest emancipator of women
25:23 in the history of the human race.
25:26 None of His enemies accused Him of sin.
25:28 The dying thief said,
25:30 "This man has done nothing wrong."
25:34 He said, "We're being crucified because of our sins.
25:36 This man has done nothing wrong."
25:39 And the centurion
25:41 who helped to drive the nails
25:45 through the quivering flesh said,
25:51 "Truly, this man was the Son of God."
25:57 The testimony of His enemies.
26:00 Jesus is like a mighty mountain peak,
26:03 the towers over the swamps of the lowlands.
26:08 More amazing truths to come just moments away.
26:24 In this series, John Carter will provide the answers
26:27 to life's most interesting questions.
26:29 Seven great signs of the apocalypse.
26:33 If the dead are unconscious,
26:35 who are the beings that pretend to be the dead?
26:40 This is such a person as the devil.
26:46 What is the essence of Antichrist?
26:53 What is the root cause of this deadly malaise?
26:59 America was founded by people who were opposed
27:03 to the union of church and state.
27:07 But if there's a God who loves us,
27:09 then the future is bright was promised.
27:13 For a gift of $100 USD or $140 AUD,
27:16 this 13 DVD series Prophecy Speaks will be yours.
27:21 Call the number or visit our website.
27:27 Do you sometimes get lost in the crowd?
27:29 Do you feel there's just no love in the room
27:31 like everybody's against you?
27:33 You're all alone with no one to lean on.
27:35 Do you need a word of encouragement?
27:37 Do you know God?
27:38 Have you tried prayer?
27:40 Pastor Carter would like to pray for you now.
27:43 Let us pray.
27:44 Call 1800-526-9777.
27:48 Nothing to buy, the call is free.
27:50 Call 1800-526-9777.
27:56 1.3 billion people live in India,
28:00 200 million of these are Dalits,
28:03 formerly called 'Untouchables' are the lowest members
28:05 of the caste system, 100% of your gift
28:07 will go to fund projects
28:09 for Dalit girls as an alternative.
28:12 Your gift of $600 will educate, clothe,
28:16 and feed one Dalit girl between 5 and 15 years of age
28:20 for one full year.
28:22 Go to
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28:29 For a copy of today's program,
28:31 please contact us
28:32 at PO Box 1900, Thousand Oaks, California 91358.
28:39 Or in Australia, contact us
28:41 at PO Box 861, Terrigal, New South Wales 2260.
28:48 This program is made possible through the generous support
28:51 of viewers like you.
28:53 We thank you for your continued support.
28:56 May God richly bless you.


Revised 2018-07-16